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October 28, 186 os nee KEP ES Like bluefins from the bay, nobles of the Hardshells survive GGreeamourt. On that hot day in-August, Gan took small group of his customers {oa fhe home Rocky Bea ‘ide iRiver. He prepared etab cakes, ‘rab soup, arab hard abs, corn cn the ‘aby ced formate and cold beer. When the group arrived t Rockaway Beach, they proceeded to enjoy the food and beet Ina sce breve cn hs ont awn. Gus had él The AVCNUC qq Past 1B AXER SS ae EP ET 5, CO romutinal experience and trigger mind, equity orgoniaed the group ito 68 (anion. He called The Hart cig” nated ater the big jumbo rab (aba berved. He started et by having Ie president called “The imperial Stoo and Gus Rath was elected at ‘ice. The group elected someone to the fle of "Back Fin and somone eve a fe ote of "Cam. They then fred a Ae tok ve crt, and praded dows ‘Gus pier and threw te crab overboard, Serodning that thy” buped would ace Hager and beet crabs Yor 8 my Gus was 0 enthused over the erab Kerr vio were giullar wie eas IMatrous berigninge, the colorful processions ax ich summer's fesiles seemed” to ‘Supess thy preceeding one ‘Marie, Balimere’s Gayety There, reminisced about the Hardabel! Crab Feds of ears pate iy father would get all drgsed up, sally white, and come out to get Spproval before leaving forthe party. BY {he me the ren paraded ou on Gus’ let ‘decked out fn Une Sar has and Fed, nthe cary yoors of the group, some members were from walks of He ober ‘xplined, “In 187, {efit Hardabels,prosuced te Cup that {satil given to each new Imperial Jumbo to place in his tavern forthe year be 78 Hardabels were a group of prominent Baltimore basiessmen organized Ina scl fcrmer Congressman Gearge Filo, Hom Nickel, owner ofthe Gayety Theater, Bul that met eee year around duly hfe + Hardshells (contioned from page 1B) serve. It was decided tht only tavern ot Fesaurant owners be named tothe ofioe ae ces ee aoe rablan an metalation the sew “dome Kiva tego 1 Pak tof bawe in Rackawoy Hesch. song the ptr sre ou eee descend uh ct qudedBi oe, Teer sone ol yo herent aaae oa oe lulled to 99" Coggins recalled. It was ‘organization, ' Hardsbell for almoet 3 years, Hels an "Wally Plscoe counting Mit Crandall he Bandabal for almost % years. He is 48) ied itis now around 0 aod new poopie fre. brooght In though invitlon of resect.

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