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Colegio San Agustin Bacolod

College of Nursing
School Nursing

Instruction: Please select the best answer. CAPITAL letters only.

1. ____________________ is a type of public health nursing that focuses on the

promotion of health and wellness of the students, teaching and non teaching personnel of
the schools.

A. Community Health Nursing C. School Nursing

B. Occupational Nursing

2. Which of the following are functions of a school nurse?

A. Health Assessment C. Ear Examination

B. School Health and Nutrition Survey D. All of the Above

3. Which of the following is caused by a Vitamin K deficiency?

A. Bruising C. Anemia

B. Optic Nerve degeneration D. Hemorrhage (infants)

4. Another name for Vitamin B12 is ____ .

A. Pantothenic Acid C. Niacin

B. Cyanocobalamine D. Riboflavin

5. Which of the following categories would a 12 year old person be placed in?

A. Intimacy vs. Isolation C. Integrity vs. Despair

B. Generativitiy vs. Stagnation D. Identity vs. Role Confusion

6. What is the greatest fear of adolescents (12-18 years old)?

A. Rejection C. Separation Anxiety

B. Castration D. Failure in Studies

7. In performing physical examination of the abdomen, what procedure should be done


A. Inspection C. Percussion

B. Palpation D. Auscultation
8. The following are signs and symptoms of Hyperventilation Syndrome EXCEPT:

A. Numbness of extremities C. Hyperthermia

B. Increased Respiratory Rate D. Anxiety

9. In caring for patients who have undergone electrocution, it is MOST important to


A. Baseline ECG C. Physical Assessment

B. Vital Signs D. Neurological Assessment

10. In the management of Burns, what is the Priority Nursing Diagnosis?

A. Risk for Infection C. Risk for Fluid Volume Deficit

B. Pain D. Disturbed Body Image

11. What is the mosquito specie that causes Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever?

A. Aegypti aedes C. Plasmodium Vivax

B. Aedes aegypti D. Leptospira

12. The following are food borne diseases EXCEPT:

A. Typhoid Fever C. Lyme’s Disease

B. Cholera D. Hepatitis A

13-15. As a student nurse, what do you expect to learn about school nursing?

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