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I would like to ai America in the first pla How has this Adm previous Administration What has really happen and on the battlefront in Viet deeply concerns e world - the war should not be icy which involves the over= i ow the of the questions that 1 know siboe-tinterting to mer in Vietnat 4 the policy of the in the negotiations in Paris RN - DRAPT NUMBER 5 a 4. What choices do we have if we are to end the war? 5. What are the prospects for peace? the situati Let me begin by describ: I found when I was inaugurated on January 20. The|war had been going on for five years, 2. Thir nericans had been killed in action, fight thousand ‘The training program for the South Viet ese armed ‘eps was behind schedu Five-hundred forty thousand Americans were in Vietaam with no pI he number. 5. No progress had be ade at the negotiations in Paris and the United States had not put forth a comprehensive peace proposal. 4 6, The war was causing deep division at home as well as criticism from many of our friends as well as our enemies abroad, d eas: to bec Nixon han to th ° d the ection, future of peace and question bef s are for peace Sobtin Vietnam forces, 3. Five years ago, Pre comb Many believe that President John: combat forces to South Vietn been conducted, ent a ta ngly critical how did the id the people of South a Communist takeover, advisors,ait to send American Many others -- I of the way immediate jean for Vietnam {ame eccoptance-utAi at-implicit in that dec! e 1 eace pauERAL way Muppaged JQ sary, al befor hey ade _propgrctic Pie Bver then own defen 2 w a preludi t happen in South s entered the city of n which some there was a 3000 ctvili pervis: Communists part in the or conduct of the elec ent has pledged to accept any result of the election: directly in contact of Nort! In mid-July a r t it was necessary to make a 9 break the deadlock in the Paris talks. () 1 spoke directly n individual who had known Ho Chi Minh for twenty-five y dey AFT NUMBER I to tal 6 and delay =+ least of ward at resolution of th 1d open- the blessings of Let hist RN - DRAFT NUMBER ‘The effect of all have been this Administratic up in one sentence -- No progress whatever been made except agreement on the shape of the bargaining RN - DRAFT NUMBER t the P v | dient pus Tat with- the I real port da oui on the diploi ont discouraging but the Am entitled to know the truth -- e the lives of our you the bad news as well as men are involved. DRAPT NUMBER the negoti uit in U. 1 t has been described - a polic not (@ We Americans are a do-it-yourself-people we to do it ourselves. policy Ait the Future A Tava percent nat it was over the sim s have declined st two months to the lowest point in three years. it is not frozen in on ed timetable, in the fi xibility to base each withdrawal decision on the situation as it is at that time rather than on estimaten “nv f “a Letters

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