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Pepper Spray Ring Designed for the Green Space Industry

With the infestation of Enviro–Maniacs in

our society, we are now NOT ONLY living in
SPACE INDUSTRY , we are also witnessing

Enviro–Maniac–Activists, who are often unable to control their impulses, HAR-

ASS , INTIMIDATE and TERRORIZE legitimate businesses and innocent people in
the Green Space Industry. They often HARASS employees with mock−demands
to stop performing applications. They like to lie down in front of vehicles, and
create media spectacles with mock–outbursts of blood–curdling screaming and
yelling. They VANDALIZE buildings, and THREATEN employees. What can be
done until the police take these WACK–JOBS to jail or the loony bin ? ☺

The PEPPER SPRAY RING provides 2 to 3 one second bursts of concentrated

pepper spray, and has an effective range of 12−inches. Just press the small button
on the side to spray. The ring’s spray has a heat rating of 2 million SHU ― caus-
ing inflammation of the eye capillaries and all other mucous membranes, resulting
in immediate temporary visual impairment, difficult breathing, coughing, choking,
sneezing, and nausea, with acute symptoms and discomfort lasting for 45 minutes.

<< I love this Pepper Spray Ring. When enviro–maniacs come to make
trouble at my lawn care business, we just spray ’em. It’s fun just to hear
‘em choking, coughing, sneezing, snorting, and throwing up ! > > ☺

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