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A special conversation with 19 year old Kimera

from Portugal and Daniel J Towsey

Sept 08 2010

He read and commented on my -TOP SECRET- extra terrestrial article at

So we began this amazing conversation.

(NOTICE Typos have been edited out)

Daniel J says:hi
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:Hello
Daniel J says:So where do u live
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:Portugal
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:you ?
Daniel J says:Nova Scotia Canada on the east coast on the Atlantic
Daniel J says:Portugal is in south America?
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:no. in south America is Brazil. Which speaks the same thing. ( sorry for my bad english )
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:Portugal is next to Spain
Daniel J says:oh near europe
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:its realy in the europe
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:you are aware of the name Illuminati right?
Daniel J says:oh yes
Daniel J says:It is 10 pm here what is your time
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:here is...01:52 am
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:are the reptilians real ?
Daniel J says:not to bad your four hours it is wednesday there
Daniel J says:I wonder if reptilians are real..I think it is fiction
Daniel J says:if they are real I would rather not meet one..but then there are and have been some that
appeared to me that..possibly are..
Daniel J says:I mean some I have met
Daniel J says:but i do not know for sure
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:oh...i read somewhere that the reptilians are the illuminati.
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:guess thats not true
Daniel J says:I think that they are reptilians in mind only
Daniel J says:after all the illuminatti are completely insane for they speak no truth
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:yes. they killed alot of people that knew a lot. i'm afraid of them
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:and sometimes i dont know what of who can i trust
Daniel J says:they are still killing and plan on killing most of us..have you read my article'They want you
dead is written in stone'?
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:nope
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ you have any contacts in the governament? i mean how do you know so much?
and HOW did you take fotos of the nibiru? It was the anunnaki that helped you ?
Daniel J says:will it is a message written on the Georgia Guidestones . they are huge granite tombstones
with the message to the world written in 8 languages
Daniel J says:It says they will reduce population to 500,000 and they are very much doing it
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ that what will going in 2012? they have planed something for us?
Daniel J says:yes
Daniel J says:do not take vaccines, try not to consume the rat poison fluoride
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:any vaccines? i read somewhere that they have plant microchips in people
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:is that true?
Daniel J says:oh yes they have been for a long 25 years now
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:that microchips...whats is it for? how they use that?
Daniel J says:mainly to fully control your bank accounts just computer chips
Daniel J says:they could prevent you for buying anything
Daniel J says:they would know everything you do
Daniel J says:read my 'Cell phones' article
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ can we prevent this? i mean we cant die because of this bastards....they have to
Daniel J says:we all need to first learn the truth and tell everyone.. I have made that easy as I have
published most of what people need to know..
Daniel J says:just copy my articles and send them out
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:where can i find them? i do that...we have to fight them
Daniel J says:I have been on to this for over 40 years
Daniel J says:I am a researcher, activist, writer and more
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:wow you are great
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:where can i find your articles?
Daniel J says:I have had 15 serious attempts on my life..the last one happened nov 22nd 09 I wrote an
article about it "How to assasinate a cyclist
Daniel J says:I am now seriously crippled and have a very pitiful life..I can not do much anymore.. I can
barely walk
Daniel J says:I have numerous serious injuries..I even have a broken back..yes severed..I have to be very
careful when I move
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:but..someone have tried to kill you ?
Daniel J says:yes and they are professionals
Daniel J says:Gods angels have done their work to protect me
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:by gods or mean the anunnaki? because Bob dean said that the anunnaki are
here in Earth.
Daniel J says:I guess that is possible
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:so you never meet an Anunnaki?
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:you know the story about them?
Daniel J says:no I do not know the story but I have met alot of people that have approached me and were
not known to me..but I do not fear so I communicate with anyone for I only speak truth and nothing else..I
can not fear truth
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:ok so...Bob Dean have meet the some of the Anunnaki. They have created us we look like them. But they are way too advanced then us....technologicaly and mentaly.
They can talk to you telepathically. But anyway. Maybe you have meet some of them. But you dont know
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:i just want to know why they dont help us
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:tell me this
Daniel J says:we are like little tiny children compared to them and few people can come close to their
superior minds and thinking.. I believe I am one amonst a few that can understand and
has to live with pure I explained in my top secret article.. I wrote that realizing that only those that
can think with only truth would understand my message
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:its so amazing. their SO much more then us. but we dont see that
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:we are selfish
Daniel J says:you see the telepathic can not communicate with mixed up minds
Daniel J says:ones mind has to be very healthy...if one sticks with pure truth one becomes closer to these
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:bob dean said that after 2012 we will reach a new state of mind and spiritual you think the same?
Daniel J says:no I think the humans of the illuminatti are dreamers and they think they know
everything..they think they can and should alter the natural world and natural evolution... They will kill us
all and destroy this planet..they have to be stopped
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:but...why dont the anunnaki stop them? why they dont help us?
Daniel J says:the sick minds of the elite have gotten control of superior wisdom and knowledge that was
given for the good of this planet..and are going to wreck everything
Daniel J says:no one should control truth.. truth wisdom and knowledge is supposed to be shared with
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:and use for the good of everything
Daniel J says:yes..but that is not what is happening..the power of money has made the elite completely
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:but why dont the anunnaki help us?
Daniel J says:The first thing to understand is that the pure ones (angels annanaki etc) do no harm.. they
have evolved way past being evil or harmful or killing..they are trying to help through people like me..the
answer is to learn the truth of the things I have writen and share the wisdom
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:oh
Daniel J says:sorry for my typos..I have many physical diffuclties now
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:i know now
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:hey no prob
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:i'm not even american. so my english is not better
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says::)
Daniel J says:So the message is simple..truth is the only answer
Daniel J says:Thats why I write the seeds of truth.. I want to see the seeds grow and a new world evolve
based on a healthy mind filled with truth..but the elite have to loose their control of the money systems or
they will destroy everything
Daniel J says:they need to be locked in a room and kept safe for the sake of humanity
Daniel J says:they are genetically destroying life on this planet
Daniel J says:everything they control is now gone insane..and they control just about everything..they want
to control us..the chips for an example.. they believe themselves so superior that they think they can choose
to let us live or not..they believe themselves to be Gods of satan..they created satan
Daniel J says:in their minds
Daniel J says:anyway it is impossible to reason with the insane..the money is the problem..they create it
out of thin air
Daniel J says:The chemtrails they are spraying is pretty scary..the sky is no longer blue, they have created a
false atmosphere
Daniel J says:chemtrails
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:so....they can see all our chat?
Daniel J says:oh yes..anything digital they control, they never erase any digital
wide..all of it is stored in data banks
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:so...we are at danger right now?
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:but tell can we spreed the truth...if they controll all the systems? we only can do
it via oral
Daniel J says:we have to do it in every way possible..for I believe when the time comes only the wise will
have a chance at survival
Daniel J says:Obama will soon shut down the free internet and only the far faster corporate internet 2 will
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:obama is one of the illuminati ?
Daniel J says:all government leaders are of all countries
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:wow
Daniel J says:democracy does not exist
Daniel J says:any leader can be eliminated any time..force is not the answer only truth is the
answer..people have to put truth ahead of everything..if everyone lived for truth everything would soon be
fixed and we would be on our way to guaranteeing our future
Daniel J says:but the insane control the money and they are altering peoples perceptions of reality
Daniel J says:i hope you are keeping a record of my sure to keep copy it to a notepad so you'll
have this info in case our connection is interupted
Daniel J says:actually they are corrupting reality completely
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:so give me now where i can find your articles so i can do what i can to spreed the truth
Daniel J says:
there is pdfs at the bottom of every article.. just right click to save..I have many other sites
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:i will download this and put all over the internet
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:we have to know the truth
Daniel J says:and these sites are loaded with files..see if you can get someone to help you copy all the info
Daniel J says:Follow A Truth Soldier on
Daniel J says:it would take one person ten years to study all this info
Daniel J says:but for now copy it and be sure to put it all on a cd
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:i put in my psp card. and gonna to make a cd of it
Daniel J says:you'll need a yahoo email account to join these groups to get to the files
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:ok i make one
Daniel J says:my files won't take long to copy but the ones in my groups will
Daniel J says:hey join this site..i am there often posting new news
Daniel J says:
Daniel J says:in my groups sites you will find links to just about every truth sites and documentaries..there
is alot
Daniel J says:you can also go to to read and download
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:one. i save the links you gave to me
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:hey thanks
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:i have to say
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:that it was and is a REAL pleasure talking to you
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:you are really a soldier of the truth
Daniel J says:will your welcome..that now officially makes you A Truth sure to read my article
with that name first, then read the cell phones one..then you'll have a better understanding as what your up
Daniel J says:Hey type this in a search engine...tell me how many sites come up..Daniel J Towsey
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:ok
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:wait
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:in the front page there are 10 sites....but there is like 12.200 results in you name
Daniel J says:cool..i get in the hundreds of thousands here
Daniel J says:now try danieltowsey
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:wooow
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:wait
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:i saw something
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:it says
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:danieltowsey?: Sentencing Terrorism Suspects to Death -- Without Trial
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:wtf is that?
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:danieltowsey?: Obamacare condemned for taxing just 'existing'
TheTruthSoldiersClub : Message: Obamacare condemned for taxing ...?
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:is that you ?
Daniel J says:those are just some the posts i put up
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:oh....ok ok
Daniel J says:ahahah kind of scared me too..that is funny though
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:i think it was you....what a relief it isnt
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:lool
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:funny? i find that scary
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:lol
Daniel J says:I repost allot of truth articles onto other sites..thats how you spread the truth and the NWO
hates that
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:we have to move
Daniel J says:by reposting it protects the originating site as the nwo wont bother trying to block the
original site if the article has been copied all over the place
Daniel J says:what do u mean u have to move
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:we have to make people know of this
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:we gotta move
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:make this happend
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:nwo can no longer rule the earth
Daniel J says:thats right
Daniel J says:here my email (removed) in case
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:got it :D
Daniel J says:hey u can repost my articles anywhere you want and you can get a .doc word version in the
file with my name at the TheTruthSoldiersClub it will make it easy to copy and send out too
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:ok ok...and i will make all your articles inside of a rar file and put out there for people to
Daniel J says:but realize that some of my articles are about my personal difficulties and experiences others
are about introspection and love , like sort them out as you choose
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:
ok...i read them and see what i put out there
Daniel J says:it is going to be quite the reading chore.. you will be surprised how deep and informative my
articles are.. much of the information most people will have a really hard time grasping
Daniel J says:but i have done it very will and in simple english...I usually provide links to the proof at the
bottom of my the readers can confirm for themselves
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:oh thats great
Daniel J says:my article..Are you ready for the truth is a raelly powerful it after the other two and
you will be a very wiseman indeed after you take in that info
Daniel J says:Presently I can no longer post to my wordpress site as they are blocking me
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:THEY ? woow so where do you post your news now?
Daniel J says:I post on many many sites
Daniel J says:I also post on forums
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:well...when you do something new plz tell me
Daniel J says:just follow me on twitter
Daniel J says:twitter gets allot of my activities and posts
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:i have to make an account to follow you ?
Daniel J says:have you got all the inside scoop on the world changing disaster in the Gulf Of Mexico
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:nope
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:why?
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:what is scoop?
Daniel J says:it is much much worse then you can ever is going to change this is an
underwater oil volcano and it has not been stopped..they are spraying correxit none stop to sink the oil..
Daniel J says:go to this link after you jon this site with your yahoo id..
Daniel J says:go to this file and read it is schocking
Daniel J says:
Daniel J says:have you heard of HAARP
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:haarp?
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:no
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:what is that?
Daniel J says:I have to warn you that you are about to enter a world of occult truth, which means the study
of forbidden it is going to change the way you will realize one day that everything
we have all been told in school, books, television, movies etc is all lies
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:i knew somehow that that is all fake
Daniel J says:HAARP is a weather control system that bounces microwave signals off the ionosphere to
anyhwere on earth causing earthquakes, huricanes can be intensified and steered with it..
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:but...tell me
Daniel J says:HAARP creates earthquakes
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:so....all this disasters...have been made by the illuminati ?
Daniel J says:my typos are terrible..I have problems with my fingers and eye sight cordination is off
Daniel J says:yes they have been doing all these disasters
Daniel J says:like i said they are completely insane and out of control
Daniel J says:who do you think wrote the revelations in the bible..and all those other so called writings like
the myan and chinese writings etc..these illuminatti are lying about everyhting
Daniel J says:they are the ones that wrote all those so called historical writings
Daniel J says:try to find an old bible or any other old wont find any
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:they exist for how long then ? :-O
Daniel J says:nothing that the nwo puts out can be trusted
Daniel J says:we can only live for now and the future
Daniel J says:we really are in allot of trouble..I fear few will ever wake up to the truth and few will survive
Daniel J says:the insane really do control this world
Daniel J says:they only fear one thing..they fear the wrath of an informed public
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:i'm scared now...but i want to make it. i cant die.....and i will spread the truth so many
Daniel J says:try to find a food source that is not genetically modified..have you noticed that all family
farms world wide are being eliminated..
Daniel J says:have you notice that most people today no longer know basic survival planting a
Daniel J says:Soon you will not be able to even get natural seeds
Daniel J says:
the nwo is going to kill us all by every means possible all at the same time.
Daniel J says:Please believe in God and keep God as your soul mate
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:but...if they kill us all... how can they rule the earth?
Daniel J says:remember they are insane
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:yes... :-O
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:they have no idea. they really must be stoped
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:hey by the old are you ?
Daniel J says:they do not care about ruling..they just want the whole planet for themselves
Daniel J says:53
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:53? so... you study this since you are 13?
Daniel J says:so you are guy and how old are you
[¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:how?
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:i'm 19.
Daniel J says:oh I was a child prodigy..I have a super high IQ over 300
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:what ? well....for the most of people that is awesome...but for you is just normal right?
Daniel J says:will my young friend..remember never be scared of the truth for it will be the only thing that
will set you free
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦'re like and Indigo Children right?
Daniel J says:actually they could not read my IQ higher as I got every test for two weeks with over 60,000
questions ..I got every answer right
Daniel J says:what is indigo children
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ i explin this. The indigo children are like genius...they say the indigo children
are born after 1995..they are very smart and they have supernatural powers
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:dont know if its true
Daniel J says:will I was born in 1957..the nwo has been around since long before I was born..they became
aware of my intelligence at a very young age..they realized they could never harness me so they have
constantly underminded my life..they have tried to kill me and I work for God..As that is why I AM A Truth
Soldier..for God is the truth
Daniel J says:please read this
Daniel J says:
I am in love and I am so happy
by A Truth Soldier

I did it, I found my soul mate.

Its amazing my soul mate is so beautiful and perfect.

I can count on my soul mate to never deceive me

or send me in the wrong direction.

My soul mate is always there for me.

We always get along because we are in pure love.

Our love works because its based on truth.

For without truth our relationship would be doomed.

We are never selfish for we always give of ourselves.

In troubled times I confide with my soul mate for support,

I tell my soul mate my deepest secrets and weaknesses.

I don’t fear exposing my innermost frailties to my soul mate.

Its so amazing what strength can be gained from sharing pure love.

Love makes me feel so good that I now can see beauty all around me.

I see it in the flowers and the bees.

I see it all around me in nature.

I see beauty even in the worst of storms.

I see it in other people who are in love.

before I fell in love with my soul mate,

I walked around and could never see the beauty all around me.

I am in love and I am so happy.

This pure love is so strong that I now have enough love

to give even to the sorriest of souls.

Love is so contagious.

Once I got pure love in my life I was strengthen

so that I could now share some of it with
those around me who have never felt pure love before.

This pure love in my life has humbled me so.

I could have never found my soul mate if I had not always sought truth
and always spoke the truth I discovered.

I have been completed as a human with this pure love.

I love truth for without it I would always be lost and deceived.

The more my love grows the more beautiful

my soul mate becomes for love is in the eye of the beholder.

I know that my soul mate will always forgive me if

I am always willing to face and admit the truth of my wrong doings.

My soul mate will always know if I am not being truthful to myself.

There can never be a pure love in my heart if I am not always truthful to myself.

For my soul mates pure love could never reach me if I am not pure in truth.
I am in love and I am so happy.

I love you God for you are the truth and my soul mate.

Duanne Luckow Well written Daniel. Thank you for sharing. Makes truth sense to me. i live by this,
projecting it to the universe and to Jessica daily =)

Halli Casser-Jayne Author That's lovely.

Manuela Arhire THANK YOU THANK YOU Daniel for this most amazing, beautiful, moving poem which
I will need to print on a huge poster and hang it somewhere on my walls!!I will post this poem on AGN and
on my profile!Exquisite, pure, perfect!!THANK YOU!!!

¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:wow
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:that really was.....WOOW
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:i love it
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:you sure are deep
Daniel J says:Please always realize that God is not religious..God is a personal thing and one only chooses
God if they wish never have to go to any church to communicate with Gods love
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ can i talk to god? do i do meditation or something? i'm confused
Daniel J says:my young friend..I have lived for truth my whole life and that is why I am so wise..and when
you search for turth you will find day you will realize that all truht is very simple and only lies and
deceptions are complicated
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:so god is your purpose. if you purpose is truth then god is truth ?
Daniel J says:When you seek only the truth it will bring you to God for God is the simple truth..You can
replace the word God with good..and then you will understand what the big OOOOOOO means..oh
Daniel J says:yes the purity of the light of truth always brings you to God..and exposing the evils of this
world to the light of truth will destroy the evil
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:i ask about that meditation thing because a friend of mine do it. and she said that
sometimes she talk with God via meditadion
Daniel J says:meditation is a very very good puts you in touch with your pure inner self and then
you can communicate with God as God is pure..that was my message in my Top Secret article
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:i tried to do meditation. But i cant calm my mind. I need to practice more.
Daniel J says:you know when you study anything like a school test..if you relax and release all your can do long as it is for doing goood
Daniel J says:Love God and love your self
Daniel J says:are you a guy or a girl
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:i'm a guy
Daniel J says:okay i have something else for you to read..hold on
Daniel J says:

The Butterfly
By Daniel J Towsey

A beautiful woman is a delicate butterfly.

You can spend your whole life traveling through your existence
and never let your eyes recognize one of creations most precious beauties.

You may see one flutter by and never realize the beauty that your eyes are beholding.

If you take a moment to appreciate and take in the beauty, you’ll notice that this is very hard to do.

As the butterfly’s fluttering free spirit is never predictable.

A butterfly is not meant to be captured. It is to be loved for its delicate beauty.

A beautiful butterfly’s wings can never be touched as this will remove it’s delicate powder and will surely
guarantee it’s eventual slow death.

Butterfly’s wings are coated with a most delicate fine powder.

As a child I looked in awe as my mother put on her delicate scented powder

If you damage this powder the butterfly will not be able to continue on it’s natural flight of life.

If you are fortunate enough to ever have a butterfly Delicately land in the palm of your blossomed hand

Give it gentle support and bless god for having given you some beauty to behold

This world has many different butterfly’s for your eyes to behold.

For there are limitless unique different butterflies

If you look, you’ll see that every woman is a delicate butterfly

Then after for the rest of your life you will be on the look out for a butterfly
and will always appreciate the beauty passing by you.

And when you do.

You will find the most delicate smile of appreciation beaming back at you from that most delicate
beautiful woman

That smile will enrich you and you will one day be the flower that a butterfly will land on to spread your
pollen of life.

But this can never be if you do not see gods beautiful delicate creations

Woman is a Man’s Butterfly

Man is a Woman’s flower of life

Please see some butterflies I have been fortunate to
Capture with my camera in the Dreamgirls folder at

¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:wow the last part was great

¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:i love your poems
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says::-O
Daniel J says:Thank you Now your in for a realy amazing vision..Do you want to see one of my pictures I
call' The sun of God" it is real and not edited..
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:it looks like a heart
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:the sun looks like a heart
Daniel J says:that it is..I have taken alot of amazing images of Gods creations..I hope you have a look at
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:you took this from where?
Daniel J says:in Nova Scotia
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:thats great
Daniel J says:heres why I am in love and so happy it is because of this..hold on
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:hey you did said that you have been in niburu planet right ?
Daniel J says:no no I said I have a picture of it
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:oh
Daniel J says:Will God wanted me to photograph it to show the world that it is real
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:
but...if you have never been there how did you took the photos
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:?
Daniel J says:I saw in the sky and photographed it
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:i'm not saying that is untrue....i just want to know how...because i believe in you
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:in the sky? like vision ?
Daniel J says:God is a spirit and God can only live in us if we let God in..God wants to warn that we
can unite in one cause to save oursleves..we have the technology to survive nibiru but again those in control
have built themselves underground cities all over this the uSa these places can hold about 5
million.. I believe that only the best will be choosen and if you are a pure and sweet person of love you
would be the kind they would pick to survive.. remember never fill you mind or heart with any hate of any
Daniel J says:it was not just a vision it was real and it was there...
Daniel J says:When you go on your mission to spread the truth..only share it with people you like and
those that you think will listen
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:but....shouldnt every body know the truth?
Daniel J says:It maybe possible that nibiru will cause very painful death to alot of people and the nWo
wants to kill off alot of people in what they call soft kill to try to minimizze the suffering..
Daniel J says:Not everybody can accept the truth and for many the truth will make them very violent..they
may want to harm you or any messenger of truth like they did to jesus
Daniel J says:so remember that the intelligence and truth I am sharing with you comes with a big careful who you share it with
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:that is really something. Thank you for your trust Daniel
Daniel J says:sharing it on the internet is relatively safe for you and especially since you can say you did
not write it if you are sharing someone elses writings
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:yes yes
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:hey its like 4:46am here
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:i'm tired
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:i need to rest. can we talk tomorrow?
Daniel J says:you are young and you sound like an angel to please be careful with this wisdom I
Daniel J says:Ok we can talk some other time..take care my young friend
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:again...Thank you for your kindness with me.
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:ok you too
Daniel J says::d
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ says:Take care my friend :D
Daniel J says:bye for now..and one day well meet in heaven
¦¦¦Kimera¦¦¦ changes state to Offline

Please watch these

Project Camelot interviews Bob Dean The Coming of Nibiru 1:45:56 - 1 year ago

Project Camelot interviews Bob Dean: The Coming of Nibiru Phoenix, Arizona, September 2008 When we met with Bob Dean in May 2007, he stated that ours
would be his last interview. After its publication, we received more mail - all of it generous and
appreciative, without exception - than for any other interview we have ever done. We were therefore quite
delighted when he agreed to talk with us on record once again. When we asked Bob what he wanted to
discuss, he told us that he had important news, from his own inside sources, about Nibiru: the highly
controversial Planet X. This video contains extremely important information for all students of Planet X to
consider. True to form, Bob recounts other intriguing stories, including the NRO's classified discovery of "a
goddamn boat" high on Mount Ararat, and confirmation of Henry Deacon's report that the Anunnaki are
active on present-day Mars. His humanity, his dignity, his integrity and his humor all shine once again in
this new video, and we are very confident that everyone who so enjoyed Bob's 2007 interview with us will
find this just as entertaining, interesting, and valuable. To contact Bill Ryan or Kerry Cassidy, please e-mail
us at Camelot interviews Bob Dean: The Coming of Nibiru Phoenix,
Arizona, September 2008 When we met with Bob Dean in May
2007, he stated that ours would be his last interview. After its publication, we received more mail - all of it
generous and appreciative, without exception - than for any other interview we have ever done. We were
therefore quite delighted when he agreed to talk with us on record once again. When we asked Bob what he
wanted to discuss, he told us that he had important news, from his own inside sources, about Nibiru: the
highly controversial Planet X. This video contains extremely important information for all students of
Planet X to consider. True to form, Bob recounts other intriguing stories, including the NRO's classified
discovery of "a goddamn boat" high on Mount Ararat, and confirmation of Henry Deacon's report that the
Anunnaki are active on present-day Mars. His humanity, his dignity, his integrity and his humor all
shine ...all » Project Camelot interviews Bob Dean: The Coming of Nibiru Phoenix, Arizona, September
2008 When we met with Bob Dean in May 2007, he stated that
ours would be his last interview. After its publication, we received more mail - all of it generous and
appreciative, without exception - than for any other interview we have ever done. We were therefore quite
delighted when he agreed to talk with us on record once again. When we asked Bob what he wanted to
discuss, he told us that he had important news, from his own inside sources, about Nibiru: the highly
controversial Planet X. This video contains extremely important information for all students of Planet X to
consider. True to form, Bob recounts other intriguing stories, including the NRO's classified discovery of "a
goddamn boat" high on Mount Ararat, and confirmation of Henry Deacon's report that the Anunnaki are
active on present-day Mars. His humanity, his dignity, his integrity and his humor all shine once again in
this new video, and we are very confident that everyone who so enjoyed Bob's 2007 interview with us will
find this just as entertaining, interesting, and valuable. To contact Bill Ryan or Kerry Cassidy, please e-mail
us at

Project Camelot interviews Bob Dean (Part 1)

A video interview with Retired Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean Phoenix, Arizona, May 2007 Shot,
edited and directed by Kerry Cassidy We have met many remarkable people in the course of our work for
Project Camelot, but meeting Bob Dean was one of our greatest privileges. As an elder statesman he is
charming, eloquent and dignified, and we are proud to present this as what may be one of our most
memorable interviews. In Part One, Bob shares with us his knowledge of the UFO phenomenon and what
he encountered while working at SHAPE in Europe in the 1960s: an inch and a half thick detailed official
report on the extraterrestrial 'problem' called at that time simply "The Assessment". Having the clearance to
have free access to the document, he read it and re-read it many times, and he tells us how that changed his
life. Later, after retiring from the military, he made the courageous decision to defy his Oath of Secrecy and
began to speak publicly about what he had learned. In Part Two of the interview, Bob tells us that this is
probably his last interview... and having done so, he pauses, takes a deep breath, and reveals on record for
the first time that he has been contacted, and has been on board the craft. Do not miss this... and we invite
you to join us in applauding the courage, integrity and commitment to truth of this very special man. We
would like to think that this interview is a appropriate and fitting tribute to everything that he has stood for
and wishes for the world. part one part two

Find many more Planetx video links at

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