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Paper-I Management Process and Organisational Behaviour

Paper-II Quantitative methods

Paper-III Managerial Economics

Paper-IV Environment Management

Paper-V Managerial Skill Development

Paper-VI Accounting for Managers


Paper I Business Policy and Strategic Analysis

Paper II Management Science

Paper III Human Resource Management

Paper IV Financial Management

Paper V Marketing Management

Paper VI Production and Operation Management

Management Process and Organisation Behaviour

A History of Organization Devlopment : The Labouratory Training Stem, The

Survey Research and Feedback Stem, The Action Research Stem, The
Socioclinical Stem, The Changing Context, Second-Generation OD.
Values, Assumptions, and Beliefs in OD : Chronology of Events in Management
and Organization Thought, Early Statements of OD Values and Assumptions, A
Values Study.
Foundations of Organization Development : Models and Theories of Planned
Change, Systems Theory, Participation and Empowerment, Teams and
Teamwork, Parallel Learning Structures, A Normative-Reeducative Strategy of
Chaning, Applied Behavioral Science, Action Research.
Managing the OD Process : Diagnosis, The Action Components : OD
Interventions, The Program Management Component.
Action Research and Organization Development : Action Research : A Process
and an Approach, History and Varieties of Action Research, Examples of Action
Research in Organization Devlopment.
Comprehensive OD Interventions : "Getting the Whole System in the Room",
Search Conferences and Future Search Conferences, Beckhard's Confrontation
Meeting, Strategic Management Activities, Real Time Strategic Chang, Stream
Analysis, Survey Feedback, Systems 1-4T, Grid Organization Development,
Schein's Cultural Analysis, Large-Scale Change and Hig-Performance Systems,
Transorganizational Development.
Structural Interventions and The Applicability of OD : Sociotechnical Systems,
Self-Managed Teams: Problesm in Implementation, Work Redesign, MBO and
APPaisal, Quality Circles, Quality of Work Life Projects, Parallel Learning
Structures, Physical Settings and OD, Total Quality Management,
Reengineering, The Self-Design Strategy, High-Involvement and High-
Performance Work Systems, Large-Scale Systems Change and Organizational
Training Experiences : T-Groups, Behavioural Modeling, Life and Career
Planning, Coaching and Mentoring, Instrumented Training.
Issues in Consultant-Client Relationships : Entry and Contracting, Defining the
Client System, The Trust Issue, The Nature of the Consultant's Expertise,
Diagnosis and Appropriate Interventions, Depth of Intervention, On Beeign
Absorbed by the Culture, The Consultant as a Microcosm, Action Research and
the OD Process, The Dependency Issue and Terminating the Relationship,
Ethical Standards in OD, Implications of OD for th Client.
System Ramifications : Human Resources Leadership and Involvement,
Resistance to Change Efforts, Leadership and Leadership Style, Training and the
Development of Consultation Skills, Rewards, Staffing and Career Development,
Organizational Justice, Labor Relations, Monetary Costs and Skill Demands.
Power, Politics, and Organization Development : Assessing the Effects of OD :
Some Issues and Problems, Positive Developments in Research on OD, Does
OD Work? A Review of Reviews.
The Future and Organization Development : The Changing Environment,
Fundamental Strengths of OD, OD's Future.
Quantitative Methods
Quantitative Techniques: An Introduction : Meaning of Quntitative Techniques;
Classification of Quantitiave Techniques; Statistical Techniques; Programming or
Operations Research Techniques; Statistical Techniques; Programming or
Operations Research Techniques; The Phases of Operations Research Study;
Important Operations Research Techniques; Role of Quantitive Techniques in
Business and Industry; Quantitative Techniques and Business Management;
Limitations of Quantitative Techniques; Conclusion.
Survey Techniques : Research Methodology : Motivation in Research; Types of
Research; methodology; Tentative Selection of the Problem; Initial Survey of
Literature; Selecting the Research Problem; Extensive Literature Survey;
Specification of the Information Required; Formulating the Hypothesis; Design of
the Research Project; Sample Design and the Problem of the Size of Sample;
Collection of Data; Construction of Questionnaries and/or Preparation of Briefs
for Field Interviews; Some other Methods of Data Collection; Execution of the
Project; Analysis of Data; Testing the Hypothesis; Arriving at Generalisations;
Preparation of the Report (or the Thesis); A Note on Motivation Research;
Techniques of Motivation Research; Limitations of Motivation Research;
Probability Theory : Meaning of `Probility; The concepts of Sample Space,
Sample Points and Events; Types of Probability; A-priori Problity and Empirical
Probality; Objective and Subjective Probalities; Calculation of Probality
(Alongwith the Laws of Probability); In Case of Simple Events; In Case of
Mutually Exclusive Events; In case of Compound Events; use of Binomial
Expansion or Jacob Bernoulli's Theorem; Alternative Method; Mathematical
expectation, bayes theorem, revision of probabilities; An Introductory Note on
Markov Chains; Appendix: Permutations; Formulae Concerning Permutations;
Formulae Concerning Permutations; Combinations; Some Other Rules.
Random Variables and Probability Distribution: Techniques of assigning
probabilities, meaning of probability distribution, mean of random variable, value
of random variable, sums of random variable, the variance and standard
deviation of a random variable, probability function, types of probability
distribution, binomial distribution, the bernoulli process, probabilty function of
binomial distribution, fitting a binomial distribution, poisson distribution, the
poisson process, parameter and important measure of poisson distribution, fitting
a poisson distribution, poisson distribution as an approximation of the binomial
distribution, exponential distribution, normal distribution, characteristics of normal
distribution, family of normal distribution
Sampling Theory and its Basic Concepts: Benefits of sampling, Methods of
sampling, deliberate sampling, random sampling, mixed sampling, various other
sampling, techniques / Design, sampling and non-sampling errors, sampling
theory, the two concepts- parameters and statistics, objects of sampling theory,
sampling distribution, the concept of standard error, procedure of significance
testing, tests of significance, sampling of attributes, sampling of variables,
limitation of test of significancxe.
Chi-Square(x2) Test: Degree of freedom, conditions for the application of x2
test, area of application of chi-square, alternative formula, steps for finding value
of chi-square test, yate's correction, chi-square as a test of population variance,
additive property of x2, important characteristics of x2 test.
Analysis of Variance: The technique of the analysis of variance, direct method,
setting up analysis of variance table, F- coefficient or the variance ratio, short cut
methods, coding method, analysis of variance in two way classification, analysis
of variance in latin square design.
Regression and Correlation Analysis - I: Regression analysis, assumptions in
regression analysis, simple linear regression model, estimating the intercept and
slope of the regression model, scatter diagram method, checking the accuracy,
the problem of prediction, standard error of estimate, short cut method calculate
SE, interpreting the SE, finding the confidence limits for the estimate in large and
small samples, the coefficient of determination, interpreeting r2, the coefficient of
corelation, karl pearson'd method, probable error of the coefficient of correlation,
some other measures, precuations to be taken in using regression and
correlation analysis.
Regression and Correlation Analysis - II: The concept of multiple regression,
the multiple regression equation and its calculation, the standard error of
estimate for multiple regression, coefficient of multiple determination, meaning
and significance of partial correlation, coffecient of partial correlation, methods for
finding coffecient of partial correlation.
Linear Programming - I: Meaning of linear programming, feild, basic concept
and notations, general form of the linear programming model, formulating a linear
programming, graphical solution, simplex solution, rules for ties, interpretion of
the simplex solution, non-feasible solution, unbounded solution, multiple solution,
the dual, limitation of linear programming.
Linear Programming - II: Transportation problem, transportation method,
transportation problem where demand and supply are not equal.
Inventory Planning / Control: Meaning of inventory, why inventory control,
different cost concepts explained, selective inventory, the technique of inventory
control, inventory control with out reordering, EOQ, order point system, the
protective stock, significance of of data processing in inventory control.
Queuing Theory: Meaning of queue, terms commonly used in queuing theory,
objects of the queuing theory, elements of the queuing systems, queuing models,
random arrivals, Erlang's method in context of queuing model, limitation of
queuing theory.
Theory of Games: Meaning, illustration of a game, standard conventions in
game theory, types of game, value of game, the sadle point, game problem,
method for determining the value of the game, rules for dominance, solution
through graphic method, limitation of game theory.
Network Analysis: Introduction, basic concept, preperation of network diagram,
critical path, the concept of float and its relation with critical path, computation of
critical path, resource allocation and levelling, time cost consideration, calculation
of probablities, calculation of floats stacks under PERT, limitation of PERT, points
of similarties, points of dissimilarties, PERT/Cost, basic concept of PERT/ Cost
system, advantage of PERT/Cost system.
Elemantary Decision Theory: Decision making environment, objective of
decision maker, decision pay off, decision models, deterministic decision model,
probablistic decision model, decision tree diagram, interpretation of EMV,
expected profits with perfect knowledge, conditional oppurtinities, the effect of
salvage value, use of marginal analysis for risk problem, competitive model,
limitation of decision theory.
Ratio Analysis: Caution while ratio analysis, important ratios, concerinng ratio
analysis, classification of business ratios, financial ratios, liquidity ratios, leverage
ratios, activities ratio, profiatbility ratio, physical ratio, efficiency ratio, capacity
ratio, role of break even concept, operating and leverages in decision making,
operating leverge, break even analysis, financial leverage combined, effect of
operating and financial leverage, significance of Net Profit to Net Worth.
Value Analysis: Meaning, Objectives, value analysis programme, fundamental
tools of VA programme, Job plan for VA programme, techniques of VA
programme, Applications of VA programme, advantages of applying VA
techniques, limitation of Value Analysis.
Statistical Quality Control: Introduction, Statistical Quality Control (SQC)
technique, process control, control charts, product control, single sampling plan,
double sampling plan, multiple sampling plan, sequential sampling plan,
developing an acceptance sampling plan, operating characteristic curve, AOQ
and AOQL, advantages of Statistical quality control.
Paper- III
Managerial Economics

Introduction to Managerial Economics, The Circular Flow of Economic : The

nature of the Firm The Rationale for the Firm The Objective for the Firm,
maximizing versus Satisficing, The Principal- Agent Problem, Constrained
Decision Making, The Concept of Economic Profit, Profit in a Market System,
Economics and Decision Making, Discussion Questions Problems, Analysis,
Present Value of an Amount, Present Value of an amount, Basic Training,
Functional Relationship: Total, Average, and Marginal, Economic Models,
Probability and Probability, Distributions, Probability, Probability Distributions,
Statistics of a Probability, Distribution, Discussion Questions Problems, Calculus
and Managerial Economics, The Derivative of a function, Higher- Order
Devivatives, Calculus and Optimization
RISK AND CAPITAL BUDGETING : Chapter 14 Risk and Decision Making,
Chapter 15 Capital Budgeting.
Change in a Global Economy, Chapter 17 Locating the Firm in a Global
Making, Chapter 19 Antitrust and Regulation.
Introduction to Managerial Economics : The Circular Flow of Economic, The
nature of the Firm, The Rationale for the Firm, The Objective for the Firm,
maximizing versus Satisficing, The Principal- Agent Problem, Constrained
Decision Making, The Concept of Economic Profit, Profit in a Market System,
Economics and Decision Making, Discussion Questions Problems, Analysis,
Present Value of an Amount, Present Value of an amount, Basic Training,
Functional Relationship: Total, Average, and Marginal, Economic Models,
Probability and Probability, Distributions, Probability, Probability Distributions,
Statistics of a Probability, Distribution, Discussion Questions Problems, Calculus
and Managerial Economics, The Derivative of a function, Higher- Order
Devivatives, Calculus and Optimization,.
DEMAND : Demand Theory and Analysis, Preview, Individual Demand, Market
Demand, Determinants of Market Demand, The Market Demand Equation,
Market Demand versus Firm Demand, Total and Marginal Revenue, Price
Elasticity, Point versus Arc Elasticity, Price Elasticity and marginal , Revenue,
Determinants of Price Elasticity, Price Elasticity and Decision Making, Income
Elasticity, Inferior Goods, Necessities and Luxuries, Income Elasticity and
Decision making, Cross Elasticity, Substitutes and Complements, Cross
Elasticity and Decision Making, Discussion Questions Problems, Behind the
Demand, Curve: The Theory of Consumer Choice, Consumer Preference,
Indifference Curves, Budget Constraints, Utility Maximization, Consumer Choice
and the Demand, Curve, Consumer Choice and Changes in Demand, Discussion
Questions Problems.
Regression Techniques and Demand Estimation : Regression Techniques,
Estimating Coefficients, Testing Regression estimates, Prediction Using
Regression Equations, Multiple Regression, Demand Estimation Development of
a Theoretical Model, Data Collection, Choice of Functional Form, Estimation and
Interpretation of Results, Problems with Regression Analysis, Omitted Variables,
Identification, Multicollinearity
Business and Economic Forecasting : Preview, Sources of Data, Expert Opinion,
Surveys, Market Experiments, Time-Series Analysis, Trend Projection,
Exponential Smoothing, Barometric Forecasting, leading Indicators, Composite
and Diffusion, Input/Output Analysis, Transactions Matrix, Direct Requirements
Matrix, Direct and Indirect Requirements Matrix, Forecasting with an Input/Output
PRODUCTION AND COSTS : Production Theory and Analysis, Preview, The
Production Function, Production with One variable Input, The Production
Functions, Diminishing Marginal Returns, Relationship Among the Product
Functions, Optimal Employment of a Factor of Production, Production with Tow
Variable Inputs The Production Isoquant, The Production Isocost, Optimal
Employment of Two Inputs, Profit Maximization, Changes in Input Prices, The
expansion path, Economics of Scale and Scope, Economics of Scale,
Economies of Scope, Factor Productivity, Estimating the Production function.
Theory and Analysis: The Economic Concept of Cost, Opportunity Costs,
Explicit and Implicit Costs, Normal Profit and Costs. Marginal, Incremental, and
Sunk Costs, The Cost of Long-Lived Assets. Production and Cost, Short-Run
Cost Function, Long-Run Cost Function, Special Topics in Cost Theory, Profit
Contribution Analysis, Operating Leverage, Estimating Cost Functions Short-Run
Cost Function, Long-Run Cost Functions, Programming, Preview, Linear
programming Applications, The Linearity Assumption, Constrained Profit,
maximization, Structuring the Problem, The Feasible Region, Graphic Solution,
Algebraic Solution, Constrained Cost, Minimization, Structuring the Problem,
Algebraic Solution, Sensitivity Analysis, Special problems in Linear,
Programming, Multiple Solutions, Reundant Constraints, No Feasible Solution,
The Dual problem, Structuring the Dual Problem, Solving the Dual Problem.
MARKET STRUCTURE: Prefect Competition and Monopoly, Privew, market
Structure, Number and size Distribution of sellers, Number and Size Distribution
of Buyers, Product Differentiation Conditions ofEntry and Exit, Perfect
Comptition, Characteristics, The Equilibrium Price, Profit-Maximizing Output in
theShort Run, Losses and the Shuntdown Decision, Profit Maximizing Output in
the Long Run, Evaluation of perfect Competition, Monopoly Characteristics,
Profit-Maximizing Output in the Short Run, Profit Maximizing Output in the Long
Run, Allocative Inefficiency and Income Redistribution, Technical Inefficiency and
Rent Seeking, Relevance of Perfect Competition and Monopoly.
Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, and Barriers to Entry : Preview,
Monopolistic Competition, Characteristic, Profit-Maximizing Output in the Short
Run, Profit Maximizing Output in the Long Run, Evaluation of Monopolistic
Competition Oligopoly, Characteristics, Price Rigidity: The Kinked Demand
Model, Interdependence: The Cournot Model, Cartels and Collusion, Price
Leadership, Market Structure and Barriers to Entry, Sources of Barriers to Entry,
Spectrum of Market Structures, Advertising, Game Theory and Strategic
Behavior, Preview, Introduction to Game Theory The Payoff Matrix, Nash
Equilibrium, Dominant Strategies, Dominated Strategies, maximim Strategies,
Mixed Strategies.
Game Theory and Oligopoly : Noncooperative Games: The Prisoner's
Dilemma, Cooperative Games: Enforcing a Cartel, Repeated Games: Dealing
with Cheaters, Sequential Games: The Advantage of Being First, Strategic
Behaviorm, Present Versus Future Profits: Limit Pricing, The value of a Bad
Reputation: Price Retaliation, Establishing Commitment: Capacity Expansion,
Preemptive Action: Market Saturation.
PRICING DECISIONS : Pricing of Goods and Services, Pricing of Multiple
Products, Products with Interdependent Demands, Joint Products, Fully
Distributed versus Incremental Cost Pricing, Ramsay Pricing, Intermediate
Products (Transfer Pricing), Price Discrimination, Necessary Conditions for Price
?Discrimination, Types of PriceDiscrimination, Product Bundling, Peak-Load
Pricing, Cost-Plus or Markup Pricing, Mechanics of Cost-Plus Pricing, evaluation
of Cost-plus Pricing Cost plus Pricing and Economic Theory, Pricing and
Employment of Inputs, Input Pricing and employment, Market Structure:
Monololist Perfect Competitor, Market StructureII: Monololist Monoponist , The
Correspondence between Output and Input Decisions, Economic Rent, Wage
and Income Differentials, Demand side Considerations Supply- Side
Considerations, Labor Unions, Labor Unions and Collective, Bargaining, Union
Objectives, Minimum Wage laws.
RISK AND CAPITAL BUDGETING : Risk and Decision Making, Preview, The
Concept of Risk, Risk Return Evaluation Statistic, Risk Preference, Risk
management, Insurance, Gambling and Insuring: A Contradiction?, Adjusting
the Discount Rate Diversification, Heading, Decision Tree Analysis, Capital,
Budgeting, maximization of Shareholder Value and Capital Budgeting, The
Capital Budgeting Process, Projecting the Cash Flows, Evaluating the Capital
Project, Capital Rationing and the Profitablility Ratio, Linear Programming and
Capital Rationing, The Cost of Capital, Cost of Debt Capital, Cost of Equity
Capital, The Composite cost of Capital, Mergers and Acquisitions, Types of
Mergers, Merger Incentives, Merger Procedures.
Change in a Global Economy Preview, The Impact of Technological Change,
Technological Change and the Production Function, Technological Change,
Productivity, and Economic Growth, Technological Change, and Market
Structure, The Effect of Market Structure on Technological Change, The Effect of
Technological Change, on Market Structure, Industrial Innovation, Product
versus Process Innovations, Requirements of Successful Innovation, Patens and
Innovation, Technological and Environmental Forecasting, Qualitative
Forecasting Methods, ?Quantitative Forecasting Methods, Locating the Firm in a
Global Economy, Basic Location Principles, Locating in a Linear Market, Firm
Location: One Market and One Raw Materials Source, Market Area
Determination, Market Area equal Production and Transportation Costs Market
Area Unequal Production, Costs equal Transportation Costs, Market Area
Unequal Production Transportation Costs, Threshold Analysis Selecting an
Industrial Location, Primary Location Factors, Secondary Location Factors, The
Industrial Location Decision, Locating the Firm in a Global Economy, Raw
Materials Supplies Extending Market Power, Comparative Advantage
Preview Excise Taxes, Taxes on Profit, Profit Maximization and Profit Taxes,
Revenue maximization and Profit Taxes on Inputs, Cost Minimization and Input
Taxes, Effluent Taxes, Property Taxes Fixed Property, Mobile Property, Tax
Preferences, Interest Deductions, Tax Exempt Fringe Benefits, Investment Tax
Credits, Accelerated Depreciation, Antitrust and Regulation, Antitrust Policy, US.
Antitrust Laws, Antitrust Enforcement, Rule of Reason Versus per se offenes,
Monopoly, Merger, Collusion, Price Discrimination, Remedies and Penalties,
Public Utility Regulation, The Need for Regulation, Contestable Markets,
Regulatory procedures, Interest Groups and Regulation, Price Controls, Price
Controls in Competitive Industries, Porice Controls and Firms with Market Power,
Integrating Case Study VIII: Autovideo (Un), Ltd.
Environment Management

An Introduction to Business Environment : Meaning and Definition of Business

Environment, Importance of the Study of Business Environment, Environmental
Analysis, Macro Environment.
Industrial Policy and Licensing: The Meaning of Industrial Policy, Industrial
Policy, 1948, Industrial Policy Resolution, 1956, Industrial Policy Statement,
1977, Industrial Policy Statement, 1980, New Industrial Policy, 1991, Small-
scale Sector Industrial Policy, Industrial Licensing.
Industrial (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951: Introduction, Coverage of the
Act, Licensing Provisions of the Industries Act, 1951, Investigation into
Scheduled Industrial Undertakings, Power to Regulate Supply and Distribution of
Certain Articles, Central Advisory Council and Development Councils.
Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, (MRTP Act), 1969: Objectives,
Amendments, MRTP Commission, Monopolistic, Restrictive and Unfair Trade
Practices, Monopolistic trade Apractices, Restrictive Trade Practices, Unfair
Trade Practices.
Foreign Capital: The Need for Foreign Capital, Forms of Foreign Capital,
Advantages of Foreign Direct Investment, Limitations of Foreign Direct
Investment, IndianGovernment's Policy towards Foreign Capital, Policy
Regarding Foreign Investment(1991), Changes in Foreign Investment Policy
During the year 1994-95, Changes made with regard to Foreign Investment in
1996-97, BJP Government's Policy of Foreign Investment, Inflows of Foreign
Investment to India in Recent Years
Multinational Corporations: Definition, Origin of MNCs, Benefits of MNCs,
Harmful Effects of MNCs, Multinational Corporations in India
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) : Introduction, Salient
Features of the SEBI Act, 1992, Functions of The SEBI, TheSEBI's Guidelines
for Disclosure and Investor protection, The SEBI's Guidelines for Issue of Fully
Convertible/ partly Convertible Debentures/Non-convertible Debentures,
Promoters Contribution, The SEBI's Guidelines for Bonus Issue, Rights Issue,
Recent Amendments,
Industrial Sickness: Magnitude of Industrial Sickness, Definition of Sickness,
Kinds of Sickness and their Causes, Remedial Measures, The Sick Industrial
Companies,(Special Provisions) Act (SICA), 1985, The Sick Industrial
Companies(Special Provisions) Bill, 1997
Small-scale Industries: Definition of Small-scale Industries, Classification, Role of
Small-scale Industries in the Indian Economy, Problems of Small-scale
Industries, Incentives to Small-scale Industries, New Policy for the Small-scale
Sector, 1991
Social Responsibility of Business: Definition of Social Responsibility, Dimensions
of Social Responsibilities, Arguments against Social Responsibility of Business,
Arguments for Social Responsibility of business, The Indian Situation, Social
Consumerism and Consumer Protection: Definition of Consumerism, Need for
Consumerism, Utility of Consumerism, Legislative Measures for Consumer
Protection in India, Consumer Rights, The Consumer Movement in India,
Journalism and Consumer Protection, Hindrances to the Growth of a Strong
Consumer Movement, The consumer Protection Act, 1986, Consumer protection
Councils, Consumer Dispute Redressal Forums
Privatisation of Public Enterprises: Introduction, What is Privatisation, Forms of
Privatization, Arguments in Favour of Privatisation, Arguments against
Managerial Skill Development

Managerial Work : Managerial Roles, Understanding Your Philosophy of

Management, Forecasting the Future Organization.
Interpersonal Relations, Communication and Conflict : Introduction, Readings,
Exercises and Cases, Memo.
Developing Conflict-Resolution Skills, Case: Bob Knowlton, Dealing with Problem
Motivation, Job Design, And Performance : Frederick Herzberg, One More Time:
How Do you Motivate Employees, J. Richard Hackman, Designing Work for
Individuals and for Groups, Herbert H. Meyer, A solution to the performance
Appraisal Feedback Enigma, Exercise: Enlivening the Job Characteristics Model:
A Job Redesign Project, Case: Saturn Rising: Work Redesign on the Factory
Shop Floor, Exercise: Giving and Receiving Feedback,
Leadership and Decision Making : Introduction, Readings, Exercises and Cases,
Memo, Victor H. Vroom, Two decades of Research on participtation: Beyond
Buzz Words and management Fads, Bernard M. Bass leadership: Good, Better,
Best, Jay A. Conger, Leadership: The Art of Empowering Others, Exercise:
Leadership and Decision Making: Applying the Vroom-Jago Model, Case: The
Man Who Killed Braniff, Exercise: Leadership Empowerment,
Power and Politics : Introduction, Readings,Exercises and Cases, Memo, David
Kipnis, Stuart M. Schmidt, Chris Swaffin- Smit, Ian Wilkinson, Patterns of
Managerial Influence: Shotgun Managers, Tacticians, and Bystanders, Rosabeth
Moss kanter, PowerFailure in Management circuits, Gerld R. Salancik, Jeffrey
Pfeffer, who gets Power and How They Hold Onto It: A Strategic Contingency
Model of Power, Exercise: Dependency Situations, Case: Jennifer Carson at the
Science Museum, Exercise: Power Lab,
Group Dynamics : Introduction, Readings, Exercises and Cases, Memo, Norman
R.F. Maier, Assets and Liabilities in Group Problem Solving: The Need for an
Integrative Function, Irving I. Janis, Groupthink, Daniel C. Feldman, The
Development and Enforcement of Group Norms, Exercise: Wilderness Survival:
Group Decision making and Effectiveness, Exercise: The NASA/Challenger
Incident, Exercise: Norms and Deviance,
Intergroup Dynamics : Introduction, Readings, Exercises and Cases, Memo, L.
Dave Brown, Managing Conflict Among Groups, lMuzafer Sherif, Experiments in
Group Conflict, Kenwyn K. Smith, An Intergroup Perspective on Individual
Behavior , Exercise: The Hilarity Greeting Card Company, Exercise: Labor
Relations and Intergroup Conflict, Exercise: Battle of the Sexes Confrontation.
Organization Design, Evolution, and Culture : Introduction, Readings, Exercises
and Cases, Memo Robert Duncan, What Is the Right Organization Structure?
Decision Tree Analysis Provides the Anwer, larry E. Greiner, Evolution and
Revolution as Organizations Grow, Vijay Sathe, Implications of Corporate
Culture: A Manager's Guide to Action, Exercise: Small Business Design: The
Case of a Stratup Publishing Firm, Exercise: Fairfield Flyer Wagons, Case:
managing by Mystique,
Careers and Stress : Introduction, Readings, Exercises and Cases, Memo, Gene
W. Ealton, Paul H. Thompson, Raymond L. Price, The Four Stages of
Professional Careers- A New Lok at performance by Professionals, Douglas T.
Hall. Judith Richter, Career Gridlock: Baby Boomers Hit the Wall, Morely D.
Glicken, Katherine Janka, Executives Under Fire: The Burnout Syndrome, Case:
Jane Moore: An Executive Woman's Career Story, Exercise: Career Anchors,
Exercise: The Burnout Questionnaire,
Managing Diversity, Ethics, International Issues, and Corporate Social
Responsibility: Introduction, Readings, Exercises and Cases, Memo, lTaylor Cox,
Jr. The Multicultural Organization, Richard P. Nielsen, Changing Unethical
Organizational Behavior, Paul H. Weaver, After Social Responsibility, Exercises:
Four Cultures, Exercises: The Maquiladora Decision, Exercise: Vanatin- Group
Decision Making and Ethics.
Accounting for Managers

An introduction to management accounting: Objectives, The two cost and

management accounting systems, The elements of cost, The classification of
costs, What is management accounting?, Costs for decision making
Materials : Objectives, The valuation of materials, Materials management
Labour: Objectives, Payroll analysis, Incentive schemes, The Cost of labour
Absorption costing: Objectives, The aim of absorption costing, Overheads, Cost
centers, Overhead absorption, The limitations of absorption costing.
Marginal costing and breakeven analysis: Objectives, Marginal costing,
breakeven analysis.
Absorption costing v marginal costing : Objectives, Absorption costing, marginal
Costing, The effects on profits and stock valuation
Budgeting and budgetary control: Objectives, Introduction: the household budget,
Principles, Practical considerations, Budget relationships, The cash budget, The
budgeted trading and profit and loss account and the budgeted balance sheet,
The master budget, Flexible budgets, The behavioural aspects of budgeting, The
benefits of budgheting, Zero base budgeting
Standard costing: Objectives, What are standard costs?, Cost control using
standard costing, Material Variances, Labour variances, The profit variance
Capital investment appraisal: Objectives, payback method, Average rate of return
method, How to use annuity tables, Present value tables, Depreciation and cash
flows, Residual values, Taxation, Other methods, Which methods?
Paper- I
Business Policy and Strategic Analysis

Unit - I. Business Policy, Strategic Management and Corporate Planning :

Conceptual Analysis, Historical Development, Nature, Scope,
Importance, objectives, Benefits, Premises and other Relevant issue,
Strategy, Strategic Management and Environment Analysis, Strategic
Analysis, Meaning, Purpose of Corporate planning, Corporate planning
and long range planning, Corporate planning process, Need,
Prerequorite and limitations of corporate planning.
Unit - II Evolution, Mission, Objectives, Goals, strategy and Structure Evolution
process, Elements, process,formulation and limitations of Business
strategic planning, Mission, goals and objectives of companies,
Organizational Structure, Strtegy and structure, Development and
Requirements for strategic Management Organization Culture,
Strategy-Culture Relationship
Unit - III Environmental, SWOT and Strategic Analysis Macro and Micro
Environments, Socio-Cultural Environments, Technological and
Historical Development Impact, Internal and External factors analysis,
SWOT analysis, Bases for strengths and weeknesses, SWOT and
TOWS, Strategic alternatives and Interpretation, SPACE Matrix
analysis, BCG Matrix analysis, General Electric's Nine cell planning
grid, Internal External Matrix grand strategy matrix, strategic analysis,
cost analysis, portfolio analysis, oprating and financial analysis
Unit - IV Strategic Choices and Implementing Strategy Strategic Choice,
Process of developing strategic alternatives, Classification,
Diversification, Integration, Mergers and aquisitions, Turnarround,
Divertment and Liquidation strategy, Organizational structures,
Structuring Multi National organization, Managemen of Technology
strategy and Leadership, Research and development strategy.
Unit - V Evaluation, Control and International Strategic Management Concept,
Nature and Process of Strategy Evalution, Controlling Strategices,
evaluting performence, Methods of Control.
International Strategic Management, Historical Development, Changes
in Interna-tional Environment, Role of MNCs, Mission, objectives and
Goals of International Strategic Management, Role of Environment in
Globalizing strategy.
Management Science

Workstudy and Productivity : Definition, Position of work study department in the

organisation, Work study Men. Workstudy and Workers, Workstudy and
Motion Study (Method Study) : Definition, Aims (objects), Procedure,
Micromotion Study : Therbligs, Cyclegraph, Chronocycle graph. Motion
Economy, Design of Work place, Charts : Operation Chart, Flow Process Chart,
Man Machine CHart, Two hand Chart, Simo (Simultaneous Motion) Chart.
Time Study (Work-Measurement) : Introduction, uses of time study, Procedure,
Standard time, Performance Rating, Allowances, Methods of Time study,
Number of cycles to be timed, Examples, Productivity Baqrgaining, Collective
Work Sampling : Introduction, Theory of Work Sampling, Examples, Procedure,
Application, Advantages, Disadvantages, Errors in Work Sampling Study.
Machine Interference : Introduction, Multi-Machine operation, Machine
Queuing or Waiting Line Theory : Introduction, Mathematical Method,
Limitations of Waiting Line Theory.
Simulation and Monte Carlo Technique : Introduction, Methods.
Game Theory : Introduction, Two Persons Zero Sum Game, Two Persons Non-
Zero Sum Game.
Transportation Problems : Introduction, North-West Corner Method, Stepping
Stone Method, Vogel Method.
Gantt Charts : Bar Chart, Gantt Progress Chart.
Critical Path Method (C.P.M.) : Network Techniques, CPM, Basic Network
Construction, Network development.
CPM. Network and Time Estimate (A.O.N. System) : Language of CPM, Time
Estimate, How to Draw Network DIagram.
P.E.R.T. : Introduction, Difference Between C.P.M. and P.E.R.T. Three Time
Estimates for PERT. Some definitions, Probability of achieving completion date.
Application of Network Techniques : Introduction, Applications, Limitations.
Advantages of Network Technique, Crashing of Network, Project Costs, Crash
Point and Normal Point, Cost Slopes, Crashing Procedure, Resource Smoothing
and Resource Levelling.
Business Finance (Financial Management) : Capital Requirement, Fixed of
Block Capital, Working Capital, Capitalisation, Raising of FInance.
Break Even Analysis : Break Even Point, Break Even Point Theory,
Mathematical Method, Graphical Method, Some Important Definitions, Break-
Even-Point-Calculations, Assumptions, Applications.
Budget and Budgetary Control : Budget, Budget Classifications, Budgetary
Control, Conditions for Budgetary Control, Securing flexibility in Budgeting,
Limitations of the Budget.
Costing, Cost Control and Cost Reduction : Costing. Aims, methods,
Elements of cost : Materials, Labour, Expenses, Components of cost. Materials,
Labour, Expenses, Components of cost. Cost Control. How to control cost, How
to Control Material costs, Waste Control. Cost Saving areas. Cost of delays.
Techniques of Cost Control.
Cost Reduction. Cost reduction techniques, Standardisation. Simplification.
Value engg. Materials condification system.
Personnel Management : Introduction. Manpower planning, Job analysis,
Recruitment, Selection, Placement, Training, Management Development, Carrier
Development, Job Design, Performance appraisal, Rewarding, Job evaluation
and pay structure, Benefits, Motivation, Human Needs, Incentives, Promotion
Policies, Safety, Welfare.
Industrial Relations. Industrial disputes (Conflicts), Trade Unions, Discipline,
Workers' Grievances, Collective Bargaining.
Behavioural Science. Individual Behaviour, Group Behaviour, Group dynamics,
Morale, Job Satisfaction, Perception, Attitudes, Interpersonal Relationship.
Job Evaluation and Merit Rating : Introduction, Definitions, Job Evaluation,
Objects, Principles, Steps Required for job evaluation, Methods of Job
Evaluation, Merit Rating, Objects, Methods of Merit Rating.
Wages and Incentives : Introduction, Definitions, Wage Differentials, Methods
of Wage Payment, Financial Incentives, Bonus System, Bonus Act, Time rate v/s
Piece Rate.
Paper - III
Human Resource Management

From Personnel Management to Human Resource Management: Evolution of

human resource management, Principles underlying human resources
management, human resources in the changing environment, changing work
design, human resource development department and its functions.
Evolution of stages of Human Resources Management: Pre industrial Era,
Industrial revolution and the factory system, emergence of the modern
corporation and managerial capitalism, scientific management, welfare work and
industrial psychology, quality of worklife Era, the emergence of contemporary
HRM function, Strategic Focus Era, The HRM functions today.
Job Design and Motivation: Job enrichment, job rotation, shorter workweek,
flexitime or flexible working hours, new trends.
Empowerment: Definition, types of empowerment, importance of empowerment,
elements of empowerment, job market and and job discrimination, labour market,
characyeristics, structured and unstructured labour markets, job discrimination.
Recruitment and Selection: Manpower recruitment process, recruitment and
selection, manpower selection process, Selection procedure.
Placement, Induction, Promotion, Succession and career Development:
Placement, Induction, job changes, promotion, demotion, promotion, succession
and career systems, career development.
Performance Appraisals: Evolution of performance appraisal, performance
appraisal and merit rating.
Motivation Why People Work Well : Definition, motivation process, motives,
motivation and human behaviour, content theories, implications of motivational
theories for management.
Communication: Nature and Defination, effective communication, communication
Leadership: Introduction, Definition, Importance of leadership, nature of
leadership, levels of leadership, leadership functions, leadership styles, types of
leadership, classic and theoretical studies on leadership, reddin's 3-D model of
leadership, Power and politics.
Organisational Culture and Employee Behaviour: Introduction, maintaining an
uniform culture, evalution of culture.
Training and Development: Introduction, Training and development
Paper - IV
Financial Management

Introduction: Business Finance, The financial environment, accounting,

problems in finance.
Interest Rates: Time, Inflation, Risk and required return.
Cash: Use of cash, cash and profit, Cash Planning.
Working Capital: Working capital as a whole, stocks, debtors, spontaneous
Basic capital project appraisal: Background. simple appraisal methods,
measuring profit over time.
Capital project appraisal refinement: Taxation, capital disinvestment, inflation, risk
and uncertainity, capital budgeting.
Borrowing: General features, reducing the lender's risk, the cost of debt, others
types of debt, valuing debt.
Ordinary Shares: Shareholders fund, the stock exchange, issuing equity shares,
dividend policy.
Valuing Equity: Modern portfolio theory, other share valuation methods.
Corporate Finance: Cost of capital, gearing, capital structure, the corporate life
Mergers and reconstructions: Reasons for mergers, merger statistics, the
process of merging, reconstructing.
Paper - V
Marketing Management

Defining Marketing for the Twenty-First Century : The New Economy, Marketing
Tasks, Marketing Concepts and Tools, Company Orientations Toward the
Marketplace, How Business and Marketing Are Changing, Company Responses
and Adjustments, Marketer Responses and Adjustments.
Adapting Marketing to the New Economy : The Major Drivers of the New
Economy, How Business Practices Are Changing : E-Business, Designing an
Attractive Web Site, Placing Ads and Promotion On-line, Building a Revenue and
Profit Model. Customer Relationship Marketing, Customer Database and
Databases and Database Marketing, Data Warehouses and Datamining.
Building Customer Satisfaction, Value, and Retention : Defining Customer Value
and Satisfaction, The Nature of high-performance Businesses, Delivering
Customer Value and Satisfaction, Attracting and Retaining Customers, Customer
Profitability, Company Profitability, and Total Quality Management.
Winning Markets Though Market-Oriented Strategic Planning : Strategic Planning,
Corporate and Division Strategic Planning, Business Unit Strategic Planning, The
Marketing Process, Product Planning : The Nature and contents of a Marketing
Gathering Information and Measuring Market Demand : The Components of a
Modern Marketing Information System, The Marketing Intelligence System,
Marketing Research System, Marketing Decision Support System, Forecasting
and demand Measurement.
Scanning the Marketing Environment : Analyzing Needs and Trends in the Macro
environment, Identifying and Responding to the Major Macroenvironment forces.
Analyzing Consumer Markets and Buyer Behaviour : Influencing Buyer Behaviour,
The Buying Decision Process, Stages of the Buying Decision Process.
Analyzing Business Markets and Business Buying Behaviour : The Business
Market Versus the Consumer Market, Buying Situations, Systems Buying and
Selling. Participants in the Business Buying Process, Major Influences on Buying
Decisions, Cultural factors, The Purchasing/Procurement Process. Institutional
and Government Markets.
Dealing with the Competition : Competitive Forces, Identifying Competitors,
Analyzing Competitors, Designing the Competitive Intelligence System,
Designing Competitive Strategies, Balancing Customer and Competitor
Identifying Market Segments and Selecting Target Markets : Levels and Patterns
of Market Segmentation, Segmenting Consumer and Business Markets.
Positioning and Differentiating the Market Offering Through the Product Life Cycle
: Developing and Communicating a Positioning Strategy, Adding Further
Differentiation, Differentiation Tools, Product Life-Cycle Marketing Strategies,
Market Evolution.
Developing New Market Offerings : Challenges in New-Product Development,
Organizational Arrangements, Managing the Development Process : Ideas,
Managing the Development Process : Concept to Strategy, Managing the
development Process : Development to Commercialisation, The Consumer-
Adoption Process.
Designing Global Market Offerings : Competing on a Global Basis, Deciding
Whether to Go Abroad, Deciding Which Markets to Enter, Deciding How to Enter
the Market, Deciding on the Marketing Program, Deciding on the Marketing
Setting the Product and Branding Strategy : The Product and the Product Mix,
Product-Line Decisions, Brand Decisions, Packaging and Labelling.
Designing and Managing Services : The Nature of Services, Marketing Strategies
for Service Firms, Managing Product Support Services.
Developing Price Strategies and Programs : Setting the Price, Adapting the Price,
Initiating and Responding to Price Changes.
Designing and Managing Value Networks and Marketing Channels : Channel
Functions and Flows, Channels Levels, Service Sector Channels, Information
Highway Channels, Channels-Desing Decisions, Channel-Management
Decisions, Channel Dynamics, Multichannels Marketing Systems, Confflict,
Cooperation, and Competition, Legal and Ethical Issues in Channels Relations.
Managing Retailing, Wholesaling, and Market Logistics : Retailing Wholesaling,
Market Logistics, Market-Logistics Objectives, Market-Logistics Decisions,
Organizational Lessons.
Managing Integrated Marketing Communications : The Communications Process
Developing Effective Communications Identify the Target Audience, Determine
the Communication Objectives, Design the Message, Select the Communication
Channels, Establish the Total Marketing Communications Budget, Deciding on
the Marketing Communications Mix, The Promotional Tools, Factors in Setting
the Marketing Communications Mix, Managing the Integrated Marketing
Communications Process.
Managing Advertising, Sales Promotion, Public Relations, and Direct Marketing :
Developing and Managing and Advertising Program, Setting the Advertising
Objectives, Deciding on the Advertising Budget, Choosing the Advertising
Message, Deciding On Media and Measuring Effectiveness, Deciding On Reach,
Frequency, and Impact, Choosing Among Major Media Types, Selecting Specific
Vehicles, Deciding on Media Timing, Deciding on Geographical Allocation
Evaluating Effectiveness, Sales Promotion, Public Relations, Direct Marketing,
The Growth of Direct Marketing, The Benefits of Direct Marketing, Other Media
for Direct-Response Marketing, Kiosk Marketing, E-Marketing.
Managing the Sales Force : Designing the Sales Force Sales-Force Objectives
and Strategy, Sales-Force Size, Sales-Force Compensation, Managing The
Sales Force Principles of Personal Selling, Professionalism, Negotiation,
Relationship Marketing.
Managing the Total Marketing Effort : Trends in Company Organization,
Marketing Organisation, The Evolution of the Marketing Department, Organizing
the Marketing Department, Marketing Relations with Other Departments, Building
a Companywide Marketing Orientation, Injecting More Creativity into the
Marketing Implementation : Evaluation and Control, Annual-Plan Control,
Profitability Control, Profitability Control, Efficiency Control, Strategic Control.
Paper - VI
Production and Operation Management

Operations Management : The Operations Function in Historical Evolution of

Production and Operations Management A systems View Operations : Defining
the Sybsystem, Managing the Operations Sybsystem Operations Managers Seek
Emplyee Participation, A Framework for Managing Operations, The Strategic
Role of Operations, Trends in Operations Management, Production and
Operations, Management Careers Managing Operations in Socialist Cultures.
Contemporary Operations Management Topics.
Operations Strategies for Competitive Advantage : Stretegic Planning, The
Process and Contents of Operations Strategies, Productivity and Quality, TRW
Translates People into Productivity Improvement, Facility Location Models,
Behavioural Impact in Facility, Location, Free Trade and Location Alternatives.
Layout Planning : Layout Concepts, Developing the Process Layout :
Models and Behaviour, First Chicago, Quaker Oats, and Xerox Use Computers
for Office Layout, Developing the Product Layout : Assembly Line Models and
Job Design, Production and Operations Standards and Work Measurement
: Job Design, Effective Job Design : Combining Engineering and Behavioural
Approaches, Production and Operations Standards, Work Measurement, Work
Measurement Works.
Inventory Control Fundamentals : Demand and Control System
Characteristics, Inventory Concepts, Inventory Costs, Inventory Modeling,
Inventory Modeling, Inventory Modeling Saves Utility Industry Millions,
Deterministic Inventory Models.
Inventory Control Applications : Deterministic Inventory Models, Stochastic
Inventory Models, Spare Parts Inventory Important to Aftar-Sales Service
Strategies Inventory Control in Application.
Material Requirements Planning : Planning for Materials Needs Applying MRP
as a Scheduling and Ordering System, Detailed Capscity Planning MRP
Provides the Right Formula for Dow Chemical, Limitations and Advantages of
MRP Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRPII), Purchasing.
The Conversion Process in Change : Dynamics of Production and Operations
Management, Mercedes Changes Onto the Fast Track for Luxury-Car
Supremacy, System Dynamics.

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