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The Gospel According To



Exorcisms The Torah and the Gospel

Raising the Dead Edits
Healings Names
Sundry Miracles Glossary
Parables Introduction
Map of Palestine Later Additions to the Gospel of Mark
Map of Jerusalem Unresolved Questions
The Serpent, The Morning Star, The Satan, The Prodigal Son
Joshua and Johanan the Baptiser The Good Shepherd
The Birth of Johanan the Baptiser My Curse Upon Them
The Birth of Joshua bar-Joseph The Disciples Fail to Cast Out a Demon
Joshua's Childhood Works of Power Eleazar Raised to Life
Johanan's Baptism of Joshua
The First Disciples Joshua the King
The Wedding at Qaneh Joshua Anointed by the Magdalene
On the Explication of Parables The Secret Sayings of Joshua the Nazorean
Various Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven Signs of the End of the Aeon
A Woman Taken in Adultery The Seventy Sent Out
The Camel and the Needle The Demons of Gadara
The Parable of Dives and Lazarus Joshua Acclaimed as King
A Dispute Between Disciples The Abomination of Desolation
Joshua's Testimony Concerning Johanan The Riot in the Temple
The Head of Johanan the Baptiser The Prodigal Son
The Lord's Supper
The Miracle Worker The Garden of Geth-Sehnamim
The Temptation of Joshua Joshua Before the Sanhedrin
The Transfiguration of Joshua Joshua Before Pontius Pilatus
The Twelve Sent Out The Nazorean and the Zealot
Feeding the Five Thousand The Crucifixion
The Bread of Heaven Joshua's Last Words and Death
The Centurion's Slave The Empty Tomb
The Sermon on the Mount
Joshua Commends Eunuchry to his Disciples Later Additions to the Text
Joshua's Prayer
The Woman of Samaria The Mystic Light
Jairus' Daughter A Messenger From Joshua
The Parables of Satan Joshua's Appearance to Miryam Magdalene
The Perusha and the Tax Collector Signs and Mysteries
On Tribute to Cæser The Haul of Fish
This Is Eternal Life Joshua's Final Sermon
Joshua and Nikedemos Resist Not Evil
Of Joshua and Nehushtan The Mystic Light
Eyesight to the Blind
The Gospel According To Jude
This is my book about the teachings of Joshua the messiah, and the unveiling of the mysteries of the
kingdom of heaven, which he taught to his apostles. The beginning of the story of Joshua bar-
Joseph was the word of Johanan the Baptiser.

Joshua and Johanan the Baptiser

The Birth of Johanan the Baptiser
In the days when Herod the great was king of Judea there was a priest call Zachariah, of the priestly
division of Abiyah, who had married a wife who was also a descendant of Aaron, named Elisheva.
They were both righteous before Elohim, blameless in following all the commandments and
ordinances of Yahweh, but they had no child for Elisheva was barren. Both were well advanced in
years, when one day Zachariah was executing his priestly office before Elohim as his division was
on duty according to the custom of the priesthood, and he had been chosen by lot to go into the
inner sanctuary of Yahweh and burn incense there at the hour of sacrifice while the people prayed

The Angel of Yahweh's Prophecy

Suddenly he saw an angel of Yahweh standing on the right side of the alter of incense and he was
overcome with fear and fell on his face, but the angel said to him “Zachariah, don’t be afraid. I have
brought notice of your prayers before El Elyon and your prayers have been answered. Your wife
Elisheva will bear you a son, and you will give him the name Johanan.

He will bring you joy and gladness,

And many will rejoice at his birth,
For he will be high in Yahweh’s favour,
Filled with the spirit of Yahweh
Even in his mother’s womb.
He shall drink neither wine nor beer
And he will bring many of the sons of Israel
back to Yahweh their god. For it is written

Thus says Yahweh “behold I will send you

Eliyah the prophet before the coming of
the great and dreadful Day of Yahweh.
He will turn the hearts of the father’s to their sons,
And the hearts of the sons to their fathers,
Lest I come with a ban of utter destruction
And smite the earth with my vengeance’’.

In him shall be fulfilled the oracle spoken by the prophet ‘He shall be a Nazirite’.

But Zachariah said to the angel “I am an old man and my wife is also advanced in years, what sign
will you give to show me that your word will come to pass?” the angel replied “I am Gabriel, one of
the seven angels who stand in the presence of the Glory of Yahweh, the Holy One, who by the will
of Elohim has been sent to bring you this good news, but because you have not believed my
promise you shall be silent and have no power of speech until the day that this is accomplished.
When Zachariah left the Temple he could speak no word to the people, so they asked him if he had
seen a vision in the sanctuary but he could only stand there making signs to them for he remained
The Prayer of Elisheva
No sooner had the days of his service come to an end than he went back to his own house, and after
and smite the earth with my vengeance’’.
these days his wife conceived as the angel had prophesied. She hid herself for the first five months
saying “It is Yahweh who has done this for me to take away my reproach among women.

My soul magnifies Yahweh;

My spirit has found joy in Elohim, my saviour,
Because he has looked graciously
Upon the lowliness of his handmaid.
Behold, from this day forward
All generations will call me blessed
Because he who is mighty,
He whose name is holy,
Has wrought for me this wonder.

He has mercy on those who fear him.

With the strength of his arm
He has driven the proud astray,
He has brought down the mighty from their thrones
And exalted those of low degree.
He has filled the hungry with good things
But has sent the rich away empty-handed.

He has sent help to his servant Israel

In remembrance of the promise he made
To our forefathers,
To Abraham and his seed forever.

His Name is Johanan

After Elisheva had given birth to her son and her neighbours and kinsfolk heard how Yahweh had
shown great mercy to her, they came to rejoice with her. On the eighth they assembled for the
circumcision of the boy, and they were all in favour of naming him Zachariah for that was his
father’s name, but his mother said “no, he has to be called Johanan”, and they all said to her “none
of our kindred is called by that name, so they asked his father what name he would have him called,
and he asked for a tablet and wrote upon it ‘his name is Johanan’ and they all marvelled. As soon as
this was done his lips and tongue were unlocked and, filled with the spirit of Yahweh he spoke in
prophecy “blessed be Yahweh the god of Israel. He has visited his people and raised up for us a
horn of salvation from the house of his servant David. Just as he promised, age after age, by the lips
of the holy men who have been his prophets: that he would save us from our enemies and from the
hands of all who hate us. He has remembered his holy covenant, the oath which he swore to our
forefather Abraham, that he would enable us to live without fear in his service, delivered from the
hands of our enemies, in holiness before him all the days of our lives. My son, you will be known as
a prophet of El Elyon , such is the tender mercy of our god, for you will go before Yahweh to
prepare his way, to give knowledge of his salvation to his people, which has bidden you to come
rising like the dawn from on high, to give light to those that live in darkness in the shadow of death,
and to guide our feet onto the paths of peace.

After this there was nine of these happenings but was noised abroad throughout all the hill country
of Judea, for all who heard the oracle of Zachariah laid it to heart, and they asked “what will this
child become when he grows up?” Indeed the hand of Yahweh was upon him, far as the child grew
he walked strong in the spirit.

The Birth of Joshua bar-Joseph

Now the birth of Joshua was on this wise. Around this time a decree went out from Cæser Augustus
that Judea, Samaria, and Idumea should be registered. This tax census was the one made by Publius
Sulpicius Qurinus, the governor of Syria after Archelaus was deposed, the census that Judas the
Galilean revolted against. In the town of Beth-Lehem there lived a man called Joseph bar-Heli, a
man zealous for the Torah, who was betrothed to a young woman named Miryam. Before they had
come together she was seen to be with child, whereupon Joseph, not wishing to expose himself to
public shame and disgrace was minded to divorce her.

But as he considered this he had a dream in which he was walking and yet he did not walk, and he
saw sheep being driven and yet they did not move, he looked at the river and saw that it did not
flow and he saw the mouth of lambs over it and yet they did not drink. He looked down at the
ground and saw a dish there with workmen lying around it with their hands in the dish, but those
who lifted did not lift and those who chewed did not chew, and all had their faces turned up to the
sky. He also looked up and saw in amazement that the vault of heaven stood still and that the birds
of heaven were motionless in the air, and suddenly an angel of Yahweh appeared at his side, and
slowly everything began to move again as the angel said to him “Joseph bar-Heli don’t be afraid to
take Miryam to yourself as your wife, for the power of El Elyon has overshadowed her, the spirit of
Yahweh has come into her and thus she has conceived. She will bear a son who you will call

He shall be great
He shall be called a Son of Elohim,
And Yahweh Saboath will give to him the throne
Of his forefather David.

The Joseph being aroused woke from sleep and did as the angel had bidden him, taking his wife to

Joshua is Redeemed
Joshua was born in Beth-Lehem in Judea and after eight days had passed and the boy must be
circumcised, he was called Joshua, the name that the angel had given to him. When the days of his
mother’s purification were fulfilled his parents brought him with them to Jerusalem to tender the
five shekel redemption for a first-born male. In the Temple there they presented Joshua to Yahweh,
as it is written in the Torah ‘Thus says Yahweh ”Consecrate to me all of the first-born; whatever is
first to open the womb among the people of Israel, both of man and beast, belongs to me.” and
again, “Every male that opens the womb is sacred to Yahweh and must be redeemed”'. Then for
Miryam's purification they offered two young doves – one for a burnt offering and one for a sin
offering so that with their blood Miryam could be clean from the flow of her blood. When all had
been done that the Torah demanded they returned to their own town of Beth-Lehem.

The Visit of the Magi

And it came to pass that certain astrologers came from the land of the sun’s rising to Jerusalem and
asked, “Where is he that is born to be the King of the Judeans? We have seen his star in it’s rising
and have come to do him homage.” When king Herod heard of this he was troubled, so he
assembled the chief priests and scribes of the people and demanded of them that they tell him where
it was that the king was to be born. And they told him “Beth-Lehem in Judea”, as it is written by the
prophet Miciah:

‘Beth-Lehem Ephrathah
You are by no means the least of Judah
From you will come forth one
Who is to be a leader,
Who will shepherd my people Israel.’

Herod then summoned the Magi to him in secret and questioned them closely on the time of the
star’s rising, then he sent them on their way “go, make a careful search for the boy, and when you
have found him bring word back to me so that I may also honour him.” They promised the king and
resumed their journey, and all at once the star, which they had seen in the east, went before them,
until at last it came to rest over the house where the young child lay.

The sight of the star filled the astrologers with joy, and, going into the house they found the boy
with his mother Miryam. They bowed down to honour him and opening up their store of treasure
they presented to him gifts of gold, of frankincense, and myrrh. After reading a warning in the stars
forbidding them to go back to Jerusalem and Herod, they returned to their own country by a
different way..

The Flight to Egypt

Now it came to pass that an angel of Yahweh appeared to Joseph in a dream saying “get up and fly
to Egypt with the boy, and there you must stay until I give you the word, for the rebellion has
roused Herod into making a search for the boy to dispose of him. Joseph rose up while it was still
night and departed for Egypt, and there he remained until the death of King Herod. This was in
fulfilment of the word which Yahweh had spoken by his prophet Hosea ‘Israel in his boyhood, what
love I had for him, out of Egypt I called him to be my son.’

The Massacre of the Innocents

Meanwhile, King Herod when he realised that the Magi had outwitted him, was wroth beyond
measure, and eliminated all those who were hostile to his rule, and sent some of his soldiers to slay
all the male children of Beth-Lehem and it’s surrounds who were less than two years old, reckoning
the time from the cunning enquiries he had made of the Magi. Thus it was that the oracle spoken by
the prophet Jeremayah was fulfilled

“A voice is heard in Ramah

Of lamentation and bitter mourning,
It is Rachel weeping for her children,
And she will not be comforted,
For none is left.

But Yahweh said to her

‘Stop your lament
And weep no more,
For your work shall be rewarded
They shall return to you
From the land of the enemy.’”

As soon as king Herod was dead an angel of Yahweh appeared to Joseph in a dream saying “get up
and return to the land of Israel for those who sought the young boy’s life are dead.” So Joseph rose
up and took the boy, and his mother, with him and returned to the land of Israel. But when he heard
that Archelaus had been made Tetrarch in Judea in the place of his father Herod, Joseph was afraid
to return there, and, being instructed in a dream, he withdrew to the region of Galilee, where Herod
Antipas, another of King Herod’s sons was Tetrarch, and he came to live in a town called Nazareth.
Joshua's Childhood Works of Power
As the boy grew the spirit of Yahweh was strong within him. When he was three years old he came
upon some boys playing with a basin of water. Joshua took a dried, salt fish and threw it into the
basin, with the words “cast out the salt that is within you, and go to the water.” And the salt fish
began to swim around in the basin. The other children ran home to tell their parents about the
miracle, while Joshua tipped the salt fish into the stream and said “go forth into the stream and
swim, you shall not again meet death at any man’s hands.” The boys were amazed and ran home to
relate his deeds to their parents. Their fathers said to them, “Take heed, children, and avoid this
boys company. You must never play with him for the boy is a magician and has a demon.

One Sabbath day, when Joshua was five years old he was playing with some other children by a
stream. He made himself a little pool filled with water from the stream, and made the muddy water
clean by his word alone. Then he took some soft clay and fashioned it into twelve sparrows. When
his father Joseph saw what he had done he rebuked him, saying “my son, what you have done it is
not lawful to do on the Sabbath.” But Joshua just laughed; he clapped his hands and said to the
sparrows “Fly.” And the birds flew into the heavens, chirping.

The son of Hanani the Scribe saw this and taking a willow branch, emptied the pool of water in
which Joshua was playing. Joshua was angered and said to him “what harm did that water do to
you? Now you can wither like a tree without water and bear neither leaves nor fruit.” And
immediately the boy withered and died. The parents of the child went to Joseph and bewailed his
lost youth, saying, “Your son, who does such things, is a menace to all our children.”

On another day Joshua was walking through the village when a boy ran into him and knocked him
down. Joshua was angered and said to him “you won’t run any further.” And the boy immediately
fell down dead. The boy’s parent came to Joseph and rebuked him, saying, “what sort of boy have
you raised, whose ever word becomes an accomplished deed? With such a son you must either
leave the village or teach the boy to know good from harm, to bless and not to curse.” This was to
fulfil the oracle spoken by the prophet Isaiah “Curds and honey will he eat until he knows how to
refuse the evil and choose the good.

Joshua and the Doctors of the Law

Every year his parents used to go up to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast of the Pisha, which means
the Passover. When Joshua was twelve years old, after going to Jerusalem , as is the custom at the
time of the feast, and completing the days of it’s observance, his family set about their return home.
But unknown too his parents the boy remained in Jerusalem, and they, thinking that he was
somewhere among their travelling companions, had gone nearly a whole day’s journey before they
made enquiry of him among their kinsfolk and friends. When they couldn’t find him they made
their way back to Jerusalem in search of him. It was nearly three days before they found him. He
was in the Temple, sitting in the midst of the Doctors of the Law, both listening to them and asking
questions. All who heard him were astonished by his understanding and his answers.

His mother said to him “why have you treated us so badly? Think of the anguish your father and I
have endured in looking for you. We feared that we might find you lying in a ditch somewhere.”
His father said to him “it’s been like a sword through the heart of your poor mother.” But Joshua
replied to them “what reason had you to worry about me? Surely you knew that I would be safe in
the house of my true father?” but they didn’t understand what he was saying to them, although these
words his father and mother kept in their hearts on the journey back to Nazareth, and his parents
wondered about what was t become of him as he had grown into a sickly youth, much given to
strange ecstasies, but this was to fulfil the word spoken by the prophet Isaiah “he grew up like a
tender shoot, like a root out of dry ground” and again “a leper we thought him, a man stricken by
Elohim and brought low.”
Johanan the Baptiser
In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Cæser, Pontius Pilatus was Præfect in Judea, Herod
Antipas was Tetrarch in Galilee, and his brother Philippos was Tetrarch in Iturea, Lysanias was
Tetrarch in Abilene, and Joseph Caiaphas was the High Priest when the spirit of Yahweh came upon
Johanan bar-Zachariah and drove him into the wilderness. There he wore a coat of camel’s hair,
with a leather girdle around his loins, and he lived on a diet of locusts and wild honey. He went
through all round the river Jordan, preaching to all his message of repentance, and baptising for the
remission of sins. As it is written in the oracles of the prophet Malachi ‘thus says Yahweh Saboath
“behold I will send to you my messenger and he will prepare the way before me, and Yahweh who
you seek, will suddenly come into his Temple.”

The Message of Johanan the Baptiser

Johanan proclaimed, “Repent, for the Day of Yahweh is at hand. Let all of the people of Judea
tremble for it will be a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick darkness! Like a dark
shadow on the mountains a great and powerful people will cover the land, their like has never been
seen before, and after them will never be seen again in all the generations. Let the land before them
be like the garden of Eden, behind them they will leave a desolate wilderness. The earth itself will
quake before them, and there will blood and fire and columns of smoke, and in the heavens the sun
will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood. Woe to those who long for the Day of Yahweh,
for The Day of Yahweh will be great and very terrible; which of you could endure it? And yet, even
now, if you return to Yahweh with all your heart, with fasting and weeping, who knows whether he
will not turn and repent and leave a blessing rather than a curse, for all who call upon the name of
Yahweh shall be saved, and on Mount Zion, and in Jerusalem there will be a few of the righteous
who escape his wrath.”

Many from Jerusalem, Judea, and Perea went out to hear him and he baptised the people by dipping
them in the living waters of the Jordan, while they confessed their sins to him, then he sent them on
their way,ordering them to repent and to desert their evil ways. The people asked him, “What are we
to do?” and he answered them “You must mend your ways. Practice virtue, act with justice towards
your fellow man, and with piety towards Yahweh, for only in this way is baptism acceptable to him.
It must not be used for the pardon of sins, but for the cleansing of the body as a sign that the soul
has first been purified by righteousness. He who has two coats must give one to the man who has
none, and the man with food to eat must do likewise. Elohim has sent me to show you the way of
the Torah, whereby you may free yourselves from many masters and there shall be no foreign man
ruling over you, but only El Elyon who has sent me to you. Yahweh will give you a king who will
set you free and subjugate all the unrighteous, but he himself will be subject to none.”

Some tax collectors too came to be baptised, and asked him, “Rabbi, what are we to do?” and he
said told them, “exact no more than is appointed to you.” even some Judeans who were Roman
mercenaries came to him and asked, “what are we to do?” and he said to them, “rob no one by
violence or by bringing false charges against them. Be content with your wages.” With these
warnings and many others he gave his message to the people.

The crowds that flocked around him were excited to the utmost, they were in great suspense,
waiting expectantly, and many people wondered in their hearts whether he was the messiah: in the
words of the prophet Isaiah, 'A voice cries “in the wilderness prepare the way for Yahweh, make
straight in the desert the highway for our god. Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain
shall be brought low, then the Glory of Yahweh Saboath will be revealed.”' but when he saw so
many Judeans coming out to be baptised by him he was angered and said to them,”You generation
of vipers! Who has secretly warned you to flee from the vengeance that draw near.” and they asked
him, “Are you the messiah?” but Johanan said to them, “It's you who have said it.” And they asked
him,”Why do you baptise?” and Johanan answered them, “I baptise you with water to signify your
repentance, but the one who follows me will be mightier than I, and he will baptise you with fire.
The winnowing fan is in his hand, and he is ready to purge the threshing-floor clean. He will gather
the wheat into his barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire. Therefore you must all
bring forth fruits worthy of your repentance.

Don't presume to say in your hearts, “We have Abraham as our father. He wont save you, for I say
to you that Yahweh has the power to raise up children of Abraham from these rocks. Already the
axe is laid to the roots of the trees, and every tree which doesn't bear good fruit will be cut down
and thrown into the fire.

Behold the Day of Yahweh is coming and it shall burn like a furnace , and all the arrogant and all
the evil-doers will be stubble, not a root or a branch will be left to them. But for you who revere the
name of Yahweh Saboath, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings, and you will
go out and trample the wicked, they will be ashes beneath the soles of your sandals on that day, if
you remember the Torah, the decrees and laws that Yahweh gave to Mosheh on Horeb for all Israel.

Johanan's Baptism of Joshua

Now it came to pass that Joshua bar-Joseph came down from Nazareth to Johanan at the Jordan to
be baptised by him. Many people were being baptised in the Jordan, but Joshua was baptised by
Johanan himself, and as he came up out of the living water, amazingly he saw the heavens torn
open, and the spirit descending like a dove into him, and Joshua heard a voice which sounded from
the heavens which said,”You are my son. This day I have begotten you.” and immediately he saw a
great light which shone round about him.

Eventually Joshua returned from the Jordan to Galilee with the power of the spirit upon him, and
from that day he began to proclaim Johanan's message, “Repent for the Day of Yahweh is at hand.”

Johanan cast into prison

It was around this time that Johanan the Baptiser was thrown into prison by Herod. Johanan had
rebuked him, saying, “It's not lawful for you to have your brother's wife.” because Herod, for love
of Herodias, who was the daughter of his half-brother Aristobulus, and had taken her fromanother
of his half-brothers Herod Boetius, and had married her. Johanan also rebuked him for all the other
evils he had done, and Herod added one more thing to the list: he locked Johanan up in prison. Now
Herodias was always plotting against Johanan and would willingly have had him killed, but she
wasn't able to do so, for Herod the Tetrarch feared him, as he thought him to be a holy man and was
very interested in listening to all he had to say, though he was very perplexed at what he heard.

Joshua Moves to Kefar-Nahum

When Joshua was told that Johanan had been imprisoned, he left the village of Nazareth and settled
in the city of Kefar-Nahum which is on the coast of the Sea of Galilee, on the border of Zebulun
and Nephthalim, that the oracle spoken by the prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled,

'The land of Zebulun, the land of the Nephthalim,

In former days brought into contempt,
But in later days you will be made glorious.
The way of the sea, beyond the Jordan
The Galilee where the Gentiles dwell.

The people that walked in darkness

Have seen a great light,
For men that dwell
In the land of the shadow of death,
Light has dawned.

The First Disciples

It happened that one day Joshua was standing by the seashore as he preached of the Day of Yahweh
and the people pressed close around him. He saw two boats that had been moored by the shore
while the fishermen had gone to repair their nets, so he climbed on board one of the boats, which
belonged to Simeon and Andreas, the sons of Jonah. He asked them to stand off a little from the
shore, then he sat down and began to preach to the people from the boat.

A Great Catch of Fish

After he had finished speaking he said to Simeon and Andreas, “If you head out into the deep water
and let down your nets and you will have a good catch.” Simeon answered him, “Joshua, we have
worked the whole night through and have taken nothing, but at your word we will cast our nets.”
after they had done this they caught such a great multitude of fish that their nets were near to
breaking, and they needed to call upon their partner Jude in the other boat to come and help them.
The fish filled both boats so full that they were ready to sink. They were all astonished by the size
of the catch they had made, and Simeon in amazement, said, “Rabboni, that is to say master, you are
a prophet.” Joshua said to him, “your name is Simeon but I will call you Kepha, which means a

Then he said to them, “What more do you want from me?” and they said, “Where do you live?” and
he replied, “Come and see.” and so they dropped their nets and followed him. He walked on and
saw two more brothers – Jacob and Johanan, the sons of Zebedee, they were in their boat with their
father mending their nets when Joshua called to them, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of
men.” Immediately they left their boat and their father and they also followed him, and went and
saw where he lived, which was in a house close the Synagogue. It was around the tenth hour, and
they stayed with him for the rest of the day listening to his teaching

The Calling of Mattanyah

One day as Joshua walked around the town he came across a man named Levi bar-Alphaeus sitting
at his work in the customs house, and he said to him, “Follow me.” and Levi, who Joshua gave the
new name of Mattanyah, rose from his place and leaving everything behind, followed him.

On Eating and Drinking with Sinners

And it came to pass that on a certain day while Joshua was eating a meal in his house with his
disciples, there were many tax collectors and whores who were at table with him, for there were
many of those who followed him, as well as those in distress, or in debt, and the discontented. Now
Johanan's disciples were fasting and some came and said to him, “How is it that you and your
followers eat and drink while the rest of Johanan's disciples fast often and offer prayers?” Joshua
said to them, “You cant expect the wedding guests to fast while the bridegroom is with them.” Then
he told them a parable, “No one pours old wine into new skins, for it might spoil, or pours new wine
into old skins, for they might burst and the wine be spilt. And no man who has been drinking fine
old wine will then call out for new wine, he will tell you “The old wine is better.”

The Rich Man's Feast

Then some Scribes of the Perushim said to him, “That may be true, but still, why are you eating and
drinking with taxmen and whores?” Joshua said to them, “It's not the healthy who need a doctor.”
and then he told them this parable, “There was once a man who was holding a feast, and when the
dinner had been prepared he sent his servant to summon his guests, and to tell them, 'The feast has
been prepared, the oxen and the fatling lambs have been slaughtered and all is in readiness, come to
the feast.' the servant went to the first, but he said, 'some merchants owe me money and they are
coming to settle tonight, please excuse me from the feast.' the second one said, 'I have just bought a
house and I shall have no time.' the servant went to a third who said, 'My brother is to be married
and I must arrange the banquet, please excuse me from the feast.' So the servant returned to his
master and said, 'All of those you have called to the feast have asked to be excused.' The master said
, 'Go into the streets and invite whoever you meet to my feast.' So the servant went into the streets
and invited everyone to the feast, even poor men and rogues.

The Two Sons

Again, tell me what you think: a certain man had two sons, and he came to the first and said, 'Son,
today I want you to work in my vineyard.' and his answer was, 'I wont go.' but afterwards he
changed his mind and went to work in the vineyard. The farmer went to his second son and asked
him the same question, and he replied, 'I will sir.' but he didn't go. Now I ask you 'Which of the sons
did the work of his father?'

The Good Samaritan

A Doctor of the Law heard them disputing with one another, and hearing that he answered them
well, asked him, “Which commandment is the first of all?” and Joshua answered him “The first is:
Hear O Israel, Yahweh, our god, is one god, and you shall love Yahweh with all your heart and soul
and strength. And the second is: You must not bear a grudge or take vengeance against the sons of
your own people, you must love your neighbour as yourself. There are no other commandments
greater than these. The Doctor of the Law said to him, “You have answered rightly, Rabbi. Truly the
God of Israel is one. But tell me: who is my neighbour? and then Joshua told him this parable, “A
certain man was on his way from Jerusalem to Jericho when he was attacked by some robbers, who
beat him, stripped him of his clothes, and left him for dead on the side of the road. By chance there
came along that road a priest, who saw the man lying there and crossed to the other side of the road
to pass him by. Likewise a levite came along the road, and also crossed to the other side to pass him
by. But then there came a certain Samaritan, who, when he saw the man had pity on him. He went
to his aid, bound up his wounds, clothed him, and then mounted him on his own beast and so
brought him to an inn, and there he took care of him. The next day, before he departed, he took out
two silver denarii and gave them to the inn-keeper, saying, “Take good care of him and when I
return I will pay you whatever is owing to you for your pains.”

The Perusha and the Harlot

A certain Perusha named Simeon invited Joshua to eat with him, and so he went to his house and
reclined at table with him. Now there was a woman of the city who was a harlot, and when she
heard that Joshua was dining with the Perusha she came to the house and sat at Joshua's feet
weeping. Her tears washed the dust from his feet, and she kissed them and dried them with the hair
of her head. Now his host, the Perusha, saw this and thought to himself, “If this man was a true
prophet he would know who that woman is who is touching him, and what type of woman she is - a
whore.” but Joshua read his secret thoughts and said to him, “Simeon, I have a question for you.”
and Simeon said, “What is it rabbi?” So Joshua said, “There was a certain man who had two debtors
– one who owed him five hundred denarii and one who owed him fifty. When the men came to him
and told him that they couldn't repay him, he forgave both the men their debts. Now my question is:
which of the men would love him more?” Simeon said, “I suppose that it would be the one who had
the greater debt forgiven.” and Joshua said to him, “When I entered your house you gave no water
for my feet, but this woman has washed them with her tears. You gave me no kiss of welcome, but
she has never ceased to kiss my feet since she came into your home. So I say to you: since her many
sins have been forgiven her she has shown great love. He who is forgiven little loves little. Mark
this well: no one can enter the Kingdom of Heaven without first going through temptation.” Then
he said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.”

Picking Corn on the Sabbath

On a Sabbath day Joshua was walking through a cornfield with his disciples, and as he was hungry
he began to pick ears of corn, rubbing them between his hands and eating the grain. Some Scribes
of the Perushim saw him and said, “Why are you doing that which it is not lawful to do on the
Sabbath day?” he answered them, “Have you never read what David did when he was in need and
was hungry? He went into the tabernacle in the days when Abiathar was High Priest, and told him a
tale in order to obtain the shewbread, which is set out before Yahweh. And he ate the shewbread
which is not lawful for any but priests to eat. Or have you not read in the Torah that in the Temple
priests can violate the Sabbath rest and yet are blameless? But I say to you that there is a man
standing here before you who is greater than the Temple. The Sabbath was made for man, not man
for the Sabbath.”

The Sower
That same day Joshua left his house and sat by the sea shore. A large crowd gathered around him so
he went on board a boat and sat there instead. While the crowd sat on the beach he taught the people
many things in parables, saying, “Listen, see a sower went to sow his seed, and he took the grain
and scattered it. Some of the seed fell by the wayside and birds came and devoured it. Other seed
fell on rocky ground where the soil was shallow. The seed sprang up at once but without deep roots
it didn't produce ears of grain. Other seed fell among thorns, and when the thorns sprang up they
smothered it , and worms ate it. But some of the seed fell where the soil was good, and that seed
yielded a harvest – some thirty-fold, some sixty-fold, and some a hundred-fold. He who has an ear,
let him hear.

The Parable of the Tares

Another parable he laid before them, saying, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like the man who sowed
his field with clean seed, but while he slept his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and
went on his way. So when the blade had sprung up and come into the ear, the tares also appeared.
The farmer's men went to him and said, “Sir, didn't you sow good seed in your field?” and he said to
them, “My enemy has done this.” and they asked him, “Shall we gather up the tares?” but the
farmer said, “No, lest while you are gathering them up, you root up some of the wheat. Let them
grow side by side until the harvest comes, then the tares can be easily seen, and the reapers can
gather them up, and bind them in bundles, while the wheat is stored in my barn.”

And he said to them, “Listen! The Kingdom of Heaven is like this: its as if a man should cast seed
into the ground, and then leave. Whether he sleeps in or rises to work, night after night, day after
day, the seed sprouts and grows, he knows not how, for the earth brings forth the crop by herself –
first the blade, then the ear, finally the corn is ripe, and he comes quickly and puts in the sickle now
the harvest has come.”

The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree

Then he told them another parable, “A farmer had a fig tree planted in a vineyard. He came and
looked for fruit on it, but he found none. He said to the vineyard keeper, “For three years I have
looked for fruit on this fig tree and I have found none. Cut it down. Why should it burden my land
any longer?” but the man answered, “Sir, leave it for another year. I will dig around it, and dung it,
and if it bears fruit , well and good, but if not, then it can be cut down.”

The Tower & The Two Kings

And he said, “Which of you who has a mind to build a tower, doesn't first sit down and count the
cost, checking whether you have enough money to finish it? Lest after you have laid the
foundations you are unable to complete the work, and all men who see it will mock you, saying,
'This man started to raise a tower but couldn't finish the job.' Or what king setting out to battle with
another king doesn't first sit down to consider if with an army of ten thousand, he can meet the
onset of an army of twenty thousand? If he cant, you can be sure that he will send envoys, while the
other king is still a long way off, to negotiate a peace between them.”

Then Joshua sent the people away and went back to his house. When they could speak to him
privately the twelve asked him, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?” and he answered
them, “From the start of the aeon a new truth has been sown everywhere, but few men come to the
reaping. To the slaves I just teach the basic lessons, only to the elect do I explain all, for wisdom
does not come naked into the world, she enters the world veiled in symbols of word and image. The
wisdom I make known to you is not the wisdom of the world, I have made known to you the
wisdom of Elohim. I have granted to you, the perfected, knowledge of the mysteries of the
Kingdom of Heaven, but for those who are without, all is parable, so that though they have ears,
they do not hear, though they have eyes they do not see, neither do they understand. But blessed are
you, for I have given to you ears that hear, eyes that see, and a heart that understands.” This was to
fulfil the prophecy of the prophet Isaiah:

'Yahweh said to me,

“Make the hearts of this people fat,
Make their ears dull,
And their eyes dim,
Lest they see with their eyes
And hear with their ears.”'

On the Explication of Parables

His disciples said to him, “Explain the parable of the sower to us.” and Joshua said, “What the
sower sows is the word. The wayside is those who hear the word but cant understand it, and The
Satan comes quickly and tears from them what was sown in their hearts. The rocky ground is those
who hear the word with joy, but because they don't have deep roots, endure only for a little while,
but when tribulation arises, immediately they stumble. The thorns are those who hear the word, but
allow the riches and delights of this world to smother it. The good soil is those who hear the word
and understand it, only such are fruitful: some thirty-fold, some sixty-fold, some a hundred-fold.”

The twelve then asked him to explain the parable of the tares to them, and Joshua was exasperated
with them, and he said angrily, “Are you all so dim-witted that you can't even understand this
simple parable? How then can you understand any of my parables? This is the meaning of it: It's the
Son of Man who sows the good seed in the field. The field is the world, and the good seeds are the
sons of the Kingdom of Heaven. The tares are the sons of the wicked one, and the enemy that
sowed them is The Satan. The harvest is the end of the aeon, and the reapers are the angels. They
will gather up out of the Kingdom everything scandalous and all the wicked, and they shall be cast
into the furnace of fire, where there will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.”

Various Parables of Kingdom of Heaven

“What is the Kingdom of Heaven like? To what can I compare it? It's like a mustard seed, which is
the smallest of all seeds, but when it is sown into prepared soil it grows into a large herb, and the
birds of heaven can shelter beneath it.”

“The Kingdom of Heaven is like the leaven which a housewife took and hid within fifty pounds of
flour, until it was all leavened, and then took and made into large loaves of bread. He who has an
ear, let him hear.”

“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field which a man has stumbled upon. He
will hide it again and, for the joy it brings to him, goes home to sell all that he has to buy that field.”

“Or again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like the merchant, a dealer in fine gems, who found a perfect
pearl. The merchant sold all his merchandise to gain that pink pearl for himself.”

And he would tell them still another parable, “Now listen, the Kingdom of Heaven is like the wise
fisherman who cast his net into the sea and captured fish of every size. When the net was full the
fisherman drew it to shore. He sat down on the beach to sort his catch. He selected all the fine large
fish and threw all the little ones back into the sea. He who has an ear, let him hear.

And with many parables such as these, he spoke his word to them, and they could easily listen to his
message. In preaching the word to them he spoke only in parables and so fulfilled the word spoken
by the prophet:

“I will open my mouth in parables,

I will utter dark sayings of long ago.”

but when he was alone with his disciples he would explain the hidden meanings of all his parables,
and he would say to them, “You must let these sayings sink into your ears. Have you understood all
that I have told you?” “Yes, Rabboni,” they replied, and Joshua said, “Every man with knowledge
of the Kingdom of Heaven must be like the winemaker who can bring forth from his cellar both old
wines and new.”

The Place of Honour

After this one of the Perushim invited him to eat the midday meal, so Joshua went and reclined at
table with them. Some Perushim from Jerusalem and some Doctors of the Law were also invited,
and he marked how careful they were to choose a place of honour at the table, so he said to them,
“When you are invited by anyone to a feast you shouldn't sit in the place of honour, lest a more
distinguished man than you has been invited by your host, and he comes to you and says, 'Give your
place to this man', and then you, with shame, will be given the lowest place of all. When you are
invited to a feast, you should sit in the lowest place so that your host may say to you, 'My friend, sit
at a higher place.' and you will be honoured in the presence of all. For he who exalts himself will be
humbled, while he who humbles himself hopes to be exalted.”

Concerning Defilement
Now the Judeans were offended by his words, for they knew that he was speaking of them; but they
took even greater offence when they say that he had not first washed his hands before sitting down
to the meal, for the Judeans never eat without first ceremonially washing their hands over and over.
One of the Perushim from Jerusalem said to him, “Rabbi, why do you not follow the traditions of
our ancestors but eat with your hands defiled?” but Joshua answered him, “You hypocrites! It was a
true prophecy of Isaiah when he said, 'Thus says Yahweh:

“This people honours me with their lips,

But their hearts are far from me.
They Worship me in vain
For their fear of me is a only
A tradition of man learned by rote.”'

You have set aside the commandments of Yahweh and hold fast to the traditions of men. You are
content to cleanse the outside of the platter and cup. You fools! Didn't he who made the outside also
make the inside? You should first purify that which is within the platter and cup, and then the
outside may also be cleaned.

Woe to you blind guides who don't see that you have washed yourselves in water from which dogs
drink, and in which swine wallow night and day. You have cleansed yourselves with water in which
dancing girls and whores bathe and anoint themselves in order to arouse lust in men, yet you say
that I and my disciples have not properly cleansed ourselves with this water, Amen, Amen, I say to
you that it is true that we have not cleansed ourselves with this water, but we have been immersed
in the living water, and so have been washed clean.”

He called the people to him and said. “Listen to me every one of you and understand; there is
nothing from without a man, that by entering into him, can make that man unclean.

The Perushim and Doctors of the Law Reproved

Woe to you Scribes and Perushim, you brood of vipers, who tithe mint or rue, but put to one side
justice and love of Yahweh. Woe to you Scribes and Perushim, hypocrites who love the chief seats
in the Synagogue and walking round in flowing robes, and having their hands kissed in the market-
place. Amen, Amen, I say to you that you are like unmarked graves which men walk over without
knowing it, and defile themselves. The Kingdom of Heaven is like a jar of meal being carried by a
woman. While she was walking along the road the lid of the jar fell off and the meal spilled on the
road behind her , but she didn't know it. Only when she reached her home and put down the jar did
she discover that it was empty. He who has an ear, let him hear.”

One of the Doctors of the Law answered him, “Rabbi, in speaking thus you are also bringing us into
contempt.” Joshua turned to him and said, “Woe to you Doctors of the Law, for you load men with
burdens too heavy to be borne, and who wont lift a finger to help. Woe to you hypocrites who repair
the tombs of your forefathers and engrave monuments to the prophets, and who say, 'If we had lived
in our forefather's day we wouldn't have joined in spilling the blood of the prophets. Why the you
bear witness to your own ancestry when you say that it was your forefather's who killed the

You must listen to Hokmah, the wisdom of Yahweh, when she says to you, 'I sent my prophets to
them and these they have persecuted and killed.' She say to you that this generation will be
answerable for the righteous blood of all the prophets that has been shed from the foundation of the
world, from the blood of Abel, to the blood of Zachariah, who was killed between the altar and the
Temple. Amen, Amen, I say to you are filled with the measure of your forefathers and will be held
liable for it. You should either make the tree good and it's fruit good, or make the tree bad and it's
fruit bad, but I know your works. I would that you were either hot or cold, but you remain
lukewarm. Woe to you Doctors of the Law, you are like a dog in the manger. The dog neither eats
nor lets the cattle eat, for you have shut the door to the Kingdom of Heaven and have hidden the
keys of knowledge. You won't enter the Kingdom yourselves, and hinder others when they would.”

A Woman Taken in Adultery

When the Perushim heard that the had put the Doctors of the Law to silence, they dragged before
Joshua a woman who had been found committing adultery, and they made her stand there naked in
full view of the crowd, then they said to him, “Rabbi, this woman was taken in adultery, caught in
the very act. Now Yahweh in the Torah prescribed for us that all such should be stoned to death, but
what do you say?” Joshua stooped to the ground and wrote in the dust with his finger as if he hadn't
heard them. When they continued to question him, he looked and and said to them, “Let he who is
without sin among you cast the first stone.” and once more he stooped down and wrote in the dust.
One by one each of the seven Perushim began to leave, until Joshua was left alone with the woman,
who was still standing in full view of the crowd. Joshua looked up and saw none but the woman
before him, and he asked her, “Woman, where are your accusers? Is there no man here to condemn
you??” and she replied, “No man Rabbi.” Joshua handed her his cloak and said, “Then I won't
condemn you either. Go, and sin no more.”

Joshua said to the crowd, “Judge not lest you be judged, and with what measure you mete it shall be
measured to you again. How can you see the mote in your neighbour's eye, but ignore the beam that
is in your own? How can you say to your neighbour “let me take the mote from your eye?” when
there is a beam in your own eye? You must first pull the beam from your own eye, then you will see
clearly enough to take the mote from your neighbour's eye.”

When he returned to his own house, his disciples came to him privately and said. “Rabboni, don't
you know that you have greatly offended the Perushim with your sayings?” but he answered them,
“Every vine which Elohim has not planted must be rooted up. Let them say what they will, they are
the blind leading the blind, and when one blind man leads another they will both fall into the pit.”

The Explication of Parable of the Platter and the Cup

Simeon said to him, “Rabboni, explain the parable of the platter and cup to us.” but Joshua said to
him, “Are you as slow-witted as the rest? Done you understand that whatever comes from without
and goes into a man, can't make a man unclean, because it doesn't enter into his heart, but only into
his belly, and so is cast out of his arse and into the sewer. But all the things which come out of his
mouth, come forth from his heart – the good man brings forth good, out of the good treasure he has
stored in his heart, and the bad man brings forth bad, from the bad treasure he has stored in his
heart. For it's from the overflow of the heart that the mouth speaks and they produce evil, and its
only that which can make a man unclean.”

The Synagogue of The Satan

Now there followed a time in which he journeyed from village to village spreading the tidings of
the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven. Many people had gathered together, and more came
flocking to him out of every village and hamlet when he spoke this parable, “Beware of the leaven
of the Scribes and Perushim. The Scribes and Perushim sit in the seat of Mosheh, so therefore
whatever they have told you to observe, that you must do, but don't imitate their actions, for they
preach one thing and practice another. They say that they are of Yahweh, but they are of the
Synagogue of The Satan.

They always act so as to be the cynosure of men's eyes, they enlarge their phylacteries and lengthen
the tassels on their shawls, their hearts are set on the high table at feasts and the chief seats in the
Synagogue, having their hands kissed in the market-place, and being called Rabboni by their fellow
men. But you are not to claim the title of Rabboni, for there is only one master and you are all
brothers. Nor shall you call any man on earth 'father' for you have but one father, and he is in the
heavens. Among you the greatest of all must be the servant of all. Learn a parable from the water
which benefits all things, yet always seeks to occupy the lowest place.

Woe to the Scribes and Perushim

Woe to the Scribes and Perushim who have many fine ways of rejecting the commandments of
Elohim order to follow the traditions of men. Yahweh said, 'Honour your father and mother.' and 'He
who speaks evil of his father and mother must surely die.' But what they allow a son to say to his
father or mother is 'What you should have gained from me is Qorban', which means an offering to
Elohim, and then they allow a man to do nothing for his father or mother, thus making void the
word of Elohim by their traditions, and many such things they do. Woe to the Scribes and Perushim,
the hypocrites who swallow up the property of widows and orphans under the cover of their long
prayers – their damnation will be all the heavier for that. Woe to the blind guides who say that if a
man swears by the Temple it counts for nothing, yet if he swears by the gold in the Temple he is
bound by his oath. You blind fools! Which is greater: the gold in the Temple, or the Temple which
sanctifies the gold? And again they say that if a man swears by the altar it counts for nothing, but if
he swears by the gift upon it he is bound by his oath. You blind fools! Which is greater: the gift or
the altar which sanctifies the gift? The man who swears by the altar, swears both by it and all that is
upon it. The man who swears by the Temple, swears both by it and by him who dwells therein. And
the man who swears by the heavens, swears not only by the throne of Yahweh, but by him who sits
upon it.

Woe to the Scribes and Perushim who tithe mint and cumin and anise, but ignore the weightier
matters of the Torah: justice, mercy, and honour. These they should not have left undone instead of
the lesser matters. They are blind guides who strain out the gnat, and yet swallow the camel. Woe to
the Scribes and Perushim, the hypocrites! They are like whited sepulchres which in outward show
are indeed beautiful, but within are filled with dead men's bones and all manner of corruption. You
serpents! You generation of vipers! How can you escape being sentenced to the fires of Ge-

The Watchful Slaves

Joshua said, "You must have your loins girded about and have your lamps burning like slaves
waiting for their master to return from a wedding feast, so that they may open the doors at once
when he knocks. Blessed are those slaves whom the master finds waiting when he comes. Whether
he comes in the second quarter of the night or the third, blessed are those slaves who watch. You
must stand ready for the Day of Yahweh will come at an hour you don't expect. If the slave says to
himself, 'my master is long delayed, and begins to beat the male and female slaves, feasting himself
and drinking himself drunk from his master's cellar, one day when he least expects it, his master
will return and cut him into little pieces, casting him out among the hypocrites where there will be
weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. He who is faithful with little will also is faithful with
much, and he who is unfaithful in very little will also be unfaithful with much .”

Teoma said to him, “Rabboni, do you speak this parable only to your disciples or to all men?” and
Joshua answered, “Who then is the wise and faithful steward who his master can entrust with the
care of his household? Blessed is the slave found doing right when his master comes.”

The Camel and the Needle

As Joshua started on his journey a young man from the crowd ran up to him and asked, “Good
master, what must I do to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Joshua answered, “Why do you call me
good? No one but Elohim is good. If you would enter into life, you must keep the commandments.”
“Which commandments?” he asked, and Joshua said, “Do no murder, don't commit adultery, don't
steal, don't defraud, don't bear false witness, honour your father and mother.” the young man said to
him, “I have kept all these commandments ever since I was a boy. What is it that I lack?” Joshua
fixed his eyes upon him thinking that he had gained another disciple, the he said to him. “There is
one thing that you lack – sell all that you have and give the proceeds to the poor, then come and
follow me.” When the young man heard these words his face fell, and he went away filled with
sorrow for he had great possessions.

Joshua turned to his disciples and said, “A man cant mount two horses or bend two bows, and a
slave cant serve two masters. If he honours one he will offend the other. You cant serve both
Yahweh and Mammon.” The disciples were astonished at his words, so Joshua spoke to them again,
“How hard it is for those with riches to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen, Amen, I say to you
that its easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the
Kingdom of Heaven.”

The Lords of Israel

The disciples were astonished beyond measure by his words and said to each other, “If the rich can't
get to heaven, then who can be saved?” and Simeon remonstrated with him, saying, “What about
us? We have left everything to follow you, what shall we have?” Joshua said, "Amen, Amen, I say
to you that there is no man among you who has forsaken home and wife and children, father or
mother, sisters and brothers, or lands for my sake but will receive now, in this aeon, a hundred times
as much of homes and wives and children, fathers or mothers,sisters and brothers, or lands.”

A Favour for the Sons of Zebedee

Thereupon Jacob and Johanan, the sons of Zebedee, said to him, “Rabboni, will you grant us a
favour?” and Joshua said, “What would you have me do for you?” and they said, “Grant that when
you come into your kingdom one of us will sit at your right hand, and one at your left.” but Joshua
said to them, "A place at my right hand or my left isn't mine to give, they must be given to those for
whom they are destined.” Now when the other apostles heard their request, they were angry with
Jacob and Johanan, so Joshua said to them, "Let him who seeks, never cease from seeking until he
finds. When he finds he will be troubled, and when he is troubled he will be amazed and he will
find rest. Amen, Amen, I say to you that in the new aeon, when I sit upon my Throne of Glory, you
who have followed me will also sit upon twelve thrones and lord it over the twelve tribes of Israel.
The first will be last and the last will be first.”

The Perushim, who are very fond of riches, heard all of these sayings and poured scorn upon him
saying, “Shall a banker not lend? A farmer not sow? Must a builder sell his tools? How then will
they feed their families?” but Joshua said to them, "Who among you fears Yahweh and obeys the
voice of his servant? Let him who walks in the night and has no light, trust in the name of Yahweh.
But behold, all of you light fires and provide yourselves with torches. Amen, I say to you 'go, walk
by the light of your fires and the torches you have lit, rather than rely on the god of Israel, but this
word you shall have from Yahweh himself, “You shall all lie down in torment.'”

The Parable of Dives and Lazarus

then he told them this parable, “There was once a certain rich man named Dives, who was always
clothed in purple and fine linen, and he feasted sumptuously every day. And there was a certain
beggar named Lazarus who lay outside his gates, hoping to be fed from the scraps that fell from the
rich man's table, but nothing was given to him. It came to pass that the beggar died and was carried
by the angels to sit at the right hand of Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried. And in
Ge-Hinnom, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his
right hand. He cried out and said, “Father Abraham, have mercy on me. Send Lazarus to dip the tip
of his finger in water and with it cool my tongue, for I am sorely tormented by these flames. But
Abraham said, “My son, remember that in your lifetime you received good fortune, and Lazarus for
his part, received an evil fortune, but now you are in torment and he is in comfort, and seeing you
there in torment makes his bliss all the more delightful to him.”

On Shameless Asking
Joshua said, "Which of you who has a friend, will go to him at midnight and say 'My friend, lend
me three loaves of bread, for a friend of mine has turned up at my door and I have no food to offer
him.' Suppose that he answered you, 'don't bother me. The door is locked and I and my children are
in bed. I cant be bothered to get up and grant your request.' But I say to you that even if he won't get
up to grant your request out of friendship, shameless asking will make him rise and give to his
friend all that you want. And I say the same to you, 'Ask and it will be given, seek and you will find,
knock and the door will be opened, for everyone that asks will receive, that seeks will find, that
knocks will have the door opened.'

Even among yourselves, if a father is asked by his son for bread, will he instead of bread give him a
stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? Or for an egg, will he give him a
scorpion? And if you, evil as you are, know how to give to your children what is good for them,
how much more will your father who is in the heavens give good things to those who ask.

The Unjust Judge

And he told them a parable, “There was once a city in which there lived a certain judge who had
neither fear of Yahweh nor regard for man. There was a certain widow of that city who came before
him and said, “Give me redress against my adversary who has wronged me.” For a time the judge
refused to help her, but later he said to himself, 'I have neither fear of Yahweh nor regard for man,
yet this widow wearies me. I must give her redress or with her constant pleading she will wear me

A Dispute between Disciples

After this Joshua and his disciples went to the land of Judea and spent some time there, before he
entered Perea, that territory of Herod which lies beyond the Jordan, and came to the place where
Johanan first baptised. People gathered around him once more, and he began to teach them and
baptise them as was his wont. Some of Johanan's disciples were also there at Aenon, near Salim,
and people were constantly going to them to be baptised. There arose a dispute between some of
Joshua's disciples and some of Johanan's about baptism. Joshua's disciples said, “Joshua is making
more disciples and baptising more than Johanan ever did, but Johanan's disciples replied, “You
blind fools! Who is greater: the man who is baptised, or the man who baptises him? So they came to
Johanan in prison and said, “Rabbi, the man who you baptised and who followed you beyond the
Jordan, has now returned, and he is baptising, and men are flocking to him.” but Johanan replied,
“Do not forbid him to baptise, for he who is not against me, is for me. He that today stands far off,
will tomorrow be near to me.”

Then from prison Johanan sent some of his disciples to Joshua, and they asked him, “Are you the
one who is to come or should we look to another?” and Joshua answered them, “Return and tell
Johanan what you have seen and heard: the blind see, the deaf hear, and the dead are raised to life.”

Joshua's Testimony Concerning Johanan

After Johanan's disciples had left, Joshua spoke to the crowd about Johanan, “What was it that you
expect to see when you go out into the wilderness? Is it a reed trembling in the wind? No, that isn't
what you go to see. Do you go to see a man dressed in fine clothing? No, for that you must visit the
palaces of your rulers and your rich men, for they are all dressed in fine clothing and live a life of
luxury, but they don't know the truth. Is it then a prophet that you go to see? Yes! For Johanan is a
prophet, and something more than a prophet. Amen, Amen, I say to you that from the time of Adam,
among all those born of woman, there has risen no greater man than Johanan the Baptiser. All the
prophets and the Torah prophesied of him, and, if you can believe it, I tell you that he is that
reincarnation of Eliyah that was prophesied. This is he of whom it is written, 'Thus says Yahweh
Saboath, “The messenger of the covenant in whom you delight is coming, but who can endure the
day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears?” He who has an ear, let him hear.

To what can compare this generation of men? What are you like? You are like children sitting in the
marketplace, who call out to the other children, and say,

'We sang you a dirge for you

And you wouldn't mourn,
We played the flute for you
And you wouldn't dance.'

When Johanan came to you, eating no bread and drinking no wine, you said that he had a demon,
and when I came to you and ate bread and drank wine, you said, 'Look at him, the man is a glutton
and a drunk, a friend of taxmen and whores.' But I say to you that it is the common folk, taxmen
and the whores, who are justified before Yahweh by receiving the baptism of Johanan, for wisdom
is justified by all of her children.” And all the people when they heard Joshua's words, praised the
wisdom of Elohim, because they had all been baptised by Johanan. After he had ended all his
sayings in the hearing of the people, the Scribes and Perushim began to question him continually.
They lay in wait for him, hoping to catch some word from his lips with which they might accuse
him. And to test him they asked him to show them a sign, he sighed deeply in his spirit and said,
“Why does this generation look for a sign? Amen, Amen, I say to you that no sign will be give to
this generation.” And then removing himself from that place, he returned to Kefar-Nahum.

The Dance of the Seven Veils

Not long after this Herod the Tetrarch who had put Johanan the Baptiser in prison, held a banquet
for his courtiers and the leading men of Galilee, on the occasion of the anniversary of his accession
to the throne. Now Salome, the daughter of Herodias, Herod's own wife, came in and danced the
dance of the seven veils for them, and she so pleased Herod and his guests that the Tetrarch said to
the girl, “Ask of me whatever you wish, and I will grant it.” and he swore an oath to her, “Whatever
you ask of me you shall have it, though it were half my kingdom.”

The Head of Johanan the Baptiser

Salome went out to talk with her mother, and said, “What shall I ask for?” Herodias, who had long
held a grudge against Johanan, saw her chance had come, so she said, “Ask for the head of the
Baptiser.” with that word the girl hastened into the presence of the Tetrarch and made her request,
“Give me the head of Johanan the Baptiser on a platter.” Herod was filled with remorse, yet for the
sake of his oath and for those who sat with him, he didn't want to break his word to her, so he sent
an executioner to the fortress Machaerus with orders that the head should be brought. The soldier
beheaded him and brought the head back to the party and presented it to the girl on a platter, and the
girl gave it to her mother.

As soon as Johanan's disciples were told of his death, they came and carried off his body and laid it
in a tomb where no man had yet been buried.

The Miracle Worker

The Temptation of Joshua
When Joshua heard the news he was sad beyond measure, and departed from Kefar-Nahum to be
alone. The spirit drove him into the wilderness, and for forty days and forty nights he lodged with
the wild beasts, as he was tested by The Satan. The tester came to him and said, “If you are one of
the Sons of Elohim you can command these stones to turn into loaves of bread.” but Joshua
answered, “It is written, 'Man can't live by bread alone, but by every thing that proceeds from the
mouth of Yahweh.'”

Next The Satan took Joshua to Jerusalem and there he set him on a pinnacle of the Temple, and
said, “If you are truly a Son of Elohim you can leap from here down to the ground, for it is written,

'He shall give his angels charge over you,

To guard you in all your ways.
They shall bear you in their hands
Lest you stumble over a stone.
He will rescue him and honour him.
Thus says Yahweh, 'with long life I will satisfy him
I will show him my salvation'

Joshua answered him, “isn't it also written, 'You shall not put Yahweh, your god, to the test.'”

Again The Satan took him. This time they came to the top of an exceedingly high mountain, and
from there they could see all of the kingdoms of the world, and he said, “all of these have been
given into my hands, and I can give them to whoever I please. I will give to you power over all
these kingdoms, and the glory that belongs to them, if you will bow down and worship me.” but
Joshua said to him, “Raca Satan! It is written,

'You shall fear Yahweh your god,

You shall serve none but him.
And swear by his name

You shall not worship other gods

For Yahweh is a jealous god'”

When The Satan had finished testing him in every way, he departed from him for a season.

The Transfiguration of Joshua

The apostles could find no trace of Joshua in Kefar-Nahum, so after six days Simeon and Jude and
Jacob and Johanan went up onto the mountain to look for him there. They found him praying, and
as they waited for him to finish his prayers our eyes grew heavy and we were half-asleep when he
was metamorphosed before us, his garments became intensely white, like snow, whiter than any
earthly fuller could bleach them. Then amazingly we saw Mosheh and Eliyah suddenly appear
before them, talking with Joshua face to face as a man speaks to his friend. Then Joshua turned and
saw his disciples, he rebuked Simeon, and said, “What are you doing here?” Simeon said,
“Rabboni, it is good that we are here. If it pleases you we will make three tabernacles in this place –
one for you, one for Mosheh, and one for Eliyah. He didn't know what he was saying for he was
petrified with fear.

As he spoke there came a dark cloud which overshadowed them all, and a horror of great darkness
fell upon them as they were enveloped by the cloud. Then they heard a sound as of thunder, and a
voice came from the cloud, which said, “This is my servant, my chosen one. My spirit rests within
him. I am in him and he is in me, and where he is, there I am.” and when the voice had spoken they
fell to the ground, overcome with fear, but Joshua said to them, “Get up. Don't be afraid.” and when
raised their eyes they could no longer see anyone with them but Joshua.

Concerning Eliyah
They spent the rest of the night on the mountain in prayer, and as soon as the day dawned they came
down from the mountain. Joshua warned them to tell their vision to no man, and so they kept the
matter to themselves, though they questioned one another over what these things might mean. They
asked Joshua, “Why do the Scribes of the Perushim say that Eliyah must come first?” Joshua
answered them, “To be sure Eliyah must come first to restore the kingdom to Israel, and he must
suffer much and be treated with contempt, but I tell you that Eliyah has already come and they
didn't know him, and they did to him whatever they pleased, and then put him to death, as was
prophesied of him.”

Then he asked his disciples, “Who do men say that I am?” and they answered, "Some say that you
are Johanan the Baptiser and some say that you are Eliyah, and others say that you are one of the
old prophets.” and he asked them, “but who do you say that I am?” and Simeon answered, "You are
the Messiah.” which means the anointed king, but Joshua rebuked him, saying, “You are never to
say to anyone that I am the Messiah.” then he prayed, saying, “Abba” which means father, “You are
the god of the heavens and the earth, I give you thanks that you have hidden mysteries from the
prudent and the wise and revealed them to the ignorant and the foolish, be it so Abba, since this
finds favour in your sight. All things have been delivered into my hands by the father, and no one
knows the Son of Man but the father, and no one knows the father but the Son of Man, and those to
whom the Son of Man wishes to reveal him.”
The Twelve
So Joshua came down from the mountain and returned to Kefar-Nahum, and called to him those he
had chosen, and they came to him, and they were baptised and he initiated them into the mystery of
the Kingdom of Heaven. He appointed twelve of them, and these he called his Apostles, which
means a messenger. These are their names: Simeon and Andreas, the sons of Jonah. To Simeon
Joshua gave the nickname Kepha, Jacob and Johanan , the sons of Zebedee and he called these
Bene-Reges, Sons of Thunder, Jacob and Levi, the sons of Alphaeus, and to Levi He gave the new
name of Mattanyah, which means the gift of god, Jude who was nicknamed Teoma, which means
the twin, Simeon who was nicknamed The Zealot, Judas who was nicknamed Sicarius, which
means the Assassin, Nathaniel, Philippos and Thaddeus.

Instructions for the Twelve

These he sent out two by two to proclaim the coming of the Kingdom of Yahweh, but first he gave
them his instructions, “You are not to go to the gentiles or to any Samaritan city, you must only go
to the house of Israel, it is to these that my message is sent. As you go you must preach to them,
telling them that the Kingdom of Yahweh is at hand, teaching them to observe all that I have
commanded you. In every village and town you must baptise the people to repentance in the name
of Yahweh, for the harvest is rich but the workmen are few, therefore you must ask the lord of the
harvest to send more workmen to help in the fields. Go on your way but remember that I am
sending you out as sheep among wolves, but I have granted to you some of the spirit that rests
within me, and you will have power over all the force of the enemy. These signs will be with you as
you go: you will be able to take up serpents in your hands and drink venomous draughts without
harm, you will be able to speak in strange tongues, you will be able to cast out demons, and to lay
your hands upon the sick and they will recover. Freely you have received, now freely give.

Take a staff with you on your journey, and wear sandals on your feet, but take no second mantle.
Take nothing more with you: no wallet, no bread, no money. Whenever you enter a town or village,
find out who is worthy to be your host and there you must lodge until you leave, you are not to keep
changing your abode. When you enter a house, say “Peace be upon this house.” Wherever they will
not receive you or listen to your words, when you leave that village or house shake the dust from
your feet as a testimony against them.”

Philippos and Nathanel

The next day Joshua was walking around Kefar-Nahum and met with a man called Philippos, and
he said to him, “Follow me.” This Philippos came from Beth-Saida, the same town as Simeon and
Andreas. Later Philippos met his friend Nathaniel and told him, “I have found who it was that
Mosheh wrote of in the Torah , and the prophets have written of him too, it is Joshua bar-Joseph of
Nazareth. Nathaniel replied, “Has anything good ever come from Nazareth?” but Philippos said,
“Come and see for yourself.”

Joshua saw Philippos coming towards him and said, “Behold a true Israelite, there is no falsehood
in him.” Nathaniel replied, “How do you know me?” Joshua said, “When you were sitting beneath
the fig tree, before Philippos spoke to you, I saw you.” Nathaniel said, “You are a Hozeh, which
means a seer.” But Joshua said to him, “Do you believe just because I saw you sitting under the fig
tree? You will see far greater things than that. Amen, Amen, I say to you that I will show you what
no eye has seen, you will hear what no ear has heard, you will touch what no hand has touched,
what the heart of man has not conceived. You will see the Heavens torn open and the Angels of
Yahweh going up and coming down upon the Son of Man.

The Wedding at Qaneh

On the third day there was a wedding at Qaneh in Galilee, and Miryam the mother of Joshua was
there, and Joshua was also invited to the feast and came with his disciples. There the supply of wine
ran out, so the mother of Joshua said to him, “Son, they have no wine left for the celebration.”
Joshua answered her, “Woman, what is that to me? My time has not yet come.” but Miryam said to
the servants, “Do whatever he tells you to do.” There were six stone jars standing there as the
custom of ceremonial washing demands. They were made of stone and held two or three firkins
apiece. Joshua said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water.” and they were filled to the brim. Then
he said, “draw some of it out and give a draught to the master of the feast.” they took it and the
master of the feast tasted the water which had been turned into wine. He called the bridegroom over
to him and said, “Most men set out the best wine first, and only later when people are drunk the
cheaper wine, but you have kept the best wine until last.” After this Joshua returned to Kefar-
Nahum with his disciples ands his mother.

This was the first of the signs that Joshua performed, at Qaneh in Galilee.

Joshua In the Synagogue at Nazareth

All through the region he began to teach in the Synagogues so that word of him spread widely. Then
he came to Nazareth, the village where he had been brought up. He went into the Synagogue there
on a Sabbath day, and, as was his custom, he stood up to read. He was give the book of the prophet
Isaiah. He opened the scroll and found the place where it is written,

'The spirit of Yahweh is upon me

Because Yahweh has anointed me
To bring good tidings to the poor,
To bind up the broken-hearted,
To proclaim liberty to captives,
Opening the doors of those whose eyes are bound,
And to proclaim a year of mercy from Yahweh,
Before the Day of Vengeance of our god.'

then he rolled up the scroll handed it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of everyone in
the Synagogue were fixed upon him, and he said to them, “Today the scripture I have read to you is
fulfilled”. All that bore witness wondered at his words, and Joshua said to them, “No doubt you will
speak badly of me, but a prophet is not without honour save in his own village, and among his own
kindred, and in his own household. But I wish to tell you a truth: there were many widows in Israel,
when by the word of Eliyah the heavens had been shut up for three years and six months, and a
great famine spread throughout the land, but Eliyah was sent to none of them. He was sent to a
widow woman in Zarephath in Sidon, while Yahweh issued his sentence against Jacob, his writ
against Israel, 'Woe to you that issue ill decrees and draw up instruments of wrong, suppress the
claims of the poor, and refuse redress to humble folk. The widow your spoil! The orphan your prey!
' What will you do when the day of reckoning comes, when the storm that is brewing far in the west
overtakes you? To whom will you flee for refuge? Where will you hide your ill-gotten gains? It is
you doom to bow down in chains or to fall amongst the slain, and even so Yahweh's anger is not
appeased, his hand threatens you still.”

A Narrow Escape
All those who were in the Synagogue when they heard him say these things were filled with wrath.
They rose up and dragged him out of the village, and took him to the brow of the hill on which the
village was built, that they might cast him down headlong onto the rocks below, but he passed
through the midst of them and went on his way.

Many Cures
One morning Joshua rose up long before dawn and went out to a lonely place, and there began to
pray. His companions went in search of him, and when they found him said, “Herod is looking for
you.” and Joshua replied, “Let's go somewhere else, to one of the neighbouring villages so that I
can teach there, for this is why I was sent.” So his fame was spread throughout the region, and they
brought to him all those who were afflicted, tormented by pain or sickness of every sort, those
possessed by demons, the lunatics, those who had the palsy, and he healed them all. People even
begged of him that they might be allowed to touch the fringe of his cloak because the spirit
overflowed from him and all who managed to touch him were healed.

In the Name of Beelzebub

It chanced that one day as he was teaching they brought to him a dumb man who was possessed by
a demon. Joshua yelled at the demon, saying, “Out, demon, out!” and the bad spirit convulsing the
man, cried out with a great voice came out of him, and after the demon was cast out, the dumb man
spoke, and the crowd marvelled, but some Scribes of the Perushim said, “It's in the name of
Beelzebub, the prince of demons, that he casts out the demons.”

Feeding the Five Thousand

Afterwards as he journeyed on, some of Johanan's disciples came to Joshua and told him all that
Johanan had done and taught, and he said to them, “Let's go to a quiet place by ourselves and rest
from all the people.” for there were so many coming and going that they scarcely had enough time
to themselves to eat. So they took ship across the Sea of Galilee and withdrew to a lonely place near
the village of Beth-Saida. But many people saw them go or came to know of it, and from all the
towns and villages round about they hurried to that place by land, and gathered there before them.
When they had disembarked Joshua saw the great multitude there and took pity on them, he said,
“They are like sheep without a shepherd.” and then he began to teach them many things.

Joshua called his disciples to him and said, “I have great pity for these people because they have
been with me for three days now and they have nothing to eat. If I send them away hungry to their
homes they will grow faint on the way, for some of them have come far.” The disciples said, “Give
the people leave to to the farms and villages round about and they can buy food for themselves.” but
Joshua said, “there is no need to send them away, you can feed them yourselves.” We were
astonished by his words, and Simeon said, “Shall we spend two hundred denarii on bread and give
it to them to eat?” Philippos said, “Where could we find enough bread in this wilderness to feed this
mob?” but Joshua had only said this to test them, and he asked, “How much food do we have? Go
and see.” Andreas said, “There is a young man here who has five barley loaves and two small fish,
but what is that among so many?”

But Joshua said, “That is enough. Tell the men to sit down in companies.” There was no lack of
grass where they were, so the men sat down on the green grass, and took their places by hundreds
and by fifties. Joshua took the five loaves, blessed them, then broke them, before giving them to his
disciples to set before the people, and then he divided the fish among them. All men ate and all were
filled. When the men had eaten enough, Joshua said to his disciples, “Gather up all the leftovers so
that nothing will be wasted, and they filled up twelve baskets with the broken pieces from the barley
loaves and the fish. The loaves had fed five thousand men.

The people who saw the sign which he had done said, “Beyond a doubt this is the prophet who is to
come into the world.” Now the Pisha was drawing near and Joshua knowing that the crowd meant
to take him, and by force make him king, told them, “My time is not yet.” and immediately he
ordered his disciples to get into the boat and to go before him to the other shore while he sent the
multitude away. After he had take leave from them he withdrew onto the mountain to be alone and
to pray.

Joshua Walks on the Water

It was now after dark, a strong wind was blowing and the sea grew rough. Joshua was alone on the
shore, and he saw that his disciples were hard put to it, straining at the oars, for the wind was
against them. The night had reached the fourth watch and the ship was still only halfway across the
sea when Joshua came to them walking on the water, and looking as if he intended to pass them by.
When the disciples saw him they were terrified for they thought he was a phantom, and they cried
out with fear, saying, “It is the ghost who walks on the water.” but he said to them, “Be of good
cheer. It's only me. Don't fear.” and then they were willing to take him on board the boat. and
straight away the wind ceased, and in an instant the boat reached the shore for which they were
heading. The disciples were amazed beyond measure and they wondered within themselves, for
they hadn't grasped the lesson of the loaves, their minds were still closed.

The Leaven of the Perushim

After Joshua and his disciples had crossed the sea, the disciples found that they had forgotten to
bring any bread with them, they had no more than a single loaf in the boat with them. Joshua said,
“Take heed. Beware of the leaven of the Perushim, and the leaven of Herod.” the disciples argued
among themselves, saying, “But we have brought no bread with us.” Becoming aware of their
argument Joshua said to them, “You men of slow wits! Why are you talking of bread? Have you
neither sense nor understanding even now? Are your minds still closed? You have eyes, why can't
you see? You have ears , why can't you hear? Do you remember nothing? When I broke the five
loaves and fed the five thousand, how many baskets of broken pieces were left? And they told him,
“Twelve.” and he said to them, “Then how is it that you still don't understand?”

Sow In Winter, Reap In Summer

Joshua said to them, “I have food of which you know nothing.” whereupon the disciples said to one
another, “Which of us has brought food for him to eat?” but he said to them, “My food is to do the
will of him who sent me, and to finish the task he gave me. Those who sow in winter will reap in
summer. You should now sow in this harsh world of winter, so that when the glorious summer
comes you can reap a splendid harvest. You have heard the saying, 'It's still four months to the
harvest.' but I say to you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are white with the promise of
harvest. Already the reaper is earning his wage, so both the sower and the reaper rejoice. Here the
old saying is true, 'One man sows and another man reaps.' I have sent you to reap a harvest on
which you have spent no labour. Other men have laboured, but you will reap the reward.”

The next day people still waited on the other shore of the sea. They had seen that only one boat had
left, and that Joshua had not embarked with his disciples, leaving them to cross the sea without him.
Some boats from Tiberias landed at that place, and when the people saw that neither Joshua nor his
disciples were likely to return, they also took to the sea, and went to look for him. When they found
that he too had crossed the sea and was teaching in the Synagogue at Kefar-Nahum, they asked him,
“Master, how did you make your way here?” Joshua answered them, “Amen, Amen, I say to you
that if you seek me now, its not because you saw signs, its because you were fed with loaves and ate
your fill. But you shouldn't labour for for the food which which perishes, but for the food which
will give you everlasting life. The Son of Man can give it to you, for Yahweh, the father, has set his
seal upon me.” they asked him, “What must is the work that Yahweh wants from us?” Joshua said,
“This is the work Yahweh asks of you: to believe in me, the man he has sent to you.”

The Bread of Heaven

So they said to him, “What sign will you do so that we might see it and believe in you? What
wonder can you perform? Our forefathers were given manna to eat in the wilderness, as the
scripture says, 'The doors of heaven he opened, and rained manna down upon them to eat. Mosheh's
gift to them was the bread of heaven, so that men could eat the food of angels.” Joshua answered
them, “Amen, Amen, I say to you that Mosheh didn't give to your forefathers the bread of heaven,
but the father has given to you the true bread of heaven, for the bread of Yahweh is that which has
come down from the heavens to give life to the world.” The Galileans said, “Rabboni, give us some
of this bread.” and Joshua said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never
hunger, and he who believes in me will never thirst. All that the father gives to me will come to me,
and him that comes to me I will never cast out, and this is the will of him who sent me, that I should
lose nothing of all he has given to me, but raise it on the last day.”

The Bread of Life

The Galileans then murmured at his saying, 'I am the bread which has come down from the
heavens.' they said, “Isn't this Joshua, the son of Miryam? Aren't his brothers Jacob and Joseph,
Simeon and Jude known to us all? Don't his sisters live around the corner? How can he expect us to
believe that he has come down from the heavens?” Joshua said to them, “Don't murmur thus among
yourselves. No man can come to me unless the father who sent me draws him, and him I will raise
up on the last day. It's written in the book of the prophet Isaiah, 'And they shall all be taught by
Elohim.' therefore every man who listens to the father and learns, comes to me. Amen, Amen, I say
to you that he who believes in me has eternal life. I am the bread of life. Your forefathers who ate
manna in the wilderness died all the same, but the bread which comes down from the heavens is
such that the man who eats of it will not die. I am the living bread which has come down from the
heavens, and if any man eats of this bread he will live forever. Now I ask you, what is this bread I
am to give? It's my flesh which I will give for the life of the world.”

The Disciples Confounded

The Galileans then began to argue amongst themselves, saying, “How can this man give us his flesh
to eat?” Joshua said to them, "Amen, Amen, I say to you that unless you eat the flesh and drink the
blood of the Son of Man you will have no life in you. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood
has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day, for my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is
drink indeed. As the living father has sent me, and I live by the father, so he that eats me will live by
me, for from me all comes forth, and to me all is attained. This is the bread which has come down
from the heavens. It's not as it was with your forefathers who ate manna, and died non the less, the
man who eats this bread will live forever.”

He said all these things while he was teaching in the Synagogue at Kefar-Nahum. There were many
of his disciples there who, when they heard these harsh sayings, said, “This is madness, who can
believe it?” Joshua's spirit knew that his own disciples murmured against his harsh sayings, so he
said to them, “Do my words offend you? What if you were to see me ascend to where I was before?
It's only the spirit that gives life, the flesh is worth nothing without it, and the words I have spoken
to you, they are spirit, they are life, and whoever is living from the living one will have eternal life.
I know that there are some, even among you, who don't believe, that's what I meant when I said that
no man can come to me unless the gift is granted to him by the father.”

Many of his disciples were offended by this teaching, and from this time went back to their old
ways and walked no more in his company. Joshua said to the twelve, “Will you also leave me?” but
Jude said to him, “Master, to whom would we go? You speak the words of eternal life, and have
shown us the Kingdom of Heaven.”

The Narrow Gate

Simeon asked him, “Rabboni, then are there only a few who are to be saved?” and he answered,
“Strive to enter by the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and easy is the way that leads to destruction,
and those who enter by it are many, but narrow is the gate and hard is the way that leads to life and
few are those who find it.”

The Cure of a Leper

After he had finished these sayings in the hearing of the people, a leper came up to him and said,
“Rabboni Joshua, through travelling with lepers and eating with them, I myself have become a
leper. If it is your will you can make me clean.” Joshua being angered stretched out his hand and
touched him, saying, “Of course it is my will, be clean.” and immediately the leprosy left him and
he was made clean. Joshua warned him, saying, “Say nothing of this to any man, but go on your
way and show your skin to a priest as a proof, and then offer for your cleansing the things which
Mosheh commanded.”

The Centurion's Slave

Now in Kefar-Nahum there lived a centurion who had a slave who was very valuable, and who was
tormented by the palsy and on the point of death. When he was told of Joshua's works of power, he
sent to him some of the elders of the Galileans, beseeching him to come and heal his slave. These
men presented themselves before Joshua and began to make their appeal, but Joshua stopped them
and said, “You mustn't give what is holy to dogs, or cast your pearls before swine.” The elders said
to him, “This man is a good friend to our people, and he has built a synagogue for us at his own
expense.” So Joshua went with them, and when they came to his house, the centurion sent some of
his slaves to to say to him, “don't put yourself to any trouble, you have only to say the word and my
slave will be healed. I too am a man set under authority, who has soldiers under my command.
When I say to one: go, he goes, and to another one come, he comes, and to my slave do this, and he
does it.” When Joshua heard these words he was surprised, and turned to the crowd in amazement
and said, “Amen, I say to you that I have never found such faith in Israel.” and when the
messengers returned to the house they found the slave fully recovered.

Simeon's Mother-In-Law
Now Joshua went to Simeon and Andreas' house, and Jacob and Johanan were with him. Simeon's
mother-in-law was lying there in the grip of a violent fever, and they entreated his aid. He went
close to the bed and yelled at the fever, and at once the demon left her. He took her y the hand and
raised her up from the bed, and she rose and ministered to them all.

When the sun went down and it was evening, all those who had friends or relatives who were
possessed by demons or who were afflicted by disease, brought them to him. He cast out all the evil
spirits with a word, and to those sick of divers diseases, he would lay his hands on each one of them
and, he healed many. This was to fulfil the oracle spoken by the prophet Isaiah, “He took our
infirmities and carried our sicknesses.”

The Sermon on the Mount

There followed a time in which he went from village to village preaching the tidings of the coming
of the Kingdom of Yahweh. With him were the twelve apostles and certain women who had been
healed of evil spirits or infirmities. The chief of these was Miryam the Magdalene, who had seven
demons driven out of her, and Joanna, the wife of Cusa, Herod's steward, and Susannah and many
others who ministered to him with what means they had. And there also gathered around him a
multitude of people from Galilee, from the Decapolis, from Jerusalem, Judea, and Perea, who had
come to hear him and be healed of their diseases and be freed of the evil spirits that troubled them.
And all the crowd sought to touch him for the spirit poured forth from him and healed them all.
Seeing the great crowd that had gathered Joshua went up onto a mountain, and there he sat down
with his disciples sat around him, and he began to speak to them.

This was the teaching he gave, “Don't think that I have come to abolish the Torah and the prophets.
I have not come to abolish but to fulfil them. Amen, Amen, I say to you that heaven and earth will
pass away before one iota or serif will pass away from the Torah, all must be fulfilled. Whoever
breaks any of the commandments, though it were the least, and teaches men to do likewise, will be
counted least in the Kingdom of Yahweh, but the man who keeps them, and teaches them to others,
will be counted the greatest in the Kingdom of Yahweh.
How blessed are you poor, for yours is the Kingdom of Yahweh.
How blessed are you that hunger now, for you will eat your fill.
How blessed are you that weep now, for you will laugh.
How blessed are you when they revile you, because of the Son of Man, for so did their forefathers
to the prophets.

But woe to the rich! For you have already had your reward.
Woe to those who are full now, for you shall hunger.
Woe to those who laugh, for you shall mourn and weep.
Woe to you when men speak well of you, for so did their forefathers to the false prophets.

You are the salt of the earth, but if salt loses it's saltiness, with what will you season it? It's therefore
good for nothing but to be cast out.

The Justice of the Scribes and Perushim

Amen, I say to you that unless your justice gives a fuller measure than the justice of the Scribes and
Perushim you will never enter the Kingdom of Yahweh. It is by the decree of Elohim that the sun
shines with the same splendour for rich and poor, for the king and his subjects, for the ignorant and
the wise, on man and woman, on the evil and the good alike. In this way Elohim has established
beyond all question what he means by justice, and it is his will that the same principle should apply
to all things, to the earth and all it's fruits, but man-made laws have undermined the divine law,
creating the distinction between mine and thine, so that the things which by the will of Elohim
should belong to all, can no longer be enjoyed in common. And how galling to see the rich with so
much gold and silver in their coffers, with so many fine garments, and mansions, and farms, and
slaves, having an over-abundance of good things, not deigning to even glance at us, the poor, let
alone share their wealth with us. But woe to the rich! They will weep and wail over the miseries that
will come upon them. They have laid up their treasure for the last days, but it will eat their flesh like

You have heard it said by the men of old, 'You shall not kill.' and if a man does kill he must answer
for it before the court of judgement, but I say to you that whoever is angry with his neighbour
without cause is in danger of the judgement, and any man who says 'Raca' to his neighbour will be
in danger from the Sanhedrin, but any man who says to his neighbour, 'You fool', is in danger of
Ge-Hinnom's fire. If you are bringing a gift to the altar and you remember that your neighbour has
grounds for complaint against you, leave your gift there before the altar, go, and first be reconciled
with your neighbour, and then come back to the Temple and offer your gift.

If anyone has a claim against you, come to terms quickly while you are still walking on the road
with him, lest at any time your adversary brings you before the judge, and the judge delivers you to
the bailiff, and you are delivered to jail. Amen, I say to you that you will be by no means released
from there until you have paid to the last lepton.

If your neighbour is doing wrong, go at once to him and tax him with his fault, between you and
him alone. If he listens to you, then you have won your neighbour.

Bind and Loose

I promise you that whatsoever you bind on earth, will be bound in heaven, and whatsoever you
loose on earth, will be loosed in heaven. Again, I say to you that if two of you agree touching upon
anything that you may ask for on earth, it will be done for you by the father in heaven. If you say to
this mountain, 'Move from here!' it will move.”
The Ten Thousand Talents
Simeon said to him, “Rabboni, how often must I see my neighbour do me wrong, and I must still
forgive him? As many as seven times?” Joshua said, "You must not only forgive him seven times,
but seventy time seven!” Then he told this parable: the Kingdom of Yahweh is like a certain king
who resolved to enter into a reckoning with his servants. He had scarcely begun the reckoning when
a servant was brought before him who was ten thousand talents in his debt. As he had no means to
pay, his lord gave orders that he should be sold into slavery, with his wife and children, and all that
he possessed sold, so that payment could be made. The servant fell at the king's feet, and said,
“Lord , have patience with me and you will be paid in full.” The lord of that servant was moved
with pity for him and he let his servant go and forgave his debt.

But that servant went out and met with a fellow servant who owed him one hundred denarii, and he
laid his hands upon him. He took him by the throat and said, “Pay me all that you owe.” and his
fellow fell down at his feet and said, “Have patience with me and you will be paid in full.” but the
other would not, and haled him before a judge to have him thrown into prison until he had paid his

The rest of the servants were outraged by his behaviour and went to their lord and told him all that
had happened. So the servant was summoned by his lord, who said to him, “You wicked servant! At
your entreaty I forgave you all your debt to me. Wasn't it incumbent upon you to have compassion
for your fellow servant as I had pity on you?” and his lord delivered him to his torturers until all his
debt was paid.

On Oaths
Again, you have heard that it was said by the men of old that you must not break your oaths, but
you must perform whatever oath you have sworn to Yahweh, but I say to you that you shouldn't
swear oaths at all, not by the heavens, for the heavens are the throne of Yahweh, nor by the earth,
for it is his footstool, nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great king. You shouldn't even swear
by your own head, for you don't have the power to turn even a single hair blonde or black. Let your
word for yes, be yes, and your word for no, be no. whatever you say more than this comes from the
evil one.

If Your Eye Offends You, Pluck it Out

You have heard that it was said by the men of old, “You shall not commit adultery.” but I say to you
that whoever looks at a woman and lusts after her has already committed adultery with her in his
heart. If your eye offends you, pluck it out. It's better for you to enter the kingdom of heaven with
one eye, than to have two eyes when you are cast in Ge-Hinnom. If your hand offends you, cut it
off. It's better for you to enter into life maimed, than to have two hands and be cast into Ge-Hinnom.
And if you foot offends you, cut it off. It's better for you to limp into heaven, than for you to have to
feet when you are cast into the Ge-Hinnom of fire.

It was also said that whoever wishes to divorce his wife must first give her a writ of separation, but
I say to you, have you not read that he who made people in the beginning made them male and
female, and how he said, 'Therefore a man shall leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife,
and the two shall become one flesh.'? And so they are no longer two, but one flesh, and what
Yahweh has joined, let no man put asunder.”

Joshua Commends Eunuchry to his Disciples

The disciples asked him, “Then why did Mosheh command that a man can give his wife a writ of
separation and divorce her?” Joshua said to them, "Mosheh allowed you to divorce your wives, but
it wasn't so in the beginning. Amen, I say to you that any man who divorces his wife to marry
another commits adultery.” At this word of his the disciples said to him, “If that is the case between
a man and his wife, it would be better not to marry at all.” Joshua said to them, "There are some
men who are eunuchs when they are born from their mother's womb, there are some men who are
made eunuchs by men, but there are some of us who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of
the Kingdom of Heaven. He who has an ear, let him hear.”

On Giving Alms
You are to be perfect, as your father in heaven is perfect. Take heed that you don't practice your
piety in public, courting the praise of men. If you do you will gain no reward from your father in the
heavens. Therefore when you give alms, don't sound the trumpets before you as the hypocrites do
in the Synagogue and the streets to gain praise from men. Truly they will get their reward. But when
you give alms, do it so secretly that your left hand doesn't know what your right hand is doing, and
your father, who sees all secret things, will openly reward you.

On Prayer
And when pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites, who love to pray standing in the Synagogue
and on street corners to be seen by men. Amen, Amen, I say to you that they will get their reward.
When you pray, you should go into your private room, and when you have shut the door, you can
pray to your father in secret, and your father, who hears all secret things, will openly reward you.

On Vain Repetitions
Moreover, when you pray, don't use vain repetitions, heaping up empty phrases as the heathen do,
who think to make themselves heard by their continuous pleading. You are not to be like them. Your
father knows best what things you are in need of before you ask.”

Joshua's Prayer For His Disciples

Then Jude said to him, “Master, teach us how to pray as Johanan taught his disciples” Joshua said, "
This is how you should pray:

Hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come.
Give us each day our daily bread.
Forgive our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
Don't lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.

For if you forgive men their trespasses, the father in the heavens will also forgive you, but if you
don't forgive men, then neither will your father forgive you. You must do unto others as you would
have them do to you. That is the whole of the Torah and the prophets, the rest is just commentary.

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

Beware of the false prophets. You must become as skilled as money changers, for they will come to
you as wolves in sheep's clothing, but you can tell them by their fruits, for can grapes be picked
from thorns or figs from thistles? Sound trees bear good fruit, while sick trees bear worthless fruit,
and any tree which doesn't bear good fruit will be cut down and cast into the fire. Therefore I say to
you that it is by their fruits that you shall know them. Not everyone who says to me,
“master,master.” will enter the Kingdom of Yahweh, but only those who do the will of the father.
When the Day of Yahweh comes there will be many who say to me, “Master, master, we have eaten
and drunk with you, and wasn't it in your name that we prophesied? And in your name that we cast
the demons out? But I will tell them openly, “Why do you call me master? You paid me lip-service
as a teacher, but didn't do as I commanded. You were never friends of mine.”
The House of Rock
Whoever listens to these sayings of mine, and follows them, is like the man, who when he built his
house, dug deep and laid his foundations upon solid rock. When the rains fell, and the floods came
and beat upon his house it couldn't shake it, for it was built upon the rock. But whoever listens to
these sayings of mine and doesn't follow them, is like the man who built his house upon the earth,
without first digging a foundation. When the rains fell, and the floods came and beat upon his
house, it was unable to stand, and great was the fall of it.”

And it came to pass when Joshua had finished these sayings, that the people were astonished at his
teaching, for he taught like a man who had real knowledge, not like the Scribes and Perushim.

Of Martha and Miryam

he departed from that place and continued his wanderings. In one of the villages of Judea called
Beth-Any, a woman called Martha received him into he house. She had a sister named Miryam who
sat at his feet and listened to his every word, while Martha was greatly burdened with serving so
many needs. She came to him and said, “Rabbi, don't you care that my sister has left me to do all
the serving by myself? Tell her that she must come and help me.” but Joshua answered her,
“Martha, Martha, how many cares and troubles you have, but as the proverb says, 'One thing is
more necessary than another.' and Miryam has chosen the better part, which can never be taken
away from her.”

On Foot Washing
Now when supper was over, Joshua rose from his couch, laid aside his mantle, and girded a linen
cloth about his naked body. He poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples feet,
wiping them with the cloth that girded him. When he came to Simeon, Simeon said, “Rabboni, is it
for you to wash my feet?” Joshua replied, “Why I'm doing this you don't know now, but you will
understand later.” Simeon said, “I'll never let you wash my feet.” but Joshua answered him, “If I
don't wash you, you will have no part of me.” Simeon said, “Then, Rabboni, wash not only my feet,
but my hands and my head as well.” Joshua said, "A man who has bathed in the living water, has
but to wash his feet to be clean all over.”

When he had finished washing their feet and put his clothes back on, he sat down and said to them,
“Do you know what I have just done for you? You call me your lord and master, and rightly for that
is what I am to you. But know that I, your lord and master, have done this for a sign, and you should
also do as I have done for you. Amen, Amen, I say to you that no slave is as great as his master, nor
is he who is sent as great as him who sends him. You have been shown this, and you will be blessed
if you perform this.”

The Woman of Samaria

Then Joshua left that region and once more withdrew into Galilee. To avoid arrest by the Judeans,
he was obliged to pass through Samaria. So he came to a town called Sychar, which is near the
parcel of land that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. There is a well there called Joseph's well, and
Joshua, being wearied by his long journey, sat down beside that well to rest, and sent his disciples
into the town to buy food for them all. It was about the sixth hour. A Samaritan woman came to the
well to draw water, and Joshua said to her, “Woman, give me a drink.” the woman said to him,
“How is it that you, a Judean, deign to ask a drink of me, a woman of Samaria, for you Judeans will
not even drink from cups that we Samaritans have used?” Joshua answered her, “If you knew the
gift of Elohim and who I am who is saying to you, “Give me a drink.” you could have asked of me
instead, and I would have given you living water to drink.” the woman said to him, “Sir, this well is
deep and you have no bucket to draw with, how could you get for me this living water? Are you a
greater man than our forefather Jacob, who gave us this well, and he himself, and his sons, and his
herds drank from it.” Joshua said, "Everyone who drinks from this well will soon be thirsty again,
but whoever drinks of the water I give, will never thirst again. The water I give will be a spring of
water welling up to eternal life.” the woman said to him, “Sir, give me some of this water to drink,
so that I may never be thirsty again, or have to come back to this well to draw water.”

Joshua said to her, "Go home and bring your husband her.” but the woman said, “I have no
husband.” and Joshua said, "You were right to say 'I have no husband.' for you have had five
husbands, but the man who is with you now is no husband to you.” the woman said, “Sir I see that
you are a prophet. You Judeans say that the Temple in Jerusalem is the only place where men ought
to worship, but we Samaritans follow the old religion of Mosheh, from the days before you Judeans
usurped both the ark from Shiloh and the kingship from Ephraim, and we still worship on holy
Mount Gerazim, as did our forefathers before us.” Joshua said to her, "Amen, Amen, I say to you
that the time is coming, in fact has already come, when the Father will be worshipped neither on
Mount Gerazim nor on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. The time has come for true worshippers to
worship the father as he truly is without regard to place. Yahweh is a spirit, and those who worship
him, must also worship him in the spirit, rather than with blood and fat and bread. I will destroy the
Temple in Jerusalem and in three days I will raise another not built by hands.”

Annoying Us With Her Crying

The woman said, “Sir, can you help me? My daughter is cruelly tormented by a demon.” and she
kept begging him to cast the evil spirit out, but he answered her not a word as his disciples returned.
They marvelled to find him talking with the woman, and they said to him, “What does she want?”
Simeon said, Send this Samaritan bitch away, she is annoying us with her crying.” the woman fell to
her knees before Joshua and said, “Rabbi, have mercy on me.” but Joshua replied, “I have been sent
to none but the house of Israel. It's not right to take bread from the mouths of children and throw it
to the dogs.” the woman said, “That is true, Rabbi, but the dogs can still feed on the scraps which
fall from the children's table.” Joshua laughed and said, “This saying of yours has gained you your
reward. Go on your way. The demon has left your daughter.” The woman ran back to the town,
leaving her water bucket behind, and when she returned to her house she found her daughter resting
on the bed and the demon gone., while Joshua and his disciples drank their fill.

Jairus' Daughter's Sickness

After this he entered a ship and crossed to his own city of Kefar-Nahum. A crowd quickly gathered
while he was still on the shore, and before Joshua could pass through them, a man came out of the
crowd and fell at his feet. His name was Jairus, and he was one of the leaders of the Synagogue. He
implored Joshua to come to his house, saying, “My only daughter, who is only twelve years old, is
at the point of death. Come and lay your hands upon her so that she may be made well and live.” so
Joshua went with him, and a crowd followed them eager to see if he would perform some wonder.

Spirit Drained
Now in the crowd that thronged about him was a certain woman, who for twelve years had suffered
from an issue of blood, and had undergone much from many doctors in search of a cure, indeed
spending all she had on them, but was no better for it, it fact rather worse. She had heard of Joshua
and his works of power, so she came up behind him and touched his cloak, for she said to herself,
“If I can but touch the tassels on his cloak I will be healed.” and so it was, for immediately she
touched his cloak the fountain of blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was cured.

But Joshua knew inwardly that some of the spirit had been drained from him, and he looked down
to see who had done this. He turned to the crowd behind him and demanded, “Who touched my
cloak?” when no one stepped forward, the disciples said to him, “Rabboni, you can see how many
people are thronging around you, any one of them could have touched you.” but Joshua was
insistent, and said, “Someone has touched me, for I can tell when the spirit has been taken from me,
now, who was it?” And the woman, seeing that there was no concealing it from him, came forward,
in fear and trembling, and fell at his feet. Before all the people she told him her reason for touching
him, and of her sudden cure, and Joshua said to her, “Woman, your faith has made you whole. Go in

Jairus' Daughter Raised to Life

While these words were still on his lips some men came from the leader of the Synagogue to say,
“Don't trouble the Rabboni any further. Your daughter is dead.” Joshua overheard these words, and
said to Jairus, “Don't be upset. You have only to believe and your daughter will recover.” When they
reached the house he would not let anyone come in with him except for Simeon, Jude,Jacob, and
Johanan. The whole household were weeping and wailing over the girl, but Joshua said to them,
“There is no need to weep and wail, the girl isn't dead she's only sleeping.” Whereupon all the
household laughed out loud at his words. Joshua was angered so he sent them all outside, and taking
only the girl's father and mother and his companions with him, he went into the room where the girl
lay. He took her by the hand and said, “Talitha koum.” which means Little lamb arise, and
immediately the spirit returned to her and she got up and walked, and Joshua ordered them to give
her some bread to eat. Her parents were beside themselves with astonishment, and said, “Nothing
like this has been seen in Israel since the days of Eliyah and Elisha.” but Joshua laid upon them a
strict charge to tell no man what he had done.

Two Blind Men Cured

And when Joshua went on from there two blind men followed him calling out, “Joshua, have mercy
on us.” He returned to his own home and had gone inside, but the two blind men followed him in,
so he asked them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” “Yes master.” they replied, then he
touched their eyes and said, “Let it be done to you according to your faith.” and immediately their
eyes were opened, and Joshua warned them, “See that no one hears of this.” but they were so
ecstatic at regaining their sight that they spread the news throughout the whole region. Word spread
quickly round the town, and a crowd gathered outside his house. So many people came that there
was no room to receive them all inside the house, so he preached the word to them from his front

An Impotent Man Cured

Now four men came carrying a friend of theirs who was sick of the palsy. They found that they
couldn't get close to Joshua because of the press, so they stripped tiles from the roof over the place
where he was standing, and when they had made an opening, they let down the bed on which the
palsied man lay, into the clear space at Joshua's feet. When he saw their faith, he said, “Man, be of
good cheer, your sins are forgiven.” but some of the Scribe of the Perushim began to reason in their
hearts, “Who does this man think he is to be speaking such blasphemy? Who but Elohim can
forgive sins? ”Joshua's spirit saw in their secret thoughts, and he said to them openly, “Which do
you think it's easier to say to a man sick of the palsy, your sins are forgiven, or get up and walk?”
Now to convince you that I have been given the power to forgive sins on earth, I say, you there, get
up. Take your bed and go home.” and the palsied man, in full view of the crowd, took up his
bedding and walked home. The people were beside themselves with astonishment, and filled with
fear, said, “We have seen many strange wonders today.”

The Tower of Siloam

There were some present at that time who told Joshua the tale of those Galileans whose blood
Pontius Pilatus had mingled with that of their sacrifice, and he answered them by saying, “Do you
suppose that this doom befell them because they were the worst of sinners in Galilee? I tell you that
it wasn't so, and if you all don't mend your ways, you will perish as they did. What of those eighteen
men who were killed when the tower of Siloam fell on them? Do you think that they were the
greatest sinners in Judea? I tell you no! And unless you change your ways you will all perish as they

Sabbath Cures
One Sabbath day while he was teaching in the Synagogue at Kefar-Nahum, a stonemason with a
withered hand stepped forward and said, “Joshua, I have always earned my living with my hands,
now I pray you, have mercy on me and restore my health, so that I am not reduced to begging for
my bread.” Joshua said to him, " Stretch out your hand.” and at once his hand was restored to him
as whole as the other. The people marvelled, but the Scribe of the Perushim murmured against him
for healing on the Sabbath day.

Now there was a woman listening to him who for eighteen years had been possessed by a spirit of
infirmity. She was bent over and could in no way stand upright. Joshua saw her and called her to
him, and said to the scribes, “Which is lawful to do on the Sabbath day, to do good, or to do evil?
To bring to life or to take it away?” but the Scribe of the Perushim held their peace, and he looked at
them with anger as he laid his hands upon her as he yelled at the spirit of infirmity, and it left her.
Joshua said to her, “Woman, you are free of your infirmity.” and at once she stood upright and gave
praise to Elohim.

Your Ass In a Pit

But the ruler of the Synagogue was indignant that Joshua had healed them on the Sabbath, so he
turned to the people and said, “There are six days in the week on which this man can lawfully work,
and you should come to be healed on those days and not on the Sabbath.” Joshua gave him this
answer, “You hypocrite! Doesn't every one of you untie his ox or his ass from its stall and lead them
to water on the Sabbath? Is there any one of you who if his ass fell into a pit, would not drag his ass
out straight away, even if it was on the Sabbath? And here is a daughter of Abraham who has been
bound by a demon these eighteen years, should she not be loosed from that bond on the Sabbath
day?” To this his adversary could make no answer, and was put to shame, while the people rejoiced
over the great wonders he had done there. But no sooner the Scribe of the Perushim left the
Synagogue, they began to plot about how they might be rid of him.

Johanan Raised From the Dead

Now Herod the Tetrarch heard of these things, for Joshua's name had become well-known, and he
said, “It's Johanan the Baptiser, the man I beheaded, he has been raised from the dead, and that is
why these powers are being shown by this man.” Some of his court said to him, “He is Eliyah.”
while others said, “He is a prophet like the prophets of old.” but Herod kept repeating, “Johanan
who I beheaded has risen from the grave and come back to haunt me.” and he was eager to capture

As soon as Joshua was told of these plots against him, he withdrew from that place, but a great
crowd of people followed him and he healed all the sick, though he laid a strict charge upon them
that they should not make him known. After his death his disciples remembered that he did this to
fulfil the prophecy spoken by the prophet Isaiah, 'Thus says Yahweh,

“Behold my servant, whom I protect,

My chosen one, in whom my soul delights.
My spirit rests upon him.
He shall pass judgement upon the gentiles.
He will not cry out in protest,
He will be no lover of faction,
None shall hear his voice in the street.”'

A Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Man Cured

Then there was brought to him a young man named Thomas, who was possessed by a demon and
was blind, deaf, and dumb. Joshua prayed for him, and then laid his hands upon him, and yelled at
him, saying, “Out, demon, out. You deaf, dumb, and blind spirit I charge you to come out of him.”
and with a great cry the demon was driven out of him. At once Thomas began to speak, and the
crowd was filled with wonder, and said, “he has done well in all his works.” but when his friends
saw him they tried to take him away, for they said, “He is out of his mind.” and some Scribes of the
Perushim when they saw him, said, “This man is possessed by the Prince of Demons, and it's in the
name of Beelzebub that he casts the demons out.” Joshua gave his answer to them in parables:

The Parables of Satan

Why would The Satan drive out a satan?
If a kingdom is divided against itself cannot stand.
If a house is divided against itself, it is soon brought to destruction.
If The Satan is divided, and his house is at war with itself, then he can't stand and his end has
No man can enter into a strong man's house and rob him of his goods without first tying him up.
Only then can he loot the strong man's house at will
When an evil spirit which has possessed a man is driven out, it walks around in waterless places
looking for a place to rest, but if it finds none, it will say to itself, “Perhaps I should return to my
old dwelling from which I was driven out. If it comes back it will find it's dwelling unoccupied,
swept clean, and with everything in order. Thereupon it will go out and bring back seven other
spirits, each more wicked than the last, to keep it company. They will enter in and settle down
there, so that the man will now be in a worse state than he was at first
If you say that demons can only be driven out in the name of Beelzebub, then in whose name do
your own disciples cast them out?
But if it is by the finger of Yahweh that I cast the demons out, don't doubt that the Kingdom of
Yahweh has come to you.
He spoke these parables to them because he was angered by the Scribes of the Perushim who had
said, “He is possessed by the Prince of Demons.”

Blessed the Breasts

No sooner had he given forth these sayings than a certain woman of their company lifted up her
voice and said, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts which you have sucked.” but
Joshua answered her, “Rather, blessed are those who hear the word of Yahweh and keep it, for there
will soon come a time when you will say, “Blessed the womb which never bore, and the breasts
which never gave suck.”

And Joshua continued to wander round Galilee because he could no longer go openly through Judea
as the Perushim had designs on his life

Joshua and His Brother Jacob

Now it came to pass as the feast of Tabernacles was drawing near that his brother Jacob said to him,
“Galilee is too small a place for a man like you, you should go to down to Jerusalem so that the
people there can see your mighty works and also become your disciples. No man lights a lamp and
then hides it in a jar, he puts it on a lamp-stand so that all can see the light. You should let your light
shine before men, so that they may give glory to Yahweh in the heavens. No man who seeks to
make a name for himself is content to act in secret. If you are going to continue on this way you
should show yourself to the world.” but Joshua said to him, “I disclose my mysteries to those I
deem worthy of my mysteries. The time is not yet ripe for me, but your time is always at hand. The
world doesn't hate you, but it does hate me for I denounce it for it's evil ways. You are of this world.
But I am not of this world, and I have become a stranger to my brothers, an outcast to my own
mother's sons. You can go up to Jerusalem, but I wont be going to the feast. After saying these
words he stayed behind in Galilee while his brothers left for the feast. But soon after his brothers
had gone he followed them to Jerusalem, not openly but in disguise.

The Dead Man of Nain

It chanced that one day as he was on his journey he came to the city of Nain. Just as he drew near
the gates of the city he saw a dead man being carried out to his burial. He was the only son of his
mother, and she was a widow. When Joshua saw her, he had pity on her, and said, “Do not weep.”
he put his hand on the bier and the pall-bearers stopped. He took the young man by the hand and
said, “Young man, get up.” and at once the dead man sat up and began to speak, and Joshua gave
him back to is mother. A great fear came upon them all, and they gave praise to Elohim, saying, “A
great prophet has arisen among us.” but he spoke threateningly to them, saying, “Be sure to say
nothing of this to anyone.” but the people were so astonished that they couldn't help but say, “We
never saw the like.” and the story spread widely.

Joshua in Jerusalem
Meanwhile the Judeans were looking for him at the feast, wondering if he would dare to show his
face in Jerusalem with the authorities keeping watch for him. Among the crowds there was great
anticipation, and much whispering about him, some said, “He is a good man.” while others said,
“He is a false prophet who is leading the people astray.” as none dared to speak openly of him for
fear of the Perushim and their agents. Joshua kept himself well hidden and it wasn't until the feast
was half over that he went into the Temple and taught.

The Widow's Mite

Sitting down opposite the treasury, he watched the multitude. And there were people there casting
money into the collection chests around the walls, and many who were rich cast in much. There was
one poor widow who came and threw in two leptons, which makes a quadrans, and Joshua said to
the people, “Behold, that poor woman has given more than all the others, for while they have given
from their abundance, she with so little to give, has given all she had, her whole livelihood.”

The Perusha and the Tax Collector

Then he told the people this parable, “Two men went into the Temple to pray. One was a Perusha
and one was a tax-collector. The Perusha stood upright and made this prayer in his heart, “Elohim. I
thank you that I am not like other men adulterers, evil-doers, and swindlers like that taxman over
there. I fast twice a week, and give a tithe of all I have to the poor.” and the tax-collector, standing
in the corner, would not so much as raise his eyes to the heavens, he only beat his breast and said,
“Elohim, have mercy on me a, sinner.” Amen, Amen, I say to you that this man went home higher
in Elohim's favour than the other.”

On Signs
Those who in their own estimation were wise men came to put him to the test, but he discredited
them and showed them up as empty-headed. Some Perushim came to him and sought from him a
sign from the heavens of divine favour, but he just said to them, “When evening comes you say, “It
will be fair weather, for the sky is red.” or you say, “It will be foul weather, for the sky is red and
lowering.” when you see a cloud rise in the west you say at once, “There is rain coming.” and when
you feel the south wind blow, you say, “It will be hot.” You fools! You can interpret the signs of the
sky and land, yet how is it that you can't interpret the signs of the aeon you live in? If you knew
what was in front of your face, what was hidden would be revealed to you. But I will tell you a
truth, the only sign that will be given to this generation is the sign of the prophet Jonah. The men of
Nineveh will rise up on the day of judgement and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of
Jonah, and behold, a far greater man than Jonah stands before you. The Queen of the South will rise
up with this generation on the day of judgement and will condemn it, for she came from the ends of
the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold a far wiser man than Solomon is here before

On Tribute to Cæser
Some Scribes and some Doctors of the Law sent some of their disciples, who feigned to be men of
honest intent, so that they might trap him with his own words, in order to hand him over to the
authority of the Præfect. They put to him this question, “Rabbi Joshua, we know that you are from
Elohim for you teach and speak rightly, holding no man in fear, but we must ask you, is is lawful
that tribute should be paid to Cæser, or should we refuse to pay it?” but he, knowing their cunning,
became indignant, and he said to them, “Why do you put me to the test? Show me one of the coins
used to pay the tax.” so they gave him a denarius, and he looked closely at it, then he held it up and
asked them, “Whose icon is this? And whose name has been stamped upon it?” “Cæser's.” they
replied, whereupon Joshua said to them, “Then give to Cæser what is Cæser's, and to Yahweh what
is Yahweh's.” and they were astonished by his answer, finding in it no means to discredit him, and
the crowd listened to his answer with delight.

The Unfortunate Wife

That same day there came to him some of the Zadokim, men who deny that there is resurrection of
the dead, and they said to him, “Rabbi, Mosheh prescribed for us in the Torah, that when a man has
a married brother who dies and leaves a wife but no children, the surviving brother must take the
woman and father children upon her, in his brother's name. Now in the city of Ecbatana there lived
seven brothers, and the first took a woman named Sarah to wife. But at the time of his bedding her,
he was killed by the demon Ashmadaeva, and so left no children. The second brother took her, and
he didn't fare any better for the demon also killed him, and the third brother likewise. In fact all the
brothers had her and left no children when they died, and the unfortunate woman died last of all.
Now when the dead rise again, to which of the seven will she be a wife, since she was wife to them
all?” Joshua answered them, “In this you err, knowing neither the scriptures nor the power of
Yahweh. While the children of this aeon marry, and are given in marriage, those accounted worth to
attain the new aeon and who rise from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage, for they
are as free as the sons of Elohim in heaven, and as for the dead being raised, have you never read in
in the book of Mosheh, how in the burning bush, Yahweh himself said to him, “I am the god of
Abraham, the god of Isaac, and the god of Jacob.” Yahweh is not the god of the dead, but the god of
the living.” When the Zadokim heard his answer, they were astonished by his teaching.

The Magic Fish

It was around this time that the collectors of the Temple tax cautiously approached Simeon and
asked, “Does your Master pay the two-drachma tax?” “yes” said Simeon, and approached Judas
who kept the common purse, for none of the Apostles called any of his possessions his own,
everything was held in common, but Joshua prevented him, saying, “What do you think, Kepha,
from whom do earthly kings take toll and tribute, from their own sons or from strangers?” “From
strangers.” replied Simeon, and Joshua said, “Well then, the sons go free, but lest we offend the
delicate conscience of our friend here, go down to the river and cast in your hook. Take the first fish
that you catch and when you open up its mouth, you will find there a silver stater, and with those
four drachmas you can pay the Temple tax for both you and me.”

Joshua Defends Himself

The Perushim were astonished by his words, and asked, “How does this man know the Torah so
well when he has never studied with us?” Joshua answered them, “My teaching is not my own, but
his who sent me. If any man does his will and follows my words he can soon tell for himself
whether my teaching comes from me or from Elohim. The man who speaks his own words is only
seeking glory for himself, but the man who is seeking glory for the one who sent him, he tells the
truth, and there is no falsehood in him, Mosheh for example. Didn't Mosheh give you the law and
yet none of you keeps the law. Why then do you plan to kill me?” The people answered him, “You
are possessed! No one here is trying to kill you.” but Joshua said to them, “I have done some things
which have astonished you all, but listen to my words. Yahweh prescribed circumcision for you, and
because you follow the law, you are ready to circumcise a boy on the Sabbath day. If a boy can be
circumcised and the law is not broken, have you any right to be angry at me because I exorcised a
demon from a woman on the Sabbath? Be honest in your judgement. Don't judge according to
rumour, judge according to the facts.”

Who Is the Messiah?

When they heard these words, some of the people said, “This man is the prophet.” while others said,
“No, he is the Messiah.” and still others said, “The Messiah can't come from Galilee. Everyone
knows that the scriptures say that the Messiah will be of the seed of David and from David's village
of Beth-Lehem in Judea.” So there arose a great division of opinion among the people, Joshua said
to them openly, “What is your opinion of the Messiah? Whose son is he to be?” they told him, “He
will be a son of David.” but Joshua said to them, “Then how is it that David, moved by the spirit of
Yahweh calls him his master, when he says:

'Yahweh said to my master

“Sit at my right hand
Until I make your enemies
A footstool under your feet.
Yahweh will extend your mighty
Sceptre out of Zion
You will rule a mighty empire
In the midst of your foes.”'

If David himself calls the Messiah his master, how can he be his son?”

I Have Come From What Is Whole

Many of the people there were inclined to believe him, for they said, “When the Messiah comes,
could he do more signs than this man?” The Perushim were told of these whispers among the
crowd, and the Perushim and the Zadokim sent some Temple officers to arrest him. Joshua said to
them, “I am one who has come from what is whole, and I have been granted authority by the father,
but I am only to be with you for a short time, and then I must return to him who sent me. You will
look for me, but you won't be able to find me, for where I'm going, you can't follow.” the Judeans
said to each other, “Where will he go so that we can't find him? Does he mean to to to the islands of
the far west and teach the gentiles there? What can these words of his mean?” the officers were
ready to seize him but no man could lay a hand upon him, and he went on his way.

The Angel and the Pool

Now in Jerusalem by the sheep gate there is a pool called Beth-Esda which has five covered
colonnades, and in these lie a multitude of folk sick of divers diseases: the blind, the halt, the lame.
They wait there for a movement in the water, for from time to time an Angel of Yahweh dives into
the pool, and the first man who steps into the pool after the water is disturbed is made whole of
whatever infirmity oppressed him.

Take Up Your Bed and Walk

A certain man was there who had been crippled for thirty-eight years. Joshua saw him lying there
and was told that he had waited a long time to be cured, so he said to the man, “Have you a mind to
be made whole again?” and the crippled man answered him, “Sir, I have no one to help me into the
pool after the angel dives in, and whenever I make my way down, someone always steps into the
pool before me.” Joshua said to him, “Rise. Take up your bed and walk.” and he took the man by
the hand and raised him up, and at once the man was made whole, and he took up his bed and

Some of the Zadokim who saw this, said, “It is the Sabbath day and it is not lawful for you to carry
you bed around.” but he answered them, “The man who cured me told me himself, “take up your
bed and walk.” they asked him, “Who was that man?” but he couldn't tell them who it was for
Joshua had quickly withdrawn from so crowded a place. Later Joshua came upon the man in the
Temple and said to him, “See, you have been made whole. Sin no more for fear that a worse fate
shall befall you.” The man left him and went to tell the Zadokim that it had been Joshua the
Galilean who had restored his strength.

Marvel at Me
The Zadokim rebuked Joshua for doing such a thing on the Sabbath, and tried to turn the people
against him, but he said to them, “The father never ceases to work, so I too must work.” and this
made the Zadokim even more determined to do away with him. Joshua said, “Amen, Amen, I say to
you that I can do nothing by my own will, but only what I see the father do, for whatever the father
does I can do in my turn. The father loves me and shows me all that he is doing, and he will show
me much greater works than these, so that you all might marvel at me. As the father raises up the
dead and gives them life, so I also can give life to whoever I please. The father judges no man but
has left all judgement to me, so all men should honour me, just as they honour the father. He who
doesn't honour me dishonours the father who sent me.

Amen, Amen, I say to you that the man who hears my words and puts his trust in him who sent me
has eternal life. He has already passed from death to life. Believe me the hour is coming, in fact has
already come, when the dead will hear the voice of the son of man, and all those who hear my voice
will live. For as the father has the gift of life within him, so he has granted to me that I too have
within me the gift of life. He has given to me the authority to execute judgement because I am the
son of man.

Don't marvel at my words, for the hour is coming when all who are in their graves will hear my
voice and come forth from them, those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those
who have done evil to the resurrection of judgement. I can do nothing by my own authority, but I
must judge as I am bidden to judge. My judgements are just because I don't seek my own will, but
the will of him who sent me.”

Bearing Witness to Himself

But the Zadokim said to him, “You bear witness to yourself, which is worthless.” but Joshua
answered them, “If I do bear witness to myself, still my testimony is true. You judge according to
the flesh, but I judge no man. Yet isn't it written in the Torah that the testimony of two me is to be
trusted? If I testify on my own behalf it would indeed be worthless, but there is another who
testified of me, and all men know that his testimony was true. Johanan the Baptiser sent a message,
and bore witness to the truth. He was a burning lamp, a shining light to show you the way, and for a
season you were willing to sun yourselves in his light. But I don't need the testimony of a man, for I
have a far greater witness than that of Johanan: the great wonders that I perform, for these works of
power, the signs that the father has enabled me to perform, also bear witness of me. You have not
heard his voice or seen vision of him, his words do not abide in your hearts, and that is why you
don't believe the one he has sent.

This Is Eternal Life

I testify on my own behalf, and the father also testifies on my behalf.” and they asked him, “Where
is this father you keep talking about?” and he answered, “You know neither me nor the father. If
you had knowledge of me, you would have knowledge of the father as well. You pore over the
scriptures because you think that in them you will find eternal life, but an ass that turns a millstone
may have walked a hundred miles, but when it is freed from it's yoke it's still in the same place. You
have lost the keys to the scriptures, for this is eternal life: To know that the god of Israel is the only
true god, and to follow The Way which he has revealed through me. Though I tell you that these
same scriptures testify of me, you still wont listen to my words to find life. You disregard the living
one who is in your presence and speak only of the dead.

I don't look for honour from men, but I know you, and you don't have the love of Yahweh within
you. I come in the father's name and you pay no attention to me, yet if another man comes, speaking
in his own name, you will pay attention to his words. How can you believe? You who are so
ambitious to honour one another that you don't seek the honour that comes from Yahweh. Don't
think that it will be I who accuses you to the father. It is Mosheh, the very man on whom you set
your hope, who will stand as a satan against you. If you had believed Mosheh you would believe
me, for he wrote of me, but as you don't believe his writing, why would you believe my words?”

The Light of the World

Once more Joshua spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world, and he who follows me will
never walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.” He spoke these words in the Temple
near the place where the offerings are put in the collection chests, yet no one laid a hand upon him,
for his time had not yet come. And once again Joshua said to them, “I am going away and you will
look for me and wont be able to find me, for where I'm going you can't follow.”

Not of This World

At these words the Judeans began to ask, “Is he going to kill himself? Is that what he means when
he says, “where I'll be you cant follow?” but Joshua went on to say, “You are of the earth, but I am
from heaven. You are of this world, but I am not of this world. That is why I say to you, that you
will die with your sins upon you.” They said to him, “Who are you to say these things to us?”
Joshua said, "why do I bother speaking to you at all? Don't you understand who I am from what I
say to you? I have so much that I could say in judgement of you, but what I tell the world is what I
have learned from him who sent me.”

The Truth Will Set You Free

As he spoke many of the Judeans began to believe in him, so he said to them, “If you continue to be
faithful to my words, you will be disciples indeed. You will know the truth and the truth will set you
free. My gospel is truth and is a joy to all those who have received from the father of truth the boon
of knowing him.” The other Judeans answered him, “The word of truth was made known in the
Torah of Mosheh, and we are the sons of Abraham who follow that Torah. We have never been in
bondage to any man, so what do you mean by saying to us, “The truth will set you free.”?” Joshua
said, "Amen, Amen, I say to you that every man who commits a sin, is a slave to sin, and though a
slave yearns to be free he will never inherit his master's estate, but the son is not only a son for one
day he will inherit his father's estate. Those who are heirs to the dead, are themselves dead, and they
inherit death. Only those who are heirs to life are alive, and they will inherit life. So if the Son of
Man sets you free, you will be free men indeed.

The Judeans are Sons of Beelzebub

You claim that you are the sons of Abraham, yet you seek to kill me because my words find no
place in you. My words are what I have learned from my father, and your deeds are what you have
learned from your father.” The Judeans said to him, “Abraham is our father.” but he said to them,
“If you were true sons of Abraham you would follow his example, but now you seek to kill me, a
man who has told you the truth, as I learned it from Yahweh. This wasn't Abraham's way, no it's
your father's way that you follow.”

The Judeans said to him, “We are not bastards, we weren't born of adultery! We know that our true
father is Yahweh himself.” Joshua said to them, " If you were true sons of Yahweh you would love
me, for its from Yahweh that I take my origin, and from him that I have come. Why won't you
accept the words that I speak? It's because you can't bear to hear the message that I bring. You
belong to your father Beelzebub, and you are eager to gratify all the lusts that you have inherited
from your father. He was a murderer from the beginning. He lived not in the truth, for the truth is
not in him. Whenever he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar, and is the
father of lies. And it's because I tell you the truth that you don't believe me. I am telling you the
truth, so why don't you believe me? The man who belongs to Yahweh will listen to the words of
Yahweh. The reason that you won't believe is that you don't belong to Yahweh.”

You Are Possessed

The Judeans said to him, “Perhaps the Zadokim were right to say that you are a Samaritan who has
a demon.” Joshua said, "I don't have a demon. Its only because I honour the father that you seek to
dishonour me. Though I don't seek my own glory, there is one who looks to it, and Yahweh will be
my judge. Amen, Amen, I say to you that if a man is true to my words he will never see death.”

The Judeans said, “Now we are sure that you have a demon. Abraham is dead, Mosheh is dead, and
so are all the prophets, yet you say that a man who listens to your words will never die. Do you
claim to be a greater man than our forefather Abraham? Who do you think you are?” Joshua said,
"If I glorify myself, my glory is worth nothing, but it is the father who glorifies me. He of whom
you say, “He s our god.” you don't know him, but I do know him. If I said that I didn't know him I
would be a liar like you, but I do know him, and I am true to his word. As for your forefather
Abraham, he rejoiced that he was to see the day of my coming. He saw it and was glad.” The
Judeans said to him, “You are not even fifty years old, how can you say that Abraham has seen
you?” Joshua said, "Amen, Amen, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.”

Almost Stoned
At this word the Zadokim would gladly have arrested him, and cried out to the people to pick up
stones and cast them at him fro his blasphemy, but Joshua his himself from them, and he passed
through the crowd without a hand being laid upon him, and went out of the Temple.

Joshua and Nikedemos

There was a man called Nikedemos who was one of the rulers of the Judeans, and this man came by
night to Joshua and said to him, “Rabbi, I know that you are a teacher sent by Elohim, for no man
could perform the signs that you do unless Elohim is with him.” Joshua said, "Amen, Amen, I say to
you that no man can see the Kingdom of Elohim unless he is born from above.” Nikedemos said to
him, “How can a man be born when he is already old? Surely he cant enter a second time into his
mothers womb to be born again?” Joshua answered him “Amen, Amen, I say to you that unless a
man is born of the spirit, he can't enter the Kingdom of Heaven. That which is born by natural birth
is flesh, only that which is born by a spiritual birth is spirit, so don't marvel at my saying: you must
be born from above. If the flesh came into being because of the spirit, that would be a wonder, but if
the spirit came into being because of the flesh, that would be the wonder of wonders. The wind
blows where it wills, and you can hear the sound of it, but you don't know where it comes from or
where it is going, and so it is with every man born of the spirit.”

The View From Heaven

Nikedemos asked him, “How can this be?” Joshua said, "You are one of the leaders of Israel, and
yet you know nothing of this? Amen, Amen, I say to you that we can only speak of what we know,
and testify to what we have seen. The men of the earth can only speak of earthly things, but I, who
have come down from the heavens, can speak to you of the heavenly things that I have seen and
heard. But if I have told you of earthly things and you have not believed me, how could you believe
me when I speak to you of heavenly things. No man has ever ascended into the heavens, so high
above the earth are they that those who live upon it seem as small as grasshoppers, but I am one
man who has descended from the heavens, and no man has seen Yahweh, the self-begotten god, but
I have seen him, for I was sent by him.”

Of Joshua and Nehushtan

As Mosheh lifted up Nehushtan in the wilderness, so Joshua was also lifted up. For Elohim so loved
the world that he gave up his begotten son, so that all those who see him in exalted might not
perish, but have eternal life. When Elohim sent his son into the world it was not to condemn the
world, but to save it. He that believes in Joshua is not condemned, but he that does not believe is
condemned already. And this is the judgement: that when the light came into the world, men
preferred the dark to the light, because their deeds were evil, for every man that does evil hates the
light, and doesn't come to the light, lest his evil deeds be exposed. If the root of evil is kept hidden
in the dark, it will continue to sprout and grow, but when it is exposed to the light it will wither and
die, and so the man whose life is truth comes to the light.

Drink From Me
On the last day of the feast, the great day, Joshua stood up in the Temple and cried out, “If any man
thirsts, let him come to me and drink, for he that drinks from me, will become like me, and hidden
things will be revealed to him.” the Zadokim were indignant at his sayings and tried to turn the
crowd against him, saying, “You shouldn't be listening to this man who consorts with taxmen and
whores, and even eats and drinks with them.”

The Lost Sheep

So Joshua told the people this parable, “Which man of you who owns a hundred sheep, if he loses
one of them, doesn't leave the ninety-nine alone in the wilderness to search for the one which was
lost until he finds it? And when he finds it, rejoices, carrying it on his shoulders back to the flock.
When he comes home, won't he call his friends to him and say, “Celebrate with me, for I've found
the sheep that was lost? And again, if a housewife having ten denarii, loses one, won't she light a
lamp and sweep the house, and search diligently until she finds it? And when she finds it, won't she
tell all her friends and neighbours, “Come celebrate with me, for I have found the coin which was

Eyesight to the Blind

As he walked around the temple Joshua saw a man who had been blind from birth, and the disciples
asked Joshua, “Whose sin was it that this man is blind? Was it his own sin or that of his parents?”
Joshua said, “It was neither the sin of this man nor the sin of his parents. The man was born blind so
that Elohim's mighty works could be manifest in him through me. I am the light of the world, as
long as I am in the world. While the day lasts I must carry out the will of him who sent me, for the
night is coming when no man will be able to work.” After he said this he spat on the ground and
made some mud with his spittle. He anointed the man's eyes with the mud and said to him, “Go and
wash it off in he pool of Siloam.” So the blind man washed his eyes in the pool, and when the mud
was cleansed from his eyes his vision was restored.

He returned to his home and his neighbours said, “Isn't this the man who used to sit outside and
beg?” some said, “It is the man.” while others said, No, he only looks like him.” but the man
himself said, “Yes, I am the man.” they asked him, “How is it that your eyes have been opened?”
and he answered, “A man named Joshua made some mud and anointed my eyes, and when I washed
it off my sight was restored.” And they asked him, “Where is this man?” but he replied, “I don't
The Blind Man and the Zadokim
His neighbours informed on the man to the Zadokim, for it had been the Sabbath when Joshua had
opened the man's eyes. The Zadokim, in their turn, questioned the man about how he had recovered
his sight, and he told them his tale. Some of the Zadokim said, “This man couldn't have been sent
by Elohim because he doesn't observe the Sabbath.” but others said, “How could a sinner work such
a wonder?” and so there was division between them. They questioned the blind man again, “Who
do you say he is?” and the man told them, “He is a prophet.” Others of the Zadokim then argued
that perhaps the man hadn't been blind at all, so they summoned his parents and asked them, “Is this
man your son? Was he born blind? How is it that he is now able to see?” His parents answered, “We
can tell you that this is our son, and that he was indeed born blind, but we don't know how it is that
he can now see. He is of age, why don't you just ask him and let him speak for himself?”

Once more the Zadokim called in the blind man and said to him, “You should give the glory to
Elohim for restoring your sight, for we know that this man is nothing but a charlatan.” and the man
replied, “Whether he is a charlatan or not I don't know, but one thing I do know is that I was blind
and now I can see.” They asked him again, “What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?”
and the blind man answered them, “I have already told you many times, why do you want to hear it
again? Do you want to become his disciples?” but the Zadokim abused him saying, “You can be his
disciple, but we will continue to be disciples of Mosheh. We know that Yahweh spoke through
Mosheh, but we don't know who speaks through this man. We know nothing about him.” The man
said to them, “It's a wonder that you know nothing of him, for only a man with the spirit of Yahweh
upon him could work this miracle, if he wasn't sent by Yahweh, he could do nothing.” But the
Zadokim said, “Are we to be taught theology by you, a man steeped in sin from his birth?” and they
cast him from their presence.

Now when Joshua was told that the man had been cast out, he went to look for him. When he had
found him Joshua said, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?” and the man answered and said, “tell
me who he is, and I will believe in him.” Joshua said, "You have both seen him and heard his voice.
It is I who stand before you.” and the man said, “Rabbi, I believe.”

Joshua to Judge the World

Joshua said, "I have come into the world so that my judgement might fall upon it, that those who are
blind might see, and that those who can see might be blind.” some of the Zadokim heard these
words and said to him, “Are we also blind?” and Joshua replied, “If you were blind you would have
no guilt, but because you have said, 'we can see', your guilt remains.

The Sheepfold
Amen, Amen, I say to you that the man who doesn't enter the sheepfold by the gate, but who climbs
in over the wall, comes as a robber to plunder it. But he who comes in by the gate is the shepherd of
the sheep. At his coming the gatekeeper throws it open, and the sheep recognise his voice as he calls
his own sheep by name as he leads them out. When he has brought out all his sheep, he walks ahead
and the sheep follow behind, for they know his voice. If a stranger comes they won't follow him,
they will flee from him, for they don't know his voice.”

Joshua told this parable to the Judeans but they couldn't understand what he was saying to them, so
Joshua spoke to them again, “Amen, Amen, I say to you that I am the gate to the sheepfold. All
those who came before me are thieves and robbers, and the sheep don't listen to them. I am the gate,
and if a man enters by me he will be kept safe, and he can come and go as he pleases to find good
pasture. The thief only comes to steal, to slaughter, and destroy, but I have come so that the sheep
might have life, and have it more abundantly.
The Good Shepherd
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd would lay down his life for the sheep, but the hireling
is no shepherd, he doesn't see the sheep as his own. As soon as he sees the wolf coming, he
abandons the sheep and takes to his heels, leaving the wolf to harry and scatter the flock. The
hireling flees because he is only a hireling, and has no concern for the sheep, but I am the good
shepherd. I know my own and they know me, just as the father knows me and I know the father, and
I would lay down my life for those sheep.”

These sayings led to a fresh division of opinion among the Judeans, many of them said, “He's mad.
It's just his demon speaking? Why do you listen to his ramblings?” but others said, these aren't the
sayings of a man who has a demon. How could a demon open the eyes of the blind?”

I and the Father are One

It was wintertime, the time of Hanukkah, the Feast of Lights, and Joshua was walking to and fro in
the Temple. He was in the Portico of Solomon when some Judeans gathered around him and said,
“How long will you keep us in suspense? If you really are the messiah you should tell us so in plain
words.” but Joshua said to them, “I have told you who I am but you don't believe me because you
don't belong to my flock. My sheep recognise my voice and follow me. I will give them eternal life
and no one will be able to tear them from my hand. My father, who has given them to me, is greater
than all the gods, and none is able to tear them from my father's hand. I and the father are one.”

Almost Stoned Again

At this word the Judeans took up stones to stone him, but Joshua said to them, “I have shown you
many works of power, for which of these woks do you stone me?” The Judeans said, We don't stone
you for your works but for your words. What supreme madness, what boundless folly, that you
should neither fear nor blush to say that you are god. It's blasphemy for you who are a man to say, 'I
am god.' You are but a man, and no god, though you consider yourself as wise as a god. Let us see if
you can still say, 'I am god.' to those who stone you.”

A Son of Elohim
Joshua said, “Isn't it written in the Torah, that Yahweh says, ”You are gods. All of you are sons of El
Elyon.”? If Yahweh himself called them gods, and the words of scripture cant be cast aside, then
what of me who the father has sanctified and sent into the world to bring you the word of Elohim?
Do you call me a blasphemer because I have said that I am a son of Elohim? If I am not doing the
works of my father, then don't believe me, but if I do them, even though you don't believe my
words, believe in my mighty works, and you will know that the father is in me, and I am in the
father.” Thereupon once again they had a mind to stone him, but he escaped from their hands.

My Curse Upon Them

Meanwhile the temple officers returned to the Zadokim, who demanded of them, “Why didn't you
arrest him?” and the officers replied, “We feared the reaction of the people. If we had arrested him
in the Temple it might have started a riot.” Hanan said to them, “Have you also been taken in by this
peasant prophet and his rabble rousing? This foreigner from Galilee, this charlatan magician who
spends his days and nights leading women and girls astray, dangling before them the joys of
initiation into his 'mysteries'. Have any of the Zadokim come to believe in him? Or any of the
Perushim? Or any of your rulers? And as for these yokels who follow him, they are ignorant of both
the Torah and the traditions of our ancestors. My curse upon them all!” Then Nikedemos, who was
one of the leading Perushim asked, “Is it lawful to condemn a man before he has had a chance to
answer the accusations against him?” but Hanan answered, “Are you another of these Galileans?
Search the scriptures and you will find that the prophet will not arise in Galilee.”

A Blind Man Cured

After these days Joshua left Judea and returned to Galilee. When he came to Beth-Saida the people
brought to him a blind man and they entreated Joshua to heal him. He took the blind man by the
hand and led him outside the village, then he spat into his eyes and laid his hands upon his head,
saying, “Can you see anything?” and the man said, “I can see men, but they look like trees
walking.” Once again Joshua laid his hands upon the man's eyes, then he made him look up to the
heavens, and this time his eyesight was restored to him, and he could see everything clearly. Joshua
sent him away saying, “Go home, don't return to the village or tell anyone of your cure.”

The Disciples Fail to drive out a Demon

As soon as this was done he sent his disciples away, and went alone up on to a mountain to pray.
When Joshua came down from the mountain he saw that his disciples were arguing with some of
the Scribes of the Perushim, and that a large crowd had gathered around them to listen to the
dispute. He said to the disciples, “Why are you bothering to argue with them? What is this dispute
about?” From out of the crowd a man answered him, “Rabboni, I implore you, look with favour
upon us. For my son, my only child has a spirit that has robbed him of his speech, and whenever it
seizes him, it tears him, making him cry out, and throws him into convulsions, foaming at the
mouth and gnashing his teeth. At other times he will throw himself into the fire, or into water,
before the demon leaves him, and his strength is drained from his body. I brought him here to you,
and I asked your disciples to cast the demon out, but they couldn't do it.”

Joshua groaned beneath his breath, and he said to them, “You unbelieving generation! How long
must I be with condemned to you? How long must I put up with you?” then he said to the man,
“How long ago did this spirit come to him?” and the man said, “Since he was a little child.” Joshua
said, "Bring the boy to me.” but while he was being brought forward, the demon saw him and threw
the boy to the ground, and he wallowed foaming at the mouth. The boy's father said, “Rabboni,
have pity on us, help us if you can.” Joshua said, "What do you mean by saying to me 'If I can'? All
things are possible to him who believes.” and the father, in tears, replied, “I do believe you can do
this.” When Joshua saw that the people crowded round them, he yelled at the bad spirit, saying,
“Out, demon, out! You bad spirit I charge you to come out of him, and to enter into him no more.”
and with that word the demon threw the boy into a most violent convulsion, and giving a loud cry
came out of the boy, and the boy lay there like a corpse, so that many in the crowd declared, “He
has killed him.” but Joshua took the boy by the hand and lifted him up, and he rose to his feet. All
who witnessed it were amazed.

The Sycamine Tree

When Joshua had returned to his house and they were alone, the disciples asked him, “Why couldn't
we cast the demon out?” and Joshua replied, “It's because you have no belief. Amen, Amen, I say to
you that if you had belief as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this sycamine tree: uproot
yourself from here and plant yourself in the sea, and it would do it. Nothing would be impossible
for you, but without great belief there is no casting out of demons of this kind.”

He left Kefar-Nahum and came to the region of the Decapolis. A man was brought to him who was
deaf and dumb, and the crowd, hoping to see him perform a miracle, asked Joshua to lay his hands
upon the man and cure him. Joshua took the man aside, spat onto his fingers and then touched the
man's tongue, and put his fingers in his ears. Looking up to the heavens he sighed, and said,
“Ephphata.” which means, be opened, at at once his ears were opened and his tongue was loosed
and he could speak clearly.

Simeon said to Joshua, “Rabboni, we saw a man who was also casting out demons, but he was a
disciple of Johanan's and not a man of our company, so we forbade him to do it.” Joshua said, "He
who doesn't gather with me scatters. He that is not for me is against me.”
The Twelve Lepers
He left that place and entered into a certain village, and there came to him twelve lepers, who stood
at a distance from him and cried out, “Joshua, master, have mercy on us.” When he heard their
cries, he said to them, “Go and show yourselves to to the priests, then offer to Yahweh the sacrifices
the Torah commands as a thank offering for your cure.” and as they turned to go the leprosy left
them, they were all made clean. One of them when he saw that he was healed, turned back and in a
loud voice gave praise to Yahweh, and then threw himself down at Joshua's feet. Joshua said to him,
“Didn't I make twelve men clean? Where are the other eleven?” and he said to the man, “Arise and
go on your way, your faith as made you whole.”

I Am the Greatest Disciple

And departing from that place he passed straight through Galilee, for he didn't want any man to
know of his passage. As they walked along the way the disciples began to argue amongst
themselves. So when they came to Kefar-Nahum, and were in his house, Joshua asked them, “What
was it that you were arguing about?” but they had been disputing over which of the disciples was
the greatest, so they held their peace. He sat down and called the twelve to him and said, “Amen,
Amen, I say to you that unless you become as little children, you won't recognise the Kingdom of

Suffer the Little Children

The people then brought some children to him and asked him to lay his hands upon them and bless
them, but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. Joshua was angered by his disciples
actions and said to them, “Suffer the little children to come to me, for of such is the Kingdom of
Heaven. Whosoever can strip himself without being ashamed, when you can take off your mantle
and trample it beneath your feet, humbling himself like these little children, will be the greatest in
the Kingdom of Heaven.” then he took the children into his arms, laid his hands upon their heads,
and blessed them.

Revealed Only To Your Disciples

Jude the Twin said to him, “Rabboni, why is it that you only reveal yourself to us, and not to the
whole world?” Joshua said to him, “I have you as one from a thousand, and as two from ten
thousand, and blessed are you who are the chosen, for those who keep my commandments will find
the father's kingdom. This word doesn't come from me, but from the father who sent me. I have
revealed his name to you, those I have chosen, and he will protect you by the power of his name.
Peace is my gift to you, but not peace as the world knows it.”

Eleazar's Fatal Sickness

Now Eleazar, the brother of Martha and Miryam, had fallen ill, and Martha sent a message to
Joshua , saying, “Rabbi, the brother of her you love is ill.” When Joshua heard this he said to his
disciples, “The end of this illness will not be death. and by glorifying me, it will bring great glory to
Elohim.” Now Joshua loved Martha and Miryam, yet after receiving this message he waited for
another two days before he said to his disciples, “I must go down to Judea again, to Beth-Any and
Eleazar.” His disciples said to him, “Rabboni, it was only recently that the Judeans sought to stone
you. Do you really want to return there?” He answered them, “I each day there are only twelve
hours of daylight. Our friend Eleazar has fallen asleep, so I must go and wake him from his
slumber.” Simeon said, “Rabboni, if he has slept, perhaps his sickness will pass, and he will
recover.” but Joshua told him in plain words, “Eleazar is dead, and I am glad that I wasn't there to
heal him, for now I can work an even greater wonder. Perhaps this sign will help you to believe.
Now let's go.” Jude the Twin said to his fellow disciples, “Let us go too, and die with him if we
Joshua and Martha
As soon as Joshua arrived in Beth-Any, the village of Martha and Miryam, he was told that Eleazar
had already lain in his grave for three days. Since Beth-Any is only fifteen stadia fro Jerusalem,
may Judeans had come from there to console Martha and Miryam for the loss of their brother.
Martha, as soon as she was told that Joshua was coming, went out to meet him, while Miryam
stayed in the house. Martha said to Joshua, “Rabbi, I know that if you had been here sooner my
brother would not have died.” Joshua's spirit was deeply moved and troubled, and he admonished
himself over his tardiness.

With this word Martha went back to the house, and calling her sister aside, said to her privately,
“The Rabbi is here, and is asking for you.” As soon as she heard these words, Miryam rose up
quickly and went to where he waited on the outskirts of the village. The Judeans who were in the
hose with Miryam, said, “No doubt she is going to the grave to mourn there.” and so they followed

I Am the Resurrection
Miryam came to Joshua and fell on her knees before him , saying, “Rabbi, have mercy on me. I
know that even now whatever you ask for from Elohim, Elohim will give to you.” When Joshua
saw her weeping, and the Judeans who came with her, also weeping, he was deeply moved again.
Joshua wept. And the Judeans said, “See how he loves her.” Joshua said to Miryam, “Your brother
will rise again.” Miryam replied, “I know that he will rise again on the resurrection on the last day.”
but Joshua said to her, “I am the resurrection. He who believes in me, though he was dead, yet he
shall live, for the dead are not living, and the living will not die. Do you believe this?” and Miryam
said, “Yes Rabbi, I believe that you are the prophet who has been sent by Elohim.”

Then he asked her, “Where have they buried him?” and they said, “Master, come and see.” It was a
cave, and a great stone lay in front of the mouth. Joshua went up to the stone, and Miryam, the dead
man's sister, said, “Rabbi, he has been dead for three days, by this time he will stink.” but Joshua
being angered, answered her, “Didn't I tell you that if you believe, though he were dead, yet he shall
live?” and then Joshua rolled away the stone.

Eleazar Raised to Life

He lifted up his eyes to the heavens and said, “Abba, I thank you that you have heard my prayer.”
and straight away he went into the tomb where the young man lay. Joshua said, “Awake! You that
sleep, arise from the dead, and Yahweh will give you light.” then he stretched out his a hand, and
cried out in a loud voice, “Eleazar, come forth.” and he took Eleazar by the hand and raised him up,
and the dead man did come forth, bound hand and foot with strips of linen, and with his face
covered by a cloth. Joshua said, "Unbind him and set him free.” and the young man at once began
to beseech him, that he might become one of his disciples.

Joshua said to him, “I have always spoken to you in parables, but I will soon the hour will come
when I will speak no more in parables, but will speak to you plainly of the father.” Eleazar said to
him, “You are speaking plainly enough, this is no parable, I believe in you.” Joshua said, "Do you
already believe? The hour approaches when all my disciples will be scattered, each man following
his own path, and leaving me alone, yet I won't be alone, because the father is always with me.”

Joshua stayed in the hose of Martha and Miryam, and after six days Joshua told Eleazar what he
must do, and that evening the young man came to him wearing a linen cloth cast about his body,
and he was baptised and Joshua initiated him into the mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Now many of the Judeans who had visited Martha and Miryam and had seen the wonder that Joshua
had performed, learned to believe in him, but there were some, who when they returned to
Jerusalem, went to the Zadokim and informed them of all that Joshua had said and done.

Joshua the King

Joshua Anointed by the Magdalene
One day in Beth-Any, the village of Martha and Miryam, a feast was made in Joshua's honour in the
house of the man known as Simeon the Leper, and Eleazar the man who Joshua had raised from the
dead was one of those there with him. While they reclined at table, Miryam the Magdalene brought
in an alabaster phial of pure spikenard perfume, which was very precious. She broke the seal and
poured it over Joshua's head as he ate at table, and the whole house was scented by the fragrance of
the perfume. When some of the disciples saw this, they were filled with indignation, saying, “What
good purpose is served by this waste?” Kepha said, “She could have sold that perfume and given
alms to the poor. It would have fetched at least three hundred denarii, that's almost a years wages.”
and he rebuked her harshly. Jude said to him, “Leave the woman alone. You are always criticising
her.” Simeon said, We shall not be able to endure this woman much longer. She takes every
opportunity to speak with the master from us, allowing no-one else to speak, but speaks all the time
herself.” Jude came to her defence, and rebuked Simeon, You have always been hot-tempered,
Kepha, but if the master has made her worthy, who are you to reject her? Surely the master knows
her very well, that is why he loves her more than us.”

The Woman of Light

Joshua read their secret thoughts and said, “Why do you tax her with this deed? The poor will
always be with you, but I won't. The woman has greatly loved and shown me a great courtesy.
Amen, Amen, I say to you that the story of what Miryam has done for me will be told in memory of
her.” Simeon asked him, “Why do you love her more than us?” Joshua said,

“The woman is a daughter of light

upon her rests the effulgence of kings
delightful to the eye
radiant with beauty and good cheer
her hands make mystic patterns
revealing signs of the blesses aeon
her fingers have opened the gates of the city.”

Raised From Those Who Sleep

The Joshua said, “bring me some bread.” and he took the bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to
his disciples, saying, “My brothers, eat this bread, for today the Son of Man has been raised from
those who sleep. The hour has come, when he who loves his life will lose it, but he who hates his
life in this aeon, will gain eternal life. But my soul is troubled, for shall I say, 'Abba, save me from
this trial'? And yet that is what I was sent for. Yahweh make your will known!” Thereupon Yahweh
sent his thunder from the heavens, El Elyon let his voice be heard. Some of the disciples said, “It
has thundered.” while others said, “an Angel of Yahweh has spoken.” and there was division among
the disciples, but Joshua said to them, “It was for my sake, not yours, that that this utterance was
made. I watched while Lucifer, the old Satan, the angel who once heralded the dawn, was cast down
like a lightning flash from the heavens, expelled from Yahweh's holy mountain. But whereas
Lucifer was dragged down to the abyss, the Son of Man will be exalted as a Seraph of Yahweh.”
The disciples started arguing among themselves, “What does he mean by saying, 'the Son of Man
must be exalted'? Who is this the Son of Man?” they didn't understand what he meant, and they
were afraid to ask him, but Joshua wasn't there to answer their questions, he had departed from that
place and hidden himself in the wilderness.
He Could Work No Miracles
After many days had passed he returned to his own country and taught in the Synagogue at
Nazareth, where the people wondered, “How did he come by such eloquence? Where did he learn
such strange sayings? Isn't this Joshua the builder, the son of Miryam?” and they had no belief in
him. They said to him, “Do here in your own home town what we have been told that you do in
Kefar-Nahum.” but he could perform no works of power there, and he marvelled at their unbelief,
saying, “You have quoted this proverb to me, 'physician, heal yourself', but no doctor can cure those
who know him.”

The Joshua called all his disciples to him, not telling any outsiders of his whereabouts, and his spent
this time teaching them, saying, “The mysteries I give to you, you must preserve, and divulge to no
unworthy man, for as it is written,

'Guard the prophetic record close,

bind the testimony in the keeping of your disciples.'”

These are the secret sayings which the living Joshua spoke as he taught the disciples, and which
Jude the Twin wrote down. He who heard it has borne witness, and he knows that he tells the truth.

The Secret Sayings of Joshua the Nazorean

“The word of Yahweh came to me, and his message was, 'I called you from the womb.' in the body
of my mother he named my name, before I was born he consecrated me to be a prophet. My words
he has made like a sharp sword, for thus says Yahweh Saboath:

'So that they may know me,

from east to west,
and that there is no god to rival me.
I am Yahweh,
I form the darkness, and I create the light,
I create evil, and I make peace,
I put to death, and I bring to life.
I. Yahweh, do all this,
There is none that can deliver from my hand.'

Yahweh has revealed to me all that is to come to his people and to his land. He has given to me
authority over all the nations and kingdoms of the world. All power has been given into my hands,
to do with them what I will. With a word I can root Temple up, tear them down, and lay them in
ruins, or I can plant them again, and raise them up. It was to me that Yahweh 's promise was given:

'Sit at my right hand

while I make your enemies
a footstool for your feet.

Yahweh will extend

your mighty sceptre out of Zion
and you will rule an empire
in the midst of your enemies.'

Then beginning with Mosheh, and going through the whole line of the prophets, he interpreted for
them all the words in the scriptures that related to him.
On Johanan the Baptiser
He said to them, “Johanan the Baptiser came to testify of the Day of Yahweh, but he was more than
a prophet, he was the forerunner who has shown me the way, his death was a sign to me that the
Day of Yahweh is close at hand. From the days of Johanan until now, the Empire of Yahweh has
been opened by force, and with ardent zeal men can enter into it as a precious prize. The Son of
Man must be put to the test, as Yahweh put Abraham to the test by asking him to sacrifice his only
son as a burnt offering. But when Abraham took the knife to slay his son, the Angel of Yahweh
stayed his hand. Yahweh said to him, 'Because you have not withheld your son from me, I will bless

And he warned his disciples, “I must go up to Jerusalem, so that all the things written by the
prophets about the Son of Man can be fulfilled. There he must be imprisoned and brought to
judgement, and suffer ill-usage from the Zadokim and the Gentiles, before Yahweh rescues him
from the lion's teeth, from the very horns of the wild oxen who have brought him low.” Simeon
took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying, “Rabboni, I would never let such a fate befall
you.” but when Joshua saw that the disciples were watching them, he began to rebuke Simeon,
“Raca, you satan, you are a stone in my pathway. You are not on the side of Yahweh, you are on the
side of men. I won't die, for I shall live to proclaim what Yahweh did for me. He will chasten me
severely, but he has not given me over to death.

The Grain of Wheat

If any man wishes to come on my way, let him take up his sword and follow me. Beat your
ploughshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears. Let even the meekest of men say, 'I
am a warrior.' Whoever tries to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for Yahweh's
sake, will save it Now the hour has come when the Son of Man will win his glory. If any man
wishes to serve Yahweh, let him follow me, for every man who follows me will be honoured by
Yahweh. Amen, Amen, I say to you that unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground, it remains
but a single grain, only when it is buried will it yield a rich crop. The sufferings of the Son of Man
will draw down upon this generation the wrath of Yahweh, and only then will the Son of Man return
with power. For if this happens when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry? Amen,
Amen, I say to you that there are some men here who will not taste death before they see the end of
the aeon, and the Empire of Yahweh in all it's glory.

The Sheep and the Goats

Then there will be a judgement of this world, and I will reward every man according to his works.
When I return in all my glory, the Angels of Yahweh will accompany me. I will sit upon my throne
of glory, and before me all the nations will be gathered, and I will separate them, one man from
another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from his goats. I will set the sheep on my right hand, but
the goats will be on my left. I will say to them at my right hand, 'Come, you are blessed by Yahweh,
inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. But I will say to them at my
left hand, 'Depart from me, you are cursed by Yahweh, depart into the everlasting fire prepared for
the Price of Demons and his angels.' Those shall be sent into everlasting punishment, and the just to
eternal life.

Peace on Earth
Do you think that I have come to bring peace on earth? No! Amen, I say to you rather than peace, I
will bring division: fire, sword, and war. Henceforth where five live in one house, they will be
divided three against two, and two against three. The father will be divided from the son, and the
son from the father. A man's worst enemies will be the people of his own household. But as for me I
watch in hope for the Yahweh Saboath, I wait for Elohim, my saviour, and I am sure my god will
hear me.
You Must Hate You Mother and Father
If a man comes to me and doesn't hate his own mother and his own father, he can be no disciple of
mine. And whoever doesn't hate his own brothers and sisters, his wife and his children, and his own
life too, is not worthy of me, for I will give to you the power to become Sons of Elohim, born not of
blood, nor of the urgings of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of Elohim.

The Fire
Whoever is near to me is near the fire, but whoever is far from me, is far from the Empire of
Yahweh, for Yahweh has said to me,

'Behold I am making my words in your mouth

A scourge of fire, and this people
The wood it consumes.'

I have come to cast a fire upon the whole of the world, and I have no greater wish than that this fire
should be kindled. Fire will be very man's seasoning, and every victim must be seasoned well.

Joshua Rejects His Brothers and His Mother

Word was sent to his family of his wild sayings, and they said, “Where is he getting these ideas? He
must be out of his mind.” and they came to put him away. So great was the crowd which
surrounded him that there was no way for them to come to him, so his brothers and his mother sent
a message in to him to come outside to them. But when the disciples crowded around him gave him
the message, 'Your brothers and your mother are outside, and wish to speak with you.' Joshua
answered them by saying, “Who are my brothers? Who is my mother?” then he gestured with his
hands at the disciples that surrounded him and said, “Behold my brothers! Behold my mother! For
whoever does the will of Yahweh he is my brother, my sister, and my mother.”

The Ruler of Israel From Beth-Lehem

Again he spoke to the disciples, “I have come to re-establish the line of the Davidic kings, to expel
the Romans and their puppet rulers, and to restore the boundaries of Israel. It was of me that the
oracle was written:

'From you Beth-Lehem Ephrathah,

Who are small among the clans of Judah
From you shall come forth one
Who is to be a Ruler in Israel.
He will stand in the strength of Yahweh
In the majesty of the name of Yahweh, his god.
When the Assyrian invades our land
And shatters all our fortresses
He shall raise against him seven shepherds,
And those eight leaders of men
Will lay waste to the land of Assyria with the sword
The land of Nimrod with the naked blade
And he shall delver us from the Assyrians.'

You who are zealous for the law, you who keep the covenant unbroken, will become the saving
remnant that turns Israel back to Yahweh. But there first must be a sharp reckoning before we are
restored abundantly to his favour. Thus says Yahweh Saboath, 'Upon the stone that I have set before
Joshua, upon that stone with seven eyes I will engrave the inscription with my own hands, and on
that day I will remove the guilt from this land.'
Woe to the Rich
Woe to the those who build on oppression and injustice, no mercy for those who ride roughshod
over the people and grind the faces of the poor. Woe to the rich, those who trust in wealth, who
amass gold and silver and forget El Elyon. The Son of Man will remove the kings and mighty ones
from their thrones, for they don't glorify Yahweh Saboath, or obey the source of their power.

Woe to Those Who Don't Keep the Sabbath

Woe to those who don't keep the Sabbath as a Sabbath, for they won't see the Empire of Yahweh.
Remember the word that Yahweh spoke to Mosheh on Horeb, 'Give to the sons of Israel a warning,
to be sure to keep my Sabbath, for it is a sign between you and me throughout the generations, that
it is I, Yahweh, who is the god who sanctifies you. You must keep my Sabbath, make sure that it is
holy to you.' Thus says Yahweh Saboath, 'All who keep my Sabbath without profaning it and who
hold fast to my covenant will bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of
prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar, for my house will be called
a house of prayer for all nations. But every man who profanes that day must surely be put to death.'

A Den of Thieves
For thus says Yahweh Saboath, 'Will you steal and murder, commit adultery and swear falsely, and
go after strange gods that you have not known, and then come and stand before me, in the hose
which bears my name, and say that you are safe to continue with these abominations? Has the house
which bears my name become a den of thieves in your eyes? I will punish Judea for his
transgressions, I will punish the altars of the House of God, and the horns of the altars shall be cut

Woe to You Priests

Woe to you priests who despise my name, and who offer polluted food on my altar. When you
sacrifice the lame or the sick to me, is that not evil?'” Joshua said, “Let them try presenting those to
the Præfect in tribute! Will he be pleased? Will he show them favour? Thus says Yahweh, 'I have no
pleasure in you priests, for my name is great among the nations, and in every city pure sacrifices
and incense are offered in my name, but you profane it by offering to me the halt and the lame.
Cursed be the deceiver who vows an entire male to me, and yet sacrifices a gelding, for I am a great
king, and my name is feared among the nations.'”

No Forgiveness
Joshua said, “Now I say to you that there can be forgiveness for all manner of sin and injustice
against men, and even one who speaks a word against the Son of Man may find forgiveness, but
whosoever speaks against Yahweh Saboath it shall never be forgiven him, neither in this world nor
the next, for Yahweh is a jealous god, and takes vengeance himself on his adversaries, and he never
forgets a wrong!

Woe to the daughters of Jerusalem

Woe to the daughters of Jerusalem, that walk with their noses in the air, glancing round with wanton
eyes and tinkling the ornaments on their ankles with their dainty steps. I have seen all their
adulteries, as they defiled their beauty by spreading their legs for all and sundry, they have even
played the harlot with the Egyptians, with their huge erections, provoking Yahweh to anger. I have
heard their squeals of pleasure as they committed countless acts of whoredom, but I will pull their
skirts up around their ears to make manifest their shame. I will strip from them their rich garments,
and plunder their fair adornments. How those women will dance when their buttocks feel my lash!
Their guilt will be their undoing.”

Signs of the End of the Aeon

His disciples asked him, “Rabboni, when will this be? What will be the signs of your return and the
end of the aeon?” Joshua said, "As for that day and that hour that you speak of, they are known to
no one, not to the Son of Man, not even to the angels in the heavens above, they are known to none
except Yahweh. But take care that no man deceives you, for many will come saying, 'I am the
messiah.' and they shall deceive many, and you will long for the days when I was with you. You
shall hear of wars, and rumours of wars, but you mustn't be troubled, for all these things must come
to pass, though that will not be the end of it. Nation must rise up against nation, kingdom against
kingdom, and there will be great earthquakes, famine, and pestilence in divers places. There will be
fearful sights and great portents in the heavens, but all this will be just the beginning of the

In the days before the Son of Man returns there will be many who sleep, as it was in the days of
Noah. They ate and drank, they married, and were given in marriage, until the very day that Noah
entered the ark, and then the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise as it was in the days of
Lot, they ate and drank, they bought and sold, they planted and they built, but, on the day when Lot
went out of Sodom, fire and brimstone rained down from the heavens and destroyed them all.

False Prophets and False Messiahs

Now take heed yourselves, don't let your hearts be dulled by partying and drunkenness and the
delights of this aeon, and the day comes upon you suddenly, like a snare. Before the Son of Man
returns, men will say to you, 'He is here.' or, 'Look, he is over there.' but don't follow them, for there
will arise many false prophets and false messiahs, who, relying on their own dreams and visions,
will show you great signs and wonders. Mark well that I have foretold these things to you and be on
your guard. If they tell you that the Empire of Yahweh is in the sky, don't believe them, for then the
birds would fly into the Empire before you, and if they tell you that the Empire is in the sea, don't
go and look, for then the fish would swim into the Empire of Yahweh before you. Rather when I
return it will be as swift as the lightning flash which lights up the heavens from one side of the sky
to the other.

You can be sure that when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, that the time has come when
she will be laid waste. Then those who are in Judea must take refuge in the mountains, and those
who are in the city itself must flee from it. Those in the surrounding countryside mustn't try to
shelter within it. These will be the days of Yahweh's vengeance, bringing to fulfilment all that has
been written by the prophets.

The Great Tribulation

Woe to those women who are with child, or have a baby at the breast in those days. You must pray
that your flight won't be in winter or on the Sabbath, for there will be great tribulation, not seen
since the beginning of the world, nor ever seen again. A time of bitter distress over the whole land,
and retribution upon this generation.

Take heed, watch and pray, for you don't know when the time will be. It's like a man who has gone
on a long journey, and has given authority to his servants, each to do his own work, and
commanding the door-keeper to watch for his return. Keep watch, therefore, for you don't know
when the master of the house will return – at twilight, or at midnight, at cock-crow, or at dawn, lest
he come upon you suddenly and find you sleeping. And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

The Wine-Press
When that day comes Yahweh Saboath will have a reckoning with the host of heaven on high, and
the kings of the earth here below. They will be herded together like prisoners bound in a dungeon,
and after many days have passed, a reckoning will be held. Yahweh will tread them in the wine-
press of his anger, and their blood will spatter his garments, deep-dyed will be his raiment as he
pours their blood upon the ground, and bathes his feet in the blood of evil-doers. Thus says Yahweh
to his elect, 'I will fight with those who contend with you, and I will save your children. I will make
your oppressors eat their own flesh and drink their own blood, and they will be as drunk on their
own blood as on new wine.'

You Will Rule the Nations

When that day comes Yahweh will put men to the test, for he is as fierce as the refiner's fire,
searching as the fuller's lye. In the crucible of his anger the sons of Jacob will be purged of the dross
and refined. Only then will the remnant of Jacob turn back to Yahweh, the Holy One of Israel.
Though countless as the sands of the sea, only a remnant will return. But then Yahweh will have
men who bring offerings to his house in righteousness, and the offerings of Judea and Jerusalem
will be acceptable to Yahweh as in the days gone by. For everyone who continues to do my work
until the end of the aeon will be a conqueror, and I will give them power over the gentiles, to rule
them with a iron sceptre, and to shatter them like so many pots. As I have received this power from
the father, so you will receive the power from me.

The Dream of the Jews

You will make captives of those whose captives you were, and you will rule over your oppressors.
Yahweh will take pity on Jacob, on the sons of Israel, and he will return them to their own land, and
strangers will throw in their lot with the house of Jacob. Strangers will take them by the hand and
escort them to their homes, and the house of Israel will possess them as male and female slaves.
Strangers will shepherd your flocks, and foreigners will work your fields, but you will be priests of
Yahweh, ministers of Elohim.

You will gorge yourselves on the wealth of the nations, and in their riches you will boast. Your
children will have their kings as their foster-fathers, and their queens as wet-nurses. With their faces
to the ground, they will bow down before you and kiss the dust on your feet.

The Wolf and the Lamb

The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard lie down with the kid. The cow will feed with
the bear, and the lion will eat straw like the ox. Samaria won't envy Judea, and Judea won't be
hostile to Samaria, and together we will attack the Philistines to the west, and we will plunder the
peoples of the east, Edom and Moab will be subservient to us, and Ammon will finally be in our

The Humble Home of the Elect

You the afflicted, the storm-tossed, the sorrowful, will live in a city paved with patterned stones,
with a foundation of lapis-lazuli. It will have towers of jasper, and gates studded with carven jewels,
even your boundary stones will be precious gems, and justice will be your sure foundation, and on
that day there will be no more the Canaanite in the house of Yahweh Saboath.”

Let the Dead Bury the Dead

Now a man came forward and said to him, “Master, I will follow you wherever you lead.” but
Joshua said to him, “Foxes have their dens, the birds have their nests, but the Son of Man has
nowhere to lay his head and rest.” Joshua said to another man, "Follow me.” and the man said,
“Master, I will follow you, but first let me go home to say goodbye to my friends.” Joshua said to
him, "No man, having first put his hand to the plough, who then looks back, is fit for the Empire of
Yahweh.” He said to a third man, “Follow me.” and the man said, “Master, first give me leave to
bury my father.” but Joshua said to that man, “Let the dead bury the dead. Follow me, and preach
the coming of the Empire of Yahweh.”

The Seventy Sent Out

After this Joshua appointed seventy of his disciples, and sent them out before him, two by two, into
every town and village. He told them, “Don't enter into any of the cities of the Samaritans or of the
gentiles, you must only enter the cities of Israel. Take with you neither purse nor wallet, neither
sandals nor staff. Give greetings to none, and return no greeting as you go on your way. Whenever
you enter a village or town, find a man worthy to be your host, and when you enter his house, say,
'Peace be upon this house.' and if the house is worthy, let your peace come down upon it, but if it's
found to be unworthy, take your peace back to you. Don't move from house to house, you must stay
in the same house for your whole stay, eating and drinking what they provide.

What I have said to you under the cover of darkness, you must utter in the light of day. What I have
whispered in your ears, you must shout from the rooftops. What was veiled must be made known,
what was secret, must be revealed. Prophesy wherever you go that the Empire of Yahweh is at hand.

The Millstone
But if you enter a city where they won't make you welcome, or listen to your words, go through the
streets and leave that city, shaking the dust from your feet, and say, 'We brush off into your faces the
very dust of your city that has clung to our feet, as a testimony against you.' and be sure to tell them
this, 'The end of the world is nigh, and on that day it will go less hard with Sodom than your city.'
Woe to whoever causes one of those who believe in me to stumble. It would be better for him if a
millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea!”

The he began to threaten the cities where he had performed most of his miracles, saying, “Woe to
you, Korazin! Woe to you Beth-Saida! Tyre and Sidon would have repented long ago, and be sitting
in sackcloth and ashes, if the great wonders that I performed in you had been done there instead.
And you Kefar-Nahum! Do you hope that I will exalt you to the heavens? No! I tell you that I will
drag you down to the Hell!

Remember that he who listens to you, listens to me, and he who rejects you, rejects me, and him
who sent me. Let him be to you as a gentile or a Zadokite.

You must be as subtle as serpents, and as simple as doves, for if they persecute you in one city, flee
from there to another. Amen, Amen, I say to you that the Son of Man will return with power before
you have passed through all the cities of Israel. Don't be afraid of those who can only kill the body,
but afterwards can do no more to you, rather you must fear the one who has not only the power to
kill, but the power to destroy both body and soul in Ge-Hinnom.

The Seventy returned to him filled with joy, saying, “Even the demons are subject to us.” In that
hour Joshua's spirit rejoiced and said, “Blessed are the eyes which have seen what you have seen.
Amen, Amen, I say to you that there have been many prophets who longed to see what you see, and
hear what you hear.” but later he turned to his disciples and said to them privately, “I have given to
you the power to trample on serpents, and scorpions, and all the force of The Satan, and to take no
hurt from it, but instead of rejoicing that the demons have been made subject to you, you should
rather be rejoicing that your names have been inscribed in the book of the Empire of Yahweh .”

A Warning from Some Perushim

It was on that same day that some Perushim came to him and said, “You must leave this place and
go elsewhere, for Herod has a mind to arrest you and put you to the question.” Joshua replied, “Go
and tell that jackal that I will continue to drive out demons, to heal people, and to prophesy despite
him. I will keep going today and tomorrow and the third day for there is nowhere for a prophet to
meet his doom but Jerusalem.” Then he said to his disciples, “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, still stoning the
prophets, and killing the messengers sent to her. I tell you that you will see nothing of me until the
time comes when you will say, 'Blessed is the king who comes in the name of Yahweh.'”
Joshua Calms the Wind and the Waves
When evening came on he said to his disciples, “Let's go across to the other side of the sea.” and
they took him, just as he was, into their boat and began the voyage. There arose a great storm
which drove the waves into the boat, so that it was quickly filling with water, meanwhile in the
stern of the boat Joshua slept on a pillow, until the disciples came and roused him saying, “Master,
save us! Don't you care that we are going to drown?” and he said to them, “Why are you so fearful?
Do you still have no faith?” then he rose up and rebuked the elements, with a gesture he checked the
wind, and he said to the sea, “Peace, be still.” and the wind ceased to blow and there was a great
calm. And the disciples feared the great fear, saying, What manner of man is this that even the wind
and the waves obey him?”

The Demons of Gadara

And so they came to the other shore of the sea, and landed in the country of the Gadarenes, which is
on the coast opposite Kefar-Nahum. As he stepped onto the land, Joshua was confronted by a
demoniac, who for a long time had gone naked, and lived roofless among the rock tombs. He was
so strong that even with fetters and chains no one could Kepha him bound for long, for when the
demon seized him he would break his fetters, and tear his chains apart, and then the demon would
drive him raving from his home into the wilderness. He was so exceedingly fierce that no man
dared to pass along that road. He could always be found, day or night, among the tombs, or roaming
the hills, shouting loudly and cutting himself with stones.

Joshua yelled at him, “Come out of that man, you bad spirit.” and the man said to Joshua, “Why do
you torment us? What have you to do with us?” Joshua asked him, “What is your name?” and he
replied, “Our name is Legion, for there are many of us.” The demons begged him eagerly not to
send them out of the country, and seeing some distance away a great herd of swine feeding on the
mountain side, the demons begged a favour of him, Saying, “If you must cast us out, send us into
that herd of swine.” so Joshua said to them, “Your wish is granted. Out, demons, out, and god's
mercy on you swine.” and with a great cry the demons came out of the man and entered into the
swine, whereupon the whole herd of some two thousand rushed down the cliff and leapt into the
sea, where the pigs drowned in the deep waters and the demons returned to the abyss.

The swineherds fled and told their news in country and city, and the people came out to see if their
story was true. A crowd of people came to the tombs, and saw Joshua, and the man possessed by the
legion sitting there fully clothed, and in his right mind, and they were filled with wonder. The
swineherds again told the tale of the demoniac and the swine, and the people of Gadara asked
Joshua to leave them, so fearful were they of his power. He returned to the boat, and the man freed
from the demons asked if he might become one of Joshua's disciples, but he refused him and said,
“Return to your own home and make known to your friends all of Yahweh's dealings with you.” The
man went on his way and spread the news throughout the Decapolis, and everyone was amazed at
the great things that Joshua had done for him, while Joshua himself, once more crossed the sea and
returned to his own town of Kefar-Nahum.

The Samaritan and the Lamb

Now the time was drawing near, so Joshua set his face towards Jerusalem, and passed through
Samaria, letting no man know of his passage. As Joshua led them along the road to Jerusalem, he
was apprehensive, and the disciples were bewildered, and followed with faint hearts. One day he
saw a Samaritan who was also on the road to Judea, carrying a lamb on his shoulders. Joshua said to
his disciples, “Why does that man carry that lamb?” and the disciples said, “So that he can kill and
eat it.” Joshua said, "Because he can't eat it while it's still alive. He can only eat it after it has
become a carcase. Likewise with you, you must seek the Empire of Yahweh or else you too might
become a carcase, and be eaten.”
A Call for Fire From Heaven
Every day Joshua would send messengers ahead to prepare accommodation for himself and his
disciples, but when he came to a certain village, the Samaritans refused to receive him because he
was heading for Jerusalem. When two of his disciples, Jacob and Johanan, heard the news they
were filled with anger, and asked him, “Rabboni, is it your will that we command fire to rain down
from the heavens and consume them?” but he turned to them and said, “Truly the will get their full
reward, for whoever denies me before men, I will deny before the father who is in the heavens.” and
so he passed on, and came to another village called Ephraim, in the country which borders the
wilderness, for Joshua could no longer walk openly among the Judeans, and there he waited.

Joshua and Zacchaeus the Tax Collector

Then Joshua entered Jericho, and he was passing through it surrounded by a crowd of people, and a
man called Zacchaeus, who was the chief tax collector in that region, and who was very rich, was
trying to catch a glimpse of him. He couldn't see him because of the crowd around him, and he
being a man of small stature, so he ran ahead of the crowd and climbed up a sycamine tree to catch
sight of him. When Joshua reached that place, he looked up and saw him in the tree and said,
"Zacchaeus, hurry down from the tree, for today I am to lodge in your house.” So he climbed down
from the tree with all haste and made him a great welcome. When the crowd heard this, they were
very unhappy, and murmured amongst themselves, “He has gone in to stay with someone who
collects taxes for the Romans, and who is a great sinner.” When Zacchaeus heard their murmuring,
he rose to his full height and said to Joshua, in the hearing of all the crowd,“Rabbi, here and now, I
will give half of all I own to the poor, and if I have wronged any man by false accusations, I will
make restitution of it fourfold.” Joshua said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, for he
too, is a son of Abraham.”

The Cunning Steward

After he had spoken these words, he told the crowd a parable, “There was a certain rich man, and a
report came to him that his steward had swindled some of his goods. So he called for him and said,
'What is this word that I hear of you? You must give me a full accounting of your stewardship. You
can no longer work for me.' at this word the steward said to himself, 'What am I to do now? I
haven't strength enough to labour, and I'm too proud to beg. I must do whatever I can so that when
I'm no longer a steward, men will still welcome me.' So he summoned his master's debtors to him,
one by one. To the first he said, 'How much do you owe my master?' and he replied, 'One thousand
firkins of oil.' and the steward said to him, 'Let's call it five hundred, and be done.' Then he asked
the second, 'How much do you owe?' and he said, 'One thousand bushels of wheat.' and the steward
told him, 'let's call it eight hundred, and be done.' And this cunning steward was commended by his
master for his enterprise. Amen, Amen, I say to you that the man who has much in his hand, will be
given more, while the man who has little, will be deprived of what little he has. He who has an ear,
let him hear.

So Joshua stayed in the house of the tax collector in Jericho, and Miryam, the sister of Eleazar, and
his mother, and Salome were there, but Joshua wouldn't receive them.

Blind bar-Timai
As Joshua left Jericho with his disciples, there was a great crowd that followed him, and there by
the roadside, a blind man sat begging. His name was bar-Timai. When he heard the crowd
approaching, he asked what it meant, and when he was told that it was Joshua the Nazorean coming
along the road, he began to cry out, “Joshua, have pity on me.” the disciples rebuked him, and told
him to hold his peace, but when he cried out even louder, “Joshua, son of David, have mercy on
me.” Joshua stopped, and gave orders that the man should be brought to him. So they said to bar-
Timai, “He is calling you.” then casting aside his mantle, he came to Joshua, who asked him, “What
do you want me to do for you?” and the blind man said, “Master, let me see the light.” Joshua laid
his hands upon the man's eyes and said, “Receive your sight, your faith has made you well. Now go
on your way.” and at once his eyes were opened, and he could see the light, and he followed Joshua
along the way.

The Hidden Rabbi

Now the Pisha was close at hand, and many Judeans had come in from the country and gone up to
Jerusalem to purify themselves before the Pisha began. The people had been told that Joshua and
his disciples were also coming up to Jerusalem, so everywhere people were on the lookout for him.
There was great excitement among the crowds in the Temple, and rumours spread wildly, some
saying, “He is here.” or “Look, he is over there.” while others said, “Would he dare to return to
Jerusalem?” because the Zadokim had given orders that if any man knew where he was, it should be
reported to them, so that they could arrest him. But Joshua hid himself from the Judeans, and six
days before the Pisha he went to the village of Beth-Any, and there he stayed with Martha and
Miryam .

An Errand To a Certain Man

When the time was right, he left Beth-Any and set out for Jerusalem. As he came to the village of
Beth-Phage, which is close to the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples on an errand, saying,
“Go into the village ahead of you, and the first thing that you will see as you enter it will be a colt,
the foal of an ass, tethered outside a certain house. Untie that colt and bring it to me. If anyone says
to you, 'Why are you doing this?' this must be your answer, 'The master has need of it. He will send
it back to you straight away' and he will let you take it.” So they went on their way, and found the
colt tethered before the door of the house where two ways meet, just as Joshua had said they would.
As they were untying it, the owner came out of the house and asked them, “What are you doing
with my colt?” and the disciples answered as Joshua had bidden them, and they were allowed to
take it.

They brought the colt back to Joshua, and saddled it with their garments, then he mounted it. He did
this to enact the oracle spoken by the prophet Zachariah:

Rejoice greatly, daughters of Zion

Shout loudly you daughters of Jerusalem
Behold, your king is coming to you
He is triumphant and glorious
Though humbly mounted upon an ass
Upon a colt, the foal of an ass.

As he rode along, some of the disciples spread their cloaks on the road, while others strawed the
road with branches they had cut from trees. Many of the disciples carried palm branches, and cried
out, “Son of David, Deliver us. Blessed is he who comes in the name of Yahweh. Blessed is the
King of Israel.”

Joshua Acclaimed as King

A small crowd of pilgrims who were going up to Jerusalem for the feast, watched his arrival, along
with some from within the city who had been told that Joshua was coming, and had gone out to see
him. Many indeed not on account of Joshua, but to catch sight of Eleazar, the man who had been
raised from the dead, for they had heard that he had performed this sign. As Joshua drew near the
gates of the city, those who went before him, and those who followed behind, began to praise
Yahweh, and then the whole crowd of disciples began to chant, “Blessed is the King who comes in
the name of Yahweh. Son of David, Deliver us from the Romans. The kingdom of our father David
is coming back to us. One God, One Country, One King.” Some of the Zadokim in the crowd heard
their chanting, and called out to Joshua, “Rabbi, you must rebuke your disciples.” but he answered
them, “Amen, Amen, I say to you that if they held their peace, the very stones would acclaim me as

All these things the disciples didn't understand at the time, only after Joshua had been crucified did
they remember the things that had been written of him, and how they had done these things to him.

And so the Zadokim began to plot, not only against the life of Joshua, but also against the life of
Eleazar, because on his account so many of the Judeans were beginning to leave them and follow

So Joshua entered into Jerusalem, and he went to the Temple, where he saw all that there was to see.
As Joshua left the Temple and was going on his way, one of the disciples said to him, “Look
Rabboni, what magnificent buildings. This is surely the greatest of temples.” but Joshua answered
him, “Do you see all these magnificent buildings? The day will soon come when all of them will be
thrown down. There will be not one stone left upon another. All that will remain will be a pile of
rubble. No potter ever dealt so fierce a blow to shatter a faulty pot to fragments.”

The Destruction of the Temple

Then because the hour was late, he went out of the city with the twelve, and he stayed upon the hill
called the Mount of Olives. As he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, Simeon and Jude, and Jacob
and Johanan, came to him privately, and said, “Now that we are alone, you can tell us, when will
this be? What signs will we see when your prophecy is about to be fulfilled?” Joshua said, "In the
first birth pangs of the new aeon Yahweh 's holy sanctuary, the pride of our people, will become a
crumbling ruin. What avails it for the Judea n priests to offer Yahweh bread and fat and blood, if
they have broken his covenant with all their foul deeds? Go to the place in Shiloh where Yahweh
first made a dwelling to see what he did for the wickedness of Israel, and what he did in Israel, he
will now do to the place which bears his name in Judea, the house in which they trust. He will cast
them from his presence as he cast out all their kinsmen, all the offspring of Ephraim. The house of
Yahweh will be burnt to the ground, and will be in ruins for a short time, but after the close of the
aeon, the hose of Yahweh will be rebuilt, and this last temple will be even more glorious than the
first, for Yahweh will sanctify it with his glory, and shall cause his glory to dwell within it for ever.

The Abomination of Desolation

But there will soon come a day of reckoning. When you see the Abomination of Desolation set up
in the holy place, where it should never stand (Let him who reads this understand what this means)
then whoever is in Judea must flee to the mountains, no going back to carry away anything from his
house, if they are outdoors, not going back for more clothes, if they are in the fields. Remember
Lot's wife. Whoever seeks to save his life, will lose it, whoever loses his life, will save it. They will
fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away into captivity in all the nations, and Jerusalem will be
trodden under the feet of the gentiles. It's where the carcase lies that the eagles will gather.

There will be portents from the sun, the moon, and the stars. Upon the earth nations will be in terror,
bewildered by the roaring of the sea and it's waves. The hearts of men will fail them for fear over
these troubles.

The Heavens Will Rock

Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the very powers of the heavens will rock, the sun
will lose her brightness, and the mood refuse his light, and the stars will fall from the heavens. Then
the Son of Man will be seen in the sky, and all the tribes in the land will mourn when they see me
riding the clouds of heaven, coming with great power and glory, and with a loud blast of the trumpet
I will send out my angels to gather my elect.
One Taken, One Left
When I return, if two recline on a couch, one will be taken and the other will live. If two women are
grinding together, there will be trouble at mill, for one woman will be taken and one woman left. If
two men are working in the fields, one man will be taken and one left. There would be no hope left
for any human being, if those days had not been shortened for the sake of the elect. You must be on
the watch, for no man knows that hour.

The Parable of the Fig Tree

Now learn a parable from the fig tree: when the branch is tender, and begins to out forth leaves, you
know that summer is near. When all these things begin to come to pass, you will know that the
Empire of Yahweh is at your door. Amen, Amen, I say to you that there are some men here who will
not taste death before all these things come to pass, and they have seen me come into my kingdom,
and the Empire of Yahweh come with power. Though the heavens and the earth may pass away, my
words will stand.

The Virgins and the Bridegroom

When that day comes the Empire of Yahweh will be like the ten virgins who went to welcome the
bridegroom, taking their lamps with them. Five of them were foolish and five of them were wise.
Now the foolish virgins brought their lamps, but brought no oil for them, while the wise virgins not
only brought their lamps , but also vessels filled with oil. When the bridegroom was long in coming,
the virgins all grew drowsy and slept. Then at midnight a cry was heard, 'Behold the bridegroom is
coming, go out and meet him.' and so all the virgins fell to trimming their lamps. The foolish virgins
said to the wise, 'Share your oil with us, for our lamps are burning low.' but the wise virgins
answered, 'No, lest there is not enough oil both for us and for you. It would be better for you to go
to the chandler and buy some for yourselves.' So the foolish virgins went off to buy the oil, and as
they were on the way they met with the bridegroom, who escorted them to the wedding, and the
door was shut behind them. While the wise virgins waited their lamps ran out of oil, and they were
left outside in the darkness. So it shall be at the end of the aeon: the last shall be first, and the first
shall be last. Many are called, but few are chosen.”

Joshua Curses a Fig Tree

On the morrow, when he came from the Mount of Olives, Joshua was hungry, and seeing in the
distance a fig tree with it's leaves out, he went over to it in the hope that it bore some fruit for him to
pick. But when he reached it he found that there was nothing but leaves on it. Joshua was angered
and he cursed the tree aloud in the hearing of the disciples, “You shall bear neither leaves nor fruit
from this time on.” then he continued his journey to Jerusalem.

A Riot In the Temple

Inside the Temple Joshua found merchants selling oxen, sheep, and doves, and the money-changers
sitting at their trade, so he made himself a whip out of some cords, and started a riot in the Temple
when he overturned the tables of the money-changers, spilling their coins onto the Temple floor.
Then he scourged the money-changers and merchants and drove them, and their cattle and their
sheep, out of the Temple. He said to those selling doves, “Take those things out of here and never
return.” and he would allow no one to carry their wares through the Temple. While his followers
clashed with the Temple Guards he cried out angrily to the Zadokim, “How dare you turn the house
of Yahweh into a public market. Yahweh himself has said that this house has been hallowed to be an
everlasting shrine to his name, and a house of prayer for all nations, but you have turned it into a
den of thieves!”

It was only after he had been crucified that his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they
came to believe the scriptures, and the words which Joshua had spoken.
I Could Destroy This Temple
Joshua cried out in a loud voice, “He who believes in me, believes not only in me,but in him who
sent me. The man who makes me of no account and rejects my words, has one to judge him on the
last day. I have not come to save the world, but to judge it. I have cast a fire upon the world, and I
wait and watch, to see it ablaze.” The Judeans said to him, “What sign can you show us as your
warrant for saying this?” Joshua said, “Behold, your house is forsaken. I could destroy this Temple,
and in three days I could raise it again.” the Judeans said, “This Temple has taken us forty-six years
to build, how could you tear it down and then rebuild it in three days?” and the whole crowd was
astonished by his teaching.

Now while Joshua was in Jerusalem for the Pisha, many people heard of the signs he had
performed, and many people came to believe in his name, but Joshua didn't entrust himself to them,
because he needed no one to bear witness to the Judeans, he knew what they were really like. So
when it grew dark he left the city, and as his custom was during the festival, returned to Mount of
Olives. For every night he lodged on the Mount of Olives, and each day he spent his time teaching
in the Temple, where crowds of people would come early in the morning to ear him speak.

The Death of the Fig Tree

The next morning as they passed along the road to Jerusalem, the disciples saw that the fig tree had
withered from the leaves to the roots. Simeon remembered the words of Joshua and said to him,
“Master, look, the fig tree that you cursed has withered and died.” Joshua said to him, “Have faith
in Yahweh. Amen, Amen, I say to you that if you tell this mountain, 'Remove yourself from here,
and cast yourself into the sea.' and if you don't doubt that it will come to pass, your wish will be
granted. Therefore I say to you, that whatsoever you desire, if you truly believe that you will receive
it, you shall have it.”

By Whose Authority?
So they came back to Jerusalem, and while Joshua was walking to and fro in the Temple, the
Zadokim, with the Scribes and Elders of the people, came to him and asked, “By whose authority
do you interfere with the running of the Temple?” Joshua said to them, “I too have a question to ask,
and if you can tell me the answer to my question, I will tell you the answer to yours. Now my
question concerns the baptism of Johanan. Did this ritual come from Yahweh or from man?” and
they were in two minds, as they reasoned, “If we say that his baptism was from Yahweh, he will say
to us, 'Then why didn't you believe him? And if we say that his baptism was from man, we might be
stoned by the people, for all men hold Johanan to be a true prophet.” So the answer they gave to
him was, “We can't tell.” and so Joshua in turn said to them, “Then I won't tell you by whose
authority it is that I act.

The Tax Collectors and Whores

Amen, Amen, I say to you that the taxmen and whores are further along the road to the Empire of
Yahweh than you. For when Johanan came preaching of the coming of the Day of Yahweh, and his
baptism of repentance, you wouldn't believe him, but the taxmen and whores believed him, and
flocked to his baptism, while you, by rejecting his baptism, have rejected Yahweh's plan for you.”
and the huge crowd listened to him with delight.

The Prodigal Son

Whereupon he told them this parable, “A certain man had two sons, and the younger came to him
and said, 'Give me the portion of your estate which falls to me.' and so the man divided his property
between them. It wasn't long before the younger son sold his inheritance, and with the money he
went on a long journey to a country far to the east. There he spent his money on wine, women, and
song. When his money had all been spent, a great famine arose in that land, and he found himself in
need, and he was forced to find work with a farmer of that country, who sent him into the fields to
feed his swine. There were times when he gladly filled his belly with the pods the swine ate, for he
was given little . Then he said to himself, 'How many servants does my father have, who have bread
enough and to spare, while I am here perishing of hunger? I will return to my father.'

so he went back to his own country, and even while he was still a long way off, his father
recognised him, and took pity on him. Running up to him, he fell on his neck and kissed him. The
son said to him, 'Father I'm not worthy to be called your son, take me on as one of your servants.'
but the father gave orders to his servants, 'Bring out my best mantle, and put it on my son, put a
golden ring upon his finger, and sandals on his feet. Bring forth the fatted calf and kill it. Let us eat,
drink , and be merry, for my son was lost, and now is found, he was dead, now he is alive again.'
and so he celebrated the return of his younger son.

Now his elder son had been working in his father's fields, and as he made his way home, he heard
the sound of music and dancing in the house, so he called one of the servants to him and asked what
all this meant. The man told him, 'Your brother has returned home and your father has killed the
fatted calf to celebrate.' At this word the elder brother was angered and wouldn't go in to join the

His father came out and tried to win him over, but he said to his father, 'How many years have I
slaved for you, never once have I disobeyed your commands, and yet you have never yet made me a
present, not even of a lamb, that I might make merry with my friends. But no sooner has this
worthless son of yours returned home, he who devoured your patrimony on drunks and whores,
than you give him your best robe, a gold ring, and kill the fatted calf in his honour.'

The Vineyard
Now listen to another parable: There was a certain man who planted a vineyard. He set a hedge
around it. Dug a wine-press, and built a watchtower on it, then he rented it out to some tenant-
farmers, so that they could work it and he could collect his share of the crop from them. When
vintage time drew near he sent one of his servants to his tenants to claim his revenue from them, but
they laid their hands upon the servant, beat him, and almost killed him. The servant returned to his
master who said, 'Perhaps they didn't recognise him as my servant.' so he sent another of his
servants, but the tenants beat that one as well. Last of all he sent his son, saying, 'Surely they will
respect my son' but when the tenant-farmers saw him, they laid their hands upon him and killed
him, then threw his body out of the vineyard. He who has an ear, let him hear.”

The Stone
Then Joshua said to them, "Have you never read these words in the scriptures,

'The stone the builders rejected,

Has become the cornerstone.
This is Yahweh 's doing
It is a marvel in our eyes.

Whoever falls upon this stone

His bones will be broken
But whoever it falls upon
It will, grind that man to dust'?”

When the Zadokim heard his parables they clearly saw that he was speaking of them, and would
gladly have laid their hands upon him that very hour, but the Pisha and the feast of Unleavened
Bread were only two days away and so the Zadokim and the Doctor of the Law looked for a way
that they could take him by stealth, for they said, “Not in the Temple itself, or we might create an
even greater disturbance among the people.”

A Prophecy
The Zadokim summoned the Sanhedrin, and Joseph Caiaphas, the High Priest spoke first and said,
“What are we going to do? This man has stirred the people throughout Israel. From Galilee to Judea
he has inflamed the rabble with his preaching. He has even gained a following among the people
here in Jerusalem, and the Galileans might even try to make a king of him. If we sit on our hands
and do nothing, and he starts a rebellion, the Romans will put an end to both our Temple and our
Nation.” He did not say this of his own accord, but being the High Priest, he prophesied that both
Yahweh's holy house and the nation would be destroyed. Then Hanan spoke, “We must do
something, perhaps it would be better for this man to lose his life, rather than have him drag the
whole nation to destruction.” and from that day forth the Sanhedrin plotted his death.

A Visit to a Certain Man

On the first day of unleavened bread, the day on which the Pishal lamb has to be sacrificed, the
disciples came to Joshua and said, “Where would you have us prepare the room for you to eat the
Pishal meal?” Joshua said to Simeon and Johanan, “Go into the city and find such and such a man,
and tell him, The master says, 'My time is at hand. I will keep the Pisha at your house, with my
disciples.' and he will show you to a large, upper room, already furnished and prepared. It's there
you are to make the meal for us.” and so the disciples went to see the man, and it was all as Joshua
had said, and it was there that they prepared the Pishal meal.

Joshua Slaughters the Lamb

As is the custom, Joshua went to the Temple, and there he slaughtered the Pishal lamb himself. He
cut the throat of the lamb, and half the blood was splashed around the base of the altar, while Joshua
kept the rest in a jar for the ritual. The lamb itself was flayed, and before leaving the Temple, Joshua
swung the lamb, wrapped in it's own hide, over his shoulders, and then carried it on his shoulders
back to the disciples. While the apostles roasted it, Joshua spattered the blood of the lamb on the
door frame and lintels of the house, as required by the Torah.

The Lord's Supper

When the hour had come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him, dressed as the Torah
demands, with their cloaks tucked into their belts, their sandals on their feet, and with their staffs in
their hands. Before they began to eat, Joshua said to them, “I have longed to share this Pisha with
you, for I'll not eat it again until the Empire of Yahweh comes.” And he took a cup of wine, blessed
it, and said, “Divide this amongst yourselves, for I'll not drink the fruit of the vine again until the
day I drink the new wine in the Empire of Yahweh.”

As they reclined around the table eating the Pishal lamb, Joshua spirit was troubled and he said
“Amen, Amen, I say to you: the time is at hand when one of my disciples will betray me.” The
apostles looked at one another wondering who it was that he meant. Simeon made a sign to Jude,
who reclined at Joshua's right hand, that he should ask who it was, but Joshua would only say, “It's
on of the twelve, one who dips his bread into this dish with me.” and the disciple were angered and
they all called out at once, “Who is it?, Who is it?” but Joshua just said to them, “As for me, it must
go with the Son of Man as was prophesied.”

Then he took some bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “Take it. This is my body,
broken for you. Do this whenever you eat it. He that eats my flesh and drinks my blood will dwell
in me, and I in him.”

Then he took Judas aside and had a quiet word with him. When Judas returned to his companions,
they asked him, “What did Joshua say to you?” and he replied, “If I told you what he said to me,
you would pick up stones and stone me.”

Once the supper was over, Joshua took a cup of wine, blessed it, and said, “This is my blood, shed
for many.” and he gave it to them, and they all drank of it. Then he said, “Do this whenever you
drink it in remembrance of me.”

They had finished the Pishal meal when Joshua said to Judas, “What you are about to do, do
quickly.” Now none of the apostles at the table knew why Joshua had spoken thus to him. Some of
them thought that since Judas was the bag-man, Joshua had told him to pay for the things used at
the feast, while others thought that Joshua had bidden him to give alms to the poor, but Judas alone
knew the truth as no of other apostle did.

Who Is the Greatest Disciple

After Judas had left, Joshua said, “Now I am glorified, and Elohim is glorified in me .” but there
arose an argument among the apostles over which of them should be accounted the greatest, so
Joshua said to them, “You are all men who have stayed by my side through many trials, and as
Yahweh has allotted a kingdom to me, so I shall allot to you all a place to eat and drink at my table
in my kingdom. Each of you shall sit upon a throne as a lord over the twelve tribes of Israel.

The Satan Has Power over You All

Joshua said, “I haven't much time left to talk with you, there is one coming soon who has been
granted power over the world, but he has no power over me. Behold Kepha, The Satan has
demanded power over you all, and now he will sift you all like wheat, for thus says Yahweh
Saboath, 'Awake sword and attack my shepherd, strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered,
and upon the common folk my hand will fall. Two thirds will be cut off and perish, and only one
third will be left alive.' The hour is coming, indeed it has already come, when all of you will lose
courage through my trials, but I have prayed for you, that your faith might not fail, and you be
delivered from the Evil One.”

Simeon said vehemently, “Though the rest of the apostles may stumble and lose their courage, I will
never lose mine. I am ready to go with you to prison, or even to death.” but Joshua answered him,
“Amen, Amen, I say to you that this very night, before the cock crows twice, you will three times
disown me.” Simeon said, “Though I should die with you, I would never disown you.” and all the
rest of the apostles said likewise.

Sell Your Cloak to Buy a Sword

Joshua said to them, “When I sent you out to prophesy without purse or wallet or sandals, did you
ever lack for anything?” and the disciples said, “Nothing.” then he said to them, “The time has now
come when he who has a purse must take it, and his wallet too, and he who has no sword must sell
his cloak to buy one.” the disciples said, “We have found two more swords.” and Joshua said, "That
is enough.”

The Garden of Geth-Sehnamim

After Joshua had spoken these words, and they had sung a hymn, he went, as his custom was,
across the Wadi Qidron to the Mount of Olives. There is a certain grove on the Mount of Olives
called Geth-Sehnamim, which means the olive presses, and the Galileans often gathered there.
Judas knew the place well. Joshua said to the disciples, “Sit down here and stay alert, while I go
into the grove and pray.” and he parted from them a stones throw, but he took with him Simeon and
Jude and Jacob and Johanan. Now a horror of great darkness fell upon him, and he was very
dismayed, he said to them, “My very soul is ready to die from sorrow. Wait here, and keep watch
for me.” then he went forward a little, he fell to his knees, and bowing his head to the ground, he
began to pray. When he returned to his disciples he found them asleep, and he said to Simeon,
“Kepha, couldn't you keep watch for me for even a single hour? You must keep watch for me. Pray
that you don't fail the test.” Simeon said, “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Joshua went back and once more began to pray, and a second time he found his disciples asleep, so
heavy were their eyelids, and this time after he rebuked them, they didn't know what to answer him
before he returned to his prayers. As he prayed he saw a band of men approaching the olive grove
carrying lanterns, and armed with swords and clubs. He rose a third time and said to his disciples,
“You may as well sleep now and take your rest, for the time has come. The Son of Man has been
given into the hands of the enemy. Get up, let's go, see for yourselves.”

The Arrest of Joshua

But even as he spoke, Judas, one of Joshua's chosen apostles, came into the grove accompanied by
temple guards and officers sent by the Sanhedrin. Joshua said, "Judas my friend, what are you doing
here?” but before Judas could reply, the captain of the guard said, “WE are looking for Joshua bar-
Joseph of Kefar-Nahum.” and he said, “I am Joshua bar-Joseph. I'm the man you seek, you can let
these other men go on their way.” Then the Zadokim's men came forward and laid their hands upon
Joshua and held him fast.

The Naked Disciple

At that the disciples drew their swords, and Simeon struck the High Priest's Official, who was
named Malchus, and cut off his ear. Joshua said, "Put your swords down. Let them have their way
in this.” and then all the disciples turned and fled, and abandoned him. One of his followers there, a
certain young man who was only wearing a linen cloth about his naked body. When the officers laid
hold of him, he tore himself free from them, leaving the linen cloth in their hands, and he fled from
them naked.

The temple officers and guards bound Joshua's hands behind his back, and Joshua said to the
captain, “Did you really need to come with swords and clubs to arrest me? Day after day I taught
openly in the Temple, and you never laid a hand upon me. But this is the time, and darkness has the

Simeon's First Denial

Then the guard led him off to the presence of Caiaphas, the High Priest. All the Zadokim, the Scribe
of the Perushim, and the Elders of the Judeans were there with him. Simeon followed Joshua a long
distance behind, with another of the disciples who knew the High Priest. That disciple went in with
Joshua into the palace of the High Priest, while Simeon was left without. A short time later the other
disciple returned and had a word with the door-keeper, and so brought Simeon inside. It was cold,
and the officers and the servants had made a fire of coals and stood around it warming themselves,
and Simeon stood there too, warming himself like the rest. One of the servant girls of the High
Priest came by and saw him there in the firelight. She looked closely at him and said, “You are one
of those with Joshua the Galilean.” but Simeon denied it, saying, “Woman, I don't know who you
are talking about.” and he left the fire to stand in the shadows of the gateway, and a cock crowed.
The serving girl kept her eye upon him and said to those around the fire, “That man is one of them.”
but after a little while the servant girl left, and Simeon returned to the fire.

Joshua Before the Sanhedrin

The High Priest questioned Joshua about his doctrine and his disciples, and he answered, “I've
spoken openly before all the world, I've taught in the Synagogues, and in the Temple, and wherever
else the Hebrews have gathered together. If you want to know what my teaching is you can ask the
people, or those spies of yours who have listened to my every word, they know well enough what it
is. Why do you need to hear it from my own lips?” When he had spoken thus, one of the Temple
officers struck Joshua on the cheek, and said, “Is this how you speak to the High Priest?” Joshua
said to him, “If I've said anything wrong, tell me what was wrong, but if I have spoken rightly, why
did you strike me?”

The High Priest said to him, “Do you claim to be the Messiah?” and Joshua replied, “If I told you
that I was, would you believe me? And if I said I wasn't, would you let me go?” Then the High
Priest and all the Sanhedrin tried to draw from him testimony such as would encompass his death,
but he held his peace, and would admit to nothing.

The Accusations
Some men were brought in who accused him, saying, “We heard this man say, 'I will destroy this
Temple and in three days I will build a greater, not made by hands.”but these witnesses could not
agree on his words. Two men came forward and said, “This man never tires of speaking
blasphemously against this holy place and the Torah. We have heard him say that he will abolish the
Torah and the traditions that Mosheh handed down to us.” but the testimony of these men didn't
agree, one with the other. The High Priest stood up and said to Joshua, “Are you not going to
answer? You have heard their testimony, and the accusations these men make against you.” but
Joshua remained silent and gave no answer.

Riding On the Clouds of Heaven

Finally the High Priest asked him again, “I charge you under oath, by the living god, tell us, are you
the messiah?” Joshua said, “They are your words, not mine. But when next you see me I will be
sitting at the right hand of power, riding on the clouds of heaven.” At this word the High Priest rent
his garments and said, “What further evidence do you need? You have heard his blasphemy from
his own lips. What is your judgement?” The whole of the Sanhedrin pronounced him guilty, and
sentenced him to death. Caiaphas said to him, “What ignorant falsehood, what boundless
presumption, for you, a bastard, a gelding, a man who has a demon, to claim to be our messiah, and
hold up to ridicule all that we hold dear. For your blasphemy you shall die the death of the
uncircumcised, by the hand of foreigners.”

Then some of them began to spit in his face and mock him. They put a bag over his head and took
turns in striking him in the face, and saying, “Show us that you are a true prophet, name the man
who struck you.”

The Cock Crows Twice

Meanwhile Simeon was still in the courtyard warming himself at the fire. One of the Temple guards
looked closely at him and said, “I'm sure that I saw you in the olive grove with Joshua the
Nazorean.” but he denied it with an oath, “I don't know the man.” then one of the High Priest's
servants said to him, “You are one of those zealots who follow Joshua, I can tell by your accent that
you are a Galilean.” but Simeon called down curses upon his head, and then swore, “I don't know
this man that you are talking about.”and while the words were still on his lips, the cock crowed a
second time, and Simeon remembered the words that Joshua had said to him, and when he thought
upon it he broke down and wept.

Joshua Before Pontius Pilatus

Before daybreak the Sanhedrin had laid out their plans for putting Joshua to death. They led him
away in bonds to the Præfect's palace. It was still early but Pontius Pilatus met with them, and said,
“What are the charges that you bring against this man?” and the Zadokim and the Elders brought
many accusations against him, saying, “He is persuading men to worship in a way forbidden by our
law.” another said, “He practices sorcery, and is in league with the price of demons.” another said,
“Though a bastard born of fornication, he has broken our law by claiming to be the son of god.”
while still another said, “He claims to be our messiah who has come to set the world ablaze, and to
send to Hades, for eternity, all those who refuse to acknowledge him as the messiah.”
But Pilatus said to them, “What is that to me? Am I a Judean? Take him away and judge him by
your own laws.” whereupon the Judeans said, “We wouldn't have brought him to you if he wasn't a
dangerous troublemaker. He is known to us as a real pest, a mover of sedition among all the
Hebrews throughout Palestine. This self-styled messiah is the ringleader of the heretical sect of the
Nazoreans, and though as a bastard and a eunuch is doubly barred from the assembly of god, he has
not scrupled to violate the sanctity of our Temple, and so we have arrested him. We have convicted
him under our own laws, but we don't have the power to put the man to death.”

What Is Truth?
Pilatus called Joshua to him and asked, “Are you the messiah of the Judeans? Joshua answered, “Is
that what you think, or have others told you to ask it of me?” Pilatus said, “It's the chief priest of
your own nation who have given you up to me. What offence have you committed?” Joshua replied,
“I have been sent into the world to bear witness to the truth, and everyone who is of the truth must
pay heed to my words.” Pilatus said to him, “What is truth?” then he turned to the Judeans and said,
the crimes that you accuse him of are no concern of mine. This is an internal matter among you
Judeans. You are just quibbling over words and names in your religion, and so you must sort it out
for yourselves. Under Roman law there is no substance in any of the charges that you bring against
him. He shall go free.”

The Nazorean and the Zealot

At the festival it was his custom for the Præfect to grant to the Judeans the liberty of any prisoner
they chose. So when the crowd came up to him to ask for the customary favour, Pilatus asked them,
“Who would you have me release?” but the Zadokim had incited the Judeans in the crowd against
Joshua, and so they called for the release of Joshua bar-Abbas. Now bar-Abbas was a zealot who
had been thrown into prison with the other zealots, for murder during the uprising that had started in
the Temple and spread throughout he city. Again Pilatus asked them, “Shall I release Joshua the
Galilean?” but the crowd called out, “Crucify him! We want Joshua bar-Abbas, the Judean,
released.” A third time Pilatus asked them, “What shall I do with the Joshua who is called
messiah?” but the crowd called out even louder, “Crucify him!” and it was their voices that carried
the day. Pilatus gave his assent, and granted their request to have bar-Abbas released.

You Are King of the Judeans?

Then Pilatus said to to the Zadokim, “It's plain that this man has done nothing which deserves
death, so I will have him scourged and then release him.” but the Zadokim said, “By his seditious
preaching this man is subverting the loyalty of our people to Rome. He forbids us to give tribute to
Cæser, and calls himself the messiah of the Judeans, which means the king.” Pontius Pilatus stared
at the bedraggled figure before him with his long unkempt hair and matted beard, for no razor ever
came near his head, he took no baths, and he didn't smear himself with oil, as the gentiles do, and he
said incredulously, “You are the King of the Judeans?” Joshua replied, “I am. But my kingship is not
from this world, but is from Yahweh. I may have been delivered into your hands, but as a sign,
Yahweh himself will send more than twelve legions of angels to set me free.”

Behold the Man

Then with one voice all the Zadokim cried out, “Any man who claims to be a king, sets himself as a
rival to Cæser, and if you let this man go free, you are no friend to Cæser.” When Pilatus heard
them speak these words he brought Joshua out, and himself sat down on the judgement seat in the
place called Gabata, which means The Pavement. Pilatus said to the Judeans, “Behold the man.” but
destroy this the crowd called out, “Take him away! Crucify him!” and Pilatus said to them, “Is it
your will that we crucify this man who calls himself your king?” and the Judeans called out, “We
have no king but Tiberius Cæser.” Pilatus then sent for water, and in full sight of the Judeans,
washed his hands and said, “I am innocent of the blood of this man.” and all the Judeans called out,
“let his blood be on us and our children.” Then the Præfect had Joshua scourged, and gave him up
to be crucified. Later his disciples remembered that this was to fulfil the oracle written of him, 'I
will be his father, and he will be my son. If he commits iniquity I will chasten him with the rods of
men, with the stripes of the children of men.”

The Crown of Thorns

The Præfect's soldiers led Joshua away to the Prætorium. First they stripped him and put upon his
shoulders a legionaries scarlet cloak. They plaited a crown of thorns and put it on his head, then
they placed a rod in his right hand, and mocked him by bending the knee before him and saying,
“Hail to the King of the Judeans.” Then they beat him with the rod, until at last, done with their
mockery, they took the scarlet cloak from him and hung around his neck a sign on which his
offence was written, and then led him away to be crucified.

Simeon of Cyrene
So Joshua went out bearing on his shoulders his own cross-beam, until the soldiers laid hold of a
passer-by, a man named Simeon of Cyrene, the father of Alexander and Rufus, who had come up to
Jerusalem to celebrate the festival, and they pressed him into service, loading him with the cross-
beam so that he could bear it for Joshua.

The Crucifixion
At last they came to the place called The Skull, which in Aramaic is Gulgata, where he was to be
crucified. Here they gave him a draught of wine mixed with myrrh, and then they drove dark nails
through his hands and feet, and crucified him between another two Zealots, one on his right hand
and one on his left, and over his head they nailed the sign of his offence: Joshua the Nazorean the
King of the Judeans. It was the third hour when they crucified them. This sign was read by many of
the Judeans, since the place of crucifixion was close to the city. Many who passed by hurled insults
at him. They shook their heads, and said, “So, you claimed to have the power to destroy our holy
Temple and build another in three days. Show us your wonder-working power by coming down
from your cross.”

They Gambled For His Clothes

The soldiers who had crucified Joshua took his clothes and divided them into four parts, one part
for each soldier. They took his cloak too, which was woven all of one piece, without a seam, so they
said to one another, “Let's not tear it, we can roll the dice to see who shall have it.” Thus it was that
the prophecy was fulfilled, 'They divide my clothes among them, they cast lots upon my garments.'

So it was that the soldiers occupied themselves, while a crowd of onlookers stood round and
poured scorn upon him, saying, “You said that you could move mountains with a word, now move
yourself.” The Zadokim and Scribes of the Perushim also joined in mocking him, saying, “Let the
King of Israel, this self-styled messiah, come down from the cross and claim his throne, and then
we will honour him.”

Even one of the Zealots who were being crucified with him, rebuked him, saying, “I thought that
you were the messiah! If you can, save yourself, and us.” but the other Zealot said to him, “We are
all suffering the same punishment. Have you no fear of Yahweh?” then he said to Joshua, “Rabboni,
remember me when you come into your kingdom.” and Joshua said to him, “Amen, Amen, I say to
you that today you will be with me in paradise.”

Joshua's Last Words and Death

Joshua the Nazorean was cruelly racked until the sixth hour when such a furious storm arose that
clouds wrapped the sun's bright splendour and there was a darkness over the whole land, which
shrouded his torment. Caiaphas said, “Let no man doubt that the air is being stirred up by
Beelzebub, the Prince of Demons, who has seduced this man, now about to die, to his great error.”
About the ninth hour, Joshua cried out in a loud voice, “Elahi, Elahi, lema sabbachthani?” which
means, my god, my god, why have you deserted me? Some of those standing nearby heard this and
said, “Listen, he is calling upon Eliyah.” Then Joshua said, “I thirst.” and a certain man ran off and
soaked a sponge from the jar of wine and myrrh that was there, and putting it on a rod he brought it
to Joshua's mouth, and he drank. But the others said, “Leave him alone. Lets see if Eliyah does
come to take him down.” but Joshua said, “It's all over.” and giving a loud cry, he gave up the ghost.
When the Centurion and the other soldiers guarding the condemned men saw the earthquake, and
the other signs that happened they were terrified, and he exclaimed, “Perhaps this man was a son of
the gods.”

The Holy Zombies of Jerusalem

And all at once the earth quaked, rocks were torn asunder, and graves were opened. Any bodies rose
out of them, bodies of holy men long gone to their rest, who after rising from the dead, acme out of
their tombs and walked around the holy city, where they talked to many, most of whom are alive to
this day.

Now many women were there, watching all this from far off. Among them were Miryam the
Magdalene, Miryam the mother of Jacob and Joseph, and Salome, and many other women who had
come to Jerusalem with him, and when they saw what had taken place they returned home beating
their breasts.

The Spear of Destiny

The Judeans were concerned about letting the condemned men remain crucified, for that Sabbath
was a high day, and so they asked Pontius Pilatus if their legs might be broken, and then their
bodies taken down. The Præfect gave his assent, so the soldiers broke the legs of the first Zealot
crucified with Joshua, and then those of the second. But when they came to Joshua himself, it
appeared that he was already dead, and so the didn't bother to break his legs, though one of the
soldiers pierced his right side with a spear. Blood and water flowed out, and the cross was spangled
with spilling blood.

The Centurion reported back to the Præfect, and told him that Joshua had already been been already
dead before the soldiers arrived. Pilatus was so astonished that he could have died so quickly that he
questioned the Centurion closely.

The Burial of Joshua

After this a man called Joseph, a rich man from Arimathea, boldly went to the Præfect and said, “I
pray from you a favour, can I take the body of Joshua the Nazorean away from Gulgata?” and
Pilatus replied, “I give you leave. You can take this felon's carcase from the gallows.” and so Joseph
took his body down from the cross, and wrapped it in a linen cloth. Now in the same quarter where
he had been crucified, there is a garden, and in that garden there is a tomb which had been carved
out of the linen rock. So because it was the Day of Preparation, and the tomb was close at hand,
they his the body there, and rolled a great stone in front of the mouth of his sepulchre. As the
Sabbath was beginning Miryam the Magdalene and Miryam the mother of Joseph could only take
note of where he had been buried, and how his body had been laid to rest.

The next day, on the Sabbath, some members of the Sanhedrin came to meet with the Præfect, and
said to him, “Sir, we have recalled to mind that the impostor said, while he still lived, that after
three days he would be rise again. Therefore you should command that his tomb be securely
guarded until the third day?” Pilatus said to them, “What is that to me? His carcase has already been
left unguarded overnight, but if you think it necessary, you have your own guards. They can make
the tomb secure for you.” The Zadokim said, “If his disciples steal his body away, the Nazoreans
could claim that he has been raised from the dead, and this last imposture will be even more
dangerous than the first.”

The Empty Tomb

When the Sabbath was over, Miryam the Magdalene, Miryam the mother of Joseph, and Salome,
walked along the road to the tomb. They had bought the spices and oils with which they could
embalm the body of Joshua. It was still very early on the first day of the week, at sunrise, and as
they walked they asked one another, “Who will roll away the stone from the entrance to the tomb?”
yet when they arrived they saw that the stone, great as it was, had already been rolled away. The
tomb was open and the guards slept beside it like dead men.

The women went into the tomb, where they saw a young man dressed in white linen, sitting on the
right side of the tomb, and they were alarmed. He said to them, “Don't be alarmed. If you are
looking for Joshua the Nazorean who was crucified, he isn't here. He has been raised. See for
yourselves the place where he was laid out. Go and tell the disciples that they are not to stay in
Jerusalem, because he has gone back to Galilee, and that you will see him there.” The woman ran
out and fled from the tomb, besides themselves with terror, and said nothing to anyone, for they
were afraid.

Note: Although undoubtedly ancient, the following chapters are not found in the earliest
manuscripts, or mentioned by other early witnesses, and are considered by most scholars to be later
additions to the text.

The Mystic Light

Joshua's Appearances to the Disciples in Jerusalem

The Race to the Tomb

So Miryam the Magdalene ran off to tell the disciples. She met with Simeon and Jude, and said to
them, “They have taken the body of the Rabboni out of the tomb, and I don't know where they have
laid him.” at this word Simeon and Jude set off at a run to the tomb. They began running side by
side but Jude quickly drew ahead of Simeon and won the race to the tomb. He went inside and saw
the linen cloths which had wrapped his body lying there, and the veil which had been put over his
face, which was not with the cloths, but was rolled up in a bundle, and lying by itself in a corner.
Simeon followed Jude into the tomb, and they both saw all this before they returned to their homes.

A Messenger from Joshua

Yet Miryam stood in that place a good while weeping, when she saw a young man dressed in white
linen standing by the right side of the tomb. He came to her and asked, “Woman, why are you
weeping?” and she answered, “Because they have taken the body of the Rabboni, and I don't know
where they have taken him.” the man asked, “Who is it that you seek?” and she, supposing that he
was the watchman, said, “I have come to bury Joshua bar-Joseph. Sir, if you have taken him, please
tell me where you have put him, so that we can bury him properly.” and he said to her, “Why have
you come to look for the living among the dead? Don't be dismayed. You have come to bury Joshua
the Nazorean, but he isn't dead. I am a messenger from the Rabbi, and here is the message you must
give to his disciples, tell them not to be afraid, and that they shouldn't leave Jerusalem. They must
wait until he fulfils his promise to return. He will meet them here.”

Miryam hurried back to Jerusalem , bringing the good news to the eleven, but it seemed to them just
a woman's hysterical phantasy, and they refused to believe her, for as yet they had not remembered
the scripture that he must rise from the dead.

The Soldier's Tale

Miryam had not yet reached the apostles, when the guards who had been watching the tomb, came
into the city. They reported to the Sanhedrin all that had befallen them: how a great weariness had
come upon them all, and they had slept, and they had awoken to find the tomb empty, and the body
gone. The Zadokim said, “While you slept his disciples must have come in the night and stolen his
body away.” And this is the version of the tale told among the Judeans to this very day.

Joshua's Appearance to Miryam the Magdalene

So many days passed until Miryam the Magdalene came upon Joshua, and he said to her, “Why are
you weeping?” but she didn't know that it was him until he said to her, “Don't you remember me?”
and she turned to him and said, “Rabboni!” and fell to her knees before him, holding him by the
thighs, and gazing up at him with devotion. But Joshua said to her, “Touch me not. What had bound
me is now dead, what had enveloped me has been sloughed off, but I have not yet ascended to the
father. Go to my brothers and tell them that I am ascending to my father and your father, to my god
and your god, to rest in the eternal. I am free of this aeon.” So Miryam went to the disciples and
told them that she had seen the Rabboni, and that he had spoken these things to her.

Joshua Appears to Two Men of Emmaus In a Strange Guise

That same day Jacob, the brother of Joshua, and his uncle Cleopas were walking towards Emmaus,
which is about sixty stadia from Jerusalem, when Joshua himself drew near, and began to walk with
them, in such a guise that they didn't know that it was him. And he asked them, “What are you
discussing as you walk?” and Cleopas answered him, “we are disciples of Joshua the Nazorean, a
prophet mighty in word and deed. It was he who we had hoped who was to restore the boundaries
of Israel, gather the lost tribes, and re-establish righteousness, but the Zadokim and Elders of Israel
delivered him up to be condemned to death, and he was slain and hanged upon a tree, and so our
hope was lost. But certain women of our company have astonished us, for they were at his tomb,
early in the morning, and didn't find his body, and they came to us and said that they had met his
messenger who had told them that he was alive. Some of us went to the tomb, and they found it just
as the women had said, but the didn't find him.

When they drew near to Emmaus he made as if he was going to travel further on up the road, but
they pressed him to stay with them, saying, “Abide with us, for the day is almost gone, and evening
has come upon us.” and he went in to stay with them. He reclined down at the table with them, and
he took the bread, blessed it, and broke it, and gave it to them, and all at once their eyes were
opened and they knew that it was him, but before they could speak, he vanished from their sight.

The Locked Room

That same day they rose up and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven and their companions
gathered together. It was night, and for fear of the Judeans, the Galileans had locked the doors of the
room in which they had assembled. Miryam the Magdalene told them her tale of how she had met
the Rabboni, and then the two men of Emmaus told the story of their encounter on the road, and
how they had only known that it was Joshua when he had broken the bread. They were still
speaking when Joshua himself appeared in their midst, and said, “Peace.” but the disciples were
terrified and cowered away from him, supposing that they were seeing a ghost.

And he said to them, “Why are you all so fearful? Why do these questions arise in your hearts?
Look at my hands and feet and be assured that it is me. Feel me, touch me, everyone knows that a
ghost doesn't have flesh and bones as I have.” Some still doubted, so he asked, “Do you have
anything to eat?” and they gave him a piece of broiled fish and a honeycomb, and he ate these in
their presence. His disciples asked him, “Rabboni. Are you here and now going to restore the
kingdom to Israel?” but he told them, “It is not for you to know the times or the season which the
father has fixed . That's what I told you while I still walked in your company. All that was written of
me in the Torah of Mosheh, and in the prophets, and in the psalms must first be fulfilled, and then
he opened their minds to understand all the scriptures concerning him, then he blessed them, and
departed from their sight.

Jude's Doubts
Now Jude the Twin, who is one of the twelve, wasn't with them when Joshua came. When the other
apostles told him, “We have seen the master.” he said to them, “I won't believe it until I see it with
my own eyes. And until I touch the scars of the nails in his hands and of the spear in his side, you
will never make me believe that he is still alive.” Eight days later the disciples were once more in
the house. The doors were locked, but Joshua again appeared in their midst, and this time Jude was
with them. Joshua said, “Peace to you all.” the he turned to Jude and said, “Peace, man.” and as he
spoke he showed him his hands and feet, and the scars from his deep wounds were manifest, and he
said, “Let me have your hand, touch the scars on my hands and the scar in my side. Cease your
doubting, and believe.” and Jude answered, “Rabboni, I do believe.”

Signs and Mysteries

And there were many other signs and mysteries that Joshua did in the presence of his chosen
disciples, but they are not written down in this book, for not all the great mysteries are to be
revealed to all me. He who saw it has borne record and his record is true. It is that same disciple
who has written these thing, and he knows he has written the truth.

Joshua's Appearance to the Disciples in Galilee

The Haul of Fish

After the death of Joshua the disciples began to drift back to Galilee. There Joshua revealed himself
to the disciples by the Sea of Galilee, and this is how he appeared to us. There were gathered
together Simeon Kepha and Jude the twin, Nathaniel of Qaneh, the sons of Zebedee, and two more
of the disciples. Simeon said to them, “I'm going fishing, and the others said, We'll go with you.” so
they went out on a boat, but though they worked all night they caught nothing. Just as the day was
breaking Joshua stood on the shore, but they didn't know that it was him. Joshua called out to them,
“Boys, have you caught anything to season your bread with?” and when they answered him, “No.”
he said to them, “Cast your net on the right side of your boat and you will have better luck.” So they
cast the net, and found that they had taken such a huge number of fish that they hadn't the strength
to haul it in. whereupon Jude said to Simeon, “It's the Master.” Now when Simeon heard that it was
him, he girded up his fisherman's coat, which was all he wore, and leapt into the sea. He fell down
at Joshua's feet and said, “Forgive me, master, for I am a sinful man.”

Joshua's Final Sermon

The other disciples followed in the boat, dragging the net full of fish behind them, for they were not
far from the shore, only two hundred cubits or so. As Joshua sat with his disciples on the sea shore,
a small crowd of Galileans gathered around them, hoping to see if he perform any signs or wonders,
and he began to teach them. While he spoke he had on his face a look of perfect peace, as of the sea,
smooth under a clear blue sky. This was his teaching:

“I must speak to you of a great mystery. I have found the way to the Kingdom of Heaven, a state
beyond life and death. I was wholly liquidated into Eternity, my soul disappeared back to it's divine
origin, like a drop of wine taken from a jug and then dropped back into it again, or like a drop of
water into the sea. But I have returned from the further shore to teach you.
The life of man is filled with sin.
The cause of sin is greed.
The cessation of sin is the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Way to the Kingdom of Heaven is love.

Real happiness is to be found within. Freedom from earthly desires brings a greater bliss, therefore
you should seek the Kingdom of Heaven. But it won't be found by looking. People can't say of it,
'Look, here it is!' or, 'Look, it's over there!' the Kingdom of Heaven is within you.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst to see right prevail, for they shall have their fill.
Blessed are those who have toiled to find life.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are those who take my peace into themselves.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they are the children of Heaven
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Come all you who labour, and are heavy laden. Take my yoke upon your shoulders, for my yoke is
easy and my burden light. I will give you rest.

The Way, The Truth, The Life

Joshua said to his disciples, “Don't let your hearts be troubled, as you believe in Elohim, also
believe in me. In my father's Empire there are many Kingdoms, and there I will prepare a place for
you, there I will take you to myself. Where I am, you will be also.” Jude said to him, “Rabboni, we
don't know where you're going, and we don't know the way, how can we follow you?” Joshua said,
"I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man can come to the father except he goes through me.
As you know me, so you have also known the father.”

Show Me the Father

Philippos said to him, “Master, show me the father, that is all I ask.” and Joshua answered him, “I
have been with you all this time, Philippos, and you still don't know? You know him, you have seen
him, you have spoken with him, and yet you can still say to me, 'show me the father'? You who are
with me have not understood me. Don't you believe that I am in the father, and that the father is in
me? If you don't believe the words that I speak, believe in the wonders I perform. Amen, Amen, I
say to you that the man who believes in me will be able to perform all the works that I perform, and
even greater works than these. Whatsoever you ask for, that I will do for you, so that the father may
be glorified in me. I didn't say all these things to you from the beginning, because I was with you,
and I have many more things to say to you, but you can not yet bear them.

The True Vine

I am the vine, and the father is the vine-dresser. Every branch on me that bears no fruit, he will cut
off, and every branch that does bear fruit, he will prune, so that it yields yet more. You have already
been pruned by the words I have spoken to you. Abide in me, as the branch can't bear fruit unless it
abides on the vine, no more can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine and you are the
branches. A man who doesn't abide in me is like the branch pruned from the vine that soon withers
and is cast into the fire. If you abide in me you will bear much fruit, but without me you are
nothing. If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you can ask of me whatever you wish, and
it will be given to you.

Joshua On Friends
This is my commandment to you, that you love one another as I have loved you. Henceforth I will
not call you my slaves, for the slave doesn't know what his master wishes to do, but all I have heard
from the father I have made known to you, and so I can now call you my friends. But remember
that you haven't chosen me, I have chosen you, and you will be my friends if you do all that I
command you to do. You must love your friends like your own soul, protect them like the apple of
your eye. Greater love has no man than this: that he would lay down his life for his friends. Now
your task is to bring forth fruit.

If you were of this world, the world would love you as it loves it's own, but because I have taken
you from the world, and I have chosen you for the next world, the world hates you. But remember
that if the world hates you, that it hated me first. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would
not be guilty of sin, but now they have no cloak for their sins. But be of good cheer, I have
overcome the world.”

Resist Not Evil

You have heard that it was said by the men of old, 'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.' but I say
to you: resist not evil, for hatred is not conquered by hatred, hatred is conquered by love. I say to
you that if a man strikes you on the right cheek, then turn the other cheek to him also. If a man
wishes to take your cloak, let him have it, and give him your mantle as well. If a Roman presses you
into service to go one mile with him, go with him two. Give to every man that asks. If a man wants
to borrow from you, don't turn him away. And don't lend at interest, rather you should lend it to
someone from whom you won't get it back. If a man takes what is yours, don't ask him to return it.
Be merciful, as your father is merciful. Judge not lest you be judge. Condemn no man, and you will
not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven, give and gifts will be given to you.

Love Your Enemies

You have heard that it was said by the men of old, 'Love your neighbour, and hate your enemy.' but
I say to you: love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be true sons
of your father in the heavens, who makes the sun shine on both the evil and the good, and who
makes the rain fall for the just and unjust alike.

What Reward Will You Have?

For if you only love those who love you, what reward will you deserve? Don't even the tax-
collectors do the same? And if you greet none but your brothers, what more do you do than any
other? Don't the gentiles do as much? No! It's your enemies that you must love. Do them good and
lend to them, hoping for nothing in return. Then your reward will be rich, and you will be true sons
of heaven, generous to the thankless and unjust.”

The Rich Man

Then he told them this parable, “There was a certain rich man whose lands had brought forth a
heavy crop. He thought to himself, 'What shall I do, for I have no room to store this great crop?'
And he said, 'This is what I'll do, I will pull down my old barns and build bigger ones. Then I'll be
able to store all my harvest, and all my goods. I'll have goods enough and to spare, enough for many
years, and I will take my rest, and eat, drink, and be merry.' but that night he died.”

Treasure in Heaven
One of the Galileans said to him, “Rabboni, speak to my brother and tell him to give me my full
share of our inheritance.” Joshua answered him, “Man, who made me a divider between you?” then
he said to the disciples, “Take heed and beware of all covetousness. A man's life shouldn't consist of
having more possessions than he needs, for what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world,
but loses his soul? Fear not, for the father has determined to give to you his kingdom. Sell what you
have and give alms to the poor. You should provide yourself with a purse that won't wear out, a
treasure in heaven that will never fail you, which no thief can steal, and no moth consume. For
where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. When you know your true self, then you will
know that you are sons of the living father. But if you fail to know yourselves, then you will live in
poverty, and you will be that poverty.”

Consider the Ravens

His disciples asked him, “Master, when will this new aeon come?” but he said to them, “What you
are looking forward to, has already come, but you don't know it. Therefore I say to that you mustn't
fret over your life, how to support it with food, or over your body, how to keep it clothed. Isn't life
more than food, and the body more than clothing? Consider the ravens, they neither sow nor reap,
they have neither store-house nor barn, and yet Elohim feeds them. Aren't two sparrows sold for an
as, but not one of them can be caught apart from the will of the father. So don't worry. Even the
hairs on your head have been numbered. And you are of more value than many sparrows Which of
you by worrying can add one cubit to the span of his life? If you are unable to do this little thing,
why do you worry about the rest? Consider the lilies, how they grow. They neither card nor spin,
yet I say to you that even Solomon, in all his glory, wasn't arrayed as well as one of these.

Take No Thought for the Morrow

And if Elohim so clothes the grass which lies in the field today, yet will feed the oven tomorrow,
won't he be even more ready to clothe you? You shouldn't be asking then, 'How shall we eat?' or
'What shall we drink?' for all the nations of the world seek those things, don't doubt that the father
knows that you have need of them. Take no thought for the morrow, for the morrow can take care of
itself. Sufficient unto the day are the evils thereof. Ask for the great things, and Elohim will add to
you what is small. You should first seek the Kingdom of Heaven. Those who say that they will die
first and then rise again, are in error. If they don't first receive the resurrection while they live, when
they die they will receive nothing.”

The Mystic Light

Then Joshua said to them, “Elohim is light, in him there is no darkness, and in you the light of the
body is the eye. Therefore when your eye is single, your whole body is flooded with light, but when
your eye is divided, your whole body will be filled with darkness. Take heed that the light within
you is light, not darkness. When there is light within a being of light, with no part of it darkness,
that will light the whole world. Elohim dwells in the light, and if you walk in the light, you will
have fellowship, one with the other.

I Have Become Lucifer

I have come from the light, the place where light itself came into being. I am the light of the world,
and whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. My soul aches
for the children of men, because they are all blind in their hearts. When a blind man and a man who
can see are both together in the darkness, they are no better off, one than the other, but when the day
dawns, he who can see will see the light, but he who is blind will remain in the darkness. I myself
am the spirit filled with radiant light, I have become Lucifer, in me dwells the light which never
sets, and I have come into the world so that none need walk in the darkness, but that light will only
be with you for a short time. Walk on the way, while you still have the light. Trust in the light while
you still have it, so that you may become sons of light.

As he was speaking the Galileans saw that he wasn't going to perform any miracles, and perplexed
by his strange sayings they slowly began to drift away, until only his disciples remained with him.
Joshua said to them, “Unless the people see signs and wonders, they will not believe. Will you now
leave me as well?” but Jude said to him, “Rabboni, we believe In you, you know all things and
speak the words of eternal life.”
Bread and Fish for Breakfast
Joshua said to them, “Let's have breakfast.” and he said to Jude, “Bring us some of the fish that you
have just caught.” Jude went on board the boat and dragged the net to shore. It was loaded with one
hundred and fifty-three fish, and even with that great number the net hadn't broken. Jude selected
some fine large fish, and when he returned he saw that a fire was burning on the beach, and soon
fish and bread were cooking on it. Joshua said, "Come and eat.” and he broke the bread and gave it
to them, and the fish as well.

Now some men say that after this Joshua was lifted up to the heavens on a cloud, while other men
say that he sailed for the islands of the far west with Joseph of Arimathea. But what is known for
certain is that to this day he has been seen no more in Israel.

There are many other words that Joshua spoke, and many other miracles and mysteries that he
performed, so that if every one was put into writing, I suppose that the world itself couldn't contain
all the books that would need to be written.


• In the Synagogue at Kefar-Nahum Mark 1:23

• Mute Demoniac 'In the Name of Beelzebub'
• The Woman of Samaria's Daughter Mark 7:24-30 ; Matthew 15:21-28 ; John 4:7-8
• Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Demoniac Mark 12:22
• The Disciples Fail to Drive Out a Demon Mark 9:14-28
• The Demons of Gadara Mark 5:1-20

Raising the Dead

• Jairus' Daughter Mark 5:35-43

• The Dead Man of Nain Luke 7-11-14
• Eleazar John 11-1-14


• A Leper, 'If it is your will' Mark 1:40-45

• Palsy, The Centurion's Slave Matthew 8:5-13
• Fever in Simeon's Mother-In-Law Mark 1:29-31
• The Flow of Blood / Spirit Drained Mark 5:26-34
• Palsy, Lowered From the Rooftop Matthew 9:27-31
• Two Blind Men Matthew 9:27-31
• A Withered Hand Mark 3:1-6
• A Crippled Woman Luke 13:10-17
• A Blind Man, Siloam John 9:1-5
• Palsy, Beth-Esda John 5:1-14
• A Blind Man, I See Trees Walking Mark 8:22
• A Deaf Mute, Ephphata Mark 7:31-37
• The Twelve Lepers Luke 17:11-19-26
• Blind bar-Timai Mark 10:46-52 = Two Blind Men Matthew 20:29-34

Sundry Miracles

• A Great Catch of Fish I Luke 5:11

• Turning Water Into Wine John 2:1
• Feeding the Five Thousand Mark 6:30
• Calming the Wind and the Waves Mark 4:35
• A Great Catch of Fish II John 21:4

Parables In All the Synoptics

• Old Wine and New Mark 2:22

• The Parables of Satan Mark 3:23-26
• The Strong Man's House Mark 3:27
• The Sower Mark 4:2-9
• The Mustard Seed Mark 4:30-32
• The Millstone Mark 9:42
• The Camel and the Needle Mark 10:25
• The Vineyard Mark 12:1-9
• The Stone Mark 12:10-11

Parables Found In Both Matthew and Luke

• The Rich Man's Feast Matthew 22:1-14 ; Luke 14:25-23

• The Hidden Leaven Matthew 13:32 ; Luke 13:20-21
• The Hidden Keys Matthew 23:13 ; Luke 11:52
• Whited Sepulchres Matthew 23:21 ; Luke11:44
• The Watchful Slaves Matthew 24:51 ; Luke 12:42-46
• The Mote and the Beam Matthew 7:3-5 ; Luke 6:41-42
• The Narrow Gate Matthew 7:13 ; Luke 13:23
• The House of Rock Matthew 7:13 ; Luke 6:47-49
• The Demon Returns With Seven Others Matthew 12;43 ; Luke 11:24
• The Lost Sheep Matthew 18:12-14 ; Luke 15:4-7

Parables Found Only in Mark

• The Seed and the Sickle Mark 4:26-29

Parables Found Only In Matthew

• Old and New Wine from Cellar Matthew 13:12

• The Tares Matthew 13:24-30
• The Hidden Treasure Matthew 13:44
• The Wise Fisherman Matthew 13:4
• The Pearl Matthew 13:45-46
• The Ten Thousand Talents Matthew 18:23-34
• The Two Sons Matthew 21:28-31
• The Sheep and the Goats Matthew 25:31-36
• The Virgins and the Bridegroom Matthew 25:1-13

Parables Only Found In Luke

• The Good Samaritan Luke 10:30-37

• The Two Debtors Luke 7:41-43
• The Barren Fig Tree Luke 13:6-9
• The Tower Luke 14:38-40
• The Two Kings Luke 14:31-32
• The Place of Honour Luke 14:3-11
• Dives and Lazarus Luke 16:19-31
• On Shameless Asking Luke 11:5-8
• The Unjust Judge Luke 18:1-8
• The Perusha and the Tax Collector Luke 18:9-14
• The Lost Coin Luke 15:8-10
• The Cunning Steward Luke 16:1-8
• The Prodigal Son Luke 15:11-32
• The Rich Man Luke 12:16-21
• The Minas Luke 19:11-27 was based upon Archelaus' visit to Rome, as he sought a kingdom
from the Romans.

Parables Only Found In John

• The Harvest John 4:35

• The Bread of Heaven John 6:50
• The Living Water John 4:14
• The Spring of Water John 7:37-8
• The Sheepfold John 10:1-5
• The Good Shepherd John 10:7-18
• The True Vine John 15:1-10
• The Grain of Wheat John 12:24
Jerusalem in the First Century

There is too much familiarity with the story of Joshua and so the strangeness of the story is no
longer recognised, so I decided to reinstate the original Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek forms of the
names in the gospels to emphasise the fact that what Christians say that Joshua meant, and what he
actually said, are sometime two different things.
Joshua bar-Joseph = Jesus , the son of Joseph. Jesus is a Latinised version of the Greek Iesous,
which is a translation of the Aramaic Yeshu or Yeshua, which is a version of the Hebrew Yehoshua.
The translators of the King James version of the bible used Joshua to transliterate Yehoshua in the
old testament Book of Joshua , but strangely decided to use a different transliteration in the new
testament. It has always seemed strange to me that an angel sent by the god of the Jews would
announce to A Jewish couple that the saviour of the Jews would not have a Hebrew name,
especially as according to the Christian interpretation of Isaiah 7:11 his name should have been

n.b. Joshua was not the son of Joseph and Miryam Christ. There was no sign outside the front door
of his father's workshop, 'Joseph Christ and Sons, Builder. No job too small.' Any of the local
children who knocked on the door and asked his mother, 'Can Jesus Christ come out to play.' would
have been disappointed to find that she had never heard of him. He would have been known in
Nazareth as Joshua bar-Joseph. Christ is actually a title, so Jesus Christ should really be Jesus the
Christ = Joshua the Messiah = Joshua the Anointed, or in plain English King Joshua.

Mosheh said to Yahweh, “Let Yahweh, the god of the spirit of all flesh, anoint a man over the
assembly, so that the assembly of Yahweh may not be like sheep without a shepherd.” and Yahweh
said to Mosheh, “Take Joshua ben-Nun, a man in whom is the spirit, and you shall commission him
before the entire assembly. Give him some of your authority. He shall stand before the High Priest
and shall inquire for him the judgement of Yahweh by the Urim, and at his word they shall go out,
and they shall come in Numb 27:15

I saw Joshua the High Priest in the court heaven. Joshua stood before the Angel of Yahweh, with
The Satan at his right hand as his accuser. And the angel said to The Satan, “May Yahweh rebuke
you. Is this not a branch plucked from the fire? And the Angel of Yahweh gave this charge to Joshua
, 'Thus says Yahweh Saboath, “If you walk in my ways and perform my service, then you will rule
my house, and have charge of my courts. Listen Joshua, behold I will bring my servant The Branch
(Nezer (Heb)) for behold I have set before you a stone, and upon that stone is seven eyes, a device
carved by my own hands, and I will remove the guilt of this land in a single day.”' Zachariah 3:1-8

These seven are the eyes of Yahweh which range over the whole earth Zachariah 4:10

And Yahweh said to Zachariah, “Take silver and gold and make a crown, and set it on the head of
Joshua ben-Jehozadak, the High Priest, and say to him, 'Thu says Yahweh Saboath, “Behold the
Branch. It is he who shall re-build the Temple of Yahweh, and he shall have royal honours and rule
upon his throne. There shall be a priest beside his throne, and there shall be peace between them.”
and that crown shall be shown in the Temple of Yahweh as a reminder.' Zachariah 6:9-14

Kepha or Simeon bar-Joseph = Peter or Simon the son of Joseph. Joshua gave Simeon the
nickname Kepha, which in Aramaic means Rock = Petros in Greek = Peter in Latin. But as this
book was written in neither Greek nor Latin, the choices were, Aramaic = Kepha or English =
Rocky. I chose Kepha.

Johanan the Baptiser Ioannes O Baptistes or Baptiston in the Gospels

Ioannes O Baptiston in Josephus
Ioannes = Yehoanan (Heb.) O = the ; Baptistes = Immerser

Thomas/Jude = Didymus Judas Thomas. Didymus means Twin in Greek, and Teoma in Aramaic =
Thomas, also means Twin, so his real name was probably Jude = Judah = Judas in Greek, who was
nicknamed the Twin.
Judas Sicarius = Judas the Assassin. A sicarius was a knife used by the Jewish terrorist group
known as the Zealots, to murder their opponents. The name Judas is the same as Jude/Judah is
Hebrew, but with a Greek transliteration.

Miryam the Magdalene Maria e Kaloumene Magdalene = Miryam who is called the Magdalene,
in Luke, Miryam the Magdalene in Mark, Matthew, and John.

Abba is an Aramaic term halfway between between Daddy and Father, and is the most common
title for the god of the Jews used by Joshua. Interestingly
Joshua bar-Abba: Joshua often calls himself the son of the father = bar-Abba in Aramaic,
Joshua bar-Abbas: was a Zealot = Terrorist, released by Pontius Pilatus.

Jupiter = Zeus Pater = Zeus the Father, was the high god of the Romans. Commonly called Lucetius
= The Light Bringer, he was concerned with oaths and treaties, and in keeping the people on the
path of duty ='Pietas' in Latin, towards the gods, the state, and the family.

Yahweh sometimes translated as 'Lord' = Kyrios in Greek. “I am Yahweh , the god of the
Hebrews.” probably means 'I Am' Exodus 3:14 cf Yahweh said to Mosheh, “I am Yahweh. I
appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as Elohim Shaddai, but my name of Yahweh was not known
to them.” Exodus 6:2-3 but see Abraham called that place Yahweh-Jirah Genesis 22:14.
Interestingly at his first appearance at the burning bush after telling Mosheh that he, “Intends to
deliver the Hebrews out of the hands of the Egyptians, and give them the land of the Canaanites.”
Exodus 3:18, he tells Mosheh to lie to the Pharaoh, and say, “The Hebrews are only going on a three
days journey into the wilderness to worship Yahweh their god.”

El Elyon = God Most High. The title of a Canaanite god. Melchizadek,who was a priest of El
Elyon, said, “Blessed be Abraham by El Elyon, the creator of heaven and earth.” A title later
transferred to Yahweh.

El Shaddai = God of the Mountains? Sometimes translated as God Almighty. The most common
name for the god of the Jews in the Torah.

Elohim sometimes translated as 'God' = Theos in Greek, but in Hebrew the word is actually plural =
gods. e.g. You shall have no other Elohim = gods beside me Exodus 20:3 ; Now he has become like
one of us Genesis 3:22


• Adam ← Adamah (Heb) Earth

• Ark (of the covenant) Aron (Heb) Ark (of Noah) Tebah (Heb)
• Adjure Swear an oath
• Amen, Amen, I say to you Amen, amen lego soi
• The God of Amen Isaiah 65:16
• Apocalypse (Gk) Revelation
• Apostle (Gk) ←Apostello (Gk) sent
• Andreas (Gk) Andrew
• Angel Angelos (Gk) ; Malak (Heb) Messenger
• Advocate Parakletos (Gk)
• Assembly Ecclesia ((Gk))
• Apocrypha (Gk) Hidden things ; esoteric
• As a small Roman coin = one penny
• Aeon (Gk) Age ; the times
• Angry Embrimaomai (Gk)
• Being Angry Orgestheis (Gk)
• Abomination of Desolation Bdelugmates Eremos (Gk) Shiqquz Mishom (Heb) The Altar
of Zeus Olympios erected in the Jerusalem Temple by Antiochus Epiphanes. 25th December
167 - 25th December 164 b.c.e. I Maccabees 1:59-4:52
• For they were afraid Ephobounto Gar (Gk) Ma 16:8 the original end to the gospel of Mark
• Antinomianism a belief that Christians are exempt from the law, e.g. to the pure all things
are pure Titus 1:15
• Atonement (In English it was originally two words At Onement) Eis Eiren (Gk) Mosheh
would have set them at one again Act 7:26 or Katalla (Gk) 2 Corinthians 5:18 or Katallage
Romans 5:11
• Altar Thusiasterion (Gk) Mizbayahkh (Heb) or Hahrel (Heb) which means mountain of god
c.f. II Kings 11:10-16
• bar-Timai the son of Timai = Bartimaeus
• bar-Tolmai the son of Tolmai = Bartholomew
• Beth-Phage (Heb) the house of figs
• Bathe Iaou (Gk) cf Ioannes = Johanan the Baptiser
• Beelzebub = Baal Zebul (Canaanite) The Lord of the Heavenly Dwelling
• Ben-Reges (Heb) The Sons of Thunder = Boanerges
• Beth-Lehem (Heb) The House of Bread
• Beth-Saida (Heb) The House of Fisherman
• Bad/Wicked/Evil Poneros (Gk) e.g. a bad and adulterous generation Matthew 12:38 ; a bad
man from his bad treasure brings forth bad Matthew 12:35 Ho Poneros = The
Bad/Wicked/Evil One
• the Ban Herem (Heb) people or things devoted to Yahweh = destruction
• Carpenter/Builder Tekton (Gk)
• Captain of the Temple Guard Ho Strategos Tou Hierou (Gk) Segan (Aramaic)
• Cherub (Heb) Winged Bull
• Coat/Mantle/Tunic Chiton (Gk)
• The Kingdom Has Come Ephthasen (Gk) Matthew 12:28 vs. The kingdom has drawn near
Engiken (Gk) Mark 1:15
• Cross Stauros (Gk)
• Crucify Stauroo (Gk)

• Demon Daimon/Daimonion (Gk) a spirit halfway between the gods and men. Sed ((Heb))
• Devil Diabolos (Gk) Adversary/Slanderer
• Deisdaimon (Gk) Superstition act 25:19
• Desert Region/Wilderness Eremus (Gk)
• Disciple Mathetes (Gk) Pupil
• Dagger Sicarius (Aram ← Latin)
• Darkness Skotos (Gk)
• Day Hemera (Gk)
• The Last Day He Eschate Hemera (Gk)
• The Day of Yahweh Yom Yahweh (Heb) ; He Hemera Tou Kriou (Gk)
• Denarius (Lat) Drachma (Gk) a silver coin, one day's pay for a labourer
• Didrachma a two drachma coin
• Division Mismar (Heb) Ephemera (Gk) c.f. Zachariah
• Doctor of the Law Nomodidaskolos (Gk)
• Drunkard Oinopotes (Gk)
• Daily Bread Epiousios (Gk)
• Dark Sayings Hidot (Heb) Matthew 13:35 = Psalms 78:2 cf Yahweh said, “To Mosheh I
speak clearly, not with dark sayings” Numbers 12:8

• The Enemy Ho Echthros (Gk)

• Eliyah (Heb) Elias (Gk) = Elijah
• Eikon (Gk) Image
• Enoch Hanokh (Heb)
• Eucharist (Gk) Thanksgiving
• Eschaton (Gk) Last Event
• Ecstasy ← Existemi (Gk) stand apart/displace e.g. Mark 3:21 He is beside himself. Mark
2:12 They were all amazed. = Tarana (Heb) cf Genesis 15:12 A deep sleep fell on Abram,
and a horror and great darkness fell upon him.
• Elisheva (Heb) Elisabeth (Gk)
• Eleazar in Judea and Lazarus in Galilee (Heb) God has raised.
• Elders Gerousia (Gk) ; Presbyteroi (Gk) i.e. the Patricians/nobles of Judea
• He who has an ear, let him hear Ota akou ein akouto (Gk))
• Exorcism ← exorkizein (Gk) = adjure, charge someone under oath = Matthew 26:63 =

• Fulfil Pleroo (Gk)

• Divine Fulness Pleroma (Gk) = Aeons cf Colossians 2:9
• Feast/Banquet/Supper Deipnon (Gk) cf Mark 12:39
• Follow Orchomenos (Gk) cf He who follows me Matthew 3:21 Ho opisou mou orchomenos
• Faith Pistis (Gk)
• Firmament Raquia (Heb)
• Force Dynamis (Gk)
• Fiery Serpent Saraf (Heb) = Seraph, cf Numbers 21:6-9 ; Isaiah 6:1-2
• Forgive Aphiemi (Gk) Mark 2:5 etc.

• Gate Baba (Heb) cf Babel, The Gate (Bab) of the God (El)
• Glory Doxa (Gk)
• Glorified Doxazein (Gk) John 7:39 etc.
• He cried out with a Great Voice Mega Phone (Gk)
• Geth-Sehnamim (Heb) Olive Presses = Gethsemane
• Good News Evangelezomai (Gk)
• Gnosis (Gk) Knowledge
• God Elohim (Heb) really means gods, plural ; Theos (Gk)
• The God of This Age Ho Theos Ton Aionis Tou Tou (Gk) 2 Cor 4:4
• God Bearer Theotokos (Gk)
• God Receiver Theodoches (Gk)
• Governor Hegemon (Gk) Procurator (Lat)
• Gulgata (Aram) Gulgolet (Heb) = Golgotha, The Place of the Skull, Kranion Topos (Gk)
• Ge-Hinnom (Heb) The Valley of Hinnom, = Gehenna
• Galilee ← Galil (Heb) Region. Galil Haggoyim (Heb) The Region of the Gentiles
• Galilean In Joshua's day the term 'Galilean' was used in a sense roughly equivalent to
'Terrorist' e.g. 'Gamliel stood up in the Sanhedrin and said, “men of Israel, before these days
Theudas appeared claiming to be somebody important, and about four hundred men rallied
to his cause, but he was slain, all his followers were scattered and his cause came to
nothing.”' 'While Cuspius Fadus was Procurator of Judea a certain magician by the name of
Theudas persuaded a great part of the people to follow him to the river Jordan, telling them
that as a prophet he could command the waters to part before them, but Fadus sent a troop of
horsemen against them, who slew many of them and cut of Theudas' head.' Josephus
Antiquities of the Judeans 20:97 Cuspius Fadus was Procurator 44-46 c.e. After him Judas
the Galilean appeared in the days of the census (of Quirinus 6 c.e.) and led a band of people
in revolt, but he too was slain and all his followers scattered.' Acts5:34-37
• Ghost Phantasm (Gk) Matthew 14:26

• Hades The Unseen. In Greek religion he is the god of the underworld. His kingdom is
known as the House of Hades. In the Septuagint (LXX) translation of the Torah into Greek,
Hades was used to translate the Hebrew word Sheol.
• Heaven Semayin (Aram) Samayin (Heb) The Heights, = Ouranos (Gk) Earth first bore
starry Ouranos to be an ever sure place for the blessed gods.
• Hypocrite ← Hypocrates (Gk) Actor
• Hard/Harsh Skleros (Gk)
• Heresy ← Hairesis (Gk) School of thought, Sect. According to Josephus both the Zadokim
and Perushim were a Hairesis
• Hosanna (Heb) Save Us cf Ps 118:28 Save us , we beseech you, Yahweh
• Hierophantic Bring to light ; Revealed secrets ; Expounder of the mysteries
• High Priest Archiereis (Gk) Herod Boethus, who had fathered Salome upon her. Salome
was married to yet another brother of Antipas, Philip. Herod Antipas was exiled to
Lugdunum in Gaul in 39 c.e.
• Herod Antipas c23 b.c.e. - 39 c.e. Son of King Herod, Tetrarch of Galilee and Perea 4b.c.e.
- 39 c.e. His first wife was a Nabatean Princes. His second wife was Herodias, daughter of
his half-brother Aristobulus, who had been previously married to another half-brother

• Jacob Yakob (Heb) Iakobos (Gk) = James

• Jude/Judas Judah (Heb)
• Judas Sicarius Ioudas Iscariotes (Gk) Judas the Knife/Assasin
• Judea Ioudaia (Gk)
• The King of the Judeans Ho Basileus Ton Ioudaion (Gk)
• Johanan the Baptiser Ioannes O Baptistes = John the Baptist

• Kefar Nahum (Heb) The Village of Nahum = Capernaum

• Kingdom or Empire Basileia (Gk)
• The Kingdom of Elohim Malkuta Dismaya (Aram) Malkut Samayin (Heb) Ho Basileia To
Theou (Gk) = The Kingdom of God
• The Kingdom of Heaven He Basilea Ton Ouranion (Gk)
• Lord Adonai (Heb) , Kyrios (Gk)
• The Lord's Supper Kyriakon Deipnon (Gk) Technical term from the rite of the Mithraic
• The Lord's Day Kyriake Hemera (Gk)
• Law Nomos (Gk), Torah (Heb) really means teaching, not law.
• Lawyer Nomikos (Gk)
• Light Phos (Gk)
• Lucifer (Lat) Phosphoros (Gk), Helil ben-Shahar (Heb) The Shining One, the Son of Dawn.
Light Bringer = the morning star = Venus
• Lepton A small copper coin = Mite
• Lamb Kebes (Heb)
• The Lamb of God Amnos Tou Theos (Gk)

• The Might To Kratos (Gk)

• Miryam (Heb) Maria (Gk) = Mary
• Mattanyah (Heb) The Gift of God = Matthew
• Marcus (Lat) Marcos (Gk) = Mark
• Mosheh (Heb) = Moses (Gk)
• Mount of Olives Har Hazzetim (Heb)
• Miracle In the synoptics generally Dynameis (Gk) = a work of power, but in John Semeion
(Gk) = Sign. Also Paradoxa (Gk) Strange Works.
• Martha (Heb) lady, Feminine of Lord.
• Mystery To Mysterion (Gk) Secret. cf Among the perfected (teleiois (Gk)) we imparted a
wisdom in a mystery, Sophia en mysterio (Gk). Which could be translated 'a secret and
hidden wisdom. Ho Mystes (Gk) An Initiate of the Mysteries
• Melchi-Zedek (Canaanite)My king is the god Zedek Genesis 14:18 cf Adoni-Zedek, My
lord is Zedek Joshua 10:1
• Magi (plural) Magos (singular) from Magus (Iranian) = Magician/Astrologer/Priest
• Messiah Masiah (Heb) Masiha (Aram) Christos (Gk) = Anointed king or High Priest
Sometimes also prophet 'Don't touch my messiahs, do my prophets no harm' Ps 105:15 Or
even a Cherub 'With an anointed Cherub guardian I placed you.' Ezekial 28:14 Even
Worshippers of other gods 'Thus says Yahweh to his Messiah, to Cyrus king of Persia.'
Isaiah 45:1
• Money-changers Kollubistes (Gk)

• Nikedemos (Gk) Victor over the people = Nicodemus

• Nathanael Natanael (Heb) God has given
• Those Nearest Him Par Autou (Gk) Ma 3:21
• Nehushtan Nahas Neheset (Heb) A bronze serpent = Seraph Saraf (Heb) Yahweh ordered
Mosheh to make Numbers 21:6-9 & 2 King 18:14 (despite the prohibition on making graven
images Exodus 20:4) = John 3:14

• Philippos (Gk) Lover of Horses = Philip

• Prophet Prophetes (Gk) Nabi (Heb) or Man of God Is ha-Elohim (Heb)
• The Perfected Teloimanoi (Gk) from Initiated Telos (Gk) = End
• Palsy Paralyticos (Gk) = Paralysed
• Power Exousia (Gk)
• Perushim (plural) / Perusha (sing.) (Aramaic) the Separated = Pharisee. The left wing
party, progressive in interpretation of the Torah, opposed the Roman occupation.
• Prostrate Yourself Proskynesis (Gk) Matthew 4:9 & Matthew 28:17
• Pisha (Aram) Pesah (Heb) Pascha (Gk) = The Passover. The Jewish celebration of the
massacre of the first-born of Egypt. Thus says Yahweh, “I will smite all the first-born in the
land of Egypt, both man and beast... the blood will be a sign upon the houses where you are,
and when I see the blood I will pass over you . Exodus 12:12-13 Pishal Meal = Seder (Heb)
• Place Topos (Gk)
• Play the Harlot Porne (Gk)

• Qaneh (Heb) Reed = Cana

• Qidron (Heb) Kidron Wadi Qidron Nahal Qidron (Heb)
• Quirinus Publius Sulpicius Qurinus Roman Proconsul in Asia 3 b.c.e. born c 51b.c.e.
consul in Rome 12 b.c.e. married Aemelia Lepida 6-9 c.e. Imperial legate in Syria/Silicia.
died c 21 c.e.
• Qayin (Heb) Cain Habel (Heb) Abel
• Qorban Dedicated to Elohim = Corban

• Rising Anatole (Gk) 'A Rising from on high will appear', Zachariah on the birth of his son
Johanan the Baptiser Luke 1:28 Interestingly the same prophecy is also applied to Joshua
Matthew 14:16 The Magi came from 'The Risings' Apo Anatolon (Gk) and they saw his star
in it's rising En To Anatole (Gk) Matthew 2:2
• Rebuke Epitimao (Gk)
• Redemption ← Redemptio (Lat) Apolutrosis (Gk) = Freeing a slave or a captive by paying
a ransom.
• Robber Lestai (Gk) really means revolutionary or Zealot c.f. Bar-Abbas was one of the
rebels who had committed murder during the uprising. Mark 15:7
• Ruler of the Synagogue Archsynagogos (Gk)

• Saviour Soter (Gk)

• Spirit Pneuma (Gk) Ruach (Heb) Spirit, Breath, or Wind
• Unclean Spirit Pneuma Akatharton (Gk)
• Deceitful Spirit Pneuma Plana (Gk)
• Holy Spirit Pneuma Hagion (Gk) Ruah Qados (Heb)
• Sin Hamartia (Gk) Miss the Mark
• Cause to Sin Skandalon (Gk) = Stumbling block
• Secretly Kryptos (Gk) For there is nothing hidden Mark 4:22 or Mysterion (Gk) The Secret
of the Kingdom of Heaven Mark 4:14
• Shut Up / Be Silent Phimotheti (Gk) Mark 1:25
• The Son of Man ben-Adam (Heb)), bar-Nasha (Aram), Ho Huios to Anthropou (Gk)
• Sons of God Bene ha-Elohim (Heb)
• Soma (Gk) Living Body ; Ptoma (Gk) Corpse Matthew 15:47 Nekros (Gk) Carcase Sarx
(Gk) Flesh
• Soul Psyche (Gk) Nepesh (Heb) The essence of life breathed Napah (Heb) by Yahweh into
the dust he had formed, so that the earth = Adamah (Heb) became a living soul Nepesh
(Heb) Genesis 2:7, the man Adam. cf Gnosticism vs Augustine: It's blasphemy to think that
the soul has been part of god. Even though Nepesh in Hebrew, like Psyche in Greek, Means
both breath and spirit.
• Sign Thaumazo (Gk) or Semeion (Gk), Pala (Heb)
• Wonder Worker Thaumaturge (Gk)
• Signs and Wonders Semei Kai Turreta (Gk)
• Staff Matteh (Heb) Exodus 4:2 & Numb 17:20 etc.
• Stater A silver coin worth four denarii / drachmas found in the magic fish Matthew 17:27
• Scribe Grammateis (Gk) Soper (Heb)
• Simeon (Heb) Simon (Gk)
• Samaria Samerayin (Aram) Someron (Heb)
• Synagogue Knesset (Heb) Knista (Aram)
• Truth Alethia (Gk).
• What is Truth Ti Estin Alethia (Gk)
• Torn Open Schizo (Gk) Mark 1:10 ; Mark 15:38
• Tomb Mnemeion (Gk)
• Taken Up An Lempthe (Gk)
• Tax Collector / Taxman Telones (Gk) agents of the Publicans Publicani (Lat) who were
Tax Contractors, given the power to collect taxes for the Roman State, taking a cut for
• Gave Thanks Paul and Luke use Eucharistesas (Gk) Mark and Matthew use Eulogesas (Gk)
'sang a hymn', after the lord's supper
• Transfiguration Metamorphoo (Gk) cf Pollai Morphai Ton Daimonion: The gods manifest
themselves in many different forms The Bacchae by Euripides
• Test / Tempt Peirasmos (Gk) The Tester Ho Peirazon (Gk) Matthew 4:12 Not into
temptation Peirasmos (Gk) Matthew 26:41 In my trials Peirasmoi (Gk) L22:28 Don't fall
into temptation Peirasmoi (Gk)
• Torah (Heb) The Teaching, rather than The Law, the first five books of the bible,
supposedly written by Mosheh
• Tartarus (Gk) The place where Zeus imprisoned the Titans, located beneath the House of
Hades 2 Pete 2:4
• Teoma (Aram) Twin = Thomas, Didymus (Gk)
• Touch Me Not Me Mou Aptou (Gk) , Noli Me Tangere in Vulgate Bible

• Unleavened Bread Massot (Heb) Azuma (Gk)

• Work Ergon (Gk)

• Working Energeia ((Gk))
• The World Kosmos (Gk)
• World Rulers Kosmokratores
• Wisdom Sophia (Gk) Hokmah (Heb)
• The Way Odos ((Gk))
• Withdraw Anakoresis (Gk)
• Young Man Neaniskos (Gk) = new one
• Zadokim (Heb) Saddoukaio (Gk) = Sadducees. The right wing, conservative, aristocratic
party, who only accepted the Torah and denied legitimacy to 'The Tradition' i.e. the
interpretation of the Torah by the Perushim. Preferred the Roman occupation to rule by the
Perushim and commoners.

King Sargon of Akkad c 2270 – 2215b.c.e.
My mother was a high priestess, my father I did not know. The brothers of my father loved the hills.
My city is Azupiranu, on the banks of the Euphrates. My Mother the high priestess conceived me,
in secret she bore me. She set me in a basket of bulrushes, and with bitumen she sealed the lid. She
cast me into the river but it didn't rise over me. The river bore me up and carried me to Akki, the
drawer of water. Akki, the drawer of water, took me as his son and raised me. Akki, the drawer of
water, appointed me as his gardener. An while I was a gardener, Ishtar granted me her love, and for
four and […] years I exercised kingship.
King David c1003 - 963 b.c.e.
King Solomon 972 - 932 b.c.e. Temple of Yahweh 968 – 961 b.c.e.
King Rehoboam 931 – 914 b.c.e. Split of Israel and Judah
King Ahaz 734 - 728 b.c.e. Prophecy of Immanuel
King Josiah 640 - 609 b.c.e. Book of the Law 'found' 621 b.c.e.
Judah conquered by Nabu-Kudurri-Usur 17th March 597 b.c.e.
The 'everlasting' Temple of Yahweh destroyed 15th August 586 b.c.e.
King Cyrus 'The Messiah of Yahweh' Isaiah 45:1 549 - 529 b.c.e. Proclamation 538 b.c.e.
King Darius 522 - 486 b.c.e. Second Temple started 520 - 515 b.c.e.
King Artaxerxes I 465 - 424 b.c.e. Temple rebuilt 445 b.c.e. II Esdras 2:9
Alexander the Great conquers Egypt 322 b.c.e. Visits the Temple of Amun and declared to be the
'Son of God.'
Antiochus IV Epiphanes 176 - 164 b.c.e. The Abomination of Desolation (An Altar to Zeus
Olympios) 167 b.c.e.
Pompey conquers Judea 63 b.c.e.
King Herod the Great 40 - 4 b.c.e.
Emperor Augustus 31 b.c.e. - 14 c.e.
Quirinus Publius Sulpicius Legate 6 – 7 c.e.
Joshua bar-Joseph born c5 - 6 c.e.
Hanan bar-Seth High Priest 6 - 15 c.e.
Joseph Caiaphas High Priest 18 - 36 c.e.
Emperor Tiberius 14 - 37 c.e.
Pontius Pilatus Præfect 26 - 36 c.e.
Johanan bar-Zachariah career starts 28 c.e. i.e. 15th year of Tiberius
Joshua baptised 29 - 30 c.e.?
Johanan the Baptiser executed c27 - 34 c.e. Herod Antipas' defeat by the King Aretas IV of
Nabatea 36 c.e. attributed to the killing of Johanan the Baptiser
Joshua starts his career c26 - 32 c.e.
Joshua dies 3pm Friday 8th April 30 c.e. or 3rd April 33 c.e.
Stephen executed c36 c.e.
Emperor Caligula 37 -41 c.e.
Emperor Caludius 41 - 54 c.e.
Herod Antipas and Herodias exiled to Lugdunum in Gaul 39 c.e.
Emperor Nero 54 - 68 c.e.
Emperor Vespasian 69 - 79 c.e. Another of Yahweh 's everlasting Temples destroyed 70 c.e.
Gospels of Matthew and Luke c70 - 90 c.e.
Emperor Titus 79 - 81 c.e.
Emperor Domitian 81 - 96 c.e.
Gospel of John c90 - 120 c.e.

Paul born c10 c.e. ?

Q c50 – 60 c.e.
Paul visit to Jerusalem Galatians 1:21 = Acts 9:27-30
Paul back in Jerusalem c49 c.e. Galatians 2:1 = Acts 15:1-29
I Thessalonians 49 c.e.?
Pauls epistles c50 - 60 c.e.
James the Just, the brother of Joshua, first Christian Bishop executed 62 c.e.
Gospel of Mark c60 -70 c.e.
Paul arrested c58 c.e. released c62 c.e.
The Torah and the Gospel

In the beginning The Elohim created the Universe. Now The Earth was formless and empty, and
Darkness was upon the face of The Deep, and The Spirit of Elohim moved over the waters. And
The Elohim said, “There should be light.” and they separated the Light from the Darkness, and The
Elohim saw that the Light was good. And they called the Light 'Day' and the Darkness they called
'Night'. And there was evening and there was morning, it was the first day.

And The Elohim said, “There should be a Firmament in the midst of the waters to separate waters
from waters.” So The Elohim made the Firmament , and separated the waters which were under the
Firmament from the waters which were above the Firmament. And The Elohim called the
Firmament “Heaven'. And there was evening and there was morning, it was the second day.

And The Elohim said, “The waters under the Heavens should be gathered into one place so that the
ground will appear.” and it was so. And The Elohim called the dry ground 'Land' and the waters
they called 'Ocean', and The Elohim saw that it was good. Genesis 1:1-10

And The Elohim looked over everything that they had made, and behold, it was very good, and
there was evening and there was morning, it was the sixth day. Genesis 1:31

Then The Elohim said, “Let us make man in our own image, in our likeness.” So The Elohim
created man in their image. In the likeness of The Elohim they created them, Male and Female they
created them. And the Man called the Woman Eve, for she was the Mother of all living.
Genesis 3:20

Now Adonai Yahweh formed man man from the dust of the ground, and then he breathed into his
nostrils the Spirit of Life, and so the man became a living being. Genesis 2:2

Now Adonai Yahweh had [planted a Paradise in Eden, in the east, and he had made to grow out of
the ground all types of trees, and in the middle of the Paradise were the tree of life and the Tree of
Knowledge of Good and Evil, and there he put the man he had formed. And Adonai Yahweh
commanded the man, “You may freely eat the fruit of any tree in the Paradise except for the fruit of
the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, for on the day that you eat of it you will die.”
Genesis 2:8-17

Now the Serpent was more subtil than the other animals that Adonai Yahweh had made, and he said
to the Woman, “Did The Elohim really say to you that you must not eat fruit from the tree in the
middle of the Paradise lest you die? You will not die. The Elohim know that if you eat of it your
eyes will be opened, and you will be like The Elohim knowing Good and Evil.” The Woman saw
that the tree was a delight to the eye, and that the fruit of the tree was good for food, and desirable
for the getting of wisdom, so she took some and ate it, and she gave some to the Man and he also
ate of it. And the eyes of both of them were opened. Genesis 3:1-5

The Man and the Woman heard the sound of Adonai Yahweh as he walked in the Paradise in the
cool of the day, so they hid amongst the trees. Adonai Yahweh called out to the Man, “Where are
you? Have you eaten from the forbidden tree?” The Man replied, “That Woman that you gave to
me, gave me fruit of the tree and I ate.” Then Adonai Yahweh asked the Woman, “Is this what have
you done?” and he Woman said, “The Serpent beguiled me and so I ate.” and Adonai Yahweh said
to the Serpent:
“Because you have done this
You will be cursed above all wild animals
I will put enmity
Between you and the Woman
An between her offspring and yourselves
He will strike your head
And you will strike his heel.”
Genesis 3:1-15

And Adonai Yahweh said, “Behold the man has now become one of us, but we must not allow him
to also take fruit for the Tree of Life and eat, for then he would have Eternal Life.” So Adonai
Yahweh drove the man out of the Paradise of Eden, and after he had banished the man, he placed in
front of the gates of the Paradise of Eden Cherubim armed with flaming swords, to guard the way to
the Tree of Life. Genesis 3:22-24

‘He shall be a Nazirite’ Matthew 2:25 Nazairos (Gk) in Matthew and John, Nazarenos in Mark.
Luke uses both terms. Meaning either Nazirite or Nazarene.

'He shall drink neither wine nor beer' cf Numb 6:1 ' A Nazirite shall drink neither wine nor beer, nor
cut his hair, nor make himself unclean.' which doesn't apply to Joshua who enjoyed a drink, and
mixed with “sinners” and was unconcerned with “cleanliness”.

Miryam's Prayer Luke 1:46 has been restored to Elisheva. As I had already decided to use the angel
appearing to Joseph, to have another appearing to Miryam would be too many angels. Besides, the
visit by Miryam to Elisheva L1:49 is obviously only a device so that the prayer can be attributed to
her, as there is no other purpose to the visit. When Luke 1:26-46a is cut there is a much more
natural flow to the story of a barren woman becoming pregnant cf v25 My reproach among men to
v46 My soul magnifies etc. cf the prayer of Hannah 1 Sam 2:1-10 another barren woman who
becomes pregnant My heart rejoices in Yahweh etc. Early witnesses such as Irenaeus and Nicetas of
Remisiana both say that the prayer belonged to Elisheva, as well as some old Latin mss. And
Jerome's translation of Origen.

And Johanan's father was filled with the holy spirit and prophesied, saying, “And you my son will
be called a prophet of El Elyon... through the tender mercies of our god, for the day has dawned
upon us from on high, has visited us to give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of
death Luke 1:67 & 1:76-78
Joshua left Nazareth and came to live in Kefar-Nahum that it might be fulfilled what was spoken by
the prophet Isaiah, 'The people which sat in darkness have seen a great light, and to those who sat in
the region and shadow of death, a light has dawned Matthew 4:13-16
The People that walked in darkness have seen a great light , on those living in the land of the
shadow of death, a light has dawned

Johanan the Baptiser's father filled with the holy spirit quoted Isaiah 9:1 and applied the prophecy
to Johanan, but Matthew 4:14 using the same quote said that it “fulfilled” the oracle of Isaiah
Coin of Herod the Great 40-4b.c.e.

14 generations between David and the Babylonian Exile

Matthew Kings
David David
Solomon Solomon
Rehoboam Rehoboam
Abijah Abijah
Asa Asa
Jehosophat Jehosophat
Jehoram Jehoram
Queen Athalia
Uzziah Uzziah
Jotham Joatham
Ahaz Ahaz
Hezekiah Hezekiah
Manesseh Manesseh
Amon Amon
Josiah Josiah
Jeconiah Jehoahaz

Before they came together she was found to be with child Matthew 1:18
If a man takes a wife and says, 'I took this woman but when I came to her, I found her to be no
virgin, and the charge is true, she shall be brought to the doorway of her father's house, and there
the men of the village shall stone her to death, because she has brought criminal folly into the land
of Israel by playing the harlot in her father's house. So you may purge this evil from the midst of
If the charge is not proven, the elders of that city shall take that man and whip him, and she must be
his wife and he may not divorce her all the days of his life. Deuteronomy 22:14-21
If there is a betrothed virgin and a man sleeps with her, you must stone them both to death with
stones . Deuteronomy 22:23

He shall be called Joshua Matthew 1:21

Mosheh said to Yahweh, “let Yahweh, the god of the spirits of the flesh appoint a man over the
assembly, so that the assembly of Yahweh may not be like sheep without a shepherd.” and Yahweh
said to Mosheh, “Take Joshua ben-Nun, a man in whom is the spirit, and you shall commission him
before the assembly. He shall stand before the High Priest and shall inquire for him the judgement
of Yahweh by the Urim. And at his word they shall go out, and at his word they shall come in.
Numbers 27:15

I saw Joshua the High Priest in the court of heaven. Joshua stood before the Angel of Yahweh with
The Satan at his right hand as his accuser. And the angel said to The Satan, May Yahweh rebuke
you, O Satan! Is this not a brand plucked from the fire? And the Angel of Yahweh gave this charge
to Joshua, 'Thus says Yahweh Saboath, “if you walk in my ways and keep my charge, then you shall
rule my house, and have charge of my courts. Listen Joshua, behold I will bring my servant The
Branch (Nezer in (Hebrew)) for behold, I have set before you a stone, on that stone are seven eyes,
a device carved by my own hands, and I will remove the guilt of this land in a single day.”'
Zechariah 3:1-2 & 3:3-7

These seven are the eyes of Yahweh which range over the whole earth Apocalypse. 4:5
There are seven lamps burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of Elohim Apocalypse

And Yahweh said to Zachariah, “Take silver and gold and make a crown and set it on the head of
Joshua ben-Jehozadak, the High Priest, and say to him, 'Thus says Yahweh Saboath, “Behold the
Branch. It is he who shall rebuild the Temple of Yahweh, and he shall have royal honours and rule
upon his throne. There shall be a priest beside his throne and there will be peace between them.”
and that crown shall be shown in the Temple of Yahweh as a reminder.' Zechariah 6:9-14

Behold a virgin shall conceive and bring forth a son and they will call him Immanuel Matthew 1:23
in the reign of king Ahaz of Judah (741-727 b.c.e.) Rezin king of Syria and Pekah king of Israel
attacked Jerusalem. Yahweh said to the prophet Isaiah, “Go to Ahaz and say, 'Don't be afraid... they
wish to set up Tabeal as king of Judah but it shall not come to pass.'” then Yahweh spoke again to
Ahaz saying, “Ask for a sign from Yahweh, your god, let it be as deep as sheol or as high as the
heavens.” but Ahaz said, “I won't ask for a sign. I won't Yahweh to the test.” and he said to him,
“Listen House of David, are you not satisfied with trying the patience of men, must you try
Elohim's patience too? You won't ask for a sign, but Yahweh will give one to you anyway: A young
woman (Almah (Heb)) is with child and will bear a son, and he will be called Immanuel. Curds and
honey he shall eat until he is of an age to know good from harm. Before that child knows how to
refuse the bad and choose the good the lands that you fear will both be shorn of their kings Isaiah
7:1-11 n.b. A sign that was fulfilled seven hundred years later would not be very convincing to king

Yahweh spoke to Isaiah again, saying, “Because this people of mine refuse the waters that flow
gently, and melt in fear before Rezin and Pekah, therefore Yahweh will bring up against them the
waters of the Euphrates in full flood, I mean Yahweh will bring upon you and your people and upon
your father's house, the king of Assyria in all his glory, and it shall fill channels, and overflow it's
banks until it passes over Judah, flowing up to her neck, it's outspread wings filling the whole
breadth of the land Isaiah 8:5

That providence that guides all things in our life... conferred on our life the most perfect ornament
by granting to us Augustus, and for the well-being of mankind filled him with virtue and sent him to
us and our offspring to be a saviour destined to make every war to cease... the birthday of this god is
become the beginnings of glad tidings (evangelia) regarding him for the world. Priene Inscription 9

Strife arose among the twin brothers Numitor and Amulius. Amulius, the younger, drove out
Numitor, seized the throne, and imposed upon his niece Rhea Silvia, perpetual chastity as a Vestal
Virgin. But the god Mars fathered upon her twin sons: Romulus and Remus. The king ordered the
boys to be drowned, but they were left on the banks of the flooded River Tiber. A she-wolf suckled
them with her own milk, until they were found and brought up by a shepherd, Faustulus and his
wife Laurentia.

The young men killed Amulius and restored Numitor as king. They founded a city on the spot
where they were abandoned, and asked the gods to declare by augury which of them should rule the
city. Remus saw six vultures, but as soon as he spoke Romulus saw twelve. The followers of each
man acclaimed his master as king, and in the affray Remus was killed.

Romulus was holding an assembly of the people on the Campus Martius to review the army, when a
dark storm arose with loud claps of thunder, and enveloped him in a cloud so dense that it hid him
from the view of the people. Thereafter Romulus was seen no longer on the earth. The Roman
people recovered from their panic when a bright and sunny appeared after the storm. When they
saw that the king's seat was empty, the senator's declared that he had been carried off by the
Immortal Gods, and that henceforth Romulus was to be worshipped as the god Quirinus, being the
son of a god, and the founder and king of the city of Rome Livy The History of Rome 1:16 circa 30

Acrisius king of Argos had been told by an oracle that he would be killed by his grandson. The keep
his daughter Danae a virgin he locked her in a brazen tower, around which he stationed guards, to
prevent anyone approaching her. Zeus saw that she was very fair, and so he resolved to visit her.
Turning himself into a shower of gold, he dropped into the tower beside her. She eventually gave
birth to a son named Perseus. When Acrisius was told, not wishing to stain his house with his
daughters blood, he ordered her and the infant to be placed in an empty cask, and exposed to the
fury of the waves. Danae prayed to the gods to watch over them both. Her prayer was heard, and the
cask was washed gently ashore on the island of Seriphus, where Polydectes the king received the
mother and child...

Beth-Lehem in the land of Judea you are not the least among the princes of Judea, for out of you
will rise a leader, who is to rule my people, Israel Matthew 2:6
He shall lay siege against us. They shall strike Israel's leader with a rod upon his cheek, but you
Beth-Lehem Ephrathah, though you are the least of the clans of Judah, out of you will rise one who
will be a ruler over Israel, whose origins are from old, from ancient times.

'From you Beth-Lehem Ephrathah,

who are small among the clans of Judah
From you shall come forth one
who is to be a Ruler in Israel.
He will stand in the strength of Yahweh
in the majesty of the name of Yahweh, his god.
When the Assyrian invades our land
and shatters all our fortresses
he shall raise against him seven shepherds,
and those eight leaders of men
will lay waste to the land of Assyria with the sword
the land of Nimrod with the naked blade
and he shall delver us from the Assyrians.'
Micaiah 5:1-6

Joshua redeemed Luke 2:23-25 Yahweh said to Mosheh, “Consecrate to me all of the first-born.
Whatever is first to open the womb among the people of Israel, both of man and beast is mine
Exodus 13:12
Every firstling of the ass you must redeem with a lamb, or if not redeemed you must break its neck.
Every first-born of man among your sons you must also redeem Exodus 2:13
Redeem ← Redemptio (Latin); Apolutrosis (Gk): to buy a slave or captive's freedom by paying a

I called my son out of Egypt Matthew 2:16
Thus it shall be done to you, O House of Israel
Because your wickedness is great
When the storm comes
The King of Israel
Shall be cut off.
When Israel was a boy, what love I bore him
And out of Egypt I called him, henceforth my son
But the more I called him, the more he went from me
Hosea 11:1
Thus says Yahweh Saboath, the god of Israel, “If you set your faces to Egypt and you go to live
down there, it shall come to pass that the sword that you dread will overtake you there. Jeremiah
None of the Judeans who take refuge in Egypt will return to the land of Judea Jeremiah 44:27

Tiberius Cæser 14-37 c.e.

As Elisha went up the road from there to Beth-El there came out of the city little children who
mocked him by saying, “Up you go baldy, up you go!” and the vanity of the prophet was hurt by
these words , so he turned and cursed the little children in the name of Yahweh, and Yahweh sent
two she-bears, who came out of the woods, and forty-two of the little children were torn to pieces.
And with his dignity restored the prophet went on to Mt. Carmel. II Kings 2:23-25

David arose from there and went to fetch the ark of Elohim, which is called by the name of Yahweh
Saboath , who sits enthroned above the Cherubim. They carried the ark on a cart, but when it came
to the threshing floor of Nacon a wheel of the cart hit a rock, and the oxen stumbled. Uzzah put his
hand on the ark to prevent it from falling to the ground, but the anger of Yahweh was kindled
against Uzzah and Elohim smote him and he died there beside the ark. Great dread came upon
David because Yahweh had made a breach upon Uzzah, so he called that place Perez-Uzzah II
Samuel 6:1-7
A Cherub

And amazingly a voice from the heavens saying “You are my son, the beloved, with you I am well
pleased” Mark 1:11
So David went into Bathsheba and she bore a son named Solomon. But Yahweh loved him and sent
a message by Nathan the prophet that the result of this adulterous, murderous liaison should be
called Jedidiah, which means the beloved of Yahweh II Sam 12:24

And amazingly a voice from the heavens saying, “This is my beloved son. Matthew 3:11
'Yet I have set a king on my holy hill of Zion. I will declare the decree, Yahweh has said to me,
“You are my son. Today I have begotten you Ps 2:6

So defiled with blood that no one dared to touch his garments Lamentations 4:14

On a Sabbath Joshua was hungry and plucked ears of corn and ate... “Have you not heard what
David did when he and his followers were hungry?... he went into the tabernacle ate ate the
shewbread (lehem happanim (Heb) = bread of the face) which it is only lawful for priests to eat
Matthew 12:3
Ahimalech asked him, “Why are you alone?” and David lied to the priest, saying, “I am on a secret
mission from king Saul. Now, what do you have on hand for me? Give me five loaves of bread” but
the priest answered, “I don't have any ordinary bread, all I have is the hallowed bread. Have you at
least kept yourselves from pollution by women?” and David said of his supposed companions, “We
have kept ourselves from women for three days .” so the priest gave him the hallowed bread, the
shewbread taken from before Yahweh. I Sam 21:2-6
You shall eat the shewbread before me Exodus 25:30
“It shall be for Aaron and his sons, and they shall eat it in the holy place Lev 24:5-9
“Blessed is every man who keeps my Sabbath and his hands free of pollution.” Isaiah 56:2
And while the Hebrews were in the wilderness they found a man who had gathered wood on the
Sabbath, and they brought him before Mosheh and Aaron and the whole assembly. Yahweh said to
Mosheh, “The man must die. The whole assembly must stone him.” So the whole assembly took
him outside the camp and stoned him with stones until he was dead. Numbers 15:32-36

You listen and listen, but you don't understand, you look and look, but still you don't see Matthew
One of the Seraphim flew to me and touched my mouth with a live coal, and said, “Now that this
has touched your lips, your sin is swept away, your guilt is purged from you.” then I heard the voice
of Yahweh saying, “Who will be my messenger?” and I said, “I'm here, pick me, pick me.” and he
said to me, 'Go and say to the people, “You hear indeed, but you don't listen, you look, but you don't
see.” your office is to make the heart of this people fat and to make their ears heavy and to close
their eyes, lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts.'
Isaiah 6:6
“Who is as blind as my servant, or as deaf as my messenger?” Isaiah 42:16

Leaven hidden in three measures (fifty pounds) of flour Matthew 13:33
Now Yahweh appeared to Abraham near the oaks of Mamre... he saw three men standing nearby,
and he bowed low to the ground, then hastened to the tent, to Sarah, and said, “Quick, take three
measures of flour, leaven it, and make bread on the hearth.” Genesis 18:1-6

I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter what has been hidden since the foundation of the
world Matthew 13:38
I will open my mouth in parables. I will utter dark sayings of long ago, things which we have heard
and known, that our fathers have taught us Ps 74:2

I am Yahweh your god, who has set you apart from the nations. Therefore you must make a
distinction between the clean beast and the unclean, and between the unclean bird and the clean.
Leviticus 20:24-25
Thus says Yahweh, “Those who consecrate and purify themselves to go into the garden following
one of their number, who eat swine's flesh and mice, and other abominable things – they shall meet
their end.” Isaiah 66:17

Joshua was tempted by The Devil, and The Tempter said... Matthew 4:1-3
And it came to pass that Elohim tempted Abraham and said... Genesis 22:1

if you are a Son of Elohim Matthew 4:3

there is no definite article in the Greek = a son, not the son
Now the Sons of Elohim (Bene ha-Elohim in Hebrew) saw that the daughters of men were fair and
they took whichever of them they chose. There were giants (Nephilim in Hebrew) on the earth in
those days, when the Sons of Elohim went to the daughters of men, and had children by them
Genesis 6:1-4
One day the Sons of Elohim came before Yahweh, and The Satan also came with them. Yahweh
said to him, “Where have you been?” and The Satan (ha-satan in Hebrew) answered, “From
roaming through the earth and walking to and fro upon it Job 1:6-8
Seth the son of Adam, the son of Elohim Luke 3:38

The Devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world. And he
said to him, “I will give you authority over all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them, if
you will fall down and worship (Proskynesis (Gk)) me. But Joshua said to him, “Raca, Satan, for it
is written, 'You shall fear Yahweh, your god, and only serve him Matthew 4:8-10
You must fear Yahweh your god, and you must swear by his name. You are not to follow other gods
for Yahweh is a jealous god , and the anger of Yahweh be kindled against you, and he destroy you
from the face of the earth Deuteronomy 6:13-15

Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee and to the very high mountain to which Joshua had
directed them, and when they saw him there they fell down and worshipped him, and Joshua said,

“All authority in The heavens and on the earth has been given to me.” Matthew 28:16-18
Thus says Yahweh Saboath the god of Israel, “By the great power of my right arm I made the earth
and the men and animals that live upon it... and I can give power over it it to whoever I please, and
now I have handed over all the countries into the hands of Nabu Kudurri Usur, the king of
Babylon.” Jeremiah 27:5

“Why do the Scribe of the Perushim say that Eliyah must come first?” Matthew 17:11
Thus says Yahweh, “Remember the Torah of my servant Mosheh, the laws and decrees that I gave
him at Horeb for all Israel. Behold I will send you Eliyah before the coming of the great and terrible
Day of Yahweh, and he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to their sons, and the hearts of the sons to
their fathers, lest I come and put the whole country under a ban of total destruction.” Malachi 4:4
Eliyah arose like a fire, like a firebrand his message. He brought about a famine, by his zeal he
punished his enemies, made them few in number. By his word he laid a ban upon the heavens, and
three times brought down fire from the heavens. Who else but Eliyah could boast of calling the dead
back from Hades, and restoring them to life? He brought kings down to destruction, lightly he
shattered their power. Amid a flaming whirlwind, in a chariot drawn by horses of fire, he was taken
up into heaven. Of him alone it was written that he would appease the divine anger. Eccles. 48:1-12

You are never to tell anyone that I am the messiah Matthew 16:20
Thus says Yahweh to his messiah, to Cyrus, King of Persia Isaiah 45:1
Thus says Yahweh to King Cyrus, “You are my shepherd.” Isaiah 44:29

Joshua feeds the Five Thousand Mark 6:30 etc.
A man came from Baal-Shalisha bringing the man of Elohim twenty loaves of barley bread baked
from the first ripe grain, along with full ears in the husk, of the new grain. And Elisha said, “Give it
to the people so that they may eat.” but this servant said to him, “What? How can I set this before a
hundred men?” but Elisha answered, “Give it to the men so that they may eat, for thus says Yahweh,
'They shall eat, and have some left over.'” then he set it before them and they ate, and had some left
over as according to the word of Yahweh. II Kings 6:42-44

Offer the gift that Mosheh commanded Matthew 8:4
“This shall be the law of the leper... the pries will command him to bring two birds, alive and clean,
cedar wood and scarlet cloth,, and hyssop... one of the birds is to be killed in an earthen bowl over
running water... take the living bird and the cedar wood and the scarlet cloth and the hyssop, and the
priest shall dip them, and the living bird, in the blood of the bird that was killed, and then spatter the
blood on the leper seven times, and then he shall pronounce him clean, and let the living bird
loose... the leper must then shave off all the hair from his head, his beard, his eyebrows... on the
eighth day take two lambs... the priest will kill one... and take some of the blood and put it on the tip
of his right ear, the thumb of his right hand, and the big toe of his right foot... the priest shall spatter
him with oil seven times and then... etc. Lev 14:4

And they said to Joshua, “How is it that you eat and drink with taxmen and whores?” Mark 2:16
I shunned the company of the wicked, never sat at my ease with sinners Ps 26:5

He took our infirmities upon himself, and bore our sicknesses away Matthew 8:17
He grew up before them like a tender shoot, like a root out of dry ground... he was despised and
rejected by men, a man of sorrows, no stranger to suffering, he was like one of those from whom
men hide their faces. Why should we take account of a man so despised?. Surely he has borne our
weaknesses and carried our sorrows. A leper we thought him, a man smitten by Elohim and brought
low Isaiah 53:1-4

Kepha said, “How many times must I forgive my brother? As many as seven times? Joshua said, "I
don't say seven times, but seventy times seven.” Matthew 18:21-22
Yahweh, which of the gods is like you, pardoning iniquity, passing over transgressions... He doesn't
retain his anger for ever because he delights in mercy Micaiah. 7:18
Yahweh is a jealous and avenging god. Yahweh takes revenge himself on his adversaries. He never
forgets a wrong. Nahum 1:1
But I say to you, you should not swear oaths at all Matthew 5:33
You shall fear Yahweh, your god, and you shall swear by his name Deuteronomy 6:13

Joshua said, "Make yourselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake Matthew 19:12
Yahweh said, “He that is wounded in the stones or has his privy member cut off shall not be
admitted to the assembly of the congregation of Yahweh. No bastard shall enter into the assembly of
Yahweh, to the tenth generation.” Deuteronomy 23 1:2
Yahweh said, “No priest who has a blemish may approach to offer bread to his god, and no man
who is a hunchback, or a dwarf, or a man with broken stones.” Lev 21:16-20
Thus says Yahweh, “Cursed be the deceiver who has a male in his flock and yet sacrifices to me a
gelding.” Malachi 1:14

He did not let anyone follow him in except his disciples. He took her by the hand and said, “Talitha
koum.” which means Little lamb arise, and immediately the spirit returned to her and she got up and
walked Mark 5:22-41
And Eliyah took her son to the upper chamber and laid him upon the his own bed. He stretched
himself upon the child three times and cried to Yahweh, “Yahweh let this child's soul come back to
into him again.” and he revived, and Eliyah delivered him to his mother and said, “Behold, your son
lives.”I King 17:17-24
The woman laid the boy's body on the bed of the man of god. Elisha came into the house, and saw
the boy lying dead on his bed. He shut the door and then prayed to Yahweh. He went and stretched
himself upon the boy, putting his mouth on the boy's mouth, his eyes upon the boy's eyes, and his
hands upon the boy's hands, and as he lay upon him, the flesh of the child became warm. Elisha got
up and walked to and fro in the house, then he stretched himself upon the boy again, then the child
sneezed seven times and opened his eyes II Kings 4:18-37

Joshua said, “Your sins are forgiven.” but the Scribe of the Perushim reasoned in their hearts, “He is
speaking blasphemously, for who but Elohim can forgive sins?” Joshua said, "The Son of Man has
the power to forgive sins while he is on the earth.” Mark 2:5-10
One of the Seraphim flew to me and touched my mouth with a live coal, and said, “Now that this
has touched your lips, your sin is swept away, your guilt is purged from you. Isaiah 6:6
Johanan the Baptiser appeared in the wilderness preaching a message of repentance and baptising
for the forgiveness of sins Mark 1:4

But if I drive out demons by the finger of Elohim, then the Kingdom of Elohim has come to you
Luke 11:20
The magicians said to the Pharaoh, “This is the finger of Elohim.” = plague of gnats Exodus 8:19

I have become a stranger to my brothers Psalms 69:8

When the dead rise again there is no marriage... they are as the angels in heaven Matthew 22:32
Now the Sons of Elohim (Bene ha-Elohim in Hebrew) saw that the daughters of men were fair and
they took whichever of them they chose. There were giants (Nephilim in Hebrew) on the earth in
those days, when the Sons of Elohim went to the daughters of men, and had children by them
Genesis 6:1-4
Zechariah's prophecy continues: Thus says Yahweh, “I have bent Judah as my bow, Ephraim will be
my arrows, I will brandish your sons, Zion, against the sons of Greece, I will wield you like a
warriors sword against them.” Yahweh will then appear over them and his arrows will be sent forth
like lightning. He will sound his trumpet, riding on the storm winds of the south. Yahweh will be
their shield, his sling-stones, like teeth, will devour the slingers, and they shall drink deep their
blood like revellers at their wine, and be full like the sacrificial bowl, drenched in blood like the
horns of the altar Zechariah 9:12-15
King Cyrus entered Babylon and green branches were spread before him, and a state of peace was
imposed upon the city. Chronicle of Nabonidus c 539 b.c.e.

“As Mosheh lifted up the serpent, so the son of man must be lifted up.” John 3:14
Yahweh sent fiery serpents and they bit the people and many died... Yahweh said to Mosheh, “Make
a fiery serpent and set it on a pole... and everyone who is bitten, when he looks upon the image he
shall live.” So Mosheh made a seraph of bronze and put it on a pole, and if anyone had been bitten
by a seraph, when he beheld the bronze seraph, he lived. Numbers 21:6-9
The Israelites used to burn incense before the bronze serpent that Mosheh had made. It was called
Nehushtan II Kings 18:14

No man has seen Elohim, the self-begotten god John 1:18

apart from:
Enoch walked with Elohim. And he was not, for Elohim took him Genesis 5:24
Hagar, after Yahweh had spoken to her, called that place Beer-Lahai-Roi, for she said, “I have seen
Elohim and remained alive after seeing him.” Genesis 16:7-14
Then Mosheh and seventy of the elders went onto the mountain and saw the god of Israel. They
beheld him and ate and drank with him. Exodus 24:11
Yahweh spoke to Mosheh face to face as a man speaks to his friend Exodus 33:11
You can't see my face for no mortal man can see me and live. But I will hide you in a cleft of the
rock and my splendour shall pass before your eyes, and I will pronounce my own divine name in
your presence. While my glory passes by I will cover you with my hand, then I will take away my
hand and you can see my arse, but my face you cant see. Exodus 33:19
Thus says Yahweh, “Behold, the man has become like one of us. Now lest he also take of the tree of
life, and have eternal life, we should cast him out of the Garden of Eden
No one has ever gone up to the heavens John 3:13
Suddenly there appeared a chariot of fire drawn by horses of fire and Eliyah went up to heaven in a
whirlwind II Kings 2:11
I was caught up to the third heaven, said Paul 2 Cor12:1

He who believes in me has eternal life John 6:47
Thus says Yahweh, “Behold, the man has become like one of us. Now lest he also take of the tree of
life, and have eternal life, we should cast him out of the Garden of Eden Genesis 3:22-24

Thus says Yahweh,
“I will create
New heavens and a new earth...
He who dies at a hundred
Will be thought but a child
He who fails to live a hundred years
Will be thought of as cursed.”
Isaiah 65:17-20
Joshua said, "For everyone who does evil hates the light, and does not come to the light.” John 3:20
Then Elohim said to Jacob, “let me go for the day is breaking... you have wrestled with god and
prevailed Genesis 32:26

The Satan is a liar, and is the father of lies. John 8:44

Yahweh said to Mosheh, “I will rescue from the Egyptians and lead them into the land of the
Canaanites.” Exodus 3:8
Yahweh said, “Go to the Pharaoh and lie to him, saying, “Yahweh, the god of the Hebrews, wants us
to go into the desert and offer sacrifices to him. We will only be gone for three days.” Exodus3:18
Samuel said to Yahweh, “How can I go? King Saul will kill me.” Yahweh said, I have a cunning
plan. You can lie to them, and say that you have come to offer sacrifice to me.” I Samuel 16:2
Micaiah said, “I saw sitting on his throne amidst the host of heaven, and Yahweh said, “How can I
trick Ahab into going to Ramoth-Gilead and his death?” One suggested one thing and another
suggested another, until one spirit said, “I will trick him.” Yahweh asked him, “How?” and the spirit
said, “I will become a lying spirit in the mouths of his prophets.” and Yahweh said, “What a great
idea. You will beguile him and you will succeed. Now go and do it. I Kings 22:19-23

The father who has given them to me is greater than all the other gods, and no one is able to snatch
them from my hand John 10:29
Thus says Yahweh, “There is no god like me. I kill and I bring to life, I wound and I heal. There is
none that can deliver them from my hand.” Deuteronomy 32:39

Joshua said, “I am the good shepherd” John 10:11
Yahweh said, “King Cyrus of Persia is my shepherd Isaiah 44:28
Yahweh said to his messiah, to King Cyrus, “I will open every gateway for you, so no gate can keep
you out. I will give you hidden treasures. I, Yahweh, summon you by name and give to you a title of
honour, even though you don't know me, and worship another god. Isaiah 45:1-4

Joshua said, "Isn't it written in the Torah,'I have said, “You are gods.”' John 10:34
Elohim takes his place in the council of the gods, in the midst of the gods he gives judgement,
Selah...” Thus says Yahweh, “You are all gods, son of El Elyon.” Psalm 82:1-6

Yet you are a man and no god, though you consider yourself as wise as a god. Ezekiel 28:2

'Yahweh said to my lord, “sit at my right hand and I will make your enemies a footstool for your
feet.” If David calls him lord, how can the messiah be his son?' Matthew 22:42
Yahweh said to my lord:
Yahweh said to my master
sit at my right hand
until I make your enemies
a footstool under your feet.
Yahweh will extend your mighty
sceptre out of Zion
you will rule a mighty empire
in the midst of your foes.
Your people will be willing
on the day of your power
holy and glorious,born like the dew
after the rising of Lucifer.
Yahweh has sworn an oath
and he will not change his mind
you will be a priest forever
of the order of Melchi-Zedek.
Yahweh at your left hand
will crush down kings
on the day of his wrath
and he will judge the nations
heaping up their dead
scattering far and wide
the heads of the slain.
They will drink from the brook by the wayside
as he raises his hands in victory.

Joshua said, "I come not to bring peace but a sword, and to set a son against his father.” Matthew
trust not in a friend, guard the doors of your mouth from her that lies in your bosom. The son is set
against the father. A man's worst enemies are those of his own household Micaiah. 7:5

Whoever doesn't hate his mother and father can't be my disciple Luke 14:26
Honour your mother and father Exodus 20:12
Whoever curses his father or mother shall be put to death Exodus 21:7

Joshua said, "I have given you the power to trample upon serpent and scorpions, over all the force
of The Enemy.” Luke 10:19
Thus says Yahweh Saboath, “I kill, I bring to life, I wound and I heal.” Deuteronomy 32:39
Does evil befall a city and unless Yahweh has done it? Amos 3:6

A great tempest, Joshua asleep, and there was a great calm Matthew 8:23-26
There was a mighty tempest and each man prayed to his god... the lot fell upon Jonah (Yona (Heb)
= a dove) and he said, “Cast me into the sea.” so Jonah was cast forth, and the sea ceased her
raging, and the men in fear offered sacrifices Jonah 1:4-7

Tell the Daughter of Zion Rejoice greatly Daughter of Zion
Behold the king comes to you Shout Daughter of Jerusalem
Triumphant and victorious ← cut in Matthew Triumphant and victorious
Humbly riding upon an ass Humble, mounted upon an ass
Matthew 21:4 Zechariah 9:9

The Abomination of Desolation Shiqquz Mishom (Heb) Bdelugmates Eremos (Gk): On the 25th
December 167 b.c.e. Antiochus IV 'Epiphanes' set up an altar to Zeus Olympios in the Jerusalem
Temple Daniel 11:31 ; Daniel 12:11 = Daniel 9:27 while on Mt. Gerazim the sacred Temple of the
Samaritans an altar to Zeus Xenios (Defender of Strangers) was erected II Maccabees 6:2 Three
years later (not three and a half) on 25th December 164 b.c.e. the Temple was rededicated to Yahweh
I Maccabees 4:36
He took the bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to them saying, “This is my body...” he took a
cup, gave it to them and they all drank of it, and he said, “This is my blood...” Mark 14:22-24
Thus says Yahweh,”I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh, and they will be as drunk with
their own blood as with new wine, so that all men may know that I, Yahweh, am your saviour and
redeemer.” Isaiah 49:26

Thus says Yahweh, “You must eat no blood whatsoever, of neither bird nor beast. Whoever eats
blood, that person must be cut off from his people.” Leviticus 7:26

Smite the shepherd and the sheep of his flock will be scattered Matthew 26:31
I am no prophet, I am a herdsman, a man taught to keep cattle from my youth. And they ask him,
“What are those wounds on your back?” and he will say, “These wounds I have received in the
house of my friends.” Thus says Yahweh Saboath:
Awake sword against my shepherd
Against the man who stands beside me
smite the shepherd
so that the sheep will be scattered
then I will turn my hand to the common folk.
Thus says Yahweh Saboath:
It shall come to pass
that in the whole land
two thirds shall be cut off and perish
and one third shall be left alive
and I will put that third into the fire
and refine them as a man refines silver Zachariah 13:5-8

Thus said Yahweh to me, “Take up again the gear of a worthless shepherd. For I am raising up in
the land a shepherd who doesn't care for the perishing, or seek the wandering, or heal the maimed,
or nourish the sound, but he devours the flesh of the fat ones, even tearing off their hooves. Woe to
the worthless shepherd who deserts his flock! May the sword smite his arm and his right eye. Let
his arm be wholly withered, his right eye utterly blinded.” Zachariah 11:15-17

When Joshua had spoken these word he went with his disciples across the Wadi Qidron John 18:1
Solomon said to Shimei, “On the day that you cross the Wadi Qidron you shall die, and your blood
shall be on your own head.” I Kings 2:37

We heard him say, “I will destroy this Temple made by hands, and in three days I will build another,
not built by hands.” Mark 14:58

This man said, “I am able to destroy the Temple of Elohim and rebuild it in three days.” Matthew

Destroy this Temple and in three days I will raise it up John 2:19

You who would destroy this temple in three days, save yourself Mark 15:29
We heard him say that Joshua the Nazorean will destroy this place and change the customs which
Mosheh handed down to us Acts 6:14

The priests and prophets seized Jeremayah and said, “You must die! Why do you prophecy in the
name of Yahweh that this house will be like Shiloh, and this city will be desolate and without
inhabitants.” Jerusalem. 26:8-9

The priests bought the potter's field as a burial place for gentiles. It is called Haceldama to this day,
and thus was fulfilled the oracle of the prophet Jeremayah, 'and they took thirty pieces of silver, the
price he was valued at by the men of Israel, and gave them for the potter's field as Yahweh had
bidden me.' Matthew 27:9-10

Now Judas bought Haceldama, the field of blood, with the reward of his iniquity Acts 1:18
And I said to them, “if it seems right to you, give me as my wages whatever you think good, but if
not, keep them.” and they weighed out for me my wages, thirty shekels of silver. And Yahweh said
to me, “A princely sum they rate you at. Now cast it into the treasury,” the lordly price at which I
was paid off by them. So I took the thirty shekels of silver and cast them into the treasury in the
house of Yahweh. Zachariah 11:12

And they gave to him wine mingled with myrrh to drink Mark 15:23
They offered him vinegar mixed with gall to drink Matthew 27:33
Yahweh has given us a draught of gall to drink because we have sinned Jeremiah 8:14

What is truth = Ti estin aletheia
The King of the Judeans = Ho Basileus ton Ioudaion

The day of preparation before the Sabbath Mark 15:42
When a man is guilty of a crime punishable by death, and his sentence is to be hanged upon a tree,
his body must not remain all night upon the tree, but he must be buried that day, for he that hangs
upon the tree is accursed of Elohim, and the land which Yahweh gives to you must not be defiled
Deuteronomy 21:22
but see II Samuel 21:1-11 Now during the reign of King David there was a famine for three
successive years, so David sought the Face of Yahweh, and Yahweh said, “It's because of the blood
guilt that lies upon the house of Saul because he slew the Gibeonites.” So David said to the
Gibeonites, “How can I make atonement so that you will bless Yahweh's heritage?” The Gibeonites
said, “Silver and gold won't satisfy us. Give us seven men of Saul's lineage so that we may hang
them up before Yahweh at Gibeah on the Mountain of Yahweh.” So David said, “I will give them to
you.” and he delivered them into the hands of the Gibeonites and they hanged them on the
Mountain before Yahweh on the first day of the barley harvest. Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah,
watched over them from the first day of the barley harvest until rain dropped down from the
heavens upon the bodies, so that the birds of the air by day, and the beasts of the field by night,
wouldn't trouble them.

The Messiah redeemed us from the curse of the law of Yahweh by being cursed for us Gal. 3:13

Resist not evil Matthew 5:39
Hate the evil and love the good Amos 5:15

In the beginning was the word, and the word was with Elohim and the word was Elohim. The word
was with Elohim from the beginning. All things were made by him, nothing was made without him.
In him was life, and that light was the light of men. That light shines in the darkness, which is
unable to master it. John 1:1

In the beginning the Elohim created the universe. Now the Earth was formless and empty, and there
was Darkness upon the face of the Deep, and the Spirit of the Elohim moved over the face of The
Waters. Genesis 1:1

And the Elohim said, “There should be light.” and so they exasperated light from the darkness. The
Elohim saw that the light was good, and they called the light 'Day' and the darkness they called
'Night'. Genesis 1:3-5

And the Elohim said, “There should be a firmament in the midst of the Waters to separate water
from water. So the Elohim made the Firmament and separated the waters which were under the
Firmament from the waters above the Firmament. And the Elohim called the Firmament 'Heaven'
Genesis 6-8

An the Elohim said, “The waters under the Heavens should be gathered together in one place so that
dry land should appear.” and it was so. And the Elohim called the dry land 'Earth' and the Waters
they called 'Seas' and the Elohim saw that it was good. Genesis 1:9-10

Then the Elohim said, “Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness.” so the Elohim
created Humans in their own image. In the likeness of the Elohim they created them, Male and
Female they created them together. Genesis 1:26-27

And the Elohim looked over everything they had made, and behold, it was very good. Genesis 1:31

Wisdom is superior to the light, for it is succeeded by the night, but against Wisdom evil does not
prevail Wisdom 18:17

You should have listened to the wisdom of Elohim when she said... Luke 11:49
Wisdom (Hokmah (Heb) Sophia (Gk)) dwelt with Yahweh before time began. Easier to count the
sands of the sea or the drops of rain, the days of eternity, the heights of the heavens, or the depths of
the sea, before tracing her origin. Wisdom was before all, she was the first of all created things... the
roots of Wisdom are buried too deep for you to find, her counsels are wise beyond all knowing, her
teaching is too high to be plainly revealed... Yahweh saw Wisdom and poured her out upon all his
creation. She dwells in all flesh. Ecclesiasticus 1:1-10

In the beginning Elohim created the universe. Now The Earth was without form and void. Darkness
was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of Elohim moved over the face of the waters. Genesis
The all-powerful word leapt from the heavens, from her royal throne into the midst of the land of
Egypt that was doomed. A stern Warrior carrying the sharp sword of your command, and stood and
filled all things with death... apparitions and dreadful dreams assailed them... made known why they
were dying... so that they might not perish without knowing why they suffered Wisdom 18:15-20

The all-powerful word leapt from the heavens, from her royal throne, into the midst of the land of
Egypt that was doomed. A stern warrior carrying the sharp sword of Yahweh's command, and stood
and filled all things with death... Apparitions in dreadful dreams assailed them... Made them know
why they were dying... So that they might not perish without knowing why they suffered Wisdom

God's Will is our will
After he had said this he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight
Romulus was holding an assembly of the people on the Campus Martius to review the army, when a
dark storm arose with loud claps of thunder, and enveloped him in a cloud so dense that it hid him
from the view of the people. Thereafter Romulus was seen no longer on the earth. The Roman
people recovered from their panic when a bright and sunny appeared after the storm. When they
saw that the king's seat was empty, the senator's declare Micaiah 5:1-6d that he had been carried off
by the Immortal Gods, and that henceforth Romulus was to be worshipped as the god Quirinus,
being the son of a god, and the founder and king of the city of Rome Livy The History of Rome
1:16 circa 30 b.c.e.

Unused Prophecies From the Torah

Who is as blind as my servant, and deaf as the messenger I send? Isaiah 42:19

I shunned the company of sinners, never sat at ease with the wicked, I wash my hands with the pure
of heart, taking my place with them at the altar Psalms 58:10

Yahweh has set the earth, firmly on it's foundations, it can never be moved Psalms 93:1

once fallen from the sky does rain or snow return to it? No1 says Yahweh Isaiah 55:10

The moon will be as bright as the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold Isaiah 30:26

Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred, three score, and six
talents of gold I Kings 10:14
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding count the number of the beast. It is the number of a
man, and his number is six hundred, three score and six Apocalypse 13:8

A man who dies at a hundred will be cursed as a sinner for living so brief a span in the new earth,
under the new heaven Isaiah 65:20

I am Yahweh, there is no saviour beside me Isaiah 43:11

And Yahweh said to me, “Son of man, this new Temple will be the place for my throne, the place
where I rest the soles of my feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel for ever
Ezekiel 43:27

Thus says Yahweh, “As I live, though Jeconiah, the son of Jehoiakim, the king of Judah, were the
signet ring on my right hand, I would tear him from my hand and give him into the hands of those
who seek his life... What is Jeconiah but a broken vessel, a useless shard that should be thrown
away... Write this man down as a barren trunk, a man who shall not succeed in his days, for none of
his offspring shall succeed in sitting on the throne of David, and ruling again in Judah Jeremiah

Thus says Yahweh, This is to be the doom of Jehoiakim, the king of Judah: he shall have no son to
sit on the throne of David... I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their iniquity, and his
dead body shall be cast out to the heat of the day and the frost by night. Jeremiah 36:30-31

The book of the ancestry of Joshua the Messiah... Jesse was the father of King David... Josiah was
the father of Jeconiah and his brothers who were carried away to Babylon... Jacob was the father of
Joseph, the husband of Miryam of whom was born Joshua who is called the Messiah Matthew 1:1-


Johanan the Baptiser was a Nazirite who drank neither beer nor wine. He shall be called a Nazairos
in Matthew and John, Nazarenos in Mark. Luke uses both terms. Meaning either Nazirite or

Miryam's prayer Luke 1:46 has been restored to Elisheva, as I had decided to use the angel who
appeared to Joseph, and to have another appearing to Miryam, would be too many angels. Besides
the visit by Miryam to Elisheva Luke 1:39 is obviously only a device so that the prayer can be
attributed to her., as there is no other purpose to the visit. When Luke 1:26-46a is cut, there is a
much more natural flow to the story of a barren woman becoming pregnant: v25 My reproach
among men, to v46 My soul magnifies etc. see also the prayer of Hannah I Samuel 2:1-10 another
barren woman who becomes pregnant. Irenaeus Adversus Haereses c. 180 c.e. and Nicetas of
Remisiana both say that the prayer belonged to Elisheva, as well as some old Latin mss. And
Jerome's translation of Origen.

The dream of Joseph The Protoevangelium of James

Childhood works of power The Infancy Gospel of Thomas; The Koran 5:110

Curds and honey; Refuse evil and choose the good Isaiah 7:9

The message of Johanan the Baptiser Josephus Antiquities 18:5:2
Only Elohim over you Slavonic Josephus
A root out of dry ground Isaiah 53:4
A day of darkness not a day of light Joel 2:1-14
Eliyah the prophet Malachi 4:2

Dionysos was known by the epithet Liknites ("he of the winnowing fan") as such he is seen as a
fertility god connected with the mystery religions. A winnowing fan was similar to a shovel and was
used to separate the chaff from the grain.
I am Dionysos, I come from the land of Thebes. The son of Zeus of whom Semele was delivered by
a flash of lightning. I have put off the god and put on a mortal shape. I have ordained dances and
established my rites that I might manifest my godhead to man. Happy is he who to his joy is
initiated into my heavenly mysteries and leads a holy life, joining heart and soul in Dionysian
revelry upon the hills, purified of every sin. Euripedes Bacchae
The Sun of righteousness/ashes on the soles of your shoes Malachi 4:2-4

Line One: To the people of Cæserea... Tiberieum

Line Two: Pontius Pilatus
Line Three: Præfect of Judea

Cæserea, Palestine, Limestone, H 82.0 cm, W 65.0 cm

From the New Testament Period, Pontius Pilatus, (26-37 AD)
Inscribed Building Dedication, discovered: 1961

He saw the heavens torn open and the spirit coming down like a dove into (eis (Gk)) him. Matthew
“You are my beloved son, with you I am well pleased” and again, “This day I have begotten you.”
The Gospel of the Ebionites and certain early mss. See also Psalms 2:7 and Rom. 1:3-4

What no eye has seen The Gospel of Thomas 17 see also I Cor 2:9
The Mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven The Secret Gospel of Mark

Taxmen, whores and the discontented: many of those in distress, those in debt, and the discontented
followed David I Samaria 22:4

A gentile, tired of rabbinical hair-splitting asked Hillel the Elder if he could be told the essence of
the Torah while standing on one leg. Hillel replied, “What is hateful to you, don't do to others. That
is the whole of the Torah. The rest is commentary.” bShab 31a

Don't do what you hate The Gospel of Thomas 14

I cut most of the references to fasting, as Joshua clearly didn't fast Matthew 9:14; Matthew 11:9 etc.
though after his death his followers quickly reverted to the standard Jewish view: I Fast twice a
week, and give tithes of all I get to the poor Luke 18:12 And no more was heard of associating with
taxmen and whores see “Let him be to you as a gentile or a taxman” Matthew 18:17 and “Don't
keep company with a brother who is a fornicator, a railer, or a drunkard.” I Cor 6:9 Despite 'Joshua
sat at table with many tax collectors and whores for there were many of these who followed him.'
Mark 2:15 and “The taxmen and whores will enter the Empire of Yahweh before you Zadokim
Matthew 21:31

Cut the bridegroom Matthew 9:15

Cut Exorcism by fasting Matthew 18:20

Edited some parables, generally making them shorter and more 'oral' in style

Cut most of the 'morals' as the disciples didn't have much idea what they were really about, and the
gospel writes had even less. I decided to let people make up there own minds n their meaning.

No one can enter the Kingdom of Heaven without first going through temptation Quoted by

The Jar of Meal spilled The Gospel of Thomas 97

A new truth has been sown The Gospel of Philip
Wisdom doesn't come naked into the world The Gospel of Philip

Dark sayings Matthew 13:35
I will open my mouth in a parable
I will utter dark sayings of long ago
which our fathers told to us
Psalms 78:2

But we have bathed in the living waters Oxyrhincus Fragment
In saying this, Joshua declared all foods clean. Mark 7:19
Thus says Yahweh, “They follow the one who taught them to eat swine's flesh, mice, and a stew of
other abominable meats, they will meet their end together. Isaiah 66:17

Therefore god in his wisdom says → Wisdom she says (E Sophia tou theo (Gk)) Wisdom (Sophia in
Greek; Hokmah in Hebrew) is feminine in both languages see also Ecclesiasticus 1:1 She was
before all, she is the first of created things, she dwells in all flesh

Added 'Dog in the manger' The Gospel of Thomas 102 to 'hidden the keys of knowledge Matthew

Make the tree good Matthew 12:33; Lukewarm Apocalypse 2:9

The Adulterous woman is not in the earliest manuscripts Sinaiticus and Vaticanus. In some mss it it
found after Luke 21:38 or at the end of John
The Perushim are the Synagogue of The Satan Apocalypse 2:9

The parable of the water Tao Te Ching

Qorban Mark 7:9

He who is untrustworthy in little, will be untrustworthy in much Luke 16:10

Cut the 'softening' of the parable of the Camel and the Needle, as this softening makes nonsense of
this parable and many others as well e.g. He who blasphemes against the Holy Ghost will never
have forgiveness in this world or in the next, but just add the 'softener' 'With men this is impossible,
but with god all things are possible.' and the saying about blaspheming the holy ghost being
'unforgivable' becomes meaningless.
n.b. Why is blaspheming the holy ghost worse than blaspheming Yahweh or Joshua?

In Galilee Lazarus ; In Judea Eleazar = God has raised. Dives = Riches

The bliss of paradise explained: 'The blessed in the kingdom of Heaven will see the punishments of
the damned in order that their bliss might be more delightful to them.' St. Thomas Aquinas Summa
Theologiae III Supplementum Q9 Art 1 although it is implicit in the parable itself
Matt 11:14 Matt 11:14

A dispute between disciples John Matt 11:143:22-26
Now a discussion arose between Johanan's disciples and a Judean = Iaudaioun → Iesoun = Jesus
over ceremonial washing = baptism. And they came to Johanan and said, “Rabbi, he who was with
you beyond the Jordan is here baptising.” & John 4:1-3 Now when Joshua knew that the Perushim
had heard that he was baptising even more disciples than Johanan (Though Joshua didn't baptise
anyone) he departed for Galilee.

He that stands far off The Acts of Peter

Johanan the Baptiser is Eliyah Matthew 11:14

The messenger of the covenant Malachi 3:2

By Elohim's decree the sun shines On Justice quoted by Clement of Alexandria Vol III Book III
Chap II

A Canaanite woman cried, “Help me.” but Joshua answered her not a word. His disciples came to
him and said, “Send her away she is crying after us.” and Joshua said, Amen, I say to you that I was
only sent to the house of Israel.” Matthew 15:21-24

Those who were wise in their own hearts The Gospel of Truth

Tribute to Cæser Details from the 2nd cent. Egerton ms.

A Denarius of Tiberius Cæser

The woman with seven husbands, added details from Tobit 3:7 the demon's name Asmodeus, comes
from Ashmadaeva, one of the seven demons of Ahriman in the Zarathustrian religion

The Temple tax was two drachmas = one didrachma. The silver stater from the mouth of the fish
was worth four drachmas. The priests in the Jerusalem Temple only accepted the Tyrian didrachma,
which was made from the purest silver, which was one of the reasons for the money-changers being
in the temple. The Tyrian didrachma had the head of Melkarth, the god of Tyre, stamped upon it.

A Tyrian Didrachma

Machaerus prison Josephus Antiq. 18:5:2

The Devil took Joshua to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and
the glory of them, and he said to him, “All these I will give to you if you will fall down and worship
me.” Matthew 4:8-9

The Devil took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time, and said
to him, “I will give to you all this authority, and their glory for it has all been delivered into my
hands, and I can give it to whoever I wish. If you fall down and worship me, it can be yours.” Luke

Thus says Yahweh, “If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you, and the signs he tells
you come to pass, if he says to you, 'Let's worship other gods.' don't listen to hat prophet or dreamer
of dreams, for Yahweh, your god, is testing you.” Deuteronomy 13:1-3

Thus says Yahweh, “When a prophet speaks in the name of Yahweh and his prophecy doesn't come
true, that is a word that Yahweh has not spoken, don't listen to that prophet.” Deuteronomy 18:20-22

Transfigured = Metamorphoo (Gk)

My servant, my chosen one Isaiah 42:1

I am in him The Gospel of Eve

A horror of great darkness Genesis 16:19

Hidden from the wise, revealed to the foolish Matthew 11:25 = I Cor. 1:27

These signs Mark 16:17

Sow in winter, reap in summer The Gospel of Philip

They ate the food of angels Psalms 78:23-25

I switched The Gospel of Thomas 111 'whoever is living from the living one will not taste death '
with John 6:56 'He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood will dwell in me and I in him.' which I
moved to The Lords Supper as an explanation of the Eucharist

Unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man you will have no life in you John

From me all comes forth, to me all is attained The Gospel of Thomas 77

The healing of a leper details from the 2nd cent. Egerton ms.

Don't give what is holy to dogs = the gentiles, or cast your pearls before swine = the unclean, the
unbaptised Matthew 7:6 moved from the 'Sermon on the mount' to 'the centurion's slave.' see also
“It's not right to take bread from the children (of Israel) and throw it to the dogs.” Mark 7:27

Blessed are... Luke 6:20-26 ; Matthew 5:3-12 moved to Joshua's final sermon

The prayer of Joshua for his disciples. In the earliest mss. Codex Vaticanus has no 'Thy will be
done, as in heaven, so on earth.' Codes Sinaiticus has no 'Lead us not into temptation.' Neither
Vaticanus nor Sinaiticus have 'For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever. Amen'

Be as money-changers. Over fifty references in early mss. See also I Thessalonians 5:21 'Test
everything, hold fast to the good.'

Pay me lip-service as a teacher. from the 2nd cent. Egerton ms.

I was only sent to the house of Israel Matthew 15:24

The Woman said, “Have mercy on me.” but Joshua answered her not a word. Matthew 15:22-23

She is annoying us with her crying Matthew 15:23

Beside themselves = Ecstasy ← Existemi (Gk)
A Stonemason with a withered arm. The Gospel of the Nazarenes

He is out of his mind. Mark 3:21

The finger of Elohim. Luke 11:20 = Exodus 8:19

The kingdom has already come. Luke 17:20 ; The Gospel of Thomas 81 & 113

Blessed the breasts Luke 11:27 & Luke 23:19 ; The Gospel of Thomas 79

I disclose my mysteries. The Gospel of Thomas 62 ; Mark 4:11

A stranger to my brothers Psalms 69:9

Isn't this the carpenter, the brother of James and Joseph and Jude and Simeon? Mark 6:3

We went to present ourselves to Jacob and the elders Acts 21:17

Paul said, 'I went up to Jerusalem to visit Kepha, but I saw none of the other apostles, except James,
the brother of the messiah Galilee. 1:18-19

I, James (Jacob), a servant of Elohim, and the messiah Joshua James 1:1

I, Jude, a servant of Elohim, and the messiah Joshua Jude 1:1

Jacob (James the Just) was the first to be elected to the Episcopal Throne of the Jerusalem Church.
Eusabius of Cæserea quoting Hegesippus

Annas the High Priest assemble the Sanhedrin of judges and brought before them James, the brother
of Joshua, who was called Messiah, and some others. And when he had formed an accusation
against them as breakers of the law, he delivered them to be stoned. Josephus Antiq. Jud. 20.9.1

After James the Just, the brother of Joshua, was martyred, Simeon, the son of his uncle Cleopas
(Luke 24:18) was appointed bishop, he being a cousin of the Messiah. Eusabius Eccl. Hist. 4:42
Hegesippus, a 2nd century Christian writer, mentions descendants of Jude living in the reign of
Domitian (81-96). Eusebius relates in his Historia Ecclesiae (Book III, ch. 19-20):Eusabius also
quotes Hegesippus on the grandson of Jude: 'Of the family of the Lord there were still living the
grandchildren of Jude, who was the brother of the Lord according to the flesh.'

Epiphanius of Salamis Panarion, mentions that Judah Kyriakos, who was a great grandson of Jude
as last Jewish Bishop of Jerusalem, who lived beyond bar-Kokhba's revolt 132-135 c.e..

Changed John's account of Joshua in Jerusalem from the third person, 'The Son of Man will...' to the
first person, 'I will...'

I will make your enemies a footstool beneath your feet Psalms 110:1

I am the one who has come from what is whole. The Gospel of Thomas 61

This is eternal life John 17:3 see also 'We proclaim to you the eternal life which was with the father,
and was made manifest to us.' I John 1:2
An ass that turns a millstone. The Gospel of Philip

You disregard the living one and speak only of the dead The Gospel of Thomas 52

The gospel of truth is a joy. The Gospel of Truth

The slave and the son The Gospel of Philip

I came from the heavens John 3:17

The location of heaven. Isaiah 40:21

In the past you followed the prince whose domain is the lower air Ephesians. 2:2

The wonder of wonders The Gospel of Thomas 29

No man has ascended to the heavens. John 3:13

Nehushtan, the seraph (fiery serpent) of Yahweh John 3:14 = Numbers 21:9

The root of the tree. The Gospel of Philip

He that drinks / abide in me. John 6:26

He who drinks / mysteries will be revealed. The Gospel of Thomas 108

The father who has given them to me is greater than all the other gods, and no one is able to snatch
them from my hand John 10:29

Yahweh himself says, “You are gods.” Psalms 82:6

A charlatan leading women and girls astray Euripides: Bacchae 1388

When you can strip without being ashamed. The Gospel of Thomas 37

I have chosen you one from a thousand. The Gospel of Thomas 23

The dead are not living, and the living will not die. The Gospel of Thomas 11

Sleeper, Awake, and rise from the dead. The messiah shall give you life. Ephesians. 5:14

Sleeper arise, and call upon your god. Perhaps he will give thought to us and we won't perish. Jonah

The mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Secret Gospel of Mark see also the naked disciple
Mark 14:51

Herakles brought Alkestis, the wife of Admetus back from the dead. Admetus asked him, “Noble
son of Almighty Zeus, may the father who begot you hold you in his keeping, for you have raised
my fallen fortunes. How did you bring Alkestis out from the world of darkness back to the light?”
and Herakles replied, “I joined a struggle with the lord of spirits who had her in his power.”
Euripedes Alkestis 1159

Kepha said, “We can no longer endure this woman. Pistis Sophia

Who are you to reject her? The Gospel of Mary Magdalene

The woman is a daughter of light. The Acts of Thomas

The Son of Man has risen from those who sleep. The Gospel of the Hebrews

I saw the old Satan fall Luke 10:18 & Now is the judgement of this world. Now the prince of this
world will be driven out. John 12:31
They didn't understand, and were afraid to ask. Mark 9:32

Who is this the Son of Man? John 12:32

The stars are not pure in his sight
How much less a man who is but a worm
The Son of Man who is a maggot?
Job 25:5-6

What is man that you are mindful of him

The Son of Man that you care for him
You have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings
And crowned him with glory and honour
Psalms 8:4-5

I saw in the night, visions

and I beheld one like the Son of Man
riding on the clouds of the heavens
and he was led to the Ancient of days
Dan. 7:13-17

For fear of the Roman authorities after the Jewish revolt of 66-70 c.e. Most references to Joshua's
kingship and kingdom have been exorcised, or 'spiritualised' by the gospel writers, though a few
still remain, e.g. Crowds of disciples call out, “Blessed is the king.” Luke 19:38 as Joshua rides into
Jerusalem on an ass, 'fulfilling' a messianic prophecy concerning a Jewish king Zachariah 9:9 The
disciples ask the 'risen' Joshua “Will you now restore the kingdom to Israel?” Acts 1:6 etc. and there
are a few references to the Romans 'unknowingly' making Joshua a king: they cloaked him in purple
(the Imperial colour, which was a death sentence for any but the Emperor to wear), the crowning
with thorns, the soldiers hail him as king of the Judeans, and the notice of the charge he was
convicted of 'The king of the Judeans'. A 'man' = Israel, is possessed by demons named 'Legion' =
Rome, and they are exorcised = Israel is freed by Joshua. n.b. The 10th Legion which was stationed
in Judea had a boar as its emblem!

As there wasn't really enough zealotry left in the gospels, I followed the example of the other gospel
writers by importing a representative collection of 'prophecies' from the Torah.

No doctor can cure those who know him Luke 4:23 ; The Gospel of Thomas 31
He could work no miracles Mark 6:4-6
Guard the prophetic record close. Isaiah 8:16
Give to no unworthy man The Book of Jeu
The secret sayings The Gospel of Thomas 1
Called from the womb Isaiah 45:1 ; Jerusalem. 1:5-10
Thus says Yahweh, “I kill, I make life” Deuteronomy 39:9 ; Isaiah 45:7
Raise up and tear down Jerusalem. 1:10
Footstool Psalms 110:1 = Matthew 22:42Raca
From the lion's mouth Psalms 22:21 just after, They gambled for my clothes.” Psalms 22:19
He has not given me over to death Psalm118:17
Those standing here will not taste death Mark 9:1
He interpreted for them Luke 27:27
Johanan more than a prophet Matthew 11:9
The wood is green. Luke 23:31
Beat your ploughshares into swords / the meekest man Joel 3:10
Yahweh put Abraham to the test. Genesis 22:1
The grain of wheat / hates his life in this aeon John 12:24
The sheep and the goats Matthew 25:31-46
Not peace but a sword Matthew 10:34 ; The Gospel of Thomas 16 = Miciah 7:5-6
hate your mother and father Luke 14:26 ; The Gospel of Thomas 55
near me / near the fire. The Gospel of Thomas 82
My words ion your mouth a fire and this people wood Jeremiah 5:14
I have come to cast fire The Gospel of Thomas 10
Fire will be every man's seasoning Mark 9:48
Those nearest to him (Par Autou (Gk)) Mark 3:23
Restore the boundaries of Israel Luke 24:21 ; Act 1:6
Re-establish the Davidic Kings, Expel the Romans The Book of Enoch
Beth-Lehem ; The seven shepherds ; lay waste the land of the Assyrians Micaiah 5:1-6
The stone with seven eyes Zachariah 3:9

Woe to the rich The Book of Enoch
The Sabbath as a Sabbath The Gospel of Thomas 27
Put to death for breaking the Sabbath Exodus 31:13
A house of prayer for all nations Isaiah 56:7-8
A den of thieves Jeremiah. 7:9-15

Offer polluted food / sacrifice the gelding Malachi 1:6-14
Yahweh said to Mosheh, “You must not offer geldings to me as food.” Leviticus 22:25
Blaspheme the holy spirit & Yahweh Mark 3:28-29
A jealous god who never forgets a wrong Nahum 1:1
Wanton eyes Isaiah 3:17
Spread their legs Ezekiel 16:25
Pull their skirts about their ears Jeremiah 13:26
Leave you naked Ezekiel 16:38
Feel my lash Micaiah 6:13

Punish Israel / the horns of the altar Amos 3:14
When will this be? I don't know Matthew 24:36
Birds in the sky, fish in the sea will enter the kingdom before you The Gospel of Thomas 3
Herded together Isaiah 24:21

The wine-press of his anger Isaiah 63:1
Bathe his feet in the blood of evil-doers Psalms 58:10
Eat their own flesh and drink their own blood Isaiah 49:25
The refiners fire Malachi 3:2 ; Isaiah 49:25
As I received the power, I give to you Apocalypse 2:26
The gentiles to be handmaids and servants to the Jews Isaiah 14:21
The Jews will gorge themselves on the wealth of the gentiles Isaiah 61:6 just after Joshua's quote in
Luke 4:18 'The spirit of Yahweh is upon me...'
Queens will nurse your children Isaiah 49:23
The wolf will lie with the lamb, and then the Jews can attack Isaiah 11:6-14
The humble abode of the elect Isaiah 54:11, see also Apocalypse 21:18-21
No more the Canaanite Zachariah 14:21

What I told you in the dark, you must speak in the light Matthew 10:27
The seventy: Yahweh said to Mosheh, Come up to Yahweh, you and seventy of the Elders of
Israel...” Then Mosheh and seventy of the elders went onto the mountain and saw the god of Israel.
Under his feet was a pavement made of sapphires, clear as the heavens themselves, and he didn't lay
a hand upon the chief men of Israel. They beheld him and ate and drank with him. Exodus 24:11

The millstone Matthew 18:6

Kefar-Nahum dragged to hell for not listening to Joshua Matthew 16:16

“Let him be to you as a gentile or a taxman” Matthew 18:17

Disown me, disown them Matthew 10:32

I will return with power before you have gone round Israel Matthew 10:23

The Samaritan and the Lamb The Gospel of Thomas 60

He wouldn't see Miryam The Secret Gospel of Mark = Mark 10:46

Tell the Daughter of Zion Rejoice greatly Daughter of Zion

Behold the king comes to you Shout Daughter of Jerusalem
Triumphant and victorious ← cut in Matthew Triumphant and victorious
Humbly riding upon an ass Humble, mounted upon an ass
Matthew 21:4 Zechariah 9:9

Hosanna (Heb) = Save us

Blessed is the king of Israel John 12:13

They had heard that he had done this sign John 12:18
One god, one king, one country Ephesians. 4:5

Go to Shiloh Jeremiah 7:9-15

Your house is forsaken Luke 13:35

A Warning to Gentiles in the Temple:


"Proceeding across open court towards the second court of the temple, which is surrounded by a
stone balustrade, three cubits high and of exquisite workmanship; in this at regular intervals stood
slabs giving warning, some in Greek, others in Latin characters, of the law of purification, to wit
that no foreigner was permitted to enter the holy place, for so the second enclosure of the temple
was called." Josephus (Bel. Jud. 5, v, 2; cf. Bel. Jud.War 6, ii, 4; Antiq. 15. xi
Clermont-Ganneau discovered one of these warning notices in 1871. It reads:

'No man of another nation to enter within the fence and enclosure round the temple. And whoever is
caught will have himself to blame that his death ensues' cf. Acts 21:26-30

Cast a fire Luke 12:49 ; The Gospel of Thomas 10

The lamb killed, blood spattered, sandals on Exodus 2:1-11

The Lord's Supper (Kyriakon Deipnon (Gk)) a Passover meal:

There they prepared the Passover meal Mark 14:16
I Have longed to eat this Passover with you. Luke 22:15
For the messiah, our Pishal lamb, has been sacrificed. I Corinthians 5:7

Eats my flesh and blood has eternal life John 6:54

He took Judas aside The Gospel of Thomas 13

Judas knew the truth as no other apostle did The Gospel of Judas

Joshua said, "Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of the
father.” Matthew5:43-45

Joshua said, "Anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgement.” Matthew 5:22

Joshua said, "If you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly father will also forgive
you.” Matthew 6:14
Joshua said, "Judge not lest you be judged, forgive and you will be forgiven.” Luke 6:37

Joshua said, "Woe to that man by whom I am betrayed. It would be better for him if he had never
been born.” Mark 14:21

Judas went and hanged himself. Matthew 27:5

Judas fell headlong, burst open and all his bowels gushed out. Acts 1:18

Satan entered Judas Sicarius. Luke 22:3

After eating the morsel that Joshua offered him, Satan entered into Judas Sicarius. John 13:26-27

Joshua said, "I have chosen the twelve of you, but one of you is a devil!” John 6:30

Judas said this not because he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief who stole from the
common purse. John 12:5-6

By Faith: The walls of Jericho fell down, and by faith Rahab the Harlot was saved from death with
the disobedient, when she welcomed the Hebrew spies Hebrews 11:30-31

By Works: A man is justified by works, as Rahab the Harlot was justified by works, when she
received the Hebrew spies. James 2:24-25

Two Hebrew spies came to the brothel of Rahab the Harlot, and she protected them. The Hebrews
returned and massacred all the men and women, young and old, ox and sheep, with the edge of the
sword, and then burned Jericho to the ground Joshua 2:11-6:13
n.b. Actually Rahab the Harlot was saved neither by faith nor by works, she was saved by treason.

Would any Christian say that: Joshua was arrested and by faith Judas Sicarius was saved from death
with the disobedient when he welcomed the Temple Police.
Judas Sicarius was justified by works, when he welcomed the Temple Police

Mithra was one of the lesser gods of ancient Iran. He was regarded as the spiritual Sun, the
heavenly Light. Created by Ahura Mazda he became the chief, and the embodiment of the seven
divine spirits of goodness. He was born from the rock

Mithra Tauroctonous (the Bull-Slayer)

Mithra born 25th December, the winter solstice.

Known as The Invincible God of the Sun (Deus Sol Invictus (Lat.)), his day was obviously Sunday,

The Mithraic initiate took part in a rite called The Taurobolium, in which he literally bathed in the
blood of the bull sacrificed to Mithra, to transfer the life and power of the bull to the initiate. While
Christians bathe in the blood of the lamb.

Mithra was known to initiates as "the Light of the World" whose word is true, who is “Lord of the
Assembly”, He who has a thousand ears, He who has ten thousand eyes, the “Helpful One”, The
“Lord of all Countries.”
He was known as the mediator between heaven and earth, and as the symbol of truth, justice, and
Initiates took part in a ceremony in which they drank wine and ate bread to symbolise the body and
blood of the god.
There is a great similarity between early Christianity and Mithraism, as evidenced by the remark in
the 2nd century Christian writer Justin Martyr, who tried to say that Mithraism had copied the
Lord's Supper from Christianity, but they were forced to say that it must have been given to them by
demons since only demons could copy an event in advance of its happening!
"For the apostles, in the memoirs composed by them, which are called Gospels, have thus delivered
unto us what was enjoined upon them; that Jesus took bread, and when He had given thanks, said,
"This do ye in remembrance of Me, this is My body; "and that, after the same manner, having taken
the cup and given thanks, He said, "This is My blood; "and gave it to them alone. Which the wicked
devils have imitated in the mysteries of Mithras, commanding the same thing to be done. For, that
bread and a cup of water are placed with certain incantations in the mystic rites of one who is being
initiated, you either know or can learn." Justin Martyr, First Apology, ch. 66
n.b. The worship of Mithra preceded the worship of Joshua by over fifteen hundred years

You have redeemed us by the shedding of Holy Blood. From a Mithraic Hymn

Smite the shepherd Zechariah 13:17

A horror of great darkness fell upon him Genesis 16:9

The naked disciple Mark 14:51-52

Never ceases to speak against this Holy Place Acts 6:11-14

The death of the uncircumcised Ezekiel 25:10

The heresy (Hairesis (Gk)) of The Nazoreans Acts 25:18

A bastard and a eunuch is not allowed into the assembly of Yahweh Deuteronomy 23:1-2
Bronze coin minted by Pontius Pilatus.

Obverse: Greek letters IOYLIA KAICAPOC (Julia Cæser), an image of three bound ears of barley.
Reverse: Greek letters TIBEPIOY KAICAPOC (Tiberius Cæser) the date LIS (= 16 I.e. 29/30 c.e.)
surrounding a libation ladle.

Quibbling Acts 18:2

A real pest Acts 24:5

My kingship is not from this world John 18:36

Bedraggled: (James the Just) was holy from his birth. He took no wine or beer, and ate no animal
food. No razor came near his head, and he didn't smear himself with oil, and took no baths. He used
to enter the sanctuary alone, and was so often found on his knees beseeching forgiveness for the
people, that his knees grew hard, like a camel's from his continually bending them in worship of
Elohim. Eusabius of Cæserea quoting Hegesippus

The High Priest Ananus assemble the Sanhedrin and brought before them the brother of that Joshua
Hell who was called messiah, whose name was James, and some others, and when he had formed an
accusation against them as breakers of the law, he delivered them to be stoned. Those who were in
strict observance of the law were offended by this, and had King Agrippa depose him from the High
Priesthood. Josephus Antiq. 20:9:1

You are king of the Judeans? I am Mark 14:62

Twelve legions of angels at my beck and call Matthew 26:53

Let his blood be on us Matthew 27:25

Scourged, fulfilled the oracle II Samuel 7:14

Dark Nails The Dream of the Rood

Darkness / Beelzebub. Cæsarius of Heisterbach commenting on the Christian burning of some


The Zombies of Jerusalem Matthew 27:52-53

For they were afraid (Ephobounto Gar (Gk)) The true ending of the Gospel of Mark

Joshua turned to Jude and said, “Peace, man.” and as he spoke he showed him his hands and feet,
and the scars from his deep wounds were manifest, and he said, “Let me have your hand, touch the
scars on my hands and the scar in my side . Cease your doubting , and believe.”
Some ask, “how are the dead raised? What kind of body will they have?” You fools! Said Paul,
what you sow does not come to life unless it dies. What you sow is not what is to be, but only a bare
kernel... So it is with the resurrection of the dead. What is sown perishable is raised imperishable.
There is a physical body, but there is also a spiritual body. I tell you brethren, flesh and blood can't
inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. I Corinthians 15:35-54

Vespasian Cæser said on his deathbed in 79 c.e. said “Vae puto deus fio.” which means 'O dear, I
think I'm Becoming a god.' Suetonius Vespasian xxiii 4

Joseph of Arimathea bought some linen cloth, and taking Joshua down wrapped him in the shroud
and laid him in a tomb. Miryam the Magdalene, Miryam the mother of Joseph saw where he had
been laid. And when the Sabbath was over Miryam the Magdalene, Miryam the mother of Joseph,
and Salome bought spices so that they might go and anoint him.
Mark 15:46 – 16:1
Joseph of Arimathea took the body of Joshua. He was helped by Nikedemos, who brought a mixture
of myrrh and aloes, about seventy-five pounds weight (one hundred litrai (Gk)) and they took the
body of Joshua and bound it, with the spices, with strips of linen... because it was the day of
preparation and a tomb was close at hand, they laid out Joshua there. John 19:38-42

I rest in the eternal The Gospel of Mary Magdalene
The drop of wine in the jug. Some Christian mystics quoted by Jan Ruusbroec

Hoped you would deliver Israel Luke 24:21 ; Acts 1:6

I'm a sinful man Luke 5:8

The life of man is filled with sin. The four noble truths of The Buddha transmogrified

The Kingdom of Heaven is within you Luke 17:21 ; The Gospel of Thomas 3 & 51

Look here, look there Luke 17:20 ; The Gospel of Thomas 51

Blessed are the poor in spirit Matthew 5:3

Blessed are those who take my peace The Gospel of Mary Magdalene

Blessed are those who have toiled to find life The Gospel of Thomas 58

The Yoke Matthew 11:28 ; The Gospel of Thomas 90

Resist not evil Matthew 5:39

Hatred not conquered by hatred The Dhammapada

You who are with me have not understood me The Gospel of Philip

Love your friends like the apple of your eye

Who made me a divider Luke 12:13-15 ; The Gospel of Thomas 72

You will be that poverty The Gospel of Thomas 3b

It has already come Luke 17:20 ; Luke 11:20 ; The Gospel of Thomas 51

Can worry add one cubit? Matthew 6:27 ; Luke 12:23

Ask for great things Quoted by Clement of Alexandria Misc. 24:158

Seek increase from that which is small, and from the greater to become small Codex Bezae

Joshua said, "Nothing happens except by the will of the father” Matthew 10:29
Joshua said, "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood will abide in me, and I in him John 6:56
God's will is our will, and our will is god's will. God's will is his own law, for sometimes he
commands to man to kill, to rob, and to lie, and at other times he commands the contrary, so we
may infer that as we are living in god, and god in us, why may we not do the like? And if it is a sin
to kill, to steal, and to lie, god is the author, for it is his will that things should be done, and it is by
his power that things are done. Some Christian mystics quoted in John Holland's Smoke of the
Bottomless Pit

When your eye is single Matthew 6:22 ; Luke 11:37

Die first The Gospel of Philip

I have come from the light The Gospel of Thomas 60

I am the light John 12:46

Trust in the light John 12:35

I am the spirit filled with radiant light The Gospel of Mary Magdalene

The sighted and blind men in the dark The Gospel of Philip

I have become Lucifer ← I, Joshua, am the root, and a shoot, of David. I am Lucifer (The Morning
star = Hesperus (Gk) Helil (Heb) Lucifer (Latin)) who brings on the day Apocalypse 22:16 ; To him
who does my bidding to the end, I will give him Lucifer Apocalypse 2:26-28 ; As a light shining in
the darkness, until the day dawns and Lucifer arises in your hearts 2 Peter 2:19

The Serpent, The Morning Star, The Satan, The Prodigal Son

The Serpent

Thus said Yahweh to Adam and Eve, “You can freely eat of every tree in the garden, but of the tree
of knowledge of good and evil you must not eat, for on the day that you eat of it you shall die
Genesis 2:6-17
Now the serpent was more subtle than any other beast of the field... and he said to Eve, “You won't
die. For Elohim knows that after you eat of this fruit your eyes will be opened and you will be like
gods Genesis 3:4

Yahweh said, “Behold the man has become like one of us. He must not be allowed to also eat from
the tree of life and to live for ever.” so Yahweh banished the man from the garden of Eden. And
after he had driven the man out he placed Cherubim wielding flaming swords in front of the garden
of Eden, to guard the way to the tree of life. Genesis 3:22-24

Yahweh said to the serpent, “Because you have done this... you shall be cursed and upon your belly
you must crawl, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life. I will put enmity between you and
the woman, between your seed and her seed. You shall bruise it's heels, and it shall bruise your head
Genesis 3:5-16

Mosheh said to Yahweh, “What if they don't believe me?” and Yahweh said to him, “what is that in
your hand?” and Mosheh said, “A staff.” Yahweh said, “Throw it on the ground.” and as he did so,
it became a serpent, and Mosheh cowered away from it. Yahweh said to him. “pick it up.” and as
Mosheh caught it by the tail, it became a staff again. Yahweh said, “Now put your hand in your
sleeve.” but Mosheh said, “I have nothing up my sleeve.” but, hey presto, when he took out his
hand it was as white as snow. Yahweh said, “Now put your hand back in your sleeve again.” and
hey presto, when he drew it out, it came out like his other hand. Exodus 4:1-7

Yahweh said, “Cast your staff before the Pharaoh and it shall become a serpent.” and Aaron cast his
staff before the Pharaoh, and it became a serpent. But he Pharaoh was not impressed by Aaron's
magic, and he summoned his own wise men and magicians, and calling upon the great god Ptah in
the Egyptian language, each man turned his staff into a serpent. Exodus 7:9-12

Yahweh sent fiery serpents, and they bit the people, and many died... and Yahweh said to Mosheh,
“Make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole... everyone when he is bitten, when he looks upon this
sacred image, shall live” and so Mosheh made a Seraph of bronze and set it on a pole. If a Seraph
had bitten a man, when he beheld the image of a fiery serpent, he lived. Numbers 21:6-9

The Israelites used to burn incense before the bronze Seraph that Mosheh had made. It was called
Nehushtan. II Kings 18:14

As Mosheh lifted up the serpent... so the Son of Man must be lifted up John 3:14

When Leviathan raises himself up, even the Angels of Yahweh are afraid and piss themselves Job

I saw Yahweh sitting on a throne that towered above me. Above it flew the Fiery Serpents, each
with six wings.. one touched my mouth with a burning coal taken from the altar, and said to me,
“Your guilt is taken away, your sin has been purged from you.” Isaiah 6:1-2

One of the serpents root shall come a cockatrice, and his offspring will be a flying fiery serpent
(Seraph) Isaiah 14:29

Thus says Baalam ben-Beor, the oracle of the man whose eye is opened, the oracle of him who
hears the words of Elohim, who knows the mind of El Elyon, who saw a vision of El Shaddai, who
fell into a trance and learned to see clearly. My vision is not of this time, it is not of the things that
are nearby. A star shall rise out of Jacob, a sceptre shall rise out of Israel. He will crush the heads of
Moab, the skulls of the sons of Sheth, Edom shall be dispossessed, Seir shall yield their lands to
their enemy, and Israel shall do valiantly. By Jacob dominion shall be exercised, and survivors he
cities shall be destroyed Numbers 24:16-19

On the day that Yahweh gives you rest from your sorrow, and from fear, and from the cruel bondage
you were made to serve, you shall take up this taunt against the King of Babylon and say:

Have you fallen from the heavens, Daystar (= Lucifer (Lat.)) son of Dawn? (Helil ben-Shahar
(Heb)) Prostrate on the earth, you who once brought nations to their knees? You who said in your
heart, “I will ascend to the heavens and set my throne above the stars of Elohim.” You who thought,
“I will sit enthroned on the Mount of Assembly in the far north, I will soar above the clouds and
make myself like El Elyon.” but you will be dragged down to Sheol, to the heart of the Abyss.
Isaiah 14:12-15

The word of Yahweh came to me, ”Son of Man, say to the Prince of Tyre:

Thus says Yahweh,

“Because your heart is proud,
and you have said, 'I am a god.
I will sit in the seat of the gods,
in the midst of the seas.'
Yet you are a man and no god,
though you consider yourself as wise as a god.
You are indeed wiser than Danel
No secret is hidden from you
By your wisdom and your understanding
you have garnered great wealth for yourself
gathered gold and silver into your treasuries
By your great wisdom in trade
You have increased your wealth
But because of your wealth
your heart has become proud

Therefore Adonai Yahweh says this:

Because you consider yourself as wise as a god
Behold, I will bring foreigners upon you
The most terrible of Nations
They shall draw their swords
against the beauty of your wisdom
They shall pierce your shining splendour
They shall drag you down to Sheol
You will die a violent death
In the heart of the seas.
Will you say, “But I am a god!”
In the presence of your slayers?
You will be but a man and no god
in the hands of those who slay you.
You shall die the death of the uncircumcised
by the hand of foreigners.
Thus I have spoken.” says Adonai Yahweh.
Ezekiel 28:1-10
How wise you were, how perfect in beauty,
with the garden of Elohim to take pleasure in...
every sort of precious stone adorned your garments,
on the day of your creation they were prepared
You were anointed as a guardian cherub
and walked amid the stones of fire
you were blameless in all your ways
from the day that you were created
until iniquity was found in you...
I drove you from the mountain of Elohim
I expelled you, though a guardian cherub
From the midst of the stones of fire

Your head was made proud

by your own beauty
Your wisdom was corrupted
by it's own dazzling brightness
So I cast you down to the earth
As an example for kings to see...

I will kindle such a such a fire within you

That it will consume you
and reduce you to ashes on the ground
Ezekiel 28:12

Christians have argued that the language of Isaiah 14:2-21 doesn't fit an earthly king ignoring that
this is poetic license, and that King David, 'Sang this song to Yahweh on the day that Yahweh
delivered him from his enemies:
“The waves of death swirled about me
Torrents of destruction assailed me
Cords of Sheol coiled about me
The snares of death entangled me
In my distress I called upon Yahweh
I called out to my god
In his Temple he heard my voice
My cry came to his ears
The earth trembled and quaked
The foundations of the heavens were rocked
They trembled because of his anger
Smoke billowed from his nostrils
and devouring fire from his mouth.
He parted the heavens and came down
Thick darkness was under his feet
he mounted the Cherubim and flew
Riding on the wings of the wind.
Great darkness swirled around him
The dark rain-clouds of the sky.
Out of the brightness of his presence
Bolts of lightning flashed forth...
The valleys of the seas were exposed
The foundations of the earth laid bare
By the rebuke of Yahweh
From the snortings of his nostrils
He reached down from on high
And drew me from the deep waters...
II Samuel 22:1-17

though I have never read that anyone believes that this actually happened. So why do Christians
believe that Ezekiel 28:12 and Isaiah 14:12-15 are description of actual events?

Joshua said, "I beheld The Satan cast down like a lightning flash from the heavens Luke 10:18

Joshua said, "When I return it will be as swift as the lightning which flashes from one side of the
heavens to the other Luke 17:24 = Matthew 24:27

As light for lighting your way in the darkness, until the day dawns and Lucifer arises in your hearts
2 Peter 1:19

He who endures and keeps my works to the end, I will give power over the gentiles, and he will rule
them with a iron sceptre, as when earthenware pots are broken in pieces, even as I myself have
received power from the father, and I will give him the morning star. (Ho aster ho proinos (Gk))
Apocalypse 22:16

I, Joshua, am the root, and a shoot, of David, I am Lucifer who brings on the day(Ho aster ho
lamphos ho proinos (Gk)) Apocalypse 2:16

The Satan
Yahweh commanded the man, “You may freely of any tree in the Garden of Eden, but you mustn't
eat from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.” Genesis 2:15-17
And Yahweh commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree in the Garden you may freely eat, but the
tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, you shall not eat of it.”
And Yahweh commanded the man , saying “You may freely eat of every tree in the Garden, but of
the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil you shall not eat.
Some time later Elohim tested Abraham. He came to him and said, “Abraham. Take your only son,
Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah. They you must offer hum as a burnt sacrifice on one of the
mountains. I will tell you which one.” Genesis 22:14
And it came to pass after these things that Elohim did tempt Abraham, and said to him, “Abraham,
take you son, your only son Isaac, and go into the land of Moriah, and offer him there for a burnt
offering upon one of the mountains I will tell you of. King James Version: Protestant.
After these things Elohim tested Abraham, he said, “Take your only son Isaac and go to the land of
Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering upon one of the mountains of which I will tell you.”
Knox Bible: Catholic Version.

The Angel of Yahweh stood in the road as a satan against him Numbers 22:22
The Angel of Yahweh stood in his way as an adversary to him
An Angel of Yahweh stood in his path to prevent him

The Angel of Yahweh said, “I have come here as a satan to oppose you because your errand is
displeasing to me. Numbers 22:32
I went out to withstand you, because your way is perverse to me.
I came to intercept you, because your errand is headstrong and defies my will.

Now the Spirit of Yahweh had departed from Saul, and an evil spirit sent by Yahweh tortured him...
Whenever the evil spirit from Elohim would come upon Saul, David would play his harp, and the
evil spirit would leave him. I Samuel 16:14 & 23
But the Spirit of Yahweh departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from Yahweh troubled him... And it
came to pass that when the evil spirit from Elohim was upon Saul, David took a harp and played
with his hand, and the evil spirit departed from him.
Now the Spirit of Yahweh departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from Yahweh tormented him... and
whenever the evil spirit from Elohim was upon Saul, David took the lyre and played, and the evil
spirit departed from him.

The Philistines said, “David must not go into battle alongside us lest he become a satan to us during
the fighting” I Samuel 29:4.
Lest in the battle he should become an adversary to us
Who knows whether he will turn against us when battle is joined

Solomon said, “I have neither a satan nor evil to contend with.” I Kings 5:4
Solomon said, “There is neither adversary nor evil occurrent.”
Solomon said, “neither foe nor evil assails me.”

Then Elohim raised up against Solomon a satan: Rezin ben-Eliada. I Kings 11:14
Elohim stirred up an adversary
Elohim gave Solomon another enemy to contend with

A spirit came forward and said to Yahweh, “I will be a lying spirit.” I Kings 22:19-25
And there came forth a spirit who said to Yahweh, “I will be a lying spirit.”
A spirit came forward and said to Yahweh, “I will make myself an influence to deceive.”

One day the sons of Elohim (Bene ha-Elohim) came to the council of the gods, and The Satan was
with them. Yahweh said to The Satan, “Where have you come from?” The Satan answered Yahweh,
“From going to and fro on the earth, and walking up and down on it.” Yahweh said to The Satan,
Why then you must have seen my faithful servant Job” Job 1:6-8
Now there was a day when the sons of Elohim came to present themselves before Yahweh, and
Satan also came among them. And Yahweh said to Satan, “Whence have you come?” the Satan
answered Yahweh, From going to and fro in the earth, and walking up and down in it.” and Yahweh
said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job?”
One day when the heavenly powers stood waiting upon Yahweh's presence, and among them man's
enemy, Yahweh asked him, “Where have you been?” and he said, “Roaming about the earth, to and
fro about the earth.” Yahweh said, “Why then have you seen a servant of mine named Job?”

He still persists in his integrity, though you tempted me to ruin him for no reason Job 2:3
He still holds fast to his integrity, although you have moved me against him to destroy him without
A shame it is that you have set me on to do him a mischief, and all to no purpose

What is man that you make so much of him

That every morning you examine him
That every moment you test him?..
If I have sinned, what harm have I done to you
You Watcher of Men
Why have you targeted me? Job 7:17-20

What is man that you should magnify him?

And that you should set your heart upon him?
And that you should visit him every morning
and try him every moment?..
I have sinned; what shall I do to you
You preserver of men.
Why have you set me as a mark against you?

What is man that you make so much of him

That you have set your mind upon him
That you visit him every morning
And test him every moment?..
If I sin, what do I do to you
You watcher of men
Why have you made me your mark?

The morning stars sang together, and all the Sons of Elohim shouted with joy Job 38:7
All the morning stars sang together, all the Powers of Heaven offered joyful praise

Then he showed me the High Priest Joshua standing before the Angel of Yahweh and standing at the
priest's right hand The Satan as his accuser. The Angel of Yahweh said to The Satan, “May Yahweh
rebuke you, O Satan, may Yahweh who has chosen Jerusalem his own city, rebuke you.” Zachariah
3:1-2 & 3:3-7
Then he showed me Joshua the High Priest standing before the Angel of Yahweh and Satan at his
right hand to resist him. And Yahweh said to Satan, “Yahweh rebuke you O Satan, even Yahweh
who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you.
Then he showed me the court of heaven. Before the Angel of Yahweh stood the High Priest Joshua,
with his accuser at his right hand, bringing accusations against him. But to the accuser the divine
answer came, “Yahweh rebuke you, Yahweh that makes choice of Jerusalem, rebuke you.”

Thus says Yahweh Saboath, “Behold the stone that I have set in front of Joshua. On that stone are
seven eyes, a device I have engraved with my own hands” Zachariah 3:7
Behold the stone. Upon one stone shall be seven eyes. I will engrave the graving.
A stone that bears seven eyes, a device of my own carving.

I the visions in my head, I saw a watcher and a holy one coming down from the heavens
Daniel 4:13
I saw visions of my head, and behold, a watcher, a holy one came down from heaven
I lay watching in my dream, there came down from the heavens one of the holy ones, who mount
guard there.

Satan stood up against Israel and provoked David to number Israel I Chronicles 21:1
Satan disturbed the peace of Israel by inciting David to make a register of the people.
Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to number Israel


The anger of Yahweh was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, “Go,
number Israel and Judah.” II Samuel 24:1
Still Yahweh's vengeance threatened Israel, and it was through David that he disturbed their peace
with a design for registering Israel and Judah.
Again the anger of Yahweh burned against Israel, and incited David against them, saying, “Go, and
take a census of Israel and Judah

They have appointed a wicked man to oppose me, as a satan he stands at my right hand Psalm 109:6
Set a wicked man over him, and let Satan stand at his right hand.
An ill master let him have, and an accuser ready at his side.

Let him be cloaked with shame like all who act as a satan against me Psalm 109:29
Let my adversaries be clothed in shame.
Let these, my accusers, be covered in shame.

Through the envy of a devil death came to the world Wisdom 2:24
The Devil's envy brought death into the world.
Through The Devil's envy death entered the world.

Jerusalem became a troublesome devil (Diabolos Poneros (Gk)) I Maccabees 1:36

Jerusalem was an evil adversary to Israel.
Jerusalem became an evil adversary to Israel continually.

So the Angels of the Presence bound most of the spirits in the place of judgement, but a tenth of
them remained upon the earth, so that they might be the subjects of Satan. Book of Jubilees 10:9-11

Elohim created man to govern the world, but as a part of his glorious design appointed to him two
spirits to walk with him. The good spirit is called the spirit of truth, and the bad spirit is called the
spirit of the lie. Manual of Discipline

The sons of righteousness are ruled by the Prince of Light and walk in the ways of light; but all the
sons of the lie are ruled by the Angel of Dark and walk in the ways of darkness’ Manual of

I, Paul, wanted to come to you but Satan (Ho Satanas (Gk) = Satanah (Aram)) thwarted us
I Thessalonians 2:18
I, Paul, would have come to you once again but Satan hindered us

You are to and this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved
on the Day of Yahweh I Corinthians 5:5
Deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit might be saved on the day
of our lord Joshua
I have decided to hand this man over to Satan, so that his sinful nature may be destroyed, and his
spirit saved on the day of our lord.

Lest Satan test you because of your lack of control I Corinthians 7;5
That Satan tempt you no for your incontinency
So that Satan will not tempt you for your lack of self-control

We must not put the Messiah to the test as some of them did, and they were struck down by
serpents. And don't complain, as some of them complained, as they were destroyed by the Destroyer
I Corinthians 10:9-10
Neither let us tempt the Messiah, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed by serpents.
Neither murmur you, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed by the destroyer.
We should not test the lord, as some of them did, and they were killed by snakes. And don't
grumble, as some of them grumbled, and were killed by the destroying angel.

Because of the angels women should have Power (Exousia (Gk)) on her head. I Corinthians 11:10
The woman ought to have power on her head, because of the angels.
A woman ought to have authority over her for the angels sake.

I wrote this for a reason, to test you, and to find out whether you are obedient to me in everything
II Corinthians 2:9
For this end also did I write, that I might know the proof of you, whether you are obedient to me in
all things.
The reason I wrote to you was to see if you would stand the test, and be obedient to me in

We do this so that we are not outwitted by Satan, for we aren't ignorant of his schemes.(Noemata
(Gk) II Corinthians 2:11
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us, for we are not ignorant of his devices
In order that Satan might not outwit us. For we aren't unaware of his designs.

I am like an angel of the presence II Corinthians 2:17

As of Elohim, in the sight of Elohim.
As Elohim gave it to us, standing in his presence

If our gospel is veiled, it is only veiled to those who are perishing. For the god of this aeon ( Ho
Theos Tou Aionis Toutou (Gk)) has blinded the minds of the unbelievers to keep them from seeing
the light of the glory of the Messiah who is the image (Eikon ((Gk))) of Elohim II Corinthians 4:3-4
But if our gospel be hid, it is only hid from them that are lost. In whom the god of this world has
blinded the minds of those who don't believe, lest the light of the glorious gospel of the Messiah,
who is the image of Elohim, should shine to them.
Even if our gospel is veiled, it is only veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has
blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they can't see the light of the gospel of the glory of the
Messiah, who is the image of Elohim.

But I am afraid lest as the serpent deceived Eve by his subtilty, your thoughts should be led astray
from a sincere and pure devotion to the Messiah. II Corinthians 11:3
But I fear lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds might
be corrupted from the simplicity that is in the Messiah.
But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds might be led
astray from your sincere and pure devotion to the Messiah.

Such boasters are false Apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as Apostles of the
Messiah. And it is no wonder that they can, for even Satan can disguise himself as angel of light. So
it's not to be wondered at if his ministers can also disguise themselves as ministers of righteousness.
Their end will match their deeds. II Corinthians 11:13-15
For such are false Apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the Apostles of the
Messiah. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no
great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be
according to their works.
For such men are false Apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as the Apostles of the Messiah.
And it's no wonder for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It's no surprise, therefore, if
his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.
To keep me from being puffed up, a thorn was given to my flesh, an angel of Satan
II Corinthians 12:7
Lest I be exalted beyond all measure there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of
To keep me from exalting myself there was given to me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan

Just as through one man, sin came into the world, and death came through sin, and so death spread
to all, because all have sinned. Sin was indeed in the world before the law, but sin is not reckoned
when there is no law. Yet death exercised dominion from Adam to Mosheh, even over those whose
sins were not like those of Adam, who is a type of the one who is to come
Romans 5:12-14
Wherefore, as by one man sin entered the world, and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men
for that all have sinned. For until the law, sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is
no law. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Mosheh, even over them that had not sinned after
the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.
Therefore just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way
death came to all me, for all have sinned, for before the law was given, there was sin in the world.
But sin is not taken into account when there is no law. Nevertheless death reigned from the time of
Adam to the time of Mosheh, even over those who didn't sin by breaking a command, as did Adam,
who was the pattern of the one who was to come.

You must be obedient the powers (Exousiai (Gk)) having powers on high, for there is no power
except that given by Elohim, and these powers have been established by Elohim. Romans 13:1
Let every soul be subject to the higher powers. For there is no power but of Elohim; the powers that
be are ordained by Elohim.
Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that
which is established by Elohim. The authorities that exist have been established by Elohim.

The god of peace will soon crush Satan beneath your feet Romans 16:20
The god of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly
The god of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.

And the spirit drove him into the wilderness. And he was in the wilderness for forty days being
tested by Satan, and he was with the wild beasts, and the angels ministered to him Mark 1:12-13
And the spirit drove him into the wilderness. And he was there in the wilderness forty days ,
tempted by Satan, and was with the wild beats, and the angels ministered to him.
The spirit sent him into the wilderness, and he was in the wilderness forty days being tempted by
Satan. He was with the wild animals and angels attended to him.

He has Beelzebub and by the Prince of Demons, he drives out the demons Mark 3:22
He is possessed by Beelzebub, it's through the Prince of Demons that he casts demons out.
He is possessed by Beelzebub, and by the Prince of Demons he casts out demons.

Why would The Satan drive out a satan?

If a kingdom is divided against itself cannot stand.
If a house is divided against itself, it is soon brought to destruction.
If The Satan is at war with himself, and his house is divided, he cannot stand and his end will
quickly come.
No man can enter into a strong man's house and rob him of his goods without first tying him up.
Only then can he loot the strong man's house at will Mark 3:22-23
Some are on the way when the word is sown, and when they hear it, The Satan immediately
comes and takes the word which was sown in them, Mark 4:15
And these are by the wayside where the word is sown; but when they have heard Satan comes
immediately and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts.
Some people are like the seed along the way where the word is sown. As soon as they have heard it
Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them.
The Tester (Ho Peirazon (Gk)) came to him and said Matthew 4:3
When the Tempter came to him, he said
The Tempter approached him and said

If you are a Son of Elohim you can command these stones to become bread Mark 4:3
If you be the Son of Elohim, command these stones to be made bread
if you are Elohim's Son, command these stones to be bread

The Devil took him to the Holy City and placed him on the pinnacle of the Temple. He said to him,
“If you are a son of Elohim jump down to the ground, for it is written: '

'He shall give his angels charge over you,

to guard you in all your ways.
They shall bear you in their hands
lest you stumble over a stone.
He will rescue him and honour him.
Thus says Yahweh, 'with long life I will satisfy him
I will show him my salvation'”
Matthew 4:6
The Devil took him into the Holy City and set him on a pinnacle of the Temple. Then he said to
him, “he shall give his angels charge concerning you, and in their hands they shall bear you up, lest
at any time you should dash your foot against a stone.”
Then The Devil took him to the Holy City and stood him on the highest point of the Temple. He
said, “If you are a Son of Elohim you can throw yourself down, for it is written:

'He will give his angels a charge concerning you

They will bear you up in their hands
Lest you strike your foot against a stone and stumble.'

Again The Devil took him, this time to the top of a very high mountain, and he showed him all the
kingdoms of the world, and their splendour. He said to him, “I will give all this to you if you will
prostrate yourself (Proskynesis (Gk)) and worship me.” Matthew 4:8-9
Again The Devil took him up into an exceedingly high mountain and he showed him all the
kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them, and he said to him, “All these things I will give to
you, if you will fall down and worship me.”
Again The Devil took him, this time to a very high mountain and he showed him all the kingdoms
of the world and their splendour. He said to him, “all these things I will give to you if you will fall
down and worship me.”

The bad man out of his bad treasure brings forth bad. (Poneros (Gk)) Matthew 12:35
An evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things.
A wicked man out of his wicked treasure brings forth what is evil.

A bad (Poneros (Gk)) and adulterous generation. Matthew 12:39

An evil and adulterous generation.
A wicked and unfaithful generation.

The Unclean spirit goes out and brings back seven more spirits, each more bad than itself, so this
last state of the man is worse than the first. Matthew 12:45
Then he goes and takes with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself.
He brings in seven other spirits more wicked than itself.

The weeds are sons of The Bad, The Enemy is The Devil Matthew 13:38-9
The tares are the children of The Wicked One, The Enemy that sowed them is The Devil
The sons of The Wicked One are the tares, The Enemy is The Devil

And when they saw him they worshipped (Proskynesis (Gk)) him. Joshua said, "All power (Exousia
(Gk)) was given to me in the heavens and on earth” Matthew 28:17-18
And when they saw him they worshipped him, and Joshua said, "All power is given to me in heaven
and in earth.”
And when they saw him they fell down and worshipped him. Joshua said, "All authority in heaven
and on earth has been given into my hands.”

Johanan, my son, you are:

The Rising (Anatole (Gk)) which visits us from on high, to give light to those who live in darkness,
and the shadow dark as death Luke 1:78-79
The Dayspring from on high has visited us, to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the
shadow of death.
Like a Dawning from on high, to give light to those who live in darkness, in the shadow of death.

I will give you all this power (Exousia (Gk)) and all this glory (Doxa ((Gk)). It has all been given to
me and I can give it to whoever I please Luke 4:6-7
All this power I will give to you, and the glory of them, for it is delivered to me, and to
whomsoever I will, I will give it.
I will give you command over all these, and the glory that belongs to them. They have all been
made over to me. I may give them to whomsoever I please.

When The Devil had finished testing him in every way, he left him until an opportune time
Luke 4:13
And when The Devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season
And when The Devil had finished every temptation he departed from him until an opportune time

The Devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts Luke 8:12
Then comes The Devil and takes away the word out of their hearts

I saw The Satan fallen like lightning from the heavens Luke 10 18
I Beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.

I have given you power (Exousia (Gk)) to overcome the force (Dynamis (Gk)) of The Enemy (Ho
Echthros (Gk)) Luke 10:19
Behold I give you power over all the power of The Enemy
I have given you authority over all the power of The Enemy

Then The Satan entered into Judas Sicarius, one of the twelve Luke 22:3
The entered Satan into Judas Sicarius, being of the number of the twelve.
Then Satan entered Judas Sicarius, belonging to the number of the twelve.

Simeon, listen! The Satan has been given the power to sift all of you like wheat Luke 22:31
Simeon, behold, Satan has desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat.
Simeon, Satan has demanded that you all be given to him, that he might sift you as wheat

Ananias why has The Satan has so filled your heart that you can lie to the holy spirit, and to keep to
yourself part of the proceeds of the sale of your land? ...What mad you think of such a thing? You
have not lied to men but to Elohim. And Ananias fell down and died. Later his wife came in and
Kepha asked her, “Is this the price you and Ananias got for the land?” and she replied, “That was
the price.” Kepha said to her, “How could you agree to put the Spirit of Yahweh to the test?” and
she fell down at his feet and died. Acts 5:3-10
Kepha said, “Ananias why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the holy ghost, and to keep back part
of the price of your land? Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? You have not lied to
men but to Elohim.” and Ananias fell down and gave up the ghost. His wife came in and Kepha said
to her, “Tell me whether you sold the land for so much?” and she said to him, Yes, for so much.”
and Kepha said to her, “How is it that you have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of Yahweh?” she
fell down at his feet and gave up the ghost.

Joshua said to Philippos, “Where can we buy bread, so that these people can eat.” but Joshua only
said this to test him. John 6:5
Joshua said, "Where shall we buy bread that these people might eat?” and this he said to prove him.
Joshua said to Philippos, “How are we to buy bread so that these people might eat?” This he said to
test him.

The Devil is your father and you wish to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the
beginning and didn't stand in the truth, because the truth is not in him. When tells a lie, he speaks of
his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lying. John 8:44
You are of your father The Devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from
the beginning , and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he
speaks of his own, for he is a liar, and the father of lies.

Now is the time for judgement of this cosmos. Now the Ruler (Archon (Gk)) will be driven out.
When I am lifted from the earth I will draw all me to myself. John 12:31-32
Now is the judgement of this world. Now shall the Prince of this world be cast out. And I, if I am
lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to me.
Now is the judgement of this world. Now shall the ruler of this world be cast out. And I, when I am
lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.

The Devil had put into his heart that Judas, bar-Simeon should betray him. John 13:2
The Devil having now put into the heart of Judas bar-Simeon to betray him.
The Devil had already put it into the heart of Judas bar-Simeon to betray him.

Dipping the bread in the dish he gave it to Judas. As soon as Judas took the bread, The Satan
entered into him John 13:27
When he dipped the sop he gave it to Judas, and after the sop Satan entered into him.
So when he had dipped the morsel he gave it to Judas, and after the morsel Satan entered into him.

When Judas had left Joshua said, "Now I am glorified, and Elohim is glorified in me.” John 13:31
When he was gone out Joshua said, "Now the Son of Man is glorified, and Elohim is glorified in
When he had gone out, Joshua said, "Now the Son of Man is glorified, and in him Elohim is

The Ruler (Archon (Gk)) of the world is coming, but he has nothing on me. John 14:30-31
The Prince of this world comes, but he has nothing in me.
The Ruler of the world is coming. He has no power over me.

By rejecting good faith and conscience some of these have suffered shipwreck in their faith. I have
handed them over to The Satan so that they may learn not to revile others (Blasphemein (Gk)).
I Timothy 1:19-20

Holding faith and good conscience, which some having put away concerning faith, have made
shipwreck. Whom I have delivered to Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme.
By rejecting conscience certain persons have made a shipwreck of their faith. I have delivered them
to Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme.

Adam was formed first, and then Eve. Adam was not the one deceived, but the woman was
deceived, and became a transgressor . I Timothy 2:13-14
For Adam was formed first, and then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being
deceived, was in transgression.
For Adam was formed first and then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived
and became a transgressor.

A Bishop must not be a recent convert lest he become conceited and fall into the judgement of The
Devil. I Timothy 3:6
A Bishop must not be a novice lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of The
A Bishop must not be a recent convert or he may be puffed up with conceit and fall into the
condemnation of The Devil.

A Bishop must have a good reputation among those without, so that he won't fall into disgrace and
into a snare of The Devil I Timothy 3:7
A Bishop must have a good report of them which are without, lest he fall into reproach and the
snare of The Devil.
A Bishop must be well thought of by outsiders, or he may fall into reproach and the snare of The

It is my counsel therefore that the younger women to marry, to have children, and manage their
households, so that they may give no occasion to The Adversary (Ho Antikeimenos (Gk)) for
slander. For some have already turned aside to follow The Satan I Timothy 5:14-15
It is my will therefore that the younger women marry, ear children, guide the house, give none
occasion to The Adversary to speak reproachfully. For some have already turned aside after Satan.
So I would have younger widows marry, bear children, rule their households and give The Enemy
no occasion to revile us. For some have already strayed after Satan.

This grace was given to us before the beginning of time in Joshua the Messiah, but it has now been
revealed through the appearance of our Saviour. Joshua the Messiah, who has destroyed Death, and
has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. II Timothy 1:10
Grace which was given to us in Joshua the Messiah before the world began, but is now made
manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Joshua the Messiah, who has abolished death, and has
brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.
Elohim has qualified you to to inherit with the saints the Kingdom of Light, for he has rescued us
from the Power (Exousia (Gk)) of Darkness. Colossians 1:12-13
Elohim has made us partakers of the inheritance of he saints in light; who has delivered us from the
power of darkness.

Joshua is the image (Eikon (Gk)) of the invisible god, the first-born of all creation for in him all
things were created in the heavens or upon the earth, all that is visible and all that is invisible,
whether Thrones (Thronoi (Gk)) or Dominions (Kyriotetes (Gk)) Principalities (Archai (Gk)) or
Powers (Exousiai (Gk)). All things were created through him and for him Colossians 1:15-16
Who is the image of the invisible god, the first-born of every creature. For by him all things were
created that are in heaven or in the earth, visible and invisible, whether they be Thrones or
Dominions or Principalities or Powers; all things were created by him and for him.

Joshua cancelled our indictment and nailed it to the cross. He disarmed the Principalities and
Powers, he made a public spectacle of them by triumphing over them in it. Colossians 2:14-15
Blotting out the ordinances against us, nailing it to his cross. And having spoiled Principals and
Powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it.
He cancelled the legal demands against us, this he set aside, nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the
Principalities and Powers and made a public example of them, triumphing over them in him.

In the past you walked according to this aeon of the world, according to the Ruler (Archon (Gk)) of
the power of of the air, whose working (Energeia (Gk)) now works in the sons of disobedience
Ephesus 2:2
Wherein in times past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the Prince of
the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience.
Once you walked following the course of this world, following the Prince of the power of the air,
the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience.

Put on the full armour of Elohim so that you can make a stand against the wiles of The Devil, for
our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the Principalities, against the Powers, against
the World-Rulers (Kosmokratores (Gk)) of the Dark World, and against the spiritual forces in the
heavens. Ephesus 6:12-14
Put on the whole armour of Elohim so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of The Devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against Principalities, against Powers, against the
Rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Put on the whole armour of Elohim that you may be able to stand against the wiles of The Devil.
For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the Principalities, against he Powers,
against the World-Rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the
heavenly places.

When he had purged sins away he took his seat on high at he right hand of majesty. So having
become higher that the angels as the title he inherited is superior to theirs Hebrews 1:3-4
When he had purged our sins he sat down at the right hand of majesty on high. Being made so much
better than the angels as he has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.
When he had made purification of sins, he sat down at the right hand of majesty on high, having
become as much superior to angels as the name he had obtained is more excellent than theirs.

So that by death he might destroy the one who holds the power of Death, that is The Devil, and free
those who through their whole lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. Hebrews 2:14-15
That through death he might destroy him that had the power of Death, that is The Devil, and deliver
them who through the fear of death were all their lives subject to bondage.
That through death he might destroy him who has the power of Death , that is The Devil, and
deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong bondage.

In the same way these dreamers defile their flesh, they despise Dominions, they blaspheme The
Glories. But even the archangel Michael when he disputed with The Devil over the body of
Mosheh, didn't dare to bring a blasphemous denunciation against him, but only said, “May Yahweh
rebuke you.” But these men revile the things they don't understand, and what things they do
understand, by instinct, like unreasoning animals, these are the things that will destroy them. Jude
Likewise in the same way these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise Dominion, and speak evil
of Dignities. Yet the archangel Michael when contending with The Devil, disputing about the body
of Mosheh, durst not bring him a railing accusation, but said, “May Yahweh rebuke you.” But these
speak evil of those things which they know not, but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in
these things they corrupt themselves.
Yet in a like manner these men in their dreamings defile the flesh, reject Authority, and revile The
Glorious Ones. But when the archangel Michael contending with The Devil, disputed about the
body of Mosheh, he didn't presume to pronounce a reviling judgement upon him, but said, “Yahweh
rebuke you.” But these men revile what they don't understand, and those things that they know by
instinct, as irrational animals do, they are destroyed.

They indulge in it's depraved desires and revile Dominion and, bold and arrogant, they aren't afraid
to blaspheme The Glories. But even the angels, although greater in strength and force, don't bring
such blasphemous accusations against such beings in the presence of Yahweh. These men
blaspheme in matters of which they have no understanding, they are like unreasoning animals, they
are creatures of instinct, born only to be caught and killed, and like these beasts they too will be
killed. II Peter 2:10-12
Them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise government. Presumptuous are
they, self-willed, they are not afraid to speak evil of Dignities. Whereas angels, which are greater in
power and might, might not bring railing accusations against them before Yahweh. But these, as
natural brutes, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not,
and shall utterly perish in their own corruption.
Especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority. Bold and wilful,
they are not afraid, they are not afraid to revile The Glorious Ones, whereas angels, though greater
in might and power, do not pronounce a reviling judgement upon them before Yahweh. But these,
like irrational animals, creatures of instinct, born to be caught and killed, reviling in matters of
which they are ignorant, will be destroyed in the same destruction with them.

And the angels who didn't keep to their own Principality (Arche (Gk)) but abandoned their own
dwelling, and these he has bound in everlasting chains in darkness for judgement on the great day
Jude 1:6
And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he has reserved in
everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgement of the great day.
And the angels which didn't keep their own position but left their proper dwelling have been kept by
him in eternal chains in the nether gloom until the judgement of the great day.

For the Messiah after he was put to death went and made a proclamation to spirits in prison, those
who didn't obey in the time of Noah. I Peter 4:6
The Messiah also went and preached unto the spirits in prison, which were sometime disobedient in
the days of Noah.
For the Messiah went and preached to the spirits in prison, who formerly didn't obey in the days of
The gospel was even preached to he dead, so that even though they had been judged in the flesh as
regards the flesh, but that they might live in the spirit as Elohim does. I Peter 4:6
For this cause was the gospel preached to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to
men in the flesh, but live according to Elohim in the spirit.
For this is why the gospel was preached even to the dead, that though judged in the flesh like men,
they might live in the spirit like Elohim.

Be sober and alert because your accuser, The Devil, is prowling round like a roaring lion looking
for someone to devour. I Peter 5:8
Be sober. Be vigilant. Because your adversary The Devil, as a roaring lion walks about seeking
whom he may devour.
Be sober, be watchful. Your adversary The Devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone
to devour.

If Elohim didn't spare he angels when they sinned but drove them down to Tartarus, putting them in
chains of darkness, to be held there until the judgement.
If he didn't spare the ancient world when he brought a flood upon it's ungodly people while sparing
Noah and seven others.
If he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction by reducing them to ashes, while
only saving Lot and his daughters, then this shows that Yahweh knows how to rescue the godly
from their trials (Peirasmos (Gk)) and how to hold the unrighteous until the day of judgement for
their punishment II Peter 2:4-9
If Elohim spared not the angels that sinned but cast them down to Hell, and delivered them into
chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgement.
If he spared not the old world but saved Noah, while bringing a flood upon the world.
If he turned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes and delivered just Lot. Then Yahweh knows
how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgement to
be punished.
If Elohim didn't spare the angels when they sinned but cast them into hell, and committed them to
the pits of the nether gloom to be kept in punishment.
If he didn't spare the ancient world but preserved Noah and seven other persons when he brought a
flood upon the world of the ungodly.
If by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them to extinction and
made them an example to the ungodly, then Yahweh knows how to rescue the godly from trial and
to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgement.

Let no one say when he undergoes testing (Peirasmoi (Gk)) “This testing is from Elohim.” for
Elohim can't be put to the test by bad people (Kakoi (Gk)) and he puts no one to the test. Tests are
caused by your own desires, and every man is enticed and lured away by them. Then when desire
has conceived, she gives birth to sin, which in turn when she is fully grown gives birth to death.
James 1:12-15
Let no man say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted of Elohim.” for Elohim can't be tempted
with evil, nor does he temp any man; but each man is tempted, when he is drawn away by his own
lust, and enticed. Then when lust has conceived it brings forth sin, and when it is finished it brings
forth death.
Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by Elohim.” for Elohim can't be tempted with
evil, and he himself tempts no one; but each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his
own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is full-grown
brings forth death.

You believe in the one god? Good!But even the demons (Ta Daimonia (Gk)) believe that, and
tremble. James 2:19
If you believe that there is one god, you do well. The devils also believe and tremble.
If you believe that god is one, you do well. Even the demons believe, and they shudder.

If you have bitter jealousy and ambition in your hearts, don't boast about it or lie against the truth.
Such wisdom does not come from above, but is of the earth, from the soul (Psyche (Gk)) and
Demonic (Daimoniodes (Gk)) James 3:14-15
If you have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and don't lie against the truth. This
wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish.
If you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, don't boast and be false to the truth.
This wisdom has is not such as has come down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, devilish.
What causes these wars (Polemoi (Gk)) and conflicts (Machai (Gk)) among you? Don't they come
from your own lusts (Hedonai (Gk)) that battle (Strateia (Gk)) within your members? You desire
something, but you don't get it. You are jealous (Phthoneuete (Gk)) and covet (Zeloute (Gk)) but
can't get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You don't have because you don't ask. You ask for
it and don't receive it, because you have asked with the wrong motives, wanting to spend what you
get upon your lusts. You adulteresses! Don't you know that your friendship with the world (Kosmos
(Gk)) is enmity towards Elohim? All who wishes to be a friend of the world
becomes an enemy (Echtros (Gk)) of Elohim. Or do you think that this scripture speaks in vain,
'The spirit he has placed in us has a lust to envy (Phthonos ((Gk)).' ? But he has given us greater
grace, that is why the scripture says,
'Elohim opposes the proud
but gives grace to the humble.'
So therefore be subject to Elohim. Stand up (Antistete (Gk)) to The Devil, and he will flee from
you. Draw near to Elohim and he will draw near to you. James 4:1-8

From whence come wars and fighting among you? Come they not hence, even of the lusts which
war in your members? You lust, and have not. You kill and desire to have and cannot obtain. You
fight and war, yet you have not, because you ask not. You ask and you receive not, because you ask
amiss, that you may consume it upon your lusts. You adulterers and adulteresses, know you not that
the friendship of the world is enmity with Elohim? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the
world is the enemy of Elohim. Do you think that the scripture says in vain, 'The spirit that dwells in
us lusts to envy.'? But he gives more grace, wherefore he says, 'Elohim resists the proud, but gives
grace to the humble.' Submit yourselves therefore to Elohim. Resist The Devil and he will flee from
you. Draw nigh to Elohim and he will draw nigh to you.

What causes these wars, and what causes fightings among you? Is it not your passions that are at
war in your members? You desire and you don't have, so you kill. You covet and you cannot obtain,
so you fight and wage war. You don't have because you don't ask. You ask and you don't receive
because you ask wrongly to spend it on your passions. Unfaithful creatures! Don't you know that
friendship with he world is enmity to Elohim? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend makes
himself an enemy of Elohim. Or do you suppose that it is in vain that the scripture says, 'He yearns
jealously over the spirit which he has made to dwell within us.'? But he gives more grace; therefore
it also says, 'Elohim opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.' Submit yourselves therefore
to Elohim. Resist The Devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to Elohim, and he will draw near
to you.

Brethren don't grumble against one another, in that way you won't be judged. Look! The Judge (Ho
Krites (Gk)) is standing outside the doors! Brothers, for examples of patience under suffering bad
things (Kaka (Gk)) look at the prophets. As you know, we consider blessed those who showed
endurance. Consider the endurance of Job, and what Yahweh finally brought to him. James 5:9-11
Grudge not against one another brethren, lest you be condemned. Behold, the judge stands before
the door. Take my brethren the prophets, for an example of suffering affliction and of patience.
Behold, we count them happy that endure. You have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the
end of Yahweh.
Don't grumble, brethren, against one another, that you may not be judged. Behold, The Judge is
standing at the door. As an example of suffering and patience, brethren, take the prophets, behold
we call them happy who are steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job and have seen the
purpose of Yahweh.

This is the last hour! You have heard that an anti-Messiah is coming, and many anti-Messiahs have
already come, and this proves that this is the last hour. They went out from us, but they did not
belong to us. If they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us, but by going from us
they have shown that they didn't belong to us. I John 2:18-19
It is the last time, and as you have heard that anti-messiah shall come, even now there are many
anti-messiahs, whereby we know that this is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not
of us, for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us, but they went out,
that it might be manifest that they were not all of us.
It is the last hour, and as you have heard that anti-messiah is coming, so now many anti-messiahs
have come, therefore we know that this is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of
us, for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us, but they went out that it might be
plain that they were all not of us.

Because no lie comes from the truth. And who is the liar? It is the one who denies that Joshua is the
Messiah. Such is the anti-messiah, the man who denies the father and the son. No one who denies
the son has the father, whoever acknowledges the son will also have the father. I John 2:21-23
No lie is of the truth. Who is a liar but he who denies that Joshua is the Messiah? He is anti-
messiah that denies the father and the son. Whosoever denies the son, the same has not the father,
but he that acknowledges the son has the father also.
No lie is of the truth. Who is a liar but he who denies that Joshua is the Messiah? This is the anti-
messiah, he who denies the father and the son. No one who denies the son has the father. He who
confesses the son, has the father also.

Everyone who sins is of The Devil, for The Devil has sinned from the beginning. The son of Elohim
was revealed for this reason: To undo The Devil's works. No one who has been born of Elohim sins,
because Elohim's seed remains within him, he can't sin because he has been born of Elohim... We
should not be like Cain who was from the Wicked One (Ho Poneros (Gk)) and who murdered his
brother. And why did he murder him? Because his works were wicked (Ponera (Gk)) and his
brother's were good. I John 3:8-12
He that commits a sin is of the devil, for the devil sinned from the beginning. For this purpose was
the Son of Elohim manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. Whosoever is born of
Elohim does not commit sin, for his seed remains in him, and he can't commit sin because he is
born of Elohim... Not as Cain who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore he
slew him? because his own works were evil and his brother's righteous.
He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The reason the Son
of Elohim appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. No one born of Elohim commits sin, for
Elohim's nature abides within him, and he can't sin because he is born of Elohim... Don't be like
Cain who was of the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his
own deeds were evil and his brother's righteous.

We know that anyone born of Elohim does not sin, the one born of Elohim keeps him safe, and the
Wicked One (Ho Poneros (Gk)) does not touch him. We know that we are the children of Elohim ,
but that the whole world lies in the power of the Wicked One. I John 5:18-19
We know that whosoever is born of Elohim sins not, but he that is begotten of Elohim keeps
himself, and that the Wicked One touches him not. We know that we are of Elohim, and the whole
world lies in wickedness.
We know that anyone born of Elohim does not sin, but he who was born of Elohim keeps him, and
the Evil one does not touch him. We know that we are of Elohim, and the whole world is in the
power of the evil one.

Many deceivers are abroad in the world who do not acknowledge that the Messiah Joshua has come
in the flesh. Such a person is a deceiver and an anti-Messiah. II John 1:7
For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Joshua the Messiah is come in
the flesh. This is a deceiver and an anti-Messiah.
For many deceivers have gone out into the world, men who won't acknowledge the coming of the
Messiah Joshua in the flesh; such a one is the deceiver and the anti-Messiah.

I know that you can't tolerate the wicked (Kakoi (Gk)) and that you have put to the test (Peirasmos
(Gk)) those who claim to be apostles, and have found them to be false. Apocalypse 2:2
I know how you can't bear them which are evil, and you have tried them which say hat they are
apostles and are not, and have found them liars.

Remember the heights from which you have fallen! Repent! Do the works you did at first, or I will
come and remove your lamp-stand from it's place. Apocalypse 2:5
Remember therefore from whence you have fallen, and repent, and do the first works or else I will
come to you quickly and remove the candlestick from its place, except you repent.

I know the blaspheming of those who say that they are Judeans but are not, they are a Synagogue of
The Satan. Don't be afraid of what you you will shortly suffer. Be aware that The Devil is about to
cast some of you into prison as a test (Peirasmos (Gk)).
I know the blasphemy of them which say that they are Judeans and are not, but are the Synagogue
of Satan. Fear none of the things which you will suffer, behold, The Devil shall cast some of you in
prison that you may be tried.

To the angel of the church of Pergamum: I know that you are living where The Satan has his throne,
yet still you have remained true to my name,. You didn't renounce your faith in me, even in the days
of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was slain among you, where The Satan dwells. Nevertheless I
still have a few things against you, for some of your people follow the teachings of Baalam, who
taught Balak to cast a stumbling block (Skandalon (Gk)) before the sons of Israel, teaching them to
eat food sacrificed to Idols, and to play the whore. Apocalypse 2:13-14
To the angel of Pergamum: I know your works and where you dwell, even where Satan's seat is.
And you hold fast to my name and have not denied my faith, even in the days wherein Antipas, my
faithful martyr was slain among you, where Satan dwells. But I have a few things against you,
because you have them there that hold to the doctrine of Baalam, who taught Balak to cast a
stumbling-block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to Idols, and to commit
I know where you dwell, where Satan's throne is; you hold fast to name and did not deny my faith
even in the days of Antipas, my faithful one, who was killed among you where Satan dwells. But I
have a few things against you: you have some there who hold to the teaching of Baalam, who taught
Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, that they might eat food sacrificed to Idols
and practice immorality.

Now I say to the rest of you in Thyatira, who don't hold to this teaching, and who have not learned
what some have called “The deep things of The Satan”, I won't lay another burden onto you, only
hold on to what you have until I come. Apocalypse 2:24-25
But unto you I say, and to the rest in Thyatira, as many of you have not this doctrine, which have
not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you no other burden. But that you
already have, hold fast until I come.
But to the rest of you in Thyatira who do not hold to this teaching, who have not learned what some
call The deep things of Satan, to you I say I don't lay upon you any other burden, only hold fast to
what you have until I come.

To the angel of the church of Philadelphia: I will make those who claim to be Judeans, but are liars,
because they are of the Synagogue of The Satan, I will make them come and bow down before you
and acknowledge that I have loved you... I will also keep you from the hour of trial (Peirasmos
(Gk)) that is to come upon the whole world, which will test all who dwell upon the earth.
Apocalypse 3:9-10
To the angel of the church of Philadelphia: Behold I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan
which say they are Jews and are not, but do lie; behold I will make them come and worship before
your feet , and to know that I have loved you... I will also keep you from the hour of temptation
which shall come upon all the world, to try them which are upon the earth.
To the angel of the church of Philadelphia: Behold I will make those of the Synagogue of Satan,
who say that they are Jews but are not, but lie, behold I will make them come and bow down before
your feet and learn that I have loved you... I will keep you from the hour of trial which is coming
upon the whole world, to try those who dwell on earth.

I looked and behold, there was a pale horse! It's riders name was Death, and Hades followed close
behind. They were given power over a fourth part of the earth to kill with the blade, with famine,
and with pestilence, and by the wild beasts of the earth. Apocalypse 6:7-8
I looked and behold a pale horse, and his name that sat upon him was Death, and Hell followed
with him. Power was given to them over a fourth part of the earth to kill with the sword, and with
hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
Behold I saw a pale horse, and it's riders name was Death, and Hades followed him, and they were
given power over a fourth of the earth to kill with the sword, and with famine, and with pestilence,
and by the beasts of the earth.

The king of the scorpions was the angel of The Abyss whose name is Abbadon in Aramaic, but in
Greek he is called Apollyon. (Both mean The Destroyer) Apocalypse 9:11
The scorpions had a king over them which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the
Hebrew tongue is Abbadon, but in the Greek tongue his name is Apollyon.
The scorpions have as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit. His name in Hebrew is
Abbadon, but in Greek he is called Apollyon.

Then another great sign (Semeion (Gk)) appeared in the heavens: a Great Red Dragon with seven
heads and ten horns, and on the heads were seven diadems. His tail swept a third of the stars from
the sky down to earth. Apocalypse 12:3
And there appeared another great wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon having seven
heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew a third part of the stars of
heaven and did cast them to the earth.
And another portent appeared in heaven, behold a great red dragon with seven heads and ten horns ,
and seven diadems upon his heads.

And war broke out in the heavens. Michael and his angels battled against The Dragon, and The
Dragon and his angels fought back, but they were defeated. No longer was there a place for them in
the heavens, and The Great Dragon was cast down, that Ancient Serpent, who is called The Devil,
and The Satan, The Deceiver of the whole world, he was cast down to the earth, and his angels were
cast down with him. Then I heard a loud voice in the heavens that proclaimed, “Now has come the
salvation and the force (Dynamis (Gk)) and the Kingdom of our god and the power (Exousia (Gk))
of his Messiah. For The Accuser (Ho Kategor (Gk)) of our brothers has been cast down. The one
who accuses them day and night before our god... But woe to the earth and the sea for The Devil
has gone down to you in fierce anger, knowing that his time is short. Apocalypse 12:7-12

And there was war in heaven; Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon
fought, and his angels, and they prevailed not, neither was their place found any more in heaven.
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called The Devil and Satan which deceives the
whole world; he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a
loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation and strength and the kingdom of our god and
the power of his Messiah; for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before
our god day and night... Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea for the Devil is come down
unto you having great wrath, because he knows he has but a short time.

Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon; and the dragon and
his angels fought, but they were defeated, and there was no longer a place for them in heaven.. and
the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent who is called The Devil and Satan, the
deceiver of the whole world, he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down
with him. And I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, “now is the salvation and the power and the
kingdom of our god and the authority of his Messiah have come, for the accuser of our brethren has
been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before out god... But woe to you earth and sea
for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he know his time is short.

And I saw an angel coming down from the heavens, he was holding in his hand the key to The
Abyss and a great chain. He seized The Dragon, That Ancient Serpent, who is The Devil or The
Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into The Abyss, locked it, and sealed it
over him, so that he could no longer deceive the gentiles, until the thousand years were ended. After
that he must be freed for a little time... Those who had not worshipped The Beast or his Idol and had
not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands were raised to life and reigned with the
Messiah for a thousand years. Apocalypse 20:1-4
And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain
in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is The Devil and Satan, and
bound him for a thousand years, and cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal
upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled.
And after that he must be loosed for a season... Those which had not worshipped the Beast, neither
his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands, and they lived and
reigned with the Messiah a thousand years.
And I saw an angel coming down from heaven holding in his hand the key of the bottomless pit and
a great chain. And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is The Devil and Satan, and
bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and shut it, and sealed it over him, that
he should deceive the nations no more. After that he must be loosed for a little while... those who
had not worshipped the beast, or it's image, and had not received it's mark on their foreheads or
their hands were came to life and reigned with the Messiah for a thousand years.

The Prodigal Son

Cain and Abel

Abel was a shepherd, but Cain was a tiller of the ground. Time passed and Cain brought the first-
fruits of the ground as an offering to Yahweh. Abel brought an offering too, the first-born of his
flock. Yahweh looked with favour upon Abel and his offering, but he didn't look with favour upon
Cain and his offering. Cain was angry, so Yahweh asked him, “Why are you angry? If you had done
well you would have been accepted too, and if you don't do well sin crouches like a demon at your
door, it desires to devour you, but you can still master him.”
Then Cain talked with his brother Abel and said, “Let's go out into the field.” and when they were in
the open, Cain rose up against his brother and slew him.

Yahweh said to Cain, “Where is your brother?” and he replied, “I don't know. Am I my brother's
keeper?” but Yahweh said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cries out to me
from the earth. From this moment you have been cursed by the earth, who drank your brother's
blood from your hand. When you till the ground it will no longer yield its fruits to you. You have
become a fugitive, a wanderer upon the earth.”

Cain said to Yahweh, “My punishment is more than I can bear. You have divorced me from the
earth, cut off your protection from me. I have become an outlaw, a wanderer upon the earth, and
anyone I meet may kill me.” Yahweh said to him, “It won't be so, for whoever slays Cain,
vengeance will be taken upon him sevenfold.” and then Yahweh set a mark upon Cain, lest any man
finding him should kill him. And Cain went out from the presence of Yahweh and dwelt in the land
of Nod, east of Eden.

And Cain knew his wife and she conceived and bore Enoch, and Cain built a city, and called that
city Enoch, after the name of his son. Genesis 4:1-17
Joshua said, "You are of your father The Devil, and the lusts of your father you follow. He was a
murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because the truth is not in him. When he
tells a lie, he tells of his own nature, for he is a liar, and the father of lies.” John 8:44

Esau and Jacob

Isaac's wife Rebekah conceived, but the children struggled within her. When she was delivered,
behold there were twins within her. The first came out red and hairy, and he was called Esau, which
means Hairy. The second came out grasping his brother's heel, and for that reason he was called
Jacob, which means the Supplanter.

When the twins grew up Esau became a skilful hunter, while Jacob was a tent -dweller. All Isaac's
love was for his Esau, who brought him game to eat, while Rebekah's favourite was Jacob. One day
when Esau came back from hunting he asked for a mouthful of his brother's soup, but Jacob
refused, saying, “First sell me your birthright.” and Esau replied, “I'm so hungry I could die, and I
shall have little profit from it.” so he was tricked out of his birthright by Jacob.

Now Isaac became so old that he couldn't see. One day he said to his elder son, “Bring me some
venison to eat, and I will bless you before I die.” so Esau went off to find game for his father's
dying wish. Rebekah overheard their conversation and told Jacob the tale. Then she said to him,
“bring two goats from your father's flock, and I will make a dish for him to eat, and you can take
your father's blessing from your brother.” Jacob said to his mother, “Esau is a hairy man and I am a
smooth man.” but Rebekah disguised her son, in the garments of her older son, and sent him, with
the meal she had prepared, to Isaac.

He went in to his father and lied to him, saying, “I am Esau your first-born son. Eat this venison I
have brought and give me a father's blessing.” Isaac asked him, “How did you find it so quickly ,
my son?” and again Jacob lied to him, saying, “Yahweh, your god, sent it my way.” and so Isaac
blessed his younger son. Now scarcely had Jacob left when Isaac returned with venison for his
father, but Isaac told him that he had already given his blessing, and said, “Your brother, with
subtilty, has stolen your blessing.” Esau said, “Isn't he rightly named Jacob, for he has twice
supplanted me. First he tricked me out of my birthright, and now he has swindled me out of my
father's blessing.”
Now Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing and said in his heart, “Soon we will be mourning my
father, and then I will deal with my brother Jacob.”

Genesis 25:21 – Genesis 27:1-41

The Prodigal Son

A certain man had two sons, and the younger said to his father, “Give me my patrimony.” so the
man divided his property between them. The younger son sold his inheritance, and journeyed to a
far country where he spent all his money on wine, women, and song, and he was reduced to
working as a swineherd. Then he said to himself, “I am perishing of hunger while my father's
servants have enough and to spare.” so he returned to his father and said, “I'm not worthy to be your
son. Hire me as one of your servants.” but his father took pity on him and ordered his finest robe
and a gold ring to be fetched for his son, and killed the fatted calf for a feast to celebrate his son's

His elder son came back from working in his father's fields, and when he was told that the music
and dancing was in celebration of his brother's return, he refused to join in. his father came out to
mollify him, but he said, “Look! How many years have I slaved for you, never have I disobeyed one
of your commands, and you have never given me so much as a lamb so that I could make merry
with my friends. But no sooner has this worthless son of yours returned from squandering your
patrimony on drunks and whores, than you kill the fatted calf in his honour.” the father said, “You
are always with me, and all that I have is yours, but it's fitting that we make merry, for your brother
was dead and now he is alive again, he was lost and now he is found.” Luke 15:11

Joshua said, "I am the First and the Last. I am the living one. I was dead, but behold! I am alive for
evermore. Apocalypse 1:17-18

Although Christians regard Joshua as their saviour, it seems that no church council or creed has ever
made clear what the nature of Joshua's redemptive work actually was. There is a tradition that
“Joshua died for our sins.” I Corinthians 15:3-7 but no there is no explanation of what this entailed.
Similarly in the Lord's Supper the gospel writes have Joshua saying that his “Blood is poured out
for many.” but no explanation is given of how this worked. In Apocalypse 5:9 its written, 'With
your blood you ransomed men for Elohim' but it's not clear who thy were ransomed from, or why.
In Romans 3:25 Paul writes of Joshua's death as a 'Propitiation' or 'Expiation' and in Galatians 3:13
he writes that 'Joshua redeemed us from the law by being cursed for us.' but there is no explanation
of what Joshua being 'cursed' achieved or how Joshua escaped being 'cursed' to end up 'at the right
hand of Elohim'

If men can sometimes freely forgive those who have wronged them, why does Yahweh require the
sacrifice of an innocent man before he forgives men? Does this mean that the god of the Judeans is
less good and charitable than men?

There is a Christian theory of atonement, that for the sins of finite man, man owed the infinite god
an atonement of eternal suffering. Therefore Yahweh appointed a vicar to take the place of man, and
it was that vicar who atoned for man's sins. But wouldn't this mean that Joshua, who has been
cursed by Yahweh is now in Hell for eternity? So how can he be now 'at the right hand of Elohim'?

There is another Christian theory, The Ransom, now much out of favour but it was once generally
accepted as truth: Joshua came to give his life as a ransom for many (redemption) Matthew 20:28
Gregory of Nyssa: the bait was Joshua's human flesh, and the hook was his hidden divinity. The
Devil, like a fish, was forced to regurgitate Joshua. i.e. The Devil accepted Joshua as the ransom for
mankind, being deceived by his human appearance, and was overcome when Joshua, after the
harrowing of Hell, rose from the dead and escaped his power. n.b. This theory falls at the first
hurdle as even the lowest of demons in the gospels recognise Joshua: 'He wouldn't permit the
demons to speak because they knew him.' Mark 1:24 \How could the Prince of Demons be fooled?

Origen wrote that the death of Joshua was paid as a ransom to The Devil, who after the fall of Adam
and Eve demanded ownership of them an all their descendants. Therefore Joshua's descent to Hades
was a great act of redemption. After his death Joshua descended to the realm of the dead, and The
Devil, who didn't recognise what he was devouring, was fooled into giving him entrance. Once
there Joshua revealed his true nature, and after destroying the chains that held the dead in Hades,
ascended to heaven, taking with him Adam and Eve and all the saints.

Redemption ← Redemptio (Lat) Apolurosis (Gk) = Freeing a slave or a captive by paying a ransom

Gregory of Nyssa (c331-396 c.e.) The Great Catechism ch. 21-26 Mankind freely sold themselves
to The Satan, and in order to buy us back, the Son of God became a man, concealing his divine
identity. The Satan beguiled by the ruse of the Messiah's incarnation, procured the death of an
innocent man. This death constituted the payment of an adequate ransom = the redemption to The

Saint Augustine Trinity13:15 The Messiah's blood was given as a price. But by accepting it The
Devil was not rewarded, but bound, so that we might be loosened from our bonds.

There is a fourth theory, that of Anselm 1033-1109, who wrote that since humans are finite they
can't pay an the debt of an offence against an infinite god, so the god of the Judeans, in the person
of his son, satisfied the debt himself. i.e. the son paid the ransom to the father, as being divine and
infinite he could do it, and being human he had the right. n.b. A finite offence against an infinite god
makes an infinitely small debt, not an infinitely large one, as robbing a millionaire of a dollar is
regarded as a lesser offence to the robbing of a dollar from a beggar.

If Joshua has 'deposed him who held the power of death, that is The Devil.' Hebrews 2:14, 'Our
Saviour. Joshua the Messiah, has destroyed Death, and has brought life and immortality to light
through the gospel.' II Timothy 1:10 why do people still die? If Joshua has conquered The Devil,
why is there still evil in the world?

Joshua said, "I have come to bring judgement upon the world, to make the blind see, and to make
those who can see blind.” John 9:39

The god of this aeon has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they can't see the light of the
gospel. II Corinthians 4:4

Joshua said, "I am the root and a shoot of David. I am Lucifer.” Apocalypse 22:16

Joshua said, "As I have received authority from the father, I will give you Lucifer.”
Apocalypse 2:27-28

Pay attention to this as a light shining in the darkness, until the day dawns and Lucifer arises in your
hearts. I Peter 1:19

The Devil showed Joshua all the kingdoms of the world and said, “I could give you authority over
all these kingdoms, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to whoever I want. If you prostrate
yourself and worship me I will give it to you.” Luke 4:5-8
Joshua said, "All authority in the heavens and on earth has been given to me.” Matthew 28:18

The last enemy to be destroyed was Death. I Corinthians 15:26

Joshua has deposed him who held the power of death, that is The Devil. Hebrews 2:14

Joshua said, "I saw The Satan fall from the heavens like lightning.” Luke 10:18

But Elohim has raised Joshua from among the dead, freeing him from the pangs of Death... Elohim
has raised Joshua to life and he has been exalted to the right hand of Elohim. Acts2:24-33

Stephen said, “I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of Elohim.”
Acts 7:56

If anyone does sin we have an advocate who speaks to the father in our defence.” I John 2:1

Joshua said, "The father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgement to me.” John 5:22

Joshua said, "He has given me authority to judge because I am the Son of Man.” John5:27

Joshua said, "My judgements are just for I seek to do not my own will but the will of him who sent
me.” John 5:30

Joshua said, "I am the living bread which has come down from the heavens.” John 6:33

Joshua said, "He who eats my flesh abides in me and I in him.” John 6:56

Joshua took the bread and said, “This is my body.” Mark 14:22

And he asked Joshua, “Who will betray you?” and Joshua answered, “It's he to whom I give this
bread.” and he gave it to Judas Sicarius, and as soon as Judas had eaten the bread The Satan entered
into him. John 13:25-27

The lord Joshua will be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in a flaming fire, and inflict
vengeance on all those who don't know him, and don't obey the gospel of Joshua our lord...
II Thessalonians 1:7-8

You now serve a living and a true god, and wait for his son, whom Elohim raised from among the
dead, and this Joshua will rescue us from the wrath to come. I Thessalonians 1:9-10

And he said to me, “Fear not. I am the First and the last. I am he that lives, who was dead. Behold I
will live for evermore. Apocalypse 1:17-18

And I saw a beast rising out of the sea. He had ten heads and seven horns, and he had ten crowns on
his horns, and on each heads was a blasphemous name. One of he heads seemed as if it had been
wounded to death, but the deadly wound had been healed, and all the world marvelled at the beast.
And they worshipped The Dragon which had given power to the beast, saying, “Who is like the
beast? Who can stand against him?” Apocalypse 13:1-4

And I saw another beast rising out of the earth, and like a lamb, he only had two horns, but he spoke
like a dragon... and he performed great signs as calling fire down from the heavens... and by these
signs he deceived many. Apocalypse 13:11-14

This Book
was begun around Xmas '08 when I started to wonder about nativity plays: why that you
sometimes see shepherds and at other times the shepherds are replaced by three wise men? I
decided to buy a bible and check which was correct, and behold: they were both right! Or more
exactly they were both wrong, because apart from the names of Joshua's parents and his birthplace
the legends of Joshua's birth in Matthew and Luke disagreed in almost every other particular, even
though all the gospel writers had to do to get the true story was to ask his brother Jacob (James the
Just) who was the leader, and first Bishop, of the church in Jerusalem until 62 c.e.

Jacob in Matthew 1:16
Heli in Luke 3:23

An angel appears to Joseph in a dream in Matthew
An angel appears to Miryam in Luke

Joseph's City
Beth-Lehem in Matthew 2:1
Nazareth in Luke 1:27 & Luke 2:4

Wise men / Astrologers = Magi in Matthew 2:1
Shepherds in Luke 2:10

A house in Matthew 2:11
A cave or a barn in Luke

Plus in Matthew there is an evil king, a flight to Egypt, and a massacre of children, none of which is
mentioned in Luke. And by far the earliest Christian writings, that of Paul, make no mention of the
virgin birth etc. Joshua the Messiah was of the seed of David, according to the flesh, who by the
power of his spirit of holiness and his resurrection from the dead, was declared to be a son of
Elohim. Romans 1:3-4
Even Luke when he comes to write acts forgets that in his gospel there is a virgin birth announced
by angels etc. 'David, being a prophet, and knowing that Elohim had sworn an oath to him that he
would set one of his descendants upon his throne. He foresaw and spoke of the resurrection of the
Messiah. Acts 2:29-31 = Yahweh said to tell Nathan the prophet, “Tell David that Yahweh himself
will make of him a dynasty. When your days are fulfilled, and you lie with your fathers I will raise
up your offspring after you who shall come forth from your body and I will establish his kingdom.
He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. I will be
his father and he will be my son. When he does wrong I will chasten him with the rods of men, with
the stripes of the sons of men. II Samuel 7:11-16 = Solomon, the result of David's adulterous,
murderous relationship with the wife of Uriah, Bath-Sheba. Solomon was so beloved by Yahweh
that he sent word by the prophet Nathan that David was to name him Jedidiah, which means Loved
by Yahweh.

Given the differences I wondered if a coherent story could be made by combining the two versions,
and so this book was started. This was difficult enough in itself, but I decided to keep going and try
and make a coherent narrative from the stories on the whole life of Joshua. But as I kept reading, in
my ignorance, I was surprised to find that the order of events was different in the gospels, most
clearly seen in the Temple Riot, which is almost the first act of Joshua's career in John, but almost
the final act in Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

The next problem I faced was the contradictions in the message of Joshua in the different gospels,
within the same gospel, or even within the same sermon. For instance , in the sermon on the mount,
there are these instructions on the giving of alms:

Let you light shine before men so that they may see your good works. Matthew 5:16
Give your alms in secret. Matthew 6:4

There are many other contradictions:

Turn the other cheek Matthew 5:39
I come not to bring peace but a sword Matthew 10:34

Love your enemies Matthew 5:34
Woe to the man who betrays me, better never to have been born Matthew 26:24

Judging Others
Judge not, lest you be judged Matthew 7:1
I will separate them like a shepherd separates the sheep and the goats John 25:31
You judge according to the flesh, yet I judge no one, but when I judge... John 8:15

The Disciples
Know all the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven Matthew 3:1
Thick as two short planks Mark 4:13 ; Mark 6:51

Don't use vain repetitions Matthew 6:7
Don't use vain repetitions Luke 11:8

Any man who says to his brother, “You fool.” is in danger of Ge-Hinnom's fire Matthew 5:22
Joshua said, "What! Are you witless as well?” Matthew 15:16 ;
Joshua said, "You blind fools!” Matthew 23:17

Joshua only sent to the Judeans

Go only to the lost sheep of Israel Matthew 15:24 ;
not to dogs = gentiles Matthew 15:27
Make disciples of all nations Matthew 29:19

The Messianic Secret

Tell no one Mark 1:43
tell everyone Luke 8:38

Whose In, Whose Out of the Kingdom of Heaven

He who is not against you, is for you. Luke 9:50
He who is not for you, is against you. Luke 11:23
The World
I have come to save the world, not to judge it. John 12:47
I have come to judge the world, not to save it. John 9:39

No signs for this generation Matthew 12:38
Joshua said, "Amen, I say to you: No sign will be given to this generation.” Mark 8:12
My miracles are a sign Matthew 11:12
Even though Joshua had performed many signs for the people, they still wouldn't believe him. John

Then what should I do with the many strange injunctions that few Christians follow:

• Men should castrate themselves for he Kingdom of Heaven Matthew 19:25

• If your eye offends you, pluck it out Matthew 5:29
• Don't resist evil Matthew 5:39
• If a man robs you of your coat, give him your shirt as well Luke 6:29
• Only if you hate your mother and father can you be a disciple of Joshua Luke 14:26
• You can't call your father, 'father' Matthew 23:9
• Woe to those who laugh Luke 6:25
• Don't plan for the future Matthew 6:34
• Don't swear oaths, they come from the devil Matthew 6:34

There is also a problem with the 'miracles' of Joshua, many of which are clearly just retellings of the
miracles of Eliyah and Elisha:

Fed by Angels
Eliyah. I Kings 17:4 ; I Kings 19:5
Joshua. Matthew 4:11

Magic Food I
Eliyah: Flour and oil never run out. I Kings 17:12
Elisha: Oil never runs out II Kings 4:3
Joshua Wine never runs out John 2:1

Magic Food II
Elisha feeds 100 men with 20 barley loaves and some grain, with leftovers II Kings 4:42
Joshua feeds 500 men with barley loaves and two fish, with leftovers John 6:4-14

Raising the Dead

Eliyah: I Kings 17:17
Elisha: II Kings 4:32
Joshua: Mark 5:22-33 ; John 11:1-44

Control of the Elements

Eliyah causes a drought I Kings 17:1
Joshua calms the wind and the waves Mark 4:39
Raised to Heaven
Eliyah into heaven riding on a fiery chariot II Kings 2:4
Joshua into heaven riding on a cloud Luke 24:51 ; Acts 1:9

It was obvious to me that the gospel writers had taken sayings and actions from the legends of
Joshua, combined them with miracles and 'prophecies' from the Torah, and then strung them
together like beads on a necklace of their own design, not hesitating to put words into Joshua's
mouth to fit the situation e.g. on Geth-Sehnamim, or to create situations to fit certain sayings e.g.
the sermon on the mount in Matthew versus the sermon on the plain in Luke, and contorting
unrelated prophecies to fit the details of Joshua's life. So I thought if they can rearrange the material
why can't I.

The Question then became: how to combine the gospels with fewer contradictions? And the best
scheme I could come up with was to divide Joshua's career into four phases:
1) Socialist Blessed are the poor, woe to the rich and powerful, God vs Mammon Matthew
16:24. Woe to the rich! You will weep and wail over the miseries that are coming to you...
Your gold and silver will eat your flesh like fire! From baptism to the death of Johanan the
2) Religious Reformer Woe to the scribes and Perushim; But I say to you... Matthew 9:11 ;
Matthew 15:12 etc. From the death of Johanan the Baptiser to Joshua 's anointing
3) Zealot Not peace but a sword Matthew 11:34, Restore Israel Luke 24:21, Blessed is the King
who comes in the name of Yahweh Luke 19:38. Anointing to Crucifixion.
4) Mystic If your eye is single, your whole body is filled with light Matthew 6:25 He who eats
my flesh and drinks my blood, will abide in me and I in him. John 6:56 Post Crucifixion

And there was at least another, a fifth Joshua, which I generally ignored, as it was clearly the
conscious creation of the early church. Whenever It needed to justify it's current practices it simply
created a 'saying' of Joshua, no matter how antithetical it was to the ideas or practices of 'The
master' himself. e.g. If your brother (= fellow Christian) sins, go and tax him with his fault. If he
won't listen to you take two or three brothers along as witnesses. If he won't listen to them, tell it to
the church. And if he won't listen to the church let him be to you as a gentile or a tax collector
Matthew 18:15-17 vs Joshua sat at table with many tax collectors and whores for there were many
of these who followed him Mark 2:15 Joshua said, "The tax collectors and whores are entering the
Kingdom before you Priests” Matthew 21:31 In fact after the death of Joshua very little is heard of
the Christians associating with tax collectors and whores, though this was clearly the practice of
'The Master' cf Paul wrote wrote 'Don't keep company with a brother who is a fornicator, or greedy,
or an idolater, a railer, or a drunkard.' I Corinthians 5:11 vs Joshua said, "Johanan the Baptiser came
neither eating and drinking, and they said, “He has a demon.” but when I came eating and drinking
they said, “Behold, the man is a glutton and a drunk, a friend to tax collectors and whores.”
Matthew 11:18-19

But of course there needed to be a bit of editing. First I cut out most of the interpretations of the
gospel writers: he said this because... , he did this because... , this happened because... though I had
to leave in some of the 'prophecies' as they have become an integral part of the story. I have also cut
most of the 'meaning' and 'morals' from most of Joshua's parables, because while the gospel writers
sometimes pour scorn upon those people too stupid or wicked to understand their meaning, it seems
likely that the gospel writers didn't understand their full meaning and neither did Joshua's own
disciples if Mark, the earliest and most reliable gospel writer is to be believed. Joshua said to the
disciples , "Do you still not understand? Are your minds still closed? You have eyes, why don't you
see? You have ears, why don't you hear? Don't you remember? When I broke the five loaves for the
five thousand, how many baskets of bread were leftover?” and the disciples said “Twelve.” Joshua
said, "And the seven loaves for the four thousand, how many baskets of bread did you pick up?”
and they answered, “Seven.” and Joshua said to them, “then how is it that you still don't
understand?” He explained that rather than the parables being simple stories easy for simple people
to understand, the parables were designed to be difficult to understand, hooks baited you might say
to catch the elect, those in the know, c.f. Mark 4:12. But Mark writes that even the 'elect' of Joshua,
those who 'Know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Elohim' Mark 4:11 didn't find them easy to
understand, “you don't understand this simple parable? How then will you understand any of my
parables?” Mark 4:13 so I decided to let people make up their own minds on what the parables
meant. Actually that was one of the reasons I wrote the book to make clear, to myself at least, not
what Joshua 'meant', much smarter and more learned men than me have spent two thousand years
puzzling over that, without much success I might add, but to simply make clear what the gospels
said Joshua said, and did. Well that was my intention at first but as everything is interpretation
really, some has sneaked it, but I have tried to keep it to a minimum.

Unsolved Problems

One of the reasons for writing this book was to make clearer to myself what the gospels said Joshua
did and said, versus what other people said he did and said. But this didn't happen as I ended up
more confused about the 'teachings' of Joshua as a man rather than a myth, than when I started.

One of the problems is that even in the gospels there are two incompatible portraits of Joshua: one
by the synoptics Mark, followed Matthew and Luke, and one by John.

The Synoptics John

Begins with the birth of Joshua Begins with Creation; Joshua a heavenly being
Joshua baptised by Johanan the Baptiser Joshua's baptism presupposed but obscured
Joshua's career starts after the arrest of Johanan Joshua meets Johanan the Baptiser, some of the
the Baptiser Baptiser's disciples leave to follow Joshua.
Natanael and Philip, the wedding at Qaneh, the
riot in the Temple, Joshua and Nikedemos, the
dispute between the disciples all happen before
Johanan is arrested
Joshua speaks in aphorisms and simple parables Joshua speaks in long, complex speeches
The Kingdom of Yahweh is the subject of his Joshua himself, is the subject of his speeches
Joshua says little of himself Joshua endlessly reflects on himself and his
Joshua a teacher of wisdom Joshua a mystic philosopher
Joshua is an exorcist Joshua performs no exorcisms
Joshua favours the poor and oppressed Joshua says nothing of he poor
Joshua's ministry lasts one year Joshua's ministry lasts three years
The Temple riot is at the end of his career The Temple riot is at the start of his career
No sign for this generation Many believed in him when the saw the signs he
In fact the gospel of John seems to be based upon a Book of Signs containing seven signs (semeia
(Gk)) and seven speeches. Although it seems to have been scrambled in transmission e.g. many
believed when they saw the signs he did John 2:23 vs This was the second sign that Joshua did John
4:54 ; Johanan the Baptiser points out Joshua John 1:29 vs he who was with you John 3:26 Kepha
says, “Where are you going?” John 13:36 vs Joshua said, "None of you asks me where I am going.”
John 16:5 Some scholars even think that whole chapters have been misplaced e.g. chapter 5 should
be after chapter 6 etc.

The Seven Signs:

1) Water into wine John 2:1-11
2) 2) The son of an official cured = the second sign John 4:46-54
3) 3) A crippled man at Beth-Esda John 5:1-14
4) 4) Feeding the Five Thousand John 6:1-15
5) 5) Walking on water John 6:16-21
6) The blind man / whose sin was it? John 9:1-41
7) The raising of Eleazar John 11:1-53
The end of the book of signs: Now Joshua did many other signs not recorded in this book John

The Seven Speeches:

1) Joshua and Nikedemos John 3:1-12
2) The woman of Samaria John 4:7-38
3) After Beth-Esda John 5:17-47
4) Bread and Flesh, Wine and Blood John 6:25-69
5) The light of the world / Sons of Beelzebub John 8:12-59
6) The Sheepfold / The Good Shepherd John 10:1-40
7) The grain of wheat / A voice like thunder John 12:20-50
8) After foot-washing John 14:1-21

I was certain that there was at least at the basis of these stories there was a man who did and said
certain things, but I have become more sceptical about that, when you see how free the early church
was in inventing stories, such as the birth stories, or certain sayings, and placing them in the mouth
of 'The Master' or to copying the miracles of Eliyah and Elisha, and saying that these 'miracles'
weren't copied from the prophets, but that the miracles of Eliyah and Elisha prefigured those of
Joshua. i.e. They had copied the miracles of Joshua rather than the other way round! This is clearly
seen in the story of the betrayal of Joshua by Judas, which is clearly fiction: the 'thirty pieces of
silver' Matthew 26:14 are taken from the 'prophecies' of Zachariah 11:12 where the thirty pieces of
silver are mentioned, along with a potter, and the throwing of the coins into the Temple. If the story
of Judas was true you would think that such an important part of the story would be clearly
remembered, but in the story of Judas' death in Matthew 27:5, where he hangs himself is different
to the story in Acts 1:18 where he falls down and his intestines spill out. Even the story of the 'Field
of Blood' which 'was known to everyone in Jerusalem' is fiction, for in Acts Judas bought the field,
while in Matthew the Zadokim took the blood money which Judas 'had thrown into the Temple' and
they bought the 'Field of Blood'.

And I certainly don't understand the relationship between the religion that Joshua 'founded' and the
faith healer from Galilee who thought that his miracles were a sign that the world was about to end.

We believe in the Messiah Joshua

The only son of god
eternally begotten of the father
god from god
light from light
true god from true god...
Nicene Creed

Paul, the earliest of the Christian writers seems to be ignorant of the facts of Joshua's life, makes no
mention of Joshua's parents, or the legend of his 'Virgin Birth', he makes no mention of where he
was born, or where he lived, or even when he lived, and he seems not to know much about Joshua's
teaching, and makes no mention of his parables or his miracles.

The problems of he gospels start with Matthew, who begins his gospel with two lies. The first is the
virgin birth. Paul, by far the earliest of the 'Christian' writers knows nothing of the virgin birth, and
in fact says, “The Messiah Joshua, was of the seed of David, according to the flesh, but by the
power of his spirit of holiness, and by his resurrection from the dead, was declared to be a Son of
Elohim.” Romans 1:3-4

And even Luke, who starts his gospel with a virgin birth, forgets himself when he comes to write,
'The angel Gabriel said to Miryam, “Yahweh will give Joshua the throne of his forefather David”'
Luke 1:32 and in Acts, he gives a speech by Joshua's right hand man Kepha, “But David, was a
prophet and knew that Elohim had sworn an oath to him, and that from one of his descendants he
would raise up a Messiah to sit upon his throne.” Acts 2:30 = Yahweh said to Nathan, “Tell David,
'Yahweh declares to you that Yahweh will establish your dynasty for you. When your days are
fulfilled and you lie with your fathers, I will raise up one of your offspring to succeed you, who
shall come forth from your own body, and I will establish his kingdom. He is the one who will build
a Temple for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom for ever. I will be his father
and he will be my son. When he does wrong I will chasten him with the rod of men, with the stripes
of the sons of men.'” i.e. = Solomon, the result of King David's adulterous, murderous relationship
with the Bath-Sheba, the wife of Uriah, who was so beloved by Yahweh that he sent word by
Nathan, that he must be named Jedidiah, which means loved by Yahweh.

The second lie, which is related to the first is the king list of Joshua's genealogy. Both Matthew and
Luke give Joshua a genealogy going back to King. David, but unfortunately for believability, the
genealogies are completely different. Why would Matthew put in his gospel this list of Joshua's
ancestors to 'prove' Joshua 's royal descent, and then say that, well he wasn't really descended from
King David after all, he was fathered by the Holy Spirit of the God of Israel? Apart from the fact
that the genealogies differ in Matthew and Luke, Matthew for some unknown numerological
reason, has fourteen generations from David to the Babylonian exile (i.e. 2 x 7, a mystical number)
but to get fourteen kings he has to do a bit of editing:

Matthew 1:6-11 I Chronicles 3:10

1. Solomon 1. Solomon
2. Rehoboam 2. Rehoboam
3. Abijah 3. Abijah
4. Asa 4. Asa
5. Jehosophat 5. Jehosophat
6. Jehoram 6. Jehoram
7. Uzziah = Ahaziah 7. Ahaziah
8. Queen Athaliah II Kings 11:1-16
9. Joash
10. Amaziah
11. Azariah
8. Joatham 12. Joatham
9. Ahaz 13. Ahaz
10. Hezekiah 14. Hezekiah
11. Manasseh 15. Manasseh
12. Amon 16. Amon
13. Josiah 17. Josiah
14. Jeconiah = Jehoiachin 18. Jehoahaz II Kings 23:31-34
19. Jehoiachin II Kings 24:6-16
20. Zedekiah II Kings 24:17-25:12 The last king of Judah

If Matthew wanted to get the true story of Joshua's birth, why didn't he ask 'The Messiah's brother
Jacob (James the Just) Isn't this the carpenter, the son of Miryam, the brother of Jacob, Joseph, Jude,
and Simeon, and whose sisters live nearby. Mark 6:3 I saw none of the none of the other Apostles,
except Jacob, the brother of the Messiah. Galatians 1:19 and in any case any descendant of Jeconiah
has been debarred from the Kingship of Israel by Yahweh:

Thus says Yahweh, “As I live, though Jeconiah, the son of Jehoiakim, the king of Judah, were the
signet ring on my right hand, I would tear him from my hand and give him into the hands of those
who seek his life... What is Jeconiah but a broken vessel, a useless shard that should be thrown
away... Write this man down as a barren trunk, a man who shall not succeed in his days, for none of
his offspring shall succeed in sitting on the throne of David, and ruling again in Judah Jeremiah

Thus says Yahweh, This is to be the doom of Jehoiakim, the king of Judah: he shall have no son to
sit on the throne of David... I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their iniquity, and his
dead body shall be cast out to the heat of the day and the frost by night. Jeremiah 36:30-31

The book of the ancestry of Joshua the Messiah... Jesse was the father of King David... Josiah was
the father of Jeconiah and his brothers who were carried away to Babylon... Jacob was the father of
Joseph, the husband of Miryam of whom was born Joshua who is called the Messiah
Matthew 1:1-17

Apostle's Creed Nicene Creed

I believe in God the Father We believe in one lord, Joshua the Messiah
Creator of heaven and earth The only son of God
I believe in the Messiah Joshua Eternally begotten of the father
God's only son God from God
Our lord who was conceived of the Holy Ghost Light from Light
True God from True God
Of one being with the father...
We believe in the Holy Ghost
The lord, the giver of life
who proceeds from the father
And the son = Filoque in Latin was inserted → and the son
into the Nicene Creed by the heretical Roman With the father and the son
Church in the 11th century, and which caused He is worshipped and glorified.
the split with the Orthodox Churches.

It's a mystery how the holy ghost can proceed from 'The only son of god' (Nicene Creed) and yet
father 'god's only son' (Apostle's Creed)?
How can the only son of god be 'conceived of the Holy Ghost' (Apostle's Creed) yet be 'Eternally
begotten of the father' (Nicene Creed)

If Yahweh, the god of the Judeans is the father of Joshua, who is his mother? If Miryam, then he
had no heavenly pre-existence. But if he did have a pre-existence, then who was his heavenly
mother? Or is the god of the Judeans an hermaphrodite? c.f. Then the Elohim said, “Let us make
man in our own image.” and in the image of the Elohim they created them, male and female.
Genesis 1:26-27

A third lie from the pen of Matthew comes when he writes of Joshua's baptism by Johanan the
Baptiser. Mark, the earliest of the gospel writers, said 'In those days Joshua came from Nazareth in
Galilee and was baptised by Johanan in the Jordan.' Mark 1:9 Theologically it worried Matthew that
his 'Master' had submitted to Johanan's 'Baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.' Mark 1:4
in which 'people were baptised and confessed their sins to Johanan.' Mark 1:5 and 'as everybody
knows the lesser man is blessed by the greater' Hebrews 7:7 so Matthew invented a little exchange
between Johanan and Joshua: 'Joshua came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptised by Johanan,
but Johanan tried to deter him, saying, “I need to be baptised by you, why have you come to me?”
but Joshua answered, “Let it be so now. It is fitting for us to do this to fulfil all righteousness.” and
Johanan consented.' Matthew 3:13-15 but a) What does 'fulfil all righteousness' mean? b) what sins
did Joshua confess to Johanan the Baptiser? c) why is Joshua filled with the Holy Spirit only after
he is baptised? d) Why do Christians claim that the 'baptism of Johanan' is inferior to their own
when it was good enough for Joshua?

But Not God

A third lie from
Joshua said, "Why do you call me good? Only god is good.” Mark 10:16
And there he could do no miracles, because of their unbelief. Mark6:5-6
Joshua said, "I don't know when the end times are. Only god knows that.” Mark 13:32
Joshua said, "To sit at my right hand or my left hand is not mine to give.” Mark 11:40
Joshua said, “Not what I will, but what you will” Mark 14:36
Joshua said, "I am going to my god.” John 20:17
Joshua said, "The father is greater than me.” John 14:28
Joshua said, "I must do what the father has commanded me to do.” John 14:37
Kepha said, “We are not yet drunk, it's only the third hour of the day... but Men of Israel, hear these
words, Joshua the Nazorean, a man attested to you by Elohim with mighty works and wonders and
signs which Elohim did through him... this Joshua, according to the definite plan and
foreknowledge of Elohim you crucified and killed... but Elohim has raised him up, having loosed
the pangs of Death who held him... this Joshua, Elohim has raised up... being exalted to the right
hand of the Elohim, and having received from the father the promise of his Holy Spirit, he has
poured this out on us.” Acts 2:13-33
Kepha said, “David, being a prophet, knew that Elohim had promised him that the fruit of his loins
would one day sit on his throne.” Acts 2:29-30 =
For there is one god, and one mediator between god and man, and that is the man Joshua the
Messiah. I Timothy 2:5
This is the revelation of the Messiah Joshua which god gave to him to show his servants what must
soon take place Apocalypse 1:1
Joshua has made us priests to serve his god Apocalypse 1:6

My favourite miracle in the bible is the miracle of the bears, or as I like to call it:

Suffer the Little Children

As the prophet Elisha went up the road to Beth-El some little children came out of the city and
mocked him, saying, “Off you go, Baldy, off you go!” and the vanity of the prophet was stung by
these words, so he cursed the little children in the name of Yahweh. So Yahweh sent two she-bears,
who came out of the woods and forty-two of the children were torn to pieces. II Kings 2:23-25
What a heart-warming story! This miracle raises the problem of the relationship between Joshua
and Yahweh. For if Joshua is Yahweh, then it is Joshua who sends the bears to tear the 'little
children' to pieces! And this raises yet another problem: the relationship between Abba, the god of
Joshua, and Yahweh, the god of the Judeans in the Old Testament. As has been pointed out by many
'heretics' starting with Marcion in 144 c.e. The loving, forgiving god of Joshua seems to be the
antithesis of the vain, jealous, vindictive god of the Old Testament. The 'forgiving of enemies' is not
Yahweh's modus operandi: 'Yahweh is a jealous god and vengeful. Yahweh himself takes revenge
on his adversaries. He never forgets a wrong.' Nahum 1:1

Mosheh the prophet of Yahweh said “Honour your mother and father.” Exodus 20:12 but Joshua the
prophet of Abba said, “If you don't hate your mother and father, you can't be my disciple.” Luke

Clean and Unclean Food

Yahweh he spends much of the Torah telling the Hebrews what is clean and unclean food, see
Leviticus 11:1 etc.
Thus says Yahweh, “Those who consecrate and purify themselves to go into the garden following
one of their number, who eat swine's flesh and mice, and other abominable things – they shall meet
their end.” Isaiah 66:17
While Joshua, the prophet of Abba, 'Thus he declared all foods clean.' Mark 7:19

The Sabbath
And while the Hebrews were in the wilderness they found a man who had gathered wood on the
Sabbath, and they brought him before Mosheh and Aaron and the whole assembly. Yahweh said to
Mosheh, “The man must die. The whole assembly must stone him.” So the whole assembly took
Leviticus 11:1 him outside the camp and stoned him with stones until he was dead. Numbers 15:32-
On a Sabbath Joshua was hungry and plucked ears of corn and ate... Matthew 12:3

If Joshua is Yahweh why does he contradict himself when as Joshua he says, 'The Sabbath was
made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” while as Yahweh he says of a man collecting firewood on
the Sabbath, '“He must die!” and he was stoned to death as Yahweh had commanded.'
Numbers 15:32-36

While Joshua preached non-violence and forgiveness for your enemies all the 'Men of God' in the
Old Testament were men of violence:

Mosheh looked this way and that and then murdered the Egyptian and hid his body. Exodus 2:12
Mosheh said to the commanders of the army, “Why have you allowed these women to live? You
must kill all the males, and kill all the women who have slept with a man. But all the young girls,
all the virgins who have not slept with a man, you can have for yourselves.” Numbers 31:7

King David
And David smote the land and left neither man nor woman alive... It was always his custom never
to leave man or woman alive lest they inform on him, saying, “This is what David has done.”
I Samuel 27:9-11
And King David brought the civilians out and he sawed them in pieces, or crushed them under iron
chariots, or cut them up with knives, or threw them into a brick kiln. II Samuel 12:31
And Eliyah said to them, “Seize the prophets of Baal, let no one escape.” The Eliyah brought the
four hundred men to the Kishon Valley and there he slaughtered them all. I Kings 18:40

The Jews and Christians have also taken for granted the identification of El Elyon (Most High God)
with Yahweh, but the evidence for this doesn't really stand up. When Yahweh revealed himself to
Abraham and he moved to Canaan, he was met there by Melchi-Zedek (My King is Zedek
(Canaanite)) c.f. Adoni-Zedek(My Lord is Zedek) another King of Jerusalem Joshua 10:1 It's
unclear to me how after this 'new' revelation to Abraham, he could meet with a man who was
already a priest of El Elyon. The title of Melchi-Zedek's god, El Elyon, was taken by the Hebrews
to refer to their god, but unless there had been an much earlier, unmentioned revelation of Yahweh
to the Canaanites, this seems very unlikely.

Melchi-Zedek, as a priest of El Elyon, ranked higher than Abraham, the chosen one of Yahweh, for
he blessed Abraham, and Abraham gave him a tithe of all the plunder he had taken, then El Elyon
ranks higher than Yahweh. For as Paul writes, 'It's beyond dispute that the lesser man is blessed by
the greater.' Hebrews 7:7 Paul also writes, 'You might even say that Levi himself who collects the
tithe, paid the tithe to Melchi-Zedek through Abraham because he was still in the loins of his
ancestor.' Hebrews 7:9-10 But Paul doesn't follow his own train of thought to its conclusion, for if
Levi was 'still in the loins of his ancestor', then so was Joshua bar-Joseph who was also a
descendant of Abraham, and the logical conclusion of his argument must be that Joshua himself
also paid the tithe through Abraham!

If Melchi-Zedek is therefore a greater man than Abraham, Levi, and Joshua, as well as being a
priest of El Elyon, why doesn't the covenant of Yahweh fall upon him? Why do we hear nothing
else of this great man in the Old Testament? What promises and what covenant was given to the
original priests of El Elyon? And why don't we hear anything more in the Old Testament of these
priests of El Elyon, who though obviously not Hebrews, had received an earlier, higher revelation?

The Temptation

The Satan who is a Son of Elohim Job 1:6-8 and the Grand Inquisitor of Yahweh who job is to test
a man's loyalty to Yahweh, then obviously his 'testing' was not evil, but a job that Yahweh had given
him to do.

The Satan, who is a heavenly being, and a friend of the god of the Judeans Job 1:6, comes to earth
to 'tempt' Joshua Mark 1:13 So if Joshua was also a heavenly being, why doesn't The Satan, who is
supposedly the 'Prince of Demons' recognise him? Especially when all the minor demons could?
Mark 1:14 etc.

The Ruler of the World

The ruler of the world is coming, but he has no power over me. John 14:30
I saw Satan fall like a lightning flash from the heavens. Luke 10:18
The Satan said, “All the kingdoms of the world have been given into my hands and I can give them
to whoever I wish.” Luke 4:6
1) Who gave the Satan 'All the kingdoms of the world'?
2) Why?

As I understand the Christian position:

a) It's the god of the Judeans who gives The Satan 'All the kingdoms of the world'
b) The god of the Judeans incarnates himself as Joshua.
c) The Satan then 'tempts' the incarnate god of the Judeans by offering him 'All the kingdoms
of the world' which the god of the Judeans gave to him in the first place.

What was Joshua's original message? Why did the disciples follow him? It couldn't have been his
'redemptive' death and resurrection, because the disciples were shocked by his death , and didn't
believe in his resurrection when told of it: 'The Apostles didn't believe Miryam and the other
women, because their words sounded like nonsense.' Luke 24:11

If faith is “The one thing needful”, why did Joshua teach anything apart from faith in his
resurrection to his disciples? If men can't be saved by works why preach or perform them? See 'The
Perushim and the Taxman' Luke 8:9-14

'From the days of Johanan the Baptiser until now, the Kingdom of Heaven has been coming
forcefully, and forceful men can lay hold of it.' Matthew 11:12 What does this mean?

Why does Joshua fail to work a miracle in his home town 'because they had no faith' Mark 6:5 when
“all things are possible to him who believes.”? Mark 9:23

Why did these prophecies of Joshua fail:

1) The disciples went round Israel before the Son of Man returned Matthew 10:23
2) All those standing there did taste death before they saw the Son of Man come into his
kingdom. Matthew 16:28
3) The next time the High Priest saw Joshua, he was not riding on the clouds at the right hand
of power, but dying on a cross. Matthew 26:64
4) The end of Eleazar's sickness was death.

If “I and my father are one” John 10:31 why doesn't Joshua know when the world will end? “The
disciples said, “When will this be” Matthew 24:3 Joshua said, I don't know.” Matthew 24:36

If “I and my father are one” why is blasphemy against Joshua forgivable but blasphemy against the
holy ghost unforgivable?

Who does Joshua pray to?

Then Joshua opened their minds so that they could understand the scriptures, saying “Thus it is
written that the Messiah should suffer and rise from the dead on the third day.” Luke 24:44-46 'For
they had not yet remembered the scripture that Joshua must be raised from the dead.' John 20:9 But
what are those prophecies?

When Judas leaves the last supper, Joshua said, "Now I am glorified, and god is glorified in me. If
god is glorified in me, god will also glorify me in himself, and glorify me at once.” John 13:31-32
What does this mean? Why is Joshua glorified because Judas has left the room?

Why did Joshua leave the safety of the upper room to go to the Mount of Olives when he new that
the cops were eager to arrest him?

If Joshua had told his followers to 'Turn the other cheek' why did he make sure that they were
armed when the left?

Why did Joshua meet on the Mount of Olives a man wearing 'Nothing but a linen cloth about his
If Joshua knew he was about to be arrested and crucified to 'fulfil the prophecies' and 'complete
Elohim's divine plan' why was he so careful to set his disciples to keep a watch? Why was he so
upset when they fell asleep and failed to keep watch?

You should follow in the footsteps of Joshua. He committed no sin, no guile was on his lips, when
he was reviled, he did not revile in his turn, and when he suffered he made no threats. I Peter 2:22-

No guile was on his lips: Joshua said, "You can go to the feast , but I'm not going.” but after his
brothers had gone, he followed them there, not openly but in disguise.” John 7:2-10

When he was reviled, he did not revile in his turn: The Judeans said to Joshua, “You are a Samaritan
who has a demon.” and Joshua said, “You are of your father The Devil, and your will is to follow
the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for the truth
is not in him. He is a liar and the father of lies... and if I said that I didn't know Elohim I would be a
liar like you.” John 8:43-55

When he suffered he did not threaten: Joshua threatened the cities where he had performed his
mighty works... “Kefar-Nahum, did you rhink I would exalt you to heaven? No! I will drag you
down to Hades!” Mark 11:20-24 ; Joshua said, "Woe to the man who betrays me! Better for him if
he had never been born!” Mark 14:21

The greatest spokesman for Joshua was a man who had never met him, while Joshua's 'chosen
apostles' disappeared without trace. Paul had only a vague idea about the teachings of Joshua, and
no desire to learn.

Why aren't the Essenes mentioned in the gospels?

Joshua's Family
They said to Joshua, “Your mother and your brothers are outside asking for you.” and Joshua
replied, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” And looking around his disciples, he said, “Behold
my mother and my brothers!” Mark 3:32-35
Joshua said, "A prophet is not without honour except in his own village, and among his own
kindred, and in his own house.” Mark 6:4
Even Joshua's own brothers didn't believe in him John 7:5
They joined together in constant prayer with the women an Miryam, the mother of Joshua, and his
brothers. Acts 1:14
Paul said, “I saw none of the other apostles except Jacob, the brother of Joshua(=James the Just)
Galatians 1:19
When they had finished speaking Jacob (=James the Just) spoke up, “Brothers, listen to me... this is
my judgement” Acts 15:13-20d
How did Jacob, the brother of Joshua, and an unbeliever, become the leader of the Jerusalem
church, and the first Christian Bishop?

The Persecution
Every day they attended the Temple together Acts 2:46
One day Kepha and Johanan were going up to the Temple, when they were arrested. They were
released the next day Acts 3:1-4:21
On that day a great persecution arose against the church in Jerusalem, and all were scattered
throughout Judea and Samaria (though not Galilee), all except the apostles Acts 8:1
n.b. After Joshua's 'blasphemy', his 'seditious preaching', his 'inciting people to rebellion' and his
followers so violently resisting his arrest that one of the High Priests officials suffered grievous
bodily harm, and Joshua was executed for his crimes by the governing authorities , shortly
afterwards his followers pray in the Temple unmolested by the Zadokim, and are ignored by the

King Joshua
Can Joshua be a king if no one recognises his claim?

If Joshua was the Messiah, who anointed him? In the non-canonical gospels Miryam the Magdalene
is given an important position among the disciples, but in the canonical gospels even though they
say, 'Joshua said, "Amen, Amen, I say to you that the story of what the woman has done for me will
be told in memory of her”

Joshua said, "There is no man who has left house and family for my sake, who will not receive in
the new aeon a hundredfold of houses and families Mark 10:29-30

Jacob and Johanan the sons of Zebedee asked Joshua, “Let us be the ones to sit at your right hand
and your left hand when you come into your kingdom.” and when the other disciples heard this they
were filled with indignation. Mark 10:35-41

Joshua enters Jerusalem riding upon an ass. He did this to fulfil the prophecy of Zachariah 9:9
Rejoice greatly, daughters of Zion
Shout loudly you daughters of Jerusalem
Behold, your king is coming to you
He is triumphant and glorious
Though humbly mounted upon an ass
Upon a colt, the foal of an ass.

Astrologers came from the east saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Judeans?”
This was to fulfil the prophecy of Micaiah 5:2 'Beth-Lehem, from you will come one who will be a
ruler over Israel.'

Joshua said, "When I sit on my throne, you will also sit on thrones as lords of Israel.”
Matthew 19:28

The angel Gabriel said, “Yahweh will give Joshua the throne of his forefather David.” Luke 1:32

“Blessed is the king who comes in the name of Yahweh.” some Perushim said to Joshua, “Rabbi,
rebuke your disciples.” but he answered them, “If they were silent, these very stones would acclaim
me as king instead. Luke 19:38

Blessed is the king of Israel. John 12:12

All the gospels make a great play of the trial and crucifixion of Joshua, as if the Roman's had
unwittingly made Joshua a king:

Pontius Pilatus says, “Shall I release to you the king if the Judeans.” Mark 15:12

Pontius Pilatus said, “What shall I do with the man you call the king of the Judeans?” Mark 15:12

The Roman soldiers clothed him in a purple (the imperial colour) cloak, crown him with thorns,
bend their knees in homage to him, and call out, “Hail to the king of the Judeans.” Mark 15:17
The charge against him read, 'The King of the Judeans” Mark 15:26

The Zadokim. The Chief Priests of Israel call out, “Let the Messiah, the King of the Israel, come
down from his cross.” Mark 15:32

Pilatus had a notice prepared which was fastened to the cross. It read 'Joshua the Nazorean. The
King of the Judeans'... The Zadokimi have written, protested, “Don't write 'The King of the Judeans'
but 'This man claimed to be The King of the Judeans'. Pilatus answered them, “What I have written,
I have written.” John 19:19-22

This early Christian claim that Joshua was the King of the Judeans allowed them to humbly claim
that they themselves were 'A Chosen Race, A Royal Priesthood, A Holy Nation, God's own People.'

I am well aware that I am the 'umblest person going . . . let the other be where he may. Uriah Heep
'Umble we are, 'umble we have been, 'umble we shall ever be. Uriah Heep
I am a very umble person. Uriah Heep
Although things had changed with the end of the Republic, the Roman Senate on the 'advice' of the
Emperor was the only body legally able to bestow the title of king.

If Joshua was the King of Israel who believed his claim? Not the Zadokim who believed him to be a
dangerous radical. Not the Perushim who thought that he was possessed by Beelzebub. And
certainly not by the Romans. He was executed by them for the political 'crime' of claiming to be the
King of the Judeans, which was perceived by the Romans as a threat to their authority in Palestine.
The Romans regarded Joshua as just another Galilean Zealot, a member of a group of religious
fanatics who resisted the occupation of their country by a foreign power, and who claimed to speak
for all the people and to be the only true followers of their god. The modern equivalent to the
Zealots would be the Taliban in Afghanistan, who also use violence against the occupying power,
and who are unconcerned about using violence against their own people who are seen as either
supporting the occupation or not 'zealous' enough in supporting them. How long would a Taliban
leader last who rose up in Kabul claiming to be 'The true King of Afghanistan' and the long-
prophesied 'Imam' who called the President appointed by America a puppet, and who called upon
the people to rise up in the name of Allah to resist the American occupation? How long would it be
before he was whisked off to Guantanamo Bay, or was blown up in a drone missile strike, or
mysteriously 'disappeared'?

The disciples were an excitable bunch, two of them were Zealots: Simeon who was nicknamed The
Zealot, Judas who was nicknamed Sicarius, which means the Assassin, and just before the Lord's
Supper the sons of Zebedee called for fire from heaven to consume the Samaritans who didn't
welcome Joshua. And even after the Lord's Supper in Geth-Sehnamim the disciples draw their
swords to resist the arrest of Joshua by the Temple Guard, and Kepha even cut off an ear from an
official of the High Priest. So when at the Lord's Supper Joshua said, "One of you will betray me.”
and when asked who it was, replied, “Judas Sicarius.” did the disciples:

a) Rebuke Judas and expel him from the twelve?

b) Beat Judas up and cast him out from the Lord's Supper?
c) Kill Judas as a traitor to the promised Messiah and to god?
d) Ignore Judas' treachery and start squabbling amongst themselves over 'Who was the
greatest'? Luke 22;24

If what Yahweh requires is 'mercy not sacrifice' Matthew 9:13 = Hosea 6:6 what are we to make of
the 'sacrifice' of Joshua?
But does Yahweh really require 'mercy not sacrifice' when the Torah is filled with instructions on
when you should offer sacrifice, how to offer sacrifice, what you should sacrifice, and who should
sacrifice. Even in Malachi, the last of the prophets, Yahweh spends much of his time complaining
that the sacrifices being offered to him aren't good enough. If, as in the Christians understanding,
you took from the Torah all the sections relating to sacrifice; the sections relating to 'clean and
unclean' Thus Joshua declared all foods clean Mark 7:19; on the praise of the 'righteous' and
condemnation of the 'ungodly' The parable of the Perusha and the Tax Collector Luke 18:9-14 it
would leave a pretty small book.

Why is 'World' a Christian term of abuse? cf Joshua said, "you don't belong to the world, that's why
the world hates you.” John 15:19 “If anyone loves the world, love for the father is not in him. For
all that is of the world: lust of the flesh, lust in the eyes, and boasting, comes not from the father, but
from the world.” I John 2:15-16 The World which was created by the god of the Judeans: Elohim
saw everything that he had made, and behold! It was very good. Genesis 1:31

By becoming cursed for us, the Messiah has redeemed us from the curse of the Torah, for it is
written in the Torah, 'Everyone who is hung upon a tree is cursed by Elohim. He did this so that
through him the blessing given to Abraham might come to the gentiles. Galatians 3:14 What does
this mean?

Elohim forgave all our sins, having cancelled the written Torah with its written regulations, which
stood against us. This he set aside by nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the Principalities and
Powers, and made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. Collosians 2:14
What does this mean?

Johanan the Baptiser in the Gospels

One thing that struck me in the gospels was the constant denigration of Johanan the Baptiser. For
instance in the gospel of John it is written: He wasn't the light John 1:8, he wasn't the Messiah John
1:20, he wasn't Eliyah John 1:2, he wasn't the prophet John 1:21, he performed no miracles John
10:40-41 Who are all these objections aimed at? If he didn't do any of these things or people didn't
believe that he was any of those things, why mention them? It's reasonable to assume that when this
gospel was written, c 85-120 c.e. Some people believed some or all of these things.

In The book of Sirach or Ecclesiasticus c180 b.c.e. It is written: Then up rose Eliyah the prophet as
a fire, and his word burned like a torch. He brought sore famine upon his enemies, and by his zeal
he diminished their numbers, when by his word he shut up the heavens, and three times brought
down fire from the heavens to rain upon them. Eliyah, how you were honoured for your wondrous
deeds! And who has as much right to boast as you, who raised up a corpse from death, and his soul
from Hades, by the word of El Elyon, who brought kings down to destruction, and honourable men
from their bed; who heard the rebuke of Yahweh in Sinai, and the judgement of vengeance in
Horeb. You who anointed kings to seek revenge and who filled a prophet with your spirit to succeed
you, and who was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind of fire, and in a chariot of fiery horses. You
who are ready to return at the appointed time, to calm the wrath of Elohim before the great and
terrible Day of Yahweh, to turn the heart of the father to the son, and to restore the tribes of Jacob
Sirach 48:1-10

In the gospel of Luke the Archangel Gabriel said, “Johanan will be filled with the holy spirit even in
his mother's womb.” Luke 1:15 while the holy spirit only came upon Joshua when he was baptised
by Johanan Mark 11:10
In the gospel of Luke the angel Gabriel said, “Johanan will be great before Yahweh and he shall
drink neither wine nor beer.” Luke 1:15 while Joshua was regarded as 'A glutton and a drunk'
Matthew 11:19 .

The Christian position comes from Paul who said, “Through this man (i.e. Joshua) the forgiveness
of sins is proclaimed to you.” Acts 13:8 but how is this and different to Johanan the Baptiser, who
'Appeared baptising in the wilderness and preaching the baptism of repentance for the forgiveness
of sins' Mark 1:4 ?

The Perushim asked him, “Why do yo baptise if you are neither the Messiah nor the Prophet nor
Eliyah?” John 1:25 but the question could be asked of the 'Perushim', Why do you think that 'The
Messiah, the Prophet, or Eliyah would have anything to do with baptism? Which is a rite so closely
connected with Johanan that he was commonly called Johanan the Baptiser. Despite claims to the
contrary the baptism of the Christians is clearly a copy of the baptism of Johanan.

According to the gospel writers Johanan the Baptiser was just the man who happened to baptise
Joshua and didn't really do much else, but the gospels themselves tell a different story. There is
evidence of how highly Johanan was regarded -

Joshua himself says: Johanan the Baptiser is the greatest man who ever lived Matthew 11:11

He wasn't the light: Johanan's father Zachariah, filled with the holy spirit, prophesied, “From on
high a the rising sun has visited us to give light to those who live in darkness, in the shadow of
death” Luke 1:67-79 n.b. Matthew applies the same prophecy not to Johanan the Baptiser but to

He wasn't the Messiah: A Judean named Apollos, a learned man, with a thorough knowledge of the
scriptures, had been instructed in The Way, he taught diligently the things of Yahweh, though he
only knew the baptism of Johanan. Acts 18:24-25 Paul arrived at Ephesus and he found some
disciples, and he asked them, “what baptism did you receive?” and they replied, “The baptism of
Johanan, we have not even heard of this Joshua.” Acts 19:1-7

He wasn't Eliyah: Joshua said, "If you can believe it, Johanan is that Eliyah who was promised to
come Matthew 9:12 Eliyah must come first and restore all things. Matthew 9:12

Joshua said, "He is a prophet, and more than a prophet.” Matthew 11:9 He wasn't the prophet: All
people hold him to be a prophet. Mark 11:32

He performed no miracles: Herod the Tetrarch heard of Joshua's miracles and said, “He is Johanan
the Baptiser risen from the dead, and that is why these miracles show themselves in him.”
Mark 6:14 ; Matthew 14:1 ; Luke 9:7

Resurrection: Herod said, “This man is Johanan the Baptiser risen from the dead.” Mark 6:16

But the gospel writers couldn't agree on Johanan:

Johanan the Baptiser was Eliyah Mark 9:11 ; Matthew 11:14
Johanan the Baptiser was like Eliyah Luke 1:17
Johanan the Baptiser was not Eliyah John 1:19

If the baptism of Johanan conferred the holy spirit on Joshua, why do Christians say that the
baptism of Johanan was inferior to their own?
If Johanan's message was, I'm not the Messiah etc. why would he have so many disciples, who were
“Excited to the utmost”? Enough for Herod Antipas to think, “With the influence he held over the
people he might start a rebellion against me.” and so have him arrested and put to death? c.f.
Josephus Antiquities 18.5.2

There is also an obscuration of the connection between Johanan and Joshua, and the nature of their

1) Joshua was baptised by Johanan and the holy spirit entered into him as a result. Mark 1:9 If
baptism make you a follower of Joshua i.e. a Christian, wouldn't Joshua being baptised
make him a follower of Johanan's? Is this why Joshua's baptism is obscured in John? c.f.
The Canons of Trent which curses those who say that the baptism of Johanan equalled that
of Joshua in efficacy: those baptised by Johanan didn't receive baptismal grace, and need to
be baptised in a 'Christian' manner. Would this include Joshua himself?
2) Joshua took from Johanan the idea of baptism as a rite.
3) The remission of sins. Johanan baptism of repentance for the remission of sins Mark 1:4
Repentance and the remission of sins should be preached in Joshua 's name. Luke 24:47
4) Joshua 's message was the same as Johanan the Baptiser's Repent for the Kingdom of
Yahweh is at hand. Johanan Matthew 3:2 ; Joshua Matthew 4:17

Clearly Joshua was originally a disciple of Johanan and, like The Buddha before him, left the
excessive asceticism of the Johanan the Baptiser behind him, and returned to the villages and towns
of Galilee, and took up eating and drinking and consorting with taxmen and whores, preaching that
the Kingdom of Yahweh had arrived in the here and now, and giving a vision of that kingdom to the
inner circle of his disciples.

Joshua said, "The Son of Man will be betrayed to the Zadokim and scribes. They will condemn him
to death and deliver him up to the Gentiles, who will mock him, and spit upon him, and scourge
him, and kill him. Three days later I will rise.” Mark 10:33-34

Joshua said, "I will be handed over to the Gentiles, and will be mocked, insulted, and spat upon,
they will scourge me and kill me. On the third day I will rise again.” but they didn't understand what
he had said. The meaning was hidden from them, and they couldn't grasp what he meant.
Luke 18:31-34

The disciples didn't understand this at first, but after Joshua's death they remembered that these
things had been written of him. John 12:16

What happened to the Holy Zombies of Jerusalem?

The Messiah redeemed us from the curse of the law by be coming cursed for us... he redeemed us
so that the blessings given to Abraham might come to the gentiles. Through him by faith we might
receive the promise of the spirit. Galatians 3:13

If Joshua became cursed by Yahweh by being hanged upon a tree Deuteronomy 21:23 How did he
get to sit at the right hand of Elohim?

Later Additions to the Gospel of Mark

After verse 16:9

Version I
The reported briefly to Kepha, and those with him, all that they had been told. And after this Joshua
himself appeared to them and sent out by means of them, from east to west the sacred and
imperishable message of eternal salvation.

Version II
And they excused themselves, saying, “This age of lawlessness and unbelief is under the control of
Satan, who doesn't allow the truth and power of Elohim to prevail over the unclean spirits, therefore
you must reveal your righteousness now.” They said this to the Messiah, and the Messiah replied,
“The term of The Satan's power has been fulfilled, but other dreadful things draw near. I was
delivered over to Death for those who have sinned, in order they may return to the truth and sin no
more, so that they may inherit the spiritual and incorruptible glory of righteousness which is in the
heavens. Quoted by St. Jerome ; Codex Washingtonius

Version III
Now when Joshua rose early on the first day of the week, he first appeared to Miryam the
Magdalene, from whom he had driven out seven demons. She went and told the disciples as they
wept and mourned his death, but when they heard from her that Joshua was alive, and that she had
seen him, they wouldn't believe her. After this Joshua appeared in a different guise to two of them as
they walked in the country. These men returned and told it to the rest, but they didn't believe these
men either. Afterwards Joshua appeared to The Eleven themselves as they reclined at table, and he
rebuked them for their lack of faith and hardness of heart in not believing those who had seen him
after he had risen. And then he said to them, “Go to all the world and preach the gospel to all
creation. He who believes and is baptised will be saved, but he who doesn't believe will be

These signs will accompany those who believe: The will be able to drive out demons in my name,
they will speak in strange tongues, they will be able to pick up serpents and drink deadly poison and
they will take no harm from it, they will lay their hands upon the sick and they will be made well.”
and when the lord Joshua had spoken thus to them, he was taken up to the heavens to stand at the
right hand of Elohim. And the disciples went forth to preach in every place, and Joshua worked with
them, confirming his word by the signs that accompanied it.

Resurrection Problems

The earliest account of the resurrection is by Paul in I Corinthians 8:14 = Acts 9:3 which is not a
physical appearance, but a 'vision' which Paul surprisingly takes as 'proof' that Joshua had been
raised from the dead. The other accounts give conflicting of what 'being raised' meant:

A ghost who could walk through locked doors Luke 24:36 & John 20:19
A ghost who appeared in different forms to different people Luke 24:13 & John 20:14
A ghost who could disappear at will Luke 24:31
A body that could eat and drink Luke 24:41-43 & John 21:9-14
A zombie, a physical corpse that had been revived, a flesh and blood body, still bearing the wounds
of its execution Luke 24:39-40 & John 20:27 Although Paul, for one, was convinced that Joshua's
resurrection was not physical, but spiritual, for as he said, “Some ask, 'how are the dead raised?
What kind of body will they have?' You fools! Said Paul, what you sow does not come to life unless
it dies. What you sow is not what is to be, but only a bare kernel... So it is with the resurrection of
the dead. What is sown perishable is raised imperishable. There is a physical body, but there is also
a spiritual body. I tell you brethren, flesh and blood can't inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.
I Corinthians 15:35-54

If 'flesh and blood can't inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.' how did Joshua get to heaven? How did
his 'physical' body enter the 'spiritual' plane?
If Joshua had to leave his physical body to get to heaven i.e. die, what was the point of raising his
body from the dead?
If Joshua wasn't 'physically' transported to heaven, what became of his body?

There are also conflicting accounts of who Joshua appeared to after being raised:
Paul in I Corinthians 15:5 Appearances to 1) Kepha 2) the Twelve 3) Five hundred disciples at once
(4 Joshua's brother Jacob 5) the Twelve 6) Paul
Mark: ends with an empty tomb, though the spurious additions have appearances to 1) Miryam the
Magdalene in Jerusalem 2) Two men in Emmaus 3) The Eleven in Jerusalem.
Matthew 1) Miryam the Magdalene and the other Miryam in Jerusalem 2) The Eleven in Galilee.
Luke 1) Two men in Emmaus 2) The Eleven in Jerusalem.
Acts Only to the disciples for forty days.
John 1) Miryam the Magdalene in Jerusalem 2) The disciples in Jerusalem 3) The disciples in
Jerusalem 4) The seven disciples in Galilee.


Mark Go to Galilee Mark 16:7

Matthew Go to Galilee Matthew 28:10
Luke Stay in Jerusalem Luke 24:49

The Holy Spirit

Joshua, while still on earth, breathes on his disciples and says, Receive the Holy Spirit.” John 20:22
Joshua, after being taken up to heaven on a cloud Acts 1:9 sends the Holy Spirit down from heaven,
“A sound came from the heavens like the rushing of a mighty wind, and it filled the house. Then
there appeared tongues of fire which rested upon each of them, and they were filled with the Holy
Spirit.” Acts 2:1-4
Kepha said, “Joshua has been exalted to the right hand of Elohim. He has received from the father
the Holy Spirit he was promised, which he has poured out upon us. Acts 2:33

Raised from the Dead Not Rose from the Dead

Kepha said, “The god of our fathers raised up Joshua who you slew and hanged upon a tree
Acts 5:2

Kepha said, “Elohim anointed Joshua the Nazorean with the holy spirit and with power... they slew
him and hanged him from a tree, but Elohim raised him up on the third day. Acts 10:39

Joshua was raised up by the glory of the father. Romans 6:4

But Elohim raised Joshua from among the dead, freeing him from the pangs of Death, because it
was impossible for Death to hold him in his grip. Acts 2:24 If it was 'impossible for Death to hold
him in his grip.' why did the god of the Judeans have to 'raise' Joshua?

So what conclusions have I reached? The most important thing I learned was that the gospels are so
contradictory and confused that its almost impossible to make definitive statements about almost
every aspect of the life of Joshua bar-Joseph. Even what occurred in some of the most religiously
important events of his life are uncertain, such as the date of the Lord's Supper – was it the day
before the Passover or the day before the day before the Passover? What happened at the Lord's
Supper – was it the institution of the rite of the Eucharist or the rite of Foot-washing? How was
Joshua resurrected – as a physical body brought back to life, as half ghost/half body, or as a spirit?
You would think that something as religiously important as the coming of the Holy Ghost would be
remembered accurately almost every account that I have read only mentions the coming of the Holy
Ghost as tongues of fire at Pentecost which was after Joshua had been translated into The Heavens,
forgetting the version of the same event in John 20:22, where Joshua before he had been translated
to The Heavens breathed to Holy Ghost onto his disciples. All that can be said is that on the
evidence of the gospels themselves:

• Joshua was probably born in his father's city of Nazareth Luke 1:26 and the 'prophecy' being
fulfilled by his being born in Beth-Lehem was added later to make the claims of his
followers that he was the Messiah appear more plausible.
• Joshua was a son of Joseph and Miryam.
• Joshua was not a descendant of David. Mark 12:35-37
• Joshua was not 'A Son of Elohim' except metaphorically, Romans 1:3-4
• Johanan the Baptiser was possibly a prophet of 'The Way' The hook: “The end of the world
is nigh. The Day of Yahweh is coming soon” For the many 'a baptism of repentance', but for
the few, baptism was a rite into the Mystery: The heavens were torn open and the spirit
descended like a dove.
• Joshua was baptised by Johanan the Baptiser and becomes a follower of The Way.
• Johanan the Baptiser was thrown in jail, and Joshua continued to preach his message “The
end of the world is nigh” until after receiving a revelation that convinces him that he is now
a Son of Elohim = the transfiguration, and he leaves the desert for he villages and cities,
leaves the ritually clean to preach to the ritually unclean, the 'taxmen and whores'. His vision
has transcended that of Johanan, and he is now unconcerned with ritual cleanliness, i.e.
associating with sinners, not washing hands etc. while Johanan the Baptiser's disciples ask
him, “why don't you fast...”
• Joshua a wandering holy man performing exorcisms and cures
• Johanan the Baptiser' disciples come to him saying, “the one who was with you is now
baptising. Johanan the Baptiser asks, “Are you the One or must we wait for another.”
• The Day of Yahweh becomes the Kingdom of Heaven.
• Joshua transmits his vision of becoming a Son of Elohim to his disciples, but they
misunderstand his message.
• His message is for the few, the elect, 'Enter by the narrow gate... for small is the gate and
narrow the way that leads to life, and few there are who find it.” Matthew 7:14 ; “Let the
dead bury the dead” Luke 9:60 ; “Yahweh is the god of the living not the dead.” Mark 12:27
; “This is eternal life: to know Elohim and follow the son he has sent as the way to Elohim.”
John 17:3 ; “I and the father are one.” John 10:31 rather than a church of 'the many'.
• The message is only for Jews, not gentiles, “Don't give what is holy to dogs, don't cast your
pearls before swine.”
• Joshua becomes convinced that he is the Messiah, the promised king of Israel, who will
'Restore the kingdom to Israel.'
• He is arrested, convicted of sedition, and executed. Nothing happens.
• His Jewish disciples continued 'In the Apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of
bread and of prayers.' and 'They held all things in common and continued praying in the
• Paul who had never met Joshua and who had little interest in his teaching, creates
'Christianity'. Opposing himself and his doctrine to 'The Super-Apostles' i.e. those actually
appointed by Joshua, and their continuance of Jewish customs and traditions, and devotion
to the Torah, of which Paul said, “Those who follow the Torah are under a curse.” Galatians
3:10 and “I am dead to the Torah and it's commandants.”Galatians 2:19
• The Jewish church is scattered, James the Just, the brother of Joshua, the first Bishop of
Jerusalem , is killed, The Way of the Ebionites fades away while the Christianity of Paul
continues, with baptism (adopted from Johanan) as the rite of entry. There are still a few
disguised references to The Way in the bible: Paul's fight with the 'Super-Apostles' over the
admission of gentiles, and his insistence that they don't need to be circumcised against the
explicit commandment of Yahweh in Genesis ; Paul's insistence that 'sinners' be cast out
from the fellowship of believers “Don't keep company with a brother who is a fornicator, a
railer or a drunk. You mustn't sit at table with him.” I Corinthians 5:11 while the Ebionites
followed Joshua 'Joshua sat at table with many tax collectors and whores, for many of these
followed him.' Mark 2:15 Joshua said, "The tax collectors and whores are entering the
Kingdom of Heaven before you.” Matthew 21:31 and even many years after Joshua's death
Paul comes across man believers who didn't follow his gospel: 'Now a Judea named Apollos
came to Ephesus. He was a learned man, well-versed in the scriptures, an he was a follower
of The Way of the lord (Yahweh or Joshua?). He spoke with fervour in the spirit and taught
accurately concerning The Way though he knew only the baptism of Johanan. he began to
speak boldly in the Synagogue. When Priscilla and Aquila heard him speak, they expounded
The Way of Elohim to him more accurately.' Acts 18:24-26 n.b. How could he teach 'The
Way accurately' if he knew 'only the baptism of Johanan? What was he teaching? Paul came
to Ephesus, and there he found some disciples (of who? Or what?) and he said to them,
“What were you taught concerning Joshua?” and they said, “We have never heard that
name.” Paul said, “Then what baptism did you receive?” and they replied, “We were
baptised with the baptism of Johanan the Baptiser.” Paul said, “Johanan baptism was only
the baptism of repentance. He told the people to wait for the one who was to follow him.
And that one is Joshua.” Acts 19:1-7 n.b. Although, of course, it was good enough for
Joshua, and brought to him the holy spirit!

Joshua was a wandering holy man who wanted to get closer to his god, and was probably some sort
of Mystic/Gnostic:
• Joshua said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.” Luke 17:21
• Joshua said, "Yahweh is not the god of the dead but of the living.” Mark 12:27
• Joshua said, "Let the dead bury the dead.” Matthew 8:22
• Joshua said, "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him.”
John 6:56
• Yahweh is the King of the Aeons I Timothy 1:17
• Yahweh dwells in the unapproachable light, no one has ever seen him, or could ever see
him. I Timothy 6:21
• Yahweh is the father of the Heavenly Lights, he does not change like the shifting shadows.
James 1:17
• Joshua was put to death in the flesh, but was made alive in the spirit, through which he
preached to the spirits on prison. I Peter 3:18 c.f. I wonder how so much wealth (i.e. the
spirit) has come to be imprisoned in such great poverty (i.e. the flesh) The Gospel of
Thomas 28
• Through him you can partake of the divine nature II Peter 1:4
• May Yahweh lighten your heart with life-giving Wisdom ad grant you knowledge of Eternal
Things. Dead Sea Scrolls, Community Rule 2:4
• From the God of Knowledge comes all that is or shall ever be. He has established the whole
design, so that all is in accord with his glorious design... He has appointed for man two
spirits to walk with him until the Day of Yahweh, these are the Spirits of Truth and of
Falsehood. Upright character flows from the fountain of Light, but a wicked character
springs from the realm of the Dark. All the Sons of Righteousness are ruled by the Prince of
Light, so they walk in the way of Light, but the sons of wickedness are ruled by the Angel of
Darkness, and walk on the way of the Dark. Though the Angel of Darkness can still lead the
Sons of Righteousness astray, as a mystery of Yahweh... for all the spirits allotted to him by
Yahweh seek to cause the Sons of Light to stumble.
Dead Sea Scrolls, Community Rule 3:15-24
• The the Son of Man is within you all. Seek for him inside yourselves, for Joshua said, "Seek
and you will find.” The Gospel of Mary Magdalene
• Those who claim that Joshua died before he ascended to heaven are in error, for first he
ascended, and then he died. The Gospel of Philip
• Those who say that they will die and then rise again are mistaken. If they don't receive the
resurrection first, while they still live, they will receive nothing. The Gospel of Philip

The church, influenced by Paul, called the Gnostics Satanic, “The Satan can pass himself off as an
angel of light, so it's no wonder that his servants can disguise themselves as servants of
righteousness.” II Corinthians 11:13-16 but Paul considered anyone who had a different idea of
Joshua Satanic, even those he called 'Super-Apostles', who were the disciples appointed by Joshua
himself, and it seems to me that some of the Gnostics might have had a better understanding of the
message of Joshua than Paul, who interpreted the sayings of Joshua literally, and who hoped that the
end of the world was imminent:

Behold I Come Soon

• Joshua said, "Amen, I say to you that I'll not drink wine until I drink the new wine in the
Kingdom of Elohim Mark 14:36
• Joshua said, " There are some standing here who will not taste death before they see me
come into my kingdom.” Matthew 16:28
• These things were written down as a warning for us, upon whom the end of the Aeon (Tele
Ton Aionon (Gk)) has come. I Corinthians 10:11
• Our salvation is nearer than when we first believed, the night is nearly over, the day is close
at hand. Romans 13:1-12
• The end of all things is at hand. I Peter 4:7
• This is the last hour. We have been told that the Anti-Messiah will appear, and many Anti-
Messiahs have already appeared, which proves that this is the last hour. I John 2:18
• Be patient brethren, until the coming of the Messiah... behold the judge is standing at the
door. James 5:7-9
• Joshua said, "Behold I come soon.” Apocalypse of JohnJoshua said, "There are some
standing here who will not taste death until they see the the Son of Man come into his
Kingdom Matthew 16:28
• These things were written for our instruction, for upon us the end of the aeon (Tele Ton
Aionon (Gk)) has come I Corinthians 10:11
• Paul wrote in his earliest epistle 'This I can declare to you by the word of the lord himself:
We who are still alive at the coming of the lord will not precede those who have fallen
asleep. When the lord descends from the heavens with a shout of command, with the
archangel's call, and a blast from the trumpet of Elohim, the dead in the Messiah will rise
first. Then we who are still alive will be caught up with them into the air, to meet the lord in
the clouds, and so we will be with the lord forever. I Thessalonians 4:15-17
• But when this 'prophecy' of Joshua's second coming proved to be false, they had to be
changed. Now 'The man of lawlessness' must be revealed first, the son of perdition, the man
of opposition who will exalt himself over all that is called 'god' or worshipped, and he will
set up his throne in the Temple of Elohim and proclaim himself to be Elohim.' II
Thessalonians 2:3-4 Although this 'prophecy' has also failed, not least because the second of
Yahweh's 'everlasting' Temples was razed to the ground by the Romans.

And when that wasn't convincing enough either, the early Christians tried a little Pharasaical/
Jesuitical sophistry:
• 'In the last days scoffers will come, scoffing at the prophecies, saying, “What has happened
to the prophecies of Joshua's second coming?”... but don't forget this, dear friends, with the
lord, one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as one day. The lord is not tardy
in keeping his promise, as some men would count tardiness, no! He is being patient with
you, he wants no one to perish...' II Peter 3:3-9 But on the other hand for the scoffers, 'Not
forgetting that the present heavens and the earth are reserved for the fire being kept for the
day of judgement, and for the destruction of the ungodly.' II Peter 3:7 n.b. If Christians are
having trouble getting people to believe that Joshua 'will come soon' two thousand years
after he made that prophecy, why don't they just say that as 'one day is as a thousand years'
and that Joshua predicted that 'I must be killed, but after three days I will be raised' Mark
10:34 ; Matthew 16:21 that Joshua's second coming will be in the year 3033 c.e. Three days
= 3000 years after his death?
• Woe to you that long for the Day of Yahweh! Why would you long for the Day of Yahweh,
when it will be a Day of Darkness not a Day of Light? Will not that Day be Darkness, and
not Light? It will be great Darkness with no brightness in it at all! Amos 5:18-20

Paul was the real originator of Christianity, even though he had never met Joshua and was
implacably opposed to those 'pillars' of the early church i.e. the true Apostles who had known
Joshua, and had been appointed as Apostles by Joshua himself, because they continued Joshua's
teaching only to the Jews as Joshua had instructed them: Go only to the lost sheep of Israel
Matthew 15:24 ; don't go to the dogs = gentiles Matthew 15:27 while Paul wanted to preach to the
gentiles, and continued to follow the Torah of Yahweh unlike Paul who declared “The former
commandment is set aside because it was weak and useless. The Torah of Yahweh has made nothing
perfect.” Hebrews 7:18-19 Throughout Paul's Epistles there is an undercurrent of resentment
directed against the Apostles: Paul said “Am I not an Apostle? (No!) Have I not seen Joshua? (No
again!) Some (i.e. the Apostles actually appointed by Joshua) say that I'm not an apostle.” I
Corinthians 9:1-2 because there were some conditions to being an 'Apostle': When the Apostles
replaced Judas Sicarius Kepha said, “Therefore one of the men who have been with us during all the
time that Joshua was among us, from the time of his baptism by Johanan, to the time he was taken
up from us. Only one of those men must be allowed to become a witness with us to his
resurrection.” So they cast lots and the lot fell to Matthias, so he was added to the eleven Apostles
Acts 1:21-26

It was Paul who humbly said, “It pleased Elohim, who set me apart from my mother's womb, to call
me, and by his grace to reveal his son in me... but I didn't confer with flesh and blood, nor did I go
to the Apostles in Jerusalem, but I immediately went to Arabia = Nabatea.” Galatians 1:15-17
Paul said, “As for those who were reputed to be important ( i.e. the Apostles actually appointed by
Joshua) these men could add nothing to my message.” Galatians 2:6

Paul said, “We await our from the heavens our Saviour, the lord Joshua the Messiah, who will
transform our lowly bodies to be like his glorious body.”
Joshua said to Thomas, "See my hands, feel the wound in my side.” John 20:21

Joshua said, “Don't think that I have come to abolish the law.” Matthew 5:17

“I Paul, say to you that if you are circumcised you will gain no advantage from the Messiah.”
Galatians 5:2
Circumcision is nothing I Corinthians 7:19

God said to Abraham, “This is my covenant with you: every male must be circumcised in the flesh
of his foreskin... every uncircumcised male, who has not been circumcised in the flesh of his
foreskin, must be cut off from his people, for he has broken my covenant.” Genesis 17:1-14
Paul said, “As for those agitators for circumcision ( i.e. the Apostles) I wish that they would go all
the way and castrate themselves... You, my brothers, were called to be free, but you mustn't abuse
your freedom to indulge the flesh, but rather you must serve each other in love, for the whole of the
law is summed up in this one word: 'You must love your neighbour as yourself.' (Obviously only as
long as they don't advocate keeping the law of Yahweh!) Galatians 5:12-14

Paul said, “We have a High Priest who has gone through the heavens... one who was tempted, yet
he was without sin.” Hebrews 4:14-15

Paul said, “When the Messiah came into the world he said:
Sacrifices and offerings you didn't desire
But a body you prepared for me
In burnt offerings and sin offerings
You take no pleasure.
Then I said, “Elohim, I have come to do your will
As it is written of me in the scroll.”
Galatians 2:6 quoting Psalm 40:6-8

Obviously forgetting that the psalm goes on to say:

Troubles without number surround me
My sins have overcome me
They are more than the hairs on my head.
Psalm 40:12

Under the influence of Paul, who was only interested in the death and 'resurrection' of Joshua, a
man who had never met Joshua, and who was ignorant of, and wanted to know nothing of, his
actual teaching, “The Super-Apostles could teach me nothing.” Joshua rose through the spiritual
hierarchy: first as a wandering faith healer and holy man, then as the Messiah, then as a man
adopted by god, then as a man raised to the right hand of god, then as a spiritual being who had
become a man and had returned to the spiritual realm. Finally he became god.

The main problem I have after reading so much Christian literature, is that I still had no clear idea
of what Joshua's death had accomplished. But I finally had an idea after reading the story of the
Prodigal Son. This is a very long parable and I wondered why so much attention was paid to it.
After much thought it came to me that in most of Joshua's parables a king, a ruler, a rich man was
interpreted by Christians as Yahweh the god of the Judeans, as in the parable of the Vineyard Mark
12:1-9 and I wondered why this principle wasn't applied to this parable as well. Then the problem
became: who are the two sons? Why was the 'good son' treated badly and the 'bad son' treated well?
And how did this relate to Joshua? And I think I have found a solution: in the old testament The
Satan is not a name, but a title of one of Yahweh's servants, see The Satan in 'The Serpent, The
Morning Star, The Satan, and The Prodigal Son' above, where I've collected the references to The

Now if the old Satan was trying to tempt men into 'sin' and he has been 'defeated' by Joshua, as the
new testament has it: So that by death he might destroy the one who holds the power of Death, that
is The Devil. Hebrews 2:14-15 and he has been removed from his position, that position would
become vacant, And Joshua now 'appears before Elohim on our behalf' Hebrews 9:24 He took his
seat on high at he right hand of majesty. So having become higher that the angels as the title he
inherited is superior to theirs Hebrews 1:3-4 In Christian mythology Joshua is now 'standing at the
right hand of Elohim.' Acts 7:56, but what is he doing there? What office does he hold? The only
office in heaven which seems to be vacant, and which gives the right of intercession, is the office of
The Satan.
Was The Satan out of a job because Yahweh failed his own test by 'punishing' Job without reason?
'Yahweh said to The Satan, “Job still holds fast to his integrity even though you have tempted me to
ruin him for no reason” Job 2:3 Is this why The Satan cast out of heaven? Because he held up the
mirror to Yahweh himself, and Yahweh found that “Even the heavens are not clean in his sight.”
'Judge not least you be judged, for with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again.'
Matthew 7:1-2

Jesus is the new Satan.

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