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On To Your Self-Confidence Hanging ‘Asa lieatncare prover, you spend ‘ruch of your tine warking to help other people feel beiter. Being depended upon in this way can be ‘great source of pride and eat- ‘respect But the stresses of your job can also mate it cficult to feet Good about yourself and your war. Try these tps to boost your ‘sef-contidence. They may take a {tle effor, but wil pay you back sh more satistyng elationehos— vit both yourself anc others, ‘Sot Reasonable'Goals “Tying to eccamplish too many ings at work oF at home Is @ sure ‘recipe forfustralion end fealings of failure. Set reasonable goels for ‘yoursel, prioritize them and drew ‘upa realstlo schedule that includes time for rest breales and unantic- pated crises. Gelebrate Your Achievements ith Co-Workers ~ I's easy to let echievements ap by without recogniion, Maka time to fscknavwledge and praise each other for large and smell coomplsh- rments—for solving a problem ‘creatively, meeting enimportant deadine or even for surviving another long and hectic dayl Share Tho “Real You" ‘You are much more than a worker, ‘Let the people you work with get to ‘know end appreciate olher aspects ‘of your tfe—your hobbies and interests, sense of humor els and famiy activites. ‘Ask For Help i ‘Wrien you're feeing low, I's easy to Isolate yoursel. But everyone needs ‘and daserves encouragement fom 136 ‘others, especialy when fines ere hard, Share your feeings with a ‘usted coworker wo wil ston without judgment. Ask close fiends totel you some ofthe things they fice most about you, AskTo Help {ts easter to feel good about ‘yourself wher you help others, Take ‘tims to reach out to your pallente— ‘go beyond routine questions end ‘asi them sbout their Ives, thaughts and feefings. Ifyou see a co-worker ‘becoming depressed, agiated, or rushed, off to help cut, even ina small way. Talk To Yourself Most people ara much too hardon themselves, Look att this way: you ‘would probably never say to your bbest fiend the same kinds of citical ‘and isepproving things that you ‘say to yourself every day. Try talking ‘so yourself es if you were your awn best fiend. Instead of teling ‘yourself how badly yau're doing, or that you're bound for another day of fallure, try phrases lice “Im coing ‘my best end that’s good enough" ot “rma kind, inteligent person and ‘g00d at what I do." Practice Ongoing Maintenance ‘You deserve to feel good about yourzalf and your work. But se ‘confidence requires ongoing maintenance. You give to others every day. Now make it prioity to lve to yourself as wall oven nua

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