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SE figim Heckolai Culpeper Equtis . Mr. Culpepper's” |: ay R EA TI S E Aurum Potabile, TEIRG A Defeription of the TI three-fold w O.R. LD: Elimentary Vix, 5 Celeftiall é Intelletuall eoNTAINING i The Knowledge neceflary to the Stiidy oF Hermetick, Philofophy. Li ‘To which is added Mr. Culpepper's Ghoft. Giving Advice to allthe Lovers of fis Courteous Readers. , hw O great are the Affix tions wherewith our heavenly Father bath been Blesfed to’ exer= cife ®Sbis poor hand- “ fl maid, that Ihave not only lived to fee my deat’ husband, ‘the ‘and {olace of my life, taken’ from ite: but it bath been my bard, bap alfo fo fee his Reputation, and Memory which will be dear to all Pofterity, ‘or the Works ‘he hath written for the it haa cont. ae Tothe READERS Oe And in the Title of bis Boo ith, ce They are the eboyceSi ncn ag «table Scerets,-refolved never to be « publifbed till after his death. “Al which expreffious in the Title and Epi. files, are asfelfe as thefatherof Lis and every srord in vbem forged end far neds dnd hve well enough that no lifcrect honeft man, that was a fri “d to my bushand, or we, would ever baw agreed to fuch infamous and difbonet Brticer and therfore I dave t ourteons Readers of the writings Pune totake notice of bie ne cats and tn afire themfloes tt it 4 0 Foch an undigafed Cllion gee See tat ny. sland, Lyd afee, der the prowling and fol ena of S qere Injunttio n mse to, publifo then, bis Laft Legacy, aridibat whereby ie wef ibe general ‘good fier bia de-, fff gained his. reputation in the hereby he tals a di a they nel Left. Exe bad Jnpofier makes bin fpe ck in bie bc d i E ___ipenerin Phyfkand Cornet, ih SEN Belden inde Tothe READER. vmmon good of this Nation -) blensifo- t ed, vind eclipfed by the cOvetoU oe iho uunjuft forgeries of one, who though be | calls bimfelfe Nathanael, is far ‘from uf being an Iliachee in whom there is no |. guile suboemes yet content to peblife a a hddge-podge of indigefied Colleeti- | Gus, dnd Obiervations of sty dear buf- A Band deceafed, under thé eee Cul- eppers laft Legacy 5 je Bea aioe takiug, jean fare : bead fo far, aud. braifedit fobard, noi tobe afbaired to. forges Epiftles, -) one in imine, and the ot bagds name, of the penting of whit be nay, 1 never x And.yet be inpudently agfirmeth inv 4 4 eH 44 i ea

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