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Finding Your Philosophical

Statement : The Principle Thing in the Marketplace - by Sal Kitololo

Just one thing has got me tripping. -- Amerie

These days one hears talk about the marketplace in the strang- be attained. He urged then, that individuals take time to look
est places. For example, amongst the most intense movements for their one thing.
on the fringe of Global Christianity you’ll hear about the mar-
ketplace. Also, across the spectrum into the planning rooms in This idea echoes of Kierkegaard’s “To Will One Thing”, where
the pinnacles of Arab Islamist wealth you can hear talk of the he suggests that one ought to look for that one thing that de-
new ‘Jihad economics’, fighting for the Islamic way of life not fines her or his life, the one central defining principle for the
with mortar rounds but corporations like Al Jazeera, Emirates individual. I would extend this idea not just to individuals but
and other emerging global leaders. “Talking about a revolu- to collectives as well and to every kind of enterprise. Perhaps
tion in sounds and whispers” as Tracey Chapman so eruditely a group gathered around the pursuit of an objective have no
sang. Whether it’s politics, religious circles, special ethnic or defining principle. In such a case there is some sort of amor-
cultic interest groups or alternate lifestyle crusaders, the focus phous or unspoken philosophical foundation for the gathering
for today’s battle for supremacy, for power and influence, is in- but because it is unarticulated it comes through only through
disputably the marketplace. Even where the pen is recognised the groups culture and actions. By this I mean to say that ev-
as being mightier than the sword, the pen is urged to resort to ery individual and every group has some sort of philosophical
the arena of the marketplace to find its might. Maybe it’s the compass but these are rarely conscious or deliberate, and for
days we’re living in. this reason inconsistency and inability to reach conclusively for
the objective occurs. In other words to borrow from Mavia’s
Just One Thing? idea, they do everything but the one thing and so end up at
In the middle of this year, I had the good fortune to hear some
of the latest ideas of David Paul Mavia of The Kairos. He spoke
about the “needful thing” and the “lacking thing”, proposing
that in almost every arena of endeavour there’s a “one thing”
that if done, guarantees accomplishment of the objective.
Pointing out that this “one thing” leads to other things or opens
up into other things, he suggested that when the one thing is
lacking, no matter what other things are done, the goal will not
The Nature of the Marketplace they were and gives life to the dead. This secular deity op-
erates by its own logic of glory, fame and the bestowing of
So based on this idea of one thing, a principle or needful thing, fortunes in the marketplace. In return the Market controls
let us examine the marketplace. The nature of the market- everyone in its domain by forcing obedience to demand. The
place if simplified and abstracted is one of supply and demand. customer is king. And the heart of the king is in the hand of
Wherever supply and demand meet and exchange takes place the god through its mouthpiece, mass-media marketing. Any
can be identified as a market. Further, we can say that the deviation from the will of the demand side is punished with
marketplace is the broad or general sphere where these kinds economic failure, shame and infamy – one becomes a pariah
of economic activities of supplying, demanding and exchang- of the Market. This closed system, therefore, allows no free-
ing take place. Of course today’s marketplace has no physical dom to the people who operate in it. It has internal laws and
location; the market reality envelops all of life or human expe- these must be followed.
rience. Today’s market is virtual or physical, uses monetary
or non-monetary currencies[1] and happens wherever com- This introduces the necessity of what we can identify as ‘tran-
munication can occur, and in the digital world we live in, that scendental intrusions’. Every closed system operates by its
is nearly everywhere. So the marketplace isn’t a place, it’s a own internal logic, and this internal law directly translates into
way of thinking where exchange is welcome. However for our the tyranny of the system’s deified principle. For human beings
purposes we’ll limit our examination to the commercial aspect then to subvert and bring into submission these closed sys-
of the market – the marketplace of economic exchange. This is tems – such as the Market and the marketplace – they require
what most people will mean by the word ‘marketplace’. a logic superior to the internal law of the system. This can be
identified as a transcending logic, a logic that intrudes from
The marketplace, commercially speaking, is where value is ex- outside the system. It is precisely this transcending logic that
changed that can be directly translated into monetary terms. becomes the one thing with respect to the marketplace. To re-
Skills, gifts, knowledge and insight are traded (exchanged) in peat: the principle thing or needful thing for anyone operating
this arena every day. Much human ambition today pegs its in the marketplace is a logic from outside the system of buying
hopes on this arena of activity. It is the true ‘Field of Dreams’. and selling, a logic that supersedes the dominion of demand in
the Market.
The Necessity of Transcendental Intrusions into the
Market This one thing or needful thing differs for different individuals
or groups but can always be summarised as a guiding logos or
The nature of the commercial or economic marketplace is ‘governing statement’. We can go further and say we’re talk-
buying and selling or demand and supply. For there to be a ing about a philosophical statement, because as we’ll see, this
market in today’s realities, demand and supply must meet and statement is always an argument or reasoning that claims to
agree on exchange. For this reason, the market is a de facto pull down the imaginations and high things of the deified Mar-
closed system with decision and direction governed mainly by ket. Every triumphant economic endeavour has discovered
the presence of demand. Where there is no demand the whole just such a guiding logos as we’ll see below in the examples,
market system falls. Demand calls out supply and profit occurs and for different enterprises the statement is different. In every
in the gap between cost of supply and exchange price. The case though, the statement is “non-economic” if you like – it’s
system is locked in a dance of death where demand-creation a statement of belief, of philosophy.
becomes the primary source of growth. For this reason, the
marketing function is glorified and even deified: advertising [1] Sometimes we pay, not money but attention. Other currencies are time,
sweat, blood, tears and other fluid or liquid human capacities that can be
makes something out of nothing – demand is created and sub-
exchanged and valued. Every true exchange in ‘the marketplace’ is an ex-
sequently the market grows. change of estimations of human value. Every glory is capable of ‘market-
isation’ or commercialisation, that is, capable of being bought and sold.
The market then becomes a spiritual power, a pseudo-god,
with marketers as its high priests and prophets. It is global adopted for
mass-media marketing that speaks things that are not as if

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