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May 12, 1942. W. P. BURN ETAL Des. 132,352 e APPLIQUE EMBLEM OR STUILAR ARTICLE Filed Fob. 11, 1942 invenrors WALTER P. BURN e HELEN JURKOPS er Frags Goxstgot ATTORNEYS Patented May 12, 1942 UNITED STATES Des. 132,352 PATENT OFFICE 132,352 DESIGN FOR AN APPLIQUE EMBLEM OR SIMILAR ARTICLE ‘Walter P. Burn and Helen Jurkops, Washington, D. C,,assignors to United States of America, as represented by umes M. Landis, United States Director of Civilian Defense, Office of Civilian e Defense, and his suecessors in office Application February 11, 1942, Serial No. 105,751 ‘Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Be tt known that we, Walter P, Burn and Helen ‘Jurkops, citizens of the United ‘States and resi- dents of Washington, in the District of Colum- bia, have invented a new, original, and ornamen- tal'Design for an Appliqué Emblem or Similar Article, Of which the following Is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying draw- ing, forming part thereof. Fig, 1 is a front elevational view of an eppliqué emblem showing my new design: Fig. 2 fs an edge View thereof, While we have shown our design in the form of an appliqué emblem it is understood that the same may be embodied in other similar articles such as badges, placards, banners, buttons, pins, arm pfeces, head gear, atutomoblle stickers, auto- mobile plates, and the like without departing from the spirit of our invention. We claim: ‘The ornamental destgn for an eppliqué emblem or similar article, as shown and described. WALTER P. BURN. HELEN JURKOPS,

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