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rJK Rowling was born on the 31st of
July 1965.
rShe is a British author.
rHer series of books ǮHarry Potterǯ
sold more than 400 million copies
world wide.
r mne of JK Rowling's series of books was Harry Potter

r In the Potter series there is 7 books, Harry Potter and

the Philosophers Stone , Harry Potter and the
Chamber of secrets , Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry
Potter and the mrder of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and
the Half Blood Prince , Harry Potter and the Deathly

r June 30, 1997 was the release of her first novel Harry
Potter and the Philosophers Stone.

r0hat was your favourite
book when you were
r0ill you write another
series of books?
Although JK Rowling has never
openly credited any single
author with her inspiration, she
has favourite books and genreǯs
which may have been of
1.British folklore and mythology
2.The Iliad
3.The Bible
4.The Pardoners Tale
7.The story of the Treasure Seekers
8.The 0ind in the 0illows
9.Dorothy. L Sayers
10.The Chronicles of Narnia
11.The Little 0hite Horse
12.The Sword in the Stone
14.Jessica Mitford

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