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Reproduced at the Nixon Presidential Library DECLASSIFIED. This document has been reviewed pursuant TELCON Amb. Rabin/Kissinger 11:07 a.m. - 9/6/72 Hello. Hello. Mr. Ambassador. Good morning, how are you? OK. Well you know I want to express my own personal fe I understand. On - I don't know whether Haig has explained to you what these fellows want to do. derstand. Their conviction is that you are now convinced that there must be a settlement. Strangely enough I just told it to Haig that it seems that those who carried out the action in Munich succeeded beyond their expectations. + +++ overture to you was not an accident and so on and so forth. Did he put it this way in the meeting? Oh yes, when you come over I'll show you something. Fine. But the major thing is - what we would like to do and it's really - if we came to the Security Council and spoke about countries harboring terrorist groups, I recognize it will not lead to anPEAM@ASAL results but it will focus the problem on an issue on which we can talk jointly while the great danger that I ee is that in a few days people will say — a2 was said at the meeting this morning - we must remove the cause of this. Yeh. Reproduced at the Nixon Presidential Library DECLASSIFIED This document has been reviewed pursuant to Exceutive Onder 13526 and has been determined to be declassified Now there was enormous reluctance to proceed the route which we indicated with the argument that the other courts would be tried. And with the argument that you would undoubtedly reject the Sgcurity Council rule anyway. Now I know you have no authority to proceed on your own but if at least you would indicate you would not kill it. R: No, no. It's good of you to call me. The President asked me to do this so this I'm not doing on my own. R: Iunderstand because it's good that you tell me because I always / person- ally against Israel initiating any complaint to the Security Council because I don't believe anybody can justify himself to do anything but I understand that at this stage. . . K: No, no you won't do it, we will do it. taken R: In thie stage, the initiative taken would be/by the United States. K; Absolutely and very strongly, but I think if we do it, Mr. Ambassador, we ought to do it by tomorrow before people start thinking about the problem. I understand, Now we would take the initiative and in fact we wouldn't focus it exclusively on you. We would say this is an example of a general world problem and this way we can put the Chinese and the Russians on the spot. Tunderstand. What I'll do now I'll return the call to the Secretary and will say exactly -it is very interesting but I have to get reaction from back home before I'll give you any final response. K: OK. R: And I'll be back to you and tell you exactly what. Before I tell him I'll let you know what is the response from Israel. K: Good. I think it has some definite advantages because what we would do is once it gets blocked in the Security Council we take it up in the General Assembly and it's a better issue to discuss there than almost any other Middle East issue I can conceive. R: Yeh, I believe so too K: OK and I'll see you tomorrow at 11:00. We have a

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