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Gyerekjtk az angol!

Time for English with Lucy, Wiz and Ziggy

A nyelvtanulst nem lehet elg korn kezdeni. Az egszen kis korban elkez-

Shopping Spree
dett nyelvtanuls sorn a gyerekek hamar megtapasztaljk, hogy egy fogalmat
tbb szval is ki lehet fejezni, gy gondolkodsuk rugalmasabb, elvonatkoztat
kpessgk jobb lesz, s ezltal fejldik az intelligencijuk.
A Time for English-sorozat 410 ves gyermekeknek szl. A rajzfilmek s
a kpesknyvek kt kisgyerek kalandjait meslik el, akik megtalljk Ziggyt, a pa-
pagjt, s megtantjk beszlni. Sok-sok kalandjuk sorn a madr megismeri a
betket, szmokat, szneket s egyb hasznos szavakat. Az egyenknt 12 perces
rajzfilmekkel a gyerekek egyre jobban elsajttjk az angol nyelvet, ha pedig mr
tudnak olvasni, akkor a knyvben vgigkvethetik az adott trtnetet, amiben
egy kis sztr is segtsgkre lesz.
A sorozat 10 ktetbl ll. A knyvek s filmek egymstl fggetlenl is lvez-
hetk, ugyanakkor a bennk lv tudsanyag egymsra pl.
A rendszeres Time for English-mesefogyaszts a legjobbkor s a legjobb
mdon, radsul lmnyszmba menen knl biztos angoltudst a kisgyere-

Az 3. rsz tartalma:

Ruhadarabok s mretek
Utastsok kvetse
rzelmek lersa
Lerni valakirl, milyen ruht visel

Ebben a rszben Ziggynek klnbz ruhadarabok s cipk nevt tantjk meg, mikzben
jra tismtlik a szneket, szmokat s mreteket. Megtantjk t elszmolni tztl hszig.
Nagyon vicces, ahogy mindhrman felprblgatjk a ruhkat, sszekeverik, mit mivel vesz-
nek fel, rossz mretet vlasztanak, s nem egymshoz ill dolgokat prostanak ssze.
A fagyirus rengeteg gombcot halmoz fel egyetlen tlcsrben. Persze a fagyitorony leom-
lik, Wiz azonban gyorsan odavarzsol mg kt tlcsrt, s szpen elosztja bennk a fagyi-
gombcokat, majd hseink elnyaljk a hrom tlcsr fagylaltot.
The first clues from Ziggys bag take Lucy, Wiz, and Ziggy to a The first clues are fish scales.
stream. What can the other clues be?
They meet Sue and her dad there. There are eight left.
Sue and her dad tell them about fish. One looks just like a snowflake! Another is a shiny silver disc.
Ziggy learn to count to ten. There is a strip of something yellow.
But they dont find Ziggys home. There is a red rectangle. There is an orange square.
Now Lucy, Wiz, and Ziggy are sitting in their favorite place. The black clue was shaped like a pentagon it has five sides.
They are on the grass, by the tree. There is something gold.
The Magic Bicycle is parked nearby. And there is something soft that is purple, green and blue.

Brown Ziggy
Eyes please
choose a
Hey Lucy, Black
I think Ziggy Pentagon
wants to choose Lucys
a clue. Orange
I can see Rectangle
that! Yellow Clue

Lucys Black
and White

2 3
Ziggy is playing with her pretty clues. The magic ride is so special.
She chooses one and brought it to Wiz. On the way, each of them have different thoughts.
It is an orange square. With his magic, Wiz knows where they are going, but he
Wiz asks Lucy to hold the clue. doesnt tell.
They put on their helmets and Ziggy takes her place at the back. Lucy is curious about where they are going.
Then Wiz uses his magic wand and they fly off on the Magic Bi- Ziggy is happy to be on a new adventure.
cycle. But it is over too fast!
Here Lucy, today well
you hold the find your
clue. home.

I think its
time for
your magic

g e Ti ps
Langua nd it
Lucys t h
h e , a
he, s it with a
w i or
n V erbs he, she, s to the
Actio we use add an
n e
Whe verb, w .
n b
actio f the ver .
Green Sock end
h e g rass
e s i ts on helmet.
Sh ars a sky.
w e
He i n the
i e s
It fl 5
Before they know it, the Magic Bicycle is coming down to land. There are stalls selling clothes and food.
They find themselves in a market. There are leafy green trees.
The market is a busy and colorful place. There are brightly colored flags.
There are lots of people shopping. Wiz asks Ziggy if the market is her home.
They are carrying shopping bags. She shakes her head to say no.
The orange square is part of a shirt hanging in one of the stalls.


Oh! T-shirt
Were in a


do you live This clue
here? was part of
an orange Bandana


6 7
The man at the shirt stall has lots of shirts. Ziggy, Wiz, and Lucy all want to try on shirts.
He has long sleeve shirts. Luckily, the man at the shirt stall has the right sizes.
He has short sleeve shirts. He takes out three shirts.
Some shirts have buttons. There is a large shirt for Lucy.
Some are striped. There is a medium-size shirt for Wiz. And there are two very
Some has flowers on them. small shirts. They are just the right size for Ziggy.
There is a red shirt with blue stripes. She tries one on.
There is a green shirt with flowers. Would Then Wiz remembers that they dont have enough money to
you like to buy three shirts.
try on this
lovely orange

Size shirt

Pink Green ITALIAN


Lucy, we Floral Floral

dont have Shirt
I like enough money Pink!
Lets see these Striped
with us to buy Blue!
what sizes shirts. Shirt OFF
shirts. Red!
we need.

I have
ten different g e Ti ps
Langua :
ence t,
colors in all. Lucys es e nt
n e gativ use do erb.
e r b s in a ence, we action v
nV ent an
Actio gative s not with
Thank ne
In a not, or d
you sir, but s p l e clue. me.
doe e
a pu t to go h
we wont ot s e an .
I do n oes not w is magic
buy these She
t use
n o
8 today. He d
id 9

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