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SEATTLE POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL OFFENSE HARDCOPY (ORIGINAL RELEASE) RELEASED BY SEATTLE POLICE DEPARTMENT GO 2010-168712. (REFERRED -CI) 1313 - 1 ASSLT-NONAGG-DV Related text page(s) Document: NARRATIVE Author: 6958 -_ Related date/time: May-22-2010 1533 (EEE was at Childrens Hospital with her daughter —_—_ WOMEN, who is a patient. MMNNNNNNMMN reports that she and her ex-husband MEME Dave joint decision making authority over INMNEMMME care, and she has been having problems with mummmmmm draggin his feet and authorizing care. MMMM brought MMMM into the middle by playing her a message that WME left for him. mmm, upset at her father asked that he not return to visit her while she is in the hospital. On 05/22/2010, at approx 1300 hrs, mmmmummm was able to gain access to the hospital by an ID/Lanyard that he retained showing him to be a parent. MMM ccports that as mmm made his way to MMMM room, she tried to stop him outside. MNNNNNMMsaid that mummmmm pushed her out of the way and back into the room, Inside the room, MME told MMMM that he needed to leave, but he refused. MMMM states that mmm pushed her out of the room and used the door to force her all the way out. According {0 TT memes barricaded the door and shut the blinds. No one could get in. A few minutes later, mummmmm emerged, and at the urging of hospital staff left the property. MMMM told me that he refused to turn over his ID and Lanyard. Wenn, 2 member of hospital security gave me a copy of his report narrative of the incident. \![_27"EEN was the one who asked gums for his ID/Lanyard. According tO _, MMMM said that the hospital had no legal right to keep him from seeing his daughter. mmm did leave the campus with the lanyard. MMWWMMMM said he told mummmmm that if he returned, SPD would be called. As a result, security has notified all entrances of __!,1, and mmm bas been moved to a different room. I completed a trespass card on MamummmlMm™ to be put on file. I also spoke to ZN, 2 social worker with Children's Hospital. She saw the incident and described it asMMNNMNNNMNGid. She sav —_~ “barrell” into the room, pushMNMMMMMout, and shut the door. He closed the blinds and barricaded himself inside using his body. MMMM pounded on the door but MINN would not open it. He was yelling inside. said that she made a CPS referral, and that she will be writing up an nicdent report that will go into S—_—ZM file. I screened the incident NNN to make him aware of the details. Thereby declare (certify) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that this report is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief (RCW 9A.72.085) For: HOLLAND, DHEA (7323) Thursday June 3, 2010 Page: 4 of 5

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