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Moorish ( Mu'nrish ) American Indigenous Republic

The Autonomous Mahalaw Moorish ( Mu'urish ) Gansul Sposored by the Vuginia Republic

XI Clan IPO 2421


Th<! Moonsh (Mu'urish) Consulat<!s of Virginia aim is to provid<! th<! venue /ndig<!nous Muurs as international I.!! protected p<!opl<! can proclaim thdr nationalit!J and dcvelo]» hi<!ndl.!! relations betw<!<!n Moors (Mu'urs) the d<!scendants of th<! Ancient Moablt<!s and United States of Amaica, while promoting Moorish (Mu'urish )-USA cooperation in th<! politica/, economic, technics], sci<!ntific and cultural fields, with sp<!c;!;c focus on the local level (the area ol)urisdiction of the Consulate). The ultimate goal is to b<!come and remain in harmon!J with the rest of the Indigenous Feople b!J coinciding with [ntcrnetianel Treatg and Law around the world b!J implem<!nting the acts set forth within the confines of the Declaration of Human Rights signed ,September 1) 2007, The Moroccan Treatg of Feace and Friendship 1787, Our diplomatic designation as validated b!J th<! M222 1 + 1 filed in the United States Library of Congress. We the Living Moorish (Mu'urish) Nation have manifested the Gansul in lieu of our connection with the Moorish ( MU'urish) Divine and Nabonal Mov<:ment as Founded b!J Frophct Noble Drew AI,; our connection with the Great ,Seal National Association of Moorish (Mu'urish) Affairs. Which allop<!ate from the jurisdiction of th<! d<!scendants of th<! AnCient AI Moroccan Empir<!. We the Frog<!n!J of the X~ Yamasse, Washitaw and herdaughta trib<!s in tr<!atg with the ()nitg Washitaw de Dugdahmound:Jah whom have be<!n vahdated as the oldest indigenous p<!opl<! on earth see U.N Feoples Froj<!Ct Numb<!r 215/)1)·


• The Gansul the indigenous equivalent to toreign Con5ut.tes are established by decision o~ the Moorish (Mu'urish) American I ndigenous Republic through the self determination of the Moorish ( MU'urish) Nationals whom are bound to this land b~ birthright and inheritance to establish bilateral economic, business, cultural, and academic relations betweel1 the corporate U.S. "nd the living Moorish ( Mu'urish) Natio"-

• The Gansuls pla~ an important role in helping the Moorish ( Mu'urish J-USA communities in their jurisdiction to promote ~heir national ""d cultu ral heritage.

• Th" Gansuls perform the services that are regularl:J rendered 6:J th" "mba5,sies or career consular offices of a vari<:t:J of other nations in the U .S.A. We do and will process passports or trave clocumcnts, issue visas, authenticate or certif:J documents, These services will be rendered b,:l th. Moorish ( Mu'urish) American Gasul in territories 'ot Virginia.

• These Gansuls can usc thts capacit,9 to serve as consuJtants Or law adVisors an,Y person Or busine.5~ On matters that fall into th", comp"kncies and prerogatives of the Moorish ( Mu'urish ) authorities in all circumefancc s de"ling with "II nationals within our Cons'JI"r courts and law enforcement agencies. For services rendered under such excep+iooel circumscaocce the Gansuls ma~ not: cha r ge an,9 ta">Cesj ree~, or reirn6urs~me nts

• lA.1I services and an:J fonm Df eeeiebancc in an:J re'pect rendered b~ the Honorar~ G~ nsul. at the re9uest and to the benefit of th" member5 of the Moorish ( Mu'uri5h )-U.S. communities in their jurisdictions are free of charge.


... To represent the Moabite. interest in the political, economic, cultural, technical and scie ntific areas and to contribute to a better knowledge of the histor:J and culture of the Moori5h ( Mu'urish) people and to strengthening the fricndl:J relations between Moors and the United State5 of Amcric3j

.. To promote political and economic obJ"ctives of Moorish (Mu'urish) Nationals at the level of local Gov<omment, political leaders, think tanks, media e tc.,

$. To bcilitate economic and commercial relations between Moorish ( Mu'urish) and companies jn,<omationall!) around the world within and outside our the Gasul vertuej

4 To promote cooperation among the represeMatives of the Moorish (Mu'urish) communit.';! at local [eve], with" view to ~t.engthe n thei. 5<0"5<: of ethnic idcntit,:l and aeeure the nece5sar!:J ties and communication w~th other nations j

.. To stimulate the dialog and cooperation among local communitie s and Moorish ( Mu'urish) Nationals .

.. To info"" the Moorish ( Mu'urish) authorities about the devdopme~ts in the commercial, economic, cultural and scientific life in the consular ve nue, b!:l sending r"levant informatio~ through the Moorish ( Mu'urish) National Gansul in VVashington;

.. To a5sist Moorish ( MU'l.Irish) Nationals, 60th individuals and corporations in lawsuits in the consular district, 6:J recommending as well as providing relevant legislativll inFormation;

__ To re."dcr assistance to Moorish ( Mu'wrish) ships, aircraH, s and road t,-"nsp0rt vehicle in case o~ wreck, damage, collision, accident, etc.,

.JiI,. To proted the legitimate human and indige nou s rights and intcrcete of Moorish ( Mu'urish) Nationals having permanent or temporar!:J residence in the consul". YcnLJ<O;

.... To provide information "bout Moors to the think tank cornmunitq and mass media.


... To communicate periodicall:J with the Moorish ( Mu'urish) Nations, tribes and organizations about the cultural agenda or the Gansul;

.. To stimulate and organize cultural events in the area;

... T 0 establish the content or the cultural events organized b:J the Gansul with the consultation or the varid:J or Moorish ( Mu'urish ) groups;

.. To organize and maintain a librar3 with promotional materials;


... To maintain pe.nnanent relations with universities and other educational institutions.

4, T 0 stimulate the cooperation amongst Moorish ( Mu'urish) and US universities, including the increase or the number or Moorish ( Mu'urish ) American students with scholarships in the USA;

... T a assist, together with the Multiple 50dies of Moors, the Moorish ( Mu'urish) students in US institutions to Find a job after their retum to the living Moorish ( Mu'urish ) Nations;


... T 0 stimulate communication among Moorish (Mu'urish) and institutions with the United States with similar proFile regarding particular scientiFic and technologic results and pr~ects;

... To sustain academic projects of interest tor Moorish ( Mu'urish ) Americans and to create our own secondarq, primar:J and institutes ot higher learning .

.. To promote Moorish ( Mu'urish) American students in the US institutions with scientific protile (computers, mathematics, ph_ysics, electronics, cconomq),


..... To create and maintain a Web page;

... T 0 communicate and distribute intormation received trom the Moorish ( Mu'urish) 50dies regarding news or press releases, to destinations with particular interest For Indigenous Moors;

... To sustain, whenever necessar:J and possible, the contacts and collaboration among public or private institutions trom Moors and the US in the cultural, educational, scientitic and technolog:J rields;

... T 0 stimulate and sustain research activities amongst the Indigenous Moors tor documentar:J purposes, pursued b:J Moorish American personalities with great impact in shaping public and political opinions and with activities in public communication tielrl,


.... To provide investors and business professionals with infonnation on the business climate and opportunities in Moorish ( Mu'urish ) Communities. In addition to background materials, the:J will provide breaking news on business tenders and significant changes in laws, regulations and policies that impact on commerce and investments,

4, T 0 stimulate the development of economic relations among American and other International companies and Moorish ( MU'urish) companies;

.... To stimulate investments of local American and International companies in Moorish ( Mu'urish ) Communities;

.... T 0 promote the unitication between towns from the consular venue and the Moorish ( Mu'urish) Communities;

.. To support the establishment and activit:J ot a Moorish ( Mu'urish ) Commercial Council, consisted ot a number ot top American companies with business interests in Asiatic l)usincss.


... T 0 adopt a standard model of communication with the representatives of the Moorish ( Mu'urish) communit!j from the area, with the consultation ot Moorish ( Mu'urish) 5odies;

... T 0 encourage the organization ot a Consultant Group consisted of the Moorish ( MU'urish) Nationals personalities trom Moorish ( Mu'urish) communit:J in the area, having as objectives the evaluation ot economic, social, cultural opportunities, and the set-up ot a Moorish ( MU'urish ) representation tor sustaining and stimulating the organization of different events with economic, social and cultural content;


""To promote and maintain relations with the US media, and media representatives with a special interest in the Moors;

• To promote and maintain relations with Moorish ( MU'urish) -USA newspapers;

4 T 0 establish relations with representatives of Moorish ( Mu'urish ) newspapers, making workrelated travels in the USA

0\&.. T 0 establish relations with representatives ot governmental institutions trom Moorish ( Mu'urish ) pa:Jing work-related visits in the USA·


CCII!IITICI ...... of YI9nIG 3307S1 _.CornmIIIIDn __ Jan 31. 2011


IPO# 2421

Autonomous Autochthon Yamassee (Shi) Muur

IO<SD- 01 \ !,

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OCTOBER 30~ 20.07 AT D2:27pr~ LINDA Ba Sf~1ITth CLERt~:



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Linda Batchelor Smith, Clerk

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