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K Rowling Life Story

• Joanne Kathleen Rowling J.K was born on the

31 of July 1965 in a small town named
Chepstow. This is where she went to Weydean
comprehensive she left Chepstow to go to
Exter University and got a degree in French
and classic witch then included a one year trip
to Paris.
J.K Rowling Life Story...Part
• Joanne often wrote fantasy stories which she
would then read to her sister. She recalls that
telling her a story in which she fell down a
rabbit hole and was fed strawberries by the
rabbit family inside it. the first story J.K ever
wrote (was when she was five or six) and it
was about a rabbit called Rabbit.
• J.K then moved to northern Portugal where
she taught English as a foreign language. She
got married in October 1992 and gave birth to
her daughter Jessica in 1993. When the
marriage ended, she and Jessica returned to
the UK to live in Edinburgh where Harry Potter
& the Philosophers Stone was eventually
The Books
• Every body knows that J.K Rowling is famous for
harry potter a seven book novel series.
• Starting off with Philosophers Stone
• Chamber of Secrets
• Prisoner of Azkaban
• Goblet of Fire
• Order of the Phoenix
• Half Blood Prince
• Finally Deathly Hollows
• Why did you write harry potter?
• What inspired you to write it?
• Why keep writing after being rejected al those
times by publishers?

• J.K writes in Fiction, Thriller, Mystery, Action.

The End

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