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X 399 [Oct. 14 / 27-Night Vigils (Matins) of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.

B~ X 399

, t 1', ~* ,j. ~

Tone 8 I [. • .] ••• [. 8 • I] •••• • 8 • I • • • ••• • • •


_ A

.' . . . ,,~

Exalt ye the Lord Our God, t and worship' the Foot-stool 1 Of His Feet; * for i He is Ho-IY.

Moses and Aa-ron a- 1 mong His-Pr-iests, * and Samuel among them that i call up-on His Name.

They called upon the Lord, and H~ heark-en-ed i un-to them; * in a Pillar of


Cloud J, He spake un-to them.


For they kept His tes-tim- 'I o-nies* and His ordinances i which He gave them. o Lord Our God, Thou didst hearken u~-to them; t 0 God, Thou wast Fain to

be En-treat-ed i for them, * and yet tookest vengeance on all J, their de-vi-ces. (

Exalt ye the Lord Our God, t and worship at His Ho-ly T Moun-tain; * for Holy J, is the Lord Our God.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the It Son, * and J, to the Ho-Iy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 99:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 10th Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Shout with ju-bilation un-to God, i all the Earth; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:. serve the J, Lord ~ith glad-ness.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Come be-fore His 1 Pres-ence * J, with re-jol-clng.

Know ye that the Lord Him-self i is Our God. * It is He That hath made us, J, and not we our-selves.

We are His people and the sheep of His pas-ture; t enter into His gates with thanks- i giv-ing, * into His Courts with hymns; J, give thanks un-to Him.

Praise His Name, for the Lord is Good; t His mercy en-dur-eth for i ev-er, * and His truth unto generation and J, gen-er-a-tion.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the It Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of

, A

J, a-ges. A-men.

X 400 ~ct. 14 I 27-Night Vigils (Matins) of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B~ X 400

,t 1', ~* -J,~

Tone 8 It. . .] · II (. [3 • I] II.. • [3 • I • • I II. • • •

" - ...

.' I • • II ~

Psalm 100:

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 11th Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Of mer-cy and l' judg-ment *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: ' will Ising .1 un-to Thee, 0 Lord.

And then, only the" 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter: _

I will chant and have understanding in a i blame-less path; * when wilt .1 Thou

come un-to me? '

I have walked in the in-no-cence j of my heart, * in the .1 midst of my house.

_ I have no unlawful thing be- T fore mine eyes; * the workers of transgres-sions

r«.1 I have ha-ted.

A crooked heart hath riot cleav'd T un-to me; * as for the wicked man who

turn-ed from .1 me, I knew him not. _, _

\ Him that privily talk-ed a-gainst his T neigh-bour * did I .1 drive a-way from "I

me-~_/-). - I,

With him whose eye was proud and his heart in- i sa-ti-ate, * .1 i did not, eat. , Mine eyes were upon the faithful of the land, that they might T sit with me * the man that walked in the blameless path, he min- .1 is-ter'd un-to me.

The proud doer dwelt not in the midst T of my house; * the speaker of unjust things prosper'd .1 not be-fore mine ey~s.

In the morning I slew all the sin-ners l' Of the land, * utterly to destroy out of the City of the Lord all them that .1 work in-i-quit-Y.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and l' to the It Son, '* and .1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As "it was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of .1 a-ges. A-men.

Then, ~I~~'~$§!~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~'~~~~~~~~;~~~~'~~~;~~'~'~~,~~~,~,~

All repeat:

I --;- ta I II 1

He that ha-teth his life in this world, shall keep it un-to life



The Chapter and the Versicle

The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Wis. 4: 7).-

. ~I~~'~~~~§I~

Though the righteous be prevented with death, * yet shall he = I • ; ij

be in rest.

All respond: IV. Thanks be to God.

y. With glory and honour hast Thou crowned him, 0 Lord. ~. And Thou hast set him over the works of Thy Hands.

There now follows the Litany, the Lord's Prayer, and the Collect given below, as indicated for the Second Nocturn of the Night Vigils (Matins) of Friday in Volume I of the Psalter, the Psalter Outside Paschaltide, pp. 368 - 369.

The Collect

o God, Thou That dost grant us to observe completely the birth dayon High of Thy martyr and Bishop, st. Kallixtus, grant us to be assisted by the good deeds of his life. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. IV. Amen.

The Proper for the Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of this day's Feast begins on the next page.

X 40110ct. 14/27-Moming Solemnity (Lauds) of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.I X 401 THE MORNING SOLEMNITY (Lauds)

The Psalms

The 1st Cantor alone begins chanting this Antiphon:

• 1 ~

Who-so-ev-er shall con-fess Me.

I l1li.. i*ii I i*ii

... -' • ~ J

All respond:

i=1 =pt,===. =.=lhll ij

Be-fore men, him will I too con-fess be-fore

My Fath-er. l / "

N.B. On Monda}-/lInly, the Morning Solemnity continues with the Psalms as here given, but on Tuesday it continues with the Psalms as given on pp . X 406 - X 409, and on Wedmesday with the Psalms as given on pp . X 410 ': X 413, and on Thursday _- with the Psalms as given on pp. X 414 - X 418, and on Friday with the Psalms as given on pp. X 419 - X 422. /'

, t .J.. ~ A '*

Tone 1 I [. • • J ... [. 0 • I] •••• •• r • • • ••• • •• ..; 0 • II ij

Psalm 50."

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 1st Psalm verse', using this Tone, including the intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein}:

Have mer-cy on me, 10 God, '*

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: according to 1 Thy great mer-cy,

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

{omitting the intonation notes}, the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

And according to the multitude gf Thy ,com- J, pas-sions * blot oOt .1 my trans-gres-s!,oo. Wash me thoroughly,from mine in-i- J, quit-y, '* and cleanse J, me from my sin. For I know mine in-i- J, quit-j , * and my sin is ev- J, er be-fore me.

Against Thee only have I sinned, and done this e-vil be- J, fore Thee, '* that Thou mightest be Justified in Thy words, and Rre- J, vail when Thou art Judged.

For behold, I was con-ceived in in-i-J, quit-Ies, '* and in sins did my J, moth-er bear me. For be-hold, Thou hast lov- J, ed Truth; '* the hidden and secret things of Thy

Wisdom hast Thou made man- .1 i-fest un-to me. ,

Thou shalt sprinkle me with_ hyssop, and i shall be J, made clean; '* Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made J, whi-ter than snow.

Thou shalt make m~ to hear joy and J, glad-ness; '* the bones that be

hum- J, bled, they shall re- joice. A • , A

Turn Thy Face a-way from J, my sins; '* and blot out all J, mine in-i-quit,-ies. Create in me a clean heart, J, 0 God; '* and renew a right spir- J, it _with-in me. Cast me not a-way from Thy J, Pres-ence, * and take not Thy Holy J, Spir-it from me.

_ Restore unto me the joy of Thy sal- J, va-tion, '* and with Thy Governing

Spir- J, it es-tab-lish me.

I shall teach trans-gress-ors 1 Thy ways, * and the ungodly shall J, turn back Un--to Theil. Deliver me_from blood-guiltiness, 0 God, Thou God of my sal- J, va-tlon; '* my

tongue shall re- joice J, in Thy righ-teou~-ness. A

o Lord, Thou shalt o-pen 1 my Ii ps, * and my mouth J, shgll de-clare Thy praise. For if Thou hadst desired sacrifice, I had giv- 1 en it; '* with whole-burnt

offerings J, Thou shalt not be Pleased. , A

A sacrifice unto God ... is a bro-ken J, spir-i t; * a heart that is broken and humbled J, God will not de-spise.

Do good, 0 Lord, in Thy good pleasure On-to .1 Sy-on; '" and let the walls of Jerusa- J, lern be build-ed,

Then shalt Thou be Pleased with a sacrifice of righteousness, with pblatlon and whole-burnt Of- J, fer-ings '* then shall they offer bullocks up- J, on Thine Al-tar,

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the '" Son, '* and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and J, ev-er, '* and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.



X 40210ct. 14/27-Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.I X 402

Tone 1


• •

I 0 • II ij

Psalm 5:

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half ·of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first. set of brackets therein):

o •

Un-to my words give ear, l 0 Lord; *'

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the =« l he-ar my cry.


And them, o:nbLJh~ 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse '%

(omitting the intonation notes), !fie two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Attend unto the voice of my sup-pli- l ca-tion, * 0 My t King and My God.

A For unto Thee will I pray, l 0 Lord; *" in the morning l Thou shalt hear my Ii


In the morning shall I stand be-fore Thee, and thou shalt look up- l on: me; .;. for not a God that wiliest in-I- l quit-y art Thoii..

He that worketh evil shall not dwell l near Thee;:« nor shall transgressors a- l bide be-fore Thine Eyes.

Thou hast hated all them that work in-i- l qult-y; .;. Thou shatt destroy all l them that speak a lie.

A man that is bloody and deceitful shall the Lord l ab-hor; * but as for me, in the multi-tude Lof ]'hy mer-cy,

Shall I go in-to l Thy House? *' I shall worship toward Thy Holy Tem- l pie in


fear of Thee.

o Lord, guide me in the way of Thy righteousness because of mine en- .l em-Ies; *' make straight my 1 way be-fore Thee.

For in their mouth there is 1 no Truth; *' l their heart is valn..

Their throat is an open sep-ul-chre; t with their tongues have they spo-ken de-ceit- 1 ful-ly; *' 1 judge them, 6 God.

Let them fall down on account of their own dev-i-sings; t according to the multitude of their ungod-li-ness, cast l them out; * for they have em-bit- l ter-ed Thee, 0 Lord.

And let all them be glad that hope l in Thee; * they shall ever rejoice, and Thou shalt t dwell am-ong them.

And all shall glory in Thee that love L Thy Name,:« for Thou shalt 1 bless the


o Lord, as with a shield of Thy good 1 pleas-ure, * l hast Thou crown-ed us. Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the III Son, *' and l to the Ho-Iy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and l ev-er, *' and unto the ages of l a-ges. A-men.

x 40310ct. 14/27-Moming Solemnity (Lauds) of St. KaUixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.I X 403

Tone 1



• •

~ 0 • II ij

Psalm 35:

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes [within=the first set. of brackets therein):

The trans-gress-or, that he may sin, sa-ith t6 .j, him-self * Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

that there is no fear of .j, God be-fore his eyes .


And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse /'

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

For he hath wrought crafti-ness be- 1 fore Hi m * lest he should find his )i iniquit- .j, y and hate it.

The words of his mouth are in-I-quit-y and t de-ceil; * he hath. not willed t~ under-stand t how to do good.

Iniquity hath he devised upon his bed; t he hath set himself in every way that is .j, not good, * and evil .j, hath he not ab-hdrr'd.

° Lord, Thy mercy is in J, Heav-en, * and Thy Truth reach- J, eth un-to the


Thy rlghteousiicss is as the moun-tains 1 Of God; * Thy judgments t are a g~eat ab-Yss.

Men and beasts wilt Thou save, J, 0 Lord. * How Thou hast multiplied Thy .j, mer-cy, 6 God!

Let the sons t of men * hope in the t shel-ter Of Thy Wings.

They shall be drunken with the fat-ness of t Thy House, * and of the torrent of Thy delight shalt J, Thou make them to drink.

For in Thee is the f'onn-tain J, Of life; * in Thy J, Light shall we see Light.

o continue Thy mercy unto them that t know Thee, * and Thy righteousness un-to .j, the up-right of heart.

Let not the foot of pride come a- J, gainst me; * nor let the hand of a J, sin-ner

, A

move me.

Yonder be fallen all they that work in-i- 1 quit-y; * they are cast out, and shall not be .j, a-ble to stand.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to .j, the III Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and .j, ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.



X 404iOct. 14/27-Moming Solemnity (Lauds) of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.Ei X 404

,+ J,v~*

Tone 1 I [I • .) I I I [I 0 I ') I I I I .' I




Canticle of Isaias (Isaias 12: 1 - 6): .

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the l st Canticle, using this same Tone J including the intonation notes (within the first' set of brackets therein):

o Lord, I will praise thee; though Thou wast Ang-ry 1 with me; ., Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

Turn-ed away is Thine' anger, and Thou 1 corn-f'ort-edst me.

'" And then, o~ly the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Behold, God is My Sal- 1 va-tlon; * I will trust, 1 and not be a-fraid:

For the Lord is My Strength and 1 My Song; * He also is Be-come 1 My,!

I Sal-va-tion.

Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salva-tion. t An~J. in that day shall J. ye say, * "Praise the "Lord, 1 call up-on His Name,

"Declare his doings a-mong the 1 peo-ple, * make mention that His Name 1 is Ex-al-ted."

Sing unto the Lord; for He hath done ex-cel- 1 lent things; * this is J. known in all the Earth.

Cry out and shout, thou hab-it-a-tion of -1: Sy-on; * for Great is the Holy One of Isra-el 1 in the midst of thee.

Glory be !o t~e/ Fath-er, and to 1 the It Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and J, ev-er, * and unto the ages of; 1 a-ges. A-men.

Psalms 148, 149, and 150.-

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the f inst set of brackets therein):

Praise the Lord from the 1 Heav-ens; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: praise Him 1 in the High-est.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Praise Him, all ye His 1 Ang-els; * praise 1 Him, all ye His hosts. Praise Him, 0 Sun 1 and Moon; * praise Him, 1 all ye stars and light.

Praise Him, ye Heav-ens of J, heav-ens; * and thou water that art above the heavens, let them praise the 1 Name of the Lord.

For He spake, and they came J, to be; * He commanded, and they J, were cre-a-ted.

He established them for ever, yea, for ev-er and 1 ev-er; * He hath set an ordinance, and it J, shall not pass a-way.

Praise the Lord from 1 the Earth, * ye dragons, and all J, ye ab-Yss-es. Fire, hail, snow, ice, blast of J, temp-est, * J, which per-form His word,

X 405 l0ct. 14/27-Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.I X 405

,t .l-v~*

Tone 1 I [. • .] ••• [. D • I] •••• •• I


• •

; D • II ij

The moun-tains and all ~ the hills, * fruitful trees, ~ and all ce-dars, The beasts and all the ~ cat-tie, * creeping 1 ~hIngs and wing-ed birds,

Kings of the Earth and all 1 peo-ples, '* princes and all the 1 jiidg-es Of the Earth,

Young men and sir-gjns, t. elders with the younger, let them praise the Name

of J, the Lord; '* for Exalted is the J, Name of Him A-lone. r'

His praise is above the Earth and ~ Heav-en, * and He shallexalt the horn 1 of

. "

His peo-ple.

This is the hymn for all J, His Saints, * for the sons of Isra-el and for the

... .. A

""'people that J, draw nigh un-to Him.

Sing un-to the Lord a 1 new song; * His praise is In 1 the Church Of the Saints. Let Isra-el be glad in HIm That J, made him; '* let the sons of Syon re- 1 joIce

in Their King. ji

Let them praise HIs Name in ~ the dance; * with the timbrel and the psaltery let

~ them chant un-to nl m. '

For the Lord taketh pleasure in- His 1 peo-ple, * and He shall exalt the meek 1 with sal-va-tion.

The Saints shall boast in 1 glor-y, '* and they shall re- J, joIce up-on their beds. The high praise of God shall be in ~ their throat, * and two-edged swords J, shall be in their hands;

To do vengeance a-mong the J, heath-en, '* punishments a- 1 mong the peo-ples; To bind their kings with 1 f'et-ters, * and their nobles with mana- 1 des of

: A


To do among them the judgment that is J, writ-ten: '* "This glory shall J, be to ' all His Sarnts."

Praise ye God in J, His Saints; * praise Him in the firm-a-ment J, of His pow-er. Praise Him for His rnlgh- J, ty acts; '* praise Him according to the multitude 1 of His great-ness.

Praise Him with the sound of J, trum-pet; * praise Him with the J, psal-ter-y and harp.

Praise Him with tim-brei ~ and dance; * praise l' Him with strings and flute. Praise Him with tuneful cym-bals, t praise Him with cymbals of jii-bil- 1 a-tiOn; * let ev- J, 'ry breath praise the Lord.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to ~ the + Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of

, A

~ a-ges. A-men.

Then, ~~~~~~~~.~~.~~;~~~.~~~~~~~~~~.~~.~.~~~~!I~~~~~.~~

= •• ",·111. 11-

All repeat: Who-so-ev-er shall con-fess Me be-fore men, him will I too con-fess be-fore


~. • II'

My Fath-er.

The Morning Solemnity continues with the Chapter, as given on p, X 422.

X 406 l0ct. 14/27-Moming Solemnity (Lauds) of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.I X 406 The Psalms for the Morning Solemnity (Lauds) on Tuesday

Tone 1


• ••

; 0 • "ij

Psalm 50:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the Lst Psalm verse, using this Tone, including the intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein}:

Have mer-cy oome, 16 God, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side et. the Quire completes the verse: according to 1 Thy great ~er-cy.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse {omitting the intonation notes}, the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

.. ..

J2,. And according to the multitude of Thy com- 1 pas-sions * blot out 1 my

trans-gres-sion. /'

Wash me thoroughly from mine in-i- 1 quit-y, * and cleanse 1 me from my sin. For I know mine in-i- 1 quit-j , * and my sin is ev- 1 er be-fore me.,! Against Thee 'only have I sinned, and done this e-vil be- 1 fore Thee, * that I

Thou mightest be Justified in T~y words, ~lid pre- ~ vail when Thou art Judged. I

For behold, I was con-ceived lnin-l- 1 quit-ies, * and in sins did my 1 moth-er bear me.

For be-hold, Thou hast lev- 1 ed Truth; * the hidden and secret things of Thy Wisdom hast Thou made man- 1 i-fest un-to me.

Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and j shall be J. made clean; * Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made 1 whi-ter than snow.

Thou shalt make me to hear joy and 'J. glad-ness; * the bones that be

hum- 1 bled, they shall re-joice.

Turn Thy· FaG"@" a-way from 1 my sins; * and blot out all J. f!.1ine in-i-quit,-ies\ "/

Create in me a clean heart, J. ° God; * and renew a right spir- J. it with-in me:-"/" Cast me not a-way from Thy J. Pres-ence, * and take not Ttly Holy J. Spir-it

from me.

Restore unto me the joy of Thy sal- 1 va-tlon, * and with Thy Governing Spir- J. it es-tab-lish me.

I shall teach trans-gress-ors J. Thy ways, * and the ungodly. shall 1 turn back un-to Thee.

Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, ° God, Thou 'God of my sal- J. va-tlon; * my tongue shall re- joi ce 1 in Thy righ-teous-ness.

° Lord, Thou shalt o-pen J. my lips, * and my mouth 1 shall de-clare Thy



For if Thou hadst desired sacrifice, i had glv- 1 en it; * with whole-burnt offerings J. Thou shalt not be Pleased.

A sacrifice unto God is a bro-ken 1 spir-it; * a heart that is broken and humbled 1 God will not de-spise.

Do good, ° Lord, in Thy good pleasure un-to 1 Sy-on; =I< and let the walls of Jerusa- I lem be build-ed.

Then shalt Thou be Pleased with a sacrifice of righteousness, with oblation and whole-burnt Of- 1 fer-ings * then shall they offer bullocks up- 1 on Thine AI-tar.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the ... Son, =I< and J. to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, =I< and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

X 40710ct. 14/27-Moming Solemnity (Lauds) of St. KaUixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.I X 407



I I ~

o • II.

Psalm 42:

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Judge me, 0 God, and give judgment in my cause, against a nation that is not

1 ho-Iy; * _

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse.' ,

from a man unjust and craf- J, ty de-liv-er miL And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

For Thou, 0 God, art My Strength; t Wherefore hast Thou cast J, me "" off? * And wherefore go I with downcast face whilst mine enem- J, y af'-f'llc-teth me? o send out Thy Light and Thy Truth; t they have guided me along the way, and have brought me unto Thy Ho:-Iy J, Moun-tain, ... and unto Thy J, Tab-er -nac-lds.

And I shall go in unto the Al-tar J, Of G.od; * unto God Who giveth 1 glad-ness

to my youth. . ,

I will give praise unto Thee, 0 God,_ My God, with J, the harp. * Why art thou

cast down, 0 my soul, and why dost J, thou dis-qui-et l1le? I

Hope in God, for I will give thanks tin- 1 to Hi m; * He is the Salvation of my coun- 1 ten-ance, and My God.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the III Son, ... and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As" it '_!as in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 56:

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Have mer-cy -WI me, 0 God, have mer-cy 1 on me; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the w;rse:

for my soul 1 trust-ed in Thee.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the 'entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the t~o sides alternating the verses thereafter:

And in the shadow of Thy Wings ~iU J, I hope * until iniquit- J, y shall pass a-way. I will cry unto God the 1 Most High; * unto God My 1 Ben-e-f'ac-tdr.

He hath sent out of Heaven and sa- J, ved me; * He hath given over to reproach

them that were 1 tramp-ling me down., .

God hath sent forth His mercy and His Truth, t and hath delivered my soul from the midst of li- 1 ons' cubs; * I lay me down to sleep 1 as one troubl-ed.

As for the sons of men, their teeth are weap-ons and J, ar-rows; ... and their

L tongue a sharp sword. ,

Be Thou Exalted above the heav-ens, 1 0 GOd, * and Thy Glory J, a-bove au the Earth. They have prepar-ed a snare for 1 my feet, ... J, and bowed c!own !Dy soul.

They have dug a pit be-fore J, my face, * and have fallen 1 in-to it them-selves. Ready is my heart, 0 God; read-y is J.. my heiirt; * I will sing and chant 1 in my gIOr-Y. Awake, 0 my glory; awake, 0 psal-ter-y 1 and harp; ... I my-self J, will a-wake

at dawn.

I will confess Thee among the peo-ples, J, 6 Lord; * I will chant unto Thee

a- 1 mong the na-tions. _

For magnified even unto the Heavens is Thy J, mer-cy, * and Thy Truth

e- 1 ven un-to the clouds. \ '

A Be Thou Exalted above th~/l:leav-ens, 1 0 God, ... and Thy Glor-y 1 a-bove all the Earth.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J.. the III Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, ... and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.

X 408 l0ct. 14/27-Moming Solemnity (Lauds) of St. KaUixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.I X 408

, t ~ V A *

Tone 1 I [. • .) ••• [. 0 • ') •••• •• I

• •

~ 0 • II •

• • • ••• • • •

Canticle of Hezekias (Isaias 38: 10 - 20):

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 1st Canticle, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

I said in the cut-ting off of i my days, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

"I shall go to 1 the gates Of the grave.

And then , o,ID the 2nd Cantor's side Qj_ the Quire chants the entire next verse "'( omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:


"I am depri-ved of the res-id-ue Of 1 my years." * I said, "I shall not see the

Lord, even the Lord, in the Hind 1 of the IIv-ing~

"I shall be-hold man 1 no more * with the in-hab- J, it-ants Of the world." Mine age is departed, and is re-mov-ed 1 from me * 1 as a shep-herd's tent.

I have cut off, like a weaver, my life; t He will cut me off with pI-ning 1 sick-ness; * from day even to night wilt Thou J, make an end of me.

I reck-on'd till 1 morn-ing, * that, as a Lion, so wIll 1 He break all my bones. From day even to night wilt Thou make an end Of me. t Like a crane or a swallow, so did 1 J, chat-ter; * j J, did mourn as a dove.

Mine 1 eyes hll * with 1 look-ing up-ward.

• ;s

o Lord, 1 am oppress-ed, un-der-take J, for me. * What shall 1 say? He hath'

both spoken unto me, and Him- J, self hath done it?

1 shall go sof't-Iy all 1 my years * in the bi t- 1 ten-ness Of my soul.

o Lord, by these things men live, and in all these things is the life of my spir-it; t so wilt Thou recover me, and make me 1 to live. =I< Behold, for peace I 1 had great bit-ter-ness.

But Thou hast in love to my soul deliver-ed it from the pi t of cor- J, rtip-tion; =I< for Thou has cast all my 1 sins be-hind Thy Back.

For the grave cannot praise Thee, t death cannot cel-eb- 1 rate Thee; * they that go down into the pit can-not 1 hope for Thy Truth.

The living, the living, he shall praise Thee, as 1 do 1 this day; * the father to the

chil-dren 1 shall make known Thy Truth. (

The Lord was read-y to J, save me; * therefore we will sing &y songs to the


string'd instruments all the days of our life In 1 the House Of the Lord.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the !oJ Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.



X 409 l0ct. 14/27-Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of St. KaUixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.I X 409

,T -!'VA* L~

Tone 1 I (. • .] ••• (. D • I] •••• •• I • • • ••• • •• •• ~ D • II.

Psalms 148, 149, and 150:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein}:

Praise the Lord from the J Heav-ens; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side qj_ the Quire completes the verse: praise Him J in the High-est.

And then, only the "'2nd Cantor's side f21. the Quire chants the entire next verse

{omitting the intonation notes}, tJ;e two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Praise Him, all ye His J Ang-els; :I< praise J Him, all ye His hosts'A Praise Him, 0 Sun J, and Moon; * praise Him, J, all ye stars and light.

Praise Him, ye Heav-ens of J, heav-ens; :I< and thou water that art above the

heavens, let them praise the 1 Name of the Lord. .

'" For He spake, and they came Ito be; :I< He commanded,' and they J, were cre-a-ted.

He established them f'or ever, yea, for ev-er and J, ev-er; :I< He hath set an

ordinance,_and it 1 shall not pass a-way.

Praise the Lord from 1 the Earth, :I< ye dragons; and all 1 ye ab-Yss-es. Fire, hail, snow, ice, blast of 1 temp-est, :I< J, which per-form His word, The moun-tains and all J, the hills, :I< fruitful trees, J, and ~II ce-dars, The beasts and all the 1 cat-tie, * creeping 1 things and wing-ed birds,

Kings of the Earth and. all 1 peo-ples, :I< princes and all the 1 judg-es Of the Earth:

Young men and vir-gins, t elders withthe younger, let them praise the Name of J, the Lord; * for Exalted is the J, Name of Him A-lone.

His _praise is above the Earth and t Heav-en, :I< and He shall exalt the horn 1 of

His peo-ple. A

This is the hymn for alt J, His Saints, * for the sons of Isra-el and for the

people that J draw nigh un-to Him. _ A

Sing un-to the Lord a 1 'lew song; :I< His praise is in 1 the Church Of the Saints, ILet Jsra-el be glad in Him That J, made him; :I< let the sons of Syon re- 1 joice

in Their King. _ I

Let them prai-;!;~ His Name in 1 the dance; :I< with the timbrel and the psaltery-let 1 them chant un-to Hi m.

For the Lord taketh pleasure in His 1 peo-ple, :I< and He shall exalt the meek 1 with sal-va-tion.

The Saints shall boast in 1 glor-y, ": and they shall re- 1 joice up-on their beds. The high praise of God shall be in 1 their throat,:I< and two-edged swords

1 shall be in their hands;

To do vengeance a-mong the I heath-en, :I< punishments a- ..], mong the peo-ples; To bind their kings with 1 fet-ters, :I< and their ftobles with mana+I cles of i-ron; Todo among them the judgment that is J writ-tem :I< "This glory shall 1 be to

all His Saints.", A •

Praise ye God in J, His Saints; :I< praise Him in the firm-a-ment J, of His pow-cr. Praise Him for His migh- J ty acts;:I< praise Him according to the multitude

1 Of His great-ness.

Praise Him with the sound of t trum-pet; :I< praise Him with the 1 psal-ter-y and harp. Praise Him with tim-brei 1 and dance; :I< praise J Him with strings and flute. Praise Him with tuneful cym-bals, t praise Him with cymbals of

ju-bll- 1 a-tion; :I< let ev- 1 'ry breath praise the Lord. (

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the + Son, :I< and J to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and J. ev-er, :I< and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

Then, • • • ~ • III III iI*i. • ~ iI*i ~ ~ ~

. .~. . - _

All repeat: Who-so-ev-er shall con-fess Me be-fore men, him will I too con-fess be-fore

F ~. • II ~

My Fath-er.

The Morning Solemnity continues with the Chapter, as given on p. X 422.

X 410 JOel. 14/27-Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of St. KaUixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.j X 410 The Psalms for the Morning Solemnity (Lauds) on Wednesday

Tone 1 I [, , 'J .. , [,:, +')'" .' : : i

Psalm 50;




1I 0 I IIij

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the -l st Psalm verse, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Have mer-cy on ~riie, 1. () God, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q[_ the Quire completes the verse: according to 1. Thy great mer-cj',

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q[_ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the ver:ses thereafter.'

"" And according to the multitude of Thy com- 1. pas-sions * blot out 1. my

trans-gres-sion. /'

Wash me thoroughly from mine in-i- 1. quit-j , * and cleanse 1. me from my sfn. For I know mine in-i- 1. quit-j , * and my sin is ev- 1 er be-fore me. ;! Against Thee 'only have I sinned, and done this e-vil be- 1 fore Thee, * that .

Thou mightest be Justified in Thy words, and pre- 1 vail when Thou art Judged. I

For behold, I was con-ceived in'-in-i- 1 qult-Ies, * and in sins did my 1. moth-er bear me.

For be-hold, Thou hast lov- 1 ed Truth; * the hidden and secret things of Thy Wisdom hast Thou made man- 1. i-fest un-to me.

Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and j shall be 1. made clean; * Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made 1. whi-ter than snow.

Thou shalt make me to hear joy and 1. glad-ness; * the bones that be hum- 1. bled, they shall re- jolce,

~..... , ...

Turn Thy' Face a-way from 1. my sins; * and blot out all I mine in-i-quit-ies. "-

Create in me a clean heart, 1 ° God; * and renew a right spir- J it with-in me. Cast me not a-way from Thy 1 Pres-ence, * and take not Thy Holy 1. Spir-it

from me.

Restore unto me the joy of Thy sal- 1. va-tlon, * and with Thy Governing Splr- 1. it es-tab-lish me.

I shall teach trans-gress-ors 1. Thy ways, * and the ungodly' shall 1. turn back un-to Thee.

Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, ° God, Thou God of my sal- 1 va-tion; * my tongue shall re- joIce 1. in Thy righ-teous-ness.

° Lord, Thou shalt o-pen 1. my lips, * and my mouth 1. shall de-clare Thy praise.

For if Thou hadst desired sacrifice, i had giv- 1. en It; * with whole-burnt offerings 1. Thou shalt not be Pleased.

A sacrifice unto God A is a bro-ken 1. spir-ft; * a heart that is }Jroken and

humbled 1. God will not de-spise. \

Do good, ° Lord, in Thy good pleasure un-to 1. Sy-on; * and let the walls of Jerusa- I lern be build-ed.

Then shalt Thou be Pleased with a sacrifice of righteousness, with oblation and whole-burnt Of- 1. fer-Ings * then shall they offer bullocks up- 1. on Thine AI-tar.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1. the .. Son, * and 1. to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

x 41110ct. 14/27-Moming Solemnity (Latxls) of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.I X 411

,t ,1,,, .. *

Tone 1 I [I I I] II I [I D • I] II I I I I I



I I ;

D I Ilij

Psalm 63:

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the Znd Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Heark-en, 0 God, unto my prayer, when I make suppli-ca-tion 6n- ~ to Thee; * Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

. rescue my soul from fear ~ of the en-em-y.

And then , only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the. Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Shelter me from the concourse of them that do wick- ~ ed-ness * from the multitude of them that J, work un-righ-teous-ness.

, Theyhave sharpened their tongues like a sword, t they have bent their bow, a

% bit- J, ter thing, * that they may shoot in secret J, at the blame-less man.

Suddenly shall they shoot at him and shall J, not fear; * they have strengthened them-selves J, in a wick-ed wOr;d.

They have spo-ken of hi- J, ding snjires; * they said: .1 "Who shall see them?"

They have search-ed af-ter in-i- J, qult-y; * in searching they are grown ';1

wear- J, y of search-ing. _ . : I

A man shall draw nigh, and the heart .1 is deep; * and God shall ~ be Ex-al-ted. As an arrow, of in-fants are 1 their blows, * and their tongues are made

strength- ~ less a-gainst them. .- A~

All that saw them were J, troubl-ed, * and ev- 1 'ry man was a-fraid.

And they de-clar-ed the works 1 of God, * and His 1 deeds they un-:,.der-stood. The righteous man shall be glad in the Lord, and shall hope 1 in Him; * and all

the upright in heart t shall be prais-ed.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to ~ the II- Son, * and t to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 64: .. ""

Then the 2nd Ca"ntor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using \0' this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

To Thee is due praise, 0 God, in J, Sy-on; *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Qi the Quire completes the verse:

and unto Thee shall a vow be rendered J, in Jer-u-sal-em.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Hearken un-to 1 my prayer, * for unto t Thee shall all flesh come.

The words of lawless men have o-ver-pow- 1 er'd us, * but to our ungodliness shalt J, Thou be Mer-cl-ffll.

Bless-ed is he whom Thou hast chosen and hast ta-ken to ~ Thy-self; * he

J, shall dwell in Thy Courts. ~

We shall be filled with the good things Of J, Thy House; * Holy is 1:b¥ Temple, Won-der- 1 fUl in righ-teous-ness.

Hearken unto us, 0 God Our Sa-1 vioOr; * Thou hope of all the ends of the Earth and of them that J, be far off at sea,

Who settest fast the mountains by Thy strength, Who art Girded round a-bout with t pow-er, * Who troublest the hollow of the sea; as for the roar of its waves, who 1 shall with-stand them?

The heathen ~hall be troubled, and the dwellers of the farthest regions shall be a-fraid at 1 Thy A signs; * Thou shalt make the outgoings of the morning and the 1 eve-ning to de-light.

Thou hast visited the ,Earth and a-bun-dant-ly wat- t er'd her; * Thou hast

multiplied the means t of en-rich-ing her. ,

The river of God is filled with wat-ers; t Thou hast pre-par-ed 1 their

food, * for thus is the prepar- J, a-tlon there-Of. A

Do Thou make her furrows drunk with water, mul-tip-ly t her frui ts; * in her

showers will she be glad J, when she sprotit-eth forth. . ,

X 412 l0ct. 14/27-Moming Solemnity (Lauds) of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.I X 412

,-t J,~A*

Tone 1 I [. • .] ••• [. 0 • ') •••• .' I



'. ;

o • lIij

Thou shalt bless the crown of the year with Thy ~ good-ness, :I< and Thy plains

shall be fill- ~ ed with fat-ness. .

Enrich-ed shall be the mountains Of the wh- ~ dar-ness, * and -the hills shall be girded ~ with re- joic-Ing.

The rams of the" flock have clothed themselves with fleece, t .and the valleys shall a-bound ~ with wheat; * they shall cry aloud,' yea, they shall ~ chant hymns un-to

Thee. '

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to ~ the lie Son, .;. and ~ to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and ~ ev-er, :I< and unto the ages of

- ",...... .,

": ~ a-ges. A-men.


Canticle of St. Anna, Mother of the Prophet St. Samuel (J Kings 2: 1 - 10):

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 1st Canticle, . using the same Tone" including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets i therein):

My heart is es-tab-lish-ed in ~ the Lord, >I<

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

my horn is ex- ~ al-ted in My God.

And then, only the 1 st Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

My mouth is enlarged o-ver mine en- ~ em-Ies; :I< I am glad in L Thy sal-va-tion. For there is none Holy as the Lord; t for there is none righ-teous as ~ Our God, :I< and there is none Ho- ~ Iy be-side Thee.

Boast ~ ye not, :I< and utter not high words ~ un-to ex-cess,

Nor let b0astful words of pride corne forth from your mouth. t For the Lord is

a God of ~ knowl-edge, :I< and a God That pre-par- ~ eth His Own ways. "

The bow of the mighty is be- ~ come weak, :I< and the strength less have girded them- ~ selves with pow-er.

They that were full of bread have sunk into low ~ es-tate, .;. and the hungry ha ve ~ rest-ed in the land.

For the barren hath borne ~ sev-en, =I< and she that abounded in children ~ is en-fee-bled.

The Lord slayeth and en-gen-der- ~ eth life; :I< He bringeth down to Hades, and ~ br] ng-eth up agar n.

The Lord maketh poor and en- J rich-eth; .;. He bringeth low and ~ lif-teth high



He raiseth the pair-per from J the Earth, :I< and from the dunghill doth He lift ~ up the poor man

To seat him with the mighty Of the ~ peo-ple, :I< and He rnaketh him heir of their ~ throne of glor-Y.

(For the pillars of the Earth are ~ the, Lord's, :I< and He hath set the ~ world up-On _ them. He will keep the feet of His Saints, t and the wicked shall be silent in the ~ dark-ness.) :I< For the mighty man shall not be strong ~ in his own strength.

The Lord will weaken his ad-ver- ~ sar-y; :I< the Lord hath gone up into the Heavens, ~ and hath thun-der-ed.

He will judge the ends of the Earth, t and He will give strength to ~ our kings, :I< and He will lift up the horn of ~ His An-oin-ted One.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to ~ the lie Son, :I< and J to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and ~ ev-er, =I< and unto the ages of

, A ..

J, a-ges. A-men.

X 41310ct. 14/27-Moming Solemnity (Lauds) of St. KaUixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.I X 413

,t ,j,~A:«

Tone 1 I (. • .] ••• (. 0 • I] •••• .' I



'. ~

o • Ilij

Psalms 148, 149, and 150:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Praise the Lord from the J Heav-ens; *

Then, only the 1 st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the ver se:

. .praise Him J in the High-est.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), tf;e two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Praise Him, all ye His J Ang-els; * praise J Him, all ye His hosts'A Praise Him, 0 Sun J and Moon; '" praise Him, J all ye stars and light.

Praise Him, ye Heav-ens of t 'heav-ens; * and thou water that art above the

.... heavens, let fhem praise the t Name of the Lord. .

For He spake, and they came 1 to be; * He commanded, and they t were ere-a-ted. He established them fdr ever, yea, for ev-er and 1 ev-er; :« He hath set an

ordinance,_and it J., shall not pass a-way.

Praise the Lord from t the Earth, * ye dragonsv and all 1 ye ab-Yss-es. ;1

Fire, hail, snow, ice, blast of 1 temp-est, * t which per-form His word,

The moiin-tains and all 1 the hills, *.fruitful trees, 1 and all ce-dars,

The beasts and all the J cat-tie, * creeping 1 things and wing-ed birds, I Kings of the Earth and aU t peo-ples, * princes and all the 1 judg-es-of the Earth, Young men and vir-gins, t elders with, the younger, let them praise the Name

of 1 the Lord; * for Exalted is the 1 Name of Him A-lone.

His yraise is above the Earth and 1 Heav-en, * and He shall exalt the horn t of

His peo-ple. ~

This is the hymn for .lIt J His Saints, * for the sons of Isra-el and for the

people that 1 draw nigh un-to Him. _ A

Sing un-to the Lord a J I}ew song; :« His praise is in J the Church Of the Saints, _Let Jsra-el be glad in Him That 1 made him; * let the sons of Syon re- J joiee

in Their King. '..... _ , ,

Let thempralse His Name in t the dance; * with the timbrel and the psaltery let~ t them chant un-to Hi m.

For the Lord taketh pleasure in His J., peo-ple, * and He shall exalt the meek J., with sal-va-tion.

The Saints shall boast in J., glor-y, ~ and they shall re- t joice up-on their beds. The high praise of God shall be in J., their throat, * and two-edged swords

J., shall be in their hands;

To do vengeance a-mong the J., heath-en, :« punishments a- J., mdng the peo-ples; To bind their kings with J., fet-ters, * and their ,nobles with mana- J., cles of i-ron; To A do among them the judgment that is J., writ-tem :« "This glory shall .j, be to

all His Saints."

Praise ye God in J., His ~aints; * praise Him in the firm-a-ment J., of His pow-cr. Praise Him for His migh- J., ty acts; :« praise Him according to the multitude

J., Of His great-ness.

Praise Him with th~ sound of J., trum-pet; * praise Him with the J., p~al-ter-y and harp. Praise Him with tim-brei J., and dance; '" praise J., Him with strings and flute. Praise Him with tuneful cym-bals, t praise Him with cymbals of

ju-bil- J., a-tiOn; * let ev- J., 'ry breath praise the Lord.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J., the It Son, * and J., to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and t ev-er, '" and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.


. ~ ... ~ ..

• • hi

All repeat: Who-so-ev-er shall con-fess Me be-fore men, him will I too

F ~. • II ~

My Fath-er.

con-fess be-fore

The Morning Solemnity continues with the Chapter, as given on p. X 422.

x 41410ct. 14/27-Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.I X 414 The Psalms for the Morning Solemnity (Lauds) on Thursday

Tone 1



• •

; 0 • II ~

Psalm 50:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 1st Psalm verse, using this Tone, including the ~nton(Jtion notes (within the first set of bra_ckets therein):

Have mer-cy on me, ~ 0 God, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: according to J, Thy great mer-cy.

And then, Q!l-fl the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse ".,( omitting the intonation notes}, the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

And according to the -multltude of Thy com- J, pas-sions * blot out ~ my


Wash me thoroughly from mine in-i- ~ qult-y, * and cleanse ~ me from my sin. jl For I know mine in-i- ~ quit-y, * and my sin is ev- ~ er be-fore me.

Against Thee only have I sinned, and done th!_s e-vil be- ~ fore Thee, * tha~ Thou mightest be Justified in Thy word'S, and pre- ~ vail when Thou art Judged.

For behold, I was con-ceived in in-i- ~ qutt-Ies, * and in sins did my ~ moth-er bear me.

For be-hold, Thou hast Iov- ~ ed Truth; * the hidden and secret things of Thy Wisdom hast Thou made man- ~ i-fest un-to me.

Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and i shall be ~ made clean; * Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made ~ whi-ter than snow.

Thou shalt make me to hear joy and ~ glad-ness; * the bones that be

hum- ~ bled, they sball re-joice.

Turn Thy Face a-way from ~ my sins; * and blot out all J, mine in-i-quit-ies. Create in me a clean heart, J, 0 God; * and renew a right spir-l it with-in me. Cast me not a-way from Thy ~ Pres-ence, * and take not Thy Holy ~ Spir-it

from me.

Restore unto me the joy of Thy sal- ~ va-tion, * and with Thy Governing Spir- ~ it es-tab-lish me.

I shall teach trans-gress-ors ~ Thy ways, * and the ungodly shall ~ turn back un-to Thee.

Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, 0 God, Thou God of my sal- ~ va-tlon; * my tongue shall re- joice ~ in Thy rlgh-teous-ness.

o Lord, Thou shalt o-pen J, my lips, * and my mouth ~ shall de-clare Thy praise.

For if Thou hadst desired sacrifice, i had giv- ~ en it; * with whole-burnt offerings ~ Thou shalt not be Pleased.

A sacrifice unto God is a bro-ken ~ spir-it; * a heart that is broken and humbled ~ God will not de-spise.

Do good, 0 Lord, in Thy good pleasure un-to J, Sy-on; * and let the walls of J erusa - ~ lem be build-ed.

Then shalt Thou be Pleased with a sacrifice of righteousness, with oblation and whole-burnt Of- ~ fer-I ngs * then shall they offer bullocks up- ~ on Thine AI-tar.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to ~ the '" Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and ~ ev-er, * and unto the ages of ~ a-ges. A-men.

X 415 l0ct. 14/27-Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of St. KaUixtusI Pope of Old Rome, M.B.I X 415

,T ,j,VA*

Tone 1 I [. ..] ••• [. 0 • I] •••• •• I



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Psalm 87:

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

° Lord God of my sal- ~ va-tton, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's sideQ[ the Quire completes the verse: _ .

-0# • by day have I cried, and by J night be-fore TheiL

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q[ the. Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Let my prayer come be- J fore Thee; * bow down Thine Ear unto my

~ sup-pli-ca-tion, , ~

For filled with e-vils is J my soul, * and my life unto 1Ia- J des hath drawn nigh.

"'_ I am counted with them that 'go down in-to J the pi to; * I am become as a man

without help, J free a-mong thedead,

Like the bodies of the slain that sleep in the grave, t whom Thou

re-mem-ber-est J no_more; * and they ~re cut J off from Thy Hand. ,

They laid me in the low- J est pit, * in darkness and in the J, shad-ow Of death. ':; Against me is. Thine ang-er J made strong, * and all Thy billows hast Thou '/

J brought up-on me. _.

Thou hast removed my friends a-far J, from me; * they have made me arh abomln-a- J, tion un-to them-selves. .-

I have been delivered UPI and have not J come forth; * mine eyes are grown J weak from pov-er-ty.

I have cried unto Thee, ° Lord, the whole J, day long: * I have stretched out

J, my hands un-to Thee. _

Nay, for the dead wilt Thou work) won-ders * or shall physicians raise them up, that they may J give thanks un-to Thee?

Nay, shall any in the grave tell of Thy J. mer-cy I * and of Thy Truth in J that des-truc-tion?

Nay, shall Th~y,.. wonders be known in that J dark-ness, * and Thy righteousness

in that land that'] isSfor-got-ten? , '"

But as for me, unto Thee, ° Lord, have I J cri-ed; * and in the morning shall ~

my prayer J come be-fore Thee. '

Wherefore, ° Lord, dost Thou cast Off J my soul? * And turnest Thy J Face a-way from me?

A poor man am I, and in troubl-es from ~ my youth; * yea, having been exalted I I was humbled and J brought to dis-tress.

Thy furies have pass-ed up- J on me, * and Thy terrors have J sore-ly troubl-ed me.

They came round about me like water all the J, .day long; * they compassed me

a- I bout to-geth-er. I

Thou hast removed afar ,from me friend and ~ neigh-bour, * and mine acquaintances I be-cause J, of my mis-er-Y.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to ~ the + Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and J, ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 89:

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Lord, Thou hast been Our J, Ref-uge *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q[ the Quire completes the verse:

in generation and J, gen-er-a-tion.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q[ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Before the mountains came to be and the Earth was form'd and J, the world, * even from everlasting to ever- ~ las-ting Thou art.

Turn not man a-way un-to low- J, li-ness; * yea, Thou hast said: "Turn J, back, ye sons of men."

x 416!Oct. 14/27-Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.! X 416

,T ,l,~~* ,l,~ ...

Tone 1 I (. • • J ••• (. 0 • 'J •••• •• I • • • ••• • •• '. = 0 • II ij

For a thousand years in Thine Eyes, 1 ° Lord, * are but as yes- 1 ter-day that is past,

And as a watch in 1 the night, * things of no ac-count 1 shall their years bil-

In the morning like grass shall man pass a-way; t in the morning shall. he bloom and pass .1 a-way- * in the evening .shall he fall and grow with- .1 er-ed and dry.

For we have fainted a-way in .1 Thy wrath, * and in Thine anger have .1 we been troubl-ed.

Thou hast set our iniqui-ties be- .1 fore Thee; '* our lifespan is in the light .1 of Thy Coun-ten-ance.

.. ~

"<. For all our days are f'a-ded J, a-way, 01< and in Thy wrath are we 1 fain-ted

a-way. /'

Our years have, like a spider, spun out 1 their tale; * as for the days of our I

years, in their span they be 1 three-score years ai'nd ten. ;1

And if we be fn strength, may-hap four- 1 score years, * and what is more than I

these is 1 toil and trav-ail. ;.

For mildness is come up- 1 on us, * and we 1 shall be chas-ten-ed. ~

Who knoweth the might of .1 Thy wrath, * and out of fear of Thee, who can re- 1 count Thine ang-er?

So make Thy Right Hand Known 1 to me, * and to them that in their heart are ln-struc- .1 ted in Wis-dom.

Re-turn, ° Lord; 1 how long? * And be Thou Entreated con-cern- 1 ing Thy ser-vants.

We were .fillEt\')' in the morning with Thy mer-cy, 1 6 Lord; * and we rejoiced

and were 1 glad in all our days. \:

Let us be glad for the days wherein Thou didst hum- 1 ble us; * for the years where-in 1 we saw e-vils.

And look upon Thy servants, and up-on 1 Thy works; * and 1 do Thou guide their sons.

And let the Brightness of the Lord Our God be upon us, t 'and the works of our hands do Thou guide a-right up- 10n us; 01< yea, the work of our hands J, do Thou guide a-right.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the It Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

Canticle of Moses (Exod . 15: 1 - 10):

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 1st Canticle, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Let us sing to the Lord, for gloriously is He Glor-if- 1 i-ed; * Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

horse and rider hath He 1 hurl'd in-to the sea.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

A Helper and Protector was He tin- 1 to me * 1 for sal-va-tldn.

X 417 l0ct. 14/27-Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of St. KaUixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.I X 417

,T .j,VA*

Tone 1 I [I I I J I I I [I D • IJ I I • I .' I


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This is My God, and 1 will glOr-if- -L y Him; * the God of my father, and 1 -L will ex-alt Him.

The Lord Quench-ing wars, t Lord is t His Name. * The chariots of Pharaoh and his hosts He t hiirl'd in-to the sea;

The chosen mounted Captains He plunged into the Red Sea. t Wjth the open sea

He co v- t er'd them; * they sank in-to t the deep like a stone. ,

Thy Right Hand, 0 Lord, is Glorified in strength; t Thy Right Hand, ° Lord, hath shat-ter-ed en- t ern-jes, * and in the multitude of Thy Glory hast Thou ground down the t a'd-ver-sar-ies. ~

Thou sentest forth Thy /wrath; it con-sum'd them like t stub-ble. * And at the breath of Thy wrath, the water part- t ed a-sun-der;

The waters were har-den'd like t a wall, * hardened also were the waves in,! II'

-1- the midst of the sea'.

The enemy said: "I will pursue, i will 0- t ver-take, * 1 will divide the spoil, ~ will -1- sat-is-fy my soul,

1 will de-stroy with t my sword; * my right hand shall t have do-min-ion." Thou sentest forth Thy Breath; the sea cov- J er'd them; * they sank like lead in the tiir- J bu-lent wat-er.

Who is like unto Thee among the gods, 0 Lord? t Who is' like unto Thee?

Glor-if-ied in J ho-lies, * wonderful in glor-ies, J do-ing mar-vels.

Thou hast stretched forth Thy Right Hand; the Earth swal-Iow'd t them up. * Thou hast g~ided by Thy righteousness this thy peo-ple t whom Thou hast



, ,

Thou hast call'd them by t Thy strength * into Thy Ho-ly t Hab-it-a-tion.

The nations heard and wax- .l. ed wroth; * pangs took hold of them that dwell J in Phil-is-ti-a.

Then did the rulers of Edom ha-sten, t and the princes. of the Moabites, trem-bling took hold J of them, * all the dwellers in Ca-naan t melt-ed a-way.

Let fear and trembling fall up- .l. on them; * by the great- J ness of Thine Arm, Let them be made like un-to stone, t until Thy people pass o-ver, J 6 Lord, * until they pass over, even this Thy people which Thou didst l take for Thine Own.

Bring them in and plant them in the Mountain of Thine in-her- J lt-ance, * in Thy Prepar-ed Habitation Which Thou hast fa- l shlon-ed, 6 Lord,

Even the Sanctuary Which Thy Hands have pre- 1 par-ed. * The Lord is King of the ages, yea for ev- J er and ev-er-more.

For the horse of Pharaoh with chariots and riders went in-to 1 the sea, * and

the Lord brought upon them the t wa-ter of the sea;

But the sons of Isra-el walk-ed through J dry land * in J the midst of the sea. Glory be to the Fath-er, and to -L the It Son, * and t to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of l a-ges. A-men.

X 418iOct. 14/27-Moming Solemnity (Lauds) of St. KaUixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.i X 418

,t .,1. V A *

Tone 1 I [. • .] ••• [. 0 • I] •••• .' I



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Psalms 148, 149, and 150:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Praise the Lord from the ~ Heav-ens; '* .

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the yerse:

'" . praise Him ~ in the High-est.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the. Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), tJ;.e two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Praise Him, all ye His ~ Ang-els; * praise ~ Him, all ye His hosts .... Praise Him, 0 Sun ~ and Moon; '* praise Him, ~ all ye stars and light.

Praise HiVI, ye Heav-ens of ~ heav-ens; * and thou water that art above the

,,~heavens, let them praise the ~ Name of the Lord. .

For He spake, and they came ~ to be; '* He commanded, and they ~ were cre-a-ted. He established them fof ever, yea, for ev-er and ~ ev-er; * He hath set an

ordinance,_and it ~ shall not pass a-way.

Praise the Lord from ~ the Earth, '* ye dragons; and all ~ ye ab-Yss-es. Fire, hail, snow, ice, blast of J, temp-est, '* J, which per-form His word, The moun-tains and all ~ the hills, * fruitful trees, ~ and ;til ce-dars,

The beasts and all the J, cat-tle, '* creeping ~ things and wing-ed birds, I,

Kings of the Earth and all J, peo-ples, * princes and all the ~ judg-es <of the Earth, Young men and vir-gins, t elders with, the younger, let them praise the Name

of ~ the Lord; '* for Exalted is the ~ Name of Him A-lOne.

His yraise is above the Earth and ~ Heav-en, * and He shall exalt the horn ~ of

His peo-ple. "

This is the hymn for alt ~ His Sai nts, '* for the sons of Isra-el and for the

people that J, draw nigh un-to Him. _ A

Sing un-to the Lord a J, new song; * His pr~ise is in ~ the Church Of the Saints, ,Let Jsra-el be glad in Him That ~ made him; * let the sons of Syon re- ~ joice

in Their King. _ _ , ,

Let them prais~ His Name in ~ the dance; * with the timbrel and the psaltery let ""

~ them chant un-to Him. ..

For the Lord taketh pleasure in His J, peo-ple, * and He shall exalt the meek ~ with sal-va-tldn.

The Saints shall boast in J, glor-y, ~ and they shall re- J, joice up-on their beds. The high praise of God shall be in J, their throat, * and two-edged swords

J, shall be in their hands;

To do vengeance a-mong the ~ heath-en, '* punishments a- ~ mong the peo-ples; To bind their kings with J, fet-ters, * and their ,nobles with mana- ~ des of i-ron; Todo among them the judgment that is ~ writ-ten: * "This glory shall J, be to

all His Saints.", A

Praise ye God in J, His Salnts; * praise Him in the firm-a-ment ~ of His pow-er. Praise Him for His migh- ~ ty acts; * praise Him according to the multitude

J, Of His great-ness.

Praise Him with th~ sound of J, trum-pet; * praise Him with the J, psal-ter-y and harp. Praise Him with tim-brei ~ and dance; * praise J, Him with strings and flute. Praise Him with tuneful cym-bals, t praise Him with cymbals of

ju-bil- J, a-tiOn; * let ev- J, 'ry breath praise the Lord.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the lie Son, * and ~ to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and ~ ev-er, '* and unto the ages of J, i-ges. A-men.



'r.."' •. II

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All repeat: Who-so-ev-er shall con-fess Me be-fore men, him will I too con-fess be-fore

F ptj •• II~ My Fath-er.

• •



The Morning Solemnity continues with the Chapter, as given on p. X 422.

X 419 l0ct. 14/27-Moming Solemnity (Lauds) of St. KaUixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.I X 419 The Psalms for the Morning Solemnity (Lauds) on Friday

,t .,1.~~* .,1.~

Tone 1 I (. • .) ••• (. 0 • ') •••• •• I • • • • • • • •• • . • ; 0 • " ij

Psalm 50:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the lst Psalm verse, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Have mer-cy on me, ~ 0 God, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

• according to ~ Thy great mer-cj',

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

And according to the multitude of Thy com- ~ pas-sions * blot out ~ my

trans-gres-sion. _ I A

Wash"'me thoroughlyfrom mine in-i- ~ qult-y, * and cleanse ~ me from my sin. For I know mine in-i- ~ qult-y, :I< and my sin is ev- ~ er be-fore me.

Against Thee only haveT sinned, and done this e-vil be- ~ fore Thee,:I< that Thou mightest be Justified in TI!}' words, and pre- -L vail when Thou art Judged.

, ~or behold, I was con-ceived in in-l- ~ quit-ies, * and in sins did my ~ moth-er,~

bear me. , I,

For be-hold, Thou hast lov- ~ ed Truth; * the hidden and secret things of Thy

Wisdom hast Thou made man- ~ i-f'est un-to me._ /

Thou shalt sprinkle me with_ hyssop, and I shall be ~ made clean;.* Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made ~ whi-ter than snow.

Thou shalt make m.f to hear joy and ~ glad-ness; * the bones that be

hum- ~ bled, they shall re- joice. ~ , A

Turn Thy Face a-way from ~ my sins; * and blot out all ~ mine in-i-quit,-ies. Create in me a clean heart, ~ ° God; :I< and renew a right spir- ~ it with-in ltllt Cast me not a-way from Thy ~ Pres-ence, :I< and take not Thy Holy ~ Spir-it

from me.

_ Restore unto me the joy of Thy sal- ~ va-tlon, :I< and with Thy Governing

Spir- ~ it es-tab-lish me. ,

I shall teach" rans-gress-ors ~ Thy ways,:I< and the ungodly shall ~ turn back

un-to Thee. ~

Deliver me_from blood-guiltiness, ° God, Thou God of my sal- ~ va-tion; :I< my tongue shall re- joice ~ in Thy righ-teous-ness.

A ° Lord; Thou shalt o-pen ~ my lips, * and my mouth ~ shall de-clare Thy

praise. _ , ~

For if Thou hadst desired sacrifice, I had giv- ~ en it; * with whole-burnt

offerings ~ Thou shalt not be Pleased. , A •

A sacrifice unto God A is a bro-ken J. spir-it; :I< a heart that is broken and

humbled ~ God will not de-spise. .

Do good, ° Lord, in Thy good pleasure un-to ~ Sy-on; :I< and let the walls of Jerusa- J. lem be bulld-dd,

Then shalt ThOll be Pleased with a sacrifice of righteousness, with pblation and whole-burnt Of- ~ fer-ings * then shall they offer bullocks up- ~ on Thine AI-tar.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J. the III Son, :I< and ~ to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and ~ ev-er, :I< and unto the ages of ~ a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 75:

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein}:

In Ju-dee-a is ~ God Known; :I<

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

His Name is ~ Great in Is-ra-el.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

And His Place hath been made J. in peace, :I< and His Dwell- ~ ing in Sy-on.

X 420 10ct. 14/27-Moming Solemnity (Lauds) of St. KaUixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.I X 420

,T ,j.VA*

Tone 1 I [. • .] ••• [. o. I] •••• .' I • • • ••• • •• '. = 0 • II ij

There did He break the pow-er Of J the bow, * the weapon, and the sword, t and the bat-tie.

Thou shin est wondrously from the ever-last-Ing J moun-tains; * all the foolish of J heart were troubl-ed.

They ha v~ slept 1 their noth- J ing in their hand§.

At Thy rebuke, 0 GOd of t Ja-OOb, * they that had mounted upon horses ~ feD a-slum-her.

Thou art to be Feared, and who shall with- J. stand Thee? * From

thence- t forth is Thy wrath. ' , A

Thou didst cause judgment to be heard from t Heav-en; * the Earth J, fear'd and was stiD. When God rose to J judg-ment >:< to save all the t meek of the Earth ..

"'"' For the inward thought of -man shall gIve praise' un- J. to Thee * and the

remainder of his inward thought shall 1 keep a Feast to Thee.

Make your vows and Pay them to the Lord t Our God, * all that are round a- J. bout Him shall bring gifts:

To Him That is to be Fear-ed and taketh away the spir-Its of J. prin-ces; * to Ii

Him That is to be Fear-ed a-mong J. the kings Of the Earth. I

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J. the'+ Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost. I.

As it was in the beginning, both now and J ev-er, * and unto the ages of

t a-ges. A-men. ~


sleep, * and all the men of wealth have found

Psalm 91:

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first halt of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the inionation. notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

It is good to give praise un-to J, the Lord, * .

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:, ~

and to chant unto t Thy Name, 0 Most High, And then, only .. lhe 2nd Cantor's side ai. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

To proclaim in the morn-Ing Thy t mer-cy * J. and Thy Truth by night, On a psalter-y of J, ten strings * with an t ode up-on the harp. I

For Thou hast gl~ddened me, 0 Lord, by J, Thy deeds; * and in the works of

Thy J. Hands will Ire-joice.

How great are Thy works, J, 0 LOId; * ex-ceed- J, ing deep are Thy thoughts .....

A mindless man shall not J. know it, * nor shall a stupid man J, un-der-stand it. When the sln-ners spring up J, like grass, * and all that work iniquity look

J, IOf-til-y down,

It is that they m,ay be utterly destroyed unto a-ges of J. a-ges, * but Thou art

Most High for J. ev-er, 0 Lord. _ "-

For 10, Thine enemies, 0 Lord, +. for 10, Thine enem-ies shall J. per-ish; :I: and scattered shall be all they that J, work in-i-quit-Y.

And lifted high as that, of a .... uni-corn shall be J. my horn, * and mine old age

shall be strength- J en'd with rich oil, ,

And mine eye hath Iqoked up-on jnine en- J. ern-les, * and mine ear shall hear concerning the wicked that rise J, up a-gains! me.

The righteous man sha]l flourish like a t palm tree,:I: and like a cedar in Lebanon shall J. he be mul-tip-lied.

They that are planted in the House of J, the Lord, * in the Courts of Our God

J, they shall blos-som fOrth. , ....

They shall stH! in-crease in a ripe t old age, * and happy sh!lll they J. be to p~6-cl~im:

"That upright is the Lord J. Our GOd, * and there is no un-righ- J, teous-ness in Him." Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the + Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and J, ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.


x 42110ct. 14/27-Moming Solemnity (Lauds) of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.I X 421

,t .j.VA*

Tone 1 I [. • .) ••• [. 0 • ') •••• •• I • • • • •• • •• ..; 0 • II ij

Canticle of Abbacum the Prophet (Hab. 3: 2 - 19):

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the 2nd verse of the 1st Canticle, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within. the first set of brackets therein): o Lord, I con-sid-er-ed ~ Thy works, *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: • and ~ I was a-mazed.

And then, only the "'1st Cantor's siae Qj_ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Between two living crea-tures shalt Thou ~ be Known; * 'iO Thine anger shalt Thou re- ~ mem-ber mer-cy,

God shall come out of t Thae-man, * and the Holy One out of .a mountain

overshadowed anti ~ dense-ly wood-ed. , A

'" His virtue hath cov-er'd the J, Heav-ens, * and the Earth 'ras J, fiill of His praise.

And His Brightness shall-be as t the Light; * t horns are in His Hands,

And He hath established a mighty love of ~ His strength. * Before His Face

J, shall the Word pro-ceed, "I

And He shall, go forth for in-struc-tion at t His Feet. * He stood, and the ~ ..

J, Earth was sha-ken; .

He beheld, and the nations mel-ted ~ a-way. * The mountains were vlolentlp

t burst as-un-der, . A

The everlasting hills melt-ed J, a-way * at His ev-er- J las-ting go-ing forth. Because of troubles, I looked upon the tents of the E-thi-op- J, i-ans; * even the tabernacles of the land of the Mad- t l-am were ... dis-may'd.

Nay, with the rivers wast Thou ~roth, 0 Lord? t Nay, against the rivers was

Thine ~ ang-er, * or a-gainst ~ the sea Thine at-tack?

For Thou shalt mount up-on Thy t hor-ses, * and Thy chari-ots J are sal-va-tldn, Bend-ing J, Thy bow, * Thou shalt bend it against sceptres; t the Lord sa-Ith:

"The land of rivets shall be rent a-sun-der." t They shall see Thee, and the people shall be in t trav-ail, * while Thou scatterest the cours-es t of the )Vat-ers;

The a-byss g~ve forth J, her voice, * and rais- t ed her form on High.

Lif'ted up was the Sun, and the Moon stood still in her course; t at the light ~ shalt Thy mis-sles ~ go forth, * at the brilllance of the gleam J, of Thy weap-Sns.

With threatening shalt Thou dim-in-ish ~ the E~rth, * and with anger shalt Thou tram- t pie down na-tions.

_ Thou wentest forth for the salvation Of Thy J, peo-ple, * to save Thine an-oin- t ted ones art Thou Come.

Thou didst east death upon the heads of trans- J, gres-sors; * Thou didst lay fetters up-on J, their neek at the end.

Thou hast cut asunder with fu-ry t the heads. of the t mlgh-ty; * they shall

J, quake with-in them-selves, , A

They shall break o-pen their t bri-dles, * like the poor man that eat- t eth in se-cret. And Thou hast mounted Thy hor-ses in t the sea, * and they troubled the

J, man-y wa-ters. A

I kept watch, and my bel-Iy was t troub-led * at the voice of the t prayers of my lips; And trembling went in-to J, _my bones, ~ and within me my t strength was troub-led. I will re~t in the day of mine af- t f'llc-tlon, * that I may go up to the people of

t My so- jotir-njng. A _ A

For the fig tree shall not t bear fruit * and there shall be no t in-crease for the vines;

The labour of th~ ot-ive J, shall fail'A* and the ~ plains shall bear no food, A

The sheep have fail'd from their t gra-zing, * and there are no more t ox-en at the crlbs, But as for me, in the Lord willJ t be glad, * I will rejoice in t God My Sa-viour. The Lord is My GOd and J, ~y Might, * and He will ins!ruct my (eet 00- ~!o per-fec-tldn, He mount-eth me t on High, * that I might be t Vic-tor with His sonJ.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the + Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and ~ ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.


x 42210ct. 14/27-Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of St. KaUixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.I X 422

. + .J, V A *

Tone 1 I [. • .] • II (. D • I] II.. •• I • • • II. • •• •• = D • II ij

Psalms 148, 149, and 150:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Praise the Lord from the .l Hea v-ens; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q[_ the Quire completes the verse,,' ~ praise Him t in the High-est.

And then, only the..,2nd Cantor's side Q[_ the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Praise Him, all ye His t Ang-els; * praise I Him, all ye His hdsts., Praise Him, ° Sun t and Moon; * praise Him, 1 all ye stars-and light.

Praise Him, ye Heav-ens of '" heav-ens; * and thou water that art above the heavens, let them praise the", Name of ,.-the, Lord.

For He spake, and they came I to be; * He commanded, and they ] were cre-a-ted .

..., He established them for ever, yea, for ev-er and :J, ev-er; * He hath set an

ordinance,_and it '" shall not p~s a-way. '

Praise the Lord from'" the Earth, * ye dragons,_and all t ye ab-yss-es. Fire, hail, snow, ice, blast of "'temp-est, * '" which per-form His word,

The moiin-tains and all '" the hills, * fruitful trees, t and flll ce-dars'J The beasts and all the I cat-tic) * cree,ring '" things and wing-ed birds, I Kings of the Earth and. aU '" peo-ples, princes and all the I jiidg-es Of the Earth, Young men and vir-gins, t elders with, the younger, let them praise the Nam~

of '" the Lord; * for Exalted is the t Na<me of Him A-lone. ~ {

His praise is above the Earth and t Heav:;.m, * and He shaD exalt the hOm '" of His pe6-pIe. This is the hymn for all~ t His Saints, * for the sons of Isra-el and for the

people that t draw nigh un-to Him. _ ~

Sing un-to the Lord II '" new song; * .Hls praise is in '" the Church.of the Saints. Let Isra-el be glad in_Him That t made him; * let the sons of Syon re-- t joice in Their King. Let them praise His Name in '" the dance; * with the timbrel and the psaltery let

'" them chant un-to Hi m, _

For the Lord taketh pleasure in His '" pe6-pJe, * and He shaD exalt tbe meek -1- with saI-va-oon. The Saints shall boast in '" glor-y, ": and they shall re- t joice up-on their beds. The high pr~e of God shall be in '" their throat, * and two-edged swords

'" shall be in their hinds;

To do vengeance a-mong the J heath-en, * punishments a- J mong the pea-pies; ~ To bind their kings wlth l fet-ters, * and their nobles with mana- J cles of i-:ron~ To do among them the judglJ)ent that is 1 writ-ten: * "This glory sh3IIl be to an His Saints. Praise ye God in .l Hls Saints; * praise Him in the firm-a-ment -1- of His pow-er. Praise Him fOr His migh- J ty acts;* praise Him according to the multitude t of His greit-ness. Praise Him with the soiind of '" trum-pet; * praise Him with the 1 psal-ter-y and harp. Praise Him with tim-brei -1- and dance; * praise", Him with strings and flute. Praise Him with tuneful cym-bals, t praise Him' with cymbals of

ju-bil- '" a-tldn; * let ev- -1- 'ry breath praise the Lord.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to '" the If- Son, * and 'J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of J a-ges. A-men.

I 1

Then, • • • = .,..,.. ifi.

• • rs.


• 1\ ... =. •

__ " Ii

All repeat: Who-so-ev-er shall con-fess Me be-fore men, him will I too con-fess be-fore

~F~!Ii~.~. fll ~

My Fath-er. The Chapter

The Hebdomadarv alone chants the following Chapter (Ecclus. 47: 9, 10, 12):

The Lord gave acknowledgement unto the Saint with words of glory; t He gave

him power against his enemies, * and He beautified their feasts. I • •• I IIi

All respond: ~. Thanks be to God. or the following Chapter may be used on other days in place of the above (Wis. 10: 12):

The Lord kept the holy one safe from them those lay in wait, t and in a sore

conflict gave him the victory; * that he might know that godliness I • •• = II ij

is stronger than all. All respond: ~. Thanks be to God.


X 42310ct. 14/27-Moming Solemnity (Lauds) of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.I X 423 The Res~onsory I ; ~.; PJi I ~

The 1st Cantor

alone chants:

All respond:

The Hebdomadary" alone chants:

All respond:


The H ebdomadary

alone chants:

The 1st Cantor

alone chants:

~I I

; •• ~ I ~

Thou hast set, 0 Lord, up-on


,~ ~; ,.. ; PJi

I ij

his head'.

y. A crown of pre-cious stone.

a ~ _.... •• ; hI! Ii

Up-on his head. a

~ . .. . ;

. I



y. Glor- y be to the Fath-


• ,..; •. 1'; • lij

and to the Ho- Iy Ghost.

a ;;,..; PJi I~

er, and to the Son, It

;., ~ I ~

~I ;

Thou hast set, 0 Lord, up-on his head.

The Hymn and The Versicfe

. ; The l st Cantor alone chants the intonation: 1. Mar- tyr of God! The 0- n'ly Son

The lst Cantor's side Jn1y completes line 1: --+ To vic -tor - y hath led thee on; 1.--+

The Tnd Cantor'SSi e oniv chants line 2:

2. O--may thy prayer or us ob - tain

• ::-- --+ The cIeans-ing of each guilt - y stain, 2.--+

The l st Cantor's side on.!y chants line 3: .

3. NOW rrv - en are t e bonds in twain,

--+ Which did thy saint- Iy limbs en-chain; 3.--+ Then All chant line 4:

4. Anlaud to God the Fath - er be,


All praise, E-ter - nal Son to Thee; 4.--+

• 1. Thine ev- 'ry foe now pros-trate lies,

--+ And Heav'n ac- cords the vic-tor's prize. 1. 2. May shield from sin's con-ta-gious blight,

--+ Put life's long wear-i - ness to flight. 2. 3. From us the bonds of Earth re- move

--+ Through God the Son's Re-deem-ing love. 3. is ev - er meet,

--+ To God the Ho - Iy Par- a - clete, 4.

£=1 ~~~~11

Then All chant the =Ii .::

4. An glor - y,


• I

II ~

tt Amen" as follows: A - men, ~J':. The righteous man shall flourish like a palm tree.

]f. And like a cedar in Lebanon shall he be multiplied.

The Antiphon on the enedictus and the Benedictus

Then is sung the Antiphon on the Benedictus , which is ';l)~~~= ~~b ~~~; ~~~.~I~ij

~ • PJi

always begun by the Abbot (or Senior in Quire) alone: Un-less a grain of wheat.


~ ...... 1-1 -

Fall in-to the ground and

l) • ;


•• •

" ~

All continue the Antiphon as follows: •


it a-bi-deth a-lone.

x 42410ct. 14/27-Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of St. KaUixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.I X 424 The Benedictus (Luke 1: 68 - 79):

After the Antiphon on the Benedictus, the II~~~~~~~. ~;. ~.~~~.~~.~.~~.~.~~

:: .

1st Cantor alone begins chanting the Benediaus: + Bless-ed be the Lord God of Is-ra-el; '" Only the 1st Cantor's side qJ_ the Quire responds with the 2nd half of the lst verse

I • •• •••• • •. ••. ~ ~ II


of the Benedictus: for !Ie hath vis-it-ed and wrought re-demp-tion for His peo-ple,

l' ,3 A * . t _ :,..,.._, "A

Tone 5 I I ~ • •• • • 8 • I • • • ••• • •• • 8 ".. ~ II ij

Only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the 2nd verse of the Benedictus , using this Tone, including the intonation notes:

"" And 'hatti rais-ed up a horn of sal-va-tion i for us '" in the House of His

T ser-vant Da-vid;

And then, only the 1st eantor's side QJ_ the Quire chants the entire next verse

(including the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

As He spake by the mouth of His T ho-Iy ones, :« the T Proph-ets Of old" That we shoald be sa-ved from our i en-em-ies, '" and from the hands of i all that bale Us; / To deal mer-ci-ful-Iy with our i fath-ers,,'" and to remember His i Ho-ly Cov-en-ant. The oath which He sware to oUr fath-er T A-bra-ham: '" that i H~ would grant un-to ful, That we be de-liv-er-ed out of- the hand of our i en-em-ies, '" that we might

i serve Him, with-out fear, A '"

In ho-li-ness and righ-teous-ness be- i fore Him, '" all the i days pf our life. And thou, 0 child, shalt be call-ed the Proph-et of the i Most High; '" for thou

shalt go before the Face of the i Lord to pre-rare His ways; _ A

To give know-ledge of salvation iin-to His peG-ple,:« by the re- T mis-sion of their sins, Through the bow-els of mer-cy i Of Our God; '" where-by the Dayspring from on High hath i vis-it-ed us,

To give Light to them that sit in darkness, and in the shad-ow i of death, '" to guide our feet T in-to the Way of Peace.

Glor-y be to -fhe Fath-er, and T to the + Son, '" and i to the Ho-ly Ghost. , ,

As it was in the beginning, bOth now and i ev-er, '" and un-to the ages of T a-ges. A-men~

Then, l). ~ ~ P'Ii I • ..,.. ~ IA P'Ii P'Ii .., • I'

All repeat: Un-less a grain of wheat fall in-to the ground and die,

o • I • ,. ,".. "ij it a-bi-deth a-lone.

The Collect

o God, Thou that seest that we are lacking due to our weakness, mercifully restore us into Thy love through the examples of Thy Saints. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. ~. Amen.

The Commemoration of the

Day within the Octave of the Translation of St. Oswald of York, C.B.

• :I I ~

After the First Dismissal, this commemoration 1". •• P'Ii • ~



is begun by the 1st Cantor alone: In the joy of his heart.


-r P'Ii • 1'I P'Ii

~ 1'I •

Bless-ed Os-wald ser-ved God and thus with

All respond:

• ~I. I P'Ii :I


~.. II ~

ex-ul-ta-tion en-ter-ed in His Sight.

Yr. Pray for us, 0 bless-ed Oswald.

W. That we may be rendered meet for the promises of Christ.

x 4251

Oct. 14 I 27-Prime of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.

1 X 425

v. Let us pray. 0 God, Thou That hast granted unto us this most holy day in observance of the Solemnity of Thy blessed confessor and Bishop Oswald, graciously be Attentive unto the prayers of Thy Church, that It may be streng!hened by the entreaties of ~m by whose deeds It is made zlorious, Thro~ Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thv Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity or the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. ~. Amen.

A Commemoration is then made of the Holy Cross, and the Holy Theotokos, which is then followed by the Commemoration of All Saints ds_given for the Morning Solemnity for this day of the week in Volume I of the Psalter, the Psalter Outside 0 f Paschaltide .


N.B. On Monday only, Prime is to-be done with the Antiphon and Psdms as given here following, but on Tuesday it is to be done with the Antiphon and Psalms as given on pp. X 427 - X 429, and on Wednesday with those given on pp. X 429 - X 431, and on Thursday with those given on pp. X 432 - X 433, and on Friday with those given on pp . X 433 - X 436.

The 1st Cantor alone

The Antiphon and Psalms for Prime on Monday . E-I------+I-


. ~ .



begins chanting this Antiphon: In the law.

I 1

All ~. ptj'" ,......~ •• ~ ~ ~ • II ij

respond: Of theLord was his will day and night .

. t J,~A=I<

( • D • I] •• .- - • .' I • • • • • •



Tone 1

• • •

• •

Psalm 1.-

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the l st Psalm portion, using this Tone, including the intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein}:

Bless-ed is the man that hath not walked in the counsel of the ungod-ly, t nor

stood in the way of 1 sin-ners, * .

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

nor sat in the seat t of the pes-til-ent.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation. notes}, the two sides alternating_ the verses thereafter:

But his will is rather in the law of 1 the Lord, =I< and in His law will he~ med- tit-ate dav and night.

And he ~shall be like the tree .which is planted by the' streams of the t wat-ers, =I< which shall bring forth its fruit t in its sea-son.

And its leaf shall ] not fall; * and all things whatsoever he may 1 do shall ~r6s-per. Not so are the un-god-Iy, '" not so; * (jut rather they are like the chaff wbich the wind doth hurl away from J the face of the Earth.

For this reason shall the ungodly not stand up in i judg-ment, =I< nor sinners in

the council t of the righ-teous. , .

For the Lord knoweth the way of the J, righ-teous, * and the way of the un-god- J, Iy shall per-ish.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to t the It Son, * and", to the Ho-ly Ghost. ,

As it was in the beginning, both nOw and t ev-er, =I< and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 2:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm portion, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Why have the hea-then t ra-ged, =I<

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: A

and the peoples medi- t ta-ted emp-ty things?

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

The kings of the Earth were arou,-sed.;.t and the rulers were assem-bled to- i geth-er, =I< against the Lord, i and ag-ainst His Christ.

Let us break their bonds as- J, un-derh* and let us cast a- 1 way their yoke from us. He That dwelleth in the Heavens s all laugh them 1 to scorn, * and the Lord

J, shall de-ride them. ,

Then shall He SPeak iio-to them in J., His wrath =I< and in His anger J., shall He troUb-le them. But ras for Me) I was Established as King by HimA 1: upon Syon His Ho-Iy

1 Moun-tain, =I< Proclaiming the com- 1 mand-ment of the Lord. _

The Lord said un- J., 10 Me: =I< "Thou art My Son; this day have J, I be-got-ten Thee."

x 4261

Oct. 14/ 27-Prime of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.

1 X 426

_t ,j,VA* J,.~

Tone 1 I [. • .) ••• [. 0 • I) •••• •• I • • • ••• : •• '. I 0 • II ij

Ask of Me, and I will give Thee the nations for Thine in-her- J, it-ance, * and the uttermost parts of the Earth for J, Thy pos-ses-sion.

Thou shalt herd them with a rod of J, i-ron, * Thou shalt shatter them like a J, pot-ter's ves-sels,

And now, 0 ye kings, un- J, der-stand; * be instructed, all J, ye that judge the

Earth. ., .

Serve ye the Lord J, with fear, * and rejoice in J, HIm with trem-bljng.

Lay hold of instruc-tion, t lest at any time the Lord beI Ang-ry, * and ye

perish J, from the righ-teous way. I •

Wl!.en quickly His wrath be J, kin-died, * blessed are all that have J, put their trust in Him.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and t6 J, the + Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As I it ,!as in the beginning, both now and J, ev-er, * and unto the ages of

J, a-ges. A-men. ./


Psalm 6:,1 r The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm portion,

using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

o Lord, re-buke me not in Thine J, ang-er, * I'

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q[ the Quire completes tfl;e verse: •

nor chas- J, ten me in Thy wrath.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q[ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Have mercy on me, 0 Lord, for I J, am weak, >I< heal me, 0 Lord, for my

J, bones are troub-Ied, .

And my soul is troub-led J, great-:,Iy; * but J, Thou, 0 Lord, how long?

Turn to me again, 0 Lord, de-liv-er J, mf soul; ,., save me J, for Thy mer-cy's sake.

For indeath tJrere is none that is mind-ful J, Of Thee; >I< and in Hades who J, will

con-fess Thee? \0-

I toiled in my groan-ing; t every night i will wash J, my bed; * .wlth tears will I

J, wat-er my couch.

Through wrath is mine eye be-come J, troub-led; * I have grown old among J, all mine en-em-ies.

_ Depart from Arne, all ye that work van- J, it-y; * for the Lord hath heard the

voice J, of my weep-ing. I

The Lord hath heard my siip-plic- J, a-tion; * the Lord i hath re-ceived my



Let all mine enemies be greatly put to shame and be ,J, troub-led; * let them be turned back, and speedily be i great-ly put to shame.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the + Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and J, ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.

Th I =" ... 1 i 111

en, • • =.'. • •.. ... ~ •. ~ r\" • ..

All repeat: In the law of the Lord was his will day and night.

The Chapter

The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Isaias 33: 2):

Now unto the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, t the One Only Wise I I •• I" ~

God, be honour and glory * unto the ages of ages. Amen. All respond: IV. Thanks be to God.

The proper for Terce begins on pp . X 347.

x 4271

Oct. 14 I 27-Prime of St. Kalllxtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.

1 X 427

The Antiphon and Psalms for Prime on Tuesday

The 1st Cantor alone



begins chanting this Antiphon:


In all the Earth.

. ..' III..' 11'1' ; • II~


With glor-y and maj-es-ty hast Thou crown-ed him.

" . t .1' , A *

I ~ ~ ~ I~O

• •••• •••• • 8 • I 'I • • ••• • • •

• • 8 •

'. . .


Tone 2

Psalm 7:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the lst Psalm, using this

Tone, including the intonation notes [within. the first set 0 f brackets therein): '

~ 0 Lord My God, in Thee have I T put my hope; '*

Then, only the 1st Cantor's/Side Q1. the Quire completes the verse:

save me from them that persecute me, and do

, ...

Thou l. de-liv-er me.,!

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q1. the Quire chants the entire next verse / (omitting the intonation notes), !he two side! .alternating the verses thereafter:

Lest at any time like a ll-on he i seize my soul, '* when there is none to re-deen't

l. me, nor to save. _ ,- " .

o Lord My God, if I have i done this, * if there be in-jus-tice l. in my hands,

If I have paid back evil to them that rendered e-vil i un-to me, '* then let me fall back empty from l. mine en-em-ies.

_ Then let the enemy pursue my soul, t and take it; and let him tread down my

life in- i to the earth, * and my glory let him bring down l. in-to the dust.

Arise, O .... Lord, in Thine i ang-er; '* exalt Thyself to the furthest boundaries Of l. Thine en-em-ies.

"And arouse Thyself, 0 Lord My God, in the commandment which Thou i hast en-joined, * and' a cimgregation of peoples shall ] sur-round TheiL

And for their sakes re-turn Thou i on High; * the Lord shall judge l. the ~

peo-ples. ,I

Judge me, O,Lord, according to my T righ-teous-ness, * and according to mine in-no-cence l. with-in mil.

Let the wickedness of sinners be ended, and .... do Thou guide the i righ-teous man, * 0 God, That searchest out l. the hearts and reins.

Righteous is my i help from God, * Who saveth them who' are l. up-right of


God is a Judge That is Righteous, Strong and For- i bear-ing * and inflicteth

not l. wrath ev-'ry day. A

Unless ye be converted, His glittering sword shall He i fur-bish; * He hath bent

His bow, and hath made l. it rea-dj. _

And on it He hath made ready the In-stru- T ments of death; * His arrows for

them that rage hotly hath He l. per-fec-ted. ,

Behold, he was jn travail with un- T righ-teous-ness; '* he hath conceived toil and brought forth l. il!-i-quit-y.

He opened a pit and i dug it; '* and he shall fall into the hole l. which he hath made.

His toil shall return up-on his l' own head,:I< and upon his own pate shall his

un-rjgh- l. teous-ness come down. ,

I will give praise unto the Lord accordlng to His i righ-teous-ness; '* and I will chant unto the Name of l. the Lord Most High.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the It Son, '* and to l. the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, '* and unto the ages of a- l. ges. A-men.

x 4281

Oct. 14 I 27-Prime of St. Kalllxtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.

1 X 428

Tone 2

_ t 1', .... *

I ~ • ~ ... ~ ~ I~ .... • 8 • I

• • 8 •


• •• • •


Psalm 8.-

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the Znd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein}:

o Lord, Our Lord, how T Won-der-fUl :I< ~

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

" o is Thy Name l. in all the Earth.,

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side zi. the' Quire chants the entire next verse {omitting the intonation notes}, the t!1'o sides alternating the verses thereafter:

For Thy magnifi-cence is T lif-ted * high a-bove l. the Heav-ens.

Out of the jnoutbs of babes and sucklings hast Thou perfected praise, be-cause

of Thine T en-em-Ies, :I< to destroy the enemy and J, av-en-gdr, '

"" For I will behold the Heavens; the works of Thy T Firig-ers, * the moon and the

stars, which Thou l. hast found/ed. _ ~

_ What i§ man, that Thou art Mind-ful T of hi m, :I< or the son of man, that Thou

vis- l. it-est him?

Thou hast made ~him a little lower than the ang-els; t with glory and honour II hast Thou T crown-ed hi m; :I< and Thou hast set him over the works l. of Thy Hands.' All things hast Thou subjected under his feet, t sheep and all l' ox-en, * yea,

and the beasts l. of the field, _ ,_ I,

The birds of the air, and the fish of i the sea, :I< the things that pass through the

paths l. _of the sea.

o Lord, i Our Lord, :I< how Wonderful is Thy Name l. in all the Earth! Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the + Son, :I< and to l. the Ho-ly Ghost.

As jt was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of a- l. ges. A-men.

Psalm 9 vv. 1 - 18:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the lst verse of the lst portion of the 3rd Psalm, using this seme Tone, including the intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein}:

I will confess Thee, 0 Lord, with my i whole heart; ;«

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: ,

I will tell of all l., Thy won-ders.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse {omitting the intonation notes}, thetwo sides alternating the verses thereafter:

A I will be glad and re- i joice in Thee; :I< I will chant unto Thy Name, J, 0 Most

High. .

When mine enem-y be i turn-ed back, * they shall grow weak and shall per-ish

J, be-fore Thy Face. , .

For Thou hast maintained my, judg-ment T and my cause; :I< Thou hast sat upon

a Throne, 0 Thou That jiidg- J, est righ-teous-ness. A

Thou hast rebuked the heathen, and the ungodly man hath i per-f sh'd :I< his name Thou hast blotted out for ever, and unto a-ges ~ of a-ges.

The swords of the enemy have ut-ter-ly T fail-ed, * and his cities Thou hast

J, des-troy-ed. _ .

The remembrance of him hath perished with a re- i sound-ing noise; * but the

Lord for ev-er J, ab-I-deth. ,

In judgment hath He prepared His Throne, t _ and He ,Himself will judge the world in t righ-teous-ness; :I< He will judge the peoples in 1. up-right-ness.

And the _Lord is Become a Refuge for the i poor man, * a Helper in times of well-being and in J, af-flic-tions.

And let them that know Thy Name i hope in Thee. " for Thou hast not forsaken them that l. seek Thee, 0 Lord.

Chant unto the Lord Who dwell-eth in i Sy-on; :I< proclaim ye His way a-mong 1. the na -tldns.

For He That maketh enquiry for blood hath re- T mern-ber'd them; * He hath not forgotten the cry of 1. the pau-pers.

Have mercy on me, l' 0 Lord; * see my humiliation which I have suffered from

J, mine en-em-ies, '

x 4291

Oct. 14 J 27-Prime of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.

1 X 429

, t t, A*

Tone 2 (continued) I .. I [I D. I] ... I • 0 • I • • • ... • • I • I I • II ij

o Thou That dost raise me up from the T gates of death; * that I may declare all Thy praises in the gates of the daugh-ter 1 of Sy-on.

We will rejoice in Thy sal- T va-tion; * the heathen are ensnared in the

de-struc-tion 1 which they have wr9ught. .

In this snare T which they hid :I< hath 1 their foot been caught. •

The Lord is Known by the judgments which He ex-ec- T (i-teth; * in the works of His Own Hands hath the sin- 1 ner been caught.

Let sinners be turned away un-to i Ha-des, * yea, all the nations that are

for-get- 1 ful of God. .

For the poor man shall not be for-got-ten T to the end; * .the patience of the paupers shall not per-ish 1 for ev-er.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the It Son, :I< and to 1 the Ho-ly Ghost.

... As jt",,:as in the beginning, -both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of

a- 1 ges. A-men.



I~ ,..; I I II 1111 I· III. ;

In all the Earth with glor-y and maj-es-ty hast Thou crown-ed him.

The Chapter

• II'

All repeat:

:; I

The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Isaias 33: 2): /,

Now unto the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, t the One Only Wise; .- I I ; II'

God, be honour and glory * unto the ages of ages. Amen. All respond: W. Thanks be to God.

The proper for Terce begins on p . X 437.

The Antiphon and Psalms for Prime on Wednesday

The 1 st Cantor alone



; .

I I.

begins chanting this Antiphon:

All I I I I;

The Lord is Righ-teous.

I· ,.. •


I ~


respond: And hath lov-ed righ-teous-ness; up-on up-right-ness hath His


Coun-ten-ance look-ed.

, t 1'_, ... *

t ) t I) •• • I 0 I I 0 I I I

Tone 7 I l I I I j I I I l I 8 I j I -: -

t _

I' I



I 0 I I

o ; ,,~

Psalm 9: vv. 19 - 38:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd portion of the 1st Psalm, using this Tone, including the intontJ!jon notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Arise, 0 Lord, T let not man pre-val I; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

let the nations be i jiidg-ed be-fore Thee.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

o Lord, set a i law-giv-er o-ver them;:I< let the heathen i know that they are but men. Why, 0 Lord, hast Thou gone to i stand a-far Off; * why dost Thou overlook

us in times of well-being and i in af'-f'llc-tidns? , ~

When the ungodly man is arrogant, the poor man T burn-eth with-in; * they are

caught in the i coun-sels which they de-vise. ,

For the sinner praiseth himself ill the i Iiists of his soul; * and the unrighteous man likewise i bless-eth him-self there-in.

The sinner i hath pro-vok'd the Lord; * according to the magnitude of His i wrath, he car-eth not.

X 430 I

Oct. 14 I 27-Prime of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.

I X 430

,t 1'_ ,,,,* 1'_

Tone 7 I [. • .] ... [. 8 • '] •••• • D •• D • I • • • • •• • •• • D, • 0 ~ II ~

God is l' not be-fore him * profane are his w~ays in l' ev-'ry sea-son.

_ Thy judgments are re- l' mov-ed from his sight; * over all his enemies shall he

l' gai n do-min-ion. _ ~ .

For he T sald in his heart: * "I shall not be shaken; from generation to

generation shall T I be with-out harm." _ A'

With cursing is his moqth filled, and with l' bit-ter-ness and de-ceit; * under

his tongue T are toil and trav-ail. 0 . ,

He sitteth in ambush with the rich in l' se-cret pJ3.~, * that he may T slay the in-no--cent.

_ His eyes are set up- T on the poor man; * he lieth in wait in ,a secret place like a

l' Ii -on in his den.

He lieth in wait tq seize up- l' on the poor man, * to seize upon the poor man

when he T draw-eth him in. ~

"'" In his snare will he l' hum-ble him-self; * he will bow down and fall while

gaining dominion l' o-ver the poor.

For he said in his heart: T "God hath for-got-ten; * He hath turned away His

Face, that He might l' not see un-to the end.", ~ ~ .

Arise, 0 Lord My God, let Thy l' Hand be Lift-ed high; * forget not Thy 1/

l' pau-pers to the end. .

Why hath the ungodly l' one pro-vo-ked God? * For he hath said in his heart:

"He l' will not make en-quir-Y.- • {

Thou seest, for Thou understandest l' trav-ail and ang-er, * that Thou mightest deliver l' hi m in-to Thy Hands.

To Thee hath the beggar l' been ab-an-don'd * for the orphan art T Thou a Help-er. Break Thou the arm of the sinner and l' of the e-vil man; * his sin shall be sought T out and be found no more.

The Lord shall, be King for ever, and unto the l' a-ges of a-ges; * ye heathen shall perish l' out of His land.

The desire of the poor l' hast Thou heard, 0 Lord; * to the preparation of their

heart hath Thine l' Ear been At-ten-t! ve, .

To judge' forifhe orphan T and the hum-ble, * that man may no more presume

to be l' haugh-ty up-on the Earth. '10

Glory be to the l' Fath-er, and to the III Son, * and T to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As,it was in the beginning, both l' now and ev-er, * and unto the ages of l' a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 10:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the Znd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

In the Lord have I ho-ped; t how will ye T say to my soul: :I< Then, only the 1st Cantor's side crt. the Quire completes the verse: _

"Flee unto the mountains i like a spar-row?

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

.For behold, the sinners have bent their _bow, t theyhave prepared arrows l' for the quiv-er, * to shoot down in a moonless T night the up-right of heart.

For what Thou hast formed l' they have de-stroy-ed; * and the righteous i man,

what hath he done? ,

The Lord is in His T Ho-ly Tern-pie; * the Lord, in l' Heav-en is His Throne.

His Eyes are set up- i on the poor man; * His Eyelids ex- i am-ine the sons of men. The Lord examineth the righteous man T and the un-god-ly: * but he that loveth

unrighteousness T ha-teth his own soul. ,

He will rain down T snares up-on sin-ners; * fire and brimstone and wind of tempest shall be the i por-tion Of their cup.

For the Lord is Righteous T and hath loved righ-teous-ness; :I< upon uprightness hath His l' Coun-ten-ance lodk'd,

Glory be to the i Fath-er, and to the III Son, * and T to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both i now and ev-er, * and unto the ages of r a-ges. A-men.

X 431 [

Oct. 14 I 27-Prime of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.

[ X 431

, t l' _ .... *

Tone 7 1[1 I I) III (1811)"1 I 10110 I

Psalm 11:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Save me, 0 Lord.sf'or a righteous t man there is no more; * Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ai: the Quire completes the verse:

for truths have diminish-ed Tfrom the sOns of men.

And then, only the 1st Cantor' s ~ide Q[_ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the sntonaiion notes), the tWQ sides alternating the verses thereafter:

~ ,

Vain things hath each man spoken i to his neigh-bour; * deceitful lips are in his

/' ...

heart, and in his heart hath he T spo-ken e-viJs.

Let the Lord des- T troy an de-ceit-ful lips, * and the tongue T that speak-eth,/

boast-ful words. I

Which have said: "Our tongue willwe mag-ni-fy; tour i lips are our own; *;

i who is lord o-ver us? _- ~

"Because of the distress of the beggars and the T groan-ing Of the poor, * now will i i a-rise," saith the Lord.

"I will establish i them in sal-va-tton; * I will be T Man-if-est there-in."

The words of the i Lord are pure words, * silver that is fired, tried in the earth, brought to i sev-en-fold pu-rit-Y.

Thou, 0 Lord, shalt keep us T and shalt pre-serve us, * from this generation, i and for ev-er-mor;:-


The un- i god-Iy walk round ab-out; * to the measure of Thy Loftiness hast

Thou es- i teem-ed the sons of men.

Glory be to the i Fath-er, and to the II Son, * and i to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both i now and ev-er, * and unto the ages of i a-ges. A-men.

l' _


••• '.. • •• • D, •

o ~ II ~

(I I I

up-right-ness hath His Coun-ten-ance look-ed.

Then, I • ::I • • • • ::I I I 1\
I I. I i
All repeat: The Lord is Righ-teous, and hath lov-ed righ-teous-ness; up-on
I I !III • • II i
I I I I • • The Chapter

The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Isaias 33: 2):

Now unto the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, t the One Only Wise I I I I ::I 111

God, be honour and gJory * unto the ages of ages. Amen. All respond: l¥. Thanks be to God.

The proper for Terce begins on p. X 437.

x 4321

Oct. 14/ 27-Prime of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.

1 X 432

The Antiphon and Psalms for Prime on Thursday

The 1st Cantor alone


'" • • • ij

He shall a-bide.

begins chanting this Antiphon:

All I. • I ,.. I • I·. '" I' • '" ~ • • II ~

respond: In Thy Tab-er-nac-Ie; he shall dwell in Thy Ho-ly Moun-tain.

,t .j,~ _ A * .j,~:""""" A

Tone 4 I [. • ']"!!i [. 0 • I] ~.. ..' • 8 • J • • • • • • • • .', '" ',.. • II ~

Psalm 12: ,

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the. 1st Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes {within thefirst set of brackets therein}:

How long, 0 Lord, wilt Thou utter- .l. Iy for-get me? *

Then, only th'"e 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

How long wilt Thou turn ~ Thy Face a-way

from me? /'

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q.[ the Quire chants the entire next verse {omitting the intonation notes}, the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

How long shall I take .l. coun-sel in my soul, * with grievings in my .l. heart by

day and by night? ,

How long shall mine enemy be ex- '.l. al-ted o-ver me? * Look upon me, .l. hea~1

me, 0 Lord My God. ,- _ .

Enlighten mine eyes, lest at any time ~ I kleep un-to death; * lest at any time mine enemy say: "I have pre- .l. vail-ed a-_gainst him.'

They that afflict me will rejoice if ~ I am sha-ken; * but as for me, I have 1 hoped in Thy mer-cy.

My heart will rejoice in Thy sal-va-tion; t I will sing unto the Lord, Who is My 1 Ben-ef-ac-tor; * and I will chant unto the l Name of the Lord Most Hijh.

Glory be to the Fath- ~ er, and to the II Son, $: ~ and to the Ho-ly Ghost.

1\.S it was in the beginning, both ~ now and ev-er, * and unto the ages l of a-ges. A-men.


Psalm 13: ..

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the Znd Psalm, using the <: same Tone, including the intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein}:

The fool hath l said in his heart: :I<

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q.[ the Quire completes the verse: 1 ( ") "There is no God."

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q.[ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

They are become corrupt and loath- l some in their ways; * there is none that

l de-eth good, no not one. .

The Lord looked down from Heaven up- ~ on the sons of men, :I< to see if there be any that under- 1 stand or seek 3.f-ter God.

They are all gone astray, they are altogether ren- ~ der-ed use-less; * there is none that l do-eth good, no not one.

, (Their throat is an open sep-ul-chre; t with their tongues have they spo- l ken

de-celt-ful-ly: * the poison of asps l is On-der their lips; A

With cursing is his mouth filled, and with bit- l ter-ness and de-eel t; * their

feet J, are swift to shed blood. ,

Destruction and misery are in their ways; t and the way of peace J, have they

not known; * there is no fear l of God be-fore their eyes.) A

Shall not all they that work iniquity come to .l. On-der-stand-ing? * They that eat up my people as they eat bread have ~ not call'd up-on the Lord.

There ~ have they f'ear'd with fear, * ~ (') where there is no fear.

For the Lord is in the generation J_ Of the righ-teous; * the counsel of the poor man have ye shamed, ~ but the Lord is His Hope.

Who shall give out of Syon the salvation of Is-ra-el? t Wben the Lord hath turned back the captivity of His t peo-ple, * Jacob shall rejoice and Is- .l. ra-el shall be glad.

Glory be to the Fath- J, er, and to the II Son, * ~ and to the Ho-ly Ghost.

1\.S it was in the beginning, both ~ now and ev-er, * and unto the ages .l. of a-ges. A-men.

x 4331

Oct. 14 I 27-Prime of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.

1 X 433

"t J.,z. ~ A * J..,a_ ~.of

Tone 4 I (, I ,) I I I [I 0 I I] I I I, I I 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I III I 1\ I II ij

Psalm 14

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

o Lord, who shall abide in Thy 1 Tab-er-nac-le, '"

Then, only the 2nd C.cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

and who' shall dwell in J Thy Ho-ly


And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two ;ides alternating the verses thereafter,'

~, He that J walk-eth blame-less; '" 1 and work-eth righ-teous-ness:

Speak- 1 ing Truth in IDs heart, * who hath not spoken de- 1 ceit-tul-Iy with his tongue.

Neith!r hath done evil 1 to his neigh-bour, '" nor taken up a reproach 1 a-gainst " those near hi m.

In his sight he that worketh e- t vii is set at nought; '" but he glorifi- J eth them

that fear the Lord. -

He giveth oath to his neighbour, and f'or-swear-eth not; t he hath not lent his

mon- 1 ey on u-su-ry, '" and hath not received bribes 1 a-gajnst the in-no-cent.

He that 1 do-eth these things'" shall 1 nev-er be sha-ken.

Glory be to the Fath- 1 er, and to the + Son, '" 1 and to the Ho-Iy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both 1 now and ev-er, '" and unto the ages 1 of a -ges. A -men.

. ~

Then, Ii 1\ I t/ I I I ~ 1\ ~ I I I I ptj I I 1\ ~ I if ..

All repeat,' He shall a-bide in Thy Tab-er-nac-le; he shall dwell in Thy Ho-ly Moun-tain.

The Chapter

The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Isaias 33: 2):

Now unto the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, t the One Only Wise: I I I ;,,~

God, be honour and glory '" unto the ages of ages. Amen. All respond:~. Thanks be to God.

The proper for Terce begins on p, X 437,

The Antiphon and Psalms for Prime on Friday

The 1st Cantor alone begins chanting this Antiphon,'






Who-so-ev-er shall con-fess Me.

... I

• 1\ ... ~


All respond:

Be-fore men, him will I too con-fess be-fore

1\ I I II ij

My Fath-er.

x 4341

Oct. 141 27-Prime of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.

1 X 434

Tone 1

t ..1. v ~ *

I (. • .) ... (.:. I) ... •


.. ~

o • II ~

Psalm 15:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the lst Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Keep me, 0 Lord, for in Thee have i hoped; t I said unto the Lord: "Thou .art

~ My Lord; * .

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

for of my ~ goods, no need hast Thou."

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

s, In the' Saints that are in His Earth hath the Lord been ~ won-drous; * He hath

"" wrought all ~ His de-sires in th§,m.

Their infirmit-ies in- ~ crea-sed; * there-up- ~ on they ha-sten-ed.

I will not assemble their as-sem-blies ~ Of blood, * nor will I make remembrance of ~ their names through my lips.

The Lord is the Portion of mine inherit-ance and Of ~ my cup; * Thou art He

That restorest mine in-her- ~ it-ance un-to me. I,

Portions have fallen to me that are a-mong ~ the best; * for mine ~inheritanee is most ~ ex-eel-lent to me.

I will bless the Lord Who hath given me fin-der- ~ stand-Ing; * moreover, even till night have my ~ reins in-struc-ted me.

I beheld the Lord ev-er be- t fore me; * for He is at my right hand, that I might l. not be sha-ken.

Therefore did my heart re-joice and my tongue l. was glad; * moreover, my l. flesh shall dwe]] in .. ~ope.

For Thou wilt not abandon my soiil in 1 Ha-des, * nor wilt Thou suffer Thy," Holy One to 1 see cor-rup-tion.

Thou hast made known to me the ways Of life, t Thou wilt fill me with gladness with Thy Cotin- ~ ten-ance; * delights are in Thy Right 1 Hand for ev-er.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to l. the It Son, * and ~ to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and l. ev-er, * and unto the ages of

1 a-ges. A-men. e

Psalm 16:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the Znd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Heark-en, 0 Lord, fin-to my rlgh- l. teous-ness; *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: attend unto my 1 sup-plic-a-tion.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Give ear un-to l. my prayer, * which cometh not t from de-celt-f'ul llps.

From before Thy Face let my judg-ment 1 come forth; * let mine eye be- 1 hold up-right-ness.

Thou hast proved my heart, Thou hast visited it in the night; t Thou hast tried me by ~ fi-re; * and unrighteous-ness 1 was not found in me.

That my mouth might not speak of the works t of men; * for the sake of the words of Thy lips have I kept l. the ways that are hard.

x 4351

Oct. 14 J 27-Prime of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.

1 X 435

Tone 1

•• I III I I •

• •

= 0

Set my foot-steps in t Thy paths, * that my steps may t not be sha-ken.

I have cried for Thou hast hearkened un-to me, t 0 God; * incline Thine Ear unto me, and heark- t en un-to my words.

Let Thy mercies be made won- t der-fOI, * 0 Thou That sa vest t them that hope in Thee.

From them that have resisted Thy Right Hand, keep me, 1 0 Lord, * as the

1 ap-ple Of Thine Eye. '

In the shelter of Thy Wings wilt Thou shel- t ter me * from the face of the ungodly whieh t have op-press-ed me.

<j. Mine enemies have surrounded my soul, t thev have enclosed them-selves with

/' ~ ..

their 1 own fat; * their t mouth hath spo-ken pride.

They that cast me out have now en-dr- ,1 cled me; * they have set their eyes to

look 1 ask-ance on the Earth. ,'II


They have taken me as might a lion read-y for 1 his prey, * and as might a

lion's whelp that dwel- 11eth in hi-ding. /1

Arise, 0 Lord, overtake them and trip their heels; t deliver my soul from un-god- I Iy men, * Thy sword from the en- 1 em-ies Of Thy Hand.

o Lord, from Thy few do Thou separate them from the Earth in 1 their life * yea, with Thy hidden treasures hath their bel- t Iy been fill-ed.

They have satis-fied them-selves 1 with swine, * and have lef'tthe 1 rem-nants to their babes.

But as for me, in righteousness shall I ap-pear be-fore t Thy Face; * I shall be

- ,

filled when Thy 'Glory is made 1 man-if-est to me.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the + Son, * and 1 to the Ho-Jy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and t ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 17: vv. 1 - 24

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the lst portion of the 3rd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

I will love Thee, 0 Lord, My Strength; t the Lord is My Foundation, and My 1 Re-fuge, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: and 1 My De-liv-er-er.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

My God is My 1 Help-er; * and 1 i will hope in Him,

My Defender, and the Horn of my sal- 1 va-tion- * 1 and My Help-er.

With praise will I call up-on the Name Of t the Lord, * and from mine enem- 1 ies shall i be saved.

The pangs of death sur-round- 1 ed me, * and the torrents of iniquit-y 1 sore-ly trou-bled me.

x 4361

Oct. 14 / 27-Prime of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.

I X 436

,t ,j,VA* ,j,~ ...

Tone 1 (continued) I ... [. 0 • J .... .' I • • • ... • •• '. I 0 • II ij

The pangs of Ha-des en-cir- ~ cled me; * round about the snares of death have ~ o-ver-ta-ken me.

And in mine affliction I call-ed up-on J, the Lord, * and Iin- ~ to My God I cried; He heard my voice out of His Ho-ly J, Tern-pie; * and my cry before Him shall

en- J. ter in-to His Ears. •

And the Earth shook and was made to trem-ble; t and the, f'oundatipns of the mountains were troubled.and wereI sha-ken, * because God was ~ Ang-ry with them.

There went up smoke in Hi's wrath, t and, fire from His Counten-ance set all J. a-flame; * coals were J. kin-dled there-from.

And, He bowed the Heav-ens and ~ came down, * and 'thick darkness was J. un-der His Feet.

And He mounted upon Cher-u-bim J,l!nd new; * He flew upon the J, wings of the winds.

< A And He made darkness His hi-ding place, t His Tabernacle round a- J. bout

~ Him; * dark water in the ~ clouds of the ai r. A

From the far-shiniqgradiance that was be- J. fore Him * there passed by clouds, J. hail and coals of fire.

~nd the Lord thundered out of J. Heav-en, * and the Most ~ High gave forth 'I

His Voice. t

And He sent 'forth His ar-rows, and scat- J. ter'd them, * and lightnings He J

multiplied, and trou- ~ bled them sore-ly. ;,

And the well-springs of the wa-ters J, were seen, * and the foundations of J, the

world were re-veal'd, _

At Thy re-buke, LO Lord * at the on-breathing of the 1 spir-it Of Thy wrath. He sent from on High, and He J. took me; * He received me out of ~ man-y wa-ters. He will deliver me from mine enemies, which are migh-ty, t and from them

that J. hate me; * for they are 1 strong-er than I. ,

They overtook me in the day of mine af- J, flic-tiOn * and the 'Lord be- J. carne

, ...

my firm sup-port. _ .

Anp He led me forth in-to a spa- 1 cious place; * He will deliver mevbe-cause

1 He de-si-red me. ,

And the Lora will recompense me according to my .rlgh- 1 teous-ness; * and

according to the purity of my hands will He J. re-com-pense me. ~

For I have kept the ways of J. the Lord, * and I have not acted impi- ~ ous-ly

toward My God. _

For aH His judgments are be- 1 fore me, * and His statutes de- ~ part-ed not

from me. , A

, And I shall be blame-less 1 with Hi m, * and I shall keep myself from 1 mine

in-i-quit-y. , .

And the Lord will reward me according" to my righ- J. tenus-ness; * and according to the purity of my J, hands be-fore His Eyes.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J. the It Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As I it was in the beginning, both now and J, ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.


• • • b


... .

• 1\ ... I

All repeat: Who-so-ev-er shall con-fess Me be-fore men, him wiD I too con-fess be-fore

F !t;I. • II ~

My Fath-er':

The Chapter

The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Isaias 33: 2):

Now unto the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, t the One Only Wise I • '.; 111

God, be honour and glory * unto the ages of ages. Amen. All respond: l¥. Thanks be to God.

X 437 [

Oct. 14 I 27-Terce of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.

[ X 437


The 1st Cantor alone begins chanting this Antiphon:





1 I


This man de-spi-sing.



1 I. I I • I ~ I ~
world, and tri-um-phing ~ earth-ly
I ,. " .
I • I I





I .

things, hath laid up treas-ures in Heav-en by word and deed.

, T t~ A*

Tone 8 : (. • I) I.. (I 8 • I) I. I I I I 13 I I I • • I" I I

',!, ~


I I I ,,~

N.B. On a Monday onl~, Terce continues as here given, but on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday with the Psalms as given on pp. X 439 - X 440.

Psalm 118, vv. 105 - 112:' ',1

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 14th portion of the', 1st Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Thy law is a lamp un-to i my feet '* /1

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q[:lhe Quire completes the verse:

and a light ~ un-to my paths.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

I have sworn and re- T sol-voo :I< that I will keep the judgments ~ of Thy rlgh-teous-rsss, I was humbled ex-ceed-ing-ly, i 0 Lord; * quicken me ac-cord- ~ jng to Thy Word. The free-will offerings of my mouth be Thou now Pleased to re- i celve, 0

Lord, :I< and teach ~ me Thy j6dg-m~nts. _

My soul is in Thy Hands con-tin-u- i al-Iy, *' and Thy law have I J. not for-got-ten. Sinners have ~a i snare for me, *' yet from Thy commandment ~ have I not stray.ed. I have inherited Thy testl-mon-ies for T ev-er, * for they are the re- ~ joic-ing of my heart.

I have inclined my heart to perform Thy stat-utes for T ev-er * J, for a re-com-pense. 0; Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the '" Son, *' and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, :I< and unto the ages of J. a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 118, vv. 113 - 120:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 15th portion of the lst Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Trans-gres-sors have I i ha-ted, '* .

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: but J, Thy law have I loved.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

My Helper and My Pro-tec-tor T art Thou; *' on Thy words J, have I set my hope.

Depart from me, ye e-vil- i do-ers, :I< and I will search out the

com- J, mand-ments of My God. _ ,



Help me, and I shaD be i sa-ved; *' and I wiD meditate on Thy sti- ~ tutes con-tin-u'I-IY.

_ Th9U hast set at nought all that de-part from Thy T stat-utes, :I< for unrighteous

~ is their in-ward thought. _

I have reckoned as trapsgressors all the sin-ners i Of the Earth, * therefore

have I loved Thy J, tes-tim-o-nies. , A

Nail down my flesh with the i fear of Thee, '* for of Thy judg- J, ments am I a-fraid. Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the'" Son, *' and J. to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, :I< and unto the ages of ~ a-ges. A-men.

X 438 [

Oct. 14 / 27-Terce of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.

[ X 438

Tone 8 I [,' 'j'" [,: ,-t'j'" , t i , ~ i


J,,z. ;...,._, A

I' • • • II ~

Psalm 118, vv. 121 - 128:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 16th portion of the lst Psalm, using this same Tone, including the inpmaion notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

I have wrought jiidg-ment and T righ-teous-ness; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q[ the Quire completes the verse:

o give me not up to J them that wrong me. - And then, only the ~2nd Cantor's side Q[ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Receive Thy ser-vant T un-to good, * let not the proud f'alse- J_ ly ac-cuse me, Mil\e eyes have failed with waiting for Thy sal- i va-tlon, * and for the word J_ of Thy righ-teous-ness.

Deal ~ith Thy servant according to Thy i mer-cy, * and teach- J_ me Thy

"""stat-utes. . .

i am AThy i ser-vant; .>* give me understanding, and I shall know Thy

J tes-tim-o-nies.

It is time for the i Lord to act; * for they J_ have dls-pers'd Thy law.

Therefore have I loved Thy com- T mand-ments * more than J gold and to-paz. Ji Therefore I directed myself according to all Thy com- i mand-ments; * every I

way that is unrighteous J_ have I ha-ted.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and T t4. the ... Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost. /' As)t was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto' the ages of J_ a-ges. A-men.

I ~ I • • • • • = • ~
Then, • !Ii ... I
• III jj •
All repeat: This man de-spi-sing the world, and tri-um-phing o-ver earth-ly
I I • • • n~ •• • II ~
• • • III • • The Collect

things, hath laid u~treas-ures in Heav-en by word and deed.

. ..

The Chapter and the Versicle

Then the Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Ecclus, 47: 13, 12) according to the Tone given for Monday Terce in the Psalter:

The Anointed One took away his sins, t and exalted his horn for ever; * and set

in order the solemn times even unto the end of his life. I • '.:1 II ~

All respond: W. Thanks be to God. or the following Chapter may be used on other days in place of the above (Ecdus. 11: 24, 17):

The blessing of the Lord is in the reward of the godly, t and suddenly He

maketh His blessing to flourish, * and His favour bringeth ; • '.:1 II ~

prosperity for ever. All respond: W. Thanks be to God.

YI.. Thou hast set upon his head, 0 Lord. ~. A crown of precious stone.

o God, Thou That rejoicest at the deeds and intercession of Thy bless-ed martyr and Bishop Kallixtus, graciously grant that we that earnestly request his favours may attain the gift of Thy grace. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and r!!gneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. lit. Amen.

The proper for Sext begins on p. X 440.

j I




x 4391

Oct. 14 I 27-Terce of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.

1 X 439

Psalms for Terce on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

Tone 8 1[. · 'J'" [.: '+'J'" · t i , ; i" · '" · · · ' !. ~ : 111

Psalm 119:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the lst Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set o] brackets therein): •

Un-to the Lord in mine affliction have I T cri-ed, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes ~he verse: .1 and He heard me.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides, alternating the verses thereafter:

o Lord, deliver my soUl from un- T righ-teous lips * and .1 from a crM-ty tongue. What shall be giv-en i un-to thee? * And what shall be added unto thee .1 for

... thy craf'-ty tongue? ,;.

The arrows Of the i Might-y One, * sharpened with coals .1 of the des-ert.

Woe is me, for my sojourning is pro-long'd; t I have tented with the tent-Ings of T Ked-ar: * my soul hath lOng .1 been a so-jour-ner.

With jhem that hate peace I was i peace-a-ble; * when I spake unto them, they';

warred a-gainst .1 me with-out a cause. I

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the _ III Son, * and .1 to the Ho-Iy Ghost.

As, it ,!as in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages 0lf .1 a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 120:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the fir §t set of brackets therein):

I have lif't-ed up mine eyes to the i moun-tains *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: . from whence .1 com-eth my help.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side el: the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

My help com-eth i from the Lord, * Who hath made .1 Heav-en and the Earth. Give not thy foot un-to T mov-ing, * and may He not slum+] ber That keep-eth tHee. Behold, He shall not slum-ber nor i shall He sleep, * He That .1 keep-eth Is-ra-el. ~ The Lord shall T keep thee; * the Lord is Thy Shelter .1 lit thy right hand.

The Sun shall not burn thee i by day) * J nor the moon by night.

The Lord shall keep thee from all 1 e-vil; * the .1 Lord shall guard thy soul.

The Lord shall keep thy coming in and thy T go-ing out, * from henceforth .1 and for ev-er-more.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the III Son, * and .1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and- unto the ages of .1 a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 121:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

I was glad because of them that said i un-to me: ,..

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: , ...

----n-Let us go in-to .1 the House of the Lord."

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. tbs. Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternatinp the verses thereafter:

Our feet T have stood * in thy courts, .1 0 Jer-u-sal-em.

Jerusalem is bullded as a l' Cit-y l ,.. which its dwellers .1 share in con-cord.

For there the tribes went up, the tribes l' of the Lord * as a testimony for

Isra-el, to give thanks to .1 the Name Of the Lord. A

For there are set thrones un-to T judg-ment, * thrones over the .1 House of Da-vid. Ask now for the things which are for the peace of Jer- l' ti-sal-em, ,.. and for

the prosperity of .1 them that love thee. _

Let peace be now i in thy strength, ,.. and prosperity .1 in thy pal-a-ces.

For the sake of my brethren and my i neigh-bours * I spake .1 peace con-~er-ning thee. Because of the House of the i Lord Our GOd ,.. I have .1 sought good thi~s for thee. Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the III Son, * and .1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and l' ev-er, * and unto the ages of .1 a-ges. A-men.

X 440 I

Oct. 14 I 27-Sext of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.

I X 440

Then, All repeat:

I· •


.. . ,

1 •

• • • •

This man de-spi-sing the world, and tri-um-phing o-ver earth-Iy

.. n ~'. . .. III

• •

• II ~

things, hath laid up treas-ures in Heav-en by word and deed.

The Chapter and the Versicle

Then the Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Ecclus. 47: 13, 12) according to the Tone given for Monday Terce in the Psalter:

The Anointed One took away his sins, t and exalted his horn for ever; * and set

in order the solemn times even unto the end of his life. I • •• II II ~

.. All respond: ~. Thanks be to God.

or the following Chapter may be used on other days in place 0/ the above IEcdus. 11: 24, 17):

The blessing of the Lord is in the reward of the godly, t and suddenly He

maketh His blessing to flourish, * and His, favour bringeth I • ..; II~ , '/ All respond: ~. Thanks be to God. ~.'

prosperity for ever. .

y. Thou hast set upon his head, 0 Lord. ~. A crown of precious stone. ._

The Collect


o God, Thou That rejoicest at the deeds and intercession of Thy bless-ed martyr and Bishop KaUixtus, graciously grant that we that earnestly request his favours may attain the gift of Thy grace. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. ~. Amen.


The 1 st ·C anror alone begins chanting this Antiphon:

• 1 i

If an-y man serve Me.

o III •

I 1\ •

I =

All respond:

~ I· " • II ~

Let him fol-Iow Me; and where I AM, there

shall ai-so My ser-vant be.

N.B. On a Monday only, Sext continues as here given, but on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday with the Psalms as given on pp. X 443 - X 444.

,t .j.VA* J.~ ...

Tone 1 I [. • .] ••• (. 0 • I] •••• •• I • • • ••• • •• '.; 0 • II ij

Psalm 118, vv. 129 - 136.-

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 17th portion of the 1st Psalm, using this Tone, including the intoncqion notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Won-der-ful are Thy tes-tim- -i o-nies; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q]_ the Quire completes the verse:

therefore hath -i my soul search'd them out.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q]_ the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

The unfolding of Thy words,will t give Light * and under- t stand-ing un-to babes. I opened, my mouth and drew in -i my breath, * for I longed for -i Thy com-maoo-mmts. Look upon me and have mer-cy ~ on me, * according to the judgment of ~ them

that love Thy Name. ~

My steps do Thou direct according to Thy -i say-ing, * and let no iniquity have do- -i min-ion o-ver me.

x 4411

Oct. 14 I 27-Sext of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.

1 X 441

Tone 1



.. ~

o • II ij

Deliver me from the false accu-sa-tion J_ Of men, * and I will keep J_ Thy com-mand-ments.

Make Thy Face to shine up-on Thy J_ ser-vant, * and teach J_ me Thy stat-utes. Mine Eyes have poured forth streams of J_ wat-ers, * be-cause J, I kept not Thy

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the It Son, * and J_ to the Ho-lyGhdst.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of J. a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 118, v"v. 1J7 - 144:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 18th portion of the 1st Psalm, using the same Tone, inC&ding the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Righ-teous art Thou, J. 6 Lord, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side et. the Quire completes the verse:

and upright J_ are Thy judg-ments.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's ,$ide ei. the Quire chants the entire next vers~ (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Thou hast ordained as Thy tes-tim- J_ o-nies * exceeding J. righ-teous-ness and Truth.

My zeal for Thee hath made me to pine J_ a-way, ,.. because mine enemies have for- J. got-ten Thy words.

Thine oracle is tried with fire to the ut- J. ter-most, * and Thy ser- J. vant hath loved ft.

I am yoU'ngand ac-count-ed as 1 nfith-Ing, * yet Thy statutes have i J_ hot

for-got-ten. tt

, ,

Thy righteousness is an ever-Ias-ting righ- J_ teous-ness, * J. and Thy law is


Tribulations and necessi-ties have J_ found me, * Thy commandments are my 1 med-it-a-tion.

Thy testimonies are righ-teous-ness for J_ ev-er; * give me under-stand- J_ ing

, ~

and I shall u ve.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the It Son, * and J. to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and J, ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 118, vv. 145 - 152:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 19th portion of the 1st Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

I have cri-ed with my 1 whole heart: *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

"Hear me, 0 Lord, and I will seek at-ter

J, Thy stat-utes."

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

I have cri-ed un-to Thee: J, "Save me; * and I will keep Thy J, tes-tim-6-nfes."

x 4421

Oct. 14 I 27-Sext of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.

1 X 442

,t .,1.VA* .,1.~ ...

( ) I (I~ 1 111

Tone 1 continued .. I tiD' j ... I • I I I I .. I I I I I I ; 0 • ::

I arose in the dead of night and I J, cri-ed; * on Thy words J, have

I set my


A Mine eyes woke be-fore the J, morn-ing ;I< that I might meditate J, on Thy say-ings.

Hear my, voice, 0 Lord, according to Thy J, mer-cy; * according to Thy J, judg-ment, quick-en me.

They have drawrt nigh that lawlessly per-sec- J, ute me, * but, from Thy law

J, are they far re-moved. .

Near art Thou, J, 0 Lord, :I< and J, all Thy ways are Truth. A

From the beginning I have known from Thy tes-tlm- J, o-ni'es * that Thou hast founded J, them for ev-er.

Glory .. be t9 the Fath-er, and to J, the I{oI Son, ,.. and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

~ As,it ,,!as in the beginning, both now and J, ev-er, * and unto the ages of

J, a-ges. A~men. ./

T hen ~ I.:t! I I,. I


I I.


,.. I

; = ~

I ... If an-~ man serve Me, let him fol-Iow Me; and where I AM, there

I 111

,/ I


All repeat:


; I

shall al-so My ser-vant be.

The Chapter and the Versicle

Then the Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Ecclus. 24: 2 - 4) according to the Tone given for Monday Sext in the Psalter:

He shall open IW mouth in the Churches of the Most High, t and he shaD be g)oritled wi,mn sight of his virt~e;; in the midst of his own people shall he be ; I I I ; 111

exalted, and he shall be admired in the holy assembly. All respond: W. Thanks be to God. or the following Chapter may be used on other days in place of the above (Ecdus. 14: 23):

according to the Tone given for Monday Sext in the Psalter:

Blessed is the man that considereth the ways of the Lord in his heart; t he shall

also have understanding in his hidden things; * go af'ter Him as I I I I ; 111

one that traceth, and lie in wait in His ways. All respond: W. Thanks be to God.

y. The righteous man shall flourish like a palm tree. W. And like a cedar in Lebanon shall he be multiplied.

The Collect

May Thy holy martyr Kallixtus, we beseech Thee, 0 Lord, everywhere make us joyful, that while we once again celebrate his deeds in this present Feast, we may experience his protections in the increase of virtues. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. W. Amen.

The proper for None begins on p. X 444.

x 4431

Oct. 14/ 27-Sext of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.

1 X 443

Psalms for Sext on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

,t .tVA* L~

I (. • .) ••• (. 0 • I) •••• .' I • • • ••• • •• • '. ill 0 I II

- - - - ·i

Tone 1

Psalm 122:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the lst Psalm, using this

Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein): • .

Un-to Thee have I Iif-ted up t mine eyes *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side· ei. the Quire completes the verse: ,

unto Theethat dwell- t est in Heav-en.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Behold, as the eyes of t ser-vants * look unto the hands t of their mas-terse

As the, eyes of the handmaid look unto the h_ands of her t mis-tress, * so do our

"-eyes look unto the Lord Our God" until He take t pit-yon us: _

Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have mer-cy t on us; * for greatly are we fill'd t with a-base-ment.

Greatly hath our soul been fin'd J there-wjth; * let reproach come upon them

that prosper, and a- t b~se-ment on ~he proud. A _,.. )i

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to t the " Son, * and J to the Ho-ly Ghost. I

As, it was in the beginning, both ,lOW arid -1. ev-er, * and unto the ages of

t a-ges. A-men. /'

Psalm 123:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set , of brackets therein):

"Had it not been that the Lord was with us," let Is-ra-el t now say: *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Qj_ the Quire completes the verse: . ,

"Had it not been that the t Lord was with us, And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omittin~ the intonation notes), the !wo sides alternating the verses thereafter: A

'When m~n rp.5e up a- t gainst jJs, * then had they swal- -1. low'd us up a-live" "When their wrath raged a- t gainst us * then had the water t o-ver-whelm-ed us. "Our soul hath pas,s'd through a t tor-rent, * then had our soul passed through

the water that is -1. Ir+res-Is-tib-le. •

"Bless-ed be the Lord Who hath n,Ot glv- t en us * to be a t prey to their teeth. "Our soul like a sparrow was de-liv- t er-ed,* out of the snare t of the hun-terse "The snare i~ t bro-ken, * and we -1. are de-llv-er-ed.

"Our help is in the Name of t the LOrd * Who hath made t Heav-en and the Earth." Glory be to the Fath-er, and to t the " Son, * and t to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and t ev-er, * and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 124:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (Within the first set of brackets therein):

They that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount t Sy'-on; *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

he that dwelleth at Jerusalem, nevermore shall t he be sha-ken.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Mountains are round about her, t and the Lord is round a-bout His t peo-ple * from henceforth t and for ev-er-more.

, For the Lord will not permit the rod of sinners to be upon the .. lot of the

t righ-teous, * lest the righteous stretch forth their hands un- t to ln-l-quit-Ies.

Do good, 0 Lord, un-to them that t are good * and un-to t the up-right of heart. But them that turn aside unto crook-ed ways shall the Lord lead away with the workers Of in-i- t qult-y; * peace be t up-on Is-ra-el.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to t the" Son, * and t to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As,it was in the beginning, both now and t ev-er, * and unto the ages of

I _ A A ,

-v a-ges. -men.

x 4441

Oct. 14 I 27-None of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B .

1 X 444


• 1 l1li

. I,


I'i ,

, III f1 repeat: If an-y man serve Me, let him fol-low Me; and where I AM, there

~ " ,,1

sight of his virtue; * in .the midst ,of his. own people shall he be

exalted, and he shall be admired in the holy assembly. - All respond: ~. Thanks be to God. or the following Chapter may be used on other days in place ofthe above (Ecdus. 14: 23):

Blessed is the man that considereth the ways of the Lord in his heart; t he shall

also have understanding in his hidden things; * go after Him as I ' • I :I 111

~ .

one that traceth, and lie in walt In His ways. All respond: ~. Thanks be to God.

JI... The righteous man shall flourish like a palm tree. ~. And like a cedar in Lebanon shall he be multiplied.

The Collect,l

May Thy holy martyr Kallixtusl we beseech Thee, 0 Lord, everywhere make us pyful) that while we once again celebrate his deeds m this present Feast we may experience his protections m the increase of virtues. Through Our Lord JesQS Christ, Thy :son, WhO liveth and reigneth with Thee m the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. ~. Amen:


The 1st Cantor alone begins chanting this Antiphon:


, I

, ,


My Will, 0 Fath-er. ;

- ,

, :I


• I

, . ~

All respond:

1=; :::=, =~=" ==. :U=;II ~ • ~

Is that where I AM, there shall al-so My'

, t

Tone 1 I (, ' .) .,. ['0' I) •••• " I • • , ••• • •• '.' 0 • II ij

N.B. On a Monday only, None continues as here given, bu: on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday with the Psalms as given on pp. X 446 - X 447.


ser-vant be.

Psalm 118, vv. 153 - 160:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 20th portion of the 1st Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Be-hold my humili-a-tion and res- .t cue me, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: , ..

for Thy law have I t not for-got-ten.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Judge my cause and re- t deem me' * for Thy 1. Word's sake quick-en me.

Far Trom sinners is sal- t va-tionL* (or they have not sought sr- ,J, ter Th~ stat-utes. Thy compassions are man-y, ,J, 0 ord; * according to Thy J. judg-ment quick-en me. Many are .they that persecute me and af- J. fflct me; * from Thy testimonies

.t have I not de-clined., ~

I beheld men acting foolishly and I pined J. a-waI"* because th~ kept J. not Th~ say-iDg§. Behold, how I have loved Thy com-rilind-ments, 0 LO~ * in Th_y J mer-cy, quick-en me. The beginning of Thy words J, is Truth, * and all the judgments of Thy

righteousness en- .t diire for ev-er.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the II Son, * and J. to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both nOw and J, ev-er, * and unto the ages of J. a-ges. A-men.

X 445 I

Oct. 14 I 27-None of St. Kalllxtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.

I X 445

I ~ ~ ~' +~ -l- v A * -l- ~ , "

Tone 1 t" ' j '" l' 0 , Ij ". " • 1 • • • ••• • •• '.' 0 • II ij

Psalm 118, vv , 161 - 168:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 21th portion of the lst Psalm-;-usmg the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Prin-ces have persecuted me with-out 1 a cause *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side of the Quire compietes the verse:· , -::

ana liecause of Thy words my 1 heart hath been a-fraid.

And then, only the .,2nd Cantor's side of the Quilt chants the entire next verse

[omitting t~e into.ngtio,! notes)] tije t~o std'es aTternatinf t. e verses thereafter:

I will re-JOIce m Thy say-mgs * as one that f'lnd-eth great spoil. Unrighteousness have I ha-;ted and 1 ab-horr'd, * but 1 Tlly"law ha~e I loved. Seven times a day have I prals-]. ed Thee * for the judgments 1 fif. Thy righ-teous-ness. Much peace have the:r thaf IOve.J, Thy Jaw, * and for them there 1 is no stiim-blins!-bIOck. I awaited Thy sal-va-tion, 1 0 Lord, * hand Thy com+] mand-ments have r loved. My soul hath kept Thy tes-tim- 1 o-nles * and hath 10.ved.J.. them ex-ceed-Ing-ly. I have kept Thy commandments and Thy tes-tim- t o-nies, * for all my ways

are be- 1 fore Thee 0 Lord. ,/

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the It Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost. ,

As it was in the beginning, both nOw and 1 ev;-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 118, vv. 169 - 176: I

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 22th portion of the I 1st Psalm;-using the same Tone, induding the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein);

Let mv sup-plication draw nfgh be-for~ Thee, 1 0 Lord; * '

Then, only the Tst Cantor s side "Qi'the Qutre completes the verse: - A

- - --accoroing to Thine oracle give me 1 un-der-stan-ding.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side of the QUill chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes}J the two sides aTternating t e verses thereafter·: ,

Let my petition rome be-tore Thee, 1 0 LOrd; * accor~ to Thine o-ra- de de-liv-er me. My lips shall pour forth 1 a hymn * when Thou hast taught 1 me Thl stat-utes. My ~e shallspeak of Thy t say-i~,* for all Thy com-mand-I ments.are n~teous-ness. Let Thy Hand be for sa-l ving me,!, for I have chosen 1 Thy com-mand-ments. I have longed [or Thy sal-va-tiont 1 0 LOrd, * and Thl' law is my 1 med-it-a-tion. My soul shall Ii ve ana shall 1 eralse Thee, * and Thy Judg- 1 ments will help me. I have gone astray like a sheep that 1 is lost; * 0 seek Thy servant, for I have

not forgotten J Thy!rom-mand-ments. . '

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the It Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both nOw and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages 9f 1 a-ges. A-men.

Then, •• • .; • •• • I

All repeat: My Will, 0 Fath-er, is that where I AM, there shall al-so My

I -, ~ • II.~

ser-vant be.

The Chapter and the Versicle

Then the Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Wis. 10: 6, 2, 5) according to the Tone given for Monday None in the Psalter:

The Lord delivered the just man from the wicked; t He led him out of his sin

and gave him power to govern all things; :I< with mercy He kept I • '.; 111

him strong. All respond;' W. Thanks be to God.

or the following Chapter may be used on other days in place of the above IEcdus. 14: 26, 27):

He shall set the just man under His shelter, t and he shall lodge under His

Branches; * by Him he shall be covered from heat, and in His I • " I 111 Glory shall he dwell. All respond: W. Thanks be to God. y. The righteous man shall grow as the my. W. He shall cast forth his roots as Lebanon.

The Collect

May the intercession, 0 Lord, of Thy bless-ed martyr Kallixtus not cease to appease Thy righteousness for us, and render Thy servants devoted unto Thee. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. W. Amen.

x 4461

Oct. 14 I 27-None of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.

1 X 446

Psalms for None on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

,t J,VA* J,~

Tone 1 I (. • .] II. (. 0 • I] II.. •• I • • • • II • •• ••• 0 • II ij

Psalm 125:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the lsi-Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonat~n notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

When the Lord turn-ed again the captivit-y of t S5'-on, * Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

we became as men t that are com-for-ted.

And the'!, Q_~ the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse %( omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Then was our mouth rura 1 with joy, * and our tongue 1 with re-jolc-Ing.

Then shall they say a-mong the 1 na-tjons: * "The Lord hath done 1 great things un-to them." .

The Lord hath done great things a- 1 mong us, * and we 1 are be-come glad.


Turn again, 0 Lord, our cap-tiv- 1 it-y * 1 lIke streams in the south. They that sow 1 with tears * shall reap 1 with re-joic-Ing.

In their going they went, and 1 they wept * 1 as they cast their seeds.

But in their coming shall they come with re=] jolc-Ing, * 1 bear-ing their sheaves. Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the + Son, * and 1 to the Ho-Iy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of

1 a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 126:


The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the Znd Psalm, using the

same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Ex-cept the Lord build 1 the house, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

in vain do they la- 1 bour that build ft.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire' chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the v~rses thereafter:

Except the Lord guard the 1 cit-y, * in vain doth he 1 watch that guard-eth her. It is vain for you to rise 1 at dawn. * Ye that eat the bread of sorrow, rouse your-selves 1 af-ter rest-fng,

When He hath given sleep to His be- I Iov-ed; * 10, sons are the heritage of the Lord, the reward Of 1 the fruit of the womb.

Like arrows in the hand of a might- 1 y man, * so are the sons of them 1 that were out-casts.

Bless-ed is he that shall fulfil his de-sf-res 1 with them, * they shall not be put to shame when they speak to their en- 1 em-Ies in the gates.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the + Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.

x 4471

Oct. 14/ 27-None of St. Kallixtus, Pope of Old Rome, M.B.

1 X 447

Tone 1 I! 0 0 °l '" [0: 0 til'" o' : : i 0 0 0 '" 0 0 0 • : 0

Psalm 127:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm; using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Bless-ed are all th,!!y that fear ,t th~ Lord '"

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q.[_ the Quire completes the verse: that ~ walk in His ways. .

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q.[_ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

"" Thou shalt eat the fruit of'thy ~ la-bours; '" bless-ed art thou, and well ~ shall it

be with thee, /

Thy wife shall be as a fruit- J, ful vine * j>n J, the sides of thy house, Thy sons like young 01- .l.ive trees * round a- J, bout thy ta-ble. Behold, so shall the man be J, bless-ed '" that J, f'ear-eth the Lord.

The Lord bless thee out of J, Sy-on * and mayest thou see the good things of

Jerusalem all J, the days Of thy life.

And mayest thou see thy chil-dren's J, chil-dren; * peace be ,t up-on Is-ra-el. Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the ... Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and J, ev-er, * and unto the ages of


• 0


J, a-ges. A-men.


• A_ll repeat: My Will, 0 Fath-er, is that where I AM, there shall al-so My

Ii. ~ • II ~


• :::I

• •

• I

ser-vant be.

The Chapter and the Versicle

Then the Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Wis. 10: 6, 2, 5) according to the Tone given for Monday None in the Psalter:

The Lord delivered the just man from the wicked; t He led him out of his sin

and gave him power to govern all things; '" with mercy 'He kept I • 1.:::1 111

him strong. All respond: ~. Thanks be to God.

or the following Chapter may be used on other days in place of the above (Ecclus. 14: 26, 27):

He shall set the just man under His shelter, t and he shall lodge under His Branches; '" by Him he shall be covered from heat, and in His I • '.:::1 II~

Glory shall he dwell. All respond: ~. Thanks be to God.

y. The righteous man shall grow as the lily. ~. He shall cast forth his roots as Lebanon.

The Collect

May the intercession, 0 Lord, of Thy bless-ed martyr Kallixtus not cease to appease Thy righteousness for us, and render Thy servants devoted unto Thee. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. ~. Amen.

x 4481 Oct. 15 I 28 - First Vespers of Commemoration of the Holy Relics 1 X 448 October 15th I 28th


(to be observed as a Solemnity)


The Psalms

Then the 1 st Cant or alone begins chanting this Antiphon:

1 ij

With-in Thy com-pass.

1 • ~'. 1\


All respond:





fail-eth; there rest-eth the souls of the Righ-teous.

,t ,j.v ... *

Tone 6 I (. • • .] ••• (. 0 • I] •••• .' r • • • •• • • •• .; I • • II ~

Psalm 109:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the l st Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

The Lord said un-to J, My Lord: *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the, verse.~ ---"Sit Thou J, at My Right Hand,

And then, only the Znd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omittinp, the intonation notes), the two.sides alternating the verses thereafter:

'Until I make Thine en- J, em-Ies * the Foot- J, stool of Thy Feel.

"4 sceptre of power shall the Lord send unto Thee out of J, Sy-on; * rule Thou in the midst J, of Thine en-em-ies.

A "With Thee is dominion in the day of Thy power, in the splen-dour Of J, Thy

Saints; * from the Wi(fmb before the morning star have J, I be-got-ten Thee." ,

The Lord hath sworn and will not J, re-pent: * "Thou art a Priest for ever, ~

after the order J, Of Mel-chls-ed-dk." , ,

The Lord at Thy J, Right Hand * hath broken kings in the J, day of His lVrath. He shall judge among the nations, He shall fill them with dead J bod-ies; * He

shall crush the heads of man- J, y up-on the Earth.

He shall drink of the brook In J, the way; * therefore shall J, He lift UP. His Head. Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the + Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost. ,

As it was in the beginning, both nOw and J, ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.



Psalm 112: .

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Praise the Lord, 0 ye J, ser-vants; :I:

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: A praise ye the J, Name of the Lord.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Bless-ed be the Name of ..], the Lord, * from hencef'orth-I and for ev-er-more. From the rising, of the Sun unto the go-ing down of J, the same, * the Name of

the Lord is J, to be prais-ed. , _

High above all the na-tions is J, the Lord, * above the Heavens I is His Glor-Y. Who is like unto the Lord Our God, Who dwell-eth J, on High, * and looketh down on things that are lowly, in Heav- ..], en and on the Earth?

Who raiseth up the poor man from J, the Earth, * and from the dunghill lifteth

J, up the pau-per, '

That He may seat him with J, prin-ces, * with the princes J, of His peo-ple,

Who maketh the barren woman to dwell in ..], a house * and be a mother rejoicing ..], o-ver chil-dren.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the + Son, * and I to the Ho-ly Ghost. , A As it was in the beginning, both nOw and J, ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-~en.

x 4491 Oct. 15 I 28 - First Vespers of Commemoration of the Holy Relics 1 X 449

_ t .j.." ... * .j.~ ;,-.,,,

Tone 6 I [. • .] ••• (. 0 • '] ••• • .' • I • • • ••• • •• .;'.. II ij

Psalms 115:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the the 3rd Psalm, using this same Tone, including theintonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

I be-Iiev-ed, where-fore J, I spake; '"

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side el: the Quire completes the verse:

I was hum- J, bled ex-ceed-lng-Iy.

And then, only ther Znd Cantor's si'de ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation; notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereal,ter:

As for me, I said in mine ec- J, sra-sy: * "Every man J, is a !i-ar. '

What shall I ren-der un-to J, the Lord, * for aD that He hath ren- J, der-ed un-to me? I will take the Cup of sal- J, va-tion, * and I will call upon the J, Name of the Lord. My vows unto the Lord wiIJ I pay in the .presence of all His

J, peo-ple; * precious in the Sight of the Lord is the J, death of His Saints. _

4. 0 Lord, I am Thy J, ser-vant; * I am Thy servant and the sOn J, of Thyhand-maid.

Thou hast broken my bonds as-un-der; t I will sacrifice a sacri-fice of praise tin- J, to Thee, * and I will call upon the J, Name of the Lord.

My vows unto the Lord will I pay in the presence of all His J, peo-ple; * in the

Courts of the House of the Lord, in the midst of thee, J, 0 Jer-ti-sa-Iem. ',/

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the It Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and J, ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 125:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 4th Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

When the Lord turn-ed again the cap-tiv-it-y of J, Sy-on, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: . "

we became as men j, that are com-for-ted.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes) ~ the two sides alternating the verses thereafter: _

Then was our mouth fill'd J, with joy, * and our tongue J, with re- joic-ing.

Then shall t!l~y say a-mong the J, na-tions: * "The Lord hath done J, great

things un-to them."

The Lord hath done great things a- j, m6ng US, * and we,J, are be-come glad. Turn again, 0 Lord, our cap-tiv- J, it-y * J, like streams in the south.

They that sow J, with tears shall reap J, with re- joic-ing.

In their going they went, and J, they wept * J, as they c;ast their seeds.

But in their corning shall they come with re- J, joic-Ing, * J, bear-ing their sheaves.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the -I Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and j, ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.


. ~'. "


. ~

Then, All repeat: lis;· I'"

With-in Thy com-pass, 0 Lord, there is Light That nev-er

• • th,,'" A!IIIi:I • II ij

f'all-eth; there rest-eth the souls

of the Righ-teous.

The Chapter


The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Wis. 3: 1 - 3)

The souls of the righteous are in the Hand of God, and there shall no torment them. t In the sight of the unwise they seemed to die; and their departure is


taken for misery; and their going from us to be utter

destruction; * but they are in peace.

All respond: W. Thanks be to God.

X 450 I Oct. 15 I 28 - First Vespers of Commemoration of the Holy Relics I X 450 The Responsory

alone chants:

I ;;;; ~·I III ,..!II The righ-teous shall shine.

The 1st Cantor


~·.III . ~ ;; :I I!J'I ~
I .,111 • ,.
"I I I
And shall' run to and fro like sparks a ,- mid the respond:

I ifil ifil :I

stub-ble; they cshall judge
I I'
"".l1li !II
and ev - er. '/



The Hebdomadaryl ..,1 .... ,..... 1\ H"''''

alone chants: y. The just shall live for ev-er,

I :I I

and their re-ward is

I ,..


in the Pres-ence of God.

All I ;; 6'" III ... ~ ~ ~ ... ; I I r\ ;'., ~., •
I !II .,
respond: They. shaH judge the na - tions, and shall reign for ev-er
'15 I I'

I "".l1li !II and ev - er.


Th H bd d "". ~ iii

e e oma ary I -,.. ... ,.. • • r\; I I I

y. Glor - y be to the Fath-er, and to the

alone chants:

Son, + and

to the Ho - Iy Ghost.

All ~1~~.~~6~"'~11111~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~.~~.~'"~;~I~I~.~~I.~.~

It ! I -- i""'iiiiiiiii!ll.. • -I.' fII ., ~ •••

respond: They shall judge the na - tions, and shall reign for ev-er

I. "". III !II II ~ I D

and ev - er.

The Hymn and the Versicle

x 4511

1 X 451

Oct. 15 I 28 - First Vespers of Commemoration of the Holy Relics

• • I •


The l st Cantor alone chants the intonation:

1. The strug - gles of the Saints;'

The 1st Cantor's side only completes line 1: 4 Bless - ed The 2nd Cantor's side only chants line 2.-

2. They whom this world of ill,

4 While it

The 1st Cantor's side only chants line 3:

3. For Thee all pangs they bare,

~ ~ Fu

The 2nd Cantor's side only chants line 4:

4. Like sheep their blood they pour'd;

4 And with - out


ev - er - more, 1.4

yet held, ab - horr'd 2.4


and mor - tal hate, 3.4

groan or



The 1st Cantor's side only chants line 5.: 5. What tongue .. may here de - clare

4 Fan - cy


All chant line 6:

6."""To Thee, 0

1. Their

2. Its

3. The

4. They

5. The

6. To

I •


Lord Most High,

4 One

or thought des - cry, 5.4


Three Per - sons


-) For

dost pre - pare

-) For




4 And

love that nev - er f'aints, ('

-) The toils they brave - Iy - bore- 1.-) with - 'ring flowers that still

4 They spurn'd with one ac - cord- 2.4

cru - el scourge to tear

-) The hook to lac - er - ate; 3.4

bent be - fore the sword

6. Here

5. Em - pur - pled

give Thy

joys Thou par - don



that Their King Most Dear; 4.-) these Thy Saints on High! 5. ~

to pre - serve from ill; ~.4


; ..

1. For

2. They

3. But

4. Their

these the Church to - day

-) Pours forth her knew them short - llv'd all,

4 They fol - low'd vain their foes' in - tent;

-) For, ev - 'ry

souls ser - ene - Iy blest,

~ In


the flood

joy - at


lay- 1.-)





tor ..... ment spent, 3.-)

pa -. tience they pos - sest, 4.~ their vic - tor - ious blood, 5..4

ser - vants peace,

4 Here - af-

grant ;



re - lease,

~ 111

1. These

2. King

3. Their

4. And

5. They

6. And

vic - tors Je - sus, val - iant

Jook'd in won the plea -sures

win the no - blest

to Thy' Hea v'n - Iy

spir - its stood un-

hope to - wards their lau - rei from Their that shall nev - er

bay. Hall. bent; rest. God. cease.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A - men.

y. The souls of the righteous are in the Hand of God. ~. And there shall no torment touch them.

The Antiphon on the Magnificat and the Magnificat

X 452 I Oct. 15 I 28 - First Vespers of Commemoration of the Holy Relics

I X 452

Then is sung the Antiphon on the Magnificat, which is ~. • • ~. •


~ ..

always' begun by the Abbot {or Senior ina Quire} alone: Let there re- fice in the Heav - ens.

. ~.... I ~' ••

. .., . ~ . -


The souls of the Saints, who fol-low-ed the

... ", ... 1 I I

... If "!IIi ~.. • !IIi ..,. •

All continue:

..,. .... 1.

foot-steps of Christ; and since, for Love of Him, they free-ly pour-ed out their

b. • I. ~ ~'" ·1IIi':1IIi I , .••• ..,. •• 11.

life-blood, there-fore with Christ they reign un-to e-ter-nit-y., The Magnificat (Luke 1: 46 - 55):

After the Antiphon on the Mr;zgnificat, the

1st Cantor alone begins chanting the Magnificat: + My soul *.

Only the 1 st Cantor's side fJ.1. the Quire responds with a.. ~.

II •

the Znd half of ,the Ist verse of the Magnificat: doth mag-ni-fy the Lord.

1._ :--'~*1... .j,~ :--. ...

Tone 6 6 ... ~ •••••• • •• I'i II ."" ~·I h ~ [: " " I] •• • • •• .; _. • • ". l Only the 2nd Cantor's side Q.[_ the Quire chants the 2nd verse of the Magnificat, using this Tone, including the intonation notes:

And my spir- 1. it hath re- joi-ced * in J,. God My Sa-viour.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q.[_ the Quire chants the entire next verse (including the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

For He hath look-ed upon the low-li-ness 1. of His hand-maid-en; * 1. for

be-hold, from hence-forth all generations shall J,. call me: "Bless-ed." ,

For the Might-y One hath 1. done great Jhings un-to me; * and J,. Ho-ly is His Name. And His mer-cg ls 1- on them that fear HJm~* 1- un-to gener-a-tion and J,. gen-er-a-ti6n. He hath show- 1. ed strength with His Arm; * 1. He hath scat-ter-ed the proiid ,

in the imagin- J,. a-tion Of their heart.

He hath put down 1- the might-y from tqeir seat, * 1- and ~~-al-ted J,. them of low deg-rre. He hath fill-«l1. the hun-gry with go(jd things, * 1- and the rich He hath sent J,. emp-ty a-way. He hath hol-pen 1 His ser-vant Is-ra-el :« 1 in re-mem-brance J,. of His mer-cy, As He 1- spake to our fath-ers, '" 1- to A-bra-ham, and his J,. seed for ev-er. Glor-y be to the 1 Fath-er, and to the + Son, * and J,. to the Ho-ly Ghost. ,

As it was in the beginning, 1. both now and ev-er,:« 1. and un-to the a-ges of 1 a-ges. A-men.

6 1 I ~.

Then, ..' ~. •. ~. ..~ . • ... ., • 1\. - '.

All repeat: Let there re-joice in the Heav - ens the souls of the Saints, who fol-low-«l the

6 I'i • ... .... 1 • III ... tI I'i !IIi I III I ~.. I • III ....

foot-steps of Christ; and since, for Love of Him, they free-ly pour-ed out their

6 • • I. ~ I'i '!IIi. III I ,......... 111

life-blood, there-fore with Christ they reign un-to e-ter-nit-y.

The Collect

Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that the deeds of the holy God-Bearer and ever-Virgin, Mary, and of Thy Saints whose Relicks are contained in This Church, may protect us; so that through their prayers we may ever rejoice and praise Thee in tranquility and peace. Through the Same Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and re.!_g_neth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. ~. Amen.

X 453 l0ct. 15 I 28 - Night Vigils (Matins) of Commemoration of the Holy Relics I X 453 The Commemoration of First Vespers of the Octave Day

of the Translation of St. Oswald of York, C.B.

After the First Dismissal, this Commemoration is begun by the 1st Cantor alone:


,.. I •

I ~

There-fore, ho-ly Fath-er.

All continue the I ~., t! I., ~., ,.. I 1
, ~ 1

Antiphon as follows: In 'deeds and name great Prel-ate Os-wald,
I , 1 • lIi ~ I [\ i1 1 • .,
,.. • I " ,.
• 1 , • , gra-cious lis-ten-er, be thou pres-ent for thy sup-pli-ant ser-vants im-plor-ing
Illi I!i 1 ., • • fti. • • I!i I "Ii
"" • ,.. I ~ .. ij
, ~., •
to-geth-er per-spi- r-ed; pre-serve them whom a mind of per-verse work-ing
I = ~ .. 1"- ... , II ij ,I
,.. I , .-; , , ,.. , ; , ~., I
• • , for-mer-Iy drench-eth, and grant the pro-po-sed bless-ing of Faith with pi - et-y.

y. Pray for us, 0 bless-ed Oswald.

~. That we may be rendered meet for the promises of Christ.

y. Let us pray. Kindly pour forth Thy mercy upon us, we' beseech Thee, 0 Lord, at the intercession of Thy blessed confessor and Bishop Oswald, and deal graciously unto our sins by his implorings. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and-relgneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through' all the ages of ages. ~. Amen.


The Invitatory and The Venite-Psalm 94

After Psalm 3 has been completed, the Cantors chant the Invitatory and the Venire (Psalm 94) as follows:

chant the entire Invitatory together: The God, Won-drous in His Saints :I<


I ,., III ' ~·""III

come ye, let us wor-ship,

giv-ing praise to-geth-er.

Then All repeat the entire Invitator y:

The God, Won-drous in His Saints :I<


; ,., III • ~''''III

come ye, let us wor-ship,

•• ~..' ~. II i

giv-ing praise to-geth-er.

X 454 t Oct. 15 / 28 - Night Vigils (Matins) of Commemoration of the Holy Relics t X 454

Th 1 th 1 t d 2 d C t I .•• • • =.... :I •• J

en Qm1. e _§__ an __!!_ an or s _ _ _ ~

begin the Venite together:

Ps. Come, let us re-joice in the Lord; let us shout with

thanks-giv- ing, and with Psalms-let us :shout in jU-bil-a-tion un-to Him.

:I :I,... = :I •• • ••••• :1 • ; II~

Then All repeat the entire I nvitatory:

• The



• •

~ in


His Saints *

~ I,. I ~. II ~

"" 1 ..... 1\ • .,. ... / I. '~...:.....:lJ _ n ~

come ye, let us wor-ship, giv-ing praise to-geth-er.

Then only the 1st and 2nd Cantors I ••• = ~'. · I. :I • = ',',1

. ~~ ~

For the Lord is a Great God, and a Great King


continue the Venite together:

:I ... • • •• • ,j

• • • • ~.. iii

o-ver all (gods; for the Lord will not cast off His peo-ple.) For in His Hand are

. ... =,.. .


:I .. .'4

,... i ••

the ends of the Earth, and the heights of the moun-tains are His.

• •


Then All repeat on!!. the 2nd half ~~I~~~"~.~~III~~.~~I\~.~~~II~lIIg~.~.~~~~~ .• ~. ~ij

• 'S

of the Invitatory , as follows: Come ye, let us wor-ship, giv-ing praise



Then only the 1st and 2nd Cantors = .. · .. ."1 = ••

continue the Venite together:

For the sea is His, and He made it; and the dry

~... . . I. I~ Here ~I~~~.~~~.~;. ~~I~~.~;. ~~.~~.~~

land His Hands have fash-ion-ed. all bow. 0 come, let us wor-ship and fall down

I. = ,. I. • I ••• •• = ~'.. I~ Here I. I ".. .., ~

be-fore Him, and let us weep be-fore the Lord Who made us; all rise. For He is Our




• And we are the peo-ple of His pas-ture, and the sheep of His Hand.

= .




. ,.. ,,~

Then All repeat the entire Invitatory:


• The



• •



His Saints :I<


:I ,.. III • 1\ I .,. III

come ye, let us wor-ship,

.. ~... 9. ,,~

giv-ing praise to-geth-er.

X 455 IOct. 15 / 28 - Night Vigils (Matins) of Commemoration of the Holy Relics I X 455

Then only the 1st and 2nd Cantors I ••••• ~ ~' .• I. :I " •• ~

continue the Venite together: To - day, if ye will hear His Voice, har-den not

I ~ Iti .' • • • • • • ~ III.. ••• • • ~ III I~

your hearts. As in the prov-o-ca-tion, in the day of temp-ta-tion in the wil-der-ness.


• :I '1.1:1 • :I III. • ~:I • • ; • 1\ ~

For your fath-ers temp-ted Me; . they prov-ed Me and saw My works:

Then All repeat only the 2nd half of the I nvitatory , as follows:

:I III.,... I\.!'\,..

Come ye, let us wor-ship,

• •

' ..

giv-ing praise

~. [j 9

"'" to-geth-er.

continue the Venite together:


For-ty years long


I griev-ed with that ;1 • • • I I

I •

, I... :I • •• '.0 :I • '''.,..

and to the Ho- Iy Ghost. As it was in the be-gin-ning, both now and ev-er,


Then All repeat the entire Invitaiory:

• The



" in

/J His


Saints *


III .,.. • 1\ ..... ,.. • •


come ye, let us'wor-ship, giv-ing praise to-geth-er.

Then only the 1st and 2nd Cantors I~~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~§~§~~~ .. ~~·§I~ij

'.. .

conclude the Venite together:

I •

Glor-y be to the Fath-er, and to the It Son,

:I ••• ~III. I


un-to the a-ges of a-ges. A-men.

Then All repeat only the 2nd hal f ~~:I~~~III~i. ~,..~~.~§I\~. ~~~i11 ,..~~.~~. ~~~,~.~.~

of the I nvitator y , as follows: Come ye, let us wor-ship,

I • ~. II ~


Then only the 1st and 2nd Cantors~~~~~~~~.~~~.~~~~~:~~~L~S~.~:~ __ ~I\~I.

= • 'f4 ..

chant the l st half of the Invitator y: The God,

Then All repeat only the 2nd hal f ~~:I~~~III~~. §,..~~.~§I\~.I1111~.~,..g~.~.~~~,~.~. ~

of the Invitatory , as follows: Come ye, let us wor-ship,

giv-ing praise

Won-drous in

His Saints *


giv-ing praise

The Hymn


X 456 IOct. 15 I 28 - Night Vigils (Matins) of Commemoration of the Holy Relics I X 456

I • = • • I • 1\ • 1

• •

The l st Cantor alone chants the intonation:· 1. The strug - gles of the Saints,

The 1st Cantor's side only completes line 1: 4 Bless - ed The 2nd Cantor's side only chants line 2:

2. They whom this world of ill,

The 1st Cantor's side only chants line 3:

3. For Thee all pangs they. bare!

4 Fu - ,ry The 2nd Cantor's side only chants line 4:

4. Like sheep their blood they pour'd;

4 And with - out groan or The 1st Cantor's tide only chants line 5:

,.. 5. What tongue may here de - clare

4 Fan-

All chant line 6:

~To Thee, 0

1. Their

2. Its

3. The

4. They

5. The

6. To


love that nev - er faints,

4 The toils they bra ve - Iy bore- 1.4 with - 'ring flowers that still

4 They spurn'd with one ac - cord- 2.4

cru - el scourge to tear

4 The hook to


be -

4 While it

Lord Most High,

4 One


the sword



ev - er - more, 1.4

yet held, ab - horr'd 2.4

and mor - tal hate, 3.4

or thought des - cry,


Three Per - sons


joys Thou par - don

- .s

4 For

dost pre - pare

4 For




4 And

lac -



er -

that Their King Most Dear; 4.4

these to 1\

Thy Saints on pre > serve from

High! ill;


1. For

2. They

3. But

4. Their

these the Church to - day

4 Pours forth her knew them short - liv'd all,

4 They fol - low'd vain their foes' in - tent;

4 For, ev - 'ry

souls ser - ene - Iy blest,

4 In

6. Here

5. Em - pur - pled





the flood

joy - at


lay- 1.4





tor - ment spent, 3.4 4.4

ser - vants peace,

4 Here - af-


pa -' tience they pos - sest,

tor - ious blood, 5.4

vic -




re -

II§! II ~

1. These

2. King

3. Thetr

4. And

5. They

6. And


bay. Hall. bent; rest. God. cease.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A - men.

Six Psalms are then chanted for the First Nocturn , as [ollows:

vic - tors Je - sus, val - iant

look'd in won the plea -sures

win the no - blest

to Thy Hea v'n - ly

spir - its stood un-

nope to - wards their lau - rei from Their that shall nev - er

The First Nocturn

The Psalms

X 457 l0ct. 15 I 28 - Night Vigils (Matins) of Commemoration of the Holy Relics I X 457

Then the 1st Cantor alone begins chanting the 1st Antiphon:

• 1\ •

By the streams of the wat-ers.

• •

Hath He plant-ed the vine of the righ-teous,


All respond:

and their will is in the law of the Lord.

, t. '" ~.

Tone 4 I (. • .)... [. 0 • '] -... •••

Psalm 1:

Then the 1st.Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the l st Psalm, .... using this To"ne, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Bless-ed is the man that- hath not walked in the counsel of the ungod-ly, t nor stood in the ~ way of sin-ners, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

nor sat in the ~ seat of the pes-til-ent.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side- ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

But his will is rather in the ~ law of the Lord, * and in His law will he ~ med-it-ate day and night.

And he shall be like the tree which is planted by the streams ~ of the wat-ers, * which shall bring forth its ~ fruit in its sea-son.

And ~ its leaf shall not fall; * and all things whatsoever he. ~ may do shall pros-per.

Not so are the un- ~ god-Iy, not so; * but rather they are like the chaff which

the wind doth hurl away ~ from the face Of the Earth. ,

For this reason shall the ungodly not stand ~ up in judg-ment, * nor sinners in , the coun- ~ cil of the rlgh-teotls.

, ,

For the Lord knoweth the way ~ of the righ-teous, * and the way of the

un- ~ god-ly shall per-ish.

Glory be to the Fath- ~ er, and to the + Son, * ~ and to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both ~ now and ev-er, * and unto the ages ~ of

, A

a-ges. A-men.


8 • -I


• l1li II

. . ___

C!! .ij

All repeat: By the streams of the wat-ers hath He plant-ed the vine of the righ-teous,


1\ •

• I

,.. .

and their will is in the law of the Lord. I

Then the 2nd Cantor alone

~ .

, ij

begins chanting the 2nd Antiphon:


• •


All respond:

The com-mand-ment of the Lord, he was

I... IS~ .lIij

• • I· • -"

es-tab-lish-ed up-on His Ho-ly Moun-tain.

X 458 IOct. 15 I 28 - Night Vigils (Matins) of Commemoration of the Holy Relics I X 458

,t ,J,v~*

Tone 1 I (. ' ,] .. , (, D , I] ..., "I

, , , '" , , ,

" ;

D , lIij

Psalm 2:

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the Znd Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Why have the hea-then ~ ra-ged, *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

and the peoples medi- ~ ti-ted emp-ty things?

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

The kings of the Earth were" arou-sed, t an'! the rulers were < assem-bled % to- 1 geth-er; * a"gainst the Lord, 1 and a-gainst His Christ ..

Let us break their bonds .as- ~ un-der, * and let us cast a- ~ wiy their yoke

A /

from us.

He That dwelleth in the Heavens shill laugh them ~ to scorn, * and the Lord

~ shall de-ride them. " i

Then shall He-speak un-to them in J, His wrath, * and in His anger J, shill He troub-le them.

But~as for Me, I was Established as King by Him, t upon SYQn His Ho-ly J, Moun-tain, * Proclaiming the com- ~ mand-ment of the Lord.

The Lord said un- J, to Me: * "Thou art My Son; this day have 1 i be-g6t-ten Thee."

Ask of Me, and I will give Thee the nations for Thine in-her- ~ lt-ance, * and the uttermost parts of the Earth for 1 Thy pos-ses-sion.

Thou shalt herd them with a rod of J, i-ron, * Thou shalt shatter them like a 1 pot-ter's ves-sels.

And now, 0 ye kings, tin- 1 dar-stand; * be instructed, all 1 ye that judge the

Earth. _

Serve ye the Cord J, with fear, * and rejoice in J, Him with trem-bling.

Lay hold of instruc-tion, t lest at any time the Lord be 1 A,ng-ry, * and ye

perish ~ from the righ-teous way. ,

Wl!.en quickly His wrath be ~ kin-died, * blessed 'are all that have ~ put their trust in Him.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and t6 ~ the + Son, * and J, to the H6-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and ~ ev-er, * and unto the ages of

1 i-ges. A-men.





~ .




All repeat:

Pro-claim-ing the com-mand-ment of the Lord, he was

I. • , , • I ' IS ~ , ,II ~

es-tab-lish-ed up-on His Ho-ly Moun-tain.

Then the 1st Cantor alone begins chanting the 3rd Antiphon:


o ye sons of men.



All respond:

Know ai-so that the Lord hath made



, PIa., ,,~

won-drous His Ho-Iy One.

X 459 IOct. 15 I 28 - Night Vigils (Matins) of Commemoration of the Holy Relics I X 459

, t l' ,

Tone 2 I [. • .) ... (. 8. I) .... •


• ••• II • • • II

•• • ••

Psalm 4:

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half o] the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

When I call-ed upon Thee, 0 God of my righteousness, Thou didst heark-en

i un-to me; * .

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

in mine affliction Thou hast ~ en-larg-ed me.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Have com~pas-sion i on me, *. and 1 hear my prayer •.

o ye sons of men, how long will ye be i slow of heart? * Why do ye love vanity, and seek af- ~ ter false-hood?

Know also that the Lord hath made won-drous His T Ho-ly One; * the Lord j

will hearken unto me" when I ~ cry un-to Him. I.

Be angry, and sin not; t feel com-punc-tion up- T on your beds * for what y/e ~ say in your hearts.

Sacrifice a sacrifice of righ-teous-ness, t and hope i in the Lord; * many say:

"Who will show un-to ~ us good things?"

The Light of Thy Countenance, 0 Lord, hath been sign-ed up- i on us; * Thou

hast given glad-ness ~ to my heart.

From the fruit Of their wheat, T wine and or. * are they mul- ~ tl-pll-ed. In peace in the i same place * I shall lay ~ me down and sleep.

For Thou) O! Lord, A-lone, * hast made me ~ to dwell in hope.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the If! Son, * and to ~ the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of

, A

a- ~ ges. A-men.

Then, ~ •

All repeat: 0 ye sons
I :w ... :I l1li •
" • • •
of men, know ai-so that the Lord hath made
" ij " •• PIli ••

won-drous His Ho-Iy One.

Then the 2nd Cantor alone begins chanting the 4th Antiphon:


With a shield.

• ,.. ~ l1li ••• ,..~

Of Thy good pleas-ure, hast Thou crown-ed

All respond:

I IS :I • II.

him, 0 Lord.

X 460 IOct. 15 I 28 - Night Vigils (Matins) of Commemoration of the Holy Relics I X 460

, t l' ,

Tone 2 I ( .] ••• (. I] •••• •

• • 13 •

• • • ••• • • •

II •

I. . . ..

Psalm 5:

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 4th Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Un-to my words give i ear, 0 LOrd; *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

'" t hear my cry.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q[_ the Quire'chants the entire next verse (omitting the

intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter: ' ,

Attend unto the voice of my sup-pll- i ca-tion, * 0 My King J, and My GOO. A

For unto Thee wiD I i pray, 0 Lord; * in the morn-ing Thou J, shalt hear my voice.

In the morning shall I stand be-fore Thee, and thou shalt look up- i on me; * for not

ss .. a God that willest in-i-quit- J, y art Thou. _

He that 'Yorketh evil shai-I not T dwell near Thee; * nor shall transgressors a-bide

J, be-fore Thine Eyes., .

Thou hast hated all them that work in- i i-quit-y; * Thou shalt destroy all them J, that:

speak a lie. ;1

A man that is bloody and deceitful shall the T Lord ab-hor; * but as for me, in the I

multi-tude of 1 Thy mer-cy, . ' I,

Shall I go in- i to Thy House? * Lshall worship toward Thy Holy Tern-pie J, in fear of Thee.

O~ Lord, guide me in the way of Thy righteousness be-cause of mine

i en-em-ies; * make straight my 'Yay J, be-fore Thlle. , A

For in their mouth there i is no Truth; * their J, heart is vain.

Their throat is an opel) sep-ul-chre; t with their tongues have they spo-ken

de- i celt-ful-ly; * judge J, them, 0 Goo. , .

Let them fall down on account of their own dev-l-slngs; t according to th~ multitude of their un-god-li-ness, i cast them out; * for they have em-bit-ter- J, ed Thee, 0 Lord.

And let all them be glad that l' hope in Thee; * they shall ever rejoice, and Thou shalt

dwell J, am-ong them.r' '

, And all shall glory in Thee that i love Thy Name, * for Thou shalt bless J, the


o Lord, as with a shield of Thy good l' pleas-ure, * hast J, Thou crown-ed Us. Glory be to the Fath-er, and T to the If- Son, * and to J, the Ho-ly Ghdst,

As it was in the beginning, both now and l' ev-er, * and unto the ages a- J, of ges.

, ...



• !IIi • • !IIi ~ ,. .• • .!IIi~

With a shield of Thy good pleas-ure, hast Thou crown-ed

All repeat:

lIS =. IIij

him, 0 Lord.

T hen the 1 sf Cantor alone begins chanting the 5th Antiphon:


~ .

o Lord, Our Lord.

1\. • I II

How Won-der-ful is Thy Name in all the


• II

All respond:

I = = 1\. A. I ,..... ,.,.. ~

• •• • Earth; for with glor-y and hon-our hast Thou crown-ed Thy Saints; and Thou hast


• • = • •

set them o-ver the works of Thy Hands.

X 461 l0ct. 15 I 28 - Night Vigils (Matins) of Commemoration of the Holy Relics I X 461

, t .,L. v ~ *

Tone 1 I (. • .) II. (. 0 . I) II.. .. I

Psalm 8:



• •

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half ·of the first verse of the 5th Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein}: o Lord, Our Lord, how Won- J, der-fiH :I<

Then. only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

is Thy J, Name in all the Earth.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse {omitting the intonation notes}, the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

For Thy magnifi-cence is J, lif-ted :I< high a- J, bove the Heav-ens.

Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings hast Thou perfected praise, be-cause of Thine Em- 1 em-Jes, :I< to destroy the enemy J, and av-en-ger.

For I will behold the Heavens, the works' of Thy 1 Fing-ers, * the moon and the I

stars, which 1 Thou hast found-ed. I

What is man, that Thou art Mind-flil J, Of him, :I< or the son of man, that Thou

_ A r

J.. vis-it-est him?

Thou hast made him a little lower than the ang-els; t with glory and honour hast Thou crown- J.. ed him; :I< and Thou hast set him over the 1 works of Thy Hands.

All things hast Thou subjected under his feet, t sheep and all J.. ox-en, * yea, and the J.. beasts of the field,

The birds of the air, and the fish of J.. the sea, :I< the things that pass through the

J.. paths of the sea. .

o Lord, J.. Out,..Lord, * how Wonderful is Thy .1, Name in all the Earth!

• >$

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the + Son, :I< and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and J.. ev-er, * and unto the ages of


.1, a-ges. A-men.

Then, I ~ • ~ ,__.. ; ;
,. • • 1\ ; ::I
• •
All repeat: 0 Lord, Our Lord, how Won-der-ful is Thy Name in all the
::I ; !!;i. A • ; ,. ... .. ,. ,. • ,...
• • • Earth; for with glor-y and hon-our hast Thou crown-ed Thy Saints; and Thou hast



. . ; . .

set them o-ver the works of Thy Hands.

Then the 2nd Cantor alone ~ ~ •
• • • •
begins chanting the 6th Antiphon: The way of the righ-teous.
1 • Pi ....i
• ; • • . .
All respond: Hath been made straight, and that of the 1 ~ •

Saints hath been pre-par-ed.

X 462 IOct. 15 I 28 - Night Vigils (Matins) of Commemoration of the Holy Relics I X 462

,+ 1', ,,*

Tone 2 1 (. • .] ••• [. ~. I] •••• • 8 • I


'. • • II ij

Psalm 10:

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 6th Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes {within '(he first set. of brackets therein):

In the Lord have I ho-ped; t how will ye say to T my soUl: * Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side CJi_ the Quire completes the ver~~:

"Flee unto the mountains like ~ a spar-row?

And the,!, gnlX the 1st Cantor'~ side Q[ the Quire ch:::nts the entire next verse "" (omitting the intonation notes), the- two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

For behold, the sinners have bent their bow, t they have prepared arrows for the T quiv-er, * to shoot down in a moonless nigbt the I up-right of heart.

For what Thou hast formed they have de-T stray-ed; * and the righteous man, ,], what hath he done?

The Lord is in His Ho-ly T Tem-ple: * the Lord, in Heav- ,], en is His Throne. His Eyes are set up-on the l' poor man; '" His Eyelids ex-am-ine t the sons of



The Lord examineth the righteous man and the un- i god-Iy; * but he that loveth unrighteousness ha-teth ,], his own soul.

He will rain down snares up-on T sin-ners; * fire and brimstone and wind of tempest shall be the por- t tion Of their cup.

For the Lordsis Righteous and hath loved i righ-teous-ness; '" upon uprightness


hath His Coiin- t ten-ance Iodk'd.


Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the It Son, * and to ,], the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, '" and unto the ages of

, A

a- t ges. A-men.

All repeat: The way of the righ-teous hath been made straight, and that of the
1 II 1
~ • • • ; • Saints hath been pre-par-ed.

The Versicle

JI. Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous. ~. And glory, all ye that are upright of heart.

All Lessons and Responsories for the Night Vigils shall be found in. the Lectionar y.

X 463 IOct. 15 I 28 - Night Vigils (Matins) of Commemoration of the Holy Relics I X 463 The Second Nocturn

The Psalms

Six Psalms are then chanted for the Second Nocturn , as follows:

Then the 1st Cantor alone begins chanting the 7th Antiphon:


In the Saints.

,. III·

That are in His Earth hath the Lord been

• ij

All respond:


• I 1\ •

• ,..,. III = ~


Won-drous; He hath wrought all my de-si-res in them.

, :'+ ,(,~, A *

Tone 4 I (. • .]... [. 0 • I] ••• ••• 8,. I • •


• • III

Psalm 15:

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 7th Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Keep me, 0 Lord, for in Thee have i hoped; t I said unto the 1 Lord: "Thou art My Lord; '"

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Qj_ the Quire completes the verse:

for of 1 my goods, no need hast Thou."

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q[ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

In the Saints ~at are in His Earth hath the 1 Lord been Won-drous; * He hath. wrought 1 all His de-sires in them.

- ,

Their infirm it- 1 ies in-crea-sed; * there- t up-on they ha-sten-ed.

I will not assemble their as- 1 sem-blies of' blood, * nor will I make remembrance 1 of their names through my lips.

The Lord is the Portion of mine inherit- 1 ance and of my cup; * Thou art He That restorest mine in- 1 her-It-ance un-to mil.

Portions have fallen to me that 1 are a-mong the best; * for mine inheritance is 1 most ex-cel-lent to me.

I will bless the Lord Who hath given me 1 un-der-stand-ing; * moreover, even till night have 1 my reins in-struc-ted me.

I beheld the Lord ev- 1 er be-fore me; * for He is at my right, hand, that I 1 might not be sha-ken.

Therefore did my heart re-joice 1 and my tongue was glad; * moreover, 1 my flesh shall dwell in hope.

For Thou wilt not abandon my 1 soul in Ha-des, * nor wilt Thou suffer Thy Holy One 1 to see cor-rup-tion.

Thou hast made known to me the ways Of life, t Thou wilt fill me with gladness 1 with Thy Coun-ten-ance; * delights are in Thy 1 Right Hand for ev-er.

Glory be to the Fath- 1 er, and to the + Son, '" 1 and to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both 1 now and ev-er, * and unto the ages 1 of i-ges. A-men.

X 464 10ct. 15 / 28 - Night Vigils (Matins) of Commemoration of the Holy Relics I X 464


Then, '''., • III ~ ,.. • ,... •

All repeat: In the Saints that are in His Earth hath the Lord been

• I ,.. • ~..,.. ,.. ~ ~ • II

Won-drous; He hath wrought all my de-si-res in them,


Then the 2nd Cantor alone

1 •

begins chanting the 8th Antiphon:



This is the gen-er-a-tion. ; . . .




All respond: Of them that seek the Lord, of them that

,.. ~ • III. II ~

seek the Face of the God of Ja-cob.

+ 1'_ ~ ..... '*

Tone 3 I (. • .) II. (. 8 • I) II.. • 8 • o. ·

Psalm 23:


II ~ . J I,

Then the Znd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 8th Psalm; using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

The Earth is the Lord's, and the i fiil-ness there-of, *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse.'

the world, and 1. all that dwell there-in.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

He hath founded i it up-on the seas, '* and upon the rivers hath 1. He

pre-par-ed it. ,

Who shall ascend into the T Moun-tain Of the Lord, * or who shall stand 1. in

His Ho-Iy Place? ,

He that is innocent in hands and pure in heart, t who hath not re- i ceiv-ed his soul in vain, * and hath not sworn deceitf'ul-Iy 1. to his neigh-bour.

Such a one shall receive a i bless-ing from the Lord, * and mercy from 1. God His Sa-viour.

This is the generation of i them that seek the Lord, * .of them that seek the Face of the 1. God of Ja-cob.

Lift up your gates, 0 ye prin-ces, t and be ye lifted up, ye i ev-er-las-ting gates, * and the King of Glor- 1. y shall en-ter in.

Who is This i King of Glor-y? * The Lord Strong and Mighty, the 1. Lord, Might-y in war.

Lift up your gates, 0 ye prin-ces, t and be ye lifted up, ye T ev-er-Ias-tlng

gates; * and the King of 1. Glor-y shall en-ter in.

Who is This i King of Glor-y? * The Lord of hosts, He is 1. the King of Glor-Y. Glory be to the i Fath-er, and to the It Son, * and 1. to the Ho-Iy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both i now and ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1. a-ges. A-men.


Then, = • • • II • ,.. ;

All repeat: This is the gen-er-a-tion of them that seek the Lord, of them that I. • I • "';' III. II ~

seek the Face of the God of Ja-cob.

X 465 IOct. 15 I 28 - Night Vigils (Matins) of Commemoration of the Holy Relics I X 465

I ! 1 !

T hen the 1 st Cantor alone ! ,.. ~.. ... I ~

begins chanting the 9th Antiphon: Be glad in the Lord.
I I • ~ • • "t •
• •

All respond: And re-joice, ye righ-teous, and glor-y, all • •



II •

ye that are up-right of heart.'

, t 1', A*

Tone 8 I [. • .] • I • [. ~ • I] I • '/, I • 8 •

I ••• ,. I •

, .j, * I. • I

, - ...

. . . ,,~

Psalm 31: ~

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 9th Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Bless-ed are they whose iniquities are f'or- T giv-en, :I<

Then, only the 1s_( Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

and whose ..(, sins are cov-er-ed.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's ,side ei. the Quire chants the entire next vers~ (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

B1ess-ed is the man unto whom the Lord im-pu-teth i not sin:l< and in whose ..(, mouth there is no guile.

Because I kept silence, my bones are r wax-ed Old :I< through my crying ..(, all the day lOng.

For day and night Thy Hand was heav-y up- i on me; * I was reduced to misery whilst the ..(, thorn stuck fast in me.

Mine Iniquity ~ave I ac- i know-ledg-Ed, :I< and my 1 sin have i not hid.

I said: "I wiJI confess mine iniquities before the Lord a- T gainst my-self :I< and Thou forgavest the un-god- ..(, ll-ness Of my heart.

For this shall everyone that is hii-Iy pray T un-to, Thee :I< in a 1 sea-son-a-ble


Moreover, in a flood of man-y i wa-ters :I< shall they not 1 come nigh un-to him. Thou art My Refuge from the affliction which sur- i round-eth me;:I< 0 My Rejoicing, deliver me from them which 1 have en-eirc-Ied me.

I will instruct thee and teach thee in this way which i thou shalt go; :I< I will fix

Mine 1 Eyes up-on thee.

Be ye not as the horse or as the i mu-Ie :I< which have no 1 un-der-stand-ing. Whose jaws thou must hold with bit and i bri-dle; :I< lest they 1 come nigh un-to thee. Many are the scourges Of the i sin-ner, :I< but mercy shall encircle him that

1 ho-peth in the Lord.

Be glad in the Lord, and re- joice, ye i righ-teofis, :I< and glory, all ye that 1 are

, A

up-right of heart.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the It Son, :I< and 1 to the Ho-Iy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, :I< and unto the ages of

, A

1 a-ges. A-men.


Then, = iI ,.. ~.. A I •


Lord, and re-joice, ye righ-teous, and glor-y, all

• II ~

All repeat:

I ,..1 •• 1 •

Be glad A· •

in the

ye that are up-right of heart.

X 466 IOct. 15 I 28 - Night Vigils (Matins) of Commemoration of the Holy Relics I X 466 I

Then the 2nd Cantor alone

• I


begins chanting the 10th Antiphon:

But the righ-teous.


• • I ~ •• •


All respond:


live un-to e-ter-nit-y,

and their


• •

• ~ II ~

• 8

A '"


., - ....

I ••••••

.. ~

.,.. • II ~

Psalm 32:

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the. 10th Psalm, using this Tone , including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

... Re- joice in the Lord, t 0 ye righ-teous; *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:A praise is 1. meet for the up-right.

And then I only the 1st Cantor's side ei. 'the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Give praise to 1. the Lord with - the harp; '" chant unto Him with the

1. ten-string-ed psal-ter-y. I,

Sing unto 1. Him a new song; '" chant well unto Him 1. with ju-bil-a-=,tion.

For the Word 1. of the Lord is True, '" and all His J, works are in faith-ful-ness. The Lord loveth mer- 1. cy and judg-ment; '" the Earth is full of 1. the mer-cy

of the Lord.

By the Word of the Lord were the heav- J, ens es-tab-lish-ed, '" and all the

might of them by the 1. Spir-it of His Mouth, .

Who gathereth together as into a wineskin the J, wa-ters of the sea, '" Who

layeth up the ab- J, yss-es in store-hous-es. .

Let all 1. the t:arth fear the Lord, '" and let all the inhabitants of the world be

J, sha-ken be-fore HUn. ~ 'r

For He spake, and they came J, in-to be-ing; *' He commanded, and t they were

cre-a-ted. '"

The Lord scattereth the plans of the hea-thens, t He setteth aside the devices

J, Of the peo-ples; * and He bringeth to nought J, the plans of prin-ces.

- But the counsel of the Lord abldeth on- 1. to e-ter-nit-y; '" the thoughts of His Heart unto generation 1. gand en-er-a-tidn. ,

Bless-ed is the nation 1. whose God is the Lord; * the people whom He hath

chosen J, for His in-her-it-ance. .

The Lord look'd J, down from Heav-en; '" He be- 1. held all the sons of men. From His habitation which 1. He pre-par-ed: * He looked upon all the in- 1. hab-it-ants Of the Earth,

He That Alone fa- J, shion'd the heart of them " Who un- 1. der-stand-eth all

their works. ~

A king is not J, saved by great might, '" nor shall a giant be saved by the

magni- 1. tude of his own strength. _

Futile is the horse J, for sal-va-tion *' nor by the magnitude of his 1. might shall he be saved.

Behold, the EJes of the Lord are up-on 1. them that fear Him, * upon them that

1. hope in His l!ler-cy. A

To de-liv- 1. er their souls from death, '" and to nour- J, ish them in fam-ine. Our soul J, shall wait for the Lord; '" for He is Our Helper 1. and Our

De-fen-der. ~

For our heart 1. shall be glad in Him, '" and in His 1. Ho-ly Name have we


Let Thy mercy, 0 Lord, J, be up-on us, *' according J, as we have hoped in Thee. Glory be to the Fath- J, er, and to the + Son, '" J, and to the Ho-ly Ghost.

1\s it was in the beginning, both J, now and ev-er, '" and unto the ages 1. of a-ges. A-men.

X 467 IOct. 15 I 28 - Night Vigils (Matins) of Commemoration of the Holy Relics I X 467


. . . ~ ..

All repeat: But






un-to e-ter-nit-y,



. . . .~

" ~

• • b"

re-ward is in the Pres-ence of the LO~,,---rd_. _+__.

Then the 1st Cantor alone ~~=~·~~I~.~=~.=I~~

begins chanting the 11th Antiphon:


Bless-ed are they. ~: . ,' .

All respond:

I •

Whom Thou hast cho-sen, 0 Lord; they

,.. r\ I

shall dwell in Thy Courts.

Tone 8 I [, • '] '" [.-:. +']'" , t i , ~ i ' · · '" · · , ' :. ~: II i,

Psalm 64.' I,'

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 11th Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets thereinl:

To Thee is due praise, 0 God, In T Sy-on; * ~

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: _

and unto Thee shall a vow be rendered 1 in .Ier-u-sal-em.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Hearken un-to T my prayer, * for unto 1 Thee shall all flesh come.

The words of lawless men have o-ver- i pow-er'd us, * but to our ungodliness shalt J, Thou be Mer-ci-fiil.

Bless-ed is he whom Thou hast chosen and hast ta-ken T to Thy-self'; * he

J, shall dwell in Thy Courts. " ,

We shall-be filled with the good things T of Thy House; * Holy is Thy Temple, Won-der- J, ful in righ-teous-ness.

Hearken unto us, 0 God Our T Sa-vi our; * Thou hope of ali the ends of the

Earth and of them that 1 be far 6ff at sea, ,

, Who settest fast the mountains by Thy strength, Who art Girded round a-bout with ip6w--er,* Who troublest the hollow of the sea; as for the roar of its waves, whO 1 shall with-stand them?

~ The heathen shall be troubled, and the dwellers of the farthest regions shall be a-fraid i al Thy

signs; * Thou shalt make the outgoings .of the morning and the 1 ev~-ning t6 de-light.

Thou hast visited the .Earth and a-bun-dant-ly i wat-er'd her; * Thou hast

multiplied the means .,[. of en-rich-ing her.. ,

~ The river of God is filled with wat-ers; t Thou hast pre-par-ed i their

food, * for thus is the prepar- J, a-tion there-Of. ~

Do Thou make her furrows drunk with water, mul-tip- i Iy her frui ts; * in her showers will she be glad 1 when she sprotit-eth forth.

Thou shalt bless the crown of the year with Thy i good-ness, * and Thy plains

shall be fill- 1 ed with fat-ness. ,

Enrich-ed shall be the mountains of the i wil-der-ness, * and the hills shall be

girded .,[. with re- jolc-fng. ,

The rams of the flock have clothed themselves with fleece, t and the valleys shall a- T bound with wheat; * they shall cry aloud, yea, they shall J, chant hymns un-to Thee.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i t6 the + Son, * and .,[. to the H6-Iy Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of

1 a-ges. A-Ten. •

Then, • I' • •

II ~

I •


All repeat: Bless-ed are they









shall dwell in Thy Courts.

X 468 l0ct. 15 / 28 - Night Vigils (Matins) of Commemoration of the Holy Relics I X 468

Then the 2nd Cantor alone I. ~. III = = I.

begins chanting the 12th Antiphon:

Bless-ed are they that dwell.

I. I jItji

IS = • lIS

• jItji = III

- .

In Thy House, 0 Lord; un-to a-ges of a-ges

• I


All respond:


• II

• shall they praise Thee.

Tone 8 1[" 'J':' [':,t'f'" "ti, ~i'

Psalm 83:

• I III I ••

I iii I I I ,,~

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 12th Psalm, using this ~ Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

How be-Iov-ed are Thy Dwell-Ings, 0 T Lord of hosts; * Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

my soul longeth and fainteth for 1 the Courts .

6f the Lord. I

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

My heart and T my flesh * have '~ejoi-ced 1 in the Liv-ing God. ~

For the sparrow hath found her- i self a house, * and the turtle-dove a nest for herself where 1 she may lay her young,

Even Thine AI-tars, 0 i Lord of hosts, * My 1 King and My God.

B1ess-ed are they that dwell in T Thy House; * unto ages of ages 1 shall they praise TheiL

Bless-ed is the man whose help is from Thee; t he hath made ascents in his heart, in the vale of T weep-Ing, * in the place which he 1 hath ap-point-ed.

Yea, for .thes lawgiver will give bless-ings t they shall go from i strength' to strength; * the God of gods shall be J, Seen in Sy-on.

o Lord of hosts, heark-en un- i t6 my prayer; * give ear, 0 1 God of Ja-cob. o God, Our De-fen-der, i be-hold, * and look upon the face of 1 Thine an-oin-ted one.

For better is one day in T Thy Courts * than 1 thou-sands else-where.

I have chosen rather to be an outcast in the House of i My God * than to dwell

in the J, tents of sin-ners. .

For the Lord loveth mer-cy T and Truth; * God willgive 1 grace and glor-Y.

The Lord will not withhold good things from them that walk in i in-no-cence; * 0 Lord God of hosts, bless-ed is the man that 1 ho-peth in Thee.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and T to the + Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of

1 a-ges. A-men.

Then, ~1~~I~~~~~'~~III~~=~~~=~IS~~=~~;~~jItji~~1~EI~IS~~I~jItji~~.~=~III~~·~·

Bless-ed are they that dwell in Thy House, 0 Lord; un-to a-ges of a-ges

I 111

All repeat:

E. •


shall they praise Thee.

The Versicle

y. Let the righteous rejoice in the Presence of God. ~. Let them delight in gladness.

All Lessons and Responsories for the Night Vigils shall be found in the Lectionary.

X 469 10ct. 15 I 28 - Night Vigils (Matins) of Commemoration of the Holy Relics I X 469 The Third Nocturn

The Canticles

Three Canticles are then chanted for the Third Nocturn as follows.

Then the 1st Cantor alone b I I III I I 1 ij

begins chanting the 13th Antiphon: With-in Thy com-pass.

b I I 1 I ~'. ,..


All respond:




I I::l; I



:0 Lord,

I th,.. III .... PI§; IlIij



Light 'That


fail-eth; there rest-eth the souls of the, Righ-teous.


... t .J..VA.* J.,z. ~.A

Tone 6 i ( I" I I] .11 [.:' ,I] In. I· I • • I .11 I·.. I I I • • lIij

Canticle of Isaias (Isaias 61: 6 - 9):

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first hall' of the first verse of the 1st Canticle',1 using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein): I Ye shall be named the Saints Of J, the. Lord; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

. - men shall call you the Min- J is-ters of Our God.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Ye shall eat the riches Of the J Gen-tiles, * and in their glor-y J shall ye boast your-selves.

For your shame they shall have J doub-le, '" and for confusion they shall re-joice J in their por-tion.

Therefore in their land they shall pos-sess the .1 doub-le; * everlasting joy 1 shall be un-to them.

For I the Lora love ,1 judg-ment, '" I hate robber-y ,1 for burnt of-fer-fng;

And I wjll di-rect their work J, in Truth, * and will make an everlasting Cov- J en-ant with them.

And their seed shall be known a-mong the ,1 Gen;;_tlles, '" and their offspring a- t mong the peo-ple.

All that see them shall ac-know- t ledge them, '" that they are the seed which the .1 Lord hath bless-ed.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to .1 the + Son, '" and .1 to the Ho' Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and ,1 e.v-er, '" and unto the ages of ,1 a-ges. A-men.

Canticle of the Book of the Wisdom of Solomon I (Wis. 3: 7 - 9):

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the Znd Canticle, using the same Tone, including the jnionation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

The righ-teous .1 shall shine, '"

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

and run to and fro like sparks a-J, mong the stub-ble.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

They shall judge the nations, and have dominion, o-ver the .1 peo-ple, * and Their Lord ,1 shall reign o-ver them.

They that put their trust in Him shall un-der-stand t the Truth, '" and such as

be faithful in love t shall a-bide with Him. A

t For grace'" and mer- t cy is to His Saints.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to t the + Son, '" and J to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and J, ev-er, * and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.

X 470 l0ct. 15 I 28 - Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of Commemoration of the Holy R~ X 470

"t J..VA* J..,z. ;""'_'A

Tone 6 I [I I I] I I I [I 0 I I] I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I II ~

Canticle of the Book of the Wisdom of Solomon II (Wis. 10: 17 - 21):'

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Canticle, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

God ren-der-ed to the righteous a re-ward of their t la-bours, * Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: ~

,., guided them in a t mar-vel-lolls way.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's siae ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

And was unto them for a Cov-er 1 by day, * and a Light of starsin J, the night se3.--sOn; Brought them through the t Req Sea, * and led them J, through much wa-ter;

But He drown-ed their en.=- J, em-Ies * and cast them out of the J, bot-torn Of the deep. Therefore ~he righteous spoiled the un- J, goo-JY, * and praised Thy l, Ho-ly Name, 0 UJrd. And magnified with one accord Thine Hand That fought for them; t for

Wisdom opened the mouth of J. the dumb, * and made the tongues of them that can- J, not speak el-o-quent.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the + Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost. As it was in the, beginning, both nOw and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges.

~ I I III ~ I I. I ~'.'" ~ I

Then, g •

A, ..... '/

-rnen, I'


I I rl


All repeat:

With-in Thy com-pass, 0 Lord, there is Light that nev-er

I ._ ... ~ II J

I th,..... ~ I ~


fail-eth; there rest-eth the souls

of the Righ-teous.

The Versicle

y. But the rlghteous live unto eternity.

~. And their reward is in the Presence of the Lord.

All Lessons and Responsories for the Night Vigils shall be found in the Lectionary.

The Collect

Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that the deeds of the holy God-Bearer and ever-Virgin, Mary, and of Thy Saints whose Relicks are contained in This Church, may protect us; so that through their prayers we may. ever rejoice and praise Thee in tranquility and peace. Through the Same Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. ~. Amen.


After Psalm 66 has been completed, the Psalms are chanted as follows:

Then the 1st Cantor alone





~ .....


I i

begins chanting the Ist Antiphon: In the Heav-en-Iy King-dom.

I I I I ~ II. II

I ii"ii lilt I •••


All respond:

I III. • • II i

Is the dwell-ing of the Saints, and their rest-ing is

un-to e-ter-nit-y.

X 47110ct. 15 / 28 - Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of Commemoration of the Holy R~ X 471

If ·l· .. f·'t'l .... ti,~*

Tone 8 ~., ~ ~ 8' ~


_ A


.' • • • 111

Psalm 92:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 1st Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

The Lord is King, HE IS Cloth-ed with i maj-es-ty; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: , .

the Lord IS Cloth-ed with strength and ~ He hath girt Him-self.

And then, only the "Znd Cantor's si"de ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

For He es-tab-lish- i ed the world * which shall ~ not be sha-ken.

Thy Throne is pre-par-ed i of old; * THOU ART from ~ ev-er-Ias-tjng, ,

The rivers have Iift-ed i up, 0 Lord; =I< the rivers have lifted ~ up their voi-ces. The rivers will lift l' up their ~aves * at the voices of .J. man-y w~t-ets. Wonderful are the surg-ings t Of the sea; * wonderful ~ on High is the Lord. Thy testimonies are made l' ver-y sure; =I< holiness becometh Thy House, 0 Lord,

~ un-to length of days.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and T to the + 8,on, =I< and ~ to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, =I< and unto the ages of ;1

~ a-ges. A-men. • • jtIjj

I., • - = ... I • • - P'i ~'.

Then, • • i' ~.. ... • • • ,~

All repeat: In the Heav-en-ly King-dom is the dweD-ing of the Saints, and their rest-ing is E. • "'. .. II ~

un-to e-ter-nit-y.

Then the 2nd Cantor alone begins chanting th€,..2nd Antiphon:

• .s


• •

'" .

I ~

I will give un-to My Saints.

I .'. =

'" .

. ~ ..

All respond:

~I .~. ~II~


The place na-med in the King-dom of My


Tone 8


_ A


• •

• • • II ~

Psalm 99:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Shout with ju-bilation On-to God, l' all the Earth; *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: serve the ~ Lord with glad-ness.

And then, only the 1 Sf Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating, the verses thereafter:

Come be-fore His T Pres-ence =I< 1 with re- joi-cing.

Know ye that the Lord Him-self i is Our God. =I< It is He That hath made us, ~ and not we our-selves.

We are His people and the sheep of His pas-ture: t enter into His gates with thanks- i giv-ing, * into His Courts with hymns; ~ give thanks un-to Him.

Praise His Name, for the Lord IS Good; t His mercy en-dur-eth for T ev-er, =I< and His Truth unto generation and J, gen-er-a-tion.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the (01 Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, =I< and unto the ages of

, A

1 a-ges. A-men.


X 472iOct. 15 I 28 - Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of Commemoration of the Holy R~ X 472

Then J I • • • • • ,.. .' • • = l1li. .' ••

All repeat: I will give un-to My Saints the place na-med in the King-dom of My

F .. II



The 1 st Cantor alone

1 ~

begins chanting the 3rd Antiphon:

The bod-ies of the Saints.

. .

,...; .... ,..

I· .

All respond:

I. • _ _ II ij

...... III' h • • ..

liv-eth un-to ee-ter-nlt-y .

Are bur-i-ed in peace; and their name

... t J..VA.* J,.&

Tone 1 I [. • .] ••• (. {. I] •••• .' I • • • ••• • •• '. I 0 • II.

Psalm 62: ,

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, I using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

o God, 1 My God, *. I

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Qj_.the Quire completes the verse: ~

unto Thee I rise 1 earl-y at dawn.

And then, only the Znd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation. notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

My soul hath thirs-ted 1 for Thee, * how often hath my flesh J long-ed at-ter Thee! In a land barren and untrodden and unwat-er-ed, 1" so in the Sanctuary have I

ap-pear-ed be- 1 fore Thee * to see Thy.power 1 andThy Glor-Y., .

For Thy mercy is bet-ter 1 tha..n ll ves; * my 1 lips shall praise The(L

So shall I bless Thee in 1 my life, * and in Thy.Name will I 1 lift up my hands. As with marrow and fatness let my soul be 1 fill-ed, * and with lips of rejoicing

shall 1 my mouth praise Thee. ,

If I remem~red Thee on my bed, t at the dawn I medi-ta-ted 1 on Thee; * for Thou art be- 1 come My Help-cr.

In the shelter of Thy Wings will Ire-Joice; t my soul hath -cleav'd af- 1 ter

Thee; * Thy Right Hand hath been 1 quick to help me. .

But as for these, in vain have they sought after mysoul; t they shall go into the nether-most parts of 1 the Earth; * tht;)' shall be surrendered unto the edge of the sword; portions for 1 fox-es shall.they be.

'put the king shall be glad in God; t everyone shall be praised that swear-eth 1 bv Hi m; * for the mouth of them is stop-ped t that speak un-just things.

- Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the '" Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and t ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.


begins chanting the 4th Antiphon:


Ye Priests of God.

I ,..

1\ ~ ••


Bless ye the Lord; ye ser-vants of the Lord,


All respond:

chant ye a hymn un-to God un-to e-ter-nit-y.

X 47310ct. 15 I 28 - Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of Commemoration of the Holy R~ X 473

,t r . ~'" +;

Tone 5 I [. • .] ••• [. 8 • I] •••• '.8' I • • • ••• • •• • 8

/ -A

• •

. . ,,~

The Benedicite (paraphrase of Daniel 3: 57 - 88, 56):

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of- the first verse of the 1st Canticle, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Bless the Lord, all ye works T of the Lord, :« •

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

~ 0 praise ye the Lord and supremely exalt

Him T un-to the a-ges.

And then, only the 1 st Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Bless the Lord, ye Ang-els T of the Lord; * bless the i Lord, ye Heav-ens;

Bless "the "Lord, all ye waters a-bove the T Heav-ens; :« bless the Lord, ye

.... i pow-ers of the Lord; ~ .

Bless the Lord, 0 I Sun -and Moon; * bless the Lord, ye i stars of ,Heav-en;

Bless the Lord, ev-'ry I rain and dew; :« pless the t Lord, all ye winds of God; Bless the Lord, fire and heat of T burn-Ing; :« bless the Lord, winter i cold and

sum-mer heat; , i

Bless the Lord, 0 falls of T dew and snow; :« bless the i Lord, 0 lee and cold; Bless the Lord, 0 ho~r frosts T and snows;:« bless the l' Lord, 0 nights and days; Bless the Lord, 0 Light and T dark-ness; :« bless the Lord, 0 l' light-nings and


Let the Earth T bless the Lord; * let it praise the Lord and supremely exalt Him

l' un-to the a-ges. A

_ Bless the Lord, 0 moun-tains I and hills;:« bless the Lord, all ye things that

l' spring up on the Earth; " ,

Bless the Lord, 0 T foun-tains; '" bless the Lord, 0 I seas and riv-ers;

Bless the Lord, 0 monsters of the seas, .and all ye things that move in the T wat-ers; * bless the Lord, all ye wing-ed T crea-tures of the sky;

Bless the Lord, 0 beasts and Teat-tie; :« bless the T Lord, ye sons of men; ,

Let Is-ra-el 'f."'bless the Lord; '" let it praise the Lord .and supremely exalt Him T un-to the a-ges.

Bless the Lord, ye Priests T of the Lord; * bless the Lord, ye I'ser-vants Of the

Lord; ,

Bless the Lord, ye spirits and Je souls of the l' righ-teous; :« bless the Lord, ye

Saints and ye that be T hum-ble of heart; _ ,

Bless the Lord, 0 Ananias, Azar-f-as, and T Mis-a-el; '" 0 praise ye the Lord

and supremely exalt Him i un-to the a-gEls. ,

Let us bless the Father and the It Son with the i Ho-ly Ghost; * let us praise the Lord and supremely exalt Him T un-to the a-ges. ,

Bless-ed art Thou, 0 Lord, in the firmament Of the T Heav-en; * Thou Who art Prais-ed and Glorifi-ed and supremely Exalted T un-to the a-ges.

I ... • I ...

Then, ~. ,.. ~.. I • •

All repeat: Ye Priests of God, bless ye the Lord; ye ser-vants of the Lord,

E • .' '" II

•• ",::I " ••• ~

chant ye a hymn un-to God un-to e-ter-nit-y.

Then the 1st Cantor alone begins chanting the 5th Antiphon:


•• ,.. II tI • ~

The Saints shall be joy-ful.

I I· .,.. ••

IS ••

In glor-y; they shall sing prais-es up-on


All respond:

i:::1 ::::;.;:::::::::. :=:::JHII •

their beds.

X 474 l0ct. 15 I 28 - Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of Commemoration of the Holy ReIicsj X 474

.t ,J..~ I A* ')'J.

Tone 4 I [. • .] •• • [. D • I] ••• ..' 8 • I • • •• • • •• ...... I'i • II ~ Psalms 148, 149, and 150.-

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 4th Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein}:

Praise the Lord from the l' Heav-ens; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the yer se:

." praise Him .t in the High-est.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's siae ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse

{omitting the intonation notes}, tJ}e two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Praise Htm, all ye His I Ang-eIs; * praise .t Him, all ye His hosts'A Praise Him, 0 T Sun and Moon; * praise Him, .t all ye stars and light.

Praise Him, ye Heav-ens of I heav-ens; * and thou water that art above the

heavens, let them praise the .t Name of the Lord. <

."", For He spake, and they I came to be; * He commanded,' and they .t were cre-a-ted.

He established them for ever, yea, for ev-er and l' ev-er; '" He hath set an

ordinance,_and it .t shall not pass a-way.

Praise the Lord I from the Earth, * ye dragonsv and all .t ye ab-Yss-es. Fire, hail, snow, ice, blast of I temp-est, '" .t which per-form His word, The moun-talris and T all the hills, * fruitful tre_es, J, and all ce-dar,§, The beasts and all the I cat-tie, * creep-ing J, things and wing-ed birds,

Kings of the Earth and alii peo-ples, * princes and all the .t judg-es ~of the Earth/' Young men and vir-gins, t elders with, the younger, let them praise the Name

of l' the Lord; * for Exalted is the J, Name of Him A-lone.

His praise is above the Earth and l' Heav-jn, * and He shaD exalt the hOrn t of His pe6-p1e. This is the hymn for I ~II His Sai nts, * for the sons of Isra-el and for the

people that J, draw nigh un-to Him. _ A

Sing un-to the Lord a I new song; * AHis praise is in t the Church_Of the Sjlints. Let Isra-el be glad in_Him That I,made him; * let the sons of Syon re- J, joice in Their King. Let them praise His Name I in the dance; *. with the timbrel and the psaltery let

t them chant un-to Him.

For the Lordrtaketh pleasure in His l' peo-ple, * and He shall exalt the meek .t with sal-va-tion.

The Saints shall boast in I glor-y, * and they shall re- J, joice up-on their beds. ThE; high praise of God shall be l' in their throat, * and two-edged swords

.t shall be in their hands;

To do vengeance a-mong the l' heath-en, * punishments a- J, mong the peo-ples; To bind their kings with l' fet-ters, * and their nobles with man-a-T des of i:;ron; To do among theDJ the judgqtent that is I writ-ten: * "This glory sll3lU be to an His Saints." Praise ye God l' in His Saints; '" praise Him in the firm-a-ment J of His pow-ere Praise Him fOr His l' migh-ty acts; * praise Him according to the multitude J, of His great-ness. Praise Him with thg sound of I trum-pet; * praise Him with the J psal-ter-y and harp. Praise Him with tim-brei I and dance; * praise J Him with strings and flute. Praise Him with tuneful cym-bals, t praise Him with cymbals of

ju-bil- I a-tiOn; * let ev- .t 'ry breath praise the Lord.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and l' to the It Son, * and J to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and I ev-er, '" and unto the ages of .t a-ges. A-men.

Then, •• .... tI • 15 15 I I· · !II ••••

All repeat: The Saints shall be joy-ful in glor-y; they shall sing prais-es up-on

F. • ,,~

, - ..



their beds.

The Chapter

The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter:

The generation of the Saints and their glory shall not fade away; t their bodies

are buried in peace, * and their name shall live unto the ages. I'. • III~

All respond: ~. Thanks be to God.

X 475 l0ct. 15 I 28 - Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of Commemoration of the Holy ReJicsj X 475 The Responsory

The 1st Cantor

alone chants:

All respond:

The Hebdomadary ...

alone chants:

All respond:


The Hebdomadary

All respond:



Let the righ-teous re- joice be-fore God.


• I I ~ I " .1 tI _...... II." I ~

Let the righ-teous re- joice be-fore God .•

I ~.. I • • • • III I

y. Yea, let them al-so be mer-ry and joy-ful.

I tl..... II •• , I ~ Be-fore God.

I ,., • • •
Yf. Glor - y be to
• • • • • •

I •

• I


• •

the Fath - er, and to the Son, III ~--------------I~lij



and to the Ho - ly Ghost.

I • I I ~ I ".1 tl


Let the righ-teous re- joice be-fore God.

The Hymn and the Versicle

I Ii I I

The 1 st Cantor alone chants the intonation: 1. 0 Glor-ious King of Mar- tyr hosts,

The 1st Cantor's side only completes line 1: ~ Thou CrownThat each con-fess-or boasts; 1.~ The 2nd Cantor's. sid'e"'only chants line 2:

2. Thine Ear in mer- cy, Sa-viour, lend,

~ While un-to Thee our prayers as-cend; 2.~






The 1st Cantor's side only chants line 3:

3. Mar-tyrs in Thee their tri-umphs gain,

~ FromThee con-fess- ors grace ob-tain; 3.~

Then, All chant line 4:

4. ° Fath- er, that we ask be done

~ Through Je-sus Christ,Thine On-ly Son, 4.~






1. Who lead - est to eel - es - tial day,

~ Those who have cast Earth's joys a - way. 1. 2. And as we count their tri-umphs won,

~ For - give the sins that we have done. 2.

3. O'er-come in us the lust of sin,

~ That we Thy Par-d'ning Love may win. 3. 4. Who, with the Ho- Iy Ghost and Thee,

~ Shall live and reign e - ter- nal-ly. 4.

I I'iiil:I

Then All chant the "Amen" as follows: A - men .

v. The souls of the righteous are in the Hand of God. ~. And there shall no torment touch them.

X 476 l0ct. 15 I 28 - Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of Commemoration of the Holy R~ X 476 The Antiphon on the Benedictus and the Benedictus

Then is sung the Antiphon on the Benediaus , which is ~~.~~~ ~~I~~

always begun by the Abbot (or Senior in Quire) alone: 0 Let your loins.

All continue the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

iii I I I
• I • ,..
Be gird-ed a-bout, and your
~ I b
I Antiphon as follows:

... I



can-dies burn-ing in your hands; and ye your-selves like men that wait for


1\ • th III iii I iii II •

1_. • • I I

Their Lord, when He will re-turn from the wed-ding.

The Benedictus (Luke 1: 68 - 79):

~'>. After the An~iph~n on the Bened~tus, ;he ~o~. ~~I~~I~~I~~I~IIi~~~~~~I~I~~"~;~§

1st Cantor alone begins chanting the Benediaus: + Bless-ed be the Lord God of Is-ra-el; *.

Only the 1st Cartor's side Q[_ the Quire responds with the 2nd half of the 1st verse :/

,. I I I.. I. I I I 'I • I • ~ 1.1 ~ IIi I,

of the Benedictus: for He hath vi"s-it-ed and wrought re-demp-tion for His peo-ple, I,

1-_ ;......:..,- .... *1-.. -1-$ A

Tone 1 b I ; .. I ...... "~I g" I I h ~ r 9 9 I) I .. I I I • I • a ~'.I ~ II ~

Only the 2nd Cantor's side Q[_ the Quire chants the 2nd verse of the Benedictus , using this Tone, including the intonation notes:

And hath rais-ed up a horn of 1, sal-va-tion for us * 1, in the House of His

~ ser-vant Da-vid;

And then, only.J,.he 1st Cantor's side et. the Quire chants the entire next vase

. ~ .

(including the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

As He spake by the 1, mouth of His ho-Iy ones, * the i Proph-ets of old,

That we should be sa- 1, ved from our en-em-ies, ... 1, and from the hands of i all that hate us;

To deal mer-ci-ful- 1, Iy with our fath-ers, * 1, and to re-mem-ber His i Ho-ly Cov-en-ant.

The oath which He sware to 1, our fath-er A-bra-ham: * 1, that He ~ would grant un-to us,

That we be de-liv-er-ed out of the 1, hand of our en-em-ies, ... 1, that we might serve i Him, with-out fear,

In ho-Ii-ness and righ- 1, teous-ness be-fore Him, ... 1, all the ~ days of our life. And thou, ° child, shalt be call-ed the Proph- 1, et of the Most High; ... 1, for thou shalt go before the Face of the Lord J, to pre-pare His ways;

To give know-ledge of salvation 1, un-to His peo-ple, * 1, by the re- i mis-sion Of their sins,

Through the bow-els 1, of mer-cy of Our God; * 1, where-by the Day-spring from on High hath i vis-it-ed us,

To give Light to them that sit in darkness, and in 1, the shad-ow of death, * 1, to guide our feet in- 1 to the Way of Peace.

Glor-y be to the 1, Fath-er, and to the + Son, ... and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, 1, both now and ev-er, ... 1, and un-to the a-ges of i a-ges. A-men.

X 477 IOct. 15 I 28 - Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of Commemoration of the Holy R~ X 477
Then 0 ~
~ I " I
All repeat: Let your loins be gird-ed a-bout, and your
~ '" ... I ~ I~ I '" ~ I ~ ~ ij
I ,... 1\ I ~
can-dIes burn-ing in your hands; and ye your-selves like men that wait for I


'" I ~ •• ~ "I '" ..

The Collect

Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that the deeds of the holy God-Bearer

..,.and ever-Vir"gin,·Mary, and of Thy Saints whose Relicks are- contained in This Church, may protect us; so that through their prayers we may ever rejoice and praise Thee in tranquility and peace. Through the Same Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. ~. Amen.

The Commemoration of the Morning Solemnity of the Octave Day of the Translation of St. Oswald of York, C.B.

After the First Dismissal, this commemoration is begun by the 1st Cantor alone:


;II ~ I",

I I I '" !'i

The im-it-a-tor of the Lord.

All continue the

"'I I I... I I I,

Os-wald, while he was wash-ing

• III -;-... .'.

• I' -l!'i



Itntitfhon as follows:

I I,.




I !'i ~
I I •
the feet of the poor
I I • I ifji
I '" I


men, and he sud-den-Iy went forth, rna-king his ex-it from

I ~ •• I '" • III ... ~ ~ ,... I I

this life, he re-turn-ed his spir-it un-to God, and un-to God's Sup-per with his

I •

• ~.... ~~ I IS I • I ij

wed-ding gar-ment he en-ter-ed, reign-ing un-to e-ter-nit-y.

y. Pray for us, 0 bless-ed Oswald.

~. That we may be rendered meet for the promises of Christ.

y. Let us pray. 0 God, Thou That hast granted unto us this most holy day in observance of the Solemnity of Thy blessed confessor and Bishop Oswald, graciously be Attentive unto the prayers of Thy Church, that It may be strengthened by the entreaties of him by whose deeds It is made glorious. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. ~. Amen.

x 4781

Oct. 15 / 28 - Prime of the Commemoration of the Holy Relics

1 X 478


The Psalms

The 1st Cantor alone begins chanting this Antiphon:





~ •• A


I ~

In the Heav-en-ly . King-dom.









All respond:

I,. I I I II ~

Is the dwell-ing of the Saints, and their rest-ing is

un-to e-ter-nit-y.

N.B .• On .. a Sunday only, Prime continues as here given, but on a Monday it

«coniinues with the Psalms as given on pp. X 481 - X 483, and on a Tuesday with the Psalms as given on pp . X 483 /- X 485, and on a Wednesday with the Psalms as given on pp. X 485 - X 487, and on a Thursday with the Psalms as given on pp. X 487 - X 489, and on a Friday with the Psalms as given on pp. X 489 - X 491,

and on a Saturday with the Psalms as given on pp . X 492 - X 494. ·;1

, t l' , ~ * J. ~ ::.......... A I,

Tone 8 ; [. I I) I I I (I 8 I ') I I I I I 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • II ~ / i

Psalm 118, vv. 1 - 8:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the lst portion of the 1st Psalm, using this Tone, including tfie intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Bless-ed are the blameless l' in the way, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

who walk in the ~ law of the Lord.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the_ Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Bless-ed are they that search out His tes-ti- T mo-nies; * with their whole heart

shall ~ they seek 'af-~er Him. , .,'

For they that !Vork in- i I-quit-y * have not walk- ~ ed in His ways.

Thou hast en-joined Thy eom-T maoo-ments * that we should keep them-most ~ diJ-i--gCnt-ly. Would that my ways were dl- T rec-ted * to ~ keep Thy sta-tutes.

Then shall I not be a- i sha-me~ * when I look on all J, Thy com-mand-ments.

I will confess, Thee with up-right-ness i Of heart * when I have learned the

judgments J, Of Thy righ-teous-ness.

I will keep Thy l' sta-tutes; * do not utter- J, ly for-sake me.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the II Son, * and J, to the H6-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both nOw and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of ~ a-ges, A-men.

Psalm 118, vv. 9 - 16:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the Znd portion of the lst Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Wherewithal shall a yoiing man cor- i rect his way?*

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

By J, keep-ing Thy words.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Qj_ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

With my whole heart have I sought i af-ter Thee; * cast me not away from

J, Thy com-mand-ments. _ ~ _ ,

In my heart have I hid Thy i say-ings * that I might not J, sin a-gainst Thee. Bless-ed art i Thou, P Lord; * teach J, me Thy sta-tutes,

With my lips have i I de-clar'd * all the 1 judg-ments Of Thy Mouth. ,

In the way of Thy testimof!ies hive I i found de-light * as much as J, in aU rich-es. On Thy commandments will I T pon-der, * and I will J, un-der-stand Thy ways. On Thy statutes will I i med-i-tate; * I will J, not for-get Thy words.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and l' to the II Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both nOw and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.

x 479[

Oct. 15 / 28 - Prime of the Commemoration of the Holy Relics

[ X 479

, t t, .... *

I f '1 ••• f' 11 •••• • 8' ••••••••• .'

Tone 8 ~., ~ t 8' ~ • • • 114

Psalm 118, vv. 17 - 24:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd portion of the 1st Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Give re-ward unto Thy ser-vant, I quick-en me; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

.., and J, i w~1I keep Thy words. '

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Qj_ the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

o un- I veil mine eyes, * and I shall perceive wondrous things J, out of Thy law. I am a so-jour-ner I on the Earth; * hide not from me J, Thy com-mand-ments. My soul hath i long-ed * to desire Thy J, judg-ments at all tf meso

Thou hast re-bu-ked rthe proud; * cur-sed are they that decline from J, Thy

com-mand-ments. ,

Remove from me re-proach I and con-tempt, * for after Thy testl- J, mo-nies ;i

have I sought. . .

For princes sat and they spake a- i gainst me, * but Thy servant pondered J, of!

, A ,- ~

Thy sta-tutes.

For Thy testimonies are my med-l- I ta-tlon, * and Thy statutes J, are my cotin-sel-ldrs.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and I to the + Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.


_ A

Psalm 118, vv. 25 - 32.-

, ..

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 4th portion of the

1st Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

My soul hath cleav-ed un- T to the Earth; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

quicken me ac-cor- J, ding to Thy Word.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Qj_ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

My ways have I declared, and Thou hast I. heard me; * teach J, me Thy sta-tutes.

Make me to understand the way of Thy I sta-tutes, * and I will ponder 1 on Thy won-drous works.

My soul hath slumbered from des- i pen-den-cy; * strengthen J, me with Thy words.

Remove from me the way of un- i righ-teous-ness, * and with Thy law have J, mer-cy on md.

I have cho-sen the i way of Truth, * and Thy judgments have I J, not for-got-ten.

I have cleaved to Thy tes-ti-mo-nies, i 6 Lord; * J, put me not to shame.

The way of Thy com-mand-ments T have I run; * when thou J, didst en-large my heart.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the + Son, * and J; to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.

X 480 I

Oct. 15 I 28 - Prime of the Commemoration of the Holy Relics

I X 480

,t 1', A* J,~

Tone 8 I [. • .] ••• [. 8 • '] ••• • . • 8 • I • • • ••• • •• .'

, -

• •


• 111

The Canticle Quicumque vult-The Creed of St. Athanasios the Great, Pope of Alexandria:

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the Creed Canticle, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Who-so-ev-er woiild be i sa-ved, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

o before all. things it will be necessary that .l. he

hold Cath-'lic Faith. ,

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Which F~ith except ev'ry one do keep whole and un-de- i fil-ed, * without

"" doubt he shall perish .l. eV-f(r-las-ting'-IY. ,

And Cath'llc Faith is this:' t "That we worship One God in i Trin-it-y, * and

Trlnlt- .l. y in U-nit-y; /' _

"Neither con-foun-ding the T Per-sons, =I< nor div-i- .l. ding the Sub-stance.

"For there is One Person of the Father, An-oth-er T of the Son, * and Another j,

.l. Of the Ho-Iy Ghost~ , I

~ "But the God-Head of the Father, of the Son, and of the Ho-ly Ghost is i All One; * the Glory Equal, the ~ajes-ty .l., Co-Eeter-nal. I,

"Such as the Fath-er is, Such i is the ~on, * and Such .l. is the Ho-ly Ghost.

, "The Father Unereate, the Son i Uri-cre-ate, * and the Ho-.l. Iy Ghost


"The _ Father Incomprehensible, the Son In-com-pre- i hen-sib-le, * and the Holy Ghost In- .l. com-prc-hen-slb-le.

"The Father Eternal, the Son E- i ter-nal, * and the Holy .l. Ghfist E-ter-naI.

"As also there are nq_t three ineomprehensibles, nor three un-cre- i a-ted, * but

One Incomprehensible, and One .l. Un-cre-a-tdd. , ,

"So likewise the Father is Almighty, the &On AI:- i migh-tY, * _and the Hqly .l. GhOst A1-migh-tj.

"As yet there are not three al- T migh-ties, * but J, One Al-migh-ty, ,

"So the Father is God, the T Son is God, =I< and the .l. Ho-ly Ghost is God. %

"As yet they are not i three gods, :I< J, (') but One God.

"So likewise the Father is Lord, the T Son is Lorp, * and the .l. Ho~ly Ghost is Lord. "As yet there are not i three lords, * .l. (') but One Lord.

"For like as we are compelled by the Christian verity to acknowledge Ev'ry Person by Him-self to be i God and Lord, * so are we forbidden by Cath'lic religion to say, 'There be three .1. gods, or three lords.'

"The Fath-er is i Made of nope; * neither Created .l. nor Be-get-ten.

"The Son is of the Fath-er T A-lone; * not Made, nor Created, .1. but Be-got-ten. "The Ho-ly Ghost is Of the T Fath-er; * neither Made, nor Created, nor

Begotten, .l. but Pro-ceed-ing. _

"So there is One Father, not three fath-ers; t One Son, not T three sons; * One Holy Ghost, .l. not three ho-Iy ghosts.

"And in This Trinity None is afore, or after oth-er; t None is Greater, or Less than An- T oth-er; * but the Whole Three Persons .are Co-Eternal together, J, and Co-E-qual.

"So that tn all things, as i§ a-fore-said, t the Unit-y in i Trin-it-y, * and the

Trinity in Unity is J, to be Wor-shipp'd. _ ,

"He therefore that would be T sa-ved * must thus think .l. of the Trin-it-y." Furthermore, it is necessary to ever-las-ting sal- i va-tion * that he also believe rightly the Incarnation of .l. Our Lord Je-sus Christ.

For the Orthodox Faith is this: "That we believe and con-fess t that Our Lord Jesus Christ, the T Son of God, * .l. (') is God and Man;

"God, of the Substance of the Fath-er, Be-got-ten be- i fore the worlds; =I< and Man, of the substance of His Moth- .l. er, Born in the world;

"Perfect God and i Per-feet Man; =I< of a Reasonable Soul and Human .l. Flesh SUb-sis-ti ng;

"Equal to the Father as Touch-ing His T God-head; . * and Inferior to the

Father, as Touch- .l. ing His Man-hood. , ~

"Who, although He be T God and Man, * yet He is not J, Two, but One Christ;

x 4811

Oct. 15 I 28 - Prime of the Commemoration of the Holy Relics

1 X 481

'" t r . A* ,J,,t :--'14

Tone 8 (continued) I ... [. B • I] .... • B • I • • • ... • •• ••••• II_

"One; jiot by conversion of the God-head T in-to Flesh, * but by Taking of the

t Man-hood in-to God; .

"One altogether; not by con-tu-sion of i ~ub-stance, * but by U-nit- t y 0,1 Per-sqn, "For, as the Reasonable Soul and Flesh is i One Man, * so God and t Man is One Christ; _ "Who suffered for our salvation, descended in-to i Ha-des, ,; rose again .the t third day from the dead.

"JIe ascended int~ Heaven;' He sitteth on the Right Hand of the Fath-er, God AI- i migh-ty; * from whence He shall come to judge 1 the quick ~nd the dead.

"At Whose Coming all men shall rise a-gain with their T bod-ies, * and shall give ac-count t for their own works.

"And they that have done goodshall go into Life Ev-er- i las-ting, * and they that have done evil into ever- t las-ting fi-re."

~ ,

, This is Cath-llc Faith,·t which, except a man believe faithful-ly and

T f'lrm-Iy, :I< he can- t not be si-ved.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the II Son, :I< and t to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both nOw and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men. j

Then,; • • • • IS. • ; • '. • II.' ". I. • • • ~" ". I'

All repeat: The Nat-iv-it-y of the glor-i-ous Vir-gin Mar-y, of the seed of ~A-bra-ham, I

F 11

; • • " ... • • 2 •• • ~ ; • 2 II

sprung from the Tribe of Ju-da, of the no-ble stem of Da-vid.

The Chapter

The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Isaias 33." 2):

Now unto the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, t the One Only Wise I • '.; II'

God, be honour and gIQry * unto the ages of ages. Amen. All respond:~. Thanks be to G9d.

The proper for Terce begins on ppo X 494.

Psalms for Prime On Monday

Tone 8 I [0 0 °l ... [0: 0 til" 0 0 ' i , ~ i 0 0 0 • "

J, ~ . .. .'


_ A

• • • II-

Psalm 1:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 1st Psalm portion, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Bless-ed is the man that hath not walked in the. counsel of the ungod-ly, t nor stood in the way of i sin-ners, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

nor sat in the seat t of the pes-til-ent.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

But his will is r_:ather in the law of i the Lord, * and in His law will he med- t it-ate day and night.

And he shall be like the tree _which is planted by the streams of the t wat-ers, * which shall bring forth its fruit t in its sea-son.

And its leaf i shall not fall; * and all things whatsoever he may t do shall pros-per, Not so are the un-god-ly, i not so; * but rather they are like the chaff which the wind doth hurl away from t the face of the Earth.

For this reason shall the ungodly not stand up in T judg-ment, * nor sinners in

the council t Of the righ-teous. ,

For the Lord Jsnoweth the way of the i righ-teous, * and the way of the un-god- I Iy shall per-ish.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the II Son, * and t to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both nOw and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.

x 4821

Oct. 15 / 28 - Prime of the Commemoration of the Holy Relics

1 X 482

Tone 8 I (0 • 0] ." (-: 01",]" 0 • f i , ~ i · 0 0 ." 0 0 • ' : 0


_ A

. . . ,,~

Psalm 2:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the Znd Psalm portion, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Why have the hea-then T ra-ged, *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: • A

and the peoples medi- l ta-red emp-ty things?

And then, only the" 1st Cantor's side et. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

The kings of the Earth were arou-sed, t am! the rulers were assem-bled to- i geth-er, * against the Lord, land ag-ainst His Christ.

Let us break their bonds as- i un~der l * and let us cast a- l way their yoke from us. He l~at dwelleth in the Heavens shall laugh T them to scorn, * and the Lord

"'" l shall de-ride them. ." .

Then shall He speak un/to them T in His wrath, * and in His anger l shall He

troub-le them. ,

But jas for Me, I was Established as King by Him, t upon Syon His Ho-ly

T Moun-tain, * Proclaiming the com- l mand-ment Of the Lord. _

The Lord said :j' un-to Me: * "Thou art My Son; this da_y have l I be-got-ten Thee." Ask of Me, and I will give Thee the nations for Thine in- i her-It-ance, * and the uttermost parts of the Earth for l T_hy pos-ses-sldn,

Thou shalt herd them with a rod of I f-ron, * Thou shalt shatter them like a

+ pot-ter's ves-sel~. --

And now, 0 ye kings, i un-der-stand; * be instructed, all l ye that juj!ge the Earth. Serve ye the i Lord with fear, * and rejoice in l Him with trem-bling.

Lay hold of instruc-tion, t lest at any time the Lord be i Ang-ry, * and ye

perish l from the righ-teous way. , .

Wi!.en quickly His wrath be i kin-died, * blessed are all that have l put their trust in Him.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the + Son, * and + to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in4he beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages' of

, II. :.i

+ a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 6:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm portion, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the firs! set of brackets therein):

o Lord, re-buke me not in Thine i ang-er, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes t~e verse: A nor chas- l ten me in Thy wrath.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides qlternating the verses thereafter:

Have mercy on me, 0 Lord, for T I am weak, * heal me, 0 Lord, for my

l bones are troub-led.

And my soul is troub-led i gre~t-Iy; * but l Thou, 0 Lord, how lOng?

Turn to me again, 0 Lord, de-Iiv-er J my soul; * save me + for Thy mer-cy's sake. For in death there is none that is mind-ful i of Thee; * and in Hades who 1 will

con-fess Thee? , _

I toiled in my groan-ing; t every night I will i wash my bed; * with tears will I 1 wat-er my couch.

Through wrath is mine eye be-corne i troub-led; * I have grown old among J, all mine en-em-ies.

_ Depart from Arne, all ye that work T van-it-y; * for the Lord hath heard the

voice J, of my weep-ing. ,

The Lord hath heard my sup-plic- i a-tion; * the Lord 1 hath re-ceived my prayer. Let all mine enemies be greatly put to shame and be T troub-led; * let them be turned back, and speedily be l great-ly put to shame.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the + Son, * and + to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of l a-ges. A-men.

x 4831

Oct. 15 / 28 - Prime of the Commemoration of the Holy Relics

1 X 483

All repeat: In the Heav-en-ly King-dom is the dweD-ing of the Saints, and their rest-ing is I .. ~ ... 111

un-to e-ter-nit-y.

The Chapter

The Hebdomadary,alone chants the following Chapter (Isaias 33: 2):

Now unto the King Eternal, Immortal, fuvisible, t the One Only Wise ~1~'~'~~'§'§~~1~11

God, be honour and glory * unto the ages of ages. Amen. All respond:~. Thanks be to God.

The proper for Terce begins on pp. X 494.

Psalms for Prime On Tuesdav .

/t '1' , A* .j. ~ :......... ...
I [ • . ] ••• ( • 81 I] • •• • • 8 : I • • • ••• • • • • II~
Tone 8 • • •
• • Psalm 7: .

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the lst Psalm, using this

Tone, including the intonation notes {within thefirst set of brackets therein}: ('

o Lord My God, in Thee have 1'-1 put my hope; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

save me from them that persecute me, and do

t Thou de-liv-er md, And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the fWo sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Lest at any time like a li-on he 1 seize my soul, * when there is none to

re- J, deem me, nor to save~ A'

o Lord My God, if I have T done this, * if there be in-jus- J, tice in my hands, If I have paid back evil to them that rendered e-vil i un-to me, * then let .me fall back empty t from mine en-em-ies.

_ Then let the enemy pursue my soul, t and take it; and let him tread down my

life in- 1 to the earth, *_ and my glory let him bring J, down in-to the dust.

Arise, 0 Lqrd, in Thine T ang-er; * exalt Thyself to the furthest boundaries J, Of Thine en-em-ies.

A And arouse Thyself, 0 Lord My God, in the commandment which Thou i hast

en- jo i ned, * and a congregation of peoples J, shJII sur-round Thee. A

And for their sakes re-turn Thou i on High; :« the Lord shall J, judge the peo-ples. Judge me, O,Lord, according to my T righ-teous-ness, * and according to mine in-no- J, cence with-in me.

Let the wickedness of sinners be ended, and, do Thou guide the T rlgh-teous

man, * 0 God, That searchest J, out the hearts and reins. ,

Righteous is my 1 help from Goo, * Who saveth them who J, are up-right of heart. God is a Jud~e That is Righteous, Strong and For- T bear-ing * and inflicteth

J, not wrath ev-'ry day. A

Unless ye be converted, His glittering sword shall He i fur-bish; * He hath bent

His bow, and hath J, made it rea-dy. _

And on it He hath made ready the in-stru- 1 ments of death; * His arrows for

them that rage hotly hath J, He per-fee-ted. ,

Behold, he was jn travail with un- T righ-teous-ness; :« he hath conceived toil and brought J, forth In-i-quit-y. A

He opened a pit and l' dug it; * and he shaU fall into the J, hole which he hath made. His toil shall return up-on his l' own head, * and upon his own pate shall his

un- J, righ-teous-ness come down. ,

I will give praise unto the Lord according to His T righ-teous-ness: * and I will chant unto the Name J, of the Lord Most High.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and l' to the If! Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it ,!as in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.

x 4841

Oct. 15 / 28 - Prime of the Commemoration of the Holy Relics

1 X 484

,t 1', A* J,~ :-.-.

Tone 8 I [. • .] ••• (. 8 • I] •••• • 8 • 1 • • • ••• • •• ••••

Psalm 8:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the Znd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

o Lord, Our Lord, how i Won-der-ffil * 0

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q[ the Quire completes the verse: ~ is Thy J Name in all the Earth.

And then, only the ~2nd Cantor's side Q[ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the r~o sides alternating the verses thereafter:

For Thy magnifi-cence is T lif-ted * high a- °l bove the Heav-ens.

Out of the jnouths of babes and sucklings hast Thou perfected praise, be-cause of Thine T en-em-ies, * to destroy the enemy l and av-en-gdr,

For I will behold the Heavens, the works of Thy i Fing-ers, * the moon and the

stars, which :j, Thou hast found-ed. 0_ ~ 0 •

.... _ What js man, that Thou art Mind-ful i of him, :Ie or the son of man, that Thou

1 vis-it-est him? /

, Thou hast made ~him a little lower than the ang-els; t with glory and honour

hast Thou T crown-ed him; :Ie and Thou hast set.him over the l works of Thy Hands. I

All things hast Thou subjected under his feet, t sheep and all i ox-en, * yea, J

and the 1 beasts of the field, _ I

The birds of the air, and the fish of i the sea, * the things that pass through the

1 pathsof the sea..- ~ I

o Lord, i Our Lord, * how Wonderful is Thy l Name in all the Earth!

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the III Son, * and J to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.


• 114

Psalm 9 vv. 1 - 18:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of. the 1st verse of the Ist portion of the 3rd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

I will confess Thee, 0 Lord, with my i whole heart; *


Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

I will telJ of l alJ Thy won-ders.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q[ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the ,two sides alternating the-verses thereafter:

~ I will be glad and re- i joice in Thee; * I will chant unto Thy 1 Name, 0 Most


When mine enem-y be i turn-ed back, * they shall grow weak and shall

per- 1 ish be-fore Thy Face. -,

For Thou hast maintained my judg-ment T and my cause; * Thou hast sat upon a Throne, 0 Thou That l judg-est righ-teous-ness.

Thou hast rebuked the heathen, and the ungodly man hath i per-ish'd * his name Thou hast blotted out for ever, and unto a- 1 ges of a-ges.

The swords of the enemy have ut-ter-ly T fail-ed, * and his cities Thou 1 hast

des-troy-ed. _

The remembrance of him hath perished with a re- T sound-ing noise; * but the

Lord for ev- 1 er ab-I-deth. ,

In j~dgment hath He prepared His Throne, t and He ,Himself will judge the world in T righ-teous-ness; * He will judge the peoples 1 in up-right-ness.

And the L_ord is Become a Refuge for the i poor man, * a Helper in times of Well-being and 1 in af'-f'Ilc-tldns.

And let them that know Thy Name i hope in Thee; * for Thou hast not forsaken them 1 that seek Thee, 0 Lord.

Chant unto the Lord Who dwell-eth in i Sy-on; * proclaim ye His way a- J mong the nations.

For He That maketh enquiry for blood hath re- T mem-ber'd them; * He hath not forgotten the cry 1 of the p~u-pers.

Have mercy 9n me, i 0 Lord; * see my humiliation which I have suffered l from mine en-em-ies,

x 4851

Oct. 15 I 28 - Prime of the Commemoration of the Holy Relics

1 X 485

.... T 1"", A* J,~ ~ Ii

Tone 8 (continued) I ... [. 8 • I] .... • 8 • I • • • ... • .• •••.. II.

o Thou That dost raise me up from the T gates of death; * that I may declare all Thy praises in the gates of the daugh- ~ ter of Sy-on.

We will rejoice in Thy sal- T va-tion; * the heathen are ensnared in the

de-struc- t !ion which th~y have wrought. .

In this snare i which they hid * ~ hath their foot been caught. •

The Lord is Known by the judgments which He ex-ec- i 6-teth; * in the works of His Own Hands hath -the ~ sin-Iler been caught.

Let sinners be turned away un-to T Ha-des, * yea, all the nations that are for- ~ get-ful Of God.

For the poor man shall not be for-got-ten T to the end; *' the patience of the paupers shall not per- ~ ish for ev-er. /

Glory .. be t-o the Fath-er, and i to the It Son, * and ~ to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As I it was in the beginning, 'bothnow and i ev-er,' * and unto the ages of

~ a-ges. A-men. ./


T,hen, • • ". ~.. ... • • I



All repeat: In the Heav-en-ly King-dom is the dweU-ing of the Saints, and their rest-ing is

F. · III. • • 111

un-to e-ter-nit-y.

The Chapter

The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Isaias 33: 2):

Now unto the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, t the One Only Wise ~1~·~·§~·~.~;ggI11

God, be honour and glory * unto the ages of ages. Amen. All respond:~. Thanks be to God.

, t 1', ,,* "

Tone 8 I [. • .] ••• [. 8 • I] •••• • 8 • I • • • ••• • •• ....." 1

Psalm 9: vv. 19 - 38.-

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd portion of the lst Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonafion notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Arise, 0 Lord, let not i man pre-vail; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q[_ the Quire completes the verse:

let the nations be judg- ~ ed be-fore Thee.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

o Lord, set a law-giv-er i o-ver them; * let the heathen know t that they are but men. Why, 0 Lord, hast Thou gone to stand a- T far Off; * why dost Thou overlook

us in times of well-being and ~ in af'-f'llc-tldns? I "

When the ungodly man is arrogant" the poor man burn-eth i with-in; * they are

caught in the coun- ~ sels which they de-vise. ,

For the sinner pralseth himself if!. the lusts of i his soul; * and the unrighteous man likewise bless- ~ eth him-self there-in.

The sinner hath pro- T vok'd the Lord; * according to the magnitude of His

~ wrath, he car-eth not. "

God is not be- i fore him * profane are his }Yays in t ev-'ry sea-son.

_ Thy judgments are re-mov-ed i from his sight; * over all his enemies shall he

~ gai n do-min-Ion, I

For he said in i his heart: * "I shall not be shaken; from generation to generation shall i t be with-out harm."


_ If

The proper; for. Terce begins on pp. X 494.

Psalms for Prime On Wednesday

x 4861

Oct. 15 I 28 - Prime of the Commemoration of the Holy Relics

1 X 486

Tone 8 I [. 0 0] ... [0: 0 T,]... 0 f i, ~ i 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 ' ~ 0 ~ : II j

With cursing is his mouth filled, and with bit-ter-ness l' and de-ceit;:« under his tongue are .,l. toil and trav-ail.

, He sltteth in ambush with the rich in se-cret i pla-ces, * that he may .,l. slay the

in-no-cent. •

_ His eyes are set up-on the l' poor man; 01< he lieth in wait in a secret place like a

.,l. li-on in his den. '" c ~ ,

He lieth in wait t«:! seize up-on the i poor 'man, :« to seize upon the poor man

when he .,l. draw-eth him in. '

In his snare will he hum-ble l' him-self; * he will bow down and fall while

gaining dominion .,l. o-ver the poor. .

For he said in his heart: "God hath for- l' got-ten; 01<, He hath turned away His

~"Face, that He might not .,l. see un-to the end." , ~

Arise, 0 Lord My God'; let Thy Hand be l' Lif-ted hi gh;:« forget not Thy .,l. paii-pers to the end.

Why hath the ungodly one pro- l' vo-ked God?:« For he hath said in his heart: "~,

"He will .,l. not make en-quir-Y. I,

Thou seest, for Thou understandest trav-ail and l' ang-er, :« that Thou mightest

deliver hi m .,l. in-to Thy Hands. . _ I

To Thee hath the beggar been ab- i an-don'd :« for the orphan art .,l. Th~oO a Help-cr. Break Thou the arm of the sinner and of the l' e-vil man;:« his sin shall be sought oOt .,l. and be found no more.

The Lord shall, be King for ever, and unto the a-ges of T a-ges; :« ye heathen shall perish .,l. oiit of His hind.

The desire of the poor hast Thou i heard, 0 Lord; :« to the preparation of their

heart hath Thine Ear .,l. been At-ten-tive, .

To judge for the orphan and the T hum-ble, 01< that man may no more presume to be haugh- .,l. ty up;,9n the Earth.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the + Son, :« and t to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, :« and unto the ages of

, A ,

.,l. a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 10:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

In the Lord have I ho-ped; t how will ye say to T my soUl::« .

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q.[_ the Quire completes the verse: _

"Flee unto the mountains .,l. like a spar-row?

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q.[_ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

For behold, the sinners have bent their bow, t they have prepared arrows for the l' quiv-er, :« to shoot down in a moonless night .,l. the up-right of heart.

For what Thou hast formed they have de- T stroy-ed; :« and the righteous

t man, what hath he done?

The Lord is in His Ho-ly T Tern-pie; :« the Lord, in t Heav-en is His Throne.

His Eyes are set up-on the i poor man; :« His Eyelids ex-am- tine the sons of men. The Lord examineth the righteous man and the un- l' god-I}"; :« but he that

loveth unrighteousness ha- .,l. teth his own s091.

He wiJI rain down snares up-on r sin-ners; 01< fire and brimstone and wind of

tempest shall be the .,l. por-tion Of their cup. ,

For the Lord is Righteous and hath loved T righ-teous-ness; :« upon uprightness hath His .,l. Coun-ten-ance lodk'd.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and T to the + Son, :« and .,l. to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, :« and unto the ages of .,l. a-ges. A-men.

x 4871

Oct. 15 I 28 - Prime of the Commemoration of the Holy Relics

1 X 487

J. ~

• • • ••• • •• ••

, -A

• • • II ~

Psalm 11:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the jrd Psalm, using this same Tone. including the intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein}:

Save me, 0 Lord, for a righteous man there i is no more; * Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: *

for truths have diminish-ed J from the sOns of men.

And then, only the ... 1 st Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Vain things hath each man spoken to Ahis i neigh-bour; * deceitful lips are in his

heart, and in his heart hath he J spa-ken ~-vils. A •

Let the Lord des-troy all de- T ceit-ful Ii ps, * and the tongue that 1 speak-eth boast-ful words.

Which have said: "Our tongue will we mag-ni-fy; t our IIp~ are T our "'~ own; * who 1 is lord o-ver us?

_ "Because o( the distress=of the beggars and the groan-ing T Of the poor, * now

will I J a-rise," saith the Lord. A

, "I will establish them in sal- T va-tlon; * I will be 1 Man-if-est there-in." ',I

The words of the Lord are T pure words, * silver that is fired, tried in the 1/ earth, brought to sev- J en-fold pu-rit-y. .

Thou, 0 Lord, shalt keep us and shalt pre- i serve us, * from this generation,

1 and for ev-er-more.·- ~

The un-god-ly walk i round ab-out; * to the measure of Thy Loftiness hast Thou es-teem- 1 ed the sons of men.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the .. Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it ,!as in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of

1 a-ges. A-men. ... I

Th tl~~~~~~~~.~~.~~~~~~~~~.~~I~.~~~~~ •• ~.~~"~'~~.~~~~~~'~.ij

en, =. . iI ~.. fi • •

All repeat: In the Heav-en-ly King-dom is the dweD-ing of the Saints, and their rest-ing is

F· d

• ~. • .• {C

un-to e-ter-nit-y.

The Chapter

The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Isaias 33: 2):

Now unto the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, t the One Only Wise ~ • •• I 111

God, be honour and glory * unto the ages of ages. Amen. All respond:~. Thanks be to God.

The proper for Terce begins on pp_ X 494.

Psalms for Prime On Thursday

Tone 8

I [. ' 'J'" [' :'1'" ,

l' I A *

• 8 • I • • • ••• • • •

.' • • • 111

Psalm 12:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 1st Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein}:

How long, 0 Lord, wilt Thou utter-ly for- T get me? *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

How long wilt Thou turn Thy J Face a-way from me?

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

How long shall I take coun-sel T in my soul, * with grievings in my heart 1 by day and by night?

How long shall mine enemy be ex-al-ted i o-ver me? * Look upon me, hear 1 me, 0 Lord My God.

x 4881

Oct. 15 I 28 - Prime of the Commemoration of the Holy Relics

1 X 488

Tone 8 I [, ' '1 '" [':' t'l'" · 'i , ~ i·· · '" · · · ' !. ~ : III

Enlighten mine eyes, lest at any ti me I sleep i un-to death; * lest at any time mine enemy say: "I have pre-vail- 1 ed a-gainst him."

They that afflict me will rejoice if I am 1- sha-ken; :I: but as for me, I have hoped J, in Thy mer-cY.

My heart will rejoice in Thy sal-va-tion; t I will sing unto tfie LOI:.d, Wh(_) is My Ben-et- I ac-tor; :I: and I will chant unto the Name 1 of the Lord Most High.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the III Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly. Ghost.

As)t 'Jas in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 13.-

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using the «same Tone, including the inionaiion notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

The fool hath said in t his heart: *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q[ the Quire completes the verse:

J, (') "There is no God."

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse ;1

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter: .

They are become corrupt and loath-some in T their ways;:I: there is none that

do- 1 eth good, no not one. " I'

The Lord looked down from Heaven up-on the i sons of men, :I: fo see if there be any that under-stand l or seek af-ter God.

They are all gone astray, they are altogether ren-der-ed T use-less; * there is none that do- 1 eth good, no not one.

(Their throat is an open sep-ul-chre; t with their tongues have they spo-ken

de- i celt-ful-ly: * the poison of asps is 1 un-der their_lips; . ~

With cursing is his mouth filled, and with bit-ter-ness and i de-ceit; :I: their

feet are J, swift to shed blood. ~

Destruction and misery are in their ways; t and the way of peace have they

I not known; * there, ~s no fear of 1 God be-fore their eyes.) . ~ ,

Shall not all they that work iniquity come to un-der- I stand-ing? :I: They that' eat up my people as they eat bread have not 1 call'd up-on jhe Lord. ,

There have they l' fear'd with fear, * J, wher~ there is no fear.

For the Lord is in the generatjon Of the T righ-teous; * the counsel of the poor man have ye shamed, but l the Lord is His Hope.

Who shall give out of Syon the salvation of Is-ra-el? t Wgen the Lord hath turned back the captivity of His i peo-ple, * Jacob shall rejoice and Is- l ra-el shall be

g~d. .

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the III Son, * and + to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and I ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 14

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

o Lord, who shall abide in Thy Tab-er- I nac-le, *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q[ the Quire completes the verse:

and who shall dwell in Thy l Ho-Iy


And then, only the 1 st Cantor's side Q[ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating th~ verses thereafter:

He that walk-eth T ,blame-less, * and J, work-eth righ-teous-ness: ,

Speak-ing Truth I in his heart, * who hath not spoken de-ceit- l ful-Iy with his

tongue. ,

~either hath done evil to his T neigh-bour, * nor taken up a reproach a- 1 gainst those near him.

In his si~ht he that worketh e-vil is i set at nought; * but he glorifieth 1 them that fear the Lord.

x 4891

Oct. 15 / 28 - Prime of the Commemoration of the Holy Relics

1 X 489

_ t 1', A'* .j.S :..--.."

Tone 8 (continued) I .. I [I 8 I '] .. I I .' 8 I I • I I ... • • I • I • • • II ~

He giveth oath to his neighbour, and tor-swear-eth not; t lie hath not lent his

mon-ey on l' u-su-ry, * and hath not received bribes a- t gainst the ln-no-cent.

He that do-eth l' these things '* shall nev- t er be sha-ken.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and l' to the III Son, * and J, to the Ho-If Ghost.

As)t ,!as in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of

t a-ges. A-men. ... I


Then, =' . iI '.. ifi • •

All repeat: In the Heav-en-ly King-dom is the dweU-ing of the Saints" and their rest-ing is

E · ~. . . 111

"" un-to e-ter-nit-y.

The Chapter

The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Isaias 33: 2):'1

Now unto the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, t the One Only Wise I I '.:; 111 I,

God, be hooour and glory * unto the ages I?f ages. Amen. All respond:~. Thanks be to God~'

The proper for Terce begins on pp. X 494.

Psalms for Prime On Friday

i , A *

lB. I I I I II I I I I

, _A

. . . ,,~

Psalm 15:

The 1st Cantor glone chants the first half of the first verse of the 1st Psalm, using this

Tone, including the intO'nation notes (within the f ir:..,st set of brackets therein): ,

Keep me, 0 Lord, for in Thee have I hoped; t I said unto the Lord: "Thou

i art My Lord; '" '

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

for of my J, goods, no need hast ThOlL"

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

In the Saints that are in His Earth hath the Lord been i won-drous: '" He hath wrought all .l Hls de-sires in them.

Their infirmit-ies in- T crea-sed; '" there-up- t on they ha-sten-ed.

I will not assemble their as-sem-blies T of blood, '* nor will I make remembrance of J, their names through my lips.

The Lord is the Portion of mine inherit-ance and i of my cup; '" Thou art He That restorest mine in-her- J, it-ance un-to me.

Portions have fallen to me that are a- T mong the best; '" for mine inheritance is

most t ex-cel-lent to me. "

I will bless the Lord Who hath given me un-der- T stand-ing; ;« moreover, even till night have my J, reins in-struc-ted me.

I beheld the Lord ev-er be- i fore me; * for He is at my right hand, that I

might t not be sha-ken. _

Therefore did my heart re- joice and my i tongue was glad; '" moreover, my J, flesh shall dwell in hope.

For Thou wilt not abandon my soul in T Ha-des, * nor wilt Thou suffer Thy Holy One to J, see cor-rup-tion.

Thou hast made known to me the ways Of life,_t Thou wilt fill me with gladness with Thy i Coun-ten-ance: =I< delights are in Thy Right J, Hand for ev-er.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the III Son, '" and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.

X 490 I

Oct. 15 I 28 - Prime of the Commemoration of the Holy Relics

I X 490

_ t t, .... * J, ~ ~"

Tone 8 I (. • .] ••• ('''' I] •••• '". 1 • • • ••• • •• ••••• 111

Psalm 16.-

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the Znd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (}jIithin the first set of brackets therein):

Heark-en, 0 Lord, un-to my T righ-teous-ness; *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side et. the Quire completes the verse:

. attend unto my t sup-plic-a-tion.

And then, only the 1 st Cantor's side ei: the, Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter;

Give ear un-to i my prayer, '" which cometh not t from de-ceit-fullips.

, Frol_!l before Thy Face let my j~dg-.ment T come forth; '" let mine eye be- t hold

up-right-ness. ' _

"" Th9U 'hasf proved my heart, Thou hast visited it in the night; t Thou hast tried

me by i fi-re; * and unrighteous-ness t was not found in me.

That my mouth might 6'ot speak of the i works of men; * for the sake of the words of Thy lips have I kept t the ways that are hard.

Set my foot-steps in T Thy paths, * that my steps may t not be sha-ken"1 I have cried for Thou hast hearkened un-to i me, 0 God; * incline Thine Ear I unto me, and heark- t en un-to my words.

Let Thy mercies be made i won-der-ful, * 0 Thou That sa vest t them that

hope in Thee. ,- _ .

From thern jthat have resisted Thy Right Hand, keep i me, 0 Lord, '" as the

tap-pie Of Thine Eye. _

In the shelter of Thy Wings wilt Thou T shel-ter me '" from the face of the ungodly which t have op-press-ed me.

Mine enemies have surrounded my soul, At they have enclosed them-selves with their T own fat; * their t mouth hath spo-ken prlde,

They that cast me out have now en- i cir-cled me; * they have set their eyes to look t ask-ance on the Earth.

They have taken me as lIJigl]t a lion read-y i for his prey, * and as might a

lion's whelp that'dwel- t leth in hi-ding., ~

Arise, 0 Lord, overtake them and trip their heels; t deliver my soul from un- i god-ly men, * Thy sword from the en- 1 em-ies of Thy Hand. J

" 0 Lord, from Thy few do Thou separate them froJD the Earth T In their

Ii fe * yea, with Thy hidden treasures hath their bel-:, t Iy been rm-sa.

They have satis-fied them- T selves with swine, * and have left the t rem-nants to their babes.

But as for me, in righteousness shall I apj>ear be- i fore Thy Face; * I shall be

filled when Thy Glory is made t man-if-est to me. .

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the III Son, * and .t to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of

, A

t a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 17: vv. 1 - 24

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the lst portion of the 3rd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

I will love Thee, 0 Lord, My Strength; t the Lord is My Foundation, and My i Re-fuge, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: and t My De-Ii v-er-er.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating th,e verses thereafter:

My God is My i Help-er; '" and t I will hope in Him,

My Defender, and the Horn of my sal- T va-tion- * 1 and My Help-cr.

Wjth praise will I call up-on the Name T Of the Lord, * and from mine enem- 1 ies shall I be saved.

The pangs of death sur- T round-ed me, * and the torrents of iniquit-y

t sore-ly trou-bled me. •

x 4911

Oct. 15 / 28 - Prime of the Commemoration of the Holy Relics

1 X 491

"" t t, ~* J,,s_ :.-.-.. <Ii

Tone 8 (continued) I ... [. 8 • I] .... • 8 • I • • • ... • •• ••••• II ~

The pangs of Ha-des en- i dr-c1ed me; * round about the snares of death have t o-ver-ta-ken me.

And in mine affliction I call-ed up- T on the Lord, :I< and iin- t to My God I cried; He heard my voice out of His Ho-ly i Tem-ple; * and my cry before Him shall en- t ter in-to His Ears.

And the Earth shook and was made to trem-ble; t and the_ foundations of the mountains were troubled .. and were] sha-ken, :I< because God was t Ang-ry with them.

There went up smoke in His wrath, t and fire from His Counten-ance set i an

a-flame; :I< coals were 1 kin-died there-from. .

And, He bowed the Heav-ens and T came down,:I< and thick darkness was 1 un-der His Feet.

A And He mounted upon Cher-u- i bim and flew; :I< He fJew upon the. 1 wings of

.. the winds. .. .. . .

-1' ~ And He made darkness His hi-ding place, t His Tabernacle round a- i bout

Him; :I< dark water in the t clouds of the air. ~

From the f'ar-shlning radiance that was be- i fore Hi m * there passed by clouds, 1 hail and coals of fire.

~nd the Lord. thundered out of i Heav-en, :I< and the Most 1 High gave forth His Voice.

And He sent forth His ar-rows, and i scat-ter'd them,:I< and lightnings Hf~

multiplied, and trou- 1 bled them sore-iY. •

And the well-springs of the wa-ters i were seen, * and the foundations Of t the

world were re-veal'd, _

At Thy re- T buke, 0 Lord *' at the on-breathing of the 1 spir-it Of Thy wrath. He sent from on High, and He i took me; * He received me out of t man-y wa-ters. He will deliver me from mine enemies ... which are migh-ty, t. and from them

that T hate me; *' for they are 1 strong-er than I. ,

, They ov!rtook me in the day of mine af- 1'. flic-tion * and the Lord be- 1 came

my firm sup-port. _

AnJi He Jed me forth in-to a T spa-cious placej " He will deliver me, be-cause

1 He de-si-red me. " . ,

And the Lord wiH recompense me according to my i righ-teous-ness; *' and ,.

according to the purity of my hands will He 1 re-com-pense me. I

For I ~ave kept the ways i Of the Lord, :I< and I have not acted impi- 1 ous-ly toward My God.

For all His judgments are be- T fqre meA:I< and His statutes de-l part-ed nOt from me.

, And I shall be blame-less T with Him, * and I shall keep myself from t mine

in-i-quit-y. , .

And the Lord will reward me according, to my i righ-teous-ness; :I< and

according to the purity of my 1 hands be-fore His Eyes ..

Glory be to the Fath-er, and t to the II Son, :I< and t to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, :I< and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.


Then, • •

~ .....

I •

•• •

All repeat: In the Heav-en-ly King-dom is the dweD-ing of the Saints, and their rest-ing is

F • 1

• ".. • • II

un-to e-ter-nit-y.

The Chapter

The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Isaias 33: 2):

Now unto the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, t the One Only Wise I • ..; ,,~

God, be honour and gIory:l< unto the ages of ages. Amen. All respond:~. Thanks be to God.

The proper for Terce begins on pp. X 494.

x 4921

Oct. 15 I 28 - Prime of the Commemoration of the Holy Relics

1 X 492

Psalms for Prime On Saturday

I ~ • ~ ...

Tone 8. •

Psalm 17: VV, 25 - 51:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd portion of the lst Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

With the holy man wilt Thou be i Ho-ly, * '

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side, Q[_ the Quire completes the verse: _

and with ,the innocent man wilt J, Thou be

,t t, .... '" J,~

[ • " • I~ •••• • 8 • I • • • •• • • • •


_ A

, ..

• •


And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q[_ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the JWo sides alternating the verses thereafter:

And with the elect man wi It Thou T be El-ect * and with the per-verse J, wilt

" 4f .......

,,_ Thou be Per-verse.

-, , For Thou wilt save a hum-ble i peo-ple, * and Thou wilt humble the eyes J, of

the ar-ro-gant, _ _

For Thou wilt light my i lamp, 0 Lord; '" My God, Thou wilt en-light- J, en my

dark-ness. '

For by Thee shall I be delivered from a host of i rob-bers, * and by My God I,

shall I leap J, o-ver a wall. '

,As for My God, blameless is H!s way; t tjIe words of the Lord are tri-ed hi,

the T fi-re; * Defender is He of J, all that hope in Him. .

For Who is God, T save the Lord; * and Who J, is God, save Our God?

It is God, Who girded me with T pow-er, '" and hath made J, my path blame-less.

Who maketh my feet like the feet i Of a hart, * and setteth me up- J, on high

I' A

P a-ces, .

Who teach-eth my T hands for war, * and Thou madest mine J, arms a bow of brass.

And Thou gavest me the shield of sal- T va-tion * and Thy Right Hand J, hath up-held me.

And Thine instruction hath corrected me e-ven un- i to the end; * yea, Thine

instruction, the r same will teach me. '

Thou hast en-larg'd my steps i un-der me, * and the tracks of my feet J, are ,.

not wea-ken'd. '

I shall pqrsue mine enemies and I shall o-ver- i take them, '" and I shall not turn J, back un-til they fail.

I shall greatly afflict them and they shall not be a-ble T to stand; * thev shall

" A "

fall J, un-der my feet.

For Thou hast girded me with pow-er i for, war; * in subjection under me hast Thou bound the feet of all them that rose J, up a-gainst me.

And Thou hast made mine enemies turn their back be- i fore me, * and them that hate me hast Thou J, ut-ter-ly des-trdy'd.

They cried, and there was no saviour-e-ven i to the Lord, * and He heark- J, en-ed not to them.

And I will grind them fine as dust be-fore the face i of the wind; * I will trample them down J, as mud in the streets.

Deliver me from the gain-saying Of the i peo-ple; * Thou wilt set me at the J, head of na-tions.

A people which I knew not hath T serv-ed me; * no sooner than their ear had heard, J, they o-bey-ed me.

Sons that are strangers have lied un-to me; t sons that are strang-ers have T grown old, * and they have limp'd J, a-way from their paths.

The Lord liveth, and Bless-ed i is My God; * and let the God of my salvation J, be Ex-al-ted.

o God, Who givest avengement unto me, and hast subdued peo-ples i un-der me, * 0 My Deliverer from enemies which are J, prone to ang-;er,

From them that arise up against me wilt Thou i lift me high; * from the

unrighteous J, man de-liv-er me. ,

For this, cause will I confess Thee among the na-tions, i 0 Lord; * and un-to J, Thy Name will I chant.

x 4931

Oct. 15 / 28 - Prime of the Commemoration of the Holy Relics

1 X 493

Tone 8 C [. • 'J ... [.:. T'l ... • r i • ~ i" · ... · · · _ It is he that magnifieth the salvation of His king, t and worketh mercy for His a-noint-ed, for T Da-vid, '* and for his seed iin- J. to e-ter-nl-tj.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the If- Son, ;I< and J. to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of J. a-ges. A-men.

J., ~ :..-. A
• • 111
• • • Psalm 18:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the-first verse of the 2nd 'Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets, therein):

The Heav-ens declare the Glor-y i Of God, * <

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q..L the Quire completes the verse:

and the firmament proclaimeth the J. work of

",His Hands ...

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes}, the two sides alternating the verses thereafter: _

Day unto day pour-eth i forth speech, * and night unto night pro- J. c1aim-eth

know-ledge. '_

There are no 1'- tongues nor words * in which their voic- J. es are not heard. Their sound hath gone forth in-to i all the Earth, ,., and their words un-to J. the

ends Of the world. " I'

In the Sun hath He set His Tab-er- i nac-le, * and He, like a- bridegroom, coming forth .1 from his cham-ber,

Wi!1 rejoice like a gi -ant to T run his course; * from the outermost border of Heaven J. is His go-ing forth,

_ And His goal is unto the outermost part of T Heav-en, * and there shall no man

hide 1 him-self from His heat. .

The law of the Lord is blame-less, con- i ver-tlng souls; * the testimony of the

Lord is trustworthy, bringing Wis- 1 dom to in-fants. ,

The statutes of the Lord are uprigl!_t, glad-den- i ing the heart; * the commandment of the-Lord is far-shining, en- J. light-en-ing the eyes.

The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring for ev-er and T ev-er; * the judgments,

of the Lord are true, al-to- 1 geth-er jus-tif-ied, •

More to be desired than gold and much i pre-cious stone, * and sweeter than honey 1 and the hon-ey-comb.

Yea, for Thy ser-vant i keep-eth re-ward.

As for transgressions, who will understand them? t From my se-cret sins

i cleanse me, * and from those of others 1 spare Thy ser-vant., e

If they have not dpmlnion over me, then blame-less i shall I be, * and I shall be

clean- 1 sed from great sin. . .

And the sayings of my mouth shall be un-to Thy good i pleas-Ore, '* and the

meditation of my heart shall be be-fore 1 Thee for ev-er, o Lord, My i Hetp-er, * 1 and Re-deem-er.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the If- Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of

_ ' A

1 a-ges. A-men.

them; * in keeping them 1 there is much

Psalm 19:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the J ir st set of brackets therein):

The Lord hear thee in the day of af- i f'llc-tion; *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

the Name of the God of Ja- J. cob de-fend thee.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side Qj_ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Let Him send forth unto thee help from His Sanc-tu- T ar-y, * and out Syon 1 let Him help thee.

x 494[

Oct. 15 I 28 - Terce of the Commemoration of the Holy Relics

[ X 494

_ t 1', A'* .j,~ :--. ...

Tone 8 (continued) 1 ... [. 8 • I] .... • 8 • I • • • ... • •• .....,,~

Let Him remember every sac-rif'- T ice of thine :I< and thy whole-burnt offering t let Him fat-ten.

The Lord grant thee ac-cor-ding i)o thy heart, '* and ful-fill all thy pur-poses. We will rejoice in Thy sal- T va-tlon, :« and in the Name of the Lord Our God

shall t we be mag-nit-led, ~

The Lord ful-f'll all T thy re-quests; '* now have I known that the Lord hath

saved t His an-Din-ted one. ,

He will hearken unto him out of His Ho-ly T Heav-en; '* in mighty deeds is the

salvation 1 Of His Right Hand. .

Some trust in chariots, and some in T hor-ses; :I< but we will call upon the Name 1 of the Lord Our God.

"" They have been fettered and' have. T fall-en; :« but we are risen and 1 are set

up-right. ,/

o Lord, i save the king, '* and hearken unto us in the day when we t call up-on




Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the III Son, :I< and J,. to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of

J,. a-ges. A-men. /'

Then, tl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~I~.~~~~~.~.~.~~1~.~~~.~I1~~~~I~~~J

=' . iil· ~.. .... • • ~

All repeat: In the Heav-en-ly King-dom is the dweU-ing of the Saints, and their rest-ing is

I •• l1li ••• 111

un-to e-ter-nit-y.

The Chapter

The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Isaias 33~ 2):

Now unto the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, t the One Only Wise I • ..; II~

God, be honour and glory :I< unto the ages of ages. Amen. All respond:~. Thanks be to God.


The 1st Cantor alone begins chanting this Antiphon:

All continue the

Antiphon as follows: ... .. .. I. l1li

The Psalms


. ; .

~ .

Let there re- joice in the Heav - ens.

o I

• I • ....,

. ~.. ~

• The souls of the Saints, who fol-low-ed the

" ~ l1li I l1li ~ ~.. ~ • l1li ....


foot-steps of Christ; and since, for Love of Him, they free-ly pour-ed out their

b I .l1li. II

• • • I ~ • l1li • ,.... i*i • • •

life-blood, there-fore with Christ they reign un-to e-ter-nit-y.

N.B. When this Feast is kept on a Sunday only, Terce continues as here given, but on a Monday, it continues with the Psalms as given on pp . X 497 - X 498, and on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, it continues with the Psalms as given on pp . X 499 - X 500.

x 4951

Oct. 15 I 28 - Terce of the Commemoration of the Holy Relics

1 X 495

Tone 6


I ;

• I I II ~

Psalm 118, vv. 33 - 40:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 5th portion of the 1st Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Set be-fore me for a law, 0 Lord, the way of Thy 1 sta-tutes, '" ~ Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

... and I will seek after it con- 1 tln-u-al-lj'.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the' Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Give me understanding, and I }Viii search out 1 Thy law, ,., and I will keep it 1 with my w~ole heart.

s,. . ~ - , 11

-_ Guide me in the path of Thy com- 1 mand-ments, ,., for I 1 have de-si-red it.

Incline my heart unto Thy tes-tlm- 1 o-nies, * and not unto 1 co-vet-ous-ness. Turn away mine eyes that I may not see van- 1 It-y, * quicken Thou 1 me in

Thy way. '

Establish for Thy ser-vant Thine or- 1 a-cle * 1 un-to fear of TheiL

Remove my re-proach which t 1 have f'ear'd, * for Thy 1 judg-ments are good. Behold, I have longed after Thy com- 1 mand-ments; ~ '" in Thy

righ- 1 teous-ness quick-en me.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the + Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and .1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.



Psalm 118, vv. 41 - 48:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 6th portion of the 1st Psalm, using the sdmE Tone, including the intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein}:

, ~

Let Thy mer-cy come also up-on me, 10 Lord, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire complete~ the verse:

even Thy salvation ac-cord- 1 ing to Thy word.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses theteafter:

So shall I give an answer to them that re- 1 preach me, * for I have 1 hoped in

Thy words. .

And take not utterly out of my mouth the word 1 of Truth, * for in Thy

.1 judg-ments have I hoped.

So shall I keep Thy law continual-ly, for 1 ev-er, * and unto the a-1 ges of a-ges. And I walk'd in spa- J_ cious-ness, * for after Thy com- J_ mand-ments have I sought. And I spake of Thy testi-mo-nies be- J_ fore kings, * and J_ i was not a-shamed. And I meditated on Thy com- J_ mand-ments * which J_ I have great-ly lOved. And I lifted up my hands to Thy commandments which I J_ have loved, * and I

pondered 1 on Thy sta-tutes.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the + Son, * and J_ to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and J_ ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.

x 4961

Oct. 15 I 28 - Terce of the Commemoration of the Holy Relics

1 X 496

Tone 6


_ A


. =

• • • Ih

Psalm 118, vv. 49 - 56:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 7th portion of the I st Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Re-mem-ber Thy words to Thy t ser-vant, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q.[_ the Quire completes the verse:

wherein Thou hast 1 made me to hope.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q.[_ thi Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

This hath comforted me in my hu-mjl-i- t a-tlon, * for Thine ora- t cle hath

, /

qulck-en'd ~e. .

The proud have trans-gress-e-d ex-ceed- J, ing-Iy, * but from Thy law J, have I

not de-elined. /'

I remembered Thy jiidg-ments of old, J, 0 Lord, * J, and was com-for-ted. Despondency took hold up- J, on me * because of the sinners J, who for-sake Thy law. Thy sta-tutes were 1 my songs * in the place t of my so-jour-ning.

I remembered Thy Name in the night, 1 0 Lord, * J, and I kept Thy Jaw. This hath hap-pen-ed on- J, to me, * because I sought af- 1 ter Thy-sta-ttites. Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the .. Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and t ev-er, * and unto the ages of

_ ' A

t a-ges. A-men.

Then ~b~~~~.~=~.~~~~~~~~=~.~~~I~~~~I~~~~~ij

, = •• • ~. • ." .• 1\ • -

All repeat: Let there re-joice in the Heav - ens the souls of the Saints, who fol-low-ed the

b I "III ILl ••

III • #j • '!!I • l1li ... it ... l1li i ~.. i • ,. ~ ij

. ..

foot-steps of Christ;

b I


and since, for Love of Him, they free-ly pour-ed out their

,. I ,......... 111


life-blood, there-fore with Christ they reign un-to e-ter-nit-y.

The Chapter and the Versicle

Then the Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Wis _ 3: 9) according to the Tone given for Monday Terce in the Psalter:

They that put their trust in the Lord shall understand the Truth; * and such as

be faithful in love shall abide with Him. I • •. = 111

All respond: ~. Thanks be to God. y. Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous.

IY. And glory, all ye that are upright of heart.

The Collect

Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that the deeds of the holy God-Bearer and ever-Virgin, Mary, and of Thy Saints whose Relicks are contained in This Church, may protect us; so that through their prayers we may ever rejoice and praise Thee in tranquility and peace. Through the Same Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. ~. Amen.

The proper for Sext begins on p . X 500.

x 4971

Oct. 15 J 28 - Terce of the Commemoration of the Holy Relics

1 X 497

Psalms for Terce on Monday

, t ,j.. .V A '" ,j.. ~


......-... A

Tone 6 I ( ••• ) •••

( • 0 • I) •••• .' I • • • ••• • •• • ';

. . . ,,~

Psalm 118, vv. 105 - 112:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 14th portion of the lst Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein}:

Thy law is a lamp-un-to ~ my feet :'"

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: and a lIght ~ un-to my paths.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Qj_ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

I have sworn and re- ~ sol-ved * that I will keep. the judgments ~ of Thy ~righ-teous-ness.

I was humbled ex-ceedLing-Iy, ~ 6 Lord; * quicken me ac-cord- ~ ing to Thy Word.

The free-will offerings of my mouth be Thou now Pleased to re-ceive, ~ 0 ',I

Lord, * and teach l me Thy judg-ments. I,

My soul is in Thy Hands con-ttn-u- ~ al-Iy, '" and Thy law have I l notl,

for-got-ten. ,_ I

Sinners have set a snare ~ for me, '" yet from Thy commandment" ~ have I not strayed.

I have inherited Thy testi-mon-ies for ~ ev-er, '" for they are the re- ~ joIc-ing of my heart.

I have inclined my heart to perform Thy stat-utes for l ev-er *.1 fOr a

re-com-pense. .

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to ~ the + Son, '" and .1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and ~ ev-er, * and unto the ages of ~ a-ges. A-men.. r-

Psalm 118, vv. 113 - 120:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 15th portion of the lst Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Trans-gres-sors have I ~ ha-ted, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: but ~ Thy law have I loved ..

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

My Helper and My Pro-tee-tor ~ art Thou; * on Thy words ~ have I set my


Depart from me, ye e-vil- ~ do-ers, * and I will search out the

com- ~ mand-ments of My God. _ ,


Help me, and i shall be ~ sa-ved; '* and I will meditate on Thy sta- ~ tutes con-tln-u'l-Iy.

Thou hast set at nought all that de-part from Thy ~ stat-utes, * for unrighteous

~ Is their in-ward thought. _

I have reckoned as transgressors all the sin-ners of ~ the Earth, * therefore

have I loved Thy ~ tes-tim-o-nies. ,

Nail down my flesh with the fear ~ of Thee, :I< for of Thy jiidg- ~ ments am I a-frald.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to ~ the lie Son, * and ~ to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and t ev-er, '" and unto the ages of .1 a-ges. A-men.

X 498 [

Oct. 15 J 28 - Terce of the Commemoration of the Holy Relics

[ X 498

Tone 6

t ,!. v ~ '"

I [. • .] ... [.:. I] ... •


_ A


. ;

• • • lIij

Psalm 118, vv. 121 - 128:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 16th portion of the 1st Psalm, using this same Tone, including theimonaion naes (within the first set of brackets therein):

I have wrought judg-ment and righ- t tenus-ness; * ~

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

~ "0 give me not up to J them that wrong me.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. thi Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Receive Thy ser-vant un- t to good, '" let not the proud false- J Iy ac-cuse me. Mi~e eyes have failed with waiting for Thy sal- 1 va-tion, '" and for the word ... 1 of Thy rlgh-tedus-ndss.

, Deal with Thy servant according to Thy 1 mer-cy, '" and teach 1 me Thy

't A "

sta -utes ..

I am _:rhy 1 ser-vant; '" give me understanding, and I shall know Thy

1 tes-tim-o-nies. r

It is time for the Lord .1 to act; '" for they J, have dis-pers'd Thy law.

Therefore have I loved Thy com- 1 mand-ments '" more than .1 gold and to-paz'j Therefore I directed myself according to all Thy com- J, mand-rnents; oj< every

way that is unrighteous J, have I ha-ted. ~

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to .1 the + Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and t ev-er, '" and unto the ages of .1 a-ges. A-men.


Then, ==. · · ;. · ~. ..; · ... ., · r\I. I ~ •. ij

All repeat: Let there re-joice in the Heav - ens the souls of the Saints, who fol-low-ed the

o 1\ • ttl .... 1 • l1li ....., 1\ ,.. 1 l1li I ~.. I • l1li ttl ij

• '4

foot-steps of Christ; and since, for Love of Him, they free-ly pour-ed out their 'Ii-

<> • • I. ::I " .l1li. ,.. I ,.... ttl • • 111

life-blood, there-fore with Christ they reign un-to e-ter-nit-y.

The Chapter and the Versicle

Then the Hebdomadary alone chants the following C~apter (Wis. 3: 9) according to the Tone given for Monday Terce in the Psalter:

They that put their trust in the Lord shall understand the Truth; * and such as

be faithful in love shall abide with Him. I • ..::1 111

All respond: ~. Thanks be to God. y. Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous.

~. And glory, all ye that are upright of heart.

The Collect

Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that the deeds of the holy God-Bearer and ever-Virgin, Mary, and of Thy Saints whose Rellcks are contained in This Church, may protect us; so that through their prayers we may ever rejoice and praise Thee in tranquility and peace. Through the Same Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and re!&neth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. lit. Amen.

The proper for Sext begins on p . X 500.

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