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Music Video preliminary activity

Lesson 1

Introduce task – Produce the first 1 minute 14 seconds of ‘That’s What I Go to School For’ by Busted.

Watch videos: 1. Original version by Busted

2. Student versions

Compose prop list (whole class)

Write risk assessment

Lesson 2

Decide on cast

Storyboard in pairs (post its/ sugar paper/ pens)

Lesson 3

Lip sync practice (all students)

Dress rehearsal (costume and props student responsibility)

Lessons 4 & 5

Film video (whole class)

Interiors (lesson 4)

Exteriors (lesson 5)

Lessons 6 & 7

Edit in groups (4 groups all with same footage)

Lesson 8

Evaluate – link to skills development and theory

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