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Essay 3

Making Meaning

It is important to remember that all texts around us have

meaning. Texts include things such as: written texts,
events, foods, photographs, advertisements, buildings,
clothing, vehicles, etc. The meaning in a text is created
by the viewer and the context it exists in. For essay 3
you will have the opportunity to explore the layers of
meaning that exists within a particular text.

Choosing a Topic
For essay 3 you will choose a print advertisement (can
be from a magazine or accessed online) or a
commercial (can be accessed online) to analyze for
meaning. For our purposes these advertisements, print
or commercial, will be considered texts that you will
analyze. Your job is to explore the layers of meanings
that exist within the text you choose. Your essay will
argue the meaning you find in your particular text.
Remember meaning exists within context so be aware
of how the advertising company is presenting their
product and who they are presenting it to. Researching
using primary sources such as interview and secondary
sources such as articles and company websites can help
you in analyzing your text. We will go over in class ways of analyzing your text and how to support you argument.

Developing a Thesis
Your thesis, as we have been discussing all semester, should be specific, well focused, and arguable. Writer
Richard Bullock says, “a good thesis is specific, guiding you as you write and showing your audience exactly what
your essay will cover”(252). As you analyze your text try to develop a thesis that is complex. You want to avoid
general statements in your thesis.

Developing Support
For this essay you will use a few different methods of support:
Textual references- Since you are examining a particular text it is important to reference and explain that text in
your argument.
Allusion- Make at least one reference to popular knowledge in your essay.
Personal Testimony- Use your own personal experience to persuade your audience.
Interview- Include at least two interviews
Secondary Research- For this essay you will include at least one outside source to help you construct your
argument. This could be an article from an academic database or information from the website of the company
responsible for the text you are analyzing.
Appeal to Logic or Value- construct a line of reasoning in your argument using one of the appeals.

Concessions and Counterarguments

As you argue meaning it is important to acknowledge that there will be others who find a different meaning than the
one which you are arguing. Briefly reference other meanings that could be created from your text.

For this essay your audience is a group of executives that decide what advertisements are aired on their network or
printed in their magazine. Your job is to present your argument about your selected ad to them so they can decide if
they will air or print the ad. Remember that your audience knows nothing about the ad or product being advertised.
Essay Requirements
This essay will be 3-4 pages in length. This
means it must be at least 3 full pages. All
sources should be documented in MLA format.
This includes in text citation as well as a works
cited page. If you are analyzing a print
advertisement please hand in a copy of your
advertisement with your essay and cite it in your
Works Cited page. If you are analyzing a
commercial cite it in the Works Cited page so I
will be able to locate it. Remember you must
use at least two interviews, one outside source
(scholarly article from a database or
information from a company website),
personal testimony, one allusion, an appeal to
value or logic, and textual references in your

Finding advertisements and Sources

We will be spending one class at the Library where you will learn how to locate journal articles and newspaper
articles using the library databases. You can locate print advertisements for your topics in magazines or online.
Commercials can be found online using You Tube. You will learn how to evaluate a website at the library as well.
Please remember Wikipedia is not a viable source for conducting secondary research.

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