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Waking Up and Reflections

When evil surrounds the world, we have the right to disagree with it. So, the inerrant
truths of reality remain. These truths are that every human have dignity and worth,
that the creative imagination of man should harnessed to better society, and it is no
vice in proclaiming our unique personalities. Long ago, the leaders & the prophets
struggled with the same issues that we wrestle today. In the midst of their hardships, they
still preserved their courage. In our generation, we must persist with that precise courage.
True courage doesn’t exist within the parameters of nihilism nor irrational violence.
Courage entails being a stand out against oppressive conformity and to think against the
pernicious grain of the establishment. A man or a woman shouldn’t beg for their freedom
to promote equality. A man or a woman should demand and fight for their liberty. I’m not
supporting some hypocritical, wicked obtuse, and barbaric mainstream culture. I’m in
my late 20s, so folks can’t con me. I‘m not going to be political correct,
since the truth displayed in a raw, uncompromising fashion will always has
that resonance. You form your own communities and maintain your own culture and
civilization. The current economic system obviously doesn’t work. Therefore, there ought
to be radical redistribution of POWER to benefit the poor and the middle class especially
globally. This reconstruction shouldn’t just focus on one avenue. Violence is not only
wrong in America, but it’s also wrong when it’s done under the guise of patriotism and
war overseas. That violence here and abroad is really socially degenerate and mentally
contradictory. It is contradictory for America to spend billions of dollars in warfare, yet
that money is vastly larger to the money spent for a public job creation program
This policy ought to deal with the elimination of the neo-imperialist Africom group and
the just end to the war on terror. Africom is a slickster organization that is trying to gain
the mineral resources and political power of especially sub-Saharan Africa. Africom is
nothing more than another form of modern age imperialism. No imperialist or neo-
colonialist should own a square inch of Africa. This immoral war on terror makes
intelligence agencies act as instruments of illegal monitoring and agitators for false
revolutions. This results in numerous occasions for reactionary leaders to reign in various
nations (like in Brazil, Nicaragua, Indonesia, Iran, and so many other countries. The CIA
have had links in these wicked coups that harm the essence of true Nationalist
movements. Even the FBI dealt with COINTELPRO and the other actions from 33rd
Degree Scottish Rite Freemason J. Edgar Hoover) to benefit the wealthy, elite class
among the West instead of the people. The war on terror forge more tensions (along
ethnic lines in Afghanistan among the Balchuis, the Pasthuns, etc.) instead of true
peace. Bombs and the ruination of infrastructure can never transpire into authentic
peace. Pakistan has its flood disaster (the flood is probably the worse in Pakistan‘s
history. About 2 million Pakistanis are now homeless. About 1,6000 people have died
from the flood among the great Indus River), but still drone bomb attacks are still a
common occurrence in the vicinity of that country. What’s really despicable is that on
U.S. new sites, some ignorant people have commended in those places in promoting the
disaster as a type of political payback. The U.S. has pledged assistance to the Pakistani
citizens, which I have no qualms about. In the meantime, secretive drone attacks and
covert Special forces units ought to cease the military attacks in Pakistan. The evil war
machine (or the military industrial complex) doesn’t conclude in long term socio-
economic benefit of man at all. Come to think about, the oligarchy don’t want oppressed
people of many backgrounds to unite in a movement promote a more egalitarian culture
that could of happened with the POOR PEOPLES campaign. The oligarchy utilize slick
means of distraction (from various mediums, puppet political figures, poisons pumped in
our food & water, etc.) in order to lull our minds into the sleep of gullibility (while
NAFTA and other globalization policies contributed to the outsourcing of jobs and the
instable lowering of the standard of living not only in North America, but in places
worldwide). Conversely, we can overcome that gullibility and embrace the wake up of
honorable solutions and inspirational hope.

I don’t subscribe to the tenets of Communism. Its ethical relativism is abhorrent and its
political totalitarianism is an unjust tenet. Yet, when I’ve gotten older, I’ve seen the errors
of cartel-capitalism. Communism omits the importance of individual effort, while cartel-
capitalism doesn’t acknowledge the legitimate need for collective solutions in the globe
as well. That immoral system can allow big corporations to accumulate record
bonuses, while no radical policy is here to really promote the General Welfare of the
people. Cut throat competition and a selfish mentality is definitely related to crony
capitalism. This form of capitalism is very parasitic. Its supporters yell about Mao, Stalin,
and Hitler. These 3 individuals are indeed murderers and ruthless dictators. Together,
they have murdered over 100 million individuals in a total savage, unjustifiable fashion.
Yet, the supporters of this current system of archaic, Austrian economic capitalism should
be reminded that the Wall Street affiliated bankers gave billions of dollars to facilitate the
destructive regimes of all three men. This has been confirmed by the literature of Anthony
Sutton and others.

Recently, there were about 30,000 people waiting for hours in Atlanta is try to
receive applications for subsidized housing. This is apart of the bad circumstances
of the economy. The recovery is difficult since millions of people don’t have jobs,
millions only work part time, and millions of other people lack money as well. Some
fear to lose their own jobs. That is why some people have can’t afford long term
mortgages. Corporate profits are used as a means to deny adequate housing as a
basic human right. That is why many people are creating mass movement to develop
reforms in promoting the right to own a house, to have health care, to have a job,

This evil form of capitalism directly promotes greed, racism (under a “divide and
conquer” strategy. I‘ll never a hate another human being because he or she is a
different color than me), class warfare, and materialism. That is why one reason for
our economically negative straights deals with certain corporate special interests
manipulating the market in order make it move to beneficial for a select few (1 in 4
Veterans are homeless. Of the 1.6 million Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, 38% of Army
and 50% of National Guard service members have been diagnosed with mental illness.
This is according to a 2007 Pentagon report). This silly materialism is played out
everyday in America and throughout the world. Materialism has grown even in this
recession. Even when I was young, I’ve always hated materialism. Some people
experience an inferiority complex, because others view them as not worth anything (by
virtue of wealth or class). The super rich are having a field day in acquiring profit. While
at least a billion people on the planet subsist on the equivalent of a dollar a day or less,
the concentration of wealth among a handful of people at the top has set new records.
Forbes magazine listed a record 946 individuals and family units worth $1 billion or more
in 2007, an increase from 793 in 2006. The combined wealth of these billionaires also
reached record levels--a staggering $3.5 trillion, an increase of 35 percent in just one year,
due largely to resurging stock prices. That is certainly a lie since no human is inferior to
another human being. These people being taunted are victims of emotional abuse.
On the other hand, a person’s worth is never defined by a person’s bank account. A
person’s rights aren’t defined by their clothing. A person’s dignity and character of
human beings are never proven by material goods. The worth, rights, dignity, and
character of all people are purely equal at birth given by God (and no other human being
can strip away the inherit, unalienable value of all human life). Nobody should have an
inferiority complex over wealth or anything else. If a person has more concern over a
check book (or name brand clothing, computer, jewelry, and vehicles) beyond the
social plight of humanity, then that is an example of a profound disgraceful, slave
mentality. You‘ve still got these 21st mental slaves today and they love their wicked
“master.” You know where I‘m going with this. Human beings ought to be told that
wealth is not God, but it’s a tool. Money is a tool utilized in numerous endeavors, but it is
not a god to be worshipped. Tolerance for all men is more important than a dollar bill.
When you think about it, it is the regular people that didn’t invent nor massively promote
silly rules on etiquette, relationships, and other distractions. Once again, the corporate
establishment (via Viacom, etc.) funds the TV shows, magazines, some books, etc. that
promote divisions, materialism, militarism, and obscene stereotypes. The corporatists
created much of the non-compassionate pop culture system that we witness in the 21st
century. This includes the nastiness that is an epidemic today. I reject judging a person on
their physical appearance. I judge a person on their character and conscious behavior. All
humans should endorse legitimate rights without regard to any classification. The love of
money is the root of all evil and that human beings do have the ability for radical
improvement or moral development. We can’t be silent since as Dr. King said
silence is betrayal. Hence, we ought to speak up and out not for
ourselves, but for more individuals. It’s firmly keen to not be ignorant of secret
societies and political groups (as found in the Council on Foreign Relations, the
Bilderbergers, the Trilaterialists, the Pilgrims, etc.) whose membership desire the new
world order. The new world order doesn’t deal with altruism as its proponents maintain.
That proposal deal with radical globalization, economic exploitation, and the crippling of
the nation-state. It’s apart of old goal of aristocrats, whose pattern of suppression of
individual freedom hasn’t ceased. Some want communities to build up their own
communities via independent economic development. That is fine, but this doesn’t mean
that entitlements for those who need ought to be restricted. If you can’t help those that
need it via bold reforms, then you’re no different than the pro-austerity crowd desiring all
safety nets to be gone. Yet, in our thinking & our deeds in opposition to the goals of the
global elite shall never quit nor die.

Our problems deal with a host of fronts not just class or even racial issues (those these
issues are important to discuss and comprehend. Institutional racism should be abolished
completely. Everybody has the right to protest racial injustice. That isn‘t playing
some card as reactionaries lie about. It‘s called keeping it real and keeping it honest).
The concerns of social reform are much more important than the debate over a location of
a mosque in New York. It’s great in my heart to be in the minority of some issues. Just
because a majority in the USA or abroad advocate a certain popular position, doesn’t
mean that the majority is right. Truth is not a popularity contest. Truth is a universal
concept that spread universally across time. Just because most Americans support the
anti-liberty Arizona law, doesn’t mean that they are right. Just because most Americans
believe in suppressing religious liberty in NYC, doesn’t mean that they are right. The
mosque controversy is a distraction that promotes reactionary hysteria in the USA. That
hypocritical pro-big business Republican Party lectures on strict constructionist, yet some
of their own membership desire a change of the 14th Amendment and war mongering. The
Fourteenth Amendment guarantees citizenship among every human being born in the
USA. Even people like Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina classified
birthright citizenship as a mistake. The 14th Amendment protects due process among all
citizens. Graham once wanted comprehensive immigration reform (now, he slurred
immigrants as baby machines who just want to go into America to drop a child into to get
access to the resources of America. This omit’s the complex nature of immigration). Even
McCain, John Kyl, Mitch McConnell, and Charles Grassley are considering revised or
eliminating parts of the Amendment. They wonder why many folks left the Republican
Party. That nativist tone is a disgrace by them. This doesn’t mean I endorse illegal
immigration. I don’t of course. On the other hand, using anti-constitutional
proposals is never a legitimate way to fight against illegal immigration.

The Islamic center even wants a memorial to the victims of September 11, but Geller and
her ilk desire free expression of religion to be suppressed. The Bohemian Grover and
deceiver Newt Gingrich compared the backers of the site to Nazis protesting outside of
the Holocaust museum. Newt is such a disgraceful liar. That’s typical of him since he
loves racial profiling, the Patriot Act, and archaic economic monetarism. Even the
Mormon Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid from Nevada doesn’t want the cultural
center to exist near Ground Zero. Within roughly the same walking distance from this
“sacred ground,” one passes strip joints, porn shops, betting parlors and dance clubs, none
of which appear to have wounded the sensibilities of these patriotic defenders of the
sanctity of Ground Zero. The President Barack Obama should not bow to the
Republicans. He should stand like a man and say that a cite in expression of religious
freedom has a right to be built in American soil. We are not a theocracy. When you think
about it, these bigoted extremists don’t give an iota of concern for even the Constitution.
It’s morally contradictory for the neo cons to claim to support Muslim
allies in the war on terror on one hand and then whip up anti-Muslim
sentiments dealing with denial of basic freedoms in America on the other.
It’s hypocritical for the reactionary neo-cons like Newt Gingrich to claim
that they oppose an Islamic theocracy when they have supported the
theocratic shariah law in Iraq. People have the right to believe in what
they want since personal freedom is practical way of living. If someone’s
freedoms, then we are threatened of our freedom. America is a minority
in the world and minority rights are a excellent disposition. Yet,
hegemony in various Empires spanning centuries want to dominate
finance capital in order to permit wars and societal exploitation. The
Oligarchy use those mental slave trading parties of the Republicans and
the Democrats in trying to pacify real resistance to their fragrantly
immoral agenda. Dr. Laura doesn‘t need to reload on hatred as Sarah
Palin proclaims either. Just because most Americans may even support the status
quo, doesn’t mean that the status quo is a realistic prescription for a holy land.

The reactionaries take individualism on its head. For example, they feel that
individualism is the freedom for people to starve, get sick, and die even if they need
public services (and are restricted of them). They believe that the wealthy should hoard
their wealth without basic worker standards, adequate wage levels, and labor protections.
There should be no corporate monopolies and no inhumane wages at all. There is no
responsibility to help a fellow citizen in their world except in the private realm instead of
government assistance. The philosophy of letting the sick, and the poor to die is evil
social Darwinism. This what the Nazis believed in (or the survival of the fittest mentality
that Adam Smith subscribed to in terms of economic philosophy). There are the returning
of debtors prisons. There are statues of limitation on debt collection. The theft of public
resources is so bad that Camden, New Jersey is proposing to close its three branch public
library system completely. If these libraries are eliminated, then society is radically
decreasing its civilized character. The Nazis abhorred science, publicly funded
education, the freedom of the press, the freedom of association, the
freedom of religion, unions, and other locations of higher learning. This is
why public education is under attack today. For if you break down the
governmental structures in America to be dominated by corporations, then a
feudal system can arise to replace (for control). Not to mention that some of
these neo-conservatives supported fascist regimes for decades throughout
the world. These regimes try to harm the working class in an warfare
against the people. In the final analysis, it‘s really the super rich vs. the
rest of us. Just like in the days of Hitler, if you call for even legitimate governmental
assistance to the poor or those without jobs, then the neo-cons will call you a “socialist”
falsely. Fascism isn’t difficult to decipher. Its components deal with hatred of labor, total
deregulation of society, suppression of civil liberties, the hatred of workers’ rights, and a
free market laissez faire thinking (except when it came to the military, etc). These Nazi
views are regularly promoted in FOX News and other media circles. Even the shill Sean
Hannity once had links to the bigot & FBI informant Hal Turner. Sean Hannity is a slick
manipulator that took inspiration from the shill Rush Limbaugh. Hannity and Bill
O’Reilly greatly support the war on terror and even the evil Arizona immigration law.
Nixon operative Roger Ailes and Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch helped to form
FOX News. To me, they are fascists. If it quacks like a duck and acts like a duck, then it’s
a duck. They don’t like constitutional legal parameters like habeas corpus or even equal
protection under the law.

There is nothing wrong with embracing real spirituality. Although, I reject fully the
prosperity gospel and the Law of Reciprocity. We live under a great recession and
fraudulent clergymen teach the lie that being poor is a curse (and that you need to do
some rituals to make you wealthy).

When you see the corruption in the world, some deteriorate into hate. It’s so easy to quit
and express bitterness. It’s so easy to express hatred for fellow human beings for any
reason. Among us, life can be hard at various stages. The hardness of life is meant not to
crush our soul or spirit. It’s a means to build up our human character, to respect our
spirituality, and have a firm connection with God (including our family, lovers, and
acquaintances). I will never quit in my life either. People that hate you want you to do
that (or express hatred back), so you can be emotionally detached from your true destiny
in life. When folks are tempted into going into that ineffective, negative route, we should
be reminded of a few things. The truth is that unjust hatred is never a wise response to
evil. We fight evil by loving all humans as equals. We fight evil by protesting and we
fight evil by going the right thing. Some people don’t want to use self-defense for
religious or moral reasons (in other words, they support non-violence). I can respect that.
As for me, I do believe in self-defense. I’ve seen too many men, women, and children in
the streets and in other locations being mistreated for years. As for me, I’ve got to go
there and believe in self defense. That’s for me. I know how to fight and I thankful for
it. If you‘re a man, stand on your own 2 feet. For if we love our own community, then
we can love all people. Determination toward a better future by helping others is certainly
a glowing instrument of true cooperation. I want to mention this. There is nothing
wrong with being meek, but we have every right to be strong too. Being strong deals
with us treating people with respect and be willing to stand up for oneself period.
That isn’t evil in my eyes. Expressing our confidence is great and assisting people is
fine as well. A man should not disrespect a woman and vice versa. That means that a
men should defend a woman especially if she is in need of assistance. Don‘t be
ignorant and let a woman be abused and assaulted in front of your face (with you
doing nothing about it). A man or a woman shouldn’t be afraid of a fellow human
being. Not to mention that you ought to never sellout your own people or community to
the establishment. I am not afraid of nobody except God and I reject the beast elite
system. I say what I want in front a human’s face with full eye contact in their face.
Being a Good Samaritan is an adequate road to follow. On the other hand, social
transformation is important too in order to see the world fight against poverty and other
forms of bigotry. You can’t have a real Revolution without a moral and social
dedication plus transformation in your heart to embrace righteousness. True
compassion deals with restructuring society to not only send money to people, but
build up the infrastructure to help our neighbors. It’s also taking a stand. I don’t
mean taking a stand about promoting Nike or Gatorade. I mean advocating an end
to the war on terror, have labor rights, protect the environment, ban the Patriot Act
& all laws that are detrimental to our civil liberties, and develop economic populism
in the world. Therefore, in conclusion, the neighbors can help themselves and other
people. Fighting against poverty, war, and other evils is best served when it is fought
in a multi-pronged way. It is important to get a handle on the deficit, but it must be
done in a way that doesn‘t recklessly impede any form of economic recovery. In the
final analysis, a progressive & revolutionary thinking human being can make a big
difference in developing excellence and a more prosperous society. Don’t act stuck up
and have disdain for your own community. Have love for your community and all
people (We have that responsibility to assist people in life).
It’s plain to see that it’s never holy to swear such an evil oath such as this found
in Freemasonry. Freemasonry is not altruistic and it is definitely not of God.
Thank God I woke up about what Freemasonry is all about.

*There are more issues to be known about. One pro-Gnostic person was Freemason
Albert Pike (1809-1891). Pike in his Morals and Dogma book form pg. 102 viewed Satan
as the negation of God (and for the initiates as a power created for good, but can serve for
evil. Satan is never a force for good at all). The Gnostics hated mainstream Christianity
and wanted it gone. He was an early leader of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite
Freemasons in the Southern Jurisdiction. It was headquartered in Charleston, S.C. (which
was a stronghold of the Confederacy). He was apart of the secret, xenophobic "Know
Nothings" party. This party was openly pro-slavery. They had secret political meetings
and when asked by others about what they discussed, they would say "Nothing" or "I
don't know." Pike used works form the French occultist Eliphas Levi. Pike was born and
raised in Boston, Massachusetts, but he moved into Arkansas. He was a Brigadier
General and Confederate Commissioner to some of Native Americans for the South
during the Civil War.
Freemasonry isn't peaches and cream as the world claims. Many Masons were
involved in Revolutions, death oaths, and the segregationist movement in the South.
33rd Degree Freemason J. Edgar Hoover even hated the Civil Rights Movement.
Hoover enacted COINTELPRO and other policies that violate human civil liberties
and other political freedoms that all real people cherish. Before he changed, 33rd
Degree Scottish Rite Freemason Robert Byrd filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act
until it was stopped (and signed by President Lyndon Baines Johnson). The Scottish
Rite didn't accept people of numerous backgrounds until a few decades ago. It
would be until even in the 1980's when some Freemasons tried to kill Ed Decker.
The reason was that Ed Decker was an ex-Mason turned born again Christian that
desire to expose Masonry's secrets to the world (in order for Masons to leave the
Lodge). The Secret orders tried their best to harm independent human rights, the
spreading of the Gospel, and the promotion of transparency in the world. Yet, they
failed, because the truth is stronger than friction. The role of peace is better than the
acts of death and active life is much more fulfilling than stagnant pessimism.

Even HP Blavatsky, Annie Besant, and Alice Bailey held onto Gnostic teachings. Alice
Bailey was anti-Semitic in viewing Jewish people collectively as representing
materialism, cruelty, and a selfish mind. Alice and Foster Bailey created Lucifer Trust
(which was later changed to Lucis Trust in 1938). Lucis trust wanted to promoted the new
age of Aquarius (of merging nations, religions, etc. into one framework). They have
connections to the United Nations, the CFR, Trilateralists, and Bilderbergers. Members of
Lucis Trust or one of its affiliate organizations, such as the New Group of World Servers
or World Goodwill, has included many of the most prominent minds of the 20th century;
those who have contributed to the moving away of America and Western Europe from
Judeo-Christian ideas to what could be referred to as Gnostic-Humanist ideas or perhaps
the ‘New Age’ philosophy. Margaret Sanger is another follower of Theosophy. She
followed the teachings of the bigot Francis Galton. Galton believed that certain people
should cease to reproduce or be exterminated. This history is a history that not a lot of
people knew about until recently.
One other special tactic that the establishment does is to make us think that our plight is
solely about class or money. They do this, because it not only promotes materialism
covertly, but it ignores other problems as well. Beyond even money, the deal is that we
should promote our cultural identity. In other words, we shouldn’t be ashamed of what
we are or our cultural background. See, for a number of years, I’ve studied how these
pieces of work act. I’ve observed them (or puppets, etc.) since I’m an intuitive type of
man. I love to provoke conversation and I love to be controversial. I’m a
controversial man and I don’t apologize for it. Now, if the elite can break a person’s
bond with their own people, they’re be easy to control (they don’t even need to use
propaganda that much since the brainwashed soul would gravitate toward an evil agenda).
Henceforth, we should have respect, just treatment, and love for all people, but we
shouldn’t ignore our absolute cultural identity either. We ought not to support a savage
elite raping the Third World, and promoting neo-Jim Crow policies that contribute to
prison incarcerations. Revolutionizing our thinking is a transformative method to live by
(some are right that we should use manufacturing, technological innovation, and other
modern techniques to help others especially folks in extreme poverty. If you desire to
built a business, you should at least since the resources to help our your family and your
own community). Not even the government can solve every problem. So, the solution is a
comprehensive effort in generation a real reformation. That reformation entails both
individual efforts and collective efforts. If you’re a human being, you can’t in good
conscience support this Babylonian-like, wicked culture in the world (that don’t just
exist in the USA). You just can’t do it. Let no man or no woman dominate your
thinking or the way for present your own identity. Don’t submit to anyone except God.
Some people want a government jobs creation program, because much of Wall Street are
hoarding the wealth for themselves. Some leaders have allowed these economic problems
to fester or refuse to do anything about it since they don't want to offend the
administration. History proves that token unity with corporate power in trying to find a
solution doesn't work. It only makes Wall Street more better. Wall Street experienced
record bailouts under the guise of "too big to fail." Even some Republicans opposed
unemployment benefits extension. Some want Wall Street to pay to rebuild the economy,
yet that is very difficult since they are mostly refusing to do so. The problem now is that
many in America want immediate gentrification instead of short and long term
sustainable policies that can build up a society. Building up the safety net and improving
education can help out the elderly people on Social Security and Medicare. The radical
deregulation and privatization occurring for over 30 years haven't work historically in the
USA. So, this austerity suffering occurred long before Obama and Bush were Presidents.
That is why the shills from AEI, the Heritage Institute, and the Manhattan want to be
deficit hawks and war hawks at the expense of public development of the infrastructure of
America. Even people from across the political spectrum oppose this stuff like Freemason
Al Sharpton (that hates even innocent people owning firearms. He forgot that the Klan
and racist Democrats in the late 19th century used Jim Crow to suppress the right of black
American to own weapons. Also, criminals commit crimes and they should be punished.
Law abiding citizens owning a gun isn't a criminal regardless of what Boule, Freemason,
and possible FBI informant Al Sharpton says). Al Sharpton thinks he’s slick, but he isn’t
slick. Sharpton is apart of a Secret Society that have discriminated against people of
color for centuries. That Secret Society is definitely antithetical to the Christian faith,
yet he calls himself a preacher. That is why he won’t talk about Albert Pike, Margaret
Sanger, the PNAC Document, the Wall Street links to the White House, the population
control evils, NSM-200, and other real issues for obvious reasons. He supports a
party that in its past tried to violated the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments (including
other laws) against black people for a long time. He’s a puppet. His support of
Barack Obama is typical of him since the President supports the war mongering in
Afghanistan. The legitimate parts in the health care laws exist, but even the law had
benefits for insurance and drug companies. Many Bush holdovers and Wall Streeters
are in the new Barack Obama administration. I respect the President as a man, but I
don’t with the President on some issues. It’s as simple as that. Sharpton agrees with
nearly abortion on demand. Civil rights leaders for over 50 years have opposed
abortion on demand. Here is a quote from a late civil rights female leader:

"Several years ago, when 17,000 aborted babies were found in a dumpster outside a
pathology laboratory in Los, Angeles, California, some 12-15,000 were observed to be
--Erma Clardy Craven (deceased)
Social Worker and Civil Rights Leader
Even Margaret Sanger said the evil words that: “…The
most merciful thing
that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it." Al
Sharpton may be right on many issues, but his policies are mostly establishment left,
which is just as totally ineffective as the policies from the establishment right.
Sharpton tries to intimidate black people into being liberals on every issue, but blacks
are being more independent (in rejecting the Left and the Right Paradigm). If a
person is liberal, conservative, libertarian, or independent, I don’t consider a person
less of a human than me. Some liberals think that they have monopoly on
idealism. That isn’t true since people of goodwill from across the political
spectrum always embraced true tenets of idealism. Forget supporting some
slave mental brainwashing, pro-CFR parties of the Republicans and the Democrats.
I‘m not down with that. I‘m with being my own man with a sense of intellectual
maturity and real power. He’s no different than the Mormon Glen Beck trying to lie
about Dr. King’s real agenda. Robert Gibbs even criticized some progressives, so it isn't a
2 party deal. FOX is a disgrace too. Their owners paid money to a Republican group, yet
FOX lies and call themselves a "Fair and Balanced" network. The stripping of public
assets and public resources to be owned by the corporate sector is a problem as well.

The choice is ours. In our time in human history, I choice hope, compassion, meekness,
forgiveness, honor, and strength. The current cutthroat cartel-capitalist system is a system
of OPPRESSION plain and simple. Solving problems doesn’t just deal with money, but
socio-political restructuring as well. To everyone out there: I haven’t lost my faith and my
core convictions at all. I‘m still the same man. It‘s wild that I‘m about to be 30 years old
in a few more years. People shouldn’t change their core personality for anybody. As you
get older, you reflect on life more. That’s great since constant critiques are not a
hindrance to spiritual growth. They are an asset toward a better that goal of further
emotional enhancement. Today, some people want regionalized or localized solutions
too. I think for myself regardless of what the world thinks of me. So, there is nothing with
appreciating what you are and subsequently loving all of humanity. You have no choice,
but to move forward in our life or existence.

Real men, women, and children know about the blood of real patriots &
heroes. Yet, that blood wasn't shed for us to worship the individual. It was
shed for us to improve upon the individual and our communities, so a better
country & world can rise up.

By Timothy

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