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The book I have decided to do my book report on is called ‘Its Halloween You Fraidy

Mouse!’ In this story the book is set up so that Geronimo Stilton is the author but the
person who created Geronimo Stilton is Elisabetta Dami. The illustrators are Merenguita
Gingermouse and Marina Bonanni and the publisher is Edizioni Piemme.

The story is set on an island called Mouse Island. Geronimo, his friends and his family live in
the capital of Mouse Island which is called New Mouse City.

Geronimo Stilton is the main character in the story. Geronimo is the writer and publisher for
a newspaper called the Rodents Gazette, but his true passion is to be writing adventure
stories however Geronimo isn’t the one to go right up to danger and smack it in the face. In
fact Geronimo is the one to run as fast as a cheetah all the way back to his mouse hole. So
the true description for Geronimo is a FRAIDY MOUSE!!!

Creepella von Cacklefur comes in further along in the book. Creepella is a very scary, spooky
mouse who fancy’s Geronimo. Creepella and her father Boris von Cacklefur run and live in a
funeral parlour. The real scary part is that Geronimo and his favourite nephew Benjamin
have to walk through a gruesome graveyard to get to Creepella’s room.

The main part of the story is when Geronimo and Creepella host a Halloween party at
Creepella’s horrifying house. The story is mainly based on Geronimo writing a book on
Halloween. Wait there’s a trick, he only has 24 hours to do it! So Creepella comes up with
the brilliant idea of having a party with creepy costumes, frightening food, devastating
decorations and gruesome games to perk up Geronimo’s ideas.

I would recommend this book to 5-11 year olds or children who want a fun fast book to
read. This book is a nice thin book that hooks you into it with all its excitement and
adventure. I rate this book 8/10. This book has loads of excitement but you won’t get so
hooked that you’ll be finished in a day. This book is only 1 in a series and I think all the books
in this series are really good books to read.

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