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Surname: ________________________ First name:
Date: _________________________________________________ Class:

 Fill in the gaps!

Mr. Mops has got a shop,

a e i o u.
And in the shop he’s got a ________,
a e i o u
With a hiss, hiss here,
And a hiss, hiss there.
Here a hiss,
Mr. Mops has got a shop,
There a hiss,
a e i o u.
Everywhere a hiss, hiss.
And in the shop he’s got a ________,
Mr. Mop has got a shop,
a e i o u
a e i o u.
With a miaow, miaow here,
And a miaow, miaow there.
Here a miaow,
There a miaow,
Everywhere a miaow, miaow.
Mr. Mop has got a shop,
a e i o u.

Mr. Mops has got a shop,

a e i o u.
And in the shop he’s got a ________,
a e i o u
With a woof, woof here,
And a woof, woof there.
Here a woof,
There a woof,
Everywhere a woof, woof.
Mr. Mop has got a shop,
a e i o u. Mr. Mops has got a shop,
a e i o u.
And in the shop he’s got a ________,
a e i o u
With a quack, quack here,
And a quack, quack there.
Here a quack,
There a quack,
Everywhere a quack, quack.
Mr. Mop has got a shop,
a e i o u.

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