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Bahan : Isi :

Buku Resep Dasar :

500 gram tepung terigu, ayak
1 sdt ragi instant
1 sdm margarin
3 sdm bawang bombay, cincang
5 siung bawang putih, cincang
3 sdm pasta tomat
2 sdm gula pasir

Spesial 1/2 sdt garam

200 ml air
50 ml minya selada
8 sdm saus tomat
1 sdt garam,
1/2 sdt merica bubuk,
1 sdm gula pasir
1 sdt oregano bubuk
2 lembar daging asap, iris
50 gram jamur kancing
2 buah sosis sapi
1 buah tomat segar, iris
1 paprika hijau
50 gram keju cheddar, parut

Cara membuat :
1. Dasar: campur terigu dengan ragi instant, gula pasir, garam aduk rata,
masukkan air, uleni, tambahkan minyak selada dan terus uleni hingga kalis,
diamkan selama 30 menit.
2. Isi: panaskan magarin, tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih hingga
harum, masukan pasta tomat, saus tomat, garam, merica bubuk, gula pasir ,
oregano bubuk, masak sebentar, angkat.
3. Penyelesaian : pipihkan adonan hingga setebal 0,5 cm, taruh dalam loyang
pizza ukuran 22 cm, isi setengah bagian adonan dengan isian saus, taburi
dengan daging asap, sosis, jamur kancing, tomat, paprika dan keju Cheddar.
lipat seperti pastel, panggang dalam oven dengan temperatur 175 derajat
celcius selama 30 menit atau hingga matang.
untuk : 6 orang
Level : Advance

1 2
5 siung bawang putih, cincang
250 gram daging sapi has dalam, iris bentuk korek api
50 gram saus tomat
3 sdm Kecap manis
1 sdt garam dan 1/2 sdt merica bubuk
Farfalle Brokoli Saus 3 sdm saus cabai botolan
150 gram kacang merah matang
Keju 1 buah paprika hijau, potong menurut selera
Taburan: 1 sdm peterseli cincang
Bahan : Saus :
250 gram Farfalle atau pasta 1 sdm mentega CARA MEMBUAT:
bentuk pita rebus matang 1 buah bawang bombay, cincang 1. Panaskan margarin, tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih hingga
200 gram brokoli, pontong 2 sdm tepung terigu harum, masukkan irisan daging, masak hingga berubah warna.
menurut kuntumnya 500 ml susu cair 2. Masukkan saus tomat, kecap manis, garam, merica, saus cabai, kacang
3 batang sosis sapi, potong 50 gram keju parut merah, masak hingga bumbu merata.
serong 1 sdt garam dan 1/2 sdt merica bubuk 3. Siapkan pinggan, taruh fettucini matang, tuangkan sausnya lalu taburi
2 sdt kaldu instant rasa ayam dengan peterseli cincang.
Taburan : 4. Sajikan hangat.
1 sdm peterseli cincang
Untuk: 4 orang
Cara membuat : Level: Intermediate
1. Rebus farfalle hingga matang, tiriskan. ==================================================================
2. Cuci bersih brokoli, tiriskan.
3. Panaskan mentega, tumis bawang bombay hingga harum. Masukan tepung
terigu, tambahkan susu cair, keju, garam dan merica bubuk, aduk rata. Chicken Enchiladas
tambahkan kaldu instan rasa ayam dan sosis sapi, aduk rata.
4. Masukan farfalle, aduk rata. Angkat. BAHAN:
5. Siapkan pinggan, taburi peterseli cincang, sajikan hangat. Ayam panggang:
1 ekor ayam, potong 2 bagian, lalu panggang
Untuk : 4 orang 2 sdm minyak goreng, 6 sdm kecap manis, 2 sdm madu
Level: Intermediate
================================================================== Saus:
2 sdm minyak zaitun
1 buah bawang bombay, cincang
3 siung bawang putih, cincang
Fettucini Saus Tomat 3 buah cabai merah besar
3 buah cabai hijau besar
Kacang Merah 200 ml kaldu
500 gram tomat, blender, lalu rebus hingga mengental
1 sdt garam dan 1/2 sdt merica bubuk
BAHAN: 6 buah tortilla (kue jagung kering), panaskan
250 gram fettucini, atau pasta berbentuk irisan kecil yang lebarnya sekitar 150 gram keju cheddar, parut
0.85 cm, rebus matang
250 gram kacang merah, rebus matang CARA MEMBUAT:
1 sdm peterseli cincang 1. Ayam panggang: buat rendaman ayam, campur minyak goreng, kecap
BANGO rasa manis, dan madu, diamkan selama 15 menit. Panggang ayam
Saus: hingga matang, suwir-suwir.
1 sdm margarin 2. Buang biji cabai merah dan cabai hijau, lalu cincang.
1 buah bawang bombay, iris

3 4
3. Saus: panaskan minyak, tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih hingga 3. Panaskan minyak zaitun, masukkan ayam bersama rendamannya,
harum. Masukkan cabai cincang, kaldu, tomat pure, garam, dan merica tambahkan garam dan merica bubuk, masak hingga matang. Masukkan cabai
bubuk, masak hingga mengental, angkat. merah, paprika merah, dan paprika kuning, masak sebentar, angkat.
4. Siapkan pinggan tahan panas, ambil tortilla, isi dengan suwiran ayam 4. Penyajian: taruh tortilla yang telah dipanaskan dalam pinggan, olesi
panggang dan keju, lalu gulung. Tuangkan saus di atas tortilla, taburi keju dengan yoghurt, lalu tata advokat dan ayam. Kemudian gulung, sajikan
lalu panggang selama 20 menit, angkat. Sajikan. bersama saus tomato salsa.

Untuk: 4 orang Untuk: 8 porsi

Level : Advance Level : Intermediate
================================================================== ==================================================================

Chicken Fajitas Beef Roll Spesial

BAHAN: Bahan :
2 dada ayam tanpa tulang, potong menurut selera Kulit : Setengah adonan puff pastry
50 ml minyak zaitun
2 sdm air jeruk nipis isi :
5 siung bawang putih, cincang 500 gram daging sapi cincang
1 buah bawang bombay, iris 1 buah bawang bombay cincang
1 sdt garam dan 1/2 sdt merica bubuk 2 sdm tepung roti
3 buah cabai merah besar, potong serong 1 butir telur
1 buah paprika merah, iris bentuk korek api 2 sdt garam dan 1/2 sdt merica bubuk
6 buah tortilla 1 sdt kaldu bubuk rasa sapi
1 sdt pala bubuk
Saus tomato salsa: 4 butir telur rebus matang
8 buah tomat segar 4 sosis sapi
1 sdt jintan Olesan : Kuning telur kocok dengan sdt air
1 sdm minyak zaitun
1 buah bawang bombay, cincang Cara membuat :
3 siung bawang putih, cincang 1. Panaskan oven dengan temperatur 180 derajat celsius
1 sdt ROYCO rasa ayam 2. Isi : campur daging sapi dengan bawang bombay, tepung roti, telur,
50 ml air garam, merica, kecap manis, kaldu bubuk, dan pala bubuk, aduk rata.
2 sdm cuka 3. Penyelesaian : Pipihkan adonan dengan tebal 0,5 cm. potong dengan lebar
1 sdt garam, 1/2 sdt merica bubuk 15 cm, panjang 20 cm. Isi dengan adonan secukupnya, tambahkan, tata sosis
1 sdm pasta tomat dan telur. Susun dua adonan dengan ukuran yang sama. taruh dalam loyang
yang telah diolesi dengan sedikit margarine.
Olesan: yoghurt dan advokat yang dihaluskan/diiris 4. Olesi adonan dengan kuning telur dan diamkan selama 15 menit.
5. Panggang selama 20 menit hingga matang coklat keemasan. angkat.
1. Lumuri daging ayam dengan minyak zaitun, air jeruk nipis, bawang Untuk : 4 buah
bombay, dan bawang putih, diamkan selama 30 menit, sisihkan. Level : Advance
2. Saus tomato salsa: celupkan tomat segar dalam air panas sebentar, ==================================================================
kemudian masukkan dalam air es dan buang bijinya, lalu potong dadu,
sisihkan. Panaskan wajan, masukkan jintan hingga bau harum. Masukkan
minyak zaitun, tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih hingga harum,
tambahkan ROYCO rasa ayam, merica, garam, dan air, cuka, pasta tomat,
dan potongan tomat, gunakan api kecil. Masak hingga mengental.
Spaghetti ala Chef Ita
250 gr spaghetti, atau pasta berbentuk panjang seperti lidi, rebus matang

5 6
(bisa diganti mie instan biasa) Cara Membuat:
50 gr kacang polong (bisa diganti kacang kapri kupas atau wortel cincang) 1. Tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih sampai layu. Masukkan garam,
rebus matang merica, keju, daging, jagung, wortel, buncis, wortel dan telur.
2. Panaskan pan dadar anti lengket, lalu tuang 1/2 bagian adonan. Masak
Saus: sampai kering dan matang dengan api kecil.
1 sdm margarin
1 buah bawang bombay, iris Untuk: 2 buah
5 siung bawang putih, cincang Level: Beginner
50 gram saus tomat ==================================================================
1 sdt garam, 1 sdm gula pasir dan 1/2 sdt merica bubuk
1 batang seledri cincang , 1 batang daun bawang cincang

1. Panaskan margarin, tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih hingga
harum, masukkan saus tomat, garam, merica, masak hingga bumbu merata.
2. Siapkan pinggan, taruh spaghetti dan kacang polong matang, tuangkan
Chicken Nugget ala Chef
sausnya. Sajikan hangat. Ita
untuk 4 orang.
Level: Beginner 250 gram dada ayam cincang biasa atau diproses dengan blender atau food
================================================================== processor
100 gram tepung roti
3 siung bawang putih
1 sdm garam
Omelet Daging Asap dan 1 sdt merica bubuk
2 btr telur ayam kampung
1 sdm susu kental manis
Jamur Manis 2 sdm keju cheddar parut

Bahan pelapis:
Bahan: 1 btr telur ayam kampung
6 butir telur, dikocok lepas 150 gram tepung roti
3/4 sendok teh garam
1/4 sendok teh merica bubuk Cara membuat:
50 gram keju cheddar, diparut 1. Campur semua bahan sampai rata
150 gram daging asap, dipotong kotak 2. Siapkan loyang yang dialasi daun pisang untuk mengukus
50 gram jagung manis, dipipil 3. Letakkan adonan di loyang dan kukus sampai matang
50 gram wortel, dipotong kotak 4. Potong-potong nugget dengan ukuran 1,5X1,5X7 cm
50 gram buncis, diiris tipis 5. Celup dalam telur yang sudah diaduk rata
1/2 buah bawang bombay, dicincang 6. Gulingkan dalam tepung roti
halus 7. Goreng sampai kuning keemasan
2 siung bawang putih, dicincang halus
2 sendok makan minyak untuk Untuk : 40 buah
menumis Level : intermediate

7 8
2 sdm minyak goreng
1/2 buah bawang bombay, porong-potong

Oriental 2 cm jahe, memarkan

3 sdm saus tiram
2 sdm saus tomat
2 sdm tausi
3 sdm KECAP manis

Taste 1 buah paprika hijau, potong-potong

1 buah paprika merah, potong-potong
2 batang wortel, iris serong
50 ml air
2 sdm merica hitam butiran, memarkan
Daging Iris Cah Sayuran 1. Lumuri daging sapi dengan garam, merica, dan tepung maizena, diamkan
selama 15 menit.
BAHAN: 2. Panaskan minyak goreng, tumis bawang bombay hingga harum. Masukkan
200 gr daging sapi has dalam, iris memotong serat jahe, daging sapi, saus tiram, tausi, saus tomat, dan KECAP BANGO rasa
1 putih telur manis, masak hingga daging matang.
3 sdm tepung sagu 3. Masukkan paprika hijau, merah, wortel, dan air, masak hingga sayuran
3 sdm minyak goreng matang, tambahkan merica hitam, aduk rata, angkat.
3 siung bawang putih, cincang kasar 4. Sajikan hangat dengan nasi putih.
2 cm jahe, iris
2 sdm saus tiram Untuk: 4 orang
1 sdm kecap manis Level: Beginner
1 sdt garam dan 1/2 sdt merica bubuk ==================================================================
100 ml air Daging Sapi Masak Saus Tiram
1 ikat bokcoy atau sawi bengkok warna hijau, iris
2 batang seledri besar, potong BAHAN:
CARA MEMBUAT: 500 gr daging sapi has dalam, iris memotong serat
1. Celupkan irisan daging sapi ke dalam putih telur, lalu lumuri dengan 2 sdm minyak goreng
tepung sagu, sisihkan. 1 sdt minyak wijen
2. Panaskan minyak goreng, tumis bawang putih dan jahe sampai layu, 5 siung bawang putih, cincang
masukkan daging dan goreng hingga matang. 1 bawang bombay, iris
3. Masukkan air, saus tiram, kecap manis, garam, dan merica, aduk rata. 2 batang daun bawang, iris serong
Masak sampai daging lunak. 1 sdm saus tiram
4. Tambahkan bokcoy dan batang seledri, masak sebentar, angkat. Sajikan 2 sdm Kecap manis
hangat. Rendaman:
Untuk: 4 orang 2 sdm kecap asin
Level: Beginner 1/2 sdt baking powder
================================================================== 1 sdt gula pasir
1 sdt kaldu bubuk rasa sapi
Daging Iris Masak Lada Hitam 2 sdm tepung sagu

BAHAN: Pelengkap: daun ketumbar

300 gram daging sapi has dalam, potong menurut selera
1 sdt garam, 1/2 sdt merica bubuk CARA MEMBUAT:
2 sdm tepung maizena 1. Rendaman: campur semua bahan Jadi satu, lumuri daging dengan bumbu
hingga merata, diamkan selama 15 menit.
9 10
2. Panaskan sedikit minyak sisa menggoreng dengan minyak wijen, tumis 1 buah cabai merah besar, buang bijinya, cincang halus
bawang putih dan bawang bombay hingga harum. Masukkan daging bersama 100 g daging sapi cincang
rendamannya, saus tiram, dan Kecap manis. Tambahkan daun bawang, 1 sdm saus tiram
masak hingga daging lunak, angkat. 1 sdm saus cabai botolan
3. Sajikan hangat dengan nasi putih. 1 sdm kecap asin
Untuk: 4 orang ½ sdt merica bubuk
Level: Beginner ½ sdt garam
================================================================== ½ sdt tepung maizena, larutkan dengan 50 ml air

Gurami Saus Tropis ala Ita Cara membuat:

1. Panaskan minyak banyak dalam wajan. Masukkan buncis, goreng hingga
Saus Tropis: layu. Angkat dan tiriskan. Sisihkan.
250 gr fillet ikan gurami,
1 sdm margarin, 1 sdm minyaksayur 2. Tumis bawang putih dan cabai merah hingga layu.
potong kotak2 3x3 cm
1 buah bawang bombay, iris 3. Masukkan daging cincang, aduk hingga berubah warna dna kering.
(bisa juga 1 ekor ikan gurami
5 siung bawang putih, cincang 4. Tambahkan buncis dan bumbu. Aduk hingga rata.
ukuran sedang)
50 gram saus tomat 5. Tuangi larutan maizena, aduk hingga mendidih dan agak kental. Angkat.
1 sdt garam, 1 sdm gula pasir dan 1/2 Sajikan hangat.
sdt merica bubuk, 1 sdt kaldu bubuk, 1 Untuk 4 orang
2 sdm saus inggris
sdt cuka Level: Beginner
5 siung bawang putih halus
1 sdt garam 1/2 buah nenas potong kecil-kecil
2 buah tomat, rendam air hangat, lalu Tips: Sebaiknya pilih buncis muda dan gunakan api besar saat menumis
1 sdt kaldu bubuk rasa sapi
kupas kulitnya, keluarkan isinya, supaya rasanya tetap renyah
1 sdt gula pasir
cincang kecil-kecil dan warnanya cantik.
1 sdm air jeruk nipis
1 buah ketimun, potong kecil-keci ==================================================================
2 sdm tepung maizena Mi Kocok Medan
Pelengkap: Bahan:
100 gr Tepung Terigu 500 g mi kuning basah, seduh air mendidih, tiriskan
200 g taoge, bersihkan
Cara membuat: 3 butir telur rebus, kupas, potong-potong
1. Rendaman: campur semua bahan jadi satu, lalu rendam fillet atau ikan 300 g daging ayam rebus, suwir kasar
gurami hingga merata, diamkan 30 menit.Lumuri ikan dengan terigu. 50 g ebi, rendam hingga lunak, sangrai, tumbuk halus
2. Panaskan minyak goreng lalu goreng ikan gurami hingga cukup kering Kuah:
3. Saus: tumis bawang bombay, bawang putih dengan minyak dan margarin 1250 ml kaldu ayam
hingga harum. Masukkan nenas, tomat, ketimun, garam, gula, merica, 1 sdt merica bubuk
saus tomat, cuka hingga semua tercampur rata. Tambahkan tepung 2 sdt garam
maizena yang sudah dicampur dengan 2 cup air. Tunggu hingga saus 3 butir cengkih
mengental. Terakhir masukkan kaldu bubuk. ¼ butir biji pala
4. Tata fillet ikan/ikan gurami utuh di piring, tuang saus tropis diatasnya. 2 sdm minyak sayur
1 cm jahe, cincang halus
Level: Beginner 300 g udang, rebus, kupas
================================================================== 1 sdm bawang putih goreng, haluskan
1 sdm bawang merah goreng, haluskan
Buncis Ala Szechuan 11/2 sdm tepung maizena, larutkan dengan sedikit air
Bahan: Pelengkap:
Minyak goreng Daun bawang iris, seledri iris, bawang merah goreng, kerupuk merah
150 g buncis muda, bersihkan
2 sdm minyak sayur Cara membuat:
2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus Kuah:
Didihkan kaldu bersama merica, garam, cengkih, dan pala.
11 12
Tumis jahe dan udang hingga udang berubah warna. Angkat, masukkan ke
dalam kaldu. Tambahkan bumbu lainnya, didihkan. Tuangi larutan maizena,
aduk hingga kental. Mie Ayam Bakso Sapi
Taruh mi, taoge, ayam, tuangi kuah berikut isinya. BAHAN :
Taburi ebi dan sajikan bersama pelengkapnya. 200 gram mi telur, seduh lalu
aduk dengan sedikit minyak
Untuk 5 orang 3 siung bawang putih,
Level : Intermediate memarkan lalu iris tipis
================================================================== 250 gram dada ayam, potong
Cui Mi Malang 100 gram jamur merang,
Bahan: masing-masing dibelah tiga
300 g mi keriting basah, siap pakai 1 sendok makan kecap manis
1 sdm minyak sayur 1/2 sendok makan kecap asin
2 sdt kecap asin 2 sendok makan minyak untuk
½ sdt garam menumis
100 g daun selada, cuci, tiriskan garam dan merica secukupnya
2 sdm daun bawang iris halus KALDU:
2 sdm bawang merah goreng 500 gram tulang ayam
Taburan: 1.000 ml air
2 sdm minyak sayur 3 cm jahe, memarkan
3 siung bawang putih, cincang halus garam dan merica secukupnya
300 g daging ayam tanpa kulit, cincang halus PELENGKAP:
½ sdm tepung terigu 1 tangkai daun bawang, rajang halus
½ sdt merica bubuk bakso daging secukupnya
1 sdt garam saus tomat
Kuah, rebus hingga mendidih: saus cabai
1,5 liter air bawang goreng
2 sdt bawang putih cincang, tumis
1 sdt merica bubuk CARA MEMBUAT :
2 sdt garam 1. Tumis bawang putih hingga harum. Masukkan potongan ayam. Aduk-aduk
5 tangkai daun bawang merah, iris halus hingga berubah warna. Tambahkan jamur, garam, merica, kecap asin, dan
Cara membuat: kecap manis. Aduk rata. Angkat dan sisihkan.
Didihkan air secukupnya, seduh mi keriting hingga lunak. Tiriskan. 2. Rebus tulang ayam bersama jahe untuk kaldu di atas api kecil selama 1
Aduk rata minyak sayur, kecap, dan garam. Selagi mi panas, aduk dengan jam. Bubuhi garam dan merica.
campuran minyak ini hingga rata. Sisihkan. 3. Siapkan mangkok. Tata mi di dalamnya. Tuangkan kaldu. Masukkan 1 - 2
Taburan: Tumis bawang putih hingga harum. Masukkan daging ayam cincang, sendok tumisan ayam, 2 buah bakso, irisan daun bawang, dan taburi bawang
aduk hingga kering. Taburi tepung terigu, aduk rata. Bubuhi garam dan merah goreng. Sajikan bersama saus tomat dan saus cabai.
merica, aduk rata. Angkat.
Penyajian: Untuk 2 porsi
Taruh 2 lembar selada dalam mangkuk saji. Beri mi keriting, beri ayam Level : Intermediate
tumis, taburi daun bawang dan bawang merah goreng serta krupuk pangsit. ==================================================================
Sajikan panas bersama kuahnya.

Untuk 3 orang
Level: Advance

13 14
Nasi Goreng Teri Medan Cara membuat:
 Panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu halus hingga harum dan matang.
 Angkat dan dinginkan. Taruh dalam botol bersih bertutup.
 Simpan dalam lemari es.
2 sdm minyak sayur
Untuk 150 gram
2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
3 butir telur ayam, kocok
Bumbu Dasar Merah
200 g nasi putih
2 tangkai kucai, potong kasar
6 sdm minyak sayur, 1 sdm gula pasir
1 bungkus kaldu ayam bubuk
½ sdt merica bubuk
20 buah cabai merah
1 sdm teri Medan tawar, goreng kering
6 butir bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
Cara membuat:
2 sdt terasi goreng
1. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang putih hingga wangi. Sisihkan di pinggir
1 sdt garam
½ sdm gula merah
2. Masukkan telur kocok, aduk-aduk hingga telur berbutir kecil.
Cara membuat:
3. Tambahkan nasi, aduk rata dengan bawang putih.
 Panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu halus hingga harum dan matang.
4. Masukkan kucai, dan bumbu lainnya. Aduk hingga agak kering.
 Bubuhi gula pasir, aduk hingga mendidih. Angkat.
5. Taburi teri, aduk rata. Sajikan panas.
 Dinginkan. Taruh dalam botol bersih bertutup.
 Simpan dalam lemari pendingin.
Untuk 2 orang
Untuk 200 gram
Level: Beginner

Bumbu Dasar Putih

6 sdm minyak sayur, 1 sdt gula pasir
8 butir kemiri
12 butir bawang merah
8 siung bawang putih
1 sdt merica butiran, sangrai
1 sdt ketumbar, sangrai
Cara membuat:
 Panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu halus hingga harum dan matang.
 Angkat, dinginkan. Taruh dalam botol bertutup rapat.
 Simpan dalam lemari es.
Untuk 150 gram
Bumbu Dasar Kuning
3 sdm minyak sayur
10 butir kemiri, sangrai
2 cm kunyit, sangrai
10 butir bawang merah, sangrai
6 siung bawang putih sangrai
1 sdm merica butiran, sangrai
1 sdt garam
15 16
16 buah dark cherry in syrup kalengan

Cakes and 120 g simple syrup/sirop gula

Cara membuat:
 Kocok krim bersama gula bubuk dan 30 g cherry syrup hingga rata.

Cookies  Campur sisa cherrie syrup bersama sugar syrup hingga rata. Sisihkan.
 Belah sponge cake membujur menjadi 3 bagian yang sama tebal.
 Ambil 1 belahan sponge cake, oleskan cherrie filling di bagian tengahnya
hingga rata. Olesi pinggirnya dengan ¼ bagian whipped cream hingga rata.
 Tumpuk di atasnya dengan 1 belahan sponge cake. Perciki dengan ½
Chocolate Sponge Cake bagian sugar syrup yang sudah dicampur dengan cherrie syrup hingga basah.
 Tutup atasnya dengan sponge cake, perciki dengan sisa simple syrup.
 Olesi permukaan dan keliling sisi cake dengan whipped cream hingga rata.
Sisihkan sedikit whipped cream untuk hiasan.
 Semprotkan sisa whipped cream dengan bentuk mawar (16 buah) di
12 butir telur ayam 2 putih telur ayam
keliling cake sebagai hiasan.
140 g mentega, lelehkan
 Taburi permukaan dan sisinya dengan cokelat serut hingga rata. Hiasi
285 g gula pasir
dengan dengan dark cherry. Cake bisa dihias sesuai selera.
5 g garam
 Simpan dalam lemari es minimal 1 jam sebelum disajikan.
Ayak jadi satu:
Untuk 16 potong
290 g tepung terigu
55 g cokelat bubuk
Level: Advance
Cara membuat:
 Taruh telur, putih telur, gula dan garam dalam mangkuk yang tahan
panas. Brownies Dua Lapis
 Taruh mangkuk ini di atas wadah yang berisi air yang sedang dipanaskan Bahan Lapisan Coklat:
hingga bersuhu sekitar 43 C sambil kocok hingga tercampur rata dan gula 2 butir telur.
larut. 100 gram gula pasir.
 Angkat dan kocok dengan kecepatan tinggi hingga adonan menjadi dingin, 240 gram tepung terigu.
mengembang dan ringan. 2 sendok makan coklat bubuk.
 Tambahkan campuran terigu dan cokelat, aduk rata dengan tangan. 1/2 sendok teh baking powder.
 Tuangkan mentega leleh sambil aduk dengan tangan hingga rata. 185 gram mentega cair.
 Tuangkan ke dalam loyang bundar 26 cm. Ratakan, panggang dalam oven 100 gram coklat masak (dark cooking chocolate), cairkan.
panas 190 C selama 20 menit. Angkat. 50 cc susu cair.
 Biarkan hingga dingin lalu lepaskan dari loyang. Cetakan persegi ukuran 30 cm, alasi kertas roti, olesi mentega.
Bahan Lapisan Putih:
Level: Intermediate 2 butir telur.
================================================================== 100 gram gula pasir.
240 gram tepung terigu.
Black Forest Cake 2 sendok makan coklat bubuk.
1/2 sendok teh baking powder.
185 gram mentega cair.
1 buah chocolate sponge ukuran 26x5 cm
100 gram coklat putih (white cooking chocolate), cairkan.
1000 g whipped cream/krim kocok
50 cc susu cair.
80 g icing sugar/gula bubuk
Cara Membuat:
60 g cherry syrup
1. Kocok telur bersama gula sampai mengembang. Tambahkan tepung
300 g cherrie filling /selai cherry
terigu yang sudah diayak bersama coklat bubuk dan baking powder.
100 g dark chocolate , serut

17 18
Aduk rata. Tuang bahan cair yang terdiri dari mentega, coklat cair, 100 gram tepung terigu.
dan susu. Aduk rata. 1/4 sendok teh baking powder.
2. Siapkan bahan lapisan putih; Kocok telur bersama gula sampai 200 gram kentang kukus, haluskan.
mengembang. Tambahkan tepung terigu yang sudah diayak bersama 100 gram kenari, potong kasar.
baking powder. Aduk rata. Tuang bahan cair yang terdiri dari Cara Membuat:
mentega, coklat cair, dan susu. Aduk rata. 1. Kocok telur bersama gula hingga mengembang. Tuangkan mentega
3. Tuang adonan putih kemudian adonan coklat. Tuang kembali adonan cair dan coklat cair. Aduk hingga rata.
putih, kemudian adonan coklat. Beri motif dengan bantuan garpu. 2. Masukkan tepung yang sudah diayak bersama baking powder. Aduk
4. Oven sampai matang dan kering. Setelah dingin, potong-potong sesuai hingga rata.
selera. Siap dihidangkan.*** 3. Masukkan pula kentang dan kenari. Aduk rata.
Untuk : 50 potong. 4. tuang ke dalam cetakan persegi ukuran 20 cm. Cetakan sudah dialasi
kertas roti dan diolesi mentega. Oven hingga matang.***
Level: Advance Untuk : 25 potong.
Level: Beginner
Brownies Karamel Kukus
Brownies Rasa Peppermint
250 gram coklat cair. Bahan:
6 butir telur. 150 gram mentega tawar.
100 gram gula pasir, dibuat 200 gram coklat masak (dark cooking
karamel. chocolate), cincang kasar.
50 cc air. 240 gram gula pasir halus.
50 gram gula pasir. 3 butir telur.
120 gram tepung terigu. 2 sendok teh vanili bubuk.
30 gram coklat bubuk. 240 gram tepung terigu, ayak.
120 gram kacang mete, sangrai, cincang
50 gram kenari cincang kasar.
Cara Membuat: 100 gram coklat masak (dark cooking chocolate), tim hingga leleh.
1. Hanguskan gula pasir hingga sebagian menjadi cairan hitam. Tuang 50 3 sendok makan yoghurt tawar.
cc air panas dan masak sampai semua mencair. 1 sendok teh essence peppermint.
2. Kocok telur bersama gula pasir sampai kental dan mengembang. Cara Membuat:
Masukkan tepung terigu dan coklat bubuk. Aduk rata. 1. Tim hingga leleh mentega dan coklat, angkat. Masukkan gula pasir
3. Masukkan kenari cincang. Aduk sampai kenari menyebar. Ambil sambil aduk hingga gula larut.
cetakan segiempat ukuran 20 cm. Olesi mentega dan alasi kertas roti. 2. Masukkan telur dan vanili essence, aduk rata. Tambahkan tepung
Tuang adonan ke dalamnya dan kukus sampai matang.*** terigu dan kacang mete, aduk rata.
Untuk : 20 potong. 3. Tuangkan adonan ke dalam loyang ukuran 24  24  3 cm yang sudah
disemir margarin dan ditaburi tepung terigu, kemudian ratakan.
Level: Beginner 4. Panggang dalam oven panas bersuhu 175 derajat Celsius selama 40
================================================================== menit hingga matang. Angkat, biarkan uapnya hilang, keluarkan kue
dari loyang. Dinginkan.
Brownies Kentang 5. Lapisan; aduk semua bahan lapisan, oleskan di permukaan kue hingga
rata. Simpan dalam lemari pendingin hingga lapisan beku. Potong-
potong ukuran 3  2 cm. Sajikan.***
220 gram gula pasir.
Untuk : 30 potong.
3 butir telur.
150 gram coklat masak, cairkan.
Level: Intermediate
100 gram mentega, cairkan.
19 20
================================================================== CARA MEMBUAT:
1. Kocok mentega, gula halus, dan kuning telur, tambahkan larutan kopi
Kue Keju Cetak instant, garam dan pasta moka, kocok kembali hingga lembut.
2. Masukkan kacang mete cincang, aduk rata. Tambahkan tepung terigu yang
telah diayak bersama soda kue, aduk rata hingga dapat dibentuk.
BAHAN: 3. Ambil satu sendok teh adonan kue, bentuk bulat lonjong, taruh dalam
loyang yang telah dioles mentega.
350 gram mentega 4. Olesi atas kue dengan kuning telur, beri kacang almond di atasnya.
600 gram tepung terigu Panggang hingga matang
4 kuning telur Untuk: 400 gram
100 gram keju tua, parut
1/2 sendok teh garam Level: Beginner
1 kuning telur untuk ==================================================================

Kue Kering Roda Isi

1. Kocok mentega dan garam sampai lembut, masukkan kuning telur, kocok BAHAN:
hingga telur tercampur. 100 gram mentega
2. Tambahkan keju, kemudian tepung terigu, aduk rata. 100 gram gula halus
3. Tipiskan adonan 1cm, cetak atau potong-potong 1 x 5 cm. Taruh dalam 1 sendok makan susu cair
loyang yang telah dioles mentega. Olesi dengan kocokan kuning telur dan 175 gram tepung terigu
beri irisan keju di atas sesuai selera. 1 sendok teh baking powder
4. Panggang hingga kekuningan dan matang. 30 gram kismis, iris halus
Untuk: 100 gram 30 gram ceri, iris halus
Level: Beginner
================================================================== CARA MEMBUAT:
1. Campur mentega, gula halus, susu, dan tepung terigu yang telah dicampur
Kue Moka Kacang Mete baking powder, aduk rata menggunakan dua pisau.
2. Tipiskan adonan setebal 1/2 cm, taburkan irisan campuran kismis dan
ceri. Gulung rapat menggunakan plastik. Bekukan dalam lemari es.
BAHAN: 3. Lepaskan plastik pembungkus, potong-potong setebal 1/2 cm. Tata dalam
150 gram mentega loyang yang telah dioles margarin.
125 gram gula halus 4. Panggang hingga kekuningan dan matang.
1 kuning telur Untuk: 250 gram
2 sendok teh kopi instan, larutkan
dengan- 2 sendok makan air panas Level: Beginner
1/4 sendok teh garam
1 sendok teh pasta moka ==================================================================
250 gram tepung terigu
1/2 sendok teh soda kue
100 gram kacang mete goreng,
cincang kasar
25 gram kacang almond untuk hiasan
1 kuning telur untuk olesan

21 22
kocok hingga putih.
Kue Lesung Stroberi 2. Masukkan kulit jeruk, mete halus, dan tepung terigu, aduk rata.
3. Tipiskan adonan 0,3 cm, potong-potong dengan pisau bergerigi 3 x 5 cm.
180 gram mentega Tata pada loyang yang telah dioles mentega.
4. Panggang hingga kekuningan dan matang.
250 gram tepung terigu
50 gram gula halus 5. Setelah kue dingin, celupkan sebagian roti dalam cokelat yang telah
1 kuning telur dilelehkan, keringkan.
6. Taburi dengan gula halus bagian yang putih.
1 sendok teh esens vanili
50 gram kacang mete cincang halus Untuk: 300 gram
50 gram selai stroberi
25 gram kacang mete utuh, goreng Level: Intermediate

Kue Pilin Tambang

1. Kocok mentega dan gula halus sampai lembut, masukkan kuning telur, 100 gram mentega
kocok hingga putih. 115 gram gula pasir
2. Masukkan kulit jeruk, mete halus, dan tepung terigu, aduk rata. 3 kuning telur
3. Tipiskan adonan 0,3 cm, potong-potong dengan pisau bergerigi 3 x 5 cm. 50 gram susu evaporated
Tata pada loyang yang telah dioles mentega. 350 gram tepung terigu
4. Panggang hingga kekuningan dan matang. 1 sendok teh baking powder
5. Setelah kue dingin, celupkan sebagian roti dalam cokelat yang telah 1/4 sendok teh garam
dilelehkan, keringkan. 3 sendok makan wijen,
6. Taburi dengan gula halus bagian yang putih. sangrai
Untuk: 300 gram 1 kuning telur untuk olesan

Level: Intermediate

Kue Padang Pasir 1. Kocok mentega dan gula pasir hingga lembut, masukkan kuning telur satu
per satu, aduk rata. Masukkan susu evaporated, kocok hingga putih.
BAHAN: 2. Masukkan garam, tepung terigu yang telah diayak dengan baking powder.
100 gram mentega Aduk rata hingga adonan dapat dipulung.
175 gram tepung terigu 3. Gulung diatas talenan sepanjang 15 cm diameter 1cm, tekuk dan pilin
75 gram gula halus seperti tali tambang.
50 gram mete, haluskan 4. Tata pada loyang yang telah dioles mentega. Olesi bagian atas kue dengan
1 sendok makan kulit jeruk kuning telur dan taburi wijen.
lemon parut 5. Panggang hingga kekuningan dan matang.
1 kuning telur Untuk: 200 gram
1/4 sendok teh garam
5 sendok makan gula halus Level: Intermediate
untuk taburan ==================================================================
100 gram cokelat masak,
CARA MEMBUAT: lelehkan
1. Kocok mentega dan gula halus sampai lembut, masukkan kuning telur,

23 24
Nastar Semprit Sagu Keju

Bahan Selai nanas: Bahan:

150 g nanas, parut 125 g margarin
100 g gula pasir 100 g mentega tawar
2 cm kayu manis 125 g gula bubuk
3 kuning telur ayam
Kue: 100 g keju Edam parut
150 g margarin 50 g keju Cheddar parut
50 g mentega 300 g tepung sagu
2 kuning telur ayam 50 g tepung maizena
1 putih telur ayam 50 g tepung terigu
275 g tepung terigu
¼ sdt vanili bubuk
100 g keju edam , parut Cara membuat:
Olesan: 2 kuning telur ayam, kocok  Kocok margarin, mentega dan gula hingga lembut.
Taburan:100 g keju Cheddar parut  Tambahkan telur satu per satu sambil kocok rata.
 Masukkan keju, aduk dengan sendok kayu hingga rata.
Cara membuat:  Tambahkan tepung sagu, maizena, dan terigu. Aduk hingga rata.
 Selai nanas: Masak semua bahan di atas api kecil hingga kental dan  Masukkan adonan ke dalam kantong smeprotan kue. Beri semprotan mawar
warnanya agak kecokelatan. Angkat, dinginkan. besar atau yang lain. Adonan sedikit liat karena itu pilih semprotan yang
 Bentuk adonan menjadi bulatan-bulatan kecil. Sisihkan. agak besar.
 Kue: Kocok margarin dan mentega hingga lembut.  Semprotkan ke atas loyang datar bersemir mentega.
 Masukkan telur satu per satu sambil kocok hingga rata.  Panggang dalam oven panas 170 C selama 30 menit hingga kuning dan
 Masukkan tepung terigu, vanili dan keju Edam. Aduk hingga rata. Diamkan kering. Angkat dan dinginkan.
selama 30 menit. Untuk 900 gram
 Ambil 1 sdm adonan kue, pipihkan. Isi dengan bulatan selai nanas, bentuk
kembali menjadi bola-bola. Kerjakan yang sama dengan sisa adonan. Level: Intermediate
 Taruh di loyang datar yang bersemir margarin. Olesi permukaannya dengan ==================================================================
telur kocok.
 Taburi keju Cheddar parut. Panggang dalam oven panas 160 C selama 25 Chocolate Crunchy
menit hingga kuning kecokelatan. Angkat dan dinginkan.
 Simpan dalam wadah kering bertutup.
Untuk 600 gram Bahan:
200 gram margarin
Level: Intermediate 175 gram gula halus
================================================================== 2 kuning telur
1/4 sendok teh baking powder
310 gram tepung terigu
20 gram cokelat bubuk
1/4 sendok teh vanili
coco krunch untuk hiasan


25 26
1. Kocok margarin dan gula halus sampai lembut. Masukkan kuning
telur. Kocok kembali. Tambahkan ayakan tepung terigu, cokelat
Kue Cincin
bubuk, dan baking powder. Aduk rata.
2. Sendoki adonan sebesar kelereng lalu hias dengan koko krunch BAHAN:
hingga menyerupai kelopak bunga. 250 gram tepung beras
3. Oven sampai matang. 100 gram kelapa parut, sangrai
untuk 600 gram garam secukupnya
50 gram gula pasir
Level: Intermediate 150 gram gula merah
================================================================== 150 ml air
minyak untuk menggoreng

Lidah Kucing CARA MEMBUAT:

1. Masak air bersama gula merah sampai mendidih. Masih dalam keadaan
panas, siramkan ke atas tepung beras. Uleni sambil dimasukkan kelapa
sangrai, garam, dan gula pasir. Aduk rata sampai gula hancur. Diamkan
BAHAN : semalaman.
2 putih telur, kocok kaku 2. Bentuk bulat dan lubangi bagian tengahnya. Goreng sampai
1 sendok makan kuning telur kecokelatan.
100 gram mentega untuk 27 buah
100 gram gula halus
100 gram tepung terigu Level: Intermediate
1 sendok teh cokelat pasta

Meringue Kisses
2 putih telur
1. Kocok mentega, kuning telur, dan gula halus sampai menjadi krim.
150 gram gula halus
2. Masukkan 1/3 bagian tepung terigu. Aduk lalu tambahkan 1/3
50 gram kacang tanah sangrai,
bagian putih telur.Aduk rata. Tambahkan lagi 1/3 bagian tepung
terigu. Setelah rata, tambahkan 1/3 bagian putih telur. Lakukan
1 sendok teh air jeruk lemon
hal yang sama pada sisa bahan.
dark cooking chocolate
3. Ambil seperlima adonan. Tambahkan cokelat pasta. Semprotkan
adonan kuning ke cetakan lidah kucing. Semprotkan adonan secukupnya untuk menempel
cokelat di atasnya. Oven sampai matang.
untuk 250 gram
Level: Intermediate
1. Kocok putih telur sampai kaku. Masukkan gula halus sedikit-sedikit lalu
tuangkan air lemon. Aduk rata.
2. Tambahkan kacang halus. Aduk rata. Masukkan dalam plastik segitiga
kemudian semprotkan di atas loyang.
3. Oven dengan suhu rendah (50 derajat) dengan pintu terbuka sampai
kering dan matang.
untuk 200 gram
Level: Intermediate

27 28
lalu tuangi susu sedikit-sedikit sambil diaduk sampai adonan tidak
Semprit Coklat Kacang Mete melekat.
2. Masukkan kismis, aduk rata, lalu tutup dengan plastik/serbet, diamkan
Bahan: di tempat hangat sekitar 1 jam.
3. Ambil dengan sendok yang telah diolesi minyak, lalu goreng dalam
175 gram mentega/margarin
minyak banyak dengan api sedang sampai matang kecoklatan, angkat.
100 gram gula halus Taburi atasnya dengan gula bubuk setelah dingin.
2 butir kuning telur, kocok
1/2 sendok teh vanili
Level: Beginner
100 gram kacang tanah, haluskan ==================================================================
120 gram tepung terigu
Ukuran porsi: 500 gram 30 gram tepung maizena
20 gram coklat bubuk Crepe Buah-Buahan
25 gram coklat masak putih, cairkan
100 gram kacang mete, belah jadi 2 Bahan Crepe:
Cara membuat 125 gram tepung terigu
1. Campur tepung terigu, tepung maizena, dan coklat bubuk, aduk hingga 3 butir telur, dikocok lepas
rata, lalu ayak, sisihkan. 300 ml susu
2. Campur mentega, gula halus, kuning telur, dan vanili, kocok hingga 15 gram margarin, dilelehkan
lembut, lalu masukkan kacang tanah dan campuran tepung terigu tadi
sedikit-sedikit, aduk rata. Bahan Isi:
3. Masukkan adonan ke dalam semprotan, lalu semprotkan sedikit-sedikit 2 sendok makan margarin
ke dalam loyang yang telah diolesi dengan mentega, panggang dalam 2 sendok makan tepung terigu
oven hingga matang dan kering, angkat, dinginkan. 250 ml susu
4. Setelah dingin, tuang sedikit coklat masak putih di bagian tengah tiap 2 sendok makan gula pasir
kue, letakkan kacang mete di atasnya, lalu biarkan hingga coklat 3 sendok makan krim kental
membeku. 100 gram apel malang, dipotong
Level: Intermediate 100 gram jeruk mandarin kaleng
Bola Kismis Cara Membuat:
1. Aduk semua bahan crepe, lalu buat crepe tipis-tipis, sisihkan.
2. Buat isi: Lelehkan margarin, masukkan tepung terigu, aduk hingga kental.
Bahan-bahan Kemudian, tuang susu sambil diaduk. Masukkan gula, krim kental, apel dan
1 sendok makan tepung terigu jeruk.
1 sendok makan gist/ragi instan 3. Ambil selembar kulit, lalu sendokkan isi, gulung, kemudian sajikan.
1 sendok teh gula pasir
100 cc air, hangatkan sebentar Untuk: 15 buah
200 gram tepung terigu
2 butir telur, kocok Level: Intermediate
150 cc susu cair, hangatkan sebentar ==================================================================
100 gram kismis
Ukuran porsi: 20 potong 25 gram gula bubuk

Cara membuat
1. Campur ragi dengan air hangat sampai larut, lalu masukkan 1 sendok
makan tepung terigu dan gula, aduk rata, biarkan di tempat hangat
atau jemur di tempat panas sekitar 15 menit.
Masukkan 200 gram tepung terigu dan telur pada adonan tadi, uleni,

29 30
Roti Manis Kura-Kura Putri Salju
 Tepung terigu Cakra Bahan:
Kembar atau Kereta 2 butir kuning telur
Kencana 500 gr 200 g mentega
175 g margarin
 Gula pasir 125 gr
175 g gula bubuk
 Yeast pengembang 15 gr
450 g tepung terigu
 Susu cair 350 cc 200 g kacang mete, panggang, cincang halus
 Kuning telur 3 butir Taburan, ayak jadi satu:
 Margarin 100 gr 200 g gula bubuk
 Garam halus 5 gr ½ sdt vanili bubuk

Bahan olesan: Cara membuat:

 Kuning telur 1 butir dicampur dengan 1 sdm air
 Selai apricot
CARA PEMBUATAN Kocok kuning telur, mentega, margarin, dan gula bubuk hingga lembut.
1. Campurkan terigu Cakra Kembar atau Kereta Kencana, gula pasir, susu
cair, kuning telur, dan yeast. Aduk sampai rata + 5 menit. Tambahkan tepung terigu dan kacang mete. Aduk hingga rata.
2. Masukkan margarin, aduk sampai halus + 10 menit, kemudian masukkan
garam halus. Aduk terus adonan sampai kalis. Diamkan atau taruh adonan dalam lemari es selama 1 jam.
3. Simpan adonan selama 10 menit
4. Uleni adonan, diamkan kembali selama 10 menit Bentuk adonan menjadi bulat lonjong agak pipih. Taruh di atas loyang datar.
5. Bagi adonan menjadi 50 gr atau menurut selera, isi dengan kurma atau
menurut selera dan bentuk sesuai selera. Panggang dalam oven panas 170 C selama 30 menit.
6. Simpan di atas loyang yang sudah diolesi mentega, diamkan sampai
mengembang + 10 menit, olesi dengan kuning telur yang sudah Angkat. Lumuri kue dengan bahan Taburan hingga rata.
dicampur air.
7. Panggang dalam oven dengan suhu 200°C sampai kekuningan dan Simpan dalam wadah bertutup rapat.
matang, + 10 menit Untuk 800 gram
8. Angkat, olesi roti dengan selai apricot, untuk mengkilatkan
9. Roti siap disajikan! Level: Intermediate
Selamat mencoba! ==================================================================
 Agar mendapatkan kualitas yang baik, gunakan terigu berprotein tinggi
seperti Cakra Kembar atau Kereta Kencana.
 Adonan yang sudah kalis, sebaiknya diistirahatkan selama + 30 menit
agar mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal.

Level: Advance

31 32
A: Not directly. But baking soda—sodium bicarbonate—is a good leaven in

Questions pastries that contain acid such as buttermilk, sour cream, or yogurt. If there
is little or no acid in a recipe and you want to use baking soda (or you've run
out of baking powder), mix 1 teaspoon baking soda and 2 teaspoons cream of
tartar. This works because cream of tartar is acidic and eliminates the need
for additional acid in the batter. You can use this as a replacement for

and Answers commercial baking powder—on a one-for-one basis—but you must work
quickly once you combine wet and dry ingredients.
Why? Because this homemade baking powder is a single-action baking powder
and begins to do its work the instant it is combined with liquid. Commercial

(Q&A) about baking powders are double-action; they partly begin to work when exposed
to liquid, but another part works only when exposed to heat. You can see
this: Little bubbles form between the time you combine ingredients and
move the batter to the pan, but the batter continues to rise in the oven.
Commercial baking powder, therefore, is more effective than the homemade
Cooking kind. But it isn't necessarily more desirable because it has a distinctive
flavor. (This is especially true of those containing aluminum.) It also
becomes less effective over time. You should replace your baking powder,
even if it isn’t used up, at least once a year.

Q: What sort of training do I need to become a professional chef?

A: If you want to train to be a practical chef—the kind of person who runs a
Mohon dicermati jika ada hal-hal yang hotel restaurant, a restaurant that's part of a chain, a large catering
operation, or anything corporate—it's best to go to an accredited cooking
tidak halal dalam Q & A di bawah ini yang school. They exist in almost every major metropolitan center and at many
saya kutip dari Encarta Encyclopedia, If you want to be a celebrity chef, however, all you need are ambition,
personality, creativity, talent, about 15 years of hard work, and a lot of
karena sebagai muslim harusnya luck. The best way to start is to apprentice under an old-fashioned chef and
senantiasa menjaga halal dan haram. stick with it.
Q: When I roast a whole chicken, what's the best way of testing whether
it is fully cooked?
A: To be sure, you need two methods: The first is an instant-read
thermometer inserted into the meatiest part of the thigh; it should read at
Food journalist and cookbook author Mark Bittman comes to the rescue of least 155 degrees (some people say 165 or more to insure perfect safety).
many would-be cooks in this question-and-answer series on cooking. Among The second is to make sure the juices in the cavity and at the bone joints run
the perennial kitchen issues he tackles are these: What’s the difference clear, not bloody (a touch of pink is probably okay). Usually, the
between baking soda and baking powder and can you substitute? What’s the thermometer is enough, and the second method just a precaution; it
best cookware? How do you roast a turkey? Is organic food better, and is it depends on your level of paranoia. In time, you will know when a chicken is
true that searing retains meat juices? Along the way, Bittman offers a variety done just by looking and touching.
of useful recipes.
Q: If a cake recipe requires three 8-by-2-inch cake pans, is it OK to use
Q: What are the best apples for baking? three 9-by-2-inch pans instead?
A: Cortland, or Ida Redor Paula Red. You want a large apple that will hold its A: Yes—as long as you keep an eye on things; the cooking time will be
texture (and its flavor) during the long baking process. Apples that are good significantly shorter, but as no cooking times are ironclad it should be fine.
for applesauce, such as Macintosh, are useless for baking because they'll turn
to mush. Q: Does searing a large cut of meat such as tenderloin before roasting it
really "seal in" all of the juices and flavor?
Q: Can you substitute baking soda and baking powder for one another?

33 34
A: Not at all. You can't seal the juices in a piece of meat any more than you Place the pan over high heat (use two burners if the pan is large). Add the
can seal the blood in your body (sorry, but it's the best analogy). If you poke shallot and cook, stirring, until it softens, about 1 minute.
a hole, some of those juices will come out, and searing will do nothing to 2. Add the liquid and cook, stirring and scraping to loosen the brown bits at
change that. (On the other hand, poking a hole is not the same as popping a the bottom of the pan. Allow the liquid to boil for about 5 minutes, or until
balloon but more like cutting yourself; some juices will come out, but on the about a third of it evaporates. (This is a good time to carve the meat, if
whole the damage will not be noticeable.) that's necessary, as the boiling liquid need not be stirred except very
However, searing—or browning, a more understandable word—adds flavor to occasionally.)
foods, by creating complex flavors. So there is still a good reason to do it, if 3. Turn the heat to medium-low and add the butter or oil, a little at a time,
time allows. If time does not allow, it's a step that can usually be skipped. stirring well after each addition to incorporate it. Taste and season if
necessary with salt and pepper, then serve with the meat.
Q: If a recipe calls for dark brown sugar, can I substitute light brown There are several ways to add weight to a reduction:
sugar? Is there any real difference? Reduce 1/2 to 1 cup of wine, fortified wine, or fruit or vegetable juice to
A: Absolutely you can substitute; the only difference is the amount of just a couple of tablespoons before adding the stock or water.
molasses they each contain. The flavor of dark brown sugar is somewhat Make the flavor even stronger by stirring in a teaspoon or more of prepared
more complex (and bitter, in the way that molasses is bitter), but not mustard, horseradish, soy sauce, or other condiments.
noticeably in most recipes. Remember that usually either is but one of many Add minced fresh or dried herbs to the mixture along with the shallots: a few
ingredients in a given preparation. tablespoons of parsley or small amounts of sage, tarragon, or thyme are all
Q: Is there any advantage to using a cast-iron skillet rather than a regular good. You can also add capers, anchovies, chopped bell pepper, or minced
or nonstick skillet? garlic.
A: Cast iron is inexpensive and lasts forever; it's virtually indestructible. It
has a couple of disadvantages, however: One, it is heavy, and, especially Q: What kind of consistency can I expect for gravy if I use flour and
when loaded with food, requires strength to handle. Two, it is not nonstick butter? Cornstarch?
until it develops the patina that comes with use. (You can encourage this Cornstarch is the easiest: A tablespoon or two of cornstarch, mixed with a
nonstick surface to develop by washing cast-iron pans with little or no soap tablespoon or two of cold water, and stirred into a cup of simmering liquid,
and wiping them dry; wiping them with a tiny bit of oil every now and then will thicken it instantly (the more cornstarch you use, the thicker it will get)
also helps.) But all in all it remains an excellent material for skillets and and without any lumps. Butter and flour is more difficult, because flour does
sauté pans. lump. There are ways around that, but they're much more complicated than
using cornstarch. Or skip the thickening entirely, as it is essentially cosmetic;
Q: What exactly is "deglazing," and how does one do it? if it's flavor you're after, just stir in a little bit of butter.
A: If you've made gravy after roasting a turkey, you've "deglazed." Q: What are some tips for buying fish?
When you cook meat, fish, or vegetables in fat—oil or butter, usually—some A: It can be simple: Good fish looks and smells good. If it smells bad, it can't
of the flavor (and, if you're not using a nonstick pan, some of the meat, fish, taste good. Some fishmongers at supermarket seafood counters may not
or vegetable) stays behind in the pan. This flavor can be recaptured and allow you to smell fish before buying it. If this is the case but the fish passes
turned into a sauce by adding a bit of liquid—typically wine or stock, but the appearance test, you might consider buying it, opening the package on
really any liquid, like juice, coffee, or even water—to the pan and stirring the spot, and—if the smell is at all off—handing it right back.
over high heat until the liquid reduces in volume a bit. (Another term for Steaks and fillets are best cut to order from whole fish. Whole fish keep
deglazing is "making a reduction.") The resulting sauce can be enriched by better than precut steaks and fillets. In addition, cutting to order allows you
stirring in a little butter or olive oil, but it isn't necessary. Here's a recipe, to dictate the size and thickness of the steak, as well as to request fillets
with plenty of options (from The Minimalist Cooks at Home): from the best-looking fish. Quality is probably a top priority for a store that
Basic Reduction Sauce provides this service.
Total time: 20 minutes However, most fillets and even steaks are cut from fish before they reach
Makes about 2 cups the fish counter. So here are a few general rules:
2 tablespoons minced shallot, onion, or scallion *Start with your eyes: The surface of the fish should glisten; it should be
3 cups stock or water bright, clear, reflective, and almost translucent. Generally, you don't want
2 tablespoons softened butter or olive oil (optional) any fish whose surface appears brown, dull, opaque, or muddy. Remember,
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste fillets and steaks should be on—not in—ice, and there should be no puddles
1. Remove whatever meat, fish, or poultry you've cooked from the roasting of water.
pan or skillet and pour off all but 1 or 2 tablespoons of the cooking fat (if *Use your fingers: Most fishmongers won't let you touch fish—it's usually
there are non-fatty juices in the skillet or roasting pan leave them in there). against local health standards, and reasonably so. But you can ask the

35 36
counterperson to press his or her finger into the fish's flesh; it should appear Baking is another story: It’s chemistry. It takes a great deal of skill and
firm and elastic. If it looks mushy, or if the finger leaves a lasting experience to be able to bake, especially desserts, without following a
impression, move on. recipe.
*Finish with your nose: As stated above, if fish doesn't smell sweet, if it
doesn't smell like the sea, turn your nose up. Q: How do you cook an artichoke?
A: You can start by cutting the pointed tips from artichoke leaves before
Q: What is the best way to cook pasta? cooking, but you don't have to. It's best to use a paring knife to peel around
A: The most important thing is to start with good pasta, made from 100 the base and cut off the bottom one-quarter inch, then break off the
percent durum wheat; the country of origin is less important, but you're roughest and darkest layers of exterior leaves.
most likely to find good pasta at a good price from Italy. Artichokes contain an enzyme that makes them discolor as soon as they're
Cook the pasta in a gallon or even five quarts of well-salted water per cut and cooked; this doesn't affect the flavor. If you want to preserve their
pound. Boil the water, and keep it boiling as the pasta cooks; stir the pasta color, drop them into a mixture of 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar
so it does not stick (you do not need oil). Don't overcook the pasta, but don't per cup of water as you prepare them, and add a splash of vinegar or lemon
undercook it either. Drain it quickly, but leave some water on it; sauce it juice to the cooking water. It's also best to use nonaluminum knives and
well, but don't kill it with sauce; and put it in a hot bowl so it stays hot. cooking utensils when working with artichokes.
Steaming is the easiest way to cook an artichoke—just make sure the pot
Q: What's the best way to cook a turkey? doesn't boil dry. Here’s a recipe:
A: The best way to cook a turkey is FAST, as in this recipe: Basic Steamed Artichokes
Roast Turkey (from The Minimalist Cooks at Home, by Mark Bittman) Time: 45 minutes
Time: 2 hours 30 minutes Makes 4 servings
Makes at least 12 servings, with leftovers 4 large or 12 very small artichokes
12-pound turkey Several sprigs fresh tarragon or thyme (optional)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Preheat the oven to 500 degrees F. Rinse the turkey and remove the giblets; With scissors or a large knife, trim the top 1/2 inch or so from the
save the liver for any stuffing you choose to make. Loosely pack the turkey artichokes. Using a paring knife, peel around the base and cut off the bottom
cavity with stuffing if you’d like, then tie the legs together to enclose the 1/4 inch. Break off the roughest of the exterior leaves.
vent. Place artichokes bottom up in a steamer. Cover and cook 20 to 40 minutes.
Place the turkey on a rack in a large roasting pan. Add 1/2 cup water to the Sample an outer leaf; when it pulls away easily and its meat is tender, the
bottom of the pan, along with the turkey neck, gizzard, and any other artichokes are done.
trimmings. Place in the oven, legs first. Drain the artichokes upside down for a minute or two longer before serving
Roast 20 to 30 minutes, or until the top begins to brown, then turn the heat hot; store upside down if you plan to serve them later. Serve hot with
down to 350 degrees. Continue to roast, checking every 30 minutes or so; if melted butter, at room temperature with vinaigrette, or cold with
the top threatens to brown too much, lay a piece of aluminum foil directly mayonnaise. Or serve at any temperature with lemon or salt.
onto it. If the bottom dries out, add water, about 1/2 cup at a time. The Q: When I make scones, they often crumble—but I'm hesitant to keep
turkey is done when an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest adding more fatty butter into the mix. Can you recommend a low-fat
part of the thigh measures 165 degrees. If, when the turkey is nearly done, scone recipe?
the top has not browned enough, turn the heat back up to 425 degrees for A: Scones are rich muffins, or ultra-rich biscuits: You can't make them
the last 20 to 30 minutes of cooking. without eggs, and they’re best with cream or butter. You can substitute oil
Remove the turkey from the oven. Take off the rack and make pan gravy or for the butter (although that doesn't reduce the fat, just the cholesterol)
other sauce while the bird rests (let it sit for about 20 minutes before and skim milk for the cream, but if you take things any further than that it
carving). isn't a scone any more!
Here is a recipe for Cream Scones I particularly like (from How To Cook
Q: In good cooking is it more important to be creative or to be precise? Everything; Hungry Minds Publishing, 1998):
A: You must differentiate between cooking and baking. In cooking, anyone 2 cups (about 9 ounces) all-purpose or cake flour, plus more as needed
with a modicum of skills and experience—and I would think cooking 50 meals 1 scant teaspoon salt
over a six-month period would get you into this category—would gain enough 4 teaspoons baking powder
experience to begin improvising, with the help of recipes. After five years of 2 tablespoons sugar
steady cooking, few people rely on cookbooks in the same way they do when 5 tablespoons cold butter
they are beginning. 3 eggs

37 38
3/4 cup heavy cream become tender. Drain it, rinse it quickly to stop cooking, and place it in a
1/3 cup dried currants or raisins large bowl.
1 tablespoon water In a small saucepan over medium-low heat, melt 3 tablespoons of the butter;
1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. when it is foamy, add the flour and cook, stirring, until the mixture browns
2. Mix the dry ingredients together in a bowl or food processor, reserving 1 (about 5 minutes). Remove the bay leaves from the milk and add about 1/4
tablespoon of the sugar. Cut the butter into bits and either pulse it in the cup of the milk to the hot flour mixture, stirring all the while with a wire
food processor (this is the easiest method) or pick up a bit of the dry whisk. As soon as the mixture becomes smooth, add a little more milk, and
ingredients, rub them with the butter between your fingers, and drop them continue to do so until all the milk is used up and the mixture is thick and
again. All the butter should be thoroughly blended before you move to the smooth. Add the cheddar or Emmenthal and stir.
next step. Pour the sauce over the pasta, toss in the Parmesan, and season with salt
3. Beat 2 of the eggs with the cream; with a few swift strokes, combine and pepper. Use the remaining 1 tablespoon of butter to grease a 9-by-13-
them with the dry ingredients. Use only a few strokes more to stir in the inch size baking pan and turn the noodle mixture into it. Top liberally with
currants. bread crumbs and bake until the crumbs turn brown (about 15 minutes).
4. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead it ten times, Serve piping hot.
but no more. If it is very sticky, add a little flour, but very little; don't worry
if the dough sticks to your hands a bit. Q: What is the difference between mixing and folding ingredients?
5. Press the dough into a 3/4-inch-thick rectangle and cut into 2-inch rounds A: When a recipe says to mix, you can attack the ingredients and combine
with a biscuit cutter or a glass. Place the rounds on an ungreased baking them however you like, even using a blender. Folding is a technique that
sheet. Gently reshape the leftover dough and cut again. allows ingredients containing large amounts of air—most often beaten cream
6. Beat the remaining egg with 1 tablespoon of water, and brush this mixture or egg whites—to retain their volume when mixed with thicker substances,
on the top of each scone. Sprinkle each with a little of the remaining sugar. such as batter. To fold, scoop the bottom of the batter over the top of the
7. Bake 7 to 9 minutes, or until the scones are a beautiful golden brown. beaten substance using a rubber spatula, a wooden spoon, or—the best tool—
These scones keep better than biscuits, but they should still be eaten the your cupped hand. Generally, the mixture should be combined only enough
same day you make them. to integrate, not until it is perfectly smooth.
Makes 10 to 14 scones
Time: 20 minutes Q: Is it worth the higher price to use organic foods for cooking?
Q: Do you have a recipe for a good macaroni and cheese? A: This is a personal choice more than anything else. Organic foods have
A: I think so: become popular enough that they are no longer much more expensive than
Baked Macaroni and Cheese (from How to Cook Everything by Mark "regular" foods. Do organic foods taste better? In general, they don’t taste
Bittman, 1998). any better than high-quality nonorganic foods. Are they healthier? I think so.
This is macaroni and cheese for grown-ups; not that kids won't like it, but it's Personally, I buy organic meats, vegetables, grains, and legumes when I can,
far from sweet and gooey. Rather, it is fragrant and almost sharp, thanks to but I am not a fanatic about it.
the bay leaves and Parmesan.
Time: about 45 minutes Q: I have a young daughter, and I’m nervous about her consuming raw
Makes 4 to 6 servings eggs because of the health risks. Is there any substitute for raw egg
2 1/2 cups milk (low-fat is fine) whites in recipes for food like cake frosting?
2 bay leaves A: Although I'm not a health expert, my understanding is that the risk of an
1 pound elbow, shell, ziti, or other cut pasta individual egg containing salmonella is about 1 in 10,000, so I would not be
4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) butter too concerned. The risk is multiplied when large numbers of eggs are mixed
3 tablespoons flour together—as happens in commercial kitchens—because a bad egg would
1 1/2 cups grated cheese, such as sharp cheddar or Emmenthal contaminate the whole batch.
1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese Nevertheless, the easiest thing to do is to avoid the issue entirely by making
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste a frosting that does not contain any eggs. Sweetened whipped cream is the
1/2 cup or more plain bread crumbs, preferably fresh easiest substitute for eggs. Here's another alternative:
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Vanilla Butter Cream Frosting (from How to Cook Everything by Mark
Cook the milk with the bay leaves in a small saucepan over medium-low Bittman).
heat. When small bubbles appear along the sides, about 5 minutes later, turn Time: 10 minutes
off the heat and let stand. Salt the boiling water and cook the pasta to the Makes enough frosting and filling for one 9-inch layer cake, or two dozen
point where it is almost done but still needs another minute or two to cupcakes

39 40
8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened 1 frozen banana
4 cups confectioners' sugar 1 cup orange juice, preferably freshly squeezed
6 tablespoons cream or milk, plus a little more if needed 1 cup plain or vanilla yogurt
2 teaspoons vanilla extract Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
1. Use a fork or electric mixer to cream the butter. Gradually work in the Banana-Vanilla Shake
sugar, alternating with the cream and beating well after each addition. Time: 5 minutes
2. Stir in the vanilla. If the frosting is too thick to spread, add a little more Makes 2 servings
cream, one teaspoon at a time. If it is too thin (unlikely, but possible, 1 ripe banana (frozen is okay)
especially after the addition of lemon or orange juice as a variation), 1 cup milk
refrigerate; it will thicken as the butter hardens. 1/2 cup crushed ice
Sugar or sugar syrup to taste
Q: Can you tell me how to make a simple salad dressing that only uses 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, plus more if necessary
basic ingredients commonly found at home? 1. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
A: It’s a breeze, and you have two options. One is to toss the salad with 2. Taste and adjust seasoning by adding more vanilla or sugar syrup if
extra-virgin olive oil and good vinegar (sherry vinegar, balsamic vinegar, or necessary.
good wine vinegar), just to taste; take it easy on the vinegar. Lemon juice, Instead of vanilla, you can also use a grating of nutmeg and a little
which is less acidic (strain out the seeds), is another alternative. Or do cinnamon.
something like this:
Basic Vinaigrette Q: Do you have a tasty recipe for spaghetti that is easy for teenagers to
Time: 5 minutes make?
Makes about 3/4 cup A: This is a good recipe that is a little different, and most kids like it.
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil (Excerpted from How to Cook Everything.)
3 tablespoons or more good wine vinegar Penne with Ricotta, Parmesan, and Peas
Salt to taste The butter is optional in this recipe, but it lends a nice richness and
Freshly ground black pepper to taste creaminess. Add a bit of minced sautéed ham or mushrooms to this sauce if
1 heaping teaspoon Dijon mustard you like.
1 large shallot (about 1 ounce), peeled and cut into chunks, optional Makes about 4 servings
Combine all ingredients, except the shallot, in a blender. A creamy emulsion Time: 30 minutes
will form within 30 seconds. Taste, and add vinegar, a teaspoon or two at a 1 cup freshly shelled or frozen peas
time, until the balance tastes right to you. 1 pound penne, ziti, or other cut pasta
Add the shallot and turn the machine on and off a few times until the shallot About 1 cup fresh ricotta, available in Italian and specialty food markets
is minced within the dressing. Taste, adjust seasoning, and serve. (This is 1 tablespoon softened butter (optional)
best made fresh but will keep in the refrigerator for a few days. Return to 1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
room temperature and whisk briefly before using.) Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil.
Q: Where can I purchase a handheld sausage-stuffer like my Dad used 2. Cook the peas in boiling salted water to cover, just until tender, about 3
years ago? It was so simple, but I can't find it anywhere. minutes. Drain and rinse in cold water to stop the cooking; drain and set
A: You might find one in Cook's Catalogue, but your best bet is an old- aside.
fashioned store or country market in Italy. 3. Salt the boiling water and cook the pasta. While it is cooking, mix
together the ricotta, butter, cooked peas, and half of the Parmesan in the
Q: I'm looking for a recipe for smoothies. Can you help? bottom of a warm bowl. When the pasta is just about done, remove about a
A: The word “smoothie” means different things to different people, but here cup of the pasta cooking water and use as much of it as you need to smooth
are two recipes I like very much. The two smoothies, both cold and sweet, the ricotta mixture into a sauce.
are adapted from my book How to Cook Everything. 4. Toss the pasta with the ricotta mixture, add additional pasta cooking
Banana-Yogurt Shake water if necessary, and serve, passing the remaining Parmesan at the table.
When your bananas become overripe, peel them and wrap them in plastic
wrap, then freeze them. Use them to make this great smoothie. Microsoft ® Encarta ® Reference Library 2005. © 1993-2004 Microsoft
Time: 5 minutes Corporation. All rights reserved.
Makes 2 servings

41 42
Mohon dicermati jika ada hal-hal yang
tidak halal dalam Q & A di atas, karena
sebagai muslim harusnya senantiasa
Cooking Conversions
menjaga halal dan haram.
U.S. Metric
 teaspoon 1 milliliter
1 teaspoon 5 milliliters
1 tablespoon 15 milliliters
 cup 50 milliliters
1 cup 240 milliliters
2 cups (1 pint) 470 milliliters
4 cups (1 quart) 0.95 liter
4 quarts (1 gallon) 3.8 liters
1 fluid ounce 30 milliliters
3.4 fluid ounces 100 milliliters
34 fluid ounces 1 liter
4.2 cups 1 liter
2.1 pints 1 liter
1.06 quarts 1 liter
0.26 gallon 1 liter
1 ounce 28 grams
0.035 ounce 1 gram
3.5 ounces 100 grams
1 pound 454 grams
1.10 pounds 500 grams
2.2 pounds 1 kilogram
35 ounces 1 kilogram
Oven Temperatures

Gas mark Electricity Rating

°C °F

43 44
 120 250 Slow
1 140 275 Cholesterol Levels and Heart Disease Risk

2 150 300 Heart Total Blood Total High-

Disease Cholesterol Density Treatment
3 170 325
Risk Level* Lipoprotein (HDL) Recommendations
4 180 350 Moderate
Desirable blood Less 40 Maintain a low-saturated-fat,
5 190 375 cholesterol with low than mg/dl low-cholesterol diet; stay
6 200 400 Hot risk 200 or physically active; recheck
mg/dl higher cholesterol within 5 years.
7 220 425
Less Less Check low-density lipoprotein
8 230 450 very hot
than than 40 (LDL) cholesterol level;
9 260 500 200 mg/dl physician will use this level to
Microsoft ® Encarta ® Reference Library 2005. © 1993- mg/dl determine when next
cholesterol test should occur;
2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
maintain a low-saturated-fat,
low-cholesterol diet; stay
physically active.
Cooking Measurement Equivalents Borderline-high 200 to 40 Identify and reduce any risk
1 quart 2 pints blood cholesterol 239 mg/dl factors; modify diet and
with twice the risk mg/dl or increase physical activity; check
1 pint 2 cups of people with levels higher cholesterol every 1-2 years.
1 cup 16 tablespoons less than 200
1 cup 48 teaspoons 200 to Less Check LDL cholesterol level;
3/4 cup 12 tablespoons 239 than 40 physician will use this level to
mg/dl mg/dl determine when next
2/3 cup 10 tablespoons and 2 teaspoons cholesterol test should occur;
1/2 cup 8 tablespoons identify and reduce any risk
factors; modify diet and
3/8 cup 6 tablespoons
increase physical activity.
1/3 cup 5 tablespoons and 1 teaspoon
High cholesterol 240 Check LDL cholesterol level;
1/4 cup 4 tablespoons levels with mg/dl physician will use this level to
1/8 cup 2 tablespoons substantially high and determine treatment options;
risk over identify and reduce any risk
1/6 cup 2 tablespoons and 2 teaspoons factors; modify diet and
1/16 cup 1 tablespoon increase physical activity.
1 tablespoon 3 teaspoons * Cholesterol is measured in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) of
1 teaspoon 60 drops
Source: American Heart Association and the National Cholesterol
Microsoft ® Encarta ® Reference Library 2005. © 1993- Education Program
2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

45 46
Body Mass Index 225 47 44 41 39 36 34 32 31 29
Body Mass Index (BMI) is used to estimate healthy weight of average people. Vitamins and Minerals
A BMI of 20 to 24 is desirable for most adults. A person with a BMI of 25 to
29.9 is considered overweight, and a person with a BMI of 30 or above is
considered obese. Obesity is associated with an increased risk for heart
Vitamin Food Sources Health Benefit Deficiency
disease, diabetes, and other life-threatening diseases.
Fat Soluble
Height (ft, in)
A Green Component of light- Night blindness,
Weight (lb) 4’10” 5’0” 5’2” 5’4” 5’6” 5’8” 5’10” 6’0” 6’2” vegetables, sensitive pigments permanent
milk in eye, epithelial blindness,
125 26 24 23 22 20 19 18 17 16 products, tissue maintenance extremely dry skin
130 27 25 24 22 21 20 19 18 17
D Dairy Calcium absorption, Rickets (bone
135 28 26 25 23 22 21 19 18 17 products, bone formation deformities)
eggs, cod
140 29 27 26 24 23 21 20 19 18 liver oil;
145 30 28 27 25 23 22 21 20 19
150 31 29 27 26 24 23 22 20 19 E Margarine, Protects fatty acids Possibly anemia
seeds, green and cell
155 32 30 28 27 25 24 22 21 20 leafy membranes from
vegetables oxidation
160 34 31 29 28 26 24 23 22 21
K Green leafy Blood clotting Uncontrolled
165 35 32 30 28 27 25 24 22 21 vegetables bleeding

170 36 33 31 29 28 26 24 23 22
Water Soluble
B1 Organ meats, Carbohydrate Beriberi (weakened
175 37 34 32 30 28 27 25 24 23 (Thiamine) pork, grains, metabolism, nerve heart, edema,
legumes and heart function nerve and muscle
180 38 35 33 31 29 27 26 25 23
185 39 36 34 32 30 28 27 25 24 B2 Milk products, Energy metabolism Eye irritation,
(Riboflavin) liver, eggs, inflammation and
190 40 37 35 33 31 29 27 26 24 grains, breakdown of skin
legumes cells
195 41 38 36 34 32 30 28 27 25
B3 (Niacin or Liver, lean Oxidation-reduction Pellegra (skin and
200 42 39 37 34 32 30 29 27 26 Nicotinic meats, reactions in cellular gastrointestinal
Acid) grains, respiration disorders, nerve
205 43 40 38 35 33 31 29 28 26 legumes inflammation,
mental disorders)
210 44 41 38 36 34 32 30 29 27
B5 Milk products, Energy metabolism Fatigue, loss of
215 45 42 39 37 35 33 31 29 28 (Pantothenic liver, eggs, coordination
Acid) grains,
220 46 43 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 legumes

47 48
B6 Whole-grain Amino acid Convulsions, cantaloupe, milk, transmission irregular cardiac
(Pyridoxine) cereals, metabolism irritability, kidney meats rhythm
vegetables, stones Sulfur Fish, poultry, Acid-base balance Disorders unlikely
meats meats maintenance and if body gets small
B12 Red meats, Nucleic acid Pernicious anemia, liver function amounts needed
(Cobalamin) eggs, dairy production neurological Sodium Table salt Acid-base balance Muscle cramps,
products disorders and body water reduced appetite,
Biotin Meats, Fat synthesis and Depression, fatigue, balance mental apathy
vegetables, amino acid nausea maintenance, nerve
legumes metabolism function
C (Ascorbic Citrus fruits, Collagen formation Scurvy (breakdown Trace
Acid) green leafy in teeth, bone, and of skin, blood Chromium Legumes, Glucose Adult onset
vegetables, connective tissue of vessels, and teeth) cereals, organ metabolism diabetes
tomatoes blood vessels; may meats, fats,
help in resisting vegetable oils,
infection meats, whole
Folic Acid Whole-wheat Nucleic acid Anemia, diarrhea grains
foods, green metabolism Copper Meats, drinking Red blood cell Anemia, impairs
vegetables, water formation bone and nervous
legumes tissue
Minerals development

Mineral Food Sources Health Benefit Deficiency Fluorine Drinking water, Bone structure Osteoporosis;
tea, seafood maintenance, tooth decay
Major decay-resistant
Calcium Milk, cheese, Bone and teeth Rickets, teeth
dried legumes, formation, blood osteoporosis, Iodine Salt-water fish, Component of Enlarged thyroid
vegetables clotting, and nerve convulsions shellfish, dairy thyroid hormone (goiter)
transmission products,
Chlorine Foods containing Fluid regulation Acid-base vegetables,
salt; some between cells or imbalance in body iodized salt
vegetables and cell layers fluids (very rare) Iron Lean meats, Hemoglobin Anemia
fruits eggs, whole formation in blood;
Magnesium Whole grains; Enzyme activation, Growth failure, grains, green energy metabolism
green, leafy protein synthesis behavior problems, leafy vegetables,
vegetables spasms legumes
Phosphorus Milk, cheese, Bone and teeth Weakness, loss of Selenium Seafood, meat, Prevents Anemia
yogurt, fish, formation, acid- calcium grains breakdown of fats
poultry, meats, base balance and other body
grains maintenance chemicals
Potassium Bananas, leafy Acid-base balance Muscle cramps, Zinc Lean meat, Component of Growth failure,
vegetables, and fluid balance mental confusion, whole-grain many enzymes small sex glands,
potatoes, maintenance, nerve loss of appetite, breads and included in delayed wound
cereals, dried digestion, cell healing

49 50
beans, seafood repair, sexual Popular Cheeses
Type Color, Texture, Flavor Use
Blue Creamy to crumbly cheese Appetizers, salads,
Fat Content of Oils and Shortenings with a blue-veined ivory salad dressings, in
The fatty acids in food products are divided into three categories interior, usually made from cooked foods, and
based on their chemical composition. In a saturated fat molecule, sheep's or cow's milk. Sharp, desserts.
every carbon atom bonds with two hydrogen atoms. In a salty flavor.
monounsaturated fat molecule, one pair of hydrogen atoms is Brick Creamy yellow cow's milk Appetizers,
missing. In a polyunsaturated fat molecule, more than one pair of cheese; semi-soft with small sandwiches, salads,
hydrogen atoms is missing. Foods with large amounts of saturated holes. Mild to sharp flavor. and desserts.
fats tend to raise cholesterol levels in humans, while foods with
unsaturated fat tend to lower cholesterol levels. Camembert Smooth, creamy yellow cow's With crackers or fruits
GRAMS OF FATTY ACIDS/100g milk cheese with edible white for appetizers or
rind. Mild to pungent flavor. desserts.
saturated monounsaturated polyunsaturated Cheddar Hard cow's milk cheese Appetizers,
Butter 54 20 2.6 ranging from nearly white to sandwiches, salads, in
bright orange in color. Mild to cooked foods, and
Coconut oil 85 6.6 1.7 sharp in flavor depending upon desserts.
Corn oil 13 25 58 aging.
Cottonseed oil 26 21 48 Colby Firm cow's milk cheese with Sandwiches and
Groundnut oil 19 48 29 mild flavor and somewhat appetizers.
softer in body than cheddar.
Lard 41 44 9 Color ranges from white to
Margarine, hard 36 33 9 bright orange.
Margarine, poly 16 21 41 Cottage Soft, mild, white fresh cow's Appetizers, casseroles,
Cheese milk cheese. May be small, main dishes,
Margarine, soft 25 31 22
medium, or large curd. sandwiches, salads.
Olive oil 14 70 11
Cream Fresh, white cow's milk Appetizers,
Palm oil 45 42 8 Cheese cheese. Soft and smooth sandwiches, salads, in
Rapeseed oil 7 57 32 texture. Mild, delicate flavor. cooked foods,
cheesecake and other
Safflower oil 10 13 72 desserts.
Soybean oil 15 23 57 Pasteurized Blend of natural cheeses and Appetizers,
Sunflower oil 12 20 63 process emulsifying ingredients. sandwiches, salads, in
cheese Smooth texture that is easily cooked foods, and
Microsoft ® Encarta ® Reference Library 2005. © 1993- Cheese foods melted or spread. desserts.
2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Cheese
Feta Crumbly white sheep or cow's Salads, pasta, pizza,
milk cheese with a strong, and appetizers.
salty flavor.
Gorgonzola Creamy cow's milk cheese Appetizers, salads,
with green-veined ivory salad dressings, in

51 52
interior and a sharp, salty cooked foods, and Roquefort Creamy, blue-veined ivory Appetizers, salads,
flavor. desserts. sheep's milk cheese with a desserts.
Gouda and Creamy-textured cow's milk Appetizers, salads, in sharp, salty flavor.
Edam cheese with a nutty flavor. cooked foods, and Swiss Firm cow's milk cheese with a Appetizers,
Red wax outer surface; yellow desserts. pale yellow interior laced with sandwiches, salads,
interior. large holes. Sweet, slightly and in cooked foods.
Havarti Firm, cow's milk cheese with a Sandwiches, nutty flavor.
pale yellow interior perforated appetizers, and with Microsoft ® Encarta ® Reference Library 2005. © 1993-
with pin-sized holes. Tangy crackers. 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Limburger Creamy-textured cow's milk Appetizers or desserts.
cheese with a strong flavor
and a notoriously strong
Monterey Firm, cheddar-type cow's milk Sandwiches, in cooked
Jack cheese with a very pale yellow foods.
color and a mild, salty flavor.
Mozzarella Mild-flavored, white cheese Fresh Mozzarella:
originally made from buffalo's salads, soups, and
milk but now made from cow's appetizers.
milk. Comes in two styles: Regular Mozzarella:
fresh or regular. pizza, appetizers, and
Muenster Creamy white cow's milk Appetizers and
cheese with an interior sandwiches.
perforated by tiny holes. Mild
to mellow flavor.
Parmesan Hard cow's milk cheese with a Appetizers, desserts,
granular texture and a straw- grated in soups,
colored interior. Sharp, breads, on pasta, in
piquant flavor. cooked foods.
Provolone Pale yellow cow's milk cheese Appetizers,
with a smooth, elastic texture. sandwiches, in cooked
Sharp, salty, sometimes foods, and desserts.
smoky flavor.
Romano Hard, white cow's, sheep's, or Appetizers, desserts,
goat's milk cheese with a grated in soups,
granular texture and a sharp, breads, on pasta, in
salty flavor. Inedible rind is cooked foods.
often painted black.
Ricotta Smooth, soft, white cow's milk As pasta and dessert
cheese with a sweet flavor. filling.

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