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United States Patent Ronay et al. (51). SLIDING WINDOW STRUCTURE WITH SASH GUIDING TRACKS (76) Inventors: Maria Ronay, 629 Scarborough Rd, Briaeliff Manor, NY (US) 10510; Gabor Michels, Kortes 2, Paty 2071 cau) (2). Notice: Subject to any disclaimer the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 33 US.C. 1540) by 41 days (21) Appl. Now 10/287,714 (22) Tiled: Sep. 20, 2002 (65) Prior Publication Data US 20080150165 AL Avg, 14,2003 (30) Foreign Application Priority Data Feb. 14,2002 (HU) c200s69 (1) Im.’ 08D 1526 (2) S.C 49/127; 49/128; 49213 (68) Field of Search 49/125, 127, 128, 49/139, 130, 208, 213, 214, 373, 373 60) References Cited US. PATENT DOCUMENTS, A * 211858 taaps sas A + S873 Perkins Saanst A + 81884 Morison ‘i130 A + 371806 Lene et sons yss982 A * 31904 Wite ‘i135 878253 A * 21908 Suaubbaa sds SISTA © RIN Stauber wi Us00684000912 US 6,840,009 B2 Jan. 11, 2005 (20) Patent No. (5) Date of Patent: 1272095 A + TOIS. Ramberg aos E774308 A 911930 Morton Hoina% A + 11031 Chauvet wax 2409133 8 * 8/1939 Kavl waz 2200005 A > LISA Kirchace m9 DSaign & + o11930 Hayman moet 3694959 A * 1972 Garner ‘ins Su782035 8 * 7988 Benet a. "925 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (OTHER PUBLICATIONS International Seasch Report, PCTABORIMIS6L, Apr. 2 2003, pp. 1-3. * cited by examiner Primary Examiner—Gregoty J. Simbu (74) Attorney, Agent, oF Firm—Connolly Bove Lodge & Huw LLP; Lary J. Hume on ABSTRACT A sliding double hung window stricture allows a window ‘opening to be fully exposed to the external environment in an open positon, with easements or windows being stored ‘ou of sight, and notin the opening. The window stcucture jnclides two easements or sashes balanced by suspended ‘countereights and guided by pins in guiding grooves inthe ‘wo vertical sides of frame of the window sirture In the closed postin, the easements ate located inthe same plane, fone on top of the other. When fully opened, a breast cavity lunder the window opening receives the two easements. The guiding grooves include guiding grooves in the window ‘pening and in the breast cavity 10 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Jan. 11, 2005 Sheet 1 of 4 US 6,840,009 B2 Fig. Ic Fig. 1b Fig. 1a U.S. Patent Jan. 11, 2005 Sheet 2 of 4 US 6,840,009 B2 z é : | | : Fig. 1e U.S. Patent Jan. 11, 2005 Sheet 3 of 4 US 6,840,009 B2 U.S. Patent Jan. 11, 2005 Sheet 4 of 4 US 6,840,009 B2 US 6,840,009 B2 1 SLIDING WINDOW STRUCTURE WITH ‘SASH GUIDING TRACKS BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION This invention relates generally to a window stveture, and more particulary toa sliding window structure that Jncludes two casements (sashes) balanced by suspended ‘counlerweights, and even more particularly to sliding Win- dow structures commonly known as “double hung” windows, as might be found in Colonial style bomes, for example ‘Typically, in modem architecture, side-hinged windows, bottom-hung sishes, side-hinged and bottom hung windows, ‘swivel frame windows, swinging windows and sish win: ‘dows are used. A disadvantage of traditional side-hinged and hottom-hung windows is that in an open slate, the side- hinged windows protnade deeply ints the space ofthe oom, ‘whereas bottom-bung easements provide only limited pos ibility for allowing ae to pass, and do not allow for a direct ons these two types, sde-hinged and bottom-hung windows, solves this problem relatively well, bt producing operable hinges of appropriate load capacity imposes serio probe Jems and significant costs In the ease of swivel-swinging windows, the axis of rotation is aesthetically disturbing, and iis cumbersome to fix and 10 operate sich windows. In one relatively simple solution, ie, a double hung window arrangement, ‘easements, or Sashes, are movable separately in two glide ways offset from and parallel to each other. This allows «iter the window an one side tobe slid beside the other one, ‘or the opposite way or allows each ofthe easements (Sashes) to be slid in the diection of the other. However, in all of these cases, double hung windows included, the fre surface that may be provided i, at mos, half ofthe ares ofthe whole window opening, Moreover, this solution is also aesthetically «disadvantageous since in the closed state, the wo easements (sashes) are notin the same plane. Though sash-windows, ‘exist in which the easements (shes) are i the same plane Jn their closed state, te free opening inthis example is also ‘only half of the whole window opening, Experiments have also been eaveied out with easements transformable to opening easements after opening them, and pushing them to their place, The advantage ofthis solution 5 thatthe whole window opening ean be mad fre, but its ‘disadvantage is that the natural advantage of sashewindows, i.e. that windows opening of arbitrary size canbe produced, Js hindered by this solution, Further, there isa significant demand for new window Structures such as double bung windows in newly~ ‘consiruced houses or in remodeled houses of the Colonial ‘sive, for example, which allow Tully opening the easements 1 allow aie flow into the house ‘What is needed then is a sliding window steucture whieb 's producible with an aeitrary window opening size. What §s further needed isa sliding window structure in which it is possible forthe whole window opening to be opened to the ‘external environment, What is lll further necded Sliding window structure in which the closed state can be produced by easements or sashes in one plane, and which is Suitable as a substitute for conventional double hung Win- ‘dows in new consiuetion homes or remodeled SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION A preferred embodiment of the invention eliminates the above deficiencies, and provides a window structure making ig With the outside enviconment. A combination of 2 % o 2 the opening of the whole window surface possible, ad atthe same time, producing intermediate window-openings of any Size, and in which the closed slate can be produced by tsements (also called stsfcs) in one plane ‘Moreover, in firs aspect of the invention, the easements do aot provide any spatial limitations in ther opened state Tie objective can be achieved according to this aspect of the invention by a sliding window structure which includes ‘to suspended, counterweight balanced casementsor sashes Jed parallel to cach other by pin in guide grooves provided in 10 vertical window poss a a preferred embodiment, the breast below the window contains. cavity suitable for receiving two parallel case- ‘meat sashes side-by-side, s0 thatthe entice window opening ‘may be made free of glass or casement, andthe easements fare sored out of sight. When the windowe opening is fully closed, the two parallel easements may be located in the same plane, ont on top of the otber. In intermediate positions, the «wo easements may be placed side-by-side, in either an uppee portion ofthe windew opening, or in a loser portion ofthe window opening. In a further aspect ofthis embodiment, in relatively large sized windows andior where there may be limited space below the window opening, for example, three parallel window sections may be used, wherein the uppermost ‘window section is preferably in a fixed postion, and the two ther window sections ae sliding window casements, as \eseribed above. Ina closed positoa, for example, all three ‘window sections are preferably arranged in the same plane. In another embodiment whichis a “cotated” variation of the traditional double bung window described above, the ‘window easements may slide horizontally. Depending on the relative location of the window opening in a wall with respect to a comme, for example, the sliding window ease- ‘meals in a fully open position may both be placed in an horizontally adjacent “pocket” in the wall, may be stowed ‘one on either side of the Window opening ‘These and other features of the present application will be-come more realy apparent from the detailed description given hereinafior. However, it should be understood that the {etailed description and specific examples, while indicating preferred embodiments ofthe invention, are given by way af illustration only, since various changes and modifications within the spirit and scope of the invention will become parca to those skilled in the art from tis detailed deserip- sion. [BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS ‘The Features and advantages of the invention will be more readily understood upon consideration of the following etaled description of the invention, taken in eonjunction ‘with the accompanying drawings in whicts FIGS. la, 1b, Le, Ud, Ye, Yf, Lg and 1h show the window structure acconding to an embodiment ofthe invention in a vertical section in different positions of the easements, for example, FIG. La shows the window structure in a closed positon, and FIG. Hi shows the window structure ina fully ‘pen position; FIG. 2 provides an enlarged picture of the crossing section of the guiding grooves according to an embexliment of the invention; and FIG. 3 provides an enlarged picture of the branching section of guiding grooves in the breast. DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS, [A preferred embodiment of the apparatus of the present invention is deseribed below. ‘Turning to FIGS. 19-1,

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