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Steven Dalachinsky

avantacular press


charnel angel arose
& offered us a ticket to the PRISM
we arrived in LIGHT whole bodies
embodied within the ORIGIN
turning into mirrors of water
facing a forgotten sun

the sky is blue concrete melting into traffic

the window is invisible
we enter & wear our ligaments like a coat of arms
legitimate heirs to vegetables
origins in search of Origin man rotting / within the absence of
tho nothing is without color as
nothingness itself in B&W is illuminated by its primaries
Bio-logic the politic of color elected

from the tip of the candle to its base ( nothing is in simple b & w
tho the DARK is so difficult to penetrate
for the dark contains all that it is not )

- impenetrable - unfathomable - gen - beginning & end

yet the borders of darkness remain always in light
“light” i will not say “light” as i plunge into myself & awaken
turning away again turning into again
l ’ange debout dans le soleil at the edge of the sea
where the light is invisible yet the dark is a visible light
where there is no light but only light
is where it is within the courtyards & archways & across the
passages of dream
“dream” i will not say “dream”

she dreams amongst the rich blues & pinks

the earth-encrusted browns the sleeping blues & pale yawning yellows
(m)orpheus resonance sequence cadence absence
never an absence always here on the green planet
it’s about the effect of the sun on the tangled vines
how we live within the light each day
how it blinds us w/its vanity
coaxes us w/its madness
maddens us teases us
leads us into nocturne & fire
invites us embraces us
makes us feel safe
& abandons us
i will not say “safe” play SAFE

ego is a dynamic lamp which overshadows the moon

the moon is a transparency
a false light
a mistook hope that only seems to guide us

do not be misled by your reflection

it is not you
it is a cloud that swallows knives whole
& offers no resistance
it appears as charnel angels
appear more transparent than
dream than light
it offers you a ticket to view yourself
but cannot guarantee your journey beyond
the stop requested
it offers safety where there is none
it is magic that makes you think the
trick is easy
then fools you again & again

this light this disappearing angel - a finite clearing.

Regulus/Sum/cup of Light

study for a fugue > complex sentence simplified

the furniture of decision
a spilling over as in vertical
i will not say “cup” or “runneth” for that matter or….
parallel needs
perpendicular desires
The problem of color is:

the eye is a glass in a wooden box

is a
a universe
a wooden leg in a glass house
an apple changing as it ripens
a decadent drunk
a gentleman
a woman of sir cum stance
a filter cigare(gre)tte
the seasons
the way the colors merge
turning to look one last time
before leaving the system
“system” I WILL NOT SAY
HELL synchronismos
new tones
musique i will definitely not say “music”
or “glass eye” or “seasons” or “soul” or “angel” or

the angel arrives at the river

rather rivers of angels arriving
are rivers
the color of bowed rainbows

i cannot believe i said “rainbows”

w/glass eyes &

made of

the interpretation of song


allegros andantes finales

secrets refract ures
white reflects & black
the sound of color
the color of sound
where thought forms
& voice forms
& sand turns to glass

how even in LIGHT there is darkness

even in DARKNESS the light.

( did i say color? did i say sound? )

( for kupka, freidrich & turner )

orchestra of motion
as god
hand the lady
the sun

sign of deliverance
as the sun
a grenade
over the horizon
like a long
upon the

we are here
within the cathedral
where war forgets
its name
& sun remembers
while the piano becomes
digressions 1 & 2

1. ( for A. & L. )

salad southquest
sun moving from table to table
tablets taken
each commandment digested
from superstar to
black muslims black panthers
threat vs. freak
the closer one comes to democracy
the quicker assassination follows

discard your mind

feed your emotions to the sharks

ATTENTION - You Are Extinct

Earth no longer habitable

Red Planet become SAVIOR

so tired today shaved w/toothpaste.

2. ( for J.& M.)

shakespeare died on the left bank. peroxided off the bridge.

floating down the rue boucherie. turned outward to a steep incline.
montmartre cobbled & uphill to treasured friends.
toasted & see i told ya Satie lived in Paris. all this talk of exercise & playfulness.
calling cards & phone cards.
ATTENTION: you have no value unless activated @ the register -
Sacre Couer @ nite & a view of the lit city & its tower thru the branches of the near – embracing
trees one so full of life one life itself.

all cards are useless

your card
my card
it’s all in the cards

the pursuant of colorant on the table sans table cloth.

groceries & a quick ride home from the grocer’s.

i must say you’re a real card.

there has always been an inequality between euros & dollars

never a leveling of the playing field.
always stories told within the length of histories.

Pasta Salad Dressing

i.e. trees dressed & undressed touching hands like god & adam.

you see saving someone is never enough. it’s the Red Planet’ll save us now.

hey - I am the first man. i told ya the trip would be a short one. i’ll get over it. everybody’s bubble
bursts eventually. just didn’t expect it to happen so soon.
ah but even w/its short life. short temper. its longwinded shortness of breath.
looking out the metro window @ the young man’s face i suddenly for the 1st time
i’d rather be american

digression 3 ( for O.P. )

the sounds of children

& machine
& the silence between engines all.

sunday is every day in the universe

we spin on our own w/the
help of the forces
we contain
alone never
& travelling w/the story to be come
the forces w/out

it is MUSIQUE it all is
MUSIQUE it all is
what we know comes from history/ from the knowledge of others/ i lie/ paraphrasing elizabeth
bishop/ first time now/ salmon/ chicken/ chinese rapide/ dead friends/ i haven’t any/ easily
taking someone else’s idea/ themselves long since dead/ ok ok i’m sorry the lips of the actor
on the screen say/ while sightless sissies eat snow cones in a snowstorm/the way the snow
sneaking in the night has lain itself upon the grass/ & the trees along the highway/ a frozen
sugarcoating of the landscape/ i sometimes read aloud to her/ tho not too often/ & the green’s
begun to show us things/ especially in the morning/ as last midnight’s courtyard bloomed like
a pale violet stereo-type among the papyrus/ it is creating a wilderness out of supposed order/
created from wilderness/ about untraceable materials/ & lunatics shutting off their engines
once in awhile/ it’s about heroic dummies & dirty old men/ humorless housewives & ranting
drunks/ tantalizing people asking stupid questions/ without losing their heads/ it’s definitely
about not losing one’s head/ some polyanna attitude of a profoundly deaf primitive/ who de-
nies he’s in a sect/ & who worships color or treachery or hyenas or dementia or pillars of stone
or trust fund babies on a far-away rock or light or turbulence or the marketing of culture/ as he
covers himself in monotonous abundance –

i am a drafter of sorts
i’d like to know where the draft comes from
& how i can reshape it / or stop it / or redirect it / or disturb it / or describe it /
or just let it be

i wish my brother were here

so i could tell him this
maybe he’d pat me on the back
thru the phone
& say it’s ok steven -
i’ll send ya a million thru the mail.”

Money - Power - Success - Human Beings - brilliantly illuminated

like sand dunes & snowstorms & pale violet stereo-types on a far-away rock.
The Island of Gustave Moreau

In a time of beasts
there is the beast who knows not
& the beast who knows &
the beast who knows
he is a beast &
the beast who knows he is

Gustave Moreau
was very fond of monkeys & other
but particularly monkeys & their
closest rivals
but particularly
women &

he liked elephants & horses & lions too
the occasional serpent here & there

WHAT IS THE LAW? - not to walk on all fours - that is the LAW
WHAT IS THE LAW? - not to eat meat - that is the LAW

upstairs w/the big windows

where there is no LIGHT


to wake up in the morning
for a.p.

paroxism ( pa ra

do cks ) l ‘ ancienne
spiral staircase # 1
why are the french so hung up on spiral staircases?
thin tiring long-to-get-there staircases!
rap port
don’t get me wrong. i love spiral staircases.
i just always thought the shortest distance between
2 points was a s
g e
h n
t i
properties of MUSIQUES

instr/technique /comp/improv/
function representa tion
individu/group traditiones/modernites

jazz is tique ? a lui - meme

insertion of outser tion as sertion

intersection B - I section

fini de/lve section a lism

ala rhythm section
solo romantique

cooler parle ex peri men ta tion


c n
r i
i s
cr os s I n g


no need clean media disc organized sound ala resistance

souffle web arching aesthetic

bone dry journalismos neaveau

Again Born

the sun lays itself hotly upon her brow
her teeth are metal
braced & straightened
by a sharp voice

the tiller’s back is arched &

standing knee-deep on the rivered roof
gathering muscles from rippling shale

tree wires flock toward silences

carrying tangled messages thru her
wet quilted robe
reflections thru her pink quilted robe
she stands
hands pocketed
back against the tracks
the passing thud of old doors
splashing thru her fists
her face caught by promises

stone by stone
rail by rail
field by field
the air between their thoughts
charged by sudden passing
their collision perhaps illusion
in perfectly stilled pasture
where round–rolled blond grain
sits in a sudden overcast
& cow & stream
pebble & grass
water is water
sky is sky

slowed down
but not yet stopped
crippled tree
top hat covering a balding head
leads an overcoated body
of ruined fruit
thru the parched
her feet are bare
her toenails painted soil
her robe drops like ruined fruit

she is broken
she is still

rail by rail
field by field
she delivers me into the light
the sun like a shadow lays itself hotly
upon my brow

gold is gold
water water
sky sky

stone to stone like her i am rewarded

rail to rail like her i am deceived
field to field like her i have begun

he leaves his hands inside her

he leaves his hands are covered by gloves.

train from Paris to Bern - 8/6/83

With the exception of “again born” which was written on my first trip to Europe in 1983 all
the poems in this book were written February of 2004, on a train to JFK airport, on a plane to
& from Paris and in various locations in Paris. Phenomena of Interference was written in
the Musee d’Orsay at an incredible exhibit entitled “The Origins of Abstraction.” Other
locales were the Gustave Moreau Museum & the streets of Paris.

- s.d.

i humbly dedicate this little volume to w/ great affection to the many friends i met that magic

Copyright steven dalachinsky 2007

Cover Art – steven dalachinsky © 2007

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