You are on page 1of 57

it :5'ug~r s.


• Sl.rg;ollr g!IJ€' [md par I1tDrush lI!!' Ediblle ~k powder


• 2'ti m1I (11 @ ini 'square ~Fi~ (#fjb ~~ pp; ]'~ I

'. 35 em (114 inl sqiUCm. cob Ooo:rd

~ rt'il'l91 ~~'i4n~i~!IlMf J ~U9iOr

ilil (l ~U9Q r 5hC!~;er' ~

'. 600 '9 III Ib 514 oz/2* e butreF~reom ~~~ ~~9,)

'. UJ) '9 1[9' ~Z:~ y.etlew

'. 2'60';9 1~9 'I4i~) IXIle ;::h~fni,l!' ,Ii 1 .. iE, kg f~ Ib 1 ~ 'O;z,~ whi~ ,~ 1'2-5 '9 1[4~ ~!Z) mBI~

~ 125 '9 't4~ ~z) _ blu-e' ~ 1 '25 '9 [4.~ Qd pilllk

II 3D 9 [l Q.~ ~"t9h~ ,~wee" • 30, 9 I] Q:zJ ~fi~h~ 'yEIIO'W'

'. 4'25 '9 114~ QZ~ 'Resh"ccn~~r

• 20 9 f1ji oi~ IIl!CIIJV~

• 1,5, 9 BIl O'z'~ wlii!.e

• .5 '91 Uu!;I' ~~e'J' ~ 02~ iblQiCk '. 1£; 9 ~,!6 Q;z;,ni~

,~ 1 fl 9 Hi Q,i) pgle 'yel low

1 Slightly &t!rt'\PM tM ,~~ ~rd wi~ w.o:1ar. For (II mctbred ilIffeet ~d the 'yelbw cmd prrlEi d!iEi~11i1111 ' :wg~~~le Jogeiber 1I,MIt;1 :5Jreoky. ~dI Q.ilj~' lJ~il~g (j tpi'i'I~IdI~: of, I!l:ing .~r (lnti! m~ ~h~ pa!flfi' '~l'OUliid Qfk:~ ~~ n~~m ~(lI p~n.1' ~ti~kiI'l9- Ilifl '!he . :~l.!!gQ~$ie by di"!i:lpil1$]i Qw;:.T t:he il'QI~ _ [pjn, ~ii'id ~i' !hc db ~~. U~e· 0: (oke ·!l.i'li~hl3li' ·to ~1iIK!O'11;, Cllltd pcli~h 111~ :wri~~ nhelill 'il'irm tha' EI(i}~5i§.1fror:d <i/~ 'ine edlge·. ~ thee t~led e~~t\, li1\itjiil'k liM=: u:!;in:gl QI Nfe:r. ~, ~:I;ide 'I\:! dry; pf!Bffi,~ gY<Bmlg'htJ.


• :~rfll·Waded kitchen ,kni'Fe,

,. L~fge Clrid mla[llrdl~ingl pins ., G::ake ~11I'ICX'ilh,er

,. RvIi2i"

• ~Sia~fJQled ,~cr-l'¥li11~ ~ill~F:e

• ~leHe' kni'M'

.. ;Sm~11 pjS:CS$ o'l foq1ifl UO~ $upwrl~

.' SIf!i~II,tti:fde C~e'J' 1~f..!:\1 mark :~mllei,5;')

'" A few oocklail! slfu!b,

2 ![~m 'Ilfi~ (11U. !;I' r~ _I'h~' ~~~ ,~ 1S¥el1he top. To IlIKI~G' tnG ·wnbec:!I:5-. cu~ 111h~ c~k.-e. 'imlo Ilnr,sa eveIi1Jy·~i~ ~!~~ CUI e loyer in ~ ~'i~ip ,ond !.tind\.Yidh OOJi:k 'I~~her w,( brttera,BaJliI u~in-e hi3' ptilBIim ~'irE'~ gBdI ~h~ !.pf~:d!O min k~Y-Eir Ci~: ~tf;r<"'oonll ~'IeF -he· ~1!J~le~e' O'f ~ (.Qk'(l; (lIS. it! e:rw1'!b. 1XIOt.

- CQi\',s1f t'ho ~~id6$ of h' Q01oc=1 maowll'e' th~ ~~h IjM~ (I ovt 285 9 n 0 «1,Z~ Qi wh~fe ~~~e' end ~n Q strip to -fl '; -==-..;J"mg 66 ,~m ~2:6 il'!l in iiimQlh, ici~ !!U9iOl!F Qnd If'OII u.p, 1"'!!Ii~ .imi50~' the ~ide g<f '!be !';;lr;:lk<e S'I~mdI il'j oo,.teTing. oJi s1d~ 'ng amy ~1. rrom 1~' jC1lm

Left). To dc:ne Ihe i,gt f'I!,r pre50'50 it ~I!!!"n:!:i', ~iMg, ii' wilh Q liHle ~ugoll' i\Ib ii' 9Bfi'~ with. ;roor

._.~ ~ef the . ilWing 'MD

!(i:Me"WW ond po.s~IW!'! !!:III c iilm1 On ~'be J~ ~]'ic'L

4 T~ ooild ~p the imi,g_h! Q't nhoe back .af '~e cenlr.ol !ll!nhed~ wt II) wed'g~ .oJ whim ,~rposm thet 'si:re of,: ~e ~1iI1i'Lhed ~. ~hty 225 9 ~~ Ibl. orrd ~lidk IPI ~~ ~sin9 Itll Ilillle $ugar 9.!uQ~ IF~ t'h$ '~ilottad ICiip of ,egd;. wilIDedJ rdl au ' Qrnd (.Vt ehIong $~ ,JI~ fy IcJrg Jn~n Ih~ top ~$ing ~he relifitlini'i:Jg wl,jte ~ws.orpIUI'Ci, lodenl

e ... Elii'ii lines ~OF ilhe :s1tJ1S ufijl[1ig CI ~ell'., P~iJioFl !tIO fhe 'top of ~,h 'ookl3l ond rub 'lfrie :wr~(t wilt. a ccrk9 smooiheil'.

5 The ~k hl1 ... e: ~ '~irnpJa iii! !lid eFfm' 'l,Wilh ~red rii!J9.oif~e RQ1i, 1ftQ pa~te tbinJ,o. I1'i.¢i ins w~e it 'i~ wall diJ~e.d 'With ~1:'L9 .s.u~ar. on ~ I~~e. 0 'Prll'~nl :!lflcMiFlQ. A;pPy' the fpa,~m br wry thinlY r~lin91 (JUt another ~lFed P-QSt$ ·and ~idd1l191 (lITI wilh [min'mOl wgO;' (lJIJ.(j;~, '!.O whelP t:oU,ed '1'0' i~; Ih~ gllfe ·d~~FIi"~ QOZe OIilI', M,.o ~e ilhn:r;e w.w,el~r 0'J!Ii;!' nKt~ 'Wilt. ~Iow ~fi ~u ' h-QIII th81 m'ini'~ Ufiedrda' cutter. ~eI d~ b~W8 vAtn llilin briSkl' gJ.~ slrijp.~, Ci d the I'-I~~ briehl' pil'! 'Mill !::I Ihln !!trip 'o~: yellow p".I~e'

' _ _j, _..JI' - '" "

'IYlDIJIIitij Of!l)ijrn;! II"! ;g '~~ ~ ~ern"

Rdl gently wj;lh a IiOI~ing pif'l ~t11il in.e IptltifJ8r'ln 'is. il1ilo~l. «yl' illlo db/long ~h~' ~~, 10 l'iit 1he fop of >eQoh ~50Uil'llbed. ('",i' ~as~oo Q~ '~Dl1 end aI h mtlIwe' a~d prFik ~owek SlJeiJre M IhiE !ounbed~ wiln a nlife ::lU'S{!f !iil)ue,

6 Ure 1 25, @ ~~~ o::~ of i1e~f¥· ~reJ mnooellill!g pa~r,e for ~ 9f Ihe WQnlen'~, ~r.e~, (~~~ ia'bo!y,a,)_ io mQ~~ g ~, rdlll ilrifQ (]I ~on9 l!ll1J!!iCg8 di.DlpB C1nd pf1ich on;llllJld i'ust db::wB hallfwcy' k',. i'ridant 0 '\YCIiist 'Pl"'e!;S dbwn W ~\,?ojIN!.n ~iaM)" cnd ~!JI' ihe kiflIger M~f' i~ 'tw:co Mo ~poro=e lElS~. Smooth d'ow.n eeeh cuI edge to, ~und ¢if ecd; ~ ~n 'bQ1h ~ide~,- BeWKI ,gt 'the b:J.Itortri ,fer Ihe fEel' ,cllfLd pirndh vp heek :Pi'li'Ie:h O_FOUifl~ e(ich 'ilri~1s 10 riCl~~ ~l1Id mqpc Ih(:i I~l' For !k~'IJ~~. push in halfwcr1 w rf'lden~ 'Ihe' bock. When F"Qpo~fu.ned. lfOund o~f ihe oo1k;.m by ~n)QQjh;ng ~lth ~r ffi'ngi;!r~. p\!!~h'l!l9

up· ~M 12->!.t~ ,end lI'Quildi':ng off_ ,M,ttrL::

Q I~ille in 'ihe- i!:CDR using 'iils ~mitfe

'""nd ""g",j." ~, ............. ~ .__ , ..... ,· .. d ",,« ¥_ _~ ~ JirI!! I',r ~! II~I~I Ir~ I UIiJ.\.I1 vii"' ..

1-:' Spfcil 45 9 ~ 1 ~ Qz) lof- ~em'

.... / ~ol'Oi,jtOO ~LigOrpo~1B in hc'if !Om:! use re ruG~_e 'ihe' ffi~~~~ ~!;. fii"~t Imil 'inho, Q :~1,:!:;;Qge- :iohaf)e- It'iOO bend ene Mel kllr ~he 'f~i. pinchiQ9 up ~Fllly 'io

~ :5.ticpEl' Ihe ~L PInch QrQl!fIld ihe ,anY!;! k~ 1iI!O:r~ (J nd 9~ ~hqpe .. L;.r 'lile leg dOWfl Itll1ld f,JIIJI!I'h in 'cl th!t. bJ.c~j ~I~ bel'w'oorl ~me mlkk- and thu '!Up o·f Ihe I~J IPillioMng (!II' ihe rjl"~~ to

:sh~p>e ~h!!!t knee. -

8 1(1< Irnd~ ~he ,~hoC'~~ (,l$~' abo¥e], roil th!3 Imtllu"',s, modelling PO:!i~ in~o Q ball aM pre~~ dO"NJl !oo 'ROMOO ~Jighlly. MmkEli g :!a1l\'laU 'Qul- f.Q :ioefxm::!j~ ~he 1leg50 'mid! lPi!l~ up '0 rififli on ~dh ~h.o,1' 'iNil~ ,~N' QIi'-er !he ~, 'o~- ~ch I~, Shctpe ~he ~ide~ by ~li'rioolhi'1'lI9 $J(i\l]igifrt Cllild pirielli 'c rim <lli'OOnd 'i~K: ~ii<p 'bf ~M wai~~bcnd!.

'9 ~;~~~ ~'~b~~h~~;~~gi:; ~:

I"OOnd~ 'l'@;tJr.drrcp. '!h8 JUiI and 6T ~·he 'top' of CI lbody w~t1~ ~M' OOIT,O¥ter Gnd: ~r (! w.tll~i. p~ io Bolten ,~lr9hlly and mark 'ihe· peeIOF(:!~io, E'f1~r(f{j;'2 {~ I'QVnded 'Ivrn~ by 'pu~hil!i_g !!IP ~nd' srnOdihing in, .g ,dFOU!oT ~km- Splif;

W g (Jtl ~) ,of ~~·>i;ol~u-rer:l: ,::;i;l9cr'iJXl~1-e illl hl;mll- !:;Inti model '~ (ilrm~._ 1"0 ri'lckle iOn alirn. r'ol~ tnfo ill MU~!:l' ~'1Qpa and pinch ooe- iI1!nd @ei'lMy 110 "GUM <O'~f' ~or c b,([rfI~_ ~~ ~wri 0Tc! .he nlt'i!1ld 100 RQ)'1~ it only ~lgM~. withoYI' ~llde'l1!ti~, ~ ~ke Oiiim db-~n and p!!l~h in h;;dl~o/. pbllChiing olJ1- oJ Ihe bed. ~Q' dic,pa' [h~ lelbow_ -

1 O· FoOr 'lite women"$ (~mu. ~pfil

. 30 gl [l O~I Ocf Re~h·!"QolouJ,ed

:!i~fP03r.a iri [) gou~· p~~ ~nd EQIliow rhp;:; ii!l:!i111it:!l&ooa ~Iil :!it~p 9' oba-'oII;I'_ Bend each Oi'lll <CI~ 'ih~, ~bow (Jiild Sli:cl, lin 1:Yi<'i~r'"'-"1' ~-- JI - f<i; wilh :1-'--- J_.-._ d, ., .........

ll"'~·" ...... ", .' .... :f!l.-"U 1ll'1F' ~!i{l n .... n ".,_".,'"

00 IDp .of- eadi a,lj;~r. Splil- lh~ rem(!inrrrs liID!;h iit'l~ Ihf11lB pi~s and I~~ !he oOVO~·~hcrped hootll!i ~nd nQ:;;e$", 1ii1i~rikl1~ '~mil~ ~~.h ~he ~~~[I drcle Il;I;I:tter IPre:~~ in (It .;;In !.!!P"'Qfid Cl!I'Igle. U~i!t (ll,~ktaill '~hkk 10 drQW Ih~ opmr 9i\i!.s onl ,!hEr' II\(In.

111 t:!e~Ql1 ~;hf~ ~;/~I~FI

'iHhi~e mtdelling, P;~iet.. 1~~hifll9 unlo ~.~ ·it-'Grtniti3' Oliltl prlichil19 ,ou~ ,Dr rI'IiIii_ s. 1lb~rc-rrtJd ~u~~9;Q:!i, in ciliH~~nl :5oldte!; in ibrow-.-n (lTld po[e ycdlO'W' 'to, mt!I~ t'he 'PHOFf'leJ1"io OOir. :S~ick _itA)' p1~e~. df ~ ~nder 1M hilt 'ktr !he IDi;rJi'$ liiI~lr.

'12-. 'C'""~ ~hin ~Mpl!l. ~f bI!X~ ;uJrld

_. . I 'w;h~te pm!'e t~ ~ke the

~~~ ,t;:Ino::i brQl ~tn:Jp~. ~nri:s.hrng wHh ,(11 ~mcal b¢~i oJ ~;::h ~ irilQ ,~ bra

ModB- I . b'l k fl- fI d ~I

I - -. - - "I - _ ,j •. -_ - -, -. - .-:

cu-p. .. ~IK DID GI BliiB. 0-_

es-hClpD:!i- lfoll'- ~h(j: ~!JliIsla:!l:!l&, Roll ~M rt'ffjotilffliii1l9 ~1'U;;:k pm~ injo ,~ ~1Il!~ ~ape- gild QU~ ~, QaFl:50~ ~~~~ ge'lITtIy 10 ~move thi;!! hClr~h wh ,edge'. IridetiifJ r rifo 'the' op u'&;i~ ,I) orx;![gil s.~i:4 a:rnd rub ~thB JDp O'f mdh c-alil wilh c. ~rit'l~ ooiblB :!iil"'!!:f po-wder_


-.u_·t' rJ' e,

:pi;vJ<; fL~ffu ~~t\o~oi..iLffs ~itt, ~1w..~:FL\iIill\ot.eed il;t)

~ ,~w;~ ,~ s; ~ite.., ~~ I m(.l]d~ ,t~L; ~V.0'lilt,~

11.' c~tu, ~~~ ~ , ... ft;;tlij ~ 01: ,tr~~ ~'(f.L!Ol.itr

'.s~he~, nf tJ0!.(.' l*"tf~f" ,~f)~t~~~ I~ littt~, ~re ~eM~:.r It'td ~:...,.a

blae~ W\7~~ li\\il.Jltu ~ ,~v.clii 'ftllH~\Il~r OO~~~I:~Vi.-.

,I; 0 no 1J9 "uy ploy! i me·

y:au Willi, lilliE.

til, :23 ,m (9 ittil fltiUOO $p¢iige ooke (see ~~ l'~]1

j ,35 ,~m (l-d . .rnl:~ fQ!Ut!d ~O~ boord lI!i ~50 9 J 1 [b/2 s: bwlfer.cfecnn (!!2G pc;gGi 8)

Ii' king ~c:ookc~fQ!1!ID",1 s~c!r in a '~!1GLii" :!:hfi\i~

.' 600 9 I~ 1 Ih ,8 o~'i a~p ,pirtlk fI' 31,:5, g I~ 11 oil pole :pi!iik

1 'frirrn [1m;!' ~ke il;1\I~1 Qlild 1~13~ lihe io,p. T\O ~I"ifp; ~~e' ou=~k'lll. eul a/Hlt]¥:~nedo,p and bmroITil aQQi!is scdhe

• ..II. Co ',' J J ,~.-j , .... ,,'!'it ", i~

$!~~ QlJrvc, O!llY I~ ,m 11~e. ee .. re $'!) ~

:dopej, 9Ji111l11y iinwcrci:!l, (SM ;il:iiibo~)_ C"v'i' ~' kr~ i~ ~~ ~'e' cmd ~~ich bacl.. ~Q9:~hiilf' ',."dlh ~lte'rol'BarJ1l_

~ ~5 ~ (]'~ Qii:19Fey

.. A!) 9 (11 !,iJ. 0,,:1 pc:ik,., ,pink

• '11 ~5 '91 Mil oz) ~edllum ~ink .. 30 ~ (1 Oii:~ dark pJllIk

.. Sug~f ,slue, Qn~1 ~irdhJ'U$h .. E!~!bL ~=l--r f'iO'- .. ,L~

~I ,~""RVt: F~"Wti6~

oj Ed:blar do rk pTnlk ~Iilter'

3 Rdl oul' '!he ,deep Ipink :~'l,!.fEJD-rpa~~a , V$1~1 ~I ~fri'!l~liftl9 <O'f 'ir,:j'!"llg :~U90i" ~Il!d 1'J'!iQVI;I' In ~ P'lI ~ te I[)-P~Y raJ a Iter ~ ~h roil '1"0 p~fi'!' ~k~rng. lifl !he .~U9O'~~te, by dr(rping 0VE'i" Ihe rnml'l9 IP'ii'ii UJ1td '~r ~he ~~~" sirclchlnQ wi' p~E$. al!\d :sIOOdIh:lm.g d~rd~c 'Trim ,~u rrQ!'f! ~il'~d 'ihe:· bose.


'II! SerJlCi ed ~(ilfi'ili'i9 ~"i~ ,~ pQfelf;e· knife

'ij Ple&ifti"b~adoo kJlle&.oo ~l'IiFe

'. toms!; Qind $f'Ii'i'Qll ro1liin.g pi'nt~, ,~ HQ. :2 pkiin p1pJliIQIIv1;,e

'. 1 ~m t~· 'ifl~1 1 • .'5 an nU:!l~' ~g{ }l i n.~ Q!fId :2' em IHi i!ll~ ~~F(le eulhll:r:!l.

'. Foo!fO p',

,~ I.m'ge Qind $mgll hec:W~ <ClJ"liIers

'~ .A f;aw !l:OOl!N:ii I '~Il!dks.

4 '~I~~, ':Sl;::b;! ~~=

(SIiHlI !below').. With Imiliiil'ii[rfIgsJ ~h(]p o c:i'f\cle· f~r iMe Witim ond rdl ~ ~ill!l1l1 ~h[l'1, :5cIWis.CIea' gar ni!1 pipj'~ fit,ijiU!lfJd In edge, <!if' 'Ibe w~M(In, ~tk!kir'lg' kilh in ~I~ce 'With 'c lil'll~ wgor 9'100. Mttitk m'!ore ~1~ dong t'he· ed'ge' ol 'lhe plpins u~11iJ31 ~lhe 'lAp o'f (]I !lni'[e.

2 ,Spr~ ~he aniJ,e' of 'ihe' ~

1 bocrdl wiilh 1i>ulklrrcl'OOm '!.oO dile ~~ke 'Will 'J!idc, IQ ii' Q!'Id'g~ '!he QI;Ile

dO'Wti 001'0 it. Spnmd bjj~"{:QfiiI ~

ah~ :5o'l,!! oJ 'the, ,ool;e (I~ Q '::l!\l,lImb

;:,~I 'end k!o hQ[p Ihe ~rptr~a !lUll:k. ('r;e~I'E!' pf~'s

00 fJ'L~ j~ !hB' Ito-, : i,,!' bdlh50~

. -~1y totl Oul 30 9 11 o~l o! 9r-ey

fl'lliJ po:5J~ aM eul IwQ obl!tin9~

S X 4, (lin 1:2' ~ 1!.i in), Cit ~ .n ~ he top of etleh cndl ~hfti

a lil'!e tOJf.~nJnII Iusi'lflg the boc:~

• 9_ Uiw 'h ~ping Ilwbs 10 wi'

~d~, lrimming cvl' Q little IilllJt\s "ng Ihe lkey '~hcpe wilh the lip' [fe, FifQn1 'Ihtr riim:mi~~ (l,I , foor

IxifW~FiI II~e 'flur ill _ d ~i!) bell' . ~ide ami ~f~, Ih{-ee liny

- cll'(b (1ft top of ' ,-~h, IRJiJb , ~~rr G'I,',fi~ 'Ihe '~urglXl!!' ;:;mdl ;Oil !hI;! oou,

¥il 1 ~.5 '~ M oz~ D'f rrrtBdimn· Ii'~ ~IJiDQl ptl~re 1ft ba f. (Inti , hie! :IIOU~g-e51 emh

ring 15 em ~6, ~jij_J, ~endll!;lnd , ,- wr(oce. Q gi'!ll!i u fUrry. ~dfed'_

U4c 1.5 f:d~ m:]< of gro.y. ~811ing ~$.1'Ie tQ, rifloke '!he

n I~al!l' ri9il1itl- 'To I'I'ri:! _e.; ';!'igs.. 'i;U~

, ilhtti'i Q!JI ,1o~11i;!r. riiK!e~ 'frorrn 1Irte.

I of ~, m,jkjt'iG (our ISi1'Qe cnd _ U Fi~4!' j~~, he drcJi!l1i, 10 or..-e , ~ edib18' !:;l..,er ~w.der ,~ wMfaoo ,~f ~h ring. C'1lI '~

I'll ring ~nd !oop wt9nafe I~rg~ '!l1il'ill!1 rifl950 '~r" Slick M10 ihe

, ' Ih L _j .,"I~f ',]!_ ,'-,~ ~II 'ecc ,lIlonlXUl' 'Wlln'il pe;or-SlzmJ

U:5ins ~"C'f lhe !li1li1l~II9;_si ciiltd,O::. Ciloi -whenl IIDIJU:iilQ Ifte ,j9 .. ·~1ii;;l inl ~h ce~, Jo rrno '8 IhB gop 01:

'key, wl1ill9 (]I 'fuii'lho. lif!)' cirda ~ oenlre of ~cl, u:!-~ngl ~kc;

IL~, U,I'! , _J II'

I"!g _I:;l'e.nm ' 9rey 11~81J1ng!

,~ Iirim!T!log5or rc;llJ oot aM Cilr~ tM!'! 1'ofIl'ld fllll)i' ~I'"e:s, 10 or.:onn;p!ete l::ey, J.'U~mbl8 end Q~ ,edible as bekiro. Pu-s a~id~ IQ. dry 00 (l surbce,

9 To mdke '1hB,' !hoi., 'ihi~y roll Qut 'tho pa' pi~k JnOd sill l'ij31 ~~te end (;ul {] 15 om [,6 trlllnii;;mgle, plae:ing il ,"ilo~lr on '1M: 'Oi:l Ill' and :5«'Yring w.ith Q r1Hle wgor' 'Slw. Tuffl IIJIp 1M' e~ (I~ ~'U!f¥Klirt ~I wilh (I ~m 1~1!Ke unlil d~ i1'hlm-t I'dl ou~ '100 ii'Ci1I.a~l'Iil'lg pals' pi;nk ,af~a ou~ '!/Ilip~. for IhB tn~ns.. iJ~ a $hQl'tN :strip fM rhe Coeifre., (lftQdrifng il to ~he ~H~ of fhs ~~ng.

O FD, T tM Qtl, ,rte:r. lo-o]l OI!I~' the

_ fi1emcaining rnmc:fir.:JfiI\'piFi , rnod1ef1rng p.ti _ 'ClIna ~t. g ~lTip lifioo!our'iltg 2Q oX 2_3., (;1111 18 )l; ~ il1!l. Ptes,s, alQlig ~e edge be~asn lfOr.:J Ihv~ tlndl f,ill1!9$t QfCOnmgl ~ frilled eMerl, Loop i'I' Qil"W'J1d and :stio'k in I~e QIl ~he mills. Roll O'UI deep pin ~ugllrp:U1'(:; ~i'TIif!"lf'I'Ir:ng$o 'DI'II:i oo~ (jlll~ii!li :!l~rlp. 'fer ,grcnmdi'lmc. O'J:D'IJ,e.

11 Thinly ro" oul dtr.rk pink

I moddJing p.:;!3te 1[11;(:1 '0lI~ (iob" ene IgrgB' and one :5offii!.'.!n ~rl ~~QPC' A~s() CUi' !lrip~ fw liB hong crnd .t!' ed9.el Ihe 'Vlllft~: ~l:!lbeIri rhe wnfaoo ~f GMn iheQrt ..... Hhr '§;UijIllf Sluo ~ ~prinkl;g, an ,ill ,edible pin SL1f1U

12' - ", r« hiB' fabric: effecl ,aroundl

, ' I ~ltm' c:Wc~!l, lit'I()i~ e.n, Ihe !Cake board wi1lil Q I~ ~e' ~wgor ~UEi'1 'I~n toll oulihe PC~B $.u5lj011xnle thin'r IllInd !i:lrN;n"ilifl: a >Q1'"Q-l.l00. ~hilir e.Q~1 pblshiAg up ~'$ end IuQ~·FtQ the edge u~~~lh. S~lfr.o~jJnd 'I' !ti!blliI.'idr!l' edge Q'f the mk!:l' IbMird ,and Irrim any ~ , "~, \i'ilhBn dm key:!. ere dil)", $lid thel1il inlQ..p:!,jITO!"b Qfl

'!he a;I 13.


. ". . ". ~ .

. . .

,., Ii- _.


.~. a:"" :~ .

_I. . .".. .:_

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_111,.·· .. flrs

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yea '.~IL NIElD

!II! 25 ~m I~ 1 j) i~r)1 $~~are $ponle ~)ljk~ (saili ~~ ]'~]I

II 35 tm (14l. i'~i round coke borud

i Idn:g ~r;:·0f'!~11(\ner1~ :~u9i!l_r in Q $lrgar :shed"ilf'

'. 65U 9 /1 Ib 7' Qu2% ,(;; h!JH~m I[~~ f,Xig~ 8~

'. 4:50 9 (" lib~ I~!!.!II" brr(lWfi! '. 9·45 9 (2' 1b ] ~ ~ gre¥

II! ~oo 9 (14 O'Z) wMi-e

• 1 , 5 9 ltd· (j~1 o~'i!fI~i~r')i ~ 30 9 (1 ozl' rurql!~iiSe

I~ ·6:5 9 ~2~ ~l yeLlOiW·-bfOiNfi

~br'Qw1!) wi'lh a 'fG!Jdh ,oJ ye~IO'W}

• ,0.0, r3 (2 Ml ~Q n()\I)'

'Iii 1130 IE' j~U Q,t) ~f£!! Ibw~ '" '11-1:5 '9) I~ o~ HBSi!.""(OIOtIt'

'tgokllelii b~wtri/iivQrr '~Ih Q 1tci;!JC~ .of phllk)

lii, '2(] 9 (% Q%~ ~now


yb~. diO ~~t ~~d to kOFf~~ttj e la ~ ~t thw bl,J",iL~~~ .s;~u tCi t~~ (:i'~V~!ll\itL'il'e~ .~ th~e 90Y9m~ bt~~ ~,. yO'4 crit~ s'ttli'fl, R ~

d .' - ib'~' -" ~ ;.~, - .•. ...11 iL.1~.~ I ,~,.

14'. Mr..'Ir~ I_',~ew ~eP~ ~~~ i!ilii~tj'l,,''''i!-~!f~

Q~ ,~.~QW =for t.l~ lo~ ~'$:, w'"~h l

;II SugCii" .gl~, .ondl ~'ij'j~~h

!IJI' ~2 ,5~9;ar ~~(:b [see ~e '10')

1 Sli9.hlly dampen Ih~ ;[t;I~. ~rd _ Vliih ~r.oer:. Rdlll ooj' Inc; ~l.!i'fIbl'Ciwtl :ws~npg<$le l!J~ng !l;:I $pfiilll~rllfg of i!l:jng ~~.(lii' and ii'fI~ ~lke 1p-D413 f:lrQl!fnd 'i;J~er egeh !l'cl"1 W ~!'!~ ~li~ki"9. ILifl' IhEl wgaip:!iflB iby d.rapi'l ,~ Ihe FOII~~ piFi !!:!oo wwe.r ~1l1e (:cl OOt!td., 'l'i' ony I~!/S Foom '~FQym;l 'Ihe ,edge. !fil"e:io~ 'YG\:I~ hlO!il!d'~, ~;rlffi'l~ @'Bli '!hs' ~!lfJr1fll·~ 'tQ, Ii11crk ind • .gnd ridge~ ... hen liet, (!!Slide !o dry.

i!i' '20 9 i~ oz~ dcrr~, bfawllli

ii, mGlck food OOI'Q\l~!i!il pa~l-e


• P~i n·bloded krtclle_1Il knife

• LaiJISQ wdlli'lng prn ii JbJler

i!i SeIf1ftDl-ed mrvhllgl b:life' ,j PICi!.ette kl1!i~

i!i Ne'iN'ikilhl::t;elll ;SOO!lJIi",gr

,i Sh~' of lkfrkhen ~pei"

'. 1.5 eili! I[~ un) circle CUftef

jlQ ~rll:: $mil~~)

'Ili lA few !i:~1tIil :~IEr.:1b ~ P'(]~r piping ~;g

,j Sc:iOOil's,

~ Fine paintbrush

2 iM.a~e' ths' ~ P'ltlrih lD (]IIO'W for p\eniy ,elf dryi~ ~ime. Roll '0 '!bs !J1'D(Jm./i~Qry ~\ili'l1ig p.g:t$le ~1iIil wi' !hfee' $lr~p~ fi'noo~!.Iring 23 }l; '2'.5 ( [9 x 'I iili .. ,Mtcrl;,linEL!1i wdth a ~nir13' rOI

... - -- _ . ..11 ~"""In ... " ........ , II~ n -o ....... : . .Ii ... '1'

V- ~I :t1!!1~. I~~l~.. • 111 fl'WI! !!d!""lthi

dry 0IIii ,a oon1pll~ely Iftg" :s~$~.,

3 i,i'M iihe~. I ~,riT!lii'li'l ~hc ~a~' 'On~ I ~I '!he 'kip'_ (wi' tmel !Coke in~, 'ihree ~wJly :s.'Olled ~I~p~. Gi.!~ I~h ~Il"ip. in h~lf (l~ ~ndwilth (l4IIi;!' 'OF! ~OI M .he: OdhCi" !ii~ii'lS ba1tki1;5t1tOlIii~ ma~rl ~~ oblong ~~ lkill" t1J.e bu;ildtl1ig ~k ,pi!e:~. U~ins 'il-IS pdlsl'lJ3' ~Jfl:i[8' ~,eg.d (]I '!hi'n I'Qyef ,Q'f lbuiai;!ft~eom O"'Bi' 'tho SiJtt~D (if ootlh (Jekel a~ a (Il"I!.lImb,~h,

Roil OW~' :3 115 9 n 1 m) of 9119)' tWg!t!!~:!lie 'Ci!i'id lXW'"ef eeeh O!:! ~ ooni~i!I~, !i1t'!3rc~nsl 0!IJ1 pl~~~ arnd $Jffioolhing down @1i~ Of!!:lUM 'ihe :!lMPIt. Trim~' ,an,>" em-:G!5..~ Ifr.fim ~1i"W,/!id the' OOIo'e. Pindh (:!~I ~h

al' the top ~ dO'W1'1 !he ~~ ~o " U!.iI1I ill rrukr Il ijii\dei:1! ~ Ol!1lin~ 'Ihe bJirdr:JiI9 bIod_.s~ I~bo¥ei. ir~e ~'Qp and ~o ~a' longer ~ides. h~ D(lfTCiW'et' 1$ incie!'lted, ~pJdiR9J ~he ~e.p gmd ~ of IbIodb_ The ~ smller

,"fe :siid.c-~ hove m~-d1 'Wider ~ioos. h Ii;,' " ~8'"

5 for rh-e WKIpjX:d of' . Gill ~ Mock pile~. ~ry 1lll11i1Jy tdll oul 2Qo. 9 17 'M) of ....miie ~uempcsl:U gnd ~r elJClh bl(iiC~ pi~er lfoldi~i QV8' p~i\s. and Rattening !hem ~~ wilh 11M ~ake lVrr'Oe:~. Imlen~ tw-"CG (li'O\tm;! r~ ;[}!Iii'!: 1"0 il!Il: e.och 'PNf(;IF,).ped pi!a ¢f~lilJjg.. '~1rofshl'li ~o lhold ih~ rG'IQinllllg li!H.. 'Thinly 1I''cl1 OiJ~ ~h~ rurq!.lGi~e· ~ cmd rC~' 'oor .hi!'! $frips._ Slit. [nfo, po:!lilion rI.lfoiWnd '!he rCOV(lre-d! blod: pila~. M~fl!.Sre ecidh r:;{l '8' on -Il' ~O~ffi..~J-d,

7 Pm ,a~ide S -9 fM. o:zl ~ 1iI~ pa~~I'l-. Mo .e ~'!e' ~m, rDI1.e pair al (:! !imel. Rdl [nro 0 S!:iMliClge ·am:' p:fBS~ dbw'i!iIllO 1h1~. Nklk-tii a (ul 1'0, ~,por(;!rc Ileg50r ~~;1TIe 2 alii U~ ifi~ Q~ -!he -top if 5 ',' IIb<e!B~w~- Srnoo1h oodiJ 1!!i!;9 bo, rrB.IIKl¥6 ,oogo~. ~ mhe bottom to Ob!'!hil!l'i. Push In 'ai- h - back ,teflire of each le.g 'O'l1!d ~nch [he' [mil'! . to :!l~~pe

. . I ,Jl' LI~,

nee5o. IMaF _- jp.eo-I!li ana "WTln~50.

6 1D mak-B '!he fboO!~~ ~,P!il the

I yelkJ,w-browri nnod!lUingl pa~lh;! into (our piie<e~- Modal a tml'd-ilOp ~pG rDlild ~~ I JfWw.rpinthifi1.9 ~ Q ~._ ,M.CJ !! '0 ACtI' Q~Qr tha, i~1iI eg. k'lclke n I "e hoo1-s. ond Jet o~ix:le_

24 :fae:-:y builders

8 Po!oi!i'~n 'the' ~itjfn9, builder ~ bendlli9 one leg up end !i Ii::k siOC'!.irely. wHh oOIlIB o~: thG ~~ onl{:. 'the ~'cIe 'Q'f i[] WYIJppGd block pil~_ Slid.. ~is. other. boo~ if!! ploee, if necG3sary. lA'ing It! pi eee o'f. ~OOIir'l !for :!.upport li,mitl! dry. T'O :shcpe 'the bottroll'l Q': fhe: slor'ldirt9 burlde.r" lay ih~ ,100M do~ on lila ~ 1~!)1' i::md ~1iI'iIj() tI1 !Q p.!I ~'h UI p ,c n y excass. ~o!llnd oJf 0 bolikiin~ ~~ng (II

~~II Ifloelllt in. lhe~n re 'u~ing a ,.

-,_I., -II -.1. ,~, k' .. • L Ih

Ii;;.Qil:JI;,f:,c I~ ~I1Q1ii.. ,,;J~jC, [1'1 posl~"on W,ltri . e

~I~ res ilTf9 og:oir'lM 'he blixk pila_

9 "fu IIiOOtM 1t.' cemenl sod. '5ihO,p!} Ih~ pi:1te bFQ'Hn :wgQ~~e' irr!ao fill! ,~! mm:S pre!i~ to, lkItten- Make a oJf (r~im:!i 5he h:;)p gnd open ~ ~£de fiurrl'her:- by. movjliS, Ihce knHe up, Qndl 'OOwn~ ' ~~~~-t~ iFl'lpkct~ wim 'Ll Iltile :WS~1i' '9hue. Pres~ ki1drm poper on il Ihe $urfil;ll[8i 1"0 '9i v ~ lext\ilre.

1 0·,' To n'I;(r~c Ihe I~e bIock~.

, " tMc~ly lrol~ out crnd e;ut f..,ur dbJo.1T!Q Sncpil!5 ffle t4ine ~rz>e as he indented ~ U:5ing 30. 9 ~, ozl o~:

SJCY ~rpas,_~B'_ ~u. d ~ mmliTRillf(J!. ill!to eh~ 's.pjll ~dered CeRlmf, 'te>.t~uril'lg by pre~5iAg t'h~' kitchfill ~Qi)l/f.rel" -over ~h8 ~lJrfaee. Kne(ld h", grrey ,and bfO'Wl1 ,~l,Igcrpa$'1l;: 'Iri Inlngf5.

~,eth.e1' unlil slight1y. ~~Ly. lroll out (JDd pul (J~'idCt. !G dry It'hi!> -y"iiU bree

i ~lo crurffl~ fQ.:r mud whGf't ~ky).

11 Ii) mdke Ih.~, ~u~lderf ,d-r8~~s.. ~fli 90.' 9 13 QZ.~ ,dE 'i1k:!;h,. ~oIo!.ired f!7toodli'lig pg~ie if! M f. N\oOel munde:d 'I«!rdrop ~hcpa$. •• he fUlJ eM i~ t1lle' I~ of 0 ~ wilh Ihe ii1il;f{ro;wer elid for Q ~;~t. QIlid p~ '10 IlkJi'ten sl'Shrly (! abo¥ ). U~i'~g lite ~irllbrv~1J; hllndic1 ilWrk ,g line QQWiII th!!Jl lrhl'li\e O!'i bolh sidest ft'Iork pBC '(HIdl ~~i '~iI'QI1IICJCl/i mij:5~Ie$ ('Im:l ~~dc in place Gn Ihe 'i'r~!i'EI~. S-1i, ~, I'lny '01m!. :~'hope~ ,onfO @('nl:h 'pedor.ol.. Wi.h 'lite remcini'i€l p:lle IWJ"")"

mod~i''I'19 po~te, pJI' Iw"o, 00&:. ~'e1~ ~M Ihe ~t<:r~]n,g ht.'iMer a~ hI!'O fuin :drips for bolb bujlderr~' 'WCJisthortd~,

12, Moodel each arm, US!!'!g 11!l 9,

_ [~ m.] of If!e~~ ~~or;rr p-DM~'. To mcke 'cf.'L grml ,,0'11 infO ,c SQIJOCig0' mape end pinch one ' nd gem,ly 10 l\(\iIJn d ali ifor' (i nGM, P~s. dc.wn O~ fue hQFI.~ '10 nQtlen ooly 'S1'i'iJir11y, withoul i~fltiing. r..oob (IJ cui' for Iha ihlllmh hal~ M one '~ide ond pull ®'df'I. MIl'ke ihree mora (~~ Jo. 's.ePOFQte Il:flger~r push 'together (mel stroke to IBr'l91he!~ (l'nd bend r-ouP\ot!l. To noll;lm'llr mope !h8 he Ii'Id. pu~h ihe' thwnb

'I'oward~ '!be pdlrn rrom' wri~I'. lloy

the, arm down, ClJild pi.i~h if! hg~~~ pil'li:hrnl) ,out oj' ~he ibo.:;k [0 ~~ o;pe !he a1bow. noenl' crt 'lhs top, ie. reund off a ~fQi;I mu~~.

13, " Pu.~l ~ ;,~~t;:I~ .stl.~k in,to, !h~, ~

'_ ' ned: Ci~ ooch biJ~lder, 1~'!'T.n9 haJf. protrod-nS ,1'0 hold theili hood:s, 10 pr.oo~'. iMOOel their he.tJd~. neses ~d 001:5/, u~ing 'llie I"~moil"!li~g "esh ~!'. FQt .he ~C(lld. ~QHen the focialliill\eQ, iher'll [j:!'feU ~ srTil!l11 (irde eu'HiBr in tlI~ en 1LI~1'd {iii"l9Ie mo FTIlarl. (II ~'ile~ adding diriT!pl~ U5("9 a c«'f<lil ~oct TQ mgb;i the, ~n. :5hcpe 'tYro ~mo(;jll O'olrJ1s end 'iodenl1ba a::nlre~ 'u~ing the ~nd oE he' p::r~n h Il.!~. Stko\. in p.o'5.1tioFi' I~BII wilh the·~. Pre.~5. ,G{g~ ~i ckrw-n weir ihs- ~r :Sli'l:k~, sec,uring ~t .nE!lllTleck 'firoo wi'lh ~1,I91lr g,'IJ.~,

1,,' ,1 [p,wf os.ide' Jwoo. f$O-5i2i.OO

!LmQUIliI"s 01 re110'w' ~elJing po:5.1e. ~heJi1 :split 'Ihe ~ellllr;li'iMfe-r nn10 IM'O Qnd rr""dll into bdll ,s,_l1[Jpe~ for Jhe !lf1!o'in ~i"t (if e:;I~h hot. IPrrn.'So ioto, ~h~ C~1JI8 of each and 'p'iJdl up' ern ,~ I\i), JidUov; Wi ($ttB' be1Bow). Pre~~ eilhei" ~idl!!l 01 ha: lop te Ii\il;;iJWH' ~119n Iy il:md stie'k in pk;!Qe on ooch .,ead. U~I;!' Ihe re~lnder lfor rii"li'l$ ~od ~tr~ 00t ~, oE ea~h hQI'. To IffiOk>e t'he r~iflU, m~ Q ~all ~a1 shcpo'. pro:l<5. dovm to AMe.n. $:rnoolLi'1iI9 UJll;llhil'l! (lind ~IJ.~ i~l haU Il!IntI,1hw"1$ I'filck1ll:91'lm: 1iw"Q. h'l;li r.ini~.

15, ~, Cclbllfr SOIflQ' rnodel~in19 !ptr.s.;e:

I 'IT[mlni~ 'b'iJd.:, and! ,uSE:' te mall£; l'iny 'OVgl~~lhaped 'cre~. 1Pur, '!he bli'QWf1 my.a1 icin'IEIl iil'I'O 0 pipjlfl(ll 009 ;:;rnd lUI' It! ~~ I1.oIa in mho '!if;1l. l?ipe ~he hQ~r .. llDOO5!'ltirdTte' and bec~,d_ For &irrh per d1!G!Ii. rni:w: g liHis brOWfl !1"0~ icing wUh water rfi(j~[f'!S it I1Jflll1yand bro.~h O¥sr' 'tko, be.-ofs., ~ns andl bodiiJ1.i.

16' W'h1;inI ~hI!l 'g:jJ!l: Is. dfYr dilLlI'C

_ ': Ib1Dtk foe.d; ~olo.ul!'iifl9 pa~1ew'ilh Q" [few' d~ of 'N-Q1er and JKlI nfi ~e. ~otloos u!-ing ~ flne!' pchitl:rirJ~h. PiI81 Ihe ~ Pa11lk5 ,one Oli'll top ,o~ ,each ~he.f, S~l,Iri!lfl9 vtlit'hr ~"'I" glue., B oolk 1he dried, iloiled Qr.rl' p.i:ete M $'lfeeAy 9roy/b~n s.ul)Ol(pa~'!'e 11l"10 ,crulfib!. .:md :s.ptill1l~ic' !i".:!i"wnd he coke, board_

bee bs ever ywher<e :2 5


,M!~~ J M$t: Oll\ot ,a,Cr cf tlit~ s~ bQo-ts 6Il:i iI1 "ec~AlL g,~ft, fil!r- ~o~r' m~~1!' ,Olt'" e~'Ve h~m ., c.hcke. -m~f; t~l4bA'~K~ L e~~, ~t"t ,e;~t f-o .... ~li\.!kI P~!rt~ c-tLei'b. ~tkn ....... ~r- e~~ CIl ~'b1 ~ ~ekt. ti~sTLtU~ 'il::t1ert 'WO,lil/t ibe, 9 se .... ~ w..bLtl After favOVrlitt.a. ~


",. " 0 ); ~5h~,-bo~hi' llIiIulJln~

• ,5 ,x 18·· em (,6 ilfl~ IfJ~Fbhoped vC!k~~ «:!rd~

.. jOO s IT~~,~t'~,(:

L._.II'.,',. ',.' _, In,"""" ....... fj .. 'DJ'.I OOI~e'fcn~1::h~11 L~ !"'""'!t:!'" 10 .

'. Icing 'teoofecHon~ l S!.lI9;QF' iif!..'C!1 8Uga r sJmlbe.r

;ii, 285. 91 nO a::d pelle ~e5h~o!QiJ.r !tgdlden .Ibj,~!i~r~ wi1h ·c· '~~h ,o/f' pilnJi~

• 550 9 n Ib 3~ .~!Z'I medium REl<b.h·ro'looJ ~g;Q:I~fT1 ~~~itOry ''o';,i\11h (] toudi, 101 ,jn~l

'" 5:50 9 [1 Ib 3~ ~ dgi& R~·

«l~iJ.r ~'gof,d~fIl bJO'Wlil/IYOfy~

• 00 g ~2 Q;Z) iX'le' pimk.

• 3{) '~ ~ 1 o:~ br'igh~ pill1~ '. 50 '@I ~1 oz) hJrq~oi~

,ii 60.9 f~ o.~l deep RffiIrp1e .' '90 9 (,3, ~I ~Ibck


,_ PI{iitf'iI·b'IG'~~ kikheJli knvfe

'. oofge: IFQIU~ pi~

Ii! CCi~' :srnool~eF

ill' IPa1e't'!e ~nii~

• d. ·em fl' M in~ Qri!dl :2.5 ~m [1 illl]1 sqiJ!iJ Fe.iC i!JI itEI ~ $;

.. " em (2 i~]1 d~,dle· t~er ~ No,,2 IPfcitl pi~pililg, f.uhe

I!!! ,$~O_1' '~'i!JIe '~fld ~intbmEh .. MiWi iabll!re' 90&t 51-a 11 do rdl 'rurqlJ-O~5e Q1nd ~Cilfg~ S!ilv~i C:JIroel,~

~ Edible' :silver ~Qf' oOIDIJrins

11 Pul' a liffi~ b~~e~~~e:rn l~nE.rd~ m

_ ~e' wke a;lrd 'Ilnd P~!; 1fW~ ffi'UI~~i'1lI3 down :~ide.: by $ide' ([See Ir:i;g!ht). t'f 1he 1T(l1~'l-Dp~, a~' IitlolCVCT'l, ~,p:~d w'ilh Ci '~r o.f buiite~re;;lm ~Q ~rc (! ~rot~th wr!kJ~ ,arid help, thCi t1iug~rpiOste stidL Sp~ ;(j! Ilu!lle; ~f(li ljl!~~QilOOi"l'l be~een egch liriw:f!lin, .tiiflld over ~h~ !OO~i3' boo:rd~ ~~pii1!g ~ (roml ~ ,ooh, boord- ed!tW.

2 ~~~!!::~~c~:':,o~:'I;:~ ~;!~V

.1," ... .,.-.., • .,I!. _ .l",.. ,~{JI_ .L, .' - l!\i:'!itI .....

gll1"",,",II~ ,,~I'I;!!1,:!..,- ... 'Or 11~ ~a.rlMi!l'~

.~e' ~I a '11mB, end ~i" ;till (ive [~k.5; ·of !!!Q~~~~ ~reie;hr!'ig 'oui ~Iegt$ (Inti ~!Wi~hing do-wn-~rd's itij'!~.lif'id lOO!l:h sM&%,. ~~iIy' 'O!"Qund 'the, ~·ea 'o-f Ihe -~Qke ~r,ds ~until ~n.@ ~!J9fii1Xl~'ie ~ti 'ihin w~th 0 OO1l!"ded ~gE;l' <oiji\d 'Ihen, ~~i'rJj'j Q"}i' ~:";!!i !lM,imsl itil lknilfe. \!'!lith ~hJt. ~j:;inti!m!i"!g:!l,. $lid, '0 $rmall Ip;oo~,5:iedl ooD on ~.:;h 'boo.b II.!t:!;iili9 G li1t'11;!' ~;(lr' slue.


RQIII Qf!.Il' tlie pcle pi'nk '~'I,!!~FptI. eul i:wo ~rip~ rneawrii'i!il ],s. ~

e ir.IJ rfi I~lh ali\d ~, (lili ~] ~ in.~ fjI' !hill' (:en'!~1 ,~ifi~" Gel'itly r~] !he

, - thru ~'h 0¥GiI" ;'h ~ SUJr'a'I:; ~'O Cl,t'Ci'c. __ ', end ,then ~tit'k 000:10 em::h booh~ ~~, th' ,~ea:o!:h edge to fWFld ,oH, '1M ilfi'mmi:i'l9~" 'roli out and ijl.!~

, him ~jri,~ Ih~ '~12 QQrCJ!;·S the' ~~I p~n9 fI1Ili'I~~'UM: ~fd ~: ili~ ~+re :wr.fcJce rut! lSWI11i9

.. • i!:!1 lifife io~f' 'gll/.le,

IBRJGHTi IP~iNIK '1I!ASSI.E:S , 1kJl1,~t ~h~ brfgh1' pl~k

~~i'e ~ !!:l!J~' two dl'"(le-$ u~ingl

. di-t.J<e ij!'!~G~, Roll'lhit ptJintbilu:!In ~i;!' 'ovet' the ::;urrm,~ r:;:~ains' pkal~ . iim~rlg r~ i'he oentm~ (rillf:i1iQ 'ihe ~, (~ee. i!3&OIiUli~', Stldk in 1P!~!3'.

, ~I ~I' Ih~ il'"iirmmi~ 'Ond o:;illiI'

.. ~ 20 'l'tr), Ih!n ~ri~ bit ,he' ~s_ PrlildtJ' rmkt ~]~ at ~he ~ ~ ~iic& ~~nl~11y Cit} ,each r~.

5 ~PINItK~~ TlIRQ~OI~E: "~~

, Rell ootJ IIlhe IlIfrquoJ!!lEi ~!J9'lrpa~ij]1,J

'tul '~ ii'lkmgle:5< Rl~~U!l"i~1 8; ('If!

(3, ~n) ~ifIJ (100 '!<1t.c~, ,ornto· h~ ~ !IJ~i~, !l;I liHfe '~'tI~T glwe, Vrlilh 'I~ .rimrning;~J' «ill e I;.! I' ,amd 'cut !~e ~f:tjp~. Slid:: l~iI;II iutqpKliS'$ id~5i C¥J;lr l!he wl'fuee 'UI~i'11IQ o II i1tf] e' ~ug(ir grue"

6 BlACK :STiUlP 'mp'

IkJI O~~ ~k ,~~~~h~ ,ond cui' 'IWO Uri,p.o:lo ... ~1~kj'flI9 me '!.Xim1 ~ne '~'id!3 of Q bcob .ami !iBa,JFe alii! 'Ihe >Op~i~ slde, ~k~ ihe· o!her $irip 'QC~. ih.e ~Op of bcah ~~_ Silocl, ~il\!'@;r dKl9!3i3~' in1(;l '~ ~1,;lIl'f(J~e' l!,Ii$img ~JiIli1Qr Q'ue t.i)

" 'r., D~H" ,t L L ,Ji. 'I' r . ,_ i, - ,,j ~II.L~. MI'bl ~. !!.JIi!i,;!O,. i'1i'mn:'Lfl!9S Cill~

cllIl D ~qll!Dr:e u~i~ ~nii;il ~[lFg8' sql,Jcre li:liJUer; CUi {j Ioln{!ller :s.q~r~ fl'"Cli"!1i !he' (-m'l1fe m~iii9 a ~d:re, R~ e:dfbLB :5oil}..e~' PQ.wde!l" iQ'!feJ the ~ur~e', and ii~oo ~fjdk ii~ ~~e' ..... i(h e :!lilliCf drosoo.


,,". l~t"'~ ~ G\l~ (00, _ !pI1W~b

'~i;!garr~·~. 'cM, Nt Qi ~ro.tQ~t .inc, ~n. Ihe Of'L Cui' [J rlr1iilJll ~J coitn'lrolly_ mt QilJd :5Ii'!:k in pltKe On! 'ihe I~~ MlIIotlthiftl9 '!l!i'OUli'id rhG' dmpG. T~im ~e~~ "Torn '~I'QU~llhe. ~ge' and :We!.W!!JI iM'll pk~e:c. wi1h gj lillM ~!.Igq'(' grw, T1ftlmly f(;!11 001' Ih~ fii3lii1ciinlms blbdF ~.o~;;(te QOO (IJ,IJ" ::;t:rlp.$, eVl' Clui ii:iio1GS ,a1M9 ,OO(k !111ip uwili'lS' ~hi91 P1pi1!l9 h.lbe 'i;lnd ~tkl ~I!l tpIo~e' (5" bela/wI" ~~I oul '~!:mrn;Fig~ and Oili~ Hiii)' :strips Ifor '!he I~cti, c~~ililg !he", !!:r1l'eF dow!! ~"e ee ilI.ife ,

:2, • I (J·ey speed 00 I

YOU wn.L NEilD

• 30 x '~2 ~ n 2 )< 5· i'nl QbJof,191 sponge oo~s [see rpuge 11)

'. 35C:M (],4 frl~ 0'0''01· shaped coke boofd

.' lding t«mr~tiQ~~ W9iQ(;' 'i~, a s.tJ S'¢ Ii S h obi-

,~ 450 g 11 lb/2 e hurMr;Cl'eom [see pag,e' 8}

- .

SUiGARPA.'!i.'fi. :' ,,' I.':·:~':· 0.1

.' ,600 ~ ('~ Ib '~2 QX) wh11~

• 100 9 (l~ Qi'Jd l1!o~

• :340 'iJ ~ 12 ozJr pol'e 'LQde gRleefil


IMH:!'D!liUI,NJI3 'pM,ij'~ i~"" pL."":' : ' ..

!II' 75 9 [2~ ozJ wJ.rite ,Ii ],:5 91 ~ ~ 'Mj blcn;:k .. " 5 9 (~ c4 MCl!JYer ., 1,:5, '9 n~ oz~ yel~~

• 60 9 (2. 'w:~ '~h·oo1~r ~~Idet!

IbrcrrM~/iYory w.i~h " J~~ of pink'

1[1 35 9 fl ~ ,(»:~ paile bl'-!le

., 5 '91 ~I'-'~"~ ,",mder' ~ ~I pi.,k

.sw.~-WtJrs::l1~'f!.~ tcpL!!!gs ab·f.s t1o.jD~~ ~ sp.~~ b\t)~t [.VLo Q j tiI'~f 9rte;I!"I.. t'rttf'ict1l. .st~ ~ ~!& ~ be ~p th~rt t~ Ute; tCf' ttt\.-· err ~~lt pqIMt.1lS.~", .$.0 giv!. hi~ ~ tr'~~~ YA:ith this. 9orgeQL.(,s P ~ ~r.

• S1JgiU 'Sfue -and] PC~!fl'bfU5h

., 3· x $ugor ~flcb. 1 :1(, 9cm [3Wi hd lon.g ,[see poS~l 01

i mQ:d (lj'fd, p.~lTIk IbGd oolG'Ufling IfXi~~

1 Trim'~ ,oM1·lro.m 'ihe oo'ke ond Iavd Il,~ ~'OiP. T~:shqpe .;he. (root oJ Ihti b¢gt. ill'im 'iM ~l..J.e~ te, dopa, dO'WD ~o. hollfw,~. I~j'ne Q S, (m (,2 '4l!~ ~gt ~IJIQ1ly dt the 'f;rQ["lt Trim '1'0 ~lbpa [1'!ii'.i'!C!~ds dow.f!I'h~ Ihe bi:J:$.e on ,ailOOr ~ds_

ROYAIl.I(t;...tG '.':' .'.:,. ~.:

2 U~lng 'ths _ i!lT!pkfh~ t~ ~ 76) r O~ 'g 'ootling g,liJid~1 :dice a 1.5 ""' M ifl~ ~ayer.' ~mlrri Ihe lop ,~f 'tlic ctIi~ GI, ·the 00cJ:, (loci 'Irfm bolh s.ide~ ~o slope in Woi;f,rd:;;·_ (iii; a ~r III flhe' coke ,and l5(:lndiw,dl'b;:r.<;k together , ..... ilh Iwlfei'ii:If<eQm. Pl:~ce ~h!li; ~C!k~ cenlrnUy <l4lI rh e c.Q ke. boo rrll, li!l: ki IlIij wi~' bU~'Qretlm_ Spr!XI:d: 0, %l'in loyer of' OO1ten,;;reaM O'I'er th~ :wrk:JQE! o~· the <O~8 es ~ !i:~lJl!Tlb cool.

.' 1,.'5 ~ Hi Q~:J PJle cr;"$(ji'n

• J-,.N tbsp- dear piparn91 gje~


,~ Serm1ed Qo~i"9 kJ1i~ .' YiijmpJc1'e (see page 76)

.. PIDifi-bl~ed ~i~ knif'El

• Large Qfld tma" rollit.lg pitits .. Pal'Elifu knife

• R'UJrif

• Coke ~rmOO'the.r

'. Smcd~ ~~rd,ei ,~ulte.f'

• Sma" pi~ of· Foorrn ('For'


'. A few (O(kiall :s~i:crks. .' Fijfle pc in'1b nPd'i,

'. Teo5'pOOn'

.' 5ci·s'Wi':i!I·

hdiiiliS ,a" :rhe Iron' oJ the bCi'IIii' GRid bfcn:k' ~~~iI!!

- ~Qpe 'L+.~ pointed 'Fro!:d' o.~ '!he

~ J 00111 100'9 (3M 'O~~ of: white ---yj-~e infO (I 'l'e<:itdrQf' emdi I~ ~ 'Bonelli 1M '~IJ 'end. S,i(k

...... _-..,,;j" e Iron. dFlfts oo1ce IQnd

- 'lhc'po[rl~ Fr~nt of (he ~'thjif1l9 do-wn 'te, Ihe ~ Gnd _~:g !he, P1ii'1~lnmlY G1'Ii:Q fuc ..,nrllll Qi' :1;(:, ~j;lks $0 it 'j:$; ~re I~,:seHlil' ... ltaim hftJl. TiMnl)t rrcrL1 Qui :!'Oine :wgarp;!sre olld ;;:i.!~'!';1 5.~1'\lpl ,0 dm,h1bootdf (Hi ''n'GU Q5i 'iJ

fUrther piece ,for ~,~ lo:!!id'e ,~~ !.!!s'ng the '~ a, t~ ~ '76.~_

4 IF~ IftC ~~n9. I'~U 001' 90 '9

~ ~3, 0:]1 of ~,Ie SIlfg;ciIiIXI.;1lsl CiOO

cui' a 'to ~(WIf" =m,e 'top {;if. 'tbe (;dkc 01' he ~k ~iJl9 thc:' ermpiQi'e [~eB ~ 76,. ~piJit9. the pci~te ,on, ~he WQrk !Wrf«BI~, ~~ii1t ClIen lilj\'J~~ with 'Q rulM;. th~ oorefuUy ~fft' gM l~fi~ii'I!' keepins .he jJiidsi1i ed 11M~ ~1'rQ~~~.

racy speedboQ 2.

51 JO_UWCii tfrtel boor~ $~dCtl~ ~nlt

I Imea&'i:lfe.11 ~engJh @d depth.

'Roll 'OlJ!~ 18.5. 91 (6~ Q,zJ of whire sugn~~~B' ~OO rut ~$trlp '1'0, fit.

lD·ti • "- • Ji _ . .1 'b ""- 1F'0$'! Of'll ~,Qrn$.l me, $1Otl: ~]tI;II 1l1lI" WIll'll

e ,~ ::;!ftOO~e.r~ llklpeot fuf tfte ~s-r ~cJ~. To d9:1ie ·tha, ~olp Q~ 1M, rr(lqilt; F~ ~"Iber.. :!.lioki!!lg wilb ~ bit of ~~9,a '9h'~f tlllen n,!!h sen,l¥, 'Wilh Y"'wr f1~,ef~ ill1 Q c:ir;ruleu" JJ~sIiO'f'l. U$.ing llhe lback 0(: 0 .naft, mQJttw'e, finas, oodh Ollli fli1hel' ~i~~,.

6 R~ 'ovt so iii ~2' Q1:1 of wh~!-e,

, I :SllJgYirpo,~~e. ~r!d ,cul' ~ pi~ I'tJ

~ver lhe· bo.:k of 'hG' O!::i iJ-; r, - 8 p.!'! dloEd on ci~r ~Me 'Wi1h CIJ 1iHl:e sugar 91!!r~. IR~I QlI!t ~he Iremi:!iiii'ting

-wlTti e !;;1,,190~~te '!J1!d (Iii . '0 Place to ~er I~:(i;~, of··the cake Ql the b·om .• uidking SOCUl"!!lfty Q~J"!d ~~e !i:lul~ida

..JJ~ R It·d_ J'._ - __ ~~.b - _dI~,_ - --""'4:11"" IJC 'YItlID C!! ~III!; ~llII'i}QmiQj"~

.he ·ce:fl1h'le··and '1tiE'1'I silber ~ide ~o ~~. it :;Iightly ~lIlrJr_

7. ' ~ ~ !!! -w,rifid~l\SBn, rgJ] ,~t :300 s .. ' - 11 'D~ of ·wani e ~el~n~ ~G' - !!l!rnd C.urt 'O-\Ilt "he ;sOOj?e' IJ'Sin9'~ -tm1pltrh~' ~.~, ~Ci 76.). tmtlent line;~ IIiI~i'~ li~e NLl! (see be!lIa,w'J- :5:Icmd '!he 'W1nd~1imIiI !lip Qnd rbel'id ·inTo. fX)~~raF1l., Moi~f.en ,d1~ i~(j; OOtfom edge 'l';l1F!d !hen !fIlidk in iPlcoo ,on '!he ~'. U~inal '15 9 iM g.~], of wl\iP!e modMJlf1ilQl p::1l1i~ (:1,11 ~hr!p$. ru, ~ tlf1:8 Jep and i:Jrl~ i~~ Ifr.cnt o~·the windbQreenr, (lilt! ol~ 'fWQr ~ ~o ecl-glC flhe ~ide5 rO'l' flrle oo.o::k 01 ihQI boom,

9 ~n9 blexl rmOO131ri1'l9, ~jMIiiIr rolll aul' r[l;rIfd c_ul' ~tri~, ~ edQl!!'~ '~i QI: the wifid5li:ree.n Ciind !M !~ ~ ~ ~Q::'OO&.d ibe; ~t ~O!I a r:im.y ool~ ~o. 'top ~~e pci!1c ,omd .b~.1'O ~ ~Qr $OOiBfiifJQ ~r roll '1M 'i'(ltfliaiOOSf i'ln'to. c b<lll (I " p,e~$ rn lillie !DanlFe 10' ind'ec~t 'Cu~ o~I' $.fclKiU <:irde:il 'Q!"OIoiFld the· ~,6i u~'il19 the, :5liF1tlJl (~rnlg· wllBi'. slick hs' s~i'ru.II ...".-ne(ll in pra.te on 'the ®$h~rdl"

[1- O· for ~~ ~, IIT'IG.hten 'Ihc

. ' ' .' wrfuee QI '100 a:Jl~ lboa:rd with

o titlle' s ,gar 13ru., rolll otlllPO~ li~ g~ !I!J.9CJ"p:J~1'e ondl ~j.:~;j)'i',er (he :!!ii.!i'ttro!3' ",sins )'QIIF finQeNl. yp ·the $OCrB~1; (IfWllld '!he bD,lk!In of, '!be ~" ii;1o Ii:~i'e ~Pf.,:cs... fri'm emy. ~~,50 fti'i'll

I~~ cds;e oJ 'lhe ~~ie ~rd. en SnTlOO'th wi'lh ~U!i' h(!!ndh; -to tGwnd ClI_

111 ~. the, r()1~ " ,i~lsf w.Il,'- ldIiJ '!NII~ :s.v~I· 'I'M ·hgulfti,;. ~~ '!be m~~-....e ,oll1d yillow miXI!!!llilllg iixn1e·. Thili'liy 'rolll ooh;md (li,I '~ng shQpM niBi:J~1l!riilll€l lo.)!; A· (i'I!1 ~~ x 11 ~ in),. ·k;.ld ifl hi')U'leI1'191t~~ god I'd I ~ S!k~ onro hal fOp ,of the ~I near ~Irt(ii w,in'ld:5O',een_

Ibo.dy.!rollllh~ mod.elIin:g1 po~te i1'!!o ~ lon:gl :5Itill.rwge :Io~~pe. To. m(ipc !he wa'i:ril.r ,ro'll' bcl'\M~n your ~1fiu-ii'1h, cncil ~~. to. inderu ~. ~ !w.~~!l'1 'I'~ ri;rg1i'it.l ftieu,~ ~ ACll~n ~1igh-1Ly ~md (lui ~M ~ong,U ~~If fo ~~Poro B IlH'9s- SmQ.(it:'h ,dow~ oocb 1 'edge i;I' IfQ'!!!FlrJ <Qiff. ~~ r~n1' end b. Iwi~i~, gen 'It to, tmg!'heliil. IBan~ g-t OOtlcm fur Iirle ~i' (fnd p4F1dh OUit h_~r$.. Rcll each (!D~ ~~ii'i!)(ObI rthvm_h ~Fid ri~ 10 iHl' row Qlild ~ha;p.0 hr:t. [q,. -'0 ·kilim the ~~, p in h~I~' to, indelllt. ~It!e ood:. end lpojrtc.h g~n~r' ,at .he i'-rolflJ' 1'0 9~'!{e s~a S- idk ~h{j; bOdy ii'll ~Rs, p.o~ 'l,.I~i1r!g (jl in W:g,ol" gJllIl;i .tQ, ~~!"e.'.

113· ." Split- 5 {II ~iu:!l! 'IJnd,~r ~ oz) 0 .. - . ,ilI;:;~Jh.- _.i_,;rOO ~Irliln I~.

. . I~~~ ~~.. . ~ ~_~

i!f!to ['OUir JFlGm and mode II ~he OIi'm50 Th{t. (In'lnU I1'1C!ddled he!fe have Mit· ~nd$, bul iF ).fOUl prefe~ '10 i'OOlill' - ~rmplle kmb.. «1C~;e 50, :s!~ I( 10 I'Ii'ICtlk6 an OnIT'i. ~ a :KI~ge I!h( 'CJild gentfr piFl~ ene ·e~d to ,,6uAd fell" ,g hQl'1d, Preu dblwn on thB hone miJIJi'oo ~1i;ghllYI wi·Ii'LQ.ij!t imdel'!iin:g~ 1M PI cwl hal~' ~ 'C!ifl! '0'Jb'1Zl sk1& fal r~ tbvrnb. ~ _Et. Ihroo ~us .dlon,gl d ~.op b ~rnl'8 fin98~ Qilld i'w.jJ.! ge ·0 ~cn9th.m, ,p.rB$5 ~'Ihr ~nd bOn roo.liUI. To lIl:gfQromy wJX:' Ih!3' I!.Cl1ild; push ~h ihwf!i'!b, ~'o'ft!rdls, he pg'Im ·fi the., 'oII1'i~'. L-cr 'the orm ,~ 'Ciil1lcilf:Mi jn hoHwo-y. pi rnd-mingl 01,.11 011' (b.c: bod :shape illh~ e'1oo:w, ~il!:k in [P"01ilion Q ~hr ~~ If!.~ u~'iAS a ~if.lh31 S!!I'9CF g~

14lhe ,5 g ~iwlU !J1i'I.d'i3f %, ez] ~ _I -:_ \I~C boob:;1 rolling 'O'lilt lfou, 'Ii!

boN :5.~cp!!'S QIlIJ :5~it;;~I'!9. in prQ~ 'Wi iCl iiMle ;!;~r 91ue'. ~~h (li '~v,g:t1I1" .~tkl ~IT 'i~~d 'liM:: 'fOp oi',8GC~ ~ •. ~ hoJ~'~1'!g 10, M1p hold" rh~i'i" ~d5 i'1A tJ.IIO)C~. flite 1fmIai'lI1Iing IIIesh'r:o~OYF in half (:!In - mgk~· theft oval !iRwp.ed i1Iead~ C!nd I'!(,'!~:;', ~ke rOI h. ~ the.:b<JJ:'lom d1i'

~ ~~. - ' .. ~~~~~ .. -.~

then, !t~i"lQ Qi 'lime ':;<1;19,(:11- 91u~ stick inl plQQel Q.'ilJ;!j' ihe ~~r ~'lidk",

15' Thinly IMtI b~' 15 '9 (~oz) 0+

, pai~ bloo nWdell[ng, ~~e of!d itiJ1" uli'i'~ to J~:OMto the J!jides. ,O'~ (he boc~., Rdl out '~O g ,[~ Q'z~ li:md ~ul obloilg s.~ ("Or '!tie w~~km~ 'OF!r 'top' of ~h beflon. 'b md~ 'he '~ ~ls", ~i1' S g ~n~50't !!.lI~F ~ iI11j;i Ir. hdF !Simi ~Qpe in~ 0'!fQ1~. P"e'$$ tbwm 'EQ 'RoliIBfl $Hghlly aFid ~!!It ii~ hdlJ, omklilifJ~e mt olld ~~_ lIirim ~~ :wo't io !a1:e ,off fue' JiQUlJlde-cl edSI£!i ,ond c~;aii'li'lh!e Ofi'il '!be, OOQtz bantling Ike bot& 'to ~Iopc' ~ $h9~1Iy. Uae, Ih6' triiilfi'llli~!' for the blue l~i~l!Ii 1~1'(j1 'tOp, hart~llng on, 'iile mQ9p.Q~~ ~M, two ~·~i~ ,ovill s.!; not fo~ the b~ ~p~c oo~ ~r~~ Qn~o the pole' wiilh a ~hil1! !5o!1I"ip, of b'1~. Mako ~ pj'm1I~, bi~rfii bH~ Icp.

1'6" MCI~>I;!I]ne Wrig~~$, by

, '·~Q~n'n91 ~I)" :smn.11 6'rf!tI~

~OIpe:;;, ~~in!i!' pink 000 bi!I.IEI' Ifiimmiiil9~1 Inen ~ililfct r.cli Qilt (Jnd (~t i~tf~S ~r Ih~ br,bini t1nOI'iEl~' D.~I~ fink food .;;;dourln@i w~!h 0 liHf.e waltd (tiild pciiit1' ~, ~p$t thEin1'(:II:M SOrrt'i~ a!lou~ 'to ~ b:J.ob- D~rure bl'od rfiotl ,omo-ui~iirl9 ~nd ptJiiM Cli 'hr~n~I~1 WG~h rnot:r ~~ YliIf!d«lIeM foii' ,Cij doutly ~'.

'1 ~o, ~pe ~h.e, hailr. pui'~e r'oy¢Il

" iidng"iinto!he, pipi'ng bogi (Ii11id

~t ,,~ ~QII-hole ifil ~~ lip, ~pe' ~'1i(Ii9ht hQ~!l"' ,on Q;l'Ie gi~ endl ~Ifi}y !leir 0'1'1 nM' Q'Ih!i!r'", For t'he ~s ~';!!II' '~'t spood

'I;!! IftJrI IQ~r of d~c~ p~piill9 gd ,o:~r th~ !lurfo~ u~illS dim bodk 'o:~ eli ~~poQii",

, .. (? .. ",

. ~~ .. "_ "_ ~..:.

. , .,

'IS····· .,.' ,

""',:-r.p--6 g •.•... 'r,,",

• ... • l!,o 1!Ii!ll -

~. - .. _ ....

S" roly p:oly :SUi p'oog ro rn



Ii; '1..>r 1·5 em 'td ~nJ ~lmre' s.~ll:ge ookE:s. rnn.d '1 1< 12 ,em 1~5 ill!) f1'(iIjj,jiild! $pOfIl9i1!1 ook'G· b·gIE: ~eni .

.. 30 (;!fn n:2 i n~ rouf"fd OOQ

~[f<d- .

• ~i'1l;9 ~ooo~IIDner,5'-) slJ{qor i[!l a w~r ,shgik-e-l'

• 650 g./l 10. 7 o:z/2* e bb!He~rm!'lrl (seel pg$~ SI

~ 710 '91 ~'~ lib ~ o~ brock

• l .. '25 ~ f2 Ib 12' 'oz~ wM~e .' 750 '91 U Ib ] O~ O~) Hes~-

oolbl"i;f' ~:g~en bffO\'iI1lI/ivo")l' with (I mlch 'Of ~liIkl

• :3.0 9 U ~~ redl

..... :. i '" f';. .. h41 ;o;.'P ......... ; ;I"j'~ J.;!'Ii ...... "..'tj- . ..-J4d iE;- .... -.a. ... '"'~ ''W~1.t I ..II In!"III~'~ ~~ ~~I~' - j~~~~-!P.'~~' ~ ~ '~~~.; ~~I·'I.I'F ~ -:j.11 I~ '. .. I ...... ~

, . .

LoOR f~I~~~tic e.e,~y.eI"'l';tf.IJ'9 t Q!~ ~ ,bLrthd,~.~ -plil rb£1

£. .... 411 .• "" .... ..II ~ ,"' 't.. c .. - .dl ,II,,,,,, 1J.iid, ... t.-. .... u~ .. !!,.[JIJIUl;I;.':<, ~11iMA ~, uQ"WIo"!.M """" .. , .. !;O'!O I'GII:,. !I.!',II[i;'

• StlgQr glu'e' 't'lii!d pci~tbl1(!$h

,., 2-60 '91 ~,9 oL:1 po~l'ill~e boo fXlge' '] Oll ,Of" lal ~ar'9~ :sheet' o~ white ria' ~per

.' IBlIa-dk rood c:oloorilil9J ~5re (I!i' Red powde.r IOoleu~'

'1 ~li:g~tIy '&~1iI .h.e o::lk~: ~

'~ilh WQt(tf. RdU, Qui' il100 9 ~ 11,.1Il ~

01 bfuck ~""g.aiiptJ~le' !lI$'ing ;(]I ~prinUi (il- k'i~ [1;(ln'~fic!lfI.E'rs.'l ~:fl ~ ~M pa!ll~ (jfiGlli~.d !M1ter ~ rclllQ ~Tei'e~' :5jidI1ll~. lih ~hEi $ugllrpil:Sto dl1;:lpi'lIiI!iJ I~ I~e roiling pin and! ~o 1M Mke !~W. Ir[Mil!li~ ,an:;. ~ from !,;!~I'!d Ihe edge .. ~b 981"1 Iy 'Ii G 'oote 'l-'l11IJOih!31i' ,and :u::'!' C!:!iide to dI


,. PlQlfl-b1!Z1ded khto'h1;!rti ~ilIirB

• !Large aM ,sma!11 ro!l ing pum,

• Calte $~Ihe~

,. $elrJi\Oled wrvi'n,9 IkniFe I. P~leMe knlfe~

'I! Ilulew

,iI! :sJ,.€ie:t ,oJ. ,ocri'd

i!!I fbcm p1ece.s

.' A r~ ood:.tcii~ ,slkib i!!! SFI'lQli hmr~ wtte'l

iii, N¢- ,d. ~Olln plpi~ ittJre

.' Fine pgiriltbrullh

,. lPope" P~pji'i!91 0081 .. Sds.oor"!l.

2 Trim _Jo ,li:!Iioid, .~M 'i\i)p o~ ,eo~ ~ (Jnd ~iT,!'i !i;}"'~~ 'tQ !,II!Ie 1hi31 b::J:se t19~ ~gka as lliilli 'Itlip. T~ill'ii'l off Ihe ~top ed9~' r'Ulfi1 ihe' l'OOf'ld ~Qke, rn~ki~ rwnded body. ('u1' ~ byer ,in the ;;.. ~q~r~:lrt~ .0 •. s ,gnd :5(jMwL~h b<K ~,~h~ Oiilt: en kip of Ihe ~her, 'I! bllill'en:nwm. ~I\~ iIJ I~I'II~ butterc~ c:nto, Inc C'itlke board w~ro ~M ,~~~ 'Wil~ ,~i~' 000 ~B ~m 'l:Q~~ iDenhf¢11y om IthB ,oo'kli bocM_, :SpmBt:dl Q IQ~' ,oF hi.i~iej'(;ifeeJ!T! 'oYer. 'wil'~e ~I eeeh "i:I~e'.

,3'-, lking ,59,5 '9 ~ 'lib :5 ozl o!: '~I

~'lJfg.o_rpa!ite..r f"Q11,o!J~ end QU~ pieees ~o '01)Ye!1' dl~ fWr :s.idi;!$ of Iftljji ~QUt;!l~ ,~u., Oilling liiii'io'di 'Wilh the i IllJub (n!fl1 wrkooe wiih ,~ oa'klJI :!<IQQQi't ~ oot{!i~ Q ,~~fu. level ~riish. IR:oJ Qyi 1 oilS 9 ts ozi of b1i:ie.k ~rpa!

'. :, . .1. ,,,,0;. -, I""' """'0;""" jL Ilnn..Jf 'lite ,E(

coo 1Il!"", h .... .....".,,_ !1 ''''\P' y_ ,_,

1nrf'!!Tiiflg o~y 'eiilQe~·~ fr.-om al·owM Ihe~;e,

" lQ mCli~e. lh~ rlx:.d,y.. R~t ~d ~'

, 1M sbape u;S.i~ Ae~-oolour,ad

~:rpc:g~~_ U5C 115 91 [[6 od ItQ, r~~ (1]11 O"'i~ gntl tifiil:k om.1o.· iMC 10Pr o.r Ihe Iboclr. stiglMly ~rd:s 'Ibe ~dkf to. belp, $.~cpe 1M diM:!' (;Inc! ned. :- reol. Spl;~ IOO '9 13':6 a1:~ in h>l:& ,orrd roLl 'two bdl~ ~hg~ ~nckilil9 ~r.~ in t-on" fO p:ocIJ oo! thB b.oob~ (see· ghvel,

5 Wrois on1he :wprp;!~lB: on 'I '1;11 '~ ~.Mh~LJSc:iJj gl~ ,aM ~tk llite b~!'CJ'.eom ~f QI' cdd (11 ~itl1e mere, Rdl out 260,0 911(9 ozJ of '~8$h· tb~o!Jred ~rpo'life am:l 'CO .... el" Ine body iI;.Qriiplt:.1ay. $iIlOOlhif!9. 001' - ~ plei:ll~ ,end lrirffu:nins ooy ~~:S: ["Qrn CIlI;MJ!M) Ilbe: 1;x:J$Eii. Aocerilliale, (he c~ge by Uli'loo1bilTl9 'with YOyt ~ingen. Stl!i;k a ~L' !i;i~: po~te 'Q.r1l II te ri\OJll~ 'df 'ead'l bOOb ~~'iBg 'Erin:1mj~,

6 iY\oi~te:n, 'Ike~, de, - ,'$' cI,'he, '~, h ~.1'Il .~ugr;;:llr ,slue,. MeoWf'e J!i!;~ bo>i;

sid!e-~ ,~ndl M:Jj ,~ 'em, 1 ~ in) to 'the· be.lgh~. 11hirW f.Ql~ out Ihe r~;iillng whii.a wFrPo$tB OM w~ [picce:50 ,tQ, eowii' the [four '!ii.d:e~. 10 place the ~i:cle~ agtiim.t Ih~ (a~cI .....,.jlhoo~ di~wtbin9' th.eir ll!e1lliy' e:Ul' edg.~ pu.~ the ~heet oJ c.ard llJl'IdCf!lleOllh ,on.dlli~. osingl ~he ,~r;d IJ> help, ~siliol't awri~;' ~he -~~ (s' " [ lrig;h~). CJo:~ ~~h join by ;!i.~ii.g a10ng !he ,edge wi!h ei li1 ~~~ [cina ·50'U9.ClIi on, yoorr ii·nsen. Stmoo1h Inc: ~urfaoo· u~il1!g r.r (a~e' $iIJlOO' K.

7 c~e, '~h~ ~r ~ 'A?p~_ u5,irng the pasliil .. e. 'ecdh 'WJ~ 01 '1 'OIM

~;J [nl d~ptll. C!!,Ij' Oill'e CIt 0 rime es .he IjX1&111&!g,e dri8~ ~trem.e1y q,uiltMy, bii'lil 'the ('oilif!ers1i'o ~y (Inti plb!f>e, Qili '0 &_. :Wiftl,.~e It¢. dij(~ proefat'tihly ovem~lr IniR:timg O¥flf' It!er iJ few houri':!. rOf '!hE! ~rse to. d'zy elm. AI I;!lflncdi,vdy. u&S' ~

_IL f - .I.,. '. e

~r~1 ,0' W,fifi"e Ii'lill(io ptIpe1' cl:t1' 0 t5.lze.

8 TtJ. rmo'ke t"'~ G.f'iN~ ~p-lit 'r;iQ: i\;Il

~j, 0\ ) 0'(: Re~h·~o'IQuFBdI -

5.u9.~~1e In heU. Rdn OO{li ~ptQ, (:II Iftt' !W1JM:iS.e '$hcpo (l;f1d pin,.::~ ,o!,!Je tl3ndi 'io r'D!.!OO oH c hoi'id. IPl1tU down oii'll'lhe hOM to 8!lffen Q:nl¥ ~lighJ1Yr wi:hol.U~· tnden'limg. Mg[ke· a ew:1' ~.If. m{l! lihumrb, i1:ultlng ,dovm IiKiJ~ Qii OiOO ~itle OM p.1I'II d(Nffl. Molke ,~ more 'OiI~S to S8~IlQ!h~1 ~.I"$. ~oo.k'iIll9 eQ:<;~ 'Ib ~n9thetii- 'To oo'lwrolly ~~pe an h:~nd. pnh ·tlneloornb, ~rd~ '!JiB p:iJm from 1he.1 WlI'it1'~ Clf1Id cfrMrl opel!lll~ln. genlfy in 0 the, pdm ro illidcfl1'. loy ihe grn di:wm and! p.u~h ;in hol~.

rp.'ind1ing om Q" he bodc; 110 ~ tfra el~~ Press 1(:19[iiii'll~lltiet body lin ihQ poss; ~'O H~Jte:n ~be '~1T1iI!I w·,nQl it ~L'I'$.

'I' .. L~..1

In!M::I" y III ~!ii11(!!fI. ~mef\ I~ (j I'~

P!Jj a::!ida· k) ~.el. MckQ· ih..e ~ncl QrIITl i~tf;,e:~:R\'e WO'f-

9 :~ ~~g7:! ~1.~;:::e·~~, ~1

oolc'Ull'ed !i~!1ir.~ into.;jJ rt01lln.d.ed !~rdfQPrI mope (ltd piece on the 'Wonk

Mlffml!:' with the po-inl 'up. Pr~~ d~, «lJ he poJli "to, ~~~Eili s!ightly. 5pfi~ ,:5 '9 I~r. IYnder ~ 'cql d ~·~Iol,!.!~' ~o~e ~!'!to' !hreoe. Ule i!:Irte ~e-e~ ~o rooke '11;;0, ll:t~ri<1 rollinS! i'nlU '!l oo;u~9~ -fIDliI faper ~he ends. 'to po.ll'i~. iWIoi$lM ..,..i;ili. ~ugi;l,r gl~ gncll pr.-e~!o Qrtlo 'Ihe:

L.~ ...... - . .11: ~'h ,t ," ."· "Il'u

""-IVfi!'i! Oil' _. ,c. IGC(.\. :SfmOO .. .Ing ,.f::

fl011ii1s 1!3~j ~Ih '1M !lUltooQI! 'Dnd '!:hmdrlTig ,~ join In at ithiellop.. Vi;:. r~¥e Ih IQin ~m.letYr $rn~h Q

. -; ~eiif'l9 :!IlJge!" (f'ffi( In~' ~'/r~l2i u~img "f!l)ti!F :run.98~.

01 ~I the m,....o J13.IfriDilitiriS p1£.::" - -e~

1l'itQ; OVQ~ ~~~, r"Q'r r:;h~b

.... -~ ·hi·t j"'l li'ib-....... " ...... ~hif'lf":j ~h", 1'1

.. ~ "'. I;I!';, .'! 1"-"" ....... , ~,~~.I., 1.'!;iI .. L ··

~1b:5-ed ct Ihe bO'lttim ,of ooch by rol:li"8l ~ pt;l!ln b.nJ~h handls, !j.rnd.ern~tIi. .

. in:g 'h,.irFimi~lh ~I Q peg.$t~· ~II ,~ he' ~~o of'!cl :!;t~&:: ~en=rd!y O¥li 'i~ fm.Ei'. RtlU 'cnolflil!f' peoi·!!iud ,crOClIIlIll'

• rOO, Q n Q"I(II , pIt;! ~~ into ihe «ftiloe to, imde.n~J "'Wi in h~H ~!fid we '~r 'Ibe oiX!}f,~,

irK ~, :splitl' it! pGOI·~i:i:Oid Ql'i!tOOifit of.

YAr.iia lITmJl1iin9~ ,el'id roll inlo ~Il'~ wpes.. p~, nkl! {iThd '£"ikL -COi1l~' h11le' ~(:"\l :!:~9h1ly 'l'ufliiGd in, gl ,1M 'I~p.

llJ~ing ,a ~"l1:;:ed 0'.fI1_QW»1' ~f blael :wse:lll,a!il~" mr,dl,a1 'two, OVI'JII·:shoped ~pHs-, two '~nr ~rip~ ,kill" erelmhe:l Qfid ~riQ~, ~ [fu~eF!ed OVGI Mi'O, r'he £~~G' rDr lnG' :tlitidow ,df ~hlti ~Ifn,. ~w ~ake (lbotrt 4,5, 9 n ~ mJ cf,' 'Ille bf..:;;;lok p:;:i$te Itlillid' r;o!l ii"iie- ~~Cilll, d~rel\lt ~iil~ boll s~~pe~ (i1ld ibJitd ~'OVEIf '!he hElCld 'to llii!Jt~OOl Ihi!l' h-tdr., ,5, 9 ~iu~i ynder ~, od ,of red ~J"fXl~le !:!lIto a :liillXlll $aUi!ll:I~e ~herpe and pli'lth atoo.rfld both 'Gr'ld~ f,fi, wicl8.n, then ':sikk an top c;i~ the her:;id b' ~~e 'ho~r OOf'id, ~e'l tw-:o 'i~rdfO-P ~h~pe50 end pre~~ ilot. ,for lllw !~ ii'p,; 1'011 a IopBnli9 ~al.lsos;a, (-or ~he M:lfOm mp. To mnl.ef ecr,rin9~. fQl~ ;~~i Ilgperi'lIiI!) :l(tin:eJ~e~ 'or!d loop rwoo. IBuild UlP' IfI!.1t'iG' Ihc~r !for ~~e b.J7iI I,lIsing 15 '9

I'M Q2l ,of tblm:k '!1-l;!gcrpcsf.e.

12 Thil'ity ~I QUi 'Ihe ,~t;iinin:gl . ,,' blae& ~itlgorpa~e.' ond ..... jlO,p

arownd Ihl3' bcrtk ',of ~he~, 'joi'ni'ns i;ft hE!, hQll't Qnd ~rir.ig 'o'iith $wgi;IT glue-. '~jrn Cl-Il'I(f), any C'.)l:Qen {(ii' !'hcironl', 1~f19 a 'gop' a~ ~he johl, end frim iI;Ii IliIern'lill1e acros~ tha dil;!l~I' and ~ the ~k ~~~, '1:1""."'). OJ~ Ib~~ Iftqil'ii ~ftc, ~i'iilff'llfljjil\S' arid .trii~~· Qro!,'~ dbwm. '!he -fromt oi th8' ~I!J~

3 Po~ilioli Ihill' bedy en Ina. 101l',b, w'ith Q ,doh Qllbv.'~f"li;~Ilfi.

S!ii:ck !be ,an-n~ and hood ri'l pacitiCfl, iTfI!l!tlnS :!ildliB '1Dmy 'IJ'J"¥II' ~11 ba'IDifI~' a3, IhEl}' ,dry. U!lI!i p:ieees. &[If rQaI'ifl :!ipon;g.1!;!'

~ ~u~poil't if ~'~. 'Otit $'!dp~ (i,~ !led $.!.!g!~!:rpg~' 'am!:! ,pjji'i..::h ~.~ Mil ~Iong the fop mfga, :sIic~n9 in plbce kill' '~~p~ 'ol'id to',~ ~h~ btJ~ .. r:~' the tiJ:¥;:k1cwe', f~U ~n¥ bon ~.dl {lild $1i<:~ • iill ploctJ al'mOO ~lli. iifI!3d~

4· Thinly rdl o!Jt.'lifw i'MmQillir.s redI past9 and cu] .001 ~~hs, i:ll'ii;l dl'"Cle1i~ ~Ii~kiilllg _~f~ Q¥eF ihe

L ..... ,- .. d 't,·I. . 'IL.~ ,ill ~ .... II .. , ~ ~ ~n ':1 Q1;=- on ,J~ !'iIC~~ ~ 00.

Ihm ITt'h'lal ni~ white th{imri1li~~ and' cui E-oo:. skips. -fo·r ribbon, gg'l~r:mg 'ihe<m u~ CtiriO ~~o\:il'ig ,oi' ihe' ~.s.e d Ihe' ~.,

15. Put Ihe' royal idll19 NnlQ ~he

_ ,~ '.,' Pt~F!_g OO~l oFid Oij~ (jJ hole "r.! ihG ~p. PIpe a Ihiotk I;rie .01 royal .cimg dloog the 'IDp ed'g8 d~ lih,e ~~ '~~B' ol'ld ~tie&:' on !!:l Wx 'ikIp, hold~!1!g for {~ gew mol1'ii!Nii~ Jo ~U~r U&Ei ~leoo5< of foollii Spctl'l:S!3' ~ ~' un'li l-dry. ~t for 'Ihe ~oini~, ~hJ>iN ~,d-c~.

o..Ji.. "" 11·~.L _.J .........,., " ._~I~ - -. - ""-

1i',I' .. Ui".. ure n..~ ~m... ~lJr OV-l3r 'rn~

top elf eodli ,dht13k u:siliiQ yoor fEngsrs...



!~ 20 em (:8 iln~ round. ~\po.l1Ig~ ~(jb: ~soo I~~: '~ ]:~

iii 35 (In (~ 4 inl JrQufld 'oob ~~ ,. kifAg '~'OOIi1£ediCiil'ier1,~ $l,Igglf ij" Q

:~~C! .. :5~a~.eF' _

'I!' .tISO' :9 l~ Ib/2 e oo~lr~recm [see 1f>G9'C' 81

Iii, '~.4 kg f3 ~b 1 ~ lOll 9nl)' Iil, 60 's ~2 ,~~ Qir,rQOOitol

Iil, ::m '9 '~1 ,~~ w~~le

Iil, 60 9' 1~2 ,g2:'~ bl!i.~

M@ID ~:J:.LJI N{ii I!IlIl'Slfii ', ... ,X'.,' • '.: .

_ .. --- -

1Il' '~ ] 0 9 I~ ~~ R'e~h,cw1our

til, 1I,~ :9 l~iU'$~ (j'ifer 1 ~ ,oz) ~1~len bFQWlf1l

~ 35 g 014 Qz) ck.i1k lJJ"ovm .' 'lOg U~ M~ bdMl~ gl\~~

1 Sli~}l1i;yd'arrrpen 'I~ ~Fd wi~

_ W!i:J!er. R<JI eur ~w ~ n IbJI 01, 'grt¥ ~ug~po_~e uti1fl9 g :Ii,pjiiAkiingl 01 i::iFl9 t~CH:'Jfmi:Oll1:fi:{J !EI!l!~J' and 1'OO'!'.8 the poi5h g~O'I.!!nd 'i:J~er ~h l"o!l b p~-em_' ~~c&:rl'lg. Li'h '!he I~~te ~ dJ>Op~f'!g O\'er Ihe: f;'Oili~ pin, ~Gr 'Ihc ~ak.G boord, '1TliiiJlliin9 ~~tess rrom QITCI!Jndl ~~il;II

M~ ~ ~ ~,bii,.{,l.i>.~, btrt~t1~ l1 'p ~ rt~ el!.~~~ct. . ,: thi:s, .{K1Ao- W~Cl; .. 1P~m~~, fiU~~, ,at: 'W,~t~ ~qi~t~,~ ~. t1,O~1'" fr£~~- 6V~1A. jjiOw.r fA:'tlo~riU (l;~~brie~ Oi)~~d b~ s,~£ht~ ~ibo.~f,;I!

.' ie '9 ~~ ~l' l~m9 g~n .' '~;5 g' ~~ etl:i IP~~plle,

Iil, .'5 9 ~Du:!:I' tiille:f~1! ~ ez) d.eep


III 10 9. [~~H~~k II ;20 '9 [M 0];]1 whrte

II .5 ~ ~i.~~I'l.!lnder }1. oz} brighi' )(€tlow

• ,5 '91 UU:!i1 under M 0'Z~1 !e:~lim i 109 (!1 MI go:lden bf'O'Winl j lOt ill (~ 'M~ pelle bt'¢'WIll

j 1;5 9 (~ off,1 ~~l bmwll

j SVgor 9rlil~ ~f1d F,X!111'I,bl'Us~

II 5 ,j{ ~91i;) F SlIid$ ~~ p-Q£)e' ~ (~,~ 'il 81!o:ck bed {¢bl1tii iii 91 p¢liSte

• 8r,~gM ':rel~ow powder ,oorour '. (11i!!i:! r ~~n9 :se1

,eds!:e~ To '~tvre ~~e wilaee.. pt~c;e (!I ~h~ of ~i'ldc~M ~ 001'0, th8 :!i!Jrftl~!J' ICJiid rub 'il'!'ilh a ,Oafs, :smoolhar. Sat

![lis.! de 'to, ,d 1')'-


'. S~lted ",rvi~ ~n ife '. ~lelHe ~filife

• pJrnn·ibl'm!ed 'I~Udh,en knife·

,~ la_f9B ilJOO ~l1ildll roflifilg pil1!5! ,~ Texflured ki~'Che'f'l lpaper

'" Cdk€, ;sI'iROO'llmr

,~ 511ildll dlfCle.· c.u~~' !)to riiID~ $Mill~~~

iii Srm.dl! p:1~~ a~ iFo-oiill'i [faJ" :~1lJ.p~l!

.! A few cQ(;~ il $'1k~.$

~ 2.5 em (11 l!l,~ end 1 em t~ iilJ

'!tq,uafe 'cU"Her~

~! ,4 ~ pape~ pipif19 ~s, 9; rifle' painhbru.~h

iI! Du~li nil) brum,

3 IRoIi. ,O'uH300 9 n lb 1 2 ozl. I "of grey .~UQ.;;::I~lB' (ititd ~ei' Ihe ~ 4;Qlliipl~t smnoo!hillig ,grQ,1,!lnd lhe :s·l\.::ipe,r ,~IrokhIJllg out, Prfeol~ ¢Iroomd 1ha: edSEl- cmd ~!moo,t.ving ~~. Trim, e;«~ 'f~ni OI'lOilli'id ,lIio, ba~e. lPiiTIoh

o roo rttdJ ~~ !'CIp (ld'i'9de edge ~'o. ~ha~1 Il:!OO rex.ivre QrQ!1llild the si-d~ (lDd ktp. ~.e df··the· ~c'b!. ~rd :5;l,iIfkK:e.


, Fail ~~e ~OfL' ::l~P~, rhil;!\dy' 1'611 oor

1_- - lite iiernlailT!it!i!gj grey ~rpastt': and! wt ~ ~trip.$r ,ona 'f« Ih{l; ~ '~ep m~wring .:5 )i: '~.3 om t2 oX .5 i"~ ~mI f.or ~~ ~ $iep m~ring

2.,5 x '13 'om ~ 1 x " ~n'_ Sliidk ooe '~Ifip 00 r.op of ~'~ ~Ii'.r mli'Willl8.1 ,ar. 'I D' &iQf!1 of ~he ,~eJ' amd ~~u~e: ~M ~w.rfuQl;!

a~ bGEcre.

~:liid_ ~ush in halfwoy g~Mg ~h fllfrrn. pililt:hi'ng oilli' iti" Ih,e b6dk 'to. :mape' slMw~~ ~rtd.e1'l1 a~ ~e [iop or lOOl:h ,arm I~ roond dfif' $~0JJlder ITIlu~e~ ~ii:;~ illl

",. • L. I<..b . J IL

PO~WljO'f1 m Ine r..._, 1!I,~!i!l!g _'OO!TI IIQr

rupperl' i~ n~~{;iClry, Mgrlk G !'in'B db~Jl ~he, Qenll'13' oFicll marl.; cu~~ 'cndi

- . - - - - - - -

peo;;~I~, U~infll (l OOC~I',(j'i~ ~fi;;:kl M,t! k 01 ~rtriicli Itois ,or'll ,eD(l~ ~IGj'(jI.

5 r.or 'ihel ~il~J' th1fl!y' (.dill e-.!I~ 'the'

_ ' terro~U(ll ~1;,l'gp~,~1:e 'i;;Ind W~' QI,JI' ~,ooreio w;$'iJl!Q ihe -2o'S[ >;;1rnI1 [1 ~liIi ~,!lJ'Clre ~Uff;eF. S1idk oroond ~he lOp ~g8' 01 ~fue !l;;1:!~e' Qltidl dbnge;o.,;h $.t.ep ... ,~,Ilt:!r'irn9 ei:!i, ~,;el Thf lily ro11i oo~ ~~it8 :!IU9Cirp!l~1'C Qlild ~ul a ~lii;p to ~, Ihe i'nsidQ' of ~h.e .JcDuzz'i 'IWr jlI!Jh~in91 ~b!!:, ioi!n c~ wilh YOIJr Ii na.c rs,

6 'fh-e rf!a~ coo 'f~fJ'F!i.:!11e fTgl!'~~' gTe

. lllJ!;)de ~ RlodeUllig ~,~ ,;;he&~ ondl Qrm~ In Qfiie' giG[ (He abOY.8,)_ To, makE;!' '01 miJl~ che~' end 'Ciil'fiIiI!i, ('011 30 9 ~ 11 oz'~ ,of Ae-!!1;~red modelling pg$.1'e inJo ,gn oval ,ondi pm!.!; ,aO\"ti1l 10 Ha;mn i~1r~1~t1y. Md~ ~ i/:ul~, 'f« Qrn1~ iflit]U.'f ~ide! keeptfl9 efloU'gh in '!he ,oaWiI1i} f1i:lf'Ihe .ohe$i!'. It!ll!d !ID!iOQth dbwn k!; saM-en Ihe 'QU~ ,on fbt;,3h si'de~- Gen~ly ~::ll' each armn !Q letliJ3lhen, Qindl reAl ~1'iI your ihl,tH'nb- (:1I1id tingi3:t Ql ~M ~d Q' eDch CI~m i'O rouiiLd dflIrKUld~~ pt'E!Mii~ dO'Wn en 'lhBi haf;\~ '1'0 IRal E:fil ~lifJcht?ri but wilhool' Ii nde I'lii n g .. rNaie Ik>ti~, ~U'i,c o:f the fi9JlJre~~ M !lid~, will be, "'under w~~f', ~1l!d :50 will !lI,Q-l' need ~o L _ ~,_-!'",II,--!i


B.' ~'[ Vhe rem{lie. 6guf'e$ 'U$e 'the' $QffiiI;! , ~." Cllfmou:nl 'o~: mOdeDrng BXl~e'. bit Ilhe!r bod~e$ 'tI Fe ~m~lle~r wilhoot I1I1!U~li,Ik~F ~~ldE;!I'!;i. 1):!,Ei (he [sldro ipt!i$i'e 'k), 1ru;I~ bod». wit'!; 01 'tmn}/ ball 'O'}1 ~h_ U:s._i~ 'c iil~I3' wgllf" 9'100 to '$~lJr[8[. iP'U:!ih 'c ~U:QOr ~Iiek ,dO'Wft

'.L ....... "ni.. ....... -~. L .. ~ _IOJ 1~'/I'''1''fi h .. ,:I( Ilihl'LA>' .... nI ..,.,..01" 000,1 . "'...... "';;;! .... I'

proJrndi'ng ~o hcJd the her!d~ iW! .e.

7 f,'pi' tft8\ heM, ~I 1!Ii'I, -Iab;j'j. ,001 ro, r 'the ~hul1ftlb~ e;ufflfil:g hcr.1~ down. ,tM.ol~ 'lhr0G' m~€, ~r~ih~)' ~o!'~r wl'$ (J;::~ '~!2i ~'Op, 10 .!/epofi"me H~ger.!l coo ~~ hi> ~engihen. 'f'.i:;. !,!Qh;.lr,alty sh~pse Ine ~ nd, pu~h 'lhe ~nul'!ilb ~~rd~, ~~ ~!!ll r11'~m the ...m5'~, Cul' hl!i!i 'P,pp:»!i1)B

9- fhi~~y ~I eut ihe' p~rp!e

_ mOOldlingl iP<R~1~ alid cut (]j smcll

~.q!iJ'Ore b tl!~e ifgi' Ihe bg!hi'ng (oal!uirne. Vili!h pi~:(;Ii,.S~~ed ii:n1'LallkAb ,o~: ~~ot:i.d, ~nd 10IIIhe daap' p!I~~, ~dl,t1g pi»~e.. mob 'itli!t b:i~~ni J~ by ~api'n9 $e~i~·

- n, ~.I" k' • I • u,

CIn::OO_~ 'elM] sne ing m proee """'[Ill CI

~r glUe:, Pi!it o~i'~ 01 pee- ~ilmdl o ; ~ ,COO., US'll1gllihe

, 11', dmpe 'Ihe '1JlW1~~", ~Ii(ing - Q 1M! bkitnde rnc!I1!'~ hcmd.

. neod Ihe ...... hi 90 '~bj'g~de.:

_ -rimITIing~ intQ 45 91 ~ 1: M oz) ,of ~.$iIe lurnfll ~n\ef!lky, R>o1111lwi pb:c in rhe E1J~ 1J5ing 'yQl/,Jr

m ' JIi'W:j ,Q!'lI UITI~eJT!' $'U~~e'.,

~ ~$S, up' Md around ,each body ! ~ I:eM). :RoII w~ ~ul5o!' over o~' he wk'ila. modalling ~~rc and

• I '10 dry (1hb will M aurnbfe.d .,,:~mt

PuliCidae; two p.eai.5i~ ~moun.ts df gOld~ bFOWll)

lif19 pg$t8'- Ilhingl 'itJe remainder; 'Wi 1 Ri.!iI' lI1i!'.mcini~ ff~~h·oolour

a ' ~wnr IlIfIrtlie lheir ~oo>d~,

, f'I. ears. To Pilg~1[!I g htmd,

, (ii"ll ~t OiJ'Hefl! he' ifg:ogl cree

" ... i!"l ....... ~ .a.'e' ., ..... ""11 .. b.,,!l ...... ,'I-I-.n.r ln

I IJI t"'n.=..:I'r'.I1 rn ~II!~_. ~ •. ~I:P.' ~lilp;;.. I

- IlIpw.olld '!:lingle ~ If1I1IOrK !5rnile:50,

-ng dimples. CJII' ~ e c~r,~ (,'!nd

'1ltQ 01 arr¥Ed Inne 0 ~ompkte 1M 'l'T'iO:IAh WIng (] oook~oil ~M(:k. To. '~ e' glrf''$ ,open I'I'IIDuffJ, tP'bI~ ii'll

. or. al p:l1F! brum ~rnd g~nll~

p ~d clown. To· make ~e eol';~.

- im the, ~en re or ihe' ;5Imall 0"'.01 ~ usj~ tMB oocl of 'ibe. PJi~tbl'l.!l;5h :ilk 11'1 pQS'ilton ~~1JI willi ~ fre5Q, rite. h~s down ~r !he

. , .s~!1riing !;;J 'lha'l!Iec~ O'FOO ~~ 9we, ~U till'( ovQl-s.JuJpmd ~ reil'lai~in9. bhdk.

~ 3~' FOT !h.e, $'Riloll ~qln9. Irl~"

, ,', 1~lnLy rdll ,oul' lhe remoi'iI1irng

bl~,' ~1J~rp:d~e Qrd ~iJl ~~I1;;!!I'e$ 'U~ng &is 1 on ~ ~ lifb~ :K(uCll'e wtter, Stick iiilr,ound ~M' Mil,'!l of ~h!J !!:(;ike. iJ>1Juriq; ..... ilh LikJhti'l pcpsr. To, mdke, ~'h€: . coandles.. toll file iflilfli'l(]iDlngl whim modellililg pQi$'~ irt~O Q :!!Ifillt~ ol1ld

~ilJt !'!'Ile ~~~i~~ lengil1l:s;., ~!ihaping ~Q i"eIlW\I'e. Ihe htl!~~h ,cui' edge ([rod p.m.!i~~nSI dovm ~'O' make, some (II I" HIe, :ft.JDBf_ truiSM into ~ne'~ of: ~i1:h Q mcke room Eoi'" tno ncrme'. ~Ilbd~h! ~fli!ilow !.eQmdr'¢p :!it; ~ In~f'fflG:~ and

:iitl:;: " OIl! ~'Qp. gf eQoh 100ndle,_

14- Ea~h banl,e is made, by ~ijJllil1l9 ~tI(}. greeill m1ode!l~ng p<:J~Je inla- (II SQU.~~ ii:mdl pinching - roljlndl Qt; Ihe lop 10 Mi"V'QiW 1M' liI'-'Cl MKlke· lfool!" Ixi ttle $. i"nd~.tllin9 inro ,~" '~ ,oF ~l'::~ u~i!'!.g '0 r;:Q(ktg]1 :!iILCl.. and tMI(fJ"J ~tk~ en Q¥al:~hC!!pedIIIClbel on e:;I(h !,Ising h~ g,roon, ~f'I~ rhe re!l1(!!!1lnQI ~iriie 9ii~ii1 '~rlh (;II pe(Ni~ed Q!i!iiOUIli ,or pUl'pl~ ~~~rn' ulltnl ~I~~~ end rol~ 'I'Q qe,01Ei a ~I~ bo I.

, • f

p:]CUZ I un

15" K_l1!eQdi ~e remOifi..log

, , 'willi. ~~e '!i!$, unt;~ ~!Ii"Mlly. Roll oot IiJrtdl wi em Qbfollilg~ ~ij,oped ~I G'il'lherirng [I' :u.p Ql'!d' ~CI~i'ns. il' by. ahB s.I~p.s., f.o~'lhe Rip· Iffiopz., :$hopB Ihe t''-lmai''rlinslgdld::m Ib~ fXI~e i\n :0 tne ~~_ f 'I, ~ 'sotrep.., 5!i!!:., o:n a boll of lPyrpl~r IMn ~!I ~lil'rf !5'\i:!iU~t;I!9e:~ 'of ~~,. ~lklll:~i'l'I9. 'to Ihe 'I'o.p. QfI~ dowr! rile! side:;.

116: ' for ~e . ubl:! ' £~ break up Ine

_ ' . J.ri~ .,.J;ire ~l!iI~in,9 ~!ile qm~lcli!'!Qi IT ~nl!'j;;lIIy' inlQ lila Ivb. FQf' e Vlel eHed,. ~peooo g Illtle, deeli pipingl 9,;[1;1 ovw 'lhe ~je;r ofJf!di :5pli'ecId ~i' the ai,Jco~. Dfii'p !rOfff'ie 'gd ,,'ear I he· ~I;;!~ (ifiI Ihs (~b. ,aM ,oo~ ~I,

1 ~en ~he OOk~!~ di'!~ br:u~h ~ I I~iltle ~elIQW ,dl!J~bllM,J. ~J3j"

over itr eeneentrc inQI ITI(;In;J1 (I roundJlhe; «ind es 10 ~ke! c~uidfeli9ht, Dil!1te 'g ~ilirY GfililOllftll ,of b(rldk po~le' ~fh Q lew. ,d'~p.$ of WCitsl" and [painl the .bll'~ llni'nSI rile' ·fine [poi n 'brrrum.


~ ~.

'YOU WtlL'1l. NEID

et! 2;5, ot:m ~'~ 0 ir,i]1 ~~rtle ~iI1i~,e' ICe!~' bee ~ge III

• 35, ICM ~'~ 4 ifil]1 ;qlXiliTl~ ~~ boord

~ r~ill'l9 (OOIl[~~tkinil1:ii'~i) ~ll;gfJi" ~I'ii ~ ~9(1F' $h:Qb~!i

• '000 gi l~ lib 5~ oz/2M c b~~r:creQ!fn bee ~e a:~

-.-.-- .. --

SlIH::!iARPti;S'ii'it I·!-'..~· IXY.:. ....,

., ,9;2.0 91 ~'] Ib 1 j ~~ 9roey • .4.5,)] (11 ~ 'Mllbkn::k

ti, 650 91 ~'~ ~b 7 o;zJI fed

.. __ .. _-- . - __ .-

.MOIiJ'llUl.iNlIlD iPlAJSH iJ<...:' ? .... J::l'· I LlJ

,. es 9 (2% oQ~1 grey

.' 13:5 '9 ~.4~ ~~ bil~j~'k

!ii, '2'$ 9 (~I"I$~' ~~ ~ ,o;zl ~ .. ed "', 2@ Q (~ fi~j ~ blue

~, 75 9 (2' ~ oz:) ye!low

i!!' 35 9 ('1 ~ oz) Resh·m1oor {goldJ:!Jn b~1'!Il~\,!¢:ry wiih (;i ~di1 ()llpill"l~ ,~ c~Qoll'in9]1

Ii, '20 9 l~ 'M] brown-

~.~ ~t ,aiy~ W(Hd~ ~elrt~, ft W-&~~ b~ '!It I ~~~t~~ t~ W1Cil'~"~ ~L4'r ftrt~~ kltriCitS :s.hOMb' off ~~eif" ~,t bod~es, w~,~Ls,t .q)iwi~ 'their

'I!! SU[,{lr glue 000 tpailllibrus.h • IUOld~ ~ @1~lin91 pgsJe ,~ E'cill1le srlve·r ~rr

I. (lloor ~mh-oll

III :3 )j ~~Q:f $!i~b bee! lpo-Qe 10~1 ,~ Clear pipSI1i91 '9~~


I. ,Ichin ·b:krded kih::h~n M ik!,

I~ Lorge ortd $~I] 1r'Q11rl19 pins ," c:a~e ~FmOO'If,€l1r

,. Sm~11 fil!J1~r'

,~ Sermted caFYin:g [mile, I. p(il~n{j: ,kfilfif~

• :$ em (2 ird Qfild :2 !l:m, [~ f Il:~

·eiriCl.c' ii:'iIJ'tlfU:S

.. Z. em (~ ~nl .sq,lJgre QlJiter ," 3: em (] ~ iin) ~Il.mfe' ~Imr

• .sn'iO[1 pi~~ ,of b01if!i ~fqJ wppol1l!

,. SiInOLi df'(le aJlter ~'Ol 'f'Ii'I:grrk


• A ik:w ,ooekH~lil ~~Hiok~ ., rlrQe paifl'Ib~$h

~ l'oospooon

1 SI~Qh~1 da~~1rhe ~o~.'~ W]'t!h wa~r_ Roll (]!J SOO 9

n [b '~ ~, QZ~ o~ grey ~uggf~xulc Uc~r! 1(1 ~prim~Jing of ioin;gII[;;;on~lione~'J iKugor <md ~QWe Ihe pm:ru: ,~rolJnd affi~~ ,eacb rdl !Q. p'eveni stJdkins- U the' ~gcnf~~[{': by 'OYM thllli rolling !pin 1;]nd ~er the OO'Q ibogr U~, ,0 ~ ~Ji\ol)O'I~r '1'0 Sr'l"lMt'h (:j~ pgli~1l-i ,~, SYfr~, ·!hen 91l1im ~e::;;:i, from ofOlllnd Iho litdge'. ,Gm'lt, IPros.s !he dlrfilg pin ,~ .he. :wrkJQe IG m ri~~ (i~~ t'hOii'il !.Ct .o~d.e 'to ~ryj Ipref1!!~ QVerl'!i!jhl',

2 ~'kc ~.jJO' kld.(JOF.=o. fir.s~ '1.0 'eilr~ plmly of drying hm~, IR:oI~ wt ,4:5 9 ~, ~ ~ of gj\~' rmoOOlling paj (l1Iid 'i;.Vt eig~j' :sqUt;:l~~ rn 10 line ~m.~ ilM :2 Qiln ~~ in~ seg!.lOii'U (;UIte.i"1 ~~n Ilrffile' ~:e in be~·e-efli IfQr ,egeh ~f+p Cut da·wn bo1h ~id~l5~ loo-".jng t':!FI! 00 1l;l1li1;! li;U!t 1l;I':;;~~, Ih~ Ilop Q";f:icl ~1'111 I

. - . ";M.A. II.. .,'- ._. - '. .. ~. -" ' ~1i'iI.._ nr.n n(:i ~f'llrmwlln9s" i'li'iQt«l! Cl!

~Qnd lodd@r Q'llil;i $!!!IY~~ ~lItolffB;. t; pit bolh a~ld~ ~'O dry' en a Itgl' ~J,:jffw

3 Tirim ~~ Q1!~' rTOn'l ih.g. i(t;:I~1;I1i;]r , rGio'd 'Ike fop. CUI ~~O- ~dkc I~_QI lin h~H Qnd w,odwkh onel ~U: ,orn ~ af Iho ol'hl!:' i.:l~ns b«tfu.rGi"C;,\·Hf'l1 Ihoo PQ~i1iQn IgiI"'i [he o:;~ke ~rd. U~i"9 '!I pc!f'mtc bi fe, ~,pr'OOd 'e] th!:m kicYU:f of,' ~n:;;r~;n1i1 Q~F 'Ihe $urro::e. d Ih_~ !i:ia~ es ,0 orumb (oct

4 rkJl oullhs blacl-r 'il.-ugtfl'pCU.l-e ii:iOO (Iu~ Q $lrip [1'0 ri1' ~fOUl:ld he 009S1 o!: tbe (;>i;lke,. iI;lWI.II' 2_5 (;iiI1 111 in) i'n

d 8 pill. [;IlI:U' '!.'.Hn i oj ~ :~'!.!I Q{I rio 1P'I1~I ... -e n I' s!idifllQ (ll'id rQ!1 vp. P'lace oCr(I;t:IinSI 'ii 0 OO:iB o~: (-·01 Qdke Q'lll'd I"In!'QlIl,se~ right). Trim ex<ies'~ From, joi'lil. Mc.iSllln, W1"ih sugOf' gfuQ OM' rub ~he i~t!'! [lenitY '1'0 00le ('o!'!1Ipllete!y- Twinl:r-" I'dl qlJ' ltimmili't9~' ond] '~' I'Y,!'Q cii'd-e~ ~I~I ~h.~ :§ ,om [2 in] circle C!,!,!lte:r. Cut e(:I(ih ijlll

hc:Jlf ~ndl 's,lrt itI~ ~mfi; ',' $lrip

where 'the ~eel$ wi'll be p:;!srmed. ,AddiltB GI 5". ki! the lig58

~ T'Q ~0'ItE!.' F,::IOr'I' o~: thel Ii;:p '000

. do.wn Ihe beck of 1M ,ofiSinG{ rnU QUi' 175 9 1[.0 'OJ:J ·o'F grey :J'I,!Iger~5!t'JI end .~~ (l1I O'~ :5hQ~ 1-0 '~I ,iii a widllti <d ~·ho ~ke moo!llU'nnQ 2:3, em ~9 i'llil iFl' ~8rn9tlft_ Mcrik Illrn8~ eeeess onlD! ,and lIlI[p 'to' ., em ~~ ih~ for '!he ~I:, o~: the: engine. Lift cgndwlly andl ~lid, in ph]~ upp.~ns ~o ,~ e bad" 01 !her e.n!!Ifme Rr~t gad 5FiilOOtM:rng wp and ~ Ihe Iqp ~rii'lS Qboot,~ tnirchs. iTl)e ~:e: will ~retch Qnd'moy need lri mm'i~ Ci'l' ~h0 ~ctIp. ~o !ltroitih'teo.

6 Splil 20 9 U'.~ (\;;Z,~ (;<J n:d im. hQlfl '!helii rol~ '~J" :s.cJIiJ$(l98S, Clrid use '00, pad w~ the engi'i!l!e!: o~e' ~d'! wheei. Rcll Old I' zoo gl7 mJ' of rad ,end 'QW~' '(1jrll QblQng ~M~ ~o «J¥er '000 =-~.dc !Of ~h~ mginBj -allov,;irig ~he bIot~ s~ri'p a1' !ne' bene !o ~~, and lOOl!i~f'I~ 0 pjj'~ edee 'Ci'OJ.Jnd !lhB '9rety 'lop ~_n;d '~ri t'he' !x!'&:" hrifli'!iin~~g !oo C~f\'-e liI~'(!U~d on tn8' klp corner, Tri~ 1'0 ~n:;I·9ht.e1'i edgel. (tor pjleu ~e fengih ,O'f (! rUl~jj elMg oom ~g8_ 'Ti"im: iilrQUlid thel "wheel'~, $ftl*lh'i~ (j~nd Ihe ~~~. !Wpkll' £at Ihe Ofi~~ ~id~L

7 Cui G'tlI,"~ '1V.tO (ohio ~ndbw1,' ' , 0001 tha' ~i;ilil~i"(ll '~tQl"(I$lli;!1 QG'lI1~r.tnnent using thc' 3, oCiin (1 ~ ~nl :s.qIl.!Q~' OOI'lEIi' 1~:!l8!B1 i!ii.g¥~)., Ol,;l~ (iQ~ htQ ~Qre :~'!'o~ge.' OOWlpOF!ii'f'ICfi'lS, em ~ilhCf' :!i~ 11;!~lliIg tM!o wiler" btJt jh~ 'OI.!I~ do1oW1i ftrorrn tho, ~lji<;j~. ~~i'fI!g 'Ih~, red SI,;!90~~tel Ii;) lrnm:e l~r (:Oflm,~r~jfJM •. Utliin:g a ,k,rni fe", 'iiil~1J

II (rn'e'.;i, i!i1IQ 'Ihe r.ed (.overing J'O'F e::!eh (obin '~iT '!lnd :!i~. IPf'Gs~~ gt'JilIly w~fh ~r Ihli1gl:!r f:Q; i!i1:d!l;!ot ~~e IhCll!'ldl'e (!Jec! (j ,d ,~!DI a '~fI¥ wed ~ijJOO913.mDped dbo:r hgnOle. (gl' wioOOw;5. ~!iid 'o~rtfi'i£:lll~ 'fr.""Gln 'tliG ,oppii'~i1E' ~iliB' !!;I$~re,

8 R.o:I~ 00'1' 90 91 [3 Q;Z~ df radl cJ~ .gWl' g P~'e Ihi) ~'i\er '!he rron.,1' o!: !he iCngilllo .. (1Itl, OLIC till: "~iM~li'OO.n u~ing l!he :3 ~1'Ili n!' inl ~quore ..;utter lby

,wlliJil9 'oot itWQ :5qilliQi'G!i ,a~ ~h encill then ow'If1nsi Q!J!llh!l;!l !!,:;e!i1~~1 fXI1'1' ~ng

~. ~. ..~fl , - - j . -~' ~~...i

,a ",Mi'e'. MlI-I ,o!.l~ ]0' 9 ~] Oi2:J Cli' fug

,i:]nd ~ul oI;lilii QbJl00lf9 ~h(!lpel ihe wi'd'lh of thc' rMiit u,p '1'0' ~o wlndKImn. ~rk 't'!ii,Q evern ~ine50 u~ing 'C!I ruller. il!idenl~Fig tbroo $i'ri~. ~rtd'OO't (I, Stille onl ~lhe CWtifl~1 $~r.,iPr' ~1!If!1 .:;II ~nilfe. S-kk thi':s, ~Irip in pICK:C .. Itl'DOOihil1:9l !Ill1' i2iIhQr lEnd

, ki, r,O'I,!!nd oRr.. ~r ~h~ ~ blllnlper; ,t;;1.!I~ (II fyfiibor '~Ij'ip !J~ing 'rri~ili1(i~~ C1nd 1MfI li;;Vt (II ~ltiilll ~trrp ~'O le-d:g~ g~ 'the ~nd's~rem.

"- 1I'hk.My r,.;:;ll 01;11' ,!he' r-el'l1!gin.iog red:

,,'. ,. ~fpiJ ~o endl (!.iI' ,ani oblong

'!ih!';llpe ~llghfc1)" f<:Jrger ~hgifl Ihe ~' of: 'Ihe ,oobin. 5tidk in plOCQ OMI'U'b

gern~' ~rQI4)nd lhe 'fop '. ~ Fwnd of~. Thin'ly roll Q!.il' ,4:5, 9 (1 M ,~) df

s",feIf ~1iP"Ol5ie arid eul pi~e~ =-0 I~m (ill rho ~n~. lW:!iriilg ihl3' r,811iHl'ialing g;~1",' mtI~el (!Ill !he' QOft1po"'i"fi~e~' d~~. Imt~i'1iI9 lif'lits u~i'Q9 Q ",lilt. RtI[1 I'hrlil :KIVKlg~ 01, po~le fur IOf'iQ ~fKfJe~ a~ '1M OO~ <II etidh (ol'l1pClr~mt door (lAd ~e~ '1io1tel'!ed dfCIe~ ((U!" hecdliSh+, ..

'I' 0' 'i; :J~:r ~:=B~::I60 g

pcufe into rwr ~~!eoe~. ~I it'!!o 0011 dm~ end p~ dbwn 'to, ~~1i!n ~iQ~I¥ ~5~ ,abO"ve~l. IIm.dmt !he o!3rt!re of ooth IIlIsi"m9 !he 2' ern I~ rllfl~ d1ele- CUnei; rMeril the, ceri!re of ~dh

~ain u.~i~ '!he ~mdll cirde (1Jffei" !iii 1l!lIJ'~ :5lIT1C!!1~ holes ~rwJ1ld the' edge !J~ins tftrlt. md df 01 painfurudi. ~lM i~ibl'e :50·i~eJ" ~i" wiih Q'~ dJ(! d (Iftil' 'cioobol and pa'in'!' IhiB! cmh'l lliing '~~r grue,. ::l~iek eoch whed ~e.! hDkJii\(ll ik!(f '1:1 lew 1OOR1E1M, 5ie(.Vr"e.

11 . . oM.i;4; I'll lil"lte !bktC~ fo.od «dOUi'"~il19 pa~te wi!h Ig ~ Jt~ of de;;J[ ,~I~h.:J~ 1L!liliiJl '~I d'il~ itlne! '!'rQFi:5tue'lIDt. iPQji']i C!I .~ 'C!!IeI' ~ndDws_ Pliil' i,'] liHfe ~ihre-r powdl3r ill nhe b~ arid Il:!pplt inl ~ .i1i;ppfillltl ffiCltiOri tJr' a £loody eHed. W'il'h ~ IlJri~I'!fl'!,!g~. 1l1fI~ ~o lonQ !(!peff~ ~!,(]U~99 s.h[fJiili"S 'kllf the ..... i~~ ~. To ~~ 11M blue :JIi~ip. ligks' ~JlJ.e 'i'o,p of ~he erigLrii!li. It:m ¢lI:s.o~ d~ b!ve moddlf:!'!g pcUie ~~ cu (In 1~91!l1l allII eoch !;Ifd~ oDd I[],'i' be.lfu ~d~. ,~kk in pki~e: "W]lh :s.v.g~" glue irhi~y I'dl Obi I' ~rirnlDin:9l5; (ltd ml' :5iI'i ~I!.!!l":!r;e~ rG'j ~he lbJue lig~~ a~ l!he h lOr (he mgioo .end or ~th door.

1 ,2: ~~~':~d~~I~~~!~OEI 'C

d~!e ~h..e engl;i1!e- OJ'l, !jXH':~ :50idel, ilfiCl~n9 Ih~ ~~. Ihe fWonl and ~

, ,', .'. (, .L '. U", t -., I-~~ "i' ... , ,\,~-_I\. op ~I' me mve ~ np l~'I.. l!;.o ........ ,!fo!!4i

Ihe, ~Mdet'; KIll 2Q 9' (~~ o'l!ij 'Df 9~ ftlodellijng po~te iDle {~ ra!' ~~Qe' I cui ,eri91~ sitli!i~ liJ~ tha, bl~ ~h'IP liE MoOOl ~-o '~1fW 'RaitcJ'Ie.d 0011 ~,~ ['Of Ib:Jlh on ~thl;!l1" srd~ (Inri '!hen :sJ~ Ihiio pi~e- li:Iifiio 'ibe ~f!' ,of ihe: e~i", sklitM'iil!) "thEi r(]cilda~ ,in p'l!:Jte; wilil ,It ~~;er kldder.' u~~lh. hl!'!I' ~fl'li !:;IS, berare..

- 3:-, ~, Ih.~ ~~~.'e. ,il!lef'!~.1 ~, ' h", :;pl'

I 15 '9 1M m) OHI'cd, 1'i'I!XI' pmie iiWio :l'i(}i; ~ieee~ O(~Fid ffiodeJ

~ rdrap ~1!KJp8~. ~:!i!!i' Jimdy' ID1fI~ ~eh po'io'l' JI) MlJOO off (:! ~eel~, ~he-q aSide, lrot i1fIs' IrooS$tSf ~plit ~M f~~in'i~1 ~~ !'!'iOOdlillig ~e i~

• n_f! .Ii.-..

~" ~ O'JfI{I' lFiuo;> a sabl~~

~~ • .MiI:! e· Cl! O!.!I~ ~o two~ ... 'tkr~q,IW:!'rof~ {rom

. ~. eg' . ~ en bo1fi .iid!CJl .. edg~, Pt~~~ Q~ i~ botHmn to~_myl~Q!'I he - nd ""Qj,!)!h b rwrnd dfIf ii:I

, mo.'ng el If! ·011 iFidel'11 illi !.'ha' using 01 ~!Xklt:1I s~ -;, Wi h

~ !.to, sliCk ~he ~!i ~n ploGG

I~' sJ'QbIfy tu~ ~I. ~ay '1M . ng R~!!l1I'Ii'~ Iraw:!I-Elp'l: -and down " 'to se~. IF-or 'ihB si ·1'19 "bend ,tlOCh 11e.g hal~ and Oil' _~, and hC:Ui'll [ (jfII

""'Otet" hydKFllit 'i~. mlQ~

IJsfJJg g 1'0'1'01 o~ 10 fa f~ Qil3

I iogl ~5'te.. U~n9 iLJ:!;~ ,",nder q~ ~ ~rde fr~r I~ bess·. Wi h en'I!!lfnrierj ~ IQ ~iIlt! er,

d~,d~ andl 00 ~ df ~h.e

1IiIW' . '0VCi1 ond ~I"II {IiI}8 'Bnd

ahi', ' r!lil~ (11.11 end "lI'i'g&i." of I. _ bg~. Fini~h w;it'h ~ii'OO o ~irdo~ 10 ~:Q.F!'Jt-e '!he top"

I ~ Icrs«r IfolT ,~ hcse ~

'rca rodent- hial aoo riJ e. bi:col:k

HillS: Q CO:~lh:~il ~~I: ClfClI!Jnd Ilfi.e

, edge. iSti~k '1- hydlrClfl..1 Q!'I Ihe'

board. ~ 1[1 15 '9 .~~ ~l

~'l(Jf YC!low oddIing [pcsfe fm, .~ 'I:md s:tirl. oi:'i(l; ood 11'0 ~

"I. PCI~i iQf!1 e porT o.f. fimiflKid=n. ~ he e er errtd of H1i!;!1 ~ re wi h glue be'~ ~l~ ~~., ~ Iii! ~M ~ If lTIec.i!MitlIr;y;.

po.$ino:m IOlIgcin:sI 'the ftoni of !he ~ill!L~ u>~ing :wgSIl' 9 1JIi;!. Using 918)' i'l'\lliilri'ilint~", Ifkl !m (WI I!Jn~ circle for' Ilh~ (folh '!;lAd slid. a9f!Ji\'ic1l : __ e ~i'dle QE: tU engipe, '$heJ~ a klparedl ~:l.i!J1I.I~91] ,feu' !he ~it):!!O' fi'!d, i!'!den1ing (II YIilall hdle oi ~ end 'With c ~J(!il :slick.

- 6' .... U~5.91~1jJ~ u.. ~~l or

. .!_ IW·~T Qnd bravm:piJ .

[or e.od; pair ,of Cil'!i'lJ;, ~liid:i!,!g [~tol pcsi~ion as they it:Ilii! I1W:!cle·. '10 ff!(i~e en (lti!l1. r.oll r~tQ e ~!OCIge sherpa' ana pinch 9B m!lly on~ end 11'0 ~l,Indl Qli fo:r (!] ~n d. Ifi're.~~ d.own 00 iii III ht! iJ'id to malfm 'GI'rIIf' diQ~lly. wii'hout lindililll,iFl@, M¢~e, a ru~ 'for. n l:IiTilb h::1I~ 0fTj ~ne· ~~ (Inti) ~I dO'i!'O\n. Make 'i~~H J1l'K:(f. ; Ci.i~ :10 $e~f~e' frn~rn.1 fbl'Sh loge !her and ~rnk.c to ~,hen (f1ffd b<:md rwrnd. Tg; 00 uroUy snc~ !he

_~ [puw the' thumb I'QWQKflS mhe pglm r~ II;~ ...... ri:!.t. l,Qy the.· ar.m ®¥ffl !CIOO ~ rrn t..o rwa:r: pinihing out ~i 11M bcdk ~-o ~ha~ 'ihe el~. tlii~t (J~ 'Ihe ,tQP. 'to rowmll oIf 01 fG~ Lvs.ele.

17' . Pu~h ltD ~1IJ9a~ ~~iit~ i~~ i'he·

.. nee Qr,e(I '01, ~ fll'iGmtlii,

relTci'i~ ~g!If' prolfi.l ing ~o hdh:l'lheil' ~~ in. plo:;!lCEl. ~ ~ho[r bedli,.. ~pcd ~~ds., (Wohhc;rped no~s tmJd ecr!l WISing ~_ 0 ~fMii'!~!'t9 ~e,~'OIOl.!!r ~ndI ~.owJ'l, indBfiiling ,in'lcO 'ihc (OO'iT-e of iGit!m eer ~:Ioing QI ~i':f1ilbru!!i'h. Pr'BS! '~ ~11Il(l I c'irde. (Ul' In te !lM!fk

"'-- .~J....ri. 11 .

~!n!~r i!;!)~'~JlmQ 001[; open mo:iJ ..

bl'S-nS ,a ,oxkki.'il $li'(;k"

8 To ~ !he. h.rcke't, :$hope·

'I (Ii (II I[~ .o.zj -o:f !fed medeJli891 p<nl-e inlfli '01 randad 'l'eii:In'tftop. cn~ p~di &.w~ into he' (1/,1 I end~ plm:Mmg ... p en ~, lRoIl ~hc lide, ~ ~ 'M;)i!Ik wrkloe {mid r;m;!$s. dow;li on he 00 : .. ro I~~. lJ:I;in:g 11M i"effflainil;l9j ~;

'madel a b",cke'l' hmKf <tjrJcI r'Q1~ (HI,Ii' 'Qi"!d air $lrip~ 'fQI" tbe ~TB-1'i'i8r'1tS brnoo:.. 'GIJ.~ 'I 'in ydllOw' ~"P:s. 'fo,' t 'Q.1.I!~r 113950,

hlJJ1Iky II reme n 147'

119': ' .. 1 ~~I ~~ ~_ifjiFig '1:~I!Ow ' _ ..' hree for ~ C (. rcii'f!e!,!I':;, htJ ~. TQ

mc:!ke (11 hi)i'. ~Prlit QnB pf8ali JIl'W Ihall'. 10. rndke tho liiKiin, pClmi', ~pe. 01'18' half inlo (:I bc'll~ pte5.~ lliTiiO t. 0' Qe.nffr1i!- 01'10 p~nd~ iOil)' I!!i'"' edlgs. Pra~~ lsi her' :!ltd '. (II ~h.e ~Op 10 Ii'lCFfii).'W ~Iigbtly., W.IhB rerrn-oiningl hcmt ~hQ~ 0 'lir .. y.I.e!:!Jd~ (! _ .' :5:1£-.,& to Ih~l gop of '!Im hot,. Wj'lh he :mumded mmd ai lhe F.FO!"i! p'II;!t!l'$eri -Rtfl'" Roll ·,he remi'Jililtkt in~ tu .. ovo1 ~h~pe '!.or ~c rim ~nd) p~~ .dcrwor ~liIKI¢thli'1g unt.IIh~Ii1f. mpe.<~ly Oir~ ~h ~ Eli edge, OIt Q~I ·tho 'cm'h'l: Ij ing t '.e ~tr'lgil cirde, eul'ier rend thM !iri~ ~OO rim Qn 1ll.p of his '. d. Th'lli ~re head Will ~~l!:Iw.. se (over tbi~ wPlh ~M li1Wil'! part o~ ·Itt,,· ~J ! ... s.-fIlQQ'Ilil!ililg dO'Wfl un till i!llJe pOOd:S. l'Ii'iool Md 'ihe. jfi:l!J1i c~e'5.

2 O· ~'I Mci~ 'liny oval·~ho,~ ~ .' u~ingl ~ek 1'imrnl~13.5, Fo.t lfie' ~mmmg eyGS erne! ,oyeb~~. dilwte. bl~C& ~ood ~rifljg 'Wilil a lin)' d~ ot door Ollcohol (ji. IPOll'!m IU!iling '1hB !fine p:JIi:rribnIH.'h. Slpooo the, o1eor pping: ~d inle!! '!he Ibw:&ili~ o:rd add .Q drlp ~o Ihs !ond Gf like Ih~5oe ~ d~ .w.;C!il.ilFid the t;(lli£!! arne! ~uf'Clll~ Spread some 9 .~ ~r ~he oeoke b:xtrd 1!J!.5i1i9 the bc:ck cl QI ~IiIJ,




y'GU Will HIED'

j 2{) CI'Ill (,8 hi!) ond 10 ,em '~4 ~n:1 lrotlllld :spon:ge oo~ tSI&.f:· ~~ -'11:~

iii, 35 ~rn (]~, inl ['\'J;tInd oaile I~rrd

• ,4:50rfll I'~ ib/2. ;c bl!!iterbreQm ~~ ~cr@~ 8i

'" idmi9llool'illfe.C~ilOlIlier$') :sugar 1l1'li ill :W9~r dmker

• 650 9 n Ib 7" .o~~ ~ ~ 1 kg ~2 lib 3~, o~1 plnk • 9O,~ 1;3 W]I ~oJ~k

I; 1 '15,,, ~6 (I~~ d~, lb~UE'

• ts 9 ~ ~ OZ]I pTrik

!II 15 9' ~~ ,~]: mGlJ,;lve'

• ',5 9 {~ 041 ~li'¥eJ,e

• ].5 9 ~}i ozH:~l,lIe

'. ,35 9 '~1 ~ QO:;~ ~'e~·ooblJ:r • ~ Q 9 I[~. ~~ creem

,. 10 9 (~ Q\Z~ ~Ie bJlOW,n ,~ 109 (~ ez] [mid bmw",


A f~!."i,r (.iI!&-~ ,o~ ~~~~ ~~.t:&I tl1i~t: htlls ,c~K'PLes 00~~ [~to ti1,~, 'bL.(.JIIY,", •• d., f«~~tl d~~ t1 ~ ILQs~~ ,~;LL tht;~r c:,Lq~~u ,OVioo t:ht; w~{j ,Pl,.{t ~


",: ",'

~' ,

".' Ii,. ..'



iii S:lJAg~fi' grue, tiifld fXiinlbj"1l"P.~h

• ,6.R :S1,!l~~1r :~If,r;:~ (~~ ~g~ 11 OJ

• OIea~_ plpin,g '9,e~ OF C:€lII1~\~tio:nWs ¥QMI!;h

• BJ~tk ~ oo1oo;rlng p:lliSte,


~ ~mIted oorv;iJl~ Iknife

'. ~!ette kG!life

• pr~i~~Ig.IGlded kur~Ile',n, ~Hie

,. La~ 'GlTld ~~IiTI(j!~ M1~in"9 IP~n!' cit. Cake. SIlfIootne<r

'. small ei rcle, (;~tter I~to n1'ark smi~e~ 'II A 'lew ~Q(ktoill $t~ok.$'

,. Fiin'" ~n.J m'"'d'i -"C -_" '-~ .. ~IL,",__ '!i!'-'O'! _g _~ ,,!.Im p<llnliOru:a.:n",,:50

1 l'riM !h.:e lQP ,oF 'eQdh. : r,;a~e· ~ I!:!~ lurn Q"!fei' ~Q ~ 'thel bo~ es the' 'top .. Sitte twp id~fi ~ci~ '~~ ,tht:, ,d~cft of bo~ Qakl!!l~ cOO ~[],~d'Miil:

btI:d ~~;e1h,er Vlit~ bU'ifeF!l:v<oom. f'lM 'Ihe, klfQ~i' ooke ceF!I!'"!t!lly on '~e! 1!:okE I~td u~_i~ g ddb Q'~ bu~~~m 't@1 ~OO!..!!\13'_ Sp~d a j'cye-i' of buttaFCrear ~ ~he ~uriace· of,' ooih ,ooike:..

21':d,~~~ :'r9D~~::'~~ ~~

~~~rpm'tc ;Billa p~~e Om MP'I lii'iilfim

"" ....... "''''i< ..... · ....... u-,1 '13;."'1 ~.J,..,.. ~""b t'Le

w.~-"!.'v.-!Il'-a!l ~'V ~m ~ ~~/'LI •• ~_ ..:11-

~!;,I~Qe' .....-fit. g ,odke ~~oo'!n-er.. TQI l'Qil'II the ~'idM". rail ,Qui' 59.5 '!31 (lib S. (:1-2]' ill pink ~:rpa~to end !l:ilJ!I' e1' ~'Iri'p rrf!eo~W\ring! 6 ~ ~ '~O C!l!1! ~2A .\(" 01· inl (:$N bello-l Spdnlde' wilth 1d~! ~!:I'9.C1r· to lP~t ,~tldk'l!li:9\ and F.¢IIIIW~_ Utl· Qnd ~ilion ,g;~lln~t ~he ~ide ,o~'i!I <Ot:'I -m; iDftld IIJ'fldl CliDUOO 'thB :s,idE!~, 'iriminlillg ~fr ~i'ly ~~CEi!;~, rto:m 'the,

• ~fio"l', -, .. ,- Ih ' "', " .,- •.• ' " . .;;,

p;:'~ __ • IQ feffi'i_ov,e €:I ,Iii)~n! m~J~~~n''''''H

:~UgOlF glue ol'!d ~t-h 'W11h {~ I itlt-e 'king ~ r <;In your fing~.

, "'-.A;.J. .. n; -"'I."" ... ' _..j~_ .,._,"',iIl. --, ""_ t~

" '"""""" .... ~ in'I.,. Q'I~"""\!I_ \1111 PJ.RK.

4 To, Qi;Wijr 'the rroof~ i[jhed;, Ihat ~fite

I '1'CfIi'I~lale on ,~gef: 76 ifi~ 'i:Jlf'O\!lf!O'

the' 1\IXi~'!3Is~t ~i'~ .find c.tIiu:!i1 as Thinly roll wt 7.5 9[ £'21h ,o:g~ 'Q:f rred (lnd p:ink ~USDi'prl~ and ,()ji folil" il'W~' pi~$ ,of ~,:;b-ii;.oIO'liIr usi'rng '~e ~~'I!l~ :!iMokjj;'J8 dowii'ii ii'-iJh:::i'l'Iclli:: ~~, Qn ~hi!;!llrtd ond! !-'II1C!OffnlI'iS Ihe ~iM d~sed (see righ'~.

5 ~u olJM :w 9 ~.~ 'QZ~ o!: red crild 1:;,: um· 'thEIl dnip$ !.o. M!I;c ~'~ d'~ctj$. CifJt Q 'kllrg,e h~rl fQf" EhfJ' Qp of ~ roo-f [L1:sing Ihi! 1riil'ilTtiilS~' [Roll oot 7.:5 9 [2!i ~J[ M .. ,ed a~lllhe ~l~IPlgl ~'irJ:: ~U9i;lirp;:!~~ (ll1Id fll,lti h;e:(]r~5 'to., ed9~' croyoo 'I' ~s.c ,ofih, ooke "'i"!d fw the r~e (J],oYJild mlite 0;1 ~ ~rcL Sfl;;:;k iilil pl.:;lOl3 wi h ~'IlIGDr g!u9'_

6 Itor 31roo WQ~r effect. ~I ou· ~"e

I r _" _.. _ ._

blue ~ugg~~~ 'i;lI'Id !;)I,JI i[] tol

(rl' ~ Ih~ Ii:Q~ end Ih.c '~i"loe'l pr.'e~j;ing dowr! wi'lh y~r HngeF$ 'h~ ind~' ri.PPe~ .. ~ up ~(JinsJ Ibe, ;;:4b:: end reM{l;:SO -here (lfe' ITiQ ~ ilJndl :~Ia wr11f1.5u9cr g;lU9.

7 iT'0 ~ak>e the ~~rt ,~t.iJped [bca~3 ~s.pIll' tl;e t_c[nln9 i'~ s!llga~sf~ inlo ~hrro ~o'lI:y ~i~ pree~. To, !1IlO~i;I' !liI bQat, modal (] oordlrOp :shope o..r'!d ~bl!le_ ~1;Qhtl-f. PPJ5.!j, ij~ro '!he' Qen..~ to me -BI ~I 'bi twQ.. ~~~, 'Qui Q :sm e III "If 0lI.l1 o~ the.· MI end, ' ~iRlJ ei!hff ~de a~ '!he rlf(lft't ~J m.i~~hepen QJild ~mOOlb OJ'ouOO' ' ili~ I~ ilOfflOVC hQlrd ~~es.. ~~e ~ !llore ~h. .gnd w a~i&..B ~::!!eJ' , (lIJHY'Q\:~.

8' ' U~O 10. €II (~ 0:;1 M pin~, mQW~,

, ' li;loT(!I1!l:9~ i1;111Id blue ,1DIlid'lBfli:nS p!fi~I'CI 'for iKloh o~: he I·~. ~ 012 lhe men iiJ lil.'le· hAler on lhe ilihQ{\llder Qnd pmh up

~ ai' Ihe 'froMI on Ih.e 'lNQi!tiei"il fw 1he1f" ch~'~, To. mdke Q top, s10Jm IhB llIICdet1ill1ll) poMC mi'i'IO 'Qln (jWj Gllldl .' e~5, dow," 0 Ra:l!erli :511'yhtly. Mgb;! 'mo ~ts iI;IIli eilhsii ~rd-e '1'0' ~ro III 'C:IIi'tm~ ,gnd 'I:w'i~' ~dh down gemly. P'res.s, I'Q, Raftelrl Ihe· ~d qf ecdl 51~E and 1 -'n pu~h i:m ;'he sf'I_d o~: '0 PQinibN1lh to. ma~e' a ~ITt!dlll hole, for. 'lhe ~d~ to dgJ. in. Smcolh dD'i!'!'rii Ithe ~~AM 'tit 1M froFi~ ·and bodk 11'0 ,-.en~ ridge5. ~l'id ~Ikk inlQ jpQ~ilil;lfrl in iI;IIlbcm~., WI1I:lJlPin.g he ali'iifi~ 'QMlJOO ooch olMr.

9 PuJol, a wgw :5-Jid dQ.'lNl!ll 11IIi'Q m;ldh lop ~EKMI'I(II ~Qlr pmtrudipg 10 ~oIdilhe h(:mh tn pkIee'" ~~ pe;::!I" ~~~ Iwrdl"Of.l'$ d Re~Jh'~o100.rred modtlJing ptI. (or hai'ld~ ~OO lldl'

nn10 : ,e' 'd of ef.ith sl~e. $.~kl[ng W1'lh a lil'll~ :s,'Il\EPr gbs.

, 0' ' " IFol ,~c, belle rnal '!C . .~I', ~o;pe

, , iO 91~ ~hJ ,me~h'>i;OrGwdlil'o g.J1i QV(Illiirid ~ul' ,down eitn.8t s,ijd(l ,Q:!! Wfo.M·. Pirtlth g.ef'j~r an ihe end (lif ~R-i (!/rn!J 1'0 !!in.ape wri$l!; end roundl 0" hal'Kk" [Pine Qi'OOnc!l ~h' "Gp of e!;[ch ,arm 'to Cli~en1wle JI1III,I15,di~ ~nd push 1:n h!l;l[~rry~ pifill:htng oldl',Of I·~ bm:k 10 ~MP::: cl~$" S.moalh the. r'i"'O'Jrj~ (lllid boc. a~ befure. Mmk a line· downlhc' CGn rn aa: ~hc bod:;, uOO ,MQrL: CUWe:5'

f.OI' ~PQ'~'~_ Srndk In ~iliolii 'in th!!l1 bool. lndanl' e lillki holiD 011 ~~ ~oi'til u ing Ii:! ~cx!;f{iil :~iI"eIc:.

111' Modal ~ooll~ : "

Ule! :5, S' ~llln<;' u£Icler ~ ~ I '

[~'the emgl~ bOOt -as ba M_ ' [rrH:!e i ' !e~~ IifI!J~!..i~Jjjr a '1M:Ii . " 54td in 0 'the ~I and ~i~~, Q.ft fue' [boo b s, w'lHJP.plll(1l 1hs a nru. QC1014 and:!:~ l:ng wiih ~ 9 '_ _ ~ 'hiny ball sh~ arnd SfiQK QRIa 'ooch ~ fu~h (i] '~ug-ar ~1k - e.:a@ ~ (l!. 'beklr;e'.

'2,' ' S. p!i ' '15 9 [Ii ,0,, ~Hn:I'O sil!:

- pioiXC:$ !j;!_~d I"f'!~ tineir ~

~~~ heeds. and ball noSS:s_ " . C!Vd':!iMped 8tlt~ rc :, melT!! cn1y.~ ii"i.d'oo'~ng i~ 'I : oenlre Of eQ~b 'I,IY the: oend 0& e pclnibrush. 1- dMi " ..... id-4l grin USing the.· ~a circle w Pf<e<5~ed in (I . !;!In ypwc:n'd angle. DJmpls, he dr!~s 1lP:"1~ (I ~ail ~~_, CO!'l1!p'lele e· $R1ile by dl'(JWi ~JiIJ¥~ line' COi.Q!is Ihilli ~ .. lhdldii1El (od1g1~ ~Iic& Kat il:!Qain~r the ~l!.Irlna

1, To ~oke!he iSh 5~ m~ small bells. wi'lh aU lihe ~1001rM [MOdelling pt1;5.~e Qnd ~Ii~ ~~a', edging ~r.clUiild thtai d~ cnd at h lbottom .of room faa" (!II i!"OO!,;. U5.,lng '!he medi;1,tIrrn pai'nlbru' poiri ,I:] r'hi.n e~' of dloor Ipip -rig 'Wl confe;; '!J!!:!f]l!'l::;h ~'Ihi3J ~11 g~ iJ shine. Pul' he 00aM. in ~J' 00 rng, ookc. 'WIhen . e' edke h ~ : !Lvte Q II ifl1 e: block bod c.oloorii\9 ptI~I3' wilk ItlI ,fa,...; d~ ~ rw.o'ter i'JIl1 p:!lrf' .he ~.~ ond eye~ o~ifig fins

9 ree-k god Ii II


'~~, I~: ,s,~~~ 'to '~~~ 0~r"1~ fl.Ioe witlloii thLG, e,ii;'t1~r\e:~L, 11 ~JIMt, II: ~:~V'e ,tLt,\i'I~tt.~ h~M ,~~b~ ~ r.LG~~~~·~Qp~ c~~" ~ wt 'l'i~ wo~~ Il.oa~j~'t' ~$ ''l La!;~ ~~ ~~ ~D~~,~' Oili\., to-p ~ {t s.~~,Le 1ro1A.~, Or- .s"t~A'~ c.~!tu.



'. 25, (n'i f1 0 ~n,) ~11!~ 'Of pe~I'~~ped ;~ponge 'OClke~ bee 111)

,~ 35 <llln (1 .4 in) fOOllIdl oake boofJ'd

,~ icing tc:ooJglfoneri"1 ~ugrCIr in ~ W9lOiI" shoker

,~ 600 9 /1 Ib 5~ ~'2¥t c ~tf$f(~m (~ ~~ e~

'. 22~ 9 (~ Ib) pGle bl"'le ,. 1 ~ (2: I b) whife

'" 300 9 (1 (i~ 0.;) Ra~h·coloor ,~ 60 9' It2 o:zll pale blue

,~ SugrOF glue and paint'bm~h

'il ~~e !iLt9Olr ~I£d, ~~ PQ8Q 'I {iiI .. BL I" "n,l .J~ IL 'b, -: 'iii 1L,~1I

, , _~c'" 'I;! __ ~ Q't!J~'" _ I'OW" __ ~

o~JJ,Jflrng PJ~to'

1 Sl~~}.!' d~ ~e' ~ ~rd wilh wal'Qr~ For' (] '!ik,., ,gH£(lf, ~tli!NJd Ihe' tpQ1e' bl~ ~ugQrpQ~te Wltd 225, Q [~, ib) d wh:lte 'fOg-Btlmr ~n~illfrimbfM R~II ~f. 1U{ii1ti"il 'Q !If'lr~ifI<\:j"fI;i'j of ~dilVl

~ , " I, ';:j! '1":'"' - - 1"'Zl1 " . '.'0::11

sU9!J!r {lm:I'~B' j~i9 p<J:!i1'e around d~e~ ,~h r-ofl !(Ii pi'evenl! '~lic\j!'lS. Li~ 'the ~!!JSJ:Jrp'CI:5"~ ,by drtlpi"iifg OViiII [~i3' r:~lli'n9i I~'i~ (ji'ld C»-~i]!r, 'ihe' 'O!:l\.:c ~rd. U sa 'c !to&e :S'lIKIO'the F itQ ~.nfII:xJth c ncIl ~i~h 'Ihe ~l.idQ(fj~ 'Ihen Ir~fff! ~ei:lll, loom gn;HlJJild ihe' ~8_ Set aiSitie ta, dry, prcr'C:robJlt a~ign,.

~ Edlible, goltd powder

'.' .A ~ df'"OlP' oj ,e~ r ,r;Jl~ohol


,iI lo~~~ g~ .smom r'oI~iIii9 pilii~ ~ (g Ire, s I!IKlIiJ ~h.f!1'

•. PI~ri\-bl~S:d kHd'len knH$ ,~ Sfmr\]ted t,grrv~l1I9J kn~Fe

'. Palen~ ~(J1Ji(:e

• Smo~~ ple-oes or Ifoorm ilfo~ ~!aPPOJ'"t)

.. Sm~~~ r::il'idel >CiJljh~1' ~JtQ IfIlOtk


'. A few coo\t~~1 $1ic~$; ~ Smclll ~f ''ofeil1-el'

.. M~i'1I[Qlui"IB' :dcr oi:!J~gr

'iii Parchment ~~ ~pj'rig bas '.' Sd:!J;~on

,~ Dusli'f1$ bli'1iJ5h for 9Q~ powder

2- frrm 'Ihe ~rw.~' fri@l1ll ~1iI~ Q;I~e'- IF llI~in:g a i't!liJOO w~_~'! ;:!-il' ~fflfI~1 ~Qe~, ar.ow#lld ihe' rolke by Hr~f a"tli'''9 qJf'O'~l~ :!ii:dMJ, ~ cwl' ~D

.. 'W~.d~ L_ . L . ii'

mof,Ef, ~e:s. !"l!",l",!Iffi ~q :!Iec/,tOQ.

drfl.g (II ~Dlal o[ :!iil<. Thilf d.o, 001 19~ i)l) be e"..-en1y ~~d. frrm 'Ihe ,ooke, III ,round oil ~fklB 'Iup cjid bD1torfi ,~~ Frem ~1Tie' J;~!'!d O~ pelol",.s.ha,~ ,OOkli;l' Qndi ~hm cui' a dip aems!;, (he Icp !J1! wl~kh the' ~re 'Wil~ :~i~ [,SeQ ,gbIiir"V"'O'~l

3 C""I twe krte~ f:fl! Ihe ~Qke ,gnd ~~ndwk~ lKDok II~~' wi 11 bui e~if~l, I~~G'~ ike ~Ci!ke, cen!:n ~ t3:ii;l' ~ boord' QRd than ~ "thin I'Qr0it (ilf 1OO1t~i"!t:i:'iCli:im (!ii\~i1' ih~ '~1J~k;x;~Qi: the' odke g~ II;] a1;)mb ~ '!lI!iLf'lg thG' polMI(t. biJ'u.

I IRoll wt !he JFeI11t;!i:['iing 'Nhrle

- -, i~' Lif,. -," ,;I.., ~-Ili

!M~~~ F~!lleJ\. - liT ~!!I!liI9 1JiI~ [Q!I

!pIn orid ~ ... ~r 'lhe oole (ornpletdy~ '~oof(hlrJ9 0",,1' plliKil~j; and :!i~ima ~~ ~Il!d Cl!"«Ind !'he ~, G:!r,J

' .... 'I·m- ......... t!v ,LB- ................... ' ...................... -Ii II' UI"!"!!-~rJ. 1111 '~--'I:I.:I~, i'li U'i II II 'i.i.I.~nc

IOO-~ 0'- :!in'i~h !.!i!'iOeinPieQlh !'ue&;iFlQ 1L!l'idet !lR§.lli\9l ~M kttiRh!! b11Xfe.,

5 'iihe r.~re i~ {!~ by pDl5it5~nf ng ,ecdfi pf:e::$ a~ ~I' ~~ ,m<Idb gild ,;j ..... i1h ~ 1~tt1e ~ Wl,l~ L!':s.e 1P'1eDi;i~ Df ~riiI s~ ~ ,~ijp,pot't whil~; df";rins. F~i'$! jlM~~ hi ~e~~ '1I[;;i'ng 110 '9 13M qz:1 df flEiih· ~loijrM moddli'ng pg~e'. ~ (j I'"Qt,In~ ~~n;Jrap :$!h~ using 'I:b~ l:ndor 1iIc ~p of hi~. ~ WI"'ih 1M' n!i;llln~ end '~' Inl$ wai:5,t ~~s fa RQI~f'I di9~ly gOO iiI'!I!lr~, Cil liM ,~ 'tM '~ri[re on OOI~ ~de~ ~n9 u~ p::i]~bm~ IKi Klle'. p'or ~jl ~dh '~,~il S 9 (i~_1 !lmc.ier k5, Q;zl in h~lj iii! ~nQpc !fQI1I~Md o::iFd~~ $-1idi"ng i;n ~~.e QfI the ~, of.' m3~, !:;hest ~ ai"'OiJOO1 oo-::h OF(lio g:iiKI FtlIb QMt1y 'Ii (I lillie' ~eingJ '~u~_r !!)1iII )'QUF b~l'Id~, 'ki L.~ - ,;-I - 'Ib,- --. - .- I'·~ . I' . . ~'I'l' JI_ in (;)IGifllll Iii'll Il£< ~f'li iD_ [I~13 OI) • .;J I;i]l!; ..

~iti011! !!J$1n91 g 'foorn ~wppetrl'.

6,M!tI ~ 000 ~~ Of!! eoOM

_ ~tOlf(!t Model (:I 20 '9 ~~ ozl 00'11 li:!ndl.!il'idc in place, !O ,~JhQpe.i~ OO"_'OiiA.

Split 7,:5 '9 ~:2M MI in half ~nd U~ to nwdel 'iwo. ~e-g~ (5" 'Qbo.,y.)- 'lO motlkel (I lies. rQ11 068 ~If in~ al

~U!lCS, " (J]~d oomi1 (lfte.' end ~ ~~ 'foot pi!!!ii:~ing up, senltyfo ~~pe t1iB ~ed, If'inr;;h ([round la alit-. Cui' 1Oe:s.,. lP'rfkhi~ uti', he I~~!S~ ~oe ~nd ~t>roke M;w;J1 ihe -e-1M:f ~'o.e~ $0' Ihey. Q.JIrYe unod~~, ~'Ineleg dOWffi ,and push in al - !i:' oook Ihal~ ber.w:~n 'ibe. ankle '(;l!f1d ~ kip, o~: h!!li las.

pi ndlil'l9 tne lfwo ri I' to til;cps ~'G bec~

7 'FiLII' 'IJi!iide 20 9 (~ 'O2:~ oi: n~ ~., mloi.if fo-r 'ihe' h~,r '!hen ,~pnl:t the l'icl'nainder ill! M1~ ofld, mcl:e ~ ~!iI.K~klr (JrmiS., T(I< m'(]- ,9 on erm, roll inJo a mlJ1iQ9C' aM lP'inch ene end i;) i'i~'ilIFld off !for e ~l1Id. iT.e:S,$ dOWlil on ~he h~m,d11'Q Hatten. Ma~ a cu.I F-or ;00 ifnumb h.Q~~~ on Me.' !:lide ~!'Id- pilll d~. ~ke ,hliee: Q1QIll;;! ~I,I ~ (pr Hl'ilg~,. pu5.h ~~r uftld srrok.o 100 liens 'hoo on-d Mel aroof1d. 'f~ !;ih-<;.pe 1~ ~nd, pu~h the' Ih!JIrnb tow.(]1J"ds the p;! m ffi-om ~he wti~t. 'loy ,c' errn dO'W'll (t1fId pu' in, alfwuy, pi'!lfldhiFiQ QU ' 01 '!he be·.:; ~o. ~~~ ~ elbow. Indelll'l' ai' 'the klp ~'O Jf!OOr'ld a-~f Iti m1Jls&~'. Pu~h (ji sbJ9ar !i~ck i'nM- Ine ned. ~!'19 h~lj prot .. -iinQ to, heM his h9Cld iii! p&JQS_

greek god 53

8 1['011 out 100 bltre. modiillif1~ _ p:J!l!e. and! ii:UIl' inl0 ~frip!i rn~~lJfnr'!9 (uQl,!!JtQi .5 x 1:8: an

~2:x 7' In'. 1lI:. -Ilhe dusfi· ... ibM~ handle (Wc~ t'he $\iIrf(iIi:'e. ~o 'ih[n oDd (,ill. (!nd iftlen .p.indrl G!ge1hijN ~D fgfntl pleo:'lfi. Orqpe 'O\!l!',r hilo body 'in f~d~ Po Ifoiillin h'i~ ~\!l1Ii'c: Ir~ Q~yet)"

9 Modd '!he'~, F!Q~oel a~ ~r:s

~ ~siF!g Ihe Feffi(lining RB:!ih·~rl 'JiIKlrl"ri9 hi's smils' by ~nJ-.enfing 'I e' oi'dc: 'OlJti!M" in, ~, em 'anglle and !JI.5ie ,;;;:I ~ktI-ai! ~Ii'i:k eo drrJ'N <l~ OpElJiil !ElJiljji~8'_ lihe Ih~d i~ ali'll CWilI ~hc~ 'vii h (il '1lKi:tdi'qJ"~ha.pOO nese, The ea!l",~ ore ~!,,!,!ClII OVQII $h:;:)pe~ ~;ilr~$~ed ~ri H\e 'cenlre ~;ngl'lhe !ii1HI df a poii~ffiIlIsh. Fol' h~ !iI:yQ~1l' 'fir:!l~ Aai1e.f'Il (j rlrl)l 0011 of witHe irirfjmii"jg~, a~ 'ihenl wt in hQjf. lfih!iii ~i9hl' -edge on eath Itolf fMiif'I~' ~h.e baSel' of ettioh. eye. C:d!OUJ ,~ lilllY ~iW!ouot IOf Idnnming$ ~ end bf.i:i(~. M.cdal tNOliriy bt:own, ycb~ G .

~if1 '~!:ii Aanened circles; . 'Or c iii

~ris en e(!ch eye. U$ing bkocl; model ItwO iflmtriBned mi:ti[18Ji' ,eiildQs, or pupik

~Klebvril'il~' c;md 'lhan ~'£Y ~91h2; ,of, ~in' ,dow~ his oock W~he.n ~el II~ idiflij .• rie~, it. wjll ~ure hi$ h~~_

11 ~o,~a~e:_!he_~.·~.~h.o~_ei9h't hny ~oordrqp !!iM~ uSllng

JFiiiflmins~ (j, d pre~s. ooch Q~ !Fc!f.o Ilh-e ¥cinei' ~o !ndent (!S,eQ' Wlow'JA!I1rr;II:~,e 'lhe ~ 00 h-l:s. h!3f:ld, '9mii'l~rY. p.u~hiri:g into Ih8 r~l!il ~dn9. ~ ~.ijjre. MIX lite gdd pGW·de~ wl~h !l;I1 IMe' de<ll" ~ 'to mQ~_e, clfuick paste orod [p.<Illit't O"V>l!lI' ~ !eel

12' 111~if'l~y. rdl oui himfiilrflg~ a~ .2 wt e-igh-t ~1'C1r$J' ~tkking thEim rtll~dtm:ify 'ovv ~h~ OJ~ boord. ~ii"llt

,;L ........ i"i ... rld, ... ~ L.::L """ i:-r (]I .~",l.n....~ 11-q:~111 ~'Io'I' 'Id~l ~1;i;I! "11'1 ~ ~ ~:~il

~h~f:m;et", dl!.liSl' sold pawdeli' owr Ihc mg,ura and m'ke ~jld.

54 pole canGers,


iIJI' j~.x, 11~' {;m ~.;. i'nl round ~~n9~ ttike,s, I~see' JfJQS:e' '11 ljl

-35 '~m ~'14 h"!J,1 t'Q~!i!d ook"'e' boord

• I~rn.g ~ootl~lfoi!i!~l'sn ~\!I~sor i~ c

ru{lCli" $h'Okar

.. .s~~~r gl!iJe ~~d paiiillb:f\i<S~ • ~'ibl~i s,ijlve~" powde~'

., ,55~) g' n Ib ,j~ rnJZf,r. ~ Ibtl!H~r.i:li"lOOm ~~, 1PQide ,8,)

!ii'UlGARP~5il!'lE I· ... : ... , -

iIJI' '9.($:8 ~2 Ib 1 X ad whire !iJ' 770' '9 ~ n Ib '1 n 'O'Zl blaek

- . -

MC;gii5il.UNfl; ii'Affifii I~:~' l:o:;i:·_I;),

.' ,45 '91 ('1 '~ oi) 9~

.' ,60 '~I ~i2,,~ pelle pink Iii, "~ 'iJ f2' ~} deep FtinJ: .' 11 '1.'5 9 14 ozl b1~'1;;k

• J~ '!til (2 ,M) A!;uh 'oo:li:)U'r ('!il~1da'fil Ibrowmi!iv.Qry w~!b 'CIl loo~;

of p!inikl,

i!I' ·30 '91 ~ 1 '@"Z) br~

iN£> tess UttIJili\. tVll~t '~DraeD~, 'o~ d~ ~~~ t~, e~opS~ fi";t)~ I11twt':!, 6I,Lthow..gl1 ,cho~~,~~ ~'H<l.r' 'f~V(H;~.'ritt ,~:~~ ~~:~i~ j~t

ROYAL ~'Ii:ING· I'!-'.. .... ' P'=;gt' 9,1


,ii, ~ 0 9 ~ O~~ ~Ie ,cr'eom

'., '~o. 9 ~!6. 'M') 9OkI~n Ibrow.ii'iI '. lOa ,~~,~ di;lrk b~

'.' 3 x f;~ar 'slk~ (~ pt,!@~ '~Oj '.' lPink and bllm::k bud! (lcJoor\ina pa~fe5;


• o"j , ..... 10 . j'11 '-1 - -~ L ~dl· - L

oi1I x "'00 QI'm \ 1I1l!~1 ~'$!Jre:


,Ii lF1Gl~n-b:l~GJe~ ki~1 krnH~

,i! ILo rge a!il~ $rtJ\C!1I rdling plnlS '. (~ka$~er

'. ~I~ ~,ffj'\!ii1i~ ~ni~'

'.' IPdlel'tii knifi&

J. IRul@f"

'. SFli1O~1 p,iee:es oJ f-ocJ ITI1

(~ $'yppmJ]1

'i!!! A fe,w Qockmll ,5-tid:5,

,~, ,3 c~ peper pip~ng bo_gs ,w $ds$Ors

,Ii :2 !em n'i iUt!) sq~OJre CNJHe'i' ,ii fi!nle! pg'ifl'ibrud~1

1 :.; ~~l;; if:!.- ;'~:1:' ~:e.o/

1~lellin9 pai'te il'!~ IIOf!S' w,\I~Qge~, ~he, Ile~l+i 'oF ~Qh dowel" l'floil501'el1! wHl+i ,~uggr gl!!le and press Ihe dowel dO"Wli! iliif.<!; h' pGI~fa, 'Wmp the'' cfOulid ... f"im:h~i'l9 ~ iDin clo~ed_ 'Ru'b t'h8i iairi~ 'to, ilBii'II'Io,vtl' rtDmpl!Ml3~t and 'lhEli'Il roll ~nlly ~ ~M WO'lk wr~ ib ~~'in ~ ,~mooih nf'iM~, PJuo. e Uric ~iMe $ilver powder over ,egdh ooe' aod ~he'i1i jp1iIt es i de 'fQ dl')'.

2. . EiO~h skiri' is, tmJde iJ5i~ as 9

.. ' .. [1 ~ ee] ·o~ par.e pin~ dt'iSp prl'l~, ~1'Id b~~: mMtdlingllPDM~ 'for, C!tt'l:~,. "~ mOik~ ,Q ~9 ~!:jl'r." ~I ifi1io 0 :m:1.J~age' :~h(:!pe '!:!:JlId i~!'IE ple-tlj~ by rdlung (:II p;;lj~lbru$h htmdlle '~r the' ~r~~. ,P.i'I1J~h genlly 'to, widen gt ~~ bPtilOIn to

9ii ... ~, ~I\a :s1ilit :!:Iupport ~iht sl'clI'n-cliA9 ~~t'~ g'~8~_ h'i.rl'e;nl d~eply in~D ~~r;f, IluP ... Md plf'ioi:h fllIP on ~" JMkif.'lij room . ,for Ih.e ~',on ~. P,u!5h dO"'Nfl! gl

'Ihe' ~(;k ~,the bo'lfQm ..Mil] ~p O\!I~

,5;6 pol e dencers

;GIn ,tbo' pole. pint dirt' itiOO ~~h tIb ..... liI (:II' ~he< ifrQJii~ 'ktr'(hi;!' d~ pin~: mrt ~Q :mow .he ~1'Ofinc!l(h~ flIifarking a line "I":lIh QI IImHe ,fOr 'c:I W,rQPr'Q~r eH~1'. ~ d~l ~~!IQi' ~i'd~ on 't3!i!3' blbck ~kirl til5, $:ihtOW' hi'~, inde:r:rt'ingl (:II' !he 1fr(llJ1!~ dl~ ~o IiIc'k.e rTOOllIII for ~h I~_ Put ol!iida to dry,

3 Sli!;!!ht~)" d~rn.pe1l! Ihe," ~~be ,bG-ord wilh wal1i1. "OF a iiTiOrbljdl iIl;~f«I. b~,~ 9 ~l ~b S~~}~wh~~ 'w~:rpa~'i\3 C1nd ,50 '9 11li:li ml 'of 1b1ml wQ(!'~~!e n~her 1JF!!iI ~t-reoky. Put o~ds ] 50 9' {,5!t5 a'll !for Step,ii'i Ihen rdl oiW'i' Ihe !"eI"!lQifldev' ,",~f'ig ~, ~ii'!~lin9 Q~ id'1IiI9 :sugar Grid 1iJi~ ~ pG~1i3' Q:f'Oui:'idl ~~r oo;(~ mil to Pfoe1lef'li :~tklirig_ lift ~~ $Ugilrp!:ll$f.e :by drQPll'ig ~cr thc' rdlinS p~n Itmd C"O',liGr ~h:f; Q:ih., boardl, the ~ 'CQ~e ~hoer lio ~moo~h o1iitl p.cli:sh thi3l :5urlfcos. t'hSI!1! trim !bEl ~e:lS ~rom ,a~ljjl'!ld the, ed'ge'. S~r,

CI~d8 ID .dry. '

4 lirifill f,};1it (If;u~~ Fr'OriiI ~Q'h CiCi'ke

I Q'11Id level 'th tQP. 'C'IiJ!'C f~r in ~h aJ~I3' aM oolild-wKh bix~, 'l-.iMr wi'ill bUli'ier«ooin. m:'IokiD:g :SWire ths' cdke,~ are Q~I excJ.:;;tIy ths, scrme h~iSh~, ~road {! ,thin ~~:fCl' O¥C~ 1hoc surf~..:;~ 'Of !!;!Q~h ~~~ 'i;:I~ ,~ crvrnb 'ClOOt"

5 ~ mtIls ~f}..e sftJgS:ij. fi~' CQ'!'BIl' t'hi3l ~~ ~ ~he ~k~. !.he (ij m'le-E" t,.i) rn&n~1!!1fEi 'th8' di3pth_ Roll Qui' 2ojlQ- 9

[,814 ~ of bl~r.:k ~ugarp<l~he {!n~ (iU~ {! ~trllP IrneQ:5J,milll9l 4'~ ~ [1,6 inl'in i~l~ by 'Ifir} 'dE:pth rn~!i!Jl'€riMf.'i'" ,Spiokle wl1h idl'ig :!luga~ ,~, p~~ stl~lii.g and roll up'_ lP~oce (reaflifr~~ a ~h, Clnd iI,iInfdll ~he 8lod. ~f~1e t[lI_rQuoo ii', f:ririilriirfrrrg ~ss from ilffe i~in (see, ,above), ,Sm_QOlh ihe.' iQiJH ~~ by rubbing 9i;!~ 'With yowr. 'fing,t::~ Co'iCr 'Ifiic 'rrw:o ~~ni~ oOO~i;!$-

6 Rcll Qui' 11 ].5 9 (4 ¢Z~ of willits

_'ptl~e' and prmoe' a ooke dO"ND {mkt i~" C'ut. >I)FQund, (I'llii;! theli1l pferCB' th~ .::ckG upri'iglitt andl in F'O'i~ion on 'Ihe 'Ol:I~e ~rd. U$e g c;r~i;!' :5iIIiOQ1~ ~o oo'ciin '0 :!iffiC:iolJ~ ~nl:!i~, (over ihe top ,af 'ihe liwo !fe,!R!;!i!'ikl~1 c:dke.s, -mhklr~ mil out 'I~ rern::r:im:i~ m~ffible.d ~ijgoi'pQ~re ,ond Qu~ lhe Qblong-mc:ped :5-~i;!p~ [or ~:c;h :!:ih:rgB", ~il~~j'trlS t>og!2th!'J~ <l!nd in, .~e ~~i~,g ,g lime ~l;Ig~r glue,

,7' :,d~:~::r~~~h~~~ ~e'

~Q¥e'l[ng9ri ~~ dowel u!iing !hi; fi'iii:i:(rW Ft'O'I.Mt , ,M,.oiMcn the.: d e(!(;h, ,;:,,,ke' wiih Qllli,ttle' :5'lI:9QIl' 'gl~ (ini;S pu~h Ihe dowe1 d~ ihro!.!9!i, 'thG !!:enwe' ,of.' ~ ooke yn~U iI' wesdhi;!$ ~he ~ake boo rd.

Qrid i'Rri9SrI 0Cl' ind~t ~flB wan:;I' hcl~;fl foo;!1Jding oO~f '!he bo.;~m bee be~. !;krIJ the' ~Pl~te end b ISrf19 h~ th!3' ,&hf:~t {ji'OO. To !im_~pe Ihe 1M~'Om., n'!r~rk lil I ine u~ing ';;I ~l!Iiifa. crn:ll rub g:ently' ~ r;'!OIli'JlId ,oH, S1~, ~hu '!;io~h ,o~ ~o ~atiel'!l ([llId m~rk QI ritlg~ CVlI either ~ide to ii10rik h3ps .. l'ntkr'll thG' ~liy b!J.~on U~F!g ihe >end o!: CI ~iillibl'ilU~h, ,~i'd

the bodiB!. In plcc.e 00 ~S' :4irts. a~ 'oodrr i~ ",ode. :!irn~hing Ihen1J! ~nr.o ~Ih.e ~c~ of eCrch :s.lirL

BEach body i$ I~'e ~~lnr9 15- 9

I [~ az] glllf.e.!!h·c:olooredl m- brown

fMlddliil:gl ptlU8'. fi~' itiiJodd in 0 ~

$'!;IV~.e giKI roll ~1'!N'Ben)lOUr hrrnb IlI'h:f.~d~Mmg Me< ib'Odi-es'

'9", ~p'lit, 1 [0 9 ,~~ MI oi lIe~h~_~o:UI"

_,' intlo fol;.fI P.I~M ~nd .;5 9 '.~!IJ~t

under 1& Q~I o'f hrown in hi'Jlf and u:!Ie o Ffja~e (]rm1;~ :5lidnfl9 in f.iC!s~1ion, es ~h ls mtJd:e. The a!Tnn~. ~Bf~ ~a'o\e· beelT!l mMal1ix! wid" fufl)' cut h.I!Jnd~,

bul' yO-!llI ·oo:n ~ve '~i!'!'1g; by. mooelling, ~iFliiple. h~fld~ lsee p<lgilli 50, ~-e.p .~ O~. Ii). liii'I·aL::: : n (lnn.r raJl iiill'o !!J ~U~9i1!i :s.hQpe· limd pindl ganll;t' O~ etlid CO ro.!It';j~d off !b- 01 iheM, Plfe1$ d~ an ,~, hand to, R!;illan onfy ~ig~-Ifri wil'houl [ndooting . .Mob lii a1~ ho,~,1' down en (line :~id.e fol' 'the, Ihul!Jl1b. Make ~'hree Ii:U s (llotig 1M klp ~.I',) ~p..ttm . Hn,S'eF$ ood tw:i:5J-sanltr'o le:n9t11mii~ pF~ ttogethet' Cii1ld bmd ~;II'QI,.!OO. TO nellir'QIIy :!lb!:l!pe th.e hanoI PJ~h the th!/!ffih bwards t'fte Ipclm I~OJ:f! ~, w~i~', Wy the (lITm ,dov.m a~ pl.,l(i~ in hQI~. pi~Ir19 oor Q'~ ~e ~ck t-o

;hope'lhe dl:mw.

1 O~ Rom Resh,.,~r. ·cmd bFOW~ '~ , Ibgll··shapGd ~.r sticki'r.g ~Ill pl\n'l:e W'it'h 0 liru'ij} :!IUfJ-Clr 9'1.,18. h!i'h ~ ~C1i!, 1iitltk dO'\l',i'in 'h~!i1Sh ~Irw: klp of ~ body, 111OO'Vi'ng I-mM [pr-otrui:!i'f!9. 10 'h~p hoM tnelr heotb ijn pl~ce-. Md~ tbBii' OV{;lhhoped hs-ods, ~nd ~~~, ~ing .5 9 ~iu~' und~f ~ OZ:~ ~o.r <eQ&;. Meib a ~ in 't1ia boJtool of i~~h hood u~rflg Q ox~t(ji~ fltid, onrl h@'lJ USiFi-91 (II 1;1ltl\a :s..ugo:r glu.e" $.fid. in p.1\i:i~e

J)_ ",. L

over ~Jle m!Jllr sfiCtii.

pole do ncers S .,

11 T-o 'rcm~k~. 0 lIag, 1"OIIIhe

I ifie.ma1mng A. ·,eolbured

iIKld'cllingl [pO~te l!f'Ito (j ~JJ,I:~ (He a'l:ulJ,yef !prn~h dc:.wn 'one end 'to fftI(!jk-e.1he ~iliited fool'. RoI' Ih~ ,on.hl~, area be~1ii your' thumb (lnd fins.w w indent grid ~,hap.e 'I he' leg. Push in hCllfww' 01 ~1'1~ ~ (lind g~r1 'Iy lP'in~ rtr_ .he frooe 'toO ~],C!pe ,th~ biiMli. ,Str~ I'he· ~~n, to, ~mish:~n. [plllsh'i'IlIS ou'l' ~~[8M Oil' dJ.,e· back !Q sktapG. 'the (;t;;!tf mU~i::, l4irng ~r glw~ di~k ~~

. _" ,,'--" ' r'

IfilPO:~lliOO !J~! ng I"OQIi'Fi pieces 'I:qr

wpr»rl ill1l~e$$itltt"

~in,y pale p'ink IflkJ~1e kif, the thOngl end $%0\:: lin pkKc~ liIDarkiif;l9 1M :!limp' !by' im4enllflS w~th e (.:Q(;kro.1 'stidk.

4','1 Sf..: {j naitelrled pso·,1m

_ - <Cllrno!.!n't of.·Ib'I~tk lfr'IodifilJi'1'!9

1 '2" - U$IJr1g I~ r'effflC!in~9Q pcil~ pint ~:58' a~ top of 1eQcl;,~. lhi'~1¥ ,"~I

__ _:: dsep' pillrk ,and! ~ 0 9! I[!& Q~ of out I" , , Ilem~t;;!;ndel' and m~ f!qu(l~[e!5-

of.Q:(;l. ii'Kld~li[:lQllpa~'tQ .. FOIl out <lfld ~v.t usingl 'Ihe.· ~[]n3 ;t;lJ~r. CuI' eoo:dl

diFfat;ant ~ized ~iip$ to o-.dWJ '1'0 ~.~ ~ ~qualie' in hoi" (JliI~ rub edibJer :t'i~r

:~~itI5; i"Ollill9 a pt!1irnbrum hand e' 'O'¥91f over 'iher $'Urbcs ...... i1h YOUT ~ing91'.

'lhs, ~vrf'ClCe 10 !Tf'!I;;m~' pIea~. Stiek ~n $.1lIg¢1' 9Ju(jl~ ~r.ick aro.und 'thQ 'top

"I a ee ~J"e.a~ln!iJ ,~ wrqpc!Wer eHect. OOgt; ,of '8iOch alb, 1~!lI9 a :!i~oe ~"

.Modell Q I iHle lB[]rdrop.~~aped Ifle fat ~he· ~ePrs... ~oo tile coke i~ dryl dilule

Ihe black ~jll'fl ot lite: Iqp.. ~dn (ru~ ,and pInk ,aM bla~k food 'co!D1L!~in9 ~~e.~

~1J11' li~i;!! '~'trlps for blNl(~etJ [Ol.,llh. and 'Wtith a ~aw df-.o;P.S; 'Q"~ 'W{fter a;~d ~ijnt

mQKe br[[] ~. The f.(JJ5,sel$ at'S made fh~ ~ and ~r[p;s ",sing th~ nne

from !;ilTicll, Il~!tef!edl <;'irds' of I~~te pCit'iJbrtl:li~.

wilh '!fin)!' sjril» of. pg~1"$ 9i'OOped

Q9,@'1i\llr en 'ihe, (;i;!fiftrB df ,cadle. Cut i;;:I


r. Uk

.. "_~t_ ~

.- . .

( ..

, '

. - IriS

.... II ~


.. '11 ~ om, 17 ~n)j '~s ~m (6 in~' Cind 110 ani 14 ~11i) r,wnd sp:.n:ge ~b~ I~ ~9G 11:1

... 310 c«!' ~ 12 inl fOund coke' !bocnrd

.. 115 0!1!"1_ ~6 ~Il) ~O~ ,ocrd

~ 1~f191 {mfl([~Jioner.(i' ~ug;m' ~f1 {;! :s!!.I!g,ow s.hcker

!!I' ,550 '91 /1 ~b 3~ ,oz/2~ e b~fii'e~,c~m I,~H' POSe' ,8)

• ,4,51) '91 n ~bl pa~! ~r'WJfIll .. 21,5 '91 i 'I 10 Ml b~dk

ii 260 9119 ¢Z} mid b~ ... ,~,50 91 I] ~~) deep ~F'OOIiI'II

.. '11 0 s (M M~ ~~t£' gf~J:I

.. ] 1 9 ~I (:J~ O~) pale' o~nnl ~ ]'~ 10 91 IJ~ Q~ deep, eream .. ] on '91 13M az:) pol~, b~WIiI .. ]'~ 0 ,~ 13~ QZ) Hes~-ooloor

~9~~dell bi!(kwnl1i~ryJ

.. ]0,,9 {~ oz) m€lu ... e

~ ]09 (!1~) pln~

.. 110< s ~~ a::) ,or@i'Ig~

~ eDu.ld ,~~t, t~t&~ 'a0¥9WL;(,g hula a~~ stliv.ctL ~a~~ DMl1 '8"'~s.s ,s;~~ ifIi~ ~h"" ~!}fiI:rttll~~

~ It..!., .. .c. - .!

d~ M.iI.~ ,~'r,o~~ IllIi Illiii-ll'F Oil\. ,clI' ueeli'I,.(.'lt.'i ~~ trop~'!'!'

ib~~,ch'f 'rhifFf 'M~l.d ~·t 'p;L')SS&b ~tt b~ '~~!'\;,!dtl1~~ ~1s~ ,~~ IVLo1AIIi\. WoL,tlL~ 'w~h for1

., " 0 9 (~ ozl yel1lo%lt .' ",0 9 n~ Mi whi~

.' , rJ 9 (~ Ml .d~ 'I\:~m iIII' 20 g (~ 'oz~ dQjr:k bf9'l'ffl

ti, SiigOi" S~ii! (j~ IPQ 111!~$.~

iI!!! J x S-tl9)1]f $'ti~s, boo ~e 10) Ijjji 1~lo~k ~ oolbl,lliilng ~~Ie

iI!!' iE; 'Sold iPOwder


_1I!i!!!I . ._

~ ,Ftail!l·h~d'ed kH-d1en Ikrilu~e

iii '~r~ Qilld $moll roll~ftlgi p:lfii$ !Ill! Coke sm~het

.' :S~ Wr¥i'Ft;9 ~nM'!f.". Ijjji ,P:dle'11i'e br!'i&'

!Ill! ~sflil{ll~ pp.eces, of '~oom

Ui;;)f' $~ppofll~

'*, A ~w ax:~-an $'I\i!l:b

iii SM-al~ blo:~SOflI'I IPh..lfl@fl1' !Culiler lIiIl Pgper P'ip'fl9 0091

!!I!I SC:~s'~r5

ilil Fiifia ~ii't1bi"llMh

Sl~,htty dcmpari 'Ihe ,001)3;" - wj~h wo'!e'. 'l1hk~}" roll Wi' rhe ~ li;l~m ~U9i;1~!Ei1'e !;!~fIil9 ,g spnl:iMi - i~if'!SI :!jlJsor !il..i\d use 1'0 ewe!" .M ~ i~rd, f~ ~fue FQlliDfll plfJlll;W,l;!r '~

~'-_, -', "-', I - ,~I~.lI ' fr....ii

!;!'!~I)IJiI;C1, =0 (Jie.alu g Ii'!P~ e_ ~ ,

then ~' ~!1ikl~ 'to,..dry e

2 Trim 'Ilfw ctlJlSl f1'OfliI II!il:!dh oo:ke level 'the 'fQp'_ 'Wilh (II .dab, ,of, lbu.ieei'1l:fI'OOm... .,Ik& Ihe '~,5 (D'il (6 'inl il;Qh 01'110 nfite i[C1~ oo:nt 'lD dhqpe Fl'Oinllidl ,i"O'CiIfl (uti' dGiNli'iJ (ooi~ly ~ 'the :f.Qp r~W(lFd~ 'lhe' b!;.ile dill CI;ounill ,~i'C ,cake. ~~~ljlJ9 'fhe' ::l~prll:g ~id Cut ,twQ; even I~~ i'fli ihill1lo,g.Etst c ooiy and ~R!:I;\..ld' bID:k !Oge'!her .... I~~e~rwm, Sp~' (I ~h1n jl~r - ' 'bu~~j:'(ii'OQm ~G~ 'tho S!JfJ(J(C ;of an c:eh-~, Q~' ~ !i:lVrnb ot.Qg'I' (!Se;.a' Ibi;illol!,i ~~iliOf\ ~~ iargo ~Ciikc, ,ron~llY on tXlki;!'~Jd ..

O. hulc gii S

Ihc lo~~;' coke, TrilJll if;m).und·!Im QI!.I]'~ide ,ed~_ M~S!dfi!l' Ihe ~h of Ilfwi; ~mClI~1»l' l1!ak.e U$lngl'lhe l\I~r_ iRoll wt ~he relDOllning b1Qd ~~Fp<UI'c 1I;L'1'II:i cuI 'c :30 em (i:2 in~ $Ill'ip U$ing ,lfii'$ dep1!ll lneos.urememt Dvst wij. rdng :wgv .. 0 prevmt ~1[,ckin91 rolll,up Illrid p<):$.jtjioml 'a go i wUo'I' ~he ~t&e of ~ 01' • Unf~ll (lfQ'Um,.:;!! ~be 'CC1b~. rrirnll'i1ing he exms's ,at 1M L~F1I. no smOtjlb m-~ W'iih your' finger~ ~i~ IU Ii '. :1llfgrClr gl!l.e fQ secure. ,Spl\eOO the IIx:Jtto.m of the: CQjw· · ..... ilh

bwilr!i1: j'(i\'OOi1lI (j i'I d I he.Jl!i Pc I Q Qe· QI;! n ~1'\[]~ Iy Ofl! t~· Q~: Ihe·l-arge cak,j3_

4 ~iri~ r'CJl1 eul 1100 gJ p~ o.z]1 <J mid ~ ~.FfXIi501e end i;Q-'o\er ihe ~ ~Ylke· ~.teIy, ~.fIl1oot1niiRgl ~e' ~~!ite IlsvsllG ~!l 009(1: of Ihe ~ iIii C;Qtd end ~c:.n~, Q~[de, 10 ~Yer the oonr!~ eH~' ~ide!i .o.~: the llJir9~1 ~clker FITle£)!lure' Ihe dep.1h m'lcillhetl hi~ roll OUII'hc dee;p ("earn

:wg,'{ilp(~5;lle\, Ou~ Q ~tlip thel depth m.«l~remenl t},ct 'J:§, 46 ·Qrn ~ liS ig}'~ !f'!

IElliS 'h. Me C !S.'!.lIifie 1 e ~rpo~'te i$

~QO~e rJ>Om !he 'WQf~ :surlfaOtl. Using he rlJ!,er;.. intIBril ~119'hlly Ulru~'!;'~p line5 Q;:r~,s, ~he surf~.;;eJ' t(:)l,ng tare rioh "to. !l:U . rf,g~t tlmlUsta· ; 9:W:ijiD fXi~IC, Uii ~n'to· h~eD' O~ b,r pieees, lilh Cilmd po1lmOF1 orG.'l.!!fld .he !lirdes. of ·Iha .;x[lel bvtiing up·iltJ.B ~.olrfr:~ I.see lbelow~\' Rub t-hi:!: ~ake ~iiii~h ogr !l;v.'ii;!1' ·!he· ~UJrQte,

5 Thi(kly fQll QI1t ~lile re~Qiniiilg mW bt-·own :5USClli1JXlue oilld cUi' (:II ~O:l"Ig ~Inip. r~r 'Ihe Dar .~hdI 2-5 em j 1 JIit~ wi'dle, R¥lb IQkll'19 Ihe cut M9~ '1'0 r'Dumdi to cOlliipl~' 11 ~nd i ien ~lidk in po~fi~OIII on 'i'h-e IXIb I~ing II:] !!i1~91i1 Ii'p, Trim Ihe axoo!;$. irmm, Ihe [oIFiJ ([!lid :5:1i~ ~Iher VIii ~ lillie ~\Is:iQr·.gl" .. T\!) refmove the ~oilTl, :5l11i1oo'1h QiSrHlr ..... i·lh (J lil'lle ici rig :591' On }tOOf,

QI;I e in .grovp.s oi N.-o 6 an [2~ in~ ·cpc:rt, e.o11 ~' 1 (II :9 t~ w;,) ~f ~ croom s.ugorpost.e ,end cui' ~~IEe· 6. oem f2~ ijn] $:ttips ifot ffrl)' ~d'ti~,,:sf .ing in p·f.crce' ~~ Ihe :~'upp.or·~!o, Using Ihei bo~le greeft mo.deUimgl ptrii Elt rrno&el six $~pin9 hi1.10 ~Ciu~oge;:; Clnd piiflMbi"l9 Ci~oond one Il;Irtd 110 I!'IQrifQW 1he neci_ Mer '1'}, tw.o rnOfi\e' ~!i; !mdi u~iilg the· pale ~"eolirn i';:Ind: ptllc bff-oM'TI ~emili1g p.a~te, ,~i'c~ ii'il ~t.ionl eng ~hEr' :5hi:!I ... os,

7 Moi~E:e1i crioog Ih!l: ~ e&a.e df '!he

. ·!5Bn 'j"(jl a! .e w~lh ~U9(!r1l' gllJ,ll!;!! and

posi\l~ the ro.of (lIil Of>- U~ll'r,9 '90 9 (3 o.~1 eech '0., perle (j',oom~ deep eJ,SCri'rll erl"t~1 ~ Ie b!'OMilI'! mooe Iling IIXi'S4el th;fI.~ ro.41 QW'.'!' oll'ldl rut !IJInov'OO ~tJi;p;50 f..rn- .he '9.Jm:!i~. (:Ii ee a bGV,e,), buildiJlrg iajp lhe il'<iO:: C:'QVE'flFlg as @(]ch :!ittip ~s. mClde.

8 E·a~ body i 5 buill !J~' 901'~ h~ wMn cffYI ~rm upright <JQ:Qln$I' 1M «l '6 (in :lilVek HrFlTlly in'il wilb 'ClI ddb ·c(f royal ici·liIg. 5p,1i'I' 35 9 (~ ~ oz] of 'lki~h-<l:)loufed RlOOelnrngl IPC e in '0 Ihree ~nd :shqpe ~iikio ~$~~ (.1' 100pp0:liite~" R.:oI~ batw,ScSIi'li 'f'Cl"Uir 'lhu!l'i~ o~ ·!}er to. tndeF1~' Ihe ~~s."t hcl~¥f r'OOndi~19 oFF tlrle' bol1ltml .. Roil h~ OPPCIo! e etKI tQ, r,eiir91b~i'il 'Ibe ohe}.!· O~eg.

'9" · ' 'To. m.ob 'ibe' legs\[ ~i1' 3:5 9

',.' fl ~ m~ of Lsh i'nto. '~i~ ,eqoo1lr.

~lzed piHe.s. To IIiiI,O C {j le,g..r ~I into, (II ,~u~9e:., ~F!d QITIS' DFld rQuiflcl _ 0. mOlk~ ,a foot, IpilTle1-Jingl 9QFI Iy to :~"'ape (II h~~, Ro.~1 llite aRKla ~reo lba~ your ~lfIi'Ib and fll\9~r 'to ~~rH' and s.~pa 'thel 1%1. P'u~ in IMiffway CIi' ~'lle ~ck I;:rnd genUy pi"nch at ~8 &.onJ 10 ~Ioo;pc 100 ~~. Siroke [Ihe d1rlf'l 1'0, ~r.(Ii9hle:n, [FN~hilJj!) owl' eJ«e:~~ !l)J~ the bed:. ~o ~Mpe tha G:lMf m~. S(Jc:~ Ih~ 19 In

• "I' __ .1.,' ~~.L

_Qfl(;Ir'LQi PO:50!!lQfl~ 0' ;;_,~ ~$ I~.

1 0', ~ tfte gi"QM !;lkiif"I!, es the

I ' "', !fool. lI,!l:!iingl'ihe f~l'I'l"i:dfJ1!i(ll~ ~I:e ornd dark crtMllI'iI and FriOI8. bn>.WTII modemio9 patie. f'Ol!owiingl ~he mllpt;l, ,O'~ tne gill'h h1~' bind liJ(krnS $Qf1'Le s.4rip$ 'CIround ~he' bock Keep $01il1i:l! 'h'imliflling~ 1'0 IIepl,bc_8i lJiny ~'!rip5 :nol Ibreo\ vAioo Ih-e: ~'1l!ros OFe; p.:m~ioMd.

1-1 Spli~':W 9. f~ QZ;) O"f 11e$",·-@oor

I I ~sfE: ii'l~O ~:r:, (lJ1u:'! Ufie .0 IilfjO~.c

(J!rID50, !;iJid~n9 lin po~~IijOi"l Q$ 'e'Q~h i~ Wlade, I mOOdledl (hrM:1 with ,fUlly ~.tJI' ~rJ!:h. bUll H yo.UI oro. ~~l'Q~ lime.'. $lmple i.Qnd~ r[$'e$ ~,e 5.0., si'Gp. 1 OJ. ore ''1uidker andl ec~d,er, T'o rfI~ke en annili, r'oI~ if!~ a SOiliKIge $. 000 pii'l,~h ,sefl'Ify!O ene ~nd '1'.0 'round of1f ~I' ~. hand, Pr,~ dowm '01'1; 'iM' hOird to, ,mcHen OIl1:~ dii~tly.. ~t'hQ!J1' '~rimfii9~ Make: (II Q;!~ h;(jJ~ ~ 'OFi. o:rne :~ii. fOii the thumb. Makte l!tree ,eul~ !f:Ii:ottg ~~, Io'p tQ ~parn ell Ifi~r'$ ,on.ol twD~t gertlty to 1~lhelil" ''''''1M Pfei$~ tog~~he:r cmd lbemdl il'oo!'1d, To Inaiur,glly. $.

1m;, IK:,-net PJ~h 'If!e Ihu!1i1b roWO;rd~ I~e [po,im from I~ wrn:d. ~ '!he arm do'M'i ,gOOI PlJ~h in h(]l~y .. pim;'hif1'L9 <oui' CIt lftiB bao_\; tQ, !.hQpe! ihe elbow, S1iok

, IL - 1.. ... .1. • d" ",

onl'O 11!i!'e .;NU7 m ,,~ "alJ1Clr~ po.iol~lOO.

hulo :girls. .,

12" ,'~ti1, ,~t 5 9 Uu~t- [u~,r ~ Q'~l,~f

.' - 1Ie~n"ookmr.' mk> $I;( (md r9'n

lbolll ~napedl ~\!' s'liI;:binS iF!J ploce wi,h 'Q ~illla, :we~r gllll'ei. Push ,a wgor ~~td. &o.wm 'i1lJvough '!Ina ~op oW ~~h bOOr, I~in,gl hcrff' pi"ll4ruding to iml" 'Iheir. lneadl; In jpli;!lCE!. ~b '!hair ~I· :lOO,ped hood~ 'and ~5 Iin'ing Ihe fem¢;IAilil9 roe~Ih~oo.Iouli'. ~ik srnjfe~ lI"I$ing !her :s,rrng!U (lii'01e wHelir pro~:l.edJ iii! QI en 'iJp:word angle, drl'lifplil: ooo'h QQrTi!ilr by prea'~i:i'l9 hl wi'Mra '~e lip of a .:;:oo\~a~1 $ifi~ 'cnd CDli1iIpfe'1'8 'ifTJe :s.'[!i1Ii~1;I by d~ng 'CCii'Q~.$ ths. IDiP w'Uh tine 'cocbcril ~!:ic~,IIdI' ~,(:tir\'~ll' ~he, ~r~ (see hl:OW). Make a bale' in ,1:1; , ~I d ooch h~d U~;~SI (I ,~k~l~ ~~ick, 000 tneiTI usi'ng OJ liltle $y:g;oj" gl~e'. ~1idk .eae11 heed il1l p&xe OVC" ~he

w'ggr H1c:k. '

14- :J::;~~:o~~

5'IlLi:!l(;l9e!50J, pii'fldhi~ ,along] ooQ}j ;e~1 'tiM ~'ak!l ooch w'ilh 'tiny nb-WJ3lfii' ~u~, w.~th rnil!! blesscm pJu~r ,oulter. Sli~l ~s ~Fou1ild 1M bead~ I:;Imd OH, 'ihe: !feet. WHh Ih~ ,rem~ili'li'!'19 mloored mo.delJi'tlg pa~e'. :s~ape ~u~j~ dninklng ~101~ .fi"QU'i teQrdrop ~oope~ ind.~m~ in ~ QGn'lre and roll flny :5oQ.l.,P.iiGgC·'!d !;trow,~.



• 25 em I~ 1 0 ilfl~ squ!lJII",e spon9~' egke t$~ ~~ 1 11:1

• 35 em ( l.d, ilfl~ ~ QJk~, booJr& !ii, kiflilgl ~con'~'Wi~iilia~:Sn :$~o.r ifill .0' ~LrgcJ F s.h'llirer

• 550 ,gi/'l II~ 3~ ¢,_z/2'¥iJJ iii: bIJHe:~iii~rrn (;800 ~e 8j

• .450 9 ~,~ 'Ibl pu~e ., 115 ~ ~~, ~\fl Mock

.' ,B,~'O '9 n Ib ]:3 OZ'l1 Ir.rne' gree~

.. 1 '~ .5 9 (,4 Qd 'b~~k

• :2 ~'$i~llamoolllls, eJ !f,ed

• .5 9 ~]'J~~ IJ'fi'iI_~~fI" ~ '~ll ~If::' IPinll:: · ,~~:~t ullIdter ~ Qj;~ ~I'~'

• 15 gd~ 01.:~ grey

• 65 gl ~ ~ '~l '~~Ihc-odl~r ~~Idan b~/~ ~ oolburi!ng 'W~th a ~ o!f p'inkl

'. 5 9 (i'~1 urnder ~ oz) bl'ue '. 5 9 {~!J.SI' under' % oi~ pore purple

.- Sugar ,slue ,and paintbrush til' ~Ioo'k fOOd 'l::_clo!J.jf1ilfi~ :~~taJ .' IEdDble. 5lh-er' ~d__eJl'

!ii, A ~ ,dl"Qp$' of doo r moooeJ Ite~g., vcd~~ aiI'd


• ~ij!~iIl;-bl~ded ~ilh:h~1i'i Ikn~~:~

• :Mnrqred cmvilil91 m'i~'

• L:lf'ge C):JI"d :~liIlgll !iiOmft!91 pins

• ~ul~r

~ CQ~.e $~Ihef • Ptlil~1ID kJ1l ife

~ 2 ~nii ,1* i'!'l~ endl 2.5 ~.rn I[ 1 in) ,d~L~ ~1irttc!:1i's.

,~ :arnotll pi~e5' Q~ :foom ~ifofl' ~u;~po:ri~

!~ .A ,~, axklJ:!l! $tld::s,

,!iI Fifn~ Ilgcjii'i1bi'!U~h

1- :SI~9k1Ir &wrmp.c~ ib8' ~1re ~~-d

_ 'Wi!h 'Iffl;!lerr, ~] Ol"li the' pl"lfpl~ peste lU~fn9 a :splI'iiil~lin9 of· i~ins ~t!r and' (O\!'!ei ~h~ ~ke ~rd. !ril'li1~TIiFlg ex<;;;!~$Ifr'Q:rn ,ground 'the OO9El- Pf!3~,jj. mh;t ro11ing pin, inio t'he wr.~iUe' k!; :flIK!\e lI'!;PPle~., Set Q~ide to dty,

·2 .... • 'Trrim ~ ~l ~m ·the ,ooke ?:rnd

I1wd 'ihe' !Op. Cui' e 5 em t2 JFi] :5iIlI'ip' frQm orne' ~dl;i ,altd dboord. Cui ~M «rkill ~n half ~e.ns~ff~f$ (l!rnd pleee !i)J\ie n'tlr;f 00 fop, o~: ~h~ Qt'h;;!!!'. AI' [he ~op of ihe c:a~e'l lif!iiNl,!;lI1r'11 7 'an ~3 inl'~Wi ~M F,roii11'. fJ@:e lihe .wn.ri'ng ~nJ[e· 01' thi;§. ~~_n~' and cul drrw,n >til an ((~1I;g'li:I' JG !Oh~pe.' the wir!c'b~. CUi ®~ IQ o1Fi11~' Ehe OO~e Qllh~ top Igyel\r 'thElnl !fiIJ;rl1 tanG' Mir'Q OiiiN!~\~u'd~ ,and wi' ~he evrvedi oo!llJ1iei.r !1'loping dowlI'i Ie ·the r1iQDt ond .ruttIng 'oH' ,th~ top edlgl;:: ~ '1M ~~d Icr:r'e~' (,5~ce 1~IQw:l,

3 To, !5hr;:rpe 'I~ ~~ ,o~: fhi;!' cakej mB!J,!,url!i '7 em ~3, iin:~ f'r-om !he OO<~ o~: t'he eeke. Pf.(ll'Qe the >:;_t;!Irrving ~n;f,e ·iJfJ ·thi$ IrneDl~'ll!r:e.-,.mcnl ,and ii:ul


Mofflli 10 ,the- OO~ l'O ~Gm~ 'iIi~1 ;;:~ed bock ,or ,tb~ ccr, Trim, 1he d:de~. m~M1'19 'lhEm M~ 0:1 'the '!N!ndow IS'ffiL ~00wkh the I~ecr' ~@3'h'l'r wi/iii 'buHJ;!f>iJre¢IfIiI\o IPlcte ,oe.rur.:~lly on '~e: ,rob (md ~,ecd t;:I byer of bu,m'e{iQre:;:!m ~er 'Ih~ C(Jka :rur~~.m. (!l ,~mib "Q::K:I~' grid ~o ~p - he ~~-~ $!td:",

4 il'hi'in~y IfOil olll ~ gl {3 O:2,~ or ,

~~" w;gg~~te <md el!.!~ (:I $.rr!p 2:,5 Qll ~ 1: i~) deep, IQ ~ ¢L~l,Ind 'thai OO~ d ~he li;(l~, Du~' wllh i(:i:f'l9 ~_ ~-Q p~t ~me!king! rr.ofl "-J'll or!d ~~tlm (lsaind the~, !J!'lr,dl~ '!hl;i ~p ifillOUOO '!he' (;i;:I~ !¥ltd ~~h ~Itte ~Fl ~ with YOlilf rlng;gn.

5 I~' ~e;e~ ~ ':rri::I~o~;5dl ~

w,gc:tpa~te ~nd ~GVer- ~~ 'CQke ~om~Jeloel;(., :~l1ierll:hililg ,Qui' pJi!GtG !:Ina $.'IIlQOthrng dO\Yrll eM gR:lu.nd the ~~!hap!l-. 'Trim ~rooi1!d !he Ilx!i$e 'fQ lfelYei'JIl: :Ibe block ::lmp 1![i!iiJ_erIJl~1h ~~e

b~~~). lhi~gl tefllpki e~, kili t'hi3i wind6'J!l5, ~~ '~ 77t fl'i.tflk .he !ii!utl~nM using l~e bad: 01 Q bi fe, (;1,11' eut r'he ~ $ide 'WindO'M$ ~pie'l~ Or!l QflIe' i5.'id~, and m~ a ~ttfA!! ~rrlp en Ihl!!! ~fue_r ~idc 1'0 i"itiGke flrte ~~~ k.u.k: sli9hl~ ~.

6 ~Ih eithef,- ~KIe,t:Ft~_ee_oomll!iJ;!I' ~th )'Qi!fI ~~~ ~u melmt :tM

'Ion~ G~S~ p!lJt~~ns uJlS ,Q di9~ ~'" oti~ ii1'i.dmt ~J¥Ldll ~GI, ,for the door h~~e.~- ki ~IQ~ i'nto.. tPI.!I~h in th tIP a~ !iJ kf!ifie-lo ~f W~I~ ~MIS und\n- ~h~ ~Mii\'I' ,cn'Ci beck ~intl!£J'ioofts. th.~~Jr roll' wt t'h~ ~ii\i~ ~~ $wgQrpti1~~ ,emdl oul P!ei:;e$ '~ fill,~ OPeiil ~otIbw.

.4 ~ i ppy f le slters

7 ~;~ ::ll~I~~~J:~~~~e.

end, ij,\Sing h(:' 18rnpl~lJ3, iDlili lPtJ-g8' 71', cut OU.· tha, ~I ~r,. ·indenling down 'ihe ~i~ by :~llitlD'iS1 goolty wiill yoor ~1iIG!3~- Wilh irliFfll1iirJTig~r rQlI,~

""""'.=l'i0l;"'~""'"'1-~;J h ... ", -fl1,.. -U-''''nn ~ ii:, i\'l' ~~-~ ..... ~ -~~ - _~!I~ ~". ~I i;l -~ ~I

I ~ ~ 9Z) of: lirrnEi· 9~1iI $!i!SQrp<lI~ter wi' '~Iri~ 10 Ihdld the· bUfI!I!pei"$ gil !he r~~ em! bock of llihe OJ~; ~dkili9 Ih~1 :ilr~JIity 'ihidrer iin ibe· ,eenl'ro.-. S~Qk in p1c:C!il'_ f'ot Ib"JJn~I$, :split .JC 9 i[ ~ ·o:z~ Qf blbck l~el~i~ ~~t~ i'!1I h~nf ~nd rni~ 'IWO ~~9Ga -1iIi®c!lu~i~1 l2 mil W i'1IlI~, ~1';:It:lt;!l'i!'ll'i1g e";,jch $ligh,ly v~ing Q (~ke ~~th!!:r,

9_-.- _. - ~l ~~idle ~, poo":srnoo {!.!m~~

-, - - ·of iim.e 9~ arid thsrtl ~il the rli;!mti;li.' iFi~ k.Uf. '10 l~~b Ilu~ wked ajld~, iilK!dG~ 'iw~ :~,pe:3-~, iRo.'lfe;Jii by Pr~~~in:gJ ~ ~~, ~!l'!~~hej' d~ 0010 'll~flt!I 'end :dick cwelf roth '~~~, '!-'lIl.QO'iIllIin;g1 >oggin~t ~~e iI;(lI~ -and :!IOOUrlU:g1 wiili ~1j9fii' st.;m (see be:~-owJ!. Sikk '!he !two lpeill~~i~ a~!'!h onio tnc· back wh~ Or"ClhM. for !x:Jdkli9ha~ wiit'h .~ liiWe ~ Ql'1i e-o:(h,

1 0 1~~II'I!:o t;:~:~~krur

,doo~ hiOlfldfe~ mild '~{:IIIh:llll ~~,e.$ ~F wipen .. MOOd 'I'WO likiJt{lnoo ¢]Ii\I:~~ far hoodIi9hl-s" rnd8nliD:g! iI;lI d~r_~ in !he· 'oe:!'I~Fe$ v50iog '!he :Ii~llef ,oirdoe 'w~r 'end ii't'IQrk 01 c~i:55"'1[I\D5.~ jpCIl1Ii3rri ~Ill .~. 'oefi~re.. IRdll QIJ! ,emd Qui '~ ~~If;"jJ :iIo'Iii'!~, mOO!lIllFilOSI 10 aiTh (0!1, i'1Iii~ in length !fIrid ~rk'k in p'l~ (1.$ 1I'I!14l11'!in~ ~{id50,

11 CijIVlit bradk ·food ~do!jll,i.1 wiln QI Ilitfle degr (lkphQI !';I~I fJ!<llfiU' a '~dl G1i-C:~ !he.. 'w.i~m end wlrids~~. Ttil 9~ (II gloM efk.:;~r '~priFiLle ~I ~il~e· ,edible ~ilver onto ~hc ~brum ,erid :5Iippl!31 o"Mr ithe 'Win~_ Mix 1l;I11few- drop!l ,O'~ (fe.a-j" olcohoi 'Niih 'I .~ :!ii'lver artLdl ptJI nf, a ,1Ii'in CCl-qt Q¥l;ir '!he '~!'"Qme."~~ li:!reo~"

12 .~::~~~ !~=~';~I~:;T

·f~'o\Jt Ib~;o p:i!itk ~wrd'wp iShopB~ for ~db;.r p're~lng each ~o~elY ,BeEI'. Slick 'Il~~ ib~ pt!:klb 0l!I th~ tool and ~~ '~I1i'KIIIi;i~ petQl~ Qml :Ihe dool'$, IP~ ~M ~kc· ~1i'I'I~h~fI ,oo.....,n on~o ilMtm cll no [,mlay' in~ ~~ I[me .g~n «J¥enng. $r.iek 'two ~[i1I:r re~~'(:nOO .cirdlM of ')'\fI&w ~fi'I-o ·tha ;;8nf:re 0' ~~ ~QWeI': Mg'k,e ~, ~fi1ilall y~l~w 11Jow,e~ 'in 'ih~· :5Cilill'fC w~ ~m- ~&i dOOf, wiith P.i'Ii& ~hrE!~_ Nil' !be· ~_OOu~, rlJrn~ ~Iil L e grey ~Eiiling paste 'illi-o 'Ih~ di"i3~nl: $'i~ p're<~ ~nd II"QI~ inio ~I :sh~, ft~ if) ·mtdlt@ri di9~lly oneil push t'h~ 000\:; or CI ~n5~e: o~~d '!he ,~,

!13·· ~ m{jk~· .he b.rrli'l~! put a:ii~A!i

'.., 1 S 9 I~ ~ (kf iIlce~~:~d!GVI'"~

Ihen ~p1N' Ihe, ftift'lQiifl~F ~ii'iI half (;lItd

rod I ~mjo Q¥Q1 ::;h.:;.pe~ (s_ IDbov~J. ~rk ~hc (001110' ffiii'lC Oil 'ooch b:t rolling Ihe lkniJi3 b&!ds' 'Qve;I Ih~ :Wll"kioe, . ~_eE!pr~g No ~lighJly a~~~1 ~e; (Ioooie QI Cllt'!IEI rn (he dM!il?k. o~ ~t. .fQ.r the' other (~'k. :Srnooihe wl1ih (ji ,IMe· king ~ar OJild "fOUl' 'A~;el~_

14---1 'TI~if'i~ ·11· I' ~L_ ,,_JI . ----;1. _::_ - - ----1 ~ - w_ ~1_U!;an~ pUr~!e

I modefll11l9 poiSlB ,and gatlhe.r up

!o (leo-ie ~i5:, ~ffid~ng on~ 'iil!.e botf-OOl:'l oJ eceh bum fo~ 11h,e '1i0lJ!.'Brs.. niilJ..¥ roll o.ut yell'Q"d ~ocl <vi' u ~Inp ~ cdgG' tni!l' IClp o~ ,oris' bUni1 :S~ick botrn blllm$ tin 1fXi'S~Ikm., hddll'ig ~r a lew i'ii'ioftl'ten~~ '1'0 :!i~I;li"G, Ii r'~ui_rii"di lIJI!,£! iJ. p~ of $\!IPP'Qrl!' !,mtil dry,

=- 5 Nf' the· hrJmb.r '~il' tl~~·

, ·.1 ~Clll'irl].!3 ~l~~~IQur nnf,;) J_ ....... li'fil"""""" 1: __ II,,,,; "Ih- __ L -, lint I~~, ~ lI"'-"'~~' 1lQI-- - I..,. _ u;."m "'II~

nii:lliid, foil al'i~ IP'ie-oo rrtll'.O a~!iJ~9a ~hape -cmd pi'i1IdJJ 'genliy one end 1\i:I, rmmdi d ifor I[]I hdl-rtId_ Plass, dQ'iNn on '!hl!! ~C!r,wJ1 ~'O Ao:!ten ~igh-lly" ~ke' a ou~ ,for the, Inumb, hc-,1~ ·om one :tide· end pi.!!1~ ~WllI_ Mdke 1h-~ mQ~ ,(;VI'$. 10 !I~J:'(;jtaIJil; ifir'i9~~'~ {and :!IrjO~ '1'0' len-glhen, ~d·ihe fI.~, dawn 'l-eNtQrdh ~IW ptl&D", 'koopinS Ih~ dooo ~li:J~I Qndi pin~h I.!Ip '!he -thumb, Mundln,g i~ il'J!l' Ih(l, J~ b-y pjlc::!;~i'~ i~'

.1- ~l '1:' .• ' 'k ' "Ii! "

'OXl'¥(fll gem),,_ .. ;1110 In p-4I5IllOIl P5-'II'iI@!

~i'r.! ~up~b i'f trle-QeIo'Wif't,


16·· . MlXfe:l I:wo 1001\8 Mnd"~ 0'.5;

_ I be~~~ bwm 'Q_nl¥ ~d round

tb 'two -t'ITi.oIIB~-t [in8!!:lI's,. Bend .!irE: fu'l,'lrnb (I~~ a~ ~J,fre !l;I(:rQ5~ the' '!l1fiClUm~t :~nslB~ w~th Q ['il1lfe mgo'l' giue, ~n ~~A1l inde:x: gnd mi~dl~ Hnger~ wide: g'll!~1 $iick ~iIii pi:ltlil~l '00l ~th-ci' ~ide ·oF Q 'bIilFlll_ S1kk in PoQi!! wilh Ih~ po I fItI::;, lr~ciugl ,r'O~rd,

C! iull rnoilly 65


MOSt: of ~ ft~t'illM;· ;~r..aVt; ;Q; pltMhtlilM' ~1f ~~ ~~

• L ~ ~ ~~ 1.-.1' ,... '" h ~

k!l.'IiW~ ~~ so fJ!n.~ ,~ ~~~~~~ 'W I.l It\o" 9~rht ~~Leor'~tt.lP\!Ar

w,ttlh ·t~i.s fk~ ~tliptt~se.




"la;~~)Jlad~r;~c~er~~;1 '~!;m

JXl~ 11)

• 3:5 'elm j'l ill, i'l1i ~iJil'!d ool\e' board .. IcilllgJ (COI"rlFeeltOl'll!;liiS.I,~ $A!I~r in e ;5.I.N,3C!1r ~ha!rer

'. 600 '91 11 [b .514 O'z1.2'lJ.! e bUi~'er;(reolT!, h;.~ lP<l'ge "8)

.• 500 91 I ~ Ib " M oz) ncwy blue ~ 1 ~ ~2 Ib 3,~ oz ~ while

1 Slighlly dClmpm Ihe dike 'booid wilhi 'iN(;jfer. Roll OU'I' !~ MV)' Mldil

,,---. . 1"1' ,-,{ . ,

~;;;Ior,: Uo$IIl!I9 o(~ ~pm1l'" !Fi.@ ~]' :iii:1 rig

~r !l;l~tS 1lJ.5lEi r,:;li. QO¥e~ the <:Q~e ~rdlllJ!i'I!I a cif:l~e' ~.thi!!r' Ie sm~h aM pcJrd~ I~ :!i!JtifcOOI Iheti ~I'im Me» froiWi_ ;tj r;QUM tj~Cli cclg,c. Sc:~ aside ~ df)'. prefer4~Y QiJ.eH!~9ht

"1:IiV~ffl~g me m~e 'w,.'t'h :f.erpa~re

,. 25 9 (~i).$1 QVeil ~ Q~ blcck

• 1 60 '91 ~:5,,~ ,O'.:d A~~~"'O~Oliir h~olde~ Ibrown/~'i,i'OF)' wUh a

~OIW~J; ,Qf pi'n k] .

,. 25 9 H U,SI' over ~ 0:4 ngvy blue:

• ~ 9 (i~$Il' iJf\deii ~ O~~ do ~k ~R)IH!ii ii' !j 9 (just lmdl2~ ~ ot~ bi\~n

~ 5 9 (iU5J'lbIHld€n" ~ cz) dCi:rik ivory .' :) 9 (~u:sl' I!Jnder' ~ o:z:) ivory

ii' S!!lg~u g~~ oOnd poii~1blitP.w

.' Mi ni:alu~ ond ~llJrtdOird g~d dmgees l~lxDll:i~

til Edib1e ¢F IfOod',mrre g;olld a~nrei b.e~ PCig.e 'I '01

.. 3· ~9Cif ~~ ~e '~OJ • ~;Irn:k ~ mourii!i9 PGi$~'

2 Trim 'Ihe, (;~l"I~I'~T6ffl 'e(lIdh !CCi~:' and r~ th~ !IDp_ -(!ltl' two ~~j;lr~ In! ,~&! (okl} end :te:llj'd~[{h baLk

togeiner ~~~n9 ooi{~r,(i'iCQm. fuJ'ilio1i1l the- It!lrge a!~e ee:nfn:!lly on *,e i!:G~e' bC<Jnd- Sp~ '~h ~ke'~ wlth Q 1(J"),1i!f o-f b!..!~11Crt.:J:niI rDr Il;I 'OI'1!J]nb a;I<:Il.

3 ~.I ow!' 750 '9 n :Ib I, O~ !;)%} ;j)f ~fle ~!2.'l,Jglll'pO~ oQtl,~' Ihe Ic~ og'k8 ,~te:¥. ~1l\8I'.thillilg d!u~' ~rly p€tQ1t ~nd MnOOI'hif'l9 dOWfiWllrdk 'I::$e~ h;~~. fri!1l1! Ehe e~ce~~ from c:.roUf1!d -.lie ~ ·~ndl '!hen ,~i:5h wi'!h (11'00" '~liiodher 'ID' obkllril iJJ smoolh 'fln'im. CO¥C~ r.h1Si ~mojl C)i]~!3 U:5(lig ~M

.........-.u./ ... 'I ni'1i ~l'I'" L~'''''''' I:V!;., .• ' ....... I ......... ~ .. "~ '. 111 'li'~ 1'_1"'" I'""..;.~I~I",,",

~gntlf(!!l~ '0 !'II 'tQp Qr the 'I~rg:er Ol:!b.

4 M.o.iU8il11 (lli'mlnd Iho OO:liiJ' or ~diil _ ;QtIJ:~ w-it'h ~I 'linle .5o'Ugar gille 'and! $prin~f.e wi.h mi':rnto'!wre d~g~, Slk&.

IE.Ull ',MIE1NI'

i!!' ~brll1=bl\mfud ki!fd,Ef'I knife

lii· ~r'ge, ond $!'I1\Qil rGll'ifiS ~in~ *' CoKl\I ~~~eli

.. Mrral~ OOM~gl ~ni~ i!! Poletf-e ~n i~

• SIliClIl 00w1

.. Srn.oll pieces, ,of loom ~for -8!JJppori')

.. :Smd I ,dfd~ ,(:~Itar (:to iWjUi.rk


'. A Jew CC(ikfcii ~~fc~~

,j fwittl p1pi!19 '~vbes\r ncs, :2 ancl '.. F~ilQ poii1llb:!\i~h

IGif~r drugeE::$ ofOlJJltd ihc ~bldc! ~- Put QI~ide '!:!i pe<l!.~g~! C!DOU:nl wMe modelling ~~e" Ih:en mod~ ~ ~'inder Into t:i! 1'[:1. beanl' d~!JIps.'; ~lfG"ilr ~l~n;n.g Llhi:l' p:5li'it ~~ ,th~, ~m w il will ~o!'!d1 ~pif19ht.

:Spri n~l~ gqId 'gliltell" il'!!o 'i;:) ~m!',;![1 be. llfifij:s tEi iii 'lim, hscrt wilh :5UgOr 9~UB GJ pkKI:! i1' ~J:1II'O Ihe bowl', !!:!t:!'O\cring Ehor

II. "lTt " =1~i,_1 _ . , -'~IL -I''"fi' ~" ~ ~Jeo .. '~~.t:ly ""'1 In g II~C.f. "e~ O~I~

~o dll)".

5 iO [~ke' sll'!he bo.ot~~ splil' '1591 n~ a.;} of b!~Qk modelling pa~fi'

'i' ~C! 'i-en 'eq1.L!i;li1Iy si2lM p'ieees:" T):} mske '01 ~'~ ~ 'Q lx1~1 Qnd .halilJ Ipili\ii:~ h(!il~ 10 w'oond off ~ 'end (s : ' ,above). 8.end !hi:§' e:nd ,orou!1ld k.F ~he tecl ami IP' ,~~ Oowr-! blhffm si;'gMy, ~ql"leeciFl9 eitGwtf ~dt:: ro. ~ens.1h~. 100tJ o~ ~~ei ~' of .he' kip. Qifld roll 'hel poil1itlll!1lliih hci;ndle' in~r:de h;:. opBlIiI [!.Ip G Ispoee For 'the leg. W t'iny s,'OU!iCgi3$, 'kili I~, 1vW~ ~ boo~ 'in '~I'CI m~ 'P"It eoch iQ:5k1~ ~o dry,

6 T'Q, make 'Ihc CA;j~$, ~p1i1' 110 9

_ ~~ Q,z~ Q~' n~ IWU!3i l'II'IoJ.dl[~g

" f·· .11 L iT,

pgste 'illig 'I~ piCl>OO:i ,on~ ~IilClp8 11i!f8'

II\:Utened dl"(:li!!!. f'O~ itlnG ~~e of ,~h !hat .. Sp'lilI' .he r<em.tiining[ IiiIJ"Io')" blue into fi~ ~nd shape into.- Ihkkell" ,clr.d~, p'inch'ing vp QDe side for ~he flop of each ha~, ~ic:k (ltl'!Q !he ~ endl ~efii iP'Jt a:;;,i'd~ no d'sf.,

7 ~~eh" "19lJI18', is liiKld,c&['Rohmd I(llt '1'0 ,dry ,oorn,pi8~ lbeforo

[pol):;;i:licning 00 '1Itw (,{:ike (s(!e, tight). ,Sp~~ 100 9 [3!o( 'oz~ O'fBet.h"~Gleul'ed l1iI!xh!i1 insl pa:r;te intQ ~1\iB piili'(j!3$1 :SOifiie ''''~F'I $1~1Iy 'lar'SiS~ ~ Cli~,!Q o[low for d~~~eren'~ bJ.rild~. Roil·oiiO' inro ~ ~u:s.aea shcpG ,gFOlJ!'Id 6 .:;m ~2~ in) i'il Ie.!'!gih ,and Bolten digh Iy. MQke Q 2,:5

~in t 1 (r:J~ QU~ 'h;;.'! !iEip.iJI"C'h;t. ~ ~~ sm~h on, ooih '~ide:5' fQ lI"e~~ 'he; l1t~rd aIlI~ edge. GoolLy. twj~~ eg:ch leg to Ilsngthen ~nd, pinoh hclfway :&own j'Q, ~hqpe a Iknoo. rMoo't dQw.'llil 'iLB 'FFOnl-oif the -che~'1 !'uin,g ~ ~inibv~h h,;mdl!!l' end il't'fO'ke ~, Qt;I~ 1i'1fIB~ to, ~~, e<lI&i pBCkIttli1. U!<e e ~u :!i.~tt:l . inder.d' Q ~mQJI hole in ,~:h. Sti(:k etI the boob.

8 'Few.arm ~ $pl,~ 3.5 9 (~I ~ oz] ,o'f

_ 'Be~h·~o.lD\!!red rmOO:ellwtg pg" [nfo n cq'1lcl, r ' ~i~i piM:M.. To mg cte:

OI'1[ erm, roll lfill'cI, (li '(fU~,e :dn~ eodl pinch gel'l~'y;:;Jt oM .and bt), rouna ,6~f :for (] IhQn~. Pr~,~$ d,Qwn 'O:A tfti2' hoM ~'o. [Iki~ ~Iightlyr wilhcw!l' if!denli~. Malwi a (~.' er Ihe ~hlJJllb hcJfowQ)' on eae side, aM pillrl cBow.1'!. Make 'lhrn 1'i'iil:Ii'C 'tut~ ~ :~roB ~~" pu~h '~hU' ,and s~ke to lengthen cOO boord oll'QwodI, To, Ii'itlfu~11y :ihQpe 'the h,olild in'-O fPO~i!iQI'iIIJ' pmh t'hs' thuP.'r.Ib ~1oi(!;;U'~ ilhe ptilliIi'I ~, ~h~ wmist Loy 1lrw (i;1'm ~ Q'mcl pu.!ih im[ h~I~, ~IITII:hililij out a~ ilbe !b.o~k 1'0 shcpm 'c dbow,. Indent a ,tim 'top '!'!!:!, rQU:li'id df!f (J Itrr;go ml"l~'e'. M~ ~I] Ih~, OFlM ~ $1kl: in

•• K_..J ••• Ji

~hoo as OO(~ !.$ [lnOai3: ro!l~ (liffi'!iS.

wilh ~ bimt batk &<IJIfI Ih~ wrm:sfSi,r and lower !i:lrm~ holding Ml'G u~ 'Ql;IIP~L

[9: " ful' ~~~, (1,1 ~_.:s.i0!le:d 'DiDQu'nt_Qi:

, !:JlIock ~II i"!g p;J501e' and U~ ~~e' J.~int!j!'lder. 'fat 'BtH:_ nec~ie. Nkidel peo·~iUd [IkiJenoedl cirdM, and $Ji~k 00

........ , o.f.: ,.,.,."..,L 1k.....L~ [1.,..11 I .... fln !!<C','snn"!"'II""ft'!' '_' IOIWI'I.iIfll 1~11 rNfJ. ¥. ~. ~. -!!;I'og.go~

pI'CU ,~Q'!' ~i'ld :$lick oorto the' rTr:'On1' o.'f ooc'h eh.KI ,and 1'!lt0;e[ :9lIoll. R~ed Ibclll ~h(llpedl ~~. Push oil :wgar' !5~io~ into e ~p 'Q~ ~h figure ~G<MF1g ~n pmtrudin9 [to hdp hokII 'Ihe IheiJd~ in place-.

1 0,' ' .split ~'~ rmafning ,me~'h·

, ' " 'edou~ed ~811in9 poME: ·n~ ~ ... ~ pi~es '[lnd !J.:!i(Jl 0. ~~e' the owi· -siho,pcd ~~b,. ~ and C>tm,

olmoa fun mon iy • '1

;ridGm~ii1lg into 'the ~fl1\r8' o~, ,oach eer ~~ingl ~~ end df, IPQI mlhr,ush . .M.QM\. iOO.~'h ~~I~ by indiJli'Ili',jI'9 wilh '!he ~mcll

. I . " . "Icc. .·lL

.clift iii C ij I'fli'; 1'OJF!lFIg i:;K1imi§; 1 liW 'top iN~!iW

'0 lil'l~ mal!''ked 'wi~~ ~ e«kh;lil !1i~i!.. Pvdl Q '~Q'C,il:-{]jl :5!id In uiilde~ h Q Il'FIcke (]j ho1e 1'0.1' the $!.I!g;OIl' !iliok.

1111 TQl'l'la~ .. e!e~. ~ry_lhinl~' roll

_ ,t;.'!'t,!I~ w+ui'e Irno.ddlJ!'!9 PQlio1e' c;:Jmd

g,t I!lFI drdle~ Il!~ng fha, 000 ,:) ~ii"ii pipiimgi1Jbe. Iror, OOi!:h 'iri$. 'ery. ~hin~ ~ ,GUt Wa~k modalljng p.a~le ~OO ~ul Q'I4f~ tim circr. '!he ne, 2 plain p.iJMFl9. lube .. Lhiii;9 ,Iltt~ d~wk ~~

L~~" ~ ..'1 ..1 .. ;......1'V' ,.11. - _ " ... _.,.IU]I'fTIAj

Dfl!JIW.n~ !l;! ~ .~ .... r Qrla IVOry ""OOt.'i_, •• ~

I~~re. mtIk(l I'ho: hi:lk Iby '~ll'in.gJ oil ~iiIK!n pi~~~, !5'frs oeli'liilfi9 aU! (lI:r.tcl S'~d.iri9 ~ ~h h~dr buik!in'll9 up lil1le by liHle.

12·' V'lbSri .he ~ffUre$ !:,!fie'

I ' '~I'I .. pletdy dry ... ;IiGk ijn IPQ~iJi:a1l'li Clsaifl!!'t ~he (dke, l!.I\oi~1Ja1iil ilfw i'lC:l:k (f.f;~ 'Y.!ith ,a lilillit :!:Vil,a~ WI"IE!', tMel!li !1il1ol ooc'h d in Poe,s.,- Dil~Ee a III life bll'X].:, road oobJrifll9 'W'ilh {I ~ dll'Clp.:!i oJ W'OI'Cir and lXIint ~~$ Md eyeblfCl,W;~ u:si1rig 'I ~lne polI!1Jb:r!!ldw.,




~ 1;3 J!:-n1I 1~9 in~ riOlJrM ~POfil~' mke ,~~ poge l'~ l'

~ 35 ~ 04l, hil) ~1i!d1 ,coke· boord ~ binSI Icmfedi~llers') :&JJ@ar inl ,01 ~~Dr d,~r

iii· A&J '9 11 ~b/:2 c; buliterc~loom ,[~ pc!'l!)Gli ail

.. ~5'0 9 ~ 1 lb r o~ ~p ;Srt1'Qm iI· ,eoo 9 ~ 1 Ib '~:2 oo;ll~9ht C~:m ~"28S, '9 00 Q~ b'lad::

'1 ,51ighlly ~;h~rm,~ t'hi;! ~\:~ ~Fd

vtilh ~rei". ReJ.1 ou! ~50 s ~ 11 t1>J ~I' tI'np ':;rrecJlTrI SU9ar,p:;!~~ U~11iI9 n ~if1l~U~ ~ ~Qin:gl ~f and rIi'IOWCi ~he p:J~re (J rOund aht ~m mil ro pl®fmt~1kM11Ig. lifl' the' tlugorpo~'!e. by df~i!'!~ 0MtJi' II~ mltififj pin ontll c?OVM thi3,~ I;.Qgrd, trilll1lrn'i~1 e:«e'.5:!, rll"QfIl1 '!;lr(IVJ1id ~M q~. ~lJh gmnly with a OQk:e :5iI11CiQlh;e"~ cmd $!II' ,~~ida' ll;:; Qry.

2 'lirkll !o level !he top ,of'dl~ ~~

, cnd rum '0i.'M 'to u~ 'IIH: ,bfise of ~he cake es 'ihe ~p. :CuE (II11Q)'~r in !he ~aklC <rnid!,\fifildw~h 'bi:!ck '~IM:t ..... ilh ~IQrf!i:lIrrlL ~~ ,~tro'lI)f allll 'Ihe

1P&s SJf;iI:~D,tl su~ '~M.. bri~ ,fjI' btit

tl'f ~Sfto-:~" '~ 'bl1 ~ L~f~, of ~I~,~ Q~ ~~~' ,!t~~ ~ ro [be; 9!~V:!v!'" f! ~lL~~ ,of '~V!!i!, Cl:Cl:tOt'l.. ~,o~~ DVI.o ~~~"

-- --

~(l!:OU,J!.DNI~ IPASTI '"W_' ~ i Coj

i, 60 '91 12 ~l Red;rQ~Uu' 1ge1~ b~/i¥p!)" ~~ ool'ooring with a IDUC~ of' ~tililk}

.' ] 0 '91 ~~ Q'(l ~

.' '~O '91 I~ o:~ IiICld. • 1"0 '9! I~. ozl i'iiICi~'i\e iii, 10 'g, i~ oz)~~le

j' &lgpi' ~~J} 'find ~iin!b:ru~h

!I! DI .... :"k IECIOI ~11r=u "'lind. r~ . .J (,=--=:.J

PlIP-~ ..... 11 """,,~~ I' .... , ~ 1111 "IP.!!_ _ ~ ~

c:o!m.1I1Tng pmlc~,

~ ~Fd ,one thellll ,~I~ (Il ~gyer oi ~u~I'(;l'(1Mm @'oOr ,lti"ll! !iUli'fM~ o!: Ihc~, QO~ Q~ a crrunnh ifQ1Jl'l'_

3 'Rel~ o-t.!!' BOO Q 111 lb ~ '2 <!II) of p::iI~e I[IOOJiiI :~'IJI!)Drpt:JlSi8 end IOCIMBF .he· ~~ ;tQrnpiel1;!fit. '~rnQO'lhj'~1 QJwnd Ih~ mops. 5I~miR9 OU'I' p.1~~ (ii!OOInd .hi;! edge, ,emd $Frli;:.:;ithlirllg OO!oWlfW'¢lni&, 'Tri!'ffl ~~~ r~_ ~~OO IM'~, SmQOlh fi-¢m 'Iha adg?l!i tQwards llie oeAlre !l:il'e(!~l"'Q ifllder.J~ ~nd IlMfk plilN:ltc§; (]iiOOiid t'hSI ba~ !d:iiiii9 ,c ~ni~ ~'5ee I~;ig~~.

E.,UIPMJE . '. P~I'Gtite, ~nif.s

,~ P;lc !'!i!-Mcd~ kifdi.e" kllil~,

,~ w~e end small ro~lin9' 'Pins ,I; .(likc SWlC!QI!~~r

,Ii Setflroted 'oorvi'ng Ln'i~

,~ FOOIifII!:e$ ~~r wpporll 'I; A. fgw ox~Jan Sllkl~

,Iii filll~ pgrn!ibf'IU~h

,M~ikiQS' "reD~' Ci~ilid "'~te' ,&!ilII':!re

5 [For ~~, (md f~'. ~p1it 30 9

{l oi~ or- Resh'(lQlo~r' ln~ four eq~ly :;izM prece.5. To IIiIiIclID a leg, rd~ ifli!~ ,c ~ScC9,e '~h~ ond bend 000 end ,fat ~~ foot, pa~in91 up g,crtll¥ to 5h.ope rite ~I. Aln&i arooF1~ 1 e ®.kle by rolling 'Slefl~ belwse:n yeur if1ngel" !:::Il1Id Ikt!lfflib 'to n;:;lrrC/I,·t and

• _L. c- 'L' 'h

'81i\!'C' :>I~Cl!pe, . _ul JOO~I IPIJ1[Ct~1ng u,p ,e

IOfge 'toe ogrtd $EOO dO'Wl1l ~,other

~.PW'Oo~ ~.,... , .... _,. ,i""it '1f'!VE!! ;_'i"o .JI"f~t" Pii'lC:1L .....,...;~ ~ 11I~.,jl "'... . ..... I'l;.lIo,,,_ ......... n

lhe ~ ClI' thE r.-¢n~' 10 shope 1bel bi"_ ~llhree.1 mQrB I:E{I~ and ~i'01c: Iii [pD'si LM he (;(3~';,

~rl!iB piiQ(Gs,. To mQ~ Of'! It.!rm. ~I iWlo 'e! ~e!u':!lCige $~pel and :pinth 'genily (II' ene end I'.oound off !for <J h.QI'iidlI[ReI abay,e)., Pren dow-r:1J on th~ hend !o ~gl1:e.n G'P!ly $c~j'ghtfy, 'Yiifhow~ i'nrlemming. Mnke c ru~ fmo' Ih Ifflu~ h(;jl~ (ijl one ,ide Cl. lpull dowfl. MQk-e three I11Qn;j 'i;\I~ ~o s~rnre ~jll'il9BNj, .. ~'1J'Ob:; ~'O lsn9thGi"Ii Q ul oond l"01Jnd. To ~!jJroi.ll~ly ~ '!he ~ocIJ" pti!~h h tlilumb QWnrd~~ ~h(!;:pa in from .he ...... 'i=.s,. Ihen open ~,oin. ~ ~he orml dQYni'i gn.d p,~h in !;clfworYi pim:hil'fl9 .oort (I" . he oock 'iii> ~~ 'Ihe ,el~, MoQ,};e ~ Irnat'e' (:Jrliil~ Ilnd sJk~ in p<l'sI1ion"on

~ oole,.

7 ~p'l~t, ihe ~i.n;n,g ~~h'CQIQun' m'o two IPI!!t(iBS1 Me !!;llgJrtly. la¥f ~~" !he, oiher, Us.e t'hel!Fi '0

I'rll;a ke ,~n e'lxrw, Ilnd (] knee by' i'dl ins an!O 1!.tl:U~f:: :liha.~" pu~nln-.a1 io 'g.enlly ooJfwaJ' 'on.d pin~hjn9. (II' tlil8,-fTOOt, Stlci in posit'ion Qll'i! '1- ,cdw.

8 Thinly 1"0111 w.1' I,h~ remQifling

d-Qrk creom :SUS,clI'!I:>tr a cr'td ~1o.!1 e 20~! [,B i~J $CIilI@ie' ror 'if~ ,cov-er, Lift, ItlOO ~~,;;m ~en'lr<:lll,y on 1ite 100 1301 pdhing I!fp pOOlS, ~~ (j:mJii'lging 'iii\(\!\1i'1d QI] the limb..

91 ~~.e' 'he. ~ndi!;!,~,' r lI!~j'liig ~, IiflCilIJ.\i\G end ~hire

lmodel iPg p<!i5i,e'. Ttl make Ibm 1Qj». llDOd;d 'ffi~~n~ JEttlrdl'ilJi» Ifo~ QiI,p:~. inoona il~ro ~he c:ooif.e, of e.<l!~ andl :5o~k~ 'toge:!her [proi FI I' tQ point, 'ThInly rnl~ ClUI' and Cb!~ $tt~p;~~ IO'1fnS .hem (:Jr-ov.nd oe!nd ~ufiill!Q with wg~;'Ir' '91~,

1 ,', - 'Yo m;;I1:~ jne whia and block 1hD'.n9~. i'OIl Clul ,and ou, $rmdll IriCl!FiQIe$ and thill1 !5Irips. !JG!E.'EirmbU 1i9 in

. 'I";" .·..:th.. '" - ~ nil, ... ~~c~~ L_~"' .a ,'IJ

PQ!;II T'!" "Ui,;';;:h Ii;\'! 1<1 .. ~' !Qtf4"''''''J',

~p gl Ib~L Ihong ever (;I big ~. [roll' he lx»:~fS, modelJ Aoil'med ~wn:l;!

and 'm: . a ,~Imi._I ;:ul at 1he bottom to

'1 - F~ . the li~:,_ wt kflg tM~ slrips

~llghltr ¥fidEi' ('iii' one end. eU'lfi~ inio Q poinl'. end slid:: QD8 '0V@f tI;I leg (:Imd 11~.g o.'Iftij}.t d Gp«l' ~ '!:I

.... -n.. ,', WI,;l. __ ,L ,:,.J ~nlr.nmRFli"I~,

prl[~.. rn ~-rt;Q . ". iiI~i!

shope 0 lil1i)" red ~t 'b- he ~i ~ thoog {lnd Slick finy Ae!iteni!!d boll~ -onto ihe 11nO~ OOX,H$ for palla tims.

12" Far Jhe i~kij,J roll srrnQI~

/1 i!io!l.iSQ~ hfr'l w:hite Q:lT!d ~ ~nW>e.~liflS pJ~te.r be'lid I!tolrw.~ Dlnd P.1f85~ '~n, IPimeh tQ oper.'l '!he ~ o~: 'I~e seek ono '5lff1o.o1h 1"0 r(ll!IJild ,crff' "tha oppesilB end. Pu&1i un l! -, .he b:.H~ '10, m~ i~ ,arch <l the fQot ~lI1Id tstl;;lk in p.fgoe wi.h (II !rtt'ls :5ug,Q~ '9IiJiI),

13' . ~ the ~Qk.e, i.~. dr:r. dil~e' Q _ ' '. Iltile ~ f~ 'i;Ofo1!l111i9 pc5te '¥I'ilh a Faw ,drrGIP'~ gif 'l.'liCi'et (100 pl]i Fil 'Ihe lip~ (llf! -he wbl~ ~I'S u.~i~!) th8 ,fine ~int~n!1l!1shl. [D]ful'8 .1 ycllO'w' (L MiX wi h Q.11~Lle- w~lE!r 'Clfld porro! !ha (;!1ilIlKlJ pr~n't on ~ bsdtover. hin~' yalbw ,~$. in di~'fc.rei~i ~ia50 fJ' <lfld ,olibw [j'o' ,dr~ Ihen pgint b1c:ck blotchm (f1 c;I dbblb'ingl ~iolfll (!JouOOl ~h.

come end get me '" Il

,A ~~Fa ~~, tU.o~ ~~.~~ ~,tt~~ itcC

bt. '!A.~n.lP'Pt~ (t\r his SkAg }ite:....eR ~~ Love ,~eV!..\, W~~t l~rt C<l?!A,l~ ~ ~ ~ri. 'ffASS,~b ~~ ~ ~u ~jlnt f"'p~ ~ s ~lu of ,u~ ~.e" of ~Ol,.{.r£t!

7 ~~ - e.'_[~~ u~i~ '~, 'I ~ 9 ~~ -M'~ ,_ JQI ,cd ~ !D9llf:XIiSla

:spL1C 'into ~o., Til;) make a 1llt9~ ""lone ho1f Into a :s.a!.l~gc sh~pe' and bel:ld ORB '!:li'ld for ~me 'foo'l'. pinc'hins !.II) ~~ to, :dKipg' he heel. fi~h (l r,oLlltd 'I e anl:e 1'0 F1Qr.row (mel: f"O!Jnd on the ~ ,end 00 f muWe. 'Cui toes, pi'~1Chi'!PQ IUp, the' !ergs 'I'M' end ~(QkiAgi down :the 0:1 hiM' ~ $Q' they cuI'\' 8 unc4emeQ1~. ,5,lick '0iIiI1'Cl, !'he. bed C!il'id prtl3:5S into he: ~r>(h ,(if 'Ihe toot Itt:J gi,"",,-' ~~, M.cSI lh8 ~d leg.

8 Modd 'ihe h~dr nesa and ~m~

I ~_;[J:g .he Ift1!'nClli', ing Re~h~QIQI,!II1". Hi~ ~bl'-d i~ en OV(l1 shap.B.t ¥lilh ~e' f~~ 'mD'tfe.l1Gd :d~9 ~ify. ~;ode' (In ,~lL dJ~ ~ gndl '~~kl, in pkJoo lef.19~ on Ihc CeMl1'e df M~ f(l()!3_ - e eers OJ !,;!, $lIIIal! ClI!\tJ1 shopa~ 'P~ in Ihc ;een1N! U<liifl9 ~!;! ;end oJ 'Q ~lrJ .b~- Marl b'is. ~lle by ~nd8nifiQJ 1~1JiC; drde -ev'tfer ~1l1I o,'-arll ongle oDd dirnpisl hg C4i"OOi"$ of hi~, rm~th ..... j~ Ihe ~fp gf ~ ~k!tail ~riok, Fo.r ey{l~. shapE: ~G 'liny ~k QYa15_

COrTI'E! Oil' gQ1 m~ 73

18n9th~ in&rdlftg pleo1~- 'Turn CI'oiOf, If'Old <wer '!be 'MD ends 'Orootlliltl f!HO ~ (mci ~riQ'k on'i'O lhe~l1'9. Pillti!l:m 1'0 ~hQpe' ~BI bow., SlicK !~ pl~ CIfl ·Iha bod; use rOOm '10 SIJPpOI' ilil.!iide: ~~ ~P" Uslnt(1J ~~ii'rlirnlrng~ ... ~rnd (:II :slr1p on, he .eOO'fe b" ili1er lnOt

1 O· ... "or ri~ ILL~~ beckOYfl' tninlu I, I~-- -. ~ 'l

'. . if'On owl Ih!:l !\en'KifiIf!.1ng bki!',;:k

~ugllrp.a"I'C !l:indl Cl,LI 't;;:IFII oblong m"leg~Yll'ingJ 0 ' I~~~ 20 '0fi1I [8 Iml

sq uore , Fold [in1@ ip1eat~. cllnd iiJrm~e Q~r his ~eg~r draping i. 'O\fef' t:'Ine' bad 000 00.0 '!he ,«!~~ boct,d. 1!hii1Ly rdlll ~~' thill' r'srTiClin'in:gJ Ired !Tfj~lrI'l9 pcr.s,le, Md de.i:oro~ wilh hatll1 ~h~p;i»,

[I Spretfd -he ,",":bite. rO)lD~

_ (Wer. 'lite h@itldboord ~OOI

sir p.1~ u~'i~ lihe I~~ kJliliJe, F~ ~l' ~Qi~lr $p~d Ih~ i'iCd 1'O'I{II1 icine CiveT 11!fiG ~t!~, btxi d end !ilipph I!l!~ 'bdbro. taking o::;arte tlKll' Ifto (f~en ~ru' :spill cvt:1I' _e ,edge o.f I,he cake beaM, ~enr II~ ~iiIillidboord i~ dr')'; $Ikk in p'lare lU:Ili~g wfai e r~l[king"

[12· .. IFrot ~U!Mi.s. Ollie! InQir. rI:!l!!' 'c

I I ... '-- ~m~1I heIe In t~8 li'p of 'he:

piping bag end Iil~ wfl~ 1he F<lJe 'C!",( roycl ierng. Prpc lihe 'ersbr~ lfiif$!'. bui ,don']' mdks Ihtmi 1'00 h~- Cui a ~1~1Iy 'Iallj,e( ~fe in tibs bag (WId pipe I.oilfr Ai:cli~9 lip Q ~pi\:ecl ded 00 'tep,

91 To mdke 1lhe bciW; Ifni. rell wt ,t!l5g[[~~ oz~ of ~~mns pm.;e' and cui I'Iwo ~1Il'iP!!i fur he ~ E.!llIdk ~~wti~':Ig 1.2 ~ ,~, (JIil'

15;.( ~ ~ inJ' [~!!:MI ,..;'ght). ii'l - i1I~ ~1~, ~~TDJ3J ilhc ~inlWl"J~h hgndfe om! iilfl"!img.e o'<;r'OS!!i, (h13i Gcnlrc 'hi:50 body, Fm" 1M ilc, 1"0.11 OliJl' .&.5 9 ~ 1 M 04 <md ;WI' 0 ~rip 1 e x 5 (JI"I (7 2 ~fll. R~I

the paiii\'!brush hcndle 'IXrm~ Ike MlcrkJn, ~e, ,&'i)W

·1 em.,·~ tAteSAll ~""l'lat~ Gre :WC1 l!.t.<o,L "'eu 'r

h~, S~ .. ~,· ,{see

'Ii, .28}


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It. 0 0 "JOP

• i


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