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Disassembly of section .


0000000000000000 <.data>:
0: 09 02 12 00 tdgti r2,4608
4: 01 00 00 80 .long 0x1000080
8: fa 09 04 00 std r16,1024(r9)
c: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
10: 02 00 00 00 .long 0x2000000
14: 00 00 00 00 .long 0x0
18: fa ce b0 03 .long 0xfaceb003
1c: aa bb cc dd lha r21,-13091(r27)
20: 38 63 f0 00 addi r3,r3,-4096
24: 38 a0 10 00 li r5,4096
28: 38 80 00 01 li r4,1
2c: 78 84 f8 06 rldicr r4,r4,63,0
30: 64 84 00 70 oris r4,r4,112
34: 38 a5 ff f8 addi r5,r5,-8
38: 7c c3 28 2a ldx r6,r3,r5
3c: 7c c4 29 2a stdx r6,r4,r5
40: 28 25 00 00 cmpldi r5,0
44: 40 82 ff f0 bne+ 0x34
48: 38 84 00 80 addi r4,r4,128
4c: 7c 89 03 a6 mtctr r4
50: 4e 80 04 20 bctr
80: 7c 08 02 a6 mflr r0
84: f8 21 ff 61 stdu r1,-160(r1)
88: fb 61 00 78 std r27,120(r1)
8c: fb 81 00 80 std r28,128(r1)
90: fb a1 00 88 std r29,136(r1)
94: fb c1 00 90 std r30,144(r1)
98: fb e1 00 98 std r31,152(r1)
9c: f8 01 00 b0 std r0,176(r1)
a0: 3b e0 00 01 li r31,1
a4: 7b ff f8 06 rldicr r31,r31,63,0
a8: 7f e3 fb 78 mr r3,r31
ac: 64 63 00 05 oris r3,r3,5
b0: 60 63 0b 3c ori r3,r3,2876
b4: 7f e4 fb 78 mr r4,r31
b8: 64 84 00 70 oris r4,r4,112
bc: 60 84 01 ac ori r4,r4,428
c0: 38 a0 04 fa li r5,1274
c4: 4b 97 bf 59 bl 0xffffffffff97c01c
c8: 7f e3 fb 78 mr r3,r31
cc: 64 63 00 05 oris r3,r3,5
d0: 60 63 0b 3c ori r3,r3,2876
d4: 38 63 00 20 addi r3,r3,32
d8: 4b 9d 22 01 bl 0xffffffffff9d22d8
dc: 7f e3 fb 78 mr r3,r31
e0: 64 63 00 05 oris r3,r3,5
e4: 60 63 0b 3c ori r3,r3,2876
e8: 7f e4 fb 78 mr r4,r31
ec: 64 84 00 2e oris r4,r4,46
f0: 60 84 b1 28 ori r4,r4,45352
f4: 38 63 00 10 addi r3,r3,16
f8: f8 64 01 20 std r3,288(r4)
fc: 7f e5 fb 78 mr r5,r31
100: 64 a5 00 70 oris r5,r5,112
104: 60 a5 01 50 ori r5,r5,336
108: 80 65 00 00 lwz r3,0(r5)
10c: 28 03 00 00 cmplwi r3,0
110: 41 82 00 18 beq- 0x128
114: 80 85 00 04 lwz r4,4(r5)
118: 7c 63 fa 14 add r3,r3,r31
11c: 90 83 00 00 stw r4,0(r3)
120: 38 a5 00 08 addi r5,r5,8
124: 4b ff ff e4 b 0x108
128: 48 00 05 88 b 0x6b0
12c: f8 21 ff 51 stdu r1,-176(r1)
130: 7c 08 02 a6 mflr r0
134: fb c1 00 a0 std r30,160(r1)
138: fb e1 00 a8 std r31,168(r1)
13c: fb a1 00 98 std r29,152(r1)
140: f8 01 00 c0 std r0,192(r1)
144: 3b c0 07 d0 li r30,2000
148: 3b e0 00 c8 li r31,200
14c: 4b 90 a9 b8 b 0xffffffffff90ab04
150: 00 04 90 e0 .long 0x490e0
154: e8 82 0f 08 ld r4,3848(r2)
158: 00 04 90 e4 .long 0x490e4
15c: e8 7c 00 20 ld r3,32(r28)
160: 00 04 90 e8 .long 0x490e8
164: f8 64 00 00 std r3,0(r4)
168: 00 04 f0 a8 .long 0x4f0a8
16c: 48 00 1a 9d bl 0x1c08
170: 00 2a af c8 .long 0x2aafc8
174: 4b da 5b 80 b 0xffffffffffda5cf4
178: 00 04 ed 18 .long 0x4ed18
17c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
180: 00 04 ed 1c .long 0x4ed1c
184: 90 83 00 00 stw r4,0(r3)
188: 00 04 ed 20 .long 0x4ed20
18c: 4e 80 00 20 blr
190: 00 3b a8 90 .long 0x3ba890
194: 01 00 00 00 .long 0x1000000
198: 00 05 05 d0 .long 0x505d0
19c: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
1a0: 00 05 05 d4 .long 0x505d4
1a4: 4e 80 00 20 blr
1a8: 00 00 00 00 .long 0x0
1ac: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
1b0: 4e 80 00 20 blr
1b4: 48 00 02 78 b 0x42c
1b8: 48 00 01 ec b 0x3a4
1bc: 80 00 00 00 lwz r0,0(0)
1c0: 00 05 0c a8 .long 0x50ca8
1c4: 80 00 00 00 lwz r0,0(0)
1c8: 00 33 e7 20 .long 0x33e720
1cc: 80 00 00 00 lwz r0,0(0)
1d0: 00 05 10 32 .long 0x51032
1d4: 80 00 00 00 lwz r0,0(0)
1d8: 00 05 0b 7c .long 0x50b7c
1dc: 80 00 00 00 lwz r0,0(0)
1e0: 00 05 0b 8c .long 0x50b8c
1e4: 80 00 00 00 lwz r0,0(0)
1e8: 00 05 0b 9c .long 0x50b9c
1ec: 80 00 00 00 lwz r0,0(0)
1f0: 00 05 0b d4 .long 0x50bd4
1f4: 80 00 00 00 lwz r0,0(0)
1f8: 00 33 e7 20 .long 0x33e720
1fc: 80 00 00 00 lwz r0,0(0)
200: 00 05 0c 1c .long 0x50c1c
204: 80 00 00 00 lwz r0,0(0)
208: 00 33 e7 20 .long 0x33e720
20c: 80 00 00 00 lwz r0,0(0)
210: 00 05 0c 78 .long 0x50c78
214: 80 00 00 00 lwz r0,0(0)
218: 00 33 e7 20 .long 0x33e720
21c: 80 00 00 00 lwz r0,0(0)
220: 00 05 0c 84 .long 0x50c84
224: 80 00 00 00 lwz r0,0(0)
228: 00 33 e7 20 .long 0x33e720
244: f8 21 ff 81 stdu r1,-128(r1)
248: 7c 08 02 a6 mflr r0
24c: f8 01 00 90 std r0,144(r1)
250: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
254: 38 a0 00 01 li r5,1
258: 48 08 1d b1 bl 0x82008
25c: 80 a3 00 08 lwz r5,8(r3)
260: 38 60 00 00 li r3,0
264: 3c 80 aa aa lis r4,-21846
268: 60 84 c0 de ori r4,r4,49374
26c: 7c 04 28 40 cmplw r4,r5
270: 41 82 00 08 beq- 0x278
274: 38 60 ff ff li r3,-1
278: 7c 63 07 b4 extsw r3,r3
27c: e8 01 00 90 ld r0,144(r1)
280: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
284: 38 21 00 80 addi r1,r1,128
288: 4e 80 00 20 blr
28c: f8 21 ff 81 stdu r1,-128(r1)
290: 7c 08 02 a6 mflr r0
294: f8 01 00 90 std r0,144(r1)
298: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
29c: 48 08 1d 99 bl 0x82034
2a0: 38 81 00 70 addi r4,r1,112
2a4: 38 a0 00 00 li r5,0
2a8: f8 a4 00 00 std r5,0(r4)
2ac: 38 c0 21 aa li r6,8618
2b0: b0 c4 00 00 sth r6,0(r4)
2b4: 38 c0 00 00 li r6,0
2b8: b0 c4 00 06 sth r6,6(r4)
2bc: 38 c0 00 01 li r6,1
2c0: 78 c6 f8 06 rldicr r6,r6,63,0
2c4: 64 c6 00 05 oris r6,r6,5
2c8: 60 c6 0b ac ori r6,r6,2988
2cc: 38 e0 00 00 li r7,0
2d0: 48 08 1c cd bl 0x81f9c
2d4: 38 60 00 00 li r3,0
2d8: e8 01 00 90 ld r0,144(r1)
2dc: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
2e0: 38 21 00 80 addi r1,r1,128
2e4: 4e 80 00 20 blr
2e8: 38 60 00 00 li r3,0
2ec: 39 60 00 ff li r11,255
2f0: 44 00 00 22 sc 1
2f4: 2c 03 00 00 cmpwi r3,0
2f8: 40 82 00 1c bne- 0x314
2fc: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
300: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
304: 64 63 00 05 oris r3,r3,5
308: 60 63 0b bc ori r3,r3,3004
30c: 38 80 00 01 li r4,1
310: 90 83 00 10 stw r4,16(r3)
314: 4e 80 00 20 blr
318: f8 21 ff 31 stdu r1,-208(r1)
31c: 7c 08 02 a6 mflr r0
320: f8 01 00 e0 std r0,224(r1)
324: fb e1 00 c8 std r31,200(r1)
328: 38 81 00 70 addi r4,r1,112
32c: 48 16 2e 81 bl 0x1631ac
330: 3b e0 00 01 li r31,1
334: 7b ff f8 06 rldicr r31,r31,63,0
338: 67 ff 00 05 oris r31,r31,5
33c: 63 ff 0b bc ori r31,r31,3004
340: e8 7f 00 00 ld r3,0(r31)
344: 2c 23 00 00 cmpdi r3,0
348: 41 82 00 0c beq- 0x354
34c: 38 80 00 27 li r4,39
350: 48 01 17 e9 bl 0x11b38
354: 38 80 00 27 li r4,39
358: 38 60 08 00 li r3,2048
35c: 48 01 13 9d bl 0x116f8
360: f8 7f 00 00 std r3,0(r31)
364: e8 81 00 70 ld r4,112(r1)
368: 4b ff c5 f9 bl 0xffffffffffffc960
36c: e8 61 00 70 ld r3,112(r1)
370: 38 80 00 27 li r4,39
374: 48 01 17 c5 bl 0x11b38
378: e8 7f 00 00 ld r3,0(r31)
37c: 4b ff c6 0d bl 0xffffffffffffc988
380: e8 9f 00 00 ld r4,0(r31)
384: 7c 64 1a 14 add r3,r4,r3
388: f8 7f 00 08 std r3,8(r31)
38c: 38 60 00 00 li r3,0
390: eb e1 00 c8 ld r31,200(r1)
394: e8 01 00 e0 ld r0,224(r1)
398: 38 21 00 d0 addi r1,r1,208
39c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
3a0: 4e 80 00 20 blr
3a4: f8 21 ff 61 stdu r1,-160(r1)
3a8: 7c 08 02 a6 mflr r0
3ac: fb 81 00 80 std r28,128(r1)
3b0: fb a1 00 88 std r29,136(r1)
3b4: fb e1 00 98 std r31,152(r1)
3b8: fb 41 00 70 std r26,112(r1)
3bc: fb 61 00 78 std r27,120(r1)
3c0: f8 01 00 b0 std r0,176(r1)
3c4: 7c 9c 23 78 mr r28,r4
3c8: 7c 7d 1b 78 mr r29,r3
3cc: 3b e0 00 01 li r31,1
3d0: 7b ff f8 06 rldicr r31,r31,63,0
3d4: 7f a3 eb 78 mr r3,r29
3d8: 7f e4 fb 78 mr r4,r31
3dc: 64 84 00 05 oris r4,r4,5
3e0: 60 84 10 28 ori r4,r4,4136
3e4: 38 a0 00 09 li r5,9
3e8: 4b ff c5 cd bl 0xffffffffffffc9b4
3ec: 28 23 00 00 cmpldi r3,0
3f0: 40 82 00 34 bne- 0x424
3f4: 67 ff 00 05 oris r31,r31,5
3f8: 63 ff 0b bc ori r31,r31,3004
3fc: 80 7f 00 10 lwz r3,16(r31)
400: 28 03 00 00 cmplwi r3,0
404: 41 82 00 20 beq- 0x424
408: e8 7f 00 00 ld r3,0(r31)
40c: 28 23 00 00 cmpldi r3,0
410: 41 82 00 14 beq- 0x424
414: e8 7f 00 08 ld r3,8(r31)
418: 38 9d 00 09 addi r4,r29,9
41c: 4b ff c5 45 bl 0xffffffffffffc960
420: eb bf 00 00 ld r29,0(r31)
424: 7f a3 eb 78 mr r3,r29
428: 48 25 a2 38 b 0x25a660
42c: 7c 08 02 a6 mflr r0
430: f8 21 fe 61 stdu r1,-416(r1)
434: fb 61 00 78 std r27,120(r1)
438: fb 81 00 80 std r28,128(r1)
43c: fb a1 00 88 std r29,136(r1)
440: fb c1 00 90 std r30,144(r1)
444: fb e1 00 98 std r31,152(r1)
448: f8 01 01 b0 std r0,432(r1)
44c: 7c 7d 1b 78 mr r29,r3
450: 7c 9e 23 78 mr r30,r4
454: 3b e0 00 01 li r31,1
458: 7b ff f8 06 rldicr r31,r31,63,0
45c: eb 82 96 00 ld r28,-27136(r2)
460: eb 9c 00 68 ld r28,104(r28)
464: eb 9c 00 18 ld r28,24(r28)
468: eb 62 0f 08 ld r27,3848(r2)
46c: e9 3d 00 18 ld r9,24(r29)
470: 81 29 00 30 lwz r9,48(r9)
474: 79 29 84 02 rldicl r9,r9,48,16
478: 2c 09 00 29 cmpwi r9,41
47c: 40 82 00 58 bne- 0x4d4
480: e8 9c 00 10 ld r4,16(r28)
484: 78 85 c1 e4 rldicr r5,r4,24,39
488: 78 a5 46 20 rldicl r5,r5,8,56
48c: 2c 05 00 ff cmpwi r5,255
490: 41 82 00 18 beq- 0x4a8
494: 60 84 00 03 ori r4,r4,3
498: f8 9c 00 10 std r4,16(r28)
49c: 38 60 00 06 li r3,6
4a0: 90 7e 00 00 stw r3,0(r30)
4a4: 48 00 00 14 b 0x4b8
4a8: 60 84 00 02 ori r4,r4,2
4ac: f8 9c 00 10 std r4,16(r28)
4b0: 38 60 00 2c li r3,44
4b4: 90 7e 00 00 stw r3,0(r30)
4b8: 80 bc 00 04 lwz r5,4(r28)
4bc: e8 9c 00 08 ld r4,8(r28)
4c0: e8 7b 00 00 ld r3,0(r27)
4c4: 7d 23 2a 14 add r9,r3,r5
4c8: f9 3b 00 00 std r9,0(r27)
4cc: 48 02 b1 c1 bl 0x2b68c
4d0: 48 00 00 c4 b 0x594
4d4: 7f a3 eb 78 mr r3,r29
4d8: 7f c4 f3 78 mr r4,r30
4dc: 4b ff d9 b1 bl 0xffffffffffffde8c
4e0: 7f fd fb 78 mr r29,r31
4e4: 67 bd 00 05 oris r29,r29,5
4e8: 63 bd 0b d0 ori r29,r29,3024
4ec: 80 7d 00 00 lwz r3,0(r29)
4f0: 80 bc 00 04 lwz r5,4(r28)
4f4: 7c 63 2a 14 add r3,r3,r5
4f8: 90 7d 00 00 stw r3,0(r29)
4fc: e8 9c 00 10 ld r4,16(r28)
500: 78 85 c1 e4 rldicr r5,r4,24,39
504: 78 a5 46 20 rldicl r5,r5,8,56
508: 2c 05 00 ff cmpwi r5,255
50c: 40 82 00 88 bne- 0x594
510: e8 7b 00 00 ld r3,0(r27)
514: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
518: 38 c0 00 00 li r6,0
51c: 7c e3 22 14 add r7,r3,r4
520: 80 a7 00 00 lwz r5,0(r7)
524: 7c c6 2a 78 xor r6,r6,r5
528: 38 84 00 04 addi r4,r4,4
52c: 28 24 04 00 cmpldi r4,1024
530: 40 82 ff ec bne+ 0x51c
534: 80 7d 00 00 lwz r3,0(r29)
538: 78 c6 07 c6 rldicr r6,r6,32,31
53c: 7c c6 1b 78 or r6,r6,r3
540: 38 60 00 00 li r3,0
544: 90 7d 00 00 stw r3,0(r29)
548: 7f e7 fb 78 mr r7,r31
54c: 64 e7 00 05 oris r7,r7,5
550: 60 e7 0f 70 ori r7,r7,3952
554: e8 67 00 00 ld r3,0(r7)
558: 28 23 00 00 cmpldi r3,0
55c: 41 82 00 38 beq- 0x594
560: 38 e7 00 10 addi r7,r7,16
564: 7c 23 30 40 cmpld r3,r6
568: 40 82 ff ec bne+ 0x554
56c: e8 a7 ff f8 ld r5,-8(r7)
570: e8 fb 00 00 ld r7,0(r27)
574: 80 65 00 00 lwz r3,0(r5)
578: 28 03 00 00 cmplwi r3,0
57c: 41 82 00 18 beq- 0x594
580: 80 85 00 04 lwz r4,4(r5)
584: 7c 63 3a 14 add r3,r3,r7
588: 90 83 00 00 stw r4,0(r3)
58c: 38 a5 00 08 addi r5,r5,8
590: 4b ff ff e4 b 0x574
594: 38 60 00 00 li r3,0
598: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
59c: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
5a0: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
5a4: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
5a8: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
5ac: e8 01 01 b0 ld r0,432(r1)
5b0: 38 21 01 a0 addi r1,r1,416
5b4: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
5b8: 4e 80 00 20 blr
5bc: f8 21 ff 51 stdu r1,-176(r1)
5c0: 7c 08 02 a6 mflr r0
5c4: fb c1 00 a0 std r30,160(r1)
5c8: fb e1 00 a8 std r31,168(r1)
5cc: fb a1 00 98 std r29,152(r1)
5d0: f8 01 00 c0 std r0,192(r1)
5d4: 3b c0 0f a0 li r30,4000
5d8: 3b e0 00 c8 li r31,200
5dc: 4b fb 9b 98 b 0xfffffffffffba174
5e0: a0 55 6f 3d lhz r2,28477(r21)
5e4: 00 2c b8 fd .long 0x2cb8fd
5e8: 80 00 00 00 lwz r0,0(0)
5ec: 00 05 0f b8 .long 0x50fb8
5f0: 8c 0a 94 8c lbzu r0,-27508(r10)
5f4: 00 0d 99 b1 .long 0xd99b1
5f8: 80 00 00 00 lwz r0,0(0)
5fc: 00 05 0f e0 .long 0x50fe0
600: a2 bc 1a 56 lhz r21,6742(r28)
604: 00 05 2a dc .long 0x52adc
608: 80 00 00 00 lwz r0,0(0)
60c: 00 05 10 04 .long 0x51004
610: 6b 70 28 02 xori r16,r27,10242
614: 00 02 00 17 .long 0x20017
618: 80 00 00 00 lwz r0,0(0)
61c: 00 05 0f d4 .long 0x50fd4
628: 00 30 53 54 .long 0x305354
62c: 38 60 00 82 li r3,130
630: 00 5f 3f c0 .long 0x5f3fc0
634: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
638: 00 5f 3f c4 .long 0x5f3fc4
63c: 4e 80 00 20 blr
640: 00 00 00 00 .long 0x0
644: 00 02 ed 0c .long 0x2ed0c
648: 3b a0 00 01 li r29,1
64c: 00 00 00 00 .long 0x0
650: 00 22 b8 88 .long 0x22b888
654: 5f 74 6f 6f rlwnm. r20,r27,r13,29,23
658: 00 22 b8 8c .long 0x22b88c
65c: 6c 32 2e 78 xoris r18,r1,11896
660: 00 22 b8 90 .long 0x22b890
664: 6d 6c 23 72 xoris r12,r11,9074
668: 00 22 b8 94 .long 0x22b894
66c: 6f 6f 74 00 xoris r15,r27,29696
670: 00 00 00 00 .long 0x0
674: 00 0d 68 b8 .long 0xd68b8
678: 5f 74 6f 6f rlwnm. r20,r27,r13,29,23
67c: 00 0d 68 bc .long 0xd68bc
680: 6c 32 2e 78 xoris r18,r1,11896
684: 00 0d 68 c0 .long 0xd68c0
688: 6d 6c 23 72 xoris r12,r11,9074
68c: 00 0d 68 c4 .long 0xd68c4
690: 6f 6f 74 00 xoris r15,r27,29696
694: 00 00 00 00 .long 0x0
698: 2f 64 65 76 cmpdi cr6,r4,25974
69c: 5f 62 64 76 rlwnm r2,r27,r12,17,27
6a0: 64 00 6d 6f oris r0,r0,28015
6a4: 64 00 00 00 oris r0,r0,0
6b0: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
6b4: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
6b8: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
6bc: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
6c0: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
6c4: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
6c8: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
6cc: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
6d0: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
6d4: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
6d8: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
6dc: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
6e0: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
6e4: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d144
6e8: 60 00 00 00 nop
6ec: 60 00 00 00 nop
6f0: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
6f4: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
6f8: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
6fc: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
700: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
704: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
708: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
70c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
710: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
714: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
718: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
71c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
720: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
724: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d184
728: 60 00 00 00 nop
72c: 60 00 00 00 nop
730: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
734: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
738: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
73c: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
740: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
744: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
748: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
74c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
750: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
754: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
758: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
75c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
760: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
764: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d1c4
768: 60 00 00 00 nop
76c: 60 00 00 00 nop
770: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
774: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
778: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
77c: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
780: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
784: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
788: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
78c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
790: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
794: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
798: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
79c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
7a0: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
7a4: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d204
7a8: 60 00 00 00 nop
7ac: 60 00 00 00 nop
7b0: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
7b4: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
7b8: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
7bc: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
7c0: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
7c4: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
7c8: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
7cc: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
7d0: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
7d4: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
7d8: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
7dc: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
7e0: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
7e4: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d244
7e8: 60 00 00 00 nop
7ec: 60 00 00 00 nop
7f0: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
7f4: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
7f8: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
7fc: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
800: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
804: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
808: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
80c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
810: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
814: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
818: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
81c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
820: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
824: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d284
828: 60 00 00 00 nop
82c: 60 00 00 00 nop
830: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
834: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
838: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
83c: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
840: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
844: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
848: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
84c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
850: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
854: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
858: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
85c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
860: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
864: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d2c4
868: 60 00 00 00 nop
86c: 60 00 00 00 nop
870: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
874: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
878: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
87c: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
880: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
884: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
888: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
88c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
890: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
894: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
898: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
89c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
8a0: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
8a4: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d304
8a8: 60 00 00 00 nop
8ac: 60 00 00 00 nop
8b0: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
8b4: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
8b8: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
8bc: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
8c0: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
8c4: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
8c8: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
8cc: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
8d0: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
8d4: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
8d8: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
8dc: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
8e0: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
8e4: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d344
8e8: 60 00 00 00 nop
8ec: 60 00 00 00 nop
8f0: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
8f4: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
8f8: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
8fc: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
900: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
904: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
908: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
90c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
910: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
914: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
918: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
91c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
920: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
924: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d384
928: 60 00 00 00 nop
92c: 60 00 00 00 nop
930: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
934: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
938: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
93c: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
940: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
944: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
948: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
94c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
950: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
954: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
958: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
95c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
960: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
964: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d3c4
968: 60 00 00 00 nop
96c: 60 00 00 00 nop
970: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
974: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
978: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
97c: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
980: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
984: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
988: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
98c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
990: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
994: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
998: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
99c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
9a0: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
9a4: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d404
9a8: 60 00 00 00 nop
9ac: 60 00 00 00 nop
9b0: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
9b4: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
9b8: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
9bc: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
9c0: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
9c4: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
9c8: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
9cc: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
9d0: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
9d4: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
9d8: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
9dc: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
9e0: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
9e4: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d444
9e8: 60 00 00 00 nop
9ec: 60 00 00 00 nop
9f0: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
9f4: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
9f8: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
9fc: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
a00: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
a04: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
a08: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
a0c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
a10: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
a14: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
a18: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
a1c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
a20: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
a24: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d484
a28: 60 00 00 00 nop
a2c: 60 00 00 00 nop
a30: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
a34: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
a38: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
a3c: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
a40: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
a44: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
a48: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
a4c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
a50: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
a54: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
a58: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
a5c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
a60: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
a64: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d4c4
a68: 60 00 00 00 nop
a6c: 60 00 00 00 nop
a70: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
a74: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
a78: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
a7c: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
a80: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
a84: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
a88: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
a8c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
a90: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
a94: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
a98: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
a9c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
aa0: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
aa4: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d504
aa8: 60 00 00 00 nop
aac: 60 00 00 00 nop
ab0: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
ab4: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
ab8: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
abc: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
ac0: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
ac4: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
ac8: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
acc: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
ad0: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
ad4: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
ad8: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
adc: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
ae0: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
ae4: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d544
ae8: 60 00 00 00 nop
aec: 60 00 00 00 nop
af0: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
af4: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
af8: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
afc: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
b00: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
b04: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
b08: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
b0c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
b10: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
b14: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
b18: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
b1c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
b20: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
b24: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d584
b28: 60 00 00 00 nop
b2c: 60 00 00 00 nop
b30: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
b34: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
b38: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
b3c: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
b40: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
b44: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
b48: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
b4c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
b50: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
b54: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
b58: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
b5c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
b60: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
b64: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d5c4
b68: 60 00 00 00 nop
b6c: 60 00 00 00 nop
b70: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
b74: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
b78: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
b7c: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
b80: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
b84: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
b88: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
b8c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
b90: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
b94: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
b98: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
b9c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
ba0: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
ba4: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d604
ba8: 60 00 00 00 nop
bac: 60 00 00 00 nop
bb0: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
bb4: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
bb8: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
bbc: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
bc0: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
bc4: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
bc8: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
bcc: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
bd0: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
bd4: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
bd8: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
bdc: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
be0: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
be4: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d644
be8: 60 00 00 00 nop
bec: 60 00 00 00 nop
bf0: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
bf4: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
bf8: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
bfc: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
c00: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
c04: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
c08: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
c0c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
c10: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
c14: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
c18: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
c1c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
c20: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
c24: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d684
c28: 60 00 00 00 nop
c2c: 60 00 00 00 nop
c30: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
c34: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
c38: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
c3c: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
c40: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
c44: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
c48: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
c4c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
c50: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
c54: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
c58: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
c5c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
c60: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
c64: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d6c4
c68: 60 00 00 00 nop
c6c: 60 00 00 00 nop
c70: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
c74: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
c78: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
c7c: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
c80: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
c84: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
c88: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
c8c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
c90: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
c94: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
c98: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
c9c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
ca0: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
ca4: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d704
ca8: 60 00 00 00 nop
cac: 60 00 00 00 nop
cb0: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
cb4: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
cb8: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
cbc: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
cc0: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
cc4: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
cc8: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
ccc: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
cd0: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
cd4: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
cd8: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
cdc: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
ce0: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
ce4: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d744
ce8: 60 00 00 00 nop
cec: 60 00 00 00 nop
cf0: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
cf4: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
cf8: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
cfc: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
d00: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
d04: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
d08: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
d0c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
d10: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
d14: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
d18: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
d1c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
d20: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
d24: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d784
d28: 60 00 00 00 nop
d2c: 60 00 00 00 nop
d30: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
d34: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
d38: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
d3c: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
d40: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
d44: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
d48: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
d4c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
d50: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
d54: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
d58: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
d5c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
d60: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
d64: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d7c4
d68: 60 00 00 00 nop
d6c: 60 00 00 00 nop
d70: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
d74: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
d78: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
d7c: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
d80: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
d84: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
d88: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
d8c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
d90: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
d94: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
d98: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
d9c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
da0: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
da4: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d804
da8: 60 00 00 00 nop
dac: 60 00 00 00 nop
db0: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
db4: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
db8: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
dbc: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
dc0: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
dc4: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
dc8: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
dcc: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
dd0: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
dd4: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
dd8: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
ddc: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
de0: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
de4: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d844
de8: 60 00 00 00 nop
dec: 60 00 00 00 nop
df0: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
df4: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
df8: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
dfc: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
e00: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
e04: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
e08: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
e0c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
e10: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
e14: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
e18: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
e1c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
e20: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
e24: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d884
e28: 60 00 00 00 nop
e2c: 60 00 00 00 nop
e30: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
e34: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
e38: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
e3c: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
e40: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
e44: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
e48: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
e4c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
e50: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
e54: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
e58: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
e5c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
e60: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
e64: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d8c4
e68: 60 00 00 00 nop
e6c: 60 00 00 00 nop
e70: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
e74: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
e78: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
e7c: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
e80: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
e84: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
e88: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
e8c: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
e90: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
e94: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
e98: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
e9c: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
ea0: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
ea4: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d904
ea8: 60 00 00 00 nop
eac: 60 00 00 00 nop
eb0: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
eb4: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
eb8: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
ebc: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)
ec0: eb e1 00 98 ld r31,152(r1)
ec4: e8 01 00 b0 ld r0,176(r1)
ec8: 38 21 00 a0 addi r1,r1,160
ecc: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
ed0: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
ed4: 78 63 f8 06 rldicr r3,r3,63,0
ed8: 64 63 00 70 oris r3,r3,112
edc: 38 80 00 00 li r4,0
ee0: 38 a0 06 e8 li r5,1768
ee4: 4b 94 ca 60 b 0xffffffffff94d944
ee8: 60 00 00 00 nop
eec: 60 00 00 00 nop
ef0: eb 61 00 78 ld r27,120(r1)
ef4: eb 81 00 80 ld r28,128(r1)
ef8: eb a1 00 88 ld r29,136(r1)
efc: eb c1 00 90 ld r30,144(r1)

JIG_2.bin: file format binary

Disassembly of section .data:

0000000000000000 <.data>:
0: 09 02 4d 0a tdgti r2,19722
4: 01 01 00 80 .long 0x1010080
8: 01 09 04 00 .long 0x1090400
c: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
10: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
14: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
18: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
1c: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
20: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
24: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
28: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
2c: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
30: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
34: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
38: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
3c: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
40: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
44: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
48: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
4c: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
50: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
54: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
58: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
5c: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
60: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
64: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
68: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
6c: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
70: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
74: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
78: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
7c: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
80: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
84: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
88: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
8c: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
90: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
94: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
98: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
9c: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
a0: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
a4: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
a8: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
ac: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
b0: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
b4: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
b8: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
bc: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
c0: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
c4: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
c8: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
cc: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
d0: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
d4: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
d8: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
dc: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
e0: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
e4: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
e8: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
ec: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
f0: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
f4: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
f8: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
fc: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
100: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
104: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
108: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
10c: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
110: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
114: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
118: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
11c: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
120: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
124: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
128: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
12c: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
130: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
134: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
138: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
13c: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
140: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
144: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
148: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
14c: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
150: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
154: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
158: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
15c: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
160: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
164: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
168: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
16c: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
170: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
174: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
178: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
17c: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
180: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
184: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
188: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
18c: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
190: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
194: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
198: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
19c: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
1a0: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
1a4: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
1a8: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
1ac: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
1b0: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
1b4: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
1b8: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
1bc: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
1c0: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
1c4: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
1c8: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
1cc: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
1d0: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
1d4: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
1d8: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
1dc: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
1e0: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
1e4: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
1e8: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
1ec: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
1f0: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
1f4: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
1f8: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
1fc: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
200: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
204: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
208: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
20c: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
210: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
214: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
218: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
21c: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
220: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
224: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
228: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
22c: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
230: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
234: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
238: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
23c: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
240: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
244: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
248: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
24c: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
250: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
254: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
258: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
25c: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
260: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
264: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
268: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
26c: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
270: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
274: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
278: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
27c: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
280: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
284: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
288: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
28c: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
290: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
294: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
298: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
29c: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
2a0: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
2a4: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
2a8: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
2ac: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
2b0: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
2b4: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
2b8: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
2bc: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
2c0: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
2c4: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
2c8: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
2cc: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
2d0: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
2d4: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
2d8: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
2dc: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
2e0: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
2e4: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
2e8: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
2ec: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
2f0: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
2f4: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
2f8: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
2fc: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
300: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
304: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
308: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
30c: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
310: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
314: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
318: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
31c: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
320: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
324: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
328: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
32c: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
330: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
334: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
338: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
33c: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
340: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
344: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
348: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
34c: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
350: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
354: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
358: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
35c: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
360: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
364: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
368: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
36c: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
370: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
374: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
378: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
37c: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
380: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
384: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
388: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
38c: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
390: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
394: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
398: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
39c: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
3a0: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
3a4: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
3a8: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
3ac: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
3b0: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
3b4: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
3b8: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
3bc: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
3c0: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
3c4: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
3c8: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
3cc: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
3d0: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
3d4: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
3d8: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
3dc: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
3e0: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
3e4: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
3e8: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
3ec: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
3f0: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
3f4: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
3f8: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
3fc: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
400: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
404: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
408: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
40c: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
410: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
414: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
418: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
41c: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
420: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
424: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
428: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
42c: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
430: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
434: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
438: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
43c: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
440: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
444: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
448: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
44c: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
450: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
454: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
458: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
45c: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
460: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
464: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
468: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
46c: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
470: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
474: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
478: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
47c: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
480: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
484: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
488: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
48c: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
490: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
494: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
498: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
49c: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
4a0: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
4a4: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
4a8: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
4ac: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
4b0: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
4b4: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
4b8: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
4bc: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
4c0: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
4c4: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
4c8: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
4cc: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
4d0: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
4d4: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
4d8: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
4dc: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
4e0: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
4e4: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
4e8: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
4ec: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
4f0: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
4f4: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
4f8: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
4fc: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
500: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
504: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
508: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
50c: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
510: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
514: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
518: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
51c: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
520: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
524: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
528: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
52c: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
530: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
534: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
538: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
53c: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
540: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
544: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
548: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
54c: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
550: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
554: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
558: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
55c: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
560: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
564: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
568: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
56c: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
570: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
574: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
578: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
57c: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
580: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
584: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
588: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
58c: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
590: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
594: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
598: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
59c: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
5a0: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
5a4: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
5a8: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
5ac: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
5b0: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
5b4: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
5b8: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
5bc: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
5c0: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
5c4: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
5c8: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
5cc: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
5d0: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
5d4: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
5d8: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
5dc: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
5e0: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
5e4: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
5e8: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
5ec: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
5f0: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
5f4: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
5f8: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
5fc: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
600: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
604: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
608: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
60c: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
610: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
614: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
618: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
61c: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
620: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
624: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
628: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
62c: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
630: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
634: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
638: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
63c: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
640: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
644: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
648: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
64c: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
650: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
654: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
658: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
65c: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
660: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
664: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
668: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
66c: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
670: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
674: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
678: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
67c: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
680: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
684: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
688: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
68c: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
690: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
694: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
698: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
69c: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
6a0: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
6a4: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
6a8: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
6ac: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
6b0: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
6b4: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
6b8: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
6bc: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
6c0: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
6c4: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
6c8: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
6cc: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
6d0: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
6d4: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
6d8: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
6dc: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
6e0: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
6e4: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
6e8: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
6ec: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
6f0: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
6f4: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
6f8: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
6fc: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
700: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
704: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
708: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
70c: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
710: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
714: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
718: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
71c: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
720: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
724: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
728: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
72c: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
730: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
734: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
738: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
73c: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
740: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
744: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
748: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
74c: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
750: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
754: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
758: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
75c: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
760: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
764: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
768: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
76c: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
770: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
774: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
778: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
77c: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
780: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
784: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
788: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
78c: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
790: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
794: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
798: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
79c: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
7a0: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
7a4: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
7a8: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
7ac: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
7b0: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
7b4: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
7b8: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
7bc: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
7c0: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
7c4: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
7c8: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
7cc: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
7d0: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
7d4: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
7d8: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
7dc: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
7e0: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
7e4: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
7e8: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
7ec: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
7f0: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
7f4: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
7f8: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
7fc: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
800: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
804: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
808: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
80c: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
810: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
814: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
818: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
81c: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
820: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
824: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
828: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
82c: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
830: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
834: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
838: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
83c: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
840: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
844: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
848: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
84c: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
850: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
854: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
858: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
85c: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
860: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
864: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
868: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
86c: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
870: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
874: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
878: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
87c: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
880: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
884: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
888: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
88c: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
890: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
894: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
898: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
89c: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
8a0: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
8a4: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
8a8: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
8ac: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
8b0: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
8b4: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
8b8: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
8bc: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
8c0: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
8c4: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
8c8: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
8cc: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
8d0: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
8d4: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
8d8: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
8dc: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
8e0: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
8e4: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
8e8: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
8ec: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
8f0: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
8f4: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
8f8: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
8fc: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
900: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
904: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
908: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
90c: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
910: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
914: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
918: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
91c: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
920: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
924: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
928: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
92c: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
930: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
934: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
938: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
93c: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
940: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
944: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
948: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
94c: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
950: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
954: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
958: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
95c: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
960: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
964: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
968: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
96c: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
970: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
974: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
978: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
97c: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
980: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
984: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
988: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
98c: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
990: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
994: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
998: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
99c: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
9a0: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
9a4: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
9a8: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
9ac: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
9b0: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
9b4: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
9b8: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
9bc: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
9c0: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
9c4: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
9c8: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
9cc: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
9d0: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
9d4: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
9d8: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
9dc: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
9e0: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
9e4: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
9e8: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
9ec: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
9f0: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
9f4: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
9f8: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
9fc: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
a00: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
a04: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
a08: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
a0c: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
a10: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
a14: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
a18: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
a1c: 01 02 00 09 .long 0x1020009
a20: 04 00 00 00 .long 0x4000000
a24: fe 01 02 00 .long 0xfe010200
a28: 09 04 00 00 tdgti r4,0
a2c: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
a30: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
a34: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
a38: 02 00 09 04 .long 0x2000904
a3c: 00 00 00 fe .long 0xfe
a40: 00 fe 01 02 .long 0xfe0102
a44: 00 09 04 00 .long 0x90400
a48: 00 00 fe 01 .long 0xfe01
a4c: Address 0x0000000000000a4c is out of bounds.

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