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. .

106 '. n\·~ [)(ltnL !oIQCCif1,z

~wnlan~, Hari, See lam gaiu,g 'to use it r-i.g.h.t f.10\' /' she sakL I \i~'<l.tchdi Nd:m~s t.'lfce as i~l~ applIed her li',p!ij,l'jck \vit~ d'll same CQI'lJ·c-entt"nio..n as .Mok hadl "olvhen. d.oh·g quanti plubl ems. G~D'115 ~U',~ bealM~iful. lee~ fac'f:e [l iHld ]jfQ i's quIte" q~ite-\\~rtldess wt'thout mem.

1~'Vh~t time' ~~U got to ~ hO~11d II [ ~id.

c"s"y by nlne," Neha said. ~~r told them: ~'Inl meetil1:E!'

W r llticn.ns for dinner:,j! .' ,~

~~ f}'I'e't;ty l'ih.ern1 ~f tlIJ~ln. >1 ~ :!mId ~;rca,sticaily.

Q T~~eJ knmo: I \~row fedmg dcv;·o. nlbnkWng !!If S-$m[n;' again.~'

~!ey. you 'Vcutt me lito tab: you to a secret F!'lace'?~) 1 . .sa~d. ~'\.vI1eR t !!

"Tbe insti rao£''''

)~~Yihatf ,i\rol yOUl CI',azy. Bigln on top .of the iruoti. as it' there ,cQuld be iI\\f.Orse plaoe for goiQg publicIlI

. ~TIfeft!. i$ no, OIJ.e 'the-te. tlyan and I \have ,pmi': dQuu,S-' nf

·tu:ne!;. Al"lld the 'iI'i~1oi from ith.e hell mW(!r' is; l,)ooll:titUt iif

I eeuld see Nella \'\<'tIs:' excited about tb~ ['OOf. ] e tOcok; me a fe\lI;.· :mmutes ~r ~ersuasiol\~ ooovillcng hef1~ha~ no one 'li.vollld 6n~ ou~" as, could roIlQ',~' ne:[ stanaatd. fEive minutes. a'part'" ppl'C) to ,.va~k IIp mere.

~~PU B' .~I

, go., ut n:o~ tJ.)uay. ['eli dose to' niRe. Hrn.v aboIJ I next

. ttM<e., ,and 1.~Ll crl for Samir dl'e whQ]!,! clm:y'so they ~et me go out IIJntU elevefll.!l

. I didn!i\t feany dig her· dea af using her brothel: as a. weapoll to ;!!l,my out ~~!:e btl~ her pa:re'nc:<: were certified \'\Jei,:rdo:~ and proooMy dt!'SetVied .5\'1ch taClit;s.

I 'i'N~~, time meet me 'IOn the .rouf' dire~tlYI at eig,h~-tI ~rty" ~l.Sutei:n she sal .. c:i1 ·'yolDl said 1't is safe nght?'!J

l~yC'S! trust me, M I ,yjnk~d.

1. 0

Cooperate to Dominate


fiml;;, Ol'iE COl'\' FOR !'Act I OF YOU." ~'At'I HANDED OUT p)p~rs to US" !I,\~th the thie: T11 E C2D PLAN.

I had forgotteIL1 a'baut the' e~D th£;ory. 1:H..Il, cb'i'lou,sl}f ~y'all

Iu,dn ~t .. H_e had t 11 f~c~ been ''' I~H the ontdal dotllme'tt1. v\.re were: .sitting. M $;'lJi,j'S 'andAlok was busy wi,th his secQ:I1d plate of PQ(3JUhas~ '!;1;'h(!,[1 ~yan d:islu~'cl O'~l his plal1 fQt the resr

bf o~r IrT st~~~

'~\Vh~5sit?;' Alok'.s ~'easy 1lngertipSo I:eft m~1:ks on the she-£l •.

pb\i.olJsly ~leeding a tissue more iU'b~n an nT pla.'fl.Ther.e .. ",as ,Qme'1::~l:ing ab~u'L ,1\1,0'1>. \~'cm hi~ food dmt ""vaS too Intimate to


] read .out r:he oorl't~t1Lt's, -e-

Coo'pel'OIte ,tQ Dmnin3tc. The lIT s,}"sttJ1:'1i is ulI:'1.,rair bCOl\l:';~:

t. h su.'pp:Lc@SS~5 latent a:t1d ind\\"'idu.11 l'Wpirit.

2. It c~tr;tlLrs the blo!, t ~~ars: at' Q'!v'5, m~fi'Qm lhi" CQllI'lillT}''''S

bi"uI;h,tes:t minds.

It Judges YOLI w~th a draor:l't1ian CPA systt;:i:n thatt ,cle-..s:tr{,l),s l'eJ~ ~1ansh±?15,

<4. 1'"i'le pmf$ don)( C~:fe fot the ¥udents ..

5. U'Js have hardly c(mtribu~,r;:d it,O U11G;' CblJ]rI~r}~

It';Ihu ha.n:~'l;he imeto thi~ln was l\I.ak's :rl.'sp~n:M-J \;v'hkh Wil's s;tup~d L~ca.uSe n~'an had ,aJl d1[e tittle in the world,

. r rea~1 on: So, tIle' ol'l.iy ,"ray to take Qn th~, unfair' sy~tern IS through unrair H'Ie'.1US - 'w,hi,cb ,is CoopWibe to ll]omf:1'J iJ:tt" OT 0.0.. AI,d tI.1J'l is "he ,pliJl:A throt Ryatl, I Iarialld Alok azrec to,

~ 0

.01' ~ :e r,I.:~, 't of their stay at the insti, The key 'eneu are:

l. 1111 :Jssfl:.fJm,e.nt~· to. l:;e· ,_hared - Que perscm ren'il!"t/() ea.dJ aj~!!JJ,m'Cnt ~y utm. Tlie' otbeJ'"Ji nill $imp~" COp'I~ ie: ,SiJ'l'i<"s

Iii He..:', ,.Q"r~.s' (/t~pliCd'tj(m of eIJon.. .

1. "~, 11711 ,dil-/de l1jJ' tb<? 'COiUf'$(} responsiD:l1ifies. FQr insti11~~ IT ther(: .FlEe stx 'Vi1:r.s't~ in the 'Sf'JrJe.';le:t;, we J"liJ} r.,kt' ,GJrf,l Dt(j.ll~l· twa c.1ck One.' nm-st al~'1i'}d -all dasse.'l tAilt (mf." is' respG/I,.,lhle lor, ,but Q'11 $JR fllj a/hr:a. ,(l}(Z)k'~' Rran .~rs ."ill

PJ 1'"' .:-

. .~... ,Jte@.fa bJi.1J"S:~~)' Ii} Wlln d:J55 you attend lbr ,)'Gur

coarse - take. copious not1:;i; . .T11'e: re .... "'(:, lull Drerel;· ropy

dlf?l1'l. .

':1. H<e J/i;}re 1;)0 c.'?(j)crimrfenr. Oh9t'J',wtiGns.

4. ,our 111 ndjh~'p I;, aooFf-:e GPAs. ,~Jlit/101jJ the: oe 1 [. !"paJ:{~ ,tjnlC~ nt'iil-e ,Qur lin!!,~'tb. tAe liJllt:sf

S. l~ 'CfJmbi"m:' our hi)~lf(jJ rooms i1Jt'P' one Ih:lng ulu'f ~ onc' CQWmOIJ bedroom, fff!tJ(!. $fl.14~·· ra'O.flI J.rl'il ,(;)fJe lim' parry


6 r;J{' spl-it' ,lbe 'OJJ" 'QFmdk.1 regai¥lle'! athow,m,'Uw dl'ink:r:

e_· .. lrf."J, P '[.$011 b;u bad: .

R)'an looked ~l u~ :IS, if be. \'lla"$, CK.?)!c:tin.g us' to break into applpuS"C. \lVi;:: k,ept sileru, ,hbrrillg he'wouLd f.;xpJairn ',:vhere he was g¢lll:g \vidl LItJs.

1c~'SD. \vkl.<llt do you guys thin~f I .lte d$.kw=I~

1j.\'V11il·t' 'is this] Scme kind ~f te :~la,§e dub tlIingr' Li.rf you aW"~" ,,~ it. Sign j~ \li'i~b. your bIQe-d.'~~ JLr,yeah Fjg]n"~' 1:S!l.'id.1 "Hew old are wei like lwelvel;;

"I am serious tn,m/' Ryan said" and then before ,,~e cowd !iay a nythiugt he nicked 'out a razor h1ad6 ~r'Qm his poeker. I" ene nick, his 1hl,l.lTI'b spro,u:ted ,a .u~t of ri~d.

"jR:yal'l~ are you cnzyf" Mok ¥[ue~lkcd) almost lasing his brea LJa,st at th~s' ,gross a:ct.

rnNn. JY!st 'W'anl to dri"r/e the perm home. You dedd.'e wbat "'ou want to do,'"Rvan said, slgn~:n1,!?1 th~ document \'1,o]'l:ha

~ ~ ~

WHthpkk clippoo in his bl.ood,

'~Can 'WC di~~uss ,thJs Hi,'"'5'tr~ J Mid.

''<\Vh~:t is there to di$cl,liSSf' I am not fo:tdng anyone:"

.. lUke thi~ Wh!OJ,e s,ha:d,lJi~ assiW"me.:nts and l)b~ervatUons. h.n't. that 'ch-eati,ng? 1'1 Alok sa i,ell.

I :a.greced ,,~id'!l Alok, th0ugh I wa~ L1Jl0re conoeTncd alxn,,I't Il,e v:odka, costs, Si'""f:!l. that Ryan. out-drank ~ el:'el)" ':;i'i I"~gl{: ti me . >":It is lIlotdJie.<lfting, it is ctropenrtiQn. Tb~e'y hfil'\'e wvlded IUS

wah th~ir GflASJ we -are just p{d4ing ~og~d~c:r to,· f:l~ht back t~ ~I, OOtl't see i1 timt: \1\i'ay~·i 1 insi:s,'t~d.

'l:A:re yon signing or nl;rtlU' Ryan pUJl his ballds on ~is hips,. ] thougl1tabourt the C2D cae 'last time .. jJf.\VeIL I. all, sign

it, though 1 :a:m n.O,l ;cutting myself Of anym,ing/'

"It j~s;t takes I, mcq,nd.,"' Ryt'ii'l sai4 mcl, fli.cked the biade nn my fo:rcnnger and hlGOd :Sfou~ed out of roe ~fo!.le 1 U')wd fe,r,I'l.1, my d.eni.2lt

"Fl..ick rt'Qu.·'


RJ··oln folUgh~d and ~<lid ~Sorry man, Io~,b. ~t .~ur face,

C::'mon man, ~t rUlOr [he ~pilii.t;. J~n' i::ii§l1 it."

I ,loQm~ .at RJilIll in diSi~t and slgJled die sheet .

. ~. AiQ,k s~~ tll~re'l petrified like !i dlkk.en in a bu(cher shop. The {OIJ~cl Alok ""'€luId haW" ''l..l'sJ} stoOd tip to. '~dnl bwt . he nlt\'\; ·,nJiP·rm~d ¥ersion, jus ba·c:::k wlth us; did I.'nl0f.'lrvant t~

fight J.giliL14 IJiPll nlak~ 'l:fu~ ·rot .mysd:£ j, ~l¢i ~wcl .fln~lv. .

And. ~al1 IH~ did get some lJJoou ftom ,hlslhtie n~gG!T aJild we slgned thE' C~.D doclJ menr J'i ~epri Dit'tl\fC IT:i besitneln, I h<'JJ\~c 'It) say; the '\."rh9Ie blood ,thing made tiliS! .fed impOl;:'tant • .r lfI.1IlS mot SUre :of livhat J ha-d don.e~ but !l:€Ill1l!llO';O;~ ,it sOlJndro e~~itiii1g. '~ C'oo.\·~r[j~cl Cl-!.~r dlree single roam.'! into one

apartrm.·n:~ ti1te :same clay. Ryan"s roern 'lJ~c-amc the pa1'"t~;tmo~.! A!~ 's \Vi!1S me~tl1dy .roOr.n iwith tllref' ,tabl'es a nd my .ro.'orn had th three beds.

,~jSo: yau [moved intoge'tller. ~M Ne,1ta said ..

~ \'~1"e en Foute. itl,1thl insti roof 4<S por ·pia.i'.!. Sbe, met me at ei~ht p-m., .h r parents Ib]~rS~f.uny ~gnQrran.t a~u;t ~ler real ·"\':h:erea~o:uts:. pi-ctUI:I' .Iler by a·,~ke' ata llo:rl-existet1;t friend's

b[rtlrday panty. .

~i!es, ~ort 0'.(. ~ oombilletlf OUr .r,oom~to O;n;e Hvi'ng-, lmit,''''

J . cl ."

SiH .'; pantieg as \cff: dimbt;d the' blaicik stai:~s ~o the bllfldi'ug."

i'S0111nili'" she ~aicl! b(o"l.\ling the frill'~ out of ber

It ~,S3J l"ieiildy dark ,then we reached the rool: As ahi\'a;j's; tbere ""IaIs. WirtLi, one ,th~re.

rll\i\b\\j. leek at: ~IJ the' ~,t~1;"5,!;' Neb3 said.

~~ J

U\Mo~ v.; Vl~ ~re ,S(J near to hCIR, yet so far, " Neh.a said

dr~~Pli.I¥, Hoppil!lg qtl the CQ11crefe ill.oorr; "'So ~ ,I ~··so wha,t?'" 1 fSaicl~

~"""ete is th€ vodka? DOD"t IOu gyys dr-iQk be're?~ 1''Yes .. But Y01J], don't d:r:ink~ do y:Gillr'

I"Says. wb~ t. ["U one if YO'u have' ronu~. I} .'

l~\i\'6 do htde j3I bou),t,;': Ulldum bell Let me" ~OUk,.'}' I said,

s1Jrprls@dat N~b~"s re,qu¢~L She ;;vas .) oice girl I' ·t thffi:l~bt. Ni~

. --f- ]d- d ." .... 1.. =d "nk'l!T'\ilSA!lf

@:rlfC do not tin nk. Bul I kjind 0; ,t'oU~, .0 wnn <l .. n .. ..''j - l

so r came ,the bOld!!.

l.t Nice. i; she said (3JS she 131 back 3gpi~rci,t ~,e dis.h an~~nna ~ i]ook at. the stars .~~Vf'" JUSt,ro b6tutifut m wi~h T werea b1.fcl.ll \\lhen peopfe\Wnl to, be bi~d~.J ~hey ar'c .n.m:m~d!y ~~ da:"ml:k BUt S'h,e1lws. gening tri PP)" i IJSt flam th·e l~ea of drmking

on. tile' ii1Sti .roof, .

- d"k l'i I

1."Oh, I could lie here fot,ever. Give m.e another -: nn" s te


j~DOflt ha".-e too much,.'" E ha-di'to ,c'aution,

~~ I. wen I,t. My dad will 'km me if he it ." II Of COU['S~' youjlJ ·sm.ell o,fit. 11'

"Not n1IJdl. eheck this 9ut.1II _

'She ,opclled her puriie', Ten items later, ,slle [ool, out a pack

of Qrd~mam pods,

IL • wi" ssh II

"See, one or these and 1 lP nom: ml,fI,'7/ ~res __ ",

!~Really? Thel1 have one l'U)l)ij he 11linty fo.r me," ::W~ t? no~. b:a:\f-t', hod bre:~J]~ ~'~ title ,~t Ill' strIl~g!I'~,e:r+ l (hd no I say tha t. "

She l'lcld mya:rm and plJHoo me wward' her, !~l.oo;k me in, the eye and tdl me if I: ha v e bad hi\eath)'

"Ld • k

'. on t ~llaw J hsve neH~'I~ been t!HU d~se ~o ,Your maud}; II

~ saia lil'Jne:.stl}l even ai'S ne mi II imeters between Q ur mOlUths

lessened. "

·~Go. ~Q' bell," ~he laughed and p~"llh-ed me ~\va)t

uSee, you are 'Chicken" [ust so chicken, ItJ I said.

j"N' I'

'. ,Q~I ~ am no't_ L~iJt m~~ 01 p:ro.fe'!lmr~'S d~ughter, ,g~ttiJlg

drunk 0'" .J~",' ".' f· ':1... e: . '

, .' "",I rr .... msa roo Mtd i!i .l&\I'e poinltsc1melhillg loafc(.'"

If she: had not ~~~n,1:a ughfog} J "''q~~d. ha,ve f2e~emmcl th a ~

but I de~ded to lmr~ the O'pPQrwn~t}' an~""ay.

LL lo,afer? So I am a '" I sal J. '

"'Ye5~ bl.!!~L .. il

~j Qu t: ,'\r~, :at!?'

'But] lo!,l~ JUy Joofe'Jl' ,; ,sh,e !lard, :aud pU:~l,ed me t()\;\'<1.r.d bet ,a,~3in. Again, IOlIit :rniJuths were: ,miUiruetu.s a\'v-ay. Sbe tilted her

b~~d side\Lvavs '!J.I:.I'"", .. L'. .. _. • "-" . .!i ... 'r.:

. .I • ,,~ ....... "'~ b,,. .g.P1 ng 'to to;;~SS mer 0.[' ra 1Jl":l~rl WjiIIS .Ii.h.e-

p]U~-bvo~giasse~of-vodka, go~ng (0 ck.liss me?

_ ~IW~ don't lJ~ed~o, e'jju-i:taYm:i'M(lI1.., ,to a h;garoSe !r.Lngil18

vtUdt· s'l;'3rded "I!~ firo, m· ' '''" .. emb "'ce s·o""'~,"" n' I... d".

~.... 'u ... , '9.. ·leU""",,,' e U!l Just COme

to rite' lns.ri reef

. - "What. 'l.De. , ,I' Neba said, '!~1 th~!jgi1t you said no (line :w:n s here; "

"I d ~I_

, I on t JS:i[.lQlil.\.' SM;!. - • quielt, ", 1 '3~d .a.S ''Ii.'Y'eh'i:ed to hide

behind [.he" ilLntenlfi~, -

. ~. fina]]:' 'foOlOC cl::Lf('<ugh,311 ti1at bad singing and 5'2111,\' lurn he,adlng [or 'Ollr ''9dka hiding. p.!ace.

"It's R-yan!to I ,said in;1 voice mixed with f,clief and irrit:nic,')11


.aft ]o,_s~~g, m.y 111;1)m,ent.

IIRyall.'" I shouted ..

"Hari,' he :.dJ()lJI~,ed back, waJIhlrng ,Q",er.i~Hilsta:rd, yQICl are ncre.-al:'l1d I 'WaS ]ooki'qg an O!,Jf!r for you, Is, there serneene \via:.h yout"

I'Ryan~ I wa;nt )'00 ,to' meet, ... "

'C]i., a ~rU'" Ryan exclaimed 3JS if be had spotted me with '3: dead. rablli't~ Neha centlnaed to CQ\k\I'eI" behbld me, attempting 1I.I1onymity"

"[~'s N,ehO'l,," [ said" '!~'Nell'a~ Il!l~t l:q.a'll. Ryan, be. nlce And

I. 'I] N' _I "'I

say ne 0 to I ena,

Ry~ it'S voice' mellowed de''I,vll instandy; What is ,iL wl th mr.!n~ tlbey become another pe,rson Ln Iernale comp~ny. So prMictjbl~~

~iHi Ne-.ll"',.~ :R;,van-ai,d, trying tD i!.vO,id 'Staring too m\lcli at someone he had hea-rd so mum. about.

tiHi:" N~-ha. said, stUl unsure if Ryan ,~ou]d be tr useed. I~I was Just lookiog for Had to do ,811 assigu,ment:' Ryan said.

'Drop it Ryan, Wc:,.jre ha"l'illg a drink,' I ~aitL

"ReIlUf'?;j Ryiiln said as if he C'x:pected NeJba to be winged and hal.oed ,0]" £Olneddng. "Slllt ( d~(}u,ght Neh.a was not Ii~ that. .i

~lU1oe wlfaHfl .she asked immediately.

"!Uh'j, not'hing/' R)jI,m -sajjd and .sa~ down .on di€ warm Goncr-e te .

~'So what have yot] heard about me?·' Neha said .

j G'lots,'! Ryan Said and .,tarte(l 'e.m ng her sacred detaJis a!Jtllt- all our past date's. 11u.':y kept' talking for like R:1:.1 !tOIJ,[S"

or ~-omethlllg ant[ r just kept getl::illg 1~1{)r-e drunk, J~W1 has 3 computer [nemory Or somcthing~ ~HlLt1 he tbJd her ab~ul the' linlces, e'Vef~ I had (Q!gotten a~UL

(IHe told you abOut the filllc'Lily pl<lnning ~Jocumenlary~ I, N~ha, t±

"Of cnurs ~ he telb me eV\:>rything. 'Ii he: sald with considerab1e pride.

I \! o.nderett if. Neha and .1,vtmJtJ! have kissed and managed more ~r Moody Ryan had ]{_o[ ch:-a.~ed hims~lf UIp hen. I censidered pus-lling him off dIe insti r09£, but th014ght it l"'~iuJd ~ind of ~poi.1 the mood anr-",.ay.

'"50 wi,,? dId you say 1 wasn'r that type ,of girit' Neha ~j.el

. . .

(IYt)1:l knoYi'j the whoJevodka, thing" You are du ppclsc:d to he

well ... fOTget It," R).-'1.r.I said.

"What.?' Tell me," Neha,"sald ·\'!tlfl1 a 'I1irrnf' gOodlooking 'I rome-a f0.s'S~s:~.

lIyC)U .are like this good. gt_r1. IJ~e why else WOt.11" you l~1 him dO. ~nytjj.ogi Da.tin,g for a yeaT;, still 110 kiss even. just thls ga;dd)'~goody prof '5 d,a1,lgb ser, ~i·

~IIie told )'IOU" NehTl squeaked ..

l'Of Gout'S'e .• l'ol;l ~bjnk y6~ a~ dating a ~y Dr someone ~3.s€,JW_al! Y'b u <lm.llt ,th~nk. he b~s· Ileeds],"

~Shut 1!Jp~ Ryan., i~ n'lis fwom me.

·"C'mo.(1 mao. ShO\~ some guts somlfthnes. This is for ytll.ll" -d 71

OW!1l_S00 .•

"'N eed5?~' Nc·l\a repeated, daezedL

~Yes, C-I[e_ry D\'Dn has needs. And prettyglt1s l~ke you are either nQ~ m.wre of them OT den,.,v' them ~r po~ gaflle;Si.,'1 'fPawer?" Neha repeare~.

1 \"'amed to tc:U Ryall. 1 .had just betin gc:tting Sl:}mc'i.\'h_ere flj,cdr'l ha:nk yGu. when he \vhi:sded by.

I'tf.'&, pGll.,,·cr; What d-sw?:" l!{yan s.aid, C21iL:l1i~g, dO\,lrlfl ~h"<lUy. '" Cfw1ve J)o'yer~ NO\'\f that is a. joke. You guy~, just don"l UnfL~rs~I'lJfJ WOR1.Cn rIo yqur'J Nch;1 said_. with iI ",·od·b·-infused (Jonfrdel1cc ti-!at CQ_uM 'ITlke on e\fC_I_ R\'an.

~. -- ~. ~

,; Huh t'; Ryan ,~aid I pff,n i fig that "'V~ rc.aJly dld not

'dMlen~ud '!i--'!,lIOnlleu"

Neha had to ~G heme S()Q.n after dTJ.t, so we t -ft the ~opiC' there. [ wtliflt!:,d 11) .$:cre;rm.1 at Ryil:rl ~.",te.liij but he rolledtwo joints for me ,and .g .. :n~ 1']1e. ~ scooter ride back to, S€'Ji l1eft i~, l~eside1i, Ncha reaUy {lid not seen, mad or anything.

IIl,ad -a hunch he mi,ght have he I ped my Gt'se!

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