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DE 199F-1790 we (3) Entlive-conmunicaticn is ,classified "SpQET.*.0 9. - | : _— ea on 2 : . of the _ - ca £ political control” and On Military bi. ‘strategy and counter insurgency; at ST. ANDREWS HALL, Detroit, Michigan, On August.26, 1985. { * : . + Asset further advised that the| aust’ * xetirned from the NORAID toux’of Ireland and asset “has ‘ identified them .as NORALD members. Lae rz = aceon” He participated in and.assetvdid'not conjécture : . regarding sane. : ce :. . axemprap rRdxt avr na -* pactassrzcarrdz ‘AUTHORITY BARIVED “FROM: vo, auroMATéc DgCLASSTFECAsTON SKERPEION ‘CODE 25K:: omittee ‘REL TAFOREATION COMTATHED HEREIN I$ UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT * FO:0 an. 0-20-82) WHERE SHOWN OTHERVISE e FBI : TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: 0 Teletype O Immediate TOP SECRET © Fecsimaile Priority O secRET —Aixtel___ Routine © CONFIDENTIAL 1D UNCLAS EF TO. uNctas Date __ 8/27/85 : To: DIRECTOR, FBI FROM: SAC, CHICAGO (199F-368) (P) (SQ. 5B) IRISH NORTHERN ATD COMMITTEE (INAC)/NORTHERN IRISH AID (NORAID); TP - NORAID; 7 00:NEW YORK yor ApromaTze Dace ox GUIDE Caen inewrgey! pub parr ce-ze-zoin . = 7 o0:ce : This communication is classified "suphyr" tits ontieety Full investigation for NORAID authorized 11/22/82. Preliminary inquiry rd initiated 5/30/85, to expire 9/20/85. sa ono S-Bureau 2eNewark ‘L = TRAC 2-New Haven 1 = crp-rzu 4-New York 5 1 = 1997-8698 . 2 = 199F-1564 . 2-Boston 2 = 1998-1999 2-Buffalo 2-Philadelphia 2-Denver (199F-171) +2-San Francisco etroit 2-WFO = 1997-1790 6-Chicago 2 tos Angeles _ 2 = 199F-1362 — 2-Milwaukee 1 - 199p-889 (IETSH Terrorism) 2-Minneapolis daz agor-465 GEA \OOr YA -\o4 aS Approved: Transmitted ay O— Ww (Number) (Timey a, . (8) os 1999-368 oaphee_ Reference New York airtel to the Bureau dated 6/11/85, and Nes jureau dated 5/14/85, and captioned For informati AKA; IT - PIRA; OO:NY." | 7 nced Detroit airtel to the Bureau dated 11/27/84. For info ion of receiving office the TRISH NORTHERN AID COMMITTEE, ska NOBATR—RTsa— on of receiving offices has been identified as| been previously creetad by FST; New York, ana — Tye York, on previous eccasions and snaked. fafersnced lew = ications ‘advised that the on 5/14/85, New York teletype advised that a confidential and reliable source of continuing value advised that on 5/10/85, Chicas x ALEX MURPHY was in contact with| MURPHY requested +0 know how lon: [would be in the United States to which replied] ‘The n_that| yeferred to above, was JURPHY advised that he requeste jto attend some fundraisers for NORAID to war was in agreement. Refere! York airtel dated 6/11/85, advised ‘hat on 5/13/85, was again in contact with MURPHY. requester HOw if Chicago NORAID had a P.O. » Box to PHY replied in the affirmative. MURPEY hI provided ss as P.O. Box 30100, Chicago, prD Illinois 60630- ljadvised MURPHY that he needed this address for a reason and would writ IRPHY a letter explaining the MURPHY advised that he had spoken with] Jfrom the about the ole ere He-was trying eo azrange-ror[_____}-— ‘SUPRA, to attend. A check of Chicago indices revealed ALEXANDER MURPHY indexed in Chicago file 105-30799-79, dated January (3) co 1997-368 : suger 1979, which contained a newspaper clipping referring to MURPEY as the President of the SOUTHSIDE NORAID UNIT in 1977. ALEX MURPHY was also indexed in Chicago file 199P-465-41 page 4, dated August 1982, wherein he was referred to as being a suspect of having carried money from the United a States to the provisional IRISH REPUBLIC ARMY (PIRA) in Ireland. MURPHY was also mentioned in an extensive CHICAGO TRIBUNE newspaper article about NORAID, dated 12/2/84, wherein he was referred to as Head of the southside unit of NORAID. ALEXANDER MURPHY is described as follows: Sex: Male Rac Caucasian Date of Birth: 6/15/12 Place of Birth: Belfast, Northern Ireland Height: 515" Weight: 200 pounds Blue Grey (balding) 3411 South Claremont Chicago, Illinois Descriptive Marks: Tattoo left arm Yor information of Detroit ‘only, referenced Detroit aly 1/27/84, advised of travel to Chicag; 0/84, by Airtel referred to report given by| . Weago, Illinois. Fo if D lis the owner of| _—- icago, Illinois~ ren wcviewed, ¥ ‘Chicago Division of HUmerous occasions and has stated that she would prefer to not be contacted by any other Agents of the PBI regarding NORATD matters. She Stated that she would not be in a position to furnish information fo the FBI because of her pro-IRA sympathies; however, she advised that certain terrorist elements of the IRA became fugitives in the United States, she might possibly be of assistance to the FBI. Receiving offices are requested to conduct indices search and to contact logical sources regarding ALEXANDER MURPHY and his connection with NORAID and possible activities flor the PIRA. (8) co 199F-368 . sakes LEADS: DETROIT DIVISION . . Aq_DET! Mi Nv In addition to above, will advise Chicago as to the possibility of future travel to Chicago of| ‘to attend NORAID functions. ‘Bil XORK DIVISTON |_ YORK. ORK 1m addition to above, will advise Chicago if New York deems it appropriate for Chicago to request a mail cover for P.O. Box 30100, Chicago, Illinois 60630. spur = 4k - D880 (Rov. 184.78) (Mount Clipping in Space Below) ota psn nnn of Sierwas., paw 9/12/ Baitio: ew York Times DECLASSIPICATION AUT RIVED From: Jas’ Pimeniens CED site: pantech jw BELrasT Character CClessiication: - Submitting Oi: 125 Americans Lead March in Belfast “ By 30 THOMhAS acto a i Tans «BELFAST, Northern Ireland, Aug. cere ae BSSia nr ies mea actajeen ctw eeaeenrns i anid known as inh Roworet = one out hs Biarest him hed been mists, The ‘Northern Ireland and thelr families. | ‘The Norald visitors, who have been traveling. Treland by bas “in Norther and staying with nationalist families ‘under the suspic political Sameer canes Gate : Kept ie low. : ‘Mr. Morrison sald he saw no pros- pect of uniting dreland by consti. Elona moans. “There's only two (ur troubles can be ended" he “Bither we surrender and give in, of wwe go an to victory. Hr held up a hand tottored sign that read, “Victory to the LRA.” ‘sich Broadcast Nows Strike ro1-pernorr (L} * “ane Sgrorwarrow-eowrarmgn © * HER ELASSIFIED EXCEPT aoa wEMPPiown OTEERAISE, renege aes 7 oo 6770/0843, DATE 04-05-2011 x . mo, cick . - 8/22/85 - . o 2:20 FM DETROIT. (cr~1) TO DIRECTOR (ROUTINE) NEW YORK (ROUTINE). - ee Q : oe Oke? APTENTION . ssa ., ¢hosep) Ge ae . aoe G its NORTHERN -ATD COMMITTEES FCT-NORTHERN IRELAND-TE300:. 2 NEW YORK, (DEFILE igar- 1790), Ene. = Bute 7 Searched Computer ad, we & . Searched ‘Manually. MEERE SOM OTHERUISE EXEMPTION CODE 25K(6 DATE 02-28-2011 AIRTEL seoxér Director, FBI ADIC, New York (199F-1564) - (Ene. 1) SACs, Albany - (Ene. 1) Atlanta - (Ene. 1) Baltimore - (Ene. 1) Boston (199F-702) ~ (Ene. 1) Detroit (199F-1790) - (Ene. 1) Legat, London ~ (Ene. 1) IRESH NORTHERN AID COMMITTEE (NORAID); \W3-\'1S9-\ = 14-1790 Lae IT-PIRA; 00: NEW YORK ~entirery— Full field investigation authorized November 2%, oho This communication is classified "Sexe" July 26, 1985 Newark ~ (Enc. 1) Portlana ~ (Ene. 1) Sacramento - (Enc. 1 7 San Diego ~ (Ene. 1) - Tampa - (Ene. 1) a ¥93, Y's nxt Lied & Se Recipients should review this letter and under the full field authorization of captioned matter, identify the participants within the respective field divisions, if the individual is not already known. preliminary inquiry. The results should be suitable for d: s so. the| gy: L-% ss If deemed appropriate, consideration should be given. to the initiation of a separate : a¥ised on. July 3, i985, oo ae gotny_FovTreland oni July: 2571985... He wiTT Teave weland Septenber 9, 1985. He'will wot-participate in the-Belfa: “ reported’ that : 0h “Jaly ase agvicsa that I [Was palsed: for- IRTSE, NORTHERN: “AID at the Rin estivals * meeting’ of: the "INAG, fas on hand Hag Headquarters ‘in Néw York... “of hanisiiig 46 séportedly ap INAC member, t marchy, but plaig, to'be' in Belfast: for, tue ratty: © "On, willy “19,1985, asset advised that ai ‘7 A wotion was passe * Asset ‘reported on -guiy 19,. 1985, nat 12Qes eno e 10H GUIDE RY DIRECTOR FBI TO FBI BOSTON PRIORITY BI DETLOIT PRIORITY BI NEM YORK PRIOAITY . FBI PHILADELPHIA ParoriTy a silts. Wal 423 180 alg ne-156-52 be TTPIRA Glan tad 166! ‘nnn b THIS COMMUNICATION IS CLASSIFIS™ CCHPITTITTAL Id ITS ZWTIATTY. BY TELETYPE DATPD 7-26-95 LGAT LOHODN ANVIS7D 43 FOLLC SLO, WASHIHGTOR, OC, MFMORANTA TO FRING CAPTIONCD "NORAT Is "DATE JUHT ee, 197R, AND JULY 5, 1995. . . vzezcHeo274 orl PP 3s DE NY DE HE 0274 greesec zy cecee Peeeigiz JUL es : POLITICAL OFFICZ, AMCRICAN EMBASSY, ANVIFED OF| hs IRELAND INTEREST 18 TRAVELS OF 7) WHET?) MER@DO", AWTICIPATTS A NORAIN VISIT To 34LF FERIOD OF AUGUST 4-15, 1925, TO PARTICIPATE In INTPANMENT CEREMONY. 1770 —' 0 2974 COPE PLANS TO FxcLUDS| a8 RESULT 07 HIS RENARKS LAST YEAK ENDORCING TERRORIST -tURDTI OF SRITISH SOLDIERS, FoR REASOWS OF PUBLIC ORDSR AND PURLIC SAFFTY, HONE OFFIOF IS DESIROUS OF BFIWG APPRISED TARLY OF ANY PLi ANS FOR NORATR DELEGATION axi| TO TRAVEL TO KORTHTRA ISLAND, MIGUST 4-13, 1925, RFCIPIFNTS AFQUESTED TO AWISF LECAT LoMmol oF FRAVEL ALL THFORMATION CONTATHED HEREIN 19 UNCLASSIFIED EXCEY : : oe a that. INAG’hag gotten ‘its | - menbers and sup] places of leadership in several “benefit at the AOH, 24242 Grand River, on June 22y. 1985," . rT, eo ooronasesie WS DE 199-923 oo oe (ie l99p-1790 - : WSN/3ks- Ie. Jjadvised on June 28, 1985, that is Cnsrenel INAC. “He reportedly’ : Nationa! HOH nite the reported 20H menbership is 80,000 members, the actual membership is a little over 15,000 members. organizations so that their influence is, in-asset's opinion, greater than their membership size would indicate. - 5 Asset also advised that at a UNITED IRISH SOCIETY's..- there was a comment made by undisclosed individual(s): that - the number of Irish Americans and Ixish living’ in the United States who support ‘the IRA and the SINN FEIN is increasing. . SINN FEIN is' growing in Treland.and.will; not: want to have anything to do with the United States or NATO. The leadé:— ship. of SINN- FEIN will accept aid or help from the PLO, + U.8.8.Ry or anyone else, but it owes them nothing. It vas implied; but not clearly stated; that Ireland will go Socialist or Communist. °- - so Asset’ advised the same“date- "1985; during a political disé appears; Hationalists may have - @iscussed this issue before and decided to take some ‘kind ef action at néxt: year's race ‘to’ get. publicity for the irish cause: The disruption did not imply amy. sort’ of viplence; ‘but ‘rather an‘ attention getter ~"perhaps running onto the track with Irish flags,and banners. . ECTS LORE = panivip rior vei adromatze paouasstygcin Semin) yt c. hitorio HERETH, 13, OE ae IFIED EXCEPT i : |=". + pm ag9p-a7d0 Poe fa : - 0+ WSN/jks 8 Saks nee -- : . : . 1 ~ mize communication’ “is ¢ aa ; (Bye, : advised on sune 28, 1985;, that | = @ trade union leader from Northern Ireland, Was the Speaker at a program on June 20, 1985, sponsored F by “the Justice for Ireland Committee" atthe .FRIENDLY. “ +. © SOlis-OF ST. PATRICK HALL, Warren, Michige . _gompanies in Northern Ireland, discrimination ih hiring, bo, 0 oor housing for, Catholics, ‘visit of American’ labor ‘leaders et Northern Ireldnd and the need for outside pressure. to gorrect, the injustices of the euzrent system ef govermdnt 7 in North Ireland. : 0 : jof- the: TRISH AMERICAN LABOR comuinene in New a oleae iD Spoke briefly. | | oo She’ spoke about -her ‘labor: union activities, American i EXEMPTION COD! BATE; 92-28-2011 i i 2 soconootiooooo a I i i 3 dooooooooosEoooooRso Hi itd ini ago ge: Pn 7 Pe g jpooCoUoORADO ae Hay wt g i I 1/1/85 oe 1994-993.150(8/5 pe)? Retention For sppropriato ( For ifematon 0) optional” C1 action 1 Surep, by. © The enclotodio for your information, if weed Ine future report, C1 conceal soureee, 1 paraprase contort, 1D Enclosedare corrected pages trom roportot SA. tated. . Remarks: This communication is classified “enenne", Det} 1) advised’ TT brruagirmenens 7 aywonrry,parivin Prot L Ewforwarrou towrersen TH FS.YMCLASSIFIED EXCEPT 7 DE 199-1790. ©” 4 WSN/jks ee : fee a “' + “iireike communication’ ds: classified “Geerets" : Cem tin on gly 3, 1985, that lis Teaving for.Ireland July'5 and. wi: a ; ‘until, Sentemh . .. Asset xepofted on July 8, 1985, that there will, . be & Belfast rally attended by' the NORATD delegation on’. ~ 2 hy Liat, 9, 1985.2 e . : : Be (Ss) "ALL INFORMATIOW cONTAT + HEREIN 15 UNCLAS: WHERE” SHOUN OTHERWISE DE us De 4998-1790. See isuronaras PacuasststCavzoM corps miporon CODE. 2eHd-haian) art 02-01-2012 ‘ae TED _“Brtize: conmunication is: classified Secret." furnished the following information on June 13, T9857 mentioned that there must be a a et further advised that someone by the name of recently asked a lot of questions about Ireland and the . Asset also advised that, a, young male, not further ientified, from Belleville, Michigan, wants to Jojp.the INA. Asset’ further advised that, xeportediy + the Ima] 7 7 pe = : oom ENOTES PROF ROTORETE saby rurotuatrow cowrasyes. : 7 cD ERCERT é 2 vO 199-1790 Dz 199-2315. | - he 1SN/jkca SHOW OTHERUT —Setive-communication is Classified Werret=? I : | |e: : bl | June 19, 1985, that| : Sle the JUSEICE FOR 5 7 i COMIREEES GGPIC)=Adaet advised that the GPEC indirectiy | commits funds to NORATD. Asset further advised that lis a Marxist,. re +’ who sells Irish Communis e EEOW HIS house, . Tt. ~ : “bi _ is not known to asset “if. is‘pro-Soviéte 2 5") 0 3 a Asset also advised that who asset described as an “Irish ‘Nationalist; OBA. to. because| stated that ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED WHERE SHOWN OTHERUISE £ F88 Rov. 8-26.82) e@ i e» Si rcarron cuz0| > doses ‘ TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: O Teletype Gi Immediate Top SECRET 1D Facsimile OI Priorty O SECRET @ AIRTEL __ 1 Routine 1 CONFIDENTIAL 1 UNCLASEFTO suger UNCLAS Date .__6/12/85 Ino: DIRECTOR, FBI (199-3032) e lRows SAC, DENVER (199F-171) (RUC) SUBJECT: IRISH NORTHERN AID COMMITTEE, aka + NORAID; ECI-PIRA-~TERRORISM 00: NEW YORK This communication is classified secretin ite entirety Full Field Investigation authorized 11/22/82. Reference Detroit airtel to the Bureau, dated 3/19/85. tegifine whether or not| For information of New Yorkg“referenced Detroit airtel, e rargen,Calorado, mG el al wi = fisted aS a membe: “Tbs NORAID Delegation eland. The name bs i axe (8) on 5/14/85, Evergreen, Colorado, telephone number at his residence, He advised that he be He and his wife,{_ di any cal Te bs out of theix home. |, : . It is ee et 3 - Bureau SHRET es, (1-TRAC) u ®- detroit (199"-1790) sity 2° = New York (199-1564) 4 ~ Denver (1-1998-171) (1-199H-891) {2=52a=6950) (1-52a-6979) ApREWedi Transmitted a) (Nomben (rimey | 1.8. GOVERN 40 : - in about nN xf 182. The the company DN 199F-171 None of the items that he handles| or -any He occasionally han was run early in 1983 and it was aj ely April of 1983 before the company made any sales. stated that at one time he had a Federal firearms license but discovered that it was of no value to him in his business and recently returned it to the BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO AND FIREARMS. In the context of the conversation concerning the scope of business, he was asked about his knowledge of various terrorist groups cet NORAID and the PROVISIONAL IRISH REPUBLICAN ARMY. stated that he has heard of NORAID and the PIRA, but IS Hof a supporter of or in sympathy with the PIRA, He stated that he is. not a member of NORAID and does not Know anyone who is a member of NORAID. He said that he is of Irish ancestory and was born in the Bronx, New York City, New York. However, he stated that he has never been to Ireland. was asked about his contact wii ts fil advised March or ApriT; He pur from His recollection was that u nad one Subsequem contact with by telephone. was attempting to sell him some hard plastiG-containers. the d not reach an agreement on a price and the deal was never made. has not heard from since that telephone call. avised that he is currently in the process of moving and bably be living in another home in the area of Evergreen, Colorado, within two or three weeks. No further investigation indicated at Denver in this matter and is considered RUC'S. odhes = 2k ALA Tirorwarst, cqwraenen 5 HEFEIW' Ts wfcLAssrriey exceed? @ WHERE SHOWN OTHER - For atjomrae pyduacerixcs Poanprtoye cope" 294¢1-tunai bare, 03+6: DE’ 199-1790 > Wswepmi. ntire communication -is classified set Es adgised oW“dnne ¥:1985; that : in’ roledg7-OnTS -- RAID. Pas Been in contact > ‘Ageet advisea that. the Detroit NORATD astegation a > visit Northern.treland from August 4’through’ august 33, 1985. 5 pECLASSI#ICATION HEREIN 18 UNCLASSIFIED 307 A DERIVED FROM: ‘ Derivative -- e WHERE SHOWN OTHERUTSE Age 4 = tote CON TAL 07 (Rev. 10-884) (Coplos to Offe0s checked) TO: SAC, 8 Aba 1D owners aoooooocco000 ia co CASAC, rola queen (MA) 6/6/: e Date AE H NORTHERN AID COMMITTEE (INAC)/ jORTHERN IRISH AID (NORAID) 7 TT-NORATD oo:ny Fotenlon For appropiate [ For nformaton © optonal action 1D The enclosed for your information. H usedin a future repert,C) conceal all sources, ‘D pwapivase contents, 1 Enclosed aro corectod pages rom report of SA. dated Remarks: i 8 DEeLas dar AUTHORITY Isdvi'séa is follows-on May 187-1985," 2 wionthly meeting of, the IRISH NORTHERN “AID cM Jessie ‘that "+ “information. would not be accompanying the delega' * (ruait ci-aa)”” @Prerreit, (iapr-279) Mose ‘RORTHERY AID COM: PHORHERN IRISH BID ( Ig = NORAID. box Mew. Yor his éntize communication is élassifiea—“srenmr." Fall Field rovestigation initiated 41/22/33, | 2 Re Detizott teletype to Dixestor 2/14/85,: subject. ~ gs above. . 73 _ ‘Referenced telatype adviged that the Detroit © |... Chapter’ of HORAID-would be sending a delegation from Detroit. tp Washington, D. G. on 2/19/85 to.demonstrate upon the "- arrival of MARGARET THATCHER, Prime Minister of Great Britain when she arrived in Washington, D. Cx‘on 2/20/@5- the : @slegation was.te mke a stop in eledo Washington; D.C. Mode of travel, time of departuxe and location df " _gtop-in Toloda were not furnished. . Referenced teletype further-advised that the Detyolt source ‘fornishing the © 3-Bureau Hew York (1998-1584) (INFO) = Boel 44) (a) oDv dar et (8) ev 2997-768 +, Contacts with appropriate sources have been negative to date’ regaxding ‘th stopping in Toledo. ‘This .". would include former who would be aware of any such delegation stop ak the University of Yoledo. : Contdcts with the’ below listed.bus companies regarding, chaxtere from Detroit to Washington; D. C. for SRY organization not Limived to subject group, on February 19 ar 20, 1985 were negative: ” Bhortway Bus hitchigan ‘offices. nes ~' Toledo, “Obie and soutiseiera, _ Michigan fratiways ~ Detroit Office. Hational tradivays - 4 ‘olde ‘dnd Dekrait, Michigan Offloee. ‘Greyhound Chatter Sexvice’~ Detroit, atichigen Pllosniz, Arizoia Headguartéxs Offices, "|. mm tha stisence of more speck #ic information segarding the-method of transportation for captioned group and Location gf the groups posible stop Jn Zoledo, additional favestigation is noy being conducted. . . oe aan JUSTICE FoR IRELAND” COMMIT ‘SH AMERICAN UNITY oo 3. CONFERENCE held.a meeting ‘on April 25, 1985: | This meeting, which was also sponsored by. NORAID, was'held at’ST. ANDREW'S .- . “HALL, Detroit.’ Cuest ‘speaker was MICHAEL FARRELL, Author of the political history classic. "NORTHERN. TRELAND: | THE . - ORANGE STATE." FARRELL's book is tiow recognized asthe. political history classic on Notthern. Ireland. .The book, according to source, shows how Uriionist‘ leaders, armed ~ : and financed by Britain, established thei state and cowed © * the minority: into ‘submission; how they created a syste : ~hased on Protestant privilege. FARRELL, according to source, ~ | is a key: organizer and. participant in’ the ‘IRISH cava: Rights’ MOVEMENT in the 1970s.” TARRELL. was jailed and, interned: 2 . for his political “activities. ea BARREL, eyrtently, works: di"a journalist in, Dublin. 2 FAREED gtated .at the méeting that drish. opinion.” we] An. both “the Républic and Northéerh Ireland are turning in’! * . ~ 5 favor of.the IRA. FARRELL mentioned that the Supergrasses © -. *. “Mfassets) working with the British are not, so prevalent pa amd gooperative as ‘they nce" were: : FARRELL algo said thet the ‘Ameticad: news: media mly report the violent ‘activities ia Northern Ireland. - ‘without analysis and proper explanation.’ English “officials - find it hard-to get evidence ageinst.the IRA because there C @ silent :approval of their objectives: -° a 8 FARRELL! algo “wished for ese an this _gomery, a a "Dai o'RomRER, President of NoRAID; “Detxoit ‘Chapter, . shegeduced MICHAEL FARRELL. . fo The following. inatviduais were in attendance DAN-O* ROURKE * BEATR MC GOWAN “MARY: KERR": ¢ a » eo JANVPHELAN e on > DAN_O' KENNEDY . -, MIKE KERWIN J+ + GENE: ¥ZQUIERDO a 7 ALEC MARRON) * i [anid others: not ‘Tnown. "hou nurBeparroie Cour, Serer 14 UWCLASSIFY > WHERE, SHOW OTHERUTSI fet : a _ Damezeensa DE-+199-1790 *WSN/Jke so o> cy . iebsne comiuniteation is elaseitied seyret: ; advised: ds follows on April'15, 1983, -- o “safer IORTHERN AID. MIDWEST CONFERENCE, -Chicago,.. ", * ‘ingis: . i" Sa 7 tte + Regarding the. NA’ Coitera 2 the tieetiag April 13;.1985:° ° a White male from Chicago, possibfy first naine 5 gave thé finance reports was. reported * om Rand, 7 oe ’ 7 “1€-was: reported ‘that, the Ia 19, being’ viswe ‘by!soine- people. as a supporter for the IRs’ and,. therefore .. Viewed a8, terrorists, “This .has resulted in some withdrawia; . “of support. ae a gave-:the Cleveland; fe the Elyrii erensrt, re jattoit “report: gave T Minnésota report; “Three: | Two"unknowa Izish wales from Beltapevattendedy ‘rom Dublin; | "the day's jer'(about * 7 ide ae “isge tudor merger awed Feaks-old, But, loo¥s youn d.and browm hair ,/ He ‘haé_.been in ; tocky | aie United Staves . Ar - Bs ee male): inquired’ about ere note Tr anneared to asker that th + HEREDH 13 UNCLASSIFIED, WHERE “SHOW OTHERUISE Li es ‘current balance oF aioney, NORTHERN AID COMMITTEE. . Will be gent to the W of money| Br SUTPMATIC DE DWEPTIpM, CODE’ 25%(1-husan) DATE 02-28-2011 . DE 199F-1790', : - ” Memorandum e oO Pic ° Re SAC, DETROIT (199F-1790) (P) (CI-1p* 4/10/85 Pom : sal preussrezearsy IRISH NORTHERN AID TT-NORATD (00: NEW YORK) “Entire communication is classified seeret~ Full Field Investigation. On 3/14/85, the IRISH NORTHERN — we the FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. (8) EXEMPTION CODE 25X(1-hunen} DATE 03-01-2011 the monthly meeting of as held on 3/12/85, at PATRI East Eight Mile Roa chigan. haired" the meeting. gave the FInaNCe report; $1,216.00 cash on hand, The following people were in attendance: lis in Ireland. TARUUGH semaL E; Patrick's Day celebrations were discussed. £ ppp 211695 fo (8) Memorandum e SE et e hm: SAC, DETROIT (199F-1790) (P) (CI-1Pie 4/10/85 Deeiassieicatzor Pom 1 sal OTHOSITY DERIVED automa cows Subject: * NORTHERN IRISH AID ees TT-NORTHERN IRELAND (00. NEW YORK) HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT WHERE SHOWN OTHERWISE Batice communication is classified ootfer. bID Full Field Investigation On 4/4/85, that captioned sub: Detroit, Michigan. chaired the meetin tol o @ reliable pesskduised es meeting at three pieces of literature te pieces of literature are titled as 1. The Justice of Ireland Committee 2. From Michael Farrell's Northern Ireland; Thé 3, orange State bé bID \i11 be in Detroit 5=26/85, AND at ST. REW'S HALL, 431 East .Congress. will visit 11 cities in the following States: New Hampshire Massachusetts New York Connecticut Minnesota Michigan Toronto, Canada “I1linois Rhode Island Attachments - 3 1 = 199R-2315 1s ~/oSsnor oare_ea Y~1S~85° neva Tee, Tata SIAL .! © a e DE 199F-1790 The following members were in attendance: ~ oe e HEREIN 5 UNCLAS oe 1. BY mm @ e 322 UC/LP/ The Justice for Ireland Committee A Subcommittee of the hited Irish Societies “FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE POR MORE INFORMATION: APRIL 1, 1985 MARIA CATALFIO OR * DAN O'ROURKE: 885-5618 MICHAEL FARRELL, THE NOTED AUTHOR OF NORTHERN IRELAN) THE ORANGE STATE WILL BE SPEAKING IN DETROIT ON THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, at 7:30 p.m. at ST. ANDREW'S HALL, 431 8. CONGRESS IN DETROIT'S “BRICKTOWN". MR, “PARRELL'S BOOK IS REGARDED AS THE POLITICAL HISTORY CLASSIC GN THE TOPEO OF NORIMERN IRELAND. : 7 TOGETHER WITH BERNADETTE DEVLIN-MCALISKY, ‘FARRELL WAS A KEY AND PIERY ORGANIZER IN THE IRISH CIVIL RIGHTS NOVEMENE, AP ONE "IRME JATLED AND INTERNED WITHOUT TRIAL FOR BIS POLETICAL ACTIVITIES IN NORTHERN IRELAND, MR. PARRELIL CURRENTLY WORKS AS A JOURNALIST IN DUBLIN. HE IS ALSO CURRENTLY WRITING A-BOOK ABOUT THE BXTRADITION OF IRISH POLIRIONL PRISONERS FROM THE SOUTH OF IRELAND INTO THE | BRITISH CONEROLLED NORTH, AS WRLL AS SHE EASES DF IRISH POLITICAL PRISONERS Tit ‘THE UL Se BEING, EXTRADITED TO BRITARH. ? “wintry Fo ALL 90 LitaRi¥ ‘MGR 008" “soRtnisia "IRELAND ‘AND | THE PREBDOM STRUGGLE THERE. | t wend e ° e From Michael Farrell’s Northern Ireland: The Orange Stat: Bloody Beginning: 1918-21 . Bellas and its hinterland more than ever represented an outpost of industrial Britain in Ireland, Belfast was effectively one comer of a great industrial triangle... ‘As the Home Rule Bill loomed nearer and nearer the Unionists prepared to resist. Although they were opposed to Home Rule {for any part of Ireland, in practice they now concentrated thelr preparations in Ulster. Already they had established a separate Ubster Unionist Council (UC). __. a meeting was held atthe gate of Workman, Clark & Co's shipyard (the smaller of the two Belfast shipyards) by the Belfast Protestant Assocation, an extreme politco-reigious group. There was a show of revolvers and it was decided to drive the ‘Sinn. Feiners' out, Then, in the words of one of the expelled workers: "Men armed with sledge-hammers and other weapons swooped down on Catholic workers in the shipyards and didn't even give them the chance for their lives. .." ‘The fetion that only Sinn Feiners were to be expelled was soon disposéd of. All Catholics n the two yards were put out, together with a number of Protestants of radical or labour views. . . . . .the most important event to mark the close of 1920 was the establishment of the Specials. There was an angry debate at ‘Westminster in October with J.R. Ciynes ofthe Labour Party saying that the government were arming the Orangemen, and Joe Devlin pointing out thet 300 of the Special Constables recruited in Lisburn had resigned in protest when their colleagues were charged with looting. He declared *.. the Protestants are to-be armed. . .Thelr pogrom is to be made less dificult, Instead of ‘paving stones and slicks they are to be given rifles.” Slege or Pogrom: 1921-24 Despite the widespread Loyalist violence {in 1923] the intemees were all Republicans. They were by no means all IRA men. In Co, Fermanagh Cahir Healy, a local writer, county councilor and soon to be a Wesiminster MP, was ‘lifted’. So were Sean Nethercott of Enniskillen Urban Council and Thomas Corrigan, the secretary of the County Council. In Deny, Eugene ‘McGillgan, a county councilor and Sinn Fein Candidate for North Derry in the 1918 election, was ifted. Many of the men intern ed were not to be released until the end of 1924. A Protestant State -the Unionist leaders were not fre agents: they had mobilised the Protestant masses to resist Fiome Rule and inclusion in the Free Stale, through the poley of discrimination and the ideology of Protestant supremacy. Now thelr followers were seeking their reward. Ifa lasting loyally othe new state was to develop among the Protestant masses, they had tobe given a privileged position with it, Moreover a government of industrialists and businessmen was no doubt not unmindful of the fact that a policy of fer avrondixe merrgerotl fap WHERE, SHOW. OFHERWISE SA » IRISH NORTHERN AID, = TT-NORAID (00; Hee ORK)” Entire ‘comimication is ‘classified si Full Field Investigation ‘da.2/28/65; reliablé asset, advised at3) * hat ‘approximately: 20 letroit went, to the demor~ 8) Geration in ‘iashington, to ‘protest against” MAR /85., He. stated “tha: |participated ‘in the. ‘eho FIYSE sqncumcing ‘the’. of MARGARET, ‘THATCHER "Attached is a copy, 9 * -genonisigation in Washington,’D. MARGARET THATCHER IS | EXPECTED TO ADDRESS THE. US CONGRESS ON FEBRUARY 20th MO 7 SPEAKERS be PARTICIPANTS: TO INCLUDE: PARTICIPANTS: Tae Irish Northen Aid. Michael Flannery 19 Ancient Order of Hibernians Martin Galvin Eg Irish American Unity Conference Joseph Roche * “and others James Delaney ial enaeeeeen eee The Irish American community cannot stand idly by while the architect of an unreasonable and inhumane Irish policy tries to convince our political re: how reasonable and humane that policy is, DEMONSTRATE IN WASHINGTON, DC presentatives : TELL B being a THATCHER : gr gn ere se “OUT...OUT... 885-5618 y if Brian Gavan (40H) ’ our’ OF IRELAND ALL_LWEDEMATTON conTATWED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT e NHERE SHOWN OTEERUISE pee (Pou. b-2682) @ FBI PRECEDENCI Cl Immediate O Priority Routine . CLASSIFICATION: ‘TOP SECRET ‘SECRET CONFIDENTIAL UNCLAS E FTO UNCLAS Date 3/19/85 _| goooa ‘TO: DIRECTOR, FBI DECLASSIPICATION : 3 (FROM: SAC, DETROIT (199F-1794S0 CI-1) (P) FRI AUTOMATIC DEcLASsrIFIqarzon curd BEMOPTTON CODE 25K45) IRISH NORTHERN AID DATE 02-26-2011 IT-NORAID 00: NEW YORK This communication is classified ashfer Full field investigation authorized. Re Denver airtel to the Bureau, captioned, 7 JIT-PFLP; 00: DETROIT" BUFILE 199-102, DEFILE I99H-72, dated 376785. Enclosed for Denver are two copies of a routing slip and _ attachment from the Bureau, dated 9/7/84. at the subscriber to telephon: COnEACE WE } £ the PFLI enver has three references to in which Juas been implicated in connection with MIITtary and TiTegal weapons dealings. ces search at Detroit revealed one reference to a ‘which was located in captioned file (BUfile 199F- =: closed for Denver's bl (s) Ts noted that Tel 3 - Bureau (RM) (1 = TRAC) b Denver (RM) (Enc. -2) (RM) (1 = 1998-72) Detroit (One Aaa Ao ‘sgw/jep fanaa SEG Appr ‘Transmitted Cassiied By_(Nurm sanauzeo SEO Deca LED hy DE 1997-1790 : DENVER : AT EVERGREEN, COLORADO Attempt to determ, 4 is identical to the| who was_a participant Or tie ‘eferenced NORAID delegation thern Ireland and advised the Bureau of any positive information. : a* | Foss (rav.228-60) ; FEE AUTONATIG DECLASSIFICATION CUIDE HN e ro ye bate oe “e Oi TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION & 0 Teletype 1D Immediate ] TOP SECRET 1 Facsimite © Priority DD SECRET C% AIRTEL O Routine (CONFIDENTIAL UNCLASEFTO 2 UNCLAS Date 3/20/85 _} TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (apy: CID/TTU - IZ) PROM: SAC, DETROIT (199F-2683) (SQ CI-1) (C) 00: DETROIT Entire communication is classified segket. Re Detroit airtel, dated 1/21/85; captioned as above. P.T. initiated 11/23/84) expiration date 3/22/85. captioned matter was predicated upon receipt of informa: tion furnished by Detroit asset that subject was IRISH NORTHERN AID COMMITTEE (NORAID), Detroit Chap= tere Subject agreed to be interviewed by Bureau ag ich ti voluntarily admitted being the| of NORAID. bé professed that money obtained from Detroit NORAIP sponsored Fund-Yaisers goes strictly to the AN CUMANN CEHBHRACH (the Helpful Society) in New York City. From there the money is forwarded to the Green Cross in Belfast, Norther: nd to be dispensed to the dependants of Irish prisoners. was cautious not to say the money was dispensed to IRA prisoners. He disavowed any connection or affiliation NORAID has with the PROVISIONAL IRISH REPUBLICAN oa (PIRA). 3 - Bureau’ (RM) (1 - TRAC) () ~ detgout (5) oe ic 1790\-0] Approved: Transmitted eo (Number) (Time) ‘SERIAL “:NDEXED men «= (ORS DE 199F-2683 e mit @ 0] the Detroit Chapter sends approximately jew York City. i +t the Detroit Chapter of NORAID currently| ‘of which maintained that money collected by the zation coSS—tp vupport the TRISH FREEDOM MOVEMENT, and Femark t9] ago~ admitted knowing both —_ a 0 problem nc He equated this in Northern Ireland four dded_that arrested PIRX members. He expres: fin Dablin and i jth him approximately the Bri EIe She was ies stated that NORAID mission will, Occupation Residence Telephone number (work) ir ‘The following biographical information was obtained: Place of birth 1 Ohio Date of birth Marital status HE Children Danaht. ad | Lwyanaoresirchigan Bouthgate, MI “(home) Height « Weight 220 pounds Byes Blue eS 1 Immediate (TOP SECRET 40. D Facsimile 3ePrioty PRSECRET— oe 1 Routine CONFIDENTIAL CO UNCLASE FTO "REL THFCERATION CONTAINED ‘SEOUL OTHERWISE qld e eo= FBI PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION ei O UNCLAS ooo icles | 4:90 FM DETROIT (1997-1790) (P) (CI-1) DECLASSI#ICATION a CLULUrtét~—<—~—stsss—sss—ses—SsesesesESO FBI ADTOMATIC DECLASSTFICATION cUfpR CLEVELAND (ROUTINE) WV £8772 — ~ exemption coor 25%(1-human) NEW YORK (ROUTINE) _ VY adiat ae WASHINGTON FIELD OFFICE (PRIORITY) J > Jo/o Be Br sEgET IRISH NORTHERN AID COMMITTEE (INAC); NORTHERN IRISH AID (NORATD); TT-NORAIDs 00: NEW YORK ENSIRE-COMMUNICATION IS CLASSIFIED Wai FULL FIELD INVESTIGATION, NOVEMBER 24, 1983. RE DETROIT TELETYPE TO THE BUREAU, FEBRUARY 14, 1985. REFERENCED TELETYPE ADVISED OF THE PLANNED DEMONSTRATION IN WASHINGTON, D.C., om FEBRUARY 20, 1985, TO PROTEST AGAINST THE PRIME MINISTER OF GREAT srimgann, MARGARET THATCHER. THE DEMONSTRATION IS BEING SPONSORED BY THE IRISH NORTHERN AID COMMITTEE, a ! \aak- rea dQ SEARCHED "1 ASE 004 aber epe, (umber) (Time) 8+ GOVERMENT PRINTING OPFICE + 1904 0 ~ 449-465 HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED EXCERT spsopreze-8n) eo | @ TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: Oi Teletype Immediate CO TOP SECRET Di Fecsimite DD Priority . @ SECRET : oT D Routine CONFIDENTIAL CO UNCLASEFTO O uncias Date (8) PAGE TWO DE 199F-1790 S E-C'RET ON FEBRUARY 14, 1985, A RELIABLE ASSET, PROVIDED ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RE THE PLANNED DEMONSTRATION. ASSET ADVISED THAT THE DEMONSTRATION IS TO TAKE PLACE IN FRONT OF THE U.S. CONGRESS BUILDING AND THAT SPEACHES ARE TO BE crven By saz royeSiane FOUR tHDIVvZDuALS: OF NORAID. OF NORAID, ENTIFIABLE INFORMATION AVAILABLE onsenuanay pb CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, WHO IS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. |[S DEEPLY INTERESTED IN IRISH AFFAIRS; HIS DATE or aratz sf Te, ADMINISTRATIVE: REQUEST OF THE BUREAU: BUREAU IS REQUESTED TO DISSEMINATE THIS INFORMATION TO ‘Approved: Transmitted Per (Number) (Timey SECRRT 1.8. COVERRMARI PRINEING OFFICE + 1984 0 - 449-465, FBI PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: CO Immediate 0 TOP SECRET Priority . O SECRET 0D Routine CONFIDENTIAL OG UNCLASEFTO 0 UNCLAS Date PAGE THREE DE 199F-1790 SH°CQ ET LEGAT, LONDON, IF DEEMED APPROPRIATE. Br Approved: Transmitted Per . (Number) seper ‘U.S. GOVERIMIENE PRINTING OFFICE + 1984 0 - 469-465 (Time) Best Copy Available Wana Gg 1oa3z PP OE DE LV P 1916297 FEB 35 Fu CLEvELANY (19 SF-768) (P) Te eagoren Pict uty VETRUIE C19 = 174) .2 ProonITy seh Yin C19°R-1569 CuFO UT IWE WASHINGT UY FIELD FALORIT S| EN IMISH MonTHEsiw «1D Uuth ITER CLWaG)s f-ACHEAN InISH aIY WowIL)§ IT - WomID; = weld Ym THIS Gulf ICATIv» Is CLASSIV LED “e&-fEEY Iv ITS BVTIAETY, AE DETAUAT TELATY‘E Ty ABUAIVIWG (ICES FEeWAAY 14, 19855 CLEVELA WD TELL OF Soi ne DETSUIT 2a bre Ewa hy 15, 1785, LEVEL ANY WILL ngiélv ALERD FoR ARIAL ch uitiewsT in Trew Skul AT TLEDY, ail. 7 VETROIT IS wu leSTED Ty DETERMINE TINE yf DEPH TYRE FP YUE Fie] DETHIT, avY LXOALE uF TuL#D~ PICa-P PuLwT, Te FACILITATE * Best Copy Available PASE Tiiy VIEVELANY VIVISte SFFONIS Ty IDENTINY PARTICIPANT ® THAcUGH ESTAPLISHEY SWZ! UR LIMITED FISUR, oy ® «a e@ , ' By ° TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: ~ oF Teletype 1 immediate (TOP SECRET be ‘Facsimile Priority Bre ————— 7 Routine CONFIDENTIAL S OD UNCLAS EF TO ce O uNcLAS . aie sige | #300 FM DETROIT (199F-1790) (P) -(CI-1) pacredes cars DECLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY DERIVED FROM: Ye TO DIRECTOR (PRIORITY) O03~ 9\5 26% PEI AUTOMATIC DECLASSTFItaTroN cuspx| cuavenanp «pours (052 EXENPTION CODE 25x¢1-rumkn NEW YORK (199-1564) (INFO.) (ROUTINE)-Z34S% ALL INFORKATION i . WASHINGTON FIELD OFFICE (PRIORITY) QOYUS Z HEREIN TS UNCLASSI WHERE SHOU OTHERWT: Br seSter IRISH NORTHERN AID COMMITTEE (INAC); NORTHERN IRISH AID (NORAID); feces TE-NORAID; 003 NEW YORK ENTIRE COMMUNICATION IS CLASSIFIED SEOGr. FULL FIELD INVESTIGATION INITIATED NOVEMBER 22, 1983. (3) ON FEBRUARY 13, 1985, JA RELIABLE ASSET, ADVISED THAT THE DETROIT CHAPTER OF NORAID WILL BE SENDING A 40 PEOPLE DELEGATION TO WASHINGTON, D.C., ON FEBRUARY 19, 1985. PURPOSE OF THE TRIP WILL BE TO DEMONSTRATE UPON THE ARRIVAL OF MARGARET THATCHER, PRIME MINISTER, GREAT BRITAIN, GuN/5K: @ \QQg -11 — ble} SEARCHED a \ YAy| Me Q b SERIALIZED Approved: Transmitted Per (Number) (Time) WLED- 1.8. covmrunmae FREMEIG OPPICE + 1994 0 ~ 448-465 roam canon r ) i e@ ‘TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: * CLASSIFICATION: D Teletype OO immediate 0 TOP SECRET O Facsimile D Priority SECRET [a O Routine (CONFIDENTIAL G1 UNCLAS EF TO 1 uNcLAS Date PAGE TWO DE 199F-1790 S EPR ET WHEN SHE ARRIVES IN WASHINGTON ON FEBRUARY 20, 1985. ° THE NORAID DELEGATION WILL DEPART DETROIT ON THE 19TH OF FEBRUARY WITH A STOP AT TOLEDO, OHIO, ENROUTE TO WASHINGTON, D.C. ASSET WAS ONLY ABLE TO IDENTIFY [MEMBERS OF NORAID, WHO WILL BEYMAKING THE TRIP. THE THREE IDENTITIES ARE AS FOLLOWS: SUBJECT OF A CLOSED DETROIT FULL INVESTIGATION. FOR INFORMATION OF RECEIVING OFFICES,| REMAINS AN ACTIVE MEMBER AND EXECUTIVE MEMBER OF THE NORTHERN IRISH AID COMMITTEE (NORAD), DETROIT, MICHIGAN. SHE IS THE é PF NQRAID. BASED ON AN INTERVIEW OF DETROIT IS OF THE SPINION THAT SHE IS AN IRA SYMPATHIZER. SHE RESIDES AT DETROIT, MICHIGAN, AND IS A DETRGIT, DATE OF BIRTH| PLACE OF BIRTH LANGDON, NORTH DAKOTA. OF DETROIT ee INQUIRY. CURRENT SUBJECT ‘Approved: Transmitted Per (Number) (Time) wk 1.8. COVERIMERE PREVEMIG CPICE + 1904 0 ~ 449-405 Phonon e200) e TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: O Teletype: 1D Immediate 0 TOP SECRET Facsimile © Priority 0 secreT a © Routine CONFIDENTIAL 0 UNCLAS EF TO 1 UNCLAS Date t FBI 6 PAGE THREE DE 199F-1790 S E cXe T WERE REPORTED TO HAVE VISITED NORTHERN IRELAND AUGUST-SEPTEMBER, 1983, WITH A NORAID DELEGATION, BEING INVESTIGATED DUE TO HIS POSSIBLE ASSOCIATIQN WITH PROVISIONAL IRISH REPUBLICAN ARMY (PIRA) OFFICERS MEMBER OF NORAID - NO ADDITIONAL IDENTIFYING INFORMATION. NO INDICATION THAT THE ABOVE INDIVIDUALS OR ‘FIED MEMBERS OF THE NORAID DELEGATION ARE PRONE TO VIOLENT ACTIVITY. ASSET WILL NOT BE ACCOMPANYING GROUP DUE TO PRIOR COMMITMENT. Sere. ADMINISTRATIVE: UNITED STATES SECRET SERVICE, DETROIT, MICHIGAN, ADVISED OF ABOVE ON FEBRUARY 14, 1985. REQUEST OF THE BUREAU: BUREAU IS REQUESTED TO FORWARD INFORMATION TO LEGAT, LONDON. Br ‘Approved: ‘Transmitted Per (Number) (Time) SPBRET_ 1.5. COVERED PRINEING OFFICE + 1984 0 ~ 449-405 FD-159 ev. 28-78) e age : | ya RECORD OF INFORMATION FURNISHED OTHER AGENGIES sie RE witen commun Orally By Telephone afyfer i gation aay TaesnyT ‘clusion of the investigation. ‘om informants Information concerning: (tachde NARCOTIOS MATTERS here ‘column on Form FD-371) 0 MACK row S fl rhe 1980 wait of The a Information furnished from File, Serial, and Page Number: on a continuing disclosure was and in the TOTAL for “ALT, MATTERS" wb We 4 WE ted with ‘and will be maintained until the con- (C from complainants or other sources Information furnished to: fuel) igh or Nunber of itm dissominated: — \QQE- 109 0-bS Rn, FEB 1 41985 rat-pemor fy, | Hl F036 Rov.6-26-62) 4 FBI") TRANSMIT VIA: 6 sncon eT cxassmMon: Oi Teletype OD Immediate © TOP SECRET O Facsimile D Priority D SECRET & _araren__ 1 Routine 1 CONFIDENTIAL 0 UNCLASEFTO 1 UNCLAS Date _2/6/85 _| TO: ° DIRECTOR, FBI (199-12436) FROM: SAC, DETROIT (199F-2643) (SQ CIz1 FEL AUTOMATIC DECLASSIVICATION GUIQE DATE 04-01-2011 00: DETROIT All information contained herein is classified secret+ P.I, initiated 10/18/84; expiration date 2/14/85. captioned matter was predicated upon receipt of asset infor: mation that subject is an active member of the IRISH NORTHERN AID COMMITTEE (INAC/NORAID) organization. on 2/4/85,[___, lwas contacted at his residence for the, purpose of interview by SA| be advised he did not wish to discuss his irish activities with the Bureau.” He further stated he is not involved in any matter which would cause the PBI to have an interest in talking with him. : Investigation has suggested that| attends NORAID functions,/and on several occasions gave the Financial report. The following background information was obtained from a xeview of subject's IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE (INS) record: Name address : rm Telephone number Date of birth e $ Place of birth Northern Ireland ee Alien Registration —_— Number Michigan license number Race Nationality 3 - Bureau (RM) (1 = TRAC) DE 199F-2643 Hair Eyes Height: Date of arrival to U.S. Gray Blue gee Qesss Bh kupuoprry paitiys “spor: FET AUTOMATIC DEOUAgET BRMDTION CODE 25K(1-bwmtay) > * ‘ALG-TNFORHATEON CONTAINED - - HEREIN ts UNCLASSIFIED EXCEI = WHERE, sHO‘M. OTHERWISE BAG, DETROPT (199F+1790) (P).(GE-1). *; 1/31/85 te ‘eal be mt rare wotunan aro” woo Le co > “TR-NORATD i ae 7 7 : ~ (00: NEW YORK) : +. > ° Wutire commuitication 4s classified secfet. Fall Field Investigation. . + On 1/24/85, a réliable asset, advised ‘+ that on 1/8/855.the ing of the IRTSH NORTHERN COMMITTEE’ was Réld af ‘the: GAELIC LEAGUE HALL, 2068 Michig: Detroit, Michigan. 2 er ee : [chaired ‘the-meeting. zeported - that, aE VETTE in their treasury. ~~ = ae A pricst in New York, Naw York; “ie heading, up pthe IRISH ‘DEFENSE COMMITTER (IDC). ; has-seit 4 letter to che Detroit Chapter: of the fe requesting funds. : . The Ine gave: ‘political prischere and the 3Dg_speue #250,000- 00; 68 Lega _detensey. " : +. [the £6 haé returad fréu-Trelany eta Ae = 9 “3 at er (8) r SAC, DETROIT (199F-1790)(P)(CI-1) — sa Suet NORTHERN IRISH AID TT-NORATD (OO: NEW YORK) oe 1/23/85 EXEMPTION DATE 03-0) 5X(1-touna ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN 13 U VEERE SHOW! OTHE SE —Entive comminication is classified Sefeet ’ Full’Field Investigation. On 1/9/85, that on 1/18/85, the IRISH NOR: its annual testimonial dinner-dance at the ASTORIAN MANOR, 28-22 Astoria Boulevard, Ast » New York. honorees, Detroit INA member s one. a reliable asset, advised RN COMMITTEE is holding Among THROUGH SEniAL, LdVF-/720 Soy SIFTED EXCEPT bé bre Memorandum e e (8) a reliable asset, advised that the IRISH NORTHERN-AID-COMMT: on 12/12/84 at the FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK HALL, E. Eight Mile Road, Dgtroit, Michigan. gave the dollars. year. The elections of officials for next year are as follows: SoW:pml (2 26/84 SAC, DETROIT (199F-1790)* (CI-1) (P) ae 12/: : now AUTOMATIC 8a Y DERIVED FROM: IRISH NORTHERN AID DATE 03-01-2011 {oon NeW YORK) un murormarzow cowrazweD HERE 13 UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT WHER SHOWN OTHERUISE —Bntire-communication is classified eA Full field investigation. on 12/14/84, EE (INAC) held a meeting 826 lchaired the meeting. Tnancial yeport, which contained A. Currdnt balance, four hundred and 5 oad. B. INAC has sent $5,200.00 to New York this pas INAC plans te have a St. Patrick's Day raffle. oh : QE - Ao, < ‘one ‘ DEG £¢ 1984 hey —_! DE 1997-1790 The following ij duals were in attendance: - ae = SAC, DETROIT (199F-1790) (CI-1) Dae 12/12/84 (P) ‘ From : SA Subject = NORTHERN IRISH AID COMMITTEE IT-NORAID (00: NEW YORK) el on 12/5/84 affiliated with am contacted on same date. an individual who is Fish organizations was When it was mentioned to hat the FBI wished to discuss her knowledge of the NORAID organization in Detroit, Michigan, she refused by declining to be interviewed. Gum: pm! (L LIVE Loe <6? aN DEG 12 1984 Memorandum va SAC, DET@OITT C199F= 1790) CP} 7 : suet: DRESH NORTHERA ALD ES 2 SAPS rr ALL DIFORHATION CONTAINED Zr NoRAzD ‘HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT 00: NEw York WEERE SS0UN OTHERUTSE THES GOMMUNI CATION Sf Class fred Serhal FALL FLELD ZR/TESTIG ATLOW On SY RAS PL i; A RELTABLE ASSET, Zovto=o The ATTACHED parr ph se agen eae fi. “ERISH VORTHEIN AZD “ " £rRTSH Prisoners oF bIar CanmiTree,7 (3) y 199 F-17998 ~S% Seana 1 peo 07 1984 fais DETROIT, ALL INFORMATION COMTATHED HEREIN 15 UNCLASSIFIED DATE 02: 1 60: 2 WHAT CAN WE DO? if you are satisfied with the ‘explanations’ the media have been ‘churning out for the last ten years there is nothing you can do but bury your head in the sand. If you really want to see an end to the violence in Ireland you'll need to accept one of our arguments. We want troops out because we believe that only when the British army stops propping up Loyalist illusions will Loyalists begin to think in terms ofa united Ireland in keeping with the majority of the country. And when we say ‘Brits Out’ we also mean the dismantling of the armed ‘security forces’ who are at present being groomed to take their place at such time when the British army's presence becomes ‘too embarrassing for the British government. BUT YOU WANT THEM TO LEAVE NOW! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE. THERE WOULD BE CHAOS! ‘The only further chaos troop withdrawal would cause would be in trying to cram all 25,000 of them onto one ferry. If you accept the right of the Irish people to self-determination, and if you agree that British troops are prolonging, rather than stopping the violence, then it makes sense to call for their immediate withdrawal APPEAL Please help us promote American awareness of the Iish struggle and assist in defraying legal expenses of Irish political prisoners in the United States, ‘Send Contributions To: IRISH NORTHERN AID P.O. Box 32199 Detroit, Michigan 48233 FOR LOCAL INFORMATION CALL 885-5618, {sich Northern Aid is the only organization in America authorized by the Irish Republican Movement to cole funds in the United ‘States forthe dependents of Trish political prisoners. HS 109 /UP /PLI/ICF | IRISH NORTHERN AID ° Trish Prisoners of War Committee’ WHAT IS GOING ON IN NORTHEAST IRELAND ? Awar. The latest (and hopefully the last)in‘a series of wars Irish have fought against British occupation since 1169 (with a mandate from an English Pope}. Ifthis war was going on in any other British colony it would be recognized as a war of National Independence. But, as it is going on in nortireast Ireland, a place supposed to he apart ofthagy United Kingdom, it is considered an “insoluble problem’. ISN'T IT REALLY ABOUT RELIGION ? No. In. the 1600's much of north-east Ireland was given to Protestant settlers who, because of their religion, could be relied on to remain loyal to the English Crown, while the native Irish were dispossessed, Ever since, the Protestant or Loyalist enclaves have had a siege mentality: ‘what we have we hold, and have seen the attempts by the majority of the Irish to gain freedom from Britain as attacks on both their religion and their position of economic dominance. This has been useful to Britain, and to the Protestant bosses, who have been able to use religion to divide off the Protestant workforce from their natural allies, the Catholic workforce. In Loyalist folklore, the nationalist minority in north-east Ireland ‘occupy the role of ‘natives. SHOULDN'T WE RESPECT THE WISHES OF THE MAJORITY TO REMAIN BRITISH ? Which majority are you talking about? The rotestant/Loyaist/ Unionist majority in the North was created by Britain in 1921 with the partition of Ireland against the wishes of the majority of al the Irish people. For 50 years the Loyalist majority had a state of their own where they were able to indulge their wishes by oppressing the minority. During most of that period there was no outcry from British Trade Unions or the Labor Movement against ‘the denial of civil rights to the Catholics. But when the minority got off its knees and began-demanding its rights, the British army was sent in to Po preserve the state. Since then, successive British governments have solemnly pledged to “Keep Ulster British’, in line with the majority wishes, The Loyalist majority is Britain's justification for keeping Ireland divided. COULDNT BRITAIN JUST GIVE THE CATHOLICS THEIR CIVIL RIGHTS 7 Ifthe government had granted Catholic demands for civil rights in 1968 or 1969, there might have been a temporary solution. Instead, these peaceful demands were met with clubs and bullets and mob attacks with RUC complicity. The nationalist community weren't asking any more than their civil rights in north-east Ireland. They did not believe that the state could or should be reformed. They are demanding a united Ireland where they can be free of domination both economic and political. Since the British government seems determined to hold on to north-east Ireland, its plainly nonsense to talk about giving the minority nationalists what they want. Anyway, one does not ‘give people their freedom’, one merely stops repressing them. WHY DONT CATHOLIC WORKERS TRY TO UNITE WITH PROTESTANT WORKERS ? This suggestion is usually made by people who should know better, but who cannot cope with the reality that the border divides not only Ireland but the working classes in the North. The civil rights movement, the Republicans, and the various other social groups have tried appealing to the Protestant workers. Unfortunately many ofthem are still fervent supporters of bigots like Ian Paisley, and itis stil the working class in the Catholic ghettoes who suffer most from economic and political oppression. What are they suppose to do? Perhaps wait another fifty years until Protestant workers see where their real interests lie? Telling them to forget their national «aspirations is like telling black South Africa to forget the freedom struggle, or telling women that they should not organize as women against their oppression in case it divides the class struggle. If you really want to see a united Irish working class, you should be calling for a united Ireland first. DIDN'T THE BRITISH ARMY GO IN TO KEEP THE PEACE? Yes.. But whose peace? The British army was called in by the Unionist, government to ‘maintain civil order ata time when the peoplein the Catholic ghettoes of Derry and Belfast had organized themselves to beat back armed invasion by those other ‘peacekeepers’, the RUC and the B-Specials. In order to prevent a state of open war. the British army moved in to assist the RUC, At first some Catholics actually welcomed the British army, allowing troops time to rest and consolidate. Within several months the same people were being attacked by the RUC and the British army. However, this should have surprised no one since the troops were sent to Ireland to support the ‘Loyalist government. Faced with this double attack, the Irish Republican Army armed themselves for the defense of their ghettoes, to go on the offensive later as the situation deteriorated. Murder, torture, beatings and raids may sound like peacekeeping @, operations to some people, but certainly not to those who suffered at the hands of the British army. WOULDN'T THERE BE A BLOOD-BATH IF THEY LEFT? * ‘The same-‘bloodbath’ prediction has been used to justify British imperialism the world over. Does anyone believe that Britain has a duty to ‘civilize the natives? The British army is not there to prevent a bloodbath; itis there to hold on to north-east Ireland, even at the * cost of nearly 2,000 dead, another 20,000 seriously injured, other thousands rotting in prison, and the additional cynical sacrifice of - young unemployed British youths used as cannon fodder. How many deaths make ita bloodbath? The people who would be the potential victims in a future bloodbath want the troops out, right now! On the e other hand, Unionists like Paisley want even more troops brought in, to protect ‘Ulster’ against the Pope, the taigues, and the various other godless hordes who threaten it. ARENT YOU ASKING US TO SUPPORT TERRORISTS ? We're asking you not to support terrorists. It is the British army and the ‘security forces’ who are making war on the civilians. The British army knows that the IRA are not ‘isolated terrorists’, though it suits their purposes very well to say this, A recently acquired secret document compiled by senior British army staf officers, indicates a very different IRA; well trained, well equipped, well organized and well supported by the working class nationalist community. The British army also knows that Protestant civilians are not the target of the IRA. a (8) ‘PD-96 (Rev. 5-22-78) os i FBI AUTOMATIC DECLASSIFICAL @ ime = ere a FB. i 7 ‘TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: ALL misbraursow cowraryep Di Teletype (iinnediate rorsscmr See (Feesinile Do Priority CSEcRET t @)-BIRTEL____jRotine [I CONFDENTIAL 1 CO UNCLAs EF TO i UNcLas \ Date 11/27. | TOR, FBI PROM: SAC, DETROIT (199F-1790) (SQ CI=1) (P) IRISH NORTHERN AID COMMITTEE (INAC) / NORTHERN IRISH AID (NORAID) 00: NEW YORK -Batire.commnication is classified Syfer. Full field investigation authorized. (INAC) Regional Conference was held LAS' HALL, 5754 ‘elimin y je current Chicago, Illinois, of a gift shop, 1linois. According to asset St often meet at this shop. commented that if the British leave Ireland, it will be because oF the ‘work that takes place in the back room of, shop. Ipersonal automobile has, plate nurber| Ar ter inquiry of Illinois| 3 - Bureau (RH) (1 = TRAC) 2 = New York (199-1564) (Info) (RM) = chicago” (anéo) (m1) \OF- Ad (1 - 1997-2683) > : ‘SEARCHED 7 ‘SERIALIZEL x oe iNDEXED_ Taso 7 LLED one Approved: ‘Transmitted Per “Camber Tiss on unset da reliable asset g@¢fsea that on] Saturday, Novenber 10, T9W0;—ENS-IRISH NORTHERN AZ] IPTEE West Addison, Chicago, Illinois. t_ even: e1d_a dinn| Fopdraicar at the GOLbeN FLAME’ RpTAURANT. (DEfile qairy, of the INAC and chaired the meeting| be bre . DE 199F-1790 this tag is registered to : Chicago, rae 1976 Chevy, Eour-door- Detroit, mjthigan representatives were: DEFIIE SI Representatives from St. Louis, Cleveland, Minneapolis and Milwaukee were in attendance, however, complete names were not obtained. At the dinner dance fund-raiser, given at the GOLDEN FLAME RESTAURANT, MARTIN GALVIN gave a speech that was covered by ABC-TV. There were spproximately 250 people in attendance. we + sac, verrore [ade PB 120 cr-1) (2) Pe 11/19/84. DECLASSI¥ 1CATION AUTHORITY DERIVED ROM: ‘| FBI AUTOMATIC DECLASSIFICATION GUIDE From: ga) Swit: IRISH REPUBLICAN SOCIALIST PARTY, 7 ID-NORTHERN TRELAND oc (ALL DIFORNATION CONTAINED 00: NEW YORK : HEREIN 15 UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT : oe WHERE SHOWN OTHERWISE “Bntixe-commnication is classified syeret. Full field investigation. on 1y36/8h. a reliable asset, advised that on Saturday, Ly 7 €he IRISH NORTHERN ATD (INA) Regional Conference was held at PETE MC NEELAS' Hall, 5754 West Addison, Chicago, Illinois, That evening they held a dinner fundraiser at the Golden Flame Restaurant. The restaurant is 7m the conference hall. region of the INA an seting, Representatives from the different areas gave the following reports: Ce 1. Chicago, 8 representatives 28 aes pelvopertes on fund-raisers. The majority etx menbers of not attend the meeting but dia attend the dinner. . 2. Detroit, Michigan representatives, (phonetic) ,[- (phonetic) |~they reported S onthe jase and what the club has done in - the wal oF Fami-rateers. *. 3c st. , Missouri representatives LINDY ana orted on the work their GINB-HaS done for hone case. Oe 4, Cleveland, Ohio representatives xai0) , xa0) , and (INU) reported on fund-raisers.“ 5. Minneapolis and Rochester,’ Minnesota representatives (names not obtained), they indicated that the club was not very active. Memorandum @ ©. | Soesk ives names not obtained.: | > +6." iitwaukée, Wisconsisi ‘= ‘representat: : At the dinner-dance fund-raiser, given at the GOLDEN FLAME RESTAURANT, MARTIN GALVIN gave a speech that was covered by ABC~IV.. There were. approximately:250 people in attendance. wy after = group went ‘to I Chicago, Illinois. isthe owner of the shop and it. was Jeapned that mos oF j0 Irish nationalist often meet there. commented be m7 = has_license plate number . NCIC computer iry-6f 111ino: that this tag is registered to Chicago, Illinois, - ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED ($) ERIN TIUNCRSSTFTED EUEVT WHERE SOV OTHER SAC, DETROIT (1998-1790) (CZ-1) (P)Pe 11/23/84 From SAI AUTHORITY DERIVED FROM: ¥BE AUTOMATIC DEC Suet: IRISH NORTHERN AD COMMETTEE (INAC); PATH 04-01-2031 Tp-NORAID; (00: NEW YORK) Entire communication is classified "Seb€et" nits entiretyy On 11/21/84, advised that the NORAID organization held a fund raise 10/22/84, in which over 200 people were in attendance. Asset stated that the theme of the meeting centered on political ways in which the British in Northern Ireland could be attacked. (1997-2643) gave the financial report. asi advised that lof Southgate, Michiaan, is lof NORAID and is presently the lof NORAID. resides at Southgate, Michigan, 7 telephone HUNDEF ih Based on the fact that is of NORAID, a new 199 case lereby recommen: be pened Ded GWN /xl 18 hci Sik ts at -5b (@- 199P-New| “s 221984 BZ al C DECLASSIFICATION GUIDE 2012 cate port, tem of e xa xara, paw: /3/ PF Baitfon: FD-850 (Rev. 125-78) in Space Below) zreish Echo Tite: YroeAth Ate "0 we eagiewn MEETIAT , Characters pz Moen : Cinasiosion: Submitting Of | Noraid Midwest” regional. meeting CHICAGO—The next meety/ ing of the Midwest Region of t will be held of Saturday, 10.22 p.m. at P Murphy at ia 2473317. if will be represented. on unit activities for ‘will be made. For ee Nov 091984 . FoI DETROIT), BxGMPTTQN CODE 25H(1-human) > * 25 64-01"2012 - “DE 1997-1790; Gin'spml, wae, a3 ZA eV EWE Hew TeeD: ae Rata seein. :NFORMATION CONTAINED E - RA wosrjursiben : e@ 6$ — 1 FBI | ‘TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: | CT-/ ch Teletype Cl Innediate © TOP SBCRET i CFeesinite Priority 9G SEDKET ' ' o 1 Routine (CONFIDENTIAL 1 tee & COUNCLAS BF TO ! CO UNCLAS 1 i eee dato Ie 54 4 SW ater FM DETROIT (199F-1780) TO DIRECTOR (ROUTINE) pe” CHICAGO (ROUTINE) fe : wae NEW YORK (ROUTINE) ” DECLASSIFICATION IRISH NORTHERN AID COMMITTEE (INAC)/NORTHERN IRISH AID (NORATD); TT-NORAID; 00: NEW YORK. ++ irae 8 eee D Norfolk lad B Quant ‘SAG Now Rocoto 9/7/84 ag Be 4) master i eu i IRISH AID RAID) 7 sean? 19-17% (4) * tenon For appropriate : 1D Forhgrmaton CO optional xXacton 5 Surep, by __._i 1D The enclosed i for your infomation. tf usod i a fture report, ‘conceal al aoureoo, pareptras contents, ner 1 EncoederecomectedpapestemrapertotSA doog___ ee a Remake: : This communication is classified "sstQer. ‘wCIpIeNtS Are €0 conduct indices checks on fhose individuals within their respective division and provide results in a faem eit spin & dissemination # | _ + +~’ Memorandum e ee, « 3 Rom: Subject: outside the Irish American Club on 8/15/84: ‘SAC, DETROIT (199F-1790) (CI-1) (P)pwe 8/28/84 sal IRISH NORTHERN AID COMMITTEE TT-NORAID (00: NEW YORK) Entire communication is classified “seexet". Pull field investigation authorized as of 11/22/83. Re SA insert, 8/17/84. The following Michigan license tags eo parked 192 cadi11 1981 Ford raEMIngeon 3; Michigan 260 ford eee Looe Ke A a Set cio {| aling e1984 Uogaesty on; Fel-DETROIT web DE 1997-1790 ammington HITS; Michigan 1979 Plymouth 1972 Chevrolet gan Hii TWFORRATION CONTAINED EXCEPT é 2 9F-1790 SE BoB/oeb SE Entire communication ic classified ¢ ; (8) . On August 15,° 198), iished the following infomnation regarding the irish MmerivanfClub-meeting of : ‘August. 1, 198. Og The meeting was very short, jf delaying her planned trip to Canaday/ for a t "East Coast and/’ and will ‘appear in the Detroit A will be in the United States dilest. beginning November3, 1984, eae : ; on regarding the recent riots mn that some Detroit and Toledo e area of the riots, incluging . troit may invite thé. American lawyér peak in the Detroit area. ‘ There was some discr in Ireland. and some specuiat n residents ea = a 4 Ota 5 There were a lotfof new. faces at the meeting and a noticeable jack of the regular atifndees. 7 . _ Attendees ineyided lerom Belfast, an- unknown fenale from New DetBI, > and & young Irish couple just arrived in Detrgit from Boston. ed parked outside! the bar (most were. thought’ and-not just bar patrens) included: SeereK® wm SAC, DETROIT (199F-1790) (CI-1) (P) Dae 8/16/84 From: sal Subject: IRISH NORTHERN AID COMMITTER IT-NORAID (00: NEW YORK) Entire communication is classified Full field investigation authorized as gf 11/22/83. On 8/14/84, Redford Township, Michigan, Was interviewed at the Betfoit Office of th : Tt was mentioned to that disougs with him his knowledge oF NORAID/in the Detroit area, rofessed that NORAID appears to,be inactive and knows who is involved in gun running/or collection of funds to support the TRA. GuMtzpml, Fel-DETROTT Memorandum @ = SEGRET e area SAC, DETROIT (199F-1790) (CI-1) (P) Date DECLASSTPICATION Bom SA YBI AUTOMATIC D: DATE 02-29-20: Subject ¢ IRISH NORTHERN AID COMMITTER; 2f-NORAD (00: NEW YORK) Entire communication is clasgffied "Seeret*: Full field investigation gfthorized as of 11/22/83. employed at! fF igan, was contacted or cooperation regarding captioned organization. adviseg/that he is presently not a member of been involved with acquirigg funds and purchasing of arms to support the IRA. any question D he first attorney and his superior tted being a member of several fuding the National Irish Caucus. expressed his cpylcerns over the violence in Northern Tréland by saying he bevieves in the protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Fréedom, but does not condone’ violence. 5 be organizations ing said although he congfders himself a patriotic citizen he refused to identify or digéuss membership and the activities of NORAID locally. at tifis time the interview was terminated by intermiewing Agent. xesides at| date of birth home! work telephone GuN:pm1, (Qy ‘last Daclessy-off On ena] 1984 i SEereL senor Subject Farmington, Michigan, telephone nUnBer contacted IRISH NORTHERN AID COMMITTEE (NORAID). SAC, DETROIT (199F-1790) (CI-1) (PB) Pu 8/16/84 sal IRISH NORTHERN AID COMMITTEE TT-NORAID (00: NEW YORK) a Entire communication is classified "seRhet" Full field investigation authorized as of 11/22 on 8/13/84, | at his residence with regards. SE the informed that NORAID is semj-active in the Detrolt area WIth its meetings being politigal. He stated he money going to support the IRA. He did stat: in the past NORAID would collect money to s prisoners: Knows of no present fund-raisers or follection of however, thé * dependents in Northern Ireland. professed not knowing individuals presently affiliated wi 7 GWN:pml, (2) pe \OQQE- TQS ato “BERET : Bia 16 1984 FpI- DETROIT PD-850 (Rev. 32-6-78) 7 pete 8/12/04 ‘itter ZEM Ese of IRA escapes | |. in Belfast riot ona negara a Be Syeda or USA TODAY BELFAST, Nrter ieland ist funy ye eta {Suny We pls to seize a ‘tanned American TRA synpatier he eee thout fo neds an Sr least 12 people hurt as police fed nlite ina Growa_saries— the introduction otit- of several thousand outside the er, another rally was field In. ‘Eondonderry's Bogside, the 4 Cathote without tral of suspected IRA ‘members — was abandoned in 1976, but marches commemo- rating its institution have con finued in nationalistic parts of Northern Ireland each year, Galvin was leading a 130- ‘member Noratd delegation on a our that has aroused conde ‘erable controversy since: ‘New York last week. tine baetbone of suppor ' for the Republican movement Chase ties im Ameriea" he fold te, | Decass Norald members Tn Sunday's riot, police rusted toward Galvin as he platform fowepaper, olty and state.) 6 FO jee cee 8 US. backer. - 4 US. bracket of _ oe Z7- OkHY, D950 ev. 12578) DECLASSIFICATION AU’ Sua (oust Clipping in Spoce Below) yRITY DERIVED FROK: fodicato pags, name of wopapar, city and state.) Ds gufet there 7 Fiecé MESS BELFAST, Northern Ireland — ~F (UPD — A spokesman for a pro-TRA { fgroup, whose US. leader a day before had set off a clash with police that ltt ‘one dead and 20 Injured sad Monday the United Stateghasa"Muora ty” to rm, the outlawed Tish Republican amy. ‘i Richard Lawlor, a sppkesman for ‘and Northern Tpaant Ata Committe, {sald at a news fonference that it was Sa mocal duty ff every average Ameri- can to ensurd” that the IRA. gots ‘american gulps to ensure. democra- Cee : “peopl often say if they get Soviet arms, they must be communists,” he ‘added. “If they get arms from Libya, they must be anarchists.” He sai ft, followed thatthe United States should arm the IRA so thet it would remsin democratic, : Republican rally in Belfast on Sunday. iain - U.S. has a ‘moral duty’ ” “to arm IRA, backer says Officers of the Royal Ulster Constabulary move in to dispe hea Riot police trying to arrést the aid committee's US. director, Martin Gal- ‘in, on Sunday fired plastic bullets into ‘large erowd outside the West Belfast headquarters of Sihn Féin, the IRA political wing. i POLICE CHARGED the crowd when Galvin, 34, whobad been banned» rom Northeta Ireland, appeared on @ stage to make’ speech. He escaped ‘before police could reach the stage, ‘The rally was called to mark the 13th anniversary of 2, policy suspected terrorists without a tf “in more violence Monday, youths” hijacked and burned four vehicles In Catholic West Belfast, and police in Londonderry abandoned their head- “quarters after a hijacked truck carry- ig gasoline and hough ob ‘armed th a bomb was parked outside. mine, US: 20S 70 Maas 7) 7% Aiew Zieh, brekee ithe Charactart ZH ewes Submitting Office: {00s DBEROEE) (- - = * cass.ée = a witch ‘eimé the, prc ‘Eollowing witle marked “ch hangea* : 49 ir pane; title Previously sartied,ns : Prédicated Bpon. "receipt. 9! Ingodnseasn, that.* isa ‘aanber of the ‘TRISH NORTEERS.ATD COMMIPEEE (TRAC). “on: eg interviewed ‘by Boveay Agent: Anformation: Frith his mother and father fp professed betas horn in baenities Metta [ Jand-at, the. age of.[__]moved 2 Catholic Ho . Acobrding to. hig gather [ while wa: i 7 advised that His rather Was - Was A Tikeable ag yell as prominent organization. 2 he cave £5 = lend lack of civil rights for Catholics. - ‘ecording t5| 5 father yas nat a member af -any Irish’ + of his graduating class was in aii have been volnerable to beatings by he decided to mova to the United States. *"3.~ Biteau aed ~ Detroit + QO -9rtiz90 * Gutrskal : (5) . married Jétom County’ tyxone ~ and moved to Detroit, Michigan lo advised that half being activists and ‘the British; ‘therefore, ~ “SEARCHED: SERIALIZEON SNDEXED * piten”* = bE -499F72408 5s oo claims not belonging i h } ouganieatior with ihe exception of being : 7 CISLE SHORES; chigan. Jne.conld sot have he cQld easily Have joined if hé dasized x6 Join the xanka but Was not interested in the: — -ana + “violence snd wantyd: ty. Zoave, Ineland. = i! aaviiied that the peopig an’ Detroit who aupport ‘ @ Hot really know the political. situation that exist — . ‘in ‘Northérn Ireland. -i£ he has @ political viey 4€ faces. a provunited Ireland nota continuous struggle using violence aa an instrument to gain peace and indspendance. i 2 stated, that hé lost three: close fricidsin . . Maghexafelt; Worthern Ineland, a were accidently iL adea aan working with explosives. years ‘old.. Based on the incident rand she decided to’ not support: | the IRA and separate: wite Exon a violent. stal : : : laawisea “tha sEesently smampioves and Kod 2 pitting nod oa Inn. Arbor, Michigan, plans to visit Northern beginning on 8/8/84, _. ‘which wilt be Playing: sf interview Date: ae bixth - + Place ‘of, birth ~ > Mankted gata “he. teens dobortpttie 3 “data was tained at ene - stuies 9 avestigative inféimation-tas.proven, that subject, is activély involyed in the Colleution of Finance om: ated sithggling:or-that he is a member of.a terkeriat -enganiantion sueh'as ‘thé PERAy this case is being closed. ———__—>. « Memorandum 0 SAC, DETROIT (199F-1790) (CI-1) (P)pae 7/25/84 From sa] Subjet IRISH NORTHERN AID COMMITTEE; TT-PIRA, (oo: NY) Entire communication is classified secret*> Full field investigation as of 11/22/83. The following Michigan license tags wepe noted in the IRISH-AMERICAN CLUB lot on 6/28/84. The blub is located at 2068 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan: DECrOEE J Sterling Hepghts, Michigan Dearborn, Fchieen 7 Warren; HECHTgaN Detrort Southgatp, Michigan Q DE 199F-1790 observed Redford Township, Michigan on 7/8/84, the following Michigan liofnse tags were at a IRISH-NORTHERN AID SOCIETY meetigg: Detroit ae H We. Clengns; Michigan | (3) |, £06 ov 026-02) ALL TNFORKATION COM EXEMPTED 120M AUTOMATIC HERETY TS UNCLASSIFIED EXCEFT DECLASESFICATIOn z WHERE SHOW OTHERYT: AUTMORETY DERIVED 7 “@ = Gor ope see TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE CLASSIFICATION? 99-02 a OO Teletype ~ O immediate TOP SECRET O Facsimile O Priority O SECRET @ ABEL ____ O Routine ( CONFIDENTIAL UNCLASEFTO O UNCLAS Date * cr-1) @®) (00: NE YORK this cammication is classified sofvet: frite-entizote— ‘Re New York airtel to Director 7/12/84, captioned] aka.| TI-PIRA, OO: NEW YORK. Pull field investigation authorized 11/22/83. For the information of the Bureau and New York Division. on July 3,-1984, fumished the fol. information regar} ing the June 28, 1984, meeting at i i 168 Michigan Avenue| Detroit, Michigan, ‘the meeting was| land was for the purpose of creating a Detroit Chapter ity Conference: Officers elected were as follows: Sub-committee heads were appointed as sonon] ‘SEARCHED Reeninszeo SW op DE 1997-923 Sir ieee Soo peer eees ‘to Texas the weekend of July a plank in the Democratic Party platform. ‘They were expected to meet with the Irish American 7 Unity Conference there for their approval or comments. Persons known to have joined the new Chapter of the Irish American * tity Conference, Detroit: =~ Frere Saige that auly 8,'1984, there was a short business =”! MITT at which time it was stated there There vas ant interesting individual | being in Ireland a couple GF Years age ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED WHERE SHOWN GTHERVISE F0.98(fov.028-62) | ge Tate prcwassrrrearron ot waerrof cog 25x(1-muman) Roos @ = Geeta t TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE CLASSIFICATION: D Teletype OD Immediate O TOP SECRET Facsimile: Priority G SECRET 7 7 er © Routine CONFIDENTIAL (8) O UNCLASEFTO 1 UNCLAS 1 | TO: FROM: Cpemmemrreab CO: DEIROEE ‘Title marked DIRECIOR, FBT SAC, DETROTT (199F-2510) (SQ CI-J) (2) ppc mumotticn to show middle name of subject; ‘title formerly carried as| Classified sétp6t—inentizety . PE, inktiated 7/11/84; expiration date 11/7/84. Approved: \QAE= INA I34 S@ARCHED 4 Tenants ary Tm set 2 seus MORAG mun: - 63 Tees is ) On gwty85" 19845 furnished “4 following, information’ regarding the July’ 8.19843 TRISH NORTHERM AID SOCIETY PARTY: There Wasa short’ business inact Sag etorthana e wag a with :onlya” ITttle_over| 2 js had and. approval. was "Iver © the. IRISH NORTHERN AID SOCIETY in New =i. whens vias ona fntangsting” individual, either, “who taiked of Bétng An. “Treland ig, involyed"in, making bombs. >.” . a CoupIs GF years ago an BE: PEIN 13 UNCLASSI] SHHERE “ROU OTHER marth cob 25401 Ahuman} Gn guly 3, 1984, following information regatGingTHe Tune 28, 68 Michigan: . The meeting: 7as| ind .was for the purpose of, : creating a Detror ‘the, IRISH AMERTCAN UNITY. ? CONFERENCE: 2 oy ; a! . . Offices selected are -as follows: ‘with ‘spouses y 20-00%. jen ~ Te was anpotnoed enat [8 nd are ito go to Texas the’ weekend of July ‘LSB; tO PEE= + agent a copy fora plank in the Democratic, Party platform. hey Ray mect with ‘the TRISH AMERICA, UNTT CONFERENCE, ther TRuSSTiraney 4 aunioniay birivep foi, < For aoonatae Dacuaseyrtéagzan’ cof RISH AMERICAN NtTTY courgRnic#, Detno: ““chapter, will-be opening’ aDétroit ‘bank adcowht and the next meeting was’ schedtiled fon July 25; 198%," at.thé ANCIENT, ORDER OF, HIBERNIC HALL. on Grand, River-in Detroit, Michiga; A pee for the InzsE Frand now works| “Michigan ‘Ligense nioged int parking"lot are as’ follow: “ —— 96 (Rov. 8-26-82) . FBI tn @ TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: : - Immediate () TOP SECRET acsimi ~ 1.0 Priority SECRET % Airtel © Routine CONFIDENTIAL i D UNCLASEF TO i 1D UNcLAS . ipaegian (8/88 DaMOTHD FRO AUTOMATE 0: DIRECTOR, FBI (199-10523) DECUASSIPICATION (Qa: | CID/T00-11) AUTHORITY DERIVED FROM: . FRE AuromaTré Dactassrezcarzon dr: FROM: SAC, DEIROMT (199F-2271) (e) (CE-1) —_PRMPTION cone 2ox«e) (Ss) ae cay @) —— ae (00: DETROIT) Detroit, dated 4/9/84. dated and captioned as above. 1, captioned subject remains an Teas that is jis a United States Citizen, 2 Bureau (Bncs. ~ 5) (0 ALL INFORKATION col HEREIN TS UNCLI WHERE =D ‘SHOU! OTHERUISE Shiine-commication is classified ophet. Ro Detroit airtel, dated 3/28/84; and Bureau teletype to Full investigation initiated 4/9/84. Enclosed for the Bureau are five copies of a 90 day Lilt Foreign Intelligence Service utilized in nam is[___] it 199-1790) We -Waol- 3 ‘Approved: a Tima SeMRORED SERIALIZED. NDEXED FLED (Number) siyaet De 199-2271 REQUEST OF THE’ BOREAU Bureau is requested to furnish a. copy of this"IEM to the Department of Justice, Office of Policy Review. = ate activities as they relate [7 daciascrricatiOn AUTHORITY DERIVED FROM: FEI ANTOMATIC DECLASSIFICATION GUIDE } OaTE 02-29-2011 : U.S. Department of Justice ® _ Federal Bureau of Investigation In Ropy, Place Rafer to : Detroit, Michigan Fle Noe duly 6, 1984 Northern Irish Aid Committee (NORAID) Entire commication is classified sag Office of Origin: Detroit, Michigan Date Investigative 8 duly 6, 1984 : Basis for Investigation: Investigation in, this matter was predicated upon information from a Foreign Intelligence organization which reflected captioned adividual visited Northern Ireland during August, 1983, as part of a Northern Trish Aid Comittee (NORAID) delegation. ‘he Trish Northern Aid Committee (NAC) and the Northern Irish Aid Committee (NORAID) is the main fund— raising organization in the United States, and is thought : to be the major source of provisional Trish Republican (PIR) funds Erom abroad. NOARID was founded in 1970 by Michael Flannery and two other Irish Republican Army (IRA) veterans of the 1919-1921 period. On January 5, 1982, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit affirmed a previous United States District Court (USDC) decision ‘that compelled NORAID/NAC to comply with the provision of ‘the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), Title 22, United States Code 611-621,- as an agent of the TRA. This doonnont combating’ nat St mad fe Bistritutca ont: yong -VRO—SS — OAD SEARCHED ‘SERIALIZED \NDEXED aa Deciassiy be has been identified as being the of the MEEI-MT Detroit, Michigan. ition to Date: Iwas interviewed on March 27, 1984, by the Federal Bureau of: tion, at which time she admitted being an active member of NORAID. She acknowledged being part of a delegation which visited Northern Ireland during the sumer of 1983. She remarked saying that she is a concerned wanted to inform herself of the present situation there. ‘that: the catalyst 5 which lea her to become intere: While visiting in Northern Txeland, she claimed| former IRA menber and now During March, 1984, an FBI asset advised that Jes part of a Justice for Ireland Comittee which intended to sponsor the presence’ of Jwas expected to discuss British informants among the trish 7 ) he was denied a visa. In May, 1984, Jwas present at a meeting wherf lof NORAID, spoke. Objective: bre ‘To follow and report | activities as they relate to

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