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The supernatural has been an interest of mine for the last 13 or so years. I have al-
ways wanted to write a guide on the different types of spiritual entities, explore them
from a Christian perspective, and put it in book format. This guide is intended for
hunters of all walks that want to quickly and briefly educate themselves on different
types of supernatural entities, the myths and legends surrounding them, their
strengths, and their weaknesses. This eBook is meant to be both informative and fun
without overloading potential hunters with too much information. Please feel free to
share it with your friends and family, or post a link to it on your website.

Unlike most books or eBooks, this guide is 100% FREE and 100% interactive. Every ref-
erence in the book can be clicked and as long as there is an active internet connec-
tion, the reader will be taken to the associated website. The drawback to physical
books is that updating the information can take months or even years of waiting be-
fore a new version will be put out. However, this eBook will be updated on a regular
basis as new information becomes available. If you would like to be notified when this
eBook is updated, please click here and enter your email address.

In His service,

Contributing Authors
If you would like to contribute your ideas or comments to this eBook, please feel free
to submit them here. If your idea or comment is approved, you will be notified via
email, your name will be added to the contributors list, and your contribution will be
added to the next update. Please allow 4-6 weeks to receive a reply to your submis-

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publishing author.

Contributing Editors
This project is sure to need a lot of editing. If you would like to have your name listed
as a contributing editor, please feel free to contact me with any punctuation, cita-
tion, spelling, or formatting mistakes. In order to be listed as a contributing editor,
you must identify a minimum of five corrections that need to be made.
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Usage Disclaimer
This guide was written to be used for entertainment and educational purposes only.
The author(s), editor(s), and publisher do not promote, condone, or encourage using
this guide to hunt supernatural beings. This guide should not be used in an attempt to
identify individuals believed to be supernatural beings. No parties involved with the
creation of this book shall be held liable for any actions taken by the readers of this
eBook. All readers are responsible for the consequences of their own actions.
The Hunter’s Checklist

□ Team: When hunting the supernatural it is better to work as a team than to

go it alone. Make sure your team members are reliable and have at least a
basic understanding of the supernatural.
□ Prayer: Prayer seems to affect the supernatural world. It definitely cannot
hurt to have praying members on your team.
□ Salvation: Although the supernatural world seems to be able to affect even
the saved, there are no know cases of Christians being involuntarily pos-
sessed. In order to obtain salvation, a person only needs to believe that Chr-
ist was buried and rose again on the third day, and profess this belief
(Romans 10:9).
□ Reliable Equipment: It is very important that your equipment be up to date
and reliable if you plan on hunting the supernatural. There is nothing worse
than equipment failure at a crucial moment.
□ Map: Knowing the area is very important. If you are hunting the supernatur-
al you will need to know where they have been sighted and what their pat-
terns are. The more detailed your map, the better your chances at success.
□ Vehicle: In the event that you have to flee, you do not want to be stuck on
foot. Make sure you have reliable transportation before going on a hunt.
□ Laptop: All hunters need a laptop to keep the information gathered on their
hunt readily available. Make sure your laptop has enough hard drive space
to store your pictures and video.
□ Camera: If you are serious about hunting you will need a digital camera and
a video camera. During an investigation nothing beats visual evidence of
your encounters.
□ Communication: Walkie Talkies at the least, but a cell phone or CB radio is
suggested. You want to be able to make contact with your team members in
the event that you are separated.
□ Exorcist: Having an experienced exorcist on the team may come in handy
when hunting demons, ghosts, poltergeists, and other entities.
□ Flashlight: For those dark moments nothing beats a flashlight. Just make
sure your batteries are fully charged.

If you have any suggestions on what should be added to the list please feel free to
submit an email here.
Table of Contents
The Hunter’s Checklist

The Gods

As The Days of Noah Were – Free Chapter

Coming Soon

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This page will keep you informed when information is new or updated. After down-
loading updates please read this page to see what is new. Please feel free to offer
this as a download on your website or email this eBook to your friends and family.

If you would like to suggest supernatural creatures to be added in future updates

please click here.
Recently our society has developed a fas-
cination with strange beings from beyond
our world. These beings seemed to be very
highly advanced and unconcerned with our
well being. Aliens have are also thought to
be responsible for animal mutilations and
the crop circle phenomenon. A History
Channel special on alien abductions esti-
mates that some 4,000,000 Americans believe they have been abducted by alien be-
ings, so this is not something we can just sweep under the rug. Many conspiracy theor-
ists believe that an “alien” presence already exists here on earth and has made con-
tact with world governments.

Types of Aliens
Abductees generally report on of three different types of beings present during their
experience. However, there are exceptions to the rule and some have reported seeing
combinations of these beings together.

• Reptilians
• Nordics
• Greys

Both the Reptilians and the Greys are usually depicted as entities that have no regard
human free will and neither have our best interest in mind. On the other hand the
Nordics are usually viewed as our “saviors” by those that claim to have made contact
with them. There are also groups of people that claim to have seen these Nordic be-
ings alongside Reptilians and Greys, which calls into question their true intentions.

Alien Abilities
The similarities between angels and aliens are very disturbing. In Acts 12 there is a
strange event involving an angel that seems strikingly similar to an alien abduction.
Peter is sleeping between two guards in jail.
• A light shines into the prison.
• The light lifts Peter up.
• Peter’s chains fall off.
• An angel suddenly appears or perhaps walks through the wall.
• The gate to the prison opens by itself.
• The angel suddenly disappears.

During this whole ordeal, the guards remained sleep, just as many abductees claim
their partners do during their own abduction experience. Peter actually thought he
was dreaming the entire thing because it was such a strange event. Once you start
putting things into perspective, there seems to be some merit to strange beings
snatching people up with beams of light.

Alien Strengths
• Telepathy
• Dematerialization
• Paralyze
• Posession

During abductions, victims have reported being unable to speak or move until the or-
deal is over. These beings also seem to be able to manipulate time or move their vic-
tims outside of the time domain altogether. They also have the ability to walk
through walls, use telepathy, and possess (walk in) abductees. Contact with these be-
ings can be made by channeling an invitation for them to come.

Alien Weaknesses
• The Name of Jesus
• Physical Resistance
• Prayer

Much like angels, many abductees have started reporting that they were able to stop
these abductions by rebuking them in the name of Jesus. The following list of inter-
views do a great job on describing how these abductions are stopped with the name
of Jesus.

• The Omega Hour – Joe Jordan

• The Omega Hour – Guy Malone
• The Omega Hour – Ann Druffel
• The Omega Hour – Chris White
Disclaimer: We do not suggest, condone, or encourage the killing, torture, beating, or
any other kind of bodily harm to those suspected of being an alien.

Suggested Reading

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How To Hunt The Supernatural – FREE eBook –

In recent years angels have become a
popular subject of study for many people.
These powerful beings are no longer rele-
gated to the Jewish, Christian, or Islamic
religions. The most popular idea is that
all angels are good and carry out the will
of God, but that is not always the case.

Based on the text of various cultures, an-

gels seem to have a society much like our
own. Angels are said to have a hierarchy,
weapons, vehicles, and highly advanced technology.

What Are Angels?

Angels seem to be spiritual beings that have the ability to materialize themselves into
the physical world. In the Bible, believers in Christ are said to become like angels af-
ter the resurrection at the end of days, but they do not become angels (Luke 20:36).
The Bible also claims that believers in Christ will become like Christ once they receive
their new bodies (1 John 3:2). Jesus exhibited some very strange and unique abilities
after His resurrection. Much like angels, Jesus could walk through walls, disappear,
and reappear at will. He could also be touched (Luke 24:39).

The World of Angels

The usual belief associated with angels is that they either inhabit heaven or hell, but
that is incorrect. Much of what we are taught in church is simply what the Pastor was
taught by his or her teacher. Angels do not rule in heaven or hell, but they do have
free will to act as they choose. Some believe that heaven and hell are right here all
around us, but there are others that believe heaven and hell are simply in another
dimension that can eventually be reached by means of technology. Surprisingly, the
latter may have some merit to it.
How To Hunt The Supernatural – FREE eBook –

Almost unanimous consensus designates heaven as the place where all angels once
lived. After the rebellion, some were cast down to earth, but maintained “visiting
rights” to the heavenly realm (Job 1:6).

According to the Bible, hell was created as a place of punishment for “the Devil and
his angels” (Matthew 25:41). A popular idea is that there are demons in hell torturing
people for their own amusement, but this belief is not found anywhere in the Bible.

Angelic Government
Both good and bad angels seem to have a chain of command that is alluded to all
throughout the Bible. The following charts show the angelic hierarchies for both the
good and bad angels in order of rank:

1. Seraphim
2. Cherubim
3. Thrones
4. Dominions
5. Virtues/Might
6. Powers
7. Principalities
8. Archangels
9. Angles

This hierarchy also seems to indicate how powerful these beings are. When Michael
disputed with Lucifer over the body of Moses, he invokes the name of God to defeat
him (Jude 1:9). It may also clarify why Lucifer attempted to take heaven with only
1/3 of the army of heaven at his command. According to the Bible, Lucifer was a Che-
rub (Ezekiel 28:14), and his ranks were made up of Thrones, Dominions, Powers, and
Principalities (Colossians 1:16). Ephesians 1:21 also connects the Virtues or Mights to
Lucifer. His army may also consist of other ranks of angels as well, but they are not
mentioned in connection with him.

In contrast, God’s army consists of Seraphim (Isaiah 6), Cherubim (Ezekiel 10), Arc-
hangels (Jude 1:9), and Angels (Genesis 32:1). There are only four Seraphim and four
Cherubim recorded in the Bible, with the exception of Lucifer. This leads some to be-
lieve that Seraphim and Cherubim may be two names for the same rank of angel. The
How To Hunt The Supernatural – FREE eBook –

rank of Archangel and Angel are the lowest in the hierarchy, which may explain why
Lucifer thought he would be successful with what seems like a disadvantage.

Angelic Abilities
The Bible actually has a lot to say about angels and what they are capable of doing.
The following list of angelic abilities was referenced from As The Days of Noah Were:
The Sons of God and The Coming Apocalypse.

1. Angels are messengers: Genesis 19:15

2. Angels can kill people: 2 Kings 19:35, Revelation 9:15
3. Angels can touch people: Genesis 32:24, 1 Kings 19:5, Acts 12:7
4. Angels can appear and disappear at will: Numbers 22:31, Judges 6:21, Luke
22:43, Acts 12:10
5. Angels can enter dreams: Genesis 31:11, Matthew 1:20
6. Angels can change form: Genesis 3, Exodus 3:2, 14:19, Judges 13:6, 2 Corin-
thians 11:14, Hebrews 13:2, Jude 1:6
7. Angels can be seen by animals: Numbers 22
8. Angels can control the elements: Judges 6:21, Revelation 7:1, 14:18
9. Angels can move between heaven and earth: Genesis 28:12, Luke 2:15
10. Angels will be judged: Job 4:18, 1 Corinthians 6:3
11. Angels have “chariots” (vehicles): Psalm 68:17
12. Angels eat: Psalm 78:25
13. Angels can be good or evil: Psalm 78:49
14. Angels are spirits: Psalm 104:4
15. Angels praise God: Psalm 148:2, Luke 2:13
16. Angels can walk through fire: Daniel 3:28
17. Angels can control animals: Daniel 6:22
18. Angels have a military: Matthew 26:53, Revelation 9:11
19. Angels can stop you from speaking: Luke 1:20
20. Angels escort the dead: Luke 16:22
21. Angels can cure sickness: John 5:4
22. Angels can manipulate things without touching them: Acts 12:7
23. Angels can lock people into their sleep (guards): Acts 12:7-10
24. Angels can lie: Galatians 1:8
25. Angels can seek worship: Colossians 2:18
26. Angels desire to learn: 1 Peter 1:12
27. Angels can sin: 2 Peter 2:4
28. Angels fight each other: Revelation 12:7
How To Hunt The Supernatural – FREE eBook –

As we can see, the abilities of angels are very vast. It seems as though they can inte-
ract with humans in all kinds of different ways. They also seem to be able to develop
technology that allows them to move from point A to point B very quickly.

Angelic Strengths
According to the Bible, angels that are still doing the will of God are immortal, but it
does not make any mention as to whether or not fallen angels are immortal (see The
Gods). Based on various Bible verses, angels seem to possess very high levels of tech-
nology and abilities that far exceed our own (Genesis 28:2, 2 Kings 2:11, 6:17, Acts

Angelic Weaknesses
Although angels seem to be smarter, more powerfully, and possess a high level of
technology, they do have a single weakness revealed in the Bible. They can be re-
buked by God. Not even the Devil can continue on with his mission once he is rebuked
in the name of Jesus (Zechariah 3:2, Jude 1:9).

Disclaimer: We do not suggest, condone, or encourage the killing, torture, beating, or

any other kind of bodily harm to those suspected of being an angel.
The changeling plays a huge role in fairy
mythology, mostly in Germany and Ireland.
According to legend, a changeling is the
offspring of a fairy, troll, or elf that is left
in the place of a human child. It is be-
lieved that the supernatural beings that
leave changelings think it is an honor to
have their child raised as a human. Some also believe that un-baptized children have
a high risk of being taken by fairies. It is said the changelings can be detected by
hanging them over fire until they confess to what they are. Changeling babies are also
thought to be unhappy unless something evil is happening in the house (click here).

• Parchment Like Skin
• Dark Eyes
• Wisdom Beyond Its Years
• Crooked Hand
• Lame Hand

Their Powers
• Shapeshift
• Manipulate Matter
• Long Lifespan

• Fire
• Foxglove

German and Irish changelings have different strengths and weaknesses, so the weak-
ness of one may not apply to the other.

Disclaimer: We do not suggest, condone, or encourage the killing, torture, beating, or

any other kind of bodily harm to those suspected of being a changeling.
Demons are perhaps the most disturbing of all superna-
tural entities. Their ability to inhabit almost anyone or
anything makes them extremely difficult to find. There
are two prevailing theories on where demons come
from. The first belief is that they are fallen angels that
were stripped of their beauty after they fell from hea-
ven. The second belief is that they are the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim, as
found in the Book of Enoch. Demons do not seem to play a major role in the Bible un-
til we reach the New Testament, and they seem vastly different from angels.

Demons seem to have the need to possess and control people or animals in order to
manifest their presence, as seen in the story of the Gaderenes (Luke 8:26-33). Anoth-
er terrifying aspect of demons is that many of them can inhabit the same space (Mark
5:9). A common misinterpretation is that there were 1,000 demons inside the man
that was possessed by Legion, but Roman Legion consisted of as many as 4,200 sol-

Possessed individuals seem to display enhanced or superhuman abilities such as, super
strength (Mark 5:4) and immunity to fire (Matthew 17:15). In movies such as The Ex-
orcist, demons displayed an ability to move objects without touching them and speak
in multiple voices simultaneously. Many people claim that demonic possession was
just an ancient way of diagnosing mental problems, however Matthew 4:24 makes it
clear that they understood the difference between demonic possession and mental
problems. Mental illness also does not explain super strength or immunity to fire.

There also seems to be different levels of demons that were immune to the disciples’
attempts at exorcism (Matthew 17:18-21). Demons are also very dangerous and on at
least one occasion a single demon beat and humiliated seven men (Acts 19:13-16) for
trying to cast him out without the proper authority. For an in depth list of demonic
entities from many different cultures, please click here.

Demonic Abilities
• Possess People
• Possess Animals
• Super Strength
• Immunity To Elements
• Telekinetic Power
• Speak In Multiple Voices

Demonic Weaknesses
• The Name of Jesus
• Exorcism
• *Blessed Oil
• *Holy Water
• *Crucifix
• Music
• Fasting
• Prayer

Much of what we know about exorcism comes from Catholic based movies. They
usually consist of long exorcism rituals which were not conducted in the Bible. Cruci-
fixes, Blessed Oil, and Holy Water may not be effective against demons in a real life
situation. However, rebuking in the name of Jesus, fasting, and prayer are known to
work if the one doing the casting out is saved. The unsaved may find themselves in
the same position as the seven sons of Sceva (Acts 19:16).

Disclaimer: We do not suggest, condone, or encourage the killing, torture, beating, or

any other kind of bodily harm to those suspected of being a demon or possessed by a
The subject of the Nephilim is very controversial
in many churches. Because of this, many
churches do not teach on the subject at all. The
Nephilim were a race of evil giants described in
Genesis 6, Numbers 13, and various other Old
Testament passages. According to the Bible, the
Nephilim were the result of fallen angels having
sex with human women (Genesis 6:1-4). These
Nephilim terrorized humanity in the days of
Noah, resulting in God sending the flood to wipe
them out. After the flood, some believe that the
disembodied spirits of these angel/human hybrids
became the demons in the New Testament. Shortly after the flood we find the Nephi-
lim aligned with Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 14:5) and in the Promised Land
(Numbers 13:33).

Tales of the Nephilim appear in various other cultures as heroic demigods. Perhaps
the most famous of these hybrids are Hercules, Achilles, Perseus, and Gilgamesh. All
of these demigods were the result of powerful beings producing offspring with hu-
mans. It seems that the mixing of the spiritual world with the physical world results in
hybrid offspring that exhibit supernatural abilities while remaining mortal.

Almost every culture believes that at some point in our past, supernatural beings with
supernatural powers came down and started mating with mankind. In every instance
these beings are said to have been created by a higher power. There is usually a war
for heaven sometime in their past and the losing group is bound to earth. It is while
they are on earth that the corruption of human DNA begins.

Based on the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:37, many believe that the Nephilim will
once again walk the earth in the last days. Some believe that the angels attempt to
create hybrids has continued throughout history with the angels disguising themselves
as different supernatural entities. UFO abductees have reported seeing hybrids on
board the ships, which indicates that the hybrid program may still be going on.
If the hybridization program continued into our present, it may be possible that the
identifying traits were being researched so the angels could produce hybrids that
could blend in with mankind. This would make them almost undetectable and very
hard to wipe out because of it.

The Tribes of Nephilim

The following list consists of Nephilim tribes that are found throughout the Bible.

• Amorites
• Anakim
• Emim
• Rephaim
• Zamzummim

There are other tribes that are believed to be descended from the Nephilim and as
they are confirmed, they will be added to the list above.

Named In The Bible

The following Nephilim are named in the Bible. However, there are other Nephilim
referred to in the Bible, but no name is given for them.

• Anak
• Goliath
• Ishbibenob
• Og
• Saph

The following is a list of physical characteristics usually associated with the Nephilim.
There may be more, but these are the commonly accepted characteristics.

• Double Rows of Teeth

• Super Strength
• Six Fingers On Each Hand
• Six Toes On Each Foot
• Cannibalistic
• Very Tall
Important: Some of the physically distinguishing traits such as six toes and fingers,
height, and double rows of teeth may have been corrected. That means they may now
be able to blend in after years of DNA tampering.

Their Weaknesses
Because the Nephilim were so tall, their size was seen as a weakness by some. Crazy
Wolf of Crazy Wolf Radio pointed out that the phrase “cut down to size” originated as
a military term that referred to soldiers bringing the giants to the ground by chopping
away at their legs.

The Nephilim seem to have the same weaknesses as normal human beings and can be
brought down by almost any means that will take down a normal human.

Disclaimer: We do not suggest, condone, or encourage the killing, torture, beating, or

any other kind of bodily harm to those suspected of being a Nephilim.

Suggested Reading

Click The Picture Above to Buy

The Gods
Legendary tales of gods and goddesses can be found
in almost every culture on the planet. These beings
have existed since the time before time and were
worshiped because of their power. However, none of
the gods were all powerful, and in almost every sto-
ry, they were created by a higher power. At some
point in almost every story, there is a struggle for
heaven and one group claims victory, while the other group is cast down or impri-
soned. These stories seem similar to the angelic rebellion in heaven, with the leader
of that rebellion varying depending on the culture. According to almost all of the sto-
ries, the gods are only immortal if they are not killed.

The gods were usually deceptive and vengeful when it came to mankind. Zeus dis-
guised himself as golden rain, a bull, and a man just to sleep with the women he
wanted. There are some that believe the gods were nothing more than fallen angels
attempting to gain the worship of mankind (Colossians 2:18). Much like the fallen an-
gels, the gods also produced hybrid offspring with supernatural powers. These
offspring were called demigods, but some believe them to be the same as the Nephi-

The Bible makes a reference to the gods eventually being judged by God, which will
lead to their ultimate destruction (Psalm 82). Paul also calls the gods devils or de-
mons depending on which version you are reading (1 Corinthians 10:20). The Bible
does not deny that these beings existed, but that they were pretending to be some-
thing other than what they actually are.

Their Strengths
• Shapeshift
• Control Elements
• Immortal

Their Weaknesses
• Hind’s Blood
The Greeks believed that hind’s blood could kill the gods and because of this, all of
the hinds were wiped out except for one. Other cultures believed that only a god or
goddess could kill a god or goddess. Unless you have access to hinds blood or one of
the “gods” willing to help you, hunting them is an exercise in futility. Thousands of
different gods were worshiped around the world, so if you have a particular god in
mind to hunt, please research each one individually before you hunt.

Disclaimer: We do not suggest, condone, or encourage the killing, torture, beating, or

any other kind of bodily harm to those suspected of being a god or goddess.
The myth of blood sucking, humanoid, beings has been
around for thousands of years. Over the last few
hundred years the vampire has undergone many
transformations. These creatures of the night seem to
change almost every generation that the story is
retold. Much like other supernatural beings, vampires
exhibit traits that are consistent with many of the
angelic abilities. Vampires have become a modern obsession in our society, which only
adds fuel to the supernatural fire that is already burning.

As is common with the supernatural, the vampire seems to change depending on the
culture. Certain weaknesses that appear in some cultures are not weaknesses in
others. In several cultures vampires are good looking and seductive, while in others
they are grotesque and unattractive.

Vampires are usually believed to sleep in coffins, caves, basements, attics, and old
churches during the day hours. They are usually depicted as sleeping in large groups,
probably as a form of security. Killing one vampire may wake the entire nest.

History of Vampires
Popular belief is that the vampire myth goes back to Vlad The Impaler, but vampires
date back a lot farther. Much like angels, vampire legends appear all around the
world. Here are a few of the places that these vampire legends are found:

• India
• Egypt
• Persia
• Babylon
• Greece
• Rome
• Assyria

Until fairly recently the drinking of blood was usually attributed to demons, gods, and
ritualistic practices. The Bible actually forbids vampirism among the Israelites
(Deuteronomy 12:23). Another strange verse involves Michael fighting with Satan over
the body of Moses for some unknown reason (Jude 1:9). It is believed that vampires
drink blood in order to maintain their immortality. If a vampire does not consume
blood, it will die.

Their Powers
Vampires have quite a few powers that make them very formidable opponents.
Because vampires have such an extensive list of powers, those seeking to hunt
vampires should proceed with caution.

• Shape Shift
• Seduction
• Fly
• Super Strength
• Wild Rose
• Hawthorn

Almost all vampire legends support the belief that vampires prefer the night.
However, in some cases sunlight is completely useless as a weapon against them. The
consensus is that hunting vampires is usually best during the day regardless of the
sun’s effectiveness against them.

Their Weaknesses
The list of vampire weaknesses is long, but there is one sure way to kill a vampire
based on many accounts, and that is to cut off their head. Vampires also seem to
need an invitation in order to enter the home. This invitation is usually only needed
once in order for them to return at any time they choose.

• Holy Water
• Stake
• Garlic
• Decapitation
• Crosses
• Fire
• Sunlight
• Crucifix
• Rosary
• Drowning
• Silver Bullets
• Lemon
• Starvation
• Dismemberment

Dismemberment and burning are the other two most effective ways of dispatching a
vampire. In some cultures, spikes were driven through the arms and legs to ensure
that the vampire does not rise from the dead again.

Important: Depending on the culture, some of the above weaknesses may not apply to
their native vampire.

Disclaimer: We do not suggest, condone, or encourage the killing, torture, beating, or

any other kind of bodily harm to those suspected of being a vampire.

• The Omega Hour – Connie Huft

As The Days of Noah Were: The Sons of God and The Coming Apocalypse – Sample Chapter

Chapter 3: The Lines of Seth Theory

The Lines of Seth Theory is very popular among pastors and theologians, mostly because it is comfortable and
non-controversial. In this chapter we will thoroughly explore the origin of this theory and how it fits into
Genesis Chapter 6. Chances are that this is theory that is taught in your church because many pastors have
been taught this theory from their mentors. The Lines of Seth theory is a very widely accepted theory, so it is
important that we explore it thoroughly.

“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they
chose. And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be
an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of
God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which
were of old, men of renown.” – Genesis 6:1-4

The Lines of Seth theory is used to explain who Genesis 6:2-4. The theory states that the “sons of God” are
actually the sons of Seth, and the “daughters of men” are actually the daughters of Cain. As a result of these
two groups mixing, giants were born on the earth. Consequently, because of their disobedience, God destroys
the world with a flood.

This theory on the flood has gained momentum over the centuries and has been made popular because of the
very strange alternative explanation, which we will explore in the next chapter. In the 3rd century A.D., a man
by the name of Sextus Julius Africanus (200 – 275 A.D.) started teaching the Lines of Seth view of Genesis
Chapter 6. As a result it has been widely passed down from generation to generation of pastors. Over the
years, quite of few prominent church leaders have held this view, two of which are:

1. Cyril of Alexandria
2. St. Augustine

Before we jump to any conclusions about whether this theory is right or wrong, we need to thoroughly
explore what it is all about. This theory is built upon the foundation that the descendants of Seth were godly
and the descendants of Cain were ungodly, but is this true?

Were The Sons of Seth Godly?

The sons of Seth may have been godly, but there is no indication in the scripture that they are called the
sons of God nor is there any indication that they were godly. Genesis Chapter 6 makes absolutely no references
to Cain or Seth in the Hebrew, Greek, Latin, or English translations. In order to make this theory to fit, those
that hold this view need to make their own changes to words in the actual Biblical text. Cain did kill Abel, so it
is assumed that his entire line is ungodly, but God forgave Cain and placed a mark of protection on him.
Contrary to popular belief, this mark was not the result of a curse (Genesis Chapter 4), but a sign of God’s
grace and mercy. The theory also runs into two more Biblical problems when we get to Luke and John.

“Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.” –
Luke 3:38

Luke is tracing the bloodline of the Messiah back until he reaches God. Notice that Luke refers to Seth as
“the son of Adam” and then to Adam as the son of God. In Hebrew, Adam means “man”, so Luke is calling Seth
the son of a man. This does not seem to be coincidental in the least bit. Before the resurrection of Christ, the
only two men referred to as sons of God, by name, were Adam and Jesus. John testifies to this also.

“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his
name:” – John 1:12

There are only two ways to become a son of God. One way is by being a direct creation of God, and the other
way is receiving Christ. If Seth was not a direct creation by God and Christ had not yet been resurrected, how
did Seth’s line come to be called the sons of God? Something else that is worthy of pointing out is that if the

As The Days of Noah Were: The Sons of God and The Coming Apocalypse – Sample Chapter

phrase referred to the sons of Seth, it means that they initiated the disobedience to God, not Cain’s line. The
scripture indicates that the sons of God took wives of all that “they chose”. There are also two more questions
that arise from this theory:

1. Why did Seth’s entire lineage except for Noah’s family die in the flood?
2. Why were they in the company of Satan in Job Chapters 1 and 2?

We can clearly see that the evidence so far argues against the sons of God being the sons of Seth. Another
major stumbling block for the theory is lack of scriptural support. Seth may have been the replacement for
Abel’s death, but nowhere does it say that his entire line was godly. Another verse that adds a nail to this
coffin is found in Hebrews:

“For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.” – Hebrews 2:16

Here the Bible refers to the seed of Abraham, but we do not assume that the Bible really means someone
other than Abraham, so why make the same assumption about Genesis Chapter 6? We know the Bible is talking
about the Nation of Israel specifically. Why is it that some will try to change the word of God to fit their own
personal beliefs? The Bible says what it means and means what it says. When it refers to the sons of Elohim
(God), it is not referring to anyone other than God. When it says daughters of Adam, it is not referring to
anyone other than Adam. When it says Abraham, it is not referring to anyone other than Abraham.

God’s Word Man’s Word

Sons of God Sons of Seth
Daughters of Adam Daughters of Cain

“Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.” – Proverbs 30:6

Genealogy of Seth
Seth is the son that God blessed Adam and Eve with, after Cain kills Abel. There is no scriptural reference to
Seth’s line being godly, but it seems to be an invention of man to twist the scripture to fit their beliefs instead
of twisting their beliefs to fit scripture. Lets take a look at Seth’s line starting with Adam and concluding with

• Adam – Man
• Seth – Appointed
• Enos – Mortal
• Cainan – Sorrow
• Mahalaleel – Blessed God
• Jared – Come Down
• Enoch – Teaching, Educated, or Dedicated
• Methuselah – His Death Shall Bring
• Lamech – Despairing, Poor, or Made Low
• Noah – Rest or Comfort

We know that Seth’s line is continued through Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, but what we do not know is
where their wives came from. It is possible that the sons of Noah married the daughters of Cain, but that would
make the flood pointless to all that hold this belief. If God’s intentions were to wipe out the earth because of
this mixing, that means He would have failed by only saving a group of people in a mixed marriage. There is no
Biblical evidence to support the theory that Seth’s line could not mix with the line of Cain. It is entirely
possible that Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth had wives that came from the line of Cain, but again, the Bible is
completely silent on the issue. Genesis 4:26 also offers us an interesting insight to something else about Seth’s

“And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the
name of the LORD.” – Genesis 4:26

As The Days of Noah Were: The Sons of God and The Coming Apocalypse – Sample Chapter

Supporters of the Lines of Seth view use this verse to support the theory that Seth’s line was godly because
Enos began calling upon the name of the Lord. If that is true, whom did Adam, Cain, Abel, and Seth call upon?

The traditional Jewish interpretation of this verse, though, implies that it marked the beginning of idolatry, i.e.
that men started dubbing "Lord" things that were mere creatures. This is because the previous generations,
notably Adam, had already "begun calling upon the name of the Lord", which forces us to interpret huchal not as
"began" but as the homonym "profaned". In this light, Enos suggests the notion of a humanity (Enoshut) thinking of
itself as an absolute rather than in relation to God. 1

As we start to unravel the myth of Seth’s line being righteous, we begin to see that this was not the
traditional Jewish belief. Seth’s son Enos is viewed as the first idolater and the rest of Seth’s sons initiate
disobedience to God by making wives of Cain’s daughters, if you hold to that view. Are these the actions that
we would expect from a godly line?

Genealogy Of Cain
Cain seems to get a bad rap for his actions, but God forgave him. Not only did God forgive him, but also He
placed a mark on Cain and promised to avenge him sevenfold (Genesis 4:15) if anyone killed him. This mark
does not sound like the mark of a curse, but the mark of God’s blessing. It is true that Cain made a mistake,
but that does not make his entire line ungodly, as some would have us believe. Cain is a perfect example of
God’s grace and mercy. Lets look at what the Bible says about the people in Cain’s lineage.

• Cain – Possession or Spear

• Enoch – Teaching, Educated, or Dedicated
• Irad – Donkey, City of Witness, or Fugitive
• Mehujael – Struck by God
• Methusael – Man Who Asked God
• Lamech – Despairing, Poor, or Made Low
• Jubal – Ram
• *Naamah (daughter) – Pleasant
• Tubal-Cain – Worldly Possession

This is the last mention of Cain’s genealogy, which becomes important in refuting the many false doctrines
surrounding Cain’s bloodline. Some scholars would have us believe that because Cain killed Abel, his entire line
is cursed, but that simply is not true. The Bible does not make any reference to Cain’s line being cursed or any
commandment for them not to mix with Seth’s line. For this view to hold up, one needs to add their personal
opinion to the text and dismiss actual scripture. The following questions need to be answered if we are to
accept the view that Cain’s line was ungodly:

• Why were Seth’s sons taking wives of their own choosing?

• Why were Seth’s sons disobeying a command of God if they were godly?

Seth’s line is the one that seems to be acting against the will of God if we actually read the story. They
initiate the disobedience by taking wives of their own choosing. It seems as though the “daughters of Cain” had
no say in the matter, and the sons of Cain did not participate in this event. Everyone in Cain’s line seems to be
completely innocent as far as the text of Genesis 6:1-4 is concerned. The facts seem to support the exact
opposite of what the Lines of Seth Theory teaches. According to scripture, Cain’s line seems to be neutral in
these events and Seth’s sons seem to initiate the defiance of God. If you hold to this particular view you are no
long relying on scripture to shape your belief, but are actually preaching your own gospel. While we are on the
subject of Cain, lets explore a few other false teachings about this man of God.

The Seed of The Serpent

There is another belief that Eve had sex with Lucifer in the garden, and as a result conceived Cain. This is an
extremely dangerous view because it requires you to put your word and belief above the Word of God. God

As The Days of Noah Were: The Sons of God and The Coming Apocalypse – Sample Chapter

knows in advance what people are going to say and do, so one only needs to look at the scripture to determine
if what they are being taught is the truth.

“Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own
works were evil, and his brother's righteous.” – 1 John 3:12

When you take one verse alone without comparing it to the rest of the Bible, you run the risk of taking things
out of context. This is a perfect example of how someone can take a verse out of context and add their own
story behind it. Cain being “of that wicked one” does not mean that the union of Eve and Lucifer conceived
him. This is not consistent with scripture for three reasons:

1. God has a history of destroying the half-breed angels/humans.

2. God specifically puts a mark on Cain so that nobody would kill him.
3. God promises to take sevenfold vengeance on anyone that does kill Cain.

All three of these are inconsistent with all of God’s other commands concerning the offspring of fallen angels
and humans. In order to clear up the confusion, we can turn to the words of Jesus concerning the Pharisees:

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning,
and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for
he is a liar, and the father of it.” – John 8:44

Jesus calls the Pharisees sons of the devil, but He is not talking in a physical sense. In order to understand
the context, you need to understand that this is an insult and not a genealogy.

“But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn away the deputy
from the faith. Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him. And said, O full
of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to
pervert the right ways of the Lord.” – Acts 13:8-10

Here again, Paul calls Elymas the child of the devil, but does Paul think the devil is literally Elymas’ father? It
is highly unlikely. Again, it is an insult for Jews who consider themselves to be people of God, to be called
children of the devil. Thankfully Jesus puts this entire issue in plain language for us:

“He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God
was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” – 1 John 3:8

As we can clearly see, whoever sins is considered to be “of the devil”. In the same context, this is what John
is saying about Cain in 1 John 3:12, but what proof do we have that Cain was not the son of Lucifer?

“These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and
searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” – Acts 17:11

Lets search our Bibles and see if these things are so. If Cain is the son of Lucifer our Bible should agree 100%
with what is being taught, but if this view is wrong, the Bible will disagree with it 100%.

“And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.” –
Genesis 4:1

This single verse seems to slap the entire theory in the face. The verse gives us four elements that rule out
Cain being the son of Lucifer:

1. Adam and Eve are no longer in Eden.

2. Adam has sex with Eve.
3. Eve conceives after having sex with Adam.
4. Eve declares that she received her son from the Lord.

The idea that Cain is the son of Lucifer is in direct conflict with the Word of God. Usually when something is
in direct conflict with the Word of God, it is not of God. Man’s theory says the following:
As The Days of Noah Were: The Sons of God and The Coming Apocalypse – Sample Chapter

1. Eve was in the Garden when she had sex with Lucifer.
2. Eve conceived Cain as a result of this act.
3. Eve’s son is from Lucifer and not God.

Do you see how this theory is in conflict with the word of God? Everything is in opposition to what the
scripture tells us. Also make not that Eve specifically says that she received Cain from the Lord, but no such
statement is made about Abel or Seth. It seems as though these exact words were put there for the purpose of
refuting the belief that Cain was the son of the devil. This theory is arrogant and prideful because it puts the
word of man above the Word of God. Be careful of anyone teaching this false view, and question everything
else they teach from that point on.

God’s Word Man’s Word

Adam + Eve = Cain Lucifer + Eve = Cain
Cain conceived outside garden Cain conceived inside garden.
Received a man from the Lord Received a man from Lucifer

When we break down the differences between God’s Word and man’s word, we can clearly see if it lines up
with scripture or not. If the words do not appear in the original Hebrew or Greek, your English translation does
not make reference to it, and the Bible contradicts the idea, we can be assured that man is preaching his own
gospel and not the Word of God.

“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are
gone out into the world.” – 1 John 4:1

Men of God And Murder

Does murder negate us from becoming a man or woman of God? Those that view Cain as ungodly because he
committed murder have not dug deep enough into scripture yet. Several of the men that God chooses to do His
will, have murder in their background.

Abraham - He took his trained servants and killed an army of men to get his nephew back. (Genesis 14:14-16)
Simeon and Levi - They killed every single man in a city and took the women and children as slaves because the
king raped their sister. The Levites eventually become the priests. (Genesis 34:25-29)
Moses - He murdered an Egyptian and buried him in the sand so no one would know. (Exodus 2:12)
David - He got another man’s wife pregnant, and then murdered the man so no one would find out. (2 Samuel 11)

All of these men were still used by God even after they committed these sins. The lesson with Cain’s sin is
not that God will curse you forever, but that God is forgiving to the point that He will personally place His
protection over you. The second lesson is that murder does not disqualify us from being a man or woman of

Does The Antichrist Come From Cain?

This is another one of those views that puts the pride of man above the Word of God. There are some that
say the Antichrist can be traced through Cain’s line, further adding to the false theory that Cain’s line is
ungodly. In order to believe that the Antichrist emerges from Cain’s line, we have to take up the position that
our own word is truth regardless of what the Bible says.

“Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark
was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.” – 1 Peter 3:20

Peter specifically states that only eight souls were saved. If we count, we know that they were Noah, Shem,
Ham, Japheth, and all of their wives. Animals are never referred to as having souls. Furthermore, we have the
following scripture to support what Peter said:

“And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the
creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained
alive, and they that were with him in the ark.” – Genesis 7:23
As The Days of Noah Were: The Sons of God and The Coming Apocalypse – Sample Chapter

The Bible specifically says that only Noah and those in the ark with him remained alive. If Cain’s genealogy
ends with the Great Flood, how is it then possible to trace the Antichrist through his lineage? If we are to buy
into the Antichrist coming from the line of Cain, the following questions need to be answered:

1. Is the Bible lying when it states that only eight people survived the flood?
2. Are you willing to call God’s Word a lie in order to make your word correct?

“Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.” – Proverbs 30:6

Are The Kenites Descendants of Cain?

The more we explore these false teachings about Cain, the stranger the ideas get. One such false idea is that
Cain is the father of the Kenites and as such, the Kenites are cursed. Racist groups and individuals that propose
the idea that the Kenites are either African or Jewish, depending on who is teaching this theory, usually hold
this view. Genesis Chapter 4 is the only scriptural reference to Cain’s genealogy. The flood in Genesis Chapter
6 wipes out all of mankind except Noah’s family, as we have already discovered using the Bible. How is it
possible that Cain fathered the Kenites if the Kenites are not mentioned until after the flood? According to the
Bible, there is absolutely no truth to this belief.

The Kenites as a nation are mentioned exactly seven times in the Bible and not a single reference mentions
them being the descendants of Cain. Associating them with Cain is man’s doing in order to encourage racism
and self-interest. When we look into the words of the Bible, we can actually trace the true origin of the

Moses father in law Jethro was a Midianite and so was his other father in law Hobab. Hobab was referred to
as “the son of Raguel the Midianite” (Numbers 10:29). In Judges 4:1 we find that Heber is of the children of
Hobab, but he is referred to as a Kenite. If this is true, the Kenite line started with someone from the line of
Hobab and not the line of Cain, as some would have us believe. Understanding the terminology of the time is
very important when tracing genealogy. The words grandfather, grandmother, grandson, and granddaughter
are never used in the Bible. Everyone is referred to as a father, mother, son, or daughter regardless of how
many generations apart they are. Heber may have been Hobab’s great grandson, great great grandson, or even
farther in the generational line for all we know, but the Bible is 100% clear that the Kenites started with
someone in the line of Hobab.

Problems With The Lines of Seth Theory

It seems as though, according to the theory, only the sons of Seth were mixing with the daughters of Cain. If
this is true, why did the daughters of Seth and sons of Cain perish in the flood? This seems contrary to God’s
nature and the revelation that He will not destroy the good along with the evil when it comes to judgment
(Genesis 18:25).

Why not just say the sons of Seth and daughters of Cain, if that is what the text is referring to? Instead, the
verse uses the words Elohim and Adam. They are two distinctly different groups. The word Elohim is never
used any place in the Bible to refer directly to Seth and Adam is never used any place in the Bible to refer
directly to Cain. Again, there is no mention of Cain or Seth in Genesis Chapter 6.

According to Genesis 4:16 Cain went to the land of Nod to the east of Eden. Either Cain’s daughters returned
to Cain’s original home or Seth’s sons journeyed to Nod to seek out the daughters of Cain. The Bible seems to
specifically point out the fact that Cain separated himself from the rest of his family before getting married
and having children, further complicating the possibility that this event was just two groups of people mixing
without permission.

Another problem with this theory is that Genesis 5:4 states that Adam had other sons and daughters. Why
exactly would the sons of Seth specifically seek out the daughters of Cain and ignore the other women around
them? Why were the descendants of Adams other sons and daughters wiped out in the flood if the mixing only
involved the descendants of Cain and Seth? Again, there are too many problems that arise when we try to
manipulate the text in order to fit our view.
As The Days of Noah Were: The Sons of God and The Coming Apocalypse – Sample Chapter

Who Were The Sons Of God?

There are several issues that need to be addressed in Genesis Chapter 6. The first one is figuring out who the
sons of God are if they are not actually the sons of Seth. In the Old Testament, the phrase “sons of God” (B’nai
ha Elohim in Hebrew) appears five times, in four chapters, and two books. Those two books are Job and
Genesis. The phrase appears twice in Genesis 6:2-4, so lets focus on the other three appearances.

“Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also
among them.” – Job 1:6

“Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also
among them to present himself before the LORD.” – Job 2:1

The sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan comes with them. The Hebrew word
tavek, translated as among, actually implies that he was in the midst of them. He did not just show up with
them, but they came together as a group. If the sons of God are the descendants of Seth, why is Satan in the
midst of them? How did the sons of Seth survive the flood? Another belief is that these were actually the sons
of Job, but as we will see shortly, this theory cannot possibly be what the text is referring to. Based on the
passage, we could conclude that the sons of God are angels and this meeting is supernatural.

Another important aspect to these references is that God recognizes Satan and converses with him. Satan is
not just an abstract concept of evil in the Bible, but he is a very real entity that can affect humanity only if he
has God’s permission. Its also important to point out that Satan is not God’s opposite or equal. He had to
present himself before God and get permission before tormenting Job. These passages imply that not only was
Satan among the sons of God, but he was one of them. Lets look at the last mention in the book of Job and see
if we can find any clues as to who the sons of God really are.

“Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the
measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof
fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof; When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God
shouted for joy?” – Job 38:4-7

God finally decides to answer Job and He is speaks about the creation of the earth. God mentions that the
“sons of God shouted for joy” when the earth was created. According to Genesis 1:26 man was not created
until the sixth day. This means they could not have been the ones shouting for joy when the earth was created.
Neither Job nor his sons would have been around at the time of the creation either, so this eliminates Job’s
sons as being referred to as the sons of God. This passage also puts an end to the belief that we existed in a
spiritual state before being born. If that were the case, God would not have pointed out that Job did not exist
when these things were going on. This is evident by the question, “where wast though when I laid the
foundations of the earth?” Job simply could have said he watched Him do it, if he actually existed before being

If Adam shouted for joy on the sixth day, it still would have been after the foundations were already laid, so
that still would not explain the sons of God reference. Adam was also the only man on the planet so that would
not explain why the plural word “sons” is used and not the singular “son” or simply the word Adam. The logical
conclusion is that the sons of God are indeed angels.

Finally, there is an obscure reference tucked away in the Book of Daniel that refers to a singular son of God.
Depending on which translation you read, this being is referred to as “a son of God” or “the Son of God”. Lets
look at it for ourselves.

“He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the
form of the fourth is like the Son of God.” - Daniel 3:25

The Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar has just tossed Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego into the furnace and
he was surprised to see a fourth person walking around in the fire with them. The first thing that we can safely
assume about this fourth person is that fire had no affect on him. The second thing we can safely assume is
As The Days of Noah Were: The Sons of God and The Coming Apocalypse – Sample Chapter

that he some how walked into the furnace without having to come in the same way the Hebrew boys did. This
“son of God” does not seem to be human, but thankfully Nebuchadnezzar provides us with his testimony.

“Then Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who hath sent
his angel, and delivered his servants that trusted in him, and have changed the king's word, and yielded their
bodies, that they might not serve nor worship any god, except their own God.” Daniel 3:28

Who Were The Daughters of Men?

In the Hebrew, the phrase translated as “daughters of men” is Benoth Adam or literally “daughters of
Adam”. Again, there is no mention of Cain. The phrase “daughters of men” is being used to refer to all the
daughters of Adam, not just a subset. In order for the Lines of Seth theory to fit, we need to change the word
“Adam” to the word “Cain” and completely disregard what the Bible actually says. If these were indeed the
daughters of Cain, they do not seem to be evil. According to the Lines of Seth Theory, the sons of Seth chose
them and not the other way around, meaning the sons of Seth were disobedient to God.

As we add up the problems with the theory, lets talk about God’s command not to mix the lines. There is no
mention of God separating or giving any command to separate until we reach the Tower of Babel in Genesis
Chapter 11, where God divides them Himself. This is the very first time God actually divides people into
different groups. Since there are no references to a commandment by God for the lines to remain separate,
any pastor preaching this point of view is not preaching the actual Word of God.

Giants In The Earth

Some say that the verses are only saying that giants existed but were not the result of the mixing. Others say
that they were the result of the mixing because it was forbidden. The main problem we run into with the first
part of this theory is that Genesis 6:1-4 is all one single sentence. There are no periods. This is one complete
thought of interrelated subjects. These giants did indeed come about as a result of mixing, but not as a result
of human mixing. Furthermore, the Hebrew word that is translated “giants” is actually the word “Nephilim”,
which means “the fallen ones”. These fallen ones were on the earth “also after that”, implying that this mixing
happened more than once, which we will explore in Chapter 6.

Why Was Noah So Special?

According to Genesis 6:9, Noah was just and perfect in his generation. How righteous would Noah have to be
to be considered perfect, when the world is so bad God intends to destroy it? Noah also walked with God, but
what we want to focus on is the word “perfect”. The Hebrew word chosen in this passage is tamiym, which
means “without blemish, undefiled, sound, and whole”. It is actually the same word used in Exodus 12:5 when
describing the physical appearance of the lamb that had to be used for the sacrifice. Why would God be so
concerned with Noah’s physical appearance?

As we will see in Chapter 6, the offspring of the sons of God and daughters of men had a few distinct physical
characteristics that made them stand out. These “defects” seem to be on a genetic level and specific to the
offspring of the sons of God and daughters of men.

The Breakdown
Those that hold to this belief have to ignore or disregard huge portions of the Bible, human history, and early
religious beliefs. A close examination of the scriptures shows that the line of Seth cannot possibly be the sons
of God the scripture is referring to. The Lines of Seth theory does not explain why neither Cain nor Seth is
mentioned in the original Hebrew. It does not account for the fact that God never referred to us as His sons
until after the resurrection of Christ. It ignores the fact that it would have been Seth’s line that initiated the
disobedience, thus making them ungodly. It does not explain why Noah’s physical appearance would have been
important enough to mention. Finally, it does not explain how the Nephilim show up again all throughout the
Old Testament after originally being wiped out in the flood. As we continue, we will run into quite a few other
issues that present a problem to those that hold this view.

As The Days of Noah Were: The Sons of God and The Coming Apocalypse – Sample Chapter

There seems to be a religious agenda to push the view regardless of the scriptural evidence against it. Some
people would rather not deal with the concept that will be presented in the next chapter. The Lines of Seth
theory is possibly one of the most dangerous Biblical views in existence, and the reason will be discussed in
great detail in Chapters 11 and 12.

Chapter In Review
1. Who invented the Lines of Seth theory?
2. Does Genesis Chapter 6 mention either Cain or Seth by name?
3. Does the Bible say anywhere that the sons of Seth were “Godly”?
4. Does the Bible say anywhere that Cain’s entire line is cursed?
5. Does the Bible say that the lines of Cain and Seth are to remain separate?
6. When do people gain the power to become the “sons of God”?
7. Does the Bible support the belief that Cain was the son of Lucifer?
8. Does the Bible support the belief that the Antichrist comes from Cain’s line?

Critical Thinking
1. Where in the Bible does it say that Seth’s line was “Godly”?
2. If Seth’s line was Godly, why did they initiate the disobedience?
3. How does the union of a believer and an unbeliever produce a giant?
4. If Seth’s line was Godly, why were the “sons of God” hanging out with Satan in Job Chapters 1 and 2?
5. Do you believe man’s word or God’s Word?

Covered In This Chapter

• Genesis 5
• Genesis 6:2

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