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The surrounding air of the Earth



Atmosphere Hydrosphere
Earth System (4 physical systems)
• Atmosphere
– Layer of gases that surround Earth. Allows
you to breathe and protects earth.

• Lithosphere (crust and MOHO)

– Surface of the planet that forms the continents
and the ocean floor.
Earth System (4 physical systems)
• Hydrosphere
– All the water on Earth (ocean, ice, and water
vapor in the atmosphere)

• Biosphere
– Part of Earth where life exists.
• Inner Core –
1200 km made
of solid Fe, Ni.
• Outer Core –
2250 km made
of liquid Fe, Ni.
• Mantle – 2900
km made of
dense rocks.
• Crust – 5 – 40
Lithosphere (Crust and MOHO) km made of
– 100km thick.
solid lighter
MOHO = Mohorovicic rocks.
• sumber gas CO2, H2O, O2 dan
• filter radiasi surya (UV, X dan Gama, IR)
• Buffer neraca energi surya (Efek rumah
• Pengatur kelestarian mekanisme cuaca
dan iklim
Earth’s Energy Balance
Incoming Solar Energy •about 30% of
incoming sunlight is
reflected back to
space (clouds,
oceans, snow/ice)
•this is Earth’s albedo
•the amount available
to heat the earth is
235 W/m2

•about 25% is
absorbed by the
atmosphere (see
figure on left)

•the rest (about 45%)

is absorbed by the
surface land and
Earth’s Energy Balance
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR)
The major natural
GHGs are
•water (H2O)
•carbon dioxide (CO2)
•ozone (O3)
•methane (CH4)
•nitrous oxide (N2O)
(not shown on left)
•note the IR Window
in the OLR (8-13 m)
•GHGs absorbing in
this region tend to be
very effective at
trapping OLR



The surrounding air of the Earth

The Structure of the
There are four layers of the atmosphere:
•Thermosphere, is the highest above the ground
•Mesosphere is below the the Thermosphere.

•Stratosphere is below the Mesosphere.

•Troposphere is the closest to the earths crust.

2. Struktur LapisanAtmosfer
• massa atmosfer:
• 50 % massa berada di ketinggian 5.5-5.6 km
• 99,99% massa tercakup pada ketinggian 40 km

• perubahan tekanan udara:

• Semakin kecil dengan semakin tinggi dari permukaan bumi
• perubahan suhu udara dengan berubahnya
• inversi suhu : dT/dz > 0
• Isotermal : dT/dz = 0
• lapse rate :dT/dz < 0




The surrounding air of the Earth

Layers of the atmosphere
• There are 4 layers in
the atmosphere
• They are the
• troposphere,
• stratosphere
• mesosphere,
• thermosphere,
• Bahan Penyusun:
• gas, cairan dan padatan
• Udara kering: 96 % volume atmosfer
• gas utama: (99.99%)
• gas penyerta (permanen/ non permanen): 0.01%
Uap air: 0 - 3%
debu : 20%
• garam: 40%
• abu: 10%
• asap: 5%
• lain-lain: 10%
What the atmosphere is made of
primarily composed of
Nitrogen (N2, 78%),
Oxygen (O2, 21%),
Argon (Ar, 1%).

Other very influential components are also present

which include
the water (H2O, 0 - 7%),
"greenhouse" gases or Ozone ( 0 - 0.01%),
Carbon Dioxide (CO2, 0.01-0.1%),
Composition of atmosphere

• There are many

different types of
gasses in the
• They include nitrogen,
oxygen, argon, carbon
dioxide and other
noble gasses
• The gas that is most
abundant is nitrogen
The Troposphere
The troposphere starts at the Earth's surface and
extends 8 to 14.5 kilometres high (5 to 9 miles).
This part of the atmosphere is the most dense. As
you climb higher in this layer, the temperature
drops from about 17 to -52 degrees Celsius.
Almost all weather is in this region. The
tropopause separates the troposphere from the
next layer. The tropopause and the troposphere
are known as the lower atmosphere.

The surrounding air of the Earth

perubahan suhu udara

dengan berubahnya
inversi suhu : dT/dz > 0
Isotermal : dT/dz = 0
lapse rate :dT/dz < 0 • This is the layer
that is closest to
the surface of the
• It’s elevation
ranges from 0 to
10 km
1. ketinggian: 8 km di kutub -16 km di equator rerata : 12 km
2. mengandung air, berlangsungnya evaporasi, kondensasi.
3. tempat sirkulasi dan turbulensi atmosfer dan perubahan cuaca
• angin, awan, presipitasi, badai, kilat, guntur
4. Kecepatan angin dengan  ketinggian (tempat berlangsungnya
tranfer energi)
5. Terjadi Lapse Rate (-6,50C /km)
6. kisaran suhu= 15 0C -- minus 600C
7. Tekanan dan kerapatan udara 1013.2 mb, 1.23 kg/m3

The surrounding air of the Earth

• This layer sits on top
of the troposphere
• It’s elevation ranges
from 10 km to around
25 km
• This layer contains
the ozone layer,
which protects us
from harmful sunlight
The Stratosphere
The stratosphere starts just above the troposphere
and extends to 50 kilometres (31 miles) high.
Compared to the troposphere, this part of the
atmosphere is dry and less dense. The
temperature in this region increases gradually to -3
degrees Celsius, due to the absorption of
ultraviolet radiation. The ozone layer, which
absorbs and scatters the solar ultraviolet radiation,
is in this layer. Ninety-nine percent of "air" is
located in the troposphere and stratosphere. The
stratopause separates the stratosphere from the
next layer.
• ketinggian: 12-50 km
• perubahan suhu bawah :isotermis 12-20 km
• tengah :inversi suhu 25-35 km
• atas :inversi suhu kuat 35-50 km
• Turbulensi dan sirkulasi tidak terjadi
• Mengandung ozon (O3) ozonosfer 20-30 km
• ---> memfilter sinar UV
• --->Masalah penipisan lapisan ozon dan Fenomena gas rumah

The surrounding air of the Earth

The Mesosphere
The mesosphere starts just above the stratosphere
and extends to 85 kilometres (53 miles) high. In this
region, the temperatures again fall as low as -93
degrees Celsius as you increase in altitude. The
chemicals are in an excited state, as they absorb
energy from the Sun. The mesopause separates the
stratosphere from the next layer.
The regions of the stratosphere and the
mesosphere, along with the stratopause and
mesopause, are called the middle atmosphere by
• This layer is above
the stratosphere
• It’s elevation ranges
from 25 to 100 km

• ketinggian 50-80 km
• terjadi lapse rate
• kisaran suhu -5OC ---> -95 OC
• pada mesopause terjadi isotermal
• penguraiam O2 menjadi O

The surrounding air of the Earth

• This is the highest layer
of the atmosphere
• It’s height ranges from
100 to 400 km
• This is where most small
meteorites burn up and is
also the location in the
atmosphere that the
northern lights occur
(aurora borealis)
The Thermosphere
The thermosphere starts just above the
mesosphere and extends to 600 kilometres (372
miles) high. The temperatures go up as you
increase in altitude due to the Sun's energy.
Temperatures in this region can go as high as
1,727 degrees Celsius. Chemical reactions
occur much faster here than on the surface of
the Earth. This layer is known as the upper

• ketinggian 80 km-----> 100-250 km

• terisi N2, O2, N dan O
• terjadi inversi suhu
• suhu - 95 OC pada 80 km, -50OC pada
100 km, -38OC pada 110 km
• terjadi ionisasi(ionosfer) N2 dan O2
• radiasi sinar UV san sinar X kuat pada
ketinggian >100 km

The surrounding air of the Earth

Ozone Layer
Forming of the Ozone Layer
The ozone layer region of the stratosphere containing
relatively high concentrations of ozone, located at
altitudes of 12-30 miles (19-48 km) above the earth's
Ozone in the ozone layer is formed by the action of
solar ultraviolet light on oxygen which provides the
energy for oxygen atoms to react with dioxygen

O + O2 O3 (ozone)
Where the Ozone Is Found
How the Ozone Helps Us
1. Even the small amount of ozone plays a key role
in the atmosphere.
2. The ozone layer absorbs a portion of the radiation
from the sun, preventing it from reaching the
planet's surface.
3. Most importantly, it absorbs the portion of
ultraviolet light called UVB.
4. UVB has been linked to many harmful effects,
including various types of skin cancer, cataracts,
and harm to some crops, certain materials, and
some forms of marine life.
5. Meaning that the ozone is vital for the survival of
life on earth.
Ozone Depletion
1. For over 50 years, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were thought of
as miracle substances.
2. Over time, CFCs found uses as refrigerants, solvents, foam
blowing agents, and in other smaller applications. Other chlorine-
containing compounds include methyl chloroform, a solvent, and
carbon tetrachloride, an industrial chemical.
3. Halons, extremely effective fire extinguishing agents, and
methyl bromide, an effective produce and soil fumigant, contain
bromine. All of these compounds have atmospheric lifetimes
long enough to allow them to be transported by winds into the
4. Because they release chlorine or bromine when they break
down, they damage the protective ozone layer.
5. The discussion of the ozone depletion process below focuses on
CFCs, but the basic concepts apply to all of the ozone-depleting
substances (ODS).
Why It Happens
The CFCs are so stable that only exposure to strong UV
radiation breaks them down. When that happens, the CFC
molecule releases atomic chlorine.
One chlorine atom can destroy over 100,000 ozone
molecules. The net effect is to destroy ozone faster than it is
naturally created.
Large fires and certain types of marine life produce one
stable form of chlorine that does reach the stratosphere.
However, numerous experiments have shown that CFCs
and other widely-used chemicals produce roughly 85% of
the chlorine in the stratosphere, while natural sources
contribute only 15%.
In conclusion.
The ozone layer is vital to life on earth and if
we keep destroying it as we are now the polar
ice caps will melt and the earth will flood and
even if any land does survive the heat will be
unbearable and the UVB will cause people to
get life threatening diseases.
The earth will no longer be a planet that human
life can live on.
The Greenhouse Effect
• Lecture Questions
– What is the greenhouse effect?
– What are greenhouse gases (GHGs)?
– What are the five main natural GHGs?

– (answers to follow)
– Without the greenhouse effect, the global average surface temperature of the
Earth would be about -19 ºC instead of 15 ºC.
The Global Carbon Cycle
Increase in Atmospheric CO2
What do you see in these data?
CO2 Concentration, ppm




Monthly Measurements at Mauna Loa
Monthly Measurements at the South Pole

1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Increasing GHG Concentrations

Tropospheric Concs
GHG Pre-1750 Current Increase Lifetime, yr GWP (100 yr) Forcing, W/m2
CO2 280 375 34% 5 - 200 1 1.46
CH4 700 1790 156% 12 23 0.48
N2O 270 318 18% 114 296 0.15
O3 25 34 36% short 0.35
Predictions for the Future
• Lecture Question
– What does the IPCC predict will happen to the global
average temperature in the next 100 years?
Predictions for the Future
Other Effects on Global Climate
• Lecture Question
– Other than warming, what other changes are predicted in
global climate in the next century?
– Sea level will rise
• 0.18m – 0.59m (AR4) by 2100 by thermal expansion, which will continue for centuries
• Potentially much larger increases due to loss/shifts of landlocked ice sheets such as in
Greenland (complete elimination would lead to 7m rise) and Antarctica
– Precipitation will increase in some areas, decrease in
• Possible increase in high latitudes and decrease in subtropical regions
– Increase in frequency and intensity of “extreme” climate
• Heat waves, heavy precipitation events, tornados, hurricanes, stronger El Nino events,
monsoons, etc
– Effects on ecosystems uncertain
• ranges of various organisms will change
• increased spread of infectious disease (esp insect-borne) possible
• decrease in biodiversity feared
– Circulation in the Atlantic Ocean (MOC) will slow
Pemanasan Global dan Perubahan Iklim
Apakah yang dimaks ud de ngan Efe k Rumah Kaca (ERK) dan pe nye babnya?
Efe k Ruma h Ka ca da pa t divis ua lis a sika n s e ba ga i s e bua h pros e s .
Pa da ke nya ta a nnya , di la pisa n a tmos fe r te rda pa t s e limut ga s . Ruma h ka ca a da la h
a na logi a ta s bumi ya ng dike lilingi ge la s ka ca . Na h, pa na s ma ta ha ri ma s uk ke bumi
de nga n me ne mbus ge la s ka ca te rs e but be rupa ra dia s i ge lomba ng pe nde k. Se ba gia n
dis e ra p ole h bumi da n s is a nya dipa ntulka n ke mba li ke a ngka s a s e ba ga i ra dia s i
ge lomba ng pa nja ng.
Na mun, pa na s ya ng s e ha rus nya da pa t dipa ntulka n ke mba li ke a ngka s a me nyentuh
pe rmuka a n ge la s ka ca da n te rpe ra ngka p di da la m bumi. La ya knya pros e s da la m ruma h
ka ca di pe rta nia n da n pe rke buna n, ge la s ka ca me ma ng be rfungs i me na ha n pa na s untuk
me ngha nga tka n ruma h ka ca .
Ma s a la h timbul ke tika a ktivita s ma nus ia me nye ba bka n pe ningka ta n kons entra s i s e limut
ga s di a tmos fe r (Ga s Ruma h Ka ca ) s e hingga me le bihi kons e ntra s i ya ng s e ha rusnya .
Ma ka , pa na s ma ta ha ri ya ng tida k da pa t dipa ntulka n ke a ngka s a a ka n meningka t pula .
Se mua pros e s itu la h ya ng dis e but Efe k Ruma h Ka ca . Pe ma na sa n globa l da n peruba ha n
iklim me rupa ka n da mpa k da ri Efe k Ruma h Ka ca .
Apakah Efe k Rumah Kaca me rupakan pros e s alami?
Ya ! Efe k Ruma h Ka ca te rja di a la mi ka re na me mungkinka n kela ngs unga n hidup s e mua
ma khluk di bumi. Ta npa a da nya Ga s Ruma h Ka ca , s e pe rti ka rbondioks ida (CO2 ), me ta na
(CH4 ), a ta u dinitro oks ida (N2 O), s uhu pe rmuka a n bumi a ka n 3 3 de ra ja t Ce lcius le bih
dingin. Se ja k a wa l ja ma n indus tria lis a si, a wa l a khir a ba d ke -1 7 , kons e ntra si Ga s Ruma h
Ka ca me ningka t dra s tis . Dipe rkira ka n ta hun 1 8 8 0 te mpe ra tur ra ta -ra ta bumi me ningka t
0 .5 – 0 .6 de ra ja t Ce lcius a kiba t e mis i Ga s Ruma h Ka ca ya ng diha s ilka n da ri a ktivita s
ma nus ia .
Apa buktinya bahwa Efe k Rumah Kaca itu be nar-be nar te rjadi ?
Me la lui be be ra pa bukti be rikut:
- Pe rta ma , be rda s a rka n ilmu fisika , be be ra pa ga s me mpunya i ke ma mpua n untuk
me na ha n pa na s . Ta k a da ya ng pa tut dira guka n da ri pe rnya ta a n ini.
- Ke dua , pe ngukura n ya ng dila kuka n s e ja k ta hun 1 9 5 0 -a n me nunjukka n tingka t
kons e ntra s i Ga s Ruma h Ka ca me ningka t s e ca ra te ta p, da n pe ningka ta n ini
be rhubunga n de nga n e mis i Ga s Ruma h Ka ca ya ng diha s ilka n indus tri da n
be rba ga i a ktivita s ma nusia la innya .
- Ke tiga , pe ne litia n me nunjukka n uda ra ya ng te rpe ra ngka p di da la m gunung e s
te la h be rus ia 2 5 0 ribu ta hun . Artinya :
Kons e ntra s i Ga s Ruma h Ka ca di uda ra be rbe da -be da dima s a la lu da n ma sa kini.
Pe rbe da a n ini me nunjukka na da nya pe ruba ha n te mpe ra tur
Kons e ntra s i Ga s Ruma h Ka ca te rbukti me ningka t s e ja k
ma s a pra indus tri.
Apa s ajakah yang te rmas uk dalam ke lompok Gas Rumah Kaca?
Ya ng te rma s uk da la m ke lompok Ga s Ruma h Ka ca a da la h ka rbondioks ida (CO2 ), me ta na
(CH4 ), dinitro oks ida (N2 O), hidrofluoroka rbon (HFC), pe rfluoroka rbon (PFC), s ampa i s ulfur
he ks a fluorida (SF6 ). Je nis GRK ya ng membe rika n s umba nga n pa ling be s a r ba gi e misi ga s
ruma h ka ca a da la h ka rbondioks ida , meta na , da n dinitro oks ida . Se ba gia n be s a r
diha s ilka n da ri pemba ka ra n ba ha n ba ka r fos il (minya k bumi da n ba tu ba ra ) di se ktor
e ne rgi da n tra ns port, pe nggundula n huta n , da n pe rta nia n . Se me nta ra , untuk ga s ruma h
ka c a la innya (HFC, PFC, SF6 ) ha nya menyumba ng kura ng da ri 1 % .
Darimanakah e mis i karbondioks ida dihas ilkan ?
Sumbe r-s umbe r e mis i ka rbondioks ida s e ca ra globa l diha s ilka n da ri pe mba ka ra n ba ha n
ba ka r fos il (minya k bumi da n ba tu ba ra ):
- 3 6 % da ri indus tri e nergi (pe mba ngkit lis trik/ kila ng minya k, dll)
- 2 7 % da ri s e ktor tra ns porta s i
- 2 1 % da ri s e ktor indus tri
- 1 5 % da ri s e ktor ruma h ta ngga & ja s a
- 1 % da ri s e ktor la in -la in.
Apakah pe nghas il utama e mis i karbondioks ida?
Sumbe r uta ma pe ngha s il e mis i ka rbondioks ida s e ca ra globa l a da 2 ma ca m. Pe rta ma ,
pe mba ngkit lis trik be rte na ga ba tuba ra .
Pe mba ngkit lis trik ini me mbua ng e ne rgi 2 ka li lipa t da ri e ne rgi ya ng diha s ilka n. Se mis a l,
e ne rgi ya ng diguna ka n 1 0 0 unit, s e me nta ra e ne rgi ya ng diha s ilka n 3 5 unit. Ma ka , e ne rgi
ya ng te rbua ng a da la h 6 5 unit! Se tia p 1 0 0 0 me ga wa tt ya ng diha s ilka n da ri pe mba ngkit
lis trik be rte na ga ba tuba ra a ka n me nge mis ika n 5 ,6 juta ton ka rbondioks ida pe r ta hun!
Ke dua , pe mba ka ra n ke nda ra a n be rmotor.
Ke nda ra a n ya ng me ngons ums i ba ha n ba ka r s e ba nya k 7 ,8 lite r pe r 1 0 0 km da n
me ne mpuh ja ra k 1 6 ribu km, ma ka s e tia p ta hunnya a ka n me nge mis ika n 3 ton
ka rbondioks ida ke uda ra ! Ba ya ngka n jika jumla h ke nda ra a n be rmotor di Ja ka rta le bih
da ri 4 juta ke nda ra a n! Be ra pa ton ka rbondioks ida ya ng ma s uk ke a tmos fe r pe r ta hun?
Apa yang dapat dilakukan untuk me ngurangi kontribus i Gas Rumah Kaca?
Pe nting diinga t, e mis i Ga s Ruma h Ka ca ha rus dikura ngi! Ja di ha rus diba ngun s is te m
indus tri da n tra ns porta s i ya ng TIDAK be rga ntung pa da ba ha n ba ka r fos il (minya k bumi
da n ba tu ba ra ). Ka la u pe rlu, TIDAK me ngguna ka nnya SAMA SEKALI!
Ka re na Pe ruba ha n Iklim a da la h ma s a la h globa l, pe nye le s a ia nnya pun me s ti s e ca ra
inte rna s iona l. La ngka h pe rta ma ya ng dila kuka n a da la h pe mbua ta n Ke ra ngka Konve ns i
untuk Pe ruba ha n Iklim (Fra me work Conve ntion on Clima te Cha nge ) ta hun 1 9 9 2 di Rio de
Ja ne iro, Bra zil, ya ng dita nda ta nga ni oleh 1 6 7 ne ga ra . Ke ra ngka konve ns i ini me ngika t
s e ca ra mora l s e mua ne ga ra -ne ga ra indus tri untuk me ns ta bilka n e mis i ka rbondioks ida
me re ka . Sa ya ngnya , ha nya s e dikit ne ga ra indus tri ya ng me me nuhi ta rge t. La ngka h
s e la njutnya be ra rti me mbua t komitme n ya ng me ngika t s e ca ra hukum da n
me mpe rkua tnya da la m s e bua h protokol. Dibua t la h Kyoto Protocol a ta u Protokol Kyoto.
Tujua nnya : me ngha rus ka n ne ga ra -ne ga ra indus tri me nurunka n e mis inya s e ca ra kole ktif
s e be s a r 5 ,2 pe rs en da ri tingka t e mis i ta hun 1 9 9 0 .
Siapakah pe nghas il emis i karbondioksida paling be s ar?
Se tia p kepa la pe nduduk di ne ga ra ba ra t me nge lua rka n e mis i ka rbondioks ida 2 5 ka li
lebih ba nya k da ripa da pe nduduk di nega ra -ne ga ra be rke mba ng! Lima pe nge mis i
ka rbondioks ida te rbe s a r d i dunia a da la h Ame rika Se rika t, Ka na da , Je rma n, Inggris , da n
Je pa ng. Ini ya ng me nye ba bka n PHa l ini ya ng me nyeba bka n Protokol Kyoto HANYA
me ngha ruska n ne ga ra -ne ga ra ma ju, ya ng juga ka ya , untuk me nurunka n e mis inya le bih
da hulu. Ironis nya , Cina s e ba ga i ne ga ra be rke mba ng me nunjukka n sika p ke pe mimpina n
da la m me na ngga pi is u Pe ruba ha n Iklim , be rke ba lika n de nga n ne ga ra -nega ra indus tri
ya ng kia n te rpuruk. Emis i ka rbondioks ida Cina pa da ta hun 1 9 9 8 turun hingga 4 %
denga n tingka t e konomi na ik hingga le bih da ri 7 %.
Ne gara manakah yang me nyumbang Gas Rumah Kaca te rbe s ar?
Da ta te ra khir me nunjuk pa da Ame rika Se rika t s e ba ga i penyumba ng 7 2 0 juta ton Ga s
Ruma h Ka ca s e ta ra ka rbondioksida —s e ta ra de nga n 2 5 % e misi tota l dunia a ta u 2 0 ,5 ton
per ka pita . Emisi Ga s Ruma h Ka ca pemba ngkit lis trik di Ame rika Se rika t s a ja ma s ih ja uh
lebih be sa r bila diba ndingka n de nga n tota l jumla h e mis i 1 4 6 ne ga ra (tiga pe rempa t
nega ra di dunia )! Se ktor e ne rgi me nyumba ng s e pe rtiga tota l e mis i Ga s Ruma h Ka ca
Amerika Se rika t. Emis i Ga s Ruma h Ka ca s e ktor e ne rgi Ame rika Se rika t lebih be s a r dua
ka li lipa t da ri emis i Ga s Ruma h Ka ca India . Da n , tota l e mis i Ga s Ruma h Ka ca Ame rika
Se rika t le bih bes a r dua ka li lipa t e misi Ga s Ruma h Ka ca Cina . Emis i tota l da ri ne ga ra ne ga ra
berke mba ng bes a r , s e pe rti Kore a , Meks iko, Afrika Se la ta n, Bra zil, Indones ia , da n
Argentina , tida k me le bihi e mis i Amerika Serika t.
Apakah yang dimaks ud de ngan Pe manas an Global (Global Warming) dan Perubahan
Iklim (Climate Change )?
Pe ma nas a n Globa l a da la h meningka tnya s uhu ra ta -ra ta pe rmuka a n bumi a kiba t
peningka ta n jumla h e misi Ga s Ruma h Ka ca di a tmos fe r. Pe ma na s a n Globa l a kan diikuti
denga n Peruba ha n Iklim, s e pe rti me ningka tnya cura h huja n di be be ra pa be la ha n dunia
s e hingga me nimbulka n ba njir da n e ros i. Se da ngka n , di be la ha n bumi la in a ka n
me nga la mi mus im ke ring ya ng be rkepa nja ngan dis e ba bka n ke na ika n s uhu.
Mengapa te rjadi Pe manas an Global (Global Warming) dan Pe rubahan Iklim (Climate
Pe ma nas a n Globa l da n Pe ruba ha n Iklim terja di a kiba t a ktivit a s ma nusia , te ruta ma ya ng
berhubunga n de nga n pe ngguna a n ba ha n ba ka r fos il (minya k bumi da n ba tu ba ra ) s e rta
ke gia ta n la in ya ng be rhubunga n de nga n huta n, pe rta nia n , da n pe te rna ka n. Aktivita s
ma nusia di kegia ta n -kegia ta n ters ebut s e ca ra la ngs ung ma upun tida k la ngs ung
me nye ba bka n pe ruba ha n kompos is i a la mi a tmos fe r, ya itu pe ningka ta n jumla h Ga s
Ruma h Ka ca s e ca ra globa l.
Apakah pe rbe daan antara Efe k Rumah Kaca, Pe manas an Global, dan Pe rubahan
Is tila h -is tila h di a ta s s e ringka li diguna ka n untuk me ngga mb a rka n hubunga n s e ba ba kiba t.
Efe k Ruma h Ka ca a da la h pe nye ba b, s eme nta ra Pe ma na sa n Globa l da n
Pe ruba ha n Iklim a da la h a kiba t.
Efe k Ruma h Ka ca me nye ba bka n te rja dinya a kumula s i pa na s (a ta u e ne rgi) di a tmos fe r
bumi. De nga n a da nya a kumula s i ya ng be rle biha n te rs e b ut, iklim globa l me la kuka n
pe nye s ua ia n. Penye sua ia n ya ng dima ksud s a la h s a tunya pe ningka ta n te mpe ra tur bumi,
ke mudia n dis e but Pe ma na s a n Globa l da n be ruba hnya iklim re giona l— pola cura h huja n,
pe ngua pa n, pe mbe ntuka n a wa m — a ta u Pe ruba ha n Iklim.
Apa s a ja ka h da mpa k-da mpa k Pe ruba ha n Iklim?
Pa da ta hun 2 1 0 0 , te mpe ra tur a tmos fe r a ka n me ningka t 1 .5 – 4 .5 de ra ja t Ce lcius , jika
pe nde ka ta n ya ng diguna ka n “me liha t da n me nunggu, ta npa me la kuka n a pa -a pa ” (wait
and see, and do nothing)!
Da mpa k-da mpa k la innya :
- Mus na hnya be rba ga i je nis ke a ne kra g a ma n ha ya ti
- Me ningka tnya fre kue ns i da n inte ns ita s huja n ba da i, a ngin topa n, da n ba njir
- Me nca irnya e s da n gla s ie r di kutub
- Me ningka tnya jumla h ta na h ke ring ya ng pote ns ia l me nja di gurun ka re na
ke ke ringa n ya ng be rke pa n ja nga n
- Ke na ika n pe rmuka a n la ut hingga me nye ba bka n ba njir ya ng lua s . Pa da ta hun
2 1 0 0 dipe rkira ka n pe rmuka a n a ir la ut na ik hingga 1 5 - 9 5 cm.
- Ke na ika n s uhu a ir la ut me nye ba bka n te rja dinya pe mutiha n ka ra ng (coral
bleaching) da n ke rus a ka n te rumbu ka ra ng di s e luruh dunia
- Me ningka tnya fre kue ns i ke ba ka ra n huta n
- Me nye ba rnya pe nya kit-pe nya kit tropis , s e pe rti ma la ria , ke da e ra h -da e ra h ba ru
ka re na be rta mba hnya popula s i s e ra ngga (nya muk)
- Da e ra h-da e ra h te rte ntu m e nja di pa da t da n s e s a k ka re na te rja d i a rus
pe ngungs ia n.
Apa ka h ya ng dipre diks ika n pa ra a hli me nge na i Pe ruba ha n Iklim?
Pa da ta hun 1 9 8 8 , Ba da n PBB untuk lingkunga n (Unite d Na tions Envirome nt Progra mme )
da n orga nis a s i me te orologi dunia (World Me te orology Orga niza tion) me ndirika n se bua h
pa ne l a nta r pe me rinta h untuk pe ruba ha n iklim (Inte rgove rnme nta l Pa n e l on Clima te
Cha nge / IPCC) ya ng te rdiri a ta s 3 0 0 le bih pa ka r Pe ruba ha n Iklim da ri s e luruh dunia .
Pa da ta hun 1 9 9 0 da n 1 9 9 2 , IPCC me nyimpulka n ba hwa pe ngga nda a n jumla h Ga s
Ruma h Ka ca di a tmos fe r me nga ra h pa da kons e kue ns i s e rius ba gi ma s a la h s os ia l,
e konomi, da n s is te m a la m di dunia .
Se la in itu, IPCC me nyimpulka n ba hwa emis i Ga s Ruma h Ka ca ya ng diha s ilka n da ri
a ktivita s ma nus ia juga me mbe rika n kontribus i pa da Ga s Ruma h Ka ca a la mi da n a ka n
me nye ba bka n a tmos fe r be rta mba h pa na s . IPCC me mpe rkira ka n pe ngga nda a n e mis i Ga s
Ruma h Ka ca a ka n me nye ba bka n Pe ma na s a n Globa l s e be s a r 1 ,5 – 4 ,5 de ra ja t Ce lcius .
Pe manas an Global dan Pe rubahan Iklim, apakah mas ih dipe rde batkan?
Di dunia ilmu pe nge ta hua n s uda h tida k me mpe rte nta ngka n la gi a pa ka h Pe ruba ha n Iklim
a da la h ma s a la h s e rius a ta u tida k. Ka um ilmuwa n le bih me nyibukka n diri pa da
ba ga ima na Pe ruba ha n Iklim itu te rja di, a pa e fe k ya ng ditimbulka n , ba ga ima na
me n de te ks ika nn ya , da n la n gka h -la n gka h a pa ya ng pe rlu dila kuka n untuk me ngura ngi
da mpa knya .
Bagaimana kita dapat me ramalkan Pe rubahan Iklim s e me ntara kita tidak dapat
me ramalkan cuaca ?
Pe ntin g untuk di me nge rti pe rbe da a n a nta ra iklim da n cua ca .
pola cua ca umum ya n g te rja di s e la ma be rta hun -ta hun da la m ja ngka wa ktu pa nja n g ,
a n ta ra 3 0 -1 0 0 ta hun. Contoh: iklim trop is , s ub -tropis , iklim pa na s , iklim dingin.
Cua ca
kon dis i ha ria n ge ja la a la m, s e pe rti s uhu, cura h huja n, te ka n a n uda ra da n a ngin , ya ng
te rja di da n be ruba h da la m wa ktu s in gka t. Con toh: ce ra h be ra wa n, huja n ba da i, dll.
Apakah El Nino ada hubungannya de ngan Pe manas an Global dan Pe rubahan Iklim?
El Nin o a da la h fe nome na a la mi ya ng te la h te rja di s e ja k be ra ba d -a ba d ya ng la lu,
wa la upun tida k s e la lu de n ga n pola ya ng s a ma . Ia me rupa ka n ge lomba ng pa n a s di ga ris
e kua tor Sa mud e ra Pa s ifik. Kini, El Nino muncul s e tia p 2 – 7 ta hun , le bih kua t d a n
be rkontribus i pa da pe ningka ta n te mpe ra tur bumi. Da mpa knya da pa t dira s a ka n di
s e luruh dunia da n me nunjukka n ba hwa iklim di bumi be n a r -be n a r be rhubun ga n. Pa ra
ilmuwa n me nguji ba ga ima na Pe ma na s a n Globa l ya ng dia kiba tka n ole h a ktivita s ma nus ia
da pa t me mpe nga ruhi El Nin o: a kumula s i Ga s Ruma h Ka ca di a tmos fe r “me mba ntu”
me n yuntikka n pa na s ke Sa mude ra Pa s ifik. Ole h ka re na itu, El Nino muncul le bih s e ring
da n le bih ga na s da ri s e be lumn ya .
Apakah pe nipis an lapizan ozon ada hubungan nya de ngan Pe manas an Global dan
Pe rubahan Iklim?
Ma s a la h lingkunga n da n ke s e ha ta n ma n us ia ya ng te rka it de n ga n pe nipis a n la pis a n ozon
s e s ungguhnya be rbe da de nga n re s iko ya n g diha da pi ma nus ia da ri a kiba t Pe ma ns a n
Globa l. Wa la upun be gitu, ke dua fe nome na te rs e but s a ling be rhubunga n. Be be ra pa
poluta n (za t pe nce ma r) me mbe rika n kon tribus i ya ng s a ma te rha da p pe nipisa n la pis a n
ozon da n Pe ma na s a n Globa l.
Pe nipisa n la pis a n ozon me nga kiba tka n ma s ukn ya le bih ba n ya k ra dia s i s ina r ultra viole t
(UV) ya ng be rba ha ya ma s uk ke pe rmuka a n bumi. Na mun, me ningka tnya ra dia s i s ina r UV
buka n la h pe n ye ba b te rja dinya Pe ma n a s a n Globa l, me la inka n ka nke r kulit, pe n ya kit
ka ta ra k, me nurunn ya ke ke ba la n tubuh ma n us ia , da n me nurun nya ha s il pa n e n.
Pe nipisa n la pis a n ozon te ruta ma dis e ba bka n ole h chlorofluorca rbon (CFC). Sa a t ini
n e ga ra -n e ga ra indus tri s uda h tida k me mproduks i da n me ngguna ka n CFC la gi. Da n,
da la m wa ktu de ka t, CFC a ka n be na r -be n a r diha pus di s e luruh d un ia . Se pe rti ha lnya
ka rbon dioks ida , CFC juga me rupa ka n Ga s Ruma h Ka ca da n be rpote ns i te rha da p
Pe ma na s a n Globa l ja uh le bih tinggi diba nding ka rbondioks ida s e hin gga da mpa k
a kumula s i CFC di a tmos fe r me mpe rce pa t la ju Pe ma n a s a n Globa l. CFC a ka n te ta p be ra da
di a tmos fe r da la m wa ktu s a n ga t la ma , be ra ba d -a ba d. Artin ya , kontribus i CFC te rha da p
pe nipis a n la pis a n ozon da n Pe ruba ha n Iklim a ka n be rla ngs un g da la m wa ktu s a nga t
Apa yang bisa dilakukan oleh negara-negara di dunia untuk menghentikan
Pemanasan Global?
Working GroupIII—IPCC membuat studi teknologi dan ekonomi secara literatur untuk
menunjukkan kebijakan berorientasi pasar yang dirancang sungguh -s ungguh a gar dapat
mengurangi emisi Gas Rumah Kaca sekaligus kebija kan pembia yaan untuk menghadapi
dampak Perubahan Iklim. Studi ini dibua t a gar a kibat dari Pemanasan Global da n
Perubahan Iklim tetap dapat memberikan manfa at ekonomi, termasuk lebih banyak
sistem energi yang cost-effective, terjadinya inovasi teknologi ya ng lebih cepat,
mengurangi pengeluaran untuk subsidi yang tidak tepat, dan pasar yang lebih efisien.
Pada intinya negara -negara di dunia berusaha melakukan efisiensi energi dan
memasyarakatkan penggunaan energi yang dapa t diperbarui (renewable energy) untuk
mengurangi atau bahkan menghentikan keterga ntungan pada baha n bakar fosil.
Denmark adalah salah satu negara yang tetap menikma ti pertumbuhan ekonomi yang
kuat meskipun harus mengurangi emisi Gas Rumah Kaca.
Di bawah ini adalah situs-situs web yang dapat dipergunakan sehubungan dengan
masalah pemanasan global dan perubahan iklim:
 climate
 globalwarming
 ol/ clima te/ globalwarming.html
 clima te/ climate.cfm
 climate/

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