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Alynn Ramoie Graphic Design

Semantic Interpretation

A typographic study to create meaning through the

use of type. I interpreted the definition of the word
bite and conveyed it using the letters of the word.
HSG Talents Conference

Complete marketing program for Switzerland’s

largest recruiting event including integrated
design of brochures, book covers, logo, facebook
and twitter pages, online banners, newspaper
ads and large scale trade-show banners.

Dada Cafe Identity System

An identity system for the Dada Cafe, inspired by

my study of the art movement Dada. This hand-
made system reflects the absurdity of Dada by
embracing experimentation, chance and originality.
Junior Management
22 Tage in 7 Modulen Management Zer tifikat
Start: 21. April 2010 für die mittlere Führungsebene

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“Schwerig Zeiten unternehmerisch angehen:

Dazu braucht es eine mittlere Führungsebene.”
Dr. Jürgen Spickers
Leiter Management-Seminare
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Prof. Dr
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Datum: 1. – 3. September 2010
Dauer: 3 Tage
Seminarort: Hotel Einstein, St.Gallen (CH)
Preis: CHF 3'800.-

Die Leadership-Herausforderung
Als Führungskraft bewegen Sie sich andauernd in einem Spannungsfeld
von anspruchsvollen Aufgaben, Veränderungsanforderungen und
Handlungschancen. Dabei stellt sich immer wieder die Frage, wofür und wie
Sie Ihre Kraft, die Energie Ihres Bereiches und die Potenziale des Unternehmens
sowohl freisetzen als auch effektiv bündeln können. Hierzu ist Ihre Leadership-
Kompetenz gefragt. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen am Institut für
Führung und Personalmanagement der Universität St.Gallen belegen, dass Dr. Bernd Vogel
Leadership mit Energie und Fokus einen massgeblich positiven Einfluss auf den Lehrbeauftragter der Universität St. Gallen
Unternehmenserfolg hat. Doch wo können Sie als Führungskraft ansetzen, um
diese Erkenntnis zu Gunsten des Unternehmens und zu Ihrem eigenen Wohl

Lernziele Lernmethode
Das neue St.Galler Leadership-Modell zeigt Ihnen praxiserprobte Techniken Template-basiertes Lernen
zur Stärkung Ihrer persönlichen Führungswirkung. Hierzu haben wir Konzepte Das Seminar verfolgt einen besonderen methodisch-
entwickelt, die Energie und Fokus im Unternehmen konsequent verstärken. didaktischen Ansatz: Sie arbeiten sowohl mit den
Das Seminar setzt dabei systematisch auf drei Ebenen an: Experten, die das neue St.Galler Leadership-Modell
entwickelt, empirisch fundiert sowie in der Praxis
Selbstmanagement von Führungskräften umfassend angewendet haben, als auch mit er-

University of St.Gallen Marketing Campaign

Am ersten Tag stellen wir Ihnen innovative Konzepte, Methoden fahrenen Praxistrainern und ihren ebenso effektiven
und Werkzeuge vor, mit denen Sie zu mehr Willenskraft und Durch- wie anwendungsorientierten Trainingsmethoden.
setzungsvermögen gelangen und die Ihre persönliche Führungswirkung In den drei Seminartagen wenden Sie die aktuellen
erhöhen. wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse in Kombination
mit praxiserprobten Methoden unmittelbar auf

The University of St.Gallen is one of the most

Führung von Teams Ihre eigene Führungssituation an. So werden Sie,
Um im Markt gewappnet zu sein, gilt es, Wachstum und Innovation unterstützt durch eine systematische, individuelle
proaktiv zu fördern. Hierzu lernen und arbeiten Sie mit Konzepten für Standortbestimmung und einen konkreten Mass-

prominent business Universities in Europe. inspirierende und ergebnisorientierte Führung sowie für Leadership in
nahmenplan für Ihre Führungspraxis, Ihre Leader-
ship-Kompetenz gezielt verbessern.

Designed an integrated marketing campaign “Wirksame Ansätze zur Überwindung Entwicklung der Energie der Gesamtorganisation
Der dritte Schwerpunkt zeigt, wie Sie mit der Energie des Unternehmens

consisting of brochures, web sites, newspaper negativer Energien und zur Stärkung arbeiten können, um Hochleistung und Fitness der Organisation zu erzeugen.

and online ads. der inspierierenden Führung.”

Prof.Dr. Heike Bruch
Professorin für Leadership

New Issues Poetry Book

Cover and title page design for a New Issues

Poetry book. To develop the design, I read the
book and visually interpreted it’s themes with
various mediums in a collage method. I then
transferred my collages onto the computer to
complete the cover design.
DATA Non-profit Magazine Ad

Designed a magazine spread for the non-profit

organization DATA, focusing on their concern for
the challenges facing Africa’s developing nations.

one million will die of aids.

Africa has some of the world’s poorest

nations, with seventy percent of its
people living on $2 a day and starving.
This year at least one million young
africans will die of malaria. Africa’s future
is under threat, struggling with a triple
crisis that keeps its people poor. Its
nations are weak with the heavy burden
of unpayable debt—money that should
go to healthcare and education. The
epidemic of aids is taking the lives of an
entire generation. Unfair trade policies
keep them from selling their products
at world prices to overcome poverty.
Africa is at a critical turning point. The
crises could get far worse, or you can
help. How we save Africa now is a test
of our humanity, and our willingness to
respond to the moral crisis of our time.

How will you respond?
Finanzielle Führung & Controlling

Werte steigern.
Risiken steuern.
Prof.Dr. Peter Leibfried
Professor für Auditing und Controlling

Finanzielle Führung ist eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben

des Managements. Wer die modernen Instrumente 4. Durchführung
beherrscht, trägt damit zum Unternehmenserfolg bei. FINANZIELLE FÜHRUNG
Accounting, Controlling und Finance sind keine reine & CONTROLLING
Zahlenakrobatik, sondern schaffen gezielt konkrete 16 TAGE | 4 MODULE | START 5. MAI 2010
Werte für Kunden, Aktionäre und Mitarbeitende.
DAS FINANZ-ZERTIFIKAT Info: 071 224 23 69

• Gesamtrahmen der finanziellen Führung und

• Finanzielle Führung: Kennzahlen, Cash Flow,
Liquiditäts-und Finanzplanung
• Unternehmensbewertung und -finanzierung
• Betriebliches Rechnungswesen: Controlling,
Budgetierung, Wertschöpfungsanalyse

University of St.Gallen Advertisements

Designed a system of print and online ads for

the University of St.Gallen, advertising across
Europe’s most important media platforms.
Xiril Business Card

Business card design for Swiss company Xiril AG,

specialists in liquid robotics. Existing identity was
enhanced through an updated design channeling
the movement and sophistication of liquid robotics.

P 651

P 651

D40026 000000
P 200 P 423

D40026 000000
P 200 P 423
Lirix³ Software Identity and Interface

Designed the Lirix³ software identity and helped

design the Lirix³ software interface. A long-term
design project updating the look and usability of
the new liquid robotics software for Swiss-based
International firm Xiril, AG.

Counterpoint Pilates Identity

Identity system designed for Counterpoint Pilates

Studio in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Created meaning
using simple letter forms to reflect the movement
and balance of pilates.
Type Primer

Typography studies crafted by hand without

the use of a computer. Basic letter form studies
experimenting with gradation, rhythm and
deconstruction were later translated into a book.
Sigma-Aldrich Marketing
h(er) Performa raphy
Hig g
International sales concept for Fortune 500
chemical company Sigma-Aldrich, featured
in Europe, US and Asian Markets. Included
Liquid C
e the Pr
ty of Yo

brochure, direct mail and tradeshow designs.

Maximum Speed, Maximum Power
A New Generation
• Effortl
essly sp
eed up
of HPLC Columns
and thro
of your • Maximize Speed • Maximize Column Lifetime
the value
• Extend to
Designed system
Advantage • The flat van Deemter curve for Fused-Core particles allows • Standard size frits and a very narrow particle size
rrent HP
ofcuCurrent Instrumentation ts for higher flow rates than traditional porous particles. distribution provides rugged columns even with clinical
ec t ca pital inv ® Shorter columns and low backpressure turn any HPLC and other complex matrices.
• Redirinnovative Ascentis Express columns,
• Supelco’s system into a Fast HPLC workhorse.
based on Fused-Core particle technology, can

• Improve Sensitivity
boost the performance of any HPLC laboratory. • Maximize Separation Power
• The high efficiency Fused-Core particle provides for
• Ascentis Express provides substantial gains in • The short diffusion path of the Fused-Core particle yields improved sensitivity over traditional porous particle HPLC
productivity over any traditional HPLC column sharper peaks than porous particles found in traditional columns, regardless of detector.
with no compromises. HPLC columns. This enables better separation of complex
samples and makes it possible to resolve more compounds
than ever before.

Element Skateboards Women’s Apparel

Created T-shirt designs for the women’s apparel

division of element skateboards. T-shirts were
sold online and in select stores around the world.
Kalamazoo Scene Publication

Designed a monthly publication featuring various

activities such as entertainment, food, shopping
and art events in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

art & all that jazz

bronze appeal
Several years ago, a writer for the
Kalamazoo Gazette grasped for
words to describe the figures in Kirk
Newman’s sculpture People, which greets
visitors at the KIA entrance.

5:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. “Some are comic, ample, ridiculous,

Great art, live music, and food! gangly, absurd, lumpy, buxom, and
perhaps political. All are enigmatic,
April 14, 2006 young artists relaxed, appealing and bronze.”
Kirk Newman: The Next Step
Music: Northside Jazz Quartet of kalamazoo And so it goes with Kirk Newman, who
March 25 - April 30 is nothing if not a fascinating paradox.
May 12, 2006 A delightful exhibition of His works emphasize movement and
Teatime: The Art of the Teapot art produced by students motion, yet are made from bronze,
Music: The Hummingbirds kindergarten through 8th grade. one of history’s most permanant, stable
materials. The social commentary in
June 9, 2006 these pieces is as timely as today’s
KIA Permanant Collection headlines, yet Kirk’s remarkable career
Music: Kelly Jones and Friends
get an eyeful is now in its sixth decade. His figures
have both provoked and pleased
kirk newman audiences for years, but he has done

retrospective much more for our community than

create this wonderful body of work.

Since its beginning in 1924, the April 1 - June 18

Kalamazoo Institute of Arts has offered A 50 year evolution of Kirk Newman, Since his arrival in Kalamazoo more
a place for the enjoyment of the visual an American sculptor who has than 50 years ago, Kirk has been a
arts through exhibitions, lectures, special explored the relationship between tireless proponent of the arts. As
events and a permanent collection. The man and his world. associate director for education at
KIA aims to cultivate the creation and the KIA (1966-1978), he created
appreciation of the visual arts throughout programs that gave thousands of
the community. people the opportunity to create
permanent art. Kirk’s influence has brought in
The museum’s 10 galleries showcase
temporary exhibitions and portions
collection teatime: the art nationally acclaimed exhibitions
and internationally known artists to
of the KIA’s significant permanent Superb examples of American
of the teapot the KIA. Kirk Newman’s retrospective
collection. While the collection‘s emphasis provides us with some revealing
paintings, master prints, May 13 - July 16
is 20th century American painting and new insights about him, his views
photographs, african masks This KIA exhibit will celebrate
sculpture, it also includes an extensive on art, humanity, and is not a show
and much more. The KIA’s the artistic and inventive form of
European and American print collection, to be missed.

institute of arts
permanant collection always the teapot by showcasing the
as well as collections makes for a great art experience. work of over 100 ceramic artists.
of photography and ceramics.

highlighting a wide variety of artists

Kalamazoo may at first seem like a

small town with a funny name that’s
stuck between Chicago and Detroit,
but it is in fact a city of over 250,000
residents, two large universities, and
many writers and artists who have
art hop

found a home with plenty of character

and a supportive community. It’s not
uncommon to go out on any given
Friday night to the red-bricked Burdick
Street in downtown—the world’s
first outdoor mall—to find people
trekking from one event to another
in the city’s Art Hop.

This monthly event that showcases

local artists features various musical
performances and visual art exhibits
at the numerous galleries downtown
and around the Kalamazoo area.

art hop Here is what you need to know if you

1st Friday of every month plan on checking out the Art Hop this
spring: Art Hops take place year-round
Friday, April 7, 2006 on the first Friday of the month starting
art :scene

Friday, May 6, 2006 at 5:00 pm. Kalamazoo’s art galleries

and businesses open up to highlight a
Friday, June 2, 2006 wide variety of different artists. Many
locations offer hors d’oeuvres and
beverages. Visitors can hop from one
exhibit to another and learn, enjoy and

The Art Hop is a free event open to the

be inspired purchase art directly from the artists.
It aims to celebrate artists and new
art exhibits in the Kalamazoo area.
public that lets you enjoy new art exhibits
in a fun, casual atmosphere. Locations The exhibits are open to the public,
throughout downtown will showcase Join your Kalamazoo community Art Hop Information and are a fun and casual way to meet
original art and allow visitors the downtown for the Art Hop Time: 5:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. artists, visit with friends and enjoy a
opportunity to interact with the artists. In presented by the Arts Council Location: Various locations variety of artwork. Don’t forget to check
most cases, the artwork is for sale, and of Greater Kalamazoo. It is Phone: 269.342.5059 out the website to get specific locations
the artists are present to meet visitors. an opportunity to see some Check online for specific and times for the Art Hop each month.
The Art Hop is coordinated by fantastic art, interact with the locations and times.
the Arts Council of Greater Kalamazoo. artists, and meet new friends.
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Influential Designer Timeline

The life history of two influential graphic designers

working in Zürich, Switzerland. Siegfried Odermatt
and partner Rosemarie Tissi are well-known for
their clear, yet dramatic use of typography and color.
Sigma-Aldrich Newsletters

Designed newsletters in multiple languages and

formats for a global audience while following
the strict corporate guidelines of Sigma-Aldrich.

Analytix 2 3

HYDRANAL Product Line Overview Volumetric Titration with One-Component Reagents

Innovative Improvements to Karl Fischer Titration HYDRANAL-Composite


Product Line Overview

Volumetric Titration
Water content can affect product quality, texture, Since Dr. Scholz’s pioneering research and Advantages of one-component titration Toxicity

shelf life, chemical stability and reactivity. Karl with a spirit of ongoing product improvement, HYDRANAL- • Unlimited range of water concentration HYDRANAL-Composites are free of pyridine

Product Line
Fischer titration is a universally accepted method Sigma-Aldrich has launched a wide range of Karl • Convenient and easy to use and 2-methoxyethanol. DEGEE is non-hazardous
for measuring water content in all types of sub- Fischer reagents for both volumetric and coulo- • Long shelf life unlike 2-ME which is fetotoxic and teratogenic
stances, including chemicals, oils, pharmaceuticals metric titrations for nearly all types of samples. (see ECETOC Technical Report No. 17).
and food. In 1979, researcher Eugen Scholz Composition
improved Karl Fischer titration by replacing noxious Sigma-Aldrich is a pioneer in the supply of safe, HYDRANAL- HYDRANAL-Composite is a one-component reagent Using HYDRANAL-Composite
Methanol dry
pyridine with imidazole. This innovation became reliable and easy-to-use pyridine-free Karl Fischer or HYDRANAL-
for volumetric Karl Fischer titration. It contains all the We recommend the following procedure for
the foundation of HYDRANAL, the world’s leading reagents. CompoSolver reactants including iodine, sulfur dioxide, and the titrations with HYDRANAL-Composite (Figure 1):
pyridine-free reagents for Karl Fischer titration. bases imidazole and 2-methylimidazole, dissolved
Figure 1 Volumetric one- in diethyleneglycol monoethyl ether (DEGEE). Using 1. Fill the burette with HYDRANAL-Composite
component titration with 2-methylimidazole in addition to imidazole improves 2. Add HYDRANAL-Methanol Rapid or
HYDRANAL-Composite the stability and eliminates the formation of crystal HYDRANAL-Methanol dry or HYDRANAL-
HYDRANAL Product Line at a Glance which can interfere with titrators performance. This CompoSolver E into the titration vessel
HYDRANAL-Composite The most frequently used pyridine-free Karl Fischer reagent for one-component volumetric titration development is patent protected. 3. Titrate the working medium to dryness
with HYDRANAL-Composite
HYDRANAL-Solvent/Titrant Volumetric titration with two-component reagents for higher accuracy and stability
Stability 4. Add the sample
HYDRANAL-Coulomat Coulometric titration for samples with low water contents
HYDRANAL-Composite is stabilized with DEGEE 5. Titrate the water content with
HYDRANAL-Coulomat Oil Coulometric water determination in oils rather than 2-methoxyethanol (2-ME). DEGEE HYDRANAL-Composite
HYDRANAL-Methanol Rapid Contains accelerants that speed up the reaction compared to methanol alone improves stability; the concentration loss is less
HYDRANAL-K Types Specially designed reagents for determining water in ketones and aldehydes than 5% per year.
HYDRANAL-E Types Reduced toxicity over methanol-containing reagents for both volumetric and coulometric titrations
HYDRANAL-Water Standards Standards with a certified water content for titre determination, monitoring precision and accuracy and validation
and inspection of Karl Fischer titrators
Volumetric Titration with Two-Component Reagents
Advantages of HYDRANAL Reagents How the Base Affects Reaction Kinetics
• High speed titration The type of base (R’N) and its concentration Advantages of two-component titration Toxicity
• Stable end points affect the overall reaction rate. Traditionally, HYDRANAL- • Higher titration speed Non-toxic HYDRANAL-E-Type Reagents based
Titrant (E)
• Accurate results pyridine was used as the base. However, • Greater accuracy for small amounts of water on ethanol rather than methanol allow safer
• No unpleasant odor because of its weak basicity, pyridine cannot • Higher buffer capacity Karl Fischer titrations.
• Lower toxicity for increased safety completely neutralize the alkyl-sulphurous • Exact and stable concentration
and decreased environmental impact acid intermediate. As a result, reaction (1) Using HYDRANAL-Solvent/Titrants
• Long shelf life does not go to completion, the reaction is Composition We recommend the following procedure for the
• Wide applicability slow and the end point is not stable. Because HYDRANAL-
With two-component reagents, the reactants are two-component titration technique (Figure 2):
Solvent (E)
of this lack of stability, the repeatability of the in two separate solutions: the solvent and the titrant.
The Chemistry of Karl Fischer Titration results is often very poor. In addition, pyridine HYDRANAL-Solvent is a solution of sulfur dioxide 1. Fill the burette with HYDRANAL-Titrant (E)
The Karl Fischer technique for water determination has a noxious odor. and imidazole in methanol. HYDRANAL-Titrant 2. Add HYDRANAL-Solvent (E) to the titration
Figure 2 Volumetric
is a titration reaction based on the Bunsen equation: two-component contains a solution of iodine with a precisely defined vessel
Imidazole and 2-Methylimidazole as titration with HYDRANAL- concentration. 3. Titrate the titration vessel to dryness with
(1) ROH + SO2 + R’N [R’NH]SO3R Alternatives to Pyridine Solvent (E)/Titrant (E)
HYDRANAL-Titrant (E)
Dr. Scholz and his research team sought to replace Stability 4. Add the sample
(2) [R’NH]SO3R + H2O + I2 + 2R’N2[R’NH]I + [R’NH]SO4R
the pyridine with a stronger base with a higher The titrants have a shelf life of three years, the 5. Titrate the water content with HYDRANAL-
(R’N = base, ROH = alcohol, typically methanol) affinity for the alkylsulfite. Imidazole was found solvents five years, as long as the bottles are Titrant (E)
to have all the benefits of pyridine, but without unopened.
The oxidation of alkylsulfite to alkylsulfate in the noxious odor. As imidazole allows reaction (1)
reaction (2) consumes water, which should come to go to completion, this is very rapid and the end
only from the sample. Since water and iodine (I2) point is very stable. Later on researchers at Sigma-
in a atio n with ratio, the
• Vol umetric Titr
are consumed 1:1 stoichiometric Aldrich found that adding a second base, 2-methyl-
amount of water in theRea gen
original ts is calc-
Onulated ponentthe concentration
by measuring of I2
imidazole, to the imidazole, enhances stability and
reduces crystal formation.
theatio n wit h
• Vol ic Titr
etrafter reaction is complete. The I2 is
um ts
ent Reagen
measured either volumetrically or coulometrically.
ation with
• Coulometric Titr mat
HYDRANAL- ter Standards
• Non Toxic HY ts for
• HYDRANAL Rea ehydes
Ketones and
• Technical Sup
Visiting Artist Poster

A poster for Western Michigan University’s School

of Art’s visiting artist program, announcing the
arrival of artist Dejan Atanackovic, from Florence,
Italy, Studio Art Centers International (SACI).
The University Theatre Logo

Logo design for the University Theatre at Western

Michigan University. This identity is the official logo
of the University Theatre and is used on posters,
brochures, mailers and other advertisements.
The University Theatre Marketing Campaign

Designed an identity system for the University

Theatre 2007—2008 season, including brochures,
postcards, posters, programs and newspaper ads.



20, 21, 22 8:00 P.M.
27, 28, 29 8:00 P.M.
30 2:00 P.M.



Art Direction: Minja Sung, Photography and Design: Alynn Ramoie, Lauren French
The Design Center, School of Art, Western Michigan University
Thank you, please contact me
for more information or inquiries.

Alynn Ramoie 433 W 43rd St, Apt 2A +1 231 360 5108

New York, NY 10036, USA

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