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Brian Snyder

Aug. 25, 1960 – Sept. 24, 2009
Death seems cold and uncaring; nothing anyone
would do on their own accord. It makes me cry out
to God to save me from it's grip. How can this be fair?
How can this be happening to me at all? What did I
do to deserve this? What did my family do?
Over time I began the slow realization process that everyone
dies. There are no magic rules that I should have followed.
Death is an inevitable part of life, the final part.
That left me with only one small problem... I didn't WANT to
die. I am unusually blessed with a wonderful wife and two
daughters. Why would I want to leave them?
I put myself
of torture,
praying for
wondering how
a God that I
knew loved me
would allow this
to happen
to me and
my family.
I read somewhere that our lives here
on earth represent a minuscule
part of our entire life span
when you factor in
Imagine...year after year, month after month, day after day,
(If the concept of time even still exists) living on a perfect
planet, in a perfect, restored body, with no war, pain or
suffering. It's hard to get your head around.
Instead of a chubby guy who rarely
gets the chance to spend time
with his family playing in the ocean,
an eternity with the people I love,
doing the things
we all love.
Where we never have to wonder what's over that next
ridge, because we can have the strength and stamina
to go look, and an unlimited amount of time.
A place where we will
never be thirsty or want
for anything . . .
A place where we can see God's glory in His handiwork, and
be able to always recognize it as His handiwork because He
is right there with us, enjoying it with us as He had always
intended to do.
With all of this to look forward to, don't be
concerned in the slightest about me. I'm
where I'm meant to be, I'm with Jesus, and
I hope that some day everyone that I know
will be there with us.
Don't let the stumbling blocks put up by Satan stop you from
obtaining the greatest prize eternity with God in
His amazing creation.
Don't let the extra rules that man has added to God's word
keep you from recognizing and accepting the ultimately simple
truth; That God loves you just as you are, all you need to do
is accept His love and love Him in return.
I know that you've been hurt, we've all been hurt. Satan will
use that as an excuse to keep us from seeing and recognizing
that all God wants is our love, and the only thing that can keep
us from Him is our own worthless pride.
This is truly God's once-in-a-lifetime offer to us, to love Him with
all our heart and mind and soul, and to love each other as much
as He has loved us.
I want to see all of you here with me after He has come to
reclaim the planet as His own, to rule it as He always
intended it to be ruled. You cannot imagine the sorrow of
those of us who are there for those who for some reason
chose to turn their backs on the one, true God.
None of us deserve His freely given offer to love us. We
are all nothing compared to Him. I am stunned and in awe
that He loves me so much. I want everyone to understand
that He loves them just as much as He loves me!
If you have a copy of this on CD, then you are a person that I
cared about. Please, don't let another day slip by.
None of us know how long we'll have on this present earth.
I was diagnosed with a disease that I supposedly didn't
even need to have a routine screening for four more years.
Don't step off the curb and into the front end of a Buick and
eternity without being prepared.
Just look at this picture! It's just a small, small piece of what God
has in store for us. I could quote Bible verses and prove my point,
but it doesn't take much looking for you to find it for yourself in the
New Testament. Take a few minutes and see what you can find.
When I walk among these mountains, I don't feel small.
When I stare into the depths of the Milky Way I don't feel
insignificant. What I feel is amazement
that God loves me so much!
This present Earth is crumbling, awaiting the return of the One
True God. Please be ready for Him when he arrives! Do you
want to be singing songs of praise at that time, or running in fear?
If you were to take just half the time it took me to create this
presentation and spend it looking at the Bible and admiring
God's creation, I know you'd come to the same conclusion
that I have. God Loves us! Just imagine that!
God Loves us!

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