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Being, doing,

Brett Kinsey
Be, DO, Have!

Chapter one: Doing Life

How many times have you found yourself in the frustrating situation of
knowing you are cheating yourself out of all that life has to offer? All of your
dreams, hopes, and intentions are put on hold as a result of the need for
comfort and security! We fear so many things, and as a result of this fear we
allow mediocrity to define who we are.

I lived this craziness for decades, and I – along with countless others – have
experienced the sadness and depression that accompanies this state. It is a
dull and painful ache, always present in some strange and subtle way.
Though we attempt to mask it in various ways, it never goes away! The only
way to change this feeling is to take the risks necessary to ensure we begin
to live true to our own inner purpose. If we become aware and if we are
prepared to take the actions we know we must, we will manifest a fulfilling
and purpose-filled life for ourselves and for our families.

In an attempt to inspire humanity, this book is a collection of the thoughts,

values, experiences, techniques, and possibilities I discovered on my journey
through life. These principles have assisted me in recreating my life many
times over. I have also witnessed many other people’s lives become
transformed as a result of applying similar principles. So buckle up, take a
deep breath and read on. If you implement the principles I am about to
share, I know that your life will become filled with purpose, success, joy,
peace, and ease of mind. Things will begin to happen for you that you never
expected – or even thought possible.

In an attempt to rediscover myself, I have come to realize that losing myself

completely and then finding myself again is a cycle of continual repetition. It
seems that just as I rediscover who I am, an entirely new cycle seems to be
born, and out of this process emerges someone different, something new, a
part of me that’s been dormant but yet totally alive emerges. Sometimes this
is a magical part of who I am, and at other times it is not. But regardless of
the nature of me that is produced from one moment to the next, I am
learning to embrace these shifts and to accept myself regardless. I am
learning a little better every day to enjoy the process of life no matter how it
rolls out.

It seems that life as a physical being is a gift we will never understand
completely, no matter what we learn, experience, or encounter. Certain
elements about life will always remain a mystery to most of us. We all have
personal views about what we believe the purpose of life to be.

Some of us are religious and hold beliefs in historic scriptures, laws and
rules; while others believe we are already saved or enlightened and that
physical life is simply a blessing given us to experience physical being. Then
there are those that believe everything is connected and that all things on
Earth and in the Universe are one, and that the collective energy of all things
vibrating together simultaneously at a certain frequency will bring about the
changes required to save the planet and all who inhabit it. They believe
Earth will be converted to a celestial planet once humanity reaches a critical
mass in terms of likeminded thinking, and that the realization of this oneness
will bring about eternal peace, joy and love for the planet. Various others
have no rigid belief system about anything, and their view is that you live,
you breathe, you die; and what comes after this life is a mystery too
confusing to even begin to understand!

Regardless of what your belief system is, I am not – nor will I ever – make
suggestions about what a person should believe. I am completely and totally
neutral when it comes to this and say that if it works for you and makes your
life more meaningful, then go for it! Our Earth requires every bit of light and
goodness to be instilled in humanity in order that it might be able to save
itself from the onslaught of human madness which is currently being placed
on it by all of us!

What this book is about is helping people to decide for themselves

completely whether or not their belief system is providing the best
opportunity for growth and peace in their lives. I would also like to
emphasize at this point that belief systems and religious beliefs are two
completely different things, though they might influence each other a great

If I wrote down the variety of different belief systems currently online in each
individual human mind, I would possibly still be writing these down in the life
to come. Each of us has a unique belief system based on a vast array of data
we have accumulated or been programmed with during our journey through
life. These individual belief systems, which differ from one person to the
next, are all based on one human tendency that is incredibly limiting for us

all: control systems! Everybody is trying to control everybody else. How
about that for a huge statement!

Control is some crackpot human thing we all feel the need to indulge in,
whether it is self-control, control of others, control as a result of religious
beliefs, control of our finances, control of our sexuality, control of our staff,
control of our life-partner, control of our children – control, control, control! It
ruins more lives on Earth than any other thing! The entire culture of our
world revolves around control.

The reason most of us are so obsessed with control is that at some point in
our lives, someone tried to control us so totally that we developed a hate-
relationship toward control, yet at the very same time we realized how
powerful it was, so part of us also started to love it! Herein begins the
dilemma, because as much as we develop a hate for control, we begin to
believe that the only way to resist being controlled by various circumstances
and people is to be the one doing the controlling.

You might say, “I’m not the controlling type!” but some part of you is. Some
part of you wants to be in control, while another part wants to be controlled,
and finally an even deeper part of you wants to surrender completely to all
form of control!

You might be prepared to follow another’s views, teachings, and rules for a
while, but there will come a time that you revolt against this. There always
is! The reason being that we are all individuals, alive and breathing, wise
beyond our years, and each of us is on a unique life mission! So to follow
another’s view inevitably brings the spiritual part of us to a point of irritation,
and so urgency begins to develop within us – an urgency to fulfill our own life
purpose. Regardless of how simple or profound this might be, our soul knows
what this is, and it hungers for this resting place, this heaven on Earth, this
place of peace. Every time we become involved in or focused on that which
brings us closer to this place, our soul hungers a little more to attain this
state! The absolute purpose of all our lives is to find this glorious place of
rest and peace. Everything else is secondary!

You might feel you are already on this path, and this is fantastic! If you are,
you will know it completely, as there will exist inside you a peace toward all
the circumstances of your life that is unmistakable. I’m not saying that the
circumstances of your life will be any less challenging. What I am saying is
that, regardless of circumstance, your entire being will be far more prepared
to deal with, find solutions for, and take action on all of your life challenges.

For those who do not feel they have ever experienced this, I say you have;
we all have. Every one of us has had the experience of finding that special
place, that place of complete fulfillment, where you feel the power to
manage all that life sends your way. The challenge is that we become
blinkered to what produces these feeling within us. A realization needs to
occur every time these experiences and feeling come about for us. We must
begin to realize what it is that brings us complete peace and joy – those
spaces of thoughtlessness where what we are doing is so completely natural
and enjoyable that we find ourselves able to act precisely with literally no
requirement to think, where our actions are almost instinctual.

If we continue to experience these things and don’t realize that these

experiences are where we should be living a great deal of our life, our minds
become frustrated and we fall back in to what is normal: life as we know it,
living governed by the programmed response we have developed towards
life, and therefore we again allow something – some situation or some
person – to control us. I refer to this as the “do-have-be” attitude.

The do-have-be theory revolves around us thinking that we must first do

something in order that we can have something, and that once the reward
comes as a result of the doing, we can just be, enjoying all we have achieved
and accumulated as a result, and that this state – having reached our
material and mental goals – will bring us extended joy, ease, and peace of
mind. But this never seems to be what happens for us. The do-have-be
program is totally flawed as it always sets us up for disappointment,
especially because the things we are chasing after are, nine time out of ten,
related to having things – or more specifically, having money.

The world believes that if you have money, you have freedom. Make no
mistake, having money certainly makes living a lot easier physically, but it
has nothing to do with allowing us to live with spiritual freedom. One of the
biggest reasons for the global human-depression phenomenon is the fact
that most human are always looking to the future for their happiness. No
matter how much wealth or achievement a person has amassed, there
always seems to be “online” inside them a requirement for more in the
future. What they have now is never good enough, and their mind convinces
them that more is required for them to be fulfilled in life. This way of thinking
and living will always bring disappointment, because in living this way a
person is never able to find joyfulness in the current moment.

Being all we can be and achieving our highest purpose while still on this
Earth has everything to do with finding our special place, our ocean of bliss,
and being able to experience, as regularly as possible, the many different
things in our lives that make our hearts sing and bring us fulfillment, peace
and joy. Once you discover this place, you will realize that true peace and joy
have very little to do with your bank balance and everything to do with you
state of mind. In fact, many people who have totally found themselves and
who live absolutely with joy, ease and peace of mind mostly found
themselves in a space of complete and utter financial ruin or emotional
emptiness. Rather a disturbing thought, but true!

We must realize that the do-have-be program is a trap to us all. This program
needs to shift to a more useful and productive formula, one that sets us up
for achieving all we are meant to be in this life. But what is this? How do we
go about becoming all we are meant to be? This is a question I have asked
myself a gazillion times. I have followed religious paths, read numerous
books on enlightenment, participated and served as a facilitator on a
multitude of transformational workshops, been involved in a variety of
charity drives, remained focused on my family, achieved financial
independence, etc., etc. Though all of these things have brought me closer
to this joyful and blissful living, they never provided me with all the
ingredients I required for feeling completeness in my life.

I have spent most of my life vigorously searching out my life’s purpose. Since
a very young age, I have had a feeling of incompleteness. This may be as a
result of a confusing childhood and the fact that I was diagnosed with ADHD
at the age of five and told that I needed drugs if I was to function effectively
in society, had alcoholic parents, experienced a war in my country that saw
me grow up with little support from a father figure, struggled with the
education system and battled my way through school, had a big brother who
bullied me, faced challenges with drug addiction and financial ruin at certain
stages of my life, saw the divorce of my parents, etc., etc., etc. I ran this
program in my head every time life got challenging. I occasionally still turn
this story on when life gets really tough or when I need a story to tell myself
to feel comfortable that my life is not working because of all the things in my

But every day, I realize a little more that all these things I tell myself are
simply a story. My story! We all have a story. What is your story? When
things get tough and you are faced with all your demons, all the things you
know of that deflect you from achieving your life purpose – that ocean of

bliss, that special place where you are able to be all you know you were
mean to be, whatever that might be – what’s the story you play? You will
have a story; we all do!

Our past is a vital part of who we are now, and it is not easy to drop. We
cling to it. In our heads, it defines for us who we are; to us, the story in our
head is who we are! To us, the program we play (especially in tough and
challenging times) is who we think we are! The craziness is that most of the
time this voice in our head is talking complete garbage! Its chatter is always
based on what we have heard about ourselves from others. Very seldom will
you hear a young child replaying a negative story about themselves. This
only begins to happen later on in adolescence, once reason begins to
develop in their young minds. This reason develops as a result of the
programs society plants in their heads. Parents, the media, and teachers are
the most common programmers and have the greatest ability to influence
how a child will think and behave in later years.

Dr. Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra, two of my favorite writers on quantum
physics, share this conceptual desire. They would like to create an
environment for orphan children, those who have been abandoned or who
are not wanted by their parents from birth, and then raise these children in
an environment where they learn nothing about doubt, will always be shown
the power of positive intention, and are never exposed to the concept that
something is not possible. An example of one of their lessons might go
something along these lines: Children, today’s lesson is about putting out a
fire. See, over there is a wood fire. You sit over here. Now, using your mind,
put the fire out. This might be a 300 day lesson or a one hour lesson, but the
same lesson will happen every day until the fire is out.

How awesome to be raised in an environment where you are never exposed

to the concept of doubt, where your every thought and action is focused on
bringing about a positive and complete result, where nothing is ever
presented as being impossible, and where you are always taught how
powerful the mind is, rather than how powerful it is not!

The single biggest secret to achieving a more fulfilling life is to banish doubt
about our capabilities and what we have come to believe is not possible, and
to realize that each of us is powerful beyond all we could imagine. We can all
have peace, fulfillment, joy, money, love, creativity, a life of purpose and
completeness. All we have to do is learn to remove the doubt about what we
believe we deserve, and learn to live with a knowing that just as much as

anyone else alive, we have a birth-right to live with ease, joy and peace of
mind. Why else would we be living? To fulfill a purpose of pain and misery? I
don’t think so! It makes no sense to me why a universal power or God would
want it to be this way.

So what is the first step toward living without doubt? You need to absolutely
give up the meaningless human requirement of always being in control. This
might sound absurd. “Give up control of my life? What an insane concept!”
you might think. The human mind immediately rejects this, and within most
people the mind will instantly shut down to the absurdity of this statement
being plausible. You may well be experiencing this thought process right
now, which is perfect, because it is proof that being in control is a
conditioned human response. The human mind is so deeply programmed
with the concept that control is everything that, in giving it up, you feel you
are giving up the opportunity to live a fulfilling life. Your mind has become so
totally convinced that control brings success and fulfillment that the thought
of giving it up is terrifying and viewed as complete insanity. I assure you that
the human mind is incorrectly programmed, and that the program needs

It’s kind of like a computer program with bugs that are causing it to function
ineffectively. When there is a bug in the system, a computer programmer is
required to come in and sort it out. If this is not done, the whole system may
become ineffective, slow, and quite often rendered absolutely useless. Some
computer bugs are very easy to fix and take a matter of hours to rectify,
while other are very stubborn and hide deep within the code. These may
require weeks or even months to resolve.

The flaw in the human mind which tells us that control is everything is
comparable to the computer bug that takes considerable effort and focus to
remove. I still have a few control issues and system bugs, but I am
committed to the process of rectifying my mental program, having totally
surrendered to the fact that changing certain mental programs takes
diligence, especially when dealing with the deep-seated ones. Being patient,
persistent, and thankful for small shifts in behavior brings about magnificent
and magical results.

Changing old programs requires that we rearrange how we think, talk to

ourselves, visualize, and act. Some suggested actions we can take toward
changing these programs are hypnosis, meditation, prayer, transformation
workshops, powerful books, positive affirmation, positive action, clearing

past-life and current-life negative experiences, recconnective healing, angel
workshops, color therapy, kinesiology, and many more. Just search the net
using anyone of the above suggestions as a key-word and a whole bunch of
information will be at your disposal. We also need to realize and accept that,
within every one of us, lives an eternal, powerful, mature, absolutely perfect
soul that is certain of its potential, sure of its purpose, and clear on how to
actualize all that is required for a joyful existence.

Your soul is in constant communication with your brain and the universal
frequencies that provide guidance, inspiration, and motivation for your life. It
knows your every desire and makes various opportunities available in every
moment, which, if acted upon, would bring you joy. The challenge is that
often we can’t hear it. Why? Simply put, there’s just too much noise in our
heads! It is impossible for us to hear or to take advantage of the
opportunities set right before us until our minds become quiet enough for
this information to be realized, and then acted upon.

The reassuring thing about all the information shared is that there is hope for
us all, every one of us. If we so choose, we can achieve the required state of
being that will enable this information to be realized and to manifest for us. It
simply takes the implementation of new behavior patterns in our lives. Once
these new behaviors are learned and practiced, our lives begin to transform.
We begin to experience joy, ease, and peace of mind.

As this book unfolds, many of these techniques and practices will be shared.
If you choose to give them a try, things will shift positively for your life; this
is a promise! But for right now, the most powerful way of changing old
control systems and belief systems is to begin to think and act for yourself,
begin to give up the incessant requirement to be in constant control of the
many fluctuating elements of your life. You are not in control; a power far
greater than you is. Surrender to the fact that you are who you are right
now, and who you are is who you are. It’s that simple. You will get what you
get, experience what you experience, believe what you believe, and do what
you do. Life will continue to deliver to you exactly what you expect it to, as
documented in various religious scriptures, ancient literature, and modern-
age writings.

Writers both ancient and modern have regularly made referenced to the
statement, “as you think, so shall you be!” In order to make the best use of
this statement, we must start to think effectively, clearly, and positively.
Begin living today with less doubt. Stop focusing on those things you think

you can’t do, and start living now, in the present moment, operating from
the strong base of the things you do know about yourself and life.

If you continue to operate from your false beliefs about yourself and life, you
will continually be disappointed. The voice in your head is not your true
belief system! It’s only a bunch of nonsense that’s been planted there by
various sources, most of them outside yourself! Make it your mission from
today to live your life. Experience all those things that you want to
experience, do what you want to do, get involved in the things you know
make your heart sing, regardless of what others might advise, say or
suggest. This is your life, this is your experience, and this is your ocean!

Go with the flow of the tiny streams and large rivers in your life, allow them
to carry you closer to that ocean of bliss you constantly seek. Fighting the
current and trying to swim upstream, as cool of an idea as it might seem at
the time, is complete madness! You can only fight the current for so long
until eventually it will exhaust you and force surrender. These rivers in our
lives never go away, as the harder we fight them the stronger they seem to
flow; so give up the fight today, claim back your power, allow the flow of life
to take you on a magical journey toward your rightful place of peacefulness
and restfulness in your ocean of bliss, whose waters will immerse you in
satisfaction, completeness, peace, joy and satisfaction.

Deep down at your very center, right in your core, there are feelings. These
feeling are always there, and they are continually sending you messages.
Stop shutting them off. Begin to become aware of them, search into them,
feel them, and then do – take action based on the feelings – and observe the
effect! See where your feelings take you. The trip might not always be that
cool, but in doing, and feeling the experience, and then in evaluating it, we
create for our lives a real experience that brings true understanding and
clear knowing instead of living according to some bullshit story we have
been fed from a source outside of ourselves about how something is or
should be. Only in knowing do we gain true understanding! So live in the
present, feel your feelings, do what you know you must do, accept the
results, make an evaluations of the outcomes produced, love yourself for
taking action, and go for it again, and again, and again, eventually the
resting place of the ocean will come.

Just because I am writing this book does not mean I am there yet, but I am in
the flow, and I have experienced numerous vast and quiet spaces of water
along the way. I call these spaces of rest the lakes of my life. These

experiences have been amazing, rewarding, happy, and extremely enticing;
but eventually a feeling deep down in my belly tells me it is time to move on,
and no matter how persistent my mind is in telling me to remain in the
comfort of the lake, I know deep in my heart that I must move and get back
into the river’s flow, because by staying in the lake I am dammed there for
life. And so the current takes me again. I let it, knowing there is more,
knowing a greater body of water awaits – one that is more complete and still
for me, an ocean of eternal bliss. Of this I am sure!

Take a moment now and think about all the things you believe you can’t do.
I’m sure a list will develop quite fast. It might read something like this: I can’t
swim well; read well; write well; develop fulfilling, loving relationships; get
along with my family; get ahead at work; establish financial security; lose
weight; eat healthy, etc. Now ask yourself to compile a list of what you can
do. This list should be considerably longer than the last. I know I can walk, I
know I can run, talk, eat, breathe, see, think, drive my car, ride a bike, go to
sleep, watch the TV, write an e-mail, surf the net, eat my supper, etc.

The crazy thing about belief vs. knowing is that those things which you have
a belief in will almost always let you down because they come from a place
outside of you. They are not your beliefs; they have been planted there by
someone or something else, and you have accepted these as truth; but they
are not! They have been planted there as a result of something you heard,
saw or felt. Until you do a thing and have gained the experience of that
doing, you are not qualified to understand it, simple as that!

On the other hand, those things you know about yourself and your life will
almost never let you down! The reason for this is that this knowledge has
developed in you as a result of experience – from things you have done and
things you know about – and they are yours; no one can take them away.
They are engrained on your soul like a spiritual tattoo, branded there for
eternity. Live by these things and you will never falter.

So what’s the difference between the two? Knowing comes as a result of

experience through participation, experience, completion, and evaluation.
While beliefs are base on programs in your mind, total illusion, thoughts and
visions placed there by forces completely outside of you. A good example of
a negative belief would be, I really don’t think X, Y, or Z is for me; for
example, I once watched a show on TV about snow skiing and I just knew
that I would hate it! We develop belief system based upon the point of view
of others, our friends, family, the media, TV, etc.

A positive belief would go something along these lines: a friend might say to
you, “I went for supper last night at the King Edward on Church Street. I had
the most amazing supper, and the entertainment was outstanding. It was the
best night out I have had in years.” Excellent feedback from your friend; it
gives a brilliant mental image about the evening, but you still have no idea
of exactly what her experience felt like. Your belief system might tell you
that the King Edward is a great place for supper, but until you go try it for
yourself, it remains a belief, an illusion in your mind, a picture of how it could
possibly be. As a result of this illusion in your mind being a good one,
chances are good that going to the King Edward for supper is definitely an
option and quite possibly something you’ll try.

If, however, your friend had been served one of the very few bad meals this
restaurant puts out in any giving month and had shared this experience
instead, chances are that in the future, any reference made to the King
Edward would be associated with negative feelings in your mind. In doing
this, your mind has shut off any future possibility of ever experiencing the
normally brilliant food and entertainment this establishment delivers. A very
simple example, but powerful in illustrating how the mind constantly limits
us form experiencing all that life has on offer. We allow the views of others to
determine how we live our lives. How crazy is this? It’s absolute madness!

Converting belief to absolute knowing requires experimentation, continual

effort, and doing rather than thinking. Once you have done something,
experienced the result, and evaluated how this felt, only then can you fully
understand it. Making decisions based on feedback received from sources
outside of yourself is incredibly limiting to you and to your potential to
experience a life full of adventure, realness, and excitement!

Belief is not real! It is never supported by anything factual, and it is the

single biggest hiding place for the human race. One the other hand, once
you have experienced a thing, received the appropriate feedback that doing
provides, felt how it feels, and made a decision based upon all the facts, your
mind now has no argument or false perception; the view it has of any given
situation has now become a reality. In doing, you create a knowing about all
things. No feedback on earth can be as convincing!

So to close this chapter, I ask this question: Why is it so easy to spot a

control freak? Because you are one! We are all one in some way or the other,
controlling ourselves, things, events, or people! How on earth is the world
supposed to operate effectively if everybody spends their lives trying to

control things? This is not living! Control is not living, because the more
determined we become to control things, the unhappier we become. Why is
this you might ask? It’s because nothing can be controlled. As much in
control as you think you are, you’re not! A brilliant quote I heard on one of
Wayne Dyers CD’s that relates to this topic is, “If you want to make God
laugh, show her your plans!”

Give up the incessant human need to control and see how life’s flow takes
you on a magical journey of discovery, accomplishment, peace, and joy. Try
it, if you so choose, and experience for yourself what living and doing feels
like, and what it can bring. My experience thus far has been that giving up
control and going with the flow of my life always brings me sanity;
peacefulness develops, and I feel that my life gets back on purpose. But this
is my experience. You have to try it for yourself!

What if? vs. what is!

If I got a penny for every time I asked myself, what if? I would be a
millionaire by now! And if I had a penny for the number of times I have had
the following thoughts: If only I ____; Why does this always happen to me?
Why does that always happen for them? Why am I not good enough? I don’t
have enough; Just my luck; I don’t trust ___; and all the other negative
thoughts I’ve had, hell, I would be a gazillionaire!!!!!!

Between ages eight to ten we begin to develop opinions about ourselves and
life as a whole. We begin to model who we think we are, depending upon the
environment we inhabit and the types of things we are exposed to daily. At
this age, a shift begins to happen as we forego a simple way of being and
begin to think, analyze, and weigh ourselves up against the picture the world
has hung of how perfect should look. And based upon this image, a voice in
our head begins to chatter; it tells us we are not good enough, that others
are not good enough, that life is hard, and that you never get exactly what
you want, and so on. The rate at which it is capable of providing negative
feedback is remarkable, and it has a processing power more efficient than
the most powerful computer invented.

The sad part is that as we begin to accept this garbage as truth, a space is
created in our mind for this voice to grow, and the more we listen to it, the
more it scatters seeds in our mind – until it becomes dominant within our
being. It gains control of us, and once this has happened, we are doomed to

its mercy. It becomes the command center to our every action and the judge
of our every outcome. Most will be familiar with the term ‘Ego.’ If not, let me
introduce you.

That voice in your head right now, the one that provides constant feedback
about every word you are reading, every thought and feeling you have, this
is your Ego, and it is your boss right now. This voice in your head controls
you, makes the majority of your decisions, and is the dominant force in the
direction your life is headed right now. Why does it provide this persistent
feedback about everything? Because it needs to be in control of you and
everything you do. In order for it to exist and have life within you, it must
control you! The power it gets from being in control of you and your
outcomes is its food, and so long as you listen to it and subliminally follow
what it commands, you give it permission to live in you!

As you listen and follow the guidance of this voice, you are left absolutely
disabled to find your true place in life and to discover the destiny you are on
this Earth to fulfill: being able to live with ease, joy, and peace of mind. The
more you follow the fabrications contrived by your Ego, the more you allow it
to dominate and control your entire existence. You let it do this reactively,
without thinking, and in so doing open the door consistently, welcoming this
old friend home to discuss and analyze faults and fixes for yourself and
others. This is your oldest friend. Say hello to it now – go on, say it: “Hello,

The Ego Clear

Now, I want you to follow the following instruction: I want you to let your Ego
know that you have made the realization between yourself and it. Let it know
that you are aware of it now, and that from this day onward, as hard as you
know it will be, you are on a mission to find out who you truly are. Tell it you
have decided to allow your deeper self – the real you: the part of you that
knows your true purpose and is absolutely clear on what will bring you joy
and fulfillment – to take back its true place in your life. Let it know that you
know it will not be easy to surrender to its power. Tell it that your intention is
to start living more from your true essence, and that in this instant you open
up all the necessary frequencies, mechanisms, portals, energy forces, and
pathways for light that are available to you, in you, and around you, enabling
you to be better prepared to receive this light, information and knowledge
from your inner self – your higher spiritual self, that part of you which cannot

be seen but which you know is there, and which you know is powerful
beyond anything you know or have the ability to comprehend.

Tell it that, as much as possible, you will start to live your life by feeling your
feelings more fully, experiencing your desires, doing what needs doing, and
enjoying the successes that will come as a result of this. Tell it you know that
in life there is suffering and joy and that you intend to discover this joy, even
if it means enduring suffering to manifest it. Let it know that you know it is
not real. Let it know that you know it will not give up trying to control you.
Tell it you surrender to it. Tell it you now know there is more to you, and that
no matter what it has planned to sabotage your intention to take back the
direction of your life, and no matter how many times it gains control over you
in the future, you are more sure now than ever that eventually, and at some
point in your existence, your life purpose will be manifest completely, and
that your ocean of bliss, freedom from worries, judgments, pain, and
uncertainty, is waiting ready to receive you and provide all that is rightfully

Now tell your Ego that you are thankful for all its advice over the years, but
you have now reached a point that you no longer want to believe what it tells
you about you. Tell it that you are perfect and complete just the way you
are, right now. Nothing more needs to shift for you in order that you can be
free of it. Tell it that no matter what its view is, your life right now is a
perfect picture of what it has fed you about you. Tell it that you are at peace
with this fact, and you realize that how things are now can and will change.
Tell it that you know it is not real and that you feel more free of it now than
ever before. Tell it that you know things are shifting for you, and that the
river of life is taking you on a journey to your rightful destination of rest and
peace from its relentless banter.

Once you have done this, accept that the voice of your Ego might become
even more incessant during the coming months or possibly years. Surrender
to this right now, and realize that you cannot control it, and in allowing it to
just be within you, realizing as often as possible that this voice is not you. In
doing this, the true and real you will emerge and your human potential will
begin to blossom more fully. The reason for this is that forces beyond what
you or I could ever begin to understand are coming online for you now, these
mighty powers contained within you and in the universe rejoice right now as
you accept the human Ego for what it is and surrender to its power, knowing
you have set a firm, positive intention to become aware of when your Ego is
in control and when your deeper self has taken over.

As you flit in and out of these very different states, start to take notice of
how this feels, and acknowledge when you have realized what mode you are
operating out of: Ego-mode or Soul-mode. Rejoice in this realization. Your
ability to identify and acknowledge this is a powerful new form of awareness
developing for you, and it is the greatest step toward attaining joy, peace
and ease of mind.

Every time you are able to make the distinction between Soul-mode and Ego-
mode, light, information, frequency and knowledge instantly flood every
aspect of your being, assisting you in taking back a little more power from
the human Ego. As you continue to do this day in and day out, mighty,
magnificent, and purposeful things will start to happen for you. This is a

Tell your Ego you know there are countless negative programs that have
been injected into your mind by it and that these programs are not real. Tell
it that you know life is an absolute illusion, and that your current life
situation is as a result of listening to its negative banter. Tell it that all the
pain, misery, depression, self-doubt, self-hate, hate towards others, the
incompletion in your life, negative experiences, sadness, exhaustion,
boredom, sickness, ruined relationships, failed relationships, emptiness you
feel, and illness are all because of it.

Now here comes the hard part! Tell it that you are thankful for all this
suffering; tell it that it has helped you reach the point you are at now; tell it
that the positive changes on the way for you are because of it; tell it thank
you for showing and telling you all these things, because now you realize
exactly what you are not. Tell it you are ready, determined, and completely
prepared to receive all the power, light and energy offered by the universe,
knowing that a complete transformation will take place in your life. Tell it
that regardless of how much pain and no matter how it manages to take you
off track, it is your intention to reach your ocean of bliss. You are convinced
that this place exists for you and that you will find it in perfect timing –
exactly when you are ready to receive it.

Now that I have raised your awareness to this whole other persona within in
you – this living, active energy force, alive right now inside you and located,
more specifically, in your head – I ask that you accept right now that this is
true and that you, as confidently as possible, state the following out loud (if
situation allows; alternatively, speak it in your head), and then write it down,
keep it with you, and look at it often.

I realize my Ego is not real, and I acknowledge that I am controlled
by it right now. It is my intention today to take my power back from
it and, as hard as this might be, I pledge to myself right now that I
will fulfill my intention to live my life filled with joy, peace and ease
of mind. I will attain my true purpose for living.

(Might want to break the above paragraphs on the EGO into a

dialogue script, will be easier for readers to use, and also want to
record a guided meditation to address this script.)

As this shift towards living in harmony with the Ego slowly begins to occur, it
normally goes along these lines. Monday, I am one with the universe and one
with my deeper self, and aware of my Ego; Tuesday, I am really trying to be
one with the universe and aware of my Ego; Wednesday, I tell everyone that
I am one with the universe, but I don’t really believe myself and start
listening to the Ego; and on Friday, I am one with the drama of my Ego and
its universe! This inconsistency of feeling in control of your Ego and at one
with yourself and the universe is totally normal and to be expected as you
venture on this challenging journey of discovering your true purpose and
universal right to living with joy, peace and ease.

From this point onward, begin to take one step at a time, realize that small
victories are the essence of life, and rejoice in them. The rest of this book is
about the how, what, when, where and why we must shift the way we view
our world. You are the master of your universe! The current landscape of
your life, all the current events, circumstances, and outcomes, are a result of
you allowing them to be this way. Where you are right now is perfect,
absolutely perfect. It is what it is; you have created it this way, by allowing
your Ego to control you.

Going forward will be all about surrender and change for you, if you allow it!
In allowing your deeper self to begin playing a more conscious role in your
life, the picture will change, your environment will improve, color will return,
and everything you intend for yourself will become reality. This is one
promise I can make. If you decide that you want joy for your life, then
remove doubt about your ability to manifest this vision, learn to be at one
with all the circumstances of your life, and accept what is, knowing all the
while that you are on the correct path. Nothing in this universe can stop you
from attainment of your intentions – nothing! Except yourself, and your Ego!

What is surrender?

I have mentioned the concept of surrender a number of times already but

fully understanding it requires some explanation. Surrender is one of the
most difficult things to achieve in life, but it is the most powerful act we
humans can perform in achieving peace in the physical realm of existence.
The concept of surrender is often viewed in a very negative way by most.
The world has become so programmed to the fact that surrender is negative
that even the thought of it feels disempowering to the human mind. This is
the number-one shift that must take place in all of us in order that we might
manifest joy, peace and ease of mind.

You might say, “If I surrender, is it not the same as giving up? I am not a
quitter! I always fight to bring about positive results in my life.” I say no,
surrender and giving up are on two completely opposite ends of the scale.
Eckhart Tolle, in his book the Power of Now, gives a fantastic example of
surrender and what it means to surrender to a life situation.

Imagine your car is stuck in the mud. You try to get it out, but the harder you
try the deeper your car cuts its way into the mud. Eventually you reach the
point of realization that you are not going anywhere and that the car is
completely stuck. At this point, you must surrender yourself to the fact that
the car is stuck! You also have to realize that the method you have been
using to try to get it out is not working. Once this has taken place, you find
yourself in a very powerful position to begin looking for an alternate method
of getting unstuck. You are not at this point going to decide, Oh well, my car
is stuck in the mud. There is nothing I can do about it. I give up. I think I will
walk for the rest of my life. This is not how you would think.

Once you realize that the current method you have been using is not going
to get you out, you will find another way. You always will! The same principal
applies to our life situations. When you feel stuck in your life situation and
feel like there is no solution to the current reality, this is when you are in the
most powerful position to look for alternatives. This is often happens when
you have reached a point of either deep or mild depression, anger, or

The level of depression will always be dependent upon the severity or

significance of the impact on your life situation. This pain and
disappointment is, in most cases, the turning point that is required to assist
you in realizing that a different approach is required to find a solution. At this
point, you can decide you just don’t have the strength for this recovery in

behavior, and you can accept the fact that this life situation and all of the
circumstances it has brought about for you is how you accept your life to be
now. You can give up and accept that this current struggle is
insurmountable, and that this is how you life will continue. You might find
yourself stuck in a situation that is making you desperately unhappy, but you
are too confused regarding how to change it so you simply brush it under the
rug; however, in so doing your opportunity to surrender is gone. To
surrender requires a very high level of presence on your behalf; it requires
absolute honesty, and it requires that you find the courage to face up to all
that is currently limiting your opportunity for freedom and peace.

You must realize that the circumstances of your life are how they are as a
result of your thinking thus far in your life. Once you have done this, you
surrender to the is-ness of this moment and realize that everything you think
about – all the bad thoughts you have about yourself and all the many
challenges that are in a more powerful position are in your life right now –
might well be the result of the poor decisions you have made or the poor and
negative programs you run in your mind.

You need to stop beating yourself up over these difficult life situations and
realize that all the things in your past are no longer applicable to this current
moment. You also need to realize that as much as you think you are at fault
for these situations, in reality you had very little choice in the matter – a
power far greater did. The way your life has rolled out to this point is perfect
and, as I have said a number of times, “You are where you are as a result of
life!” The things you have done up until this point in your life, and the results
they have produced, might feel like your choices, but they are not. Where
you are now is exactly where the universal power needed you to be in order
that you might surrender and place yourself in a position of readiness to shift
gears and take the necessary actions toward change.

These perceived negative circumstance and past accumulations of your life’s

events are not there to define who you are; they are there to show you who
you are not. They are in your life as a result of you living unconsciously for
such a long time that you ended up defining yourself based upon all the past
blunders or successes in your life. You are not an accumulation of all of your
past life events, be they good or bad, but rather a product of the present
moment. You exist right now, in this moment, as perfect and powerful as any
other person, regardless of your current life situation, health condition,
disability, etc.

Living life in the present moment and completely surrendering every
moment to the past places you in a powerful position to realize that all the
things you think are wrong with you, all the things you think are keeping you
stuck in the mud, are all perceptions your Ego is feeding you to keep you
stuck and feeling helpless and useless. The past, as I have mentioned so
many times, is not real! But the Ego uses it to manipulate you into thinking
that life is hopeless and that you are useless! The Ego is always wrong in this

I have worked with many people over the years to assist them in making the
realization that there is nothing on this planet that can keep you stuck other
than your own mind. Mighty miracles take place every moment for people all
over the universe, so why, I ask, should they not be possible for you? No
challenge on this Earth is insurmountable unless you allow it to be this way.
You are a shining beam of light! Connected completely and totally to a
universal energy force that, in turn, connects you to all living things! This
connectivity is your communication channel to every living thing, both
physical and supernatural.

This universal power living within you connects you to all things and is the
eternal and divine part of you that has access to all the information, light and
knowledge you require to bring about any miracle you desire for your life!

This is the part of you that lives eternally. It never dies, and it has all the
secrets to God’s plan for you. So where does this powerful God in you come
from? Where does it live? How is it an integral part of you and yet so difficult
to completely connect with, trust, follow, or be with? It’s because we live so
attached to the events of the past and focus so much on the possibilities of
the future that we forget to be present and to realize that our power is right
now, in this moment.

It is impossible to become fully connected to the God in you while you are
unconsciously living out one life drama after another. Nothingness is the
space from which all things emerge. A baby’s heart starts to beat in a
mother’s womb eight weeks after conception. How does this happen? From
where does this heart beat begin? How does the baby grow inside the
mother? It is completely and absolutely magical that something so complex
can manifest out of nothing, needing only a seed, an egg, and a womb! This
nothingness or emptiness that surrounds each and every thing we see is vast
and endless. All you have to do is look up to the sky on a clear night and you
will see just how vast and endless this nothingness, this emptiness, this

space occupies in the universe! The universal space that surrounds all things
it is the basis for life, and all things are born out of this space.

The concept of God has been so terribly misunderstood throughout the ages.
For me, God has always been this superior being who I am afraid of, and
who, if disobeyed, will destroy me and punish me with an eternal pain so
horrific that it has been compared to eternal burning. The pain of eternal
burning would be my reward for living a life that is not approved by the all-
powerful ruler of the universe. From out of this fear is born most of the
worlds troubles: the hatred, the pain, nations fighting against nations,
prejudice, the troubles in the Middle East, Afghanistan, Hitler and the Jews,
Napoleon, Attila the Hun, etc., etc.

All of these terrible and painful experiences, which we have all learned about
and which many have been accepted as the truth about God, are the only
things I find difficult to accept in many of the religions of the world. I
absolutely cannot accept at any level that God wants for me to experience
pain, whether it is while I am alive or after the death of my body. For me,
God is a kind, loving, caring, and generous soul who wants nothing more
than to bless the lives of those who live according to the basic laws of the
universe and abide by those laws. I completely support and believe that God
wants to bless us for our goodness, but many accounts in the scriptures of all
religions often focus on the pain, wars, droughts, and collapse of complete
generations of people on the wrath, or desire of God.

This I find hard to accept as I know this is not the nature of God. Nothing that
is a part of God would hurt any other living thing. We do it to ourselves and
to our planet. We live here – we have the extraordinary gift of life here – and
God wants nothing more than for us to attain peace, joy, and happiness
while still alive and breathing. Again, I would like to mention that I have no
prejudice against any religion, sect, or spiritual preference. What I am
sharing now is simply my view, based on my experience while living as a
dedicated Christian for a great number of years.

Bearing the above in mind, I ask why would a God who created this amazing
universe want for the offspring of its energy, light and power to live
continually in the grips of pain, guilt, and fear in order that they might one
day die, and only in death be able to live with ease, peace and joy? I believe
that God only wants for her children to be joy-filled and peaceful every
moment of every day! This perception that God is scary and brutal is
changing. People are beginning to realize that this ruthless, judgmental God

makes very little sense and that God is not so much a physical being but
rather being itself! People are also beginning to realize, quite rapidly, that
living a life based on rigid rules designed to bring about fear, guilt and
disappointment is completely flawed. The world is rapidly beginning to
realize that there is only one place to find complete eternal bliss, where one
can be in a place of openness to communicate and connect with God, and
that this place can only be discovered and nurtured within the simplicity of
this present moment.

Living the power of the present moment and being able to see that its
vastness and space is all there is enables you to see the past is gone. It is
nothing; it has no power over you until you allow it to take control or allow it
to show you how stupid you are, how useless you are, how weak you are,
how much of a sinner you are, or how little you do for you fellow man. This is
a mad way to live your life. You have to surrender every moment that your
live to that moment, and in doing this you free yourself from the past and
the future and open up a space to introduce intense present-moment
awareness in to your life.

Intense present-moment awareness relates to now. In the example from

earlier, of the car stuck in the mud, this awareness relates to the fact that
you are stuck in the mud and currently your method of getting out is not
working. It is about being prepared to admit that your current life situation is
the way it is because of you and the programs playing out in your mind.
Once you are able to accept this reality and then ask the big question – what
do I have to do now to get myself out the mud? – you reach a juncture in
your life where you will be forced to either accept the now as it is and start
realizing what is required of us to do to get out the shit, or you will follow
that same path you have followed time and time again, which produces only
mediocrity for your life.

This is when we get to connect with the God within us; this is where we
realize that the only way to bring about change and shift is in the present
moment. Miracles happen in the present. Miracles are instantaneous. They
are magic, and real, and they always manifest out of absolutely nothing.
They just happen as a result of complete surrender to the present moment
and the realization that this is all there is; time is irrelevant, and the time-
space continuum is also irrelevant. There is no time, because the time is

If you were an alien to Earth and there was no human form of to go over to a
cow, or a tree, or any other living thing, and if you could communicate with
this work of nature and were to ask this creation what the time is, what do
you think it would say? It might say, “Time? I don’t know what you are
talking about. I don’t know what time is.” Human beings are the only species
on the plant that are time-bound. We are paranoid about it, and we feel it is
running out with every breath we take. Our physical shell is simply a
reflection of our eternal being, being what is programmed to be, as a result
of the information it is being fed by the unconscious mind: the human Ego!

New chapter: Doing What You Love (Love Life, part 1)

I have no idea why I write sometimes; I just do! For some unknown reason, I
just get the urge. The passion that flows through me as I write feeds my soul
and gives me life. It makes me think of things I would not normally think
about. It makes me look within myself and then take a good look at the world
and take stock of where I am. Writing is my love. It is my passion, a deep-
seated part of who I am. It clarifies things for me in a way that nothing else
can. Writing allows me the opportunity to empty myself of whatever there is
within and then replace it with a fresh, clear space were creativity can flow.

This book is all about passion, freedom, self-discovery, and losing oneself in
order to find oneself again. It’s about the journey one takes in order to fulfill
one’s ultimate destiny. I do not believe in fate; I do, however, believe in
destiny. We are all destined to go exactly where we decide we will go.
Therefore, it is up to us to take responsibility for our own personal destiny.
Starting from today, forget about who you think you are and start to focus on
who you really are. Plant the seed right now, and make a commitment to
yourself that you will discover the true meaning and purpose for your life. It
does not matter whether you think you can achieve this or not; the main
thing is that you set the intention and become committed to the possibility
that a higher and more fulfilling purpose for your life exists right now. All that
is required of you is to discover it. The universe waits in anticipation as you
become more fully involved with those activities that bring you joy.

Doing what you love, whenever you have the spare time, will help you relax.
It will also assist in keeping alive the flame of passion that burns inside you.
This light of passion becomes brighter and burns with more power when it is
continually fueled by involvement in the things we love, the things that make
our hearts sing. You will know these activities well, because when you
become involved in them they take you away from your troubles and free up
your mind, and you find yourself in a space of complete focus and presence.
The negative, depressing feelings and thought no longer exist for you in this
space and you become consumed with the joy of doing what brings passion
into your life. These activities might be reading, gardening, sailing, fishing,
exercising, baking, cooking, watching movies, writing, praying, meditating,
doing yoga, working, playing with your kids, having dinner with friends,
public speaking, surfing, running, dancing, working out, singing, and so on.
This is an individual list, so it will vary from person to person. The point I am

making is that each of us have certain activities that bring about absolute
bliss, peace, expanded feelings of happiness, and complete focus and
presence. These elements of your life are the places and spaces where you
will discover what your purpose for living is.

Very often, because an activity is fun for us, we never consider that this
feeling of enjoyment and fulfillment is leading us to realize our true purpose
for living. We simply accept that it is a fun experience, something we do for
leisure, and we are totally blinded to the potential our leisure activities offer
in terms of assisting us to break free and fulfill our life purpose and personal

These periods of focus, presence and enjoyment are not limited to leisure
activities only; included in this will be certain dimension of your everyday
work. You might respond immediately with a thought of, No way! I hate my
job! But you would not be doing what you are doing unless there were
certain aspects of it that you enjoy. For example, it might be dealing with
people, giving presentations, selling, negotiating, coming up with new ideas,
evaluating concepts, generating ideas, creating business plans, managing
events, or organizing people’s lives. Again, this list will be individual and
specific to your character. These things also offer great insight in directing
you towards discovering your true purpose in life.

Finding one’s purpose for living is not an event that happens but rather a
process one follows. It can take a very long time for an individual to realize
and then accept what it is that they should be doing with their lives on a
daily basis, and then it can take an even greater effort to pluck up the
courage to take the first steps – to go and do what needs doing.

Quite often, the messages and direction we receive from the universe as it
attempts to guide us toward the fulfillment of our true purpose come in
many diverse ways. Some messages will come via people, encapsulated in
what they say or the advice they give, other guidance will come through
books we read or programs we watch, while others will come out the blue, as
messages repeating themselves deep within us. The issue is not how often or
through what medium these messages are delivered; the important question
is this: when these messages are delivered, will we be prepared to hear
them and then take the appropriate action? Because inspiration without
action is futile!

So become more aware of the messages around you. Find the time to
become still and reflective, and as you do this the guidance will come; the

opportunities, people, and events will unfold in the most mysterious and
unexpected ways to help you achieve your desired life style. When this
happens for you, realize it, embrace it and go do what needs doing.

Being human and loving it!

The theme of this book revolves around the complexities of being human
and surviving in a world that sometime makes no sense at all. The nature of
life affects us all in the same way, and though we might like to have a firmer
control over all our outcomes, life is often not this simple. You might have
seen the T-shirt with the caption “LIFE HAPPENS.” This is the truth, and the
secret to accepting this fact is to learn not to stress about those things you
have no control over. Learning to accept the uncontrollable brings great
power to one’s life and helps us along to a more peaceful existence.

Take responsibility for your choices

One of the golden rules to achieving joy in this life is in making the
realization that you – that image you see when you look in the mirror and
which represents the center of who you are – is your control center, and that
every decision you make for your life emerges out of this place. Your brain,
your body and your soul all converge at this point, and the image you and
others see is a visual representation of you. This control center, made up of
trillions of cells constantly vibrating at varying frequencies, controls all that
you are, and currently is completely responsible for your basic human
existence? This convergence point where all your nerve cells meet is the
decision-making center of your life.

Considering all of this, I guess you might agree that you – that image you see
in the mirror – is absolutely responsible for every choice you make for your
life. But if you agree with this statement, why then do you so often look
outside yourself when thing go wrong? As humans, we are fast to find
someone or something to blame for the negative outcomes in our lives.
When things turn out well, however, then our thinking shifts rather quickly
and we are totally happy to claim a vast portion of the credit. This is the Ego
again! You immediately want to tell someone you did this great thing or that
you were responsible for creating that brilliant idea, etc.

Since the beginning of time, human beings have been laying the blame on
others for the negative outcomes in their lives. One of the earliest biblical
examples of this can be found in the Old Testament, when God confronts

Adam and Eve for partaking of the forbidden fruit. When God confronts Eve
for the transgression, what does she say? The serpent made me do it! Then
God asks Adam why he did it, and what is his response? Eve made me do it!

This human tendency has been in place since the beginning of time, and it is
the root cause for mankind’s unhappiness. If we do not take responsibility for
our own lives and the decisions we make, we will always be doomed to
mediocrity. No one else is going to take responsibility for the consequences
of your life. The reason for this is that most people have enough challenges
making their own lives work, and so often they are not overly concerned
about you, even though they might seem to be. Normally, they are so busy
trying to deal with and pass the blame for the negative consequences of
their choices.

This might sound a very dim view to take on humanity, but it is an

observation I have made and, barring a very small percentile of unique
people who dedicate their lives to helping others before themselves, the
above statement applies to most. I am not saying that all of mankind are
cold and heartless, because all of us have a compassionate side, (some more
than others); but on the whole we are all concerned more about our own
wellbeing above that of others. It is in our nature to survive, and survival is
at the very core of us all. We live in a world where survival of the fittest is
the order of the day. If you are not looking out for your own survival, what
makes you think someone else will do it for you? You are responsible for your
own happiness, and the sooner you accept this responsibility, the sooner you
enforce the second great law in life: “The Responsibility and accountability of

You experience life based upon your choices. Choice is a wonderful thing, but
with it comes great responsibility. Can you imagine living in a world where
everything was decided for you, where each morning you had an absolutely
clear idea of precisely what the day would hold for you? The movie
Groundhog Day, starring Bill Murry and ------, this is a good movie to watch if
you want to get a feel for how that might be. How boring a predictable life
would be. Choice is the flavor of life! If we took away choice, life would have
very little meaning, so learn to embrace it. Enjoy this gift of choice! Take
back the responsibility for your choices, and life will develop greater
meaning and depth for you.

When you choose to sit on the fence and wait until decisions are forced upon
you, life becomes very unpleasant. Make the decision today to exercise

choice frequently. Don’t simply follow the masses; take the time to really
think about your choices, because at the end of the day you are the one who
must live with their consequences. The freedom to choose and the ability to
take responsibility for these choices are two of the most vital ingredients in
the recipe for a fulfilling life. Your life is a gift and it is filled with choice. Make
sure you think carefully before you choose, because once a choice has been
made, it has ramifications – either positive or negative, depending upon the
outcomes these decisions produce.

Above the clouds there is always light, no matter how vicious the storm
might appear from the ground. We need to accept that our choices can
indeed bring about many a dark storm cloud, which can drastically skew our
perception of the quality of our lives. These clouds may seem suffocating to
our happiness, but this is nothing to stress about. The secret to managing
these storms, which will always come and go, is to remember that the light is
there, always shining above the clouds, and all that is required of us is to
push through these dark times with the knowledge that a brighter light waits
to bring wisdom and joy for us.

I remember a great quote I heard some years ago that goes something along
these lines: “It is necessary to first walk a few steps in the darkness before
you are able to see the light.”

Take back your power of choice, and make choices often. If they turn out
well, celebrate! If they don’t, celebrate! Because every time you experience
disappointment or joy as a result of making a choice and auctioning it,
wisdom accompanies it! Especially if you take the lesson, move forward, and
accept responsibility for the control of your decisions. Every time you make
one and accept the consequences, owning every outcome they produce, you
ignite an internal flame – a flame of integrity that brings great power to your
life. I cannot begin to tell you how your life is about to expand if you decide
today to accept responsibility for all your choices and realize that all the
circumstances in your life right now – all the things you are currently
experiencing, good and bad – are the way they are because of you! Accept
this, and you have taken a giant leap forward in rapidly expanding your
ability to enjoy all experiences and learning opportunities in life.

Now is the time!

One of the most powerful behaviors we can develop as human beings is the
power to live in the NOW. The power of living life in the moment is the only
way to achieve lasting happiness. We have to realize that now, this very
moment, is all there really is, and that living life in the now has a massive
ability to reduce stress, stimulate the creative mind, and deliver a more
peaceful existence.

We all seek a more peaceful life. I have not come across many people who
go out looking for havoc; it’s just not how we operate. Obviously there are
certain individuals who are reckless, have destructive characters, and seek
out destructive behaviors, but for the most part humans want peace and
fulfillment in life. The big question is, is this possible?

My response to this question is a resounding yes! Peace is a choice, and it is

available to each and every one of us within an instant of us choosing it. Life
is filled with many different challenges. This is a result of universal principal.

There are polarities present in the universe: positive and negative; high and
low; happy and sad; and birth and death. All these polarities bring with them
certain situations and emotions to one’s life, and they are often very difficult
to deal with on a sensory level. What we see, hear, feel, smell, taste and
touch have a massive effect on how we will react or experience a situation.
Fortunately, we have the ability to control our thoughts, and in so doing we
are able to control how these polarities affect our lives. If we choose to react
negatively to adverse conditions, we are allowing our senses the opportunity
of getting the better of us.

If, for example, you had an irate person going off at you about something
you have done to offend them, and they are saying terrible things to you as
a result of their hurt feelings, you have the choice of how you will react in
that moment. Naturally, all of us would like to shut the other person down
and engage them in an argument, which will often go on for far too long.
Retaliation on our behalf can bring on a situation that will produce no good
result, as arguments are all about Ego vs. Ego, and when this is the case,
there is never any reason, nor possibility, for resolution.

What we do have in our arsenal, however, is something that is very powerful:

the freedom to choose. But what is it that we have a choice over? We have
the choice to ask ourselves, what is my purpose in this situation? What do I
need to do in this situation to make it less emotional and confrontational?
The answer is that you have the opportunity to choose peace. It is that
simple. You have the ability to choose peace and address the situation in

such a way that peace is the end result. Again, this power of choice I have
referred to so much comes into play.

The human brain is a very powerful part of our being, and it is essential for
life. If your brain is dead, you are not able to function physically and your
body shuts down, and you die. The human brain has been programmed to
think; it is always seeking out new things to think about or to analyze. How
often do you hear the phrase “let me think about that?” However, thinking
quite often multiplies into over-thinking, and then “analysis paralysis”
develops. We all – well, most of us – think too much! As mentioned earlier,
thoughts are constantly in our minds every second of every day. If the mind
becomes empty, we refer to this state as boredom and quickly find
something to fill our minds with. Magazines, TV, books, the Internet, Sony
Playstation – there are a multitude of things developed specifically to entice
thinking in the mind. The more challenging life becomes, the more we start
to think. This thinking most often translates into stress, and we end up
getting sick because we have too many things on our mind.

Another massive challenge we face as human beings is the need for things.
Things or objects form a massive part of the human identity. The majority of
the population believes that we are defined by the things we have: our
property, money, animals, cars, boats, clothes, position at work, social
circles, education – the list is endless.

We believe that the more one has in terms of things, the better life will be!
This is not true, and quite often the more things one has, the more things
one has to think about.

We humans are very difficult to satisfy and get bored quickly, so this
introduces another level of complexity to the equation. We are seldom happy
with what we have; the early excitement of getting a thing can often fade
quite quickly and we become bored and need another thing, a bigger thing,
or a more modern thing. Acquiring things is not what brings peace and
happiness, though we might want to believe this. The more things we have,
the more things we have to think and worry about. Don’t get me wrong; I’m
not saying that having nice things is wrong, because we all want nice stuff. I
am, however, trying to get the point across that we need to learn how to be
happy without the constant need for thinking about getting more things.

The constant need for things to define one’s life is called object-
consciousness, because your mind is always consumed with objects. I am
about to introduce a concept that I first learned about when reading a book,

which I highly recommend, called The New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle. The
concept is called space-consciousness. Space consciousness is all about
awareness, stillness and being. It is about accepting things as they are,
because they are as they are. It is about living in the moment free of
thought, and in so doing creating space within the inner working of our
minds. I guess what I am sharing here is the concept of no thought. But how,
you might ask, is it possible to function effectively in this world if you do not
think about “things?” Thinking and awareness are on two completely
opposite ends of the scale. Thinking often involves a very personal
relationship with things: my car, my house, my, my, my! Awareness is not
like this.

Awareness is about noticing what is happening around you but not having a
personal relationship with these occurrences; instead, you merely
acknowledge their existence. It is the ability to remain present or focused on
what is happening around you now, in this moment, and dealing with that. It
is the ability to become calm, centered and in control of one’s emotions no
matter what the external and internal conditions are, and to focus in on the
present moment – eliminating the mind’s desperate need to analyze and
think. Eliminating the past and possible future occurrences of your life from
the present moment and developing space consciousness is the ability to
create stillness – or as the Buddhists call it, “emptiness” – within your being,
so that the present moment is given the opportunity to provide solutions
through a heightened awareness of the now or present moment.

A very good example of this is when an athlete is expected to deliver a

winning performance in the now. They cannot think, in that moment, of all
the training they have done, the past wins they have achieved, or the future
glory a win might bring. They need to be present and centered enough in
that moment to deliver a prize-winning performance. Their mind needs to be
100% empty of chatter and must become completely focused on the task at
hand, because it is from this space of stillness that great achievements
emerge. If thought is allowed to come to the surface, it can often distract
one from achieving the immediate task at hand because past programs in
the mind can often be negative and create limiting attitudes within.

As hard as it is to understand the concept of no thought in the human mind,

it is an extremely powerful practice. As a result of us having been taught the
importance of thinking for our whole lives, the concept of no thought is
extremely difficult for the thinking mind to comprehend. The ability to keeps
one’s mind quiet and free from the clutter of chatter is the next level in

human evolution. If you do not learn this technique, teach it to your family,
and implement this new way as a natural part of your human existence, you
and your families will be missing out on a jump that will see you well
prepared to take advantage of what is coming in the evolution of humanity.

This concept of stillness in the mind has been in existence since the
beginning of time, and numerous spiritual teachers have been sharing these
concepts. In the East, this concept of stillness forms a crucial part of the
culture as a result of the Sanskrit teachings that form the foundation of the
Eastern teachings. In the Western world, there is definitely a shift towards
the adoption of many these principals, but the uptake and belief in these
concepts are still relatively slow and considered by many to be completely
opposite to the traditional Western ways. The concept of meditation, yoga,
energy healing, natural medicines, etc., are continually gaining more and
more followers in the West, but there is still skepticism from the masses as
to whether these practices really do work, and a critical mass of people
following these methods has yet to be reached globally.

The positive thing is that many life-changing and less-conventional methods

of living are finding their way in to the West via magazines, TV shows, and
international visitors teaching new methods of living that revolve around
quieting the mind and becoming more natural in the way we live, love, eat,
pray and heal. It does not matter whether you have had exposure to this new
way of living or of creating stillness in your head via meditation, yoga,
energy healing, transformational workshops, DNA activation, DNA
reconnection, etc., etc. My challenge to you, as always, is to give it a try.
There is no need to change your religion, the way you eat, the way you pray,
or your preferred method of exercise or healing, but I am going to propose a
challenge to you now. It is a daily challenge that each and everyone alive
can try. It will not violate any of your current belief systems, but what it will
do is allow for you to create more space in your mind. To follow is a simple
guide to living with less noise in your head and more peace and quiet.

It is not necessary to remain in the state of mental stillness 100% of the

time. In fact, initially, this would be impossible. I don’t believe that even the
most advanced masters and teachers of emptying the mind are able to live
this way, but what you can start to do initially is ask yourself, am I ready to
train my mind in the technique’s of being more and thinking less?

If you are not ready and your mind can not comprehend how this is possible,
that is fine. But if you are ready, and you are prepared to put in the effort

required to test this concept of living with less thinking, then come along for
a fun and exciting adventure. I know the concept of living with less thought
sounds really dumb, especially since you have been raised in a world that is
measured and run by powerful thinkers, educated people, and right-brain-
dominant beings. I ask that you challenge traditional ways of thinking by
starting with this simple technique of clearing your mind, creating space in it
for more productive purposes. Learning any new technique takes time, but
with dedication and practice these new endeavors create solid neural
pathways in the brain, causing the new behavior to be performed naturally
and without effort.

To start this new way of living, I am going to ask that you start slow by
practicing mental stillness for 10% of your waking day. Once you master this
percentage, shift to 20%, then 30%, 40%, 50% 60%, until you reach the
highest level of stillness possible. Again, I will mention, don’t be hard on
yourself. Allow your mind the opportunity to fail sometimes, but always try to
catch yourself if you are over-thinking. If you have set the intention to be still
for 10%, make every effort to stick to this. If you fail, no worries; just remind
yourself to become more aware and don’t give up. The more often you
realize that you are over-thinking, the more benefits – such as peace,
creativity, love, joy, success, and fulfillment – you will invite into your life. All
these things will manifest as you quiet your mind and create space for magic
to happen.

In the next chapter, I will introduce a starting point that will help teach your
mind the techniques required to reduce thought and encourage stillness.

Calm for life

Calm is the ultimate form of indulgence. When we are calm, we are in

control! If you agree with this statement, shouldn’t calmness be the emotion
we all work towards perfecting the most? Calmness is an emotion, and
emotions can be controlled! The key, however, is how do we control our
emotions? In an attempt to test your attitude towards calm, let me ask the
following question. What is the value of calm in your life?

Please don’t read any further until you write a response to the above
question, because a thought not written down will always remain just a
thought. Once you write it down, it is out of your mind, and you can
physically see what you are thinking. This is a powerful practice, as

mentioned earlier, because as you think, so you shall be! Participation is the
only complete method of learning. Through participation and doing, not just
thinking, you force yourself to learn via experience rather than through
theory alone. Lessons learned as a result of doing rather than hearing and
thinking have a far greater impact on our mind’s ability to retain,
understand, and achieve. This retained learning is then added to our eternal
database and in turn it empowers our life and develops maturity within us.

OK, so let’s get going. Do it now!

Exercise 1
Example 1

What is the value of calm in my life?

Here is an example list:

• Better relationships
• Increased productivity at work, at home, and in all aspects; e.g.,
socially, mentally, spiritually, physically and financially
• More stillness in my mind
• Happiness
• Satisfaction
• Less stress
• Increased ability to communicate effectively
• Creativity
• Peace
• Spirituality
• Wisdom
• Vision
• Increased levels of motivation, belief and focus, resulting in positive
• Increased intuition, inspiration, and intelligence
• Clarity
• Harmony with others
• Open-mindedness
• Happy and fulfilling family life
• More powerful relationships
• Relaxed attitude, resulting in less conflict with others
• Increased decision-making ability
• Increased positive energies within
• Increased ability to focus
• Increased ability to solve problems

• Increases ability to lead people
• Increased image of self and others
• Increased ability to cope with life pressures
• More consistent manifestation of my life intentions
• Increase in financial stability
• Increased ability to discover and fulfill my life purpose

This list is incomplete, as I could add almost all life has to offer; but for the
purpose of this learning exercise, I think you get the message that being
calm and still encourages a better quality of life. (This list can also be used to
contribute to the creation of your consequence montage in the section to

Calmness, stillness, emptiness, and feeling centered are all attributes that
have the ability to bring to us the most enjoyable and satisfying life. Can you
imagine how wonderful it would be to not worry anymore? Imagine there was
a button on the tip of you index finger that, when compressed with the
thumb, would eliminate any negative thought. All the stressful thoughts,
which bring with them a great many feelings of anxiety, would be eliminated
completely with the touch of a button. You might say that this train of
thought is naïve and that it is impossible and impractical to turn these
thoughts off. You might think that your negative and stressful thoughts are
there for a reason, and that without them growth as a human is not possible.
If this is how you’re thinking right now, let’s examine how valuable is it to
have a continuous stream of thoughts flowing thought you mind – thoughts
that are mainly centered on either negative emotions or on all those thing
you wish you had but don’t.

Often, this thinking brings you to the conclusion that you are what you don’t
have. This is bullshit thinking, completely designed by the brain to keep you
safe and make you small in your own mind. The more you think, the less you
are. This sounds insane, but it is true. Modern society discredits stillness in
the mind, but why then do all highly successful human beings, in some way
or the other, practice this technique regularly? Some do it intentionally and
others do it without even realizing they are.

I’ll give you an example: the athlete before the big event finds a still place in
their mind and consciously tries to achieve a state of unconsciousness. This
is a very positive behavior to develop, and it is incredibly effective in getting
the mind focused and clear. The magic of no thought, however, is really
achieved in the exact moment the athlete begins to do that which he has
been preparing his mind to do. Let’s take a golfer as an example. From the

moment the golfer initiates the back swing to the point of her completing the
follow-through, a state of complete stillness is required. The mentally stiller
the golfer becomes during the swing, the more profound and brilliant the
shot that will be produced.

So how do we become stiller in the moment of truth, right then and there,
when we require all of our faculties to work together unconsciously to ensure
brilliance and success? Practice – it requires practice and surety, both in the
technical methodologies of stilling the mind and settling the body as well as
in the physical ability, the level of skill that has been developed in the body
and mind to develop the level of confidence required to relax enough to just
be in a space of trust and thoughtlessness, and confidence just knowing that
enough preparation has been done that repetitive success is consistently
achievable. No amount of planning can compensate for doing. When you do
something, an experience is produced that prepares you with real feedback.
Through this realness, you know what went right or wrong, and this powerful
knowing can then be taken into the next action, and the next, and the next.
Feedback received as a result of doing is the breakfast of champions!!!!

Practicing calmness, emptiness, and stillness is not difficult to do, but it does
require discipline, confidence and routine. As mentioned in the previous
chapter, we need to introduce our minds to the concept of limited thought
gradually. To follow are a few easy techniques to set you along the pathway
to achieving stillness in the mind for 10%, then 20%, 30%, 40%, etc., until
you are able to be still and calm naturally, without having to think about it.
Just like breathing, it will simply happen. Stillness can be the same for all of
us if we practice.

This simple technique to achieving a higher level of stillness in the mind is

largely focused on breathing. Breathing is a natural instinct that we seldom
pay attention to; it simply happens! When we slow down and start to listen to
the breath going in and out of us, we are creating a calmness within that is
powerful beyond any other human practice. This practice alone is a complete
life changer and life enhancer. If you did nothing else but learn focused,
disciplined exercises of conscious breathing, you would be well on your way
to achieving a calmer, more focused and productive sate of being. I call this
technique finding your center.

How to do it

Find a quiet place and take one the following positions:

• Sit in a chair, preferably one that allows you to sit with good
posture. This means a straight back and neck, with feet uncrossed
and flat on the floor.

• Lie on your back. Avoid your bed at first, as your mind is used to
sleeping there, and you will more than likely fall asleep. Best to lie
on the floor with a small cushion for padding the head

• Sit in a cross-legged position, like you did at school, with a straight

back and neck. Put your hands on your knees or allow them to rest
in your lap. You might want a small cushion for your butt!

• Or use any position that is comfortable and allows your body to be

nice and open, with no crossed arms or legs please. This allows for a
smooth flow of energy.

A deep breath is one that you feel deep in your tummy. As you breathe in
through your nose, feel as if the breath terminates deep in your tummy,
about 4 cm below you belly button. As you breathe, you should feel your
chest pushing outward and you tummy filling up, as if it were a balloon. Try
this now. Breathe in, counting to ten, now breathe out counting to ten. Once
you get a rhythm going of breathing in and out a few times at intervals of ten
seconds, stop the counting and start to focus on the breath as it comes in
through your nose and then out through your mouth. Do this focused
breathing for a while until your mind begins to feel still. You might feel more
comfortable breathing in and out through your nose; if so, this is fine, but
don’t use your mouth only or your throat will get dry.

Now, as you become more relaxed and as you take in a breath, feel that life
and light are entering your body. With each breath, see streams of white
light entering your nose, filling you up from your feet to your crown. Each
breath should fill your body a little more with light until your whole body is
filled. Once the body is full, allow each breath to expand outside the
boundaries of your body. Feel as if the light is now expanding in every
direction from the very center of yourself, wherever you sense that might be,
and let to glow a brilliant light all around you, continually expanding outside
of your physical body.

Imagine you are a shining star, glowing and shedding light in every direction.
Each breath you take makes you shine a little brighter and a little deeper

into the space around you. Connect with the space around you; get a feel for
the vastness that surrounds you; begin to feel the depth of who you are and
the spaciousness of which you form a part; begin to realize how this stillness
and spaciousness connects you to nothingness, to emptiness, to space. In
this expanded state, you will connect with who you truly are. You will feel a
calmness and connectedness with all this every time you practice this
exercise. Some of the most profound experiences and calmest moments will
manifest for you as you continually practice this breathing exercise.

Do this for ten minutes a day to start with. As you become more proficient,
extend the time to 20 and then 30 min, until your reach a point of being able
to spend great lengths of time in this space. It is very powerful and
extremely energizing. This practice alone will completely transform your
entire existence and your image of yourself and others, and your levels of
calm will increase. We will touch on some other techniques a little later, but
start with this daily exercise first as it is the best preparation for what is to
come. This meditation is also included in the media pack, as a guided

In closing, once you have mastered the breathing technique mentioned

above, it can be used very effectively in any situation, especially as you
become very proficient in the techniques. Often, all it takes is a few
conscious breaths to center yourself completely, bringing about calmness
and focus, which are required for success in any endeavor.

What do you want?

We all chase after a diverse multitude of things in order that these things
might bring us happiness. They might indeed bring a great deal of
happiness, but only for a short while, and then we become bored of the thing
and sometimes even depressed by it. Why? Because the thing we now have,
and that we thought would bring us complete fulfillment is no longer good
enough, or it might have brought the complete opposite of what we
expected, so we go after another thing, and then another, and another,
never managing to find that ultimate thing! The thing of all things!

This is how humans operate. The more things one has, the happier one
expects to be. But this is not how it is! In fact it is the ultimate paradox! The
big mistake we all make is that we cling to things, becoming attached to
them, always in fear of losing what we have. Abundance is a concept we all
too often relate only to money and things. But what if you where offered the
opportunity of complete love, of an abundance of love, imagine a genie just

popped out one of your old lamps and blesses you with an abundance of
love. “But there is one condition,” she says. “You have to give up all your
money, and all your things.” What do you do, Love versus Money? Your mind
is already going into a flat spin just thinking about it, possibly already saying,
what a stupid concept, why should I even be asked to have to make such a
choice between the two, if I lost all my money, I would lose all my love, when
money goes out depression creeps in, relationships fail without money, etc,
etc, etc.

So let’s weight it up, we’ll go with money first. Money brings with it comfort,
and having it makes life a lot less stressful. The concept of having no money
is terrifying for most of us and is not something most would ever want.
Money definitely brings with it security and stability, but it does not mean
because we have it that we are fulfilled. Often it is quite the opposite. Having
money has nothing to do with how many true friend one will attract, it has
nothing to do with lasting joy, or how virtues’ a person might be, it cannot
develop individual integrity or self-love. People are under the false
impression that if they accumulate vast sums of money that all the troubles
of life will blow away because the money will remove every day issues. It
cannot! Life has a way of rolling out and presenting each and every one of us
with extreme situations no matter how much money we have. If a loved one
passes away, or if we were to contract some terrible illness, or our children
became addicted to drugs etc. No amount of money would ever be able to
change these situations. It may help procure the best possible medical
services and retreats to help beat these situations, but that is all!

I personally enjoy having money rather than having none. I have

experienced both sides of life and one thing I have learned is once you have
developed adequate love in your life, money is not difficult to acquire, if it is
money you are after!

Let’s discuss love, love is the ultimate feeling. When one feels absolute pure
love it is enormously pleasurable, words have no power in explaining it. The
love we develop for our children, our wives, parents, special activities, and
friends are things upon which we can hang our hat when life becomes
cloudy, confusing and hard. It is love and love alone which has the power to
change all things. An abundance of love in one’s life is the ultimate human
experience. There is a pureness in love that is unexplainable, my children
have a love for me that is powerful, and which I feel deep within my being,
though sometimes they might not absolutely show it, I know it is there. They
have only to look at me in a certain way and the expression of love they

transfer to me in a single glance is all consuming. The feelings I feel as I
experience these acts of love are the most special moments for me. The
feeling I felt as I witnessed the birth of both of my children, their first breath,
their first cry, the tears on my cheeks, the feeling in my soul, these are
moments of pure love I will cherish for eternity. The feelings I feel as I looked
in the eyes of the woman I love, the one who has been through so many
interesting times with me, and as she looks back at me I know that I am her
love, just as she is mine……This is the joy of love!

To experience love we must be love. To be love, we must have love! To have

love we must give love, expecting nothing in return! This is unconditional
love, love in its purest form is what life is all about. Pure love is quite a huge
concept to get ones head around, giving expecting nothing in return is so
foreign to the way most of our minds are programmed that even the thought
of it is difficult to grasp. The only way to experience how it feels is to give it a
try. Decide to do something for someone, expecting nothing in return, and I
can assure you that the experience will be extremely empowering. Perform
these random acts of kindness as often as possible, and as you feel the
positive effect it will have on your life, you will be driven to do it again and
again, because the more you give expecting nothing back another of life’s
great ironies kicks in, and somehow in giving a portal to receiving is opened
in your life, and amazing blessings start to flood your life, blessing you would
have never been able to buy with money, or experience via things, blessings
so great, that as quoted in the scriptures of old, “your cup will runneth over.”
This giving freely is not something that will come naturally at first, and don’t
be hard on yourself when you forget to serve freely, remember, the main
objective here is to do serve as often as you are able, or are able to
remember too, the more you do it, the sooner a new program will form in
your mind toward giving love freely expecting nothing in return, until
eventually it will become a natural part of you and an unconscious act, just
like breathing. The number one factor and human characteristic that holds
us back from this concept of free love, is The Ego.

The human Ego always expect something back for its efforts, the ego thrives
on instant gratification, on constant feedback that it is great and that it is
right. Giving expecting nothing back is complete insanity to the Ego, it
cannot accept this concept and never will, the moment it accepts this
concept is the day that it dies, which is not going to happen in a hurry. So
how do we deal with this dominant part of humanity, how do we fight past
the constant negative feedback it will provide to every random act of
kindness we undertake? Have the patience and determination to keep

giving, to keep serving, no matter what the outcome, some giving exercises
will seem to have been a waste of time, while others will seem to be an over
whelming success, have no expectations when you serve, and then what
ever happens is fine. You must however learn, and notice when the Ego kicks
in. As you notice it at play catch it’s subtle way, realize that it will feed you
with all the negatives, tell your you’re a fool, and push you in the direction of
being selfish and negative, when you catch it out acknowledge this and when
you miss it, don’t be hard on yourself, as it will out fox you, this is its
purpose. Realize that you are continual sly being tested by your Ego, and in
simply realizing that you have been lead astray by it is good enough, this is a
form of consciousness in its self. Thank it for leading you astray, and tell it
you will be more aware next time and try harder to notice when it comes up
looking for something in return for giving, and that’s it. Tell it you are on a
constant mission to relinquish its power hold over you and keep on serving.

Passion is powerful

I have experiencing the birth of many different creatures and have yet to
understand why women ever want to endure this pain again! I have
pondered over this thought at great length and come to only one conclusion.
It is as a result of passion, instinct, and natural spiritual drive! This deepness
that drives woman to continually endure much discomfort to produce
offspring is a perfect example of the power and passion of the human spirit
to fulfill its purpose, and to give freely expecting nothing in return.

As we move forward I intend to present how we can acquire more of this

spiritual instinct, this spiritual passion which coaxes woman to continue the
process of procreation, regardless of the pain endured, the amount of money
it might cost, or the discomfort caused. This presentation might take many a
twist and turn, but along the way we will be unweaving the mystery of life
and realizing that at the very center of our existence resides powerful God
given instinct and unwavering passion.

Love is a wonderful concept but is very difficult to understand and

conceptualize as a word. Passion however, as word, has a kind of va, va, va,
voom about it! Passion is the stuff of which dreams are made! Passion is a
flow of love so pure that human language is unable to explaining it. It simply
cannot be expressed effectively in words. But when a person becomes
intoxicated by it, this is when our true potential as humans is born.

When we become filled with passion we are all consumed, occupied

completely in the moment, and are absolutely focused, and filled with

purpose. We are touched by the angles, the soul ignites in celestial beams of
light, and our hearts sing a tune more glories than we could have ever
imagined possible in waking hours. In this space we glimpse the depth of
who we truly are, and how joyful life can be. It is during these passion filled
moments that we feel most free, completely on purpose, and unstoppable in
our intention to attain joy. As we experience these passion filled moments, a
pureness develops inside, an energy so strong, an experience so pure, that
something happens in side us, every cell in our being begins to vibrate at a
tremendously high frequency, a universal frequency, it’s almost as if our soul
begins to chant a new language, a new dialect emerge from within us, and
as this happens we open a portal to the almighty universe, and via this portal
we gain access to light, information and knowledge. The almighty universe,
the great creator of all that is, becomes reconnected once again to our
center, to the core of which we are, creating a space of joy, ease, and peace
of mind. These moments in our existence are incredible, extremely
pleasurable, and totally satisfying, the great challenge we face as humans is
how do we sustain this in a fast paced ever shifting world, where demands
are high and survival is paramount?

From one second to the next things can change, just like that, in an instant!
The transformation in our universe can be astonishing. Epiphany, revelation,
actualization, call it what you will, a massive shift take place in our lives, we
begin to grow, we begin to experience joy and we start along the path way
towards true living. Many of us don’t realize that these are the moments we
spend our entire lives seeking after. New experiences are what we do as
humans. We do experiences. Some experiences are fantastic, some are
average, and some are just downright awful! This is life.

Being human is about experiences, some people go out, experience these

experiences, and then feel guilty about having had the experience, or
become disheartened because the results the experience produced where
not what they had expected. They then begin to develop fears, create
negative perceptions toward these experiences and then their whole world
contract, they become trapped in comfort and security zones, they stop
living, and start surviving! I believe that the purpose of life is experiencing
new experiences continually until you cross over from this life to the next.

A new breed of human is emerging, a breed that approach life with the view
points that living is a journey and that a destination is not the objective at
all. Being one of these new breed I always say screw it! Live or die man I’m
going for it!! I have learned that it is through experience that we are able to

get a real feel for how a thing is. It is impossible to make judgment on
anything unless you have had a firsthand experience of it. As humans we are
so quick to judge based on perception. Our perceptions are all built upon the
unreal, a perception is not real as it is purely a thought, and thoughts are not
real. The only time a thought becomes real is when a real feeling is attached
to it. Feeling is important and vital for a peaceful life, if we close off our
feeling we close off our growth. But having a feeling about unreal things is of
no value to us. We must first do and then we can know. As mentioned
previously, if we continue to go through life basing our feelings and decisions
on what others have to share about experiences, we limit our growth and
become trapped in a place where growth in not possible. Go out there and
follow your dreams, do stuff with the intention of growing regardless of the
pain and effort that might be involved. As you live this way you will gain
experience and these experiences, whether they are positive or negative
provide a perspective that is real and through doing, rather than thinking,
our understanding of living is deepened.

Keeping things real is a serious anti depressant, because as we keep things

in the current moment and experiences life in the now, this is when life
becomes real. If you look backward into your past there is a history saved in
your mind about your life, this history is not real either as it is just that,
history, and thought these events stored in the mind might have happen,
they are in the past, and past experiences thought they might assist us in
making proper judgment in the present moment, have very little to offer in
terms of real growth.

It is critical for us all to realize that past experience, thought valuable should
only be used for the empowerment of our lives. If you are to focus on
anything which has happened in the past make sure you focus on the
positive things rather than the negative. We have a tendency as humans to
use the past as a massive limiter. We tend to look far too much at the
negative experiences in our past and allow these experiences to limit our
growth and ability to experience new and joyful experiences in the current
moment. The past is valuable in our lives make no mistake, it teaches us
how to function correctly and it helps us to learn many valuable lessons. The
past is a teacher, but too often we allow it to become a limiter. We must try
as hard as possible to realize that the past is gone, it no longer exists and all
the positive and negative experiences we have had there are just

Another tendency we have as humans is to go flying forward in to the future,
again I would like to emphasize that the future is not real either, as it has not
yet happened! How often do you go scuttling off into the future and your
mind starts to fire off thought about how it thinks the future will be? This
behavior is very stressful as we create events in our mind which have not yet
happened. This type of behavior is especially destructive to our systems
when we are focusing on negative out comes. If it has not yet happened then
what on earth is the value of focusing on negative outcomes which have not
yet materialized? The future is just a dream in your mind, nothing more. The
fascinating thing is that whatever you focus your thought on will expand.
Here is a quick and easy exercise I want you to try, I want you to point
towards the past, show yourself with your figure where the past is, where is
it? Now point out the future, again show yourself with your finger where the
future is, well where is it? Pointing out the past or future is impossible to do,
because they are only place they exist is in your mind! This moment right
now is all that is real, everything else is not! Past and future exists only as
images in your head, so what is the value of basing your life choices on these
images if they are not real? That which you fill you mind with expands, the
mind does not make judgments it simply trusts what it’s being fed. If you
continually feed it with thoughts of failure, fear, and destruction then nine
times out of ten you will manifest these thought into your reality. I think that
this is where the term “Reality Bites” originated. If you continuously focus
your thoughts on negative out comes for your life, which you expect to
happen, which have not yet happened, don’t be surprised when these
negative outcomes begin to invade your reality. If you are going to create
unreal outcomes for your life in your head, please make sure that the movie
you are playing out in your mind is focused on positive outcomes. Make sure
the things which you visualize in your mind are positive and purposeful to
your growth and expansion. With this in mind I would like to introduce you to
a very powerful visualization technique I have used for about the past 6
years and which I have found extremely powerful, and which have produced
incredibly positive results and outcomes for my life. I first learned about this
technique in a book called “Calm for life” written by Paul Wilson. The
technique involves creating a consequence montage, which is a graphic
representation of the things which you intend to manifest in your future. This
technique forces your mind into a positive visualization space, and because it
is the minds nature to race forward into the future, this consequence
montage method is a magic tool to insure that the thoughts and images it is
racing forward to create are positive and empowering for your life.

If you know what you want, or at least think you know what you want, the
consequence montage will insure you manifest all of your hopes and dreams,
if you simply invest the time to create it, and then use it. There is no end to
what you can manifest, no end.

“As you think so shall you be”

In the next chapter we will build up to, and conclude with you having created
your own Consequence montage, this blue print for your life if you do it and
use it, will bring you all you desire, physically, emotionally, spiritually,
financially, mentally, and socially. I know this, because I use it, and it works,
you are reading this book as a result of my consequence montage!

Be your own hero by creating your own destiny!

Self-image is a constant and ever-present aspect of human living that

confuses all of us at times. This confusion is caused when we believe that
acceptance from others is the only pathway to true happiness. True
happiness does not come from the praise we get from others it comes when
we praise ourselves. Self-acceptance is the most effective method for
attaining lasting happiness in life. It is this characteristic which drives us to
stick to personal milestones even when the views of other differ from those
of our own.

Self- confidence is the fastest method of eliminating the doubt others have
about your decisions in life. The more successful you feel within, the more
confident you will become. The big question however is how do we build self-

Few people ever find true happiness though they spend a life time trying to
achieve it. Happiness is a state of consciousness we choose mentally before
we ever discover it literally. How we view and evaluate the experience of life
comes down to our attitude towards it. A good approach in life is to live in
the present or the now. This living in the now approach eliminate stress and
boosts performance. When eliminating past and future pressures regarding
our achievement in life, we allow ourselves the best opportunity of being
successful and creative because we do not allow past failures or future
possibilities to affect our current situation.

Hard times is all most of us ever see when life takes a turn for the worse,
never stopping to evaluate what our challenges might have on offer in terms
of helping us achieving true and lasting happiness. When things don’t turn
out how we expected them to, it does not mean we are being punished for

our bad choices and that we are bad people. It just means that we are in
need of growth and change. Change is the best and quickest way to boost
image of self, provided these changes are being made in a positive direction.
Positive change brings about growth and if the purpose of life is to grow,
which I have concluded it must be because. From the moment we are
conceived until the day we die, growing is what we do! Life is about growth
and change. All things are born they live and eventually they physically die,
this applies to people, companies, plants, buildings, landscapes, you name it.
You might say how can a building live, I say that a building lives in the minds
of all those that see it and create it. So in a sense it has life. A question I
would like to ask at this point is what is life?

Trees grow more handsome with age as their roots burrow deep into the
earth, while humans on the other hand grow frailer and become less
physically striking with age, but normally greater wisdom accompanies age.
This is the science of life. Every creation has different rules for life. The
process of life continues regardless of whether we choose to accept or reject
it’s offering to us. We are born we progress through life, face a number of
experiences and then we die. Some of us might live to a ripe old age and
experience a full life, while other might not even make it out the birth canal.
I’m am not yet sure why this is, but what I have come to accept is that some
things remain constant and so acceptance becomes a common factor in
achieving a happy life. No matter how you view things our lives are in the
control of a superior power which resided within each and every one of us, to
me this power is GOD and to you this power might be something quite
different, but the fact for me weigh heavily in the favor that this power inside
us controls all our lives completely, and makes the finale decision in most
everything we do.

When all else fails most of us look to God for assistance, it is the human way.
I believe we have challenges and weaknesses that they might make us
humble first, and then stronger latter. Life without challenge is not life, nor
will it ever be, we need to accept the fact that we are not in absolute control
of our lives and that sometimes much greater than what we see in the mirror
each day is, and as much as we don’t want this to be true, this is how it is.
This supernatural power offers us enormous opportunity for growth and
progression. Life is a means to bring about progression in the human race, if
not we would not be alive, but rather still existent in an eternal realm where
physical experience is not necessary, if we accept that life is an experience,
and indeed a gift for higher learning and progression, we must all begin to
live more positively toward gaining maximum benefit from it. Change is a

necessary part of human existence and it is our responsibility to keep up to
date mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually with the circumstances
that govern our lives. If we are to survive and remain happy on this earth we
must become masters of change, becoming almost like chameleons that we
are able to adapt fast to new circumstances, embracing them, knowing that
these changes will bring us growth and fulfillment, even if in the moment
they it might not seem that way. It is necessary that we learn resistance is a
natural part of change due to the fact that certain processes are so
engrained in our thinking that to change the program can seem almost
impossible to the human mind. But nothing is impossible and everything is
changeable. Given the correct attention we can learn the fine art of getting
out of our own way, and to simply start allowing things to happen as they are
mean to happen for us, giving up control and flowing once again with the
river of our life toward the ocean of bliss.

Change is powerful and necessary for happiness in life. Accept this and
you’re outlook toward life will become a lot less stressful. Nothing about
change is easy, for the simple reason that we humans love holding onto the
past, it gives us some kind of weird comfort and even those negative
characteristics we desperately know need changing are often the most
difficult to convert. But change is the only route to growth.

Life is so amazing because of its complex yet simple nature. This might seem
quite a statement to make. I make it with confidence and will explain its
meaning in the words to follow.

We are conceived, we are born, we grow older and then we die. This is
mortal life. Might sound simple enough to comprehend but is not. To
experience life is our greatest eternal blessing. To feel, smell, hear, see and
touch are the blessings of physical life. Some of us have experienced all of
these blessings and others have not. Ask the blind woman what she would
give to see for just a few hours, or the lame man if he could walk? We take
for granted what we have. We are all blessed with different talents and
various gifts, bestowed upon us via some divine law, It is our job to take
these blessings and make the best of them for ourselves and our lives.

Time is a man made concept, invented completely to measure the space

between events in our existence. Why is time so important to us anyway? I
think it’s comes back to control. We have become so paranoid about doing
things, getting things, and achieving things, that we decided it necessary to
be able to measure the spaces between our actions to gain a feedback

mechanism that satisfies the human Ego. If something happens quickly and
produces fast, then it is viewed by the Ego as good, if an event takes a long
time to be developed and is perceived to deliver very little it is perceived by
the Ego as unsuccessful. If someone is early for an event this is a good thing,
but if they are late, it is bad. I also I think time has been created because we
are all so terrified of what we might find on the other side of death, that we
have invented a mechanism by which to measure its arrival!

How much time do we have to live? Don’t know the answer to this one, nor
will anyone else. The life span of a human is unpredictable and impossible to
calculate because there are just too many variables involved in calculating
its arrival.

If I were to list all the many factors affecting the life span of a human being I
would have to list every medical journal and health book written and every
potential risk we face. But what we all have been blessed with is the great
gift of life. No one knows when their time on earth will be up, but what we do
know is that it will happen, and this fact freaks many people out. As humans
we love to be in control, but time is one thing we have absolutely no chance
of ever controlling, because time is not real, though it is perceived to be, try
and stop the clock from ticking, it is impossible! I think this is why people
think so much, work so hard, stress so much, because they are in continual
fear that their time is running out. Time is a crazy concept. If you have no
idea how long you will live, who cares how long it takes until you die, or how
much you achieve while you are alive. What is the measure of a successful
life? Is it how much you achieved in the time you were alive? How does this
apply to a mentally retarded person, the terminally ill, the child that dies at
birth, how much do you think a toddler cares about time? They don’t give a
shit, they don’t care how long it takes to learn to walk, to eat their supper, to
take a bath, to do a puzzle, children are a perfect example of how we should
all view time, it simply doesn’t matter! Time is a stress bomb created to
drive all of humanity crazy! Everything has a time limit! Everything! If you
don’t conform to this time factor you are viewed as bad mannered,
unorganised, disrespectful, and downright rude. Time is simply a means by
which to measure success, or failure! Weather man had invented time or not,
the world would still be spinning, the oceans would still be washing on to the
sandy beaches, the birds would still be chirping, the woman would still be
giving birth, creations would still be occurring, business would still be
happening, so why the need for time? I really don’t get it, but for now and
quite possible for many generations to come, time will be a measurement by
which we must adhere, and so my challenge is how do we learn to live with

stillness in a world that never stops counting? Time is time and though man
made, is how life span and life events are measured. However when we stop
breathing for a long enough periods things change for us, our soul in some
Devine way detaches from our body and crosses over to a whole new
dimension of existence. A space completely different to anything we are
aware of in the breathing world. When this shift from breathing to being
occurs for us we move back to the place from whence we came, entering the
stillness of eternity. Many have had brief glimpses of this place during deep
meditations, or during various near death experiences which have been
documented and shared, where people have felt, seen and experienced
amazing and Devine things beyond that of human understanding

The words in this book are not mine but are inspired by a spirit
immeasurably greater than I. This spirit has many names by man, for the
purpose of this book I will refer to this Great Spirit as GOD. We all understand
and many of us believe in this concept. To those of you who do. My offering
will appeal to you most. I believe that at the centre of an amazing life is
GOD. It is impossible to live a truly amazing existence without GOD at your
centre. This might sound a bit extreme but according to my belief and what I
have experienced in my life this is true. We all need some power outside of
us to turn to when no one else seems to care, or help. We will all at some
point in our lives have the need of a greater power to help us through our
trials. It might not be today or tomorrow, but it will be. The purpose for living
is to please and satisfy that portion of GOD inside of you, that still quite voice
that guides and directs, which is only heard when you are at one with life,
yourself and your GOD essence. If we live according to universal principals
our lives will be peaceful regardless of the trials we endure. Some of these
principals are belief, faith, truth, love, obedience, discipline, governance,
acceptance, kindness, prayer, serving fellow beings, meditation; prayer, this
is only the beginning of such a list. To achieve true happiness and peace one
must live a values based life.

Weather a Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Moslem or Jew we all have faith in a

being greater than what we are. This is the 1st stepping stone to a more
amazing life. And Weather you choose to believe it or not, there is a power
that governs the universe and resides inside each and every one of us. This
power has the ability to perform any function and manipulate anything upon

the face of the earth. The only control we have over how this power is able to
influence our life is to live according to the rules of the universe. If we do this
happiness will prevail and our lives will be blessed according to our oneness
with life. When we do what we know to be right our existence is boosted and
our level of joy increases. We feel better about ourselves and emit a more
powerful energy. This pure positive energy works most effectively for us
when we are doing what is right. There are many different religions and
spiritual beliefs on this earth. Each of these belief systems has their own set
of laws, customs and traditions. But at the centre of them all should be the
attainment of earthly and eternal joy.

We are all granted the freedom of choice. Ultimately all our destinations are
decided by ourselves. If we take full responsibility for our lives we will be
prepared to deal with the consequences of our decisions. One of the most
powerful realizations we can make as humans is that we are all in charge of
our own decisions. As individuals we are gratefully able to make decisions for
ourselves. It is vital we realize that the one person who always knows what is
best for us is us. Nothing anyone else says has the same power to shape and
direct our lives. We all know ourselves well enough to realise those areas we
need to improve in order to progress and grow on this earth. We also know
those things that might cause us challenge or pain, fear or joy, growth or
stagnation. Every one of us is responsible in every way for our own lives and
all our personal destinations are governed by our own decisions, and shaped
by our own desires.

Desire is powerful and without it very little would take place in the world.
Desire is a two edged sword, it can bring about both growth and destruction
in humankind. It is desire that pushes the average man to become great. The
problem with desire however is this emotion is linked to both positive and
negative outcomes for our lives. For example the drug addict has such a
desire for his next fix that sometimes little else occupies his mind. The same
rule applies to the wayward man who is always on the lookout for the next
sexual partner. Desire is powerful and is a very dominant emotion in
humans. The secret is to learn how to bridal these desires and learn to
control those passions that cause us heart ache and pain. In the same breath
we need to learn how to take our positive desires and convert these in to
great outcomes for our live.

How does one do this? As you read on the answers to this question will
reveal themselves. But desire is most certainly another of the emotions

which contribute to an amazing life and the manifestation of you being your
own hero.

Another of life’s great principals is motivation. Being motivated brings with it

the desire to do. Doing is much more powerful than thinking. If we become
doers and not just Sayers our lives will be filled with a variety of actions
which can bring about success and happiness for our lives. Activity brings
about consequences; I’ll give you a good example of this statement. If you
were standing at the base of a 20 foot ladder and thought about climbing to
the top of the ladder you might get a mental sense of how it would feel to
get to the top of the ladder, but if you just took the first step, and then the
second, and then the third until you reached the top, your objective would
have been reached and then you would get a true sense of how it is.

Actions as the old saying goes speak louder than words. The feeling of
satisfaction one gains once a preconceived idea becomes a reality is the
foundation to a solid and lasting positive concept of self. If you learn to
become a person who dose what they know needs doing in order to
transform a concept into reality a transformation will take place within you
that is life changing. No matter how often you think about those things that
need doing in order for success to take place in your life, those thoughts will
only become powerful once actions occur. There is nothing more motivating
than completed action. Once a thought becomes reality and we get a true
feeling for what it is like to have taken something from concept to reality, our
human form can now use the experience as a motivator in achieving other
intentions. Only once we taste of the fruits of completion can we truly
understand the impact this has on our ability to become motivated long
term. Completion brings with it conclusion, conclusion bring with it
satisfaction, satisfaction brings with it happiness and pride, happiness and
pride bring with-it feeling of peace, and feeling of peace bring with it feeling
of joy. In order to become truly motivated we must understand how it feels
to be successful. So to become motivated long term we must do stuff. A
good way to start this process of becoming action orientate and motivated is
to complete a list of all the thing we want to achieve in our lives, then we
need to write another list stating what we are prepared to do in order for this
to be converted into reality. Then we need to implement the action plan we
have developed and hey presto transformation takes place and change
occurs. It really is that simple, but the challenge come when thing don’t go
according to our plan for change, we lose sight of what it is that we are
trying to achieve and this I believe is the starting point of all failure. We
humans have a tendency to lose sight of our potential to transform our

desires to reality. The secret of remaining motivated is courage and
patience. When we are losing our way and the end seems so far away we
need to continually remind ourselves of what it is that we want to achieve,
what we are prepared to do to get it right and continually strategise around
what must change with regard to our actions and thought process. Every
Action is always a thought first.

This brings me to the next point, this being positive belief. It is impossible to
become motivated if we have no belief in the possibility that the outcome we
desire will ever happen. Another human tendency we all have is finding
reasons why we should not be successful. When our plans go a bit south the
first thing many of us do is to try and find things we can blame for our
failure. This is the wrong approach. Can you imagine what might have
happened if Thomas Edison had not remained ever faithful that light was a
possibility using electricity and wire. He had absolute belief and faith that the
light bulb was an absolute possibility, in fact he made several thousand
attempts at getting this invention right. Through courage, persistence and
belief we take for granted what he so diligently transformed from concept
into reality. Let us all be like Edison and find solutions based upon positive
belief, rather than find reason to become unsure and unbelieving. If you
believe there is a solution to all of life’s challenges then your reality will be
that there is a solution to all of life’s challenges.

The third factor I would like to talk about on our route towards a more
amazing life is focus. Motivation and belief with-out focus is ineffective. In
order to become more focused we have to learn how to clear our mind
instantly of all the chatter and banter that goes on inside it. There are a few
factors that enable the ability to do this. The first is the ability to hear the
quite between the noise. What does this mean you might ask, hearing the
quite between the noise? It’s quite simple, listen now, become aware of all
the noises you can hear at this moment, as you become more focused on
listening for all of these sounds, the database of sound will grow in your
mind, the closer you listen, the more you hear, it might be a car driving past,
a person speaking, a phone ringing in the distance, a dog barking,
someone’s footsteps, an insect in the background, your own breath, a bird
chirping, etc, etc. Now that you have become aware of all the sounds you are
hearing, shift your focus, and now become aware of the quite space between
all of this noise. This quite space that we seldom, if ever listen for is where
you will connect completely with a space where focus is most possible, it is
out of this space that inspiration, creativity, achievement, and magic is born.
Practice this exercise often, stops for 10 minutes each day, first listen for the

noise, and then realise the silence between the noises, how easy is that? The
more often you do this, the more capable you will become in bringing about
instant focus. Try this on the golf course when you need to focus, hear the
noise, hear the silence, and hit the ball. When you are doing physical training
at gym, running, swimming, athletics, bowling, giving a presentation, having
a tough meeting, remember if you feel tired, nervous, or out of your comfort
zone in anyway and need to become focused on the task at hand, stop, hear
the noise, hear the silence, become focused, and do what needs doing.

Motivation, Belief and Focus when combined as a collective force to drive

your life are incredibly powerful principals, and each principal alone have the
ability to completely transform how you live. I am going to introduce the
Wham Factor!!! The Wham factor is the killer ingredient for taking
Motivation, Belief, and Focus to a whole new level of effectiveness. It like
cubing a math equation, this Wham factor is intuition. When you charge
Motivation, Belief, and Focus with Intuition, your ability to achieve all your
hopes and dreams for life become unstoppable. Intuition is engrained into all
of us, it’s that still small voice, those powerful felling of surety, that instinct
that tells you more than any other things, weather the actions you are
taking, or thoughts and feelings you are having are right or wrong for you.
Intuition is a soul power, not a brain power. It is the ability to know things at
a feeling level, it is the 6th sense often referred to when people have a sure
feeling about something without the need to think about it, like when
someone says it just feels right, I’m not sure why, it just feel right. This is the
power of intuition, and without it, the human race would be doomed.
Intuition is not something you think about, but rather something you feel,
and is often the most ignored sense we are blessed with, you see hearing,
smell, sight, touch, taste, are all thing that undeniable, as they are very
physical and our Brain know how to process them, where as feeling is a
whole different sense, and often the brain has a great challenge in
identifying it and then carrying out its instruction as it is completely non
physical, and totally spiritual. That is why when working with intuition, we
need to become very still, incredibly attentive, and totally in tune with our
spiritual essence and feeling engine. Following intuition is difficult and often
almost feels like a gamble, and it is really. Why this is, is because intuition is
completely intangible, us completely indistinguishable by our physical
senses. The thing with intuition is that you have to learn to trust it,
developing a knowing and certainty about its power, that when you follow it,
it will always guide you in the absolutely perfect direction for your life
purpose, thought the outcomes or consequences of following it might not

always seem so at the time. It is always right and it is always true. This part
of you has wants only what is best for you, and if followed, will produce
magic for your life, especially when used as a multiplying factor to,
Motivation, Belief, and Focus.

No matter how motivated, Focused, believing, or intuitive you are, these

characteristics will be diluted if they are not focused upon a specific
consequence or outcome. We need to go back to the list we created pointing
out the benefits we would derive from living a more calm life, and the list
describing all of the things you feel you want for your life. Then select the
most pertinent of these concepts and focus all of our motivation and belief
on bring these concept into fruition. You need to become totally committed
to the fact that a solution is possible and that no matter how long it takes to
achieve the desired change you will stick to your commitment for change.
Focus means shutting out all negative thought processes and external
influences, using all our belief and motivation, and having the courage and
strength to endure, believing that we will be successful no matter how long it
take. I call this concept beginning with the end in mind, if you are always
able to keep the picture of your completed consequence and the resultant
benefits in mind, you will achieve the end result, and this is a promise!

We all desire a better quality of life, it is human nature. But too often we get
ourselves into a rut and forget that life has more to offer. Life always has
more to offer no matter what social, mental, physical, spiritual, financial or
family level we have reached, life always has more to offer! The very nature
of life demands of every human, growth in order to attain happiness. One
problem however with humans is that the second we stop experiencing
growth, we have the tendency to become a little self destructive and behave
in the most extraordinary manner. This tendency to self destruct as a human
race is bedded down in the programs we have inherited from generations
before us. These programs are down loaded into our minds from a very
young age via our parents and family, which they in turn downloaded from
theirs and so on. As parents the responsibility to our children in this modern
age is huge. We live in desperate time, drugs infest our children’s schools
and play places, the university campuses are playground to the young and
restless, and who knows what goes on there! Drugs, sex, alcohol and lies are
a natural part of normal life. We have become a generation of self indulgent
and careless people. There are many loving and kind people on this earth
but you really must look long and hard to find them, and once you do, you
spend the next ten years deciding whether they are for real or not.

We trust very few people, have little faith, and love to feast upon the short
comings of others, we are indeed a generation that needs to change our
ways. This might sound like a scathing statement to make of our modern
generation, but for the most part it is an accurate statement. We must
become more loving, caring, charitable and understanding of each other, if
we ever wish to function as an efficient and happy society. Anti depressants
are prescribed at an alarming rate, I am in no way against prescription drugs
as they save many lives and bring a level of joy to those suffering from
debilitating mental illness. I do however feel sad that so many millions of
people are depressed about the way their lives have turned out. I so long for
the day when people love so purely that the need for drugs is eliminated.

As the world becomes ever more hi-tech, access to information in the public
domain is massive and the ability to invent is at its peak. People are being
replaced by machines and the ability to mass produce almost anything is
astounding. The world is a commoditised economy where people love
convenience and pay top dollar to the organization that provides best value
for money. Everything is a competition and the stakes in many areas of life
are very high. In some cases it could mean life or death. What is it then that
determines how well we will live, or whether we will survive? Individuality!
Individuality is the one thing we must learn in order to become truly happy in

The reason I make this statement is that true individuality is the essence of
life. We are all in charge of our own life experience. We cannot blame
anyone else or shift the responsibility however hard we might try. The
responsibilities for the life we live rest squarely upon our own shoulders! I’m
also not saying don’t be a team player, but the sum of a brilliant team is
comprised of individuals. Sometime it may be you who are the single most
valuable individual in the team, and without you the team would fail. We
need to realise our own value in all things and acknowledge this value
regularly to ourselves. No matter where you feel you fit in to the value chain
of life, trust me you are invaluable. Affirm regularly to yourself I am whole
and perfect just the way I am.

We have all been created for a specific purpose. This purpose is to attain the
highest degree of joy and peace on this earth. It’s not money, power or fame
that determine how much enjoyment we derive from life, but rather the level
of joy we can attain while living a balanced and satisfying life. Balance is a
term that has been around since the beginning of time. The only difference
in this modern age as opposed to times gone by is that things are so fast

today. Technology is the main cause of this. Automation is the way of the
future, if it can be done better at a more effective cost and in a more
effective manner we like it. Even if we are required to pay a higher price for
a service, we will do it, provided the benefits outweigh the cost. Convenience
is the biggest draw card we look for when making a purchase, fast food, fast
banking (internet), fast shopping e.g. internet/drive thru shopping, fast
communication, e.g. Cellular phones, SMS, instant Messaging, all good
examples of how fast our lives are. How then do we change our focus in from
fast, to balanced? This is the million dollar question! The nature of most
humans is that they operate in crisis mode, constantly putting out fires
instead of planning out the fires or just implementing the law of allowing.

Planning is an ever present concept of human existence. We are reminded of

its importance from a very young age. Our teachers, parents and bosses
regularly emphasize the importance of a solid plan. But still we are reluctant
to take this advice, forging ahead without a clue of where we exactly want to
go. The most successful plans will always be those plans built upon a solid
foundation. There is nothing more important to the success of a thing than
the support structure. If the support structure is weak the entire plan will be
weak. The firmer the foundation the firmer the finale results will be. Weather
you accept what I am saying or not these are the facts. If you don’t plan you
will fail! Taking a trip to a foreign city without a clear and easy to use map
and plan of what to do, and see, would be dumb! Why then do so many of us
embark on life journeys, venturing into unknown territories with nothing but
self confidence and basic human will. We need direction finders, points along
the journey that we can refer to and be sure that the path we are on is
taking us in more or less the proper direction.

We all have different methods of setting goals. Some might use pictures and
visualisation, others written goals. My preference is a combination of all that
I have learned regarding the topic of goal setting. What is a goal? A goal is a
consequence! So what is a consequence? A consequence is a result derived
from action. If our actions are positive and planned our consequences will be
the same. If our actions are negative and unplanned we will produce similar
consequences. So with this said we must strive to take positive actions
towards positive consequences. But first we must determine what
consequences we desire for our lives, why we want these consequences to
come about, and how we will go about attaining them.

The following is a paraphrasing from a section in the book by Paul Wilson
called Calm for Life. This is one of the most remarkable books I have read
and suggest you read it.

It is called the success formula and this is how it works.


Where: M=motivation





Creating you Consequence montage:

• Decide what your intention are for you future, your hopes, your
dreams, your passions
• Write them down like this, I intend to become the CEO, get a raise, get
a promotion, start my own successful company etc, put a date to it,
e.g. by January 2010, or I intend to own a new 4 bedroom home in a
fantastic area by January 2010, or I intend to exercise 4 days a week
Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday’s from 6am-7am, or from
5pm-6pm, or I intend to expand my spiritual personal growth by
meditating for 30 minutes a day, I intend to eat healthy food etc, etc.
• Find pictures of your intentions that will best assist you in
programming your mind to attract and manifest your intentions
• Take a picture of the exact house you want, or style of house, take
pictures of the signage in the suburb your want to live in, take pictures
of the car you want, the spiritual growth you want to attain, the child
you want to have, the emotional state you want to live in, create any
picture that will assist your mind to see clearly in an as specific a
manner as possible exactly what it is that you want to manifest, these
pictures when viewed regularly re program your mind positively
towards attaining your intentions. The power behind a static graphic
image that you can look at with your eyes is that your mind is given a
clear and consistent picture of what it is that you are working towards

attaining. It is far easier to look at a picture on a page, than it is to
consistently create the same picture over and over in your mind using
imaginative visualization. Consistency of image for the purposes of
manifestation is very powerful. I am not saying that imaginative
visualization in ineffective because this is also very powerful, but it
take quite some time to become a master in creating clear pictures in
your imagination where as pictures on a page are exactly the same
every single time you look at them.
• Please keep in mind when creating this montage to think in terms of
creating balance for your life with regards to the intentions you want to
manifest, set intentions for spiritual growth, family growth, social
growth, Intellectual growth, financial growth, health and fitness growth,
self love and acceptance growth, Use pictures that assist you in seeing
these intentions as if they have already actualized for you. You can cut
these pictures out of a magazine, but the most effective pictures would
be using your own camera to take pictures of you, or of the things you
want. If you have to pose for a picture to make it appear real to your
mind then do this, the few hours you spend in doing this will pay for its
self millions of times over in your future. As mentioned earlier the
future is a dream and is not real, so why not create a future picture, or
dream that you want to manifest which is positive, fun and fulfilling?
Rather than take on the worlds view or your ego’s view of how your life
should be, and continue to play some half baked second rate movie
that always ends in disaster!
• Now comes the fun part, creating your new future picture! To create
your consequence montage various techniques can be used. I being a
bit of a techno junkie found that using computer technologies in
creating my montage suited me best, you will find an example of mine
attached below, I simple used Microsoft Word inserting my pictures
and text accordingly. I have however created an electronic template
since my original version which is included IN the DVD/CD pack, or
downloadable from my web site which you can use to
create your own electronic media version. If you are not a computer
user, you can simply create yours using poster paper, glue, and pen.
Try not to exceed A3 size because once you have created the montage
you will need to be able to go to a print shop and have it reduced to
A4, and A5 size. If you’re a very artistic person you may want to use a
number of different techniques to create yours. The most important
thing is that you make your montage compelling, fun, exciting and
motivating. Remember there is nothing more powerful than big
thinking, the bigger you allow yourself to think the more wonderful
things you will manifest.
• Take a picture of yourself, or use a picture you already have of
yourself. This picture will be situated at the center of your montage,
the next action is not a necessity but I highly recommend you do it.
Take the negative of your picture to a photo shop if you are not using

the electronic montage template included, and request that they flip
the picture. You can also do this picture flip using the functionality built
into the electronic montage disk included with the book. What this
picture flip enables is for you to see a picture of yourself exactly as you
see yourself everyday when you look in a mirror. Why is this required?
Because you want to give your mind no escape from the fact that this
central image is you, and is how you see yourself most often, leaving
no gaps for mental escape and denial that this is how you see yourself.
• The next step is to begin sticking your collected pictures around the
central image of yourself, group these pictures into areas as
mentioned earlier, social intentions, mental intentions,
material/financial intentions, spiritual intentions, family intentions,
career intentions etc. associated with each of the groups of pictures
include text to describe what your intention is for each of the
categories, for example in spiritual group of pictures you might write, I
intend to have peace, love, health and joy in my family. Or I always put
my family first, we have an abundance of joy. Do the same for each
group of pictures. Now to add the finishing touch. Insert lines linking
the groups of pictures to your central image, with arrow heads on the
lines point in your images direction. This represent and creates an
image and flow in your mind when looking at the montage that your
intention are coming towards you, that you have a pull in place to
attract and manifest all these things for your life.
• How to use the montage, now that the montage is complete, if you
have used the electronic template provided print it out, on A4 and A5
paper using a color printer, make about 4-5 copies of each size, then
take these printed images to a print shop and ask that they laminated
it for you, this will insure that the montage will last no matter where
you put it, or how often you use it.
• If you have use poster paper to create your montage, take the
completed image to a print shop. Ask that they reduce and print it for
you in color on A4 and A5 paper, make about 4-5 copies of each size,
then ask that they laminate these for you.
• Well done you now have a visual image of how you want your life to
be. To insure maximum effectiveness of these montages, place or stick
the various copies in diverse place that your frequent often, the mirror
in the bathroom, your dressing table, in the dressing room, on the
toilet door, put one in your gym bag, hand bag/purse, somewhere in
your workspace, slot one in to your work folder, the one that you use to
take notes in meetings, put one on the passenger seat of your car, etc.
The intention is to look at this montage as often as possible every
single day. Look at it first thing in the morning, at lunch time, before
bed, on the way home from work. The more you look at this image and
become involved in creating a story associated to it in your mind, the
faster your intentions will manifest. I assure you that if you do this you
will begin to manifest what you see, possible faster than you can

imagine. It is quite astonishing how fast some of the intentions can
actually manifest. Quite often just a simple glance of the montage
immediately sets of a spark of excitement and motivation within, the
more you look and imagine, and the quicker the mind is able to replay
the story at a simple glance. This is one of the most powerful
manifestation techniques I have used in the past decade. It really,
really works. Most of the intentions I place on my montage have
manifest over the past 5 years and then some. As things manifest you
can remove them and replace them with something new. The
electronic tool provided is especially effective for adding and removing
intentions as required.
• As you visualize using the montage see the reaction people have with
regard to your achievement
• Make the picture in your mind as real as possible, hear the sounds,
smell the smells, feel the emotions, experience the benefits, see the
colors, see the expression on people’s faces to your new found
achievements, believe that you already have attained you intention
throughout the duration of your visualization. Do this every day as
often as you can, the more you do this the faster you manifest.
• The initial work in setting this up dose require some effort, but once
you’re done it is so simple to just look at the image, create the story
associated to the montage in your mind, and watch as your life is
transformed, one intention at a time. Do it, the input required is far
less than the output received! This technique has totally transformed
my life and I still use it on a daily basis.

Example of how a consequence Montage might look

My business
makes me
I have incredible
famous; I mix friends, and an
with the stars. excellent social life.

I love my wife; I easily attract joy,

we are always peace, love and Money
I am the CEO at
into my life!
happy, fulfilled, work now , rich,
joyful, and proud powerful, famous,
$$$$ I am a money magnet!!
effective successful, happy!

My Car, Will buy
December 2011.

I’m going to Europe

may 2011. Paris,
skiing, London, Rome!
There are various other ways of creating consequence montages for your
life. In this modern age there are a number of online services which are
mostly free I will give you some of the internet sites that you might want to
go and have a look at for building your dreams.

Some Web resources for building goal charts, vision boards,

consequence montages, etc. try these sites below they are very cool
and will let you build electronic visualization boards for free.

New chapter: Precious Moments

This book is as a result of various precious moments I have experienced in

my life. These moments have been the experiences I have never forgotten,
and the ones I will always cherish.

These are the moments humans spend their entire existence chasing after.
The screw up with chasing after precious moments is that these moments
never occur when they are being chased after. They simply happen when
least expected, like magic, bringing feelings of lightness to our existence.
These are the times in our lives when we have felt feeling of complete
fulfillment and deep peace. Please note that I am not referring to happiness
here, as happiness is superficial in comparison to the deep feeling of peace
these experiences bring. I want you to think back on your life right now. In
this regression in thought I ask that you focus only on those precious
moments you have had. Those moments that have been so significant, and
fulfilling that you will never forget them. Some examples might be your
marriage, the birth of your children, a significant success in your career, a
holiday, being selected for a special team, or any other activity you are

involved in regularly that bring these feeling of deep peace and fulfillment.
As you begin to recall these various experiences, I want you to think back to
the state of awareness you were in while experiencing them. were you
nervous, did you have any reason to doubt the peace you were feeling, or
did the peace just come as a natural consequence for you of the calming
nature of the activity which brought it on, and the ease with which it
happened, and the depth of peace it was able to bring. How much thought
was required to enjoy the experience completely, or was there very little
thought. Did the experience in its complete magnificence, totally stop the
incessant thought processes in your head, or did you completely stop
thinking logically, and instead find yourself in a pure space of experiencing,
and feeling, without any requirement to judge or analyze the situation?

I am not sure what the results of this exercise have revealed to you, but
when I first did this exercise, I made a huge realization that for the most
part, all of these precious moments where accompanied by little logical
thought, and I found a big emphasis on me feeling, experiencing, and simply
being able to just be in the moment, completely relaxed, totally fulfilled and
at peace! These glorious moments in my existence where completely
dominated by an element of complete and total presence. As I saw these
pictures materialize in my awareness, I realized that at these times I was
completely conscious, and totally focused on the one thing that I was doing
at that time, the moment was that significant, fulfilling, and enjoyable as to
have the power to bring my entire being into complete and utter

When these precious moments occur for us we say a miracle! It is not a

miracle, but rather a manifested intention set by you, these moments have
happened for you because you set and manifest it! You brought about these
significant moments!! Your thinking, though you might not be aware of it,
bring about all the most fantastic, and disappointing experiences in your life
and nothing else. As mentioned earlier in earlier chapters, as you thing, so
shall you be! Those deep subconscious thoughts and feeling are exactly the
things that mold your world, and nothing else! What you think about, is what
you are! What you expect to get for yourself is exactly what you get. But
absolutely, exactly! This is the crazy thing about life. We spend all our time
worrying about shit we cannot control, shit man!! We should just be out
there living!!! Being, doing, and having!! The mental pictures, and dialogue,
you play continually, over and over again in your mind, these things are the
things that define your life! Our precious moments are the times in our lives
where we are given a small glimpse into the great wonders presence,

consciousness, and peace afforded us. These are the times the opportunity
of receiving the proof that complete peace is attainable, and that if we want
to have this for our lives consistently, and on demand, we simply need to
change the way we think, and acknowledge that there is indeed a great
possibility to develop this as a sustainable experience. If you have had this
experience even once, is this not proof enough that if you have managed to
experience this even once, then why is it not possible to learn by
implementing it is completely possible to be have these experiences and
feeling consistently, and that if the mannerisms that you had online
mastered change our life, which make us realize that we are a spiritual
being, having a human experience, in a human body, on our beautiful Earth!
This is a bit of a mystery which is filled with a whole lot of other humans,
and other living things, and objects, and illusions.

Relationship Management

The most important part of living a fulfilling and satisfying life is the quality
of our relationships. This is an extremely broad and sweeping statement, but
it is true! The most fulfilled humans are those who have a vast sum of
healthy and supportive relationships. These relationships include, but are not
limited to, human relationships, your relationship with nature and Mother
Earth (Gaia), your relationship with your natural earthly body self (the Mind
and Ego) and higher being self (the Soul), your relationship with God the
source of all things. God is a difficult word to fathom, it has so many
programmed responses attached to its use as captured by the mind through
years and years of programming received, recorded, and saved in the
archives of the human mind, every single person alive has a different
perception attached to the meaning of this word. The Moslem, Jew, Christian,
Mormon, Hindu, New Age, Spiritualist, Zionist, etc. will all have a very

different programme activated in the mind in response to the programme
running related to the word God. We are all different as a result of the
programmed response we make due to the varying programmes we all run
and live by. These programs are an illusion and we are all fooled by the
minds requirement to have absolute control, this absolute control is the
desperate attempt of the human mind (the Ego) to rule and be king, always!
The second the Ego detects that a human being is beginning to enlighten
and realise that the human mind has a very distinct and vital role to play in
the life of each of us, but that it is not an instrument to be use for the
controlling and manipulating of everything, it launches programmes to
protect its status within us and will be as manipulative as it can in keeping
control and calling the shots.

We must all realise the we are the direct off spring of our source, or GOD as
the world has chosen to name this all powerful, all providing, abundant
source of all that is, and the time has come that we all wake up and realise
that the human mind is a magnificent tool that serves as an execution centre
for the commands it is delivered form the command centre of our being, the
higher Self, the soul. The soul is the ultimate decider of that which will
transpire in our lives, it is the CEO of our human existence, and is the
communication channel for all human being to the Source of all that is, God,
pure being, consciousness, oneness, emptiness, salvation, exaltation,
enlightenment etc.

The quality of our relationships is determined by our ability to give more fully
and connect with the higher self within us and then in others and show
people with our hearts and actions of service, how sincerely we want an
honest, supportive and satisfying relationship with them. The success of a
relationship is determined by the energy emitted between the two, or a
group, before a word is ever said. If you are a nervous, unconfident, critical,
non supportive, negative, low energy individual, this is the message you will
communicate to anyone you come into contact with, or are attempting to
develop a relationship with, meaning you will only attract things and people
into your life who contain a similar energy vibe, as much as you desire
attracting your polar opposite, this is seldom the case and people of similar
frequency vibes will group together, and stick together. The various energy
vibes we emit are the underlying survival techniques of the human ego, it

will only gather and feel absolutely comfortable and totally trusted in a group
of people who emit a similar energy frequency than what they do. All the
varying energy frequencies will gather together and mix, work and socialise
together, but even within these smaller groups, smaller, tighter groups will
be formed between those individuals who operate at a similar frequency to
theirs within the larger group.

Does this make sense?? You can only receive that which your mind is
continually prompting you to accept, it would feel uncomfortable in any other
setting which is not in sync with the energy requirements you require as
measured up against the life programme running deep within you as
discussed previously. This programme in the mind is the very thing that
keeps every human from full enlightenment. So long as you continue to
behave and be this way you will always have these pre programmed
circumstances continually cropping up in your life. Scary thought, but none
the less true, if this character type describes you, that is fine, breath in deep,
breath out and say this is who I am programmed to be, this is not who I am
deep in my soul. The I am deep within you is pure, innocent, fulfilled,
satisfied, content, abundant, kind, loving, expansive, beautiful, forgiving,
receptive, non judgemental, exalted, right now, this very moment!!!!! It is
there NOW!!!!! Right Now!!!!!! Be silent for a few moments and listen to the
quiet between all the noises you hear, listen now, can you hear it? The quite,
the space between the noise, this space is that same place deep within you,
there, right now! All you have to do is learn to develop quite time in your life
every single day, and the wonders you will find in this quite between the
noise is awareness, space, the great divide between mortality and
immortality. This quite space within is the bridge between this mortal world
and the immortal world, this is the doorway, the portal if you would, to all the
wonders of creation.

This quite space within us is the space we all long for and deeply know as
our eternal home and palace of pure bliss, and absolute emptiness, the great
I Am, this space within you opens the flood gates to an experience so
magnificent, it is impossible to express the feeling in words, as they do not
have the slightest power to fully express the feeling of pure consciousness.

To explain Emptiness in the human being is not possible, it is a state that can
only be experienced. Once it has been experienced it can absolutely
transform an individual with in an instant, this event is termed a satore in
Zen teachings, an instant awakening, a realization made that immediately
transforms the way you see things and brings you into a space of immediate
receptivity to the communication frequency of the source, and thus an
immediate realisation and awakening occurs as you become more
enlightened and are universally drawn closer to the life source. The amount
of time you spend inhabiting this frequency zone, the more enlightened you
will become, as you spend more and more time in this space you make
realisations and grow until eventual, you become a permanent resident in
this zone and it becomes your home, you feel comfortable inhabiting this
space and you eventually will become like Buddha, and attain full
enlightenment, or get twinkled as I like to term it, instantly transported from
this word into the great wonders of eternity, with your body transformed into
to spirit form to live in eternal bliss, this is how I have learned it goes??
Anyhow regardless of whether you are twinkled like Buddha in this life time,
frequenting this energy zone will bring to you the most magnificent joy filled
life you could never begin to imagine via the use of your Ego dominated
mind, the Ego mind has no desire to frequent this silent, present space and
is also terribly frightened by it, as this is the one space where it cannot exist,
it is powerless in this space, it has no purpose here, as a result that this
space requires no thought. Amazing is in it! The one space where we all
stand to gain the most of our existence, requires no thought! “How
absolutely bazaar” our Ego might say, “how on Gods Earth do you think you
can be all that you could possibly want to be and not have to have a single
thought about it?” The Ego Mind is not correct however, thinking is the one
place where we will not find God no matter how much the Ego tries to
convince us this is so. The Ego will never accept this truth about its self and
will never give up trying to force us to think, analyse, build up visions of
grandeur for our future while never being satisfied with the present, it will
always take you to a place in the future or past where life appears to be
either better or worse dependent on what it is trying to get you to do,
focusing on what is not working now and forces the need to build up external
treasures in a hope that this will satisfy the human beings desire for peace
and Joy, but this is not possible and again the Ego is confused in thinking
that the pleasure of thinking and having pleasure can be a substitute for Joy.
Pleasure can never substitute Joy, pleasure always come from external
things, while Joy is situated within us. Pleasure always fades and becomes

boring, forcing us to seek out alternate pleasures to substitute the ones that
are no longer doing the trick for us.

I think this is what the biblical scriptures are trying to teach when they
council us away from building up for ourselves riches which have no value
once we pass back to the eternal dimension, having complete freedom from
the flesh and human Ego requirements is being able to accept that the space
of no thought is the only space we as humans can be and fully connect with
Joy, and attain full enlightenment! No other place or thing can bring about
this state.

Joy is essential for maintaining successful and long term relationships,

especially those of an intimate nature, our relationships if filled with Joy will
sustain almost any onslaught the Ego might launch. Trying to attain Joy in a
relationship will not happen as a result of the things we have, but rather as a
result of the relationship we have developed via service, that support and
nurture our journey to be all that we can be.

Pain Vs Pleasure!

There are two major factors driving human behavior, pleasure and pain. We
seek after pleasure and avoid pain. One major problem we face in today’s
world is instant gratification. So many things today are tailor made
specifically to cater for man’s need for instant pleasure. Only problem is that
most of these tailor made products offer heaps in terms of instant
gratification but very little in terms of long term lasting happiness. The abuse
of alcohol, drugs, food, sex, credit, etc are currently at an all time high and
while these products do indeed offer a great deal in terms of short term
happiness, they all lead to long term unhappiness. True happiness comes as
a result of balance, acceptance of self, and knowing what brings pleasure
and what bring pain into your life. The big challenge is that only experience
in life teaches this, no matter how often we hear from another of the pain
caused to them as a result of bad decisions they made, life’s best teacher is
always experience.

You can only truly understand a situation with all of your senses, once you
have experienced it with all of your senses. For example you cannot
understand what it feels like to burn your hand on a hot plate, until you have
burned your hand on a hot plate! This is sadly often the turning point for
most of us in life. We will not take advice easily it is just not in our nature.
Often we must first feel the true pain or pleasure of a situation before we will
adapt, or change our ways. Carrying on from this, it is also the level of pain
we feel which will determine the speed at which these changes take place.
This point then leads on to those many negative programs we carry around
with us built upon the many painful experiences we have had that limit our
growth in the future. It’s a vicious circle but this is how it is and often as a
result of these programs we start to avoid pain based on previous
experience, or feedback received from another. Using this information a
database is then created in our minds and in this database we store all the
experiences of our life. It is necessary to develop a mechanism that allows us
access to this information for the purpose of guiding us through the pain and
toward lasting peace and joy. As you read on I will divulge a brilliant method
to gain access to the power of you deepest thoughts and experiences
providing a fool proof method of using your subconscious mind to achieve
great peace and success in life. There in not a more powerful a tool for the
growth of mankind than the power of the subconscious mind. The
subconscious mind has the power to achieve anything it is instructed to
achieve all that is necessary is for us to learn how to tap in to it, and apply
its power, and in so doing manifest for our lives all our intention and dreams.
I will show how this is made possible as we move forward in the book.

In order to attain anything of value in life we must learn and apply the above
formula where ever possible. This formula is a powerful means by which to
bring about change and grown in all human endeavours.


Motivation is the driving force behind growth. Motivation occurs because of

desire for change or gain. Motivation is often as a direct result of becoming
totally fed up with the current state of affairs and is often as a result of pain.
Pain more often than not forces people to change. How often have you asked

yourself after perusing a certain goal, why am I doing this? What is my
desired result? How will I achieve it? Can it be done? When will I do it? How
will I do it? What is the reward? Should I do it?

If you learn to use the above set of question you will quickly develop a very
powerful method of deciding what is and is not working in your life

Pleasure and Pain

There are two major factors driving human behavior, pleasure and pain. We
seek after pleasure and avoid pain. One major problem we face in today’s
world however is that of instant gratification. So many things today are tailor
made specifically to cater for man’s need for instant pleasure. Only problem
is that most of these tailor made products offer heaps in terms of instant
gratification but very little in terms of long term true happiness. The abuse of
alcohol, drugs, food, sex, credit, etc are currently at an all time high and
while these products do indeed offer a great deal in terms of short term
happiness, they all lead to long term unhappiness. True happiness comes as
a result of balance, acceptance of self and knowing what brings us pleasure
and what bring us pain. The big challenge however is that only experience in
life teaches this, no matter how often we hear from another of the pain
caused to them as a result of bad decisions they made, life’s best teacher is
always experience.

You can only truly understand a situation with all of your senses, once you
have experienced it with all of your senses. For example you cannot
understand what it feels like to burn your hand on a hot plate until you have
burned your hand on a hot plate. This is sadly often the turning point for
most of us in life. We will not take advice easily from others it is just not in
our nature, often we must first feel the true pain of a situation before we will
change our ways. Carrying on from this it is also the level of pain we feel
which will determine the speed at which we are motivated to make these
changes. This point then leads on to those many negative programs we carry
around with us built upon the many painful experiences we have had that
limit our growth in the future. It’s a bit of a vicious circle but this is how it is
and often as a result of these programs we start to avoid pain based on
previous experience. It is however necessary to overcome the fear of pain in

order to grow and develop. The big secret is to accept the fact that pain is a
bye product of life and learning to cope with pain as opposed to avoiding it is
the only route to happiness. It is also not a bad idea when you have the
ability to control it to decide what is sensible pain and what is not, if this
makes any sense at all. We all develop a database in our minds as we grow
of all the experiences we have had, this is called the subconscious mind and
in this database we hold all of our life experiences. It is necessary to develop
a mechanism that allows us access to this information for the purpose of
guiding us through the pain and to the pleasure. As you read on I will divulge
a brilliant method to gain access to the power of you deepest thoughts and
experiences providing you a fool proof method of using your subconscious
mind to achieve great happiness in life. There is no more powerful tool for
the growth of mankind than the power of the subconscious mind. The
subconscious mind has the power to achieve anything it is instructed to
achieve all we need to learn is how to open its content up and apply its
power to attracting for us all of our hopes and dreams. I will show how this is
made possible as we move forward in the book.

One of the golden rules to achieving happiness is that you are at the center
of your own universe and every decision you make affects your perception of
yourself and the outcomes you will achieve. We all need to accept the fact
that we govern our own lives and that no one else is in control of our
decisions but ourselves. It has been the practice since time began for
individuals to lay blame for their outcomes on others. This approach has
become common practice and is the root cause for mankind’s unhappiness.
If we do not take responsibilities for our own lives no one else will. The
reasoning behind this statement is that people have enough to worry about
making their own lives work and often are not that concerned about the
challenges and concerns of others. This might sound like a very dim view to
take on mankind but it is an observation I have made and baring a very
small percentile of unique people who dedicate their lives to helping others
before themselves, the above statement applies to most. I am not saying
that all of mankind are cold heartless people because most of us have a
compassionate side, some more than others but on the whole we are all
concerned about our own wellbeing above all else. It is our nature to survive
and survival is at the very core of us all. We live in a world where survival of
the fittest is the order of the day, if you are not looking out for your own
survival, what makes you think someone else will do it for you? You are
responsible for your own happiness and the second you accept this

responsibility you enforce the second great law in life and that is the power
of choice. You choose and you experience life based upon your choices,
choice is a wonderful thing but with it comes great responsibility. Can you
imagine living in a world where everything was decided for you and each
morning you hand an absolutely clear idea of what the day would hold for
you. How boring, choice is the flavor of life! If we took away choice life would
have very little meaning, so embrace it, enjoy this fact and take
responsibility for your choices and life will develop meaning and depth for
you. If you choose to sit on the fence and wait until decisions are forced upon
you life become very pressurized, make the decision today to exercise
choice frequently. Don’t just follow the masses take the time out and really
think about your choices because at the end of the day you need to live with
them. If you decide to do something no one else is to blame but you.
Freedom to choose and taking responsibility for these choices it is a most
vital ingredient in the recipe for a happy life.


Before you can give you motivation wings you must believe that what you
are telling you mind you want, is achievable. You must accept full
responsibility for making your actions effective, if you send your life chasing
after changes you want for your life, but lack the belief that, that which you
seek is achievable, and then you are finished before you even start. Belief is
not something you can explain, often concepts that require belief have no
definite possibility of achievement other than those beliefs you have in your
mind about the possibility of the outcomes being manifested. The power of
intention is required in all things you intend attracting into your life, the
more you convince your mind that achievement of your desires is possible
the more power your motivation will receive and the better chance you will
have of reaching your intention.

Belief requires nothing more than expecting that which you focus on to be
true. I like explaining the concept as beginning with the end in mind. The
power of using this technique is incredible and assists in the development of
belief. If you constantly see that which you are wanting clearly in your mind
as already having actualized for your life before you set out on a path to

attracting it, your entire system will be sitting in the correct energy field to
bring it to you quickly if you continually show it pictures or tell it affirmations
that you already have it, the desired result will actualize. This might sound a
bit freaky but it really works. I have been doing this for years and the
benefits I have experienced as a result of this practice are immeasurable.

How to implement beginning with the end in mind:


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