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B{i l*fl r€ !;1. ? i.t. .n t{

?fiH gti6gHf ,rJc.l,t iiUr;T1 ,tlt{tt':$q.

Ju*c 4. gilXil

hlr.{3haptn*m Kclley
1*{ 1 t$sclitl* Avenuc
N*t, }{'ls
n$tl,&*, Ter"tr*; ?S}nri

tleer h,lr. Ketl*y:

'Ibstfr you feir y*ur letbrr efJlrng tr. I n'aufr! like to *s!*nnd til ysu.f s*trr-(ttts.

As y+u h*r:w, fo11srlinc6; ,Imugrr nf LwtI trnd,fgtr pfe*sttt.t the rvork of lttor* than 5il ff,ttlsf.l
frnrn rle pnsr and pr*uerrt*if,qt$ding J*hn .bfann, fietlod Ricirtm,.y{ y*rrffclf. ernor-8.lirui}
r:tkeru.-in a rhsrniricstly-*rgartir*r* gr'r,uf g,nhitritinn rlcff#n primsrtly trenr ttt* trtllsr HslliFutx?
+f *"t-t c*lle,r.ginn" tt ini**r* fieradngL ph+togr*ph*. artd lv*rkp *n g0p*rv" al wr'li qs
rln+*gn $r1!. €reet*.t thmtry
xsnte inamll*h,*n, *t i*n i* an inuleprnde*t irusL r:f arh Ths $nunc.l ?y
***rri{*i *u*p,rt*f** *q ths urtircraity *f T*x*s st Entle,sg,trxl. s}seifi*s}ly fur tfuis sgi$rt*eifi. It ts
n*J i,u*nrr*a ro $u{r*t*nn* eny ottu* **r.r ef erti rather,
d{* t+nbbnrative Bq{tjc*r i * ft:l
1f *!e,
.;nu*g ru -**lrort; u*peo*** *n+! gr olr*aumgr fbcr$ ** c,$**i*cr theme.r,sxFtrtr*r1 ir*
axtr*hitiulr {tn*trP.

We ba*g.recsivrd rnmy uery pr:titivc sr*irpsns*s

ttorn our visiturs *n*l rrlieyi*nu-l '-+lleaguct tt'
,iL --i--i;;;;; *J* rrt* l****n:.r e gne tn crr*_tc ErlgagrTrs nnr* illsxnings.ll *xprrirnees ""'illr
tfun't yo* $i*ugfe* *'ith t'ur apprAaeh; but
att fErr $te.rtiver*e audi*ltCt* lt't *lsl !*s. I enn s*fry
rvrr*uld enrite !wr: te s*fisidstr&e brela'd*r g+aki
rcr.r*inly rnsp*et yow;roint ol:vierv. tito*ise- i
flf'ihs tx}ribiri$n tr,l rlrrr ludlqlricg wttt* *qtLt
ltrgfih, rut in n,erlrartd e{HnFB}lir.}8 "ifey5.
retyrnecf *-t
F-c'licy st-thc Dali'es
r$ yrlur reqaeT
tur :e+ponse tcr trs,v.e.Fnt.J Frn:
arriutx w,,r.1;* flf art in r:*r
p****cni cnltrtc*i*n.
Mrx**un $f Ars ni.oit-kts

flr:nni* Fin'nar:r
m* f ug** M$Iler?rutqr [$r**nr

- "r5r 6d* 11{t* uirxw.flxtt*nh{ti**'!tt$$f6ft:*rg

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