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[ indicates relative le eI of dif5eut~1

1. Across the Nightingale Floor *** Lian Heam

Publisher: Riverhead Books [SBN: 1.573222259

Appwx 290 pages

This may well be (he most difficuH beok on fire list and is offered ror the stimuletion of students with a high Ievel of English and an interest in reading. The story i ~L in a land that js" and is not Japan, Q pre-madera Japan with magic thrown in; The teenage hero undergoes training in martial and :supernatural arts, undertakesdangerous missions and falls in love. Renders who think rughly of Chinese martial art novels and have the skin and perseverance te read 8 lengthy book will be attracted LO thi novel.

2. A Christmas Carol '"

Charles Dickens _ Publisl:ler: Oxford BOcikworms Stage 3 ISBN: o I 942'3 OQ07

Approx 70 pages _

This ill a simpllfied version of the famous dass!c. Ebenezer Screogt:is g miser .who htts no interest in eelebrating Christmas. On Christmas Eve he is visited by" the ghost of his ol~ partner and by the spirits of Christmas past., present and future. Whtl.l Scrooge sees ch-anges- him inre a caring-man who now ru~h!lS 10 help 111s elerk, Boo Crlllcnil. Tl;riS is a heart-warming Chrishna tale about human values and Ole insuffieieneyof ma,lerial po res ions.

3. The Curious Incident of the Dog in [he Night-lime *** Mark-Haddon

Publisher: Random HQuSe Group I Vintage lSB~:0099456761 I 1400032717

Approx 270 pages I 140 pages

Thisisa ~:alher unusual bpak thaL maSalll'i1cteq qulte a: IGI of atte:ntion an(i oeco1ne a best· seller (tMre Rreaotu81ly two vessions, one for younger readers and the other for Older ones). The. n'aJ'nl.let i~ Chris teph et Boone, a teenager with A$pefger's Syndrmue. He is an excellent mathematician and lives in a care-fully rule-governed world. but canner understand ernorions, This is especially uafortunateas his parents have recently broken up and the abilospMrc is swirlitn.g with strong emotion. A neighbour's dog has also been killed and Chri topher i determined (0 find tbe culprit, The bOOk is written in - non entenees, but the ocabulary is dermmdltig, Oecasional strong language.

4. Daddy-Long-Legs n* Jean Webster

Publisher; Purlin Boo"k.~ LSBN:OI4Gm4s58 ApprQ:X J 90 p;!l~

Ail mphan girl (focs not seem to have mud1- 01.' a future unlil a kind benefactor (Dad d y-Lcmg-ugs , so named after his sha:do·w) offers to cover the- (lost of a college education for her, in return she bas to write him regular leuers about her experiences. The book consists of the. letters, Thi book dates from 19 l2,b.ul bas survived DY inspiring many young wamen.

5. DJ:ac:ula" Bram Stoker

Publisher; Macmillan Readerslhtenmidlate Leyel ISBN; 04352722'09

Apptox 6'0 P-<lges

This is a much sirnplified version of the Classic vampire tale in wbich JpnadiUln Harken U'll\!cls to Tia,rulyl"anrll and meets Count Dracula, who in turn moves I.QLon.dOI'l with his supematufljl powers. The S!0ry has been filnted many times and has enormous appeal loa.ny readet intrjgLfedby the supernatural.

6. Emma *>F- I Emma *

fane Au_sWn _

Publisher; Penguin ReadersLevel4 ! Oxford Domlnoe SIage2 IsBN: 0582417945 I 0194243451

Approx 60 page

One of the Austen novels that coatinue to delight readers of all age, perhaps especlally young wemen, (hi!'; one tells (he stOry ef rich. g~od-hearted but rather spaiJl Emma Woodhou'e and her aqemp'L!l at rna_leb-making thai 1l-00 in her own


P.3 falling in love wilh Lhe handsome Mr Kn.ighlley. Amusing and romantic, the novel has been turned into a tme film at teast once,

7. Ghost in the Guilar ..

Paul Shipton

Publisher: Penguin Readers Level 3. ISBN: 05$2319137

Appeex 50 pages

Tlli:; tory with a contemporary setting involves a teenage couple mad aboul pop music. A new guitar, however, has mysterious and dangerous propenie . The story, told in veryslmple English. fit into the hcrror/gho 1 category.

8. Gladiator *", Peter Gram

"Publisher: Penguin Readers Level 4 ISBN: 0582471176

Approx 80 pages

This is an exciting hislorical novel with plenty of action. The Roman emperor Mareu Aurelius wan' to return to the republir,: of early Rome and asks hi great general Maxirnus his plan. The emperor's corrupt and arnbiiious son, Commedus, learns of this, murders his father and orders· tlie destruction- of Maximus. Mrodmus' famIly a):e kllled and he ends up as a slave-gladlator in NOM Africa. Commodes coincidentally wants to win the support of the people of Rome by puuing on games ill th~ Colosseum. Afrer'many Ilghrs and adventures Maximus ends lIP fad ng the villaineu emperor in the arena and killing him. The book has been made iruo a fameus film.

9, Harry Poqe~ and the Chanrber of Secrets "''''* J.K.Rowl1n~

Publi her: Bloomsbury ISBN: 07475384,B4 ApproI' 250 pages

A fairly demanding but immensely popular book. (he second in the eries. this stQry of Harry Pouer. the student wi~rd, contains all the well-loved characters: the Weasley family, the clever Hermione, the CI1(f)FmOUS Hagoid and the benevclem Dumhledore, as well as some: ieS$ whelesome pC9P le 1 i1<e Drace Maife)!" and his o.npleasam father. Special to Lhls book are Dobby the eli, the vain and lneffuctivc oilderoy Lockhart, Moaning Myrtle with her 1011et home and a giam spider, Aragog, There 18 plenty ofhurnour and suspense as someone threatens Flarry' [ife and he bravely faces the powerful basilisk in the chamber Of secrets, Obviously, tl1le book can be read in ccnjunotiun \·vitl1 viewing the excellent film verslon,

10. The Last Polar Bear "'* Harry.Berse

F1ublisher: Puffm Books ISBN: Ot40363823 Approx 8Q, pages

A humoreus fantasy. tlie Dook is a series of leuers about the jGume,y of Grandfather and Roo, an imetllgem dog, to the 'North Pole [0 See lbe Lllsl Polar l3Jears. The aninu11s talk and [here is even a penguin supermarket. The Style is fairly simple, but thevceahnlary demandiug.

II. . Martin' s Mice ,~*

Dick King-Smilh Publisher! Dell Publishing ISBN: .0440403804 Approx 12:0 page$

Martin, a cal on a farm, likes mice and keeps some as pets giving them II great deal of love. He does nC!lt !-Inden1lan"!:l why they run away, preferring freedom until he is him elf made Into an adored pel. 111i is a pleasing animal fa,nttlhY with a message for readers.

[2, The Maze >«

Peter David

Publisher: Random House ISBN: 0679882642 Approx. 160 pages

This belongs to the Dmotopiu series of bocks, gnmes (and film). Dinotepia is a eerei continefll where highly intelligent dinesaurs Live and are close friends with people. Ih thl lory Gwen, who has"onsnip problems with her father. joins up with,Jason, 8. student, of ancien; lore, and :SeQj, a very in.!eiligce:n! but insensitive velociraptor, to save the wO.l'.ltI fro/1ll an ()utl:!teak of the dearjly zinix diseuse. They travel through a mysterious mcrze to locale Odon (he Healer who aL

P.4 'first refuses to belp them as he dislikes humans. but their eouiradeship impresses himand all tum. om wen. TIllS is an imag[(uitive stOry in simple English.

13. Nineteen Highty-Foul" [1984] ,~* George Orwell

Pub]jS:he~: Pecnguirt. R.aMeTs Le'l'e14 ISBN: 0582777313

Appro); 70 pases

FOT these wit)) an inoorest in pollUcs. this simplHicd. ve"rsien ,Of tne elassie story oJ tOIh!1ilarianism, lhoughi.'"Corjli"ol. Big Brother and Newspeak will have a Sll'Gttg,..appeat Win.!llOn Smith tries to evade tne sqslem and retain some dignil), ',md freedom, but 1i;nds it impossl,ble. A rather depressing tale. this bonkls for the thoughtfut. lL has been filmw. but.the film is !J.ole.:mlyav;ti.labl~.

14. A Pair of Qho.slLy Hands end Other Stories -1' Publisher: Oxford Bookworms Lev:el3 ISBN: 01942~m8X

Appro;.; 80paWl-S

The book oonsains fivesimpltfied ghost stories .. 4 Pair o/G.!wstl), Rands is IlI;}OLI{ a-child ghost; Lost Hearts involves black magic; Mr~' AmS:lVor1h locates a vampire in an English village; Tile WtLXwCI,k1ms,irilagestnall<Omc alive ail night., and Jolin Cltamil,lgren '<f Weddillg i:s about a man so deterntined 'to gel mam~cJ he carries on ,alLhough I:I~ is dead. A good,choice for those with a taste for the-supernarural, wirhou; being too frightening.

IS. The Pe¢1 "** John Steinbeck

Publisher: Heinemann Educational BOQ'ks New Windmill Series ISBN: 0435120255

~~U~ .

This book is written in full nntive-speaker En:glish., but hasa simple sty,le and relatively straightforward vocabulary, H

sho.uld suit the cverage to 'better-rna.:n-aver.,.,ge student. The S\ory,tfi!kes pEace in- MeM_c0 tLIldr:trises issues of poverty arid e"pioit.atien. Kina, a poor pCllrl-diver, is devoted tiO ~is wjfe Juana and thelr b~by Coyoqto. He i,s devastated when Lhe child is stung. by II scorpioa an~ the cl'o9.ter·wi!J not nejp as Kino cannot pay, Al this point Kino fincl, immense pearl and suddenly the doctor is helpful. Kino's attempts (0, sen thepearl lor its true worth are, however, hloolwG by [he loea! dealers. Tensjons<bu.jld in this U'agtc tale as the pear;l bongs [he farriily fIlOi'e and ITIDre misfort!,fnes. Alt.hough a Simple tale, (hjs is a major work of Uter2IU¢.

16. .Romeo and Juliet ,", William Shakespeare

Publi~he-r: Penguin Relillers Level 3 ISBN: 058,2505143

Approx60 pages

This is: a greatly simpijl'ied, versioll' of the famous play. The teenage 'herne's of this lrlJ.gic. 1;1\.11 beautiful love ~tory wiU appe\'li to their mooe:rnCi.'lunt.erparts. The lex\ Wm also $\,I1L anyone Interested in dmma racher .ili:an'pure pfOse ficr(e.n.

17. The RoyaiP..ark Murder >1";" AI.anna. Krri glil

Publisaer: Conte:mpoi'ary Books 'Th'Umgprinl Mysteries

ISBN: 0809106&"10 .

Approx I 00 pa~es

Writt~n in 1!1ear. s.inrple Engl1s'h. this is a Clime/detective 'slovy se~ in SCQtral"l_d. Teenage &iUI KellY is in a dilfleult siLualiiim when" just as she is. getli'll:g 011 well willl II new young policeman bo,yfdend,.i'lmaJ1 is found murdered shutt]y after an argornem willi: her slightly myste'ril'lUl! father. There.are plenty of twists and turns in the plot with disguises, colncidences and clues. Ann nearly dies w.lletane is thrown down a mine, bUI the real criminal is found allasl This is Ill'i"vei:r story \Vith aSlIong fe-male jeadeh!!racltcr.

18. The Speckled Band and Other Stories *' A. CollllIIDoyle

Publisher: Macmillan Readevs Inlermedia~e Level ISBN: 8435272#G

Approx80 pllges

Three of the Sherlock Holmes siories meioc:lml.ed in Ihis bo-ok. The Speckl'?4 .8c;m$ wiLn its venomous snake, Tile D.IlIIC/llg Men IlJId (be ingen i PUS The Red·Heu{[-ed U:qgl/e. The famaus stories are retolql in simplified En@i;Sh and sheuld nave a wiue appeal


19, The Spiderwlck Chronicles: Book I, The Flelcl Guide ** 'Fony Djl'etl izz] (Illustrator) & Holly mack

PlIblis11er: Simon and SchusterSooks for Y:oung Readers ISBN: 0689859 6

Approx 130 pages

This book (and serie ) will appeal to the sort of readers who like Harry Fotter, but find the Palter books rather 100 d1fficl!Ili in Engl1$l'I, 'The Grace family e,ol\Sisls of MO~ler, Mallory and the (wins. Jared and Siman, Tl1ty move into an old house and StRUlge, Ihin_gsSll1n happening. There's a hidd:cn room and an old bOok about magreal Clreau.wes.'l'he FITSI one they meet, who has been causing the strange happenings, is a boggan, Peace is only restored when he is compensated For the secidemal destruction of .his nome. The book is beautifully lllu hated and has an interesirng map. It will.give pleasure 10 levers of Ianiasy.

20. 'the Story of Tracy Beaker M Jacqueline Wilson

Publisher: Corgi

rSllN: 0440862795

AppPOlt 140 pages

'tracy lives in a cblldlren's homeane is deSperll1i.n have- a chance at a i'am!l), life. The book deals with sertcus issues such as broken families and bad relationships ill an approachable, even lighr-hearted way.

21. S triker *

Peter & Karen Viney

Publisher; Penguin Readers Level 3 ISBN: 058250547X

Apprex 50 pages

ThIS is a eheice for students with limited English. The story is about an injured goalkeepiIT 'and takes the form of a -law case abeut hi injury.

22. Superbird ..

Brian Torrilinspo

E'ublish'er: Q'lmbridge English Readers, Level 2 'ISBN: 0521656087

APflJOX 50 pages

This is very simple book, E'Itra~terresLria:ls land on Earth aiid find human'S not very atrractivc. The interest In the tory is that it is told by means or lnterviews and from the ll'eint of viewpf tilt; '1l1iens' .Thi gives i1 [he henefil of encouraging readers [0 look at quesrions from differenr-perspeolives.

23. Temorrowland ***

Michael Cart (Editor Publisher: Scholastio Signature ISBN: 0590376:799

Approx 200pilgcs

This is, a ·collection fir short SloriesilbfJu! the future wriuen by you!')g peop1e Ihems!;!lv,esOn the o,cc! of the new millennium. The ten toties cover issues such as our incre:'ll.sing· a1Je~~tioll ITem nature, sports and lechn0Jogy. artificial inserninarion. species rivalry, virtual reality and the usual problems of human relationships. This is a stimulating collection for students with a confident grasp of Bnglish,

24. Tuesdays With Morrie- *.** Mitch Alborn BlLblisher:J)oublecl,ly [SBN: 038548.4518 Approx zoo pages

The al.llho(, a very busy and sueces:sful man who hardly has time to eajoy what he has, learns thut his old teacher is dying. Peeling guilty that he did 1'I(;)t kreft in lQlIell over the years, he SI'lrIS visiLiillg him re~gularly and learns II lot from him about life and bumnn values, This is a book fo r thoughtf'u I Slltdents,

25. The W-itelies ":j<

Raa.ld Dahl & QJ,lenlin SJake{1I1u trater) Publisher: Puffin Books

ISBN; 0141301104

Ap.p.rox 210 pages

In thi book by one of !.he rna l famous writers of children's books, a young boy getS involved with some real witches, outwardly ordinary womell but I1ned with hatred ror children, Th-e boy is turned into a mouse, but then with.the help of his grandmother manages to tum all the witche huo mice. TI1£ book is full of run al'ld aumaur,



r'" Indicates relative level of difficult)']

I. AJberil: Ein:stein: A Life of GenitlS ..

Elbr.abelh M~cLeod Publisher: Kids Can Press ISBN: 155337396.0 Approx 10 pages

'fh,e book is d\!$igned as a scropP00k with plenty 0fgr~phics :gu:l e~(6on n!i,i~D'alioris. The tex, 'is simple 1.IndoQl:'ei'S tile 'main inlerestIj and -moLivaJiol1sof Binsteitl'S !ife.. So-me of the. information is presented 10' Ih!l' form of quesrleaand answer. There is no .difficult sc-ience.

2. Book of the Future \1;** phil Taylor

Publisher: BBC Books ISBN: 0563487712- Apjlwx no pages

TIle SB[: asked p~p.lle ie pOSL on lhe;ir website the it views of what, the world 'would be like in' 2020. E~pcrl:S tl1en chose Ute be$175. The book has a slight Brltish' bias and v.ari~s from the fumlY to'the very $erious <1'11.d scie.nlific. II wil!w'ke'a very able student to lac kle LI, is book.

3. Boy: Tale:s of ~hHdhood '"* Roald Dahl

Publisher, Puffin Books ISBN: 0141303050 Appro,. 1.80¢-llgllS

This is lile famous writer'stlll.lobiogmphy the e'atly yoorsof his life. He had a'ill.Ost illiteresttrtg childli<iod and was an extremely mischievous little boy. A good read for anyone lurerestedin (he art of writing,

4. Buddhism; A Very ShOfllniJ';ogllclion -..*'" Damien Keown

Publh;her. Oxford UnIversity, Press 1SBN: {)192853864

ApJlOOx 150 p~m;

The beeklrureduees the teachings of the Buddha and discusses their de-ve1opmct:l.l over tbe ceruuries. showi-ng how they can help people face The problemsof (he modern world. This MIUld. btl; It good choke f0T 11. young penon of a serious frlunu of mind able to I'ea,d faftly difficult BngHsh.

5._ Cantonese- Culture ~

.Shidey Ingram & ReSecca S .. Y. Mg. PubUSJ;u::r:-Asi.a 2000

ISBN: 9627160377

Approx HlO pages

Students mny be interested to see- bow oUls..ide-rs sec, t11em. an,t! deci(j,e wnenlCf fMy a,gre,e withlhe te:mafj.j;, of; the authOrs on lo'Calbeltlviouc. The boo'k is irncmdeQ to help ncwcamersseule into Heng KOIi.g .sm::fcly and sl16uld pfoovoke stadenrs into_ sOnlej[' l'eOecl;ions On their Way of tlfc.

6. Chinese Cinderella ~~'f Adelin'e Yen Mah Publisher;: Laur-el Leaf ISBN: 044022'8654- Appro," 220 pages

This U1lestory ¥if. an unwo.nledgifl wll¢ise mather rues gi",ing bmh to her and \Nll0Se- falh.or siarl..~a.ll~' ftll)l11y, lo.sing. interest in checllildrel1 of his first marriage, mke~ place (!juring lhe Japanese- eceupation of China. The Stell')' is' a very moving one and there is plenty of period, detail and 1n:formation about the alii China,

7. The D4y Ibin S hook ~e W Qrld ,~Publisher: BHC Worldwide

LSBN: 056348-&026

APP):{lx 225

This is a serious book that involves a good knlilWled~ ef current events -Md wiTI only Ilppe:il flillHtOllg Stlldl;:'nts wiLlI an interest inpo1itics 311d public affairs, Various chapters dlscuss terrorism, the on' the World Trade Centre,

P. 7 Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Palesfinin,n question, economic irnplieatinns and tl'\e reactions ot Ressia and the UK to events. For a student (o be able to talk abeut ()]11), a couple of these issues would be iiI)j'1I'eSS.ive.

8. Fighting Fat !Fighting Fit n Janelle Marnhail

Publisher: BBC Books ISBN: 0563384905

Appro); L90 pages

This Is D sensible book OT! he.111by eating and the need for exercise, After considering he drawbacks of modern Jifesryles, the author asks readers to consider their eating habits and to. enSlITC thai exercise is a regular pan of their lives. Books of this type are extremely successful commercial!:y, so a modern te one bas been included here.

9. Free at Last; Til SLory of Martin Luther King, Jr ...

Angela Bufl

Publisher: Penguin D1<. Readers Level 4 ISBN: 075132857X

Approx 50 pages-

The boek tells the inspiring life-story of !he famous civil right .Ie&der. There are plenty of picMes ~n(L_ a vQCabulary glossary. Thi is a reLajivelye~~ cholce,

10. Gangs and Bullies .. '" ROSemllf}; Stone

Pu:QIisher: ~vans Beeks, Life Files tSBN: 0237518104

Approx 65 pages

This sheri book exsmines the phel1omenc:m of gangs and bullylng and suggese h!J\-v SCi:Ul01s and ordinary people: can handle the -problem, The book is intended to make teenagers think more deeply about soci-al issues: me}' are likely 10 meet.

11. Genetic Br\-giueering iI!! Morgan

Publisher: Evans Books, Moral Dilemmas 1~1{:023752484S

Approx 65 pages

A presentation of the moral issues raised. by this new science, the book contalns case studies and encourages critical thinking and. careful anaiysis.

12.. Global Watming*~ Fred Pearce

Publisher: Gardners Beeks, D KEsscnlial Science Series ISBN: 075LB7137

Appmx 70 pages

This is 11 lavishly ilIUS.ITated book, w.rilten for scMo-lohild[cn. tnll with raid)' technic~l la;[)guage. A sludent with an Interest ill the topic will find learnlng the IIpcabula:ry rewfll'dillg.

13. Great Football Stories * Russ Williams

Publisher: Penguin Renders Level] IS,BN'! 058241610 I

Approl!. 60 pages

TIlls fair] Y MSY book contains a brief history of football, detail' of orne of the trouble f~OlbaJ I has caused, .and accounts of cheating and the wiJil behaviour of fans. both mate and female. Obvio~lsly. il \,,@ appeal (0 eceer fans.

14. Houdini: Master 0"[ Illuslon ~*'* Clinton Cox,

Publisher. Scbolastit;

ISBN: 0590949608

Approx 190 pages

A book of interest to those with a fusc.ination for magic and illusion. The anthcr-retetes tile life of the greal escepelogi t and reveals the secrets-behind some. of his amazing tricks.


15. T~ Human Body"'''' Richard W.alker

£:,uhliSher: Gardners !Book~, D K Guitles iSBN: 0751339261

A,pprox 60 pages

This book bas won awards, and ,is;).n exquisitely illuslril.tedil1ld det;;'liled deseriptlenof eur bodies II'ndhOw tl'bey work. The boo,k will delighl biology studentsand il11anletarty render.

16. Louis. Braille: TIre BoyWbo In,vented Books for the Blind" Marg_'-\l'et Davidson

Publisher: Schotruuk Paperaaeks

ISBN: 059,044350X '

Approx80 pages

The boobs part of fl series wtitten for teenag~rs and inclU!:Ie;s a copy af the Braillle alp1io.he.t. TJm book Cells tlJ:e. Sle_ry of Braille's ltfe-and lncfuaes lUI aCCmID! of the resistance to his invennon,

17. M.ak1D.g Frien~ ......

Andrew Mat!hews

Publisher: Seashell Publishers I M\edia Misters lSBN: '98100 1953X I 084~ 12.9697

Approx 145 Pll,ge.'l

The book discusses 'how to make mends and covers the Whole topic .of friendsbip in .some delail. Plenty of examples anti cartoons are ineHidcd to make-the book cas,il), appr<l,aehable.

18. Mother Teresa: 111 My Own Words *'" Ptifili:sller. GIamercy

ISBN; 05""17201690

AppPoJ! 130 pages

This is-an illustrated ecllecden of.sayings, prayers and steriesfrcrn Mother Tetesil.

19. Pole to PoTc H ..

Michael Palin Publisher: B:BC Books ISBN": 0S:6352198'8 Approll320 plIg,es

The famous uavel1er tells of his jGurney from the North Pole to tne South. The book is fun of insight into diffefenl. culrures andceuntrtes and tilled wjth humoer and tcleranoe. FOi" hlgll ealibre students Interested in tr,;ivel., this is a choice that will bring pleasure.

20. Princess Diana • Cherry Gilchti'st

Publi:sh~r: Penguin Readers Leve13 ISBN: 0582416.8$X

Approx 50, pages

The book w:Us the familiar t!ile of the prmcess WhOCIl.\lg"hl the heart of millions and did 1:1 gre:a~ deal o,f charitable work befere ilil;"sad end 10 her marriage and eady d~ai.h. A s.imple book.

21. The Ring of Bright Water '" Gavin MaxwGll

Publ is her: Penguin Readers Level 3 ISBN: 05824i688i4

A~flrox 50 pages

The autaer 1ivetl in the north of SI)i,QI'111l~tl and became friends with Lh~e'e ottors. Although the placeLs far Wll)!. this true story of~' s ability ll;) beeome close to neture should travel well and plea~e many students.

22. Robot **

Roger B:ddgrulUl .

. Publi,qliec Gardners Books, D K Eyewitness Guides ISBN: 140?.303182

Approx 6.0 pages

Any s\udent w;than imer;SI in nJec:h!ll):ieal 0bjeds and Ar~jficlru 11'\t~1Iig~!lce wil] be fasCin:i.teQ by Ihi$lIltrattive b<;ok.. The book is written fOr schoots but naturally demfj:nr!s a bit of technical vocabulary.


23. StorieS of Courage >I< Clare Swain

Publisher: Penguin Readers 'Level 3 ISBN: OS82829S44-

Approx 50 pages

In this slim book we- read about ei,ghl people whl'! showed great courage and moral sU" They are Anna Quirot. an athLete who .slJlffered bad bums; an anonymous refugee; Odeue SruisOni, It 'housewife who wO'rked against the Nat{~; Chico Mendez, the dePorrder ef the AmlJ:Zi)ruan t$; Aung San SUlI Kyi, ~hc BUrmese political heroIne; Aaron Ralsron, an American who had to face a WA'ible ehclce, Erin Broclmvwh, who feuglu for ordInary people's right to cornpensatlon; and Dr Fumio Shigeto and the- Oe' s, all affected by the IDroshima bomb. An inspiring book.

24. Why Am I Afraitl to TeD You Who 1 Am? .. ** John.Powell

Publlsher.Thcrnas More A sociaiion IS_BN: (}88~473.232

Approx 150 p~es-

The book discusses various different personality types (e.g, the martyr. the cycic, the down, the competitor. eic.) and. as,ics readers to explore Iheil' own ch!lJ1l,.cier and Image, .Iearning re aecept,e)lles tlnc race the world WiUl0111 fear, The book is not aneas,v one, Iholi'gh it has helpful gt::iphics and cAplion~. I1 should appeal to the philosophicalJ.¥ minded.

25. Women in Buainess "'* David Evans

Publisher: Penguin Readers Level 4 ISBN: 0582453275

Approx 6:; pages

The book relates the succe stories of a number of Iamou women: Coca Chanel and her fa 11i0n empire; Hanae Mori, the Japanese designer; Anita Roddick with her natural beauty products; Oprah Winfrey of televislon fame; and Madoruia, the actress and singer, 1L'he book relates ~heir lodes to wadel e\jen~, and.discusses lhe issue of career and family from a woman's point of View. The nook may help some students think about importan; issues in their ewnlives,

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