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On Becoming Baby Wise

Birth to two weeks

o Feed within 1 ½ hours of birth (when baby is most alert)
o Feed at least 10-20 minutes on each breast (can burp between each
o Can feed 15-20 each side, burp before switching, or (esp. for sleepy
babies), can try 10-10-5-5 (alternate offering each breast for 10
minutes, burping between each, and then offering each breast for 5
minutes each)
o **Feeding may last 30-40 minutes total**
o Feed a minimum of 8 times (up to 10) per 24 hours, avoiding
o Keep awake during feeding time so that baby gets enough food:
triggers hindmilk (rub feet, stroke face, change diaper, talk to baby,
remove hat/clothes)
o If baby will not wake up sufficiently enough to take a full feeding, put
baby back down but work on feeding baby again in 1-2 hours or when
see signs of hunger
o Colostrum milk first three days, breast milk comes in 3-6 days

o Baby will sleep 16-20 hours per day
o Wake time may be up to 45 minutes including feeding time
o Late night feeding (anywhere between 8:30 p.m. to midnight): may
drop below 2 ½ hour mark so that Mom and baby can go to bed
earlier (see page 116)
o Early morning wake: if wake before normal routine several choices
(see page 116)
o Baby may fuss 15-20 minutes when lie down for sleep, teaches self-
o May need to wake baby during the day to prevent baby from sleeping
longer than 3 hour cycle

o Breast feeding (colostrum early on) triggers first bowel movement:
o Meconium transitions to brownie matter
o Brownie matter transitions to mustard yellow stool by 4th or 5th day
(healthy sign that breast milk has come in)
o Wet diapers within 24-48 hours
***Early on, do not look at clock, concentrate on watching for baby’s
signs of hunger, and giving baby a FULL feeding (no snacking): this will
naturally transition into 2 1/2 – 3 hour cycles.***

On Becoming Baby Wise

Weeks Two to Eight (up to 2 months)

o (Weeks 2-4) Feed every 2 ½-3 hours (between start of feeding to
start of next feeding)- 8-10 feedings in 24 hour period
o (Weeks 5-8) Feeding may be anywhere between 2 ½ to 3 hours (any
time increment is acceptable)- 7-8 feedings in 24 hour period: it is not
necessary to force 8th feeding if baby is doing well with only 7 but be
mindful of growth spurts: may require more feedings
o Feedings will last approximately 20-30 minutes (baby needs hindmilk)
o Establish consistent early morning feeding time (within ½ an hour
every day)
o After late evening feeding (10:00-11:00 p.m.), put right to sleep, allow
to sleep until baby wakes on own, but only allow to sleep up to five
hours and wake to feed
o Middle of night feedings: feed and put right back to sleep
o (Weeks 7-9) may drop middle of the night feeding (one night simply
sleep until morning): see “How to Drop a Feeding” page 124


o After feeding, waketime (do not allow baby to nurse to sleep, avoid
allowing to fall to sleep in swing or bouncer)
o Waketime activities include: feeding, singing, reading, bathing,
walking, playing, mobiles, floor gym, swing, infant seat, playpen
o Waketime may last only 45 minutes (including feeding time)

o May need to wake baby during the day to prevent baby from sleeping
longer than 3 hour cycle
o Naps last at least 1 ½ hours, 6-8 naps per day
o If baby is not sleeping well, cut back on waketime by 15 minute
increments (baby may be overstimulated during waketime)
o Baby may fuss 15-20 minutes when laid down for nap
o (weeks 7-8) “45 minute intruder”: wakes up 45 minutes into nap, try
feeding baby first

o (weeks 2-4): 2-5 or more yellow stools daily, 6-8 wet diapers per day,
urine clear (not yellow)
o (weeks 4+): may pass one large stool daily or as infrequently as 1
every 3-5 days

***See sample schedule on pages 119-120: Feeding time, waketime, and

**See page 114: schedule when starts sleeping through the night**
On Becoming Baby Wise

Weeks Nine through Fifteen (2-3 months)

o By end of this phase most Baby Wise moms transition from 7-8
feedings per 24 hours down to 5-7 feedings (never less than four)
o (weeks 12-15) most babies go easily to a combination 3-4 hour
routine and drop late evening feeding (~10:00 p.m) “See How to
Drop a Feeding” page 124-125 for information on stretching to 3-4
hours and dropping late evening feeding

o (Two months) Baby begins to sleep 7-8 hours continuously at night
(may cry 5-35 minutes in middle of night for 3-5 days)
o (Three months) A breast fed baby can gradually extend nighttime
sleep to 9-10 hours per night, and a bottle fed baby can go 11 hours
(be careful, letting breast fed baby sleep longer than 9-10 hours may
cause decrease in milk supply
o Bedtime adjusted to early evening feeding
o May awaken 5:00 or 5:30 a.m. and talk to themselves and go back to
sleep for an hour or so (may last 1 week-1month), if start to respond
every time this will become baby and mom’s wake time!
o Naps last at least 1 ½ hours
On Becoming Baby Wise

Weeks Sixteen through Twenty-four (4-6 months)

o Usually during this time period will introduce solid foods (pediatrician
o Along with solid foods, continue 4-6 liquid feedings per day (drop late
evening feeding)
o By 24th week, baby’s main mealtimes should begin to line up with rest
of family’s: breakfast, lunch, dinner, with a 4th, 5th, or 6th liquid feeding
offered (one liquid feeding can come at bedtime and other additional
feedings might come in late morning or late afternoon)
o As begin introducing solid foods, you are not adding more feeding
periods, just additional food at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Offer
breast or bottle then some cereal. Do not offer cereal alone and then
liquid feeding two hours later: this would mean back to snacking (see
On Becoming Baby Wise II: Parenting your Pretoddler)

o Most babies are sleeping 10-12 hours per night (breast feeding moms
need to monitor milk supply)
o 3 daytime naps lasting between 1 ½ - 2 hours
o Once 3rd nap dropped, waketime and other naps will increase in

Waking Up Happy
o 3 daytime naps lasting between 1 ½ - 2 hours
o Once 3rd nap dropped, waketime and other naps will increase in
o At this time, baby will begin to develop a “wake-up disposition”
o 3 rules for naps:
1. Mom, not baby decides when the nap starts
2. Mom, not baby decides when the nap ends
3. If baby wakes up crying or cranky, it’s most often because baby
has not had sufficient sleep, dirty diaper, noisy neighbor, sickness
coming on, or arm or leg stuck between crib slats
o Active sleep to relaxed sleep state in 30-45 minutes, in next 30-45
minutes relaxed sleep back to active sleep
o At end of active sleep period, baby may begin to stir and cry, but
baby will likely go back to sleep after ten minutes and sleep for
another 30-40 minutes
o When baby gets enough sleep, will wake up happy, making cooing

***See “how to drop a feeding” on pages 124-125***

On Becoming Baby Wise

Weeks Twenty-Five through Fifty Two (6 months to one year)

o Feeding times remain the same 6-12 months
o Each meal includes liquid feeding (breast or bottle) and should be
supplemented by baby food with optional 4th or 5th liquid feeding in
late morning or mid afternoon and a required liquid feeding at
o Continue with four to five nursing periods per day (same general rule
applies to formula-fed babies)

o Around 6 months, baby will drop late-afternoon/early-evening nap
o Two nap times (one in morning, one in afternoon)
o Naps are usually 1 ½-2 hours long
o 10-12 hours of sleep per night

***See On Becoming Baby Wise II for more information about this period
of development***

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