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_ _ Iu.nI~·s""Iersr-.._(PA_k)

Jacobs to make online announcement for Orange mayor
>01tOr_~ _ _ ,_ _ ""'''- _ _ F_ _ F_",-~_.T~

. . - _ _ .. 0 _ 0 _ .......... 220 •• '0 ......

Fermer Orango CounIJ CommlssioMl' ToreH JKobs Is expooQOd k) mako lief jump into .... ccunIT m3fIlr's ,aa.
T,,",s<l.iy _ an 0I'lIIiM arwlOUIlCeI'\'llfom ..... WItlsiIll.
-_ ..'It.",.-..--polt<:a--
Y_ _
__ ,
TP .'._e--01_
.. ~So<IInoI

Jaalbs.aR~_jolnalaa. . .adl'~_IoImoIC1lII"'lI""s..CommlssiclneB_f~1.,
BiI Soe!IlII_ Lft:Sa s-art _.uo I\lN*'O. H .... » \IO.IsiMSsman _ f'*-.

5ellal _ 00m0a3lS••e .... eilll'l'~Sogal has 13ise<l ... 3I1yhal" a " -

SlroIt _
SlewaI1 er;a,s somo 01 .... SWongeSll)Oliftg numtIOQ 01 ..... <;andidaII!s. 9UI Jacobs 0llIlId so.,_...
-..s. _
~ Ix.. l>eCauH Ib SlewaI1. ... ~ dooI<'II public;_ ..... 1lIIings in ,Kent~.

Tho MJ:t aueial dato is caMiGaII Qljlilillling• ...nid111ftds on Juno 18.• no one jumps ad oflle.-ace. as many as'"
_ candi4aleS 0llIlId 1M in .... nM'II'kog lor ... Aug 2. PfWn¥f Tho top Iwo_ adl'ancelo a Nclw.2 ~
SoIIlsaaIw k) our blog ........

j I


-'--:'.. .. _ s ; o .......... _ .... _F__F_.. O r_""'- ......... ,.... T~J_

LalfSllnwn OIIandos..o I «WlllIlogs

• NIMOllllllQlll rpt<! 19r«Ml! OIl ",Pe. wt!'OIl!
c.. $ , ISptg O~ TIlt W!It Sbl'll
• fraWUW3H lprWTCllt!R"'O$I
,......... lfll11lll foret!
_Chiles ""~ • oft"", Cpam 5tnYttI!g<lI tt"" w!; 01
independent CaIIlIidaIe 101Il1O peOPle of Flolida " ...... 19r AUg rs;..,trt! f!Rflll.1'!>l!p! I'IJlKl
• OymS" .... Nt IN<! wtr "boo cltt""lR be

The IIIown II '1 >,

l'Illy Is Congrus PlaJing FavoIlIes1 .'lid How Ooos This Impact Yoo1
& , "
f!II!? lflllQll forgl
The_~ __ "noI

JacobS, a RepubHcan In Name Of1ty, just left her/ob is alobbjist willlllle Department oT Transporta~Oll. Sf1e
represents Gwemment InC. and deseNeS Ille nldmame Teresa Pelosi. AlloT my
corporate welTare, and a commuter train we cannot anOld. Time TOI a new diredion in Orange County
opposi~on ",ted Tor Ille arena,
"' bw,*",
""'ttJ>ew( tj.Ilsc,o,a 'M,' Boll!
Opt" MB
OdP""P mi_ "__
OdP""P llGJ"fo".tO'>
Its Otr« fgplO.'1
IAr Falconer keeps pointing OIl! a , 980's term CorpOlate We~are. T11e term was used when a
f'9Ilti",1 f'l.1"
city bui~ a new TOOInal1 01 baUball hid to ~ e team tQ mOYe to Illei, dIy. This is notllle case oflllt .....ena. He nas ~_ tOT E'MO·
becomt a standing joU on Irl. Stntintl·s daill' oniin. Irl'eads SlMi"" s~ Zo"'l

_by..- _.J_,.."" ... '2..... ~

hpTP Ttti'..... U<
Inti." "~a

Tl'ris is lI'U1 ntwsl IlflSa JaCOb'S tltlicaI positions would De a posiWe alDiDu1e as ou, Orange Counly wa,or. Tm- pO'!; "I""""
......d I see comedic Dlogglf. WallIlew Ftlconlf. appears despe'ale!y all'eded Dr"is aMouncemenl "Te,esa PelOsi' TFlIric CrJII <1m.
(1) and 'ReJlUDIican in Name 0nIJ: coming I'om someone who jus1 ,ecenly himseft swi1dted 10 mrlorme, T"s !VGyJ
It's"""" S ..lI
ReJlUDliCan Pao1y1 01'1. II\t kOllr
Noflo menlon. Orange COU/lIY Wal'Of is suPPOud 10 De • nonpartisan pasilon in case he missed inIormakln
in lhis race.
_"." _. _."-2S.>01... :!:tt~

Mall FalConer is ... """ cons""'" candidall in ,,_ Ix.. I am glad "at he is a ReJlUlIIican.
He Iw; "". SuppoII.
Ron RedIid'I
~ Oist'id TWo 0Ian0t CounIJ ReputIIcan Parii'

_ .. .-'-725._...... 'S~
• AllC"s-=-s..
•c _PwI)I
• e:- .. l\Ios; ... -=-
I'S lJrVfI' _ . . - - F _ andlllll\al-tlllply ~ dip mal, shoppiIl9 cenIier!; _ HugogIing' • _Goo••
• , " ,lIiI

10 keep I'IeiI headS F_1lIollatllI' needed $9OK b ~ his rnorIgage on his . . - . - . . -
mansiOn in WIndeImtIt TI\anll:s. lor 0_. '11 01.1 SO many _ readers I\;M aIr1!adl' <Soko".""- ." 'C•.,..,.( _001*=-
I\aI Na""'" F_1s an "'iOJll'llllloollW<' ·d spend half as mudI_ nn'Iing 10.- _ _ s-..g •r I PwI)I

~ ~ lom Ills IlllIlCnd 01 SO ~ (_""'5 l>wint;I_ousj _hoe ~ postitlg on • Tlot 5wrfIo_

Uototy.I,--_... Io; •

~. SingIt Slory .... _ 0IllllS. ... ",""De iIllls 10 Qise a _ _ed <loIar.; u mor•. He'S jlIsl a ~ • TllQlI(,O,S, ...

nuljo11_..-Olt I _ 01_. waslWCI his _1IloOIIoWf1o puIllis/Ilhem l>Kaus.e no,~ flllIIlIiSt>eI_ ••

prinltlem _ r:wildalms .......•• an ~shed""" _ ajob.. TharblorponingOLCIo ".'l'Of"""
FaIOoneI peI"SOIIiIlIJpaid 10 ~ Ills Griwwl PUblisI>ed so he 0llIlId ~ it. As lor a PlNous posleI on tIeIe taIIjng
aboLt lie "O£CMlES of S9S0lIlnleftsllTlOftS"( "II Sl.IIIPOS"IJIIs Fomande:ts. segal's _ SlewaI1'S
campaignS. um. ...,..,. iltIll' _ in _ lor &-I ,..... Md, ...... ofllem . - held public; - . Defore nM'II'kog lor ••.-
• o<_e- SWw., _
"""" ~Ol'l"

' ...

• T.... ~_ . . . . . _ _ 'l" "JmlI
lie Orango CounIJCommlsslon. Tho laSl"" I was in ~"'ilaI, s-dIool, 6-a ream does not equa1e 10 l"deCade.·
mudlless "dfClodeS.· So. 9tf]'OW hUll 0Ul of F~s b" and S1op.-,;ng 10 spod oI']'OW
was1eU 5petllling. corrupl POIiIidan llIiwwI _ get behind a canllid.1le _
diIIeren<:W in
primary He'S ljot..
can adualJ'win IIis race _
0Ian0t CounIt' W _ F ~ s going 10 De nobng men ...... "" "also ,,,,,'1Ie dar __ ' "
now and ht'llM ljot.. after lie eIedion.
make I
e-_Snt.-._ ...
• RyMI Pert low... """""'" ~ _ 01

_ . . J. .an n-..u,-. " - 25. "',..."5' ~ Rtctnl ComrneoIlS

• _ _ .. _TH"'-t)'..., . . . . . Gro,.....?
• UIOtOOGrar- _ _ w",,,-,,
The convnents art ClOSed Exhibit I-2

_"~' - __ I ...--. ... . - ?

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