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WMY NEIGHBORHOOD SSA District Nears Chatham by Wendell A. LaGrand ‘Ascarlyas January 2011, the Chatham neigh- Dorhond could be designated asa Special Service Area (SSA) joining 40 otherareas in the sity that have slvacy taken adnntage ofthe ecanomie development (ool According to consultant Chery Johnson, of Johnson and Assocites, the SSA will ‘Alow business ‘owmers to Feverage resources that have not been aail- ableto our community in the past” ‘Those resourocs would inelude addition services such assidewalls maintenance and beautiietion, Tandecaping,advertsingimarketing, business rten- tion recruitment, parking and safety programs. “Adkltional real etate property tases would be levied ‘to fund the services. rly vners, community onganzations, par ticularly the Chatham Business Association (CBA) 2 asponson aldermen and the City of Chicago’ Depart- ‘ment of Community Development have been working lovely to crete the distriet which aso requires the treation of ity ordinance and state tate py that we've gotten this far inthe SSA 64h Ward Alderman, Feddrenna I SSA wil ace that the sors shoveled We are trying, tofight back and this is anotdur way? Tle said. "According to Melinda Kall, Exccitive Dire torofthe CBA, once fall hearing schedled for this etobers complete, an oninance willbe ereated and ‘then introduced tothe city couneil by the alderman. [fall goes well says Kelly the SSA “Wil start January 1.201" However, added Kelly during this month's CRA ‘meeting, the organization wantsto continue to, "Get taxpayer and community input, these programs are not etched in stone! she sid. “We have fo find resources to make changes {nour community," sars CBA Vice Chairman ‘Joseph Caldwell who added SSA's could be 3 Tesource for making thase changes. Phote:by Kimani Brooks

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