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Honorable Mayor, honorable Council-members, my name is Neil Turner, and I

am a 27 year resident of Carlsbad.

As elected representatives and therefore employees of We The People of

Carlsbad, under oath to uphold and defend our rights under the Constitution, I
am here to make you aware of some serious crimes that you, as my most
accessible public servants, are my first, and apparently last, line of defense to
have them addressed.

What are the crimes, and what can be done about them?

1. I, and my fellow citizens in this County, have been disenfranchised due

to acknowledged and provable election fraud – by Nancy Pelosi and
the DNC, and our Secretary of State, for knowingly allowing a
constitutionally ineligible candidate for President on the ballot in 2008;

2. The High Crime of Treason, by Barack Obama, for altering our form of
Government by unconstitutional means: by breaking in and entering
our White House by force of contrivance, concealment, wire fraud,
election fraud, dissembling, and deceit, - and for failing to defend our
borders and allowing sanctuary cities to permit foreign-born domestic
enemies unobstructed invasion of our sovereign nation.

What am I asking you, the City Council-members, to do?

1. Present these charges (with the evidence provided) to the County

Criminal Grand Jury. Your ‘Standing’ is assured, while mine is not, and;

2. File charges against our Secretary of State – for placing an un-vetted

and ineligible candidate for President on the ballot, thereby

disenfranchising every voter in the State (Presidential candidates SHALL
BE ‘Natural Born’ U.S. citizens, per Article II of the Constitution), and;

3. File charges of Election Fraud, Sedition and Treason against Nancy Pelosi,
the DNC, and Barack Obama for the aforementioned crimes.

To assist you in these, We The People’s demands, I am herewith providing you

with the bona fide Presentments/Indictments of a 5th Amendment Citizens
Grand Jury – outlining these charges and with all evidence and proofs included.

(Hold up AGJ Presentments).

In closing, I would like to add that all active U.S. Military officers who are
aware that their responsibility to NOT OBEY any unlawful orders would include
any and all orders and commands that originate with an ineligible, and
therefore illegal, Commander in Chief, and that all military and police officers -
active, resigned, or retired - are still under oath to protect and defend the
Constitution, and therefore have a lifelong obligation and duty to continue to
do so, lest they be charged, as could you, council-members, with misprision of

Since time is of the essence, I look forward to your immediate response to this
urgent request to address these violations of our Constitutional rights, and to
help restore our Constitutional Republic.

Thank you.

* "Misprision of felony" (18 U.S.C. § 4)

Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of

the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to
some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be
fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

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