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Change agents are catalysts to manage changes.

They are any persons who

manage the organizational changes. The change agents are specialized in the
theory and practices of managing changes. Experts outside the organization are
not well versed with the internal environment. So, they are not in position to
manage changes effectively. The second order changes suggested by the external
consultants are resisted by the employees, because they are not qualified to
suggest changes. Moreover, external experts are not well aware of the attitudes
and desires of the employees. A first order change is beneficial in many cases, as
it takes place gradually and the employees get opportunities to adjust themselves
according to the changing situations. Internal members of change management or
internal change agents have ability, knowledge and experience of directing people
for change and development.
The basic objectives of
change agents are increasing effectiveness, individual performance and
satisfaction irrespective of whether change agents are internal or external. There
are four subject matters which are changed by the change agents. They are
people, physical setting, technology and structure.
People :-
The change agents inspire the employees to
change to adapt the environment. The employees are
motivated to adopt effective changes in an organization.
The changes can give fruitful results if the employees
have developed a positive attitude and behaviour to make
the changes a success. Change agents focus on the
employees change attitude. It is the foremost factor of
change. Unless the employees accept the changes, the
change agents cannot ensure the process of change. If
there is a lack of agreement with the employees, stress or
tension occurs.
Physical setting :-
Change managers or change agents decide space
configurations, interior design, equipment placement, plant layout and
tool arrangement under a physical setting. The changes made in these
settings considers information, flow process, flow and outcome. The
smoothness of the flow increases the effectiveness of changes. working
conditions are changed, designed and redesigned to mobilize
effectiveness of the settings. People prefer a particular setting and are
motivated to adopt more useful techniques.
Technology :-
Technological change is done under change
management. The introduction of new equipment and work process
is technological innovation. Automation and computerization have
become common change process at the beginning of the twenty-first
century. Change agents introduce new tools and techniques. Efficient
handling of equipment and machine is invented by technology.
Computerization has changed the work culture in the new century.
Structure :-
An organization develops its structure according to new
changes. The environment demands structural changes. Attitudinal
change, change in plant layout and new techniques can succeed only
when the structure, mechanic and organic structures and bureaucratic
and democratic structures are adjusted according to the changes in the
environment. Authority, responsibility, functions and performance are
changed according to needs of changes. The matrix design is used for
absorbing the changes.

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