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Massachusetts CD 10 Republican Primary Page I of 7 Interview Schedule MASSACHUSETTS CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT 10 Interview Schedule Field Dates: June 16-17, 2010 N =300 Likely Republican Primary Voters Public Opinion Strategies Margin of Error: + 5.66% * Denotes result less than 0.5% ” Denotes rounding. Due to rounding, some figures may be higher or lower by less than one-half of one percent. A. Are you registered to vote at this address? 100% YES (CONTINUE TO QUESTION B) B. Are you, or is anyone in your household, employed by a newspaper, television or radio station, or a political party, or by a candidate for political office? 100% NO Cc. And, regardless of your current feelings about politics and current events, are you registered to vote as... ROTATE) a Republican, a Democrat, are you Unenrolled or an Independent? ... are you registered in some other party? (IF REPUBLICAN, ASK:) Would you call yourself a STRONG Republican or a NOT- SO-STRONG Republican (IF UNENROLLED, ASK:) Do you think of yourself as closer to ...(ROTATE) the Republican party ...OR... the Democratic party? 43% STRONG REPUBLICAN 16% NOT-SO-STRONG REPUBLICAN 12% LEAN REPUBLICAN 28% UNENROLLED/INDEPENDENT Massachusetts CD 10 Republican Primary Page 2 of 7 Interview Schedule ASKED IF UNENROLLED/AINDEPENDENT, N=121 D. As you know, Unenrolled or Independent voters are allowed to vote in primary elections in the state. Which party’s primary elections do you generally tend to vote in? (ROTATE) 100% Republican primary elections 1. And, although it is many months likely would you say you are to vote in the September Republican primary elections for Governor, U.S. Congress and other offices? Are you ... (ROTATE TOP TO BOTTOM, BOTTOM TO TOP) 91% VERY LIKELY 9% SOMEWHAT LIKELY Now, changing topics for a moment...I would like to read you a list of names of different people active in politics here in Massachusetts and nationally. For each one, please tell me, first whether you've heard of the person; then, if so, please tell me whether you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of that person. If I name someone you don't know too much about, just tell me and we'll go on to the next one. The (FIRST/NEXT) name is...RANDOMIZE NAMES) TOTAL HIRD OF/ NVR REF HRD OF FAV UNFAV NO OPIN HRD (DNR) 2.| Jeff Perry 65%" 44% 1% 19% 35% . 3. Joe Malone 85% 44% 15% 26% 15% - 4, Mitt Romney 99%* 86% 9% 5% 1% - 5. Scott Brown 99%* 90% 3% ™% 1% - Massachusetts CD 10 Republican Primary Page 3 of 7 Interview Schedule 6. Now, thinking about the September Republican primary election for Governor, U.S. Congress and other state and local offices... On a scale of one to ten, with one meaning NOT AT ALL interested and ten meaning VERY interested, how interested would you say you are in voting in that election? (RECORD RESPONSE) 71% 5% % 5% 3% 3% 1% * * 1% 91 10 86%* 8-10 9 12% 5-7 8 3% 1-4 a; 6 5 4 3 2 1 DON’T KNOW/REFUSED MEAN Massachusetts CD 10 Republican Primary Page 4 of 7 Interview Schedule 7. Ifthe Republican primary election for UNITED STATES CONGRESS were being held today, for whom would you vote if the candidates were... (RANDOMIZE) Jeff Perry Joe Malone Robert Hayden and. Ray Kasperowicz. (IF CHOICE, ASK:) And would you DEFINITELY vote for (choice) or just PROBABLY for (choice)? 25% 16% 10% 15% * 1% * 1% 30% 1% 41% 25% 1% 2%* DEFINITELY PERRY PROBABLY PERRY DEFINITELY MALONE PROBABLY MALONE DEFINITELY HAYDEN PROBABLY HAYDEN DEFINITELY KASPEROWICZ PROBABLY KASPEROWICZ UNDECIDED/DON’T KNOW (DO NOT READ) REFUSED (DO NOT READ) TOTAL PERRY TOTAL MALONE TOTAL HAYDEN TOTAL KASPEROWICZ Massachusetts CD 10 Republican Primary Page 5 of 7 Interview Schedule 8. From what you know, generally speaking, do you tend to agrce or disagree with the Tea Party movement, or don't you have an opinion cither way? (IF AGREE/DISAGREE, ASK:) And would you say you STRONGLY (AGREE/DISAGREE) or just SOMEWHAT (AGREE/DISAGREE)? 42% STRONGLY AGREE 25% SOMEWHAT AGREE 3% SOMEWHAT DISAGREE 3% STRONGLY DISAGREE 27% DON’T HAVE AN OPINION 1% DON'T KNOW/REFUSED (DO NOT READ) 67% TOTAL AGREE 5%* TOTAL DISAGREE Massachusetts CD 10 Republican Primary Page 6 of 7 Interview Schedule Now, I just have a few more questions for statistical purposes only. First, just a few questions to make sure we have a representative sample... D1. _ In what year were you born? 2% 18-24 6% 25-34 13% 35-44 23% 45-54 25% 55-64 30% 65 AND ABOVE 1% REFUSED D2. Generally speaking, do you consider yourself to be (ROTATE TOP TO BOTTOM, BOTTOM TO TOP) conservative, moderate ...or... liberal ...on most issues? (IF CONSERVATIVE/LIBERAL, ASK) And would you say you are VERY (conservative/liberal), or just SOMEWHAT (conservative/liberal)? 36% VERY CONSERVATIVE 32% SOMEWHAT CONSERVATIVE 29% MODERATE 2% SOMEWHAT LIBERAL - VERY LIBERAL 1% DON'T KNOW (DO NOT READ) - REFUSED (DO NOT READ) 68% TOTAL CONSERVATIVE 31% TOTAL MODERATE/LIBERAL Massachusetts CD 10 Republican Primary Page 7 of 7 Interview Schedule D3. And how often would you say that you attend religious services... (ROTATE TOP TO BOTTOM, BOTTOM TO TOP) 7% MORE THAN ONCE A WEEK 26% WEEKLY 8% ALMOST EVERY WEEK 14% ONCE OR TWICE A MONTH 26% AFEWTIMES A YEAR 18% NEVER 1% DON’T KNOW/REFUSED (DO NOT READ) 33% FREQUENTLY 22% OCCASIONALLY 44% RARELY/NEVER D4. GENDER (BY OBSERVATION, BUT ASK EVERYONE) 50%* TOTAL MALE 50% TOTAL FEMALE

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