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8:42 pm, 8/15/2010 4th, Mayan day 3 Alligator or Crocodile

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Well, they say the powerful Alligator or Crocodile Mayan sun sign energy is not
attentive to organization [or detail]. I begin to feel that, to see it working in these 4
journals of today - well, this is the 4th one - but why would I expect it to be different?

Oh well - one can’t know at all, really, so onward, then. I still desire to give the
original heart gift that I set out, so many hours ago, this morning, to deliver to you.
My heart knows that darkness is a part of the Light - it came out of that, somehow -
it shares its identity with that.

I could be wrong, you know. Don’t follow me slavishly. You have a heart, too, so be
sure to be in it. Heart will guide you aright. It’s just that, sometimes, the way that
you’re going to get there contains some detours.


These are not really detours at all - they just seem so to mind. They are really just a
part of the pathway that was set out for you by divinity. They’re a necessary part of
your inner education you know. They help you get rid of all that covers over the
brilliance, the beautiful purity of your soul, your Inner Being.

Remember, with me, how the Scripture does not scold the darkness nor the light - it
has no use for lukewarmness - which it will spew out of its mouth. Do you recall.
“Thou wast neither hot nor cold, so I will spew thee out of my mouth.” That part.

What do you see, there? Rather, what does heart see there for you? Do you see how
it’s better to go either the light way or the dark way than it is to just hover between?
Do you see that? If you don’t you’re in mind, then, for this frightens mind, and one of
mind’s tricks is to make things seem fuzzy to you - to make them not clear at all - to
cloud over your vision.


So, that’s a gift of this journal, then, if you didn’t know that before. You now know
one thing to watch for - and you know what to do. You know what it is if your
thinking, your perceiving seems suddenly fuzzy, not clear, then - you suspect mind at
work. You suspect mind is in fear, then - and that this is its strategy. If it dulls your
perception, then maybe it gets you to go some way else, not so scary to mind.

Time to not be taken in so much. Oh, it happens to us all, and quite regularly, too.
This is part of disidentifying - part of stepping apart. This is symptom of that at the
stage where the mind’s still in fright.


Mind just hasn’t given up, yet. Hasn’t seen enough proof. Hasn’t been baffled and
busted and topsied and turvied enough times to give up and lose. Oh, mind will not
lose gracefully - it’s much too intelligent for that. Not only intelligent, but wily, and
on top of it all, it’s quite arrogant, as well.

That makes quite a combo. Mind’s a tough one to shake. You can shake it and
shake it, again and again - never know when it will break. That’s okay, though.
Your job’s just to watch. That’s all you need do in this pageant that goes on in spite
of your self.

You’re redefining self, now - and this is only the start. We’ve left body behind, now
we struggle a bit with the mind - have a tussle or twelve. Just hang in and observe.


Moving on. So, lukewarm, then, is rejected by Source. That’s interesting, isn’t it?
You can choose the right path or the left path, and receive no condemnation. Do you
see that? Let’s consider what it might mean, together.


What would be the benefit if you would choose the left path, commonly called the
wrong one? How could that be a blessing, be acceptable to God? What does heart
show you, here? Do you see anything? Are you in heart or mind?

Don’t let mind enter into this. There’s no way that it can - not if you want to see
what heart says - then you’ve got to leave mind.

What could be the benefit of going the wrong way for a while? Remember back to
being a teen. Who could corral you, then? To whom would you listen, who obey?
You went your own way, didn’t you? And did you not learn? You learned, alright, but
you did it your way, right?


You got beaten up a good bit along that way, didn’t you? Had a few run-ins with
pain, with disappointment, frustration - with the whole crew of those. Who hasn’t
spent time there? If you haven’t, then you must be an android or a robot, or a soulless

Okay, stay in heart, now. Let’s use that 20/20 vision, and take a good look back. Do
you see how you grew, how you benefited from that? You did, didn’t you? Maybe
not in a way that your Mom and Dad or others - authority figures - would fully
appreciate, but you grew right on through that.


Now, take a look at yourself. Do you see how you’re better for all that? Do you see
how it’s blessed you? See how it accelerated your growth? No, of course you
wouldn’t want to go back through that, again.

You’d likely do it quite differently, now - but that’s with the benefit of what it gave
you, isn’t it? Now you’ve some wisdom of your own, and by golly, you earned it that
way - by going your own way, which was sometimes the left way, not the right way to

Yet you’re blessed. Stay out of mind, now. Mind wants in the worst way to justify
itself, its way of looking at, judging, and ruling the life. Each time you let mind in,
you get kicked out of heart.
Now that’s no big terrible deal, mind you. You can get quickly back inside. It just
takes spotting mind at its slick work each time it arises. Then you see - then you turn
away. Just like that, and just that quick, eventually. No big deal. Don’t criticize,
either. You’re beautiful! Don’t do that to you.


Okay, I want to let you marinate in that a bit. For some this is mighty challenging.
Yes, I know there are a number of you who could keep going, here. It doesn’t hurt at
all, though, to let this sink in. Allow yourself your supposedly dark side, here. See
how the net result is blessing. See how the mind squiggles and squirms so
uncomfortably in the presence of this.

We’ve been brought up to be obedient - to be people pleasers, most likely - at least to

conform to the norm society set out for you. Well, screw that. That is basically what
we’re saying, here, only we’re saying it from within heart - so it doesn’t quite come
out that way - usually.

Yes, yes, I know, the Mantra for Mind arose from this heart. Oh well, guilty -
though I did say “usually,” ho ho. Anyway, it takes some adjusting for some to begin
to let it settle in that maybe, just maybe, it’s okay to be bad, sometimes. That’s a
rather novel idea to the more structured minds.


So just be with that, and be observing. Watch how very uncomfortable mind is in
the presence of this new awareness. You’ll likely catch it at all kinds of tricks, trying
to get its sway back over you - trying to bring you back into line with all its neat little
rules, and such. Well, just observe. That’s all.

See you next time. Part 5. you’d think maybe I’d give up on that original sharing I
wanted to do, but no, with each journal that goes wherever it goes, I keep thinking,
one more time. Maybe in the next one it will come through.

Oh well. This is an adventure for me, too, you know. I don’t know what the heck
I’m doing - just in case you think I do, ho ho. No, you haven’t done enough self-
definition - or undefining - yet on your own “I” if you think that.

So, see you next time - whenever that is.

PS There is no actual part 5. Oh well... best laid plans, and all that. So much for
mind, ho ho ho, and ha ha :-D


video journal, awaken or enlighten, Source God or Spirit, heart over head, vision or
perspective, follow YOUR heart, Inner or Higher Self, Bible scripture, hot or cold,
lukewarm is rejected, fuzzy thinking, step back or observe, disidentify, right to go
wrong, 20/20 hindsight, teen rebellion, dark side, obedient people pleasers, Mantra for
Mind, awareness or consciousness, heart over head

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