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The Sense of hearing

Sound Wave ¬ ear pinna ¬ auditory canal ¬ ear drum ¬ ossicles ¬ oval
window ¬ cochlea ¬ auditory nerve ¬ brain(to be interpreted)

The structure of ear

1.cîar pinna = collect vibration from the sond wave
2.cîar drum= vibrates at the same time when the sound hit it and
transfer the vibration to ossicles.
3.cAuditory canal= flow the vibration to the ear drum
4.cOssicles=Amplify the vibration and transfer it to oval window
5.cSemicircular canals= help the body maintains it balance(not a
hearing mechanism)
6.cAuditory nerve= send the impulse to the brain.
7.cCochlea= detect vibrate and convert to nerve
8.cOval window= transfer the vibration from ossicles to the inner ear
9.cRound window= vibrates in opposition to the oval window lying
above it.

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