You are on page 1of 25

- ~--'--- --~



Headquarters; ?:1~~~,i,0i'_H 'f'lY Ci;H;;:!'r~ ~,4_r:.:; TlattJalion OfficJ8 oi Corr\~~~~··.-ld~~:r.~ (~ff-t_cur

SPEeI AI. ORDERS) 1 NUMB:L;R ••• * •• 44}

APO 350

5 Juno 1945

1. ' In addition to his other duties, Oapt WILLIAM G. CHASTIl" 0,35M~09~ TG, is nptd Investigating Off in the accident ccourring ;1 May 45, involvin.g govt

'l{ohicle 2235842 .. S, driven by Pre QeQrge W, Prior, 36484079, Co C this \tnit, _,'

2. I UP An. 600-68", and upon recommendation of co condr s concor ncd , fol EM,; cos as indic'ated, will be, awarded tho Good Conduct Medal, and arc nuthol'l?>od to wear the Good Coniluct Ribbon, off 31 May 45:


n .... /,1491 Pfo Sllbella, Dominic J.

32285B24 Pfe- Sokolowsld, Willin.m F.

M/:Sgt B-n~rdJ ,C1i~:f'ord 11:

SjSgt Hughes, R01th C.

Pfo Pic Pic Pfc Pte rtc Pfe

Beene , John L Calderon, Porfirio G. CQugot, Arthur B, Dinkel, Charles E,

Hendr Lokscn, Claronce H.. norrora, Molfo'L. Hoffrxm, Dole i7.

sgt , Kovack, Andrew S.

Toe 4 i7isemnn, J ano a F. J~'.

Cpl Bo,tel:'1.Un~ HUGh E.

Toe 5 'Moore, Clydo D.

Toc; 5 Champlin.., Edward C ~ 'ree,5 Coopor, Clyde D. Toe 5 F1ohr; Ed'Hard I.

j,)i\: Bu:cnette, Thomas rf.

1'1'0 Croom" Oharlc-s Vi.


3498451+5 Pic

3927097~, rfc .3B 5/.J-4 71, rr c 37607233:r'fc 36805846 Pic 37355340 Pic 37491547

COM?ANY B 35920086 Pte 31202137 Pfe 361//15QO rio 33765677


32845999 Pfe

37680':;,70 Pfe

1 70 5j~87 Pf c

20402966 .Pic 3mOO?4.3 :Lfe

3539915C 3676909~

Krurrvi.cdo , Ll.t4,""1lst W. LoV'TO , John -vr.

Lopcs , Juan L. Martin1 TIaynotJ,dC. Mora, Juan U. Svtooton, Theodoro T.

37447681 3675S34C 398520S( 3815019: 395/,,665C 3502~26i

Focsko, Frank S. rerrault, Loon E. Troutner, I ••

3669736c 31~,165$' J?J/e416.


~VMS, Richnrd C. Hartman, Robert t. Mc~cek, john 11;. Rader. Josoph J. -v.th081er, Pard J.

33Le0661; 1/202912, ,35762031 338.?697; 3'772384:

3. Efi this date fol naned Eli, cos this 1.lni t as indicIJ.:tcd, are placod on DS W/?06th Ry Gr Div, fzl'c an indefinite per Iod , and upon cowplo'tiojl o-f snl;K, Ytir rctwn to pr-oper stal

?f'e Turner, Oharles ~a. .35897618 Co A
,M Uuet'ta~ -Antoni0' 1;2044212 ,Co A
?vt Murrio:tn, nny V. 39116077 Co f.
?fc Zier:;un, flr'thur E. 36691893 Co B
Tao 5 m.lf1.1ey, Kay R. 208fJS21? Go c
?vt Joyner, Jamos J, .. 34933578 Co c, 4. Efr this date fol n~.rled EM, cos this Ullit as j_ntlicetad, aN pluced on DS 1,':/lstrJRS, St:ra..sbeurg, France, fpr an :tnd.;!:fir~:J:~e, 'fXilrd.B~" and vill ,p.roco9d tbc;.re,to, '!fJ~~, "'~pG~t,£tig 'bt'POt1 lal1J;',iY~4 to the GO t,bG~~Q~ f'o3;l ,dr,I' ~_~~o~, C~l'R10t.t~n"

of' ~c'l;~Ul !l.'t;i,;bu~l1l to POpI.l1' eta; .' ".1- '

?;fc'E)eht~, Emil 39466830 .ce A
pro COugDt; ,"' B 3S5414.74 Co 4
?fc HGudl'ickson_, Clr..rence H. 36B05846 Co A •
?fc Kovacs ; John D. 3505~:.81 00 A . :.
Pfc Mc.nn, ~orgEJ E .. 3'50~O340 00 f.
?fc Rishel, Harold fl. 393'.(3467 Co i;
... , "", I

TONr. TDN: T by govt veM:C}lc ~/3 at~d.. 60 ... 11/4- p 432 .. 02 fl. 212/ Cir 24, Hq, Advo.nca Soc Con Z~ 20 Oct 44). '

.. 1 ...

S § § T 11 1 Q 1 i ~ (ali-or)

.;, .....

- RES T' RIC TED ~ Authority £.0, /,)_ 0 6;,r

- - - - - - - - - - YJ H ill

1ST MI1ITL.RY RAIL'V'iJ.S I:mf.VICE I By . NARA Oa,te j s- O{

Headquarters, 718'th Rail"ray Operating Bt::ttalion

Off'ice of Officer



AJ?O 350

10 June:: J lj//5


1'.' Uf'JE'" 46)

,1.' ..l'(.l.L) '.t\ >¥ , ......

1. PhC par ZOJ 152, Hq , Eur'o:?er . m T of' O:tJlls U;31:_. G_to 1 June ~5, fool temp)romotions to the gr LndLcc.t.ed Ln ~\Ub ar e announced

VI/rank fr 1 June 45: .', _

, -I,. ~

FHOl~'L 2d 1/1' TO 1 s t 1,7. '

SIDNEY T. D,hVIS oi 94?18d~;c

~"AURrCE ;:1. ,t-icDON{,LD 01062859 TC.

2. Eft' this clute T(~c ~, ~,liamJr. Cothr~"n, 35t;08153, Co C t11j.s unit, is placed QTI DS W/?06th Ey Or Div, foX' :.!.n irJo.efinitG )eriod, Q_nd upon comp.l.c t i cn of scr e vril1 re'Gl1.rn to pr ox.r st.;:,""

3 £·ff· \. d r t C - t fI'['·O~ .' C G ':'1'" ~ill17r""-", (';)'"'071. ') me

_ "'. tll~ S ... , e J. ') .1. {,'.:.hI-) • ,__ ul"" .. ' ~ J~.J..;J) J )_1'.1 0 \" J. ,

is r-e Ld of a.11 duties and resIJonsibilities 1,;1[1 th this Bn, a no:.; :Ls;:i,: .. ~'C:K~

on DS W/Jl.dV Hq, DG, !'IinS. (Auth: VOCO 706th By Or Div).

5. Eff this. dn t e , C.:,:,t H;"I.,PH ;l,. BEiJ~, 031)11+.31, 'TC, is assig~e~ 2dditional dy as Motor orr of this Bn, vice 1st Lt i~YwO~D W, DRJhES, 0549333, TC, reId.

6 Eff t·h'·' C- t ,- ·l,)r. l' E-" -J 0'J1)1' "1 {'C' .'-

. .lS Gate, LP., l-U.~ JL""ti 1." ~Jl-L\, _j1._ll':;.9 '1_.:, -.:.;:;,

P,S signee. thc cdd L tional dy as Hq,S COlmn,:;ncl~nt, and 1"11J.: be r ,::~~ ".(jnstl."l,~

for the Hqs BUilding, , .... e:. joining ,';",-Teas) bil1t::ts tb21',.::Jn ~).l:l~_ 'Ji' :_'j c _;J::; t

quar t cr s .

7. Erf this cl.~".te, Lsf L-:'.: .:.Lli:~Uh 1,:'-0 :iJ.i1UST, 026L25f3) TCJ is assigned atdition91 dy ~s Asst to Hqs CO~Grnd~Dt.

$. Bfr thl,'3 d a to, Ls t 1 t JctTHUP. 1:.. ;\d-,,[j;; .. /r _, O~~6125B j TC,

is assigned adeli t Lona L dy .as Bn Int811i(~cmcu Off of this uni t , v Lcc

Lst Lt nRTEil1h W. ::r'HITl'ON, 0534173} rc, reLd ,

S'. Eff this d;;~te, 1st Lt il.RTHUh \,. ?EIT'.~{)r\, 0531+178; rc, is c.8signed ~.d..C_1t;ionQl cuti'?:;; z.s L .. ill'Jws:

SD8cial Service Officer· Poste,l Officer

Post Exch&ngc Off1c~r Cus tod Lan , Bn Fund .

I '

~~IDH~D ~ ~~fT~'l·rl~" ,J~r:i.;l...~ .. u~'l. lv·. ~ :1...j. .•• , \.J.'r

1st Lt, TC F .. (jut~,:nt


~ ;:.,;::p.=;<{-'r.1 II'"'~~ ~"fThI': t-Jr"T"I."'"trJl'il r.Qr'_)..JI'L/=-_


, ,.-

Authority L.O. J J c tv

By YJ H NARA Date 3/s-101

1ST MILITi""RY RAILWAY SERVICE Headquarters, 718th Railway o,erating Eatt21ion Office of Commanding Officer

1,20 350

19 .Ttm e _L ') :~_ I)



N Ul'1BER •••••. 11)

1~ war-d of Legion

of Merit (PosthumQus) '" , e. ~

1. By direction of the Presld0ntJ under tho ~rov i s r ons of l"iR 600-45, 22SeptrjI::ber 1943)" LS Cl.ieudecl) the: Legion of lJierit is awar o.ed , pc s'thumous Iy , t.c :

this unit, fur of outstamling Hq, E,uropce:n T

Tee 4 J~seph~. Cushran, 35877747, TC, Ca C cxc ept.t onr..l Iy ~ .. ur'i torious ccndr.c t in the J0rl'Gr:_ . ance services c'rJ 10 Jc,nmu"y 1945. (Auth: par II, GC lOB,

Oro O""nc: c't(~ 6 J"n'" .L CiJ. 1::)

.1 . J":-' ,._.. J . ~. I"...~ l.:: ,; ~) ~ ~

By order of Lt Colonel WfiIGHT~

AHTf-ilJh 'ri. PRI '{"TON Ls t i.e , TC

L_tl. jl..i: tr.nt

DECLASSIFIED Authority E.O. 10206..5'

By 'YJ H NARA Date 36/o{


He adquar s, ?18th Rail"!Jv2.Y Operating Ba t t.a'l t on Of'f'Lc o of Cozrnand Officer


I .. PO ;";;(1

25 June 45


N t.ri',ffiER •••••• 12)

Recession of General Orders , .•. , .......•......

T ,L

R8d0t~igIlation of C2.mp2.ign'I1Germanyr: , ..••......•••. , .•••••••. ,. II

Avard of BettIe P~rtici9~tion Credit. ,.-,., , III

1. GeTIsr.s.l Orders NUV:wGr 8~ t.h i s tI~l;r r:.:.;t2c~ 20 n!lay 19451 is r-cs c Lnd od ,

1. The C'c;:1;~13ign Ii (j.:::'Z"':lc.r:yII is r::des:Lc;n!:ltc<Uu3 Cam,,)uign trRhinclandt? "'itl, cm1bct 201£: 2-D:':: lir::jtir~g c:~J.;,,"};·';' ES ,,_;~_'Ll)-

lishcd by Hq, Eura:::h;an T of Oi_)YJ9. (Autl".: .l t.r , GHQ, llU~S., 2 . .!r ~:~:'-y /,5j

Subj; ITBattlL~ Par t f.c Lpe t i.on ./~1'icrds) •

1. The 718th RQ11w~y Opcr~ting Bctt~lion i~ avrarc1ed Bct.t Le 1?8.rtici)<Hion Credit fOT the CCJr:tJ(;_:LCn P~lhj_yi2]_fJxlcl II. (Jluth: Lt r , Ilq , Ls t lIms, 13 June .1,.5, File 220.5) SHbj: l!Lc~ttl::: j:'~,rticj_pc;.tion i->.'7[G.rd (rhin.]h.nd) II, ,':mc: 2d I:ndorbGt:~('mt th~T,,:'t'}) H~lj Euro,eun T of O,ns, ~t~ 16 June 45).

}J_L'lT5-TrJI~ .. ~ ~j~,'~I',~'11~)~,~ 1 ,OJ 'Ii L t. .' '?C

l~it_ ,j~;_ tC-_:'l] 'L,

Ls c LtJ TC J'lC j'J t [tnt

h E G T F I C ~ E D




DECLASSIFIED Authority £.0, /2c 0'"

By 'YJ H NARA Date, 36/01

( I





1ST IhILIl'ARY RkIL,!;J[,Y .s~hVICS Headquarters, ?18th Railway Operating Battalion Office of Oommand Lng Officer


j:"PO 350

27 June .19.11 ')

. ,

~~UJ,;illEh, .•..• 13)

Battle Participation Award (Ardennes) ,.

Be. t t Le P3.rtici~)ation ltw2.rd (Cerrtr c L Eur-ope) •.••.. "., ;.... .t L

, 1. The 718th Rc~ihVQy Oper:.ting D[~ ttn Li on is ::',,::.rd2d

Ba t t Le P.::::.rtici pa t i'on Cr edi t for t:"te C C.J:1~Ji_~ ign lTiirden:GE::.s!!. (_;J:, t[~ ~ 1 t r ,

RQ, 1st L~F..S J 13 June 45, FiI.e 220.5) Sub j: !IB8:t tIE: 20.rtici;J:: t i cn

f. w[,',rd U, rd enne s) 11, and 2d Tnd the r c to, Hq , Bur 0) 1:;:;'[\fJ T of 0 .ms , r1 tc:;_

18 June 45). ,

II BATTLE ()_i5TICIClcTlQ1l _.','1,1:.0 (CE;/rl.b.L .~:J}-,GPI;J_.


1. The 718tr. RfIilwBY O;J'.:r:~tj_{]G Ro.ttalion j_s Q,,'r.~~(:_eG_

E2ttle P2rticilJo.tion for the C'J.L;',laign tlC2ntrr:',1 r:~1ro;:,o:", {J:c;_._th;

It!', Hq_, 1st 1:lRS, 13 J-Lll18 45, File 228.5, 2ub;i: !lDettl'2 P,<;.rtJ_ci1)i:LtioTI hward (Central Eur oie) If, ~'1Dd 2d In{~: tha'Gt~')J Hq , EurO,!r-::all T of Oi)TI5,

dtQ 19 June 45). '

i3y or(2er of L t Colonel W}UCllT:

~~I~2TliU:~~ Vil-. F.! II TJ.L J~~

.l s t J_Jt, rc

;~~~I jl~ t.: ... n t


DE CLASSI FI ED AlJthor.ity L,O. J2c{J/"

By 'YJ H NARA Date 5/sjy





* * .,;, * -r,- 1;*'









~,. i;- -il-' ~\- * '* J~* '* *" ><, '* *'

* '* * if,,'


·N·,HHj,- 8 A F E or Y **** ,-

* SA}'ET"t IS Qlr I'H3 iDST D;IPORTAI:O:3 "* * "*

* * * * * * '* * *

., .

I:' ~'~ DJ:,30~#.?cG2 OF Dti'tx

_'-_. ~~ ... _' ._I!_ ~, I' ~. , •• \

* * ...

* * *


. iI·

-lI. The nission of the ~ali tery 7(. :l(.',JE'S" Service is to prov ide '* * pro~pt a~d dependnble transpor- * * tat ion by rail of troops and *" * supplies Te~uired ~. tho rjlit2~7 * ~c forces in ·the execution of the '* jli- tact.iccl lon p.ssignoQ to the * -if conbat, £0:;:"C88.. '*


* *

* * *' * * * '* * "*


'* '* oj} * .* '* * * * * '* *"

~ * '*" .. '* .... '* ,),'" * '* *- * * .~ '* * f.;- *.


.. ..,.;.,_ -

* * * * -1+



,-..,~;_~ 't -- .


"* *"

* * * * -)r


* * * 71SI'H RAIL~;A: On.2..;.TI!:G'13:AT::P.L':::C- 7,-

* * * * if

* * *

* * *

* *

, ,~ ,

-)I* * * if

* * *

*' '* * *

'* * *

*' * * * * *

0001 HOTJ33 -' 1 Jm;s 1945


* * *


* *


'* Brig. General C. R. Gii.ofi', JR

* Di.!'ector Generd




. ".

* 7~


* * * *

Colonel A~ E. STODDAHD General j','lanager

* * * * * * '* *' * * * *

Colonel C. F. DO~Gf~~TY Ass It. Genr;rtLl r.:enuger

Lt ~ C DIone 1 B. 1l" DECJ:}"]t Executive Officer



C clonel L. G. J AJ7IS ON General Superintoh~ent

*" Lt" Oo Lone L J. W. 3UF OPlJ

* Asslt& General Superintendent


* Lt. 'Golerte f. :~" Ao ~\1UGLT

* Superintendent




'* V;Uj or rio, F. SAVAGE:

* Ass! t., Superintenr:'i"eut


'* Cc.p" 'W ... G. CHASE

*' Train:::llstor

' .. ~ 1

* ....

* *, +.-

'* 2d Lt .. T. F. DE'~A~~

*' 'Chief Train Dispatchor

* * * * * * *



.. ~








* *


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '* *


-:i- oj- ,':- ~i- ';i- -;1' "* -¥- *" * -x *, * ;;" * '* * * .;", * -* * * '* * * ~c * * -:\- -* -J\: -\, * "*


*","*,==,""==:=""","-==,"",,,===,,~AEC- .--:~ - _BE KR2tJZ.~A0n to 3:::3':~:Cf~~c==~=:,==

* l\rn. frot) Sj.ding; cr ~:c/::;'_:::~_1--:·. 'r;-:~f ',Jr,

*Bd Kreuznt',cl: _q:~c:t_t.Qns -=F;_lE"",~~l""·l"":;-;." t.::..=.,ic:::,'.O .... 3 _;-"'y r?,:..l;x~d~


*' 00 .. 00







Level 1:--l81 'if
-0.4 DOlL. *
Love 1 Ie"/EI *
* nT,'1'


* -1(--

'* * *





* 12.68


D~l *
0.3 i~
0,3 *
0.2 *
I~VGl *
* "


* * * * *"


Ockerihe Ln




Il '.,'




* 22.37 *


* 27.47










* * * * * '* *

* * * * *"











j.flcinz, ... I:o 1-:: ba ch





* 40.56


* * *



* 42,36






* * * * *' *


* * * * * *









Bischof'S!:8 i::l

~C-VG] * * *





------~---,,- .. - ~-,-



* sr:GLE TRACK HDrER :srIDGE TC~',~rt TO GI:3'~' AVS::::"·:JR::i






¥- D ::mEGT ION.. N • • • Open l'!ight s 11/ • • _ Water Only

* n;'T ••• Dpen DeY E~ l~ir;ht F ••• D'i.c so L Fuol

* C',-.' ••• Coo.L 2nc~ "Nate!"


* * * * * * * * * * "*


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

- 2 -



DECLASSIFIED Authority Co, /:2065"

By YJ H NARA Date 5& /01


ti~ * ~* '* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *, ,* * *- * * * 1i- * *, * -*

* BI3Qt~9FS:ISI:~'r -t.~o .Jif-~.'~e.=V='~=, ===="--===,:: :..:,.__._~~= *

S,L6=-_1g or r'l:a::irnlf.'; G:"f :10 ,,_

Y~'=!_rQ Ea sf ~t,,r\-, .~t ~~

__ -=;;;_;;'O __ o ,_o~ - ,,~~, ~'_*



I' * ,'f;

*==}=I.. ..... ::;:, =r=l'=c=YJ

*3:i,schofsbeL: S+~a't-; 011S

*--- ~------~

* 4-0.72 *


* 45.82



* 47,,62





-)f* * ~li:




* [)8Q10



* l6.o0



* 19.10



* 23.60


* J2.~02 7:-


* 34,,82 *


* 36.37





c;;[ F

Level ~c +:~'





RO;U.n.h_8 in




i ~elste:r bach



Fr c.nJ::f'urt-S chwanced:n






Fra.E:-rfurt~ Oberr ad





Level oM*



Lovel -;<-



Ste in~e iC'1


Level * *





0 .. 4



* *



* B:;r:':1H,JL11f-£m_Q~!.1A~_:;PI'T

* jl1ANl"P.1 DJ.CC:C :~~U1~,3 13 EFFECT BISC-:e:CiSH3Il:; TOl-IhN.4..U

* SINGLE T?A.C~C STEEEZ -F'i TO EA~\il\.'G~ '*



* DOO:C'lICi,:.

* * * *

. ..

Op ~'" t

• en ',lgn s

I> Open Day 2,: NiCht • C021 and Vi;:;ter

VI • • • ~Tr~t&T O"ly

I' 0 • "Jiosel Fue I

• •

-If- "* '* * * -;c ,;~ .,:. if -1i- ~- .;+- '* * * * * * * 'if * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3 -

* *+

* *




* * *






'* *




4 R.ERROCtUC[:D AT TH- i->. I

jJ. 4. ,r:-

-:0 ~;. -!;- -;,' +,' ~" or 7(- * '* * * +:- * * * * * * * * * *" ,E- *,~L 4< * * * * 0,<- * * "0 * *"

,;-_" D ~.?_~;ST WT SUB-D D ~SIO:'T e *

~/ B rsc; 01";"'1--7 P'I t Die' 'C:;" tD'!' *

'<=II' • ""SO ... ".,_,"""._c;~===- ..... ~~~~ __ ;;,!:;-==-'~~=~_==="'_~' -=.0 '.' - .,.,-" >=.-.

* L\r; f'rcr; Sidi!lg or : ::::ir,J;:-_ G:c::"o -l:-

*Bisctofs..l~i-l __ ~ ~'~Lo,:;;.,n:..;,,)<;§ , rQ,cilitiQ.L_ YG.r__h____;;2St,_~ __ ~:-~cs_t. _.,,,

* -k

* * *


-==c~ __ ~~~~~

* * *

* ~H5.7






* * *

* *


* 18.9.



-7aiter stndt

"* * *


20 .. 9


* 0".

* * * * '* *

C~'l • • • C0~.1 ~~'l-:l ~ [iter

TI e " • ~·:f.tGT Cnl~r

* * * * * ~~ +.~ .,;- -;~ * " ii- * * * "" -;;. * -ii. * * .)(- * * ~<- * +:- +:- -)1- ,:- .,'i- * * * * * * * * -;c 'I,' o~

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * +:- * * * * * * * * * * * * *

'* Dt_?iBThD:' SLD-nriJISIC:; ~i-

* +:-





* 11.3




Ge:'OSS Gernu

: .or f'o Ldcn


* 17.1



* 21.3

* ·k


* * -)(.


* *


FJ,'Er.nkfurt Sportfeld



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

- 4 ..






-l "







Authority [,,(], !.206.3''"

By YJ H NARA Date J I? /01

* * * -if- * ~f ., " -+ '1< +~ ~t * 'ii- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .;.:- * * * * '* * * *", * * *



* .~, DAHMSTA.lJT to M_1GT-=,~?~:-:_;:::;.2,llP.G -:-:::=====~=:=-...::=~=~=* l=~=~==::::;::==============:::'::;:~~--~-~~-'.I:~~:'_~·'::::"~"'''''~~;:-='':'''~

*" .KI!l ITOL"1 ':;~~L\j_ing or :~~t;I~lI'L1:": (~rE_de *

~,:;::'_ :,.:.aI'.:.::.,;:TI,;,;;_ s:.:.t,,"c.",,·'l;;;;:0 . .!::t~ StFLt1-Q.; . .!:s~ :F'&r:::'li·;(.'::_.e!:<., ""s __ -=l""B""!.T""d;!;,,> -==E""B.""'-s:..:t"--_ ':Tf2st *

-~ ;;,

7(- 00.0 .j(,




Dl:r::'nstadt Nord

* *

~. 06.2







"* * *

* 2),,4

Alt1:'.. G-ir::


* *





* *

* *


* -41.3




Aschaf'f'e nbur g



* * * *

* * * *

en • • • Coal and :7cter rl ••• '.'rater Only

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * •

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* D AR:~T ,!J)T Sli3-D IVISICl'i *

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Autflofity L,a, 1,2065

By YJ H NARA Date ~I


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.'k * * * or -;;- ., " -;c -.C -;,- ~f- * * '* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ->r

* AL2EY 3UB-DriJJ:SIO~il

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1.'7o.rd trOJ..ins ::ere superior to trnin6 of tl')8 sat:e cl,.ss in the oppo-s=-tc diTeciion.

',~ ,

2. ~ MAX I W .. l: SffiED:

The T:lcxiITJJJ. pornissible speed for any train on t!'.e HE'in. Line Bnd KrGi:lz:{ to Hanau is thirty five (35) ~.iles per hollI' unless other',','ise s.9Gcificl=-.

3.. SPEED r"::::::ST::;TC~:;:O::S:, .

Over mille =:'i"'l'Jcr • • • • t ~ • • • • • • • • • • • , • .. • • • 10 ~:~:;J':_

a<:~inz to 1 :".inz Sud .. • .. • • .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. • • .. • 10 ;:<.ph

A,?~_rocch iJ.l[,: CJK1 /0.88 :':ngc..ll rLiThends .. • .. .. " .. .. .. ~ .. • • .. • .. • 10 ITt CrYC:.T hrkr:;o 'trust of Steinhein end orval' Main l1i'Tor Bridge. .. .. " .. .. • 10 I.~pl:

T;rc_ins }J.~i.~~ lin~L .rxc clang crane II.... II . . . ~ . . .. . g _,. .. • " 20

AL:. trc.::'ns ~'rill approaeh inter Lockf.ngs nt u speed not to exceed one-Jir.Lf f'hxir,1UD. D.t::ti:'J!'izs':; s:::eed prepurec. to stop fer sign:;~ or Si7itch ir.prcper1~' lined.

1':o.xiDur:: spoerl ~:i'.inz to BisCEofshein t':Ienty (.20) tules:t::eT hour except &.8 othGT'.':ise noted.

Mmc.\l1J, speed appr cach i ng and le,ving fbllu.:jing stE·tions and yar ds is t.e n (10) niles per hour :

:Jc,uiUgeshei"1. Dhlerborn Ec.inZ'

R.i ver Bridge TO~7ET Bischofshein

Frc.::1kfurt Sportfe Id Frankfurt-Sud Offe:1bach



4~ GP.Ml'F,nCr: crvI:. TI]E!

T:~8 24 tow' cJ,.oc~<: syste::J vrl Ll. Oe used.

5. STM1DP.P~~:

ibll eEl trl:',nsr::.itted b;r the Dispr.'tche;r et 1200 t:Ql):'S r::id 2400 r our-s [1=, :l~· to 211 bloc~'.; str:.t:'ons End ere":1 diS}J2.teners. All trcdn crers " ill ' their tine ',7;-,en :!'egi:stari!lg.

6. TRAnI ~GI3'::'2,S:

Br.C.:Crouz! Yar d Office k.inz Y[L'(~ Ofiice

Bis c1".(' £ S;~C i_~' Yarc. Office Lt1n<;,L1. y Q~'d Ci fice




Be.d ~\:re' Y L'.rd Office

r.~inz Y1:rd Office Bischofsl1ei!1 Yard Office Bc.n2u y ard Office

8. Personnel -.ihosa dirt Lera in any ','lay affEOcted by the tine table J:', );e,ve a copy of t:~e cur!'ent tioe table ~:ith tl:'.eI:1 Tlhi2.e on dut~re"

9. Attention ia directed to rule s B3-A, D-97, 251 e.n(: 318:

"83-A. 1Jn1ess other'7ise provided, n ','Till not Le.-ve its initial station on any division, sub-division, . rit~out e: 2.1enraTIcB. n

- B -

Jf¥81~O \I1l\fN H t: AB o Jc/ '07 Nj.JOl!lffi!

- '



_: r .1

r :

r:-. G Cc1.:r16' tr~,c2[,.. ,;j;i._th tl::e 'cur:_"s!lt :0 f - trr.ffic} ex-wri? t:'p :":-:;3 .~~.:- r'.:~l . '=- .: ~:.r.:;c::.:~ ·'~rE',:i_y" 0:1'0::(>:'8, t.CV:'r.C ftrotseC-,u:~e~~" Clec.:r!".noe For r, 11 __ :I

:~~.,.~ .: : <"C~; f:JY ;:~OVe::ent. 11 '


~ ...... ~- -'.~ .. n'~-~·" ...... -f ..1_ ....... ''''"1 r~ ........... '1" n d "'i~ ,.f....~ + ..... ,,(c- ~r""1 :C',~ ....... -':"''''4,'Ir-''

l,.l .. _._, ",_J-.'8 '_..., IJC_ r~.~ r o: .. c., ._.,r_ 0.. 0" v::1ElvCC ~T_ C. _~ ~ ..... _,GC---.l,__~ •.

O',~ -'-,-' . .--, ~-fncy·L·~'k'e t··~·l"·lS "':'" "'1'''' ";t~- 7'~·fp·,·e"'CG to o't1.",~ t-'~l.·r'"

_"'- .. __ ...... o...:.. __ J_L!..J~ •• iJ...L, ,ll . ..I.. :..l._..J...~_, ... .l !..L._~,_'-'" ~_.1...t -, __ '-.J.._ .1-;:--_ ~D

::: -'~>::: $:J.,i::O C1_ired_:i_,ml by block si~:1r~18 ',,';-.0$0 i;)l'.iOt,t:.O:18 ":"11 8'.1:'-:;" 30~.::: <:0 s~)criority of +;;.,,:ins."


2:, '~'7:;' ::lr' ;'O~"e tn'des, to N~~:it 2,. trG.~}l to. P. '01cc2c,. ->;1:.e ·,';j_l~ e;~~_~-~i~1e the o'lock r8cord ,""'.nd c~is~21,~.:~ p~o~:;e.r 3i~~12_l

L !C:':';:l', '-ill not be !;.d;';it"'u;:d to c_ block '::;'3.c~~ is o C C1.;r icc. 'Cr' n

~X',8 c· :':l'l.:_;8r trS':i:'l., c::ce~)t C,S pl'ovichd ill :?ulc 333 or b:~r -trc_ i n cl~::'.cr, 'i'. :~rZ'L1 ;]C',:r he }>c:c:,:it·':..ed ·to f'o.Ll,o: £'. tl'cill ot;-:er tr.~,"1 ::: Z:,rSS(nt:;0T tl~:' Ll i:l-tO 2. slock u:J;_~cr perc:is3i vo inc'ic, ticn or Cle~,r;-:1c8 F.:I';:'. <- •• "1

H) •


Si~,t;Lc Jcu1;Jlo

J~,~; Xr''''U3~V'C1-- ... " C!iv'r ::::ri';!~o To··"' ....

't.~""'_ .._.. ·L~, ..... U...J _w ........ _,.. r.,.,~¢- "v ......

-_iv2r 3::'i~\;o ':':]"'01' to G1.~.stt_VS"":JUT..G. ':'rns"t.r-vs:,ur:j to Skin~-;cir.:.

-b~c.c:r tr~_~.:: t:..~r c::

Si:;:;le t:":,, ~::. J~~ir_J--.G:_~1 t.c i-:c.n: u.

?~iGr~t ~~.8.J]~-:- t:~~_c1~ ~('-.Cil1~_; E;:~st is {esiD1~.t0;: [1,8 E[~st~'_.r::_rc1. L_4.n2n. ?..If):t ~~:.'21~~ <~rc_c}( f[_ci11G '--l3lst is CE:si:;~Il£~to-d 2_6 -r-'C'ct-~c.rc1

21oc~<:: J:J0:: r::jors - 'ill r.'-['.intt~i~'1 fG"' 0peT signr:ls e_t bl~'c:: ste t lC~:S rn~' ':i:l bloc:c ":,rf::_::S i:: ~CC'J~T~::2nt8 ',---ith tte beak 01 _rules.

st::- t::.c::.

3':i_I~C~3 :c~_, ~~-~ .~~~,~ c-.:~=er~·-00r. l~~~ J("DC f'bJc:)cG of r:n:" 1:[,:,~1~; 0~ l~Yltcr~ si:.:~:c:ls, t:~c. s:.c'· 1':'~~C-,'- :~~_ ~1 "~ll O:=. i::1.. cf.fcct"

1;2. ':'rf.: s~, :';" '.--:, .... 2.1 !.1'::: c:::,vc:rnc(~ by- :-~; 55-265, T::''"'.nsT)Qrt[, t :i.O"- :::u2.c ~TO. t19, ·.~~~~~c.~~ ~ ,~j_~: -_)G O-JQ~~c;_::_ ['.t ['.11 t~]O s ,

t,_ £\':1 ':'-"~:-_J-T o}. ._ usae s, fl12}S 1 f'.n(_~ tcrpcc'.oe S ',:ill bo

C:_"'C -'-2 c, l_l_ ':',~\8S, r-nc1 I".ust 1::0 usori r.s ro-~uirGd.


J_ J.

:r;~ i:;_ C~":': 'TS :'.11 ins:tJcc:, t.l-:.o iT tr:".11113 ','1; t);c:r ['.T'8 tcr:'~:.~·~,-:ls •

ir: si~.i::1f s

O-i~Er" ·('C';'::: i c2_ll ;;'~rti0'1 th::::r,~EJ:;lv::-,s i:1 sue> c :.oositi":)~1 [:8 tc '0,:, ,- -81-:, t:1 i:".S~)CC~ ;--1.1 ~-iP,s3illl=)~ tr2.ins., In c~"sc cf f10t bc:cc s,.. b~c.~·:c l"c~r',s dr;-,r=i~~, F~nl:l. ~::lY C'C,l:C,2." ::',cf',.C-C3 -':::.1c1'1 ·:toul'~~ C".uso ":1 r'.cci(1Cj:r~, ·G~-_'-. c;::G~"'fJ)T3 --ill si:::-v'l tbJ tr;-. '.:' C:'"T,:S 'brj st.c p ; 1~r.C f(_\110',~:__n; .siG~,:ls r:'C to ~JC usod :

Hot "SC~::

D/>.Y; Hclfl. no sc . ·it1c i'i1',3t fi~G0r :::.;:X<. -t:tIT,~ cf ri':'ht :r:.:-'.!)~. en c:_ p'Yi.rrt (10" rn tC·.:oT:~ trc' ck ·<j.t;:, leon, t:· nc' . .i

I'TIGrtT: Stop si.~~1,_1 to bi:.! ?iVt:J:l.

D {'i)

-'IG;;T): Pr'ccocd si;nr:l tc be Given.

- 9 ..,

\ \ - \. \




Qr' StUlC ~'rirr roturn to propor stn ;------ ---- _

DECLASSIFIED Aut110rity t_~.(J. / J_ 0 bj~-

8'1 'YJ H NARA Date 3/5-/01

.» _', ~ ,,,-,



...... I· ~ ... : ...

~ ' ..... T, ~l· r. »: ,:.. ,~ ~ J .. ~ ",l'~ ~~..:..;..:. . ,,,",; ..

.;~ S' PEe 1 l' lEg! lll[,Q,! l~l$.~ ... _(b,,/~t'.~t *,~.:. . ,,\\~~,, ..

.,....~-7_7:'; ',_,- ,r~, ,~.r.l'"'f¥'1!.t ~f",. i ......... i~1 '" ~·t ... - ',.,.--.::-., ........... ~

Attention 'oj' 'E~in!\mlooJ i's '~l,-recl~c·-to "fS1irerJ?ll~p;te~'ii;ce~gi')'.~ai,~ O-+l? reso!'''. Jil' f).nd tro.ilJ. line prf,),ssure. c\t all tines, 1m:!' v5:61tat'i~n Qr failUl"6 in

regcrc: is. sufti9ie~ cause fo!' seV~l'eB~sc~'P~in..~IT ,a,~ti9'l',l...... ) "" I,

:.. '," ': '., '\-"'~" :~," ",',~. 'c\:;::;, ,J.,,:'~ ;~: ~ ".,,' r'

A texm±~1.1 rin- btalretestM\~il1'oo' ,mode:: bqf6re··tra!1'!"'aapcl·t{3 apq 't:rnll:). O!'$','J

" ,.~ . ~.,' .~.,. +.~ ,,-, IT' . ~ ~" t'· r~/;_ ~ 'll t"'" ~. ~'!I\ .. ' • r"'..1 "'Y" ·,1 • i;?';.t, ~" ~d'

rr.:L;':..j. .sD,:{' ~S ... -r ~£l:maEb.YOs·' 'lJ~,la " "tt~'!e, . "'r.-a.WiS' are J.'n, .p:roll~)'!t". TICr~·::::.J;.ng 'qr' Q!'.

~~'''''(~ ...... .,..:,..' 1:. ~ct-.r.-~ I, I.\ft, .

Ensti7D..rd trnin~ ~rom lhi~ ''In:- ,u~ < or;~t ~~r:- .. ,Yrc:~~ -~ra!!l)~i~ '~~iltio~'J?~ Rhine Itiver Jilr~cage ''to.wEr ex:~ep'e~ ,;,~en, DtfiG:r:!ll~e'g9~l;~~(r.Qt J'IJc(p,f,~c,. trl.:i1

d ',/" J • ., "! ~ ....... ' •. <1'" f!."" I~ ".lfj. I ~~ ;- T' ( -:;.; 1 .. • -I, r ...- ~

,or ers,.· """ , , " ,

" - '" r-' _ ~ < .....,' .1..... ~. ~.,._ I ...".'

Trains \1ill~pr.¢'~aoh~,~w,,!~~·e.~ !'~th~r (!)nd<~c:~ _,~he4~1;!~l~~1'V<!ir. B.r!dgo prE;lpnrod tG 'st.QP "W11ess erlatOhes nr:f,,'l'·'0h?~~q. to 'b¢ p;;:)~Qrl'V',.l~rr~Q:.

'" ,- -, r ......' -I'J ';" ~t' t! ,[;_ L1 "'1j' ,t.(1 ,~~ ~"'.l ... ' .;!:'. _""'"'.. ~., ..... ~

S.i,rl~'C1i e.t. ED.'S~_::Q:~d: .'oi' ,:fllii~e:'R(V$:i' ;"BJ:"~tfgci ,,ts>"®} ~':be' aaeafb.S 0. crossover.

'_ ,~. ,fl f 1> r" ..... 11,...- ~~ -', til ~-/~

7~9th Rc,iJ.:·,TI:'S;, OpG:l'o.'ting B~t1fdiG'lll MSl chUf.gkj~+<t~~,J~r.a .. 4~~ ~!,tqq R~vor Tarrer r'~ovement"'off ~fistbo:und end'· .iQstbound tl"c:tns' l1etr;cen

River TO"!or and HD.!12.U YE',rd 1s under contro;L Yardmc,stc!l? I-Inn(l.u.._ r ., ."r

. ,~ .. , ...... "....:. ~ t,\.~ ~-~~ "1\ '~~ • ,'). ,1' ; ..... 2 ~ of: -'<I t' 111-

1:/',6J.stbou.~, tr.aihs rrlll ~receive ,elo&imqea f)hd 'trn!iJ. p;rder.~ fol' rx::sfb~Und

movenorrt over 'tho 7l8th DNision at R~\fu~ T-cnvel"', Hmm:u.. , '-'~


Trd.n o!'mtl5 ':'Fill' sign' riegfs1.ier-' 1m 'rttid'-'Out -:~net f'cp!iiv~' tt.tti-p:' 'tr;.d~ QQ;::H3i~is'

tV,:l ':'1 E'" -'. (. 'f j t,,,, " ,

a .. ,c.xd:k,".S,,,Cr-- "l office,. Hanau, n,gine' Cl;'IO'tI$, yrill sign fo'r-o.nd dQ'!ivo.r

engines c.t c'ngineholis6" ,HD..npu;j T:rClin cre-.1$ and) r(ng~ner c:t'Q'l'ta o,:psr"'~in:g E;)~st of- River To~!or~ l'fp.ndU, 'Ol".e updcr 'jur!stl.±,c1;.i,on·'r.tq'S!.~~:s:tb~: ,c.t-EMr.1-!-.. 71,$tll,

crc\i'S TIi'll be o['..llod b-r croW' 'd~s;pat'cher at H.qrt'n.\l,~t ... " ~ .

19. Tho 80_ port iQUS r;f 1':,i n10 tl?'bl.e~· 'new' :b1£.1'J.k,' c6V;cring su~d)ivi:s j;bllS Md ~O\lt~c dosignations, n:iU be covered by .supplement -,iholl aurvo~t,s'.are conpiotOtl •.


. .

- .i._ ",

, ..

tr: t:

. ~ , ' ... ,


t .lL·~4'·'

, .

-. '

" ",;

* * * * * * * * * ~~ T, G. STEINFIELD

.~ ~ £. :;_ ..:!; ..;: ±: t.:: ;;; "1"

* * ~* * * -* * -IE- * '* * ~,,* * * -_ t. * '* * * ,~ * '* ~,~ * -k:. ~(-


Assistc:::nt ,Adjv:tc.nt

Rcadqu2Tters CompO.ny Coranandcr

H,,_ ..... I

l'Issa & Su~oply Officer

Assistcnt Railnc.y Supply Officer

Ibintone,nco of l'Jny Superintendent RuilvlUY Sign(l.l, rflD.interh':.nce Superv5_spT

-"". ' .

, Railv.r£Qr TTQ;ck Supervisor

.i __

..- ' .•.•. ,-~ '!.

".~; ~~( "\{'.




* * ., ..


1st Lt. A. H. FRTITON

1st Lt. "t. -;r. DR3FES

Captain F.. E. BEAN

1st Lt. A. ,A. !'.IA'C.TST

.k nOJG *

IT. T.:. SC:,~.?21liEF\.

Rc.:i,.lvray D & B Supervisor Adr~inistro..tive Officer

Ass't Ey. Hnintonnnce or 1'7o,y Supt.

Uester Mo,chnnic

Me chand cnlEng inecr

Enginehouse FeNJ'1DJl

Ror.d For-omnn, RC.ih"onc~ Enginos


ilssistc.nt to TrC'.inn;:-~ster

Adninistrc_tivo Off'icer



, r'iIedic21 On'icer

Dental Officer

* * *'

"'c * *


* * * * * * * * ~t-


~. *

'* * * --if * .;<- ,:. -,.' ·k oj;- ~~ ~'" ~(- '* -1.. * * * * * * .x- * '* '* * * * ,~ * * * *' * * * '* * "* * -:" '*


1st Lt. J.. H. ~1~\_GSD AlE

* * * * * * * * * '* * * * * * *

1st Lt ~ G. I::. CHAl3EHS

1st Lt, f:. S. CRL.:.·:,s'I'ON

2c1 Lt. S. 1'. DAVIS A. J. Ii2ID3R

ls t Lt. J. F. STJi''TJE

1st Lt. E. H. F(1'{

lst Lt. L. H. BE~TI'3n

* 1st Lt. ',"[. K. VOLKl·iANN *

* 2cl Lt. tI. H. rJcDO!\TALD



* 1st Lt. V. V. C~OUCH

* *

1st Lt. G ~ 11 I: Ii l~Cl~ftT


Is t .Lb ,


. ..,

: .......

Y. _-';~~ :~:E;S

1st Lt.

-)I. 1st IJt. lTiL::'~!-'\lT :.;!::W':nElli/-!.t-!


?t- lst';-Lt. S. S. lITUillEE

- 11 :""


0, ~.
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\', ~, l.
~ . ., 1
_. ,.~ t
~ _-~
" ~.
·7: "
I ''\


_L __ ~ _

.!l' , ,~


1ST ~aLI'I'1I..(,Yh.."'_Il,W~.;.J:- S:8.r.iVICl:, Headquarters, 718th :ttailvi'aY O:r;,era ting Bat t a.Li. on c:ffice of G'ormnanding 0fficer

.eVe 350

12 July 1945

The 'l18th hail'Nay O}.,:er5ting .dattalion, j0ining in the universal e of re'lief with the c e e se.t Lon of' hostili ties on V-..w clay, found the 8x:pcct&tion of e s.s Le r w or'k e omewhs.t :fTCIC13.ture, vith incre~sed de~cnds tO~ling even the reqUirements of the

vcr e t }".r.cases 0:' .. t.n e V{8..r. 'I'Le s e c s.Ll.s tog~~c<,:ter e f'f c r t E,~()Se

f r or. :CJ_eavy t rar'ti c in t r o ops beil'1g l"ede}floyed, hundreds of tl~0usc-I1ds of l.I'i5 anSI'S uf \:Cl" .. nd d i-;:.18,c~c, le:'8 orie , arid an

ur.d i r, inis}-_ed flov' of s uj.j.Li e s .

,-,oue evi dt.nce of tLls tT("mencicDs traffic is gmen iu the figures for t::,.€ ;el'iod l\,ay 9 through July U) inclusive:

2,037,63S, net tuns Le d for 68,099,.695 net ton miles

-,--:.inz) : tI'-:-: i ns ,

'l'rs.i ns oyel'~"he J..J~ine l ~\G 0 se ve 1 t 1', ernc.r La l '0 i'i dg e e.t 8F-stbound--,14S16 t.raLns , 65,1?1 C&.:Ts; 'l-estbound--15CG 74,021 C2.r2,.

Tr:"",ins oyer tne La.i n ri ver b ri diSc at Lanau ~ e as t r -0 ound - -llcA t r a i DS, ,8h', 595 C C",T6; v:e s t'b ound - -116 7 t r a i ns , ;,)4,96r3 C:'I'S.

'fueSE: i"ig-ures bee orne cicr e si,;nific,:mt wuen it i.s :realized thc~t these bTi~,G;es 2,1'12 e i ng Le r t r a ck , .'?~nd. that the 718th wa s

r e ce i Vl~b tn:,_f'fic f'r crn .. tvo o,:pt;.J."ating b at.t s.Li o na to tl:::.e v.e s t

Bcd tl.l.I'ee U18I'2'.tin,,{·,-li one to the east •

..:.r:;onsored by the =~<2"; Yo rk Ce n t.r a.L, the 71BU.i. La;,; b ec oroe l.;:n()'di'l 8.13 one of' the crack Tai1v-ay cpe r at i ng b a't t a.l i ons in tte _-UrO);;'8Sn theatn". i\_6Cognitie:n of its ou t s t andi ng pe r f rr manc e

1;',"- e given recently by the com.r.mnding genel'C'<l of the Gommun.i c a-: tiDES ~':;ol1e, _;U~()renn l'~1eai:rE: of ()I_erp_tions" by the aw ar df ng of t;he much C ove t ee Le r i, tori cus Service lJni t .Plaque. This diet i nc t n on o r has been gr~ .. nted to but fc'i{ other outfits.

3ince t}-~e- 'ccssati0n of' :i:.ostili t i e s in _t.uror-6, tr,e duties of' ,,-.e;:,cir..;llcI'te:rB (:Qi,.,J.':_l1Y l:evE been unch; ... ng e d. 'rIds c ompany h2,B t:te ma,s:t;er job of (:UB],!3_tc:r~in!~ and b loc'-":ing tr;:].ins t{~r0ugl_._uu t

t.Le ba t t a.La on t s division. Since the 12-~ine rive!' bridge at l.'c.inz is single track, it Cd.11rSQ f' or the Tl'ain l~'-ovement Sectit-In uf the c oz .. :J,.any to be On the job every minute. The volume of t:C1.i_ff'ic over th<::l b.t· idge i' or the f' Lr G t r.orrth aft e.r the cl as e of the \;iar ,~,'?S urrusu aj.j.y ,3"re2:t because this was the only b ri d g e wn i ch c ou Ld r'u rrn sb sun:;lies to ~ll points across the [-J-::ine south of l:.e.inz. 211 the TTf'in t.ovement ~:,ection [;re thre e f o rme r 2\'e-v.' York Cen t r e.I ~,cilroP'd emr-loye:s. T/3 ~ er:r-ill :;. 3ad.gley, 416 ";;'E'.St Tlevitt, ~)Tyc'..D, vlLiu, is 110'1\' -v:ro':J:'king feS a t.r a i n G_isratch-:...:;:. .u s civilian .i vb v.a s 2"S a t ow e rman . T/4 J'orrezt. 1_" ~'lc::;Gn!::'.I(l, .,_i:i'~ _1, ~"orv8,1~-::, GiliQ, i'u::;")tC:r'ly a detci1J.TT3-t:e clerk, is nov J:'Hill~ing the _r;ositicn of

DECLASSIFIED Autnority E~,O, / J 065'·

By tJ H NARA Date .56/01

.~ owe r clerk. l>vt Artr:ur .. , lOTin,;, 2.27 l~21.1e2 Terrf,"(ce, 3ronx,

~_-C':,' ~c::'lc, is ou t on t ue division 2.6 3, trc:;_in-c..rder oj erat or. l;'or~erJ~ his civill~n jub ~a5 as office clerk.

'I'r;e 1 ess and. ,.)U1~1.__,- t_Jec~:.i{m of head(~U2Tters -:::or..rrpsny has the ex t rerre Ly iwporte,nt tl~-:3};: of Be eing Ulat the 'b a tt~11i on is sur:.12.ied w i th the r cnu i r ed food, c Lo tlres , am:~ other i tams of e qu i jmerrt, YleC68s~'.Ty f~r U:,8 -'l"',--,lfE~re of the 1l:6n :o,no_ i'o:::' t.lre oe.s t ~rere,tic.n of t~_~e :::"lil:r-Ofld. li'To2TI this s ec t i cn come trro f'o:rrnur ~~ev· YOTX COit:r81

;~en. J..··vt J olm C. Lierbnu,;il, co Hunter Jt., l.8sining, ~:e\, Y[;1'"(,

::;:-OY-1:~erly 2_ t:rc.file l' ate c Le r k , is no'.', doing 2, fine job of c c ok i ng

in 0D8 of the C Cl;J1lsny .:1C'S:;:: IW lIB" ..i.::;fc _-.lctJ."1UIly l:Ol'C wine, 1 2-~-,-,nc.

8reek ~-;_Qa-ci, 'd~est Al.b any , ~€-\: Yo rk , is driVing e. truck -orin£~int; in slq;:;lies irolTI thE. va+i ou s du.r:;rs to our head'~:ur;rter-s.

The A-:;_;;i n ia t r s.t i V8 Sect i on of J.--l:em'i_(2Uarter s COIDI,fJ11Y iU3, s hF.Q,

e i nc e the v,ra;r's end , Ute ~Ldc~iti(jn8~1 tasl{ of re-em),::loying: Germ811 l':3ilvf8,Y \i,:~rkel's arid putting thc German railw2,Y admi rri s t.r at f cn bctck int G oj.e r at i on. Anctner a.dd i ti oria L task is involved. in the great job of reder'layment, v:ith a c s.r ef'u L c ompu ta.t Lon and Ci:i8C£ r e qu i r ed ro:::' 12.<:"'.01: man in the l1l11 t on his time of s ervic e at home and OV0T-

s e 8_ 5, D 2. tt 18 F~Tt i c i~'2 t i on eye tii t, d e periden t.s , 2.'.'.:_::.rd i", et c • };lx' O:JI~ tnE ar.l1::inistrati"llla s ec t i cn CODleS Ohe f'or'rae r lYG r;:;E'.D, Lst :::{.,;t .,~rtllU;r J. 'l"l:lCmas. 302 _;jurkl-~JJ.'t S:.,_cKt:e::o I\ocks, F;:~., Ville y.,'t;,S i'O!"Elcrly

2. tn:·.imrr n . Under SJ;t 'TY.l.O;J~1S IS Le ar' e r s rn p the: c or ~v,ny hc~6 f,_},1,- f;,YS received tl-:8 l:ighest r c t i nge r;ossiolc on c t i c n tours by Lig:nt:r l,e~d.l~u:,rter-s •

I"ince V-..;.- QE\;T H_\" ~:O;.ll_;:-l:ny·lS a c ti v i t i ee hu ve lJee:'l c ont i ne d c~~i0i'ly t c t.he sU~E"Tvit3i0n of' Ci-:::r1?x, t.r+ick aria oriu,,",e ~·.;,:,int(n"":::.nce CTE,', 31 "c~l(, Or(;Y2~:'_Gn 8,11\., :,,:-il1ten.::-_ne o~-· te;q;:-or:::ry v.a.t e r "-]lid cca Li rig f.:'ci.lities '."r~ich ver e ~ e t ur: by t.u i s CQTl:IE:ny to r e j.Lr.ce tlicj l~l;.,r~c;-lc-nt f e.c i Lit Le s olovn uT by tl·1G re t r e r t.Lng l,}Cl'tIl,-n arm i e s , 2nd

t" (."" "j' .i Yi ,t E"'TI ,-, nc r-" U-'~' 'i11' 1 -1' -I- c-i 1'" r~~'" 1 ,,, ~''.r F>, .,"",,·,1 "'11' C '- t i C''(1'" • M"-', to o i L' 6~ e 2+

...... __ ...... _ Lr_. _L ~ (I. ,.... .>_ J._ . L c......~.j ",_ .... -;--J.. L-v" ....... ,- • ..:..lJ_._Lll- -;:: .. ' ...... J.~i:,)- _ ... _ . r.- ....... ~ . ..I

-:oint2;1.-; jO"'Q :If,~i D0C'n tJ:"e 1!';C Lrrt en anc e of' tile te':ll:orG.1'Y _.OG~duvelt

_ 61 cri.rL LI'i\t,:e ,'.,C:r088 ti~e ~-'::nine c_,_t ::linz.. 'I'li i.s bric1e;e alone r e-

~uil' ee or.c li-erTrlf'.n br i dg o gp,T,g Il':oI'ld f1i'~ d a i Ly ti.z.~tenins b 01 t c , 11.:1- I n.; t_C:'~'Gk, e tc , _:;esides tHiS, IIJ.I! Co:nI-,~~ny ;"n6_ its bullci.ozers:.J,I·-e c:::.lleLl out to r.s s i s t "ll" Cm,~.::jnv in t r,e c Lo ar i ng u-: c ; v:rt::ck;:;. It ~<.'.' ,Jf'8T~ l()Ulli~ L"IC't t r.e (m-iCkc·c"t »i:» to c Les.r ti~~2 tYccks of c',cbris

l;:··tD·~:'-~OJ-:: CJ~~',it;~tl-l~YbUii6oz;r, ';;;d_ IJL .. 1.1 the; oObtY'uc:ticn cut oi'

tl~e '_:'~y. _L,vn;y 11Our" :i-o'::W6 1')€E.:11 s"vedb:/ cle:i!.rin,,; UI-' tn~c~{s ir:: this

"~F'llner. 'in, the e rid o; - IDstilities s, vre~:'l~r ir:croz.sed :;'.Grts

~ ~~' .... t?:l'~,", .. ,;:~ '·b·c-~n :3 ~t UL:- t-~ t .::::~ C8YE;- ~1 C", idlc,- ~10U1'2'. '{'ne <,--II Lo:_-

: __ .n:r ->j:.c.rt2, .,1:'enc DO" iricluteB fcciliticE 1.0:':' 0:- fSG'~,cl1, z\_,~to'.ll~ L or ":'~' ~~_ U _ '3, r i n·.·.:- T. OYF:, v oL'l e vbr; 11 t 1')~ s ket 'or' J_ 1, ,77L1':::: s i_, ic s , i:;UCl

. , -,"-",'1' n ',:, ' ., '1 • -j t"" ' 0' :_,~ ~ ,: .e-, 11 t.'o ..". ·l' r- n ""C ,p -, l' r in':" '. -i ,.,:r II :::" t f~"" :;; ] 0-

k_, _ __ _ ''I.- .~ _. I ,I' I \,_ t.: -::0,_ - ' ..... 1 ... _ J. ~ "-' ~ ...... , ..A. _ ... - -!:::t • ~ ...... :. - .0-

:.,-,:";-:;"\" ,·t t,·."e ;J~ .i nn Lnz of t l;e S'-'f:'.::'O~. "!~~cE: l:test c onc u ec c ~,2_S c.

1 tl~ C'l v i.c t or-v \.-\ier c c ojo i nod :--28., ... .rurrtC2.'5 ::n'-', "~;tI <.:o~-ljl<,nY te<-'2'i

ir, :. 1.: l"'",--i \)ll: . .l.t l cr':'cl·1~,.,2 i):111 '::'.[,:,:0. ',,:it!J. t·il' lH',tt·:,·lion C-O]';l-

r,:.~:_:3_-=r~ L'~ ''::;0:' .. e,(I,::--1: ,,' -.='i_,~.t c·1' JolU1,sto·,-n,.r:;_" :.n(~ t~l G~~(:CU-.:iVL' Cf::'CC1'1 ~,' ,_~c,y 8~:le). .r vc.;» of -,cottle ,:_jr::;l](, _lCl'j_l:.___,~-l1, E:S

,t:'"!.' !'CYIS, t.wo ~~it }'itc~;jn:_' :';;'-'steTpj.ece \,7SS turned in by T/5

_3~~n j ,'--~.~,!i 11 I~] i ~- '1l~_~g C r cr ·t2 co, Te x f_~S jI<



..fJ c;::O[:;lI"'l-'IV-·t=rj AT T.r-I!=" N"~·TlnN""'1 AqCHIVF~

DECLASSIFIED AJJthor,ity L.a, /,206,{

By 'YJ 1-1 WlRA Dale 3/5- /01

Famous for improvising when standard '-_J.uipment is unuvat I-, able or the situation demands unorthodox methods, the 718th decided a sixty mile round trip from Mainz to Bischofsheim via the highway bridge at Oppenheim was a trifle inconvenient when the crow could fly a round trip of five miles. The Germans formerly had a highway bridge across the Main river that made a

t r uck trip no longer than a crow flight, but war had destroyed t.ha t bridge. Compr..Y'.y TIP,_!! f'ound a civiliEiYl ferry boa t , but no power , A cable was stretched across the river, the ferry hooked on with pulleys, and an outboard motor cooperated with the curr~nt of the river to carry the ferry back and forth.

The reason connection with Bischofsheim was import2nt was the location of "BII Company there, and the f'act that it. was a crew changing point. Bow busy the shops have been since V-E da.y is Sgen by the following ::igures. In the month of June there were 6,.215 arrivals and departures of locomotives from the roundhouses at Bischofsheim and Darmstadt. These'locomotives were inspected, coaled, watered, fires cleaned and necessary repairs made. In the saille month 237 cars were repaired and placed into service, 2,090 trains were inspected with a total of 1'3,928 cars, and 895 cars were stencilled.

,Tee 5 Walter R. Mitchell, member of HBll Company, had an unusua.l experience recently when he v Ls i, ted a French f'am.i Ly who assisted his SOD, 1st Lt Frank Mitchell, in his esc3pe to

England after his B-17 V{5.S shot down over France on December 1, ~ 943 and he wa s forcect to bailout. Shortly after-,"iards TEe 5 Mitchell, 2t th2.t time in the Un i ted. States ,,'laS notified by the ~"ar Department tl1e.t his son I!'"',,LS m.i s sLng in action, shot down over enemy territory. Lt MitcheL, was the only survivor cf tile er e« of ten

S-Xtd W5,S picked up by a French civilian. Tn9 French outlitted

hun with civilian clothes and kept rrim in hidinG f'r om December 3, 1943 to January 5, 1944. For seven months he dodged the Gestapo arid German offici8.1s, reaching l;nglanci June 1, 1944 af' t er many hair-raising, narrow escapes. Not long ago the father went to visit the family t~'l&t had treated his son so kindly and were responsible .tor hf.s beiDs alive today. Tee 5 ~H tchell '1',:&S given

E. generous we lcone and ·W2cS shown the spot wher e his son made

th8 jump and a Lso hov, h€ had been hidCen from the Germc.ns.

He 11 C om:;; any took the greatest strain for cL time after V-:8 day vii th the lncre2..sed t r af f Lc working a shortage 11) c;r8WS. F.elief came, however, under the policy aT putting GeTman railro:·.',ders back to v,'orll:, until I'Lne.LLy on the 11th of June the railroad was turned over to the Germans entirely for operation. American supervision is stil'::" strictly maintained.


~ t:.oo:::pb r-, n\lrC"""" ,.,.u~. --;-Ir.'I~. ~r.:I"",.._j'\I~(»J

DuriD;:; the heavy mov sment s o:£' supply and personnel after il-E day HCn Company men ran into many interesting incidents. One of these occurred when a train o~ displaced persons was p8.ced by the storks, who brought nine babies before the train reached Mainz. The GI t S frant.ic at first, Quickly settled down to the job of delivery aftel' the first two ·or three babies arrived, and can now qua i Lf'y a s exper t mid-vifives.

DECLASSIFIED Authority E.G, /.2065'

By YJ H NARA Date 5&/0,


,fJ1 t:lC~qr.r"1I +rl=r. .:tT TI-oil= NAT1()I\.A. A_i:~("':~j\.'F:S

DECLASSIFIED Autllority E.. 0 , /,J_ 0 6J'

By, 'YJH NARA Date 5 Is- /0/

1ST MILITARY RAILWAY SERVICE Headquarters, 718th Railway Operating Battalion Offic·e of Comma.nding Officer

AI'O :350

27 1945

SUBJ"'J£GT: GOIDr1l,enda tion.

1'0 S(s -t John J. Karczewski, 32766108, Co 0, 718th ROB Teo 4 Victor F. Belmonte, 36766348, Co 0, 718th ROB Tee 5 F:cank W. Swierczek, 3747lh69, Co C, 718th ROB Tee 5 A.,.. thur J. Lynch, 31375387, Co C, 7lSth ROB Tee 5 DaI'win F" Rill, 32.942149, Hq Co, 7l8th ROB Tee 5 1~ Belgrade, 35S34769, Co C, 718th ROB

1. YC;l1ll" action in extinguishing fire in Tank Car SVE 535574 on 23 July 1945 at 2130 hours, in Bad Kreuznach Yard has 1'ecently come to my attention.

2. l-t is rrcr desire to specifically commend you for your prompt, decisive and intelligent action in subduing the and extinguishing same. This action is in the direct tradition of the 71Bth Rail'ray Operating Bat taJ. ion

and you may be proud of a job we II done.

s/ Robert A. Wright t/ ROBERT A. WRIGHT Lt Colonel, rc Commanding



C~a}11ain (Oapt}, USA


~ Q.:::~R()nll(:F.Q ..... 1 TkE."\!.A..1_0Ni'''' .4-=tCH!\lES

DECLASSIFIED Auvlorizy r.o, J:!o {J'

By 'YJ H NARA Date -5 f; /01 .




APO 3,0

11 Aug 1945


\ r

Little change was a.pparent during J"Uly in 'the act.ivitiee of the 718th However, m0re and more responsibility for operating and maintaining the

r,ailroad WaS placed on German shoulders.. Repairs to track, interlocking

systems, turntable, and other installations, were progressing steadily in the 1kl.irm yards, and m.ay betaksn as typical. of rebabilitation elsewhere on tbe division. (1) •

Headquarters for the battalion and for the various companies remained the same as before, thus making the longest period we have remained in one

spot since landing on the beach of Norrna.ndy. This period of four months

with headquarters ,at Ma.lnz, Germany is exceeded only by o\U' stay of five months in Camp Claiborne, Louisiana. (1)

Battalion strength was lowered by 38 e.nlisted men and one officer, chiefly through -redeployment. Offioer strength dropped from 30 to 29, enlisted personnel from 807 to 769. ,4 enlisted men and two officers were lost through redeployment, three men through hospitalization., and 0.n6 'thI'ough an emergency discha;rge. An officer and 20 men were received via redeplo;yment. (2) •

Tbe Ledical Detacb..ment reported both sanitary survey and dental survey 7576 completed, 'Wi. th 35% of the men in dente.l class IV. The dental officer treated 45 men from other units. MedioeJ. treatment was given in 449 cases. (2).

'1'be routine of all companies continued the same in general as during JlUlB. Headquarters Company noted progress in improvement of quarters) training classes, and physical recreation programs. (2).

".AU Com11any reported continuing in former routine with the B & B, Track, and Signal platoons, and in addition the B & B platoon installed a water tank at Bingen, and together with the Track platoon repered :part of the main highway and the side road leading to. the company area at Uhlerborn. (2)

!lEn Company st.atisties show the folJ.6,wing activitiest inspections

of locomotives .. -22 .montb.J...y, 16 quarterly, two semi-annual, foUl' annual; blowdownsM .. $96; boilers waabed':-58; locomotives arriving and departing after inspection, coaling, watering, fire cleaning, necessary repairing-- 3515 at Bischofsheim, 1857 at Darmstadt; cars repaired at Bischofsheim-- 164; trains inspected a.t and, Mainz--129e> and 1232 respeotively; totlil cal'S Lnspected eve,rywhere--1l4,JBO; cars stenci11ed ...... 725 i wrecks c1eared up- .. ll; welding' shop jobs-- 392; shop jobs--55l. (2) •



~ !-J' ~~;"""ol""-I ,<=r'-::r') ~T THF Nt, nf),\J.AI ,.: .. HG:.--IPJ'F5

DECLASSIFIED AlJUlority t~.O. J <2 Q 65 r

By 'YJ H NARA Dale 315-/01

Ristor ic aJ,. ':::~e'Port for J u1.y 1945. cant I d

!l:JU Company repoJ.:"t-ed all men engaged in railway and administrative dutie S J with the trainmaster and his assistant supervi sing Joint GI- German operation of the divisiOn. Oue zcad foreman remained at Bad Kreuznach to supervise interchange of trains with the French railway battalion. The other road foreman supervised German enginemen on the entire division. Additional passenger service for German railroad workers was pro~ded in order to facilitate operations. (2).

Of special interest to "Cil Company was the dedication of a German constructed railway-highway bridge to the- memory of Sgt H. G. Allen, who Was killed in a 'bombing attack at Benestroff, France, last Deeember. Captain William G. Cbase, company commander, officiated and dedicated the Rock Allen r.a:emorial Bridge. Lt Col Robert A. Wright, commanding officer of the battalion, delivered a memorial address. A moment of silence and a

hand salute to the memory of Sgt Allen, wi thclosing prayer by the chaplain, concluded the ceremony. The dedication took place at 1000 hour s , 18 July 1945, at Klein Winternheiln near 1v'lainz. Music a.t the ceremony was furnished by the 718th band, the "Main Liners" ~ (1) •

Special Services continued to provide abundant recreation for their fellow battalion members. Two spots competed for chief a.t't.:aa,ction. The ¢1J~i.t Capitol Theatre provided almost a daily schedule a/mones, with a weekly GI show by fhe "Main Liners" • On t5n'ee evenings, 5,6,7 JUly, a de-

o -' lightful musical program was rendered by U.S.O. artists. The other spot

of attraction Was the Yacht Club taken over by the '718th. This recreation resort on the :Rhine was opened 22 JUly with a picnic, including free beer and "cokesl!, and providing abundant facil:tties for boating and swi1lll1ling and dancing. Base ball games were played during the month both wi thin and outside the battalion, the 718th competing in a, League whicb used the stadium. at Frankfort Sport;f'eld. A farewell party was arranged for Captain Norman P. i'atte.l"BOn, HAil COlllPan:y commander, by all the battalion on Saturday evening 7 July J before his departure to the '709th RailWay Grand Division. Camera fans fottnd a treat in a sightseeing tour to Coblenz along the banks of the Rhine, with stops at various historic places and 11 shooting" of several castles. Special Services reports that during July 20 movies were shown to 6500, three <:oncerts were held for 1675, one sightseeing tour for

45. Swimming and boating daily since 22 July attracted 2000. Four day rooms, one library, five bars were in operation. (2) .

The Chaplain 1 B acti vi ties continued as usual., Four services on Sunday, two days touring the division each week, and routine duties at headqu.arters. In addition other duties were performed as Public Relations Officer and Battalion Photography Offic_ar and Battalion Historian. (1) ,

Furloughs were given 1l enlisted men, six to the Riviera, two to Faris, three to the United Kingdom. Three officers went to the Riviera, nne to the OK. Two enlisted men and one: officer were sent to E"ngland to an A:rmy Uni"'ler ..

sity Center. (3). .,.

There were tyro BUlIll1I.S.rY court s- mart i aL ( 3) •

A -certificate commemorating thea.ward of the Meritorious Service Unit Plaque to the battalion waS presented to all members of the 718th. These certificates were made out individually and signed by the commanding officer •

.. 2 ..

OECLASSfFlEO AlJtr~ofity f~.(), / c.2 0 6J c'

By 'YJ H NARA Date .5& /01

Hi staTical ~leport for July 1945 I cent I d

It is believed the presenta.tion of these certificates is unique among railway ope:ratiD£ battEJ.ion.s. (See exhibit one).

Six men were given letters of commendation by Lt Col "Wright for e).:.tinguishing a blazing tank car in Bad Kreuznach 'Yard on the nigbt of

2.3 JuJ.s. The car was pulled under a water tank to be kept cool by running water while the flame·s were smothered with blankets. The letter commended the "prompt, decisive and intelligeht actacn" of the following men (see eXhibit two for entire letter);

S/Sgt 30hn J. Karczewski, Co C Tee 4 Victor F. Belmonte, Co C Tee 5 Max Belgrade; Co C

'fee 5 Arthur J. ~ch, Co C Tee 5 Frank W. Swierezek, Co 0 Teo 5 Darwin F. Hall, Hq Co


(1) Personal observation

(2) 'lfeekly Activities Reports for July 1945, in En files (3) Information from Bn Hq, 9 Aug 1945

Incl 2.

FLOYD R. WILtlAi\1S ChaPlain (Capt) J USA En Historian

Exhibit one , photo of Certificate of Meri tor Lous Service Unit Citation.

Exhibit two, letter of commendation.

2 Inols:

Inel 1.


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