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The Rise and Decline of the State:

~ W'est flti!fO:~.'Il .. f~'Ud~m ~,:y.5-te~ [!hat. f(lo1.l.o~red ,the "-XlU~~se 'of thi! OJi:ild!lgian (:rl!Iplr,e - It8l,;!ff:li IIhol-"t-hwd a.u:eml)I. 10 impese o'r'';~~r. iQmI the. .d~0tdl~ ~i:=SwJti,]j;g frlJ1Jj.l t!l~ IMimarilUl im'3~C;1:1 t~lI;~ h;,ldl d~s.H'Wed R(I~~c ,,,",liSe d.eClrmJ:r~Jiz.~, even I;J~' the :;;taJilJ(!jif'tl~ of SMnd3iF 'reglmes, ~be~:vh;;:rr:. U~I!X ;tbudaUsl!ll, ;ttcwermf.JCnE "';,;],$ neither ·~p.liIb~i(:ll nor oo~~q::ntr.1'['~ in ilhJ!i:~nG's ,of 3J 'GifIJgjc r~Ll.l18ir.;:h M ,e;rn:l"I,i!:i;\(J!rj, ;!I'JS{~d ~t was dLvtdJr:.;t among ~ ~ge mjjtlti:iI:~ of: ~neq,,-!;J;l ru~e-rS who were r;;dal1'OO IIiO each (lIner b)' ties ,of t~lt;y ami: who '~fl:!:u;oo,:it, as 'their. pri'l.'alt'l:: p~~iDIii. However, 1'1'1 VIl esrem ~1Ar1[)"~ th~ iS1:tu!:ulon 'w:;:t;; ma .. I~ even mere cDm(.ll~cated by Ibe eKoerH.iQ([1EL1 PI)!.11Il(kEl. of the ~I'liur,;::h,

~~~s.J' in most i\:mpi:~s, '[Il~ ;;:n'il) .. mr's 'Po.J~iQn wtl-J;;;=n~di 'b~ dJ,e taC:~ ~iilt he W3i5 oll~!'I.(;endl;.'l'~ dthc[" fWIlL goo (fir 6:onl ~j!'l pmphct, in Ohii&kfll.:_~L1m he was neL~tilcr one j~iOr: the ()t'liIJl:::r; Tl;1~ was ijiso true ttl, :Oy-Zi:m.lliLilmj but here rat ~esl>t W:re' '''lSS dj~ s;s,wng !{I:race' thiJl~ '~ben:: '\ifi;rlt: no 'Pi1Ilh'i(:;liUy imode'Jil'C"ndent Greek Orti'bodo:i't;, c,omm!uiI1Ij~1c5, out'Siidc the empj.Ii'~'6 bo,:i:i;:3er'!'l_ I hH'l.'c:~'e:r .. in ~f~e W'~:l.t II-om i1b(Jll,l,I AD I 000 1Jb~i"~ Wer!: stw.a~'5 impQ!t':'II:I:J,t rotnm;;c!J ,and ~gi()Iil:o. such !t~, [iile]liInd". E:r-l;g'L'!InJ; :f!,cu:-, tb¢m ;SI'p'aio~ .sti1''!I.v:i;a, ;;md [l'-obnd whid~, t!~QU!gh Chl"is.ti3!J] lU!!d! therefON; 84Ibji!i!CI: to rhe inu.D)ori:t~, of the pOrJe~ cbdi IilCit pay l Qm3Jg~ to I!:he e:tDp.:r,oir.

Til!! mSKe rihiogJ!- WO'~, th~ secula .. Mlil ~ rdlgk:,i,_L$ aJpltiJils did! net CO:L:l1- 'OO~_ B~~:I'I'LLJ,j.'fI,l and the, OtoomJ:iml. had C(lli~:'l,tant~no:p-le'" the ]nc3J Cuzce 'wLlb, 'hs, pals.ces, 8!J]d temples:j, bm ,H~1iIt01X'3n ~rr~~roF~ ~f.Jt 'ffiovl~lg. from M~ p]Oi!ce [0 :fj:I'I<cn:hf!f, MO:l.t -iJ,f the dme they 'were (;;::'i.mdJ 'l':i[JJ~iI"' to, ~~IIi~r (kr,I't'i;an~', whkh ~t dllliE time i:nc!uded ~~;hat ate ~odlli1 ~]lo!:' 1..:ow' C(lollT:i!tlril'1:i; ,~a:iT:LG~ ,A~s~.:;~~ :Swit.:tetl3!nd, r!)ifld HQhernjj;;IJ~ 'lJ'r else ~n [J)onh(:m or sOU!lh~ h::aa),. This. meant ~h~t;. during mlwstaJ:'the M;dldI~e Ages, lh~ pope in ~n~ WilS lMyondl the '!:'C;Il,cb nOt {lnly o( ~he emperor bur of' :an}' ,o!(he~ ~etJlllt ruler, Unlj~ 'hi'is o-ppositc, nlJn~hers in Q~he .. empires he had his .0Wn it'cr'l'ilQ[~il!'l dom3in~ ;a~bdt, ,J)f1'(!: whk· . .b, ..... ,as I1~'li~ii" aeeure and where pt;J"A'c:r had ro- be Sll~H:d witb. 'the :gu~o.~ Mblt:; fll<miHei:i. :o.'Ucll as the Co!onm.,s :aM, tb", Orsini'!!_ :mil7l, Lni! fomi I[!if the Jl'l~lit::u)' '!)!1d!l~n; whCloS'I:: !ill;"p!;!me'

·GO The tiS!! (If th,(: stare: i. 300 w I Ms

~)\'\~~rlord h~ \''lill!!l, hi!! r~!JsIJ' had hk; '!:i'PilJ:1. ~:nned .fo~j !1Ilbl'"jI .a~~ t.h;~~. 'W~ ~m;ll~ ,iCm.d. ~!'Uefi:d ~~ m:l~~l g~ups O~''''~ m:uiDh (If Ci1lr~[~!ldoli.l til.!:! .M~tht.«nI!l~~I1l, and d~..: ,ly,ihddle r;:., t, I .

~j~allr, [tie c.aL"'CIm~ttgi\ll[b empire 'I/i.'<.H; !.migulO: In that the C!i;t;~~bH~h.~' ~l,,!lI.ig"'!JIiI_·~s ~tfl:-!:'r ch~n it and, [[~clJ1lk381:r' ~p~all:ing., '\'!,'CH ahead ,of it, 'lI,! church li!h~r~t'cd 11Je I:UIi~~3~ of t!1.~ 'W'~D<:!I'"I~ RO'Jl.U1:1\ Empi~e illS '11;\.:11 ~ . :rruJ:~·y o.f II!. Iega] !l~di !p~ml.~ICI.Ii~ trllld~t~(UIB: FCtor S!Jm.~ r;:elilin.uri",s i,t 'L!'1<!:I!''-"'I;ise;;t ~ 'II~Ftlllsl ~?mi;;,tpol.y iQrII 1.1'~!mlJC"Y:; '''''iIth Ute re~ull that: its :rervICr;:;~ "'~It md!I:!i;J~.subJ!!!" Dol) any 'seCI,IJ4'!t ru.~~~ W~iQS{!" d(loi:t\uins: .... 'ere sit ~n 'l!"xtetl<sl"'i~ a!:1l,l ",,·ho h"~~J to m;~~.e them ~!in\!J siJm~llhing mOre tlha!l1! ,I me:r,~ ch~~l'PlJom. ~r feudal fl~f. Char~e~llu..gne's ;Ut!!'II1.p:t l~J snl'i!e the pro'bJ~m lJ~ pii'!Y'f.Khng f'(i.~ ~d:1i!J'C1L\S and «tU.C3:~~IjU W3i~ sJl>!.'luil:-ii!j!e,~ •. At thl! tim~ of 1iJ~~ 1IrtaID'.3.~ .j);mll N Ofman IIlVas,i'l ir.I:s. in. the ninth J1.Q, [i:\nUl eenturies An ~ chtttli,;h, and the lJl.Q~!J!s.~t:'l'ie!i Etli partlcular, remai!l1!eu3i~m(.S-ttheSQ.lC! centers .. vhere BOlneth.lng n::selnlbUo.,g :m l)njc=rl:J.' Q.'ll1ili.Z;!ItUOill ·""riA. Olbiliii: (0 !i, 'U;[¥i ... e at a'fl, The d~·I,L.tIch.·:s :!I ssets we re Jl e I .;; o.l1·DC':1 Hrll te cl i:r.t .iL ny G:!1 e p&llc.e ~I!I~ consisted ;j)f b!llliJ.d;ings .ll.'nd (:. ·t!Jlt.e1i SC3ittereu aU. ever J;!;·l.ImfJ~~ h~J'iC-e It Et3:di to de'llft!;np .lI! ooph,~~i:ic;uel;l.I1,rrual1l;::ifl·l, '11L1dk".i~tt, and ;~llliIIlIif.l,~ [.mtive· 3pPtllUIII~]Jii oc;;!!pOlbl'l!" .of '0/ii'!eD;;'0L1ili 11;g: distance .ilInd! ~jmG. & late i!!!5 :1 :1-00 Ili£![ appar-'! tUG stood fitr' in aid.'I,I.m'l.."e· C1f .lL1~}'thi~· of thoe SiJR a!~';lcjJsb.l~ to secula rulers.

Th~e .fSlC[·CT'l'l, e1r:phtin '!A'h)/; lIlfil:!!'r CI:t>!tlc::m!lgn!!;:'s. death, his pos.i:ttOili ,D~ h(!<1~ of reliJl:loo. W·"J!I. lost, A-g hit:. HKC!!'SS[l1'$ 'i.]ulLr.rdeQ ,,,,,ilih ·nne :;)]l{)nilll;1' th·i!'Y oft~iI1. {;allL!'.d.l}n tbe' church to mc.dl[.l't~. lIT! .foc:nU1ii1 ·e-:i:th..,t' lb~y .~"·e ut. or ~t was 3ihle to obta!.·!i-\; pr.i.villi;:ilj:li!s, much greater I!:lU!.n in any other l;;i.ll:iiiz~:l.'[ion., From (!!~ljfnt AJJ I J 00 '!JT.l. ir po~~oo~ apart fr..:.iIl'l the pc'il.'C:I' to J~r .... ~CtWIl ::Jin" intcrpn::t: di~il1~ h!l'W'~ l~~c: righ~: 1(1 110mL113,te ~1J]d. pramc;:w' jl['S Qwn offioC:i<ll:.; ~ml'l:t!.llJjty rl"om S-~Jl."UI3ir jl!.ls.j~·.;::, 3I~'so. known as: !Jen~ht {:if .;:;krg~'; the rr:i,ghi~"w iu..d~t!: ::ttli'~ pU:rJ!3Ih ~~mh h~ O'\'\I'.n. p~~!J':I,tl1-e:J ;md~ in 'C'3S(:5 inv-oJvim;g m~ ~ire o:f'~(Il1!i~S, I::rrrm~~; lbe: ri,ght t'l) offer ~'5 ·hlm. ro f>l;igi:ri~ :from :!i;~],LI<lr jus.'I:~Ce.; th~ rig,tu t.O :ahs.o~"·e sub,i'l!'Cts j"'fflm their {1~tb.S n;o tb.~ir. ru!~r.s; :and! [:(I s.uPPiJ·rt fJ-)~ klt, immetliSt: .i!ao.d.cQ ,est~t·~~ ~ Sl.'i!arnr,C· :S;'}':!W'!DJ. of ta:ot:arjoiJ'j, .ltnd!) l!JJe.~ i:llFlidi rt'L~, thc' .[";igh~ l'!J drike mom:y as 'Wen, Nm only wcrt: Mghe.r :r}'rda~ :IlJm.ost ~!~ .• 1~ :n.obktlfllt:.n hl,l.'t, m:.e· mhi;:m'" ~Q:ros; ch;;: clJ:ufdh !l;O u Iii. bOoth gwc: l)I:II.,t::f.i.ccs l!i~dl n"CCi'l.'e ahem. fl"Com {ltb,~I'lI, 'l1~ruu:.ghoo.t ~liJ.l(;h of EI;Ii~OiPC:~ ~"C'CkS!~sti(;~i do.!:J;\.i1ins ,al:ld e"'~11 p.r.ino;;1paJi[[l'~ exis,·ted sidc 'bj' s~.;['"" wi[lb sl';c:tlia!l' ,:;o'~Ir.rte:r.~) .. u"t~; tbe !r,!l;j:Jin dilT!i:r~ ence WillS n]]:!:t the {."C'd~';'l;Stklli ~ucc,~ 'on, hlS'[t;:lIId of j:lrutiit<ooing fTIJ(Jj~ fill:hcf'I " (l1i.;:ce~S3!'1~~· i,IJegjtLIl1.o:!.[~) ron, ·nfr.;:n 'i.-'P'f:.nt: f~1J1J11 Im.::l:e WlllL--pilil:w·.

1 S!!I! \:1:1, UmIlU,IUl, ~ an;J R~r'l~ r ... thE .'HiIMI" ,,'jz.-l: Air Ilfi._w~, ~''''Ji w ilIf ,so;.,."<'J; r.f

M;;J~"""" nJliid .. ~ l~a~ ([Ii!~,a, NY: CD.f1:.clI· i"Ilw~il:Y J":f.t.~, J 'n~), ..:h. 4.

(i.'l fbI:' lI'i~e ortbe t;JjU!~ I' ~LJ [Q. i-6'1!8.

'he' ,;;hi!.llu~h became ir!'tl:.I~ml~ 'i,.~·Uth .tli1ll: _l'1;1:!,u<ll ~:ilH'\:'I,~~ 1;::i1~iT.lg ·~iLiIf.'fl:ill!S ~ bY tile [(I,tl1C:r ~nd!; in t~lr'l~ ~1;qr-jj"Jif1Iifig It.

...n11r:d _'I: _ ..... ,., · ... I"' •• ' ... r ·rw<=lb..""i ~, t ..... een th~ time of G~g .... :ty VU [r 073-

r- , t;l;ltlil'lV~l. '" L"' '.' "'.... L-'-" , .

1'l1,i1'tJ] C~e..m~i1t IV (I 2~:):--8~, The former I;L~1~h;~I ~.v:i·rn ~'rt'!!:~i't!lr HIl:I1?, Er~, ) ,3~, ~LJ. ""ht:~)[i .[lJI'iiiH!lLlU bishepe, c1!OC'cmmumci1t.ed him, iI!IbSL)I~~ h~$ ~'6Ni:'t.IJJ,e~.."., L-' _ -, _.:I e I] ~ ... .:1 I~l' 'a'l5.:frlj~n Ihdl' f!(atll, fomd'~tPii!d ~c:'~.,e! ::&~m!l~ 1Jl~, ~I.LU .unlL. r 1~r.:r~l.

~ .. ga' 00 C3!nlj, 1Ii where, on IJJ~ k!:1.~~~ he I)l'l,Jhljd~ 1~e:.I:1'C:nu:-cl ~t lw;. ,~~ !;";h~' h';iltte~ m[ibr~~~. fm.!lCn of: l1'1lrop~.,en~b'>t:.~l un :1 whole serses {If: ~DSJ' m:!i d~d nor i'!!SI: unol he 5a'i'f th~ l;'Iin (rim: ef H~IH'Y s 4e:;;.cr:!i1I(bfll~.s --

~::~t~11-'5ie.!l:r-ot~~ ~l1:l..P'I!ror· Com~J - ~':X'",,","1.Jt_~cl!. ugally, t .131 (:~( ~ I c~imS itO t:.1,lpr-emlJJey ;g~I!:"N i);olde(' a!l1d..botd.~f. Already Inflll.";iC:n~ 1.11 &1~~."'_m. 216\ Ihi;ii!d~n..c on eln~i,~'T f-Oi!lnd:iltj<I)ii]S;; (I-e~ared th.l& tnt: Pi;li, :)J'1t' (h..-"') • ~ d b "'1- ,.:- "tl" - .. " uDd! .'mAdge €'irer}''boJy ~)u.t be .!fudge' ~'non~_. :!ZLn,g. aL'ln aer :[sc",":J

;'me~ ~f V:h~~o (d. :u j.O<8) <"!r;~i·N. L~~t sec.~~;]j~ g.ov'm;·~t:n~ .. ""·fJ..~ r~m~l.

-tb. o:r1igi~al :51lr.'~ ~nd could become 'pf;!:r:fec~ I[!n!~I' pr.ov[rl~dI l[ ~\!';B.s. super~.,.:1 ~w the cl1IlJJIITh; whrl~ Gil~ Qf :R!.'!ItllG (I :2t~(..- ~ 316) !!i)Il! :J"rni'iiC<eS dl!U

\ 1i!l1..1U '~-' .. T- '1 '

.';yom' dnmt~iit.]S; bd·eng Iio the dlllllr(:~ .'mIJ'f.Cl· t~lI!~ to )'011.. .. he' G lmax. was

r.<e;J:el:t-ed to. ] )1)2 .... 'he-J'i. jpG'PC- n-Dmt3i~e: vn I .ISGi·u.~. hlS fl~fn?'Ufl. U~~ll;t;'r. $!.lPit!.rlll'l';'r. &-4,~~iam, Qll.lollill;,f:'; Jeremitill1- "[ have set th!5f:_o\'Cf" the nannns and ,a",~ ~e kingdoms;; - £h.c· BuiJ proclaimed that: seculae p~WCE s!loukl. be. ~::ren;:d.!.,~·d. ad.' lU.r. :!iI'.!\l if p.::r:rf,t:!rtri~1'i?o S(U;,j/.I'dmr·r, "~t the command and iil/J'IIi;!t';3!1110~ ·iJf: the prl;;:5~ . ." ~

AS. nml}.;l aboi1~l)7;, the: ce.lltfiruga~ t",nd!;;:~lci.(!s th~~ \~ prese.l1t ~j;'L mest c:mpir('S ~,;-auSed some ofth!m1l t{l t; llapse: thils was partk:uEariy true: when ctlk: mal pre:;:; ures j o i!'li 00. in te rn a I 0. n C!l. ~J1.d. m;;!! d '" (he: .... ' ~li I,:.J iii! it!!l ~zy-~I e r~ nlibl~) 3 fl· [1:\ late ·im..p~ri(i:l RIJ1li'!:, Othl,!(r o::mpir'r.5 :I1'Dt3I'bl.~' the ancient ~1:,ti;an; C!hmm::se, :roo. Ja:pa:o.e5<I!":.. \'lCf"e able, [ ·o,\rCITOll)f;l 'fel,lQam t;)ai:OClll[:rI'iEn.- ii{lm~l:il1l.r;:s, i'ej;1'e:il.[~~i.:Y SCi - ~11'td r.e.~~tlJ.b.lMI {;~ntr.flllJoweF 3ii[~r 31 !s'lllJrii:e!'" (!it j,()Jlg.::T period., Only in lHl!Irope: "lflU d'.lG PQ~kiil'l~ <of ~he chl!1~ch SCI SIII'I};Ilg that, i:n:srte3,;! Qf'fi,nJ.i'l'l:g ~(S",lft',~ Li!bleCt~d tl;ll th,!: iPOW-i!'T,. h f€ili!gb.t th~ ~;U~~ 1:0' II: stand-stHE .. Th.u.:;. fC'udsl~!'lm, jf!~1:l!lI:d ,of ~(,rnitli!l·tO ~. ~.)j;i\B.n~~i'i!dy np:id. 'c".l1d~ l.a5·t~.;I foi;li' the bili!st 'Pilit'~ (If.;). liilill:t:nnuum .;rnd ""<lS lIi'b~· tQ ga ... c i~. :i'La:m~ ~1l..1 <I!I\l !l"ntir'e hist.orkal.a;ge: .. M·c!C· imf.lC!!rita!l'I.t (rom. L}1,J:r 'puillit of 'i .. i~lilt, the ;emf'ife: ~lie-:v.",r re~over,oo .. h1. the chiJilb b'!.:twiI!en dre' 't" .... iJ' E!!!.'t U:f.lh'·e~;;I!~ IJTglI:niz9Iuo'[JtG dto:!'re ,grew to;;: g:re-a.t monan:Hbi.~, '!A;hLch~ ImJI,Im ~o:t"'~, 'P,1'e:ril!: .d!c:s;tiilie.O: ! ..... 'tbUfIi ~~!'I;() n3t~_

I U_ K !Il:h.Jlllen.11Iill, ~ .1fl'tlU,liwn:' CL!!':IJ1: C/Jlir,/:'I1 ,Ul'it·,':IM1Jrrn, ... p,IIW.dI Ni'iI:lJt r", j'Jr", l ·nre.rrir G.rrrtlllj (Phil~~lelli';,1l!: Uf!l1.o;tSIIY d Pl!1'l1M~I\I'IInl~ !f'r~! 1982.~ .(:1,,- '1:.

1i'Uim' Ii~~t ,d~iw i::.1 :rL:J:~r.LII)IJ· ~~I.:~br 19'"'\·~[II1lJl~llt. OCI< ii. t"""'L\'is., .l.H.'\df~'Il,! ru'iw,1 1.liI<lJl (L;mdklm: ]k'!.DiJe.:-I!y-, ~ I)~II); 1'I1n.] [; ~nd A.~. '. ",dyl~; A Ili'lrilf'}'ttj.M~1fitf;'#t,i\*~imll101fi1f"'i1 (r!d,in~Lilre1l: nl. ;;;kM...-.;xi, ! 'JlS), ,!!I~, mil iile: ~e. I ~ . ".,.al'l· &lKI\ilm fila)" 1"" fuulI.d 'irn m~. ~i:I(:I~Il. ~-d., lJi.I<:l'I\I!Jm.iJ; ~ rkc CilrlHi::!\11 O'Jrl'1l'."k (,{)dlloOd: O~fL'l"d , 'n,~ly pro; s., U9f,7), fir, L! S-I.ofi_

Th~· !!!truggl.e. aga:inlS"t. I;he ~'bu:IFC1l

"t;'Qh!!'.n. in AD ~ 110; men sent by 'K]ng H1!'Ju:y n of :England m!lllfdl;;rI.:cl [~ primate ·iJ.fE!i~!::ljlill;J _ .AIChbi~h(lo:p Thomas Bee!i;e~ - h:i hi~ QWn ;;;!lil)~clrn:l~ the IUp~ho~ 'i/ii;'L$ :(1 sharp f;{:'!l(!!i'ille for the m.y~1 "-<11'1se. No sooner w.~ the P~l!:t3.[(i! d1e;J;aJ th!lD hie g)f:lI"'~ bli:t:llim!! ;3;11, ;i;iI:;J~o;;t of pi!B.rititillge and mir~c]~ . 1;,:II:guD to t3!kc p'!;)1~! 'uti u~:; wi.thirN t~:lro Ye-3lliJ, ifid~ed, he '~~$ f,{)f!lii3:Hy p-riJd3lImed;;t s~bllt. No1: onmy·m.s the !king if'Qrced to lI"epl!:t1,~' in pUDI:i'!;~ hYl the .eNt~nt of hj~. 'Sul:':tleJjd~r is i:ndiC;)IM!d by [ihc '~iIIe~ Ilhat Elngaand Was subjected 'to .1 H{lodi of P'8!p3m deerees rl)l!'ajjng .... ·fiili ~'iI~Fj!' 3!s:pect 0-1 glJ\'·~r,.. :ltl:rtoi:J1t lll'lch.lditlJ.g·~ !g p~l'liGllhl!r~ the ~e~t.)'·I:i. right tL) li~ ludged S(lh::i:!r<' b)! men of Il~.edt (1'WO kind, 'I- H~!'l!'}~s. sen 3il!td 5i1:cQt1;d in tn;:. lint;;! ol)hU.«~S3~OfIJ Went fJl.uiber still, l<h a John (~ ~.'99-.12 ~ '6) 'spent mU(;~ ,of his Il"!!':lgt), figt.t. ir1l~: !l.hiJip AUg,tlstu;s ·of .i?T:;:Jjl~ (I'1!~1' Alljo!!.ll ::mdl MALinle, Requi:r:iiflg all !ill!!' SUpPy,rt be could get he O!ppr'oiPriaited .]~e revJ;::riuc:o.f the: c'hLlnti Q;f!]:y' ~Q flInd him!'l(!]f 1\e1,pI~s5 "rh.:=n P>i;I[le Innecenr Ii I' (:!r;l1ng in :rC't3!~l:u.tLonJ q:u~sbed. the election C!f l~);s t'l.tlmi:nee· ~:o the rn 00 t. iim'pGrt:Jit1l~: eccl~sja~Jtk31 p"_'si~:ion In the: C01.Hl'ti)', Tn!'! dlSPl!lfl~ whkh dinHL'l:ed in 1:l: i 3, W31~ fitJarit rC!:i.(:!~,,·e..;lJ ~ilh~n John ; ~(1 jli~udl the' pope's rtiluIIi iIliIitlH .... r tnan his. O'WJil. 'il1~ !ki:Il:g' even "-relu SQ> .f~t :!IS to m3!ike Et.!gh'md ,9: papal nef; :r'Jx:ehritli_g ir Ib3iCK C1J;J cOl1t:HtL'lJiIll of psying ~ ~OO;f) silver m3~ '" ::r:' r:.u:r ,

Nin~EY 'r'Cl!!~~ afte~ thul> !5!JJ1rr~nd!er 3 sOfl:l,~whllit: '!'lim~t;l~ iacldent ['C!OO;: place ttlJ F:r,;l.rt~.; 1J1Jl1~r to end. V!;:!!)f ·~liff~r~nd~' _ The P'lPi:!It.y's IPr(ll[Tac~.e·d~ [h( uhjm.8.tdy, ~.truggic: a_gilliiFi ~. tnl:: Bmf-lke ha4. ~i:'It~5od Its dependence t)n lh~ l'louse' of f::;)I't:lli at the turn Qf'~ fourrtee.nth CCT.ilrUI:j1 King :P.IMljp rv th", F;)Juli" ~1,r.u.s the mi.i1lIh;~j(!U ~o'I'{l in. C"htfi~l:et'!iI'lJtn. 'Eie <U1d B.OI'l;f3C~ vm "u~Lirrr:dedl' 3iS :ru]loi!rs. Q:ftr:n 00, iQ~!I" ;1'!1,(1tJey. At L<S:'SUCi w~rel 1fiiB:~'~ t.!~1,i! right of the F~I![lch ,e]O::Tgy to funds out C!f ii:he: tin&Q(lm, and. sC'ronc.nj· ~he king's ownright ~4i n:1lX them, Sca1'oe~iI had the: p~.:- given ·W"a.1j w-ef i!b:i:s: qJJ}C'!luon ._ wh~ch,;, hoping fL}:r siaFJ?P'f..lrE: in 'otbe~ .1!n3inc:t'S.~ '&Le ~i:d. in ] 2:g'7 _g - I~;)!n (i~lJ!thr:.r dispute, !:his time e ... er ·t~e !):.ifIJ,g·s. rIght to dismiss (j.:ffer~dJng bd3h.op!i. and PUt them 011 mal, brok·t: out, In r1~'C: person of J(lhn of :1F3Ir:L:S (.d!_ :L 3(6)~ l>JlilUp fO'LILvd :lI~ ~;;;d~j,IL:stk who w·,ilS ~ry bit :as i!:'I!:UllriOI,l!S in de£mdin;g me' ~f~;;:.ti.'lJn ·nf ~ol:cul!Jii:' ru~e 1J:i lhf. pope was ~f!! denyi:og it, S As. maerces carne to 91 h~;:KI the' :ki:ng 3i1'!1!:i hj~ advisera hdd! a 8CCt' e t rneerin.g: 1II~ the :LOU1,i'~, There the}' !3:h:r:io;;lJl\t;i1 all

~ Par ~i'tt ilfli;!i'.ilK:ii Qf 1.~~~.II11-'II.!'d~~ 00 ~Iti\, ~i;;:JI1I]; h;;;"lIffil LlI~ dillm:li ~l!J!j 'I1ii~ &\GIW;i 'frllWlardly ~o!_e Z. N. lIlI~ook';':, 11K Enj:lim ChJJtt:;Ir oiilTlil' thf Th~; _IV-'-' t ·u; 'G.Ioi·;\i"ill.m ro '11..,; . .R.i(j!!f. ..if. Jr..tJ~ (c.ull.bricl~ ~Ilibrid.s:~ Pll!;'i~ i'I.I"1i2).. pp. 21 i ff., ~ind C. '[lIlI&i}all, "F~'11I1 i1h~. :cin,...·"I.~IC ~. TO '!f1e Dearh ol]Il>titI1l;" ilil C .. :H. L'1';\->']'e.ncr:, ~,j., 1"1re 5~ CiJr1TL1~ (f}1i/ li't'~ .p.jl~ I'Pjl tf.~ ."i·joo;: A~,<,z (NEW 'E'r.rk: ~;l:ir.-dlU1!~ Unl-. ~t.SiI)!' l'.re.!l!'.; 1% h (tP, $7-;;!},

s :6'i,!C' f,(.hm (If U'am; fN ptlr.III.:JFoI fiI.CT.:J 4~ .i'X'J,itlIfi, J. I.J!r;I~r _ ii, ,001. (1·'!Iri~; Y, J Ij<>;r,..


tortured . .ar.1ld1 executed M;:; O ..... 1.F.~ ;:;:.m:l!iJ:I.ah 1,1I,'hc:ml; dri'l,'l;!n OU.[ af ROi:'!I1i c. ] reamed ·t~~ liOU.lh [s~il1l[1 ;;';ou'LUa"'j.':>.idc:. f!,rJoul¢;r - J4~Em XX m _ ~~~r! ~.ccused 01': j:n.1,Iroe~1. ~!I1~e:. ·~("d}iJlIn:y , ~1J].d. jj~':;: 'lill: (~he' mere 5e:m'i'OllS ;jI(t:II.l'S Ilom ~~re !W~.ip.r,i!:tied) before, ,diL:S,8)ljked!;:.!S <I croSSb(HVfn<l!l1, he WBS. ~:~m'<&i! •. to flC:il! (rom iUW CA;Jm.mcH o.t Coostilnrt; ~fte:f'!/ir+lrds his very name ,~ erased, ,rfrJf.j, the ",ffacilll [i' l ~f ,1:1>0 III !l:i:ffi" As popes i;!~;;."'Om!:Y.L!JJJ:i~iI:'~ :~s; de:j)lJscd one 3lM'tb!N '[~Io!)! n]]~d {In the by rulers to i!Ql1!.:rvco;e on -rn .~ lbdlalfj :"\ia,gEt1I~ io'.'<IT 91f1!~ luy:iJl~ i>k,,@!!:'tot.';3ch (lthe:r'$l9!!',:us, Or'prnN~ in: Ro .tIl' and AV~.gI100tJ., .By 00 domg thii::jI' cilabl.EXI, those rulees (Q ga.i!l'.l ClJ'n~ss:iQI:1i5:~ ,evcry kutd.

[.o~g .af:1er .the ~ hism been b:rol1J!~ht [0. an end. by the election 0.

Mii:rtl~ll V.< 14! 7); ns Jc:s_i;t~ue CO~it~rllU~ to afr;lX't the fJ:tlLt!cH'lship be~"",~; 'l~OO]~SIIl!iitL~I, and secutae ,1O::0'o'emme:nL The speerscle il1Ir ('.!(iij;K"50 b~iElg ~h;!~Led. ~:ru.r ,i:he~ <i:'t'1JO:!!iet:£ hliid :r>e'~P~I~. the 3~~cjem: ''Ill1!!\Sti(l.!'L as 1(1) ~'.1hGS~ Bmhon:ty~ thiJlt. 1Jt. '[he pa-;p\! Oil'. th!ll~' Qf th~ Ceuacil of llj(;. chl:irth~ was su..~c:,' '! .... o,TIi~; ~i;J(Il:temp!JT.9rJ ... S: had bel;lJm~' used to aDle' pomih:ilily tbat :iI? m~~;';l~U1d :ituglTlli: b.o.n, wear me riara arJd be' ~ h~rltt~~. In 14138 the t,:ofi'?Jhalbs~ :snCl~'erl~ wh~'r :tl:u::y eould d.n :by .d!1);,j'J'IJs1ng EUl.genhl!S tv ;Imd. ..;]ecllJl'I1! Felix V in ihb) stead. Ten ~\'4,."ar..;. ;pa!'1~d. hcllJU the: ~1:~'etU Rfi,I~~!d be' hl~~J~d; nil) ',,'ond!~r subscquenr p.i)p!:5 .he:ll.;l, «C'k~~iJllil:kal emmetls ~~ holy 't~nrQ;r. FiJ'f iJ)1i! rli':..lU eenrury - in fillCt. uaril Qbe ()'OR'1 ,of &:hI;:: ,c:.cmur:.r-·,Ref",m"a.tio:iJ - the ,,;~LV',i:si:.a~ of {hI): diurd~ pJ51yed Into the haeds of secular nde~. \"QMJ'I.e.:~iI' ,n oonflkD: with li:h~ o(;hU'C~b .lppe.;'l:L"~. m~e.I.J~ 1;\:,,1;'., over ,tslr.iHtlJ·n, F:r(:m;b !l.t.'1d Spa.n;ld:i rulers Erll iPo:!niru13!" ouu[Cl! Iti&r:l1 l:{ll th~ ptI-]Je f!.}r ~ss:i!ltalJil-e'; ·oo~~'i!'erneJy; jill d~Jin,g M.'D. the RUrulIIlL'l CLrn.a. [he-:!f '!.~'!Juld ·t~kli'ellit:c~ ttl' summon at} M5e~'l".Iy of ~·h.e- p['oC]~!res of th~ re:amm IJ.J e:.IS'~l ~n England, (If l~rilal:1fljl;:ll:L CanLng 'ORIi nbe' ~ll;\:rgjlmeril\ !p~l[ri!IJti5m a:IlQ I!.-:onu:'~sting it with ~he' d;elms of "r()'~ig1ll" ((Jr', in Fmrloi!:t "'Ldtr'9lmcl~~WII,c"''? _r{om.;; lJ,ften 'p,r'~JJ'[ed iJ go(!o(:l. W13~r f~F' ol'll~a~liling: lhdr !I~pport~ ·!!"£.IJ<e.."ldal~y' over b.'"'t'bl::f.i.ce~. Aodl ~]H':' bm~~:t ~e' d~t,~, the mon!! true [b~!! ib~';:;lI!un~,

T[h~ugh()~I,t: the fnrst h3l!f?f Idle' .fi!flo:::em:h ~1I'Jii:LI.I:"Y !ihe ]niP~.;;~r C'il)t1:tjIilUNi [Ii) ~uik.r ;addl.tDOtl~1 btows, As [h~ Mb:ifJiill'J:>~91n~ W.uJd~~:sJan, Cathar and .Lo~~;1:t'li.l meveraenrs in. p91r~i(;ub~ show her.:,s~' - even ~;]rg~h::, organl:1lt.'d. h~y :!ll;!~won~d by' c:ll:tit',~ social groups- had! by no Illl;\:lI!l:1!S bCC'.ll rare 4i.Ldllg ~l\e M:iddie ,A_g!.!:s:. I,ll' H(iiI.\'e v ~rl' mh~ HlJ)!':site Re ... ol t of ~,I)] 9M)'6 w~s. ~~:m'(!,[~tn,g cl~'; ,k '~lFO!S the :!itst to unite ith e gre~!te.r part 0f ,31 longt!staibhshed Chril:itia~ ~;j[:tiiOn +l,{1;i!li:n~n: the e!ilta.bili~hed fe!igin!), (- I LlS t'Li.msr:]f mad .. e tho ~:r.dst3i~ .oftrustin,g a. ,slllf~ ,tio.!I1dti~ct. that had. 'b~ grat"Hred 00, him

~ ~. M. '~ilb, Th' J"i,;,likl1Tl(Sm"t"fflfmy 1''lIJk L:1\\i!fM·~,fJ"'I (Clm:!L'ltilfgl!: Cfllmbrid.!;t UF.lI';r~Ii\IIQ.' l',res~, '! ';l(i}),,'~ 'Il'i'!1-'".i:1:3.

]~ S II '

, ~~ ,,: , 11.. O~rmillul. Fl;...'I'l'IJJ!\'i!H' 4 tI.~ Rot/Pr>M{lTi<m (,f'O"l.: .... ·V.r,~: E.tllb, J % I).

u I SiX' 1m. Kam.iiIl!io'k:; • ..:I' ,fliuiJzy c1 rM Ullniu RMrNl'OIT (,l3l:miO': Um'Ii>.-miL:!;· 0[' ··;jJlftlt·"ia. , ~~!i:I; 1.901')" IVp .. 9'1-.1 u.l.. • . ' .' ,~' , . _J. n.~ d~h~~ liOOillill'l I:I'W '[iL.')~. [kill rs ~1,ln.ll~mnll.;;iL In n, M~!J~I, lA. .!"~J,r.:J!Ul' d!

CI)'m':-.i,r~'lo 00 8.'irtriI~i IIlcd,"ft.'I7Ii {MiI:b~: ,UiultJIr. L Q:.4),

property m;jd~· ~llbi~~ii: w :m~'1iI1 tIIx:ulion" TQ men!:i~m ·ljnj~, !lI few l:ut.u.:iOfi.a:r.ks, amready 1:k!...,'I.' rn n (I :307-27} matil;l.8ed to !:lqil~1!!2~ .mOTe lllCl!1'::Y .QuI. 'i.1f the ,rh'llreh than he did from .his la.y '1f<15! I.:~ [!'! m ]66 j'ol)il (If G;)llJint, sctjlJg in ~~1e ri3ilM!! L1f," Rj ... iJ:i1ro ]I~ fol)rmoJly n:iiHlll.lnOtid! .L1:11;G;1:.ilJJ4 ':5: n'l'tllls 8S 3. .p 3!.~";l.l fir: ; ..... ;hen ·tt~1: liS me kLI1 l~; Ii1:llIV.iJ:l,!!l 3tt ;)llilIl'Idi his fVlillj'!J ri ty! .lLppeakd '[I;) Rttmi:.': in h~~. "n~p11.te w.i:!J\ 1Ib~ rm:hm~, j that ¥lC'J,ji' ;)let was f!;l:sed as ;addition:" grClIt:uO!ds for clepo:s~rl!.t!:: him. In France th~ .!JIpp(.'iint:ll~~nit ~f fO!J'eigner:s 'W 'If<l.Cl!mii:" p'.r.!!l~~;iOE1iS was p:ruhibl.te(.i in .t'll·39~ I!:ho~&h drle .p.r,ahjbi~icr.n became d~tniti'!,l;e only i.t'~ .1 :516 .. :m .(lYi~ Xl (~461- 83) had I'h~ 000 moat imE'O:[i[lllrli~ ·~·oclcru:;mj'!."<i~ ber;l!;:fic~ !i3tro :ai'ttl d~eUa~d s.uibj.cCE: ita. h~s. own ,;;o.LYtTOU.~ thm. furthe: r~inflj}rdllg his, grip I,)Ve1" personae] :a;I'l(~ .en8!bling· eo exercise j)iJitrurlilLge; by t~tm:l,ling theln 'll:f,l(ln ~ilJ)! ~lIpp~r[~~~ .hl: turned Ill!e:r(u .[D:to 'one' mere UmDTLlT.lJiI;:iiU Qf :ml/!III golJ,,'emL'blef.l!~: and S nOE:mi.f.1'UsJy C'orrupl one ~t ~hat .. i.4- f~i.r.I,lliLly~ in Si~lIlIjjF.i. I<:ing Ferdinanc' - 1,'I,Ih;;) with hls Vi,'~fe s.t~b!!'d htmgl;'~f "tne Cath'i)n;;;~; - ~pp!Ji!lTjred. ·!:l!tms.I:~1f' master (Iof the various mitittUl" ordces <IS the 'Dffi;OIt:;, became ';,i;jt:Hlnl: bem'~ei't 1. 4·1'7 lIind 1.I~98,.]iIJ J 5:11 :P'0J;!'e Adrian. Vn :1!1O:t;~p-. ted thi:.': mOI!!~ ,U 1.1 fill.i ai.~rt,J.,~· ami c,ol!lnrme(L it, It ib:rolU&l~i[ !!he crown lands as w!tU. as, n:;WHIlil~; b.o'WL':'II-C'.r.~ .j ~ ""[IS only :t~~ y~i1r:!i .1I!~lcr ,J~~s !Ib~Jt Clltlldi!5 V. fl!\lf!{1'i.~·~d the e..umptie Qf his F.oc!r.I!~h (XlUr:a.gue and drdl0utel,:r' prohil;ii!.ed fordgn·!!'m frl):m taking up ii;!;;;t,;h:~s:uJ.Stka~ 'b~~ efit:~ ilii the: ~iall\'ny.

The: d-e~';:; other righn; ~li.;;h as a:J:Ipetiilling to fill;! P 'p'1: ngainst !'he :I.'oya~ ~uliti!Ce 8~'!![oC:!1t-, w-en:: mocw.i:sa~ being roou:oeQ., 'In FrIlinc~ 3fi~' the end Qf dllf.!: HuLtdl~edl Y~rn. \1(,":ar. Louis xr p~,ohibJted the: .1.llq:UJ.sJitl(1il m-om lP.el'!)"'Cltiitliilg heretics ~)i~p~: at his (l.'W:!~. ~NPn:l:i:;;' Cmlllm:1!nd. H~ un"!!iswd 1'l:!iI!I~ E!"'er:r sentence :I).;'IS$OO b~' ::m ~Jesj stk,o.:i. court was. suib~;::c[ ,:0 rei,li~ 'by the' .p.gj'~,mi'4!n~ of P-ari~; ~iCI P~r:''f'!mt: pri~!'s from ;;:;1J'1l:Spi.r.imlg ui!:':lIiimt him h~ prohibited I!h~:rfi_ :from·ling I'!l:iwwdi \vill:iollJ~ Qlbtn.ining ~e~mffi~~I;I'1l. f~rsL Francis [ n 51 5-47)1 :1f.loOl(l'l: ·the.m itail;e thi;; S;~me oath {,o· hjm:ielf:as. wa!l Sl'!f.;)~i:'ii by the' :r¢~,!: (!of his :m.bjec,~~ !hus 1Ji1J'lIrn,g ~t'l::P' dooc:cr 'W''I{!iI:rd ~iIJJililg tl!11cir siJ~(';iut 5t11:t!!l~. Meillnwhile', in .EJ:lgli1ttd durin.!!l t~l;e e~dy ~'C3lr!l O[ H-ei!'ln,.r VIII~ ;II. cG.i1:"i~~he:rt5ir"'j! ceO!U!i!j. WillS. h~~d - II.lie firSlt in :20.0. yeil~ - t·l} deiermj!rJ~' ii1.!U 'Af.J3I~ p'rop(!."r[ies w·r::r~ :tina w!!:r·(!: rt(lt 'lJiWnea ~)' me du:uch (31~ll1j ~!S(:i chU:~l~S. p-o~ses:!:J~dl i:he .r.ig.1H. to· offii~r ~I~yl:um). ,sOO"j_1;(!'" tnfllt! SWic'l:1i iJis. !(h~ :mIlJti.n,g and ~):;e(:'i;I'ti'iJn of w.ilJs,; 1,'tr:=n! !"'t;!lll,)1,l''!.'itl £rum. th~ cfu~rc~'s jiL1ri~dict!l}!:)" One - ;;j{:fllmstLDT:i - \.,.'115 Sn'l!l.;;k iJI.W the bil)(ik~

I" J.. !·m, 1)~t:lI.(![J, RL1bttT. Ilj'iIiP#dli!l~ y ~n-:I ,riM ~Jr n~f-13Jj (Cfil~lt)rid!B.!: Cillll'lb:rj,:i~e i!Jn'lM:;r.;it~· P're;;:; U'II8illJ m.p. 1.!1~O;!, 19<7-10 L

I ~ 5i~. P. Oli!rl ~, '~Ilil~ ·:.t!n.oor.d~Hlf 141::!:; ,'\{i ~~. un.l_~~ It~l;]ni;.:;r.r~ kL'lJ,"OOl .u~io; XI :u1.;i Si:' lVt' iJ'1 P. 8. ~~~, ~d" nJ~ Rt:t:iNlffJ11l/ 1-"'rwlC1.' iIt f4! i'f/'r'L'i!mn C£w.lir")." (Ne<i!!' 'V' Irk: Haqler. '1 i)t'~l, P3L1:I·;i!" P:I~ .. 1.'1611'.

_ . I: ]il!i[)fu' aa it was 4;lip.,:.;;;iI.~ .,~.g;litl!~~: the king._ BeG' as ~h~!A"hoe:ii"Ii:!'_ ~hC" :::i;nstUt:iLL 3.·~ti1mr.iiti~~ wer~ '~~1\V ,en:tiL'e-ly d.ef.iemh;~t,on t~~_ ~ope.~auG~ - {i:lll:~ Jci:ng '5 '\OT. CiI~m~ 4 1;1'1. ~h~ tie.I1I~~r:::;;. tl"l~~ ~i.ll:) ,~mlj~~e~ over O-,;b:JI[.r::,'er C3i5I;::S mn;!lmed ~Ilttn~ t11e!.r Il~.L'·'.IgdlcaJ~n. Thm~ '~~) .:aJ."j;p]~~€~ ~o ve . ,S.€IT'!"ath'c: Ptlli1ii'llJ3J. and SparUrl/; and !~dl,e:oo .I.[ has b~r:rli ~~d, ~~~:;!I[ tllL"j; '::inllti.on w;)!! so lb.""'iJtllrj~e·~~Il}.' under roy.;} I. conu·_oll. a£: l~!!: :Sl]J:iullm5h.~~~

'~;'.1·CI<;" Unl: w'a~" or ~n'IJ:th-el'. ItLl-i:: good old J~~'!So ..... hl;":!'!. 8V-e:ry semer

nUL"".... ••• . , '] , - "

", .. - .1 -. _II ............ , .~I...,~-e]a!iS abbot Ii'"lOO,Se:ss~ thcie own j'3l 5· 'ilrl'eTe' cormng

ptf" :;!Ire :Ji111<1JI '''-¥'L ••. _,- J •. M~ - I"'"

, d i~

·to.; ,:~ ~~'llD're in~~lOna!l1i~ turning ·~oiif.!~ irll ~h!C: ~ri!llmf.l[h of ~h!:: m.o~:u~h's .: ",.r:,L ilh~ church came in ·the I(i.f.m Clfthe ~f'OD'TI1illtjl;}[li: from. tho;! be.lU~l~I.!:1g :f!!C rca;Son wh:r' ·[..LI!ttier in p~~i.etLI;)j~ g:ajn~i,J 'S? ~l~~~ nll~:e':51ill~JKin .~~~ ~¥-i.'!)~ Rfumli~r,s w·.;) i)~",cLG.\I!'.I.y be:C~!:..Ii5~ of'his m-sli5t~.'ot: !.hiJI.t ~he ~~CI~ 'mL~n[ hl1: iecll l~!ldl tlIo· uvollJl~O'lIlii1i ~~Of~~~l he lbcll~ved nt:i3l[ ·r-t:"b~o.1I1 '!lh~u1.d. flot be ilJJO . ~d to Lllv.adr:: Ihe re~m-:n of ·!h·e ~~C1U~;)f p(N'~r .. 1.-1\ -.I hn~ '1)O&[t~an 11,;(1 him liD \~-.r.ite 'lI~Ct~'U:S n~~ LI:t.. OPf.i(lr~IE1Ci!l:l to the Pea:M1nt~ ~![ of 15.2.5] in ·ti 530 i[ 'WIJ.-S fl;Jrml1l.i;lf;t.:1 "'~'nen ins CL')<l1:;',:r~ MeJanr;'I~mo:n~ drew up the C.A)l'lfessio!rJ of f\llIig!'lDl!.Ilrg and quoted Chri~t's.wo!ds w the r:ffe~~ That. His Kingdom W~S. mH vI hh, ~"o~h:I,. OUlicr leading

• w-.J1~~ ..... ers, liiotll!bl'll'. Z'I,!,'i~""li, C9l~VUI!1i, iBI!IIDf!.T,. aliid ·![h:z.u, diedi.'!.1i!i!i:d S0ine 'Of

1I:!i:=J,'_'~ L:1Ul ~1 i5JI .IIa I I

alll. Qf 'the:ir. works to the ~~I~t of '[he d:;!lY in mhc: 'hope: ot gammg

as!'l~t[lnc:,e if'1 '~p~e:adi!Og their' \,geow9.17

o T.l C ~ tlii e P ri mll;;":~." f I;.! l~ liS C O'tL ce ~ r~ tn l!: .i 1 s IP 0.1 i t leal ,j!'ffie1: its had been as~Y;jJJle(l.~ ~'rok-srantism. spread. fl1ipidt:r. ]i..:; '~~l'Qry wM f-i~th;)rs ~~os~ CL)I:l'l~ p1oi:11!e hi S~I.J'!Ji:lt'H1~ the SC::I!I:ld:i.I:l.:3.'I,1Latl countries, and though it to-ok Imi:get :nndi ended in 91 dj£f.!:Teliiil: .... r.u.y., Wgl.lnflj. 'b-J.i't ir elso liOQ!-:; e ... (!:r large parts. 'of G~:m}'~ nCl!hemjil~ Jl'Clhlindl~ H.lmg:al'}.'~ S'!IrCi.tZ'elbmJ, Fml11(:r:; ~:rnd 1M 1.Qw COI,J;!tttl~.-, Whl:tbtt in. ];t5 LUlh~j'I Zw.ingH-S!"!l, C3i~ ... illi~s~~ An~lk::'lI[li. or :Pi'ieSbttm3lo ('scatt!sn) ro:r:m;o wnen::-...e:r it irC:lidll~j; l:ts, r1Idhe~'e1"'tS ·r-e;_n,.ClIIJIII1I·cedl thcir r:;ibedi~~H~ ~() [he P0t'l'~ .. Tlhiel' a1:iCl diesoLv-1!'d [be m;;m.~~:terie5 .W 'ili-e -cl~II.ut:h 's spint.'1.;'1311 ceil'l~!!n> III11U, ,!:rtLb:arnng 011"1. .he m:1ifg:~-Sicak: ,ooni15- ~ti!;}:Il'of ~·cc'I(Si~~·t~Cial PfOp;frt~'~ :r.oou,red 'it.-;. e.;;onomi'L": iPo·\~..-ei' iill @etI.-e.,U!i1,

The ·pot('(;~eSS,'wh~reby thl:: churctt '8 prure:fty ,~S ,. c.i:?~:d. ~S!1!.!1mcd! var:i.ou5 forms. In. G~t'm3jtl()' ~n~i:re pri:nrip:allities .... ,,-err:: sl;::t;ul .. u:r:iuo.J.;. ~hli:: mOst 'sp~""

].~ '~!.'l" d~:::vdIJpmI~~t5 in r'nLill~ d!liri.111o'!; ~1~iJ; [!Ic]' 00, ~c '. n ,J'l5r""M .l. '4:JiI~ .~[ .1'i!r.:ar (pmi!:: ~..i:Iraind~I:-'~lil:mlle;. j $l'irli); fur.If!l1g1i,;l],.41ruE!l,~C~ lL N. :swaruMIIII, O"m .. ,S".:::r:·rol}·{1T t..&.liif~'ol!lli'~amI(rlJiJM1: IISI;Kiro.\~li, I. l¥!). !I!lwel! ~.'~ C.' ,.~·rnl, J'.!t!",,-,P:.13 ri<fF&1XY ("".EfI£llt~lIfi.'rjlre L:m:v MUl1l\:iI'~s (N0r.e]i~rnP'lM, ,'ilA~ :"i1iT1l'!1h C."I~ Smlll!ic5l11i !·!!I:"I!:1I1'. N,n.. 1-4" 1'0129). . _ .

! .• S~ ~b.l:r~~ alliin Sfflli.:r, (f.rl1'i'wl1'ry.' T!J' W1i~~' P..K:IL'iM B~ QNJ'il::l? (l "tn), EI1 .. ~.~ .. l"u~, w~~ .' k ;n'~chil G&:Ilm~:m~ (OW'mill t: W~im;ffi"J f!.1,'I~. 1 ~}-l .... d, »;1. L1p.. :H5. i.'ll),

I] iJ'1oDr.lI !~[:r W~ ~i Calin(:rwi. n~ ,E·rtl'lll,\'l(r.ITIJ i;'4i,r:QJ;'!lf ((hlffllrr::l: r::1. ren.:krn. J"Ire:~ l' i) I).

1>', .i!ilj2:, n. 32 ..

,fi,B "ne fb~ of dIe ~!UlfE:: 1 'iJJ} loll! fl M8

tnruJai" i;n5't3I11c,-, il:ook iP.1:it~~ ill J ;;25. :E:Jn~'k~y.iTJg Lui:hi(!:f ft.:> h.i::! 'ooJ!lmh::o:t]Jl' A~b,~rt ofiBl1IIndC:~j,b'L'lrg-Ah~bllidl used hi:S; Jitliiki(!n !LoS maw .. "!'" ~fthe T~u'~' HJ'l1J!l:' O~'! .. t:n'lJ aI?prop:r~;3[!:~ i~ tQ~k.· l:itiJck,. .md berrel. HI! dJU:; 'CJ~.,t~ iii ~~~w· poh:tJ~, .. e~~jly WhlCh; at i.t~ ,~8ro'l.t !l:~:tefli~'j measured 12\C~ by 200 ~de;; a!~Q.. '!!,>blch ~s ~t;)'l.lffi to b:is.t~~ . .0.1: i:h~ ~!I.Ichy ~f l;li,, i;1; i~whc:~ It lj,If',iL"S; i~l!ImUj' ~ qiUc:s~On ~.f!iJ[lCll'1:nil1g c:hi!.u,'t",l:u .. 'So ,of tb.c~i"IJbEe~ as dll.lri!t_g thlt "~~~l:il.~J~g 1,:,,( te"l:. ,m,~ols." mOV¢J1.u: .. ~'r. rbu.t sW'<I;!pt O~'':;[, the: Nl:ihc-.rl' nds In ~ 5tJ6~ Iml SwedcQ King (iili~tW"'U~ Vns9! decreed 'U;H!I~: '~i:'!f. 'chu~h i!l ill

ls oj'h W . lf b 'I; ,r . Ilo::!

:1'1> ,~ ou ,SiLt"n., ce ::-! , ~~, U!I ~aVOT (lof ~he ,e:xcheqllcf. ,M.-OG<t jmporcan~ of

an, the R~fQm:ia.~!QI:1 e,n3h]~d rukrsrolw)' [~~e~r h!!iQ~h Or!! tJl<I~ 'IX'C-j~sill!ll'in~ estates wihi,chj inlsome cou.I.l.Uieii, a:J1Klluu:eJ to 25-10 peliJ:il!"nt {If all '!:f!:[toi'i .. 111e [,!!'l1l1tttl> W.1:1:CI WIlTKed, the 'often ,CI)()PI:":ra:ti~..J, 'be:ifi!J; :g.I-!ld. to :!:iidl themselves of m~n(j;~ !llld pri;~tli- who were nonmous fo-r their tndct ei:1ifo.r'I:'..;:::r:n~ t of ,Be-l!it ~J:r.Jd o,ho::r prc~l)giLti v cs. Once ~hr:w h:iU:J been cenns. 'C.fl,ted!~ el:!tiI,tE!l \\'~lig 'soJd for ready 1.!:<ISb. ,0' s rf1iiJ,ugb :f.1'~ap~ J~~~ fr,oq1;loou~r ]~ased PUll: t,O :5u.lxJl).~trno;:oors, ,Er.the~ 'i.Ii'~).'! th~ result was, l'IJ t.I1C~i1Is.e' r.,o~'"iiIi r:!jIi'!LlU~ - Ill. some cases several It[t£Ii~ O'i.'~r· -liS ,in Engl,.llJld' where H~nFy V III, ~(!(;~me the n!l'1t mona,!:4:;b. ,w·]]£! W1iIS .r.icl~e[' th311ll ;)I1 hh IlU~,gn::!lt<t:::;, eombU'l,~:1 - ,:Jind also t~ r:;~il!.e ill!).TiJwtLOI!I;!!1 $uJI']']m~' for the: r..erl)mlS, "'i":llirl!l~ ence :tb.'l'Y had '['(:'<Jche.dilfi;t-IJ' rnen 's pod.e, .lbecam~ much more dj:l:"f:~~lt '[(I~it~d!O .

.!t.'h:Jf~(IoV<l."r" ::II~lId thmJ~l tens <1'1£ th{)!!n;)mb of :!"tt(lnh 3~Jd nuns !iII1~IT ;;.:if~liJly turned DUm: ai:"td, kit 'I.~,'~[hi;l!lJ!t a r.i~iI1g, the rest of the de-,rgy h;liJI i~ be pmvid~d (OF .. Tf"'oldii,tkmO!U "Jlrk U h!!ld 'be-en members Of;3 s,::p3iratc: lmi,~ '",e:J~~ I, '(!lpIJ1'iz~tion .:h .. t look¢4 ~frl!".r .hem b~r a li~lilin8. [h~,rn be:t1):.fL'Ce5. Nrt'f~l,rJ' Cli .. mji~ the,~' "' .... ere tuened into iO' 'l:1l s.-c-.nralil~ wl~~~e dullY h.+!ppeneQi W be ,~?(lo.kllrtg' !!if.',er p~O-J1les' souls, as. in U!Ull{~r'3ln ootmtrks' (lor else, ~h(iolllgh ~etl:lII~rL1 . .!!l rom::=- ::!It.I~(1IlGln.y m respect to iTli!i~rn-!ll o~(ljni;z3tiQaj ~J:IJ.d. ith~ deC:~1;Q.1iI of f.!itt~t5, the.)! were: . iol,Quded .fmm i:1'w')rferiin,g, In m!!it[ets of g{l!,iemme:nr, :11!. 'Jr,3S the case in Ca]vji1i5~ counrries .. Ifl the b.w~t, rukr!'l, I:llollJi,gl) the~' did ]1.'1)[ fi]rmalty 31)'jj-uinm, d1~iJJlid ... es :~LI!"8rlS ('If. the eh~ut:h;, :Jl~~d'~ i:t. the~r ~SfJ(li:ns:i!bmty 'tv h'Cp' en e~'~ Otll Jts Sc:ti" k~d'Udi:ng: ~JilJC2~:i';)lili (bcl'I:h .of: l:ryme.iil and II:!f ~'rit:G~s.)~ ri~,uaml1, ~iI1J p.rC:3'chjng.. In the ~~~inl·r:. tt.II~)' ~f,t!!,Jl w~li:nit funber t!.nd, con uJ:tiJJciJ: with 'Ehe~r Call" the:iilo.(h;.~M~ ~'h~rns.eI,v.4}S_:P't1b~i~!~'eit new ,91r[jdt:5 of~i3jlh, m:n EllgiBlld H:::ir:iry' "lUI'; il:i<!~mg rtl!"J.tE1ier ii, ,Lu(bJ::ml1l .I1(Jf a C:d ... il:1.i. t hum:;pJy ill 'b:ig:a:r:l'Lllit wDm ab50[u,[~Sl !l:e:n,,de:;nd;;:li, 'l"j;I:J.a, eni'IJ:ci:o.-:ue.;t th~ l!l1ldepi!t.l:([,en,('ol!' 1.')[ the: ;[\h'U~h 3iU/' ~slil!ed! i'I! ;"'o"hoJe sejies 101' hindlUi:lJ.ll:' !bdici's fOT his ::i1Llbiect::; it.O t;;ti.tdiy ,3.00 prof'CAi'l.. ,o\ny d!O'~lb't roJ!lcc:r,t1'ifi~ hiG il!litC:W[nOir:i5, 'i/iII;..'T.e !l"i;:Ulovi!:d hl 1539 when

I" ~;Di tl~ d~UliI~. see I'i.'i. [::i~'p, "'TI;,e- ~.;:~ulllml][il"lJl,,(tf~be Sta,i~ fJl Llil~ TelJ!,o,)!ll~ ~Jrd~r in

'p,I1.I5~~ if:! 1 '52~: [[;'I (jml!l;i~ OIl",! 80{;ilili;.;zn,>!l!".'· l\li'i:i!\-tr."~rul'i'rllif ... jl'.l'. 22 n-" JIlI':a '1-

2 ~3, . • ,~, . 'J. ,"Ii' ..

~,~ Utri '11;j~ I£l[: <ilh51~ ~~ibl~:fw :ri"ll~f);'!c mil- r.{l)'l'!lnl,Jl~mil:!I' d!<Jr1ng [his Rill.D illLlllli;': i'l"'l':r. ~ (j" L'IIi'!!t:lI1J,]'I. <'PI!rri(IIli=, I~ng:u~gor lL'Il.U t· ... ;;,'d: ~&t h T .111~ l:i,)I150 IIi 'iil~' ~~Ibl~.

, 15:20 1,'~&1,"«J1 ~~Narl.'i',i...n:~ :l7, i,')~IJ!, 'Ffl .. UI-~f.,. .. .... "

l!l Sre-lrl" ·1·1J.i!chlc. ;,o°Tbe Pc,,~e (1f.ALlJrlI:'lIl1rg~;"!. 'N~y; .~d~r>l1r [..ulm m:ll~ V~tll.iql~. lI1~I::.Lj, Cc4iIll. ,~I..; C~n.if:rtZ ;'.IJ ,iQ',ifl!.fma[J:ruf .r:~~ I j21)-1:5&' (L.o!"".J,>l1.r:):, !'i'~':~1I11' Il, 1,9i' I). ~'" ~.I!:S-tog.i mlod J .. m.J;:d~r'''li, .. ~~ .(l1'iJl)!l1!!:,; oH I.~ ~1ll1 d~ la f!mll",k: ;;_"'JmH· .ft.~" ~!!"

reliiiP;J;' ~#nfc/t.u,~ .~ii.'!J'~ lUi'lSi.'oI&. 37, 1 ':I'~O. IW. ~ b~ ~ E. . .

2, (,~u;;:]1ltIj i~i i. CI,'LlllI";" '·131 (;fi!..,in; XIH r;';1, l'III.iH1~tiL:>l1 l.k~ bitln ,Il!.l 'tkl:):(, I(I~ r~,* ~n 151~-J <j;j"," Aj[IirJJg..~ufA:tt:J'&:f~i! ~r ,~'I'li1~ .' B.:i!.lc l"i~if~ ,:~~ ,~, 7 L eJ !)5~), t"[.'I,

$!U ,()4.: r£LIjJOI.("~ Ji'. 'li!l'7,

,~] ,J ' H. Ell i!l4t, Impala! SP-'lIM.. ,1-t~~I;j ~ (E .m,,;i;::rn: :EdwarnJi ,l!,nlllld, ~9r;.:5), r"j}.. ! Q~ 1;,

70 Tl1~ ~.i~!.:' (rf mll.!; ~m:oi!: ! ~OO [00 ~ 6;1"~

to ,rul.t:' in matrers of d.Q~l:nilile - 'd'tl: ~l'tt'Cnjpt' of d~1: CouTlcil of T:['!!.'']]'[ to redefine 'Lh~ CaiJll.'I;'I~ir;; ,rdigj;(:ilil 'W.fMl i~.:Jf greC:[l;!d \',h ~1~1"m_ :FTf:flr;h 1it'c:rature on Ln.!!: TCs.~~th"C r.ig,hts, or ki!l:lg ~JJd cIlLl!!i.m, grc\'I' iIInd grew, In ~ 594, Pie:r.P.l!;' r-j tho'U! il~ l.itMnl!~ (l reBlire. galiica.ri'l! ,!ymda~~ed th3~'3 whhitll tJ..; fTOL1J[~eltl:; oFtne: feilJnm .• &~le IjOPI!:;'!I temporal p.o.wcr' WaS nii and his 81"lljritu~]' :31.i,~hO'~ty :Ut)1j:tedh') wlnttl"VC'I' had J'ecei~ th~ ki.lJg'~ ~'OOSi!!H'; Whei~ t=H::iillche coJ 31:11 ... '('% di.m bridle of Hi!'J'lt;( ,IV {I :59,1:I-,I!lH 0), 3!~~J njm, 'to mdO:J)[ the' l":riQ~nltil1c an~..-:Ie~ 3!S h(!;r 'Wci1d!Lng ~SC[~~ shit: W.;IS t.@.lid, never t,o 'COtl,cern !~~,tsdf wil~~ matters (d' state, l~etlUrntn,g ta, Ph~iip rr, ~Hmgih Ih~ d:i~, .t10't ~i!lY .d]O'WilI the [p!l1t'!ic.ipJcs 'lJif'!J:~e [,<lith, he did a~s.~rt !hm~ ,~Ow!!',r eo t!,!~ P(lo,iIl:t tha~ rJ.'O papal bul~ cOLl!IA;JJ be pl\lb'l~d il:li rnany oi:If his dmnJiI1Ii()'i::U5:

W':ith'm,!!~ bdrli,g' ~l'f.Jruved, l"Y Mm fiTS[.

~ secular rul!!':~ ~.f,ghl;::nc:d! 'theirr grip Qn the ' h'U~1ii~ C:harl.l1:e :aJ!iii:J !;Well"took '!l1ie pr:=-:f'80JJl!'l!.tJ 0.[ g'o; Encouraged b)r the spread of :s.eI1:lI!!lilIL" h.t~.mlllnn!;lrn~ b~gilll:iifll,8, in the n(temrn O:;:iUury lsyu)(:tJ 1iVef'e j~lcr'e.3!Si:rll.gll!f able -u). ~t 8:; go.OOJ ~n edt!lc!J!~jon as: I:!CC~;a:;tL~ ,diL'Cl!" ]n 'tin];::, ith:ii!i: fa.;;t pu.t an ~t1d to, the: :S~~u!iti.on i,n wMch rulers wc:r~ ..,;(-eIJendC:f111 ~,m "dl!!,.r.ks" 10 ~f~f[ their ,ad:I:'t.1.i't1i~tnli:ioll. : "or i:"XilJill1P~r:,. Ttll:)mW5 Wi(J~S~~j' wha. W:tI.~ dus~gs,s~d! in ~ 5:25; - was :the b~l: ~ruim~1 ~'(J fill, thJe: I) of lon'i: ch::n~ce.LI,m' i:t:l Ef!.ll:Jwn1:l! .. His Sll.'!X'eBSQ~' Thomas Mo-re' Wflo't"e.u hair.sni;rt, under his, do~~es; TIe'l.renheJeliS he 'L'I.'iH pr~lJ:lll,r;i~~r II i:li'W}'e~ whose '!Ai+I,r to the HJp led !hou.[!ih ,Par,! lament, '[~e [IJJJS of COlJln:, i:mu II 5ucc,(!S!>i,'D!I'l of busineas a;:)~15, mlh~1 mild!! him rich, SI!ll:lSe<.luel1l~ ,Ej:ng[ish mc(l~j~ rdlls were usually ~n some 1~jns [:0 ,:J.1i\(I~d 3ip:p(J~jj'lin.g C'h~rcl;1nli!!'n '[t}i Srnte effie '8,- 50n~~'lbing d~"ie.d!·eveo to W~tliam Laud whiL" ii~ arch'biishop o.fCaj']t~rbm, j ~illli~'ed ,1Ii rliilti!jor ,f\CJ!~ nn the P!l!!'"S~t;!l.njc!1i1I of'Puritan ,am:!! ()'[hel:' d~55idlC:11 ts unde~ Charles [, ~F.!J other ,Pf'l:)~~Stllm: countries, l:~e hrr no.hd.lit~r W3iS .I:1lhiirLg' I!IP ics. inde:()~tI-' ori-rt:lJ.t lif:eM~'I~ an..:!, 't!;JJr:ning ~(.I ruyai, !i~-'i"!l':i.;;;'e. ,1l8 a nll,i!lUii5, of .;IJ,I;~·I:hIJ:l:'j!llg lJ:j;:;:rn.~, ~li!es. A!l a.f Clle.;;l n;nJf: C!f Ihl: ~i"'t~mh ...-:emuLj! tlin.O::)1 H()C~'i1i to '[hie: ~llIi ... !!:~i:'t'es in. II.!IJ:lpr~l,;)l..uen~l, IlIlUmb~!,s, in ordcl' (00 ~tud!j',~ ;)m'Dn,g ,0,iJ:l~r, lnin,S%, tft!! 1i1I"'''' .... I,· L"s[ablrshll..u, ·":p.olil:J,I."2Im;' ~!!;iet'lioe wi1lo,sli: £{ll!li1l,!e~ '"",,'C'l'e HOoi.HiI1I aJlQ J!.J.!5t,us, U,['Sius, U

ThQugh S:io .... 'er o:1f thi!: t Iilrk~ C.:uholi,,; ruJc,'~ :F1_i1~0''i!.'oi;!d, '[;n Sp;;Ilm Car'';!imlJ~ G.I'llIT:!'!I(:iJle~ who ~t.::'.rved 11* t.n.ilsreJ: fad" 4 \fer E.\\'eli"ll~y }Ii!'ars: before d.yl;n EIJi hames80 mrll ~,586, p:ro~".;:d to be the 1.;1 I. ·lJf his kind .. J?Eui:ljp [U's ehi.::f .I11liii~tl".r. WlIlS (he duk~ Qfurma_ PJjj1ip IV 3Ipp"oin~:ed .Ji~ COI!IIU IlJfOJh"3!'es ;'md, ,lJ:ft~l' bjm.J, :f).J;),rt LllIiiis Me.ndiit.Z di! ]iO!!l'o', Onhf fr,IJJ1~~" whic~ in tlru~ days of C.a:t!leriine dc' iMedkJ, (l :'I.SI9'-B.;9) lI~dl :Ei~i1I~.I'V (15:B'lJI-i, 61 0). h<a.d bl'>!!TI, ,mo'rJliIg in t~1,1: ~:lim!! dil'~t:t]on) pmv..e-cl, IliI11i !;:t!:~pij.r..n to i:ho::!' :e;e.n:~r;llj

,lJ L.. H_ ~~Wi.';:-, ~!lle 1;!d.!l!('il1io:'rl~! !li:e~;:il;.ld'lr,n :il1l L~I'J!.IQ!ld), I ~if,l.l- NH<fIo, '" ["lrJ'~ ll'iJd ~llt"

28, ! !i'.Jj~. pp. l:! l.i'i m'_ M_ 1·I~hm. jI~ntklU.!' l"ul Prt!I~'~·LI.!I d!,'$ ,~r.::lti'o:'.J::o,y.biII~I.4'r,i .1'd;:rl!; 1M!

1~ ji;.l}jmlolJti~i:f (lk.rlim:' C-""!Qu:il!lll-''!i',e.rI92!, '] 979), 'p;p. 20Mf,

The 'l:hJ~l.t ;agalM~ !lLoi! ehurdL TU

. Fo' mihii'!:y-s.e'Ioren ~'c::ns - ~ ,15,24 to ~ ,156 1. - it 'W~t5 run iby tw~ ~g~~!f!' !~(I

-:~~inaiS~ ,Rich;!!'JiclIJI . .o:n~ MaZ;Orjn.,_ , ... ho !J,;;;~J in ~hl: !'I!"rn~s 0(1' .l . .ol!.l,i~~ XIU ~,d the ';ifL1-Ul1g 'LOoms, xrv ri.'"!'Ip:x:t~'!!~ny, .It lih.mud, be ~~tl;,,,n:}'~c't'l,l~I,!,~ th~[ :'o1;.w# c"'i:lifdl 'be. m,ore 7.'C'.3]~I.I!I' m def:efl?I~' the ~~,.! ~e , ",*;1!,~ ~,~!~.'"

• I .0 in Rome (~I1id ;11 (I' m aceLlmu!ann~, o:ffit;~ for bj~~11? tli..t!.n ::~jeij)l hitJi1¢lf - to the point Ilb~t h~ h~ (ll~:cn been regarded as its true, ,~' ~i1[" Here, OOo~ in a!l'lY' case -e the e.;1;i<'e:nlf.!r;!!U ![.,r;IS; i1I!Cl(, ~1!!~~,Dd .. O!l:l~, ('II ':,~111,,,, ~., ",'LjJll= wui;s XlV did 'U!pO:JJ, rL':al:!b~lIlg his m..u;ioriiy ",,,~s IicI hong

~,~ ,1.In;~ IUJ Co"" • - fi ," _ ] .

:'''''~lnc:nt Ib ... ' ecc~~i:g:;tk5 tQ an ,e:ti'~. A.,;:tu~g as Ius OWtll ~1rs~ Hum~le~~, re

:'1)~aJ r~~ his' ~dviisct"il 3morlig laymen :~IJi!:,.b, IleS GDIIb~rt and! UnJN'Dis, .

J!,iW~i1Iw:bi!~ ~:hc' \rt:ry' idea ,U'I:3'[ !)~~e~ty gO/!lii;!mm(!!r,I~. ~ep,en.o~~ en rhe I1ctitl~ of:reJjg'ioll waa corrung uncle. :ntt.:ll;;:;k, Ono;;e !ilgllm1 mt '~VBS human:n ~ [hilt opened tb~: _dOQi'S- C.;j) (li~ hiS i1I)lI,l~h ,il;'tn'!,j~~d1 R(Io:!l~n ,Rlq:rIJlNk. M~~hja .. 'eLl:i su,gg'e5['ed, that It~ne of ~~ '5ec,~~E3! or political 3!taoEI,iit)l' oot\iSisted Qf tbi;! Ui~>J;~~ classes l!Ji~mg :rc~IB,j(iltl In o!:'4~ ~'Q koe!'l;Ji 'h~' mllrSSf'B 1:1'1 their place",2!, The truth IJ':r untruth of these ibeh~ did nor ml'i1U:e~ fot hi,!n~ it W3I9 not the mand!ate of ne3iVC:L1J but '~'.ii'r.j';t~ best dc:fil:'lJC'd, i3.S it i!~;l i srure 0.1i" P IJi ttii (Ii~ ism an (I, c ~'; Ut.! '[ both 'Ct,1,: l~~.t:;J :go vem m~ IlIl find! jn~tiftJ~ i~ .. Nor was ~tac-hm:n'Cm;,s tn.!!; o.llI~~" ,r>Dlce 00 r'lll~~1!: im;;f'lf: three ~~ ~rt~x he ~adl l¥f'j[tC!l Tfj~ {.iir£iI!CC'~ Thi)m~s, j\~'ON jYubli'3h!i;!~ Ult:rpia n $1 oJ. There he described ~11I imagi!l1sr]." po-lily which exercised re~ig~ JOOS '!O]~J;:1i:iOf1l ,,\riithom: tslliflig ~l1ir£l dli!;ameJ' ,Oil"l iflid!I!:i!:d~ 'suff~fit1~ :lI"'~~ GJJniir:~fn~n'"8o of any ~l1d. The o:nl'~' 'Jt:X~iti.'!J1lI W!lI'e atheisms who would d!!IJ.y JILe!I'l an eternal s.C! 1l!I~; but CVcrI, IJJ.ey remain c d U1U1:11ljl ~!)Jt~ $0' ~Orl Jll as, ii:hll:}.' did ~L)'t p.l~blicl~' express Ihe:if views. nut. (or' the :fi:lt;l that he W'21:3- ~mlju:3- fo-r bj~ love of l5Jl.tmri!:J we' might lNdU accept Mm'!! 3:~ 'til.:: fir.~l true mlJd~r.n, A:s It is, (H1.~ i~, hilJ~dl-I:'lIf.I~sed.l 'W $:ily. 'IJiI~Le:!:het lhAi:: i)ClOPOOill w;tlS !c:ri.o u:sly ifli ili: ill iI1t, ] I;;:: Mm'S e.lf w.n:s :il ill. i n!t'l"l1 rely rei U,gi DiLI!~ P e D'S 0 n 'W lib 0 dI uring his. term as I~"krd chaT:i~!U(i(r. P"'I.':S~C1:!t'ed :he!;lC'~~cs .tS ze:n];;)I,l.sI:y !:!IS, hoe CO,ykl!, :He el:1A.1IXlIJy s,~(:i'jjfic::ltig hi~Jf in '!:1,'l:'!l1lg C~th'D~id~m '1II.[!i.sir1l5~ H'~"u)'Vm.

!ttl, 'my ca~(!' the jd~~ \'i .. "S desu:t\e<I! 'W tak..;: mwl,d in t;iJ'IJ:'IJt~s. :3-u,,;:h 8:3- fo:r.ance and the N e:the:rLands" As the f,m:m'cr slid ,into civil 'ilr.3f' (!'(Ul1i 1;61 ifN.I,!;, Itoile:t"nce Y'o4!eer~ 'o)r H~g.uJ:n '[ lipuke:!.:m~ as a ,,,ay of: p:mt~cEjng tnr:m5d .. ,!!'S, ag'lflinsl: nhe Cstb.o~kma.ioriitYj, l!idcl~!1iot1.aj ~LIip~'lIOrt C[]Jl~ from the 's h~u11 of I.h(ll!!;;:hI k1~Ii)\¥tI .~ fJ1.']itiqu~r ( the !!)Pf;!osl~e (:if faFJ,;:rtiq~te5) ""till) h'Dped. tv use i.t r(]i.f ovcl'O)mi:ng f'I~liIDL}l,l'" dl,.,hions,. ~ - ]3{Jt'l:I Ch~ii'les IX ~ 156.1)-,74}. ,RrlJdi H~ry ]]]' (:U 5"14-:$9.) t 0')0' 00, ~~h It :Er'DD1 l:iJ:ll!f' ro time, ;as dld itnr::-:ir .mothl'::[ who ""'~~, ~hl! r·.;!al :l!owe-~

l\iI 't-oi, M~ .. blai'~lm.i, D.i!:oo\!ITi'I (N'~w Yw:r'k: ]i'J.i.lll!lOtlll m'!Oit!l(:, 1.9':i(ll, d~. L 1.

1 ~ M _ G, Smi t:1;.; ")] n rI~,. ];; re.1lFdJ Ad,~-';;i:'!I[ e ~ !:! r r~l i gioiJL]5, ]1 r~ i;lI,) i);!'l)." 8M .Ifi .... .JU;,.'Il'oIl ':0' J.:;.J.nraJ; 2;', t, I';y~~. I~.r", lQ !i1.


,_,' -i:5' :lIi!1,un pr~.lI:i~~di and tM~ ~~I~l!,;l.iti.'lJn bl,i!~t.! W t"I,,~!$ti~blj$h h~~I,L :rPI!1l~: -)"C~ ['tI.nh3W1iliors :lIni",~d mt rome fQr~~Jl;~i "-:(i;~~If~ {I\!,!~' -of I;he :fi:r~,t \1i1~i.~:~5 '~i:t:ll,t had, too be"se~,tk'ii, WSI:; dH.,=:ir ri,ght,-,!2111J tli:i!'t tl'f.J]~h St;); - Ni ~ll~~, . lll1! O"A'ilii mili:1l:licr. ,~!I'i mos[ CaiSe;g.· the: d.'l'"JILlLnd: cmlll,!ll..i tiP br. ",r()~.liP . -"!;..' -,,' "'-I· '1'1 ra - . - "'r;atI~'~~ HrS[ iiITi pnvate ;il:!1I1,1, Tu"'f:lJ~ :l:r:i",r'e3iSH1!,gI!:t'1 :In pith> [I:' a~, Wio'e,., - '

~Ifl!g., - - I' . ..11 ,i:.,'" 11 'I II.. -

- :iRJljs tfr:n~ 'both CatbU],'l; ,UIIL-u, oiiij .... i'1,WI .. :!', _ ro~~Ui1Jtl!t, ru ,~~ were ,)o!:g_!ii1l-

, :_II' W tfd!~ :(b,e-ird:i'u:r:dles as if thl")' W.~F~ mere "J~~J~ii1tntmts. ,of U~t~, [n fIiI~~m'Jm~r' i~mliijtofth~ eCi;:l.esi~s~ies' 1H'ii ... it,eg.~ and! immuniriee remained ~1:"I:::IO~ ilgb:t up to Ih~ tim\:: of th~: Freiil~l'L RevoJu~io(li:H ~~!l h~ ~'h~ lauer, t:P ~~Ia:r.t .• " P!;'TI:!,;gi..iJ" Sweden, find England ( .... ·h~, '[ [em), '1m had called ~:_ij ,~ef;~J{ '''':Oil'll)' ~l?3jf_ O'l~:t s~u.~~t~"')~~"" .h~ _di:tfi::t1i:!".r.l~!i_ b~lwe~r~ Ij_lC!I'il_3~(:! 'I~n w~ !r.3iJ~'UI,y ib~lng' dlml~J.'t~~. \'(.'1~d,e lr~o~t,ect~~c~t:d JJl:l)iP~e ;p:rulb.a'itt1\1' (;Doi,i:im!!!'di ~)1) li:ie!.i~"'c both m. th!! d!L¥lne' [1gt.i~ 0([ ltings and m the iall:i,~:g :rigtit ,l!i(Ld! dut.y to .I.'lJotiik .1.fter lh~i:r subiecrs" s~i.ii!~;I,.iI;l!~ ..... ~el:fute! w h~it~ Mil ~~am;gc: ,~,<;ri~ it), [he ak_ ,P-~rh9ips il:h~ ma-!-t rnJk~~ p(lo;sL~k,[1I 'L-\;,llS ,f;;."u.'[l,d! in Jlhi5~!I1I.d '!,' .. 'he-IT' Tht1JJl::i!5 Hohl1<~ ]mlhli~hiCid L~Jil:r.IJsj\J un 165.L _ i',r.ifl,ll~J'i~~ bY G!)~i~eilJ, Bohbe::;.' &r~.)i:d ~¥-i1-:; ~() !b~s~ his j.iii>li'ti,cl'd S,:r'S[i;!in, (Iii ll:i~' ph¥~ut::S t!(f' Ilrls d!i!}'.~ ,!:"Hmittil~'iflig all In:fiillenc~ other thalo rhese !that could. be seen, ~e;Ili!lNh ;;md,m:~~, H~ ~s I~l~' :fh'8~, to l!<N!i:!!1i,n1J ~'h:!l,t tt~e 'beHi;:f in, God (-if H~ ,~iM,OO) ';'!,:3:; irrelevant to ptl'lit~~~ LliS to· '1JII:It~r f'tlim1:i, he fllJlilJ'V!.'"Cd M~.ehia'H~lli i,n '!I~ClOmmC:l:l-di.rl;g thaii: sll.!ibj>l:CIi::;; be ,mad!e eo f!ra,ctu~~ th~ ilenigian p're~(;r~b~l b~' lb~ s,(;iYe~ei:(i;tli.1!S best ~dl;JIp~~d wlhe 'mil!i;i1~et!:t!jjoCi:' (lof ~b1l1:; ~~rlle:L D!!JI~il1:g me' Enwish Civil. War', Hobbes was ait~l:ckoo at; a lti,}pl'(l~he~e:~ic ,~,1'i4 fo~~ 'W !1!Ie-e Cl!b~o<.-'i,(!, H!i)~~,j,!~t, II \1,I'.;l.'S s.~ji!l~p~0m!J!tlc:!(!;f IJt~' '-hu:ogiillg outlook tluit, even th!JIU;gn the Prorectorate w-us (;iJ'JT.I,mi:U:t!d !to Pllrltrmi:sL'l'll~ ILntd!c:r Ci.lClmw",lI, he W,~ f,!1! tCiJ r~~'U'm,. I:;'~C1m Ih>l)ir.I !IIJlIt~l h~~ ,(f~'[h _, ';.~·hj,;;;n t'l)tI'k p~Uvl,!: ..,.~~~ after the R~:>.tlJ~l'tilJ':rl, :jJJJ';'! l:hLl~ :u.fl'l::' 3.:TIf('j~her mcfLjor chafllge in !rd~gi[)lls. J':Io,l:iey _ he was aitoweQ, to tivc in peace !L't !:lit~ kirlig"s E"e<.t'lSi.'lJiiler though, the p];iJii1'11~ of 'I MiS being blamed In pil<r~ o~ his b!!.!$p~lem0lJ.!~ '~'ie:w!i" fmm then ·o.n he \V;!Is, i'o:rb:irld'!.!;11 to publish,

'Il~~' pap.aCYJ. NJ% changed In eh .. !ti!(.il\e;t" The rise (If I.b.~, g~i!II( m(:iii~iU'" ehii.l:;!s had, not go:rH!' unnmiced wlillih aflbe' Alp-s.. It made the popes realize t'i.1o;!i~: t~erlr GWi1I iiI~"u~ la'll" Wi"~ il ·"'....;;· ..... ial "'~i:ii ...... " ... r!"II' : - wli'l' "", 'b"""

- -_. - - - ---,;r _,]1.. - ,; ... ,.,""'. --- - 1'-" -- _"""i,"'_I...... l1i eau ... ~" .." .... ~-

~n1£"1!~'i!1!:$ WO'IJ.ld. e1«!rd.~e: fJ.bG;OIII.Ii:l~ g·[Jv-.::mm!!nt :i:oct~.dem.il1r of ,anY-

:~ StE,9' tliMi:iIlr,£I)T, ~!~~~ :D\tM-\ilty (~~fI: ~Jjdu:n ~J L 9~'5.).:~ ~6(ill', 1\. I~ lrl'1i1 I. Ou¥, l'tw1:!ffii!l',f itt! J.f~~ln·,;h.1 ,.f.IKC: Jil'l-I'!lil ... II1m" ,f'riliricl ~!l-J.' Rt/anfI

]~ 1,m..,1$jf,i (Ci.~[>:1rd: 1~19~h\'~II_, i Qa'fi). po. :1 s,

Sre. ['<Ii: I~ITJ.!!.19!,!~.:S, n';"f,~11; ,~1l4 C, iDlJ["Il .... f!!, ,P.;i!.l!l!l!', ,p,!~i'¢o"j ;t4lf Rrof,1i:-; 1~ elm",'\- oii.,..;i ~ i!.Il:i!l'8iaml, I S19'-1689 (lAJrldUiI: :li;_,;llll!td~', 1"l9 n, p, :I 00. fu," I'r.mile, ~~~ ~".l S~~-'i!\\'ic'~. Pt!lil~ ",~,~ ;!;';!i'\j!imt j'N S.,...'LVJIW!Jr,hC ..... u:1i1ji rMJl~\! {~~ -'!ru.U ~""'.I$, '~il~~: iJlkil,'ttliIY ......rOJ~ill!r1'1iil I''rtSi, J911!J), L)P, LM" ~'\l9. aDd, rlN 5paic"j.],_ Elli,"'I~,

p~[ i.i;ml, r'mp;iIJg~rl.d3 :in; S£1ailil ."f PbiLip iV," :il~ S_ \'(,:il~l:ii:;o:" ed ..• ,Rite:; 4 l".::o:!~'1.7:

S)!.'I~I."'~. ~jr«>j 4!ii'!'! c~.'~ S(~I~.I;io- }!;Ji.#k~~ Wl;,il~.;i~!~)'!rI~: 'Uifj~l!.l! ,;,f f>:-t,nli~:!o~-

'~~II~ I~, I'Y~~'}, !;Ij;(. 1491T_ "

\body: else, Tl~e ~"'{l.rk_ ·ih[ bujMi~g, .i.[ ''''''8:; b~gnan ~" thl1! :«te~.ri·~~·'·' U'I';';IJ~ Buril·::h+tnH) S;I<'l:t!ll!: IV (1.iI!'11~13.~~) • .By ~mlendet'ti"\g to lo.Ul!!, X[ \\'n,Lt b_.;:, (:Q!U~d i1.Qt P1'Ol"tC[ - i,·~,~ ~J\r: rigl;:t to It;l;:ol; eCdJ::!iEII:.<;~k!il~ jj~!l.""Om·!! ~llId >C;{'Ji1Itf'~1 ;t!'ill:r belillehC~ -.M bo-.ugh"t l;'~c;ild, a~sds;t9J11~, OI~ itt 3l11jl"ratt!: nellJ!t"t3ai~y, hll Il.i:s dir$pu[(!'5; I[.,jilb. d~~ :rcr.i'io:lining Irahsn ru~~rs, The !OCSip1re ,g!)unc:.d hll! Il~r:tl to' e~ptu1"'(!: iLb.e R~~{lngh(lld!i nf the: CoJmm.n f:a:rrdly ii!lnd tin the:i:r tflll.!lS, mca:km-g ~hek llil"'l'l'lf!!f ;lila cnlJ.bH~hD[bg: papal rule (I<!.'"e'r. 'tnt!: ci'~ ~r :Rljlmc: (i;.t1!!Ji! ~ijJd fo!!' .;111. H i)!,'I,'e\'1f!f, SiX~lUli' anenlfH~ to iC'lJlltiouc: his '~l~ otlm:rigtl!e and .:J;SSIli~~iEl1ltion hi Qi~-e. to ~io;:tef1ld hi!!. CI.:IIl1U(I] m'"Gr .f:ilm,ltll~ ;;IS wdU \V35, Cirnt sn()f[ by his, d~ildu_ His imm.e(hu,1:' 5:u~(;'e!l!l(il[',. lfim"'~j;Jt V.I,!]', wss and rnadeno fi.ttthe:r headl\'liI)'_ Ii~nOC4;!t.I:t',!'l SUCCI!!;Si).~; AIt:1I:sndt .. VI (th~ s.;P\3:n~atd itodrig~) B@,~g~;}) ib~¢;lmt;! m,v4:ltyy::d in the: senes of iF'r;uJl:co-S, wars ohair, b:roik4?- 'IJUt VI,;nl:.I11 me-French iru"',ililed [~~J~' iJl 1494 ,iIlnd~ 'IiO'.b:k:ih 'were MJ las t until 1559. !By (~!ffU)' ~\"'itc'~Wl,g ;;JHtii1lIDi(:!!!'~ at se~~;ll cr:hp.cU!~ nH)metli~S: he' p;ro'l.ricled hifmdf wEth .fUJ~'tn~1:' (¥wor~;Ufiitie:~ f:(ir ;Og_~rundi::1.~menl[, H[lIwl;"',!!'r~ hili, 3JEt.ll1A'3I~ not tilQ :ml!~l;h tQ stn::nJlitl:ten. ~l'Je' ,PapiJln Sti1l~~' PLlr' ~ !ill::; ['0 plro1lid~ his relllim!iIi)EiIS - cftill:.f ~monft ..... horn ~. as hjs :SOIl. CeS!lIn:: - 1.t'lIh ,princf!!1ritne;s whk], he d~snijb:ulte-d right ,uco.d ~eft,

Then .it ''i!fat;. the itU,I;';Ii, 0:[ ShtUJIll1,' .nf!"]JJl~'W, i'he 'wa:rrior-'pope J'u.liill3' Ii' (~ 50)-13). C£"['lc.l.uding ,lI,!1: 8m:1ltllt:~ with Sp;)in as; lhe- gl'e.o:test 'p0!l,\'I,:r of the: ~:iti:ll!!', he dOlI'U1>1:0 IIiHtll;):( and, c'OJ:r.tirum.QJng ~n ;pft'r'Sof,), ~ampaigt1Jecl ,aU over ce~!Ct.H!~ hilil" '", Cc$t]:«:' ,Borgia was c3lpru"l!id,~ 8riJd. ro NaiP'(:~, 3ln,d sent to' S..P.',3.i'j~ ",:!"ihc~, he .d!i~.d. in a skirm~shi itl~e b:oosIO'S[ b;r' R(l>l:n~ 'UJ1,(t''!.'T. Ale1l:!ln-' dee 'ii1 W!gR: !reO(l'l.<ef'~~ and !!I(Mm~1i'i)rlltl, !p'am af mhe lloo,'l''Lu. ;IIJ1:Mxed, '\Wliu::n [ulius \~!i, stlo1.:ceeded fim':'St by Leo X (I 513-,2.3); IIin~ then ~, CJer.ilCl1it V]] (.E j23~3~5)~ both mft'1ll1't!e1"li of:the M-e-Ij,Hd fllm.ily, itt ~oo~d :liS ~f ~'I!"CIii ,FJ(1n~:f1Ice and tl'm:fN.'iI ~e' \14~ote ,ai "ft.nsc;]ny w~:~ dt::s~hlled II!(I' come und~t pa,pal g'Ij)''''l!'.t'fImcn~, It, 'W,as (U@[: 11:1.:1' be, and the 5.II1C:k IJ'f,it(ii,tiitr.=-:by 'LI1-e ttroQpi5 of Chaeles V (m 52:7) that' '1.f1i1! d~liIgc'l'S, no the Pap~i St!lt:c: ~ere by 1110 ~fi1taIil!3, OVCT_ However, ffi) iii thi;s tim!! Ilm:tH the .NOip"OkCli.n~c \V.a!:'S R.on~~ <5!!1!iJ~.;kd in 1J~]ntllihllitlg ,Et'!l()~r:as ~n i:o.dA;;'ijJendemlt. polttit:<"JJ e.nth:y with th~ pope 8S, its. U!l'JQjSpllIli.i!O ruler. [[5 ftO'n~1ien; Ja!H~d even ]of1l,s:er, ,r.e:t'ruI:LLni'ng eatablishcd .fo.r thi!;!!! and u .h3l~f centuries '[I;) rome ,llInd 'i.\\\i,,'['(!' done awa~' wid~ !l.1n~ iiit ] 859 when ltilJja~~ 'u:o:ifi¢;ltiafl was ;acllie'!iloo"

y ~'t if'll a d:i':)]f:J:lei:lt W,lI.}, ~e ~nstruC:L~DIiI Qf l>uC'J~, a :!'lta [I!: proved to be: ,il Q~tI!bJ~-edged We!lp~J:'t, D!f~~elil by Itnl:!: need to ~g.3c~e 8J.1ij' majn{;:Jlill mert;J!".I1:a:r.y troops, tf.le popes o:f" the l)g~ ,e-.ngll!god: In. v,eJ1.3Ji'r,}; to arM ~,xf;Ctrt nlJlt kttown rerol~ er, ~ ru'b.ahly', IiJITi~~. Acco;tdin~h' ~hey s0~.d ~!I1idli.dgences (pwm.i:;j!n& 1[0 gC:t sinf1i~t'8 out ,aifj;\'wrgaUlry) and .;;jtl'.8dropkd thl!: n:utnbe..r of o.ffic~ th3i~ ~i(lL'"J."e 'open to pur~ha:~e; iPa!l'lkul"r~y ~n G>CT!IllBiI1Y wh[C:h did! !not: h;lV~ 1II sJngk miJ'IInm-a to pr'(t;tll':o;;t it~ thc:}· also :s.iphO[tf!id .Iti.'lJlile,;t' ,OO~'''''<I}t

16, 'l"he~ rise O'J: ~J~~' st~'Iii:~ 'I :3f.1il to i ili1;f!;

BOl:l'!fiI!l!;!~ ,(:~ 21_":~)~ ]l.hi:lip II AI1I.g1l~,UiS of F.i.'.;)'!l>l:'e do!,!"c\lo!'.;!tlJdi ~hli:: i!lis~ :::;i.':rl'Dtt~ ~t~~mp[ mJld~ by <1I1~ Empe.l'ox- o.tto ,IV ~ D-'I) P~!t back ~~ili,! ;;':~IJ.;J:: to '~hl! da ~~ Ch,adC:iT~;-lgD.'[;!:. ~~~o the .q' oJ:" 1ID.1J;lCfi)i"' ClHl]~~ IV in ~ :;:.50.1, w: r'oJJ~~"'ed b)/ III bng iiiil.~JTegn.l~:ril dUJ-it~J~ ~wtiid~ the th!i"1:)!1,1o!: 1A'liI~"\i;:~t'aM. ~) . II,b,~ ~lme ~l!udoUfI ,(If Htllbsbl,J:!;"~ ~5-'l:enl;;!i;ld the' throne in :U 273, .!.I had h::d t! the' rnni1,p!;1:, ,of \!,rh~I)I!1!.[!T' ~!JI_~ilY l:i~ip-cri~l. ,pOw~r' still f.ios~~!:;oo (I'll L'si:Q~ g~~~,Ee[" ?t!"_r.ll1i~:~Y, h was I;:h.lrlirl\g·ll:!is pe:rJ4,1;") that, '~'pJDiti~1~ the S,jil:l!.LLt~D.1'I wh~n!: !F.I ... al dllm.laill()S 'lA'e~e fi.ght~ng ~i1m mh!l!t; the kings of ,A;~g.oD " ~liIn:;:,al1r~ ,8~Q E!I.:.Jl!t!".ll1i:!l, :i"!SStllD.:Cld! th~ T..n1ipeT.i:;d o~b lmd! lh~ ~(1);~lk'(( c!.Ot'l'.:J 'Cr.riVl,'n ~~, SY,IJ:llb!l)~ of '[ihlr.;!li" ~illiJmnt"'l!'.

_ E ... ~~ ~'h~,t ~'help"'" th~ ,H(I~Y' RiJm~;jj Em'"putle iSryfl.lil:1:~r~~~ :re~ei;\1\Di!, fl'()1;"[j '[he tJ\i1:~'~ ,u~ i~ SiTiUgg!~' ';1;g3Jl.ll1;~: rli~ mo.l:l;~J.'dfJ::;. 'Do1lld b:llckfif'll!. Thu~~ ::i~ 3i p3iut. onf: his .b:~do!:l!.Il: t;tlin1!p:3:i:gt~ ,tIl~rlifiln :l."'h-iHp :W; DQ(llj:F.~I~ VU!' trj)~i In ,~ntei"~~i: Al~~~!.l of Hahs'burg ifll1Jr~1: f:rell'J~~ throne, Th()lII~h (l:ic:' offer 'IN~. ,gu-Ilcciul,!y d~dil1~l' the [pll;!pe Ctm.tinl,J.ed l\jJ ~1!I~.i~~ i:h!U th", ~jng (lif F.r;lj'IlQ~' was S~1bo!l"l:H~;:n-::: to !~h~ Empew~, ~ ~ ~~, ~a'Wlo~iI" ,:Ln1lClil;(!; P'b:i~UP.'8 8d~is~ respo'J.l.d,c4liy bdl.l;gi:il~ jil1it-o.1l~ the ph['(fIs~ !'"e.1;" in ~RjU) 31M' i;i.i<Jj!'f'(lm~(;I.i',~~i (the kin:!!! ~s _~~pem\l" ~r.IJ his. ml;,r~ realm), ]iIiI lime ~~. 'L",I.II~ [1J ~jJl "':'id~ CUH~ii!'1:Tl' c1't'IJt on.l.}' m F'r3inoc bur in. ,a,t'i:l.'er (;O'un.ttct(!!l' as .... 'd!, ~4

Or!! th;;: '!Jtn~r ~bi1ru.:i!, i'h~l phrase ~~~~If :rdk~(~t !the- l;ulp[;rei'.;, supe-_r.i;;)[" status til 311 :LI.ffai:r:s: lh?lt, t~ilifllsC~ndi!l];g jt~t~iv,idll;i] I9ngdo.r:n.s; 8ft~d! CI:Hi,s:tiilif~~I.y :liS· 3 t'llliQ~e" ,B'Qw~',e:r Sh3~k;; .... 'Y k;; ~J. ,P01o'V'f:!r Rljt: Empi:re, a:3; 'h.:;:jr to R!:}mi!:,~ ttm5lirl!~ ~,C:h ili-ite ttl .I;n.en·'S nlJii:[1,C!;s; ~his ~!,\'<lS true ~.I)~. il)n~y ,h'IJ C~JitnIlU EIlIi~'Ope' bll~ ~ISo k.i Iml!r' , ... ,herr: ]'~op.l\:!- '~l!~re deslJeril!tel.v loot1~~!!j; .for '!.'i,'atys to' 'CA:iill!i1l(,et ~_hc' p(Iil'iier of [1.1,~ chl!.JJr!:"l1., A me:~~ ~"'iii ':fl"llT~ atl.g<r [!;oF.l:ifillC~ hm~~ :OJ::;. Uj~.::i!N S!i;I.k"'ld:rj~~ Dante ,~lighjeri (! ;;'::b5-132,~) p1lbi~~'~e-J _[IiJ' m()rJ1:rJ'C·llia. lj~ t~lT1Id~d by its lIIt11[h(;~ to be ,hLs prose m~gmmr (jj?l~, toe W(lri; 'i-\i';!IS: 1 .... ,r.inl::liI 31ga!~U the blllCi:::I2'XO!!J!f1I1;1i (If the ~t1,cI;LI'\!:ss warn which ~rfl~l;t.iild th,e peninsula. Dsnce seans by e:<pJninii1g !ib:::li: jjL!'Jl1.j'i-(i~~~ g(ji~rnmen.t hiJ!S!d by G~ ~IJ. (}J_"-4~ to b;:ei-l J;1lmaQ U(!U~5, Ii: spede:s ,ClilT' 'L ... ~IJ:fuJ iIlfUI:ItLiU:;, in .c:i]ob'l1::k. N I!::';:~' ~e m:rgl,j,!::s rir;3,t~ slnee 'f!'X~~rifll,g iking,> Cl3n~0~ . .bWit e~s.<!l~ ~n, co.IT!,]j~1I: '!.'i,'u[h e~;;:h ()tti'ri~r". ;3, ~Uij:rr.i!m~ sGCllIIhLr 31l'~t!(I(riity i~, j~~edi.'ld to '~'{"'~Clt~ ilLl!si:iC~ 1J!!,i",l!":r :[h~l.1l1~ that il: is to- the lwmilir~ iP,:::o'p~i!~ ~nd no ,oihet~ th~t !I.IIn~I~~~ :nlC1~~:IIJXilIy :P'MPe"r:i.y belonss: .:I.I:i¢;j th:llit ~Jl~ rii~J:I:.IIITh !f! qiUe5ii:i,olr.i :should be: ee-equal ''!lith) but in no 1;'~>' de,pe:l.'L(i!ent, '!..1i1".i~ 't~e PO,];!C'_

l~~ ,~Ilt"emH\li\itl. in thij~gs HilJrnan.!, h1.H ~'IIe:n more .d)c:[~rmir1:c:4 in dll~feMC" tlf the r:::J:npi:rll!: 'We~' two ,diD~~' ~iJ.i:'LLi;~mpo:P'~rilt;s {i([i' DllIlTte"s, .t\:\8r~i~lus 01

~, ,~~d~ ,00 30 AFr,,1 ! 303: 1. P; I'f~fEi~[', ed., C"-'i%!~ .lrm~ !:'M-I<.lli:iI. (Iml<lbrt .n)" M~II= _ \lJ:lllil".tmrllPP, 1:T!4), wI. l, p. ~?1.

~. :h R. 11~~'~"']~al1; d~ r~1tt!1Q[_~[ i~ f!."\nill~!~~ ';Il:eoc P'riil"ld;I~'"i!l K1/;11!:I ~Llo2j',rcli':lIl.(:"p~ ~~[,,';" III L't-IoIi!i/t d !m= ~~fuPJ.i""H" ~~ ;2 G-.!!I;.W/ k J:l"i;,w {r'Onfil: ~il"l.!~" ,i,\~(~~), F'J!'- :o;e:~-l.;Ij_

.' 'S M-<lrt:ili!l~ \'IW_.KI'-'I~, D¢fflro-rloor, ;'~. G~""'ll'lI1, H,(N~ 'Vmlo;;; 1·1~1'fi1i:~. l ~~~}; Will~m ''If {ii;l;:iI.OlIi11:. ,D1.:a1"BJ-" (1.A1mt.nI~: 0:41000:1 UiIln"G"!li'ly ~"Ii'I:~~, 19,~'5),!Iillt tn, tr. 11., I,b-.. .n, '~" 7. ~ <:S~.fI1L i:n~l.;i~[~[, c!'\;i~l~l r(H;i~ :pl~\% l!1l i 4,]~, i1; (1.\!~Ll 'il~ Jm\ell~I"d~~ Ur~!J1. f.ll~r.::l.i~ iM C~~.skr 'j:!'l H'ill:iI-;: r~Jl1Ilk Lin. 'llilill .• 1::1:198), 'I', ~'~(!1.

~i;.!illlf~,j~ ~lm8n}' ~':I.;;h OI::ui$_-':iiil ClOiU.ld he ~'li,~d on!}' !Col,;iU' h~ru cash, FQ ~~_,ij Ll.~P':k:~ '~hr: ,i:;Uo.~iitu~e:S!~ ! 3:55' ~u..llr!rlibry b¢~l'"d, 00 l~¢;:;ime 8lr1 r r1IlPl.,nD~ ... !r;::m~a[e ;li~~d ~V!!~l . !)tmi_ OU~ ;~ 00,00(11 flo.r.ii:lS for [h", pri'rii:ht.'g>E., In I 31~~ ?'lLI:'!.~zm ,Yl:S:Pml h~gwlse p;~II!:L ,1,OO~00(li_'f!oTiim .11.1. 'O:ft'.~e~' t,o-lM!; ,!:,I.';oognized ~!5 duke 'Ll:f'~IJ!lIl1.. Ar~ltII;jel!.l~ VII[ 'Wa~ made d~~Ii:~· ofS~~try' k .. l, <t 16~ Gi:.o"',9 - :r-r~~~e.~1J' .GD1'i7:~~ CGll.i'!,~ of .r\i[~nlU;!l, j~l 1412. In ! ":~31, si}r:krrL_g ~ ,rL!",g~~!_~ij~re its CQrut~U over the nA}w,~r conquered ,r4l1'7:a jen.P.,f1, i!'vc:n VCTIieL'. ~ Wlil~.~,~a"l !;i;1:,\\'e'J' :!.I,), ;)jn:~" O::8~¢ b_{:cn p;;m ,o·f Il:l~ Er1!I!!l.i:r~ - ~_~qu''-''Sted ~'Q ~ adrni Hed .u.s ~!~ ]miPen!l!,1 VJ!C';3[1111t~ _illnd ,P!;IOmlseG to paty 1;(100 ,ilU'(4Li;s a ,Y~~'. In. ~ .l1:5~ Empe.ruir ,Fredl1:tict:: ,IU vj~i;tOO! h",~~' lmcl ('! the' ~rilJ!!M '!:'J.t!1!5; 1;.Jim;g WI!h elidli 'Oitile, 1I!5 ~:o \l,I'hi(;n '!J'Jl~ wOlJJ!iA:f ;aliX"ord him the :rrrC~t~3~ ~l?iliO:rs., He suM tii]~s. ~:>. ~f ~'h~}' \'!!~r,e ~Hffim([ii;;; 'b:y wa:, ..:.f di~p~lil; (:If I;b~' b~ligoi;S;~ herri'l:lg ~~_-ilU he ,~:wo~l'lteQi Luigi In of.Ma:nltLUl. a ,d!l.I!~~. t\!1. nu:te ills.

~ -.194 lO;qoQ\i,H;'I.) Il Mum ,fiill~C!' Empewt J;..,h~i~~iil:i<l!l'i IOQ,QO-lJ; Il.Qt'!tm, _ which seems to h:in"C' 'bi;l~!t the ,gO\i:I~i; i1Iiltl!: - to be: cenfirmed as du ke or M~,i1rb To be $U[1:!"!, 'these l:IIod ~imiJilr dc~!s sho!..llnd, be II.mcilit!":$I . .._,odi ,1:l;Qt as ,Dl; ~m~i,Y qt},est f)!)~' [il:!~:s.l:uut 3:~ part of a !i'iij:thk'SS. g~,rr~1;:! 'PI Re-~~pcJfirit j:d:ilyed ib:;,i,mh!l!rl rulers iilIJlOn!1:: ~h~ill:M!-h·""eS !I!~ ,.\\",~]] 85 by !;c:¥C".~l f:on.':i,gt]; 'i?!..1t-I:".I~[i.II~)$~. On tl:Le .Q~:h~T haad, ii:!QIli~ oif~l:d~ would have ~f! iPot'is~~bl.(!. if the~", hwdl [LD[' been v.eJ1.' real ,l!"t~·'lJJ.t!ilg'C$ I.Q 'l.)bmiln!Iiii,g' the :!1fr1J.M.'TO~':!; revlJ;gl:li,[~I,)<Jl,. '~-'1l:iioh i.1:]; turn ~en.\es- as ,an :iild'l..':X td' Ine iPO~l,f(!T~ uoth ie;g~1 ,;100 pT"'~cti'b<ll~ .h'lt he Stm IT!illh-~ii.!d_ -

~~ ,~~" P_~~I~~ _:~, ]~t~!e~,~ ~iid ,pmlPi"!~~,e~,-' :;,hClW~ du:r.,ing I,h~ .I~:;,t 'Qj)' 0\[,: ~he '~mu.1:ji the idea of empIre ,a'S ,ill unl.vcl"Sili. orgafj,12l1tlon '\'I!O'!Sr ai~

~T1:d! well ill the P;;);_pujoll]" 'OO~lru(!l'U:i;I:1J~. 41 il1l G~rm!l!~Y and hal}' it ~'!!!".I11'(:OJ tI1JiU the 'spirit of' mo!i!' +ige uts~l[ WlIlS r.uxnit.lg its bo(:!~~ on I~e Emp8~O\t; 10

t;Ol!..lln~]!f!SS minor \J,rtirh:h~ ..... ,"1'5 :lIddl~cssOOJ !Fi!'l- the on'! nll,,"t wno cou ld, :if hi::

G.!:"t'!:y w'()lll\d~ .Q~H ... er C~!!~i sIDcridom fr-ODl t!lie n1HlIliif'Ol\cL e\rj~5 itl;w),t ',.'!leon!: t~lting"Lt_ ,Ah~rUY!i n!tS~. tl'JJ: thi!: (lrd~r o.fp11():r.itilt.S ;[h~ 9IPJ1i~n:d thi!: (J~[~ll't of ttll! TilTh \';/11:0' wt.""re e;;!!llsing [f-(ioubJo::' aH O~ii!u' th~ "i\ch:d!i:t~i'~.rmelLrIi and l'1tre:<I:tenlr!:g Chris~"'i1d;lJm·:>. i!:ast~r.DI :rmJH!er~ in ~Jl¢' ,llulk3.ns "mn Hllir!l.@fU~', N-f:!:'X[ '4!rnf:' puU:im;;; -u:n {!"111if ~'(J thc' co.r.,rl,ij:rti,'!Jl1, of(h'it Chllli'ch ,11:00 'oom~Jo::Il:ini§l: tt'lie pri~Cl,':;; 1(1 m5lkc .I;!i~H~ ,amon:r;; th~msf:~~ ~o tl,l:i1't mll.lrdl~~ lind !l'Qb'I~' W()!uJ,Q: ceil.s-!!" ana! th~ '[!J;ad-;; t.o,'! ~iiidlt.~c:4, s~fe' .fo.:r IT<I,'I/iI!t To CTO'~l,I'fI. ,ut, uJJ the medi~ ... aU ri:fe.t (!(f ~ crus,t'!:le 9Iimi..'"4 ;lj~.;g .'h~· HoW :.'iepukHlli;:r in J.:trus.a!~m. :re:llJ~ji~~tI very .I]:l),!,~ .wti,ve. O;n.'l"'e ~~d:n~ [!h~ pl'"'n1:I~ ~),rb.o w~s ~i~ti8d! ro leii;:J Ii: '~.~$ !!)'b ... .rlJmi~ ~:11~ ,lEmpero'r_.

Ii-nw wocr~]l~;)d ~Ll,dl i!1o:f.iQ~~~ti!j)n~ we~~ is :;;'I1own b:!! tnl'"' f!.l~[ 'lnw[ th~:r f(liJIng 8111 ~cho in i'he' Q!'ie qmu~e!l"'\llhetc k iQi)uld kMt. be !!:.i:pel;:t.~d~ 11I;;!!I»e~y

,',I s~~ P, ~[lIP~I"l, l~ di.~r1i~K;rir-"irtkil..ll~;iNrri! .. mA$Q-QIl (M~ll'Ileiil: AtI~, 11Iiliji'i!o1tuj, J-.p.. .I2'Mf..


,- ~. To 'I~ SlJ:N-,. holo:~ it 'W.tLS 0:1'1. ,0, f:run.;.-h :k:j-!1!~ ~~llJO;!~' I~i"m .1. Go!i!t!i1~!:n ur ,fi~~. """'". that 'iill;r,i.._,ul-j. ~lI.ltb~l~~ 'bi.-'1'I'tl:!;,Io'l;!, their li(!tlj~~, H(!iw~'I!~J", lbe'

(it'!J(l1llli1 ......... - _ _ _

, .' ,- - "1:"~ "'f thooe hOPL'::5 and the !:IIlJllJ.lJti.'r.o.s <ltlTiib1JCll1o to the wO!..llLd!-:b;f"

-Ollin:;. ,.~ ,~ __

~. " -eruf'h~m5c1 fj'!;(;ife a ;st.lrp~.i:si:l.l;g I\':Gcmb~anc,l!: to those wb:iil:h:~~nL!":':' b~i~)g

,~~lr ... 1 :i:n, iili"" HmiPi~e the :saLl.'lii! period; here ~s dse\'.'fhil;!i".t I:[ \,..~:>. a

¥:Qloe~- . _ _ .I!., _ _.,

' .. - • _. ," """ ,. r"'~I"I''''''''' .. ",LU' ''''='·mSII'~' :!,o:oIm~'!'I.r l"'n"'''rn(l\\~ Q'~',~r 'UI~ """..".. .. u~

eSIlI(lu "L .... "" ",,-,,,- -- L~ " .......... - -'", -, - . - ~'~ ,..-~r-

~IJ- _, ms Chri1.rl~, ''!lO!aLdi umplJ~' jiU~ti.'b-""t:·, unite Cnri5t.endiJ-m~ and] !i!:a~ a

,~~ 42 [~i.t~,Umii~~ ~.;) GI!:I.'IH:!IT.lY and! itlll~Y) the '~\IU~k.~ ,erf ~'U~l<::>. 2IS ~:;;~r~'J Ni'~1ol)il;3s '0'£ ~U~8 ~.I:I]"l._'~Lr: humanist _A'.m~,_,~iv!J.]omi~i - 'b,~IJ~ aati:ng olI:30 :j"i,d,'IfiI~ers r,o' hC'dim,dk ,m, and the la,~~J', d-~[tr],ed, t~~ Ii)~ ~Ier.:~t

, ~ in 1503 - P[~ lli.! t IJje~~ P';)PIJi!,~:r ;."!!~P~r-o;!itlll)iiI~ \'IIr:ue ~b..ilred b~ a~ r~GI:!: of 'Lh.-c: eHre), :II:!; does Ari[J-!:t~:\!i fl:llmol!.l~, POl'1lJ,_ O.rl'~ndD ,f'i_~I'"i~w, i"he511: and other COlTteniJlio:r;:iiY 'WMk;/""·1 m~y h~IJ~ 11:!o;;!)II"'l~ W~i.)I; :fur all [be ElfflpiLri's W~~I,l~, .:o.lilJ~t p~~pJo:: ,'i¥''-o.n:. ~~IJI_r;;t8i1lt i.'t1 itILJ-.<~ :II.dIVe: ~[~P~ th;:n , 'LlM Ii;:ad! t\!J ns!"jgra~:l.on_ SurprL~I.ll:,gI.y o.;:n(1lll!~h [11l~ even 3pp!.t~l t'IJ' :-i:n,ji<'!pe'ndcU1iii'.mii'jrJJ~'~ S~!f.ioo, F'Oti!li~f~~ Ij:).f{ lJoff'th-r;:: EtI:ip_ii"~ brut 'r-~~tj!r.ig lru;OWo:rntiiO~ unto the he:[1ooi:t!liry ~1L'I1ds, they had bc=en figh~mg H;!I~b&-~uTl:i$ since ,M. te.;lS~. 12,9.L - E.,.:r'ly" iu rhe llfu!L':l.l.dll ~,""f:I!'lU:~' a f~er+!'! ,cr;).~1r11dJ. 'iil89, '!;;;~'!i~'! 1.]iniung the \1;'ilriiOIlliS (:~"llt;;)[Ii~ unto'Ll .1, .lIJO~~ t;!..1i111i1hlt:![";3ii:liOl'.i and l~llnc-hine: !~jcm toward eventual atatehocd, V. e-t. i[ 'I.'!.'!&5 o(J'J~~' in ~!be Pt.';ll~iJI!: (If B~1 {I ~:''>l''.)). tn;1.[ ~hlW flH.':rf~~:!l~l' (!nl"'~)~ijj)'~.t~rJ [heiljl_s-~I\o'e5 ftNIiI (Jbe,r;t~r:,[lir;;e ro I:!~;lf.ierid 1.:3 ..... ,

TIle t_n$t;)lI.13titDT.I es !Emp~mr of C:llar:].;;!~ V in I ~ U 9 :f(:pr~r::l:li~~r;I a ].at1.{U~ matt, On the ;;.Hl.'~ b~ml he ~ln.l to S.w~tlir 51 mrui1l:!!lti.'!.H"j 'l.)lIJtiJ '~lfbjPl.:h, fhr th-e iffil'!it time, alUo .... loo the prinoee a voice in Iruperial fif:l3:i[s; ~J.tif:i. wes r:;::;Olte:nr:I~, ~y IJ~~ ~S!Atb]ishlnr:fil ,M. 'thr: Di'!i:!l (!of W'IJ([]TI)S '~Dt I :521 (:of iii :Reic'hs~ ~~m~l'lt, Q(r Jm.peria~ Cou:ncil!, wirth ii:\,"Cnily-two rn ... -mbers thnt ' ..... ·,nS, to ~,'CU.l1 !inl hi.s ;!IJb~~l~ ;)Jtl~ p!'eset'llo!?: the: ~H;)t;!e, S:id~ 'Iy..'l' sidJe w~~h ~1~i!: int-c-mi1li rul'~.m:n5 he I-i:lld nlG, ;;:;n:LI1'cdbr ::ma mell'.i[iJlJ', McmJlrLlJ GtLt.tlM~Ill, pff;!f.i\i1re two memG-L'-.lI:nda wh~('h s-pd[ OWiC 'hi~">; fic~hl~ ;!IT.II:!I .o:L:I:~k~, a~ a ""!l.ill'ii''''er.l~i;; :ij'I'!.'jpi;:!i"1;.!I":~~' Cb8tJ~:>o w(l;s ,IL tn<i~t.~~ 'lJfp(["QiPillg.u:OJ~ ~ltLd thl!! ~,~rx:t;)o:;!!~ }l)'l tn~ EmpL"Wr in M~ !I:£!u!I'Jd~ d!td not fail '[0 milike lIlLl! ImprJ:.ssulJ'Il On iilDn~empOT;;!!i!'~es~ iU ~Jj~f ',iU/li:' lb,~· ;:Ht\'".i~ ~f thr.-.: F'nmm .kitL,g; $u'ch ;;!IS ]e~n

~~ 'Wl~. l-':<o:rr';,r;;nt" S~'"""'~'il~~,, j,'i. -'a}1,!;; ~,!~ '%'. J, ~l!)l;IMrn~o ~1ml.'i.j'f!UIii'i".' -n.r.- Ca.~ ~~-.:;!' T.i'.o;'IiW'rr. of ~i«a.!-I!IIL' Jl:>:rrd (1'510-1 HI) (C:zilnbridgo=, "'il..:!": Ha:I""\'~r.t.! I!Jlfli,\;ffi~l:r

_ , t'ti,!~J ] 9~t). WI<- :2 ~oI)if, _ . .'

~j ~'~ F_ A. 'f.~I.\t!;"..:I, '.r~RlL'il'~' 1m' lmp.~"cll~ iill tJI<"Sr:.~U'=i"~, C;,mlrr:;o' (.l~Jo'JI,lm~: ~to"!.!1~!\i;~~ ,~ ~97,)), PJI .. :MIff.i, ~OO I). I'·~n-y. ·~G.:u.r.....m:·.lilll' 0Pl" JJ.IJji"i'lila~ ,&£iW!.lH.:.I' ,MWI.n: All!~ 1iil1I!"'.

:Si~[lOC]uh.-C~!1II!i!!"Y l~!:<!'l~I'I1elil' lOr E",lp.!r;;;:," ,flr>!¢ry .v/l'....rl'r,o.;.;:r[ :r:rJ.!.II,i;:ITI, 2, 2:.', S'irmlll1~

Lii81. ,~, 22'1-$.2.. . ' . ....

"'" 1"1.:0:1" Oatlin.:m,L',s d~!IoiGJ~');' ~1:Ie ll. J. ]:{11~"lig, .Holf;"~J'.ri.z ,i!.~r.L"'i'~\ !i~1 JU;; .P!..l!ka CirI'T1i!loTJ!.:il em 1~i!nbL!irJ1: Uio:lh, I ~\J'). :f'!i}, ~~-8~,

F(!iti iOInd Chillrl~~ dl~ Gt'3ljlSibilk', 1P~'1f'$.~!sted .in i;h...,Lr ilI!·tempt:s. to' prove ILl:t3t il:h!!'.i il~iJ.liil:~[· was ;J~ g·ODd. as, til . E:1JJ:p.~tu.r <Ind. in no W3'j1 hhs S'~ib9e,CL "J!'he same ill7plio:!s to H~nl}' '\i1II .;)f" m!ngiJl'llnd '~'!,"hoJ on the QC. ~~iQ'n. of th~ vi~il th:u C.h.ilrlCS paid him mn 1. '12:2, o~g'3!n~~d 3l r.u~~~~ 1.! that di.'t!Y'I..!I.~ ,Cb;5:rj!'o:m<lgnof: ~[) IT~I.:' .1I:ct o:fhl'ilt1idtili1ig: Oi,lit !l.TOWn!}, :I:L). the bmh ~ftb.e-Jn., :For·.31S ~ilJ'fill:' as he' ·1:I~iCri.b"rti, .• "dl~ last: mcdie v UI~ Emrerm:~ , .• 3!!; h.~ ms -oftt:.n c~ne(l~ [J:t9mlil~d ~~s pret:emioos to :Jcm: ~ :il!Ip~~'i'iie • rbd]:'~lt(Jr .lIlrnCm& 'Chr-;i:s.ti.;:m princes ohJ:L r.3:n~j. ]]e re~N;::d Ihmm~~If:ils .~.aJ:;ry;iJjg ·al:t .::qilnuJ. :r,l!Soj}{lfilliibil .• 'it)! \,r:iil:b. the .ptlpe f)Or' m;)intsmnitl!.B the faith .:ltl";l dilo.fc'u.o:i;ng:i:t lIig:ai~\Iir. tJ~te~, a!l'id~ (I [,eo UISe1, as God's 'Ol!li,'il ~iPiPoint:Cd I~i!di!'.r in Chrisren,g()m's !"U,gl!ie ;;!!~mnst the lfi:fideb who, ,IS it: ihiapl)~lIiIr:d, rescaed the 1i~~k of. th~ii' pa ..... e.r clilJ!riog tlj.u~e:· 1,i\!!'.1.ji' ye:iln..

'\Vhst ga~'~ th;::~e' claims a new crc:,d1!h;iliDY·~'!,I'3.:;: 'Iiie .f3lci: tlli:u', mfil spi:[e otd1e. f!J1:Lpiire's .~·oss ,of ~~I P'L1lUtkll!~ power d.ll:ri~g: the p~e:ctXli:n..g tWoD ct:.ntlnri~.~ CI)::'I'It:S \\!1IS .il'l, .1. unique position, :Hy IJlrm. bc' was :sirmply the dll¥:r.: ;(If!I1lIi;3~!, .ill tenatil)ry itlil..l;;;n .of whit:.h had been. lost bY':bh: gJ:a.ndf ... th!!'.r lID the l<'rench crm!,IfJ in 141'71 end which !f'I~id:ler he nor .LIlY o:fhlS, SU~!lOOr!l Win e'lfe<r .a.ble to recover, Ha.Wf:'l ... ~!t, .jJ. fo~tl.ilql:n(:: .wn!:! enli;i"I:'!iil~r u:nfCl~l){."C:fl series (Jof.dl.rna~r..i~ ~C'<:idJ!!,JJ.ts, put him i.n.If'l!l)ssr::sGio:n 00;1;" S.P'llin (OO!i'nll~~te ·~'!f.i:lh ~~~ ~1t.!'pendI]) in m .. ethem .BlrlId seuthem IIt3Jy), .u.s 'i/i\dJ as GlmDtilT.iY and

l~iS ow~ .1i1i_IlIEh~ iN'~~L~Jan~~. From Sp.ain~ 'i.~·hrt:re ttl;;; Ilti~.'l ~.;::ma.if;lJlilg:.MIIJI~'" ]jm p:rl!l1ClplllmttY had JiW;~ been de~!:t.·(I~d, carne the: 1;'!Orlel's !be:>!!: ~Nlil;!9S, ~ OOc~.f.!V1IJ'.f the mi!i:t;lry. d;i:s,dplint:" .1115 the ~;;!I~·in.g"w'i!'J1[. ~,~ A~o from SPlJiiLl], as wenl. 915 th£: lSe~he~bl1.d.s .iiiodi, jlTlei-e~.sinJ.glly~ ~:h~ N~w. \tf,('j~d, came :u~~.

fmlllnda] u'l.~IO!:Id:~ ~,\.;jth w'hkh ito Iil'l;lirlltililll those tro!J-]J~.4f'o

11 ... iC':onlidem;iol;l!s though s:oltl~wha . f1(i;t.i.-d·m:olll~ ~h:r, Char:!.es himac=nf W')8 enncerned ebove aU! wmili. maill~"'1i ning nt:!l God~.gkcn I;1'+Ltrimof:lY. lie rega!rd""d tile mll.ny \\'91T5 mat he 'W.a,g;:::dl .lIiS purdy de;fen~Uv.i!"1 t(!o (I.thAm::,. c::ll~li,gh[ ibei['''J,f~~'i his. vari(lo~i" tof!'mtoiri...s. ~n.d. a.wl.I!re of the: ·!'l~i~edor.· di.gJli!y .iJ:ttll:l:'hcQ ·to the: [mJ,)(!rial il:i:de:~ tl.1l1~y 1.!Joked 5.uspkiou;gL'}· '~b:_e. ·an stt",mpt W :r.«. 'wibHsh ·l:.I!n~!;;·er:ml. m[,C'. ~liIo.lrIilrchia' mll!'.!'I-I'~\i, jill. an its runner- ,pJOi'}"_ S[[';3iddJililig t!he ~obrt: :rr,ofl:' Europe ilir.{,I!.i{t'b. !the I'\rt'ter'.i{,-:i!s fJ(} Ilh~ 1?hilif.lpii.ne8; C~;)r&~' ~<lh'<i. i~rl. 15,2.5 when, :fOi!joo·ing '~h~ ]3atde ,(If Pavia, he ~~mk hi~ in.tin. '!!'D:CU).Y Fn'lDcis ] pr.i.'SotltT. ~nd :i~llpo5ed his. QW,rlI ~~rnlS. (lil him. [11 1. 5;2:7 hi" fo:rCt."5. :~mcted Rome: ~nd il:D{J~ rope: (.loeU].eIiii: VlIl

~ ,~ T. ~'. hJre,:"~I'i, "UI.l1..1,;m • .::if Mt'li&iLiji I.)i~if!('; T~!:hIt!G~1 a'ioc~i>~ $:ILd. tL'It i?lIt!lI:l.iI;.IlHJ.f ~t1e' Sr;wliJ:ill, if! 1IJl~' ti:.a:r.I)'· M r.ocl ~ffI J."air..:J, .. SYXJ'fI! mJ'.HAnl\!lIr;i1 J~1JiIJ ai, 27, .1. S;1ri.l1i l '!l'9t •. 'W- n:5-~'L

'·1 E. J. 1'lalililllul1; .If.Ii·!lricilJf r:r..:Wi ...... .:liM' ~ .fh{,,· R"f1o!1hlrl.;;...j in ~ra-J.I. H{)l-:IOS{J (Ci!rt~hriLl~]!. MA: 1·la[\l~r.d ·~f}'I1Y f'n:::lI. ! (H'H. p. H, il:in.!1 !I. Uf ibl:il.~irm 1!'IIp-um';! illll'O' $p.jJim from },Il'offi~,a. a::llio)tt,l-...-"w ~ijJJ p. 20111. ~J,'Il'i.asjE~ d;,.; ook.J4 '111~ "''lt~lCrll:wu:l.~ in. nIl ~.nrull; IJ~ ;:lIm[llig!l~ Ilr 1Qh!l~ V.


'. . thli!~ ~hml!f!il1g g]u:· who.];::: w(l'J"M whe WSJ;: maseer .. ]ln~ )"cns 11lI~;r

Pfls(i1l;~i5cl1 ;Jl~' :nmpe:ri..aJ croWL'll from atle same' IPOP~ in Do!:'lIJWti1!; i1!!5 u~ I~c; ~~cd! [his !"i;1.;:U;; .:li.(!. last. time: t:hllit the: c..:n::ffiony ~1I.n'5 p~r.fO;r;r.ri!I:J. ali1~e l~liltf d;::cilsi~ ·~~ef.ShCldl. '1/i,'::II:: .pr·ooo)b']y ~!Ohed.''l,ofiI.~r1I Ch8~;::3,

. . . ~ "JJ'd. :realt'ZlIll'" hiLS 'li'W!~ !pil!bLIlq' Hlo OiJnI:m~ 5!1.lcill iii huge realm,

JW'~ (}1l.. .... !::o . . f· ... ·

-~il:';j]t~L LtlJ 155·5-6. H:.hOi~ tl)~"!l':(i ""'.i:~ me i'~e.'l,. Qr~\i'i'ng ;;!I.m. 0 . :It 'tL? ~~~S

~ .'. !egit.iiln~-e 0011, P.lllllp; III the end, mClW!.gnl ~hc:· him:]" rel;.lcl'il~d SIJ!lIIn O:~!t1~,';:f' wi'[!;li ~ts. m·t:rn;:~s. CC:I?illes.')l Sic1my~ SQ~i'h ;31Jrl. ~ on~\M:lI!l:}\ al'!l~ ~~f: ~!I' C.ounlries. ~h~ prop,e:r .• ~hl:; ~~e l~.~~F],I1~. tl.t~~.1;'~C=~~ to Cbi!!ir~(,=;,l'ib['{.!m'hcf.' Fer~nr!:'i:il:!'i4~. hOI h.1:JMmg ahc: [uk (l.f !Iung ofrhe .R(!(I~:1JlIln~~ ~.d 3;;.~~d as hi.$ depu.t:y· for thr>::c lj,i~"''1lI(h::s P!ll~t !lI1l~ .ulso. ru.k:J the .1 ]8b~ .~ .. !i~ 011.\'11 h~.d~~uy tmds... "The' two branches O~' ithe i:J!,ahs!:ourg \hOIllSe:

6!.!.'ur.g .' d '1... .'L." IL .1 f F . til.

tiN;i.d 'U'tliucl] in common. '~i'l; ~liitiJl,[~ . 0}' IIJj~H' Ij~il:r.!:1,.1 IJ'. '~.rn.t..-g., ne

PtOk>Sitlllftl:.5, :and. of course the Tuxk!l. Cc!ll5.ii::rnt~y· lD.tennarf)'mg .3m?n.g i:bern5.e~,. they w,ete t4) ~~~'~~!n on ell) e 'term~ for ~ ~m.tjI' ~f.1d. •. 1lI l1i!o.lf m,Um the \l;tall' o·r m.e· Spall'l~5h Successien (:1702:-1 3) finally p!ll!t: a .hrem.:h BOIgr,'bon prince on the: mihrnnf: tl:1J M:adr::id. Sl:i:ll {I~r;;:~ Hte ~~l'!(~re h'K~ t'Jeer~ ~pdv~dl S:ptmish hmm;;::iill~ <J:rl;!:11 :mmt~[y resources, \vih:J~'C',,';:::r'dlre:rm5 V~mllll: II'!: .Y have 'had ,oo!lilccm~.I1g d~e re:e:5.[ of m~Hm'!,.~l ~n()"~

u.1:'dw \1I,~r·1; S'.Oii:! -'~e..l.d ..

lba.u@h the p'·ro.;;edlu[oi!' whcre"h~' the :Em;peror \lfl3S, e:k·ci:e:d h~ se:v£:1:l! ('jet·

Get:r.i:l~n~"~ IU~tl!c:i::pal pritl!C~ !femai!r.I!:;!dl!illcha!:.i.J1l .... ci~ ·F~tdht;J,rt'I.d·s s,ur;;:cesn 'E.LoIl !il~~O trill1r'kl;}(i illrlilJ'thl;l' lcirud of turning lP(:liruL h 'is il:rue th~t: the: n3ime: of !E"bjbsburg had been 3S:S00ai:,oo wjill.l. the: llXli~..riia! ,:I~H"O~H\ fQ~ OI.m.'mri~ and ~Iw~d '[~3i~ UQfle ibtn H~liS.lbti~ hod c.~,t:U(.ll~d it. ~i'lJm '14::l8 on .. Slri]l~ ({Ii Itltc .IS ~. 5:19' two princes who wl!'re ndli:hc'r .HabsbuTg5 :11m' G,z:rlJi~rl!5 - Hem'!! vm and: F:ra;I1.:;':!!'I.] - had eeen ~bJe toO 1:I'ltrtdl 5'e;rious ot(is for it, '[Iilie I;liS~ mUiiI!:cli C"'~11I had ~'(,1 be fendi!'!cl! 0if by' means af d[Be: [{] ·a ;millio-:o. rhaie:Nl :in briibc~ ii:.11.3,'[ 'th~' F~L.Kg~r b;;!!~)!;:;1if!g bi(il!.ls.~ {If A'UgsolJ!rg po!! to ii:.lre ~I.~ct(!irs ~fi Chii'lii'les' hehil:f. N IJoW, thr:: \"l;.o::ry' C'5IS(: w:itn ..... <hkh oChwrlil;S> W!!IS able' to p3i'S9. {In the :L"dn~, ·o.f g:0'1jIe:n1.L1'11e:fII~ ~o ;,":I d~~gt1,atecl :tne:l1'lbel" !Jo.f' h~ O\l1:n :f.ilJl:]:1j~ly Pli;!t aft oe~ld [(II chii'! sjttu~il:i'!Jri whert:'b:!', in ·tb~ory.l :at11>' Chri::;,ti.<ln ~e:g::mll~[!;55. 'Il.f !Ilail.:i.olili3i~hf mula. be:c:ome :E~mpG'OL .1:re:rdif!!i:Ilndl OL'll his. p<'m .... ·.as .1Il C3.1Ji.3.hl.~: rul~f' who S .. H'il """rii.ifl.~ On tnt: w.illi. Unable l() iTI""k~' tltof: Emplte iP~f :f'Qi" hils 'Wan; .lIig:alill:;.t tne Tu:r:kB, he 'turn!3dl l() [h e h I!'.r>OO i i:;B.ry hm d ~, :Iayin,g t1:1!i:: gJO'LIi t1 ($w '0 f k f ,0 if <il fi (11I;1i m L ~ lis ~t.a ~ tiul'l i~l:;!iI: illldL~cU~d1 th~ fit'u ui~ifle~ 11<livy oolmcEn~ the Hrst 11lJ.ih~'.d. cOllnt of app. :: .. ~ and' ~ :si:lJ.lj~3irl~ u!l'iifie:d d;..o.T.I.«II.ery 3l1l'dl c-ha:ml:1oC1.' >of .aOCOlUm;s. Hi~ ~~ectl(!<tli~ ~"d lha[ (Iof hi'S Sll!;;!ces·SQ~~ ~.!;1, 'I~ 'seen IJS :sr:.tti!llg il11i m.t:ltion ith~ im::i¢.:.~,y t'b:f!' !Em.pUr!:., iu, ~itl.e· to ith-l!' eOrliiI'8!')'~gF.ld.l,l<llHy itulfnCld] fi'rm:l:']l Q(!:I:!'1;];i:U~Y 'tI:) an~~ [)l!.i1;u.h~· arid CI'YS'Ealll-OL .... l ]nt'.IJ 51 dyn!!J5~.k

JH 1,il.e riac otf ~h.;:: STate: ~ 3(hl~ i1A) ~ MS,

$iI;;ttc m~ICn HiJ,::c ~n rD~~er.i; umjl~ ,!~: ktl!,!l]dJ, u[ r;:!.Ime w 'I'~ t:!!1O\Y,1l ~md~i" [hl',i! iIlSn];!::' ,(1,,[ Al1s,[!i'ii!~, 4 , "

, 113:' the '[i,Iifi!~ the£a~" ~'!I .. ~m!l, ~:Qok I"I!~lee tbe H~~omlll~jofll W;}S in fu~i ~~n,~, W,bt;:ITWit ~t :reached". 1 m~~t8m rld~~~t SO;!~~llIg t~ n~c:~~ thrd:r ti'!tt~jjC:il!o-

"~l:.rL'lX'l' ,i:1;)U'gnlfd,_ ~~ ,;,lC:IlI~ ,the EI:'t1!~rtrOr 'i.i,·.h..nte\!@!t sped;)1 rl~ihI~$ he - S'tt!] ~~:~~s~~d _IL"Ol1Icer.rlJing :r~'l~!:":mr1J .. hi! , ~ :]o3.3""LS part ~~bi~. lII~tl:mrll~ to !bring hi\!: ,OVfJ'i .jnm:h ~~n'!J·~ ~Ot1J~rul.." C!!!!~ pr,I.nliJi?-1 ]c:rlFjI Vln - urO:ke in pJ"eC:IXI:en!b;; ,b"y f!Jrnr.i~~I:ti d~~a~tiJg ;' _re:Ji!rn (d' E~g!~lnd af~ EmpiJt\e [~haj:i so hat]. b~-en '~;(;VL'"Plt(!),'~ Iii the .... '0.rld- '" ,T(Io tbh cU;1im. aihiii! ,t!<m . .I:~~eTIth. cI~,~~~]~, d~d nor pr:0ll,:tk' ;3, :S.lliIffiCL'~.I1.t Jl"lJund:!l'Il'lJni the thing M.1 d.'IJ was to l1.r.i:Da!; ,i:~ ,QDIJJ5~!! riIJm.s m 'th!t .Eo1ml ;;),if hal.i~:ii :b:unl"'jji~l!:s. "rhfflT ie:adh,..:r 'A'3s, ra-Jy,joro Vergu~1 f(:!~,medy !Ii (.J;)PtLt employee. tn t:.b!U"g~ ,of col~I~~il:i:O;g Peter's r'~.It'1:~ .h:i1ft r,[:Sel:l! ('0 ibeCG:ln~' .;j;[I[·n.d~';'1l.)mI O'fWuJe!'i-. Tb'L"Y l.I!~~dI thd~ e.:r.;peiJttS:l~ ro pmd,l,l~ :;1. wt..oiI~ series '011 c'D']]1,:pJi;;;tI!t:ed h;i~tor.i,~] f:a.h.rki1!!io.n'S 'IA,Meh SJJ:D,"'@(~ Henry ((I !be an "]mpe~:limit''' \vhOSI: tltk was den ... ed fr!!Jm mat QJilI more ~lK·je~t £d~01N B~[tol:l!,~ '[f-~I,!: ROI't'!!!I1ti: Emper(lJ." ClI:!fIIH'J:IJ:tir1.i::i,<!i~ 1:J!~:ef' P3~ o.ft!he~~ '~:o_rk, ~i~(Jwn _m~ lJ~r.glI~lr. HisltJryll' ,",',M to beeome ,rcq'uitl;.'ldi ~din!!l:!n '~_~r~IJO~8 .. -,r o,g~lhe!l' 'iA'1:tn itb!C ~f<IiiI'pe:riJl:! .clj~T.dEY H'rtIUY ,1Ii1lso ~:oaik !:h~ t!iJ~. of

"11..1 - .... r ~ - -

_ L,a,~~~~r: ".tl UI~ he. was soon fColllj)~"l(:~ v:Y' Fnu~;:;:is I BT:iQ; ill g~J:wt:il'ti.£!~

~<iI!~t, _ Pbllip ! t_ whos~' I)WIii Spatlisn ,3]1:~~'tlJor.;.ha)'~ been <ilddll:'m~d! s:imiP~:t' +1:5- "Hi.ghl:l:ll$s~s_'" A!J thmc: .--Isi;!! assumed tl~~ "d~" ['D:lJp1!riial .;;riJ;!I!,'i~:

T'() ·t?J.l' :It. il!~I, Europ-~':!> 'IJ'!R:i1!~!lIl> e~rt~n~iiGTi was b!:\!!iiJ~firng to; d1;ni?l'~ 'if'le;;.opJe'!i. YI~\"'~. A~ Co,ne:;; jjruudly wrote ['0 Charl~s. V in 1. :)~O. ~o ifii~ men5:e we~e 'sifl!;in;:; conquests <1'od :;0 f~~rmr!":N)~~ . .i t5, ne,>\\, ~'ubii!'~ts as to, dgs~ .. ith~ ,wppe~!::I!tiurL .of +I, nl!~-\I" C'inpir'~ if! "l.d.d.itl'Of! t!J' tIlte ,old; iJ:iG iP05Slbi,!i~y Hm!: h~ lTU1ii,gh:t Hyk~ hims~~r"tmr~l'([;3d;Or,,~1,!: lod.i;:iSi"'· 'I!iIa.g~ :in fil,e:t, e~p! hy CtJar~c:s' ;:.;J'JIus!z:~; only' :[00 be: ri::ji~tr:.r::fi..~'o 11m~ it \~I.Il~ tn~ [i;I!:~l:ii~tI1tS' .aO:I:nitljo,rts :i.l~ o:'o:trll! Europc' whj,.;,;h~ 'UP' to< the ifirst "'~ill~n~r .of th!~ ~i[t.i~I1-1_h 't.""<:f1IiUi'Y, 'OD!l'Jt.i:rt~il~l. ii:,n oe kD.'L1wl:], SiimiP~,:t' <!IS ";Th~ 'BmpiJ:(:" ~iiiJ ut!i- !l)'ffidl.lJ~s IlS "'l:miPcrii;1Jltist~,. ;.;, Joo,;i'e;';e".rtne-]ol;!ss" th,!!: :il!!Jti£in ,n:f.t l>up~mi:: ~eI:igic.:o"PDli!:i~~ CO~~~ru{;t uni~-jf.lg th'l!" Ct~nstiafll worM bm ~""dl:l.\4'-!:j]g th~ I,nfldd tie:;;:~j]. til) cr.)cll:..; tb~ IT'Il)'re so beC-ii:use- ;lj. rmrL'-Chri:;:t13.n '1uk. _ ~J:ie Ot:t:Ci:f:f!lIJl SU];J;!l~IiI::U'1i tLt,~ MtI!gl'Jifii;:eli1l~ - ~'i:3S bein,jZi: dr3\'!,i'.!1. liUU EI!.Il):lOf.J~aii Pt)litlG d~roUJgh !:h~' .uJJi3!tll~e I.h.!l.t he' lTi . .:adc· 'Wini~ [1\~:il.Q:; ,I. Out o.i1 th'l!:

"Fhe' ~triJg.!l,1k ajl~iMt i[h~ E!J}pir;;:

, ~~ 'r.'U;hl~ C~f~. be *~, to .el:U4!:i.'g'l::) fr-,um about I:; 51)) on~ :;1.1: lcasr [WO

.:: ..... :i'I~~ ~ " - . 'E' '_. .. 1:..' l ,lL .-.r.i] .. !I« "" ~'L'''_'''~

..... '~-t "'::r1!tu~ks - ilt]~ Sr~r':i~h 3~d [,lC ':>nn5.i ~_,_ 'I,-~~i~I;~~; . ~~I._" . &"'~~:u~~"

I!!~- _ I ,or' iD iIIn-y G~n~1,;: [!:!iJf!~3~~ b~ ~'~H!iJl1t at l:h~n:' f.!I":fhll~g l;crm)O[I~5

<fIL\,i:IS;3i .D., ".:L. - -':L ~tI

[I,. :lid ->d 2~d Wl1:fi!: considered by S(lII:1;1;:::' to ... ese')i",;;~, :U.I;~ s;,!!!1a~ ~:I~. c.

cl~i1!:J:, 5:8 ~ ~; ... ,dilo.!J~ (~.~ Sl:Jlny~ ,.;1r:llimir~1i W acli: j~ ~ihc' mltI:~~ ,!_if: ~~i5; :Il'i:lI~[~~ ]rIJ. , rv, 1;011: '~n..:: fi[lit ,~J~l~G J,1(OOpoort-di"!iI pl"'!Iil,,w~~t~h~, hill~ H Ibee~ _~t:I;I:Ft~~; ~grnl~ b"''JI~ led ro t~e ] ]!l)~r r{OdHal1. F!m_iPlr'~ s d~itJIS~. n,c: a:l~![l!I".igml~ 'r'! 13l!l 1 r , , 1- "'~i:"!b"-' mo-st ru 1<:;fS. ~Il consequence of aiB~l~f.I~, f~l!lda~

"Cina' 'tlL1,ruU.c, Wi~ c . ! .~. , .•. ~, J' -"'" , ...

~D ~ I!:~~ i~-'~m::' 'W-I1')1" (I~' ;lIfI;('j;~h!!r d.-rt:[Kmde~~, ii)~ '(ii!:lte-.r::. for ~t, ~rt.u!-t part _or

I~~~~ -~~'llil1l.:riCS, Wi1.c~ ~.o 01: ;)ibo\H~hed .. The._V.u:rioDII.IS ,C?iJlH~fJ~S wofre'. m ib~ ::ol~dat(!(J il.oii(~ ~,zCiogr,3,?bk~lli:i:l.~s :j]W~ ~il!!JO,1,H: dWld,l!d ~l"tW'~~_UIi fufl'~l~ ~ ,iLI;Il! st>!l~e~. ~<,"lc'li1l p"(1ss~~~mg Ii:l.le :tuUl uUnolJlttS. of so v e~e~.J~rury- ,1l~t.'Y :1!I".i ~'~. wcr.r: IO be '~i:! in 8 sort ,u'.f-r:t'~oto;r~~~~i:: League {)f~:ntmo~, U r1ihb-:.e ~~£ ~UUf:i~t~e:tb.~CGnn;ury Sl!C~Ci,r iit was ~)O !b.;:: i_tiiliieu;)jtli~~ ij'!..ell1!'t~~1!ll. fu~ a ~'I!;ar each it~- _ nne ~ty ;!le":lf!'Dt-~i 'u'~i,[ of :i1.1iS;'~ of Miieen, ~it 'il'\"'lJillkl cornblne the rO!(S :::~~tr rUay~l. by 'bCiith £"'m.lPiro:. and okftill.llr·e.h u~r f~f!!\~:j~~g ~:h'i!: 'Tl!.Iir,i!;~ l~y.l~;g'

- - 'I 'I -"- , ,= .... ~ disraites IPr-·" ....... c"o •• "b," pesee, :i1'I~.a i"Il!i~-

dowi~ interj:1.auG:O,il., i1w~ ~'L~JI .. ,;;, . """ ...... ~~ - !:~ .. ,. u . '" .... ,., ...... ':" ... J. - - _. -' I" -- -

isbirt;fi; t(,;3:0:>.gt~~(jn;.. :S!IJ~Ly 5Pl~~ft'\.:d tth~, ~_A?!gl;j¢~ ~:I"Jl'LlXl. f:or:ci!:S \ .... ""l[JiI.dd

, - '~ - ; '7 ',., ... ..."],,I'I~ "'') ... "' ....... infant ... " 5,3 0"0 "·~1!:iI!t,.. and

(1!J~1iI:;t cO!' p:r'e";Q~J).' ,. ~ _- ¥<',',:,,'"' "",< . .rJ' ,"~<l~'-''''''' .. .1<. ••. _ ~, '.!;l'\)'l.! ..... ,.- --_. ~! --- -

:2'1 ,. c~mrliO~~ - !Ii t'Drrl1llhjAJ1,~~ f.~r~e lW' f./~f~~I~!l;::niJ:h-eennJ!ry Sh"l~d!tl.rd's and oo~ ;j'!;tor,~ tl'mn ~i!.!!fTI~ic.I:1t. to {lverl!iWf! any ofhl> metnb~~., N(llh~~.Ill came of the ~)!!n1i~" 'which in SO:IT~ w~:!!~, W?l~ intended !ilmpl~' ito end H!:!Ibsbuil'~ :rul..:: ill G~~l~~l1Y ::mdl make Hrt:o:ry IV- th-~ ,wrb~~et" or E.i..1Wr"'- j\n,d indeed thcee i~, sorne ,;,l,()ubt, ..,_~he~h~!'" II '\111,]$ ~riGtI:ily meant." L

- E'll:ili(:t~y t.wo. ,dk:ca.n!t!l> :I:.iI.t~u' the HI.IJOSOUit':{i;S,; '~r;\O'!f.;)!:;.r.(:Q l~n,j e.l1d:ur,a[1JQL~ 0" the ["t.uteslf!:i1'~ 'C:h~!~~I1.!!i'" w th!!:i.r ~].1.romtt!:~ i:;n.mcnlOld tl1..: 1I1_iir~y Y,e.1,t'S W::u' un ~ ls!itt-d:itc'h It.ffu:rt. to reH(J['e. ri~e '~i~we!.""i~] ]:lQ'W-c:r illl Gemlilny ufn-ot tmmught)i,:j.1 E~ii't),ptC:. 'rh~y !itlu~ni, '\'I,dt'h ,BiJ1].em~~ 'Wh~i"e (hoe Tl!t'(I(~~'!I:[~t am[.(I.(;rn;;;y W:IIS iri re'f'olt ~ilild where; :r(l!~C1W.i:l1g ~J]Il;' BatHe: of\'if.l:dl'l..'" ,N!i.QUiIii~~iffij, iml N'Cil!lember 16.20~ rtl.k-oir vi.cto.ry W<l~ ",w1ft ~uJd oomf.ile~~- !3ign, ye~r!l !!;l_k~~ with .his f"!Jn;~ ;)pp,ro:i!!r;:l!~~io\ Illc EaUdcj ,1~eE~immd.]I (16Ii1}::-3f) '~'k'i~~oo he !had. IT.I!lId.c' ~,uffidcl1it p.PlJgreSS '[v 'i!ub~isL'b ~:he iE...(I:ie[ 1Jf H ... ---:;-· iitliJtio1'l., Ir~ i~. h~ ;;;:t}JU.m~'!l~, !J):!I.'[ propeny t!l!ken rwm. :(ru~ rnlJ,'rch sb'L~ ~be :~e.a«' of l\!Llg:,bmg tie ~to:red t'!J jJ1$ fi;l(r.l'I~~e:-r 'OWr!!I!:~- While !J..!jITh:!":[)1IJ]li,

:I>l ~(M" ~1lI CX;llT~ or ti~ ~1I1i:;1~ I;!~~ {~r dlle wi:lT<1I,_;'\eI~pirl!." ~~C ~~'Iili!; m"l k<1.~~ ~CI. hl~

'i,;~I' In ~be Ind:iL'":i. ;l',i!:NIWI..1IIilJ<.:r I (.o~" Qloo[{(1 !IT! 1-1_ Grol:lll~. Tko! .f~ru'i!!!J 4,r~:Sffi'I, R, "iilI~ n~:m~1'! .1;i~~~lnil1" ed_ (N~1" Y(1rk: C~rI~ic ,b'loo\\,~n~i\l(, i!t~6J, I'J. 77., ;"ion, 'I';A~M,[inIJlJij.(,IIiJ£::I~ mi!,vt .. ~ flJ'!!r ... ~ illll1. ~"bc<m, "Am, ~i.f;la)· UJX'li, !SILo.: O.fiJ?,ln amiJ N~l);jrn .;]~ ('(,'" iiI. !!;;t.;'ll. '1f1mr (I.(Ii}-:.I\)!l!: r""i1Il~r; I ,jlJ), Vill. ~, p. nY!;. "

~, VOl" :S[I!I~!- j).[\~":;:¢;:: C. ~]-ffi~~~r, "'Le~ ;(1~tOO1i: .. nil='" :~'likf dt ~Lil~lt (:L 1);:',~.3i:tl.l {(~$"~!!l! ,~ H~my nt," R=m' H'il~, 56. ]:::y"~, Ii'P- !I(j':i'-~d. A. 1.'lilmln" ~ J'1'I1'i!1'.! ,;I·~i\'ii.:lrl;:w JI'-MlP~ J .... i1prJ.r. U' gm~1<I' ,;kn-r.rn .:.!"H ..... ij/ IV ,'j: J4 S,Ji,y (P;l;rl~: U;1L1I1~ ~~rnir!lJ..7 il]ld-!..Ii1~i,~lr:.II!l!'\':, L'9,:>~)" PIji, i l,ff.;,aR1il D_ HQI~~r, Y;wU"','iI ;;flirtfi!J;ii:Gi'r U!'; O:.e-!Ci...,Ilf'.r: l.J!iiI.:c;Ln Ului\'i:J~Y I'iii;:~~, ] ':i'i!~), 'PJI'- ~r~-P.:..

WCI'l!Jd be t,o-kn.t<edl CI1[v,i:lu~[s were '1:1) oe: L!i!;pen~~n; 3[ ~ 5too~ 'of a:l;e ,pe-J~~ the: .lriIli1iP~~'O:f mlnJ:; am Le.Il'1I,Pted EO ~~~C:O~J; hi~ ~ight 1:>0 ,g0 v ern reli~~IJJ'I 1\1:(I~: (;in~ ~n ,nis. 'Own helod!itlny lands but ill the 3i!l ,;"~ \'!.'h(..:I~'. ,H'IJWe;lI'i!ir', ,i1ru(~ J;;'!Ien 'r&laugh J~i.':t1JQp.t'l, .;i; tbJT~I, Df G!!'.r,Il1.lnY'S pop'!.! lath:m ~l:ih~d, nt:l the end the iI:!l:sf(, pm!W:cd.;too m:u(:h tOT the ,H.libsbtlI'g$., Tb.cjr '!.'C1)i ",, p~tttkLhI~:rly ,in cC"Jltmb (3 J:.rmil:t~y' 3~ild C1U~m~t1!,~~!Ilg in ~~.:::, sack of ,M~_ d~lbur,E: illl ] 63], t'fiiQed 'C(ijthO~[lI; al~d 1",i:lo(te9a~n:t ptinees am~e_ The fO:fll:\~ w1itbthC\'!.' nhd~ :5!IJP]:l<O!lil: j£l :the. ,p(lam: where dricy' tempu:r,ui&y ,fl:l'f-';:~ itI],e E.,m~je'for' :ro mduoe. hili ,3!~~n~', diw:l.iss his OD'JlUl:LDJ3.d\ItT-h"l!r-["h~d~ 8.hd :Sl;\le.k Pl;II:ce:, The- hitter Vlreil"~ drivc:t1I m.o ,~ook fi r he!!p CiIJl~::st'd~i! Ilhe ,Emr)jr~'~ fx,ontieT$, f'im:t G!lJ)Sl.n1'iLl!i. Adolphus elf SW~t:n2 then Lo!!li~ xrn 0.(' l:;'nlillC(: tnterii'e~!!d .. Dutch IiDCkI1e:y d~d the :f.\I:S;t:, and tJ~e ti.d,e o.F,I,nvpcrial rOOIillQ~~~ was broQ,ght .:(1 a halt,

1"'be P't!lla;e. ot '\,V\.';5,tph..u.iia ~i1kh; ~n t M8., oondtadodJ tbe wur 1t18r.,t.:c~~ the mo.l'I."",.;;b_;;5: triumph over bo~h [he' 'E;IJlpjre and the ~:U:rdI.:>l t~~.Qf'>" 'was. p3:!~ritmO'n.ed. The kjilgGC;!fn of Swo:::t~n carne ;:!W1lif with rnueh of lhe iBilmtk CQm:it~ whkh g,ll:iJ~ was !!:loUt to provJ: pel1follinent !!lru:t \1;1.;1;5 ,kner ,~['jst IlO;!!l the k~llIg of Fr9:!"11Cft ~ e~ ... c,cC (I, rnu:si(k.t'ahlr;! pllii:'t (if A]~llre, .....-b:i<l;"h \VS~ d~5~iJ)ed to ;r~nLlI;ir.l In hii'li b;a;!1d:s. "01;: s,"'1i ~3.5, who as. 'i/iI,m he recalled hi1l,m dis.~n.c4:Q tt!u::fn~.::~!,.I1?S fra..m [mpeds] l~w .!ilI :~ <),9'9, fi~lllI]]lI' bnJike 1J'" ,ani! ilh~ {llt:ni:e;vJ:oI.f 'th~ c()QlIple[~' indep~ll.d~","'C '~'lIhk.l; ith~, st.iH ,r:c"taj~. ,l\b~,t: impO'ftllm: fTOflil our P'Dil1l~ of 'o;,'ijew; ~';:;~!lj~lgly er l,i,' the: fil:!!~: lull£' !l)f Su!!:y's prugralfl'l. 'was; irnpl~.:m.eni(ed~, M 3: 5~':!!rp hoe wes Qra,'IJI.'!ll be~:'!A'eeo iIlt..: ~:eT.Tjl1JriC'$ Lba~ belonM~dl au true. iEl'rI,pill:'l;! ,3!r.l.rli those: th.u did! nlJ't~ '[kl:J; E,n"wero~ !l)5,'t wnllitt;:\ler \p~l\!tmi)oil1:; over omher ruier:s th3:~, he :s~m :relti1ineil" Wcs~!I:rn Oltuj, Centr~:! Europe: were dit;.'idI!."d, hi;.[w,,!"t.'"]J :secU!I,.-"tr, !l!')fr·'!;."fd~l potentates - tht),tlgh u'K."h: ,n~lnllh¢r, :5 ..... 'eiJUed hj.1 the GJ:.r:n'b;:lltb prifJcc!! who were gJ:ulI:1l[:t:!~1 '·terIiEtori.<iJ: 1!J'f<libjp" or l' ;::r,l\\~ dJJlO/lln'",~ mmed olllia 1.\0' ~lil! .;;'o.tllside.r.31bly b~,g~r ~~lSlIl ftft I! !!'.tlI , Those who. 'Were: 'l,\'idl~!f'I (he- F.;I'Jlpare Were: giVi!"11 p'faci[i'~U]" aU the jp,ri\ljleg1:$i of 5>O\re&'~ e.i.gtl!t y ~ iJ).;;;~udin_g' th ~ rig.h l t e il!l <I ~l1Itl1:iit.l iIii'¢~r m. ,1:1. ,3, r.tti:OO fore cs III iI1 d, wlikh ~r~ 'tne:CH'y ail: ;;'IiI\I~r ra te had been d!lmme~ to rhJ:.lIt N~r.lil:U: ~llc:n~ tht: righ~ I)!J .l't'!!fLk.e alliances. :OO~'h ~nrti'l1!g d1...;;m'-S[!".I~s ,a.nd! w,t[h .fo.r..e.i:gll pIJW'1!:1i'S "so :I.nf1.g ,!I:!: 'the)' ~re f.!Q[ d~!i'J::r:,t!;;d .i1.guinn !IDe' E!DlJ~!I'_" T.fl,e em"lf'e eemplka'[ecll!(nAllgc'!tJeni: '!Jl,!\;)~ BJI~arnnIi:Clill!.U by l.wo no.n~~'in' iPriU1iCe:s,~ the ,Idng~ of FT.i!llllC>! S~'ieden. Th1U$ the' ]X1i[1![' h8d ~n ,r~8:d~~J w! the Em~i~e. ins;t~31d (If pIXI11:!.-"C1:ilng the pence of !l)tWers., neCldoo ~tlJ'ti!CEio:n .itself.

The, Trea tle.s were ill 'I") Ilhe' fir:sm: 'wh~¢h, v~oJ!ltEng ;;ta~ !p'~'lfiou'S usage, dOCl, no;[ We'll meIUL\!J!ll God_ Th.f: Edj~ ![If R .. es.'[itil.!l~i'(ln W.IS ~n,",--e~.;,,~, 1,,,\ht!1

;. ~1;:;I lbc 'i~l, I:!r.mb;;: U'iZlIt!l', see K M Ifkr. ed., JJIHi'T!MItmtr I'''f.J~'I'C.:l¥ (Ekrn~ LaI1.IiJ; j~16).

l~ruf8S5j(t;rt.:JJ: b:li~~~ '~TI.>d] 'S['iI:f'tc;d! by b!gf1lny '~.t1t!:n ,Pf"J~l[)n!j'le!. ",~ U' .E4~"i!lru :U, _ b-!.'C3mc' th~ H:rst ilti'i!1Ig ~® ~~t1d. the'(1il1e ,,*tlhlJ<L!I!'~~ 'l;;J'~-tedi by tb,~ Dation",", '~rlb!J'ul!l;h ~his iiJ',!I!J'irl!!;u,!;;llr ,&I~Ii!.'\;I!I'Q w,,~ .;;1<:8: • '

de,p~d ai,id ~uj~qlJ.j~n~'IY niur'de:r~i, by h:l8: w·i~te:~ b_lIbd~lIJj m~Q 1~E:J.t ' , MCt;r.t~ItI~J.'J'~to ;)~ ",1,"It,D: stf'!:)n,gli!!'" 1:]'~!')8!.in:h:y ~m~~j l!iJidi~..r l?oft. ~(!on, '

n~'_ n~, this.,,~irm!~ th~ 4;ih~rnCIJ::l"jMiic E.llgr:i~, .f~r.ll:11!J:1\r!, thillt ,1, I!!i~ Q(I T.~JgD. ,11,~ P"i:r]!;)m~lt ~~~r:g~d and '!,-'l,'aS :i:F.I! ope.r,3:tiGl), tr~:I]g ,h" " \'I,'-,IS ;!tbJt.;! ~:o Oibl[.,1m ~'llffhC'.I~nit ,fcrn(ls. tlJ' $t!lif~ t]w :fJilmdrf;}dI "i'\~lIirs W:, (loT.Q1,~, ro m.Lk~ ,g,o.(i!lJ ,fI!lI:; C'l~in~ to ~h~ F1r.~_iTi~h tJ1:miije~ thits '1,II,'.ws~ ~t Eh:IJ~Jii(r' iIlll)!)'..o.Q~, :Ul ",esS,~n~~~u~' ,~n.oila~ t:lI:l,ift (tI~(lillsh, (if: ~u:~ hc P.romi8~ sJUI.I:,t= itl:lJ~ ]QiJI[ :'i'Il~h fillS ~~85'.l1J~) if1lIil~~r' ~i3jl ~fiI !lii'1r .s~ns~ u 'I '\P(ub.lie;'li! . "n;:u·jll:!~mi" ,o~c,_ 'Tho't!gb, hit;; oonduct, o.f ii;b~ 1k~1'" ~¥'ll1S ,fhci'!;!clsil"',e, ,;:j t '1I!~,'lr-I. or ~'h~ '~~ lim Itlo.r.e b;lironioJ reb~iions; durin,s: Edw~ru IU''S JOilil; ~~~~ 0:>27'- 77). . .81\

,~,~,dl mll)re :t~~ItI1!, th@ :hl!:r-o.Jsm of ~'he' EiIlgHs~ lo.t1g'LXlwm~j]I il:l]12 \le:~ !iIliIi!zJn:lJ; ,~.frO:r[s of II:D~ .:r.iiJ;~nt;l,g'=~If;!'[, iiriloroo.!'cJu 'l'!XJ)Juitl W.IT}'~ [ljotl~ IiJ:j , dJ~,I ith>i}y h~iild",d 'i,I,';}S ~i:rmli !lint! ~""'J:.(IJ\ tb~ '!I!f.e~e 3!b,r,i:" 'to {to.D:l~~ 'iilil:tt! th", _ml!i(n ta;[!'ler ,!\I1'.;lJ'm: o.n:;'nll~uai!:, ~ 7 H'Qlwi;::,,"~rr~ II;·n!lltJ 1~,d,'L'I!i!lr4 rn di'ed his, :5)[j~, H.iim:i1ro n~ 'I/l. . .u.'S r).D.LY ['C!l ,yeil!r8 old. FQI'" yelllr,s ~'" was hd'pj~ ~ v,~,riiQl~:; gobJ..: f~!'=tuo\l1s; so~gh[ t'D' .mll:n:ilPlu~5ifle i:hlof f:~IJ\'!.t1! iI''!Jl'' therlr' iJi!!:li l?!Jlt'j:l<D~i: :[h,~ low prdlili: 'W~~ iI"e:lic.b~ '!;l,<he!ll I',\lrJi a mC:il it!, ~~dl by !Ii ~lI.Ijf1' knlJw~1 ss the ,Lorus Ap.p~lr~h,t,~ Im£i~8~.h~ hi~ ,cjJ~J]~J~Gf (13.Eil)} ;lind ;~: 'Up' a G(j;tnml:t~Jj!';[if {...;j~~eo :m~1l to e1l:C:I'Ciose 'the ro.Y~i p;remglli~j'i!~ Olft ,M:;

L -l' l'f 5.g1~' ~, 1.. _' k 'n,~ 'l. ......:I .,....,. .1c ' • '~'"

Li'!:"cl<1· ',', ~~,I,§'~tm$:: 'LK!i'l: ~l' l...J.;;!IJ8,"_~ lJ~PUf");;.-q ,IJ: OOr~ tl'J! {;D'lip rPt{tB:~'" .n:';1,\"Ilg'

de~JJltro~ hh OW.jj, .I:n_'ljo[hy lil) 13.~9', h{: 'iI;o·lliS ()IC~~-:dlilfld [:(!! e'.lXI>lIJ]¢i'piIi~ himself from l;i<i:1roifnl:.fl] rule hy m;!"t hjiilil~!'.;!~f the' sole M:urt;e: (It: i;)i;!,r, ,l:iij[ Ibo~,m~ D}' 'I;USt(J(F.I:]" '1'0 ,1I:c.h.i';j}V"e dlb g.o.~,11 he' ti1j:o~md ,~'\!"~th, UJi::!: R'Dil' .P;-lilii;lm~liItj, h,'I]]!iIltC"ofJ S[';jtlJ!~~s. diltl!E had ib~en "'[n~d iUp(i;D. o._\!. hoith, oi)lf 1m: 1!II[me.r;:s; ,bQlI,i~~j, :impos~d 1Ii new iNI,th 01:1, his, Pru~i[t!:i~!l C!fJicG.r'~1 !ihe' ~lle.rilr:S:i Sill;;:!! ~e.n[: t~i:s p.riJ~,,;;ii'p;l!~ o~lienm ,iituo 1',;!1I:i!e" a~d ,e"m:fl~c;}!:ed tflJ~T. j'i3~~ ,r,igh:[ and :i~L

A~ ~te'JlIS ~~' 'to ~m,..~ Ric.f.tat'l!:t, !!'J:e hh p.aii1df~:the.r Edw<lrn IU;, ~-\'3i!i trying to do, tOoD ml!Jic.b: 'too. f'~lsr_ o.r.lJCl" ;l!~iiiil l"i;!oe!Tlotl was itl\e lI'!);!su~r~ ~1:1d! iii) :~ .3199 ,he Eh;ir~J [~~~ ~ 1:;;:: (If ,I~~~rd U b,Y' ibe~tl,g ..;[~~ed 3!F.llC! .rnliLiIi'--

:L, ;'oi~~ s, Gal]Xmcr. :n.:.,m"lt.:~f:r,l),;-I~IM'w,ML"!I'<li!:""iiI.r{~i\!j~ClI, NY: CQhx'Ji Um!~~~iry ~

:199)), ~p, '~IfF..

~. :s~~ N. :B:'1l'L!(~, ~ ,:r-Y'"O'Ii\'~ 1lI!t~ fuR r1.!~IrLVj..rn 1'/ U~l~./'.JM. oiJ'o;'.;;:"iI,. Yo.rk: C~mhrii~ , '[lriiiJ.~lji'~)' '~;::;J .I Q7'i.i_).,

~' SLie [G, ,!~ffi.!:r; 'TiMrI:lN~ '1'=, lP'Olr(f'.kw 'f;~,i;: Cap.r!€W;l1;, ~ (i((>5 ~ii,I!.),:Pp. 3-!1~~O; fb1'. 1II ~OjlJfWi!'!:j1li !:if till!:' 1:l\'l) D!dL"eJ:!1~OO.

j~ i?Q['il':i~!i~ oe~'{~I~~ ~J, 3. I!i,'.;i~'~i, T~.lm~'f.w...'ftrj4Mi(I,!'ad.d;:1;J' [~5a'ir/HfS~ in, 13&6 (i~'iI¥IJi;i1~~er: M~lldii~~~..:i:" :UEl"':~lty ,[:','rC5~, !'9S4I-)j ~rnd It ,H, Jun,~", l':1Je l?Y1Jk~ .l'Ol.4J' of ~idJ(rfd1~:· JM.w/llml'l;- i!.l r-.k l'..-ltL'l.lj,j~ A:~'<'ii (Ox(brd: Hln~kl'l:~i~, .I9!l;!l); rli, 'i.

,,_ , .•• ~ ~. , .... : ::;~1II[e:: j.:HJ11 [0 I (i4.Ilj

.f ,r ·bc-'Uing ilgair.I,s[ him, iEl the DafElI:' of th",[ r a,l'I4;ie'lu' Hb~Hl:s_ ...... ·Itt. itni!" rdng o.f :E.ngf.aorl aa ~'el1 .. ~ \",'ith the' ~hlk~ 'o.f !tHli!igiU!itd'l.'., ft"lm:L~ tile' 5o-..;aHed L> of the' Pul~lk WCl1l 'w1[11 th~ ,3Ii!m >of '

tlir~ the govemfn\:,flit of Fr nee, p(Ui ilbe: iUe .. ~[',· f;j)rm~d fO}'1l~ .limy, Ii:fl~l1]!i;e,~~ tne king;s rornme. il:afL!~hed Jl!;"tdir. in. 1468 wh~, d~ m,=,!:'ting wIth we !j;!uke of 8u~gtl!tldy~, he. ,; c[1U::dly (bund hi'n:l '~]If', g f1JlJlu:se B"~5[. Ha.ving ~liIded thl; WiJlr 1lI1l.;,icr humHialJing: 'OOIilQitio!1:S_ pe~siof\S hild! to be patd t1J, tne: .r,el.~mous. l'm-Gs - hewas sbl~ tlj ~unding: ,hi::;; OIiUi11Qri~y, He' tP.i;ed the: lligl~ nobUiir)' rom their, " ttl do hOi11;!lg.i:' to MI11l as thdr Iieg,'(:: ICi'N, {bus; !l,.i:iiif.i'tn~ing ~:t,1'hh thl!" idt'.l !I1'!.utu;ll!tYi, In its p~ace he ~jUil: a, furmU![;J 'lJjioer which afj ali,ke Wi!'l!!' fui5 stI!bjl:ct.'1, .t The 11 umber (1iftsx-t.~n~t!)tli, \\',ilIS mfll(;r.e-.;l'5;I!'.(j' and lro,',lIj l<l!l;i1i1l1] e~tC'.,n)l;~"d! W ;Bdd~i:iQli1all)e'rl'~ torles tftJlt h~d pr'i!"vlousay h~;::n r.r.e-e' :it: f"m1,:mci~Ll ~rlem,-PJn. '\\~.Pli1t uuder roy,a:~ stl!,~~Nl~Q~, 3Ittd , :~legi~n!lig was made on, the ro~lstntt:tjN~ (If:tl rofnpl'e.b.~l'I~IV<~ r.oy;~1 code' tll(' hI ...... ~[I [hll: hope 0,[ a<i;;nie'r'i'ng g~;uer Qe'ITttBlH1.auotl: of;;t". ez

Still, louis' :!lF~ate5it <:!chieir'e'Jl'H:nt W,Dj; not of his (1)\\'0 m~lking. "fl:t,:

I}¢('S ion Ier !\ took. place in I "in ~'hC'J'i. Charles tl~e ,i:ll)lcl, fig!J.tm08 dil:

Swiss, WU5 klUffi near Me 'iljiB!U'., >[IfN::1InCY. HI; left an UJ'l[y da~gh{eT~ M~j 'W~~O w,us elgh:te~n y.ea:rs; ,o;ld and \'!InO iPrornpfh" f'Qund he': 'I:df tht'~:ii!:n~ by ~ ,FltbeBioft of her Q~!f.:n. nobrHtty 'in mhe' L,ow C'lJill~'J:trj'!;!S. \vher~ :;tlil: \'irs :staying: at t]~e' time, Til.:! "damsel ln di:i~;' was rescued b}r itrul:" Y"O'uog iEmpemr Mur.nlman'~ no lite~nj' <l!mvl:d G.t't 3! 'wtimr,e herse ,and, :JruIrtiOl! her; b01A'C~ , '~' the D!I1~e' he diQ 50; much Q:f b~ inher:itLlIIlce both j'~ ,l" anee CO,lnti! and in 1=<1'- nders 11+10 h~T.i ocu'piea :by Louis sfld n,othtng a:ha~ M.lI:.tiDl!i1iiiD (JI" his sUC(:~!'lSQ~ eouid ,do, 1,iI,'"S!'l, e\l"(!f 11M!: to cl1a~~ [E:m.t ~[.

Tbi)'u,gh iI:~iu:tt1 :xs,tian ot Hl,11rgunrl:y did not: 'bring tb~ iP~ti~ (i.f ereatil~g fo.ya.t, lIIfl'pan;fl~ to an end', 3I{ ,lllrtY E"at~ £rmn, now Oil ic: was JIll) ,to~r to :N."80\l:t to :ttci1i~ry force Dn ofde,r, to re.u.bsmb die-In {ntu nne rellllm., L11,Dj!j' , ODS and successors Cbiiidcs VIU 04,S -98} IIDQ Louj:;, XU (1498-1515) devoted therrna:',[~ ,I~ D'C! interne] IIlMaira WAn ',>[1,;11, ~lfooh: a~ri!!:S ofJul!sn c~m;P~Jgru; thl1U- goOi! b.eing to carve '!JU~ ,mdct~tion1t( kjog'c!l)m for tb~1l" sd"'I2.1~hil.t ii'I ~y WttI'C abi~ set. was ~ly ~hd:r {'<rthler's ;<I~biey.~m~nt; whe.n it:!:lJ!: c¢nsF.!bk ij,)f 8o-u,['ooH1, not hil ... tl:1\.~ heard that the P!:,L"ji)~ of ,felll![b~ al1i~itth.:t' had end~d, rose in 15,2:) aDQ !OOQspI!'ed with Charl~ V be f\Qu~d otll)" a few fofl(lwets and 'W'S5, eas.:ily dealt with, ,i\-iore ,~JT.Ul.rk;lI*' atiU. ,~,!!'n di~ cilJ.l't1!lE",e (If: j:;', ] ilIt the [but,:, {!if Pavia in ~ 5:2~ ,um! hi

.. i 1li . .I\, D"rntlJI;I d~ N~~,'J'u se, ., Um;' hlee "".:Jid., Uio: ' lit I-OIlJE"i XI~ [il s.ubj;;:"{,I;KII'" «:i\ipse ill l'~'1'5alil;~ •• ,R~M llf:r~~. 2; I"~' i % ~,W'. -8 -~.9.

sa I', SC l,,;i;i!.,R!;; ;'Frnl')(ie i'::ri 111~' I;ift;':{'if~ '<[It ',': S(l('i~ty alld Ot!~~fr'lm~lll/' f.n tmllk', I:t ill·, Er",*" rn ~ 1.-iJt!l M~ A,p,s, ;pp.. 27, ~ ,

,~;r,s! '!JJ' [hii's~ r]~(j;t~ :r.t';';;uJ,rOO: ,i1l !:hc-:' klill,JJ:",~ ,~a.ssin-1Lti'!.)n; Ih ' Ii"", tJ", rna ha", "" • ...,'N "'0 ",",I m"""",,, to tho; " S"'i" h" """ b",. <k.oo.! "p. "11,., Ii"""", '<II;"","

.":' V""'"",I "~'"'" <i.," ." ;.'"'",;0",1 On. ;. PI.";" ~ ... ,

~"'"~'l'. If",,, "".,,, of ''''_'.~"''' La.,. ~1If (,.I ~'

XI V (I,.''_' 715). 6.", "' ..... , .... ~. AI "" ",. ,"" ..l

.h. ru.,. ""om"", of"", <row. _ '0<1 d,d .,..h."" 'hoy ' ""10

~Ci !JoJ'Uc!j, Tl)cy ,r'~d ~iIlld!i o.f ~!5, (;aSlJl';';; s" ..... ~;l,'(!, ,F:jjDt .

Ji-on'i«o; !Io<1' '';«1, on ... h ,,."' •• , mud, '"<'«>" '" I<l<b;d . 'boy ·'''''''1-'1, "",,",.d "'''' .. d ... pour ... "'._ "'.. _,

'1""L ",,1 I!l\~ 'I.. p, 'J" ., [tj!Ji!i"

""'Os·, .~< ... """ '" _,"0" .... B._,,,,,,,, oqOd ..

r ••• do •• f ,h. ho,,~ ..... , "'.Olly .he "".1" , •• <Ii» ....

!C1;Iir(;hlla~ tiW.c.;.!!:;t.}dM :Ill m~l,kJJl;g 'L!:t~n:tSe-.rvC'S h<l,l'l'4;l: Hkc' !fu~!II

bolO", or ';"<0; 'h·".~.u, Ihri. '""?,,.r ollice. <l;""""'n"~""'fi'.'L u:'1Ilt!1(!tIllS,! :riI "y",- h •• "d<tho ... "" ...... 0_",,,,'" by h •• ",. _ , .

T111l:rl)' 'YCOiT"S ~'ifl"3!r and f.iill1Jy hy r:e'JiJitiOI:J!S SllTifl:'j ~"!,"olS; W'!~;I~r-i~tJi

b.,.."o ''"'"~'"'' '.w", '0" ""'; '"" rose in ''''''' ',J fo", •

• ,-"" the bi,,"Cf - '''0 h;""",, - "ol>io;" to ''''''' <b..,. M""" .r nob'" <b'''"I"" ,ti~ 'Clod aa Prooio,"" ""~m"","", "OW .",-

;lin .l!>d4hii!J~<ii 'I;;n,L'I:;;.eo :tOT o:In,g:!:.r h~ t1~o:: l'o}'i!i ,pa..lkj! (!if ;1Id~1[rlg , , oj1'ic'itlis ,in itl~t." f:jJr[~ I)t!:h~ r:'1iSdild""f.i'15Whil) W'I;"J:~ apPO'igt.oed tI-'!fef" ..

On, way" ",.onot, ;" fOlly,,,,,,, "'er< w"", no ["'or 'h,. ","'" of '''''oJ", 11'0""". ""' "i "'"'" ",",II >i""ifirnm .11 "'on,,", ~1I:!CC'Jj!I:iQ ""'" i''''ig"Oll, !o<f, OT ., !,." joined i>y ;",po,",", noolem..._ Th, ~l,\'<I\1,!: W::liS bjo'l1.'11~ as ;U'Ht FTQrlg~ .m,u ,",',ItS led I)-jo' Ponei!' i..oUfs; IL' .lJlI1lni:!'''I.\~I_ SllJ!lltb:lmr: Qf Bourbon Is su:il)ic.[e,Jlt ¢,.'lldf:nc.~ of hi!i: 8Cilll.I.s. h l3!Stifd ,

• 65~ ro 1650 an t f •• • ,........ "'" ""o~ i. h"'~;.lr p"", • ."mot J'QnlJ ;:trmle5 ..

It' W38 ;J).,nry wnen, ,Lo.uis XlV t;:tIIF.!l1Ie '!Jf,IIi.~e. in J' M,J, IJla~.o: IlI.l:t'rl111i'l1~.JiI!'l[!.:

'!!<nina poi", .... ",·<bed I.h. """"" nOb/lill' _I. """>l i .... <Ii

""'''me w.y .. !It< Eostish <1 b •• ". """"''''''''' h; Ifbef ore, n.

1'.;;<), of """livin. t~""' of "'<i. P,,";.cial ''''''''''''''"p> .nd ' .........

;.",.d •• " i ..... ie pi'" P .. b«l '''''' •• It "" e ."" IIy, The .'"

""' .. of <I, ,;. Of • .,,. 1""«1; .""'pl,."". io& b by H <my IV, ... by"' eans of""' ',.,4.,.;; ••• 1. nohhs .. ~ r«"""i."" ..

,:lll.y [;il[k'$ C".l'l:,~p~' tf1o, e je1)]OJiIismlb~}' ,on,gioatJng JJI a my.'lI!m g~:n['_ TRajj-

S9:fjas ,of nlJh!eJTIcll1l~ parriCll.d<ll",fy 111!fllDf o,lJA!, '~_ ho did nor ~3:;"'{!" rliJ~ fiasnri.1 sn •• s to fight "'ei, c,,,, '" "" pro"; oci,1 '0",'', 10., lb,,, 'i<l", i" oil;' l'11ll!jI'_ The reJ::ru!in(kii'" W~r.e !;;tnipped of !~leil'" .jlr.mcJ: forJo'iii"ing£j Ilhe mo!ll; i",po",", .n" ... " 8J",," pe;,~." •• ~ <on 0""", '00 " 'ou,! ,,_ ""

!'h~ fiJ'h:'-'!Oiith ~'etil!~tlry'~j il~~lt iil)i~, dig nCllt ,P~~'?!:.I:1:~ ii::s: n:is.r.trry fmQij b " :;'[L),rmY;!lS; il:h;g.~ !(:if· C!3~,[iil\rt. I:It!\d~I1,!1J:'.j I (.i 4 J: i-llio) 'I/lf'i!'5liin)~(i!!f;lii, ;:;11"1

pri;j];['e_ ,H,~ ow~;j hi5, [hmt~~ llI!:)t 'm ::my n!C:tt:diltftry' '::;1!JC:~i'L1~ b I _ ,

Il\r~l;:tior~. iby itlJ,~ Ar,~:giJ;.r~~~ niOh~t:it~ whk:hjo (if 'CO;u~e, ~!:taC:Md I!~~ _!t! oj' il~~h ]1.1. the fol.m:n of: ,~fBiitOl!..IiS ruroJl~ti10iti o~d1i !hs;t nl~(b i ~~ '!:1m. . .p~ lOOiijtli~f'!J!I'J;1!~ Oi:"u .jl~ II.l:Clll;!l:r"t,t!l. @D~d beJla!;!L'D{f:"_ j\lf{;ii1l~o V 0 4!-l (;-5'8~ca,~D:~'!I.L~ ,r~tl~J',,'i.'ii:f1:CI, ~.j)weye.r~_:s.p!:.l1-t!: (I~Ilis r~rgn figi!llj~lg to Q.13ib.~~ cI:UQi 0'0',(:1' SlCl!y ~I~d $1JIl],dICHl! J.r~~f W.hl:cb, ,h~ h:rld kf~~~!':i:t~ ,('rij- ~' ••

~m~o;;[UF;S_ In 1 40:1':2, 'U:i:ld~,t thl:: il'i~U!I~.I1ice ,D,t ,hi~ I:Jlisli':......",~: L", - II[ ~ ,~

. . - - ~ ... a,,", ;J!II liI

~'!§lg!~,!J, ~~~, !l'.i)il)vc:d. his '!Xiillii'it pe:rn.l,m~mjy t,o< N;!Ifi~~8_ J Jis ~"".!'re .Il~d- fi:,r~< . e

w.h.1) WeN: li;!f:t hehlfl!d~ w~~ ilm:lib.F.c. l'1..1 'Wm:r,o.J ~lle rla;ll~ii~ '~\I'h~t<I~ ~i:,,;j'Jh~~ P.J~S~CilJ ;!IJ'"td, dru ... ~ DDith .he d;rF~ :linidl 'the p~~~('.Iil'jii".r¥ im,iJ; :D::--v:<;)h b,p' ~ts ,it:~li! ,Je".I:tlilings. .!:l'B

_ T~~l ~~ 1A:~~ _~ih~' ~;U~ or: lonll n. "~,~fhin th~~: Ye;aBi '!Jf h~ Ui~"t;!~S~D ~ h_dd. to ~eil!! !N][J~ <I. ,r~h, m GlI!raiom~, [hi!: rtlJO~[ dlifi::!!..d~. ,p~o~nl;;~ (!Ir<J!~ wh~' the 'ma{trLate~ offe~d iJl'l:. crow~ t-o- .Pe!·tT of P'(lirtl;!iJ;'lI![; '!N.E't~!"u Iii~ ~il!tti!~ !j;1:i'c4'; s~:i"H ,1],O:t sa t~iled~ they ~p' t£i L..oui_~ XJ' 'D'ii 1~ilIr1)1,;C .fDiI" !!ii.!ii <lgai'ii:~m 'their m;,1iSI:.::·j". '·l'lj~ '~1,!'~r ,n~.s[:e~ f'O~' i'1~1IlI1;! y~r:; ,:]!ruf ..... r.:-.ry ,F.!:r.!'.IIrly CiJ!i(

],oim h~ .;;roWt.l. befO'~, ,k ~tmld b~ bm~lgh~ to an !;!lld b~ Ille' '!;;;!I[jji;Ur,~ ~f ~~Ir~~of!!;) ,~n ~ 4,,. i.,. i::1,i'I.':'JJ. 'then Itn-c: {luitiOOme '!Iii,as no~ the n'DhirJ~'~ $lIi.rp~ :!;.1;D!l ib'U,t, Oii tJJ,e rom:ra:ry1 ;a ~T,!'aff:irn1l;;uio.l't '!J:t,~[i!j. p.f;)vi~~ge~, (l':;C(loJ].l~~'ilIni:ed b-y !II .I,1:enll!r.!II1 ~j\3Tdo.r1! :i!Uil' ''''''·,r!,];}, n!I'J;;:::ieadeT buit one, '\'fh;Q ~\\"lIS e1{...;!(."U!~d_ .ioiJtlJ,"$ S{)11I F!!r,durNlirnd n;,. who j~~ tel" ,liTiiarril!"Q, ]'3Si)ii:!!m,~ .b"lil~liied :frui;;;: (i'W,1:]; 'ltillri:t." mrui;. tBJ}" cr...:;pe.rjen~ if! itiJ,~!!· 'lIii.urr:!L No,r 'i.I-'ere ,th~ C!i::;;tjl~3:n nctbiJiw' af :f.Il'iSt ~t~clj:tt-:td W ;lI,Ob-ept ,nim. 5I~ !heit :kil).g,. Irjj~!Ii:!",J [ilI;;::y '[(:;0' C;}[i'ed In. lilt: kJng o~

:P'(li.t'rl!J~J 'Who, h~[l'lISleJrh;ld: '" dYi~iilii-tiiC da[m. Dis~!l.I!!uJ!l'Jg the ,"'~illl.'S o.r:t:J~e' AfliI~~nl!!s~ IT~tI'J:t~ it i.(lok i!l1:!! YQil]n~> rn~'plie ten ;y:ei1l!l':S C1f Dcillr c<ominliliQi.:IG W·,IW "11J.lC!l~ on ,f'er,jill1llllna's ,p3i~~'; m~"nJ! h~i\c d~d::;; 'b<r:.tClIi:'e th~y were sNe ~jJ' g~t ~h~iJl~hre$ IT.COgJ]j~iL1d in ooitb. C!i)1I.I!r1ltne"E" T.l1i'~ did. iIlii1l iP~~~m :liru!Jil~lH_~' .Il'hUj';Qt !l".iil)bl~ IT,IjIClJlt ~1:1. l,~t86~ tJ,J::s time .;)Q('",d'DW~d by 'til;:: C;}!hofrl'e ki!lli~i' mr.temm. to r'1!"DO~'"er> lU:l:IA;!! th~( .b:a4 b~ll a~ie:I1.l1;ted dll.!ll"lng (be' ~i ... .n 'I,\':lit'$:M

Th!'\!Jug'b:OII-lt .j)j~, P'l'tllXI! :S~13hJ was I:.I!I:"~trt!".rg'oi~g 'W~i81t CilIn 'Oliliny be (;il!I~etI, ,ill 'p~'lJcrss ,nf ~ritS~:ocif<Lti~tum:t, ~ 7 N'Ol (i1nJy cli~ iIlbe ,m~t11lb-en. of ~ll classes

!!i~c.d!~' their ~if;;:~It_\?k~ ~po,n that ()of t~e :n,obi:I:i"I)'~ but 'the' ,~i1tJk""f imJ(,J."C':ilood ll~c ~rnfulJin11h; ,P~~~if' ,11:£ lts 11'UJllID...;!t.'.:> dedlT;!~cl to tf1l~ poir1!~' lilBl, by Ui;::' ,I 47{1~, there '\\""e'r--e (]:r.!ly iI'lft~lI. f3:!'ru[lk~ 'Of :!h:ogo,!l,tes ,! in C~[i!e -11:114 two .Itr.i

~, J'.. M. r-um~ !.! !;h~i!. ';1'11~ !!eti[uruoos 01" [~ C~ni,\1f1I 'iYr,?.r:31:{Q1'I ~II ih~ J'ir;:;[ 111'~rJ {Ii jl~ i'if~i}tlllilh c.."l1~tlry." ln ,r.:l:, 1"lrgllt;dd. cd., $p.W!J":"1 r~ Fl'fr«'lJrli C~.!U.l1zy.; ,1169-1j}<I5'(N'~ .....

Y"rk: H~t,. 1:~72l; riP. ~7'i-;;'JL

t~ r..!\r' dilt~~ ~n~B, ~ T. - N, !lis~J:m,. :nt.,...1d'oIo1ioo.::;i Cr:t<!L1lI if Af.J@m (O.di)J"d:: Cir!~]lI(loo fl1<[~:;" JIjb1ll),J!1i'. iH-6!.

~, 1!!I!ll.:'ti, 1~}'i!r:iiTI:'SfjQJi". P1;\. I!.i Qllr. i,~., F~nrja~~ SLI?J~, .. ·rti~ !-<:h~lli1jj)~ l:o:fGa};lil~ ili!M .1:11 rt~eri [il C c IJ t l!;Fy," ilri. HigitJ i dd, Sp.:l IN i!J f~ plft. 'Crt i..1r ~WJ.':. ~p, ;;. ~ iii'.

i:t '~"'!- :.s.Fi:!y t~i!:n,!jli!l't the I:i:lll:l'ffj;.r r~l:;lIiIlilllg.l;U;ml!:: T1:J£!~l§ih jiOil'~Qf~t1t J!'t'lJ1fln~._:; .lil~tl!~II'~QIi1i~ 'iN~5. abO]iS~~. ~1~~~' W"'!P<: .r~~~l'm1iEl~1 ~)('J :r~tle'-'t.tiI), :["(IY1:i11 ~1,!jli. p,o. ~illt! fu['8~ tunc the: .kmg gameCi the il,l§itn: 1[0< 8~:i'pl)iQ~ tlti.~

~ .rp • .._. '" ~- 'j. I:. IJ ... . l'i;r.;I:gO~l~:u!· as IgO'i,'''''rnO'J'$,l ,,~ l:I:I!D~(Ii'p;[I,'y 0, L,~~ nOluillJy' ovce me jJI!i~):rii:J, .

~k~lJd. L:fpmi:L')tjfp~ O!Ji1i~i:!·tll.l!:i!i1ii!:d. C01JiIi: I~{t o~'erf1"()m ~]l;o;! ]\h!.i.;;l.dle .i"'~~~ a~~. m~:e~lg{:d .:.0 PU'iJ''[~Ct Sl!iI;:i.~L"i:'[~ ~ID3~!~st ;!iii:r:ll:FY gCJ'iI~m~R~nt~ ~!l;llS: bro:~, .. 'L. .-'1 • ,; '1 "1 ~. ~~. .1 • • .~ I~. w:'''8~l '~V:-lIS: teP,3,Ofr... :¥!I:lI .ro.y.u .. O'.LL~!:,J81 .jm~ ~J1C uli'n1IaJ.IJl:n~ :m~lleirs ~e!"!t

.mad~ ~~~lJj~'C:L l'IJ ~",ci1l:1 st the k!~;:s p.reJll~'i..I:re·_ r.;"iUIIl!l!,!':r., .111Iimp: :rdtl:fGtc~: nhe: llJ.qUj~tl)Q~i - an :iJl:;tr1,!:~:lie-J1:t· i,vtioo~ 1Il~~f'.dnes~ ;!I:!j;i1m.s;[ jJO~IIJiC;!ll '!JpPI)!1J~i1:~ a~, '.~·It]] as her~ti~ h:ild b~elJi d:~f.IJ!DI!I~ltr:!lt~~ l!!i C5l5~tllo!;._ 'by gi''!iii 1111 2: u~ .3: n~"" fiJ':rtiJ~l;d ms~I:fi~Jl.q;· as ~~i as iI O)ntin.2~mii: {If trnOpiS f~u' ~t!'l. P'ft)t:e~~~lJti.,11. 'l!~tJ~ i;t '~'If;IS 'OI~~':lI f~\w ~eili!:S bef\l)ue i~~i~ip"'s< d;~:th th81[ libe task ofb:riiiil~~ Arng'(lli ior,(l ~lmJ!!: '~'I!jIJ1 t!:lJI: rc:.H (If th~ m.u!rjttry was t8ii:kle(i iJJnd! ~l1ie ilJ,Q.::~~[I: d~i!iIt p;riW·e.r .or the .!'i.'l1bHi\jt fln~Hy h["0ken; !'hl~ a!d Jl,Ot l~~~[!~ flir~'h~t revoks i[fl,lt:iillg the ~'1Tti!:'''',iith oe.nt!!Jry.

r'ji .lEr1I.BI<ilrld~ France, ::ulId Spain, the i!1g:hii: b-i:'t~~ 1I:n')i\'I!1I1I ;lI~ii:I.tlIjMI:i~ty ~t !lWjt r'!IJ~~ pmo~ded :[ruo'm' 0.r·J~ in the same d:iJ'ltctio!ll !:IrlldI~ Soone.r O!tJJ!kr! ~de~d~d browcily 8im:il"l" J:et'l,uhs as rihe f(lnnq~· was ~k"''8'!l;~,J fitt" .a·I)(1 ... e tl'ie !;1~t-l!':r. This 'L\I.I~ :n(l~ ~o In G~m18Qi! w~~re Hnl:!u[i(!il:i~ was ~tir~.!f ~liftll:~,e.nL Hry,,\'ev~r !Ill1i ... "h il;)~ ]11l)~i RCi!f.rl.8i1. EmlPijr~ ';V8~ ~IL~ lim. "9 lR~ si:i rllJ~io~ !;ma as <liI'i .ido:.:rI- in 'Spt~!t, OJ],!! m:ight ~~r'- its :~llpG'IN~r b+id h;;:,1tC!! .r,I·,It'['H~ing :!'iirH;e thle 5e'C(!lnid h~!f IJ':t'[~~~ ihi~!o::.:en~:h Ot.ll!tillry~ -::!. state ;;;.t sffiliL"3. ili.tll.t the G'l1~d"'t~ Bill!! Qf 135 a, n~ert~iy (:1J·ufirrn.ed.. Retip©mi'l'i\!llty foT. tI~o: rimpe:I'(li!1i.;· ·~v!!:.3kn~~ muu he ;Ut~ihu.tll!-d! ~I) '!!liir~l)uJS t:~'CtiJI.m 'tudll.q~ng~ il(lt l;::!IIs~~ the sheer size ·of ILh·[!: C0ll.!1li1iri~s th~y p!l"e"~dil:i! to §m~-'TJ".L Oilil m.i:i' OJ [~l!S (,lI!~'ne ['h!;!~r stf~~.ggk w.ith the church 001 ·n\.~e ·(l,Jlo!l:' hatl,c~ a!p.~ Ihe'j~ ilumCffilJ!9 L;:1;):rn.D:lit('IJ1"~n:~s oLli~s.lde· G~rn.l~:i1Y "nil thl! IJ'tf1:~j :ra:tl:l~it ithan' !jJ.:;;iLilg ith~b: iil'id~pe-.ll,q~nCej the' ~~05~: pl;:vw-erfi.:ll me.rnibi.!"J:"$ of !l)~ . .rl!rnbHi!~ wese i;h~ii!'1"($ ,aljJ..:: to 'f)i1lIUld I,iIp dl!~!t terri tQirk~, tlind'h, them (In !thl:, way W ~JHll.lall :S~::3t~hOi;Jod! ..

The f;Jit:[()r" th3i[ f~!d~y (lpel!i~d iflei~' ",cay w.·.a:s~ t!'n~ !ilga~~; Elhe' l~if'(!ll;'mar.i!t1li. trl:]!til tb~j:l! the :fllltlll~' ;;lor Gmnan.:t' .b:.3,q~ been in -diorubitj. '" i!:rlod!miii .i.l.istlJ':ri.m haa alglle~ [hair ;!t.i :illiiilti(:i:, ib~l~eefi EL'tl.j;M.!".r.i:'lt Ma:r.:~mi~I~:1l .... the '~QllItb G~r.m~·il ci~jes .un p.i1:rttCU lar J1:11igb:~ OO~ prod~~L'ITd a li:ni~\~d :si';!!tl:, ').l The clr~l"s 'W'''n~, in .tm:~ CllI:rl~' ye;!lfii: ·o.fthe t;;):>:tee.l:l!th c'C!Uu:ry~ ill!: the' ~'~ilI~ (If dll'~~r po ...... lffi SS.1 m(IItempOftii'}" p1J [ ir,!. rtu~ oSpl'(!fjao.r {;If .A.u~bu]~; the wi!: of NI:J!l'-e:l'f~!Y:rg~ ~he ~ii!ij~ery ef S[~8biJill:I'~ •. aoo the

;'~ ~"'::!r~I1('S~ O11I'i~fi!Lli~rl~1 ~"~J1IfffiIDI1i~, ~ E-l: •. EI-_ Mer;rjIL'I~I~, TIl.! krff'!J~rJ!.i SjN'J.rltlr.tlmfii~ (N~w 'lfo!1r.ft;: C(1llt1~r., I. {i6~), WIL ~'Ii' ,. :i;p.. .~ ... ~_ 9 .

. _ ~ T, A. Hrady. 1irmi'lS' ,,&~in: Cirr.:l oll!lo~ ~!JJpi07. N5{1-1'!yO (C~mbriJR;:: C!iml"i1I~ iUllii~i;!fi;il)" h~!, I 'M~.>,


7-1 ~: V. ~!i • .EGanum., .s:ro\!~ "AI.:!' .s~ry ~~Ij; P.t.iII"!p;l, 13J.n.-·io::Iso !i:N~"'" ¥0:r]i;: St. M~r.til1l'~,

~. 19f10). ;111- 01), ((lJl a '!ih(liil' ~'IJ ... ;;:y oUt ;;i.t1."o(:l(!flf1i(:f1Il::l il' Gu[nal1\f_ _~ .

~ .f~ 9 ('i!!q:!~~loli ;;)H;r,~i~t:h ~11ffi'\1lf1:'l ~l' .~"i.t.' ill p:mi~uhr;. = 'J/., S~!~!_~.! . .;:!1~r.i'LI .~v.~~ J~1 if.Nd;i!iry ,ill: Plill~ f!J .ik $I'AIU~di (.jfj:ij S~ili"!:<'rllr ·C;o'II7.l!l<'J; (I'rIl;n:C1i:m:

Pri~0JI. Ull'i~;;;[E.~IY 'IJ'N~~, l'US(i,), .r,]i, J',

] l 11 Th<! .r.i,.o:.;: ,,-,f the mul".: J. 30M tu ! oJj4~

Th..r,; st.l:'i.ig~lr!l" ,31Jt;lrnat ~~!: tOWn;t;,

C?'lJ:n:,.'h, em!). re, ;!In(~ iIlobtlh,}' :lisid1l;.~ th!!! f~l' [I )lp!!" 'l1f poIL[kal~ C!lI"R!!i!I!' t~~JOn mai: h~~~ tv b~ 'l1\·en::L'"~m~ hef~rJ! H'te miJd~rn A[;3 [I: ;f."Ou!cl he ;;::~~ l~~ wer~ ~hoE' 1IJJl);~I:1I. :~nl!1n.llllili~~, :P'llit't~(:u]~iJ~' in S~luiihem .ELi rope; JI1iI!I\r~ 'h~1,!: ·QOm:lj'mmE.:l("'!~ were Il,i:it{J~f~ trel'n R·CHYi.;:m [1iI~le~; if the: I~eopll! :'l ~r il:l$~j~uti(;r~s did ~~Qt d:i$.I'I\I",'y rn~~~:fliIlm{y from elassi ... ~J ii:im'!:.s, at ~n}' rlli~!:!:"~ [jjiJy:;Jc~1 ~ltes. <ll'iJd :;'riiillt:ltUJ:l:~ the S'trl'elIS and fonific.Ujons di,~. O~. wew up !'I,' ;1~ dmslriblili:ill)n ;;:;i!:I:l.C~rn. a t pl::r:~s ·~~idJ. \Ii'!] 'iJ(Ij]veni~nt fof' n.lid!!: - J ,e., !Ilol;!~i" rni"~5, ~!ih.'!::re !'O.i!ds >I,."t05c5~[, oI)u ''':b':.~

, ". ", "",I!

m'?i'S :!iil:ffi!;:d Iil!kes li)j; b:ca ~rt!t :11:3. j~lJlc - wh~~e:l'I:; ojI·lt~rn. tHII,I, P.Jrtjc!Jla~

I)' [0. ~1!!!rm3irli.~'~ wer.e: ;3.r[E:f.'~rJ;3J CU~D.tICiof.l$ 5elt lip by se';:;!.iI!9:~ :lind "'['.i;"Jesool:lti, ,c.Q~. p'nne'e!'!. Qf C:'"C~}1 r.llnk \\'net,: ~~ekillg t~ attr a ct tn~'II,!', either g:f.iIl1ite~ [j)n'll~ti!"ge:s ,to· ~IStlrl!,g' C'(imml.l!~lllc5 or else ¢1:itab!i!shl'il. ,iJ(imp~l,l:ter, ;rn~ ones, By:! 3'W, jiLls;t before ~hli: to'wns VIK"TC d~"im~l[oo: by [&!il;!' ~!;)]t;k De3itb it. iii bdi~,td rth.l! r app.N):;.;jrnatI!I ' ()n~'["'nth of the. emire j)OP'U~iJi:iW1l of \'VI e-.:s~~rn .EU1" - e:uirnat Y! 85· (l'I.,l miml,)fi - ~L'I;'tl!.i. in hllJn:d!!;"l'd~ 'Uf,lo,iiI !'I!tl!r;'~dr~ (lo.f too'F.I,S; ::dbdtj for CIIL.!:f t:nkl.!l!;~tion!S (,0' reach ~ ilguritJ, ~m.). sl;!'tll.; \'i,'~tfi meee tl:tlHIi ';0(1) il:l'l'l<lbiitaIH~ has to be .i!Jj.;;:hJLi!~l. It.1_ tbl:" ii~". 7""

Frol1il the ~iIiIllIin,g W'l'lII!lJS \'L'l,;!rl~ C01f!I;JI.r;3:te bodies, '~~'h3!te~"eu th~ ~;U~t of theilr 'p.l'ivjJ~g~ oJind dlt;;! \'Il~~r ill wl:dcl:1 ~JlCY were ,glli~!,!.e:d, th(;sYc ~['(:

&'NInti::d! l10t to El1d.h'lidl.l~18 'but r .{'[~m;.wh;;),b:=-jnp, shaI."'Jl,]~f .d)iJrl!~D-' nj:;rt-iXl . frurn [J~~ rura] jjopurati;;}n . f.i"i)SSe5Bcc~ "free:" - ~:lii: :is, nOlJse;r;.ife _ S[~I[U5,. In '[flus ~\';3.y WWT.l:\ 'OOilltrad!i·,c'tl'l[(. the v-erry priil:1ldp]~s Offe-ll..qO:l~ go\l'of~ nrnent 'l ... hi! h were ibOls.ed (111 the ifIJ~;;::rf!X·ki;r.rg !lig!}l~ ot 8L1p.t:riiMli m,\e:~ .il:1f~rilJmj. n;e'i!"m:hG~~s, fr,olfl. the P(lUtlt of'\;'[~\\' iJilf~h~ 'l/iI·cd,l..'be Cl!f.I![it'".:di.zin,g .1!t·l.marehs, the' f.!!tubkm [hat [he l'!JW.l.l.$ ~jTeGen(.e.;.i. was much tl:1.e :5llir:J::IiC' 9.:3 that pused by tbc·l1c)I)i]J~~ ... JI,i ,It ~IS c8!ch nohleman wors, to ~Otiile .r:xtcm·, his !JoWi1 IG,r-d! and e1o:.;;!n;isf',d! !"J"Jwe:r ~n!~rior W, but flO[ 'C::'!.S~JtiAlJy !1~fT~i'(!nt frtnn dnu: ·of ~h;:i! 1Id!l'l~ so' to .. V;llS l~u:cl the~r own ;;)u:g:lil!l~ (If g'D~r~lmIt.:IJ.L Th1s indw:lii!:d One C!~ .. more idc~.'et:l. chic:f;ll:r.agi;;;tril~:C5- f;!nowJ1 ~!11I:1!t:r a va~(c,,1)' of o!r;!ro~ll:r.~ fFmr.l!lJ11: .ilmld the N·~[hC:IjI{lll.d:;;)!o mpJ·jr> (hili'}, Sdutff~fJ (G'(!rma!nY)! and l'$'~s (Sp.u_in). ['!J. .u.d:d:h.i:!Jn~ EO~vn~, 'hild. ;8. V.lI.['.iCity af oilier Mfici..ll]:i; and a. municipal ;tljU!IJ.Q~, ho~1t of ~]i(:-m a!:!;;Qo ~ll'Iete~J .. B SC'p:lJr.;1t~· ~.YH-em. of iflIlUl!ud]1'03:1 (jh;J!~~ the r:i.glu [0 :m<l ke ii:h.;;!~,. o ..... n assessrttents for the P~iIJ?D5C' of cv~kc.t!!lS royal ~~Kc!ij illl:1ld ~Qinl;!'times; by ~~'.1lY. {."If an in .. ti~llt~L1d3. that 'W~s. both ~ i'1J'.fi.tabl-e and :s:rm'boJk~ ;II. mInt 85. \'IId.I,

FinaU! '; t01A'n~ ~J:ij:re:l~ frum v.iJ1 o::!&c:>. iI:llILh.o.t', on itOfJ' Q.f tnese i;r.LvHeg:e.l the-y 'P!Jss'!!$Sed their i;)1,'I,'!I'l £oJ'{i !I . ...:-2ltuons, gU3rds r~p.rn:J;;.ihle for tJl~ lnsi~~

~Q ['1, Flu i~~im~J1J. (:1: ~ •• ~I:S" fA p<!pJjiIfJ!'!)'T i!;!1, ""1k ·~'t9t" ~ ( . ''''tfl'!!,: l1orl.>lI • .l9.~ ,', if! :?r:';_4.


· ........

tt1.iG; point of ~u~,'1,r, the rl~ of the- g~s;t :m(ltlJ~J"(;h~~s is ]~rg'Clr ~~€! ~ .. henr f!:1!1e:.fS,' .aU·'~J)I!,:; to li'r:du.C4: nr ~Hma!i1llllmll!' those 'PThiteg~s •. "

As :in ii:b.e' .(,.::.IS;': o.f !:he .1:1.lJibiltt:!.", t~'j,1:. manne~ and 5p~,~,d. ~lritb. 'V>'h~~I'

mJroc8~S ~. as 'l:IUTI~d out d~ffe'Nd mi1iIi!i;t:I;Uy fro-:!ll: (Ine' C(ltU1ury to ,a ,

. .As in '!:hI!' Cil!j;1!' oftb.'l!: i~oDb.ili:t:y) [00 ~:!1t:: I!\~Ulhs. were br(r.ldJ.]! s;iiin~liJJf'

as ~ih~~']e" to the e!IiI''iblhhm,C1jlit ofa lit!:"tlJ1g central 3tJmOti'iI:}' ~:h8t ' .

. ilIbo,\fe ev.1;.ryh(~dy ~t..&e..,I!I: 'I/I;'.i~5 ~lirD~[ ~9:!i~1" a,;:v[J]~lp!j!.;b~:in . 'rh_!:1I_niks P3!rtiy' to ~lS insular p~.S;jti<Q~..; PSf'1I:.1:y ~'i:I) ttlA;; CG:F1.ql!le:>i:J, i~' b~'~!l: \l[ufi;.eJ c()un:tli'}' <It an CXiOLllJ.bOillls'I " ea,dy 'Uml!:,i 'OOfliSJ:q.uel1iu.y t~~e i~,ll~"''': ..... were uf1I;}ble to p!~ C1ff !:be. .Kin,\! .:Jgaijn5<t f'L'ireL[l;IIi ruf,!!'f:'i;w!I lLbA;!y diQ . !'filitIT}' Qth-Ct. p~a~i!!l. From the bC',iJinniil(}" the [QWJl~" tlf.lon imPfllna ~ni,;iiil.r con:;i!lll~. Qf nne nobiHtYJ' \'i,·.b.'D!'l~ rtu.rbu1cnt:e ·I·f(r~it·!!'ned ~:o .Q~ !;H."SCtlf~d trOl~e·. The:it' n.a:n.ll"ll!! .~U~r ~!t"~ ~he' crjj.~\'n~ ~h;::~" ~O{In 1:1<:C'Ii~ am-egrste~1 ·\'l,!'1.iUl the r~.a( 3l1;,lrnuus,tr,3:uo.IJ:J, bi."Bftilllg those bmde;ns ~ ~'~nQ[1njIDl,g lh'DB~ t1l5!ks '!!i1b.icl1 for ene reason o.r. Bliilo:che:.r. k did .. niOn: cho~ t~ IlIttde:rtake :iudf.:': I Ah:hmJg.h during the' ·civil wars m]~QIt nltni!:ed itlJ;:: 1a~ y~n ,0-:[ Hcnry l!lr tne:r,e ~,~~ saine t;,'i8nS, of dii~sitti~;f+irti,Qn !t"~ dl~' ~:o'P.'~ atGo/'<: th~s'e' never f~!lt:h~~ the p1[lhu wh~re ther rose mn Rb~JiG,il .. OJl ~ rom:ra:ry, lii!r.~H::Iy in tl.1.~ \b{'i: ;;t' .. h~r; t(li~rrte:"' '~J'iIl:U;ry IDhe' ,pos~ ~"IS rea(7;h,e:d when:',. by s.:h~1p3y :iS5U~~ii:: a chltll:'~ writ, 'thl!: ~n~ :ilRki. .his; officials were aM~ ito' C;lU on the: serviees Q.f ::Iitl,.)' bot'tJugh tll,l'!J!.I!thl)~ .~~lgbnd.

1:'h~ :ri!'J'~ t~"eJ~~ ~UibiOrditl,!iite iPQlimti~Jj oftlle t:f,!~'fns: mr:aJl't t!J;a:t :tb~ l[au~: :re:tililili th~1I" !!)i!'d. ,Ch;iiirteJ'S., or b~ 8t"(Ilnt~d 1".i~'iW ones, ·'l!.'~llhoUlt. tlte 'lX1:'I11:l.a1 gO'll'Wlmetlia fed'ing m~·e.lfth~lIIE·~fJcd.1.! ~ :~li: ,;J1li<D p':rrni.[teo ~he u:rdniti;!;!'fUp-' ted 4J! of thei:r iJ'lstituci~.rus wbk:h, in 1;,:~l>€:I:1,~,. iJonil::iT.i:j,!j~. in el!!j~tl:.noe um'il the itre13~: r'l:!":fo.t';ItIB ,of'tO:I!: f!]iI'leit~:th C-'I!"fmcry'Wer Olilt ,1)£ the .D::Iit1d\5 of the: urhan oltj~rd~~e5. Bllcl«J by .wyam .P(I\ .... er, ih.;i'r otflcillil:s lilfer'f! able lu l3~id! ~he fe,ooo~1i!i SU"iugg]-es be~.w~tJ gU1Ms ~li1d p;:! trl::li!lcho.t~ th::lir. ~n'<lrJ«;d the:lt <C4Jt:Ul~illrt~ in. every othe-:r ,O(1um~ rti(l~ O"'C'.~ ~c iPtJS![j(lo.n ,of the towns 'l:Xp]ilI~[1!!! ~ij;'b:y. thClugh n1:.:d:icval cn,§&i!l.d! \1I,'3s, 8li· $blbject: to filJblc: rev,oll(S :!IS <iny other r£J~ntryj frerrl tnl!: 'UIXli: (Ii EJ .... ',3.rd! I ()f.I those .r,l!:1I(Ilb al~e.a:d)' bQl~' ,1:11 R!)melj,~rhst SiIJPcll'f[da~ d'llilr.u.aer.· T1Je !I1ol'rJ1ai !ilf:"IY i~ wni:di ~r.i':'.;t!lJc.r;9 tic fll!f;."tnotlE s(t'ugrrt n:o ~In c(J;.lluai of I]l~ C'JIi)'iJii:1Jl '~'l,ii;I:; ib,~:r en~g.tng ~iiI in~'rigua !!It. 'OOU['{" At ltliterv.als they ~l{!I}uld also ;;;hast: each o~'her a~~S5 .JH':: C().iJ:IJ.til)'.side; J.Wttth:ubdy in the J]!U@

~. C. J.L YCi!!fI1;'; n\;- .fjlS.!i~ Bom~ Il'JJJ Jti'~'l1 Ad ... w·l1'ir~~t:km. I 13f!...] ]f)'! (ThJrhanil, ;r.JC:

['111£' j'J~~11:,Y 1~1, Eit.I~. pp.. ! 6, I.~~-.ti i,

n S .. r~lm"J!,.A.'J fJitro<J~r;")PI. to <M Ufll'<iiJ!-:J{F,rwislr 1H,..d~:r;:>mlJ.i ('O:dr.fd: Cliln:(tdM.

~~s. l·il'17); W'. U19- UJ. .

~~ ,mm I sao T~ 170.1)', 1Il(J 'L'WoI';F (hg;n J W 11\:".,. ~~,l1l'!;li~1'i fl!iMl:;l wcr,o;: iAO:lf])oF'JtI;<JI: '. r:l'ilfk and 1'. ~,.El\'g.'.ii'ir TL'M\t~ rn T KIl",rirWr} 151J()-.J'7G'O (WeI!;' y i:!f~! (hroNf U.rY~"<'nii~" .I:'tfe~ t~I·6}, 11"- 128:.

, ~ as W'ere 'i.l1:tuQ{i,ll~d fi:'(ui~ 0~!tiIe~ counrries. N{'IIPMlillalto.nuiJl:l]:

~f. ,Ii;~lil~i.s bO:~1<~ ;;!I~ e:;;prc~~i;!~ '1'fI. '[he: last C:I:V.lptI;"I ;;)f T~I~: ,r.J,l:l:J'lU: ?ut (If ,.$!!ttJ~[I,\, tliO,'k!a~;oe~ onl!r' two. V;;:nir.:~ ;~~1idl Rome, HK(:ee,Ug,~ tu survivmg :'!$ ,tte fll1t'! '~~~~ ,~~t~- V~liir;:~~ i~s ,di:Jl'~'~' (If eeenomic gr'J:.i~ti1e~~, gone; ~ftl;!:r ~c~~ 'Ii)QO $rt1iO,'!] to' pl;):!{ a 'signifi,;;!:ml p(!;'i:itiem] role ,~m~ ~o{:!tli carne to I ~~ ..... ',~'re~M~iJ.,';Jt: ;o;!~i9'tl!"[lQ!; W well pOUtit<l:.;'I;I~~ in the p!IIitliting!s of Ca•. .:A I~ ,. If - • 'I' ., . II h .. ~ ."",~ ~tL'.:i! \~4,et'crJ!> R'!JriI~~~ 'loY '!llIil'tn¢ or ~~s. II.m~qr!J)J: ~C'::l,:=SU3r"S~lC::h .;;" i!ir"'I;., .... ~

III"'" ~,i1IdI iI~ii!r.i!li~tl:e-!.l (1IpiPose,~ ~Ci' eljl;:,ry~lli~I~; Ihu an ,Itu; 'I;;HL ~'L;'I!~G .I1.ugt.i[ have ~,,,,,

~iJd l,'iM.. .11 I - . - . _I'

. G.!rt1.u.!I!I~" tmlJ,'!ruS, '\I)f~1"C.' ,mo-re i1Ii!.i~~)CnHl:;, ::fin ..... t il;;~~' , more ul:"-

. ]r,i~ 'th~il :;):IlyP."'hC".oc'. else, SCime.'" !p!3i11ic~~;'I;rt!Ji' !~ the ~'Llt1i; h . .1I4, ~:ry ~cJlit [o()tS, hav:bjg been ~siL~.b.l:l:\hed as JR.1J'Iii:.1i't ~!.JI,Qme5'.'D[b~r.:;, pW[\m ~~a.rtllill rtb.'l; 'I1.ortb, ~n~ ':;Je::ll!!.~l. C(lmpkLe!j," ex tJtlW dlJ1rlJ~g: 1:1.1,.:: grear D PO.;!, (lif tC'.O!!~ILWii!!I'd l:uigr:ll.tio'i:1 b~nvcen, ith-:::' ;el~\,'e~.'[~ illf!ld e8J~J! fourl~.mth ~1iiA;1)Ir.ies,,~" po:r the I:l!l)r~.::m to'{Ifi'i.'S til :!!le:[1,l!'I'al, :lind ~(1~' ll;.O~.~ ~~ni:too:in the t&rlii~a {!l);Ii~IIil!;)im.y :m~mi1lg An-S[I~~ ".._,ii\i the :s",a"} m !p'1lI.rttruJ~~'; lh~ Ltitl:IiJ'lg'tJ<!iilU in ~n)~ir fortunes C;1I111':: the sJ:<Cl)ild ~;;i]f;(lf: the fiftel::mllih ~cgl:rn~, [~ '~Vl3::' '!;UM,IXt-!XiJ to 1'1, ihlft in I!~€ hahi.ta[ of' lh'~ir. .;,;Me~ pro.;l!I;JJC[, ,I!i~mng, ;3::> 'WId] !'i5, ,l!:rlJli,viflg Dutch. co:mTI1,~i!Ji~ .;;:.omf,lGft:i:ti(i(1'i ilh:11: [ed to th~il' ~Oi:m:!Jm.ic 'l;::db:L{.",:~s \l;f']t;o;!;Di;!O!is ifll :E!l'igland (u.nd, as we sh2l11 gL~l!"l' r"i:;,llI!tO~) therr~ WtllS tiS'U;:iUy tbe: iki:11;!,': to iPE!'tect. ~h~ towns against the '~'I;'QitU t1:i!~¢ :the ililooiluty oolJllcl .clJ(!o,; ~ri Gl!:rmllin:~ me Em1J~rut was WQ. weak am.i:Ii ,~~:e to' !pI!;Ij~ ~J~;:i,'~ ~njof'- the more ,m b(:'(4!~l~~' the 'C'.CIlte!r of his power il:.~$ Jllte:ad!!r ibegiruni'n;g: L'Q snlift '[(10 '~~[)l1Ii~·.n1ii,a and ilhe DiililflIUIU!i!"

Tln;us, ~UJ:lI!"-!3dy in m,4!42-8 tbf: ~l~C1:J;)'r '0''1' ~;!;ratlidli:'.nhtl:rg il!lJok .;ld,i!:i!!iU .. 1..i5~ ..,r ~~ giiSpLlt\~ ItH1:l,~eet\ UH!: f,!a!rian:'~8ii:'f.!' ~mli the g~i'!ld~ of Helli,n. [:0 -d!f.!'p'rh~ IbttJJ ..... rn ofits right 1!)f:s~I:f",rti]~. 'F'rol:H :aboWl[ ! 41:60 m"i W~ be,nijj to hear or cases in '\'l/~ich '~:o\V:n~pcop1.e Wf.!'re: rdu~edi 'the !j"·igHlIi: to harbor rurli~';i".;'1y p,e3~a:!tW. '\lR:l'e :!:iujbj~.;;~t:d, to V.;"i'!.":i~U!:L ~:oIL':.) and. ''''''~iru' ~e:i:iI .f~!!:.;I, IL'Q rendler ,&:ibOt~I:::r;"Uc\L"S; such 85, h::n.!lnng the i(lo:r(l's ~f.'l>:;!dI~_ By l5UU ti1lllfPIt 't\f'ete no f~'~~ !'QWR'S kft ~n, 'Br,i1T11!.l"';:iiiivuf8.:j in time' the 51~i~'m '''.:tS e)u'end!oo, InrO'l.I(gniJ!!J.t Pru~i~" The legal dif:flo.:rena:s.lHo!lW~"';:i:~ tCiWL1J and cG!lI:ntIysL,d.'·;:, ~~i'G !;;!Iifg~~j,' O'!l~ .1]JM OO~l~ii")g under the dukes' d"';:~I)o~j~, rlJJ[~., ~J:y the ;::ighl~' e>trlJtb. oe-tiluIYJ' i!l'is.t:::-oIId of !btco:thi!lil~ ~'h~ ~pir.i:t ofHiberty wmJJ p';:.r~l~~pil!~:i!l!lg iii ttb~ 'oomme~,ci~l '~w.!!t.l!lion that ""'Ill::> mi1k~fi~ iEt]lgii-sn 3!nd! .fr~n~h citi~s, Elm, ,lrny Pr!!ls!'il::m lO ..... T.I, dil;JJ~, was sclceted to house i:i 'ro~(!!U ,g:<"!imson ~1:I8id)(!:red i~~f ~uc.ky_

:Some ii)1! the Hu.n~J'I''.:i ,mernib~r:;; lli'W1:lle' to' the d~iii~ I~;;!I~ faced them alJ.Gttly ,aft~r' ! ~OO., A number of wi1i~j'I;!S~¢~, wen: m.ddi :1rutl \ .. !:d;;)iL~

:: ~c ~-!. .51mlh, r-'i...,-,;::IrrMI$<'!l' ,~II!W SrMm."ii.!~1 illl l~[rop.::l ~CLiUl:~;;M! 131.ldii~1;!. :! (!tj';~), '~r.o!. 1'. (;1m d1le f~~ ofj'f !.'J1Jo:' !J.'l)r,.h G~n:n= 'jl:m'IJ!, ~ .I', t, C'.;J,1'"'i~~"" :i'~ Dngim "I ~ {O;.;i1r..!: 'Clnh!lMioj~1 '19~";), tlfl, ! o(l>!f,


~h::ml#.::' ;Si::I: ~fom: ~© rd;ol!"l1l the ;Js~o('.i;lj,I:ilOIfl. ,a[~d gi\'~ It a t.r:I!I)n~ t::!:ti.!Jr,ac:~~i'" - i~i;;.:~u.d:i'jii!! '~¥h~lt .[t' iall;;:h:ci ~~05~:', a S¥.!lfA!m. of it;1::-tO, , oC)lJmnloi~1ii ;fImljr. it ,~:;~ h(!l![~'!._rel":.. .. qLH~5;ljon ~lf too ~i~.ti~ too liill~.e •• ' !Qwns! ... itb:lJlI.!I~i liiil.!lm~~-o'L1'S~ ':...:::ndii::~ l'D bo.;!' ~rulJI~iI'" ii:l.l:lltl,' Ital':i;ji~ '!:JtJ j:t.iJrt~_.I!' S'Uffil)liIIl:ld~;!by a 1;.'~~ .I<l1t&re !l'ill;jiillibc!" U~p~lt,.'.n:ob~e diIJ1ti<l!!:n" or ttle~ ihl1l~! ne ... ~~' been iiiibk, ~o, d'::~IO''p ;)0 ~1!I~i;:!,pe:l:1jrll:!-m ,PO\l.ll't ~ , ex'p;)Ju;J~rIl,~ rnto lhe 8Ii!irr1Jlu:r~~hllg clJlIJnt~.s~de, 0 ... !",i! [' die ,tI:~t hI;! ~~ y~~'n: rom~ of Ehem '\ .. <e~' Simply :lirIJn,~ed fb.y il'te nul',:::"i;. C1,f , I]

SWe\d!eiiu, ~nd! w~l]j whiOm, i:h~)t Iib_ad ~or.l:t'!i:r.i:~ t._€:i!1:1J :!Ilile to de ' equal t.emlS. Ott.~rB~ :!1m'Ugh .hey :reU!tI!L'd, ~h€:~r mdli::jH!<ndG.rL'-""(! , _1I Ci!ie~l sunk i:n:ttio P'(I~ilica~ - .alti:l"o;ugh, !iI:; t~e eJ{~i:nple 'Df F!I'U ,. iiI~t ,B:an:lib~rg shlJw"<:~ ii;j.t llI]W,iJI~'8, Il";!Cuni!H~lit: - i~sign:ifi';;lmc~, -rne' 1'l;dr~ I ~'lI!r' ,~!il mm:ne l~'W,tliS mill~h h~~(~e.r :I!iJ;'Ijiili it. "IlL'll, '~'T[~r:n;;j, IIJC"l,<e"h~l~ die!:llliM["f';1!llmg l~~ Hi3T1S.I,·~ ~inl.'t:lif}' ~nl!pj)'[~nai!J' ut, 8i::I tne- rorilib.a~ t!:li~ la.t¢ol;!it"'::;. gTll!"'~. A!'l. a , of f~~t fi.C!Ql~ ,:I!~Ji:'empt~ '~,,-efe ]J]~d~ 't1J' dJ~ ,i'liSGO!:'.iUrlJiru i3f[er l, M8, ibUI ~"',iti:t Ihtle :;;~~(;C~.Ij"oQ, Only ~iIiI ~b"e . ,B!)l~tk'~ '~!,1];t~, ~he king;s: (JfF"o.!'+!t.ld. f.i~~d too .... ~L!"-l!,~ ~)[) J"l~'ly;;:l, ro];e~ !ilnij t'iJ' thi:Jlt 'Of the Gl!"m~~j], f.iri~,~~~ did ,II! .re~"1 towns ~l!IIcL~ ,iJj~ l!J.~~lJ2i,2: r!![Wn p.rii,<ikg.;;s Into dlle eigJn~l!':nt~ (;;::m;uty.

DDdTI.JmltIJl~ the gr,l:U:t. r.rolloCling mliJlt.e~ FJe!,Wee~1 .sO'u:tmll:m !tIilTid 'N' Europe ;!IS they did~ :liQd iJT[~il ODlI:iitLLi:njng ";!Ilu~l.i~e Hlliller;l!to!; 00 tl;!rnut)!)ry~ 8oW![~~ Ge:r.l:rl!ilirll tiCi\'i,'t~~ '!If\1):~: @I:"Jll(tr<lJJy iI;lWru: sl~;;:;c~fuu :iiiil ' tuiD.i:n~ thd~ p'ro~perLt~' iJl.;l;tL .nCtI1:OJ GermUiri enes, h.J\[ .u. 'tIme .o:roOgl'ld ,i 5M i[ ~oo~, ;)~, iii' [hI,;!Y' :i:tIDOl the: oCIptiOIll (Iii:' tu.m,i'ng ~S~, ill~![; i:i!, 'Of ;;;rea.IJm.g:! ~L'1],'I]j'ne aji~a;!'I."'''e b~~l!.,r:!.!"n tewn ~:fld G!J'1;!;ittF}'~i~~ tha~: wQluM ellil!M~ 'trnlml ~:o re~i~ii: [h~;:;Iib~erli~: of :[iJ.'l!" t~rtl;J:Dri~~ prlno~, A~, in ,[[:iilj'~ '[1J11HJ~ [tl~5e t!i!I.;lM were d~f~t~d 'I~' the ©fJ;gaI"("Jlk 01,i;tloDK ;;)f the' OOmmIL~rri3l du~~s wiriich ca~d OI1ll~' fi;}r i'h~i~' ow~ in~$t9J IHln~i.;ll d~Eined!, 'Tti~ P~"'~Jns,'" nevoJt o.f ,I ~25 f'riighi[.C".n~d tlil!~ Milll!h G!!r,rtI;;Ul to'~s_ A'b~",," donGd DJ' a~ iEm'p~iI'" whose U'(i'tJ,;.i .... ;-j4~, com~liii~rn~nits m;::j~e' hiim [ifi@~ f~~ltty 'I!IO;lib[l[;!" t(!l pr-QlteCt the:lln~ th!:,fl;!;:!if:te:r ~~iC":y were ~~e['lI!ti,y ill!id:i!lliedi [>i:J etIopemte' U'l[h the pr:f:o,Cetio.

As, had! !iillp.PC"J~~d in th~ mio.r[li; wme t'D'!NJlS ~r~ .j'J:DJl~);.~d. 'Ollltrll§iht ,;fm!l '~~Te' l~e[ljCli.':foli:'''''''.lI!r.;;f S't:lib~eci: flo> di~iect ;gDl!lol;!mm>!;!tlt !by to!;:' 'pr.iX!~s' ,;rp~,r tees, Others) re:m!~i[l!.!I jn.~, 01'" ]nlp~ri,3] S.tli~,tiS,; fO'LI!n;,' !lhcm~e~",e;s hypa.s~ OJ!' hk[ury <)~d de~[~f. tiy tt~J.di~@; ,Hl1;!t~ whid.l! were ~~!f~jii1lg to' ~~ i\tl<a:n,tk; they 'S:lif!ili: inoo a [1j'lJ.!o~ tJii!l!~: l,m,f.!iIj ~tnti!' t~i':::' :r.'rletL'oo R>k"!,f0Juri.oIL

n Ji1 .I50r~ ti~ 1l:J~[ Ckh:tmn [01"""'1, ,Ii,~liWiillrIl, flILIIIIJ'~, ~(J't.JOil' ng::!iIi~,'ll'I1"'.!r HjQ,(i~,i!t' 'I,i':eIliII.lC I,.'I['.Mi!m~, Foo ~rl1~ ~1~, ;!l(lt; II. '!ili~l~m, IlJe..w.-.~ .... IlT=-" (.r\:rmr-t.J~'" IStrth HlJ'ilam.i PlttIliZ:iliing; '191'9.). pp, 1.Q:7-'J,

~" :3"~~ !l'_ n..-.ltin~, Thi!. G.:i"iIIT.!fI' ,1,l~\UF!;I {,LQitdOOl~ M~tl1'[lI~lali" i ':;I11'f.). Ii'~n: III, fll~ @:' at~l:'Il~ i;:; r<"iii.t:;(:ii~i~ fJre i'i~EU$ alflu it!;! [inal ([tt~ir:;~,

.. .," "~_" .1 .l'W'I~ LU :l1U Ei

sU~l!Qk ~~ Ji!'lt of tl].~~ names to ~e ~fjHI u cl'"~(I~s,=. ,"fLY~l .. I}~/" "l"tlce ~t1.;1] f'i!!~n many of ~he towns' forn 6.'c-atJ{!J15- Wl.!'N! faUt[lg m,:o ndn",

'.1' . - 'q ... Ib;j

mmu~s we.r,~ no. [\!H~gel' .nClt\,\C". .

,~s ~n mJle ease r the .I]ohitti t.~ j',j'fi,m~. itiJ'wns '1N{,'f-~ g.i\re~ a I'l~\\" J poJihetla life d!!.!irn[l,g ithl; fl:ligiol!ltS ""'',j)J;S_ S'~m:adittg fro'm G~.tI. ~~

~f.. ·nc.:h Reror.m.ol tii01l d,i ffeli'ed: ~1:'!11 tJ'.!e G;f!'l'trlan :01~e 'in tha.t jlt 11fi:~~ ~CloOt ho~ld a ID£I~a.g the: m~:ss.cs. tn (he CiOUf.ltLj,'si.d , Ins,t·~d .it ~'as l~tfluem!aJ _ ~m~_g nobkltlCil'.! _ (i~'.Idu j~'.!gJ' in P9ni(;u~x .[l.Qblcw.allfl~

the one b nd ~nd ;tawn~pecr.P'J(! II thE. th~.r, T1.!1J:C: .. frer [Ime th,e - ) .m~ofity!. c.orDpo!,f{ '~H) --'5 per.l;{!'n'tD;t th~· p-opulu[jIJ'l1~ t!ll!t'11'40 !I~3iir t ' HU.fiuC~i()[ nd,ghhorn nn massacres gl:"!:B [ -IL[I'I.( smalt Fo;ocf:d' to 1!1 , Itn~.m~d~ froJl1 .m :5611 vn th~.)! UmtM the: ~(i~mil'ty ilillt!:) o!! 'lreri'tilb] chipelll\.q:o of s,*,.i-ililldepend~nt cemmumties, 1;;11!Cb. wit]\ it. ,wel!' . -~

.00. organs o.f gm ."rn01etiU liilUd 31~med forces_ As.w..c- itC"fl1l «L~Bg\l~'" shO'~. 'IXI[;)~ Ortliol~c 31nd Ht!gue:rl:O~ dti~e:s [-rmoo: ~J1f;'litl~. ~I'i'j~g tb~_ :sel'i!'e9 ~s v,"·eJil ·1t'S 'i,vuh n!i)b.riI;D~tI a.,t theJf re51Jec{JVC creeds (rometi~ when ~'Ut'\i,ary itlJtefeiits pred(}ltI~ni1ie"'l, those .of f)me.r cre..--ds). AlII [Oll,(t~H: .e.ilh o,hcr' lO o!! .de:sta!([~,ry ~!fSY.'i at tlmes ~Uj'ing mc:~h~!! '!.'rid! milt C.f?,"'1!j a:F.!~ ~.t O[henim~·iJt'po.singIt ~;.'C~ to we ":ne.nro.f:titkitlg tft~ki~ pl1!!~n:C"r, r }~{)u~h oOpC!Lll w"n'iilr€: ceased under H.e-.ttty [V the U!.rtde.r1!r-ing ~~bty Fe.fl: ained tiludi tt1!!: . ·~me'. ~ndli;p!!'.tldA.'tIce W3~~ .incf~ reinforced by 1:11<:' l?c1k[·.y Nat1!te!l ""'hid~~ begjJe!) g.rontijlg [he H'uWl~ frco~!a-rt~ of ~'fOrsnip, per.l:1flita:ed rhem [0 .lnalntaiin [hC'jf OWOl fi)ITj~c:HAo.ns at~d l'hei,- m 'n armed forcl:S_ Th(::sc pr:i'i.<ikgc!l go u ]; Will ;J;O'i!.'.ilro ~KJl]. iniiilg why- thtoliJj~h{ the ~j'me ot'di~o __ nl';1[[IJ~ jrom. 16J I' [.(to aM~ thi; it:OIl.Vfl!l· Wi!!F1t llD.i~ W playa ru.i.c simj~:n' to tba;[ of th~ nilhmfj;r,:r' and: iii!

c.1!,use til..; mUn3('1;:h. . lllS 11l1.i .... -h trQil..lIb~~ II!! '[he lsuer. .

'Wh~re IllC"[ wn' l!i'Jtern 'J g~mmeflt Wi15 OO!l'l~~rn~ Henry IV ~,;, n(ii\: to .introduce-any' rev.Ij:I!UIIlU!'!,U}' changes. The J1tl'~l;.m~~~nmurr .s~m 1ijthe~b-}' the lists of candidstes .rO.f t~- ~ .niBiY .ratty· \;""'C'l'~ suo.mi:t[ed tll) :Ilte king remiilined in force,· ~ol;l!gh somenmes e ..... errode b~s !!iI!Ibiect!i!' f.'lIZYJ.1(J5a~S, this ~ <IS fion: ",~'W;:tys tile .r<es:ult of ddilbc:raite poricy~ sinee .i:tlsO'JIl,(' .~!I~S :il( fil!Rected th~· towns' OWn inahil'ity ['0 came up w~th aD .lIgr·i!lDl;l-upon H!I{, His lli~b.j_~UD'1.iS a:nmtll;iUe 'was: ~Hecu.ed in cumemporar'J" "'¢oiou. C';o,ncemi])g l~ris, ~ moSt ~rnJl{l~n:t ;;;;i[)l' of all_ SOf.lj~e thooght H~nr}' ne'lo"e.f ifllt.en·ere.d in :tne d~y'5 ,dt1trs ouhcn;. rtl:.lLt he W.ll.oS !;;' uy!mig to eHmioi te its ir'lde:pendef~(;e. 111 It trotJl s~mr:; to. 'h;i\~ been StI'flle\'!o-nere in l'le1n'll'f;:eo- In Paris and th~' ki<ng t'f'w,cl!!l' } iii power (~Ir whe.n the da:fi!:,~t'- o:f.f'lHlli..llts or" fiscal j~C:i!:~ts· ii!'rlrl~~J inl~f'YeJJ~ ti.on n ceuary •. f1ron"1 13010:: w time he illfsi) Sl1J,\, oi n~eQ to kec.:,p ~I we-lr~

~~ ~l_.r':I:",,,,,·ailie[' ·'·ll1d~iIliq' Qff uio; XI (!w!liILI ~be RI7II'~iM ~',iUci: "n];,: ClIS';; "f'1l;ij ,":iii

Li.;I1Iis., RokOOotry ,,1'7 iJ.."'l. [I)), 2~,::;:_.[t~,

1"l~~' ~t~1ll!lI,e :!!, !h~ ~fli;j,1i11S 11 $

_, ,:"1 ;;:D:rt.!!pi1!Ii!:,:~~ ~n ~h~ i\1edi.t'l':TI.rri~iij. alID.;' ~~li;~T on; ,~h", :t'J~u],~,rhmd~~ ~~~d'~]lr: ~O\"m_g: H~w o:f 5Jhii:it ~rn"'.ll'lg from ithl! New Wo-:rlJ '~01:lld no; iC~1!: C~S'tilJ3!1i1 ~:COrliO\i'~Y. The tIlrst sign~ of '1I.I['bl~~ ~~;;:3~" o;;;,t:;I'~~l,)tn,cd: ,P"e: IOn!le.1r by tJ'Ic; imJ)Du.llb~~ difn~]J,~s o·r t'CioY,3\ :l' _ w.l:u.:;h th~"} '~~tt yt,~])il [-.;) ~s,j~jt, \-:-::;;;",me C=:ide~u ,1:[1 ~iii~, 1. 5~(i(.!~,. 'TIl~n- pHea~u:; appeals uni:lh ~id '!.-~~: ~\O n~ ;) ... iUU. lB~lW~t;:I!I ,~"Ij!!JO ;).~dI 1101} GaS't~I:c:"s urban :f'oI:~ar~~Dn {e;N,e:ept rhat of .Madrid) f~!u ~Y more ~~~Ir.I, ha~r, !'n i ,tl!l~S lilll!.mpep g' :Sd'::1iLn Qn ~h;:: 'roilld totlil~ cconorrne ilililldl social b'-l~iudn'l>;&S rrum ::$ il~ '."r,3S '~O S~lt ~m~r,g~n.g: Qru~y llIfIt,er the N;,li~C!\1;!'')[jTik (;otlC9uen lIIl'tdl~

.iI'Ld!:~~' in .h~, I_at,~ ~,we[litl:th omt~i'}'. _ .. , _

R[;l.illlily, lll, lWO (;V'~I,nm.~ ~ SIM'I,'[rerlllJrld :a'nA ~h'l!: N.:::tru~iJlt1'US - ~ihe' "wr,i5~ £ii:r ftL')lm S'l,l!lI"ender.IJ:1g to :rClta~ ,i5':lill'ernrn!~::t.I!t; w-e-~ .11em5d"'r:~ ,i1bJii:

1(1 .- - h - f b s,'\vIi. . __,.

'10 ~f!i~~.i[I ... er, Th'1; ,~.~!!3!~:C=::i:t ~r;:_._t~e::mrt:r1,t _'0 L_e ··ISS t'O:IJ!!nS '01_nS:I$~~u,:I71

~i).1- 'I!ltllUli:e ib~ir liAili;)i1I c'C!!IInl'!..>::rp~1:t'!:S~ Itbey TlIe¥'1tt lost (h~' 'Lo~3!lty o-:f the IDti"U~itr}'SOCi~ - t'li~ eanl!oil1~ - over W.M'~l1 !Jj~y ruled, I,I}~ A'!!. MiJlchi1ii,'II-.c-lH '~n L'~ti1~' MIa: p-1~.!'I'a l~O~:e-d, 8ftr:t" f"OfnO'iliJ< inI4ij~~ Italian aemies b;::mme n.;j)to~!I)'t:!~ fiJI" !:l.tei[' h'j,~:ff;I!'""e-:nes~, :i:i:'~e:hing ;II,W3!:i! Ib-:!::flJlru !,be fjtr:;;[ ~hoc'l,t, Nht so :51Wi5~, (J~C"3. whi.;;;h f';c]lF Sj!'!,i\e-r;8~ !l.""C:il'Jt~Jri~~ t,!\3;~~ had, ibumlt Il.i[.i ;;!! 'llie'J~d~r;~di :rrtpl!I<il:[U(Vf'j, :for t;l;YlJir,;].~~ and! e'ilerli ferncit,r'. C(l!r.l~eql[lelFiii:ly d\-C,f'WI!OC !ilull': eo ~SiH Lh~ Hab!;iiJ.urg :;it~ml'l!iS ~)Q .dio:mlIl,1l.te theri'i; I>!!!)CT oo~' W!l:re ,etlt:i",n~' '~!i.lC;;:;~o!iSfld lii. (iigl'uing 'D,ff d:J~ rulees or HUIgwnd'{; Ff'3Iru.;Ji:.) ,H:.d &wi!. H(!I ... 'ing done :00, t'b.-ey s-~~it,('he-d. to the ,off~~~si,'I,i'1!: and (l,)fl:ioHdloJte'::s f~Cim. 8, p.;;]_t~h'W!l)~'~ of scattered di;s~itii~!:s~ conneceed oliily 'b, mOIil:r:i~iml p!:1:wi:$~ to ,R 'f~ir1y ron;;::IT,i'U .;:t:1I,!!~u'y- -rhO'!!II~, f'l1n:tI~:l seeessien :omm 'i;h~ :iEmp:i:re' ~u;me {I;!l~~' ~n ~,6A!f!, Uong ~l)iI'e ~hat Zurich, !B~rn;, i!!~"d

:the i"t'St b_jj,.j 'bui.1Jt 1lI leose conf~d~r(tl'i!!)n Illa.t W!Ji9 pmot,tk!:dl;; h'ld~pen(klrll[' A!I['elii~f j,t W-I.liS WcliOiPtlJl:(t ~h~ po'Hq.' o:f !IIHU1Ie.;~ liei;l!tf~!iiy~halt 'W'<I~ to c.h;)~;,lic-tw_~ it un ruJtnr-.l!: i[ent!:.llr.b~. '[rlit~ro.:!r~'(:d, Il:!l!Ii,1' b~" the wii!l~, ;Qf the p'r'emlt:h. ,~VO~Ii!!J~Ot.l; it !o,sted '!.:!'n.tH lihe' outbreak of:lj, ht'icl" civmi Will: led ~,(I the rn)~lLtQD, of ,tI! modern S:.....-iss 'H:at~ i~1;1, 1.:841.

Fi"'om 1 J81 '01:1 t.lle Ncthi:.rlan&, lhi~her~(I ,a mm:1ey as_~emb~~' !i}f p~(jiI!i!l!lees nll~~ !by 2i '¥WD.'t!il.y of: diU!~~ and counts, h~l.j f"'~~Gf.! under ~~;::: >tI!lJ(rnri.t1i!~ !>ion ,of ihe' H()1.J.S'e ,j1f: :Bu,l'guntiy, '~\I"bi~~ aOqfI;l:i:ocd ihe:m. IJin~ by Ci4lti::" "11:L>ry" U~I;C';L"Woem ~e' same G:::iI1:tr,;1li7!~n,g tendf:!:T.I,'G1i;::s. 'Ilto.~ IH'"~';d in other ... ""Oljjt'i.~ iIl1~, ;lnd ifl~~, .-h:rolmgt011t tne ~I~nth 'Dcr.I.tury BUq!l,m.;iy had, if ~n.y;tJJi~~ been ah~llJdI ~f vtr~er I:l1IGlrH['["!I;hi~ '~I:'i! '['~!!s ~~~rt,;:O:::i:. 1 ~,~ Th~ diree'!<!l in which IN~g,.q, were mO-vlfl~ was d!ramBtti,1dll~y m~J;St~;;).[~di in 1540.

UIoQ 'n ' -

J'. H. rJl);Jl1. "'TIh~ l)oc'lirI~ !.:\r :::;pillr~," ,P.:L:i[ 1l71o:i1",.!"rc:IflIIi, W, 1'lI!fil, IIJp. ~'I I!f:, ,I\. .. '~). Orti;o;"

I~~ n., Gui".!""1 ~'ltollC' d S~( .. (tJ.OO'l,.;i{m: W(jld~lJ.f~IJ:I, ,~lLd Ni:o:Jl.\o;[,):lI.;, I g1.1.), j}j;). i &\ii.'L 1~1i 1'il1;lClr'-C5, Il;;lm ]:;~rM._lld~r. i\l~l). '"Cili,-,~ imill ~ St~re ~r'! ,SD~il'l;." If1'- l7':i'; l~l>k S.!. ,~ '!.!ll~ m:hi~,",(jm~ru!, nf ~~~ 3 ..... i~, ~~:(j, M- v. Cll~rk.~. 271L' iH.cdif'L,<,J CiJ_j-Sr<lr~ (("::am". ~n ~~" Sin'~!.ll!.!lIlJ. 1,96(>,;:;.;.!:r!;J, ~b. 7 ..

~I .. l~liI'I~'; ;"l'11.e ];;lloJ'I[mti!loil, aL'liJ Cii)ll~ifl1iiiulfl er IliIt. EVui':il.\IM!~", Sr.w[~;"· A;w,mCrrlJ

-.lI~rOl1o::al: .r~I'm', '14, u-OCm,. lip. '~·77-'5Q2.

CI't~,dC1\ \I":s ~V!lH ,;;;iI'llIil(hn~i:h~~r .,,\121JUe: t~ibd! seen he~ mile: thrl!!I,t~~1!4 ' !u~r ;])~~'IIi~l;rs. ~~)L'Cl!iIt;:d~ hy '[Ji: m'lJ!il~lr~t.~ o.fGh!~t~ti n?~\1'~ usi'ng ~r!J ';:I~I'J~ c.!J ~'ir{)r['_;l.:s. .h.i~ ,e--}jJC:u~j ~h: ,1li11_pe~~~]]1, I;ur~ '~~!;l~t~d! seme o(f ~:b~, ~~' ,r!~.>idmg Ci:t~~~!~ ,:11:1).;;1 _ dep.t'I~d ~!t' ,nJ' iU: ;mii:'"j~m pil!~:Lle&~:i, J:Mttk~iJh!Iti,~ re,E:1UQS to !ihe fi.l!ihl !Ii"'.! .;.""OH,~-[ !~ i;)1,'l'!lI 'tlli:'l:~s" [,r~ tllj~ \'~;o;'ly ~~ J~!Q~'W;!.r ,.\l ~ ~iminilm.try which ['or CIl:~li(;U,l:'j~5 hsd gii!?~.n. ~li1id~ess trOl~b.I~e ti~~ ti} ~ ~ fo':rendii kings .md th~'~ [:0 Cih~it!e'j;' !J-~I.i al~~e~L\QT:!'I, l,'1.'~S 1b1rt),li;en" ,n~r' tCi W IT.SI,Qre.d, 5I_~ ~""O~mc:m-h1i! ,gTe~I~_~~:; _.g~~o:::-rtL-:-C~ ~[' :lLnd ,p:l;~~"'d! ro !\nt~I]i,_

Ho,'l\,~"'~~, lill !I:h~ ir.ill:joj;t g'~ilj('::,~;i.!JtlL'i<n CJ~;!Il'Jc~,' ~l) p,fj,iJJp O'!,iIi:rpi;r}'(!d~ hi ~L<ln,,~ by '[tyUl&, to. S.UPii)F'e'SS tb~ IkfQr,r.tlJ~t!!!).IJi ;II.I'I.d m:tr'()( new ~~~l!i:s ~~ f.!l:I:n!O!.I~ ,gkI';fNrl;;r '~T. t,ii\n~h iPi2;rlCl:" -:-- ,3.[ th:~ '~31mc i~i.n.ll~,_Jl!*~ ~:s. Ch'I~~ llaJiI <II hen;.'u:>oo, th~ :SplI!fmib, !m!?tls bj/' mtmc!liJ!CJ!Jg He'.I:l:]llih 'i!l[~!)jre.ts._, oS I), 'Phili . IIId~ i{'''''~d the 58~ne ~_1J'i!):-t in [~~, ~h~~1 h~ ~~~u a S]J'.l!niarr-ri! rNi~"t~~: _[cJ'e.r-c-.noJ);t) tOo ~ll!l:CI!l~d. hi5 (ii~Vfl t.illi~f"\sIS;'~~r' M-.o.~T~t .3S gOiL'"Cr~'I('iIr. iJ'r tI~ Ne-:tne-r.]"'iIld~ ,~n ,I '565 .. .E1l,~;, SCI dol)nng he m.lJl;:iig,rtd: to .do' wh-1lt f~w "_'ih-:=![,rUJ~~ in ilIny 'IJIthex 'i!"i!liJr !r.i~od!~r.n. cO'!JlT[ry ,h:;1d! dI)'IIJC:: i1i8trillel]! ;;;lIiI;!iS~ ~i1i ~Jii.irl~~ ;n. b:::' fb;ge;1 bC~"''j.\~n rth,1t [Q~!fjlS .B.n,!:!. ,9,[ !e:lI!S~ ,Pil:rt (If the :nooi:iilly_ ll~, 1J<U'[vOll1e £if ~e ;:fIm;::jn.::::c'~ 1,o\'b!eh d~rceil.'lo.d: [ts ~a''Ons. lI!.!5[~i'[l:::;t J:dm~ 1,1,';1;5: ~ :~lu~:dll W~:r .of rruo~-pe£!de:l:liv!!", It J13~tlXi: £r-!J!r.i\ ,! %3 to< :~ 6~ B and ~'?:!8, ,I:)i;iid fo:r ~Jmoo~ e<J)lI:ire~~i by tne now ~igilly P!i'1J51~um~~, 8l~;;J 'p!;I(J5fie~,I.lllt. Clitie:s. of :H IJ'Ha!lId 8i!i1d ;r~lI!~,iid.

The 'Urult~(~ ,Pf(ltl.r]~~-;::s libaii: 't:o!Ill1{~' !f!!~.o bl.:"'i:nciJ; fo.U()~\'.iijg ~he Tre~,ty IJf lJtFOOh:t in j, S-79 d~d h~\<e a ~jii:U !<I[" ~e..i.d:.;;!; in the :j;N."J'S.Qn of WJlii,~~iJl 'tJE Si!e'.l:l.t. ,I'\:fte~' his. ;]J~~lI!~~in;J!~jotl in j S.B·~ th~ PC'l~ti,Cliil of &~tijJimMi;~i' iJ~ Jkl!Ji!.ef'.i~i'jt~ner,~~ ~!7.;'!~ d~tinM [I) IT:mtl!i:l:"j! in lhi!: h.tnd~ of !"~j)g :fillrmii1lo'j m fE'Q'm b;:::ur1JJ):' .b;;::red!lt.~lry l;rJ]gs~ hll)'i¥e-Vo:;!(", i!"~,,--h (!of hi;s SU'0!:.""(!~S0rs had ~"(l gail!rhe "',ppt\oval 'uf. rhe F.n.otes G~llei';iJ!~ bll!fiDre tlt~jilig up die office" These P'niiilCC:S l5ieh~d grel!l!' p.r.iV'ati!: IT~!J}kl:oct;!S - hiJ'i!~r1t.g' s;~m hi~ J!Oil'tUlj(:' (qliJ;jie: !llodA?s:t~ ~~ bc-,gln wuth} !.o ~,lIl!S~ ,armi~s. dl!id:l1~ ~lle. ~!ilrly ~i3~ ovfd1e' tfi;!\,"(iij];, '\"-'7.illitIJffi IJ1e' Sikl:1-t M:~d[ J'e-ft tlmi~ili1i,g' i;}u,[',dl.:!i:iru, O;il,"tI:lle 'QthtT ih13~(!; t!J:::_1 did nOt 11'.i8\'~ tJ~:tri~t ."0 .iCvy t;l!:N.e5, {In thf<!ilJ:' i;]!Wi~, HeJ];[;\;!; tiJ:~ House i)~ Ornl)~ .I1'b"VII:f e'!!Grll ,gOt dool;!: [~ c5,ta:bJi~hi.ll,g; 31bs;;).i''U't~ rl!1:!\:o.o: t!l)'!!.'Sru wh~cD C0mell:!~pClr.1TY .IT.i.orll!Jir-t-hs W\I:~' 'WI;),rki:rlgl: !rtd~oo: !ne<.re W~i;",e .P~t.lorlS. -'IS blfft~n ] 6;:i'i} iilf!!d 16f2'~ '~,T.i~g ~il~~ Pru"'~!:lICl~ .m;J]de ,t~!J- 'Wltbotut any Si;{}.df:ffUjuiJ!.'r lilt ~il, ,Ml!':I;I:l)!!'+.iife tiJ~ d[l~~ [~311: were ~pn::S~m(;(.1 Jifil!: ,i~t;;Ii~, nll.lllililiiJ;.l.;:Tif!;g' !!TIt) {i;::Wi:J;" [han fiftii~~jght~ ~Jt ~ht!-:i!" re5,pL'iiA:i,¥~~' diO',n~,g:u:t-"'s 0,11 -e-Xt~er.n;;::-]~l' tjgJ~( leashes, To. tMs: ~t-ei1ii: tflle:-y Wl!h!:' the ~t!ll~~'- 1(1 _.

I ~li Olll the IJiciliti~~1 ~~~til1 ;::;ftiiil.' N'I;ti~:r.l~iildx, ~ C, '~flf::;ll"iI!, "flIJ. .L:\ur«Ji RL'JMIiIru; ([..noobll:

~'Cid~!~I~r.:! ~"Id NIT;.'i,:il.l'\i1, !-i)I'<tif)".:n, 3 ji . ~-i, "T H;1Z;!', ·!JmH'.n:i~y Hflo:tl_ri~1 ~m:l d:~ ,",hlmi] l,;,I[iQ';; i)Ut{~I, ~~tAlll'a" !iii Tm~, al1l{r J:!~!~knl~l11i, C:irros .::;'mf,r~ ,[11::"- c! S~IT!j, lit l:'UI'iI,N". rJl\ 1.'!)\ii-,2uj..: al~. iif sr\'abN blgif.!, '''T H~Ii'i. 7;i'w M~i;;J."r:f~' 1!l:"-i-!lW<Ioi~ S"_(J'~; ~1:-:1J', P"'Jif,~ ,<j,m" F1IfQAL'~ D1(~1I ih~ VJ,rm itaJ..:.{mfut! (l'i,h-_fl.(;n~ner," J'i;i~!iicll~~l~r Ullli~~r~!iI~1 cll'fo=». ~'!l9~),


,\l!i~l~ 1Jj;~, beJ:J,~r'i,t .of hiflld~~hit - ~!W.llW ith~ hit;'[olrjan"~, bl:S[ ,f~u(,"'J~d '~, ~;rh.lj~iP. _ih 1)(1' :tilA:'. moJllnillrd~~ d'U~ng ~h.;:: J:~;ni~(t '~J1(!"1.:T. el,)'.J:I8,k~ef'""i~O!i1J. 2!Ii'l~' iil1eV!itiLbJ~_ P,dh:::lps th!!: rtmst IIlIli,Pu;nm.n_t ~I~g-Je' f""-""'[Cili:" W!l!~ f~POCSo:(!!lit~:-'t the ~Jrof.OU1geri!, ::ind as It we,n: J1\ocd""S!JJl~d1 wiiifHct: b~~,",e"~11 iPi1!rp'~' ~ I:imp{!"'ft)II"~-\!\hic.h '~i:L-illb~;o;!d. it'l'l.!." :rnOJl8l'1;;;n<s ro ,p!!I<.;f' o.r~~ ,()-[f":I!~ijitll!l~ ih~"DItiill\rl b.~!1.'~ [:ilr;! ~·':ll1pli:m[ .d~o ~ee~1 th"" head o.I111Le CS_tllb!i;s,~}~.I, m~i.giIJ1~; ~5, w;(!~ ~~ ;;:;tIl~~'!Iii_ 'i,'lr~1]aJb' ,Ilin~ 'IJtn~r ~.rt o.~~he' ~O;rJ~ WOl1.¢~ !i:Ji:rHI::Ii~'p(llltil:''''J. s.~tlJ~ t.':X!:st:ed~ thc-.I:'!i tdmott ~rta!:!'iJ.y .11,1:5' ,PO-We:~ ~iJ'l!kl. ,h..ave .l?m'il'ecl ~.'UffuCiltii1 ;)m3 th~ 1l1>odern ~ii:~:[~ 'WQilIIl\d! ~l~'ilC:.t' hlli~'e bel:.n bon'!!" As i~ ''A<aS;, r~l~!): re--.fO;rm, and ~~1~ fr~mo::m:.utiC',[1j of Imp~ri!'ll poJ:i:tki3) pow~r ,;oc~i~d! ,m!3l~ ~fl haj~d, culm~fI!iliting in th~' ,Ref)Ulr.J.rhiltuCi~j, Almo.n :rC&;iId,I~~~ C1f W.betlii;fr thl!;i ~1]p~lo:rtl?(! tih~ 'ITf;Oil'm~, (I, o.p,Pl1S~t1I'~, II W';3~ th~ mO'n~~~ 'iIilru~ betlil!".f:i~~~_

As; the ~istCi-:[ thci~ titlofS U1St.lli~!ly .i.n,tpill!:S ~ <l!:!itl!IH!I: ~!lhPJi!Ju~ '~'~tio.n d1.qo \~Te' !r.Im: I1!Jflil~i kiJ1gs bu t m~;qu~se5 'Cif this .. tOOl 'C!Jm~!L'5 iQf tn~,t _ 1J'.rfl§iiitmJJy the r.llOll1iar-cnrs i!'I].err]~_~-1'i!e~, \I.--e--~ ,mi!!l;IeJy ,~relli[ ~ob.l~ '!RIb,O, '!JOUOCtrxf c:~t3J~ p.i-ex.""Cnl~til 'Unti~~ (11111;:: ¢i!i' ,BJ]i~~ ,D.b~w~it WLtHlcioLi t ,n!.')ticfil:],,g', they t;OlUfljd :[b~ s~h'f:S at :tJ'l.1;\: h~d ,jJf[~ 3<t ill I.e , T(I 'this ~X!:.rnt it!H:: 'l1!lil~ti(i;,i:l as ~:o '1i .. .hy ii!~ :S!:J!D~'i!,~I, ]J] cm'c~ml!:1_,g' iihe res~ ~5 nl~i5I!l'ii~le~s.: it ~mit1ids one 'o[ Ik S:(io<ry (If th~ ,;&I\ogiu '~\1h(1, n"'~in.g S,pi!:I:1!~: t~¥Ien.ty ji~ars nO! an ~'ffD~t ro d)'.:te~rn~r1!~ ''Nhfi; "-""oI!I~po-.s~d thLi! .lHd-(f .u.1:IJI:!~ the 0.::~!$~!, fiU1;!11lj!' 'OOi'jdl!!dl:l~ jJl:!! t the~' had been wo-riU";:l1.l'J>i)l: l1y HO'.f.I1#.T bUI, ib-y f!t.J!oill";:l"PO;o;!t w!1!o~ ~~iiilble was also lil;)n'bC":r. '1!'h~ ,~ QIlJI[ ;aj;J!i)i~l~i" 'Ivo:!1f of say.f.l~~ th;lll" of :;JIO{l 'Ol".~CI t;(}.[Hend@r:> 'Who pr~St:m'-eJ tbem~e~!;ie:s ar, the s,tlllrt!iilg H~~~, am~ too~ part ~'~, tt~~ ~~Tiijg;gr~j, I Og'~l).m!!: W~r:1! ,foiJ!r"" Stl«;es~f.ullhan 'tn::.':i':r fi:jj;r,;~~ io :s~til:i!l!l8 'U,if! in~i:itlJl[iol'!!s, :mobi[j'::'.irl!.§"L~Ciu(l],omic ,r~u~c~~ ilItld tr-;)IiI1I~btlil1lg ~'Iw~o:: reseur~s. ~n~!i) dvH ,;1001 !ir1il.itilliJI':pQt'!!e"J.'., He~ce end~d 'Up by l~rldiT:ig,it "_w~r l~lCi~~ fr:iJ(J!l""s w!u!J' sllbmi~;too~ and ~h~.rl!:ll,tillig (lling if ~e(;e',ss;'l!~ IdjfJrtg)

:tn(j~ W~i(1 did :Il;O~, .

A'S 'ic\;',i:th :f?OUJ~' and Emp~ro-.r" so- 'D'is-a-;uf~ the cirJ12s, true m..on1ll~c.h:5 ""~~ oillt~i1 8b~i£! t\!:l plliY -ill gilme of di'il,i,'!Ib"'_a~d-,n!I~!;!:. On it]:1"~ o.tte tUI!nd!1 3fD,d p.11rticy,nllr.i:y:lIl. 5:~.dn and ~r.1J Eas.tGm !lili!:_r-ope; lit ,P~IJ-V~ Jl'O~sjib~i.': N) h!l!m~ the ,tlOhilh,YU_~l ~er lu, ~o;jtlibat 'he '(.'i'tLl"S: ;l!ndl~ lfno,:[ it'D' 'i;:Hm~n;li~.c:- tll!.;." lll:t~e~ :J:h~ge~l~T, :l!~ liio:Y rste to Sf;re:;t dll~i,r d~'ili.':!\opm";:f1iit and ,~,edl];cr;' th",m ~t1 ,pont~c.u.t if'W,pGIeo.:Cl!.'" • .iE~s~~vher~' j't: wa~, ,mort,,a qiIJ.eslIJ.Ol1. ,of iJJI~~fl.g' the dti~,! 'UIlA'f! im:~rn;!ll di..,'isioT.i!>. - 8ii b-etwClet.L rkh 8nd poor, ml:r,r-ll;,mii::!li ,ilIndi cI'~f-' li'J;tne",l'!i,~ those wtm lh<ed wimi~ 'the W.1lJi~ and thQ_se w:b .. !..1 i~liillb.i:ted tlilt :S!lJlbj¢ok-;t O!)l!I~!I:t]f"!iide' - iiO! order ~-o ,!!lallD: '~!:1 ~ l!,W e i!:" h!l!I:1)1.~ O'il~ thcenl,

I~ S(ld. Ailo:k~1J nl".tl.ll3.. iH,iill, ",ii.b:;;~tl!i!lI,"1 ;11:iiI Gi~(:r. .~~S1I"B," il1d. A.:n.;!~!'W!li; tid'., fu li:q.. Gj' I-ile .HI!4!t:w .$~J. (J3r'igh.1i;)!1: 1,X".I~~!h~a(, i ~8{lL f1\o J j,


b3ln~! in !;ront ?~ tb~ 'i/.~,i1.I.I:; o~ T~n~~ i:n~ :r :'5:),5 and hrtd !>~"('""rol h..n~e:i lill~ ~i:nd£'f' h.mm_ TJtI j~ 5-f'Ctrtnm_ IJ':~ th~ ,~mp~mr ~II: tn~_ ll;rU]~ Qf MCi~\[~~. ~hO'~w ,111m as the ,rt't-'Tt,OC'l: Chnstlsl1llkn~ghr gEuc.;( ['0 hiS fli\a unt - hi"!! '~Ij,r.-~~g

f' - "II' " ..... ",..c: "'" 'I • . ~~ Il:I "i!l7t:, ,ar.u {':'!i.e£:: 'l"l~t [~oo:scm<l~ - ~Vtu~ ~~m!:; ~llW n!"m ane "!~S !p:oc- :5;.:t, <I]bci~.,

ithJS Cl("~i3SJ('.!~l, tb~;c lS tl;1;} mdl'l;auon tf.1l;lt he f~u.,gl1!t rn r erson. "11\

By ';;Ot1itn;lli'l:) Cha!l"'a~' NudeJl t ;SO'J~ PbJjJp U preferred to dJr~et hb t;a,r-flu!l'Jg ~mpa[gM of hllJRSU!;;!rlJltk ttH.'1I:lJJ"..i:s. ~~yil:1ig on. :fieM Com~ d~rs. ;---hom]k setected ~rom th~ hJghc~~ :no.~jility !.~~d 1I!~,r.()u~~d~ ~~: cJ~~fy 1j,\'1(Irued letters Ijf mnru.ct~ljn .. .Hy dl~ tlll:tli~ li)hh,~ Th!rtY' V,'t;!!lits \V, .

~i'8 3ipPL"IJ~d~ hw~ C'I)~e' 'to 'b<.!' shared iby ~lltJ5it .fJo;f the: prifll~Ipa~ l'J)otl~ri~ m.VQ&""!!IrJ]~ ilild,u.Qing h~s, ~DT:I ,(!irud! &nmds~:n? ~"J:Il1iN nl and ,IV~ ;~~S v.~1I B' Emper(Vf f'cnlnnand, U and J~me!'l ] of 11ngla~ut "Inc one imp(H:~~' oL"xo;t"~ron ~.,as. S',i,!t.>dc~ 's, '~u$t!:n!l!I~ Adoil.p~!II!'l_ A ool!"ll.fid~ ml~~i tlJ)~ ~t.UI.:I~ he Jnsisted MI,Ope-J1I't1:I1,g rn the '!:Ild f;lilinHHl lind I;.:i]im!'rum~:hllig, from i!lt~ fro,nt. Noc sU1Jl~w..[l1gl'y he , LiP' t.V' g,euing hlmsdf ikiUI:'d! 'wb.~, ~i!o!;oH~d by ('(l1ny two or itl]:r·~ C:4)j'tJPll!fliOl1s, ~e' rede l\D the ,t~s'Stst::mt;e '\) e.nd!lI,tlJKen~ right f1snik !11~: dl~' 'BlI.ttl~ 'of t,(btz!!t.lJ JiJ ,16."}:t,

DLfl",ing the' ,e;ightcenth celJJt:ury, the: d~I;.:.I::i:n~ in mh~' number of ro'ii';)~ ftt.l'd, I;;Ornl"i:"i!ltM)L!'!:'8 ,c>Q!r.I,JiI1ued. "The .onty um,pCl~~':oInt cl!:¢'cpm:io.ns ~,\1~' (JIill~HiI\i'iY;B, Ad ;,1]l'hlJ.l.~· de:sc,e.-ndsn:[. Chat'l~!i XU, !iitlid Prussia's IFrede~L'C,k ]I~ but ~en (blt"Y tlO f'Dn~~ fGu8ht hllit.-~d to hrnnd bUit: 'i:lDl~lmanJil:d fi~onl a, ,~;Jjre pt:Jsiti(ln in [h~ resr .. ! (i!3 "r(t; (;mJlp.e1l5~.rt~ tl:Le:J'l1~hrt::S for '[tie k,s~ i~J}'~ i[lfbo:td\i!, some d~f.ec1:tth~['oC11ltU.ry trHl1l13f'.;b!i, ,':;pctially· tiltS XIV, \'IiQi'u:l.:1 p~smr. then~s{~h"es at the end c~f a sieg,c'~ aSSUJllC" f;' rrna] command, and !;l'ut O!"l. heroic S~f$. Om'her.s~ ~f.!:(:.h:ld.ii~g l],Q[,;") RiJSSt3,'S f'e-t",i;' n,ll plSlycd ~,vjtt:b. !i~ soldiers WhCifi'l, he' V1QuM e .... !!'ru [~ik-tt to b~d 'Wi [hi him, Of'r~~~ tnr\1!:e t:mpeW1ti wnt) ~"erc' a'f(:Senl at ,A,'UsterHt2 in ~ 305, '':l'.!lJ~' ene - N'a~o~ro" iBo.l:l;a]Y~;rN.c ~ was ::Ii ini Iha f').f mllitli !Jilltd ex e ~ci;s...,d1 e:m.~l;.:th· c t~OIJ1lI nand. The "Hh~r t'r'v.o.. RJusjJ.J<'!·s AJ~X!l:tl;dlli:'r Bind Aus.t~fil·S F'!~oInd!\ i'~ acted ,1IiS l"!;itl1g(!":rs-~m ,3.1.1...:1, dl';J J!nh~ ibu[ pm: ;j'J~:';rnJdes in f1,lonrt ,af thd.r. QW'n ""~lhDJdmlil3ires; - hut tltis is w ,iIlm1dpllte' our s:tfl.ry.

l.~I1Ii;f:d t.tJ dJ~ dtlJ:t1!t~ :i11. the milil[.iJIy fi~ld "''II. S ,0, :5;lLift from :i:ttir:l!e;_~fllt 11.0 s~detli~';aIY gQ~~rru'\1( .. rn, l~, itb.L~l connection ~:hCTC' is no :11 ... -ed ~~ go back 3:<5 fllir us ,Jrnt'ttIJ Lacklsnd of Engil;)mJ who most cIif his. ~rl,grli tO~lring ~i5 realm (!!n';!e-dI hy :a fe'W' f:a lttiJy lr1~'11lh",FS lJ:t1"t[ 5e~Vlllllt[!t <l treasure cheiit~ and! WfJ houndss Louis XI of france, ::Ii!! \~ift.IJ ,ffi,S his .;;onremp0Taries a~le: '.F"::I'D:p~ro,rs I"ii;!dl!"rick UI' !lind ,iMax:ifrulb.l'( l, ...... ere ah'nMt: ;w ffi!!libj];:: :!IS: hittll!Bo~h seclj,d~1" lIitlil.:t: eeelesiastieal rulers 1tr.R\'tUcd to .... ,·bt.!':rC'"t.'et Ehei.'e 'w.tis, 31 f-';rob.l~l;:m to- biii! st!'tmJ",,~I, ,IH1.(~~ O1,,"~OHliing to, th~k preferences, spet1:t the ,reSlt ot ~~le U:r:Il.e' tlun~ing 3!tl;iJ'f\,i)_l~ or ~l,l'Qmo:!ii" .J\i[il1k~n~ill:,lI.n an par~i(:!lI!hJ.r. s~~d In

III~ ~ ,IL.!/!IJI) Cn.'I."!!:r.J, c..."Wo'!.!Ju'i'.d !1Il 11:':Rr ({~mbri:I~. Ml\: ~ 1.1if1,;;1rI3 . J11~'('8ir.!r' ~R.,

:! Ii' i). P,I:". 52-".

{.U 51 \ ChiUt~"5 V.iTl· .Ann!! c-( .Bt':it~l'III'iY 0.4:91), .1!J1ld! .

French kJings ~hl:! daugh tera 'Df the' .Medici. dt~C31 house. NIin'lt lihat ces 'W'e'I'e~ ~1lI,~m~:.t<Q ~-C' t'l.:'g:tl!ld~ . as pr:iv;Il.te proJ.~~:J! at1J~, !i:)!;cept. i" .

m3~~: 'lA'uh 1i1:8 ~n fiimE! Ilum~er ·iJf petll}' plJ'in'~!pa~i[dI;5, fnoSm: D.

:t3iffldLe8 Ct;:tIlS!!ld! Ittl' reiLQiIi1, :n'1l0n<ll"dli~ s.ol.!i"'."_~ ro ",,~'''''''''''''''''' .L.r• - . .

. " _... . . i'j,I!"L ".-' ~.,. .... n_. !II1"'~r at::!:!)

m;ir.;ryJl1Ig ~~~:clli.lih¥l:'l.y ·1f.l'to·i:',IDCh oi:h~ir'~ d~;itdHc~. 1'h!;! r\!'5!!..1![t. a~flii~t ,.It,!,

~~ ~tL? :;1 .km,4: '!JJ ,IS L;l,4,~y .Filemirli~ who in is 50 ..... .3.& iPm'deg'cd CQ .8:'[:[ ~S msstrese eo .[-ICt~ry- II of ]1"~Ii1~C: p' Q.]i: It '~]., 1:..1 '. . .~ ,. ~ t lli: v.,~OOcl. ~~, ill :5:rt't1)mhcl" ;)i'id 5,We~~e!l' l~qujQ itENI:l1i alii~r !)ther'_" I I e .IJ:. th

oItlgil'[el;nUl ~1iI~~.J;I' '~'-eJl. the Rus,sian tsars, tflnJo!.I;gb. 1;(Jng :r~r:~', !;uocomi;:ru hy I.he· rc:n of f::lI.r1Jf,i~~ were .fo.i.l;j)wing the trend In :a ~ .~ ellli:L1l:a·tli::d 11,) put r!1~m fou- 3bov-~ even th~ gITal~s.t .r;.f ith,i:i:r ~tI!h' ~ J:I.!~whc!'e: S~'ll~:~atrc [:tt'b-re-(dii1lg P!"',~t:~iCC:i1 to 'iter' ~'CI!I"u.iJJti(loru. SlJtr:I~ _

l~dI [{I' .li1otlQ~1lbJe If~S.tIHliQC:S of d:C~iI1enll'.i'l.1liL _~

Tb~ ~1.ift £m~i ~'L~n!!''u. t~ S4,.~~iiiii:a;ry gov~rnmC'j'j ( wa~ itself' p;?Jrt' ~~U! . part (jI1,J:r(;'om~ (It the gro .... ·~h in. the sire .u:n.od: s ... kn~Irn:.of '-'-'ur'~, r~~ . ' . ~t

.. ,- - """". , .... "_h ... !itl!' 'lIi~

t~~ (I~~ .'Wh,~n ~ .k[rt:!l:· ~llch:.'L~ !r....ou:i:s .IX clJI!.]ldl'tOe fOLllt1"'_' ,sit~ij]g 'U~(' 01, [RC 4 !~pe"ns:lng lUSUce am!~:ht his ,~::;5ernbJ~d nob[·!:'S], ~c: IID~-.eir the' p(!n:oct' ~ more iP~n~11Jlc'ed the' trend i'A)~I;i·';Ird. ml:lkslY !lI!Ild ~l'jc: ,ID'~lIit!!:r sls; IlIb:' ~p~l:I!se ~rwo.l.vcd. The ~1;~.IHkr.s ill the field Were ~Ile ch.lk_eli o.f iEh.l!rguilcty whose _~tJ.qlJ~U~ has. been f.liilwd!e .([he subject ,of iL f..aI~:1;(JiIJ~. ,d!e:5Q.'ij;lbO[J mJl

J' H'" 111r. ..... ~ _-

-Ci'J):Jn ,,1!.!I~:>!;I.iI1gai' im!'s~ iiI1 .lU'ijOi1 and later ~!:'!i GhC'Jn 'C'VC'J:i l\o :u't':unge: .

<I; utl erj' ,~n ~tb~;r than '111~ p!f~st;.rib~ orde W11I:; E:~iilteid! 38 .11:1. 2Iffi:ol11![, 't~.~ ducal (tJ.gnl;~)"~ IJut chen .I t W,B~ Imci,gd.y this. qlmluty ...... bkh C!Wmm~d'flm'it ~'(:I ( indll;jing t.::f'!~rk"S V -::- who Spenli: hiti !Q"'t~mlln~ 8urrmittr.ied :bj.' Jts ~11endorg - [!I'3!1:iCii~ .. 1], and J::h~tll:r "J'll,

Het'Wc:c:n .i 50!}:IInd. I 700 the .turmb.i;iI" c-fro.y·,~1 !It:te!ldll!nt.ti. oofi'b''l1. rose: il'OO ~hli:: Ithorl,.j_SiL:nds.i1nd even the' ·tens of:[Ii'lJus;lI:t:Ids .. !F·r(lm the princesses oflbe b.1()Iood - ~";hll.J- could ~Dm.e'.J:iim~~ he .f(}.1Jnd TLlll.t1jIl;g 31C~{I~ the pulace :so Ii~ tlOt 'to I!I~~SS S'iJ!I!i~e ",-"Crenlny ifll \\'b:irl!! '[I-i[!':ir .p.res:I!'J],oe was ~!N-'Ct.oo _ in iIfI.e mcst humble h.ljcl):. ... ~· ·the}' \w~r1!: stibioctedl to .so.rne[hnn.g· lill:e <I Illi'1J.i!£;;a-ry d;s..d'p~ijl!e 'Arhld-l ,dl"tern~inl"d ..... h'!J would d:.o ,'!,riha(~ hoU:, wne-.n •.. n:lJdJ iD. whOi)~; and 'Whkb~ jfi tum, <OOilJM !IH)t be r,mdnt3lj,[K"Ci 'U nleas th~ ''Ilri-powe:~ f\!:E m.ofl~lf.'(;i1.hi:fl"itelfsuilJ~lbcd W it: iH':e ~prin!1l. ilil.IlI·!;1~:sn. docl-."!A~t~A~ the d\i:J .. ~ of Samillli:-·S';i;itu:m 5,3jd 'of [,,(luis XJV, """Ltill an alm31'!111C and ~ '!ill~'tt;h mu: ,oolUl.;I tel:t ii:h~ hundr~d mHes a.w.IY',. 'ilihiit:.he: 'L~'.IIJ!:i diJin,g:··~i:r 1"'0 hQitlSe: tiles ... rennues it was 1iIi~·~~.:ry to C'lr,!iI~trlJA;:'it ii.'!1l[in;:[iy In!!:W' pJil·

I atl Q~oo:;;,d CI ,E. J " Ro~' J.~h~rl~. TIt ,f.{,zyaI.P_lJ Sill' ~ 1 'l'tO-ltS.lD' (UlIfur.d: IIlaQk;,;'E1i.

1.94), p. !::I'~_

II; j', ~'i'l!Ji2_in~ 7:]~ 1t.~lIIirrgifrJl.tij,llil'd&~ [n~r.iiflood5--""''(!rth, ilJK [l':~ru:Irin.IJiII)"iq;. i~tI5: ~dll,), f<li. '101) 'H,

J 12 Q1 '~_)fW in., LiI!o'i~. ~rfr JL'l',It (l~ni~: l';t'II~rT>tni1...'T., ~4J'71!: I 1-Q(15 I). \-~I' VH, part I. 1 '.



12'1 nle n~ ·i)f tbe ~tm(': DOG ~(I' 1,4)41:1

cavor], wtth di"'lL1jd~, 9I~b<C"h sU!l;;h as 'iM~['4: p.ag3fm ~ncl taken onlv '[I .u

. a[dy smowfy, . -

Th·r; menar ... iiUi.· rriu mph. 'D'!I~iI" their various c{iI[r1p"tthors; ulso' • ~;.;p;rc:~sjon kl the 'lA'a:!l ~he~' ~h~rr.niet ..... es ~;t:F.e Ilai~n~'(.l an-d! ~--u~p~w., oM;~~~ e'ri_l!J~ k!i!llg'i: 1l!1p! tv the: SI;;!;;::iJ':~ h!.llf' rl1iFtl.1.", fdk ..... !·m~ ~enm:u:ry were Cl>ften !l!hD ·1 • . mixtl:1.g fR~~y '~'!,I'j~h tl1~itr tliQo:bJc-:s ' ~nga~ in sue'!']. ili!;tLl!;\'.i·ti)~ 3:S hlil~t!~ or tr~.nqueDif!l~ fnor~ ~!!'J:i;;aou:sty :i~~ ·Hned~ in3i~ he S~!'!1:1i D!~ :P~"'I'Il~ h~mblj' le_fi·~.glllg In the rn~lpilllj')' of lhitJX patron !S.iii~li1.s.,. An i!1iI~ti~ c!1!S~~n ... "(!' se:J1~:r§!lil!l"S ~e!'l~ 'I/i{()~<j.lir():!ll: nheir SU«~t8, fmm Ihe 'Df~~ ~iJlun:[(;:r--~tefom:t3:UO\l'l. on, },:],~;ldy. Va~rl t.o~~a . .t'd the e:i~,d {]of M~ mit. t(~ d]~d ~iI1 i :)'14) p~n:too t1~, J""!potheo~:;.·' M Duke 'UJ5Iffi(!< de M'l!di!1i. Wlth[~ the n~Jt~. :I:i:f.t:!o' Y~~iJ1i. .RLliberli!;, V~flUqU;;:ZIl ,R1:l4 van !Jyd - al~ thr-.e~.1}f mh.t;;m m;uJ(nc:nsa~hf 'l:iuGQ~~fi!.l~ ~Ciil.ln: p!Jilnt~rs - ,co'Ll~d be fo!JurIldi ipn]II:i:I;le:l1ll V<J;St: c3inl~; ,,:!.n.i~:t sho-w H'j.}.'<il~~',. eim~l~r .: 1.IJt!J!l'io:!' or in e:lo:>CIuGi~'t: f~f!l~ grcups, ,h:sm3!~lCiJlnlif f-!C1~tr;!!~i'(:;J 3!8~it1ISI a bac~rmmd ·eil.I(.1Llb~·-ed. lo ~ ~)am;1!: ~iI" sp·Jendod" :S~iC:h illS ;!I~ llla,rd~D. .• hLLl1.t~iig trophies, or a $:i.;tg,i!'", Hu~; .m [hI! palace, [he Iwrge~[ p-;.1!mtmg:s .. ~~ lntenr;!iedi as. ,~,r),!'jpr. d~ ~·/;e, 'OOllfWIli:iJ.lg vjs.itlJ'I5- w.ith ~I thff(:rC:r!J~i1n:gI~ ofu;It:Lr ma~f!e;r"~ 9.Ui,!!tllit I~rso~ each ~i.l1'Jie ahey e!lil~itc-:d a new lbuild.iJlg cr mem, O!:hr:,rs. f!t'(lducedi en a smaller 5c3lk~ W";:r'l!: me3Jt1!1 ·Cr;:. d1!!'!oor3~~' the :k.itliS'~ iPnljllll[1.i! QIlJ3lftf:fS or e.l5!;l! for pre~em . ation, i I

-""i~d:k"l,raj rure;rS often El.~d , r erika. fOurtrar:.!l C1f Ii:M:lJ'l.S-e'lv!;!l pbcoo. ;in9Qe ;riJ~he5. {'J!r.I the walls t)f churches, wh!!';!$ ~veti. were de'C(\I:"H~cl! '!A'jlb horizoretal {!"£[jgi~~ that ft;:p~li~mro 'Lhr:m and t!:i,~1r' wi .. , es , During .!:ht second. half of ~r:: fiJ:tL!enmh cenitu:I'Y the place 'of beth style5. iDel1l):!!n eo b.: taken by hl!rgi."J; (hom m'e, free .. st.aJlld~t1l.ll:·, 'I:qU~'U'&iilrt :;t~[~r;:S made ·00 ibft)!ii~, [n!l,~~d Qf '!;:nilo!lor;l! b,Y billildliltlgS, tlTI!~UI~ i'~ErJll[iGe' WlL:5: ii:rD decerare publk squares, a. fas.'hi!lJn thaE Rlt~lrted un h!li)' where pr.:~e Jw~ m:h~ one l[if: J\lll!!;"Clt~ PI;!.m;:E~1,I$ em ~.hc=· C:j!~jiwltll'!!: Iii II to '5!!:~:a'S an !.!:\:mmplr.:'. Arulllndi 1.I~75, the: Sf(!l- ,t<l rui~Nl L1if .MillaLl t.r~r.:1Jme· rh", :fiirliit to rom!flj~D:11I !;t3~U r:S of bl:if:msr:Lv~ IOn bo~r:hllid::;, l~I,)'!Jgb. [.ihe)'· were n~~'io!~ ,l;{Jm;pl~wtH, MI!.II;;:h 13i~:oi::1' [Ilr:.i:r ~3imE)ne 'iII'-I1'9 £e!~(l.werl in f.!(]~'T oo:tl!r.l'!'rjrt:s :5ul['h ::Ii!! FT'3ltIc~ {L:mis XU!) and. Prussia {the: G~lIt r-:kcmr). Often the f[!'S;S :!tI .. lIrtl,l.IJt ~I ruler ~JlC: mere her'ok h~ ~Jt~!.[iU~. A case ill pOO!l1iii: i~ thr: 'ODC Q:f Chu:rk$ :m .Ilu,or: ib)' I-iuilJr!;!n]~ Sueur in :1630, ~,'hiUI! tJit: .lung Is ·hown w.~~Jri!I'Jg ilfbi£:t1n.g·o"~t':l1iIl):r. l[ W-1.18 prcci r:Jy (hniug his reign that Itfl:!: s:po:rq;~ ~'hkh in ail1Y Cll!'lC ihad.lang lost: ,a~' 1R~~emhla;rJ~ 11:0 reaLLHk WiI r, was blmQ~n~d,. I j ~

W.I:d.c-bev-er w.u:y one: 1~(lQ~ !lit It, the tbwl1 i'!'lg age' of !Jlbslll~ii;.:r.tli f(l1Jdd rulers raised to :slil~II1IJid heights fillr,ldly af.tillE[IIedl~ jf indeed ,oonto;miJ;btc:d;, hy mhd~ :rc-1;)!Uvety humbk ~neJier,;'.1I1 predecessors - lilcl:u}[:!jng ::Iir~o IlLf.

I I ~ S~..: ". Ekm .... 'I'!I; 1'41'l' O!{!:.!ir (O~f.n.rr:!: ,L'ilw.:iJUIiI, i'!!S~); '~fl'kub-rly' dr. 'f,

I I~ ]i, ['·IlfI~.]"J~!'tt">'r.:)'.l'ILfI.i::Itr. R.I.It<i'J~">:.l'm' S<:.r,~j.I~' {l.iYI!~I.~HI: !·'thOl}tk,i:'I. 1 rn 1).IPfI. 52.·9.


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