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Compiled by

Prashant Ranjan Verma




1. How to Make a Disaster Plan for

Your Family

2. How to Create a Home First Aid


3. How to Administer Adult CPR
(Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)

4. How to Pack an Emergency Kit for

the House


5. How to Avoid Danger During Civil



6. How to Be Safe During a


7. How to React During an


1. How to Make a Disaster Plan for Your Family

Disasters, whether natural (hurricanes, tornadoes, and

floods, for example) or man-made (i.e. fires, nuclear accidents, or terrorist attacks) can strike at any
time, whether we're ready for them or not. Even with advance warning, a disaster can be
overwhelming, and it's not always possible to communicate with family members who may be at
work or school when an emergency strikes. A little planning and practice before you're in danger can
help you and your family survive even the worst disasters.


Determine what disasters your area is

susceptible to. If you live in Kansas, you don't need to prepare for a hurricane, but you'd better be
ready for tornadoes. While some disasters, such as fire, can happen anywhere, the hazards you
might encounter vary widely from place to place. Check with your local emergency management or
civil defense office, Red Cross chapter, or the National Weather Service to get an idea of what
emergencies you should prepare for.
Find out what you should do in case a
disaster strikes. The organizations above will likely be able to advise you what to do in an
emergency. They may be able to provide you with evacuation maps and information about local
warning systems and emergency plans. If you can't get all the information you need from officials,
research your local hazards on your own. Figure out, for example, what preparations you should
make for a tornado or hurricane (you can find information on many disaster situations right here on
wikiHow) and how to survive if you're caught in a disaster, and determine the best evacuation routes
on your own if need be. Remember, when push comes to shove, it's your responsibility to ensure
your family is well prepared.

Pick a meeting spot and a way to get in

contact with your family members. There's a good chance that all your family members won't be in
the same place when disaster strikes, so it's important to have a predetermined rendezvous point.
Choose a spot that will likely be safe and that is well away from your neighborhood, as you might not
be able to make it back to your home.

Designate a friend or relative as a contact

person that you, your spouse, and your children can call if you can't meet up. In order to minimize
the chance that the contact person will also be affected by the disaster, choose someone who lives
in a distant town or in a different state. Make sure that all your family members have the contact
person's phone number with them at all times.

Discuss disaster scenarios with your family

and make sure everyone knows what to do in all the likely emergency scenarios. It's important to
educate yourself on how to respond to likely hazards, but what happens to your family if they are
away from you or if you're killed or injured? It's not enough for one person in the family to know
what to do--everybody should know the plan.

Fix potential hazards in your home.

Once you've identified potential disaster scenarios, thoroughly inspect your house and try to make it
as safe as possible. Here are just a few examples:

Every home should have smoke detectors

and fire extinguishers. Test smoke detectors at least once a month, and replace their batteries yearly
or as needed. Fire extinguishers should be recharged according to the manufacturer's instructions,
and family members should learn how to use them. Everyone should also know how to escape the
house in the event of a fire.
If you live in an area prone to earthquakes,
you wouldn't want a tall, heavy bookcase sitting right next to the baby's crib, as it could be knocked
over in a quake.

If you live near woods with the possibility of

forest fires, you should clear your property of brush and high grass to create a buffer zone between
your home and the fire.

Teach your family basic life-saving

techniques. Everyone who can learn CPR and first aid should take a certification class and keep their
certification current. Adults and older children should know how to turn off gas, electricity and water
if the house is damaged, and everyone should know how to detect a gas leak. Emergency numbers
should be posted near phones, and even small children should be taught how to call 9-1-1 or the
corresponding emergency number in your country.

Assemble a disaster kit. Be prepared for

emergencies with at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food and potable water, prescription
medications, first aid supplies, and other things you might need if you have no utilities and no way to
purchase supplies. Keep a smaller kit in the trunk of your car. See the related wikiHow for more
details on building a disaster kit. An inexpensive "pay-as-you-go" cell phone is a good addition to the

Practice your plan. Practice makes perfect,

and in a life-or-death situation, you want to respond perfectly. Periodically go over your emergency
plans with your family, and update them as needed. Quiz and drill your family on important safety
concepts. Do a live test with your family; make it an outing and get everyone involved. That will help
you identify what works and what doesn't.

Have contingency plans. In the event your

emergency site is unavailable or other things change, it's a good idea to have an alternate already


If your workplace, school, or town hasn't

developed an emergency plan, take the initiative to start planning one. Go to meetings of local
officials and request assistance, and collaborate with your neighbors and coworkers to help make
your whole community safer.
It is a good idea to pick two or three
emergency contacts, one who lives outside of your local area code in addition to one who lives
within and also someone who can receive text messages. In major disasters one can often call a
number outside your area code but not within. In extreme cases, people have had to rely on text
messaging when phone lines and towers were decimated in the disaster. After Hurricane Katrina cell
phones were just about useless to make calls in the affected areas, but they saved many lives and
helped reunite families thanks to their text messaging capabilities that survived.

Besides the resources mentioned above,

you might also want to check with your insurance company for ways to make your house safer.
Insurers have an interest in minimizing the risk of injury or damage to your home in the event of a
disaster, so they will usually be happy to provide you with information. Many insurance policies also
require certain precautions in order for a loss to be covered.

Be serious about your emergency planning,

but be careful not to irrationally frighten children or to become obsessed with disaster yourself.
Planning makes you safer, and it should make you and your family feel safer, too.

If you are having difficulty with any of these

steps, there are many resources on the internet to assist in this process. Check out these sites:, operated by the US Department of Homeland Security and, operated by the
American Red Cross.

Purchase and use "Self Powered

Radios" and "Self Powered" flashlights. These do not use batteries and are safer than candles. Some
of these models can also charge your cell phone.


This is not intended to be a complete guide to

disaster preparation. You will need to assess the unique set of potential hazards in your area and
prepare for them accordingly.

2. How to Create a Home First Aid Kit

Emergencies happen. you can prepare for one by making a

first aid kit. A first aid kit can be prepared by following the steps given below.


Choose a nice sized container. It needs to be

large enough to store the materials.

Store it an easily accessed locale in your

home. Teach your children and frequent house guests where the first aid kit is stored.

Fill the box with the following sterile

and/or newly-bought items:

Adhesive dressings, of
varied size and shape, from regular Band-Aid shapes to small squares to large

Small (but sharp) scissors

A package of gauze pads.

They can be large, because you can always cut them if necessary.

Adhesive tape (Not like

cellophane tape)

Cotton Balls, large and

small, or tampons
Rubbing non-
Alcohol wipes for cleaning external surfaces only (i.e. cleaning dirt off of unbrokenskin, or wiping
down a surface)

Antibiotic Ointment, for

keeping the infection out of cuts, scrapes, etc.

A thermometer

Tweezers for pulling out


Non-latex gloves, in case of

blood,body fluids and dangerous waste

keep two pairs for the

smallest kit

A bee sting kit

Insect Repellant

sterile dressings(a sterile

pad attached to a roller bandage)

roller bandages

triangular bandages

sterile saline

safety pins and bandage


You can use these items, if you have no supplies in

an emergency:

sticks for splints

cloth for bleeding,slings.

Water,to clean wounds and eyes.


You can also use a store bought kit and and

add other items like alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, cotton balls,extra bandages and a thermometer.

Cotton swabs are optional

For antibiotic ointment, Neosporin is

recommended, because it does not sting the cut.

You could save a life by learning first aid. Go to Your

local red cross or other organisation.

Blue items are available for kitcens ECT.

Wash tweezers, scissors, and thermometer
after each use.

Be aware of what you use and don't let

supplies get low!

Be sure everyone who would potentially use

the kit is not allergic to any of the ingredients.

Do not store prescriptions in the first aid

kit,items such as an epipen are all right though

Don't use any products containing natural

rubber latex (NRL), someone could be allergic.

3. How to Administer Adult CPR (Cardiopulmonary


Let's hope you never have to be put in the situation where

someone is in need of CPR. In case you are, it would be helpful to be informed on how to perform
this technique. You may end up saving a person's life. These instructions are for an adult only
(infants and children differ). Be aware that different organizations teach different methods for
administering CPR. Use these instructions only for refreshing techniques learned from a certified CPR


Perform CPR only if certified.

Check the scene for safety. Is there
a car exhaust running? A gas stove? Is there a fire?

If there is anything that

could endanger you or the victim, see if there is something you can do to counteract it. Open a
window, turn off the stove, or put out the fire if possible. Anything you can do to counteract the

However, if there is nothing

you can do to counteract the danger, move the victim. The best way to move the victim is by placing
a blanket or a coat underneath their back and pulling on the coat or blanket.

Now that the scene is safe, check

the victim for consciousness by shaking or tapping their shoulder and saying in a loud, clear voice,
"Are you okay? Are you okay?"

If they respond, they are

conscious. They may have just been sleeping, or they could have been unconscious. If it still appears
to be an emergency situation (e.g. they are having trouble breathing, they appear to be fading in
between consciousness and unconsciousness, they were unconscious, etc.) continue on to the next
step. If they were conscious, but the situation still appears to be an emergency, check for injuries,
broken bones, etc.

If they do not respond,

continue on to the next step.

Send for help. The more people

available for this step the better, however, it can be done alone. Send someone to call the
Emergency Medical Services (EMS). Call 911 in North America, 000 in Australia, 112 by cellphone in
the EU (including the UK) and 999 in the UK. And make sure you point to them and say "Go call 911"
(or whatever the EMS number is in your area). This way you'll make sure you specifically sent for
help. If you are alone, preform CPR for one minute (which is about three cycles of CPR) and then call
the EMS, then resume. If possible, send someone else to get an AED (Automatic External
Defibrillator) if there is one in the building.

Check for signs of life:

Place your hand on the victims

forehead and two fingers on their chin and tilt the head back slightly to open the airway. Place your
cheek above their mouth and stare at their chest (you cheeks have a lot of nerves in it, so it's easier
to feel the patients breath). Do this for ten seconds, if you do not feel a breath or see the chest
rising, continue to the next step. If there are signs of life, treat for shock. Cover them if it is cold, and
if possible, uncover them if it is hot, etc.

If there are no signs of life, place a breathing

barrier over the victim's mouth.

Give two rescue breaths Keeping the airway

open, take the fingers that were on the forehead and pinch the victim's nose closed. Make a seal
with your mouth over the victim's mouth and breathe out for about one second. Make sure you
breath slowly, as this will make sure the air goes in the lungs not the stomach. Also make sure you
keep your eye on the victim's chest. If the breath goes in, you should see the chest slightly rise and
also feel it go in. If the breath goes in, give a second rescue breath. If the breath does not go in, re-
position the head and try again. If it does not go in again, the victim may be choking.

Place your hands on top of each other and

place them in the center of the chest (on the breastbone) between the two nipples. Your ring finger
should be on top of the nipple (this will lower the chances of breaking a rib or ribs).

Compress the chest by pushing straight

down approximately two inches deep. Do thirty of these compressions, and do them fast,
approximately 30 compressions in 30 seconds.

Repeat Steps 6 through 8 for one minute,

delivering two rescue breaths every 30 seconds/compressions.

Recheck for signs of life.

Continue CPR until someone takes over for
you, emergency personnel arrive, you are too exhausted to continue or an AED is available for
immediate use, or pulse and breathing return.


Don't forget to place your hands in the

middle of the breastbone at the level of the nipples.

When moving the victim, try to disturb the

body as little as possible.

ALWAYS call the Emergency Medical


Get trained! You get to learn and practice

your skills under the supervision of a trained instructor with the help of a video presentation and
CPR training mannequin ("dummy").

If you feel the area is unsafe to enter, and it

is not safe to move the victim, stay where you are and either send someone to call Emergency
Medical Services, or do so yourself and stay with the victim!

Remember that if a person can talk in full

sentences, they are breathing, and if they are breathing, they probably have a pulse.

Even "bad" CPR is better than no CPR!

You should learn this at a certified CPR class.
Training organizations such as the American Heart Association, American Red Cross and other
societies in many countries offer such classes. If you have no knowledge of CPR, go to one of the
classes. They will show you how to do this without mistakes, which are very crucial.

Be sure to survey the scene for danger

before you attempt to administer CPR.

Remember that CPR is different for adults,

children and infants; this CPR is meant to be administered to an adult.

Always practice CPR with a breathing barrier

to prevent disease transmission.

Don't worry if you break ribs - these can be

fixed, being dead can't.

Do not move the patient unless they are in

immediate danger or are in a place that is life threatening.

Always wear gloves and use a face shield or

some other sort of barrier when possible.


4. How to Pack an Emergency Kit for the House

In case an emergency happens in your area, you want to be

ready. Here are some tips on how to create an emergency kit for your home. Remember to also
prepare a kit in the event that you may need to evacuate.

Look at the Things You'll Need to see what
your kit should contain.

Make a first aid kit if you don't already have

a one.In an emergency you or a loved one could be cut, burned or injured in some other way. If you
have these basic supplies you are better prepared to help your loved ones when they are hurt.

Determine what hazards exist in your local

area. Contact your local emergency manager and ask. If your locale does not have an emergency
manager, check with your county or state emergency management official for assistance.

Write a plan based on the hazards,

then build a kit to support the plan.

Purchase "Self Powered Flashlights"

and "Self Powered Radios". In the event of a disaster, power will be out and batteries will be
unavailable, sold out. The latest models have the "Weatherband/Emergency Band" and will also
charge your cell phone, thus if your cell phone fails in a disaster, it will be that the cell phone towers,
their infrastructure will be damaged, even destroyed.

Pack according to location.

Depending on where you live, you might need different things in an emergency such as flood,
hurricane, tornado. Of course there are a few things that you should have regardless of location.

Pack a map in your kit. These are especially

helpful if you must evacuate and emergency routes may involve detours.

Gather together the items on the list that

you already have at home.
Keep a running list. If you can't pick
up everything at once you should add an item or two to each shopping trip.

Designate a first aid kit for

emergency or disaster and one for everyday use. Your first aid kit should contain:

A minimum of two
pairs of Latex gloves for the smallest kit. Remember, it may be a stranger who needs your help and
having a latex barrier will help prevent infection.


Use vinyl gloves if you or a

family member is allergic to Latex. Latex allergies can be severe.

Keep more pairs in your

disaster kit that will evacuate with you. You may go through several pairs in one emergency.

Check the integrity of the

gloves if they've been stored in changing temperatures. They may become brittle. Sometimes gloves
deeper in a box may still be good so don't toss the box because the first few pairs are bad. Look
through them all.

Sterile dressings to stop

bleeding. (Look for bulky dressings called surgi pads in health supply stores)

Cleansing agent/soap and

antibiotic towelettes to disinfect.
Antibiotic ointment to
prevent infection.

Burn ointment to relieve


Adhesive bandages in a
variety of sizes

Gauze pads





Eye wash solution to flush

the eyes or sterile saline as general decontaminate. Sterile saline is available in liter bottles in health
supply stores.


Prescription medications
you take every day such as insulin, heart medicine and asthma inhalers.
You should periodically
rotate medicines to account for expiration dates and have a plan for refrigerated insulin.

Over the counter pain

medicine (Like Tylenol and Advil) and an antihistamine (Like Benadryl).

Prescribed medical supplies

such as glucose and blood pressure monitoring equipment and supplies.

Go to the store to buy the items you

don't already have.


Obtain a waterproof box. This does

not have to be expensive. Just a large waterproof box with a lid. These are available in the storage
sections of most discount stores.

It should be small enough

so that in an emergency, you can roll it into your car, yard, or home in just a few minutes. Look for
something with wheels and/or handles.

Consider placing kits in your

home, car, and workplace.

You never know where

you'll be when an emergency strikes.
Use backpacks or plastic
tool boxes for jump and run bags.

Keep everything sorted with

clear zip sandwich, quart or gallon bags.

For worker/s in large urban

areas keep a back pack under your desk which contains water, energy bars, flashlight, spare socks
and good walking shoes in case public transportation is disrupted.

Stay hydrated! Water is the most

essential life sustaining resource. Keeping water (in clean plastic bottles) in your home, car trunk,
and workplace will keep you hydrated when you're under stress.

You may need more water

for children, nursing mothers, the elderly or if you live in a warm climate.

You may need to add

electrolyte replacement drinks (gatorade or powerade) to replace valuable minerals in warm or
humid weather or if you will be very active.

Keep at least a three-day supply of the

items listed in the "Things You'll Need" section (below) in the box.

Consider other things you might need--

especially things such as medication, bandages, or other things according to age, location, or health.
Don't forget to pack


food into your kit


Make sure that if space is limited,

everything you bring is essential.

Cell phones are optional, but are highly

useful in emergencies. Pack two methods for charging or powering your cell phone. External battery
packs or a car charger are examples.

Purchase Self Powered Radios AND

Self Powered Flashlights. Batteries will be unavailable in a emergency and some models will also
charge your cell phonesSome of these devices are solar powered as well as using a "crank
generator". .Find these at Radio Shack, Wal*Mart, Online.

Glowsticks. Candles are a safety

hazard, especially if there is gas leaks going on, explosive, flammable gas is in the area. Using candles
can cause a fire, even a explosion.

Family Radio System (FRS) radios can be
useful in keeping in touch with your friends or family in a small area when telephones are out.

Consider becoming an amateur radio

operator. This allows one to communicate over greater distances, even to other states and

Practice emergency drills with your family.

Fire drills are important to teach your family, in case there ever were to be a fire.

Power inverters (Converts DC power to AC

power) for cars are handy for charging cell phones, powering your TV, radios, running refrigerators,

Keep old prescription glasses when you get

new glasses. An old pair of glasses is better than none at all.

Make your kit portable, in the event that

you would need to evacuate.

Remember, many injuries are not life

threatening and do not require immediate medical attention. Knowing how to treat minor injuries
can make a difference in an emergency. Consider [Community Emergency Response Team] training.
Students may be given a kit that can be used as a starter for your personal disaster kit.

Make sure you include an original

prescription bottle with dosage information in case you need to get medicines refilled during an

In deciding what food to put in your

emergency kit, remember to choose food your family will actually eat. Good choices include:

Ready-to-eat canned meats,

fruits and vegetables

Protein or fruit bars

Dry cereal or granola

Peanut butter

Dried fruit


Canned juices

Non-perishable pasteurized

High energy foods


Food for infants

Comfort/stress foods



Bring only what you need.

Consider temperatures where you store

your kits - heat can significantly degrade the quality of supplies in a few months. Try to store supplies
in an area constantly below 80 degrees F and out of direct sunlight.

Avoid putting salty foods in your emergency

kit, as they will only make you thirsty. [1]

Things You'll Need

Sleeping bag or warm blankets. Make sure
you have at least one good sleeping bag or heavy blanket for each family member.

Water, if the water supply is contaminated

or declared undrinkable, you should have several gallons on hand. A good guide is one gallon of
water per person per day, for 3 days.[2]

Food for your family for three days --

canned, non-perishable foods that last a long time. Don't forget to include a manual can-opener.

First aid kit

Flashlight(s) and extra batteries

Self powered flashlights which are available

in the local Walmart and Radio Shack, and also online, as are glow sticks. These types of lights are
safer than candles, and do not use batteries, which will be unavailable in a emergency

Wrench, or whatever you would need to

turn off utilities in your house. Other emergency tools are also a good idea.

Extra clothing for warmth

Waterproof matches, or lighter

Unique family needs -- medication you may

need such as heart medications, prescription glasses, etc., infant formula and diapers etc.

Weather radio with tone alert to get

updates about severe weather conditions. In the U.S., NOAA weather radios are the best way to stay
informed about National Weather Service weather warnings and watches. The radio should be
battery-operated and have a tone-alert feature that automatically notifies you when an advisory is
issued. Some "Self Powered Radios" also have the weather band, will also "Alert" you.

Self powered radio -- available from your

local discount or electronics store, this will save you money on batteries, and batteries will not be
available in a emergency. The "Eton" radio, a "Self Powered" radio is a Weather Radio as seen above,
only it does NOT use batteries, has a LED flashlight built into it, a RED LED "ALERT" light built into it,a
"ALERT" siren, and has the Weather Band built into it. This model will even charge cell phones,
should they run low on power.

An extra set of car keys and cash and/or a

credit card.

Pet food and water

Whistle to signal for help

Dust mask for filtering contaminated air and

plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter in place
moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic
ties for personal sanitation

Local maps


Other Items to Consider

Cash or traveler's checks and change

Emergency reference material such as a first

aid book

Complete change of clothing including a

long sleeved shirt, long pants and sturdy shoes. Consider additional clothing if you live in a cold-
weather climate.

Household chlorine bleach and medicine

dropper – When diluted nine parts water to one part bleach, bleach can be used as a disinfectant. Or
in an emergency, you can use it to treat water by using 16 drops of regular household liquid bleach
per gallon of water. Do not use scented, color safe or bleaches with added cleaners.

Fire Extinguisher

Feminine supplies and personal hygiene


Mess kits, paper cups, plates and plastic

utensils, paper towels

Activities for children (books, games,

puzzles etc.)

5. How to Avoid Danger During Civil Unrest

Each year thousands of people around the world are killed

or injured in riots or other forms of civil unrest. As recent riots in places as varied as Dubai, Paris, and
San Bernardino, California, suggest, civil unrest can occur just about anywhere where there are
enough people. The best way to stay safe during these disturbances is to avoid them or evacuate
them, as once you're in the midst of a riot, survival can come down to luck.


Make preparations in advance.

Should civil instability erupt, especially if you're traveling abroad, you may need to be evacuated.
Make an evacuation plan that includes where you can go to be evacuated (usually an embassy or an
airport) and where you can go if you are unable to get to that place. Make sure all members of your
family know the plan.

Know the locations of police

stations, hospitals, embassies and airports in the area.

Keep a backpack filled with

emergency rations and supplies. Keep a small amount of non-perishable food and some bottled
water in a backpack. The total weight should not exceed 10 pounds, so you or a family member can
easily carry it.

Keep an emergency credit

card, a small supply of cash, and some traveler's checks with your passport. Make sure you know
where your passport and other papers you may need are, and make sure that you can easily get to
them. During civil unrest, money can sometimes buy you out of bad situations (a bribe at a
roadblock, for example) and will usually be essential to facilitate any evacuation, so it's good to keep
an emergency supply, including a little cash, on hand.
Know before you go. While riots can
happen anywhere, they're most common in places that are experiencing palpable tension or
upheaval, where the smallest spark can ignite violence. Before you travel abroad, research
conditions in the place you'll be visiting by reading news stories about the area and checking for
travel advisories issued by the U.S. Department of State or equivalent agencies. If there is a strong
possibility of civil unrest, consider postponing or rerouting your trip.

Contact your embassy and notify

them of your presence. If you're traveling abroad in an unstable country, call your embassy to
register and let them know where you are.

Pay attention to what's going on

around you, and get out of an area if warned. In the weeks, days, or hours preceding a riot, residents
of an area can often tell that something big is about to happen. If you're a traveler and local people,
police, or consulate staff warn you of the possibility of impending violence, leave the area as quickly
as is safely possible.

Avoid large groups of people,

especially demonstrations. You need a lot of people to make a mob, so riots are most common in
urban areas. The more people you get together in one place, the larger the chance of a riot
becomes. Stay away from demonstrations--peaceful protests can quickly turn violent--and, if the
atmosphere is already tense, consider avoiding festivals or other events where people crowd


If you know civil unrest is occurring, the best
thing you can do is stay far away from it. Do not venture into a riot to gawk or to find out what it's

Avoid public transportation, especially bus

and train stations. These places may become hopelessly--and dangerously--crowded if there is a
threat of impending civil unrest. Even airports can become swamped, potentially dangerous places,
so it's best to call the airport or your embassy in advance to check on the situation there.

Secure your home and business if rioting is

imminent. Rioting often brings looting, and looters can pillage and destroy your property. Make sure
your doors are locked, and board up all your windows. Remove small valuables to a safer place if
possible, since determined rioters will get in just about anywhere.


During episodes of civil unrest, many people fail to

heed warnings to evacuate so that they can protect their homes or businesses. Consider this
decision carefully, as it may put you in grave danger. It's important to remember that if looters strike
you will likely be outnumbered, and your attackers may be armed. If you can evacuate, it's usually
better to do so--your property is not worth your life.


6. How to Be Safe During a Landslide

Emotions can be running very high during periods of

emergency such as landslides, earthquakes, hurricanes or tornadoes. Follow these steps and you will
be able to keep yourself safe during a landslide.

Stay alert and awake. Many debris-

flow fatalities occur when people are sleeping. Listen to a NOAA Weather Radio or portable, battery-
powered radio or television for warnings of intense rainfall. Be aware that intense, short bursts of
rain may be particularly dangerous, especially after longer periods of heavy rainfall and damp

If you are in areas susceptible to

landslides and debris flows, consider leaving if it is safe to do so. Remember that driving during an
intense storm can be hazardous. If you remain at home, move to a second story if possible. Staying
out of the path of a landslide or debris flow saves lives.

Listen for any unusual sounds that might

indicate moving debris, such as trees cracking or boulders knocking together. A trickle of flowing or
falling mud or debris may precede larger landslides. Moving debris can flow quickly and sometimes
without warning.

If you are near a stream or channel, be alert

for any sudden increase or decrease in water flow and for a change from clear to muddy water. Such
changes may indicate landslide activity upstream, so be prepared to move quickly. Don't delay! Save
yourself, not your belongings.

Be especially alert when driving.

Embankments along roadsides are particularly susceptible to landslides. Watch the road for
collapsed pavement, mud, fallen rocks, and other indications of possible debris flows.

If you suspect danger of a landslide contact

your local fire, police, or public works department. Local officials are the best persons able to assess
potential danger.

Curl into a tight ball and protect your head if

escape is not possible.


Landslides are extremely dangerous and nothing to

played around with. Evacuate immediately if you suspect imminent danger.


7. How to React During an Earthquake

Unlike hurricanes or floods, earthquakes come without

warning and are usually followed by similar aftershocks. Learn how to prepare your house for
earthquake safety and how to react if one does occur.

Avoid unstable items and buildings.
Injuries and deaths during earthquakes are caused by falling objects and collapsing structures, and
are largely avoidable. Take extra care in your home to ensure minimal damage or injury.

Secure heavy items. Since falling

objects pose the greatest danger during an earthquake, all tall or heavy furniture should be secured
to the wall to prevent it from toppling over. TVs, stereos, heavy paintings, pots and plants should be
tied down or placed on safety mantles. Remove all heavy items from the tops of shelves and

Be fire aware. Ensuing fires after an

earthquake can cause havoc. Make sure you know where to switch off the gas supply to your
apartment or building. Know the emergency exits in your building and make sure they are not
obstructed in any way. Keep a regularly maintained fire extinguisher nearby and learn how to use it.
Most fires start small and can be extinguished easily with quick action.

Prepare an escape bag. Include in it

a Self powered radio, self powered flashlights, spare batteries, solid fuel for a cooker, candles,
money and ID documents. Stock up at least 3 days of water and food. Keep an extra rotating supply
of your prescription medications in the bag.

Protect your most vulnerable areas.

In the event of an earthquake, take all measures necessary to protect your head and neck, the most
vulnerable parts of your body.
Assume the "earthquake position".
If you are indoors, drop down to the floor in the "earthquake position". Make yourself small, with
your knees on the floor, and your head tucked down toward the floor. Take cover under a sturdy
desk or table. Place one hand on a leg of the table (to keep it from shifting away from you) and one
hand over the back of your neck. Alternatively get down low next to a solid sofa or armchair and
cover your head and neck with a pillow. Stay clear of windows, fireplaces, wood stoves, and heavy
furniture or appliances that may fall over. Stay inside to avoid being injured by falling glass or
building parts.

Keep children and pets safe. If you

have children or pets, do everything possible to get them under the table with you. Make sure as
much of their bodies are protected as possible.

Have shoes handy. To avoid

stepping on broken glass and other objects, keep a pair of shoes and flashlight in a plastic bag tied to
a foot of your bed so you don't need to grope in the dark.

Take precautions wherever you

happen to be.

If you are in a crowded

area, take cover where you are.

If you are outside, get into

the open, away from buildings and power lines. If you are at the beach, move quickly to higher
ground or several hundred yards inland.

If you are driving, stop if it is

safe, but stay inside your car. Stay away from bridges, overpasses and tunnels. Move your car as far
out of the normal traffic pattern as possible. If possible, avoid stopping under trees, light posts,
power lines, or signs.
Try to remain calm. Wait for the
earthquake to stop before moving from your spot.



Have a first aid kit ready. Not just

for earthquakes, it's always best to have one handy. Keep:

A flashlight or two


Self Powered Flashlight x2

and Self Powered Radio x2 Try to find batteries during this emergency.

Glowsticks. Candles are NOT

to be used because of gas leaks, explosive matter, flammable matter in the area.


Adhesive dressings


Small scissors

Rubbing alcohol

and cotton balls.

You should always have sufficient water on
hand to supply your family's needs for three to seven days. (Don't forget there are at least 30 gallons
of water in your water heater.)

Avoid using your phone. Leave circuits open

for true emergencies. If you have a true emergency but get no dial tone, don't hang up. As long as
you stay on the line you are in the queue for a circuit as they become available.

It may help to keep pets in a basket or a

cage, so that they can't wriggle away or scratch you from fear. Ask older children to mind the pets;
the sense of responsibility for their pets will help to ease a little of their fear.


Stay out of moderately and heavily

damaged buildings (err on the side of caution). The risks of injury during aftershocks is highest during
the first few days following a large earthquake. Take the same protective actions during aftershocks.

If your shelter is damaged and the

aftershock has passed, try to find another shelter, or if you can get to an undamaged area, get to it
and stay there.

If you smell gas, hear any "hissing" noises,

especially near a gas line, do NOT use candles at all. In fact, GET OUT OF THAT AREA!

Things You'll Need

Evacuation bag (see above)

Wrench to turn off your gas if you smell it


Fire extinguisher

Self powered flashlights (crank flashlights or

glow sticks) and self powered radios. It could be difficult to try and find batteries after a quake and
candles could set off an explosion due to possible gas leaks. Power may also be out for weeks. Some
models of these self powered radios and self powered flashlights can also charge cell phones. Unless
the cell phone towers are damaged, even destroyed, cell phones would still function.

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