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Stress – Defined as response of human

body to a felt need.

Desirable condition that forces one to

move towards the fulfillment of needs.

OR Stress occurs when the need arises

out of fear & urge to escape.
What is STRESS?



Non-Specific Response of Body to any Demand made on

Stress is two kinds:
 Eustress – Condition where there is
drive & effort to fulfill the needs. High
Motivation & Achievement . Need is
fulfilled , there is Success.

 Distress – Sense of helplessness in

being able to achieve. Feeling of
frustration & dejection, There is No
Stress is Psychological
 Stress experienced when one perceives a threat and the
fight or flight response is called for.

 Level of stress is caused by ones own perception of one’s

capability to cope with the situation.

 It is a psychological response depending upon one’s level

of fear, confidence, anxiety, anger, hurt etc. Physical
response is an automatic sequel to one’s psychological

 Management of Stress essentially depends upon the

ability of an individual to cope and handle and
effectively res-pond to the situation.
 It is caused by the way one thinks about the
external factors. At work these can be

 Needs not met, Needs for power, fulfillment,

for use of knowledge.
 Not being valued for ones competence.
 Too much work, overload.
 Too little work, boredom.
 Conflicts at work.
 Being blamed.
 Inadequate resources to do assigned work.
Steps to ensure subordinates are helped to
get out of stressful situations:-

 Identify stressors.
 Show concern.
 Encourage talking
 Empathize.
 Extend reasonable and due support.
 Discuss and involve in discussions.
 Avoid insult, abuse, denunciation, reprimand in
 Avoid manipulation, coercion , blaming.
NIOSH Model of Job Stress
 According to National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health working conditions play a primary role in
causing job stress.

 According to NIOSH, exposure to to stressful working

conditions(Stressors) can have a direct influence on
workers safety and health.

 Individual and situational factors can help to reduce the

effects of stressful working conditions include the

 Balance between work & family or personal life

 A support network of friends & co-workers
 A relaxed and positive outlook.
Job Conditions that lead to stress:

 The Designs of Tasks Work load, Infrequent breaks,

hectic & routine tasks etc.

 Management Style

 Interpersonal Relationships

 Work Roles

 Career Concerns

 Environmental Conditions
Stress, Health & Productivity

 NIOSH research has identified organizational

characteristics associated with both healthy low-stress
work & high productivity. Example:

 Recognition of employees for good work performance

 Opportunities foe career development
 Org culture that values the individual worker
 Mgmt actions which are consistent with organizational
Organizational Change + Stress Mgmt = A
Happy Workplace
 Ensure workload is in line with workers’ capabilities &

 Design jobs to provide meaning, stimulation & opportunities for

workers to use their skills.

 Clearly define workers’ roles & responsibilities.

 Give opportunities to participate in decisions and actions

affecting their jobs.

 Improve communications – reduce uncertainty about career

development & employment prospects.

 Provide for social interactions among workers.

Tested ways to Manage Stress
Behavioral Strategies Time Management

 Divert attention  Plan & Organize

 Take a break  Set Goals
 Try to put problem into  Prioritize
perspective  To-Do List
 Recognize what can be  Be Flexible
changed  Consider the Prime Time
 Do hardest tasks first  Never be Perfectionist
 Simplify your life  Don’t Procrastinate
 Have a sense of Humour  Learn to say ‘No’
 Eliminate the Urgent
 Reward yourself

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