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Linda West
Karen Miller Gibbs

Illustration ©Journeymakers, Inc. by Lynda Louise Mangoro

8 Keys: A Special Delivery Message From The Angels

By Linda West with Karen Miller Gibbs

Journeymakers, Inc. Publishing -

©2010 Linda West and Karen Miller Gibbs

All rights reserved,

Including the right of reproduction
In whole or in part in any form.

Published in the United States of America by special

arrangement with Linda West and Karen Miller Gibbs

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever

without the written permission of the publisher.

The information contained in this book is intended for educational

purposes only. It is not a substitute or replacement for medical advice
or counseling offered by licensed health care providers, or to be used
for medical diagnosis or treatment. It is not the intent of the authors or
publisher of this book to give medical advice or engage in the practice
of medicine and they are held harmless for any misuse of the material
by the reader.

Cover art by Rebecca Hayes

ISBN 13: 978-0-9841142-3-8

Printed in the United States of America

The power of even one of these keys by itself is amazing.
Put all eight together and you have a wealth of timely,
integrative information that is capable of completely
changing your life and moving you forward in positive
directions as never before. Interwoven throughout the
book and Linda’s personal story are special meditations.
When you put everything together you have a fundamental
foundation for great and profound change. Here, Linda
West has successfully combined and integrated the
physical with the metaphysical. Within these pages you
will discover that she has made manifest in her own life
the creation of the kingdom of heaven on Earth, which
is exactly what the angels are teaching us all to do here.
This book is a brilliant and quintessential blueprint.
– Dyan Garris, visionary mystic, New Age musician and
author of Money and Manifesting
The wonderful messages in Linda West’s book
“8 Keys: A Special Delivery Message from the Angels”
are clearly from the Angels and God. In fact, she
concludes with the Eighth Key, “Connection,” which
contains mainly “I Am” statements. This sums up that
everything is connected, especially to God, All There Is,
Was, and Ever Shall Be. Linda, through many of her own
personal experiences, sets the stage for each “key” or
principle. These principles, if taken to heart and applied
by the reader, have the power to transform one’s life.
The information set forth is a catalyst that helps free one
from psychic pain and any negative past experiences/
encounters still held onto by the mental and emotional
portions of one’s being. The book is a guide to a life full of
joy and happiness. – Elliott Eli Jackson, author of From
God to You: Absolute Truth
✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
“The beautiful and inspiring message in ‘8 Keys’ lifted me
up so high that the only word to express it is: AWESOME! And it
gives me so much comfort to know that we are surrounded and
loved by our wonderful angels, and that they are always with us.”
– Joyce, Phoenix, AZ

“Reading the ‘8 Keys,’ I felt such a personal connection to

Linda and her raw and very real emotion. The courage it took
to share is more than amazing. It is a treasured gift. Because
of her personal touches, the lessons have a beautiful simplicity
that allow you to engage yourself in the principles of the 8
Keys and, most importantly, apply them, remember them, and
study them with ease. The entire book left me with incredible
tools, and an understanding of how to apply them in my life.”
– Em Miller, Shelton, WA

“‘’8 Keys’ is a pithy, sharp, spiritually enlightening book,

extremely well written and a joy to read! Thank you for this book!!!”
– Nikki, Las Vegas, NV

“’8 Keys’ is a beautiful and inspiring message of hope, with

examples of real life challenges and how to overcome them.”
– E. J. F., Cave Creek, AZ

“I lent your book to my sister to read, but her husband read

it first and it has really affected him. He now relates a Key to
everything. He has them memorized and recites them like a
prophet! He is a changed man and credits the ‘8 Keys’ for it!”
– N. A. Dougherty, Nevada
“Linda’s book, ‘8 Keys: A Special Delivery Message from
the Angels’ has changed my life. It has given me the tools to
free my life of the negative energy that has surrounded me
most of my life. Using the eight Keys and reading how Linda
was able to change her life, gave me the courage and the
know-how, to change mine! I recommend this book to anyone
who doesn’t know how they got where they are, but want to get
out of the mess their life has become!” – K.G., Cave Creek,

“I always felt that there were angels surrounding me and

now I know it! This book has helped me to be aware that my
angels are always looking out for me and leading me to the
healing and enlightenment I need. Thank you, Linda and Karen,
for bringing the ‘8 Keys’ into my life!” – J.M., Phoenix, AZ

“I felt as if Linda had written the book for me, like it was my
life story she was writing about. Every night I read one chapter to
absorb its message. And I am filled with such a peaceful, calming
energy. She gives me hope to overcome my own childhood. It’s
amazing how open and frank she is about her abuse. She doesn’t
hold anything back. It’s right in the open for everyone to read
about. I’ve bought several copies for my children and friends.”
– Veda, Alpine, Arizona
Linda West is a psychic medium with a Master’s Degree
in Metaphysics. She is a certified Angel Therapy Practitioner®
and Theta Healer, a licensed massage therapist, and a certified
Biofeedback technician. Her practice currently consists of angel
readings, massage therapy, and Quantum Energy Medicine
with SCIO (the Scientific Consciousness Interface Operations).
As a metaphysician, Ms. West combines the work of a teacher,
psychologist, and spiritual healer/counselor by using applied
psychology and universal spiritual truths, as well as connecting
with her angels and those of her clients.
She believes that it is important to bring to you this message
that lets you know that you can have perfect health, perfect
wealth, perfect love, and perfect self expression. She brings
this message to you to help you connect with your spirituality,
to help you find out that God and your angels want you to be
happy, and to help you see that you are worthy and special,
that happiness and abundance are what you deserve.
In this book, Linda offers you the opportunity to learn how
to open yourself to the higher frequencies of energy that help
you heal and grow in enlightenment. As you read and study this
book, you will learn to recognize the sound of the voices of the
angels, and learn what God wants you to know about Him/Her
and yourself. You will be given the tools to embrace your life
and become everything you never expected you could become,
but always wanted to be. You will learn how to avoid the pitfalls
that keep you from reaping the benefit of your connection to
the infinite source of all good in the universe.
This book was written especially for each of you who are
searching for your path but who may be having difficulty finding
it, to help you connect with your angels, and most of all, to help
you find the answer to the questions: Who am I? And why am
I here?

A Personal Message from Linda West......................................10

A Note from Karen Miller Gibbs..............................................13
Prologue: One Summer for the Angels.....................................14
How the Eight Keys to the Kingdom Came to Be....................17
Linda’s Story: I Gotta Do what I Gotta Do...............................19
First Key: Believe.....................................................................27
Meditation #1............................................................................40
Linda’s Story: Oh, Baby!..........................................................41
Second Key: Trust.....................................................................46
Meditation #2............................................................................56
Linda’s Story: A Violation of Trust...........................................57
Divorce American Style............................................................61
A Family Legacy.......................................................................64
Third Key: Detachment.............................................................67
Meditation #3............................................................................77
Linda’s Story: Life is Just a Trip...............................................78
Fire on the Mountain.................................................................83
Fourth Key: Love......................................................................87
Meditation #4............................................................................96
Linda’s Story: Fear of Success..................................................97
Saying Goodbye......................................................................100
The Angels Speak....................................................................103
Learning to Listen................................................................... 113
The Business of Angels........................................................... 113
Fifth Key: Humility................................................................. 117
Meditation #5..........................................................................128
Linda’s Story: The Perfect Plan..............................................129
Enchanted Changes.................................................................133
A Time to Receive...................................................................135
Sixth Key: Forgiveness...........................................................136
Meditation #6..........................................................................147
Linda’s Story: Lessons from Angels.......................................149
A Time to Heal........................................................................152
A Struggle for Power...............................................................153
Medicating with Meditation....................................................155
Seventh Key: Gratitude...........................................................158
Meditation #7..........................................................................168
Linda’s Story: A Walk Through the Light...............................169
Life on the Other Side.............................................................172
No Happiness Out There.........................................................176
Eighth Key: Connection..........................................................178
Meditation #8..........................................................................190
Linda’s Story: Love Me Tender..............................................191
Spiritual Beings.......................................................................195
Post Log: The Angels’ Gift.....................................................200
The Eight Keys to the Kingdom in Action..............................201
Linda West with Karen Miller Gibbs

A Personal Message from Linda West

The information regarding the “Eight Keys to the Kingdom” was
given to me during live, audio taped presentations. Those portions of
this book relating to the Keys were based on the information on those
tapes. The information has been edited to make reading easier, and
to include more that the angels wanted you to have. Although I tried
to prepare myself for each presentation, to at least make an outline
in my head, it became clear to me that the angels wanted to have
their say. Time after time I found my mental outline pushed aside and
the information from the angels coming spontaneously. I tried many
times during those live presentations to bring myself back to my
outline. But each time the angels would have their way, not mine!
If you are new to the subject of metaphysics, you will want to
take what you think you know, or what you think you believe, and
put it aside for now. Pay particular attention to anything you read in
this book that makes you angry or upset, or any part that you want
to skip because it makes you feel too uncomfortable. That anger or
discomfort is what the angels want you to feel, because they want
you to pay most attention to those points. Whatever has pushed
your buttons is exactly the issue you need to work on. So pay close
attention to how those issues make you feel.
I understand that many of you won’t believe everything I tell
you has come from the angels, or even that there are angels. That
is perfectly fine with me, because it is not my intention to change
your mind about what or in whom you believe. But I am here to help
you open up your heart to see things, maybe in another dimension.
Whether you accept what I say or you don’t really isn’t the important
thing. What is important is that you digest it, that you take it into your
heart and in the end say, “I’m more confident in what I believe now
than I was yesterday.
So I present to you this message from the angels. And it is my
profound belief that as intended by God and the Angels, this message
is going to change your life.

P.S. In the time that has passed since this message from the
angels was first presented to me, once again, I find that the angels
will have their way! After the first printing of this book, so much has
come to light about the rising of the Goddess in the Earth during this
~ 10 ~
8 Keys: A Special Delivery Message from the Angels.

time that the angels with whom I communicate feel it important to

reflect now upon the changes that have resulted. One major change
that they insist upon is in reference to the perception we have about
our Source, whom we call “God.” I still call that source God. But
contrary to the images most of us grew up with of a male persona –
Father God – the image that the angels have shaped in my mind, and
the one that they want to share with you is much more amorphous,
having no gender and no particular shape but definitely demonstrates
the softer, more nurturing nature of a female.
The stereotypes we know of as male energy – using physical
strength and political/economical power in order to bring about change
and to rule in the world – are giving way to those characteristics we
most often associate with female energy, i.e., intuition, spirituality,
and empowerment by healing and nurturing.
Science has shown us that all humans are first conceived as
females, and males develop from that form. Because all human
conception has the possibility of becoming male or remaining female,
this duality of nature remains within us throughout our lives We each
retain the essence of our opposite, which waxes and wanes along our
lifeline, and is allowing us now to be affected by the rising power of
the Goddess. That Goddess dwells within each of us, male and
female alike.
Whether you are a male reader or a female, your female
characteristics will become stronger with the rising Goddess. This
does not mean that males will become female, or that any of us will
reflect more or less of the gender we are. But accepting that we are
both female AND male will help us to understand and benefit from
the changes that are taking shape in the world.
This means that struggling against change will be less effective
than understanding and working with the changes. That “powering”
through your difficulties will not bring you the end results you expect,
and it is more likely that persistent pursuit of your goals will bring
you success more effectively than aggressive pursuit. By embracing
patience, perseverance, and a willingness to welcome the Goddess
within you, you will find the path to your goals made much easier.
One of the most effective ways to begin to work with these
changes is to relax our need to identify with our Divine Source in a
specific gender form and to change the descriptive words we attach
to it. So in this edition I have changed, wherever possible, the words
~ 11 ~
Linda West with Karen Miller Gibbs

I use to give name to this Source in order to help you free yourself
from the images that limit your acceptance, so that you may if you
so choose, wander into the possibilities offered by a God who is
everything and withholds nothing from you.
With these thoughts in mind, please accept this offering from
the angels for the gift it is. Feel free to entertain the thought of the
presence of angels in your life – starting now. – Linda West

~ 12 ~
8 Keys: A Special Delivery Message from the Angels.

A Note from Karen Miller Gibbs

Most people who meet Linda West see a woman whose humor,
exuberantly outgoing energy, and vivacious beauty defy anyone’s
perception of middle-age. They see a confident, successful business
woman and inspiring motivational speaker. They see an enthusiastic
proponent of metaphysics and natural foods and remedies, and a
tireless therapist and counselor to hundreds of clients.
What I learned of Linda over months of pouring through her
diary-like notes and countless hours of interviews and listening to
her voice on tape is that this extraordinary woman is as down to earth
and “ordinary” as any of the working people/parents you may know,
or as you, yourself, may be.
What is strikingly different about her is her willingness to put
her vulnerabilities out on the table for anyone to see and to share
the lessons of the “8 Keys” that she has learned on her way to
Linda’s courage goes beyond the offering of her private fears and
struggles for public scrutiny. She also has no qualms about admitting
that she hears voices in her head – the voices of angels! In Linda’s
seminars she has a way of putting forth her knowledge of metaphysics
and the wisdom she receives from the angels in a straightforward,
easy to understand and easy to apply style. In this book we’ve tried
to use that easy style to tell the poignant story of this very ordinary
woman who, through extraordinary experiences, learned the wisdom
of the “8 Keys” the hard way. Linda shows us that ordinary people can
overcome any adversity and grow in spirituality and enlightenment. I
have come to believe that if Linda can do it, anyone can!
From the introduction to the epilogue, in 8 Keys – A Special
Delivery Message from the Angels, Linda, the angels, and I have tried
to take you on a remarkable journey from “believing to connecting,”
from fear to freedom, and provide you with the tools you will need
for your own journey to spiritual enlightenment. We hope this will be
the book that will be too precious to lend and that you will make a gift
of a second book to a friend in need of its wisdom.
The driving force behind this book is to show you that through
the wisdom of the “Keys,” you can take responsibility for your
actions, create self-awareness and empower yourself to guide your
own destiny. Linda did, and you can too. – Karen Miller Gibbs
~ 13 ~
Linda West with Karen Miller Gibbs

Prologue: One Summer for the Angels

I was a little nervous on a Sunday morning in June of 2006. I was
on my way to deliver my first presentation of the “Eight Keys to the
Kingdom” to the little church near my home in the White Mountains
of eastern Arizona. Having been a public speaker for many years, I
am not usually nervous before I do a presentation or seminar. But that
morning was very different. I had been involved the week just past in
an alternative health expo where I gave two seminars and didn’t have
time to prepare for the presentation to the church. I protested to the
angels, “You know, I don’t even have an outline in my head!”
And they said, “All the information is going to come through.
Don’t worry about it.”
So being the normal, secure human being I have always been, I
started to worry! But the angels just kept reassuring me. As I returned
to my efforts to outline the points for my presentation, thoughts began
jumping into my head, like remembering that I had left a friend’s
extension cord at the expo. More random thoughts followed, one after
the other, each compelling enough to warrant my consideration and
to grab my complete attention. It became obvious the angels didn’t
want me to have any preparation for that morning’s talk.
Just as I pulled into the parking lot of the church my cell phone
rang. I answered and heard this strained little voice say, “Mom?”
“Jessie? Jessie, is that you?” And she just started crying.
“Honey, what’s the matter?”
My husband, Scott, bless his heart, thought he was doing me a
favor when he asked our daughter to call me as a surprise. He thought
it might take some of the stress out of my day. Jessica, our only child,
was fifteen-years old and away from home for the first time. She
was taking an opportunity offered through her school, to live with
a family in Germany for a month, and it had been a couple of days
since we had heard from her,
“Nothing,” she said, not trying to be brave at all.
Why do kids always tell you “nothing” when you know darn well
there is “something?”
“No, no. You’re calling me from Germany! Is the host family
okay? Is everything alright there? Are you doing alright?”
“Yes,” she said sniffling back tears. My heart was racing with
the kind of panic only a parent separated from their only child by
~ 14 ~
8 Keys: A Special Delivery Message from the Angels.

an ocean and several land masses could feel. Now I was not only
anxious about the presentation, I was completely undone by concern
for my absent child!
Thank you, Scott! And, by the way, thank you angels! Once again,
my thoughts were captured and held, overwhelmingly, so that I could
not possibly think what I might say in that morning’s presentation.
As it turned out Jessie was very, very homesick. What do you say
when you’re half way across the world from someone you love so
much who needs you right now? I did the only thing I could do – the
thing that has taken me so many years to learn – I asked God to take
care of her and to handle my anxiety. And then I sent her angels.
That’s what I do. I rely on God and I communicate with angels. I
speak “Angel,” and I do Angel Readings. It’s a promise I made years
ago to God. I didn’t always speak Angel. It took a lot of work and
many years of healing before I was well enough and strong enough
to trust God enough to live in the moment…enough so that I could
hear the angels.
My prayers for Jessie worked pretty well because she called a
few days later happy and excited to tell me what incredible shopping
there was in Europe, and it was a shame that I was missing it! And
(Oh, yeah), would I please put more money in her account? Kids.
Gotta love ‘em!
As I began the presentation that morning, I said another prayer,
this time for me. I took a deep breath, relaxed my shoulders, opened
wide all my chakras, and invited the angels to speak. The words, the
basis for this book, jumped into my head and started to pour out.
Regardless of the lack of my own preparation, as always, the angels
came through.
Although I speak Angel, I am not slighting anyone else who’s on
the other side. I have learned that we all don’t call the Power that is
in charge of this universe by the same name. In the context of my life
it has been known as God, Jesus, the angels, the Universe, Mother
Nature, Mother God, Father God, Spirit, and many more. Regardless
of the name we each give this power it is all the same energy. And
that energy is Love. However, that energy has identified itself to me
as angels. So I speak Angel. I leave it to you to use your own term for
the Infinite Love Energy that rules the universe and with whom you
wish to communicate.
~ 15 ~
Linda West with Karen Miller Gibbs

Each of you reading this now is being communicated to by

angels. Everything about this book is because of the angels. I am a
medium, a psychic, a healer, and the angels have given a message
for you through me, and they have guided me to the people who
have helped me get the information to you. Who am I to be their
messenger? I am a rather ordinary human with all the same issues
that many of you have had to face and some, I pray, most of you
will never have to encounter. My life has been full of errors, and
searching, and rejecting, and unforgiveness, and stubbornness, and
habits to overcome. I am full of scars, as each of us is, as we weather
circumstances and stumble over, around, and through our lives.
It took me a while, but I finally learned not to question the angels
whether I am “good” enough or “special” enough to receive messages
and guidance from them. That is the primary point the angels want
you to know. No one needs to be “special,” “good,” or “worthy.”
Each of us can learn to speak to and listen to angels. Each of us is
loved, without conditions, so completely by that Infinite Love Energy
that it wants to communicate with us at any moment we are willing
to listen.
This message comes to you from those who want you to love all
your scars, who want you to understand that those scars made you
who you are. It comes from those who want you to understand that
those scars may very well be the reason you chose to come to this
planet. Part of the angels’ message that came to me that summer was
that I am to tell you of my scars. So this book is really two things: the
“Eight Keys to the Kingdom,” and bits of the story of my journey in
this life. I hope you find relevance in the connections between those
bits and the angels’ message. I hope you begin to truly understand
how your life and the angels are connected, how you and I are
connected, and why the message of the “Eight Keys to the Kingdom”
is important to us both.
We have laid out each chapter in such a way that you can choose
to read the whole thing, only the section on the Keys, or perhaps only
those sections that came from my life. As in all of life, the choice is
yours. Take from this work that which will most benefit and enhance
your own work and life.

~ 16 ~
8 Keys: A Special Delivery Message from the Angels.

How the “Eight Keys to the Kingdom”

Came To Be
The summer of 2006 was to be a special time on our mountain,
according to the angels. I felt a restlessness that comes from
impending change in my life. So I was not surprised one morning
when the angels woke me around three o’clock. According to many
authorities in metaphysics, the most profound decisions are made and
the most amazing information is received between one and three in
the morning. That morning, the angels told me that I was to prepare
to tell people about eight keys.
“What keys,” I thought?
“To the Kingdom,” they answered. “Tell them about the Eight
Keys to the Kingdom.”
They said I should make a series of the Eight Keys, and that they
would give me the information about each one. I knew that would be
a lot of information and I would have to write it down. I don’t much
like to write. The angels know this of me. But I knew there would be
so much information that I would have to write it down. As I prepared
to receive the information, I thought, “Oh boy. This is going to take
forever.” And I was more than a little grumpy about it.
You see, my deal with the angels for speaking on their behalf,
and I do it often, was that it would be easy. I own two businesses and
my husband owns another. And then there was this certain fifteen-
year old going on twenty-five, if you know what I mean. Time was
and is a very valuable commodity. I just knew it would take a very
large chunk of my time to sit and write down all that information
about those Keys.
It took about twenty minutes. I was amazed, although I don’t
know why, because the angels always keep their promises. But as
I sat there writing, I was puzzled because I only got a list of eight
single words. I asked the angels, “What’s this? What am I supposed
to do with this?” Of course the answer was simple. The message is
the point. Each of these eight words, each Key, is what makes the
message work.
Not being one to argue with divine inspiration, I said, “Okay, but
a lot of details and definitions are going to be repeated for many of
these different Keys!” And the angels said, “Well, you understand,

~ 17 ~
Linda West with Karen Miller Gibbs

humans can be very thick. Sometimes they need to be told over and
over. But it’s all divine. And you know divine is always simple.”
From that list of eight words came a series of eight presentations
delivered over sixteen weeks. From that series, came this book. During
my studies to become an Angel Therapist®, I learned that the angels
communicate with us many times through numbers. According to Dr.
Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. in her books Angels 101 and Angel Numbers,
the number 300 means that (and I paraphrase): God and the ascended
masters are present, the connection is clear and pure, and they are
communicating with you.
In other words: “Listen up, Mortal. We have something we want
you to hear!”
So go get your favorite hot or frosty beverage, snuggle down in
your most comfortable reading chair, and take a journey with us as
we present to you this very special message of the 8 Keys, sent to you
from the angels. And if you have the inclination, read a little about
how those angels came into my life.

~ 18 ~
8 Keys: A Special Delivery Message from the Angels.

Linda’s Story: I Gotta Do What I Gotta Do

July 5, 1954, Elvis Presley recorded “That’s Alright Mama,”
and at approximately 10:35 A.M. I was born. There was only one
problem. My mother was not a bit happy with the whole pregnancy/
motherhood thing. There was already one little girl at home, brought
into the world by people totally unprepared to be parents. And here I
came ready to offer them a whole new set of challenges.
My mom, a daughter of immigrants, raised in a home steeped in
a set of old world values, was one of many women of her time who
didn’t feel they had a lot of say in their future. The women’s liberation
movement was still more than a decade away and there were little
to no cultural examples to give these young women any idea that
they could do more than their own mothers had done to secure their
futures: marry and have babies. No one in my mom’s family had
much education at the time, and school was not an option for her
either. To make life even more difficult, her family was particularly
dysfunctional and very unhappy. When my father came into my
mother’s life, she jumped at the chance to escape that unhappiness
by marrying him.
Of course, we don’t really escape our families and the effects of
the parenting we received, without truly understanding what it is we
are escaping from and to. But we think being away from it is better.
Mom didn’t know that she would jump from that dysfunctional
situation only to create a near duplicate, that she would choose a man
so like her father. Like us all, she was just continuing to do what was
comfortable and familiar to her. But that new dysfunctional situation
was what I was born into, and have come to affectionately call
my family.
It’s been a really interesting life so far, filled with a lot of
opportunities to advance in enlightenment and to learn from my
mistakes. One of the things I learned somewhere along my journey, is
that we pick our parents and the situations we are born into depending
upon what we choose to accomplish in any given lifetime. And that
has helped me to better understand and profit from this life. But before
I go further, let me explain what I mean. There are better sources of
explanation than this book, so I will just give you the gist of it, by
using a metaphor of the “Big Bang” to attempt to explain what could
be to some, a very complicated concept.
~ 19 ~
Linda West with Karen Miller Gibbs

In the beginning there was just energy, the Divine Energy we

call God. That energy wanted to know itself in a different way,
so…the Big Bang. That “bang” was God taking billions of pieces
of Him/Herself, purposefully creating an explosion of souls, such
as we know on Earth, from those pieces. These souls, at their own
discretion, take on various lives and forms, choosing to live in
various planes, or worlds, realms, and dimensions. We souls on earth
have experienced life in many of these planes. Many of us have had
thousands of lives, each time refining our souls, hopefully working
toward more enlightenment. In this way, God gets to know Himself
through our experiences. Thus, the declaration “We are all one.” And
the admonition to “become one with the universe,” makes a little
more sense, since we all have the “One” energy flowing within us.
Each of us is God incarnate having an experience in a physical
body. We, as humans, have a great deal of power because we are
this God source. But few of us know what to do with this power or
even understand what it means. This is the primary purpose of having
multiple lifetimes. There is too much to learn about this power and
what we are to do with it for one go-around. It may take one whole
life span to learn just one small point. Along the way we make grand
errors that become baggage in our future lives.
Looking at human history in general, some of our past lives
have been pretty horrendous. Look at the way we have treated each
other over the centuries, killing one another for religion, power, land,
money, fame, and “just because.” We have done this to ourselves, for
we are our own ancestors. Our souls occupied those tyrannized and
tortured great-grand relatives.
I have discovered over the years that many of my own past lives
were spent exploring the spiritual. My soul has spent time in Lemuria
and Atlantis. I have had dreams, meditations, and memories that
verify this to me. I don’t spend much time questioning this. But what
I have read and studied validates what I know to be true for myself.
The Bible promises us, “Ask and it shall be given; Seek and ye shall
find.” I have found this to be absolutely true. God, the angels, the
universe, that Love Energy, will always give you the validation you
need. The trick is to be paying attention, to notice when you are being
validated. Too often it’s written off as a coincidence. Sorry, there is
no such thing as coincidence.

~ 20 ~
8 Keys: A Special Delivery Message from the Angels.

When I work with clients I try not to spend too much time on past
lives, unless it has a direct effect on what is going on in this life. We
can get carried away trying to figure out if we were Cleopatra or Marc
Antony. Often though, past lives can have an impact on how we react
to things now. For me, the dreams and memories of being burned
at the stake, imprisoned, beheaded, and generally not well liked for
my spiritual connections, had been a dominant factor for hiding my
spirituality, which is the very essence of who I am.
I have spent many lives working with herbs, the earth, and
healing. I was a sorceress, a healer, a seer. I knew how to work with
the spiritual powers of light to help others. Not all my lives have
been filled with love and light. But the lives that impact this life have
had a spiritual connection. In each of those lives, just as in this one,
I have been psychic, intuitive, whatever you choose to call it, and
my spiritual connection has been very potent. However, in this go-
round, I didn’t always know that. I came into the knowledge from an
unexpected direction.
Early in my teen years I became good friends with a pastor’s
daughter and I was invited to go to her church, which was a
charismatic Pentecostal denomination. I am sure you know the kind:
singing, clapping, crying hallelujah, speaking in tongues, and of
course, “Thank ya, Jesus!!!!” I am not making fun here. I took all this
very seriously and still do. Jesus is a great friend of mine and I have
always felt His spirit very close to me. This was my first experience
with organized religion and I embraced it with vigor. “Jesus Saves,”
became my mantra and I made sure everyone knew it. I studied the
Bible feverishly and I knew all the songs in the church hymnal.
Speaking in tongues was commonplace for me, and of course, I could
do interpretations of those tongues. I was involved with all aspects
and was thoroughly enamored with the whole process.
The church setting filled a need in my soul. I helped others who
were lost find their way. I was a good girl. And for every saved soul I
could see the jewels adding up in my heavenly crown. And boy was
I just racking them up! All was well and good except…I began to
wonder what happened to all the people around the world that didn’t
get saved. And who was this Devil, this Satan dude that seemed to
be able to block everyone’s good? Any time something didn’t go as
planned it was because the Devil was blocking the way… always,
that mighty, powerful Devil.

~ 21 ~
Linda West with Karen Miller Gibbs

And another thing, why were we singing about Jesus one minute
and talking behind people’s back the next? So what if a person wanted
to smoke, miss church sometimes, or didn’t want to go out and bring
in souls for Jesus? Wasn’t gossiping just as bad as any of the things
they were wagging about? There were so many inconsistencies and
questions. These things, and so many others, just didn’t sit right
with me.
But that didn’t stop God from sending me messages loudly and
clearly. I got the “calling.” I would be working for the Lord. That
message was as profound as anything I had ever known. The only
context I could put it in during those vulnerable teenage years was
to become a preacher. I felt the need to lead the congregation and the
youth groups, and actually was given that opportunity, speaking to
each on several occasions. I was completely dedicated to that calling.
However, I left the church after a few years totally disillusioned with
judgmental people, some of the rules the church said I had to live by,
and that nasty ole boy, The Devil, whom I later came to realize isn’t
even real!
However, I still felt compelled, even driven to follow my calling.
It guided me through the rest of my teens, even to the point of the
college I chose. It was not a Bible college, or a religious college, but
they definitely encouraged the study of the Bible. I felt I was appeas-
ing God by keeping my promise to follow that calling.
For many years after, that still small voice inside me would oc-
casionally stir and I would hear the whisper reminding me, “Linda,
you made a promise to God.” I would usually respond, “Yes, and I
intend to keep that promise as soon as She/He lets me know when and
what I am to do.”
While I waited, I lived without a connection to a church or reli-
gion, and like so many of us do, became preoccupied with life. Al-
though I still felt that connection to God, I kept my beliefs to myself.
It would be a long time before I began to see a purpose for me, and
even then it was a slow process.
The first seminar I ever gave was profound in that I felt I had
come full circle. I spent all day talking about the Angels. I had kept
my promise. But more importantly, I had finally heard what God had
been telling me to do. I had finally figured out my true calling.

~ 22 ~

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